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Eye Exercises Improve Vision Eyesight

September 25th, 2015 3:45 am

I thought Id be chained to my glasses for the rest of my life.

I didnt know you could improve your vision with only 15 minutes of simple eye exercises each day.

I thought my eyes would just keep getting worse, year on year, as I got older.

I didnt know you can attain perfect eyesight, at any age, and then keep it.

Eyes are amazing!

It doesnt matter which eye 'problem' you have, your eyes always retain the ability to heal themselves. YOU can see perfectly.

It just doesn't matter what is 'wrong' with your eyes.

If you give them the help and support they need, they WILL heal themselves.

Perfect Vision is your birth-right.

I used to wear glasses. You know, the ugly goldfish bowl type that make your eyes look as big as saucers!

One day I was complaining to my friend Maria, yet again, about how lucky she was, not needing glasses.

We were at the beach.

I love the beach, but as far as locations go, it's not very spectacle-friendly!

"You don't know how lucky you are Mary. You can swim, play volley ball, roll in the sand, and you don't have to think about your glasses... losing them, breaking them - the constant cleaning!"

Maria, a true friend, was clearly tired of my moaning:

"Look Dave, why don't you quit complaining and just fix your eyes. I read somewhere that you can do it yourself by just doing some special eye exercises every day. I think it's called Natural Vision Correction or something like that."

I laughed. Actually, I scoffed.

I thought she was talking nonsense!

You see, Id been wearing glasses since I was 3 years old. My eyes were getting progressively worse. How could a few exercises change that!

I didn't believe it was possible to reverse my decaying eyesight.

If it was true, surely my optician would have told me?

But her words stuck in my head. They started to nag at me. I began to think what if it was true?

What if I could heal my own eyes?

What if I could wake up in the morning, and see my partners face lying on the pillow, instead of a fuzzy blur?

I started to research.

What I discovered blew me away.

You see, perfect vision is the natural state of your eyes.

I discovered that we don't need glasses (or lenses) at all. In fact, they actually make your eyesight worse!

20/20 vision is highly overated. The eyes can see much better than that.

(20/20 vision means you can easily read the 20 foot line on the Snellen Eye Test Chart at 20 feet away!)

There is no limit to how much you can improve your vision beyond 20/20

Someone with above average eyesight can easily read the 10 foot line, (the smallest line at the bottom of the Snellen Eye Test Chart), at 20 feet away => 20/10 vision.

In fact, after a little training, there are plenty of people who can read the 10 foot line at 50 to 60 feet away => 60/10 vision.

This is called "telescopic vision". Sounds good, doesn't it.

"yeah, sure thing Dave... telescopic vision! Right now, I'd be over the moon if I could just read the TV guide without having to reach for my glasses!"

Well, at first I did ... um .... nothing!

I just got really angry.

Id spent more than 3 decades unnecessarily dependent on glasses.

Why hadn't anyone told me?

Then I revisited my old friend... Mr Skepticism.

"If it was really possible to fix your own eyes with simple daily exercises, no-one would be wearing specs or lenses anymore. Surely, everyone would have perfect vision!"

I didnt want to believe Id spent so many years of my life being 'technically blind without glasses', when the 'cure' was so simple.

"It must be a load of old rubbish!"

Thank you, Mr Skepticism... or should I say Mr Cynicism!

Next came a little victimhood ...

"Maybe it works for some lucky people, but I'm sure it wont work for me."

Looks like the odds were stacked against me.

Luckily, I had an advantage over my doubting mind.

I hated wearing glasses!

I wanted to see

I mean I really wanted to see

I was ready to do almost anything

So I just got started experimenting with my own eyesight.

I bought books. I surfed the web for hours reading articles. I studied Yoga techniques, Taoist techniques, Buddhist and Sufi techniques, the Bates Method, the Slavicek method, the abc and the xyz method.

I tried different foods and herbs, oils, potions and lotions.

If I found something that was supposed to help heal the eyes, I tried it!

Some stuff was kind of obvious, some not so apparent, and some stuff was just plain weird... but I tried that too!

Well, no actually!

At first, not much happened.

I got disappointed. I started skipping the exercises and nearly gave up.

But luckily, I'd overdone the research!

I'd found so much information, and so many different techniques, there was always something new to try. There was always some new hope to give me a little renewed motivation.

Success stories, like the one above, inspired me to stick with it. So I started to collect lots of them, and read a few every day.

Reading these testimonials, from real people who were just like me, made sure I did my exercises.

... a few weeks later, my eyes started to feel uncomfortable with my glasses on, and I decided to go for a check up.

I was shocked. My vision had improved by two whole diopters (from +8 to +6). That's a 25% improvement.

Ok, its wasn't 20/20, but can you imagine how I felt Id actually improved my own vision.

My eyes were healing themselves. The exercises were working. It was true after all. I was going to get my sight back!!

Now I got really serious. I did MUCH more research.

I got more disciplined with my exercises, and began to refine my schedule, so I could do my daily eye routine in just 15 minutes.

I started to make some changes to my daily habits, including my diet.

I found some great information about some specific herbs that are incredibly beneficial to the eyes, and I built that into my daily routine.

Read this article:
Eye Exercises Improve Vision Eyesight

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