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End Times – Life, Hope & Truth

November 30th, 2018 9:45 am

Who is he? What does this strange-sounding term mean? How can you avoid being a victim of the end-time Antichrists deception?

God is the only One who can predict the futureand make His predictions come true. What does He want you to know about Bible prophecies of the end times?

The religious leaders of Jesus day asked Him for a miraculous sign, but He chided them for not discerning the signs of the times. What did He mean? Can we discern them?

Doomsday prophets always talk about the end of the world. What does the Bible really say about end-time prophecy? And why is Gods message called good news?

Many people have heard of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, but not as many really know what they are. What do they tell us about end times prophecy?

Many believe when Jesus returns, He will approach secretly to snatch away all believers and children in a rapture to protect them. Is this biblical?

Many people describe the final battle at the end of the world as the battle of Armageddon. But is that really what the Bible teaches?

What did Jeremiah mean by the time of Jacobs trouble? How does this unequaled time of trouble for Israels descendants relate to the Great Tribulation?

Russia always seems to find its way into the middle of world affairs. Historically, who are the Russians? Do they have a role to play in biblical prophecy?

The Bible says that Jesus is going to come back to earth. But given all the advancements in our modern world, is Christs second coming really necessary?

Jesus knew that we would want to know when He is coming back. He wants us to eagerly await that day! But does He want us to know exactly when He will return?

The world desperately needs the return of Christ. But the Bible warns there will be conflicting messages about when and where He will return. Whats the truth?

God will use supernatural heavenly signs to signal the beginning of His intervention to punish humanity for our sinsand to rescue us from self-destruction.

Fluctuations in the world economy have plagued mankind for thousands of years. Why do economic crises happen? Is there a biblical solution?

Jesus Christ pointed out the importance of understanding the signs of the times. Why did He say this, and what are the warning signs of the end times?

Why do we have the WorldWatch section in Discern? What does the Bible tell us to watch, and how do we choose which news items and trends to share?

Just before He returns, Christ says, the earth will be dominated by gentile nations. Who are these gentiles, and what will be the result of their influence?

The Bible speaks of wonderful future times of comfort and joy. When will these times of refreshing be, and how can true believers experience them?

Bible prophecy foretells the times of restoration of all things. What will be restored to its former state? When will this longed-for renewal occur?

Jesus said that end-time events would parallel those in the days before Sodom and Gomorrahs destruction. What were those conditions, and why is it important?

Jesus Christ said that end-time events would be like those during the time of Noah. What were those conditions like, and why should we be concerned?

Earthquakes have caused widespread destruction and the deaths of millions of people. What does the Bible say about earthquakes in the end times? How should we respond?

The Bible describes terrible end-time plagues on the earths water systems; but after Jesus Christs return, fresh water will bring life even to barren lands.

What is happening to our water supplies? Will shortages affect our health, economy and lead to more conflict? What does the Bible say about future water woes?

Many wars have been fought since World War II. Has man learned how to avoid world war or are we living on borrowed time? Does the Bible predict World War III?

In spite of our unquenchable optimism, the solution to our brokenness is out of reach. Its going to take far more than elbow grease to fix the mess weve made.

Millions of people are feverishly preparing for the end of the world as we know it. Many of the fears are real. But is there a better way to prepare?

There is so much bad news today, good news can seem unbelievable or at least overblown. But utopia is realand its coming soon.

Terrifying curses were pronounced millennia ago, and their effects are being felt to this day. Why? And how will they finally be removed?

Thanksgiving and its opposite dont seem that important to most people. But God looks at things differently. Ingratitude is one of the symptoms of society on the brink.

As concerns over weapons of mass destruction (WMD) escalate, what does the Bible say about end-time events in which these devices may be used?

As corruption, violence and evil increase, our world teeters on the brink of self-destruction. Jesus Christs promise to come again offers our only real hope.

In the last days, the Bible warns of times of stress that can turn people cold as ice. Consider four points to help keep your love from growing cold.

On the Mount of Olives Jesus answered His disciples questions about the temple and end-time events. His prophecy remains a vital message for today.

Why is the world facing epidemic after epidemic of new and reemerging infectious diseases? What are we doing wrong, and how will the ultimate healing come?

How close are we to the end of the world? Is it even possible to know?

Unrest, war, poverty and extreme ideological divides are multiplying around the globe. How did we get in this mess? Is there a way out?

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End Times - Life, Hope & Truth

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