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Economic Impact of Obstetric Events on Women of Reproductive Age Living With Psoriatic Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Axial Spondyloarthritis and…

December 3rd, 2020 11:55 pm

Objective:To estimate the annual cost associated with obstetric events in women of reproductive age with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, from the perspective of the National Healthcare System.

Methods:A cost-analysis was developed to estimate the impact associated with obstetric events in women of reproductive age with psoriasis (PSO), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). The analysis considered complications during fertility and conception, in pregnancy and in the postpartum. All parameters were validated and agreed by a multidisciplinary expert panel. Unitary costs (, 2019) were obtained from national, local databases.

Results:During fertility and conception, an annual cost per patient of 229 was estimated for a preconception consultation in a patient with PSO, of 3,642 for a preconception consultation in patients with PsA, RA and axSpA and 4,339 for assisted reproduction. Women with complications in pregnancy had an annual cost per patient of 1,214 for a miscarriage in the first trimester, 4,419 for a late miscarriage in the second trimester, 11,260 for preeclampsia 3,188 for restricted intrauterine growth and 12,131 for threat of premature delivery. In the postpartum, an annual cost per patient of 120,364, 44,709, and 5,507 were estimated associated with admissions to neonatology of premature infants of <28, 28-32 and 33-37 weeks, respectively.

Conclusions:This analysis provides insight on the economic burden of complications associated with women of reproductive age for immune-mediated diseases (PSO, PsA, RA, axSpA). Individualization of treatment, additional and close monitoring may reduce the risk and burden of these complications.

Keywords:Anlisis de costes; Complicaciones materno-fetales; Cost-analysis; Enfermedades reumticas; Espaa; Eventos obsttricos; Maternal-foetal complications; Obstetric events; Rheumatic diseases; Spain.

See the original post here:
Economic Impact of Obstetric Events on Women of Reproductive Age Living With Psoriatic Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Axial Spondyloarthritis and...

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