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Diabetes Symptoms: American Diabetes Association

September 1st, 2016 11:43 pm

The following symptoms of diabetes are typical. However, some people with type 2 diabetes have symptoms so mild that they go unnoticed.

Common symptoms of diabetes:

Early detection and treatment of diabetes can decrease the risk of developing the complications of diabetes.

Women with gestational diabetes often have no symptoms, which is why it's important for at-risk women to be tested at the proper time during pregnancy.

Learn more about gestational diabetes.

Have you already been diagnosed with diabetes but are concerned about symptoms that may be the result of complications related to diabetes?

Visit the Complications section.

You may also be interested in our book, Uncomplicated Guide To Diabetes' Complications, 3rd Edition

Do you have questions or concerns about diabetes symptoms? Want to connect with others? Visit the American Diabetes Association Community to find support now!

If you've recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, enroll in the FREE Living With Type 2 Diabetes program to get more information and support.

The rest is here:
Diabetes Symptoms: American Diabetes Association

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