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Diabetes | Buzzle.com

August 4th, 2016 9:42 am

Diabetes Mellitus (DM), commonly referred to as diabetes, is a metabolic disorder characterized by abnormally high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). Blood glucose levels are controlled by the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas. When production of insulin is insufficient it affects blood glucose levels. The two most common types of diabetes mellitus are due to either an insufficient production of insulin (in type 1 diabetes), or insufficient response by the body to insulin (in type 2 diabetes and gestational). Read on for information on diabetes symptoms and treatments.

How Does Diabetes Affect the Body

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by an increase in the level of blood sugar. A consistently high level of blood sugar can have serious consequences for various parts of the body, including the vital organs like the...

Why Does Polyphagia Occur in Diabetes?

Polyphagia, meaning abnormally high appetite, has often been linked to diabetes. The following Buzzle article traces the reasons as to what makes diabetic patients unusually hungry.

How Does Diabetes Affect Fertility In Men?

Diabetes has long been thought of as a precursor to male infertility. But is it really so? This Buzzle article expounds the topic...

How Diabetes Can Cause Hair Loss

Diabetes comes with a bunch of disappointments, and hair loss is one of them. But how exactly does diabetes lead to hair loss? Know how, in this Buzzle article...

Diabetes Symptoms in Women

Diabetes can play hard on a woman's psyche. Besides, it has the potential to affect her unborn baby. For women who currently do not suffer from diabetes, pregnancy carries with it the risk of what is termed gestational diabetes. ...

Treating Slow Healing Wounds in Diabetics

Is diabetes making your wounds take a longer time to heal completely? Don't fret, because this Buzzle article offers information about the treatment for delayed would-healing in diabetics.

Best Apps for Tracking Diabetes

Diabetes can be a dreaded disease, if it is not kept in check. This Buzzle article lists some of the best apps for your smartphone, which can help keep track of your blood sugar levels.

15 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Diabetes

So you have been recently diagnosed with diabetes and are preparing for an appointment with your primary health care provider. This Buzzle article enlists a few questions that you should ask the doctor about diabetes and how can...

Chart for Blood Sugar Levels

Making healthy lifestyle choices can certainly lower the risk of hyperglycemia, as well as hypoglycemia. The following Buzzle write-up provides a chart for blood sugar levels that will help you monitor the blood sugar levels, so...

How to Cope with Diagnosis of Diabetes

For many, learning about the diagnosis of diabetes in their life is a serious blow. Does this life-changing disease really make life difficult? No. Not really. If one knows the right ways to cope with the diagnosis of diabetes,...

Top 10 Diabetes Myths Busted

Diabetics often find themselves entangled in so many misconceptions, that it's difficult for them to figure out what to believe, and what not to. However, did you know that a lot of what you hear and believe are actually myths....

Is Diabetes Hereditary?

Diabetes is a condition that develops when the body is not able to produce or use the stored glucose in the body. The following article will cover some facts related to its possible hereditary nature...

Early Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes is a commonly reported chronic disease that can be treated, but cannot be cured. Its early signs are usually mild; however, it progresses to a life-threatening condition (if left untreated).

Normal Range Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetic or not, you would definitely want to keep a tab on your sugar level. But do you know what is your normal blood sugar range? Read on to find out..

Diabetic Coma

Diabetic coma is a complication of diabetes that is characterized by loss of consciousness. If left untreated, it could even lead to death. The following write-up provides information on the causes and symptoms of this condition,...

Diabetes Mellitus Treatment

Insulin therapy supplemented with an appropriate diet and exercise can go a long way in controlling diabetes.

Uncontrolled Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition wherein your body is unable to produce enough insulin or is unable to utilize it properly. The following article provides information on uncontrolled diabetes signs and symptoms. Read on, to know how...

Diabetic Foot Pain Symptoms

Diabetes can result in excruciating foot pain caused by the damage to the nerves and problems in circulation. Read on to know more about the causes and diabetic foot pain symptoms.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes

Can diabetes be cured by natural herbal remedies? Well, the variety of Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes mentioned in the following article definitely suggest that it is possible!

Diabetes and Skin Problems

More often than not, diabetes is accompanied by a lot of afflictions affecting various parts of the body. Here's an insight into diabetes and skin problems that accompany it.

Diabetes Symptoms in Men

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a condition, where the body fails to manage the level of blood sugar. It can give rise to a number of symptoms in men and women. The following write-up provides information on diabetes symptoms in...

Dry Mouth and Diabetes

Dry mouth is among the many symptoms of diabetes and it is common among diabetics for a variety of reasons. Here's a look into some of its causes, the symptoms associated with this condition, as well as some simple treatment...

How to Control Diabetes Naturally

Though most physicians simply state there is no cure for diabetes, there are many ways by which you can control diabetes naturally and continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Get a load of some tips that will help you in preventing...

Nursing Care Plans for Diabetes

Nursing care plans for diabetes need to be meticulous given the nature of the medical condition. This article will help you understand the basics of this healthcare plan.

Diabetic Coma Causes

A state of unconsciousness that can lead a person to a risk prone condition of brain damage or death, due to severe constant fluctuations in the sugar levels, is termed as diabetic coma. There are many diabetic coma causes,...

How to Prevent Diabetic Neuropathy

People suffering from diabetes for a long time are prone to develop diabetic neuropathy in various parts of the body. This article suggests a few measures which can be helpful in preventing this disorder in diabetic individuals.

A1c Test for Diabetes Diagnosis

Diabetes is a group of diseases in which the glucose level of the blood increases. It is a serious concern today. In earlier times, the cases of diabetes were less. But lifestyle changes in today's times have led to increased...

Does Diabetes Cause Memory Loss?

Memory loss has long been associated with Alzheimer's disease, but can the body's inability to process insulin lead to memory loss? This article explains the relation between memory loss and diabetes.

Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus

Studies conducted on the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus suggested that abnormal metabolism of insulin hormone is the primary cause for the development of this complex syndrome. Even though the etiologies and triggering...

American Ginseng for Diabetes

According to statistics, diabetes affects about 8.3 % of the U.S population, and till now there is no known medicine that cures it completely. The least you can do is control it and safeguard your health. Recent studies have...

Leg Rash and Diabetes

Among the many causes of leg rash, diabetes is also considered to be a major possibility. Learn how to read the signs, along with the symptoms of this condition...

Does Nicotine Increase the Risk of Diabetes?

Apart from an incorrect diet there are numerous factors that affect diabetes. Smoking is one of them, and we will discuss the effects of nicotine on diabetes, which will help us conclude whether or not nicotine increases the risk...

Warning Signs of Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is referred to the nerve damage that occurs in a person due to diabetes. It is one of the most serious complications that can result from diabetes. This article will help you identify the warning signs of the...

What are the Different Types of Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a health complication occurring in diabetes patients that typically causes nerve damage. To know more about neuropathy, read on...

How Does Yoga Help in Diabetes Prevention

Diabetes can be tackled well with a good diet and exercise and most of the experts recommend a natural and globally accepted workout, that is yoga. So how does yoga help in diabetes prevention? Know all about these facts in the...

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

If you are looking for an Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, then you are on the right page. Indian Ayurveda, the traditional Indian life science, encourages people to use naturally available medicines which come with minimum or...

Complications of Uncontrolled Diabetes

Diabetes is counted among the most common as well as increasing chronic conditions all across the globe. It is very important for a diabetic patient to keep the blood sugar levels under control, as the complications of uncontrolled...

Dizziness and Diabetes

This article tries to explore the relationship between dizziness and diabetes. People diagnosed with diabetes and their family members, need to know that dizziness is one of main symptoms of diabetes, which needs immediate...

Diabetes and Vision Loss

Diabetes is a cruel affliction whose baneful clutches often spread over a lot of other bodily organs and their functions. The following article tells you all about diabetes and vision loss and ways to manage this condition.

Low Vitamin D Levels and Diabetes

Low level of vitamin D has been linked to diabetes. The aim of this article is to provide information on the exact role of vitamin D deficiency in causing diabetes.

Magnesium Deficiency and Diabetes

According to recent studies, it is found that magnesium deficiency can cause diabetes. Here is detailed information about the relation between the two.

How to Test for Diabetes

This article presents to you with a quick data on how to test for diabetes. The article also lets you know about some basic facts on this common disorder of the endocrine gland called pancreas.

Early Symptoms of Diabetes in Women

This article gives you an in-depth study on the early symptoms of diabetes in women, and the symptoms that occur as the disorder progresses. Apart from the symptoms, a lot more about this condition has been provided as well.

Diabetic Coma Vs. Insulin Shock

Diabetic coma is a life-threatening diabetic complication, and an insulin shock is another name for hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Both are basically complications of diabetes. Let's see the difference.

How to Diagnose Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes affects millions of people all across the globe, and the worse part is that there are a large number of people who still remain undiagnosed. This article on how to diagnose diabetes mellitus will help you understand the...

Is Bubbly Urine a Sign of Diabetes?

Do bubbles in ones urine mean that one could have diabetes? If not, then what causes bubbles in urine and is it something that one should be worried about? Continue reading for more information and answers on the same.

Long Term Complications of Diabetes

Long term complications of diabetes may result in life-threatening conditions. Find out detailed information about the complications in the following Buzzle article.

Early Signs of Diabetes in Men

If you diagnose some of the early signs of diabetes in men, you can stop the disease from advancing. So, what are the different diabetes symptoms that men show? Let's find out from the following transitions.

Chromium Picolinate for Diabetes

Chromium picolinate supplements are used to treat various conditions like diabetes, depression, and weight gain. Read on to know the benefits and side effects of these supplements.

What is Brittle Diabetes?

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Diabetes | Buzzle.com

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