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Crosstalk: It’s time to stop the nonsense – Dalles Chronicle

August 3rd, 2017 10:43 am

Before I dissect the Democrats Better Deal for America, which is just repackaging of the same tired socialistic schemes that have always failed and will always fail, I want to address the dysfunction of Republicans in Congress.

It appears our squishy GOP leaders cant find their way out of a sock. What is wrong with you people? Voters gave you the House, the Senate and the White House in November so why are you not getting anything done?

We expected you all to get to work reversing the destructive health care policies, and others, enacted by the Obama Administration. Instead, you wring your hands and offer a Skinny Obamacare Repeal that does nothing. Are you kidding me right now?

The horrible and largely unvetted health care plan approved by Democrats only hours after it was unveiled in 2010 is on life support and you promised to pull the plug.

I suggest Republicans in the Senate review the U.S. Constitution to refresh themselves on its guiding principles. That will probably be much less exciting than planning your next campaign but then, you probably are going to get kicked to the curb if you dont get your act together. Do what you say and say what you mean.

Republicans, you must grow a spine and stand against the craziness being perpetrated by Democrats, who should be ashamed of their infantile behavior. Their obstruction is unprecedented, borders on madness and threatens to unravel the underpinnings of our government.

As just one example, President Obama had 206 of his nominees for judicial and administration positions confirmed by the Senate in the first six months of his administration. Trump has only managed to get 55 nominees throughDemocratic roadblocks, even when the individuals are non-controversial.

Gridlock does not benefit the 323 million Americans that Congress is supposed to represent. Enough of this nonsense.

The Democrats and the left-media are defining the narrative and you, the GOP leaders, are allowing that to happen by not uniting and getting out a clear message about the need for change.

This is the defining battle of our times for the heart and soul of our culture and the Democrats Better Deal clearly outlines how high the stakes are.

As usual, liberals offer three empty slogans: Better jobs, better wages and a better future. Although the rhetoric sounds great, you cannot achieve any of those goals when you are over-regulating businesses and spending more money than the government takes in.

Our national debt is perilously high and our industries are being choked by red tape that is driving them out of the country or out of business.

Nancy Pelosi, the princess of the Democratic Party, gushes about the Better Deal creating 10 million more American jobs in the next five years.

Of course, the way to pay for this is to impose even tougher standards and more regulations on evil corporations, you know, the ones actually creating the jobs.

Democrats seem oblivious to the fact that eight years of excessive regulations was the primary reason for the slowest period of economic growth in our nations history.

There is nothing in the Better Deal about letting the free market create the competition needed to lower prescription drug costs or reverse any of the other failed policies that Americans have rejected at the ballot box.

Every proposal that Democrats have made is the antithesis of what our founders intended for America: Less government, more freedom and more individual rights and responsibilities.

Republicans, the people have nowhere to go to get order restored if you continue to be cowards.

Do something about this mess, and do it now. More than two million soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have died to defend our way of life. You owe it to them to do your part in your time.

If the GOP cant get it together, and if Democrats refuse to see that the people dont want their regressive proposals, then there is no hope to stop Americas slide into mediocrity, or worse.

Unless the people finally realize that only term limits will truly drain the swamp of corrupt politicians.

RaeLynn Ricarte

When RaeLynn suggest the Democrat's Better Deal as a crosstalk topic I hadn't heard much about it.

Presented early this week, the Better Deal has three components: raising wages, lowering costs, and giving workers "the tools to succeed."

A quick look below the rhetoric, and there is very little better, and nothing new, in this deal: A major infrastructure overhaul, but with few details as to what that means or how it will be funded; an increase in the minimum wage; and lowering costs (the party promises to "lower the crippling cost of prescription drugs and the cost of a college or technical education that leads to a good job.")

It also says it "will fight for families struggling with high monthly bills like childcare, credit card fees, and cable bills."

In Oregon we have just raised the minimum wage, and for years now the Oregon Health Plan has promised to lower the cost of health care and prescription drugs: The theory was that having more people covered would lower the overall cost of care, preventative medicine being cheaper than emergency care.

Instead, a great deal of money was spent with little or no return and the state is seeking to increase taxes and fees to replace the federal seed money to keep a flawed system afloat.

I'll speak more to this, but since RaeLynn said she was going to start off railing at the Republicans I have to take a moment to speak in their support:

I am pleased to report that, according to New York Times White House correspondent Mark Lander in an interview on National Public Radio's Fresh Air, both the House and Senate have passed legislation meant to tie the hands of President Trump regarding Russian sanctions.

Once reconciled, the bill will go to the president for his signature. Lander noted the president will have little choice but to sign it... although as we have learned you never really know what Trump will do.

In the same interview, Lander reported that suggestions Trump will fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions have also hit opposition from the Republican-controlled House and Senate, whose leadership has threatened to block even a temporary interim replacement.

While I personally think Sessions has his legal head buried in the sand of the mid-1980s with his drug war and three strikes mentality, I find it encouraging that the Republican Party is opposing Trump on these issues.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the economy. The idea of closing the skill's gap in America sounds fine and Democratic, but as Pedro Nicolaci da Costa writes in an opinion piece for the Business Insider, Heidi Shierholz, former chief economist at the Labor Department, has a great saying when it comes to an alleged 'skills gap' in the job market: 'If you hear an employer complain they cant find skilled workers, always ask, at what wage?'

Research shows that if such a gap really existed, wages would be rising more quickly because of a shortage of available workers, and companies would not be shy about investing in training themselves, Costa said.

American companies are rushing to outsource a host of jobs from creative work to product descriptions to English-speaking countries in Africa and elsewhere, where individuals contract to work from home via the internet at fantastically low wages.

I understand you can have an app built for $50, which calculates out to something like 10 cents an hour, according to a friend who does that sort of thing.

Thousands of long-haul semi-truck drivers are looking forward to being replaced by robotic convoys. College graduates struggle to find living-wage employment, skilled though they may be.

We don't need a New Deal re-named to be a Better Deal, with all the economic shadow puppets and hype thrown out by both Republicans and Democrats. We need real solutions focused on real needs and threats to our economy.

We don't have a skill gap, we have a wage and wealth gap, an environmental crisis and we are rapidly approaching a time when the words refugee and immigrant will be used not for those fleeing war or economic collapse abroad but for Americans fleeing economic collapse within America itself.

Mark Gibson

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Crosstalk: It's time to stop the nonsense - Dalles Chronicle

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