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cord blood banking | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Could Be an Investment in Our Future Health – Video

November 21st, 2012 9:50 am

cord blood banking | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Could Be an Investment in Our Future Health
http://www.cordbloodrecommendation.com There are two types of umbilical cord blood banks, private banking and public blood bank which have developed over the years. E. The collecting of this blood in no way harms or even comes close to placing either the mother or the new born in any danger. The blood is generally kept in storage until the donor (the newborn baby) is 21 years old. . Cord Blood Storage is a pain-free process using umbilical cord blood that would otherwise be discarded. With just one opportunity to collect it, whether you should store your child #39;s umbilical cord blood at a private cord bank or donate it for public use is ultimately a personal decision that only you can make. To be more specific, the top tier companies all use the same collection kit components; courier service; processing technique; and many share the same processing laboratories. ""Parents are often opting these days to save their newborn #39;s umbilical blood for the possibility the baby or a close family member might need it to treat a disease. It is important to know that not all donated cord blood samples are banked. This means that there are lesser chances of getting infection from the donor #39;s during infusion. What You Need To KnowThe cord blood bank is certified to process hematopoietic stem cells collected from umbilical cords. Unfortunately, this can be a very frustrating endeavor. Medical practitioners have gone an extra mile now to even expand the stem cells where there is insufficiency of ...From:kristinagraddyViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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cord blood banking | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Could Be an Investment in Our Future Health - Video

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