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Check your eyesight with this simple optical test – Belfast Live

August 28th, 2017 1:42 am

Looking after your eyesight is extremely important but often overlooked as we take our vision for granted.

Although we all know the basics about protecting our eyes, one specific issue has been on the internet's agenda this week.

In the aftermath of the eclipse which plunged the United States into a brief moment of darkness earlier this week, many people have been left wondering if they've damaged their eyes by looking directly at the sun without suitable protection.

As a result, this simple at-home eye test has been doing the round online.

It involves staring at an optical illusion-type square grid and it designed to provide you with an idea about the state of your eyes before you rush off to an optician's in a panic.

Starting to worry about your eyesight and fancy giving it a go? Let's do it.

The image above is of the aforementioned Amsler grid - taken from the National Eye Institute in America- which tests your optic nerve. The test works best if you print out the square.

To use it, cover one eye up and stare at the dot right in the centre of the grid then repeat with the other eye.

If any of the lines are missing or become wavy, or if you notice any other unusual differences such as dark areas, strangely sized boxes, or blurry edges, then something is up.

The earlier you diagnose any problems, the better position you'll be in to help your issues.

If you have any concerns about your eyesight, it's definitely worth checking yourself in for an eye test for peace of mind at the very least.

So get them checked - and remember not to look directly at the next eclipse!

See more here:
Check your eyesight with this simple optical test - Belfast Live

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