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Archive for the ‘Veterinary Medicine’ Category

Dog that died at NCSU vet school tested positive for coronavirus – WRAL.com

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

By Matthew Burns, WRAL.com senior producer/politics editor, & Leslie Moreno, WRAL multimedia journalist

Raleigh, N.C. State officials on Tuesday reported the first confirmed case of coronavirus in a dog that died last week at the North Carolina State University Veterinary Hospital.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus was confirmed by both the hospital lab and by the National Veterinary Services Laboratories. The dog's cause of death is still undetermined.

The dog was taken to N.C. State on Aug. 3 after showing signs of respiratory distress, officials said. The owner told staff at the veterinary hospital that a family member had previously tested positive for coronavirus.

"It would be a fair assumption that the virus came from the household to the pet, but that doesnt necessarily mean thats what caused the disease or thats what caused the death of this patient," said Dr. Steven Marks, associate dean and director of Veterinary Medical Services at N.C. State's College of Veterinary Medicine.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Department of Agricultures Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), there is no evidence that pets play a significant role in spreading the virus.

"Dogs that you have seen throughout the U.S., and cats too that are positive, they had to have been exposed somewhere," State Public Health Veterinarian Dr. Carl Williams said. "The likelihood is, due to widespread community transmission among people, they are probably exposed to infected people, and thats how they have come in contact with the virus."

In April, a pug n Chapel Hill was believed to have tested positive for the virus in one of the first cases in the U.S. of a family pet with the virus. But further testing later showed that the dog likely never had the virus, although human members of the household did.

There is no indication at this time that dogs can transmit the virus to other animals, so there is no justification in taking measures against companion animals that may compromise their welfare, State Veterinarian Dr. Doug Meckes said in a statement.

Still, state and federal officials plan to evaluate other pets in the home of the dog that died to determine if pet-to-pet transmission may have occurred.

Only 13 other dogs nationwide have tested positive for coronavirus, according to APHIS, including a second one in North Carolina.

I think this is hopefully a rare event but certainly not something thats outside the realm of possibility," Williams said.

If pet owners are concerned about the health of their dog or cat, officials said, they should contact their veterinarian and discuss the pets symptoms before bringing them to a veterinary office.

The pet is a family member, and it scares me also if my daughter gets it, but its just part of what were facing right now," local pet owner Diana Salazar said.

Read the original here:
Dog that died at NCSU vet school tested positive for coronavirus - WRAL.com


Helping Pets Have A Positive Transition After Quarantine – Texas A&M Today – Texas A&M University Today

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

The most important step owners can take in preventing separation anxiety is to prepare early.

Getty Images

A silver lining to the stress of stay-at-home orders for many has been extra time spent with pets. Whether that means extra-long walks for dogs, chin scratches for cats or quality time and attention for all of the other critters, many of our furry friends have benefited from this pause in society.

Dr. Lori Teller, an associate professor in the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, says pets that have grown used to having near-constant contact with their owner may experience separation anxiety when their owner returns to a more regular routine. Because of this, she recommends that owners prepare now for a return to work or school.

Before the pandemic, people would come and go and most animals were quite used to this. But now, owners have been at home for much of the day, and their pets are used to getting frequent walks or other types of attention. An abrupt change in the schedule can be very stressful for some animals, Teller said. It also is possible for a pet that has not had previous symptoms of separation anxiety to develop these symptoms as people return to work or school following stay-at-home orders.

Owners can help their pets adjust by leaving the house for short periods of time and monitoring the pets response, Teller said. An owner may need to set up the camera on a phone or tablet to record the pets response to his or her departure. If the animal seems fine, increase the amount of time away from home to determine if there will be problems.

Teller also recommends identifying high-value treats a pet enjoys, such as food puzzles or toys filled with frozen treats. If owners only provide these treats when they leave the house, the pet will associate good things with their departure and be less prone to anxiety. Owners should also make their departures as low-key as possible after giving their pet a special treat.

You can also leave on some music for the pet, she said. Studies have shown that dogs and cats like classical music and soft rock, and some dogs have a preference for reggae.

By beginning to match their quarantine routine with what owners expect their future schedule to look like, they can acclimate their animal to certain walk lengths, times and cuddling schedules before any big changes.

Teller also says that people who adopted a puppy or kitten during the pandemic should be extra mindful, as these pets have only ever lived in a household where humans are always around.

Dogs with separation anxiety may pace, pant, salivate, or bark or howl excessively. In more serious cases, a dog may become destructive and scratch or chew at doors or windows in an effort to escape, Teller said. Cats may groom excessively or stop urinating in the litter box.

The most important step owners can take in preventing separation anxiety is to prepare early. Even if a pet is only exhibiting mild signs of separation anxiety, their owner should reach out to a veterinarian to get help before a pet hurts themselves or damages their home.

For mild cases, veterinarians may recommend some of the dog or cat pheromones that promote calmness and relaxation, she said. There are also some nutraceuticals (a pharmaceutical alternative that claims psychological benefits) that help with calming and relaxation, as well as a variety of prescription medications that can help lessen anxiety.

A veterinarian can help you determine what is best for your pet and how you can best help them adjust to time alone. They may also refer you to a veterinary behavior specialist for more severe cases.

If separation anxiety is allowed to go unchecked, it can be that much more difficult to treat, Teller said. Reach out to your veterinarian as soon as you suspect a problem. Issues generally have a good prognosis when intervention happens early.

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Helping Pets Have A Positive Transition After Quarantine - Texas A&M Today - Texas A&M University Today


Vetschool Tails: The beat goes on for long-time four-legged Spartan – MSUToday

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

Lola, an 8-year-old pit bull terrier, presented to the Michigan State University Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Service on Friday, April 17, 2020 for tri-cavitary effusion, or fluid within the abdominal, chest, and pericardial cavities. Her owner noted that she had been lethargic and bloated for several days. Lolas additional medical history includes a long relationship with the MSU Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation services for knee injuries.

On presentation, Lola was quiet, alert and responsive with pink mucus membranes. Her heart and lungs were muffled on auscultation, though her heart rate was slightly faster than normal, and she demonstrated effort while breathing. She had a marked fluid wave, consistent with abdominal effusion. Pulse oximetry was 91% (most patients are >98%). Both abdominal and thoracic FAST scan (focused assessment with sonography for trauma) were positive for fluid throughout the abdomen, chest, and around the heart.

Approximately one hour later, Lolas mentation became dull and her mucous membranes were cyanotic (blue). A total of 880 mL of transudate (blood-tinged clear fluid) was removed from the area around her heart and lungs; no abnormal cells were noted by the pathologist. An echocardiogram was performed which revealed an at least 2.5 x 4.5 cm tumor over the left atrial body, compressing the heart.

Lola continued to develop fluid around the heart which required removal and placement of a pericardial catheter starting the next morning, Saturday, April 18.

For the full story, visit the College of Veterinary Medicine.

See the rest here:
Vetschool Tails: The beat goes on for long-time four-legged Spartan - MSUToday


Dr. Riyi Shi Appointed as Named Professor in Department of Basic Medical Sciences – Purdue Veterinary News

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

Friday, August 14, 2020

The Purdue University Board of Trustees recently ratified the appointment of long-time Purdue Veterinary Medicine faculty member Riyi Shi as the Mari Hulman George Endowed Professor of Applied Neuroscience. A faculty member in the colleges Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Dr. Shi also holds a courtesy appointment in the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering and serves as director of the Center for Paralysis Research at Purdue.

Originally trained as an orthopedic surgeon specializing in spinal cord treatment, Dr. Shi has served for more than 20 years on the Purdue University faculty. He specializes in uncovering the mechanisms of central nervous system trauma and diseases and instituting new treatments through innovative experimentation and pioneering new strategies in the field. Dr. Shi is the author or co-author of 167 published papers and is the recipient of 12 issued patents. Two of his therapies have gone into clinical trials for spinal cord and head trauma, and one has gained FDA approval for patients with multiple sclerosis.

Dr. Shis appointment was one of seven named faculty appointments ratified by the Board of Trustees at its meeting August 7. Click here to view a complete news release about the Board of Trustees action.

Writer(s): Kevin Doerr | pvmnews@purdue.edu

Read more:
Dr. Riyi Shi Appointed as Named Professor in Department of Basic Medical Sciences - Purdue Veterinary News


Summer Star exhibit goes Into the Woods – Worcester Telegram

Saturday, August 15th, 2020


BOYLSTON - The Linden Street Gallery at Summer Star Wildlife Sanctuary is open with a new art exhibit, "Into the Woods," a collection of paintings by Teri Malo. The exhibit is on view at the 390 Linden St. gallery until Jan. 31, 2021.

Malo said she thinks of painting as discovery and summary. All of her impressions from time spent in the woods are reassembled to form multiple perspectives of a place.

The artist graduated from Emmanuel College and received her master's of fine arts from the University of Massachusetts, where she centered on printmaking. Her most recent work focuses on elemental themes from nature. Using photography to record her daily walks, Malo pieces together compositve views of her favorite places.

Malo's works are in a number of collections, including the DeCordova Museum, Newport Art Museum, The Blackstone Group, Ritz Carlton Hotels, Marriott Hotels, Baystate Medical Center, St. Elizabeth's Medical Center and numerous private collections.

Nestled in 45 acres of forest the Linden Street Gallery is located within the Trailhead House of Summer Star Wildlife Sanctuary. The sanctuary protects wetland and woodland habitats that provide homes to wildlife and there is a one-and-a-half-mile trail loop for outdoor exploration. The sanctuary honors nature through wildlife protection, art exhibits focusing on nature, outdoor tours, educational programs and wildlife releases in collaboration with the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.

The Linden Street Gallery is open Saturday through Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 3 pm. The sanctuary's trails are open Saturday through Tuesday, dawn to dusk most of the year, dawn to 3 p.m. during the winter. Limited parking is available at Summer Star during the hours trails are open. Admission is free.

For information, visit https://summerstarwildlife.wordpress.com/.

Here is the original post:
Summer Star exhibit goes Into the Woods - Worcester Telegram


Veterinarians are busier than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic – Poynter

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

Covering COVID-19 is a daily Poynter briefing of story ideas about the coronavirus and other timely topics for journalists, written by senior faculty Al Tompkins. Sign up here to have it delivered to your inbox every weekday morning.

Even while Americans are less likely to see their own doctor or dentist during the COVID pandemic, we are taking our pets to get checkups more often. The New York Times found this jewel of a story:

Patients may be reluctant to return to the human health system in part because theyve lost coverage, or have less income, and are worried about the possibility of a surprise bill.

Demand for veterinary services is typically cyclical: Pet owners spend more on medical care for dogs and cats when the economy is strong and they have more disposable income.

This economic downturn is different. Volume and revenue are up at animal hospitals and primary care offices. VetSuccess, which tracks financial data from 2,800 clinics, estimates that revenue last month was up 18% over last July.

The American Animal Hospital Association said the increase in traffic goes beyond the general practitioners office. Emergency vet offices said they are getting overflow from general practice clinics that have told pet owners that they are booked up for weeks.

Most practices are experiencing a major uptick in business. But the boom in general practices is cascading onto emergency practices.

Many ERs are finding theyre seeing cases that general practices would normally handle, but havent been able to because they were either closed or limited in the kind of care they could provide.

Max Rinaldi, DVM, medical director at AAHA-accredited Emergency Veterinary Hospital in Springfield, Oregon, calls their caseload unprecedented. Ive been doing this for eight years and Ive never seen it like this. He estimates their caseload is up 40% over this time last year, and he credits the boom in overflow to general practices: As they become more stretched, things that arent necessarily huge emergencies, but still need to be seen within a reasonable period of time, end up coming to our door.

With local hospitals booked out several weeks in advance, Rinaldi says, Were seeing a lot more of the routine stuff. A lot of which consists of dermatology cases, hot spots, flea infestations, and general dentistry.

The Times story quotes pet insurance provider Trupanion as saying second-quarter revenue was up 28% over last year. It has 14% more cat and dog members than it did at the start of the year.

The story also said that Trupanion noticed some trends in the names people are giving their new pets, including Corona, Rona and Covid.

Let me get this in the first sentence of this note: There is no connection between a new outbreak of the canine parvovirus and COVID-19 except that they are unfolding at the same time.

The American Animal Hospital Association website noted:

BluePearl, which operates 90 specialty and emergency pet hospitals in 21 states, recently announced an alarming 70% increase in the number of canine parvovirus cases presenting in their emergency rooms during the pandemic compared to the same time periods in the past five years.

Canine parvovirus infection or parvo is a highly contagious and potentially fatal viral illness that affects dogs. The virus manifests itself in two different forms, intestinal (the most common) and cardiac.

BluePearl said most of the cases are among puppies ages 6 weeks to 6 months which provides a clue about what might be going on.

James Barr, DVM, DACVECC, chief medical officer of BluePearl, notes that during the pandemic, many people turned to animals for companionship, which led to increased demand for adoptions. Eager to spend quality time with their pups, many people have been wiling away the hours with their new friends. However, Barr explains, stay-at-home orders prompted a trend in people spending more time outdoors, which could have increased environmental exposure.

In addition, with wellness care temporarily going by the wayside at most hospitals, many people were forced to postpone vaccinating their new puppies, including for parvo. According to Barr, Other possible causes for the uptick include disruptions in the timing of or prevention of puppies receiving full vaccine series, resulting in incomplete immunity. That might include puppies being adopted out of shelters before they were ready to satisfy increased demand. Barr also cites financial hardships such as job loss as a potential factor, preventing or delaying owners from seeking routine vaccinations.

Veterinarians said it could be that a larger number of people who have never had pets are adopting puppies without understanding the importance of parvo vaccines. At this time, our data shows that more than 95% of the infections are in dogs under a year old, Barr said.

The Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine advised:

Veterinarians usually administer the CPV vaccine as part of a combination shot which includes, among others, the distemper, canine adenovirus, and parainfluenza vaccines. These shots are given every 3 to 4 weeks from the time a puppy is 6 weeks old until he is at least 16 weeks of age. A booster vaccination is recommended one year later, and then at one at three-year intervals thereafter.

Here in Florida, we use neck gaiters to protect us from the sun. I have been seeing a lot of baseball players and coaches wearing them rather than putting on COVID-19 masks.

But new research found the thin, stretchy gaiters may be worse than not wearing a mask at all. Science Advances, the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, published a study from Duke University researcher Dr. Martin Fischer and colleagues that said:

We noticed that speaking through some masks (particularly the neck fleece) seemed to disperse the largest droplets into a multitude of smaller droplets which explains the apparent increase in droplet count relative to no mask in that case. Considering that smaller particles are airborne longer than large droplets (larger droplets sink faster), the use of such a mask might be counterproductive.

The study also took a look at those masks that have valves on them to keep the mask from steaming up glasses.

Furthermore, the performance of the valved N95 mask is likely affected by the exhalation valve, which opens for strong outwards airflow. While the valve does not compromise the protection of the wearer, it can decrease protection of persons surrounding the wearer. In comparison, the performance of the fitted, non-valved N95 mask was far superior.

Kirill Dmitriev is head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which is paying for the Russian research that claims to have found a COVID-19 vaccine. Right after Russia announced Tuesday it had a safe and effective vaccine, it also announced 20 countries have ordered a billion doses.

A few things to keep in mind while remaining skeptical of this vaccine:

An essay in StatNews by epidemiologist Alexandra Feathers made a great point that is worth your reading and then posing questions to your local school officials.

The essay pointed out that the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions guidance to schools that plan to reopen has a lot to say about social distancing and cleaning hard surfaces. But the guidelines have precious little to say about ventilation.

Of the eight bullet points in its staff safety section, four address surface transmission. The three bullet points dedicated to respiratory droplets warn people to stay 6 feet away from each other, cough into their elbows, and wear a mask.

The current CDC guidance about ventilation is as follows, Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible, for example by opening windows and doors. But if opening windows or doors increases the risk of asthma, or falling out the window, the guidelines go on to advise that they should be closed. That is all the guidance has to say. It does not mention air filtration, or the fact that we have pretty good data to suggest that without addressing air filtration and circulation, the 6-feet rule does not prevent transmission indoors.

But study after study has shown that keeping more than 6 feet away from an infected person may not matter if you are in a closed space, like a classroom, that recirculates air laced with the virus. 36 scientists authored an article for the journal Environmental International that said we should seriously consider upgrading air filtration systems to include the use of HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters that can capture substances the size of SARS-CoV-2.

As Feathers pointed out, The CDC currently recommends their use for this purpose in hospitals and a group of ear, nose and throat doctors made the case for installing them in doctors offices.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, or ASHRAE, said air filtration systems can reduce how much of the coronavirus is indoors.

National Public Radio explored ventilation as a key issue for making schools COVID-safe:

Joshua Santarpia, a microbiologist who studies biological aerosols at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, says that schools should assess their ventilation systems to see if they can be modified to optimize airflow in each classroom. The more air changes, the better, he says.

Newer school buildings with modern systems typically are set up to recirculate indoor air because this saves energy, says Peter Fehl, president of building management systems for Honeywell. But by adjusting those settings, its possible to get seven or eight times more fresh air, says Fehl.

In addition, schools can replace their systems HEPA filters which remove most very fine particles more frequently, probably once a month, Fehl says.

But many schools have older systems that dont have the option of increasing fresh air.

But wait, theres more. Discover Magazine included an eye-opening piece that quotes Theresa Pistochini, the engineering manager at the Western Cooling Efficiency Center at the University of California, Davis:

She and her team inspected the recently-updated HVAC systems in 104 classrooms across the state and found that 51% were installed incorrectly or had faulty filters or fans. Per industry recommendations, state regulations say that every second, seven liters of air need to flow through the room per student. The team calculated that the average classroom only moved about three quarters of the air it should. We were really surprised we saw the prevalence of problems that we did, Pistochini says.

One question journalists could ask is who inspects and regulates air filtration systems for schools. You may find that schools do the work themselves, so ask if they have qualified workers who understand filtration issues. A second suggestion might be to explore whether it is practical to add plug-in filtration systems for older buildings with old air handling infrastructure.

Wired.com convinced the CEO of an air filtration company to try a cheap idea: Take a $10 store-bought air filter and stick it on a $20 box fan. The result: It may be better than nothing for a classroom that cannot open windows.

Make sure you browse this very well-done explainer from The New York Times about how subway cars filter COVID-19 and how a mask affects the spread of the virus in a train car.

Jonathan Rupprecht is an attorney who has, for years, been a leading voice in advocating for drones and drone pilots. He has just assembled a summary of what is holding up the commercial use of drones to deliver packages to your front door.

If there was ever an argument for using drones, it might be made best during a pandemic.

The major issue is not mechanical. There are drones that are big enough and strong enough to deliver all sorts of payloads. The bigger issues are regulatory in nature. It does not help that we now have a patchwork of local, state and federal regulations that make it exceedingly difficult for a national company to do business.

Rupprecht pointed us toward the possible:

The idea of drone deliveries, in general, is not only just delivering potato chips but also for more legitimate humanitarian purposes. A great example of this is the company Matternet, which partnered with UNICEF to do drone delivery in Malawi with the end goal of developing low-cost delivery of blood samples from children to be tested so medical drugs can be given to them when needed and in time. John Hopkins University has been doing blood drone delivery tests and published their findings in a medical journal. Zipline has also done many humanitarian missions in Africa they can save money, time, and lives.

Now, imagine you have millions of doses of a COVID-19 vaccine that you wanted to get to a remote population.

Well be back tomorrow with a new edition of Covering COVID-19. Sign up hereto get it delivered right to your inbox.

Al Tompkins is senior faculty at Poynter. He can be reached at atompkins@poynter.org or on Twitter, @atompkins.

Veterinarians are busier than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic - Poynter


OPINION: Step out on the playground and be a voice for the region – Fort Morgan Times

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

I remember back in fourth grade I was feeling sorry for myself because no one would play with me and I was leaning up against the school building all by myself. My teacher, Mrs. James, came up and asked me what was wrong, and I choked out that no one wanted to play with me. She told me to get over myself and get out there and join in. (Teachers were tough back in those days) She was right I went out and was immediately part of the play group. This was the same teacher that put my desk in the hall for talking too much also. Fast forward to today and I am thinking those lessons need revisiting. You need to step up and join the group you are interested in and talking without a purpose puts you in the hall.

Recently we have a series of decisions that have caused some consternation to Pro 15. Our board felt it was time to speak out. We are extremely disappointed with the appointment of animal rights activist and avowed vegan Ellen Kessler to the State Board of Veterinary Medicine. Her comments about livestock, her championing of vegan and her disparaging remarks about 4-H and what it teaches our youth are particularly troubling. As a nonpartisan group we champion all sides of an issue. It is fine to appoint someone who is critical of an industry and dedicated to ensuring that the industry operates safely and humanely. To be opposed to the industrys existence and against legitimate educational efforts regarding the industry crosses the line. That attitude is unhelpful and has no place on the commission. Over the years we have said the same thing about other appointments.

Both Republican and Democratic governors have reached out to us about appointments over the years and we have had some success, but we know there are a lot of qualified people in our region that we might not know or dont realize they have an interest. We now need to step up this effort.

Redistricting is coming up and they are looking for Democrats, Republicans and unaffiliated voters to apply for a commission to redefine our house and senate districts based on new population numbers.

Positions are open on boards and commissions at the state level daily and each of them generally has some criteria on geographic representation. We have great representation by our elected officials, Senator Jerry Sonnenberg, Representative Richard Holtorf and Representative Rod Pelton, but they cannot do it alone.

Pro 15 is hoping the residents of Northeast Colorado will step out on the playground and apply for redistricting commission and for various state boards and commission. Let us not get put in the hall for talking with no purpose.

To apply for the redistricting commission use this link: https://redistricting.colorado.gov/ and to review various boards and commissions use this link: https://colorado.gov/pacific/cdhs-boards-committees-collaboration/governor-appointed-boards-commissions. Both links will also be on our website at http://www.pro15.org/resources.

See the rest here:
OPINION: Step out on the playground and be a voice for the region - Fort Morgan Times


UGA ranked among top universities fighting COVID-19 – University of Georgia

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

The university was recognized for research on the development of new vaccines designed to protect against the virus that causes COVID-19

The University of Georgia has been ranked among a list of top 10 schools working to solve the coronavirus pandemic by Successful Student. UGA was recognized specifically for research on the development of new vaccines designed to protect against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Other universities in the top 10 include Harvard University, the University of Oxford and Johns Hopkins University. Successful Student published their rankings online.

We have an opportunity now to use our technology to help people. And, at the University of Georgia, we have the people, and we have the facilities. We have been able to quickly mobilize resources to develop this vaccine. Biao He

Scientists in laboratories across the university began work on new vaccines and therapeutics from the moment COVID-19 emerged as a global threat.

Biao He, the Fred C. Davison Distinguished University Chair in Veterinary Medicine at UGA, has developed a COVID-19 vaccine candidate that has proven successful in promoting an immune response in early test models.

His vaccine is based on a viral delivery platform containing modified strains of a virus that cause kennel cough in dogs called parainfluenza virus 5, or PIV5. The modified viruses produce proteins found in coronaviruses, specifically the spike proteins that form the crown or corona for which they are named. After the vaccine has been administered, cells are infected with the PIV5 virus. The body then begins to mount a defense to the spike proteins produced by the modified virusultimately promoting an immunity to infection.

We have an opportunity now to use our technology to help people, he said. And, at the University of Georgia, we have the people, and we have the facilities. We have been able to quickly mobilize resources to develop this vaccine.

He hopes that the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine will be ready for FDA approval by the end of the year.

Ted Ross, Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar and director of UGAs Center for Vaccines and Immunology. (Photo by Peter Frey/UGA)

Scientists in the lab of Ted M. Ross, Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar and director of UGAs Center for Vaccines and Immunology, are also developing and testing new vaccines and immunotherapies to fight the coronavirus. Ross is working with other researchers in the center to analyze the viral genome and find targets that will prompt the immune system to create protective antibodies.

Ross has spent most of his career studying viruses and developing new vaccines and treatments to combat them, but he is perhaps best known for his efforts to develop a universal influenza vaccine that could protect against all forms of the virus and eliminate the need for seasonal flu shots.

While the lessons learned from his work on influenza and other viruses will inform his work, the coronavirus presents a unique set of challenges.

Most people already have some immunity to influenza, but nobody has immunity to this coronavirus, which is one reason it has spread so quickly, Ross said. The scientific community is hard at work, but theres still so much we dont know about this virus, and it will take time to gather quality data.

The virus that causes COVID-19 is studded on its exterior with spike proteins, a key component in its ability to infect human cells. Rob Woods and Parastoo Azadi, both researchers in UGAs Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, are investigating the proteins and sugars on the surface of the virus with the goal of finding information that could lead to vaccines and therapeutics.

Rob Woods and Parastoo Azadi are investigating the proteins and sugars on the surface of the COVID-19 virus with the goal of finding information that could lead to vaccines and therapeutics. (Submitted photo.)

SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins latch onto cells and force the virus through the cell membrane. The human immune system detects foreign proteins, like the spike protein, by recognizing amino acid sequences that are present, Woods said.

But if a pathogen puts a sugar on the proteins surface, it can mask the amino acids, he said. One sugar can mask a whole cluster of amino acids so our antibodies cant see them. Many viruses do thisinfluenza and hepatitis C, for example.

The protein is a smooth surface shielded by sugars that move like trees in the wind. That makes it harder for the human immune system to find the targetthe proteins surface.

I always use the analogy of glycans as trees in the wind. Some of them are floppy, and some of them are more stiff, Woods said. Were looking for ones that we can get under or around.

More here:
UGA ranked among top universities fighting COVID-19 - University of Georgia


Agriculture Opposes State Vet Board Selection – AG INFORMATION NETWORK OF THE WEST – AGInfo Ag Information Network Of The West

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

Colorado ranchers and farmers have serious doubts about one new member of the State Board of Veterinary Medicine

They are asking Governor Polis to reconsider his selection of Ellen Kessler to the veterinary boards public at large position.

Rancher and Fencepost.com assistant editor Rachel Gabel says Ellen Kessler is a self-proclaimed animal rights activist. Her social media posts include claims that she is Vegan, Extreme" and "Annoying.

And Gabel tells Colorado Ag Today, Kessler hit a nerve in the community when she recently posted on social media that, 4-H clubs teach children that animal lives dont matter.

Gabel: Its not about whether she decided to have plant-based protein or if she likes or doesnt like 4H. What this is about is protecting our large animal veterinarians and our food animal veterinarians that are vitally important to agriculture here in Colorado. They are hard to find. A good vet out here is hard to find. Were facing a veterinary shortage and we have one of the top veterinary colleges in the country. We certainly dont want to do anything that might cause our veterinarians to look for another state in which to practice.

Appointees will serve until their respective confirmation hearings during the next legislative session beginning in January.

Gabel has written a letter to the Governor asking that Ellen Kesslers appointment be retracted prior to her confirmation hearing. The Colorado Livestock Association has also written a letter and supports a petition seeking Kessler's removal from the board.

A message to Kessler from Colorado Ag Today for comment has not been answered.

See the article here:
Agriculture Opposes State Vet Board Selection - AG INFORMATION NETWORK OF THE WEST - AGInfo Ag Information Network Of The West


Chair job with UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNIVERSITY | 219153 – Times Higher Education (THE)

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

Job Description

The Department of Veterinary Medicine is part of the College of Food Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine and is the only Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine degree granting body in UAE. The program was launched in 2013-2014 and it has graduated two cohorts of UAE nationals (total 38 veterinarians). Presently, the non-clinical education is taught in the UAE and the clinical education/training is conducted in collaboration with University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest (UVMB). The vision of UAEU is to establish a full-fledged College of Veterinary Medicine. As of October 2020, the department will move to a new campus with 9 new laboratories, faculty and staff offices and associated facilities, and will soon offer para-clinical programs. Today, the department includes 11 full-time faculty and three adjunct faculty members and offers basic and para-clinical veterinary medical education. The Department of Veterinary Medicine is fortunate to have an outstanding faculty, all of whom hold a doctor of veterinary medicine degree and/or a PhD and research experience. UAEU embraces diversity and inclusion and many of the faculty members, particularly in the Department of Veterinary Medicine, come from culturally diverse backgrounds and bring international best practice. The Department of Veterinary Medicine is acknowledged nationally for the uniqueness of the BVM program offered in the country.

Minimum Qualification

UAEU seeks an individual with a record of distinguished academic achievement and leadership who can thrive in a start-up environment. Clinical experience is preferred and 2-3 years of administrative experience is essential. Key to the success of the Departments vision and mission is the ability to attract and develop the best talent, expand the current program, introduce a Postgraduate program, develop new clinical laboratories and research centers, and evolve the department into a full-fledged independent unit in the near future. The successful candidate will provide strong leadership, be an advocate for the department, and its faculty, staff, and students within the university community and beyond and provide vision for future development. Reporting to and working with the Dean of College of Food Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine, the Chair must be able to work across disciplinary boundaries. The ideal candidate will demonstrate commitment to recruitment, retention, and placement of a diverse group of students, faculty and staff.

Preferred Qualification

An earned Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from an accredited institution with outstanding scholarly accomplishments; and ability to meet standards for appointment at the rank of professor in an academic department of the university. Furthermore, the ideal candidate should have a proven track record of teaching and research, an understanding of veterinary education and its management, and a keen desire to incrementally build the department by adding new dimensions each year to its profile. The successful candidate should have the ability to shape and energetically lead a diverse and expanding Department, a record of faculty mentorship and development, excellent interpersonal and group communications skills, and administrative abilities.

Expected Skills/Rank/Experience

Professor; Management experience 2-5 years Desired experience and qualifications will include:

Special Instructions to Applicant

Informal enquiries may be made to Prof Bhanu Chowdhary (Dean of College of Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) - bchowdhary@uaeu.ac.ae

Division College of Food & Agriculture-(CFA)

Department Veterinary Medicine - (CFA)

Job Close Date open until filled

Job Category Management

Salary 0 to 833333.25 AED

Here is the original post:
Chair job with UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNIVERSITY | 219153 - Times Higher Education (THE)


Setbacks and opportunities Voices of Monterey Bay – Voices of Monterey Bay

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

Trained responders from The Marine Mammal Centers Monterey Bay Operations prepare to attempt a boat rescue of an injured California sea lion at the Monterey Coast Guard Pier in Monterey, CA. To learn more about the Center and how to support the recovery of patients suffering from entanglements, text OCEAN to 41444 to donate or visit MarineMammalCenter.org/donate. Credit The Marine Mammal Center


By Kyle Martin

As Central Coast residents mitigate the threat of COVID-19, a cadre of local scientists working on marine mammal research has been undeterred in their quest. And the U.S. government has taken a liking to their efforts to find out more.

But COVID has shuttered a lot of research possibilities as well as the labs in which those scientists need to do their work. Since the start of the pandemic, research opportunities on the waters of the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary and elsewhere have been changed, rescheduled or shut down.

In efforts to keep its volunteers and staff safe from COVID infection, the Marine Mammal Center has stopped many of their rescue missions to save animals in and around Monterey Bay.

Even so, there are a few new unique scientific research opportunities that have opened up now that humankinds influence on the world has been muted.


COVID strikes

On April 27, Dr. Ari Friedlaender and Dr. Caroline Casey, a married couple of marine scientists with extensive research backgrounds, along with Julia OHern, manager of the Marine Mammal Center in Moss Landing, were able to find a way out onto the sea as they navigated the precautions that come along with COVID.

Local COVID orders have closed off much of the usual water access, and many boats havent been able to set sail, resulting in fewer marine researchers actually being able to get to where they need to go to do research.

Everything sort of got put on hold, in terms of being able to go out on the water and do work out there, Casey said. Once lockdown hit, basically all field work was halted for almost everybody.

Its also been problematic for marine mammal rescue. OHern said sea lions pups get stranded in significantly high numbers during the summer and this is typically the Marine Mammal Centers busiest time of year.

Its a little nerve-wracking to sort of come up with a new plan and adapt old plans very quickly, OHern said. Its a unique human health crisis in the sense that we typically deal with animal health crises.

I guess we were fortunate in the sense that having this kind of preparedness for unique and challenging situations is something that we have to do, and that we train folks to do. But of course, something like what were going through right now is definitely not anything that I had on my radar.

In May, a joint rescue effort between the Marine Mammal Center and the U.S. Coast Guard saved a humpback whale tangled in crab fishing gear in Monterey Bay, but plenty of other calls about lost or stranded animals have gone unchecked because of pandemic restrictions.

In the very beginning, the biggest decision we had to make was, Were we essential? said Dr. Shawn Johnson, vice president of veterinary medicine and science at the Marine Mammal Center. We clearly felt that rescuing animals was a public service that we were providing. And were a veterinary hospital, which is an essential service.

Johnson said they decided as veterinarians operating a veterinary hospital, yes, they were essential. But as marine animal rescuers and researchers, not necessarily. Not all the time. Not if it was ultimately more dangerous to humanity by threat of COVID outbreak.

Its hindered our ability to mount rescue responses to the beaches and get access to the beaches and, to be honest, a lot of our volunteers arent comfortable going out into the public and being surrounded by a bunch of people on the beach who may not be socially distancing and wearing a mask, Johnson said.

While the Marine Mammal Center is normally equipped with plenty of personal protective equipment, sanitizer, masks and other medical materials for its veterinary staff, many closed-quarters rescue missions just couldnt happen.

But meanwhile, Friedlaender came up with some plans for the future and asked Johnson, OHern, Casey and other scientists around Monterey for help. Together, they began sampling blubber in humpback whales in Monterey Bay.


A new idea

We need to go out and do this, Friedlaender said, recalling a conversation he had early on about taking samples from Monterey Bay whales. I dont care if we dont have money, we just need to do it.

Friedlaender and Casey connected with OHern and the Marine Mammal Center to get a small vessel on the water socially distanced, of course. Armed with a crossbow-like device to collect blubber samples from the giant marine mammals, the group spent five days collecting dozens of samples, which are now stored and ready to be analyzed.

Theyre trying to determine whether humpback whales coming through the bay have higher cortisol levels a stress hormone during periods of high human noise and boat traffic, versus right now without as much noise and traffic.

Or, more simply, if whales are more stressed because of us.

This is important for a lot of reasons, Friedlaender said. The fact that humans influence almost every environment and every ecosystem on the planet and we are all over the place. And we are polluting with noise, were polluting with chemicals, were polluting in all sorts of ways and extracting and changing systems. And we very rarely have an opportunity to think about, let alone quantify, what impact were having on these systems.

Casey said that unlike other creatures stressed by their environment, whales have fewer options to move away from the source of their distress. Their favorite feeding grounds are in the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary, so in order to get food, they have to come here and endure human commotion.

Amazingly, if you leave them alone, they have the opportunity to rebound, Casey said. We want to keep that happening.

Whales are a really great representative for, not only the health and wellness of the marine ecosystems, but they also are the sentinels for being able to tell us how much stress we as humans are putting on the environment, Friedlaender said. And so, with all the bad things that this pandemic has done to affect humans, its relieved some pressures on animals and ecosystems in ways that are likely to give them a little bit of a breath some breathing room.

It wasnt all that long ago that whale populations were traumatized and decimated by whaling along the Pacific Coast and elsewhere. Even just two years ago, California recorded the highest number of whale deaths by ship collision since the 1980s, according to the Washington Post, after a humpback was killed by a freight container ship coming into San Francisco.


The Way Forward

Immediately after their April sampling, Friedlaender said he pitched the National Science Foundation on a grant to fund the project. He got notice at the end of June the NSF is planning to take them up on their research and award them more than $100,000 this month to continue their studies.

This will pay for researchers to analyze data, another ship and crew to go out and sample whales again during the same time period next year, and plenty of other gear and logistics costs. This includes help from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), which has gear such as hydrophones, and expertise to gather and analyze acoustic samples in the water to show human and boat noise reduction throughout the ocean.

In partnership with the Marine Mammal Center, the University of California, Santa Cruz, MBARI and the California Ocean Alliance, a new team of marine researchers and ocean stewards hoping to take on major exploits into the worlds waters, there will be new, real-time data proving the impact of human activity on whale populations.

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View original post here:
Setbacks and opportunities Voices of Monterey Bay - Voices of Monterey Bay


Scientists reveal pheromones are key to harmonious pet relationships – Jill Lopez

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

Animal behaviour scientists from the University of Lincoln, UK, have discovered that filling your home with appeasing pheromones could be the key to a happy household where both dogs and cats are living under the same roof.

The new research, led by Professor Daniel Mills and Dr Miriam Prior, explored the effects of two different pheromone products on cat-dog interactions in homes where owners could see room for improvement in their pets' relationships.

Their new scientific paper is now available to read online via the journalFrontiers in Veterinary Science.

The results show that both products used - One product emits pheromones that are calming for cats, and another does the same for dogs - both had a positive impact on the interactions between cats and dogs living in the same home.

Over a six week period, both products led to a notable decrease in undesirable interactions - such as dog chasing cat, cat hiding from dog, cat and dog staring at each other, and dog barking at cat. Users of Adaptil even observed a significant increase in some desirable behaviours - friendly greetings between cat and dog, and time spent relaxing in the same room.

"Although we are all aware of the perceived tensions between cats and dogs, we believe this is the first study of its kind to explore the use of pheromone products to improve the relationship when the two species are living in the same household," explained Professor Mills, Professor of Veterinary Behavioural Medicine in Lincoln's School of Life Sciences.

It has also been reported that a problematic relationship between a new pet and an existing pet is one of the main reasons for cats and dogs being taken to shelters for rehoming.

"Seven per cent of households in the UK own both a cat and a dog, which represents a large number of pet owners and their animals living with potentially stressful animal relationships on a day-to-day basis. Many cat and dog owners report that their animals are comfortable in each other's' company, but where this isn't the case, a poor relationship between a resident cat and dog can have serious consequences for the welfare of individual animals. There may be an unacceptable level of social stress or restricted access to key resources such as food, water or suitable toilet areas. There will also be increased stress for the remainder of the family (both human and animal), and potential risks of injury due to conflict."

The pet owners involved in this new scientific trial reported weekly on the frequency of 10 specific undesirable interactions and seven specific desirable interactions between their cats and dogs. They were split into two groups; one group using a feline pheromone product and the other using dog pheromones, with the pheromones supplied in unlabelled packaging and randomly assigned by an independent staff member such that neither the participants nor the researchers knew which product was being trialled in each household until after the statistics had been collected.

The researchers were aware that in many households, the comfortability of the cat seems to have a stronger influence over the quality of the cat-dog relationship. It could therefore be seen as surprising that it was the product releasing dog pheromones which was seen to increase specific desirable interactions.

Miriam, a Lincoln-based vet who undertook the work as part of her postgraduate degree in Clinical Animal Behaviour at the University of Lincoln, said: "While it might be expected that pheromones would be more effective in multi-species homes given the apparently stronger contribution of the cat's comfortability to the quality of the cat-dog relationship, this did not appear to be the case. Our results might be explained by the behaviour of the dog being the primary determinant of the cat's quality of interaction with it.

"We would like to investigate this further to really tease out the effects of these pheromone products individually and also to investigate their use in combination with each other. We suggest that Adaptil may have had such a beneficial effect because a more relaxed dog may be less likely to disturb the cat (e.g. by chasing it), resulting in a cat that is less stressed and more willing to form some form of social bond with the dog."

See the article here:
Scientists reveal pheromones are key to harmonious pet relationships - Jill Lopez


Veterinarians, mind your mental health – The Pig Site

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

Veterinarians, whether specializing in large or small animals, deal with stress under the best circumstances. But in this time of difficult decisions for pork producers and those who service them due to COVID-19, maintaining mental health is even more of a concern, Athena Diesch-Chham told Pig Health Today. The veterinary social worker in the Veterinary Medical Center, College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota said mental health has been a taboo subject for far too long, noting that the quickest way to break that stigma is for everybody to join in the conversation. This is a population that has held that off for a very long time.

Statistics on veterinary mental health shocked the veterinary profession when they were released about 6 years ago. The numbers were alarmingly high, but some people remained in denial.

I remember the first conference I ever went to, Diesch-Chham recalled. I actually had a large-animal veterinarian tell me, This is a small-animal problem. We dont have this in large-animal practices.

When the American Association of Swine Veterinarians reached out to Diesch-Chham to speak to swine veterinarians, it was evident to her that the topic couldnt be ignored. Thankfully, the response has been positive. Swine veterinarians are getting into the conversation and are talking about what they can do to deal with stress.

A number of factors contribute to stress, but in reality, veterinarians are part of an unsustainable model, Diesch-Chham said. The high debt and isolation are part of being a large-animal veterinarian because their practices are primarily situated in rural areas. Other characteristics of the profession have existed for a long time, too.

We could talk about the old standard of veterinary medicine, where you work 100 hours a week, you are on call all the time, you are the lifeline for producers, you dont take vacations and you dont say no, Diesch-Chham said. You give, you give and you give, and thats not sustainable.

Large-animal veterinarians who have reached retirement age are having a hard time finding people to take over their practices, Diesch-Chham said. They want to blame it on a poor work ethic by the younger generations, but its more a matter of sustainability, she added, noting the model hasnt been sustainable for decades.

Veterinarians go into the profession because they love animals. The individuals select this profession somewhere between the ages of 5 and 8, and then build the rest of their lives around becoming a veterinarian, Diesch-Chham said.

They have a built-in caretaker genome from early on, she said. That caretaker gene makes it really hard for [veterinarians] to say, No, she added.

It also makes it difficult for them to allow time for themselves. The empathy they have for the animals in their care as well as for the farmers with whom they work overrides their personal wellness at times.

Veterinarians have feelings, and in veterinary medicine we do not teach people how to manage those feelings, Diesch-Chham said.

Diesch-Chham pointed out that not all stress is bad. In fact, manageable stress can help people reach levels of peak performance.

Thats when we are doing great things, but most of us cannot acknowledge and/or have no awareness of where the line is [between positive and negative stress], she said. Almost all of us push ourselves over the curve, and that is when we start to see the signs of burnout.

When that burnout goes on for a long time, it has, in the past, been called compassion fatigue but Diesch-Chham and others in the veterinary mental-health profession refer to it as moral distress.

Moral distress is about going too far for too long with situations that may or may not sit perfectly within your moral compass, Diesch-Chham said. If we think about veterinary medicine and how often that happens how often they are told they dont have the autonomy to say no to certain situations we get to moral distress.

Diesch-Chham first heard about moral distress and moral injury about 5 years ago and feels research on the topic has come a long way since that time.

Its awesome to see mental-health professionals studying it and applying it to veterinarians, she said. I have never met a veterinarian who stopped caring, and I would hypothesize that they care too much for too long.

When you ask someone how theyre doing, listen to their answer, Diesch-Chham said. If they say, Im okay, or Im fine, stop right there. Those are canned answers.

That means the individual is probably not okay. It may mean he/she doesnt want to discuss details or doesnt know if its safe to discuss details with you, Diesch-Chham explained. Dig deeper, she said. Make eye contact and show genuine concern so the individual will share with you how he or she is really feeling, she said.

Veterinarians may serve as a first line of defense for producers who are struggling with stress, too.

My dad is a producer, so Ive watched a lot of this my whole life, Diesch-Chham said. When things are going well, she sees how he interacts with his veterinarian and producer friends. She also sees what happens when the market tanks or when disease hits.

Changes within veterinary medicine need to occur, and awareness of those around us needs to improve, starting with active listening and picking up on cues.

If a veterinarian walked on my farm and said, Hey, how is your family? [he or she] might find out way more about the stressors going on in that farm or in that family than any other conversation, she said.

The same is true for veterinarians: Its important for them to communicate and go beyond surface pleasantries when they talk with peers and loved ones.

Diesch-Chham encouraged veterinarians who experience moral distress to reach out to their mental-health community.

You cant pull anybody else out of the stream if youre in it too, she said. We need to get veterinarians to a better place. Pull yourself out of the stream so you can help all of us on the banks pull people out who need help.

See the article here:
Veterinarians, mind your mental health - The Pig Site


70th anniversary of the Veterinary Medicine Traditional Day marked – Nhan Dan Online

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

Speaking at the ceremony, MARD Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien read a congratulatory letter sent by Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong to the cadres, civil servants, public employees, labourers and businesses working in the sector.

On behalf of the Party and State, Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh congratulated the sector for its efforts and achievements obtained over the past 70 years of construction and development.

The veterinary sector has attained many significant achievements in the prevention and control of animal, poultry and aquatic animal diseases, as well as in eliminating and controlling many dangerous animal diseases and zoonoses.

In addition, the sector has successfully researched and produced almost all veterinary medicines and vaccines to proactively prevent and control diseases, meeting both domestic needs and demand for export.

She expressed her belief that the sector would continue uphold its tradition and make further contribution to ensuring food hygiene and safety, protecting public health and the ecological environment, and accelerating trade promotion and exports of animals and animal products.

On this occasion, VP Thinh awarded the first-class Labour Medal, a noble reward of the Party and State, to the Veterinary Medicine sector.

Two collective and four individual also received Certificates of Merit from the Prime Minister for their outstanding achievements and contribution.

See more here:
70th anniversary of the Veterinary Medicine Traditional Day marked - Nhan Dan Online


How to get a COVID-19 test in Athens – Red and Black

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

Georgia recently surpassed 100,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases, according to the Georgia Department of Public Healths COVID-19 status report. The state now has 114,401 confirmed cases as of Saturday.

Clarke County has also seen a spike in cases, with 925 confirmed COVID-19 cases as of Saturday, according to the DPH. Less than one month ago, on June 16, the county had 417 confirmed cases. The Red & Black has compiled a list of COVID-19 test providers in Athens as cases increase.

The DPH has two testing sites in Athens listed on its website: the Clarke County School District Transportation Center off Newton Bridge Road and another location on Mitchell Bridge Road. According to the DPHs website, testing is available to all Georgians who request it even if they dont have symptoms.

You can call 706-340-0996 for appointments at either location Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m.-noon.

Clarke County School District Transportation Center

Location: 165 Paradise Blvd.

Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday: 9 a.m.-noon

Mitchell Bridge location

Location: 1030 Mitchell Bridge Rd.

Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Friday: 9 a.m.-noon

This clinic, run out of a van, aims to provide free COVID-19 tests for people who have transportation challenges, Dr. Suzanne Lester said in an email.

The clinic acts as an extension agent of the DPH for the Northeast Health District, which includes Athens-Clarke County. Lester is the medical director of the clinic and an associate professor of family medicine in the Augusta University/University of Georgia medical partnership, which supports the program alongside the ACC government.

There are no requirements to get a test, but Lester asks people with transportation to use the DPH drive-in testing sites so the mobile clinic can focus on people without reliable transportation. You do not need a drivers license or other documentation to get a test, Lester said in the email.

Call 706-308-4092 for appointments Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Location: Varies; Can conduct testing at homes and pop-ups at various community centers and other neighborhood locales

Hours: Tuesday-Thursday and most Saturdays with flexible hours based on needs and staffing availability

This private, nonprofit medical facility conducts COVID-19 tests for anyone and plans to expand testing to its two other locations soon, Jennifer Richardson, director of marketing and outreach, said in an email. Patients do not need to exhibit symptoms to be eligible for a test, and there is no out-of-pocket cost. The health center will bill the patients insurance, and most insurances cover COVID-19 testing without affecting co-pays, Richardson said in the email.

Call 706-255-4038 to schedule an appointment.

Location: 675 College Ave. (East Side and Hilsman Health Center locations to have testing capabilities soon.)

Hours: Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

This urgent care provider runs a drive-in COVID-19 testing site at Clarke Middle School but will need to move to a different location after July 17 because of school starting, said Tim Kiss, vice president of marketing at CRH Healthcare, Peachtree Immediate Cares parent company. Kiss said they are in talks with other locations, such as shopping centers, to use their large parking lots as the school prepares to start. They expect to have a new location on July 20.

Test appointments are going quickly and appear 24 hours in advance on the website. Fill out the online form to schedule an appointment.

Location: 1235 Baxter St.

Hours: Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-7 p.m.

Piedmont Urgent Care clinics can refer patients for testing, but walk-ins arent currently accepted, PARMC spokesperson Sydney Walker said in an email. Testing is for people who are currently sick. They ask anyone with emergency warning signs for COVID-19 to seek care immediately. Piedmont also offers antibody testing consult visits through its primary care practices and urgent care clinics. Most insurance carriers cover COVID-19 diagnostic and antibody testing, and self-pay is also accepted, Walker said in the email.

Book a virtual screening with a Piedmont Urgent Care provider here.

Location: Your nearest Piedmont Urgent Care location once you have a testing recommendation.

St. Marys does not provide COVID-19 testing for the general public, according to St. Marys spokesperson Mark Ralston. Testing capability is limited to patients admitted to one of St. Marys three hospitals, patients who are undergoing a procedure that will require an overnight stay, or for certain emergency department patients when necessary for their safety and the safety of others, Ralston said in an email.

The UGA University Health Center only offers COVID-19 testing to students. The Athens Veterinary Diagnostic Lab is now certified to support human coronavirus testing, and Veterinary Medicine is getting ready to perform this service, according to a July 8 ArchNews email.

Students may book appointments by calling 706-542-1162.

Location: 55 Carlton St.

Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Please let us know of other testing sites to add to this list. You can email us at news@randb.com.

Visit link:
How to get a COVID-19 test in Athens - Red and Black


Gov: Health workers must get bias training; issues mask plea – The Oakland Press

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

LANSING (AP) Michigan health workers must receive "implicit bias" training tied to their professional licensure under a directive issued Thursday by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who said the mandate will help address the coronavirus pandemic's disproportionate and deadly impact on people of color.

The Democratic governor also said she would soon announce steps to ensure compliance with Michigan's mask-wearing requirement in indoor public spaces. The state has the nation's 12th-lowest rate of COVID-19 infections over the past two weeks, but it has had an uptick of late with an average of 494 new cases over the last seven days, which is 200 more than the rolling average on June 24, according to Johns Hopkins University.

If K-12 schools are going to open in eight weeks, she said, "masking up is so important. We're asking every Michigander to do their part. We've got to get the politics out of this conversation and just do what we know to be the right thing."

Whitmer's order exempts violators of the mask requirement from a misdemeanor and fine, unlike people who do not socially distance, who attend outdoor gatherings of more than 100 in much of the state or in the case of certain business owners reopen. The restrictions are rarely enforced, however, and Whitmer said the last thing she wants is "to be doling out lots of penalties."

"Right now it is required, and for some reason people don't seem to know that," she said. "You're supposed to be wearing a mask. That is the law of the land."

The executive directive requires the state Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs to create rules to mandate implicit bias training standards as part of the knowledge and skills necessary for 368,000 health professionals to renew or get a new license or registration. Only those in veterinary medicine will be exempt.

The agency must consult with relevant industry groups by Nov. 1. Once the rule-writing process begins, it will take six months to a year to complete.

Black people make up 14% of Michigan's population but account for nearly 40% of its 6,271 confirmed or probable COVID-19 deaths. Although underlying conditions that exist at higher rates in the African American community heart disease, obesity, diabetes and asthma -- make Black people more susceptible to the virus, officials said implicit bias is a factor in health care, too.

"We need to realize that implicit medical bias can be interjected at any point when someone has to make a choice or a decision," said Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II, who is Black.

Randolph Rasch, dean of the Michigan State University College of Nursing, said implicit bias is someone's unconscious, negative classification of individuals or groups of people based on physical attributes.

"Because of how you think of someone, (it) unconsciously shapes how you decide what physical examination to do, how you decide which tests to run, how you decide what plan of care you develop for that person," he said. Requiring the training "is actually a support for you to provide better care."

Meanwhile Thursday, a coalition of major hospitals, companies and unions announced plans for a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign urging adherence to safety practices. It cited polling that shows residents are less concerned about the virus than before.

This provided by the Michigan Office of the Governor shows Michigan Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II, speaking in Lansing, Mich., Thursday, July 9, 2020. (Michigan Office of the Governor via AP, Pool)

"The combination of rising case counts and declining vigilance by many is placing our state at a tipping point in our battle with this disease," said Wright Lassiter III, president and CEO of Henry Ford Health System in Detroit.

Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, the state's chief deputy health director and chief medical executive, said the Grand Rapids region's 45 daily cases per million people is the highest among Michigan's eight regions. Outbreaks have been identified at food-processing plants, bars, a casino, religious gatherings and congregate-care settings, she said, but "there's also evidence of general community spread."

Whitmer on Thursday updated a workplace safety order to include specific rules for meatpacking plants.

Hospitalization and death rates have not increased, but there is a lag of several weeks after cases are confirmed, Khaldun said. Testing is up to 18,000 a day statewide while positive tests are now 3% instead of 2%.

In Detroit, Mayor Mike Duggan said the city lately has been recording 20 to 30 new cases a day, compared to 10 a few weeks ago. Many people who have been testing positive have not had symptoms.

"Eighty percent of this is wear a mask. ... You're going to be wearing a mask in October. You're going to be wearing a mask in December. That's just the truth," Duggan said.

See the rest here:
Gov: Health workers must get bias training; issues mask plea - The Oakland Press


St Kitts-Nevis well represented in the field of Veterinary medicine – Loop News Cayman

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

Now as a tenth-semester veterinary student at the Ross School of Veterinary Medicine, he believes he has unlocked the secrets that almost always guarantee ones success- hard work, commitment, and unwavering faith in God and sacrifice.

Shevaun was recently awarded the MU Small Animal Surgery Award at the University of Missouri.

He said this accomplishment has validated the years of sacrifice.

As a professional in a certain field, it is a refreshing feeling to be awarded for the work that you do. I used my knowledge obtained during my preclinical years at RUSVM in anatomy and surgical procedure not to just pass my small animal surgery exam, but to ace it and impress the surgery staff.

Shevaun said his pursuit of a career in veterinary medicine did not come as a surprise to his family and closest friends.

My mom started working at Veterinary Services at the Agriculture Department in 1995 and I was born in 1996. So Ive been at the veterinary Office my entire life. I wanted to be a veterinarian most of my life but at one point I realized Im terrified of large bovids (cows) So I had switched to culinary arts for a year or two but I talked to Dr Henry about it and he explained the method of restraining to me and then I went back to vet med.The young Vet said one of the greatest challenges he's encountered to date, is his battle with low self-esteem and the fact that he really didnt like to read.

Developing a sound and positive friend group really helped me develop my confidence and I feel like I had to start liking reading or else Because of my own experiences, I am very passionate about youth empowerment and helping other young people realise that theres no reason why they cant be who and what they want to be.

Shevaun hopes to one day own a restaurant.

As a child, he said this and other dreams seemed way beyond his reach, but hes grateful to know that with consistent commitment its only a matter of time before all of his dreams are realised.

I think my passion is fuelled by remembering the days when I thought there was no way I could ever be a veterinarian. I doubted the possibility and plausibility of this ever happening because of my financial/family background. Im grateful for my aunt Evelyn who saw greatness I didnt see in myself. She definitely changed my life.

Shevaun hopes to return home in September where he will begin work as an Associate Veterinarian at the Ministry of Agricultures Veterinary Services Department.

Considering the fluidity of the COVID-19 pandemic it remains to be seen if he would be allowed to return home on schedule, even so, Shevaun remains hopeful.

Read more from the original source:
St Kitts-Nevis well represented in the field of Veterinary medicine - Loop News Cayman


New initiative unifies the veterinary profession’s approach to sustainability – The Pig Site

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

Vet Sustain has been set up in response to the pressing societal issues of climate change, biodiversity loss, public health threats and persistent animal welfare challenges. It meets the calls of the Vet Futures and VN Futures projects for the veterinary professions to increase their prominence and influence in sustainability. Recognising the unique One Health skill set and trusted position held by vets, vet nurses and members of the vet-led team, Vet Sustain has laid out its strategy for supporting the professions to create meaningful change through their work.

July 2020 will see the Vet Sustain team launch their strategy, veterinary sustainability goals and new website. The website includes a growing list of how-to guides, training resources and case studies designed to support veterinary professionals to promote environmental and ethical animal care and production.

Dr Laura Higham, Vet Sustain founder, said the social enterprise will provide a platform for the veterinary community to come together and take collective action.

Our profession already delivers a wide range of sustainability services to society, explained Higham. We understand the inextricable links between human, animal and environmental well-being. But its time for our influence and duty to reach beyond the patients under our care, to all animals that are impacted by human activity.

Dr Simon Doherty, a director of Vet Sustain and senior vice president of the British Veterinary Association, said that veterinary professionals occupy an extraordinary niche for driving the sustainability agenda. By taking steps such as reducing the carbon footprint of our veterinary operations, ensuring responsible medicine use and supporting regenerative forms of agriculture and aquaculture, vets can address the environmental and ethical impacts of our own activities and the sectors we influence.

The organisation is currently focused on three key topics through their working groups: food and farming, sustainability in veterinary education and the environmental footprints of veterinary practices. By embedding and mainstreaming sustainability planning and action into the veterinary agenda, Higham is confident that Vet Sustain can support veterinary professionals to become a leading force for sustainability.

To support a sustainable future, we must tackle climate change, and promote healthy and biodiverse ecosystems, Higham continued. The COVID-19 pandemic has given a recent stark reminder of the importance of protecting nature to also protect humanity.

Individuals and organisations interested in finding out more or supporting the growing organisation are encouraged to visit the Vet Sustain website, follow on social media or contact Laura Higham at: laura@vetsustain.org

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New initiative unifies the veterinary profession's approach to sustainability - The Pig Site


Feed additives could mitigate the spread of deadly ASF – VeterinaryPracticeNews.com

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

Feed additives might be the key to controlling a rapidly spreading animal virus that is killing the worlds pig population and threatening human food security.

This is according to a newly published study out of Kansas State University (KState). The research, led by Megan Niederwerder, DVM, PhD, assistant professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology in the universitys College of Veterinary Medicine, explores how antiviral chemical additives in food can help mitigate risk of African swine fever (ASF) transmission.

The findings, Dr. Niederwerder says, could be a game-changer for the global swine industry.

Over the last two years, ASF is estimated to be responsible for the death of at least 25 percent of the worlds pig population due to the emergence of the virus within China and subsequent spread to over 10 other Asian countries, she says. In 2019, we published the first report of African swine fever virus (ASFV) transmission through the natural consumption of plant-based feed. Our subsequent work has focused on mitigation of ASFV in feed through the use of chemical feed additives and heat treatment.

At this time, there are no commercially available vaccines or effective treatments to cure the disease caused by the virus, Niederwerder says. Thus, control of ASF instead focuses on biosecurity measures to prevent the introduction of the virus into negative countries or negative farms and regions within a positive country. Additionally, large-scale culling of infected or high-risk animals is used to contain the spread of ASFV.

Niederwerders team examined two different classes of liquid feed additives, including a medium-chain fatty acid-based additive and a formaldehyde-based additive, for efficacy against ASFV in cell culture and in feed ingredients, KState says. In general, both demonstrated evidence of reducing the virus infectivity, with data supporting dose-dependent efficacy.

While feed additives have historically been used to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination in feed, research thus far has not reported efficacy for the inactivation of African swine fever virus in feed ingredients, KState says.

Our new research reports novel data evaluating the efficacy of feed additives on inactivating ASFV in an in vitro cell culture model and a feed ingredient transoceanic shipment model, Niederwerder says. This will provide valuable information to the swine industry with regard to mitigating the risk of potential routes for introduction and transmission of ASFV through feed and ingredients.

While the results of the study are promising, she stresses the need for a multifaceted approach to reducing the risk of ASFV in feed, including sourcing ingredients from countries without the virus when possible and implementing consistent biosecurity protocols at feed mills.

Mitigating the risk of African swine fever virus in feed with antiviral chemical additives, which was funded by a grant from the Swine Health Information Center and the State of Kansas National Bio and Agro-defense Facility Fund, has been published in Transboundary and Emerging Diseases.

See more here:
Feed additives could mitigate the spread of deadly ASF - VeterinaryPracticeNews.com


New OSU president hopeful that OSU-Cascades will partially re-open in fall – Bend Bulletin

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

Oregon State Universitys new president cant definitively say what college life will be like this fall at his schools campuses in Bend and Corvallis if the campuses are open at all. But F. King Alexander knows that classes will resume at OSU and OSU-Cascades this fall despite the COVID-19 pandemic, whether online, in classrooms or with a mix of both.

Some institutions are throwing in the towel, saying, Lets start in the spring. Were not doing that, Alexander told The Bulletin.

On July 1, Alexander, 56, took over the universitys presidency from Ed Ray, who led OSU since 2003 and oversaw the construction of OSU-Cascades campus in 2016. Alexander previously served as the president of Louisiana State University for seven years, and also led California State University Long Beach, as well as Murray State University in rural Kentucky, before arriving in Baton Rouge.

The tentative plan for OSUs campuses is a hybrid of in-person and online learning, Alexander said. Ecampus an online learning system which was named the fifth best online bachelors degree program in the country by U.S. News and World Report this year will come in handy in case the university has to lean more toward online courses if the pandemic worsens, he said.

Weve ramped up our Ecampus, but it was already one of the best in the country, Alexander said.

Because OSU is on a quarter system, the fall term doesnt start until Sept. 23. That means Alexander will closely watch universities that start earlier, such as the University of Florida and University of Texas-Austin, to see what impacts COVID-19 has on those campuses, and adjust accordingly in Bend and Corvallis.

Nobody ever predicted that the quarter system would give us this kind of an advantage in this unusual environment, Alexander said.

OSU leaders plan to release their final plan about re-opening in the fall by mid-August at the latest, Alexander said.

While leading LSU where the local county has more COVID-19-related deaths than the entire state of Oregon, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics Alexander learned the importance of having the local university be a community leader against COVID-19.

The citizens of the state, when a catastrophe occurs, turn to LSU to solve their problems, he said.

Alexander transformed the Tigers basketball arena into a production facility for personal protective equipment. And LSUs school of veterinary medicine was the first in the Baton Rouge area to open for community COVID-19 testing, he said.

He compared this to how OSU-Cascades led contact tracing in Bend earlier this summer.

As for Beaver football and other OSU fall collegiate sports, Alexander said his teams have had low numbers of positive COVID-19 tests and athletes have stayed socially distant while working out.

But the prevalence of COVID-19 in other PAC-12 Conference university cities, like Los Angeles and Phoenix, might derail fall sports, he said.

Arizona and Arizona State may not want their students playing ... nor will we be that comfortable sending our students into that environment if cases are still climbing, Alexander said.

The university will likely make a decision on fall sports in the next two to three weeks, he said.

Having overseen LSU branches in smaller Louisiana cities like Alexandria and Eunice, Alexander understands the importance of OSU-Cascades to nearby rural Central and Eastern Oregon towns, he said.

Theyre economic engines for the communities, but theyre also there to provide academic access and opportunity to students that either would not have had it or never had it, Alexander said of rural branch campuses. I know how important OSU-Cascades is to keeping many of the people in the region.

Despite the challenges of leading a university during a pandemic, Alexander expressed enthusiasm for taking the reins of OSU and OSU-Cascades. And hell push for continued campus expansion in Bend, despite the rough economic climate, he said.

We are completely behind this project at Cascades in Bend, and well stay behind it, Alexander said. We just hope our state Legislature understands the importance of serving the population that were serving at OSU-Cascades.

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New OSU president hopeful that OSU-Cascades will partially re-open in fall - Bend Bulletin


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