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Archive for the ‘Stem Cells’ Category

Skimpy Coverage of Alpha Clinic Concept Approval

Sunday, August 4th, 2013
News coverage of approval of the
California stem cell agency's ambitious, $70 million Alpha clinic
plan has been quite light but does include one article in the Los
Angeles Times
, the state's largest circulation newspaper.
The concept proposal was ratified last
week by the agency's board with RFAs scheduled to be posted in
October. The agency is seeking to build a basis for a robust stem
cell clinic business in California that would have an international
reach and give the state dominance in the industry.
Karen Kaplan's story in the Times last
week quoted CIRM President Alan Trounson as saying in 2010 about
agency's goals.

“If we went 10 years and had no
clinical treatments, it would be a failure. We need to demonstrate
that we are starting a whole new medical revolution.”

The stem cell agency was created by
voters in 2004 and funded with $3 billion in borrowed money. It will
run out of funds for new grants in 2017.
Outsourcing-Pharma.com caught up with
the plan this week in a story that said,

“The opportunity to run trails under
the well-funded CIRM could be a boon for CROs (contract research
organizations)....But the difficulties of handling the stem cells and
gathering enough patients to enroll in a trial may prove daunting for whatever
company tries to conduct the trials.”

The article also quoted CIRM spokesman
Kevin McCormack as saying,

 “No one has reached out to us yet
because the specific details of what we are looking for in the
clinics have not yet been decided.”

That said, considerable information is
available herehereherehere and here.)
Also reporting on board approval of the
Alpha clinic plan was GenNews.



Pay-for-Eggs Legislation Now Before California Gov. Jerry Brown

Sunday, August 4th, 2013
California's pay-for-eggs bill is now
officially on Gov. Jerry Brown's desk, awaiting his signature or
The measure, AB926 by Assemblywoman
Susan Bonilla, D-Concord, was sent to the governor at 4:45 p.m. PDT
yesterday. On July 1, it easily won legislative approval and
has been held in legislative processing since then. The governor has
12 days to act on the measure or it becomes law without his
The legislation would remove the state
ban on payment to women for their eggs for scientific purposes.
Currently women who provide their eggs for fertility purposes can be
compensated. Fees run as high as $50,000 in some cases, depending on
the characteristics of the woman providing the eggs, but generally
are in the $10,000 range or less. The bill does not affect the ban on
the use of funds from the California stem cell agency to compensate
egg providers.
Bonilla's bill is sponsored by the $5
billion-a-year fertility industry, which is backing it on motherhood
and sexual equity grounds. Supporters say women should receive
payment for their eggs just as men are paid for their sperm. They
also argue that more eggs are needed for research into fertility
problems. In the stem cell field, scientists have also said it is
nearly impossible to find women who will provide eggs unless they are
Opponents contend that the process of
stimulating production of eggs can be risky or dangerous. They say
that the longterm effects of the process have not been studied well.
They also argue that it will lead to exploitation of low income and
minority women to produce eggs that then can become a profitable
commodity for the largely unregulated fertility industry. (For more
informationon on the bill, see here, here and here.)
In one op-ed piece in The Sacramento
, opponents cited the late philosopher Ivan Illich, who was much admired by Jerry Brown, who considered him a friend. Illich was quoted as warning "against the processes of medical
industries which 'create new needs and control their satisfaction and
turn human beings and their creativity into objects.'"
The industry group says, however, that Brown is
committed to signing the bill.
The measure surfaced in the news
yesterday in an article on the Forbes magazine website by Jon Entine.
He wrote,

“Should activist groups, working
through legislators, exercise their control over women’s
reproduction? Do we really 'own' our own bodies? Or does that tenet
only hold when nanny groups say it’s okay?”

(One of the authors of The Sacramento Bee op-ed piece criticized in the Forbes article later filed a comment concerning their position.)

The egg legislation may have implications for
regulation of stem cell research by the state Department of Public
(again not involving the California stem cell agency). Last
month the California Stem Cell Report asked Hank Greely, a Stanford
law professor and chair of the state department's Human Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee, about the measure. He replied,

“Well, if (when?) AB 926 is signed, I
think our committee should meet to consider what recommendations we
would make to the (the department) as a result of the bill.  Those
recommendations could lead, if the committee and the department
agree, to a revision of the state guidelines.  As a matter of
law, a statute, particularly a subsequent statute, trumps a guideline
where they are in conflict, but basically I expect we'll see what the
committee thinks and what the department decides.  I don't wish
to guess at the results of either process.”

Another question that was not discussed
publicly during the debate on the legislation deals with whether human eggs provided with compensation would be subject to state sales tax at any stage in the process. A check of the tax code, however, makes it
clear that eggs are tax free. The code states that “any human body
parts held in a bank for medical purposes, shall be exempt from
taxation for any purpose." The definition of “bank”
includes research facilities, and "medical purposes" includes research.



Comment re Pay-for-Eggs Item and Forbes Article

Sunday, August 4th, 2013
One of the authors of an op-ed piece in The
Sacramento Bee
has filed a comment in connection with an item today on the California Stem Cell Report. The item dealt with the California pay-for-eggs bill, which was also the subject of an op-ed piece in The Sacramento Bee as well as an article yesterday on the Forbes
magazine website that discussed the op-ed piece critically.
A quotation from the article was contained in this item earlier
Here is the text of the comment from
Nancy Scheper-Hughes, a professor of anthropology at UC Berkeley and
director of Organs Watch.  Diane Tober, associate executive director of the Center for
Genetics and Society
of Berkeley, was the other author.

“Dr. Diane Tober and Prof. Nancy
Scheper-Hughes  are 'pro choice'  social scientists who are
concerned about the absence of any evidence-based medicine on the
long term effects of hyper-stimulation for oocyte (egg) production in
young women research subjects. We are not concerned about abortion,
right to life, or obstructing  needed and valuable research on
stem cells. We are concerned about the safety for potential research
subjects who are being actively recruited to participate in
 invasive medical procedures without any medical research
studies on the possible risks and consequences of egg multiplication
and extraction. We are on record that we  fully support stem
cell research but not at the expense of unprotected egg donors.”  



Pay-for-Eggs Legislation: A Comment on Risk

Sunday, August 4th, 2013
The author of the Forbes piece cited in
the eggs legislation item today has responded to a comment filed
by two persons opposed to the measure that would remove the ban in
California on paying women for their eggs for scientific research.
Here is the text filed by Jon Entine,
executive director of the Genetic Literacy Project.

“Diane and Nancy, I'm shocked that
you are either unaware or do not acknowledge that there are studies
of oocyte retrieval surgeries that show very persuasively that the
potential harm from this procedure is manageable. While you refer to 'stories' of women being harmed--that's called anecdotal
evidence and is the antithesis of science--you ignore the established
research in this area, which makes it clear that you are reacting
hysterically rather than responding to empirical evidence. I would
suggest that you read the National Academies Press workshop report:
Assessing the Medical Risks of Human Oocyte Donation for Stem Cell
Research (http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=11832).
It cites numerous studies, including a German study that examined the
outcome of approximately 380,000 oocyte retrieval surgeries during
2000-2004. For the procedures for which there was information, the
rate of complications was very low: only 0.002 percent—2 in every
100,000—had complications that required surgery to correct.

“Studies have also examined the
potential risks of retrieval for a woman's future fertility.
“According to one large study, the
rate of infection after oocyte retrieval was about 1 in every 200 IVF
cycles, and surgery is needed to treat pelvic abscesses in less than
1 in 1,000 IVF cycles. 

“About five hundred egg donations
take place in Canada each year, according to the Canadian Fertility
and Andrology Society.The CFAS told me that, between 2001 and 2010,
only two donors in Canada, out of a total of 4,177 donations,
suffered from “severe” OHSS, which usually involves
hospitalization. Fourteen others had “moderate” OHSS. These
numbers are collected in a database called the Canadian Assisted
Reproductive Technologies Registry.

“So sure, you can find your 'stories' but they do not represent a scientific review of the available
data--you are trying to legislate based on fear. That's not science;
that's the dark ages, and it's exactly the tactics used by
anti-abortionists (and indeed by organizations like the Center for
Genetics and Society which opposes such beneficial advances as
mitochondrial replacement surgery).

“Furthermore, because women have a
set of two ovaries and two fallopian tubes, they can remain fertile
even if one set is damaged, and there is no evidence that both might
be threatened simultaneously by the side effects of retrieval

“Today doctors have had two decades
of experience with the use of hormone treatments to maximize the
number of eggs that can be harvested from a woman, and they have
become quite proficient in the production of oocytes. During that
time they have also worked to improve the safety of the procedure and
decrease the potential risks. Despite these improvements some risk
will remain, because hormones have a powerful effect on the body—they
could not increase egg production so dramatically if this were not
true—and anything with a powerful effect on the body has the
potential for harmful side effects as well. 

“Egg donations are done for a reason.
There are risks and benefits. For you to exaggerate the risks based
on 'stories' and ignore the evidence is unconscionable.
It's exactly what anti-abortion groups do and what opponents of
genetically modified foods do--you promote fear around manageable (or
in the case of GMOs, negligible) risk. 

“Your call for 'further studies' is the age old technique of reactionaries trying to control other
people and impose their values on other people. You know darned well,
because of your fundamental ideological opposition to this procedure,
no study results could ever meet your standard of acceptability. 

“You are trying to control other
women's bodies, claiming you have superior knowledge and
wisdom--those are pro-life talking points. Your views, and that of
the organizations that you represent, are illiberal.”



California Stem Cell Agency Looking for New Home in Two Years

Sunday, August 4th, 2013
The California stem cell agency is located south of Market Street in San
 Francisco, close to the San Francisco Giants ballpark(upper right).  Since
 the agency has been there, the area has grown from seedy to gentrified. 
Some not-so-good news surfaced today in
San Francisco involving the $3 billion California stem cell agency.
The news has little to do with its
science efforts but everything to do with where it is located and its
overhead expenses. The agency will be forced out of its free office
space – 20,000 square feet – in two years. The free space was
provided under an $18 million recruitment package and is worth at
least $1 million a year, according to the agency's auditors.
The bad news is that the San Francisco
office-space market is sizzling hot. Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and
other technology firms are scrambling for space in
Baghdad-by-the-Bay, as the city is sometimes known. According to a story this morning by James Temple in the San Francisco Chronicle,
the firms are looking for a total of about 800,000 square feet and
are prepared to pay well for it.
One nearly completed deal involving
Yahoo would cost about $48 per square foot for a 10-year lease. If
CIRM paid at that rate, it would have nearly $1 million in additional
costs annually. However, leasing rates are expected to rise substantially in the next year or so. Also involved in a move would
be the cost of parking, which could run about $360,000 a year.
The stem cell agency is already
examining its options for new offices, including some sort of special
deal with the City of San Francisco.
Former State Sen. Art Torres, onetime
chairman of the state Democratic Party and co-vice chairman of CIRM,
briefed agency directors on the matter at its meeting in May. He

“I met with the mayor of San
Francisco(Ed Lee), who's a dear friend, and he encouraged us to be
aware that he's very committed to helping us find some space in San
Francisco. Whether it means tax credits or incentives to a potential
landlord, we still have to work that out. Obviously we still have to
work out what the space will be. But the fact that the mayor has
indicated very explicitly that he wants to keep us in San Francisco,
I think it will bode well for us down the road.

“The current owner of the property
(Stockbridge Capital Partners) has not been happy that for ten years
they've had to supply free rent to us. And what they didn't
anticipate was having to provide for over $755,000 in operating
costs, which they thought some donors would take are of. Those donors
-- some of whom passed away and others who chose to give money to
other institutions, UC San Francisco, in particular, to the stem cell
lab, which was very much appreciated, I know, by UCSF – but at
the end of the day, there's no room for negotiations with this
current owner.”

CIRM Director Joan Samuelson asked
Torres whether future rent would also be free. Torres, who is also
president of San Francisco's Public Utilities Commission, replied,

“I would not work on that assumption.
I would work on the assumption somewhere between a dollar and more,
again, dependent upon what kind of tax incentives the City of San
Francisco would provide. We're very fortunate that my son(Joaquin
) is the deputy mayor for economic development, so we also have
him working on this as well.”

Samuelson replied,

“I'll ask more questions offline.”



California Stem Cell Official Duane Roth in Improving Condition

Sunday, July 28th, 2013
Duane Roth, the co-vice chairman of the
California stem cell agency, is improving after he was hospitalized
for treatment of a serious brain injury sustained in a bicycle accident Sunday in
the mountains east of San Diego.
According to a report on Xconomy.com,
Roth's brother, Ted, said yesterday, 

“Were certainly moving in the
right direction. We're now looking at the recovery phase.”

The article by Bruce Bigelow said Roth
has passed through the most critical period following surgery at the
UC San Diego hospital.
Roth, the 63-year-old CEO of the San
Diego technology organization, Connect, is in serious condition in a
medically induced coma.
The governing board of the California
stem cell agency yesterday took special note of Roth at its meeting and sent its best wishes to him and his family.  



California Stem Cell Agency Launches $70 Million Alpha Stem Cell Clinic Project

Sunday, July 28th, 2013

The California stem cell agency today approved
a $70 million plan to create a network of “Alpha” stem cell
clinics that is aimed at making the Golden State one of the leading
purveyors and developers of stem cell therapies in the world.

The 29-member governing board of the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
adopted the plan on a 19-1 vote. The negative vote came from Joan Samuelson, who questioned
whether the plan was premature and whether existing scientific research justified development of the clinics. 
Sherry Lansing, a patient advocate board member and
former head of a Hollywood studio, said the proposal is “one of the
most exciting proposals that we have ever had in front of us.” She
said it was the “beginning of this dream coming true.”
Under the far-reaching proposal, which
CIRM President Alan Trounson has been promoting for two years, the
agency will finance five stem cell clinics at established
institutions in California with grants of up to $11 million. Another
$15 million will be allotted for a stem cell information and
coordination center. Major matching contributions will be expected
from award winners over the five-year terms of the grants.
The effort is aimed at drawing in
clinical trials and patients from the around the world and creating a
central bank of knowledge, know-how and regulatory expertise. It
will also guide efforts to build profits into stem cell therapies
and to develop strategies to attract investors and philanthropists.
(For more information on the plan, see here, here, here, here and
Trounson said in a statement,

“These clinics have the potential to
revolutionize how we deliver stem cell therapies to patients. Stem
cell therapies are a completely new way of treating diseases and
disorders so we need a completely new way of delivering those in a
safe and effective manner. These clinics will help us do just that
and the clinical trials carried out in this network will fulfill the
agency’s promise of bringing new therapies to patients who need

The journal Nature Medicine has
reported that the Alpha clinics would be the first-ever “clinical
trials network focused around a broad therapeutic platform.”
The CIRM board heard no negative
comment on the plan other than the remarks by Samuelson. . However,
not everyone sees a need for it. Mahendra Rao, director of the Center
for Regenerative Medicine
 at the National Institutes of
, says its surveys of researchers have not shown a demand
for such centers. In May, a researcher at institution that likely
would be an applicant filed a blistering, anonymous comment on the
California Stem Cell Report, describing it as a "boondoggle" and "irresponsible." The scientist said,

“Another boondoggle for some medical
schools but made to order for private operators like for-profit
cancer, dialysis, and laser eye specialty clinics that do one
procedure.  I can see each of the medical schools gifted with
one as they each were gifted with about 25 million dollars for stem
cell institute buildings.”

The researcher continued,

“The NIH at various times has tried
to organize clinical trials groups with infrastructure, like quick
reaction forces, ready to gear up for a new trial at the drop of a
hat. They mainly did nothing but suck money, kept staff employed,
because there are generally few drugs ready for early human trials
and each treatment that is brought along requires a unique contract,
ethics reviews, and different facilities, equipment and staff than
planned for.  The latest incarnation are CTSAs or CTSIs,
clinical and translational science centers funded by the federal NIH
that most if not all California medical schools already have.”

The RFA for the proposal is expected to
go out in October and approval of funding coming one year from now. Here is the link to today's CIRM press release on the plan. 



Another $23 Million to Recruit Star Stem Cell Scientists to California

Sunday, July 28th, 2013
California's $46 million effort to lure
stem cell research stars to the Golden State was expanded today by
another $23 million.
Directors of the stem cell agency
approved the funds on a 14-4-1 vote. CIRM directors Jeff Sheehy and
Francisco Prieto were among those opposing the move. Prieto declared,

“We are coming up against finite resources. We have better ways to spend
our money."

 Sheehy said that CIRM is contributing to inflation in stem cell science with its lucrative recruitment grants. 

Those supporting the expansion said that the grants have had a great impact on the field, not only bringing in individual scientists, but accompanying researchers in their labs along with grants from other sources.
The additional funds will go to
institutions that have not already benefited from one of the earlier
grants in the program. Up to four awards are expected to be made.
The CIRM staff proposal on the plan

“A number of California institutions
have not yet been able to secure a confirmed Research Leadership
award but would benefit greatly from the recruitment of emerging or
established leaders in stem cell biology. Participation in the CIRM
program could bring additional, exceptional researchers to
California, strengthen and synergize with other efforts to build up
local sustained research communities in stem cell biology and
medicine and provide ongoing leadership at the cutting edge of
California regenerative medicine.”

All of the California institutions
involved with the winning researchers have representatives on the
governing board of the stem cell agency. They are not allowed, however, to vote
on grants to their institutions or researchers -- only on proposals such as today's $23 expansion.
Applications are due in January with
final approval scheduled for next May. The program is not open to



Coming Up: Live Coverage of Today’s California Stem Cell Meeting

Sunday, July 28th, 2013
The California Stem Cell Report will
provide live, wall-to-wall coverage of today's meeting of the
governing board of the $3 billion California stem cell agency.
At the top of the agenda is a $70
million proposal aimed at creating a string of Alpha stem cell clinics in
California that would serve as a foundation for the state's stem cell
business. Also on tap are other proposed grant programs, including a
$23 million expansion of a researcher recruitment effort and a $35 million round aimed at removing roadblocks to turning research into
Stories will be filed as warranted
throughout the day based on the Internet audiocast of the proceedings. 

Interested parties can also listen in
on the meeting via the Internet. Instructions can be found on the agenda.  



Stem Cell Lines and Paid-for Eggs: Stem Cell Agency Delays Action on Easing Restrictions

Sunday, July 28th, 2013
A key panel of the California stem cell
agency today balked at approving a plan to ease restrictions on
using stem cell lines derived from women who were paid for their
The proposal had been scheduled to be
taken up tomorrow by the governing board of the $3 billion agency,
but the board's standards working group delayed action.
In response to a question, Kevin
, a spokesman for the agency, said in an email,

“It was felt that more discussion
was needed before moving to a vote so another meeting is going to be

In 2006, the CIRM governing board
approved regulations that banned the use of CIRM funds for stem cells
lines derived using compensation. That rule would be modified under
today's plan, which would permit the CIRM governing board to approve
the use of such lines following a staff study evaluating scientific and ethical issues.
Their use would be allowed if the lines would “advance CIRM's

The delay came after four
organizations, including the Center for Genetics and Society in
Berkeley, argued that the plan is vague and did not adequately
address safety issues.
The four-page statement by the groups
said that the plan does not appear to have met “numerous concerns”
raised in 2009 in a document co-authored by the CIRM staff. Those
concerns include long-term risk and ethical issues.
Under the proposal, the groups said
that the agency governing board

“...will decide whether to approve a
grantee’s request to use a stem cell line created with paid-for
eggs on the basis of whether doing so 'will advance CIRM’s
mission.' This criterion is much too vague, and doesn’t include
consideration of the health or welfare of the women who undergo egg
retrieval. Protecting the well-being of women providing eggs is not
even mentioned (though perhaps it could be considered as an element
of the fifth of five 'factors to be considered by the ICOC(the agency
board),' 'whether the donation…was consistent with `best practices’
at the time of donation').”

The standards group also heard from a
UCLA researcher who argued on behalf of the change. Kathrin Plath
said she and her colleagues wanted to use a paid-for stem cell line
from the Oregon experiment that cloned human stem cells.

(An earlier version of this item said the change under consideration would ease restrictions on "purchasing" stem cell lines. The word "purchasing" was changed to "using.")
Here is the text of the statement by
the four organizations.



UCLA Researcher Calls for Easing of Restrictions on Stem Cell Lines Derived from Eggs From Paid Providers

Sunday, July 28th, 2013
A UCLA researcher has spoken out in
support of a proposal to allow use of California stem cell agency
funds to purchase stem cell lines derived from eggs provided by women
who have been paid for the service.
Kathrin Plath, an associate professor, said in a letter to the agency that she and her colleagues would like to use a line from the Oregon SCNT
experiment by Shoukhrat Mitalipov in which human stem cells were cloned. Currently agency funds cannot be used for that purpose as
a result of regulations that are the extension of a state law that
bars use of agency funds for payment for eggs.
The agency's standards group meets later today to consider changing those regulations. The proposal will
then go before the full board tomorrow.
Plath, who has received $5 million from CIRM, said,

“In my lab, we are ... interested in
understanding what happens to the somatically silenced X chromosome
when differentiated cells are reprogrammed by SCNT. The key question
is: are these SCNT-ESCs more similar to iPSCs or
fertilization-derived ESCs with respect to the epigenetic state of
the X chromosome. Furthermore, it has been shown in mouse
reprogramming that the active X chromosome becomes deregulated during
SCNT-based reprogramming, and we would like to address this problem
in the human system as well.

“We believe that the comparison of
the epigenetic states between fertilization-derived ESCs, SCNT-ESCs
and human iPSCs is important for a better characterization of these
cells and understanding of their epigenetic nature.”



$70 Million Alpha Stem Cell Clinic Project Garners Mainstream Media Attention

Sunday, July 28th, 2013
California's $70 million plan for a
chain of “Alpha” stem cell clinics today received its first major
attention from the mainstream media.
The story came in the state's largest
circulation newspaper, appearing this morning on the home page of the
website of Los Angeles Times.
The Alpha project would create five clinics
around the state and a coordination/information center under a
concept that comes before the governing board of the state's $3
billion stem cell agency at its meeting tomorrow in Burlingame, Ca. Funds could be
awarded as early as a year from now. (For more information, see here
and here.)
Reporter Eryn Brown quoted Natalie
, special projects officer for CIRM, as the stem cell agency is known, and Maria Millan, a CIRM
medical officer. Brown wrote,

“Clinics to conduct trials of stem
cell therapies have different needs than clinics designed to deliver
conventional therapies, DeWitt and Millan said. They need special
facilities for handling the cells safely, as well as imaging
equipment to track the cells once they're delivered into a patient’s
body.  Some of this infrastructure already exists, but other
parts of it still need to be perfected.  Establishing clinics to
house multiple trials might create the critical mass needed to get
the infrastructure in place, they said....

"Additionally, they said, CIRM
hopes that such collaboration would encourage stem cell companies to
share information -- speeding their own work and also helping out
policymakers and insurers who are trying to figure out how they'll
pay for stem cell therapies in the future.”

The Times quoted the
California Stem Cell Report as saying last week,

 “The Alpha clinics
are aimed at creation of a sturdy foundation for the stem cell
industry in California, capitalizing on the burgeoning, international
lure of stem cell treatments.”

The proposal envisions Alpha stem cell
clinics at major, established institutions around the state. It is
possible that two could be located in the Los Angeles area at
institutions such as UCLA, USC, Cedars-Sinai or the City of Hope, all
of which have representatives on the stem cell agency's governing
board. Other likely locations are in the San Francisco Bay area and
San Diego, again at facilities such as Stanford, UC San Francisco and
UC San Diego that have representation on the agency board.

Institutions competing for the grants,
including businesses, will be subject to closed-door. peer review
prior to final action by the full governing board.  



Paying for Human Eggs, Ivan Illich and Jerry Brown

Sunday, July 21st, 2013
California's pay-for-eggs bill is
stalled in a technical parliamentary process as opponents continue to
wage their campaign urging Gov. Jerry Brown to veto the proposal,
which swept easily through the legislature.
The latest volley against the
industry-sponsored measure appeared this week as an op-ed in The Sacramento Bee. The legislation would allow women to be paid for eggs for scientific research. The op-ed piece invoked the philosopher Ivan Illich, a
longtime friend of Jerry Brown and much respected by him.
Written by Diane Tober and Nancy
of the Center for Genetics and Society of Berkeley,
the July 16 article said,

“The late historian of science and
technology, Ivan Illich, warned against the processes of medical
industries which 'create new needs and control their satisfaction and
turn human beings and their creativity into objects.'"

The op-ed said,

“Women's research eggs (have) become
the hot new bio-product, increasing the profits of the
multibillion-dollar-per-year infertility industry at the expense of
women's health, safety and possibly, their future fertility. Is this
the 'equity' we want for ourselves, our sisters and our daughters?”

In 2003, Brown wrote a remembrance of
Illich, whom he first met in 1976. Brown said that Illich

“...bore witness to the destructive
power of modern institutions that 'create needs faster than they can
create satisfaction, and in the process of trying to meet the needs
they generate, they consume the earth.'”

The egg compensation bill (AB926 by
Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla, D-Concord) would remove a ban in
California on paying women who provide their eggs for scientific
research. Currently women who provide eggs for fertility purposes can
be paid, sometimes as much as $50,000, depending on the
characteristics of the woman providing the eggs. The bill would not
alter the ban on using research funds from the California stem cell
agency to pay for eggs. However, the agency next week will consider a proposal to allow use of agency funds to purchase stem cell lines
derived from eggs through compensation. (For
more information
the bill
here, here and here.)
The egg bill received final legislative
approval on July 1. The governor has 12 days to act on the measure
once it actually reaches his desk. However, as of this morning, the
legislation remained in what is known as the “engrossing and
enrolling” process. It could be a routine delay but the process can
also be used to manage the flow of legislation to the governor. Brown
is currently on a two-week trip to Germany and Ireland and is not
expected to return until near the first of August.



California Stem Cell Agency to Commit 20 Percent of Remaining Cash

Sunday, July 21st, 2013
The California stem cell agency next
Thursday is expected to move forward with plans to give away $128
million, roughly 20 percent of its remaining funds.
The programs include the $70 million Alpha clinic plan, an ambitious five-year project that would be one
of the $3 billion agency's hallmark efforts. The other “concept”
rounds up next week include a $35 million “tools and technology”RFA and $23 million to recruit four more star, stem cell scientists to California.
The agency has committed about $1.8
billion of its $3 billion so far with about $700 million available
for future spending. The remainder is going for the agency's
administrative expenses. Cash for new grants is expected to run out
sometime in 2017. Total cost of the agency's efforts run to about $6
billion because it operates with money borrowed by the state and must
pay interest.
The agency is currently engaged in
developing a plan to develop new sources of funding with an eye on
some sort of public-private model. It solicited proposals in May for
help with the effort, with the goal of completing a plan by this
fall. At last report, however, the contract with the consultant had
not been let.
The “strategic roadmap,” as it is
called, is likely to come up at next week's governing board meeting
along with a review of agency goals for the 2013-14 fiscal year.
On the agenda is a proposal to modify the agency's ban on use of its funds to purchase stem cell lines derived from human eggs supplied by women who have been paid. That proposal will
also be heard by the agency's standards group next Wednesday.
The agency has additionally been busy
implementing recommendations from a performance audit in May 2012.
The audit said the agency was laboring under a range of problems that
include protection of its intellectual property and management of its
nearly 500 grants plus an inadequate ability to track its own
performance. A staff Power Point presentation seems to indicate that it is making substantial progress in solving the problems identified by the audit.
Next week's meeting will be in
Burlingame near the San Francisco Airport. Two remote locations where
the public can participate are also available in Los Angeles.
Addresses can be found on the agenda.

The California Stem Cell Report will
provide live coverage of the meeting based on the Internet audiocast
with stories filed as warranted.  



California’s $70 Million ‘Alpha’ Stem Cell Clinic Plan Headed for Approval Next Week

Sunday, July 21st, 2013
Alpha clinic organizational diagram
Graphic by CIRM
California's stem cell agency next week
is likely to approve a $70 million plan to build a taxpayer-financed
chain of  “Alpha” stem cell clinics in what could be a major step
towards making California the stem cell capital of the world,
The proposal would create five centers
at existing institutions or businesses to be funded at up to $11
million each over five years. Also proposed is a coordination and
information center that would receive $15 million over five years.
A story in Nature Medicine said that
the Alpha clinics would be the first-ever “clinical trials network focused around a broad therapeutic platform.”
The clinics are expected to draw stem
cell projects from the around the world as well as those
funded by the $3 billion California stem cell agency. The proposal
would be one of the largest single research efforts funded by the
agency, formally known as the California Institute for Regenerative
Medicine (CIRM)
and use about 10 percent of its remaining cash.
The Alpha clinics are aimed at creation
of a sturdy foundation for the stem cell industry in California,
capitalizing on the burgeoning, international lure of stem cell
treatments. Indeed, one of the objectives of the information center
is to divert people from dubious treatments elsewhere.
The plan would fill a “profound gap”
in quality information about stem cell treatments, according to a CIRM document, which said,

“By providing this resource, the public and potential patients
would be better educated and informed, whether or not they should opt
to enroll in clinical trials or approved treatments at any of the
Alpha clinics.”

The Alpha concept was first broached two years ago publicly by
CIRM President Alan Trounson, a pioneer in IVF research and the IVF
business. His proposal has received early and heavy
attention on the CIRM website with a video, blog items and a white paper.
The plan has received little critical
attention although a researcher from an institution that could be a
candidate for an Alpha clinic commented harshly in May on the California
Stem Cell Report,
calling the proposal “an irresponsible waste”and a “boondoggle for some medical schools.” The researcher, who
asked that he/she not be identified, said,

“CIRM will pay for an unneeded
infrastructure that will be empty space and staff sitting on their
hands 99 percent of the time.  Or worse yet, CIRM will pay but
the space will be used for other things, other clinic procedures paid
for by insurance.”  

Elie Dolgin's July 8 piece in Nature
Medicine quoted Mahendra Rao, director of the Center for Regenerative
at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), as applauding the concept. However, Rao said he doesn't
anticipate the approach being tried nationally soon.
Dolgin wrote,

“Rao regularly asks researchers
hoping to advance promising stem cell therapies whether they require
additional clinical infrastructure. 'So far, what they've told us is
they'll let us know if they need anything more than (the) programs
that we have already established,' he says.”

The question of the size of the demand
for Alpha clinics is not addressed in the CIRM concept plan. Also
absent is much discussion of the business aspects of the proposal. It
does mention “corporate sponsors” in passing. In a CIRM blog item
yesterday, Natalie DeWitt, special project director at the agency,
touched on business elements, declaring,

“(The proprosal) will yield better
clinical trial design, accelerated approval of high quality
treatments, and data and know-how to inform regulatory and
reimbursement decisions.”

Reimbursement is the industry euphemism
for creating ways to generate profits for stem cell firms.
The proposal said applicants would have
to bring substantial support from their own institutions and
“demonstrate the potential to bring in a pipeline of additional
stem cell-based therapeutic trials as well as future funding streams
to sustain the clinic.” Applicants would also be “evaluated in
their ability to create a positive 'brand' that would attract
clinical trials.”
Also up in the air was whether grant
reviewers, all of whom come from out-of-state, would have special
expertise to evaluate the business aspects of each applicant's
proposal along with their business track record.
What is before the CIRM directors July
25 at their meeting in Burlingame, Ca., is a request for approval of the concept, which
would be fleshed out for the RFA. The governing board almost always
approves staff concepts, although they may modify them slightly. A
number of directors come from institutions that are likely to be
applicants in the program. They can participate in voting on the
concept plan but would be barred from voting on any applications that
come in later. The two RFAs could go out as early as October with
approval of funding of applications one year from now.
In addition to the Burlingame meeting
site, members of the public can participate from two teleconference
locations in the Los Angeles area. The specific locations can be
found on the meeting agenda.
The California Stem Cell Report will
provide live coverage of the entire meeting, filing reports as
warranted based on the Internet audiocast.
Here are excerpts from CIRM's staff
document on the plan.

“To accelerate therapeutic
development and delivery of stem cell therapies, CIRM proposes
establishing the CIRM Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network (CASC Network).
The network will be designed to support projects emanating from
CIRM’s funding pipeline, as well as scientifically outstanding stem
cell products being developed worldwide and brought to California.
Conceptually, the CASC Network is intended to be a sustainable
infrastructure designed to support academic- and industry-initiated
clinical trials, and delivery of therapies proven safe and

“The major thrusts (of the overall
plan) will be:

• Development of clinical capacity
and associated resources designed to support the effective
implementation and execution of clinical trials and delivery of
registered stem cell therapies

• Compilation of data and
information concerning clinical trial experience and therapy outcomes
to further inform the research, regulatory, and general community
about the status of investigational stem cell interventions and
long-term outcomes

• Dissemination of information to
the public and counseling of patients and potential trial subjects
about therapeutic options and clinical trials involving stem cells in
the network and elsewhere.”

“The long-term vision is for the
Alpha Clinics to expand and accommodate a broad array of stem
cell-based clinical trials, where the trial meets the scientific,
clinical trial design and ethical standards set forth by the Alpha
Clinics Network, as well as FDA approved treatments.”

The coordinating and information center
would be expected to :
“Build relationships with
Accountable Care Organizations, and participate in initiatives for
informing coverage and payment decisions

“Design strategies to attract
investors and philanthropists to CASC network

“Create business plans, and marketing
and branding strategies for financial sustainability of the Alpha
Clinics Sites and (the coordination/information center)”.



Veto Campaign Launched on California Pay-For-Eggs Bill

Sunday, July 14th, 2013
Opponents of the California
pay-for-eggs bill have kicked off a campaign to urge Gov. Jerry Brown to veto the industry-backed legislation.
The Center for Genetics and Society of
Berkeley yesterday posted a pitch on its website urging readers to
contact the governor's office by email, fax, phone or letter. The
target is a bill that would remove the ban in California on paying
women for their eggs for stem cell and other scientific research.
Women can already be paid for their eggs for fertility purposes.
Diane Tober, associate executive
director of the center, wrote,

“If you agree that more research on
short- and long-term risks is needed before expanding the market for
women’s eggs, please act quickly. Contact Governor Brown and ask
him to veto AB926.”

Also making the same pitch is the
Alliance for Humane Biology, another San Francisco Bay area
The bill, AB926 by Assemblywoman Susan
, D-Concord, has literally been cloaked in motherhood/reproductive issues. The measure has easily swept through the legislature and is now on its
way to the governor. The bill is sponsored by the AssociationFew if any stem cell or other research
organizations have been heard from during hearings on the bill. (For
more information, see here, here and here.)
However, stem cell scientists have
complained in past years about the lack of eggs for research,
declaring that women want to be paid.
The measure would not affect the ban on
compensation for eggs in research funded by the $3 billion California
stem cell agency. However, the agency on July 24 will consider providing exceptions for stem cell lines derived from eggs that
involve compensation for women.



Sacramento Mental Health Advocate Appointed to Stem Cell Agency Board

Sunday, July 14th, 2013
Al Rowlett
Turning Point photo
Sacramento mental health advocate Al
has been named to the governing board of the $3 billion
California stem cell agency, it was announced today.
Rowlett replaces Jonathan Shestack on
the 29-member panel. Shestack had served on the board since 2004,
when the agency was created by the Proposition 71 ballot initiative.
Rowlett is chief operating officer of Turning Point Community Programs in Sacramento. He was appointed to
the CIRM board by California Assembly Speaker John Perez, D-Los
Angeles. Rowlett will fill one of the 10 patient advocate slots on
the board. He will be only African-American on the panel. The board
had also included one African-American, Ted Love, from 2004 to April
2012, when Love resigned.
Rowlett is no stranger to public and
governmental service. He is in his second term as a member of the Elk
Grove school board
, the fifth largest school district in California.
He has worked for Turning Point since 1981.
CIRM's press release said Rowlett also
serves on several other boards including Child Abuse Prevention
Center, California Institute of Mental Health
and is a commissioner
for the United States Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
Certification Program.
In 2007, Rowlett won the National Association
of Social Work- California and California State University – Heart
of Social Work Award
and the Asian Pacific Community Counseling –
Inspirational Mental Health Leadership Award.



TV News Piece on Pay-for-Eggs Airs in Los Angeles, San Francisco

Sunday, July 14th, 2013
The California pay-for-eggs legislation
yesterday picked up some mainstream media coverage, including a
two-minute, 24-second segment on two major television stations in Los
Angeles and San Francisco.
The piece stands out because the
mainstream media has largely ignored the bill, with a couple of
exceptions. The piece is also exceptional because it appeared on TV
news, which reaches many more people than print media.
Nannette Miranda, Sacramento bureau
chief for KABC-TV in Los
Angeles, KGTV in
San Diego, KGO-TV in San
Francisco and KFSN-TV in Fresno, prepared the segment, which included on-camera interviews with both
supporters and opponents. The video appeared on KGO and KABC
and may well appear later on the other stations. It can be seen at
the end of this item.
The legislation, AB926 by Susan
, D-Concord, would remove the ban in California on paying
women for their eggs for stem cell and other scientific research.
Women can already be paid for their eggs for fertility purposes.
Another piece on the bill appeared in
another mainstream media outlet this morning, the San Diego U-T.
Writing in an op-ed column, Leah Campbell said she sold her eggs at
age 25 and has since become infertile as the result of problems her
doctors believe involved the process of providing the eggs.

“Six months (after providing the
eggs) my body began to fail me. I had always been a healthy and
active woman, but suddenly I was crippled by pain and unable to live
the life I had once enjoyed. I was soon diagnosed with stage IV
endometriosis, a disease my doctors now believe was pushed into
overdrive as a result of the potent hormones involved in my egg
donation protocols.”

Campbell continued,

“AB 926 may open the doors for
increased fertility research, but the potential costs for women’s
lives and health far outweigh any compensation that could ever be



Shestack Resignation Letter: Heartfelt and Eloquent

Sunday, July 14th, 2013
Jon Shestack(l) with J.T. Thomas, chairman of
CIRM, at a 2012 board meeting
California Stem Cell Report photo
Patient advocate Jon Shestack , who
resigned this week as a director of the
California stem cell agency, was on board on Day One in December 2004
when the agency's work began with no offices, no desks, no chairs, no phones and
no ability to even write checks.
Shestack's appointment came as a result
of his work in the autism community. He and his wife, Portia Iversen,
founded Cure Autism Now in 1995. A Hollywood film producer, Shestack
rattled cages at CIRM from time to time during his eight years of
service. And earlier this week, he wrote a heartfelt, eloquent
resignation letter, which he provided to the California Stem Cell
The full text can be found below. Here are some excerpts.

“Over eight years there were moments
that were inspiring, some were contentious, and there was a bruising
number of meetings but through it all, the board was involved,
passionate and, will forever be for me, the gold standard when it
comes to integrity.
“The same goes double for the staff –
truly the most excellent, devoted, committed group of people I
have ever had the pleasure of working with.”

“When I started at CIRM, my sweet son
with autism was 12. Now he is 21. Over eight years our family has
learned more about how many are the challenges that await him and how
few the opportunities he has to look forward to. We have seen his
world get smaller and smaller. While my son is special to me. He is
not unique. There are thousands and thousands affected by mental
illness who need a better life.
“Sometimes feel that I have failed
these people, in particular those affected by autism or cerebral
palsy. Though CIRM ran first-rate workshops on these disorders, we
did not do all we could to follow up, put out disease-specific RFAs
and get in proposals that addressed the workshop recommendations. I
wish I had been more persuasive."

“In the movies, the third act is
where the hero takes stock of all the previous wins and losses, all
the hardships and lessons learned, and she puts all that knowledge
together in new, and surprising ways until victory is within reach!
As CIRM enters its third act, I hope it will do the same. I hope it
will challenge itself, always put the urgency of the mission
ahead of everything else and be willing to question the policies that
have been so successful in the past, and consider that new ones may
be needed for the future.
“And this is the future as I see it
for CIRM. We will have faith, but we will continue to earn our
miracles We will use our hearts and our minds to rip those miracles
out of the dreamy future and make them real today. We will seek out
the best scientists and encourage them to use all their wisdom, art
and discernment to bring us cures. And when we have done that, we
will do it again the next day. We will be optimistic, but not
satisfied. We will question authority, despise complacency and above
all love those among us in need of healing--this is the obligation
without end, whose reward is also without end.”



California Stem Cell Merger: Capricor and Niles Therapeutics

Sunday, July 14th, 2013
Capricor, Inc., a Beverly Hills company
benefiting from $27 million from the California stem cell agency,
this week announced that it is merging with Niles Therapeutic, Inc.,
of San Mateo.
Linda Marban
Capricor photo
The Capricor story and its treatment
for heart disease have been highlighted (see here and here) by the $3
billion state research agency, which is partially funding a clinical
trial for the firm. The firm sprang from work by Eduardo Marban of
Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, one of Capricor's founders. He received
$6.9 million for his early and current work. Capricor was awarded
$19.8 million more.
Capricor, a privately held firm, and
the publicly traded Niles announced on Monday that they were merging.
The new company will be known as Capricor Therapeutics, Inc., and will
be based in San Mateo.
The new firm will be publicly traded
with Capricor CEO Linda Marban as the new CEO.
The new board of directors will have
two members from Niles and seven from Capricor, including its
executive chairman, Frank Litvack, who was an unsuccessful candidate for chairman of the stem cell agency board in 2011.
The merger press release said that the
new company “should
have better access to capital, more potential for steady pipeline
development and more risk diversification."
On completion of the merger, a joint
press release said,

will issue to Capricor stockholders shares of Nile common stock such
that Capricor stockholders will own approximately 90% of the combined
company's outstanding shares, and Nile stockholders will own
approximately 10%, calculated in each case on a fully-diluted basis
assuming the issuance of shares underlying options and warrants.
Options of Capricor will be assumed by Nile and become options to
acquire stock of Nile.”

Linda Marban said,

and Nile's product portfolios complement each other well, as our
therapies will address both the underlying causes and debilitating
effects of heart disease. Capricor's CDCs are allogeneic cardiac
derived stem cells that aim to attenuate and potentially improve
damage to the heart that can result in heart failure, while Nile's
cenderitide is intended to treat patients following hospital
discharge from an acute episode of heart failure."

Niles' stock price stood at $0.04
recently. Its 52 week high was $0.20 and the 52-week low was $0.02.



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