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Archive for the ‘Stem Cells’ Category

In Rare Negative Vote, CIRM Directors Nix $6.3 Million Grant Application

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

Directors of the California stem cell agency today rejected a $6.3 million grant to recruit an unidentified researcher to the Buck Institute after some of CIRM's grant reviewers raised questions about his/her research, achievements and experience.

The CIRM governing board voted 3-16 with two abstentions on the grant, which scored 76 out of 100 during a closed-door session of reviewers earlier this month. Directors were told that the grants review group voted 11-6 to approve the application.

The CIRM board almost never rejects a recommendation from grant reviewers.

During the board's discussions, several directors raised questions about whether CIRM would be paying -- with the grant -- for research that did not fit within its objectives. Others said the intent of the agency's recruitment grant program was to attract the best scientists to California.

The research proposal was the subject of an unusual, dissenting minority report by reviewers. The CIRM staff-prepared review summary said,

"A motion to recommend the application for funding carried with a majority vote. Because the motion was opposed by more than 35% of members, opponents have exercised their right to have that position reported to the ICOC(the CIRM governing board). The GWG(grant review group) members raised three main opposing points. First, some GWG members were not convinced that the research program proposed by the candidate, despite its scientific merits in a simple model organism (the fruitfly Drosophila), would be translated effectively to mammalian models and human studies. Thus, they questioned whether the work would have significant impact on CIRM's mission of advancing stem cell research toward therapies. Second, some GWG members felt that the candidate's research vision did not extend far beyond significant discoveries to which the candidate has already contributed, and was, therefore, solid and safe but not venturesome or compelling. Third, although the candidate is clearly a rising star, some GWG members were concerned that the candidate's achievements and experience were not yet sufficiently mature for the leadership position expected under this award."

However, the review summary also said,

"The goal of the proposed research is to expand the study of molecular pathways mediating stem cell aging and to extend these investigations into mammalian cells....The proposed studies will investigate the regulation of stem cell activity and aging in response to nutritional conditions and environmental stress. These efforts could yield new insights into a range of chronic diseases and lead to therapeutic approaches to maintain or restore adult stem cell function in humans. "

"The candidate’s emerging leadership and recognition by the field has been reflected in numerous invitations to speak at major meetings and to contribute reviews and commentaries to leading journals. The PI (applicant) was lauded in outstanding letters from leaders in the field of stem cell aging research. They described the candidate as a highly energetic, innovative, and focused scientist who is recognized internationally as a critical thought leader making fundamental contributions to the understanding of aging mechanisms."

Normally the names of institutions connected to grant applications are not disclosed prior to board approval. However, the name of the Buck Institute was mentioned during the discussion about the application. Votes by the grants review group are also not normally disclosed during board discussions.

The award would have been the fourth in CIRM's $44 million programt to help recruit stem cell researchers to California.



California Stem Cell Agency Slated for More Bond Funding This Spring

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

The California stem cell agency is slated to secure additional bond funding this spring when the financially troubled Golden State initiates a new round of borrowing.

CIRM Chairman Jonathan Thomas told directors today that the $3 billion agency will be involved  in the upcoming round. He did not specify the amount that CIRM would receive or the timing of the bond issue.

The agency's only significant funding comes from state bonds, whose funds flow directly to CIRM. The governor and legislature cannot touch the CIRM funds under the terms of the ballot measure that created the research effort in 2004.

Last year at this time, the state suspended bond sales. At the time, CIRM had sufficient funds to meet its commitments until about June of this year. Late last year, Thomas worked out a temporary funding arrangement with the governor's financial aides to cover any possible shortfall.

Thomas made the announcement at the beginning of today's CIRM board meeting in San Diego.

Currently CIRM President Alan Trounson is reviewing new stem cell research that has been published recently.



Two Potential Buyers Eyeing Geron’s hESC Business

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

Geron has two interested potential buyers for its human embryonic stem cell business, the president of the California stem cell agency said today.

Alan Trounson told CIRM directors that at one point four parties had expressed interest  but two have backed out. He did not disclose the names of any of the parties.

Last fall, Geron announced it was giving up its hESC work because of financial concerns about what once was the first clinical trial of a human embryonic stem therapy. Last summer CIRM loaned Geron $25 million for the trial, which has been repaid with interest.  Following Geron's announcement, Trounson said he was working to help find a buyer for Geron's hESC business.

However, today he said he was "suddenly distanced" from the process a few days ago. CIRM director Sherry Lansing, who once headed a Hollywood film studio, asked Trounson whether there was anything that directors could do to help find a buyer for Geron's hESC business. She asked about the amount of money needed by Geron and whether patient advocates could help generate other momentum.

Trounson suggested that the discussion should  be continued privately. He did say that CIRM has prepared a document that outlines what would  be necessary for the agency to resume funding of the hESC trial.

Trounson told directors that Geron's departure from hESC research has had "a very strong negative influence internationally."

Geron, which is based in Menlo Park in California, said last week it has hired Stifel Nicolaus & Co. to help sell the hESC business. . 



Stem Cell Agency Shying Away From Another Multibillion-dollar Bond Proposal

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

The $3 billion California stem cell agency, which is expected to run out of cash in five years, is backing away from an attempt to win voter approval of another multibillion dollar bond measure to finance its research efforts.

The agency disclosed its new position in a document posted in connection with the meeting tomorrow of its governing board in San Diego. CIRM said,

"Although additional funding could be a possibility in the future, it would be premature even to consider another bond measure at this time. Instead, CIRM should focus its efforts on creating a platform that enables others to carry on CIRM’s work."

The statement is a sharp departure from previous discussion of mounting a ballot campaign for a $4 billion to $5 billion bond measure on behalf of CIRM.

The only significant source of cash for the agency currently is the $3 billion in bonds approved by voters in 2004. Nearly half of that is committed. The latest financial report from CIRM shows its funding of research peaking in 2017-18.

During the last year or so, former CIRM Chairman Robert Klein has repeatedly discussed another bond measure and has even more recently expressed his desire to raise funds for a new electoral campaign. Klein resigned from his post last June. The CIRM board elected Jonathan Thomas, a Los Angeles bond financier, to replace Klein, who was the agency's first chairman and who led the 2004 ballot campaign.

In 2010, the CIRM board approved spending $700,000 for an Institute of Medicine study of CIRM with the expectation that its findings would enhance the likelihood of approval of more bond funding.

The IOM study is currently underway. The blue-ribbon panel is scheduled to hold a two-day public meeting in San Francisco Jan. 24-25 as part of its assessment of CIRM performance.

CIRM largely functions below the news media's radar, but talk of a new pitch for money has triggered negative commentary. Last month, the San Jose Mercury News said in an editorial that the agency should close its doors when its cash runs out because another bond measure would siphon off much-needed money for education and other critical services already "starved" by state budget cuts.

Backing away from another bond measure could benefit CIRM by helping to remove the likelihood that its actions will be judged in the context of an electoral campaign. But the action also raises the possibility that some of CIRM's best employees may leave for better prospects given that they may not have much of a future at an agency that would appear to be going out of business – at least at its current robust level.

The CIRM document dealing with the bond measure is dubbed a "transition plan" and is required by state law.

Instead of seeking to borrow more billions, the document said,

"CIRM should focus its efforts on creating a platform that enables others to carry on CIRM’s work. Through its funding of state of the art research facilities, collaborative funding agreements, and industry engagement, CIRM has already made progress in creating this platform."

The document also raised the possibility of creation of a nonprofit organization to carry on CIRM's stem cell research, a proposal that has floated quietly for some years. Such an effort could involve raising funds from the biotech industry, which CIRM is currently trying to engage in a more friendly way.

At the top of CIRM's list of transition plan activities is creation -- both nationally and internationally -- of "Alpha Stem Cell Clinics" for delivery of therapies to patients. The clinics also would foster clinical trials and evaluate cell therapies. Additionally included are efforts to drive "follow-on funding" for CIRM projects and strengthened efforts to support industry.

Directors could alter the CIRM transition plan at their meeting tomorrow. But it was placed on the agenda by Chairman Thomas and is unlikely to see major revisions.



$40 Million Genomic Research Effort Planned by California Stem Cell Agency

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

The California stem cell agency is proposing a $40 million program to set up two stem cell genomic research centers, including possibly one at a for-profit research enterprise.

The plan would augment an existing program in genomics or bioinformatics, according to a CIRM document. The goal is to rapidly build "an effective stem cell genomics infrastructure that will provide a new platform for the application of genomics tools to stem cell biology and regenerative medicine."

The proposal is scheduled to be considered at a meeting of the CIRM directors Science Subcommittee next Wednesday. It will then go to the full CIRM board at its Jan. 17 meeting.

The stem cell agency's proposal said,

"Genomics technologies and the data sets they yield are fast becoming the currency of biology and medicine. The cost of genome sequencing is dropping exponentially, a trend that will soon make genome-scale characterization a practical tool for fundamental studies of stem cell biology and for advancing therapeutic applications. Meanwhile, cell therapeutics are advancing toward clinical trials, and hES and hiPS cells have become the gold standard for studying human cell biology, tissue and organ development and repair, and disease. Combining genomic technologies with stem cell research will accelerate fundamental understanding of human biology, disease mechanisms, tissue engineering and cell therapies...."

The RFA for the proposal would be released in May with board approval of applications in the winter of 2013.

Interested parties can participate in the meeting at locations in San Francisco, Irvine, Oakland, Pleasanton, Duarte, Los Angeles (2), Stanford, Healdsburg and Irvine. Addresses can be found on the agenda for the meeting.



IOM Holding Hearings on California Stem Cell Agency in San Francisco Jan. 24-25

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

The California Stem Cell Report will be mostly dark during the next two weeks since its editor, yours truly, will be out of Internet range sailing in the Perlas islands south of Panama.

However, we want to let you know that a meeting of the governing board of the California stem cell agency is scheduled for Jan. 17 in San Diego. Also, the Institute of Medicine later this month will hold one of its two public sessions in California to assess the performance of the $3 billion stem cell research effort. The agenda for the Jan. 24-25 meeting in San Francisco had not been posted at the time of this writing. But the IOM said it will be available at least 10 days ahead of the meeting.

The IOM also has not yet filled the spot on the CIRM study panel vacated by David Scadden of Harvard when he resigned last month because of a conflict of interest involving Fate Therapeutics of San Diego.

If you are eager to delve into the details of what the CIRM governing board is up to, you can find the agenda and perhaps additional background information at this location on the CIRM web site when it is posted, probably by Jan. 7. While the meeting is scheduled for San Diego, usually one or two remote locations around the state are available where interested parties can participate. The California Stem Cell Report does plan to cover the meeting live via the Internet audiocast and file reports as warranted.



A Stem Cell Word Cloud: Slicing and Dicing CIRM Grants

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

The $3 billion California stem cell agency has handed out 454 grants since its inception in 2004 but what does it all mean?

Stem cell researcher Paul Knoepfler took a crack at an unusual analysis a couple of days ago, generating a word cloud from the titles of all the CIRM grants.

Writing on his blog, the UC Davis scientist and CIRM grant recipient said he was surprised by some of the results, including how small the word "induced" was in the cloud considering the hooha over induced pluripotent cells. Knoepfler also wrote,

"I found it fascinating that the next top word was 'differentiation.' As much as we all focus on stem cells in their native state, clearly the differentiation of stem cells is critically important."

Knoepfler used a free, word-cloud forming utility(Wordle) to generate the results, which Amy Adams, CIRM's communications manager, called "cool."



Golden State Stem Cell Agency to Give Away $42,237 an Hour This Year

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

The California stem cell agency plans to hand out $370 million this year, including a whopping $240 million in what it calls its disease team round.

That amounts to $42,237 every hour of every day of 2012.

Amy Adams, CIRM's communications manager, reported the $370 million figure in the CIRM research blog, which she edits. The other rounds of funding for 2012, Adams wrote, include $95 million for early translational research, $35 million for basic biology and $2.2 million for stem cell research by high school students. Those funds would be routed through universities.

So far CIRM has handed out $1.2 billion to 454 recipients in the seven years it has been in business. It is expected to run out of its $3 billion in about 2017 unless it secures voter approval of more bond funding or some other source of revenue.

Adams' item on the funding expected to be approved this year is part of CIRM's efforts to make its research blog more lively and newsy. Indeed, unless we are mistaken, it is the first time in the history of the agency that it has laid out its funding plans for a forthcoming year in a single public document.

In her item, Adams also pointed to various locations on the CIRM web site where interested parties can track the agency's affairs.

The changes in the blog are a step in the right direction, laying out not only more information but also racheting up the interest level.



ACT and CIRM: Fresh Life in a Troubled California Stem Cell Courtship?

Sunday, December 25th, 2011

Advanced Cell Technology, which has unsuccessfully sought funding several times from the $3 billion California stem cell agency, drew some attention today in a piece in a Massachusetts newspaper.

The Worcester Telegram took a look at the firm, headquartered in Santa Monica, Ca., with labs in Marlboro, Mass., in the wake of Geron's departure from hESC research. The move left ACT as the only firm in the country with an hESC trial and perhaps with a better shot at CIRM funding.

Reporter Lisa Eckelbecker wrote,

"Advanced Cell, publicly traded since 2005, has spent years developing its technologies. The company brings in little revenue and has an accumulated deficit of $180.9 million. About 1.6 billion shares of Advanced Cell common stock is outstanding, a result of numerous financings over the years. It trades for about 10 cents a share on the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board, an electronic exchange for small companies. No analysts from major Wall Street banks report on the company.

"The company's treatment for Stargardt's macular dystrophy and dry age-related macular degeneration — the treatment that required (a) mountain of paperwork before the FDA — first went into the eyes of patients in July in Los Angeles. The retinal pigment epithelial cells, generated from embryonic stem cells, were developed to slow the progression of the eye disorders, which can lead to blindness."

ACT moved its headquarters to California following the passage of Prop. 71 in 2004, the ballot initiative that created the California stem cell agency. The company said at the time it expected to "gain significant momentum by being able to take advantage of a favorable environment for funding."

ACT initially landed in Alameda, Ca., but has since moved to Southern California. Its official opening in 2006 in Alameda was attended by the state treasurer and at least one CIRM official, according to the company. The firm has never secured funding from the stem cell agency, which does not release the names of rejected applicants. However, the California Stem Cell Report carried an item in 2008 that pointed out that a researcher for ACT complained publicly about a reviewer's conflict of interest in connection with an ACT application(see here and here). At the time, Robert Klein, then CIRM chairman, brushed off the complaint. The journal Nature has also reported that ACT has applied unsuccessfully several times for CIRM awards.

It is a fair bet that ACT was an initial applicant in the round that provided funding to Geron last spring. However, by the time Geron's application went to the full CIRM board, the other applicants had withdrawn – the first time such an event had occurred at CIRM.

Since Geron pulled out of the hESC business last month, it is likely that ACT and CIRM have opened fresh discussions, given their mutual interest in producing a stem cell therapy. CIRM also has a new chairman who is familiar with ACT. After Geron was awarded its $25 million loan from CIRM last May, the agency's board elected as chairman a Los Angeles bond financier, Jonathan Thomas, who led an early round of financing for ACT in 2000. Thomas last summer sold his remaining 17,046 shares in ACT for $3,239. Thomas said he had a "significant loss" on the sale but did not disclose the amount.

Geron's flight from hESC and ACT's perserverance come as the stem cell agency is pushing aggressively to drive research into the clinic. Plus CIRM needs tangible results that voters can understand if CIRM is win ballot-box approval for continued funding in the next few years. The agency will run out of cash in about 2017 and is considering mounting a campaign for another multibillion bond issue.



San Jose Merc to California Stem Cell Agency: Time to Bow Out

Sunday, December 25th, 2011

The $3 billion California stem cell agency should shut its doors when its cash runs out in about six years and turn over development of stem cell therapies to industry and academe, the San Jose Mercury News said in an editorial on Saturday.

The piece in the leading newspaper in California's Silicon Valley was headlined, "Stem Cell Institute Should Take a Bow (Out)."

The newspaper wrote,

"This state is in financial crisis with no full recovery in sight. Bankrolling the next phase of research would come at the expense of other critical state services, including public education, that are state government's core mission and already are starved by budget cuts. It would be a mistake to pile more debt onto the state's already heavy bond obligations, which are paid off from the same general fund that pays for schools and other services. Medical research is important, but it is not at the heart of state government's mission. Bond measures now need to deal with water supplies and other looming crises."

The editorial said CIRM has provided a "strong foundation from which universities and companies can move toward cures."

But the newspaper concluded,

"Cures remain elusive -- there is never a guarantee with scientific research -- but the 10-year start voters approved was meant to be just that. The promise of stem cell treatments now must be kept alive with funding from industry, academic institutions and private foundations and philanthropists."

The editorial comes as the seven-year-old agency is driving to turn research into therapies that can actually be used in treatments. At the same time, CIRM is considering asking California voters to approve another multibillion bond measure in the next few years, a proposal that seems to be fresh news to many in the media.

The San Jose newspaper covered the stem cell agency with some detail in its first year of operation. In the last few years, however, the paper's coverage has been all but non-existent, like most of the news media in California.

Earlier this month, the paper published an overview of the agency, which highlighted the discussions by former CIRM Chairman Bob Klein about another bond issue, along with the fact that the cures promised by the campaign of 2004 have not materialized. The proposed bond issue is old news for most persons who have followed CIRM; the plan has been around publicly for more than a year. But the call for more cash comes a surprise to many of in the media. And to the public. So it is likely to pop up again as other news outlets re-visit the agency from time to time.

The presence of another electoral campaign also imposes a different sort of burden on CIRM – something quite removed from such matters as the basic biology of stem cells. It means that the stem cell agency's endeavors are being evaluated in a political context, which involves such questions as whether its actions are designed to generate the millions in campaign contributions necessary to win a statewide election or whether it is neglecting valuable research for something that will instead generate a high profile result for the benefit of the campaign but not add much to the science.

It is all part of tactics and strategy involved in the "communications war" that CIRM Chairman Jonathan Thomas discussed with CIRM board members last June in his bid to win election to his post.



Fox News: Stem Cell Cream Shows Benefits Similar to Collagen Injections

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a>

Could a stem cell skin care line be coming to a store near you?
Researchers from the International Stem Cell Corporation said they have discovered a new class of pluripotent stem cells that have the same characteristics as embryonic stem cells – but don’t require destroying human embryos.
Dr. Simon Craw, vice president of the International Stem Cell Corporation, said extracts from these stem cells—called parthenogenetic stem cells—have shown benefits regarding skin care.
The scientists stumbled upon the discovery while doing stem cell research for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.  They essentially cracked open the cells and removed the proteins and peptides from the inside to use as part of a mixture for a topical skin cream.



RegBlog: Over-Regulation of Parthenotes Stifles Valuable Scientific Research – by Sean J. Kealy

Sunday, December 18th, 2011
A recent article in Scientific American questioned whether research on stem cell lines derived from unfertilized eggs was too tightly regulated by the federal government.  Now that technology allows the creation of stem cells without fertilization, there is no question that federal laws and guidelines are overly restrictive, causing a detrimental effect on valuable scientific inquiry.  
Since 1996, Congress has included the Dickey-Wicker Amendment in the annual federal budget.  This amendment was a conservative reaction to what some considered to be scientific research that showed little respect toward life.  
For example, speaking to the Senate in 1996, Robert Smith (R-NH) said, “Just because a private party wants to destroy life, why should Government force taxpayers to give their blessing to that act?  Let private parties use private money for their ethically challenged experiments.”  Similarly, Representative Jay Dickey (R-AR) said, also in 1996, that embroyonic research was “an attack on the sanctity of life,” and pointed out that several pro-life organizations supported the amendment. 
Please click here to read the complete article. 




Stem Cell Awards of the Year: From Geron to iPS ‘Warts’

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

The end of the year is a traditional time for the media to come up with lists of both the dubious and meritorious events and personages of the year. This year's nominations from a California stem cell researcher include Geron, Roman Reed and the new chairman of the California stem cell agency.

Paul Knoepfler, a stem cell scientist at UC Davis and one of the few stem cell scientists who blogs regularly, today revealed his awards for 2011. They ranged from the political cartoon of the year to the stem cell scientific issue of the year.

Geron was named in the "misstep of the year." Knoepfler wrote,

"You guys really screwed up by dropping your stem cell program in this manner. I believe this bordered on the unethical. I commend the actual stem cell scientists at Geron, but the person(s) who as leaders pulled the trigger on killing the stem cell program did wrong."

Roman Reed was named "stem cell activist of the year." Reed is the man who came up with the CIRM motto several years ago, "Turning stem cells into cures." He has long been active on stem cell issues, along with his equally hard-working father, Don Reed.

Jonathan Thomas, the relatively new chairman of the stem cell agency, was named "stem cell leader of the year." Thomas was elected chairman of the agency in June, replacing Bob Klein, who stepped down. Knoepfler wrote that Thomas "has impressed the stem cell community and made some very positive changes at CIRM to make an awesome organization even better."

Knoepfler has much more,  including the stem cell biotech of the year –
Advanced Cell Technology of Santa Monica, Ca. – which Knoepfler said has two hESC trials on track and an "impressive scientific leadership." Not to be overlooked is the stem cell scientific issue of the year – "warts" or genetic changes -- at least possible ones involving iPS cells. Knoepfler points out that the subject has drawn a vast number of citations in journal articles.

We should not forget the stem cell blog of the year, which came in as a tie between Stem Cell Network of Canada and Stem Cell Assays by William Gunn of San Diego and Alexey Berseney of Philadelphia. Knoepfler also mentioned the CIRM Research Blog, overseen by Amy Adams, and the California Stem Cell Report. Knoepfler said the California Stem Cell Report "is read by a who’s who of the stem cell world, and is a source of important information about CIRM," although Knoepfler said he wished the blog was more balanced "in terms of positive and critical stories." However, Knoepfler did note that several more positive items have appeared recently, but this analyst warns of the perils of excessive exuberance.



IOM Looking for New Member for Its CIRM Performance Panel

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

If you want to serve on the Institute of Medicine panel examining the $3 billion California stem cell agency, you have a chance during the next few weeks.

The panel has lost a member because of a conflict of interest and is now engaged in the process of replacing him. The IOM will consider both expressions of interest and suggestions for candidates. Currently, the panel has no member from California, which leaves it minus an important perspective.

Christine Stencel, senior media relations officer for the IOM, told the California Stem Cell Report that the IOM expects to fill vacancy by its meeting Jan. 24 in California.

David Scadden of Harvard resigned from the IOM/CIRM panel earlier this month because of his ties to Fate Therapeutics of San Diego, which lists him as a scientific founder.

Persons interested in serving or nominating candidates can email Adrienne Stith at Astith@nas.edu.



New Multibillion Dollar Stem Cell Bond Measure Wins Endorsement with a Caveat

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

A blogger on the web site of Los Angeles television station KNBC today supported a new multibillion bond measure for the California stem cell agency but with an interesting qualification.

Joe Mathews, author and a senior fellow at the New America Foundation, said the new bonds should be backed by a tax on the people and companies involved in the business of health care. He wrote,

"New stem cell moneys can't come out of funds that would otherwise go to other programs."

Mathews said voters "probably" shouldn't approve another multibillion dollar bond measure for CIRM that is paid back through the state's general fund. He wrote, however,

"(T)hat doesn't necessarily mean there shouldn't be another stem cell bond. California's major universities have invested in stem cell research, with help from the agency.

"Major researchers have relocated to the state. And the unknown nature of stem cell research's promise, while frustrating efforts to justify the research dollar for dollar, argues for doing more to learn more.

"What the state budget picture does require is that any stem cell bond should have a clear funding mechanism -- a specific tax or new revenue source (some sort of levy on companies and people involved in the business of health care) -- that would be more than enough to pay back any bond."

Mathews is co-author of "California Crackup: How Reform Broke the Golden State and How We Can Fix It," which declares that the initiative process is one of major fault points in California government. The initiative was used to create the $3 billion stem cell agency in 2004, making it immune from normal state government accountability and locking in funding that cannot be touched by the legislature or government despite any other financial needs of the state.



CIRM’s Thomas Blogs on Geron and the Stem Cell Business

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

The chairman of the $3 billion California stem cell agency has made his second entry into the blogosphere, this time adding a bit more on Geron's abandonment of what would have been its historic hESC clinical trial.

Jonathan Thomas, a Los Angeles bond financier, wrote yesterday on the CIRM research blog, which has recently been the site of more spritely and relevant items.

Geron's action has particular relevance for CIRM, which awarded the company a $25 million loan last May to help with the clinical trial.

Thomas said CIRM's "immediate concern" when officials heard the surprise news was for the patients and the families involved in the trials. Thomas continued,

"However, Geron is a business. The company decided that their cancer therapies were farther along than the stem cell trial and when they held the stem cell program against the prism of economic reality they made a business decision to end the trial."

Thomas also minimized the importance of Geron to CIRM. He said,

"CIRM’s award to Geron was just one of the 44 projects in 26 disease areas that are in various stages of working toward clinical trials."

It was a somewhat different story last May when former stem cell agency chairman Robert Klein said in a widely distributed CIRM news release,

"Supporting the Geron trial is a landmark step for CIRM."

Regardless of the spin on Geron from either CIRM or others who are more skeptical, Thomas' entry into the world of electronic media is to be applauded as is what appears to be a new direction in the research blog.

The CIRM blog is now newsier, more lively with more variety and more voices. All of which should redound, albeit modestly, to CIRM efforts to improve its communications with the public and opinion makers. The difficult thing about blogs, however, is the time and effort required to sustain them, and the task could be something of a communications test for CIRM. Blogs constantly need to be fed. Indeed, blogs are voracious, sort of like the carnivorous plant called Seymour in "The Little Shop of Horrors." As many of you may recall, Seymour had a simple but insistent refrain, "Feed me, feed me, feed me."



Klein, Moral Mandates and Stem Cells

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

Just a few days ago, the California Stem Cell Report carried an item about the state's stem cell agency and its supporters' mantra that the agency has a mandate from voters albeit one that is seven years old.

We mentioned that Robert Klein, the former chairman of the agency and head of the 2004 ballot campaign that launched CIRM, is one of those fond of citing voter mandates with great regularity.

Indeed, Klein found shelter again this week under a voter mandate, but this time it was a moral one.

Klein popped up in a San Jose Mercury story about the status of the stem cell agency. Writer Steve Johnson said that Klein declared that he quit as chairman last June in part because he wants to raise money for a campaign for another multibillion bond measure for CIRM. Johnson quoted Klein as saying,

"It would be a huge failing in meeting our moral mandate" to let CIRM die. "We can't afford to break the momentum."

As we noted on Dec. 6, mandates come and go, as another multibillion California bond program, high speed rail, has discovered.



San Jose Mercury News: California Stem Cell Agency Eyeing More Bonds but Has No Treatments

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

In an overview of the $3 billion California stem cell agency, the San Jose Mercury News says that CIRM "still has no treatments on the market and is at a critical juncture that could determine how much longer it stays in operation. "

The story is the second significant piece about CIRM this week in a major California newspaper, which has not received much coverage in the mainstream media in the state in the last year or so. The Los Angeles Times earlier this week carried a column that raised questions about the "Geron fiasco" involving CIRM and the conduct of the agency's business.

The San Jose article yesterday by Steve Johnson said that voters "may not be as enthusiastic" about providing several billion dollars more to finance the agency as they were when they created it seven years ago.

The newspaper, located in the heart of California's Silicon Valley, quoted John Simpson, stem cell project director of Consumer Watchdog of Santa Monica, Ca., as saying,

"I think it's crazy. The state's economy is in a far different position now. We're not even able to provide adequate funding for education."

Johnson also reported that former CIRM Chairman Robert Klein, who led the 2004 Prop. 71 campaign, is raising or intends to raise funds for another bond issue, perhaps in 2014. The agency will run out of cash in about 2017, according to its projections.

The article noted that CIRM has awarded only $83.4 million to 15 businesses, which are the key to pushing research into the clinic,  out of the $1.3 billion it has handed out. Johnson wrote,

"Many businesses have been deterred from even trying to make stem-cell treatments because of how long it might take.

"'It's a challenge,' said Rodney Young, chief financial officer at Newark-based StemCells, which hopes early next year to obtain a $20 million institute grant to determine if a type of adult stem cell can slow the loss of cognitive function in Alzheimer's patients. 'It's an expensive, uncertain and long process.'"

Johnson additionally noted that CIRM has received criticism for the high salaries it pays its top executives and for conflicts of interests.



$30 Million ‘Disease-in-Dish” Plan Wins Go-ahead from California Stem Cell Agency

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

Directors of the California stem cell agency today approved a $30 million program that could generate "disease-in-a-dish models" that "have the potential to make drug discovery faster, more efficient and more personalized to individual patients."

The "human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) initiative" is aimed at generating high quality stem cell-based tools for use by the researchers and drug developers.

The proposal includes four elements, one of which is a $300,000 collaboration with the NIH to develop cell lines from patients with Huntington’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. The plan includes a $4 million disease line award round, a $16 million core hiPSC derivation round and a $10 million stem cell bank round. The RFAs would go out in May of next year with funding expected early in 2013.

The initial staff memo on the initiative did not mention human embryonic stem cells, but a spokeswoman for the agency said they were not excluded from the effort.



California Stem Cell Agency Approves $27 Million To Hasten Stem Cell Therapies

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

Efforts to speed development of stem cell therapies received a $27 million boost today from directors of the $3 billion California stem cell agency.

They approved two initiatives that grew out of recommendations from a blue-ribbon panel that CIRM organized last year to review its operations.

One element in the plan is a $12 million "bridging fund" that would apply only to current CIRM-funded projects in three areas: disease team grants, some early translational projects and clinical development projects. The bridging fund would provide up to $3 million for up to one year for each recipient.

As originally proposed by CIRM staff, CIRM President Alan Trounson would have been authorized to approve each project. However, the board altered that process to require board approval with "peer review input."

Director Shlomo Melmed, a senior vice president at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, argued that leaving the decision to Trounson and staff could place Trounson in an "untenable" position and lead to second-guessing. Melmed and others also said that process could open the agency to public criticism.

Trounson and other staff members said that biotech firms often need speedier action than can be provided by a more extended process. Director Jonathan Shestack, a Hollywood producer, agreed, but he was the lone vote to oppose removing the authority from Trounson.

No biotech companies spoke out at the meeting concerning the proposal (see here for an earlier version of the plan).

The second part of the response to the review panel's finding is a $15 million "external innovation initiative" to support collaborative efforts of CIRM grantees to work with teams that CIRM said are "making extraordinary progress outside California."

The $15 million program would provide awards as often as two times a year. The maximum amount on each award was not specified. The program was approved on a unanimous voice vote.

Ellen Feigal, CIRM's vice president of research and development, said in a memo to directors that examples of potential projects included collaborative efforts with the NIH and work with the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and its disease-focused programs. CIRM is planning to spend $300,000 over two years in work with the NIH.

Some of the latest CIRM initiatives are open to biotech businesses. Others are open only to non-profit or academic researchers.



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