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Archive for the ‘Stem Cell Therapy’ Category

Cell therapy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Cell therapy (also called cellular therapy or cytotherapy) is therapy in which cellular material is injected into a patient;[1] this generally means intact, living cells. For example, T cells capable of fighting cancer cells via cell-mediated immunity may be injected in the course of immunotherapy.

Cell therapy originated in the nineteenth century when scientists experimented by injecting animal material in an attempt to prevent and treat illness.[2] Although such attempts produced no positive benefit, further research found in the mid twentieth century that human cells could be used to help prevent the human body rejecting transplanted organs, leading in time to successful bone marrow transplantation.[3]

Today two distinct categories of cell therapy are recognized.[1]

The first category is cell therapy in mainstream medicine. This is the subject of intense research and the basis of potential therapeutic benefit.[4] Such research can be controversial when it involves human embryonic material.

The second category is in alternative medicine, and perpetuates the practice of injecting animal materials in an attempt to cure disease. This practice, according to the American Cancer Society, is not backed by any medical evidence of effectiveness, and can have deadly consequences.[1]

Cell therapy can be defined as therapy in which cellular material is injected into a patient.[1]

There are two branches of cell therapy: one is legitimate and established, whereby human cells are transplanted from a donor to a patient; the other is dangerous alternative medicine, whereby injected animal cells are used to attempt to treat illness.[1]

The origins of cell therapy can perhaps be traced to the nineteenth century, when Charles-douard Brown-Squard (18171894) injected animal testicle extracts in an attempt to stop the effects of aging.[2] In 1931 Paul Niehans (18821971) who has been called the inventor of cell therapy attempted to cure a patient by injecting material from calf embryos.[1] Niehans claimed to have treated many people for cancer using this technique, though his claims have never been validated by research.[1]

In 1953 researchers found that laboratory animals could be helped not to reject organ transplants by pre-inoculating them with cells from donor animals; in 1968, in Minnesota, the first successful human bone marrow transplantation took place.[3]

Bone marrow transplants have been found to be effective, along with some other kinds of human cell therapy for example in treating damaged knee cartilage.[1] In recent times, cell therapy using human material has been recognized as an important field in the treatment of human disease.[4] The experimental field of Stem cell therapy has shown promise for new types of treatment.[1]

In mainstream medicine, cell therapy is supported by a distinct healthcare industry which sees strong prospects for future growth.[5][6]

In allogeneic cell therapy the donor is a different person to the recipient of the cells.[7] In pharmaceutical manufacturing, the allogenic methodology is promising because unmatched allogenic therapies can form the basis of "off the shelf" products.[8] There is research interest in attempting to develop such products to treat conditions including Crohn's disease[9] and a variety of vascular conditions.[10]

Research into human embryonic stem cells is controversial, and regulation varies from country to country, with some countries banning it outright. Nevertheless, these cells are being investigated as the basis for a number of therapeutic applications, including possible treatments for diabetes[11] and Parkinson's disease.[12]

Cell therapy is targeted at many clinical indications in multiple organs and by several modes of cell delivery. Accordingly, the specific mechanisms of action involved in the therapies are wide ranging. However, there are two main principles by which cells facilitate therapeutic action:

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are the subject of ongoing research for possible therapeutic applications, for example for treating a number of neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease.[20]

MSCs are immunomodulatory, multipotent and fast proliferating and these unique capabilities mean they can be used for a wide range of treatments including immune-modulatory therapy, bone and cartilage regeneration, myocardium regeneration and the treatment of Hurler syndrome, a skeletal and neurological disorder.[21]

Researchers have demonstrated the use of MSCs for the treatment of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Horwitz et al. transplanted bone marrow (BM) cells from human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-identical siblings to patients suffering from OI. Results show that MSCs can develop into normal osteoblasts, leading to fast bone development and reduced fracture frequencies.[22] A more recent clinical trial showed that allogeneic fetal MSCs transplanted in utero in patients with severe OI can engraft and differentiate into bone in a human fetus.[23]

Besides bone and cartilage regeneration, cardiomyocyte regeneration with autologous BM MSCs has also been reported recently. Introduction of BM MSCs following myocardial infarction (MI) resulted in significant reduction of damaged regions and improvement in heart function. Clinical trials for treatment of acute MI with Prochymal by Osiris Therapeutics are underway. Also, a clinical trial revealed huge improvements in nerve conduction velocities in Hurlers Syndrome patients infused with BM MSCs from HLA-identical siblings.[24]

HSCs possess the ability to self-renew and differentiate into all types of blood cells, especially those involved in the human immune system. Thus, they can be used to treat blood and immune disorders. Since human bone marrow (BM) grafting was first published in 1957,[25] there have been significant advancements in HSCs therapy. Following that, syngeneic marrow infusion[26] and allogeneic marrow grafting[27] were performed successfully. HSCs therapy can also render its cure by reconstituting damaged blood-forming cells and restoring the immune system after high-dose chemotherapy to eliminate disease.[28]

There are three types of HSCT: syngeneic, autologous, and allogeneic transplants.[21] Syngeneic transplantations occur between identical twins. Autologous transplantations use the HSCs obtained directly from the patient and hence do not cause any complications of tissue incompatibility; whereas allogeneic transplantations involve the use of donor HSCs, either genetically related or unrelated to the recipient. To lower the risks of transplant, which include graft rejection and Graft-Versus-Host Disease (GVHD), allogeneic HSCT must satisfy compatibility at the HLA loci (i.e. genetic matching to reduce the immunogenicity of the transplant). Mismatch of HLA loci would result in treatment-related mortality and higher risk of acute GVHD.[29]

In addition to BM derived HSCs, the use of alternative sources such as umbilical cord blood (UCB) and peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) has been increasing. In comparison with BM derived HSCs recipients, PBSCs recipients afflicted with myeloid malignancies reported a faster engraftment and better overall survival.[30] However, this was at the expense of increased rate of GVHD.[31] Also, the use of UCB requires less stringent HLA loci matching, although the time of engraftment is longer and graft failure rate is higher.[32][33]

In alternative medicine, cell therapy is defined as the injection of non-human cellular animal material in an attempt to treat illness.[1]Quackwatch labels this as "senseless", since "cells from the organs of one species cannot replace the cells from the organs of other species" and because a number of serious adverse effects have been reported.[34]

Of this alternative, animal-based form of cell therapy, the American Cancer Society say: "Available scientific evidence does not support claims that cell therapy is effective in treating cancer or any other disease. In may in fact be lethal ...".[1]

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Cell therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Stem Cell Rejuvenation Center

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Located in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona, we are the originalStem Cell Rejuvenation Center.We havebeenperformingstem cell therapies for over 10years and all of ourprocedures are done on site atour clinic herein Phoenix. Itis our top priority to provide you a safe, clean,sterile and friendly environment.Our Treatment Center is located just 8 minutes from the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and many hotels provide shuttle service to and from our clinic making it ideal for out-of-town visitors. We provide stem cell therapy for a variety of conditions byusing our revolutionarytechnology and treatments to isolate and reinfuse stem cells from a patient's own adipose stroma or fat (also called the Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF)). We combine the best of technology, nature, and medicine to help improve the quality of our patients' lives. Stem cell therapy is offered to those who are qualified candidates and whom desire treatment.

We are aStem Cell Therapy and Treatment Center, founded in the U.S.A., and performing all therapies within the United States. Neither our patients nor the stem cells that we harvest are transported outside the United States. We use less than minimally manipulated technology to provide Autologous Stem Cell and PRP therapies originally initiated during the 1990's.

To see if you are a candidate, please fill-out this form and provide as much detail as possible.

Our Integrative staff and Physicians use a variety of modalities including Anti-aging and Eclectic medicine. These approaches are usedto treat many injuries and conditions. Below are some links toa journal database maintained by theNIH thatrelate to current research on stem cells and particular conditions......

Degenerative and Debilitating Conditions:

Autoimmune Conditions:

Viral Conditions:

Musculoskeletal Injuries:

Cosmetic and Dermatological:

Please note that although we have supplied links to the research journals above on the use of stem cells for specific conditions, we are not saying that any of these studies would relate to your particular condition, nor that it would even be an effective treatment. Our Autologous Stem Cell Therapy is not an FDA approved treatment for any condition. We provide stem cell therapy (less than manipulated) as a service and as a practice of medicine only. We do not use collagenase in our clinic. Please see the bottom of the FAQ page for more information. Thesejournal articlesare for educational purposes only and are not intended to be used to sell or promote our therapy.

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Stem Cell Rejuvenation Center


Stem Cell Therapy – National Spine & Pain Centers

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Stem Cell Therapy Facts & Information

Stem Cell Therapyas an alternative solution to invasive surgery for patients suffering from a wide range of degenerative conditions and injuries including:

The Regenexx Stem Cell Therapy protocol produces the highest stem cell concentrations possible. All procedures utilize advanced imaging guidance to ensure the stem cells are delivered precisely to the area in need to assist healing in the damaged tissues.

Our bodys stem cells are responsible for healing us. However, as we age or sustain injury, we sometimes cannot get enough of these healing cells into the injured area. Stem Cell Therapy solves this problem by harvesting the patients own cells and then injecting them directly into the area in need. These cells can assist in the healing of damaged tissue, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone while decreasing downtime and avoiding painful rehabilitation periods typically associated with surgery. In a series of three injections spaced roughly two to five days apart, the patient can be well on their way to a full recovery.

The Regenexx Stem Cell Therapy protocol is a series of three procedures that happen over the course of several days.

PRE-INJECTION: A dextrose solution that stimulates surrounding soft tissue & prepares it for stem cell procedure.

SAME-DAY STEM CELL PROCEDURE: In the morning, blood and bone marrow samples are taken. Later that day, stem cells and blood platelets are introduced into the injury site.

POST-INJECTION: Additional platelet stimulants are introduced to invigorate stem cells and boost healing process.

Stem Cell Therapy is intended to help your body actually heal injured tissue. Initial improvement and reduction in pain may be experienced very quickly, with continued improvement as the healing progresses. Regenexx patient studies have shown Stem Cell Therapy to be very effective at relieving pain, while MRI images have confirmed successful tissue repair following stem cell therapy. The need for surgery can be greatly reduced by treating injured tissues before the damage progresses and the condition is irreversible.

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Stem Cell Therapy - National Spine & Pain Centers


Stem Cell Therapy

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Stem Cell Therapy has moved beyond promising.

Substantial patient improvement from stem cell therapy has been documented, with minimal risk.

Stem cells will completely alter the way we practice medicine. They are the cells from which we are made, and when we re-introduce them to a diseased body, we have seen positive change occur

Stem cells are the basic cells of our bodies, which can develop and differentiate in any type of cell. These cells migrate to injured areas within the body and get transplanted and transform themselves into new tissue cells that replace the damaged ones. Stem cells have the capacity to multiply and renew themselves almost indefinitely. Stem cell can form nerve cells, muscle cells and blood cells which cannot multiply themselves and have limited life spans.

Stem cells are the foundation cells for every organ, tissue and cell of the body. Thus, first stem cells originate within the developing embryo. Stem cells from the bone marrow can develop into cardiac muscle, as well as liver, brain, nerve, fat and skin tissue. These cells are progenitor cells that lead to creation of new cells and are thus called as generative cells. Haematopoietic stem cells are found in the bone marrow and give rise to all the blood cell types.

Stem cell therapy is used to treat incurable diseases like Cerebral Palsy, Brain Hemorrhage and Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury & Paraplegia, Autism, Parkinsonism, Motor Neuron Disease, Muscular Dystrophy ,Liver Diseases, Huntington's Disease , Chronic Kidney Diseases ,Optic Neuritis , Multiple Sclerosis ,Cerebellar Ataxia and Friedrich Ataxia . Studies worldwide have shown encouraging results.

A stem cell treatment is a treatment that uses stem cells, or cells that come from stem cells, to replace or to repair a patients cells or tissues that are damaged. The stem cells might be put into the blood, or transplanted into the damaged tissue directly, or even recruited from the patients own tissues for self-repair.

We will activate and deliver millions of stem cells to enhance healing potential. Increasing your unique cellular potential will be our focus.

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Stem Cell Therapy


Adult Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cell Therapies Future Medicine

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Most of the cells in your body are highly specialized. A kidney cell, for example, can multiply and create new kidney tissue, but it cant turn into a bone cell or neuron. Stem cells, on the other hand, are able to differentiate into many different cell types.

The primary function of adult stem cells, which reside throughout the body, is to maintain and repair tissues. Their innate brilliance lies in their ability to zero in on areas of damage or degeneration. Signaled by inflammation, they migrate wherever theyre needed and, taking cues from surrounding cells, facilitate healing, restoration, and regeneration.

Stem cell therapy used to involve embryonic cells, which understandably generated a lot of controversy. Todays research focuses on non-embryonic adult mesenchymal stem cellsand there is nothing controversial about using your own cells in a safe and therapeutic manner. Adult stems cells may be derived from bone marrow. However, this isnt a particularly abundant source, and cells must be cultured over several days tocreate enough for therapeutic use. Furthermore, their number and viability decline dramatically with age. More recently, fat was discovered to be a far richer, much more accessible repository of robust adult stem cells.

New technologies now make it possible to remove a few ounces of a patients fat through a mini liposuction procedure, separate out the stem cells in a special process that yields extremely high numbers of viable cells, and return them back into that persons body via an IV or injection.

Performed in a physicians office, under sedation and local anesthesia and using a sterile closed system technology so the cells never come into contact with the environment, there is minimal discomfort and risk of infection. And because the stem cells come from the patients own body, there is no risk of rejection or disease transmission.

Whitaker Wellness is proud to announce that we have partnered with the Newport Beach Stem Cell Treatment Center, allowing us to offer non-embryonic adult mesenchymal stemcell therapy to our patients.

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Adult Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cell Therapies Future Medicine


Stem cell therapy | Stem cell treatment and medicine| Unique …

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Prof. Alexander Smikodub


Alexander Smikodub jr.


Our clinic offers the advanced and patented methods of fetal stem cell treatment for various conditions and diseases. This method of treatment can be found in wikipedia: Stem cell therapy. Fetal stem cells are non-specialized cells that differentiate (turn) into any other cell type of the body that form organs and tissues. Fetal stem cells that we use for treatment have huge potential for growth, differentiation and are not rejected by the patients body, which allows to achieve unique long-term clinical effects.

We have more than 15 years of experience in stem cell therapyand are the leaders of the industry. Most of the methodic used in the clinic are unique and patent protected in many countries including USA. Since 1994 prof. Alexander Smikodub Sr. was the main researcher, doctor and administrator of the clinic. Now his son, Alexander Smikodub Jr. M.D. continues his fathers venture. During these years more than 6500 patients from all over the world received fetal stem cell treatment, resulting in significant improvement of their conditions,and in case of timely contact with us we were managed to achieve treatment results unreachable by any other known methods.


Stem cells are the new word in the medical science, possibly the new revolution. Their importance can be compared with antibiotics discovery or the first successful heart transplantation. They are the inner restorative and regenerative reserve of your body, found in blood, fat layer and bone marrow. After injection of a big stem cells doze, impaired tissues are recovered, regeneration speed is increased and overall condition is greatly improved. We use only material from healthy patients, which passes multiple security checks. They are a perfect material for treating a wide variety of neural and physical diseases.


As stem cells may repair any tissue of human body, they can treat a majority of diseases thought non-curable till recent time. Stem cells may evolve in 3 major directions, which are mesenchyme, ectodermal and endodermal, which means they can replace and cure impaired bone marrow and nerves, skin and tissues, muscles and mucus. Parkinsons disease, ulcerative colitis, muscular atrophy and dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and heart diseases, liver diseases and cancer, anemia and arterial hypertension, Alzheimers disease and ALS and even AIDS/HIV are successfully treated in our clinic.


The boy has developmental delay since the childhood. He has a lot of different physical abnormalities. The boy's parents appealed to the clinic for treatment. So this patient underwent full 2-days treatment with use of preparation based on stem cells by the method of Prof. Smikodub. Follows the recommendations of post-treatment period. Under regular control of his neurologist and parents.

As a result, now almost every day occur some changes in boy's development and behavior, he finds more things interesting, he became more independent, more emotional, he talks a lot in his own language.


After the stem cell treatment, we noticed an obvious progress. Two weeks after the procedure behavior and emotional condition has improved. It was noticed in kindergarten and by speech pathologist, who has been with him for a year. Then everything has stabilized. But 2 months later, in March, Ilya began to surprise us. He suddenly began to draw and sculpt with play dough, and he always goes everywhere with a pencil or pen. He also has began to write letters.

We always notice changes in our sons condition after each course of rehabilitation, but this time, its just miracles!


For many years researchers of stem cells and diabetes have been searching for substitutes of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas annihilated by the immune system of the patient. Fortunately, it became real at once, though this is just a beginning. Regenerative medicine for diabetes curing become more and more widespread and is practiced already in many leading stem cell clinics across the globe.


FDA has blocked human stem cells tests for decades because of ethical and medical reasons. However, some diseases like autism cannot be treated in animals, as they do not have those. That is why after a long consideration FDA has finally approved the start of the research, aimed at finding cure to autism with the stem cell therapy. The stem cells are to be taken from the childs own umbilical cord blood, which is considered a perfect source of highly active stem cells.


It is sad when dangerous anti aging procedures are advertised and are called effective skin care remedies. The whole truth of many anti aging procedures is not unveiled, while the best anti aging secrets remain in the shadow just because they are not financed properly. If you know all truth you would probably never take such risk. The providers of anti aging procedures are aware about that therefore they prefer to hide some unpleasant facts.


Stem cell therapy was effectively used for enhancement of vision in patients. Embryonic stem cells of human were employed for the therapy. Advanced Cell Technology was developed that helped in treatment of macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is considered to be one of the main causes that brings to blindness of person.


Aleksandr IvanovichSmikodub was born in 1948. He graduated from Kyiv Medical Institute (1972). His interest to cell therapy treatment appeared in 1970 when he worked over the problems of nervous tissues trophicity, metabolism disorder and neurogenic dystrophy.


Ukraine has become an alluring destination for medical tourists for a number of reasons. Its proximity to Europe and wonderful nature certainly plays its role. But it is not only that. Unique Slavic culture is of big interest to foreigners who are glad to get acquainted with the country they travel to.


The idea of stem cell therapy came into view long ago. The principle "like cures like" appeared in the 16th century. The medicines are effective up to the moment of metabolic breakdown, while stem cell therapy will give you durable effect. It activates healing power of the patient and lets the body renovate itself.


The medical center (UCTC) was organized in 1994 by Professor Smikodub, who headed the clinic and started developing stem cell treatment. Then his son Alexandr Smikodub Jr. joined this activity. He was not only the supporter of his fathers methods, but was fully involved into work. Thanks to joined efforts of highly professional specialists more than 6500 patients received their treatment with fetal stem cells transplantation method.


UK scientists report a great advance in their attempt to find the deafness cure, after the stem cells usage to recover hearing in animals. The hearing was essentially restored after the stem cells usage to rebuild the damaged nerves of the gerbils, which pass the signal from their ears to the brain.


Cleveland, Ohio, is now a ground of one of the most important researches held by the medics nowadays. Case Western Reserve University began a research of the stem cell therapy usage for treating multiple sclerosis. It is expected, that stem cells will be able to replace and repair the damaged brain tissue, removing the reason of sclerosis and greatly easing the disease.


The Stem Cell Research & Therapy , which is and open access journal, published a study, which proved that stem cells from fat or bone marrow successfully treat and recover rats from stroke. After the treatment was applied, brain and heart functions were repaired and stabilized and all behavioral tasks were easily completed. The stem cell therapy promises a treatment for all, recovering from stroke, but many questions emerge and need to be answered. This research was aimed to solve many of them.


The cells of the brain are connected with each other and neurons link them. Neurons are named dendrites and axons that have a cover called myelin sheath. Electrical impulses function with chemical receptors and thanks to them the brain of the person can translate impulses into actions or thoughts. Different parts of the brain are responsible for different functions. For instance, occipital lobes are in charge of vision, while Brocas area is in charge of speech production and etc.


Specialists think that Parkinson s disease stem cell will work due to the results of transplantation studies that were performed in 80-s of the last century. Four Parkinsons patients participated in the study then. Scandinavian scientists harvested cells from their adrenal glands and transplanted stem cells into the brain. There are cells in adrenal glands that release dopamine and analogous substances.


The Danish Stem Cell Center (DanStem) specialists along with Hagedorn Research Institute scientists reported a possible breakthrough in our knowledge about natural insulin production. According to these discoveries, there is a way to convert the stem cells into beta cells that are aimed at producing insulin and can be implanted into diabetics.


Artificial hips and knees are a modern miracle that yearly helps nearly 50000 Canadians with arthritis. Toronto Hospital is undertaking a research to replace that costly and extremely hard operation.


Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are severe autoimmune diseases in which the pursued traditional anti-inflammatory therapy is symptomatic, and this disorder often causes surgery and patients disability.

UNIQUE CELL TREATMENT CLINIC has developed a comprehensive program with fetal stem cell application for effective anti-aging treatment. You can undergo the anti-aging therapy at any age and receive the most positive result

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Stem Cell Therapy | Sarasota Stem Cell Therapy

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Our integrative staff has been using regenerative therapy for almost 2 decades. Using regenerative injection treatments such as Stem Cells, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Prolotherapy and Prolozone Injections we are able to fix the root cause of many orthopedic problems. Whether its to repair damage to cartilage such as in osteoarthitis of the knee, hip or shoulder or tightening or healing damages muscles and tendons such as rotator cuff tear and chronic spinal pain we are on the forefront of the most current methods in non surgical orthopedic regenerative therapy.

Conventional medical treatment for neurological degenerative diseases makes no attempt to regenerate the damaged cells of diseased organs and tissues. Cell therapy, on the other hand, by stimulating regeneration, has the potential to restore function to injured, diseased, and debilitated neuronal. Using functional neurology, stem cell specific nutrition and specific neuronal stem cells Advanced Rejuvenation is finding great success with our brain based programs.

Use your own stem cells to repair damage from lung disease.Since the lungs are one of our most vonerable organs when our regenerative capacity declines many will suffer COPD and other lung diseases as they age. Stem cells therapy can have a strong regenerative affected in the lung tissue by replacing the once damaged lung tissue with new cells. The procedure has no chance of rejection and is minimally invasive.


+++ Explore why stem cell therapy will become the treatment of choice for many to which would like to avoid risky and painful surgery. Stem Cell Therapy is minimally invasive with little or no down time and results are 80-90% successful!


Our team is a fusion of Medical, Osteopathic, Chiropractic, Podiatric and Eastern Medicine doctors who helped shape the industry.

Our doctorshave been perfecting these procedures together for over 10 years. Youre in good hands.

We offer patented procedures that are only available at Advanced Rejuvenation.


FREE consultations are available with one of our doctors.

Attend a FREE seminar & explore how stem cells can help you!

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Stem Cell Therapy | Sarasota Stem Cell Therapy


Stem Cell Therapy – Arthritis Treatment Center

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

It might be the job you have. The sport you play. The genes you inherited. You may be just reaching middle ageor well into retirement. Osteoarthritis doesnt play favorites.

But treating a painful knee or aching hip does not have to mean joint replacement surgery. Instead you can turn to the healing power of your own body through stem cell therapy.

Dr. Nathan Wei has been a leading pioneer in using a patients own stem cells to regenerate cartilage where joints have lost that cushion. The program at the Arthritis Treatment Center is called the Guided Missile procedure, standing for guided mesenchymal stem cell layering technique. In a virtually painless procedure, Dr. Wei harvests up to 5 million stem cells from the patients pelvic bone marrow and combines them with platelet rich plasma and fat from the patient. He then uses precise ultrasound and/or arthroscopic guidance to inject the cells directly into the damaged articular cartilage. The results have been exciting, including a 80% success rate for knees as measured by pain relief and growth of new cartilage.

Once I decided to have the stem cell procedure, I was able to schedule it sooner than I anticipated. During the procedure, I experienced no pain and was able to watch and converse with staff during the procedure. After having had two prior orthopedic surgeries, I can tell you that the post-surgery pain was much less, and I did not have the negative effects of general anesthesia."

Kevin Nolan, Riverhead, NY

Stem Cell Therapy - Arthritis Treatment Center


Stem Cell Transplant | Stem Cell Therapy & Treatment

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Current Patients 480.998.7999

New Patients 480.400.8506

Dr. Todd Malan is considered one of the true pioneers of fat derived stem cell therapies in the USA. In October of 2009, Dr. Todd Malan was the first U.S. physician to utilize adipose or fat derived stem cells for soft tissue reconstruction. He has described his techniques and experience as an author in two medical textbooks as well as having presented at dozens of stem cell conferences worldwide.

"I wanted to thank you all so much for making every step of my procedure pleasant and easy. Your dedication to excellence shines through."

- Jen R, Minnesota

"We appreciate your excellence and expertise. You treated us like family and have given us hope. I am walking without limping."

- Doug J, New Mexico

"I just wanted you to know how enormously grateful I am to all of you there. The stem cell treatment had a profound impact on my life! I can't thank you enough."

- Sean H, Arizona

"I can run my finger along the area of the achilles tendon where the damaged fibers were and feel a distinct edge. In terms of function, it is very close to full function. My never ending thanks for what you have done for me!"

- Kathy D, California

" I just got back from visiting Dr. Karen Herbst and she was amazed at my improvement. I have lost 15 more pounds and lost lots of the fibrous tissue in the tumors. She was amazed. I have tons more energy that I feel I have a life now that I did not have. Brain fog is much better now. As I say, I have a life now, a life that is so much better than it was 6 months ago. Again, thank you and God bless."

- Linda K, Kansas (Dercums disease patient)

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The website contains the opinions of multiple authors intended for educational purposes with the understanding that the publications or editorials are not providing any professional services. CRCM and its associates disclaim any liability, loss, or risk, directly or indirectly of the application of any of the contents of the website.

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Stem Cell Transplant | Stem Cell Therapy & Treatment


Stem Cell Therapy – Stem Cell Centers

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Tired of Pain Holding You Back?

If chronic knee, back, hip, or shoulder pain, osteoarthritis, arthritis or other joint pain is limiting your daily routine or preventing you from activities you enjoy; stem cell therapy may be the answer youve been looking for!

Call (208) 667-7246 today to see if Stem Cell Therapy can help you.

Stem Cells are the natural cells found in your body that are responsible for healing damaged tissue. Stem cells have the ability to change into every type of tissue in your body, depending on what needs to be healed. Our joints, cartilage, ligaments, muscles and bones are constantly breaking down and our body is constantly rebuilding them with the help of stem cells. Unfortunately, at the age of 40 and beyond, the number of stem cells in our body significantly decreases each year AND the potency of our stem cells significantly decreases each year. That is why we can cut our finger when we are 21 and it has completely healed within a few days, but when we cut it when we are 65, it can take a lot longer to heal.

The stem cells we use at Stem Cell Centers to treat patients are called Amniotic Stem Cells. (This type of stem cell comes from the amniotic sac not an embryo.) While ethical debates have arisen about embryonic stem cell therapy, most everyone agrees that the use of Amniotic Stem Cell Therapy raises no ethical or moral questions. They are harvested from a donating mother during a scheduled C-section and processed at an FDA approved lab. The cells go through rigorous testing like any other biologic before they are sent to our clinics. Amniotic stem cells are neutral cells that do not contain any DNA. Because they are neutral, a patient cannot have a rejection or reaction to them. These cells are completely safe to use. As a matter of fact, there has not been one adverse side effect ever documented since 2007.

Amniotic Stem Cells are very unique and we feel are really the best choice to use for Stem Cell Therapy for a few reasons: They are brand new cells which are extremely potent because of how new they are which means they may be able to heal tissue very quickly. They can turn into almost any type of tissue, which means if they are injected into the knee, for instance, any parts of the knee which are damaged can potentially be healed.

For example, when you have meniscus damage you might also have ligaments that are getting frayed, tendons that are weakening and even possibly micro fractures in your tibia. Amniotic Stem Cells mayhave the ability to heal all of those structures at the same time.

In addition, Amniotic Stem Cells also have natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Best of all, with Stem Cell Therapy the risks are minimal but we will discussanyrisks with you at the time of your appointment.

Stem cell therapy is an exciting alternative that can provide your body the help it needs to get you back on your feet and enjoying life! If you are interested in finding out more about stem cell therapy, and how it may be able to help you, the team at Stem Cell Centers is ready to answer your questions. Call(208) 667-7246 today to schedule your Free Consultation today!

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Stem Cell Therapy - Stem Cell Centers


Miami Stem Cell Therapy Center – theosteocenter.com

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Stem cells are now being studied for use in a wide range of conditions, from diabetes, to heart disease, to musculoskeletal disorders, to neurological disorders.

While stem cells can be derived from several sources, the most adaptable are embryonic and amniotic stem cells, the former derived from days-old human embryos, and the latter derived from the amniotic fluid surrounding a fetus.

Adult stem cells are most often used to produce new cells of the same lineage. The body uses these cells naturally to maintain and repair the tissue in which the stem cells develop.

Induced pluripotent stem cells are adult stem cells that have been genetically programmed to act like embryonic stem cells. These are important tools in evaluating new drugs and in modeling diseases to help researchers understand how disease develops in the body.

The Osteopathic Center is proud to be one of the few practices in the country that offer a robust practice specializing in Regenerative Medicine using amniotic stem cells.

The Osteopathic Center offers new patients consultations to assess whether Stem Cell Therapy is right for you. Click or call our office today to request a consultation.

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Miami Stem Cell Therapy Center - theosteocenter.com


Lung Institute | Stem Cell Therapy For Lung Disease

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

All treatments performed at Lung Institute utlize autologous stem cells, meaning those derived from a patient's own body. No fetal or embryonic stem cells are utilized in Lung Institute's procedures. Lung Institute aims to improve patients' quality of life and help them breathe easier through the use of autologous stem cell therapy. To learn more about how stem cells work for lung disease, click here.

All claims made regarding the efficacy of Lung Institute's treatments as they pertain to pulmonary conditions are based solely on anecdotal support collected by Lung Institute. Individual conditions, treatment and outcomes may vary and are not necessarily indicative of future results. Testimonial participation is voluntary. Lung Institute does not pay for or script patient testimonials.

The treatments, claims and other information contained on this page and LungInstitute.com have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Any individual that accesses Lung Institute's website for information is encouraged to speak with his or her primary physician for treatment suggestions and conclusive evidence. All information on this site should be used for educational and informational use only.

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Stem Cell Therapy, Surgery, Transplant & Treatment | Stem Cell

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

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The body of man [is] Gods drug-store and [has] in it all liquids, drugs, lubricating oils, opiates, acids, and anti-acids, and every sort of drug that the wisdom of God thought necessary for human happiness and health.

A. T. Still, Founder of Osteopathic Medicine

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Stem Cells in the news

Comparing Joint Pain Solutions Thanks to modern medicine, we are living longer than ever! Everyone wants to live a long, happy life but longevity does have some downsides. Arthritis impacts nearly

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Regenerative medicine is an increasingly important, incredibly promising area of medicine which focuses on improving the repair and regeneration of damaged tissue. Organ and bone marrow transplants were early forms

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DECEMBER 2015 SAN ANTONIO SCENE The Stem Cell Orthopedic Institute of Texas offers stem cell and platelet rich plasma (PRP) procedures as viable alternatives for individuals suffering from joint pain, joint

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THE STEM CELL ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTEOF TEXASat the medical center in San Antonio offersSTEM CELLandPLATELET RICH PLASMA (PRP) Therapies to help individuals suffering from joint pain, joint and tendon degeneration, and

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You may be a candidate for STEM CELL Therapy. Call (210) 293-3136 today to schedule your medicalevaluation. Courteous Patient Advocatesare standing by to answer your questions.

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The STEM CELL ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTE of Texas 5282 Medical Drive Suite 200 San Antonio, TX 78229

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Stem Cell Therapy Studies for COPD – StemGenex

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Can Stem Cell Studies help treat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?

Today, new COPD stem cell treatments and advances in research are giving new hope to people affected by this disease. The COPD treatments for Stem Cell Clinical Studies are being studied for their efficacy in improving the complications in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, through the use of stem cells. These stem cell COPD treatments may help patients who dont respond to typical drug treatment.

To learn more about becoming a patient and receiving stem cell therapy through StemGenex Medical Group, please contact one of our patient advocates at (800) 609-7795 or fill out the contact form on this page.

Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) describes a group of lung conditions (diseases) that make it difficult to empty the air out of the lungs. This difficulty can lead to shortness of breath (also called breathlessness) or the feeling of being tired. COPD is a word that can be used to describe a person with chronic bronchitis, emphysema or a combination of these. COPD is a different condition from asthma, but it can be difficult to distinguish between COPD and chronic asthma.

The most common cause of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is cigarette smoking, but there are many other causes. Inhaling smoke or air pollutants can cause the mucus glands that line the bronchial tubes (bronchi) to produce more mucus than normal, and can cause the walls of the bronchi to thicken and swell (inflame). This increase in mucus causes you to cough, frequently resulting in raising mucus (or phlegm). COPD can develop if small amounts of these irritants are inhaled over a long period of time or if large amounts are inhaled over a short period of time.

Environmental factors and genetics may also cause COPD. For example, heavy exposure to certain dusts at work, chemicals and indoor or outdoor air pollution can contribute to COPD. The reason why some smokers never develop COPD and why some non-smokers get COPD is not fully understood. Family genes or heredity probably play a major role in who develops COPD.

There are 4 stages of COPD. They are :

The diagnosis of COPD depends upon the presence of one or more of the symptoms of the disease.

The following are facts cited from the American Lung Association(www.lungusa.org) and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(www.cdc.gov)

Stem cells are unprogrammed cells in the human body that can be described as "shape shifters." These cells have the ability to change or differentiate into other types of cells. Stem cells are at the center of a new field of science called regenerative medicine. Because stem cells can become bone, muscle, cartilage and other specialized types of cells, they have the potential to treat many diseases, including Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, COPD, Diabetes and more.

StemGenex offers stem cell therapy using Adult stem cells only.There are four known types of stem cells:

Stem cell therapy is an intervention strategy that introduces new adult stem cells into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury. Many medical researchers believe that stem cell treatments have the potential to change the face of human disease and alleviate suffering. The ability of stem cells to self-renew and give rise to subsequent generations with variable degrees of differentiation capacities, offers significant potential for generation of tissues that can potentially replace diseases and damaged areas in the body, with minimal risk of rejection and side effects.

StemGenex is currently studying adipose stem cell therapy as a new alternative treatment to help manage the complications of COPD. The stem cells harvested from a patient have the potential to replace countless cells of the body, lung tissue included. These stem cells may heal the body by replacing ones plagued with disease, regenerating new cells, and suppressing the immune systems macrophage response which engulf and digest the dying cells of the lungs. Current research in adult stem cell therapy has shown that restoration of damaged cells through this treatment is possible. This breakthrough in regenerative medicine shines a light of hope on those battling this degenerative disease. Improvements have been seen in the following symptoms after treatment:

StemGenex is studying potential ways to directly target the conditions and complications themselves. These studies consist of multiple ways to deliver the highest amount of activated stem cells to the areas patients need them most. When stem cells are studied through StemGenex, as potential therapy for COPD, there are multiple ways they can be administered:

Yes. Scientists around the world believe there is enough evidence to suggest that stem cells hold real potential as a therapy for COPD. This evidence comes from research in animals and from a handful of early clinical trials. They believe that it is now time for a concerted effort in stem cell research and an international effort to support clinical trials of stem cells for COPD.

No. There are currently no FDA approved stem cell therapies for COPD disease. All stem cell therapies for COPD disease are currently unproven, experimental therapies. This means that the FDA does not know whether stem cells are effective for people with COPD disease. The only way to determine the effectiveness of stem cell therapy is through the type of clinical studies and trials which are currently being conducted in the US.

One of the goals of StemGenex, through our stem cell studies, is to understand what a particular stem cell therapy might be able to achieve. For example, does it have the potential for slowing the disease's progression, replacing damaged cells and memories, or both? With this goal in mind, StemGenex continues to study these diseases and the full effect of stem cell therapy on each disease. Anecdotally, these results have been overwhelmingly positive but there is more that needs to be done to determine the exact effectiveness of these therapies.

After stem cells have been administered into someones body they have to make their way to the correct place (e.g. area of damage) and then have their desired effect. This process takes time and although it is difficult to predict exactly how long, it is likely that it will take several weeks or months on average to see the full desired effect.

Yes, a stem cell therapy may be repeated. Current studies indicate the strong possibility of a cumulative effect from multiple stem cell therapies a patient received for their condition. Long-term studies will attempt to better understand this in detail.

Original post:
Stem Cell Therapy Studies for COPD - StemGenex


Stem Cell Therapy – Stem MD I Advanced Orthopedics

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

What Are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are your bodys repair team. They divide limitlessly and go around your body providing nourishment to all your other cells. As long as youre alive, stem cell ensure all the cells in your body are healthy, happy, and serving you well. There are two types of stem cells embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.

As the name suggest, these stem cells come from the embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro. In vitro fertilization clinics donate these stem cells for research purposes with the informed consent of the donors. Its important to note that these eggs are not derived from eggs fertilized in a womans body. These particular cells are isolated from the inner mast of a blastocyst. These pluripotent stem cells can give rise to any type of cell in the fully developed body. In the lab, embryonic stem cells keep reproducing themselves until they are turned into specific types of cells. In the body, these cells eventually disappear, so a human adult body no longer contains cells that can generate any kind of cell. A problem often encountered with embryonic stem cells is tissue rejection, which is similar to the rejection in a liver or blood transplant. This can limit the therapeutic usefulness of these particular stem cells.

Adult stem cells are found in small numbers within most adult tissues like bone marrow or fat. They are the maintenance crew of your body they make sure everything is in tip-top shape by being multipotent in that they give rise to several kinds of cells in their home tissues. They regenerate cells damaged by disease, injury, and everyday wear and tear. By dividing, they become specialized to repair or replace surrounding differentiated cells. Just like embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells have the ability to differentiate into more than one cell type, but unlike embryonic stem cells, they are often restricted to certain lineages. There are three types of adult stem cells. Two types are located within the bone marrow, and the other type is known as a fat stem cell.

Stem cells are removed from the bone marrow at the back of the patients pelvis via suction. The substance is then removed using a syringe. The process is only slightly uncomfortable with local anesthetic. Typically, only 2 oz. of bone marrow aspirate is required. This aspirate contains platelets, mesenchymal stem cells, and other kinds of stem cells that are used in adult stem cell therapy. After its taken, it is placed inside a special container, which is then placed into a machine known as a centrifuge. This begins spinning at a high speed until the platelets and stem cells separate from the other blood products. This particular concentration of bone marrow is called BMAC or Bone Marrow Aspiration Concentrate. This is then re-introduced into the injured area during stem cell therapy.

Once the BMAC is reintroduced into the injured area, the platelets are released and start to go to work repairing the area. They signal proteins and growth factors that activate the stem cells. These signal proteins and growth factors are called cytokines, which are sort of the traffic directors of the operation, telling the stem cells where to go to repair your body.

The typical repair process is two to three months. However, in most cases, great improvement can be seen before then. About four to six weeks after the stem cell injection, the patient will receive a platelet-rich plasma injection on the afflicted area followed by another injection four to six weeks after that. Patients are advised to minimize alcohol consumption as it can deter healing. To boost healing, patients are advised to take a compound called StemXcell, which contains supplements such as carnosine, blueberry extract, vitamin D3, and green tea extract.

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Stem Cell Therapy - Stem MD I Advanced Orthopedics


Stem Cell Therapy, Anti-Aging and Prevention

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

A1 Stem Cells makes available the potency of Embryonic Stem Cells to treat major degenerative diseases. We offer tumor treatment and cancer treatments. We also address treatment for diabetes, treatment for depression, treatment for stroke and many more. (see our stem cells treatment page) Further more we encourage a proactive approach to heath care. Our team developed an anti aging therapy program to help your body rejuvenate.

A1 Stem Cells, beyond addressing the symptoms of your condition, cares to address its causes. We take it as our mission to find the source of your ailments, whether there are metal, pollutants or parasites of all sorts, then free you from these accumulated toxins, and finally restore the functionality of your organs thanks to our embryonic stem cells treatment. We will also counsel you so that you can maintain your regained well being and vitality once back home.

It is now understood that most diseases are the result of an accumulation of toxins and parasites that ineluctably damage our organs through time. It is also the major cause of aging and all its related ailments. The proposed embryonic stem cell treatment reverses the damages caused to the body. Upon injection, the cells trigger the body to repair itself, one organ at a time, bringing youth and wellness back from the inside out. The stem cell therapy have also been found more efficient if the toxins that caused the ailment at first have been thoroughly removed, thus preventing a possible future set-back. This is especially clear for all our cancer treatment.

The A1 Stem Cells offer is a complete and unique treatment that includes:

Each of the diseases listed here have been thoroughly studied by our medical partners and biochemists. You can browse our testimony page to see the extent of what can be achieved when an ill body is relieved from the toxins accumulated through time and then recharged with the regenerative power of the stem cells.

If you don't find your ailment described in our site, please inquire with our repre-sentative who will get back to you shortly with the advise of our experts.

When I first consulted with A1 Stem Cells doctor, they diagnosed a tumor that they quickly removed with their cleanse protocol and stem cell treatment. I dont remember when was the time I felt like I feel now. I have gained at least 20 years worth of energy.

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Stem Cell Therapy, Anti-Aging and Prevention


MS Stem Cell Therapy Succeeds But Poses Risks

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

THURSDAY, June 9, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- A treatment combining chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant could represent a major advance against aggressive multiple sclerosis, experts say.

This new treatment destroys the immune system with chemo and rebuilds it with the patient's own stem cells. Researchers say it stopped MS relapses and progression in 23 of 24 patients.

According to the results of this small trial, these 23 patients no longer needed medication to control their MS. Moreover, eight showed continued improvement for nearly eight years.

"These patients had highly active MS with lots of relapses and lots of ongoing damage to their brain, but we've been able to stop that," said lead researcher Dr. Harold Atkins. He is an associate professor of clinical hematology at the University of Ottawa in Canada.

The results are noteworthy, Atkins said. "There are lots of drugs and treatments available that are able to slow the disease or temperately halt it, but this one seems to be significant in that it had a long-lasting effect," he explained.

However, it's not for everybody with MS. "Because of the side effects and the rigor of treatment, it is something that should be used with those with the most aggressive MS before they have real damage. This won't work for patients who have advanced disabilities or are in a wheelchair," he added.

And, because the immune system is destroyed, patients have no defense against infections.

Still, Dr. Paul Wright, chairman of neurology at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y., thinks this therapy is a "breakthrough" in MS treatment.

"For these patients, the turnaround was extremely dramatic," Wright said. But the treatment must be tried in more patients before it can be widely used.

"A larger sample size is necessary," Wright added. "Because the treatment is toxic and potentially life-threatening, you need to make sure before you tout this as a panacea for advanced MS that it benefits a large population of patients."

MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. It can lead to vision problems, muscle weakness, trouble with coordination and balance, and thinking and memory problems, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

The new treatment involves collecting a patient's bone marrow stem cells, purifying them and freezing them. The patient is then subjected to high levels of chemotherapy. This is similar to the treatment used to treat some lymphomas, Atkins said.

The chemotherapy is so strong that it crosses the blood-brain barrier and eliminates damaged immune cells from the central nervous system, he explained.

Once that's done, the stem cells are thawed and returned to the patient to start the process of rebuilding the immune system, Atkins said.

A larger trial is planned, but this treatment can be used right now in hospitals that do stem cell transplants for lymphoma, according to Atkins.

In this trial, the researchers treated 24 MS patients, aged 18 to 50. Their disease was progressing rapidly and they weren't helped by the usual MS medications.

While improvement was notable, side effects were significant. One patient died from a liver infection, and eight had moderate toxic effects. Fourteen had mild side effects, the study authors said.

After the stem cell transplant, patients remain hospitalized as the immune system begins to recover -- usually about four weeks, Atkins said. It then takes up to nine months at home to fully recover and resume normal activities.

Pointing to the therapy's success, Atkins said patients had at least one relapse a year before treatment but none during follow-up of between four and 13 years.

Also, the patients had a total of 93 brain lesions before treatment. After treatment, only one new lesion was detected, according to the study.

Moreover, three years after the therapy, six patients were able to reduce or discontinue their disability insurance and return to work or school, Atkins said.

The report was published online June 9 in the journal The Lancet.

SOURCES: Harold Atkins, M.D., associate professor, clinical hematology, University of Ottawa, Canada; Paul Wright, M.D., chairman, neurology, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, N.Y.; June 9, 2016, The Lancet, online

News stories are provided by HealthDay and do not reflect the views of MedlinePlus, the National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or federal policy.

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MS Stem Cell Therapy Succeeds But Poses Risks


Risky stem cell treatment reverses MS in 70% of patients …

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

MS brain lesion as seen on an MRI.

By obliterating the broken immune systems of patients with severe forms of multiple sclerosis, then sowing fresh, defect-free systems with transplanted stem cells, researchers can thwart the degenerative autoimmune diseasebut it comes at a price.

In a small phase II trial of 24 MS patients, the treatment halted or reversed the disease in 70 percent of patients for three years after the transplant. Eight patients saw that improvement last for seven and a half years, researchers report in the Lancet. This means that some of those patients went from being wheelchair-bound to walking and being active again. But to reach that success, many suffered through severe side effects, such as life threatening infections and organ damage from toxicity brought on by the aggressive chemotherapy required to annihilate the bodys immune system. One patient died from complications of the treatment, which represents a four percent fatality rate.

Moreover, while the risks may be worthwhile to some patients with rapidly progressing forms of MSa small percentage of MS patientsthe researchers also caution that the trial was small and did not include a control group.

Larger clinical trials will be important to confirm these results, study coauthor Mark Freedman of University of Ottawa said in a statement. Since this is an aggressive treatment, the potential benefits should be weighed against the risks of serious complications associated with [this stem cell transplant], and this treatment should only be offered in specialist centres experienced both in multiple sclerosis treatment and stem cell therapy, or as part of a clinical trial, he added.

Similar treatments have been used before in other trials, which also showed positivethough not as dramaticresults. Generally, researchers start by harvesting a patients haematopoietic stem cells, which give rise to the bodys immune system. Then researchers use chemotherapy to knock back the patients misbehaving immune system. In MS patients, defective immune responses rip off the insulation from nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, causing inflammation, lesions, and nerve damage that eventually lead to physical and mental disabilities. The disease can progress in bouts over decades or continuously over months.

With that defective immune system weakened, researchers can replace the patient's stem cells, which are distant enough predecessors that they don't carry the glitches that trigger MS. Thus, they can potentially spawn a flaw-free immune system.

Freedman and colleagues took this general treatment strategy a step further by not just knocking back the patients defective immune system, but byannihilating it completely with a cocktail of powerful drugs.

It's important to stress that this is a very early study, Stephen Minger, a stem cell biologist not involved with the study, told the BBC. Nevertheless, the clinical results are truly impressive, in some cases close to being curative.

Freedman added that future research will be geared not only to replicating the results in larger trials, but to figuring out how to make it safer for patients.

Lancet, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)30169-6 (About DOIs).

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Tampa Stem Cell Therapy | PRP | Knee | Joint Replacement …

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Featured in the News Across the Nation: Dr. Dennis Lox, an Expert in Sports & Regenerative Medicine, Discusses Knee Stem Cell Therapy, Hip Stem Cell Therapyand Ankle Stem Cell Therapy.

Since 1990, Dennis M. Lox, M.D. has been helping patients increase their quality of life by reducing their pain. He emphasizes non-surgical treatments and appropriate use of medications, if needed.

Many patients are turning to stem cell therapy as a means of nonsurgical joint pain relief when their mobility and quality of life are severely affected by conditions like osteoarthritis, torn tendons, and injured ligaments. Dennis M. Lox, M.D. specializes in this progressive, innovative treatment that may be able to help you return to an active, fulfilling life.

Each week, Dr. Dennis Lox receives inquiries from aroundthe worldregarding stem cell therapy.


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Stem cell therapy for joint injuries and osteoarthritis is suited for many individuals, fromprofessional athletes to active seniors. Adult mesenchymal stem cells, not embryonic stem cells, are used in this procedure, which is performed right in the comfort of Dr. Loxs state-of-the-art clinic. The cells are simply extracted from the patients own body (typically from bone marrow or adipose/ fat tissue), processed in our office, and injected directly into the site of injury. Conditions that can be addressed with stem cell treatment include osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, knee joint issues (such as meniscus tears), shoulder damage (such as rotator cuff injuries), hip problems (such as labral tears), and tendonitis, among others. For many patients, a stem cell procedure in the knee, hip, shoulder, or another area of the body relieves pain, increases mobility, and may be able to delay or eliminate the need for more aggressive treatments like joint replacement surgery.

If you have questions about adult stem cell therapy for joint injuries and arthritis, how the procedure is performed, and how the stem cells work to repair injured joints and tissues, Dr. Lox would be happy to educate you about the entire process.

If you are searching for effective, nonsurgical joint replacement alternatives, regenerative therapies like stem cell treatments and PRP therapy may be the ideal solution. At Florida Spine and Sports Medicine, we focus on helping patients return to mobile, independent lives without the need for the risks and downtime associated with highly invasive surgery.PRP Therapy, Stem Cell Treatments & Other Joint Replacement Alternatives for Patients in Tampa, Clearwater, New Port Richey & throughout the U.S.A. and the world.

PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy can be used alone, or adult stem cell therapy is often used in conjunction with PRP as a means of promoting healing in degenerated or injured joints, cartilage, muscles, and tendons. From knee pain to spine pain, there are a wide range of conditions that may respond to these forms of regenerative medicine. Some of the most common issues that Dr. Lox treats at Florida Spine and Sports Medicine include knee arthritis, meniscal tears, S/I joint pain, hip conditions, shoulder pain, and ankle pain, among others.

If you live in Clearwater, St. Petersburg, New Port Richey, Tampa, or anywhere else in the nation and would like to schedule a consultation to discuss PRP therapy, stem cell therapy, or other alternatives to joint surgery with Dr. Lox, please contact Florida Spine and Sports Medicine today.

Tampa Stem Cell Therapy | PRP | Knee | Joint Replacement ...


Stem Cell Therapy or Knee Replacement Adelaide

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

What is stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy is the use of your bodys own stem cells to repair a joint. The procedure involves four main steps.

After the procedure it is recommended that you have a follow up appointment with Norwood Day Surgery 3 days, 2 weeks, 2 months and 6 months after your procedure. Your doctor will discuss your progress with you and may utilise standardised pain tests such as WOMAC or HOOS depending on the joint where you received treatment.

In a study at our practice 100osteoarthritis patients were treated with stem cell therapy and assessed each month for 6 months. It was reported that over 75% of patients treated, showed a significant improvement between 50 100% in pain and mobility of the joint.

Approximately 15% of patients treated were non-responders and had an improvement of less than 20% after 3 months.

The repair process takes time with the improvement at its maximum level by 6 months. Whether young or old the improvement after receiving stem cell therapy was the same. It is too early to determine the lifespan of the treatment as this treatment has only been available since 2009, with only 10% of our patients needing a second treatment.

Many thousands of patients with osteoarthritis have now been treated with stem cell therapy. We know that it is a safe procedure if done carefully.

Minor adverse events have been observed on the day of the procedure in a small percentage of patients and include: slight fever, rash, euphoria followed by a transient depression and cramps in the toes and feet.

Common liposuction short-term side effects may include: abdominal pain, bruising (which may last up to two weeks), and leakage of anaesthetic fluid for 24 hours. One case of bleeding has occurred from a sensitivity to intravenous injection of stromal vascular fraction.

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Stem Cell Therapy or Knee Replacement Adelaide


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