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Archive for the ‘Stem Cell Therapy’ Category

Opinion: Oregon patients should beware of stem cell therapy fraud – Portland Business Journal

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

Portland Business Journal
Opinion: Oregon patients should beware of stem cell therapy fraud
Portland Business Journal
Patients in Oregon seeking accurate information about stem cell therapy have few reliable sources to guide them. It can be hard to separate scientific facts from science fiction. Query Dr. Google and you'll find a slew of clinics and a broad range of ...

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Opinion: Oregon patients should beware of stem cell therapy fraud - Portland Business Journal


Health Beat: Stem cell therapy for osteoarthritis – WFMZ Allentown

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

CHICAGO - As a professional photographer, climbing up step ladders and walking down stairs are part of the daily grind for 65-year-old Linda Schwartz.

"There's constant activity; you're moving the whole time, really," Schwartz said

But the pain of osteoarthritis in both of her knees was making all that activity a little harder.

"I tried cortisone shots. I had something called Euflexxa," Schwartz detailed. "I was sent to physical therapy twice. I mean, I did try acupuncture in my knees, but it didn't really seem to make a difference."

"It's like the rubber on the tire, so as you start to lose the rubber in your tire and the rim hits the road, that's what happens when you have bone on bone arthritis and you've lost all the cartilage in your knee," explained Dr. Adam Yanke, an orthopedic surgeon at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

Yanke enrolled Schwartz in an experimental new therapy that involved injecting amniotic fluid that contained stem cells donated by healthy mothers into the knees of osteoarthritis patients.

"Between the two of those, they're a potent anti-inflammatory and they also have growth factors that help promote healing or healthy growth of tissue," Yanke said.

It was, by far, the most effective pain treatment that Schwartz has tried. Unlike cortisone shots, there are no side-effects. The pain relief has so far lasted up to a year.

Research summary - Stem cell therapy for osteoarthritis

"It was a very gradual feeling of it's a little bit better, it's a little bit better, and then realizing, wow, it's really pretty good," said Schwartz.

The one drawback is the therapy is not for patients whose arthritis is so bad it requires knee replacement surgery. Even though it's still in the experimental stage, Yanke offers the stem cell treatment to his patients, but at a cost of $2,200 a shot, it is not yet covered by insurance.

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Health Beat: Stem cell therapy for osteoarthritis - WFMZ Allentown


Stem cell therapy being used for osteoarthritis – WNDU-TV

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in the US, affecting nearly twenty-seven million adults. It is currently an incurable disease in which the joints deteriorate. Now, a therapy that has been used in eye surgery and to heal the skin of burn victims is being used for the first time in knees and this new form of treatment involves stem cells from amniotic fluid.

As a professional photographer, climbing up step ladders and walking down stairs are part of the daily grind for 65-year-old Linda Schwartz.

"Theres constant activity; youre moving the whole time, really," said Schwartz.

But the pain of osteoarthritis in both of her knees was making all that activity a little harder.

"Tried cortisone shots. I had, um, something called Euflexxa. I was sent to physical therapy twice. I mean, I did try acupuncture in my knees. But it didnt really seem to make a difference," said Schwartz.

"Its like the rubber on the tire. So as you start to lose the rubber in your tire and the rim hits the road, thats what happens when you have bone on bone arthritis and youve lost all the cartilage in your knee," said dr. Adam Yanke, an orthopedic surgeon at rush university medical center.

Orthopedic surgeon Adam Yanke enrolled Schwartz in an experimental new therapy that involved injecting amniotic fluid that contained stem cells donated by healthy mothers into the knees of osteoarthritis patients.

"Between the two of those theyre a potent anti-inflammatory and they also have growth factors that help promote healing or healthy growth of tissue," said Dr. Yanke.

It was by far the most effective pain treatment that Schwartz has tried and, unlike cortisone shots, there are no side effects. The pain relief has so far lasted up to a year.

"It was a very gradual feeling of its a little bit better, its a little bit better, and then realizing, wow, its really pretty good," said Schwartz.

The one drawback is this therapy is not for patients whose arthritis is so bad it requires knee replacement surgery. Even though its still in the experimental stage, Dr. Yanke offers the stem cell treatment to his patients, but at a cost of 2200 dollars a shot, it is not yet covered by insurance.

TOPIC: Heart Attack: Slashing Door-To-Balloon Times REPORT: MB #4218

BACKGROUND: A heart attack is an event that occurs when the blood flow that transmits oxygen to the heart is severely reduced or stopped completely. One reason for this blood flow to become reduced is because of the blockage of an artery due to fat, cholesterol or plaque. About every 43 seconds, a person in America suffers from a heart attack. The most common symptoms of a heart attack are the following: * Chest discomfort, including uncomfortable pressure, squeezing or pain in the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and later comes back. * Discomfort in other areas of the body, including pain in the arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach. * Shortness of breath. * Cold sweat, nausea and lightheadedness The most common symptom in men is chest pain, whereas women are more likely to experience shortness of breath, vomiting and pain in other parts of the body.

(Source: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/AboutHeartAttacks/About-Heart-Attacks_UCM_002038_Article.jsp)

ACTING FAST: Heart attacks are very delicate events, and in order to overcome them it is important to act fast. If you think you are suffering from a heart attack it is important to call 911 immediately in order to be treated as soon as possible in a hospital with treatments like balloon angioplasty, clot-dissolving drugs, surgery and/or a combination of all of the above.

(Source: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/TreatmentofaHeartAttack/Treatment-of-a-Heart-Attack_UCM_002042_Article.jsp)

DOOR-TO-BALLOON: In order to save lives it is not only important that the patient acts fast, but the hospital does as well; every minute matters. Normally, severe heart attacks like a STEMI are treated with a door-to-balloon protocol. Door-to-balloon is the time that elapses from when a patient enters the door of the hospital to the time blood flow is circulating to heart again. The American College of Cardiology suggests that this time should be 90 minutes or less. In order for these times to be achieved it is important that everyone involved is working consistently and together; this includes doctors, nurses, paramedics, and pharmacists. There is a checklist these professionals have to follow and the data of each patient is posted daily. The Cleveland Clinic has been able to cut the door-to-balloon time almost in half. Thirty-five percent of their patients have had door-to-balloon times of 45 minutes or less and others were able to be treated in only 21 minutes. Researchers will soon publish the results of how their protocol reduces the overall time and how it is specifically impacting death rates.

(Source: Dr. Travis Gullet & https://consultqd.clevelandclinic.org/2016/05/streamlined-stemi-protocol-slashes-door-balloon-times/)


See the original post here:
Stem cell therapy being used for osteoarthritis - WNDU-TV


Saitama clinic ordered to halt unauthorized stem cell ‘anti-aging’ therapy using umbilical cord blood – The Japan Times

Monday, February 20th, 2017

SAITAMA The health ministry on Monday ordered a Saitama clinic to stop injecting stem cells of human umbilical cord blood into patients as an anti-aging treatment.

Saitama Medical Clinic in Tokorozawa, Saitama Prefecture, was found to have been engaged in such therapy without getting permission from the ministry. The regenerative medicine safety law mandates that all hospitals and clinics submit plans for stem cell therapy and get permission from the ministry beforehand.

The ministry conducted an on-site inspection of the clinic on Friday, based on tips from an outsider, and confirmed the clinic offered the unauthorized therapy, boasting that umbilical cord cell shots would boost health and help with anti-aging.

Several men and women are believed to have undergone treatment there. The ministry has asked the clinic to report the number of cases, any health damage and the kind of stem cells used and how they were obtained.

For clinics to receive approval for medical procedures using cells of others, they need to submit a detailed plan and have it screened by a panel of experts under the health ministry. The clinic had not submitted such a plan.

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Saitama clinic ordered to halt unauthorized stem cell 'anti-aging' therapy using umbilical cord blood - The Japan Times


Local vet taking part in stem cell therapy study for dogs – Story … – ABC Action News

Monday, February 20th, 2017

TARPON SPRINGS, Fla. - Cosby just doesnt get around like he used to.

We have six dogs and hes always the one thats the last to get up. The last to get out, said his owner Brian Cirillo.

And for Cirillo, its sad to see.

I hate it. Its always like he always on his tippy topes on his back legs. So its heartbreaking.

But a new trial study that is about to start at the St. Francis Pet Care Center in Tarpon Springs, could be just what Cosby needs.

Veterinarian Mike Amsberry is offering stem cell therapy for dogs.

They are seeing that its very, very safe. And very effective.

This study is focused specifically on four-legged friends with arthritis.

But in the past hes seen stem cell treatments work wonders for other ailments.

Its cells treating the body, rather than then some foreign substance. Some medication.

In this trial, the stem cells come from umbilical cords of donor dogs.

Not only can qualified pets get the treatment for free, but owners are paid too.

Cosby seems like the perfect candidate.

I think thats where everything seems to be going with regard to medicine. So to be on the leading edge of that to potential help him without having to put him on a bunch of medicine is definitely a plus, said Cirillo.

The hope is one day Cosby will be able to keep up with the rest.

And lead the way to help thousands of other dogs.

For more information on the trial study go to petstemcells.org.

Local vet taking part in stem cell therapy study for dogs - Story ... - ABC Action News


Stem Cell Company Combining Stem Cell Therapy with Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment – PR Newswire (press release)

Monday, February 20th, 2017

TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 20, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- StemedixInc., a U.S. based stem cell therapy group that specializesin the use of stem cells to treat patients with degenerative conditions, announced today that they are offering their patients a powerful treatment combination; Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and Stem Cell Therapy. According to research, the benefit of having HBOT treatments in conjunction with stem cell therapy is increasing the synthesis of nitric oxide, which signals the release of stem cells.

A recentstudyby researchers fromNeural Regeneration Researchfound results showing test subjects that underwent bothmesenchymalstem cell transplantation and HBOT had better neurological outcomes and better cognitive performance scores than subjects that endured only one type of treatment. Anotherstudyat the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, led by researcher StephenThom, MD, PhD, found that HBOT increases stem cell activity. After one treatment, the stem cell concentration doubled and after 20 treatments, they increasedeightfold.

Based on the growing interest and success, Fred Palmer, director of operations, at Stemedixsaid, "We are very proud to be working with the most recent and advanced technologies in the industry today. This combination of hyperbaric oxygen and stem cell therapies is progressively becoming the recommended treatment from our physicians and the selected treatment of our patients. Studies coupled with our own results we have seen thus far have been very impressive and supportive to our decision to offer this adjoining treatment."

Stemedix is now combining their stem cell therapy treatments with HBOT which allows for healing to occur that enables fibroblasts (tissue cells), capillaries (circulatory), osteoblasts (bone cells) andstem cellsto be stimulated. Without appropriate levels of oxygen in the tissue, healing cannot take place. With HBOT, oxygen is dissolved into all of the body's fluids, plasma, central nervous system fluids, lymph, and bone. In addition, the areas of the body that are lacking oxygen will begin to receive oxygen again.

To learn more about StemedixHBOT and stem cell therapy, contact Stemedixat 800-531-0831.


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To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/stem-cell-company-combining-stem-cell-therapy-with-hyperbaric-oxygen-treatment-300410046.html

SOURCE Stemedix, Inc.

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Stem Cell Company Combining Stem Cell Therapy with Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment - PR Newswire (press release)


Stem Cell therapy is future of anti-ageing – Bangalore Mirror

Monday, February 20th, 2017

Chronological aging shows the natural life cycle of the cells as opposed to cells that have been unnaturally replicated multiple times or otherwise manipulated in a lab.

In order to preserve the cells in their natural state, Penn researchers developed a system to collect and store them without manipulating them, making them available for this study. They found stem cells collected directly from human fat -- called adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) -- can make more proteins than originally thought. This gives them the ability to replicate and maintain their stability, a finding that held true in cells collected from patients of all ages.

Our study shows these cells are very robust, even when they are collected from older patients, said Ivona Percec, MD, director of Basic Science Research in the Center for Human Appearance and the studys lead author. It also shows these cells can be potentially used safely in the future, because they require minimal manipulation and maintenance.

Stem cells are currently used in a variety of anti-aging treatments and are commonly collected from a variety of tissues. But Percecs team specifically found ASCs to be more stable than other cells, a finding that can potentially open the door to new therapies for the prevention and treatment of aging-related diseases.

Unlike other adult human stem cells, the rate at which these ASCs multiply stays consistent with age, Percec said.

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Stem Cell therapy is future of anti-ageing - Bangalore Mirror


AJ Foyt planning to undergo stem cell therapy – USA TODAY

Monday, February 20th, 2017

AJ Foyt planning to undergo stem cell therapy
Foyt, 82, told IndyCar.com Saturday during a Verizon IndyCar Series test at Phoenix International Raceway that he plans to undergo stem cell therapy, likely in Cancun, Mexico, with injections into both ankles and shoulders as well as his blood. Foyt ...
New Nanofiber Stem Cell Therapy Developed By Kyoto UniversityUniversity Herald
Local Physician Offers Latest in Stem Cell TherapyPR Leap (press release)
Stem Cell Therapy Market Is Expected to Reach USD 60.94 Billion by 2022Digital Journal

all 12 news articles »

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AJ Foyt planning to undergo stem cell therapy - USA TODAY


R3 Stem Cell Now Offering Regenerative Medicine Treatment in Las … – PR Web (press release)

Monday, February 20th, 2017

Top Stem Cell in Las Vegas and Henderson NV (844) GET-STEM

Las Vegas, Nevada (PRWEB) February 20, 2017

R3 Stem Cell is now offering regenerative medicine treatment in Las Vegas and Henderson Nevada. Treatments have helped many patients avoid surgery and improve their lives dramatically. R3 has partnered with Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy to offer treatment for all types of conditions. Call (844) GET-STEM for more information and scheduling.

Regenerative medicine therapy with stem cells has become mainstream, and the pioneers at Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy are experts. The conditions treated include arthritis, tendonitis, sports injuries, ligament injuries along with a host of systemic issues such as COPD, CHF, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohns Disease, Diabetes and many more.

The Las Vegas stem cell center uses the patients adipose tissue, and concentrates the stem cells in a same day treatment. The treatment is offered either as an injection or an infusion, depending on the need.

The therapy works great for helping patients avoid the need for potentially risky surgery, such as joint replacement or tendonitis surgery. Not only does the procedure include stem cells, but also growth factors along with other healing agents.

Along with the adipose stem cell therapy, the Las Vegas stem cell doctors utilize platelet rich plasma therapy, known as PRP therapy for short. The combination of the two augment the capability of repair.

In addition to bone and joint conditions along with organ issues, Dynamic offers cosmetic procedures as well. This includes the Vampire facelift along with hair restoration that works great from platelet rich plasma therapy.

Over 85% of patients benefit from the regenerative medicine procedures. Call (844) GET-STEM for more information and scheduling with the top stem cell therapy in Las Vegas.

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R3 Stem Cell Now Offering Regenerative Medicine Treatment in Las ... - PR Web (press release)


INDYCAR legend Foyt plans to have stem cell therapy – IndyCar.com – INDYCAR

Sunday, February 19th, 2017

(This story originally appeared as exclusive content on the Verizon INDYCAR Mobile app. To download the app for smartphones, click here.)

AVONDALE, Ariz. At 82, A.J. Foyt's body has literally been beaten beyond his years.

The first four-time winner of the Indianapolis 500 has experienced everything from a broken back at a 1964 NASCAR race in Riverside, California, to two badly broken feet and legs in a horrible crash at Road America in a 1990 Indy car race.

Foyt retired from racing on pole qualifying day at the 1993 Indianapolis 500, but retirement hasn't been much easier. He was stung more than 200 times from an attack of killer bees in 2005, trapped under an overturned bulldozer on his Texas ranch in 2007 and had knee replacements and a hip replacement. In November 2014, Foyt underwent triple-bypass heart surgery and remained in the hospital for weeks afterward because of complications.

Foyt has survived it all but not without a struggle. He now is looking for a fountain of youth and told the Verizon INDYCAR Mobile App that he will undergo stem cell therapy in Cancun, Mexico.

They have to cut away some of the tissue from my stomach and it takes 8-10 weeks for it to grow back to produce the stem cells, Foyt said in an exclusive interview. I'll probably have it done soon so that we can begin the treatment within the next two to three months.

Adult stem cells are able to grow and become a cell for a specific tissue or organ, according to the National Institutes of Health. They are different from embryonic stem cells, which come from fertilized eggs or aborted fetuses. Embryonic stem cells can turn into cells for nearly any tissue in the body.

The procedure is not performed in the United States, so Foyt has found a medical facility in Mexico that can do the treatment that regenerates newer and younger cells. He said he will have stem cells injected into each ankle and shoulder, as well as into his blood.

It used to be you would have to go to Germany to get this procedure, but now it's available in Cancun and that is probably where I'll have it done, Foyt said Saturday during the Verizon IndyCar Series open test at Phoenix Raceway. I'm not in good health like I used to be and, if my son Larry hadn't taken over (running) the team four years ago, I would have had to shut it down. It's something he likes to do and I'm backing him 100 percent.

Foyt said he feels good to be his age after all the crap that I've been through.

I feel better this year than I did last year, Foyt continued. If I get to feeling bad, I probably won't show up at the race. But I'm going to do that stem cell deal. My wife, Lucy, has been pretty sick lately. Dan Pastorini (the former NFL quarterback) did it and it helped him. Peyton Manning (the former Indianapolis Colts and Denver Broncos quarterback) did it for his neck and it really helped him. Tony Dorsett (the former Dallas Cowboys running back) did it, so I think we should try it.

See the rest here:
INDYCAR legend Foyt plans to have stem cell therapy - IndyCar.com - INDYCAR


Stem Cell Professionals: Stem Cell Therapy in York, Pa

Saturday, February 18th, 2017

Knee Pain

Knee pain, often caused by sport injuries, is incredibly common. If your knee pain is getting worse learn how you can stay out of surgery with Stem Cell Therapy.

The hip joint is the largest joint in the human body but this joint isn't indestructible. Over time and overuse joint pain can occur. Click to learn how you can be treated with Stem Cell Therapy.

Shoulder pain is typically a result from previous injury to the shoulder joint or tendons. Click to see how Stems Cell Therapy can help.

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common types of heel pain. The pain you experience during plantar fasciitis is actually inflammation in a ligament in your foot. This inflammation is commonly treated with stem cell therapy.

The lower back is a problematic area for many older adults. This part of the body is a very complex and interconnected network of muscles, discs, nerves and bones that can cause a number of problems that range from arthritis to muscle spasms.

Elbow joints are much less prone to wear and tear as other joints but pain is typically a result from years of repetitive motion. Click to see how we can help with Stem Cell Therapy.

Wrist pain is a common complaint. It's typically caused by sudden impacts and repetitive stress. Check out how Stem Cell therapy can alleviate your pain.

Like other joints injury and overuse are the typical causes of ankle pain. However, gout and joint space are among other causes. Click to see how you can benefit from Stem Cells.

Your neck or cervical spine is another problem area for many people. Like the lower back the neck is made up of discs, bones, muscles and ligaments which can cause people to experience many painful symptoms.

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Stem Cell Professionals: Stem Cell Therapy in York, Pa


Stem Cell Therapy – Premier Regenerative Stem Cell

Saturday, February 18th, 2017

The Re-Brand Premier Regenerative Stem Cell and Wellness Centers, recently rebranded their business from Premier Stem Cell Institute, in response to expanding locations, technology, and treatments. This move reflects the growth and success this company has undergone recently and goals for the future.

PRSC and Wellness Centers President, Kandace Stolz said, This rebrand is the culmination of the years of work weve put into stem cell medicine. Were growing and healing more patients than we ever have before, this new name reflects those accomplishments and gives us room grow. We are so thrilled for this move and cant wait to do even more for our patients going forward.

Premier Regenerative Stem Cell and Wellness Centers will continue to partner with the NFL Alumni Association and treat current and former professional athletes. PRSC remains dedicated to studying stem cell treatment by collecting and tracking data to further stem cell progress and maximize results for all patients. PRSCs commitment to being a leader in stem cell and regenerative medicine is unwavering and will continue to innovate and learn to heal and improve the quality of life for all patients.

About Premier Regenerative Stem Cell and Wellness Centers: PRSC is a leading research and treatment facility in Colorado, providing innovative medicine and therapies for those in pain by harnessing the bodys own natural healing power of stem cells. As team of cutting-edge medical experts, PRSC is dedicated to treating patients by using their own stem cells to heal, improve quality of life, and battle the acute pain of chronic illnesses. Premier Regenerative Stem Cell and Wellness Center locations include Loveland Colorado, Dallas Texas, St. Louis, Missouri, and Jacksonville, Florida. PRSC has plans to expand to other major cities across the United States in the near future.

See the original post here:
Stem Cell Therapy - Premier Regenerative Stem Cell


Stem cell therapy adds pep to pets – Columbus Telegram

Saturday, February 18th, 2017

COLUMBUS For the past year, Dr. Todd Paczosa has been practicing what he calls the future of medicine.

The veterinarian treats his four-legged patients through stem cell therapy.

Im not anti-antibiotic, anti-medicine. I just believe that even in the future of cancer treatment that it is going to come down to your body healing itself, Paczosa said.

The process involves removing fatty tissue from a patient, extracting stem cells, then injecting the cells back into the animal's joints to promote healing.

Paczosa said he researched the treatment for about a decade before deciding to offer it at Redstone Veterinary Hospital in Columbus.

Our body is full of cells that heal. You get cut, your body heals. What we are doing is taking those cells, waking them up and saying, Hey, lets go to work, he said.

Since he started offering stem cell therapy last March, 17 dogs, horses and cattle have used the treatment. One of those patients is Butch, a 9-year-old schnauzer owned by Marge Biester of Columbus that was suffering from a strained ligament and achy joints.

He was really hurting. I had to do something for him, Biester said, adding that Butch wasnt putting much weight on his back leg when he walked.

The treatment was done in January. Butch was put under anesthesia to retrieve the fat tissue. Using equipment in-house, the stem cells were extracted and injected back into the dog that same day.

Paczosa, who has been a veterinarian for 23 years, said the entire process can be done in a day.

Biester noticed results in about two weeks.Butch wasnt doing his three-legged walk anymore and began acting like a more-active, younger version of himself.

Im amazed at how quickly he recovered, she said.

Paczosa said all of the animals he has treated so far have shown improvement.

One of these days, we will have one that doesnt work. Thats just medicine, but we havent had one yet, he said.

The possibility of the stem cell therapy not working can be a turnoff for some pet owners who might find it difficult to spend $1,900 to $2,400 for the treatment at Redstone. If it does work, Paczosa said the therapy is less expensive in the long run than putting an animal on medication for extended periods of time to ease the pain from arthritis.

Other pluses, he said, are that the regenerative therapy isnt as invasive as surgery and anti-rejection drugs don't have to be used since the cells come from the same animal.More than one joint can also be treated at a time and it can eliminate the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The biggest risks are putting the animal under anesthesia and infection of the surgical site where the fatty tissue is removed, typically from the shoulder area or abdomen.

Stem cell therapy is practiced at a few hundred veterinary clinics in the country. Redstone works with the animal stem cell company MediVet Biologics and uses that companys in-house technology.

Paczosa said owners have come from other states to use the therapy at his Columbus clinic.

Initial results from the procedure lasts about two years. An option to bank stem cells from a pet is available. A portion of what is taken can be stored in a lab and used again in the future.

For Paczosa's patients, results have been quick and ongoing.

Most owners have seen a dramatic improvement in two weeks. Our first patient is still seeing improvements, he said.

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Stem cell therapy adds pep to pets - Columbus Telegram


Takeda, TiGenix stem cell therapy shows sustained effect – FierceBiotech

Friday, February 17th, 2017

Takeda and TiGenix have presented 52-week data on their allogeneic expanded adipose-derived stem cells in Crohns disease patients with treatment-refractory complex perianal fistulas. The data show the Cx601 stem cells continue to outperform placebo one year after administration.

TiGenix presented the 24-week data from the successful phase 3 trial back in 2015, sparking a surge in its stock price and setting it up to land a deal with Takeda. Last year it followed up with the release of a first look at 52-week results confirming the efficacy outcomes seen in the earlier data drop.

Takeda and TiGenix have now shared another overview of the 52-week data at the 12th Congress of the European Crohns and Colitis Organisation (ECCO). The abstract includes treatment-related adverse event data that were absent from TiGenixs original release, but included in subsequent presentations.

Those 52-week data confirm the positive safety profile seen in the 24-week results. The rate of treatment-emergent adverse events was lower in the Cx601 cohort than the placebo plus standard of care arm at both time points. The same is true when only serious adverse events are analyzed.

The safety results complement the previously-released efficacy data. Among the 62% of patients who completed the 52-week follow-up, the results were comparable to those generated after 24 weeks. In the Cx601 arm, 56.3% of the modified intention-to-treat (mITT) population achieved combined remission after 52 weeks, compared to 51.5% after 24 weeks. The respective figures for the placebo cohort are 38.6% and 35.6%. The mITT population included all patients to undergo at least one post-baseline efficacy evaluation.

These data highlight that the efficacy and safety of a single administration of Cx601 were maintained during one year of follow up, TiGenix CMO. Marie Paule Richard said in a statement. It is important to also note that the definition of combined remission used in the ADMIRE-CD study, which includes both clinical and radiological assessment by MRI, is more stringent than the criteria commonly used in previous large scale, randomized clinical trials evaluating perianal fistulas in Crohns disease, based only on clinical assessment.

Relapse rates in the Cx601 group were rarer, too. Three-quarters of participants who responded to Cx601 after 24 weeks made it to 52 weeks without relapsing. The number falls to 55.9% among the placebo cohort.

TiGenix is hoping the data will prove compelling enough to secure a regulatory approval in Europe later this year. In parallel, TiGenix is setting up another phase 3 trial designed to deliver data to support approval in the U.S.. TiGenix expects the trial to start later this year.

Shares in TiGenix traded up 4% shortly after the stock exchange in Brussels opened for the day.

See the original post:
Takeda, TiGenix stem cell therapy shows sustained effect - FierceBiotech


Stem cell therapy treatment gives new lease of life to 5-year-old – Avenue Mail

Friday, February 17th, 2017

Stem cell therapy treatment gives new lease of life to 5-year-old Jamshedpur February 17, 2017 , by Desk 60

Ranchi : Till very recently, it was believed that brain damage is irreversible. However, now with emerging research; we understand that it is possible to repair the damaged brain tissue using cell therapy.

Again, today there are still many people in India who have not preserved their stem cells through cord blood banks. For all those patients, who have lost their hopes in finding a new treatment for neurological related disorders, adult stem cell therapy offers a new hope for such kind of patients.

Dr Alok Sharma, Director, NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute, Professor and Head of Neurosurgery, LTMG Hospital & LTM Medical College, Sion said Stem cell therapy is emerging as one of the newer treatment options for conditions like Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental retardation, Muscular Dytrophy, Spinal Cord Injury, Paralysis, Brain Stroke, Cerebellar Ataxia and Other Neurological Disorders. This treatment has the potential to repair the damaged neural tissue at molecular, structural and functional level.

Dr. NandiniGokulchandran, Deputy Director, Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute saidStem Cell Therapy (SCT) done at NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute is a very simple and safe procedure. Stem Cells are taken from patients own bone marrow with the help of one needle and are injected back in their Spinal Fluid after processing.

Since they are taken from the patients own body there is no rejection, no side effects, hence making SCT a completely safe procedure.

Today, we are presenting a case study of Ranchi based 5 yrs old Master Dhairya Singh. He is a known case of brain damage due to lack of oxygen but not during birth. Dhairya was born in a normal manner, cried immediately after birth also his birth weight was appropriate.

There were no immediate post-natal complications reported. Dhariya was a normal child till the age of one and half years old. Then one day he suffered from an episode of pneumonia for which he was hospitalized for 6 days.

Last updated:Friday, February 17, 2017

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Stem cell therapy treatment gives new lease of life to 5-year-old - Avenue Mail


A.J. Foyt planning to undergo stem cell therapy | USA TODAY Sports – USA TODAY

Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

A.J. Foyt planning to undergo stem cell therapy | USA TODAY Sports
Auto racing legend A.J. Foyt is hoping to find the fountain of youth for a body that has taken quite a beating over the years. And like a handful of athletes before ...

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A.J. Foyt planning to undergo stem cell therapy | USA TODAY Sports - USA TODAY


Paralyzed Easton Teen Seeking Stem Cell Treatment In Bid To Move Legs Again – Brookfield Daily Voice

Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

EASTON, Conn. --Hope is a big word in the Standen household in Easton these days.

Through a procedure at the Cell Medicine Institute in Panama, there is a 60 percent to 70 percent chance that Zach Standen a 17-year-old who became paralyzed from the waist down after a car accident last summer may regain some feeling and movement in his legs.

In the procedure, The stem cells are taken from your own bone marrow and human umbilical cords and are re-injected into your body," Zachs mother, Christine Standen, said in a phone interview.

The ultimate goal is for the stem cells from Zach's body to regenerate the nerves and neural connections for him to regain some feeling and function in his legs.

It's extremely important that Zach gets the treatment as soon as possible, his mother said. "He should get the stem cell therapy within a year of the accident since this is when the most healing occurs and before scar tissue is laid down," Christine Standen said. Once this happens, she said, muscle mass is lost and muscles begin to atrophy.

Related story: Easton teen is left paralyzed after car crash.

Zach's family has set up a GoFundMe page to raise the nearly $40,000 needed to pay for the treatment. So far, the page has been shared 687 times. With 313 donations, it has raised $18,194 out of a $100,000 goal.

The family is hoping to raise enough money to get Zach two stem cell treatments, which would greatly increase his chances for recovery.

In addition, a fundraiser has been established to benefit the cause for Zach. Through Feb. 28, a total of 15 percent of the cost of the Arbonne products from this page will be donated to Zach Standens Stem Cell Therapy Fund.

Zach and his mother, as well as Zachs girlfriend, Constance Rude, plan on taking the month-long trip to Panama.

We are hoping that Zach [who attends Joel Barlow High School in Redding] will get his homework assignments ahead of time," she said, adding that he will most likely have to take summer classes or make up some timein the fall.

In a post on Zachs GoFundMe Page, his mother wrote, As of right now, there has been very little progress physically and I can't see him being like this for the rest of his life. No walking, no bowel or bladder control, no sexual function, no feeling. This is no way to live if we can help it, especially for a 17 year old."

She said Zach's spirits are waning. "He is finding it difficult to study and is trying to maintain hope."

Aside from his medical issues, Zach has the life of a typical teenager he goes to school and hangs out with his friends.

Related story: A family seeks support for treatment for paralyzed son.

Zach goes twice a week to physical therapy at Gaylord Hospital in Wallingford. "He is working really hard, every day," said his mother.

Another fundraiser for Zachwill be a concert by the Grayson Hugh & The Moon Hawks & The Bobby Paltauf Band on March 11 at 7 p.m. at the Fairfield Theatre Company. A total of 25 percent of ticket sales will go toward Zach's Stem Cell Therapy Fund.

Christine Standen said she feels extreme gratitude toward for the support the family has received through this tough time. "We are so grateful to the entire community," she said.

For previous Daily Voice articles on Zach Standen, click here and here .

See the article here:
Paralyzed Easton Teen Seeking Stem Cell Treatment In Bid To Move Legs Again - Brookfield Daily Voice


Paralyzed Easton Teen Seeking Stem Cell Treatment In Bid To … – Wilton Daily Voice

Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

EASTON, Conn. --Hope is a big word in the Standen household in Easton these days.

Through a procedure at the Cell Medicine Institute in Panama, there is a 60 percent to 70 percent chance that Zach Standen a 17-year-old who became paralyzed from the waist down after a car accident last summer may regain some feeling and movement in his legs.

In the procedure, The stem cells are taken from your own bone marrow and human umbilical cords and are re-injected into your body," Zachs mother, Christine Standen, said in a phone interview.

The ultimate goal is for the stem cells from Zach's body to regenerate the nerves and neural connections for him to regain some feeling and function in his legs.

It's extremely important that Zach gets the treatment as soon as possible, his mother said. "He should get the stem cell therapy within a year of the accident since this is when the most healing occurs and before scar tissue is laid down," Christine Standen said. Once this happens, she said, muscle mass is lost and muscles begin to atrophy.

Related story: Easton teen is left paralyzed after car crash.

Zach's family has set up a GoFundMe page to raise the nearly $40,000 needed to pay for the treatment. So far, the page has been shared 687 times. With 313 donations, it has raised $18,194 out of a $100,000 goal.

The family is hoping to raise enough money to get Zach two stem cell treatments, which would greatly increase his chances for recovery.

In addition, a fundraiser has been established to benefit the cause for Zach. Through Feb. 28, a total of 15 percent of the cost of the Arbonne products from this page will be donated to Zach Standens Stem Cell Therapy Fund.

Zach and his mother, as well as Zachs girlfriend, Constance Rude, plan on taking the month-long trip to Panama.

We are hoping that Zach [who attends Joel Barlow High School in Redding] will get his homework assignments ahead of time," she said, adding that he will most likely have to take summer classes or make up some timein the fall.

In a post on Zachs GoFundMe Page, his mother wrote, As of right now, there has been very little progress physically and I can't see him being like this for the rest of his life. No walking, no bowel or bladder control, no sexual function, no feeling. This is no way to live if we can help it, especially for a 17 year old."

She said Zach's spirits are waning. "He is finding it difficult to study and is trying to maintain hope."

Aside from his medical issues, Zach has the life of a typical teenager he goes to school and hangs out with his friends.

Related story: A family seeks support for treatment for paralyzed son.

Zach goes twice a week to physical therapy at Gaylord Hospital in Wallingford. "He is working really hard, every day," said his mother.

Another fundraiser for Zachwill be a concert by the Grayson Hugh & The Moon Hawks & The Bobby Paltauf Band on March 11 at 7 p.m. at the Fairfield Theatre Company. A total of 25 percent of ticket sales will go toward Zach's Stem Cell Therapy Fund.

Christine Standen said she feels extreme gratitude toward for the support the family has received through this tough time. "We are so grateful to the entire community," she said.

For previous Daily Voice articles on Zach Standen, click here and here .

See original here:
Paralyzed Easton Teen Seeking Stem Cell Treatment In Bid To ... - Wilton Daily Voice


Local stem cell researcher to appear on Dr. Oz today – Albany Times Union

Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

From left are Dr. Oz, researcher Sally Temple, patient Patricia Holman, television personality Montel Williams and Dr. Elisabeth Leamy. (Courtesy Sony Pictures Television)

From left are Dr. Oz, researcher Sally Temple, patient Patricia Holman, television personality Montel Williams and Dr. Elisabeth Leamy. (Courtesy Sony Pictures Television)

From left are Dr. Oz, researchers Sally Temple, patient Patricia Holman, Dr. Elisabeth Leamy and television personality Montel Williams. (Courtesy Sony Pictures Television)

From left are Dr. Oz, researchers Sally Temple, patient Patricia Holman, Dr. Elisabeth Leamy and television personality Montel Williams. (Courtesy Sony Pictures Television)

Dr. Oz with Sally Temple, scientific director and co-founder of the Neural Stem Cell Institute. (Courtesy Sony Pictures Television)

Dr. Oz with Sally Temple, scientific director and co-founder of the Neural Stem Cell Institute. (Courtesy Sony Pictures Television)

Local stem cell researcher to appear on Dr. Oz today

Sally Temple has a plea for people considering stem cell therapy to cope with a chronic illness or life-threatening disease: Don't. Not yet.

Temple, co-founder of the Neural Stem Cell Institute in Rensselaer and president of the International Society for Stem Cell Research, has spent her career studying stem cells. Her pre-taped appearance on "The Dr. Oz Show" airs Tuesday, Feb. 14, where she talks about the difference between stem cell research and what she calls the "snake oil" promises of clinics that haven't been approved by the FDA but promise miracle cures for scourges like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Stem cells hold promise for treatment because they are the foundation from which all parts of the human body grow.

There are more than 500 clinics in the country offering unproven therapies, including some in New York state and a lot in Florida. "We know it's going on all around the world," Temple said.

Patients lured by false promises spend a lot of money. Temple said people have taken out second mortgages to cover the costs. But they are also at medical risk, Temple said, because injecting stem cells even the patient's own cells can have unpredictable results.


The Dr. Oz Show airs at 2 p.m. weekdays on NewsChannel 13 WNYT. Learn more about stem cell research at http://neuralsci.org.

"We're now hearing of people getting dreadful outcomes, tumors and blindness," she said.

It's because, without FDA approval and the long process of testing a new drug, there's no way to know for sure what's in the syringe, Temple said. "It may sound good to take stem cells from your own fat and inject them into your eye, but injecting stem cells that were good at making fat into another part of the body where they were never supposed to be can be disastrous."

Dr. Mehmet Oz said he chose this subject because there are stem cell clinics using the potential of legitimate research to take advantage of patients desperate for help.

"These physicians are violating not only the trust of their patients but also the law and hopefully our show will push the FDA to use its authority to shut them down," Oz said.

Temple said she was impressed by how informed Oz was during the taping for the show in New York City last month, and said it was clear the researchers and producers on the show had done their homework. Montel Williams, a former show host himself, also appeared on the segment. Williams suffers from multiple sclerosis and said he's been approached by clinics who want his celebrity endorsement.

"He was fully aware of lack of research and knew that when you dig for scientific rationale, it's not there," Temple said. "True stem cell therapy is coming, but we have to go through the proper channels and know it's safe."

Go here to read the rest:
Local stem cell researcher to appear on Dr. Oz today - Albany Times Union


Paralyzed Easton Teen Seeking Stem Cell Treatment In Bid To Move Legs Again – New Canaan Daily Voice

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

EASTON, Conn. --Hope is a big word in the Standen household in Easton these days.

Through a procedure at the Cell Medicine Institute in Panama, there is a 60 percent to 70 percent chance that Zach Standen a 17-year-old who became paralyzed from the waist down after a car accident last summer may regain some feeling and movement in his legs.

In the procedure, The stem cells are taken from your own bone marrow and human umbilical cords and are re-injected into your body," Zachs mother, Christine Standen, said in a phone interview.

The ultimate goal is for the stem cells from Zach's body to regenerate the nerves and neural connections for him to regain some feeling and function in his legs.

It's extremely important that Zach gets the treatment as soon as possible, his mother said. "He should get the stem cell therapy within a year of the accident since this is when the most healing occurs and before scar tissue is laid down," Christine Standen said. Once this happens, she said, muscle mass is lost and muscles begin to atrophy.

Related story: Easton teen is left paralyzed after car crash.

Zach's family has set up a GoFundMe page to raise the nearly $40,000 needed to pay for the treatment. So far, the page has been shared 687 times. With 313 donations, it has raised $18,194 out of a $100,000 goal.

The family is hoping to raise enough money to get Zach two stem cell treatments, which would greatly increase his chances for recovery.

In addition, a fundraiser has been established to benefit the cause for Zach. Through Feb. 28, a total of 15 percent of the cost of all Arbonne products will be donated to Zach Standens Stem Cell Therapy Fund.

Zach and his mother, as well as Zachs girlfriend, Constance Rude, plan on taking the month-long trip to Panama.

We are hoping that Zach [who attends Joel Barlow High School in Redding] will get his homework assignments ahead of time," she said, adding that he will most likely have to take summer classes or make up some timein the fall.

In a post on Zachs GoFundMe Page, his mother wrote, As of right now, there has been very little progress physically and I can't see him being like this for the rest of his life. No walking, no bowel or bladder control, no sexual function, no feeling. This is no way to live if we can help it, especially for a 17 year old."

She said Zach's spirits are waning. "He is finding it difficult to study and is trying to maintain hope."

Aside from his medical issues, Zach has the life of a typical teenager he goes to school and hangs out with his friends.

Related story: A family seeks support for treatment for paralyzed son.

Zach goes twice a week to physical therapy at Gaylord Hospital in Wallingford. "He is working really hard, every day," said his mother.

Another fundraiser for Zachwill be a concert by the Grayson Hugh & The Moon Hawks & The Bobby Paltauf Band on March 11 at 7 p.m. at the Fairfield Theatre Company. A total of 25 percent of ticket sales will go toward Zach's Stem Cell Therapy Fund.

Christine Standen said she feels extreme gratitude toward for the support the family has received through this tough time. "We are so grateful to the entire community," she said.

For previous Daily Voice articles on Zach Standen, click here and here .

Originally posted here:
Paralyzed Easton Teen Seeking Stem Cell Treatment In Bid To Move Legs Again - New Canaan Daily Voice


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