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Archive for the ‘Stem Cell Therapy’ Category

First public sector stem cell bank to come up at KGMU – Times of India

Monday, May 8th, 2017

Lucknow: In what may come as a relief to over 1 lakh patients of thalassemia in India, a public sector stem cell bank is set to come up at UP's King George's Medical University here. A project of the university's transfusion medicine department, the stem cell bank would roll out stem cell therapy to patients of thalassemia and sickle cell anaemia. The proposal is awaiting clearance from state department of medical education.

Stem cells are omnipotent and can take shape of any cell inside the body. If infused in the pancreas, stem cells will become pancreatic while in the liver, they will become liver cells.

These are found in human bone marrow and can be derived from the umbilical cord which contains blood vessels that connect baby in the womb to the mother to ingest nutrition required for development.

Research on the therapeutic use of stem cells is underway in US, Europe, China, South East Asia besides India. In UP, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) and KGMU are both trying to explore the potential of stem cells to treat various health problems. SGPGI has, so far, restricted itself to use of allogenic (stem cells derived from bone marrow of a person), while KGMU has used stem cells derived from the umbilical cord.

Head of transfusion medicine department of KGMU, Prof Tulika Chandra said, "Several private sector stem cell banks like Life Cell and Cord Life India are operating in India but they serve only those who have deposited the baby's cord, while our bank will help everyone."

KGMU has sustained access to umbilical cord because of a very developed obstetrics and gynaecology department. The cord is gathered from the placenta in the uterus of pregnant women which nourishes and maintains the baby through the umbilical cord.

Sources in medical education department said the proposal is worth Rs 9 crore including infrastructure cost. "Stem cell bank promises to become financially self-sustaining within 2-3 years of inception," said a directorate officer.

Talking about why children with thalassemia and sickle cell anaemia were chosen, Chandra said, "Global literature shows umbilical cord stem cells can induce extraordinary results on such children. In fact, success rate is around 70-75% and higher score can be achieved if therapy is provided at an earlier age."

Go here to read the rest:
First public sector stem cell bank to come up at KGMU - Times of India


Former Tranmere footballer shares powerful picture as he begins fighting cancer with stem cell therapy – Liverpool Echo

Monday, May 8th, 2017

Former Tranmere Rovers player Joe Thompson has shared an inspiring photo as he begins stem cell therapy to battle his cancer.

The 28-year-old is battling the disease for the second time, after first discovering tumours in his neck in 2013.

The footballer played 32 games for Rovers in 2012 and 2013, before being diagnosed with nodular sclerosing Hodgkins disease.

He fought through six months of chemotherapy before returning to football, joining Bury and then starting at Rochdale last summer.

Now Joe has shared a brave photo from hospital, as he undergoes stem cell therapy.

Posting the picture to Twitter he said: Little Update, First day of the Stem Cell Harvest Process! Docs are very surprised with how good my blood counts are! Hearts super fit.

When he first announced his cancer had resturned in March Joe said his wife and daughter were his daily motivation.

He said: I will fight this life hurdle with the same belief, courage and desire as my previous battle.

The support shown to me since I discovered my illness has returned has been immense.

I would like to thank my wife, Chantelle, who was my rock in my first encounter and will once again be by my side with the same encouragement, discipline and strength.

Not to mention the love shown to me by both my wife and beautiful daughter Thailula-Lily who are both my motivations daily.

View original post here:
Former Tranmere footballer shares powerful picture as he begins fighting cancer with stem cell therapy - Liverpool Echo


BioNews – Unproven stem cell therapies promise versus evidence – BioNews

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

The ability of stem cells to divide into different mature cell types has ignited the field of regenerative medicine. Stem cells promise to repair and regenerate damaged or diseased tissues without the need for orthodox medical or surgical interventions.

However, there is disparity between the expectations held by the general public and some medical professionals versus the reality of the emerging clinical evidence. This disconnect was highlighted recently by the case of three elderly patients who were blinded by the use of an unproven stem cell therapy at a clinic in Florida, USA (BioNews 893).

While stem cell therapies in the field of haematology are showing promise, there are still many challenges in using them in any other disease models. In some countries, medical professionals are using unproven stem cell therapies as medical procedures to treat patients in lieu of conventional treatment pathways. What is more, these practitioners are operating under the premise of a trial.

Proponents of using stem cell therapies outside the context of a true clinical trial believe that these therapies are inherently safe, particularly if the stem cells derive from the individual patient themselves. And the medical professionals offering unproven stem cell therapies are convinced that the potential benefits of undergoing the therapy far outweigh the potential risks.

These benefits are used as an argument to forge ahead with unproven therapies outside ofclinical trials, as regulatory bodies are often to slow to regulate for the fast-paced field of regenerative medicine;gaining regulatory approval is usually a lengthy and costly process. And the regulation that is in place is often narrow in scope and does not account for the variety of products and manipulative techniques used in the field.

An anecdotal account of a stem cell therapys potential to cure a disease, however, does not make for an adequate standard of evidence. In the Florida case, three elderly patients with a progressive eye disease sought out an unproven stem cell therapy. The clinic involved was offering the therapy under the guise of a trial, however the patients had to pay for the procedure (in itself a 'red flag') that promised to 'cure' their disease. The therapy not only failed, but all three patients are now blind as described in The New England Journal of Medicine on 16 March.

Referring back to the disparity in expectations, how the word 'trial' is understood helps to clarify the basis of thedisconnect between the public and clinicians, and emerging evidence. The word 'trial' in the sense of a clinical trial calls for a robust experimental framework and sets of regulations and standards that safeguard the enrolled patients' rights and overall health. Furthermore, trials are performed in a phased manner to ensure any potential risks are minimised. The results generated from a certain phase informs the researchers as to the most effective way to proceed or indeed not proceed.

Using the word 'trial' in the sense of administering a therapy outside of the setting described above, however, only truly refers to the inherent risk of the therapy not working. Moreover, when being administered by a trusted medical professional, the harms of the therapy are often overshadowed by the promise of a'cure' relayed bythese professionals.

The differences in the interpretation of the word trial among medical professionals is reflected by the lack of strict regulation among professional bodies, such as medical councils and regulatory bodies including the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). While the FDA, for example, has published more specific guidelines in October 2015, these are unenforceable on a global scale.

Interestingly, on a regulatory level, there are opportunities afforded to medical professionals to use unproven stem cell therapies outside the context of a clinical trial as noted in the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 2016 guidelines:

...the ISSCR acknowledges that in some very limited cases, clinicians may be justified in attempting medically innovative stem cell-based interventions in a small number of seriously ill patients.

However the ISSCR goes on to clarify that it 'condemns' the use of unproven stem cell therapies in any other setting where clinical need is not deemed serious.

In relation to classifying unproven stem cell therapies as a medical procedure, the 2014 United States of America v Regenerative Sciences, LLC et al case dealt with the use of mesenchymal stem cells taken from a sample of a patient's own bone marrow to treat their own orthopaedic disorders. In this case, the court was not convinced that manipulating stem cells outside the body and reintroducing them to the patient was a matter of standard 'medical procedure', as argued by the companyRegenerative Sciences LLC. Instead, the court upheld the FDAs right to regulate the manufacturing (or manipulating) of these stem cells: however cases where there is significantly less manipulation of stem cells are yet to be tested.

Issues remain regarding how best to regulate the use of stem cell therapies, particularly in the early phases of their development. There have been calls for strict regulation through bodies such as the FDA, but others argue that strict regulation will only curtail the benefits stem cell therapies can impart. On the other hand, regulations that are too lenient, it is argued, will only harm the patient seeking the therapy, as a solid evidence base will not yet have been compiled for the therapy.

The rest is here:
BioNews - Unproven stem cell therapies promise versus evidence - BioNews


Stem Cells 101, the Value Proposition – Live Trading News

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

Stem Cells 101, the Value Proposition

The Key purpose of stem cells is to maintain, heal and regenerate tissues wherever they reside in our body. This is a continuous process that occurs inside the human body throughout its life.

If we did not have stem cells, our lifespan would be about 1 hour, because there would be nothing to replace exhausted cells or damaged tissue. In addition, any time the body is exposed to any sort of toxin, the inflammatory process causes stem cells to swarm the area to repair the damage.

As an example: Say you went to the gym in the morning and did some squats. As a result of that, you would get tiny tears inside the muscle. The stem cells that reside beneath the muscle would come out and repair those little tears.

The reason that, if you continuously go to the gym, you would start to build new muscle, is because those stem cells, hard at work underneath your muscle, are helping to repair and build that new muscle. This would apply to all of the tissues inside your body.

Sure, it is easy to think of stem cell therapy as a magic bullet,but is wise to implement strategies that nourish and thereby help optimize the stem cells we already have in our body.

As noted by Kristin Comella, named # 1 on the Academy of Regenerative Practices list of Top 10 stem cell innovators, has been a stem cell researcher for nearly 20 years: You have to create an appropriate environment for these cells to function in. If you are putting garbage into your body and you are constantly burdening your body with toxins, your stem cells are getting too distracted trying to fight off those toxins.

By creating an appropriate environment, optimizing your diet and reducing exposure to toxins, that will allow the stem cells that were putting in to really home in and focus on the true issue that were trying to treat.

The other thing weve discovered over the years is that [stem cell therapy] is not the type of thing where you take one dose and youre cured forever. Our tissues are constantly getting damaged Youre going to have to repeat-dose and use those stem cells to your advantage.

When you think about a lizard that loses its tail, it takes two years to grow back the tail. Why would we put unrealistic expectations on the stem cells that were trying to apply to repair or replace damaged tissue? This is a very slow process. This is something that will occur over months and may require repeat dosing.

In the past, stem cells were isolated from bone marrow, and were used for bone marrow transplants for cancer patients since the 1930s. But, stem cells come from just about any tissue in the human body, as every tissue contains stem cells.

Human bone marrow has very low amounts of mesenchymal stem cells now believed to be the most important, from a therapeutic perspective.

Mesenchymal stem cells help trigger an immunomodulatory response or a paracrine effect, which means they send signals out to the rest of your body, calling cells to the area to help promote healing.

What researchers have discovered recently is that a more plentiful source of stem cells is actually your fat tissue. Body fat can contain up to 500X more cells than bone marrow, as far as these mesenchymal type stem cells go.

One thing that is also critically important when youre talking about isolating the cells is the number of other cells that are going to be part of that population.

When youre isolating a bone marrow sample, this actually is very high in white blood cells, which are pro-inflammatory.

White blood cells are part of your immune response. When an injury occurs, or a foreign body enters your system, white blood cells will attack. Unfortunately, white blood cells do not discriminate, and can create quite a bit of damage as they clean the area out, Ms. Comella says.

Stem cells, in particular the mesenchymal cells, quiet down the white blood cells and then start the regeneration phase, which leads to new tissue.

Bone marrow tends to be very high in white blood cells and low in the mesenchymal cells. Isolating stem cells from fat tissue is preferred not only because its easier on the patient, but fat also contains a higher population of mesenchymal cells and fewer white blood cells.

The benefit also of isolating [stem cells from] fat is that its a relatively simple procedure. Theres typically no shortage of fat tissue, especially in Americans.

Also, as you age, your bone marrow declines with regards to the number of cells in it, whereas the fat tissue maintains a pretty high number of stem cells, even in older individuals.

We can successfully harvest fat off of just about anyone, regardless of their age or how thin they are. The procedure is done under local [anesthesia], meaning that the patient stays awake. They dont have to go under general anesthesia. We can harvest as few as 15 cubic centimeters of fat, which is a very small amount of fat, and still get a very high number of stem cells, Ms. Comella says.

A stem cell procedure can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000, depending on what is being done, and rarely if ever will insurance cover it.

Still, when compared it to the cost of long-term medications or the out-of-pocket cost of getting a knee replacement, stem cell therapy may still be a less expensive alternative.

Also, a single extraction will typically yield enough stem cells for 20 to 25 future treatments, should one decide to store stem cells for future needs.

I think it is accessible for patients, Ms. Comella says. Its an out-patient procedure. One should plan to be in clinic for about 2 hours; no real limitations afterwards, just no submerging in water, no alcohol, no smoking for a week. But other than that, patients can resume their normal activities and go about their regular daily lives.

Interestingly, Ms. Comella notes that patients who eat a very healthy diet, focusing on Organic and grass fed meat, have body fat that is very hearty and almost sticky, yielding high amounts of very healthy stem cells.

We can grow much better and faster stem cells from that fat than [the fat from] somebody who eats a grain-based diet or is exposed to a lot of toxins in their diet, she says. Their fat tends to be very fluffy, buttery yellow. The cells that come out of that are not necessarily as good a quality. Its just been very interesting. And of note, patients that are cigarette smokers, their fat is actually gray-tinged in color. The stem cells do not grow well at all.

The beauty of stem cell therapy is that it mimics a process that is ongoing in the human body all the time. Our stem cells are continuously promoting healing, and they do not have to be manipulated in any way. The stem cells naturally know how to hone in on areas of inflammation and how to repair damaged tissue.

All we are doing is harnessing the cells from one location where theyre sitting dormant and relocating them to exactly where we want them and we need them to work, Ms.Comella says. Basically, anything inside your body that is inflamed, that is damaged in some way, that is lacking blood supply, the [stem] cells can successfully treat.

That means orthopedics, knee injections, shoulder injections, osteoarthritis, acute injuries, anterior cruciate ligament tears in your back back pain associated with degenerative disc disease or damaged tendons or ligaments, herniated and bulging discs. You can also use it in systemic issues, everything from diabetes, to cardiac, to lungs any tissue organ inside your body thats been damaged.

Autoimmune diseases [can also be treated]. The stem cells are naturally immunosuppressant, meaning they can help quiet down an over reactive immune system and help the immune system function in a more normal way. Neurological diseases, traumatic brain injury, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinsons. All of these have to do with tissue thats not functioning properly. The cells can be used to address that.

The list of different diseases that could benefit from this intervention is very impressive.

And one can dramatically improve the benefits of stem cell intervention by combining it with other healthy lifestyle factors that optimize mitochondrial function, such as eating a healthy Real Food diet, exercising, sleeping well, avoiding toxins and detoxifying from toxic influences.

Stem cells can be used as part of an anti-aging program. Ms. Comella has used stem cells on herself for several years, and report feeling better now than she did a decade ago.

The ability to reduce inflammation inside your body is basically making yourself live longer. Inflammation is what kills us all. Its what makes our telomeres shrink. Its what causes us pain and discomfort. Its what makes the tissues start to die. The ability to dose yourself with stem cells and bring down your inflammation, which is most likely caused by any sort of toxin that youve been exposed to breathing air is exposure to toxins this is going to lengthen your lifespan.

I typically will do a dose every 6 to 12 months, regardless of whats going on. If I have anything thats bothering me, if I tweak my knee at the gym, then I absolutely will come in and do an injection in my knee. I want to keep my tissue healthy for as long as possible.

I want to stay strong. I dont want to wait until something is wrong with me. I think that this is the future of medicine. This is what were going to start to see. People will begin to get their regular doses of [their own] stem cells and itll just be common practice.

Keep in mind there is a gradual and progressive decline in the quality and the number of stem cells as we age, so when considering this approach, it would be prudent and advantageous to extract and bank stem cells as early on as possible. There are stem cell banking services available.

Your stem cells are never as young as they are right now. Every minute that you live, your telomeres are shrinking. The ability to lock in the youth of your cells today can be very beneficial for you going forward, and for your health going forward. God forbid something happens. What if you have a heart attack? Youre not going to get clearance to get a mini-lipo aspirate procedure.

If you have your cells waiting in the bank, ready for you, it becomes very easy to pull a dose and do an IV delivery of cells. Its almost criminal that were not doing this for every single one of our cardiac patients. This should be standard practice. We should be having every single patient bank their stem cells at a young age and have them waiting, ready and available. The technology is there. We have it. Im not sure why this technology is not being made available to everyone,says.

I think stem cell therapy is very different than traditional medicine. Stem cell therapy may actually make it so that you dont have to be dependent on pharmaceutical medications. You can actually repair the tissue and thats it. This is a very different way of viewing medicine,Ms. Comella says.

The amniotic products available in the US are not so much stem cell products as they are growth factor products.

According to Ms. Comella, they can be useful in creating an immunomodulatory response, which can help to promote healing, but that differs from the living stem cell procedures that can be done by either isolating cells from body fat or bone marrow. As a general rule, clinical benefits are not achieved when using an amniotic product, primarily because they do not contain living stem cells.

I want to contrast that to what are called embryonic stem cells, Ms.Comella adds. The products obtained from cord blood, from women who are having babies, are not embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are when you are first bringing the egg and sperm together. Three days after that, you can isolate what is called an inner cell mass. This inner cell mass can be used to then grow cells in culture, or that inner cell mass could eventually lead to the formation of a baby.

Those are embryonic stem cells, and those are pluripotential, meaning that they have the ability to form an entire being, versus adult stem cells or stem cells that are present in amniotic tissue, [which] are multipotential, which only have the ability to form subsets of tissue.

When dealing with different diseases or damaged tissue or inflammation, mostly you want to repair tissue. If somebody has damage in their knee, they do nnot necessarily need embryonic cells because they do not need a baby in their knee. They need new cartilage in their knee.

Stem cell therapy is very different than traditional medicine. Stem cell therapy may actually make it so that we do have to depend on pharmaceutical medications. And we can actually repair the tissue and be done with it. This is a very different way of viewing medicine.

Eat healthy, Be healthy, Live lively

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Read the rest here:
Stem Cells 101, the Value Proposition - Live Trading News


Stem cell therapy relieves pain, restores joints – The Herald-News

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

The 360+ joints in the human body link bones and keep our bodies flexible. Until they become painful. Physical discomfort, where bones meet to form a joint, can be mild to intensely agonizing when the joints cartilage, ligaments, tendons, or muscles become inflamed and sore. Pain in one joint may be the result of an injury, or a condition such as tendonitis. Pain in multiple joints may indicate arthritis or gout.

Many joint pain problems in the knees, hips, and shoulders can be relieved with stem cell injection therapy, according to Dr. Frank Ostir, Director, Ostir Physical Medicine in Joliet. He explains that stem cells have anti-inflammatory properties plus growth factors. They relieve pain and rebuild damaged joints by regenerating into new tissue and cartilage. Stem cells can also heal torn ligaments.

They speed up the bodys own healing abilities. Theres no risk of tissue rejection, and no toxic substances or side effects. This regenerative treatment gives the best results in the shortest amount of time, Ostir says.

This phenomenal advancement in regenerative medicine makes it possible for patients to be pain-free and possibly avoid surgery through a minimally invasive procedure performed in the office. The actual procedure takes about 15 minutes. We used guided imaging from fluoroscopy and ultrasound technology to inject the stem cells to the exact site of affliction. The stem cells are mixed with a local anesthetic and injected through a small needle, to minimize any discomfort.

Ostir continues, The patient usually rests on the day of the injection, and resumes regular activity afterwards. About 80 percent of healing occurs in the first two months of treatment, due to the rate of stem cells replicating. Its our hope that this truly amazing therapy will eliminate the need for drugs and surgery.

For more information, contact Ostir Physical Medicine, (815) 729-2022, or visit http://www.ostirphysicalmed.com.

See the original post:
Stem cell therapy relieves pain, restores joints - The Herald-News


Stem cell therapy treats man with muscle degeneration | Zee News – Zee News

Sunday, April 30th, 2017

New Delhi: A 20-year-old man named Aditya Bhatia was suffering from Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD) -- a condition which slowly weakens and degenerates all the muscles of the body leading to disability was treated using stem cell therapy.

Aditya was diagnosed with Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD) in 2012. It started after he found it difficult to lift his arms over the head -- one of the main and strongest symptoms. Consultations with several doctors did not find Bhatia any solution, and his condition grew severe and started affecting other parts of the body such as face.

FSHD usually begins before age 20, with weakness and atrophy of the muscles around the eyes and mouth, shoulders, upper arms and lower legs. Later, weakness can spread to abdominal muscles and sometimes hip muscles.

Experts says that FSHD can be divided into adult-onset and infantile-onset forms.

Bhatia's parents had heard about the stem cell treatment which had proved effective in many diseases such as spinal diseases.

Accordingly, they consulted doctors on stem cell therapy and decided to give it a try.

All the procedures were followed and he was tested for hyper sensitivity reactions with stem cells, also known as Human Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy.

Doctors said that during the treatment procedure, Bhatia was injected with 0.05 ml stem cells.

(With IANS inputs)

See the rest here:
Stem cell therapy treats man with muscle degeneration | Zee News - Zee News


Stem cell therapy ‘magic’ for stroke, eye ailments – Vanguard

Sunday, April 30th, 2017

By David Ikudayisi

In recently published papers in the New England Journal of Medicine about the use of Stem Cell Therapy for Macular Degeneration, one report showed that 3 partially blind women became blind after the treatment with stem cells and the other report showed that an inevitable loss of vision was halted by use of stem cells in another patient. The stem cells used in these two reports were from two different sources fat and skin cells.

First of all, we need to remember or understand that Macular Degeneration is caused by the deterioration of the central portion of the retina, known as the macula, and it is responsible for focusing central vision in the eye, and it controls our ability to read, drive a car, recognize faces or colors, and see objects in fine detail. In America, it affects more than 10 million people more than cataracts and glaucoma combined.

Caucasians are more likely to develop the disease than African-Americans, Hispanics/Latinos or Africans. At present, Macular Degeneration is considered an incurable eye disease, and the closest hope for cure seems to be via Stem Cell Therapy. As shown in the reports, there is still a lot to be understood about stem cells in terms of dosing, frequency, source to be used for different disorders, etc; especially when talking about very sensitive organs of the body like the eyes.

The Florida Company that treated the three patients that went from partial blindness to total blindness have treated over 7,000 patients and have had very few adverse events reported. The scientific director of the company believes the safety track record is very strong and feels very confident about the procedures that they do as it has shown great success in many different health problems.

However, the rarity of the procedure causing harm draws me to see the many benefits and potential Adult Stem Cell Therapy could have on people. Examples of its effectiveness has been seen in so many patients in different studies and even in my own practice in the United States of America. There are already beneficiaries of Adult Stem Cell Therapy in Nigeria. I can say that my experience using stem cells have been great.

In fact, of all the patients that I have treated, only one did not respond positively after just 1 treatment. This was not even done with Adult Stem Cell Therapy but Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy using the patients own blood. Nevertheless, there was no adverse event. The patient is recommended to do Adult Stem Cell Therapy which will increase his chance of success. Many of the other patients showed improvements after the first treatment, and the few that needed second treatment went on to see amazing results after more treatment was done; needless to say that they were elated with the results.

Generally, Adult Stem Cell Therapy and Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy are safe as shown by many published research reports and clinical trials done already. However, this does not guarantee that adverse effects cant occur as seen in the case of the 3 women who had accelerated blindness 2 years ago (as with any other treatments in the scope of medicine).

Another recent report in March 2017 from Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University in USA highlighted one of the benefits of Adult Stem Cell Therapy in stroke patients. The multicenter trial shows that not only was it safe, but if Adult Stem Cell Therapy is given within two days of an ischemic stroke, it could reduce the death of cells around the strokes core that were also injured. The Nigerian government should get involved more and invest more in Regenerative Medicine as it will help improve the health status of the nation.

Stem cell therapy 'magic' for stroke, eye ailments - Vanguard


AJ Foyt undergoes stem cell therapy, toe surgery – USA TODAY

Saturday, April 29th, 2017

AVONDALE, Arix. Perhaps A.J. Foyts greatest title isnt as the first four-time Indianapolis 500 winner.

Maybe its survivor.

Foyt, whose list of injuries is almost as long as that of his legendary racing achievements, had right foot toe surgery Wednesday just days after stem cell therapy in Mexico. So the winner of Phoenix Raceways debut event in 1964 wont be at Saturday nights Phoenix Grand Prix.

Pain in a smashed smaller toe remnant of a devastating 1990 crash through a dirt embankment at Wisconsins Road America course when his brakes failed was so severe Foyt considered amputation.

Foyt, 82, admits he probably waited too long to try the stem cell therapy, which isnt approved in the U.S. Doctors removed stomach tissue and he explained it takes something like 10 weeks to grow back to produce the stem cells.

Adult stem cells can grow and become part of a specific tissue. Foyt likely wont feel the effects of injections into his shoulders or ankles, two areas the treatment is targeting to relieve pain and gain strength and functionality,for three months.

A..J. Foyt, who is recovering from surgery and wont be at the Phoenix race this season, congratulates 2016 winner Scott Dixon. (Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY Sports)

Typical for Foyt, though, he didnt allow his ailments to keep him from completely revamping his two-car ABC Supply Co.-sponsored team after an unsuccessful 2016.

Out: drivers Takuma Sato (now with Michael Andrettis team) and Jack Hawksworth (not in IndyCar). In: former Andretti driver Carlos Munoz, and Conor Daly, in only his second full-time season. Both are 25. Foyt changed to Chevroletengines, from Honda, and moved Dalys crew to a shop almost in sight of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, while Munoz team operates from Foyts traditional Houston base.





Sato won the 2013 Long Beach Grand Prix but Foyt called him a little weak and we were just having too many crashes.

Foyts first instructions to Munoz and Daly?

I told them when we started testing: Were not here to set a record or see how fast we can run. Were here to get the cars to where they drive very comfortable. If you crash right off, well be further behind. I dont want you to extend yourself one bit. I just want you to know that.

Said Daly, who father Derek is a former driver, mother Beth a racing sports marketer and event planner, and stepfather Doug Boles IMS president: Youre really driven to try to win for A.J. You can tell how much he still wants to win. Its a cool, emotional deal.

Knight writes for the Arizona Republic, part of the USA TODAY Network.

See the rest here:
AJ Foyt undergoes stem cell therapy, toe surgery - USA TODAY


Muscular Dystrophy case treated with stem cell therapy – India.com

Saturday, April 29th, 2017

New Delhi, April 29 (IANS) A 20-year-old man suffering from Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD) a condition which slowly weakens and degenerates all the muscles of the body leading to disability was treated using stem cell therapy at a city-based hospital here.

Aditya Bhatia was diagnosed with Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD) in 2012. It started after he found it difficult to lift his arms over the head one of the main and strongest symptoms. Consultations with several doctors did not find Bhatia any solution, and his condition grew severe and started affecting other parts of the body such as face.

FSHD usually begins before age 20, with weakness and atrophy of the muscles around the eyes and mouth, shoulders, upper arms and lower legs. Later, weakness can spread to abdominal muscles and sometimes hip muscles.

Experts says that FSHD can be divided into adult-onset and infantile-onset forms.

Bhatias parents had heard about the stem cell treatment which had proved effective in many diseases such as spinal diseases. Accordingly, they consulted doctors on stem cell therapy and decided to give it a try.

All the procedures were followed and he was tested for hyper sensitivity reactions with stem cells, also known as Human Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy.

Doctors said that during the treatment procedure, Bhatia was injected with 0.05 ml stem cells.

The treatment included 3 phases T1, T2, T3 so that the stem cell could grow, regenerate and repair the affected part. Each treatment phase lasted 4-6 weeks and was 5 months apart, wherein he was continuously administered by physicians, said Geeta Shroff, Director and Stem cell specialist city based Nutech Mediworld.

She said that in addition to stem cell therapy, Bhatia also received physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

After the treatment he was able to regain his normal life, said Shroff.

This is published unedited from the IANS feed.

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See the rest here:
Muscular Dystrophy case treated with stem cell therapy - India.com


Kelly Osbourne Campaigning to Make Stem Cell Therapy Affordable in America – Hollywood.com

Friday, April 28th, 2017


Singer-turned-TV personality Kelly Osbourne wants to help cure fellow Lyme disease sufferers by making stem cell therapy available for all in the U.S.

Ozzy and Sharon Osbournes daughter contracted the condition after she was bitten by a tick during a party for the rockers 56th birthday back in 2004, when her mother had a reindeer sanctuary installed at their Los Angeles home.

However, Kelly wasnt properly diagnosed until 2014, months after suffering a seizure while filming an episode of E!s Fashion Police show in 2013, when doctors claimed her collapse had been caused by epilepsy.

She did some research into her ailments and discovered she was actually struggling with Lyme disease, and promptly sought out alternative treatment to help her overcome the illness.

I started to actually do the one thing doctors tell you not to do and thats to go online and look it up, she explained on Good Morning America, and all roads pointed to Lyme disease so I found a doctor through my mum.

I went to Frankfurt, Germany, and I did stem cell (therapy) and I got cured, Kelly claimed.

The 32-year-old is lucky to have been in a position to afford the treatment, which involves the transplant of stem cells to heal those damaged by the disease, and now she is looking to get involved in making the therapy more widely available and affordable to others less fortunate.

It sickens me that thats not available to everyone and that you have to be considered lucky or privileged to get that sort of treatment, she said. I want to make sure and I will do anything that I can do to make sure that that treatment is available in this country.

Kelly details her experience with the bacterial infection in her new memoir There Is No F**king Secret: Letters from a Bada** B**ch. She isnt the only celebrity to open up about her struggles with Lyme disease pop star Avril Lavigne, and veteran model Yolanda Hadid and her runway star kids Bella and Anwar Hadid have also been battling the illness.

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Kelly Osbourne Campaigning to Make Stem Cell Therapy Affordable in America - Hollywood.com


Banking Teeth for Stem Cell Therapy – HealthCentral.com

Friday, April 28th, 2017

Banking Teeth for Stem Cell Therapy

Banking baby teeth or wisdom teetha practice thats been around for about 10 yearsis becoming more widely accepted in developed areas of the world, according to researchers. It involves cryopreserving teethand the dental stem cells they containfor potential stem cell therapy in the future.

Most research surrounding dental stem cells and tooth banking is still in the experimental stage and, at this time, scientists disagree about whether its worthwhileunlike cord blood banking, which has proven benefits for stem cell therapy. Some research suggests preserved dental stem cells could one day be used to regenerate healthy tissue and help fight complex diseases. But many experts remain less convinced of the potential benefits, as so much of the research is preliminary.

So far, the research has centered around dentinthe innermost hard layer of the tooth, below the enameland soft tissue beneath the dentin called pulp. The pulp contains the tooths nerve and blood supplies. In studying how teeth repair themselvesfrom a cavity, for exampleresearchers discovered that teeth contain stem cells. More studies are needed to determine if these dental stem cells can be harvested, preserved, stored, and someday used for stem cell therapy.

Image Credit: iStock

Sourced from: CNN

A new study suggests that cardiovascular decompensationa life-threatening drop in blood pressure caused by serious injuries involving significant blood lossmay be treated temporarily at the scene or during transport to the hospital simply by applying a bag of ice water to the injured persons face. Decompensation, which remains a dangerous complication even after bleeding has stopped, reduces the delivery of oxygen to the brain, heart, and other vital organs.

For the study, ten healthy volunteers were placed in a special chamber that simulates blood circulation after a person has lost one-half to one liter of blood and a tourniquet has been applied to stop the bleeding. Researchers applied bags of ice water or bags of room-temperature water to the study participants faces for 15 minutes while they continuously monitored cardiovascular function. They discovered that participants treated with bags of ice water experienced significant increases in blood pressure, suggesting that applying ice water can improve cardiovascular function after blood loss and prevent a dangerous drop in blood pressure.

Researchers expect to begin clinical trials soon. The hope is that this simple technique can be used by first responders or medics in the field of combat to improve survival rates after injuries involving blood loss by providing extra time for transport to a hospital or other medical facility.

Image Credit: iStock

Sourced from: ScienceDaily

Cooking dinner at homerather than eating outis a good way to eat healthier and save money, according to researchers at Oregon State University and the University of Washington. Historically, people with a higher socioeconomic status are generally healthier than those with lower incomes, but this study suggests otherwiseIF more money means dining out more often and less money means eating at home.

The study involved about 400 adults in the Seattle-area. Study participants were surveyed about their cooking and eating behaviors for one week and provided various socioeconomic information. Their weekly food intake was graded using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI)a scale that ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating a healthier diet.

According to researchers, cooking at home three times per week produced an average score of about 67 on the Healthy Eating Index, and cooking at home six times per week resulted in an average score of 74. Results of the study suggest that home-cooked dinners are associated with a diet lower in calories, sugar and fat, overall than dining out regularly.

Image Credit: iStock

Sourced from: Oregon State University

Daily Dose Index

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Banking Teeth for Stem Cell Therapy - HealthCentral.com


Kelly Osbourne Campaigning to Make Stem Cell Therapy Affordable … – Hollywood.com

Thursday, April 27th, 2017


Singer-turned-TV personality Kelly Osbourne wants to help cure fellow Lyme disease sufferers by making stem cell therapy available for all in the U.S.

Ozzy and Sharon Osbournes daughter contracted the condition after she was bitten by a tick during a party for the rockers 56th birthday back in 2004, when her mother had a reindeer sanctuary installed at their Los Angeles home.

However, Kelly wasnt properly diagnosed until 2014, months after suffering a seizure while filming an episode of E!s Fashion Police show in 2013, when doctors claimed her collapse had been caused by epilepsy.

She did some research into her ailments and discovered she was actually struggling with Lyme disease, and promptly sought out alternative treatment to help her overcome the illness.

I started to actually do the one thing doctors tell you not to do and thats to go online and look it up, she explained on Good Morning America, and all roads pointed to Lyme disease so I found a doctor through my mum.

I went to Frankfurt, Germany, and I did stem cell (therapy) and I got cured, Kelly claimed.

The 32-year-old is lucky to have been in a position to afford the treatment, which involves the transplant of stem cells to heal those damaged by the disease, and now she is looking to get involved in making the therapy more widely available and affordable to others less fortunate.

It sickens me that thats not available to everyone and that you have to be considered lucky or privileged to get that sort of treatment, she said. I want to make sure and I will do anything that I can do to make sure that that treatment is available in this country.

Kelly details her experience with the bacterial infection in her new memoir There Is No F**king Secret: Letters from a Bada** B**ch. She isnt the only celebrity to open up about her struggles with Lyme disease pop star Avril Lavigne, and veteran model Yolanda Hadid and her runway star kids Bella and Anwar Hadid have also been battling the illness.

See the original post:
Kelly Osbourne Campaigning to Make Stem Cell Therapy Affordable ... - Hollywood.com


Kelly Osbourne campaigning to make stem cell therapy affordable in … – TV3.ie

Wednesday, April 26th, 2017

25th Apr 17 | Entertainment News

Singer-turned-TV personality Kelly Osbourne wants to help cure fellow Lyme disease sufferers by making stem cell therapy available for all in the U.S.

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne's daughter contracted the condition after she was bitten by a tick during a party for the rocker's 56th birthday back in 2004, when her mother had a reindeer sanctuary installed at their Los Angeles home.

However, Kelly wasn't properly diagnosed until 2014, months after suffering a seizure while filming an episode of E!'s Fashion Police show in 2013, when doctors claimed her collapse had been caused by epilepsy.

She did some research into her ailments and discovered she was actually struggling with Lyme disease, and promptly sought out alternative treatment to help her overcome the illness.

"I started to actually do the one thing doctors tell you not to do and that's to go online and look it up...," she explained on U.S. breakfast show Good Morning America, "and all roads pointed to Lyme disease so I found a doctor through my mum.

"I went to Frankfurt, Germany, and I did stem cell (therapy) and I got cured," Kelly claimed.

The 32-year-old is lucky to have been in a position to afford the treatment, which involves the transplant of stem cells to heal those damaged by the disease, and now she is looking to get involved in making the therapy more widely available and affordable to others less fortunate.

"It sickens me that that's not available to everyone and that you have to be considered lucky or privileged to get that sort of treatment," she said. "I want to make sure and I will do anything that I can do to make sure that that treatment is available in this country."

Kelly details her experience with the bacterial infection in her new memoir There Is No F**king Secret: Letters from a Bada** B**ch. She isn't the only celebrity to open up about her struggles with Lyme disease - pop star Avril Lavigne, and veteran model Yolanda Hadid and her runway star kids Bella and Anwar Hadid have also been battling the illness.

WENN Newsdesk 2017

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Kelly Osbourne campaigning to make stem cell therapy affordable in ... - TV3.ie


Global Stem Cell Therapy Market – Analysis, Technologies and … – PR Newswire (press release)

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

The global stem cell therapy market to grow at a CAGR of 36.52% during the period 2017-2021.

The report, Global Stem Cell Therapy Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.

The latest trend gaining momentum in the market is evolution of new destinations in the development of stem cell therapies. Traditionally, the US and European countries are the key destinations for clinical trials for stem cell therapy products. However, the transformation of regulatory landscape in countries such as Japan and South Korea has made these regions as attractive destinations for the development of stem cell therapy products.

According to the report, one of the major drivers for this market is increase in federal funding in stem cell therapy. Research and clinical trials of stem cell therapy require huge investment, which many research institutes and small companies cannot afford. Therefore, many federal organizations provide funding to these institutes and small companies to help their innovative ideas in the development of stem cell therapies. Worldwide, many government organizations have noticed the importance of regenerative medicine, and thus they have allocated funds and grants in that area. For instance, in the US, the NIH and CIRM provide most of the funds.

Key vendors

Key Topics Covered:

Part 01: Executive summary

Part 02: Scope of the report

Part 03: Research Methodology

Part 04: Introduction

Part 05: Understanding of stem cell therapy

Part 06: Ethical issues and regulatory landscape

Part 07: Key clinical trials

Part 08: Market landscape

Part 09: Market segmentation by therapy

Part 10: Market segmentation by applications

Part 11: Geographical segmentation

Part 12: Market drivers

Part 13: Impact of drivers

Part 14: Market challenges

Part 15: Impact of drivers and challenges

Part 16: Market trends

Part 17: Vendor landscape

Part 18: Key vendor analysis

For more information about this report visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/gdv8s6/global_stem_cell

Media Contact:

Laura Wood, Senior Manager press@researchandmarkets.com

For E.S.T Office Hours Call 1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call 1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900

U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-stem-cell-therapy-market---analysis-technologies-and-forecasts-to-2021---increasing-demand-to-develop-effective-drugs-for-cardiology-and-degenerative-disorders---research-and-markets-300444066.html

SOURCE Research and Markets


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Global Stem Cell Therapy Market - Analysis, Technologies and ... - PR Newswire (press release)


Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Growth at CAGR of 36.52%, 2017 … – Yahoo Finance

Monday, April 24th, 2017


Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Global Stem Cell Therapy Market 2017-2021" report to their offering.

The global stem cell therapy market to grow at a CAGR of 36.52% during the period 2017-2021.

Global Stem Cell Therapy Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market. To calculate the market size, the report considers the sales of stem cell therapy products/segments in the market.

According to the report, one of the major drivers for this market is increase in federal funding in stem cell therapy. Research and clinical trials of stem cell therapy require huge investment, which many research institutes and small companies cannot afford. Therefore, many federal organizations provide funding to these institutes and small companies to help their innovative ideas in the development of stem cell therapies. Worldwide, many government organizations have noticed the importance of regenerative medicine, and thus they have allocated funds and grants in that area.

The latest trend gaining momentum in the market is evolution of new destinations in the development of stem cell therapies. Traditionally, the US and European countries are the key destinations for clinical trials for stem cell therapy products. However, the transformation of regulatory landscape in countries such as Japan and South Korea has made these regions as attractive destinations for the development of stem cell therapy products.

Further, the report states that one of the major factors hindering the growth of this market is stringent regulatory environment affecting the product approvals. Gaining regulatory approval is often difficult, unpredictable, and subjective. Stem cell therapy must undergo a broad range of stringent regulations before approval and commercialization. Currently, the US FDA has approved very few products for stem cell therapy.

Key vendors

Key Topics Covered:

Part 01: Executive summary

Part 02: Scope of the report

Part 03: Research Methodology

Part 04: Introduction

Part 05: Understanding of stem cell therapy

Part 06: Ethical issues and regulatory landscape

Part 07: Key clinical trials

Part 08: Market landscape

Part 09: Market segmentation by therapy

Part 10: Market segmentation by applications

Part 11: Geographical segmentation

Part 12: Market drivers

Part 13: Impact of drivers

Part 14: Market challenges

Part 15: Impact of drivers and challenges

Part 16: Market trends

Part 17: Vendor landscape

Part 18: Key vendor analysis

Part 19: Appendix

For more information about this report visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/ld455v/global_stem_cell

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170424005786/en/

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Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Growth at CAGR of 36.52%, 2017 ... - Yahoo Finance


Experimental Stem Cell Therapy Could Treat Damaged Knee Cartilage – BU News Service

Monday, April 24th, 2017

Skiing in Aspen, Sean Fair mistimed a landing and felt a shooting pain in his right knee as he crumpled into the snow. He had to slide down the steep slope on his left ski. The doctor revealed that Fairs agony originated from a quarter-sized hole in the cartilage of his knee.

For an active person like Fair, traditional surgery options, like a total knee replacement, restrict motion and are less than ideal. Advances in experimental cartilage repair stem cell treatments, however, now offer new opportunities for young patients to preserve mobility, that defining value of youth.

Fair played football, among other sports, in high school. He played tennis in college and continued to play until he had his ski incident at the age of 31.

All of a sudden, not being able to do anything, I felt 80, he said. All my friends would play tennis together but I would have to sit back and watch.

Sean Fair was diagnosed with OCD, or osteochondritis dissecans. This condition typically develops in teenagers but doesnt usually present symptoms until adulthood when the joint experiences some form of trauma. OCD lesions involve holes, cracks, or loose articular cartilage in a joint.

Fair met with Dr. Andreas Gomoll, an orthopedic surgeon at the Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston. They discussed knee replacement surgery, microfracture surgery and the possibility of using healthy cartilage from a cadaver donor.

Knee replacement surgery for patients as young as Fair often results with low satisfaction. People who receive the standard metal and plastic knee replacement are functionally limited and face unexpected physical challenges when it comes to activities more intense than a walk. Microfracture surgery would be better, but Fairs injury was too large for that to be practical. Fair and Gomoll decided to wait for a cadaver donor. While waiting, however, Fair joined a clinical trial to test a new approach that would fill the gap in his cartilage with stem cells.

Stem cells can be thought of as undecided cells. Theyre mostly present in embryos and neonates, but they are also found in adults as well. Given the correct environment, and depending on the type of stem cell, they can become more specific cells, like muscle cells or cartilage-forming cells. In Fairs case, Gomoll used donated umbilical cord stem cells from healthy babies delivered in the US. Umbilical cord stem cells are useful because they are able to morph into cartilage-forming cells, they dont require the destruction of an embryo and they have immunosuppressive properties that wouldnt cause Fairs body to reject them.

Anatomical representation of the human knee.

The procedure looked simple. Gomoll made a vertical incision in Fairs kneecap, cutting through the skin and the yellow fat to expose the white cartilage. Gomoll used stainless steel tools to clamp open the incision, while he used a metal ring spanner to scrape the edges of the cartilage pothole. (Picture using a spoon to carve a hole in a large eraser.) Next, the surgeon drilled seven coffee stirrer-sized holes into the bone at the bottom of the quarter-sized pothole. He injected the clear stem cell gel into each coffee stirrer-sized hole and then filled the quarter-sized hole up to its edges with the rest of the stem cell gel. Gomoll smoothed down the stem cell gel like icing on a cake. Then he sutured the wound closed.

Fair wasnt quick to start walking right after the procedure. His knee needed to heal and then he would have to follow a strict rehabilitation process of weekly physical therapy sessions.

Months after his surgery, the stem cells in Fairs knee developed into chondrocytes, cells that secrete a matrix of cartilage, and sealed the pothole in Fairs knee. As of now, Fair is thankful for his treatment. His right knee has healed, but hes still not at 100 percent.

My other knee unfortunately, because of all the issues the [right knee] had, also needs reconstruction, Fair said. Ive got to be careful when I carry my two-and-half-yearold down the steps. Functionally I can walk. I can chase him. I can outrun him, still. Other than that, its not a lot of peripheral movement I can do yet.

According to Gomoll, about 15 other Americans have received the same experimental treatment as Fair. Before this therapy can be offered at any hospital in the US, the clinical trial must obtain FDA approval after proving its efficacy with a larger, more randomized sample of patients. But Gomoll doesnt seem too worried. He says hundreds of patients in South Korea have already undergone the same procedure. Getting there will take some time and money; running comprehensive trials is expensive. Once the procedure is approved, Gomoll imagines thousands of cartilage damaged patients like Fair would potentially be treated with stem cells in the United States.

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Experimental Stem Cell Therapy Could Treat Damaged Knee Cartilage - BU News Service


Breakthrough Stem Cell Treatments, Stem Cell Therapy …

Friday, April 21st, 2017


The Stem Cell treatment performed at our clinics is a painless medical procedure where Stem Cells (cellular building blocks) are usually administered intravenously and subcutaneously (under the skin). The whole procedure takes approximately one hour and has no known negative side effects.

Following the treatment, the Fetal Stem Cells will travel throughout the body, detecting damaged cells and tissue and attempts to restore them. The Fetal Stem Cells can also stimulate existing normal cells and tissues to operate at a higher level of function, boosting the bodys own repair mechanisms to aid in the healing process. These highly adaptive cells then remain in the body, continually locating and repairing any damage they encounter.

As with any medical treatment, safety should be of the highest priority. The Stem Cells used in our treatment undergo extensive screening for possible infection and impurities.

Utilizing tests more sophisticated than those regularly used in the United States for Stem Cell research and transplant. Our testing process ensures we use only the healthiest cells to enable the safest and most effective Fetal Stem Cell treatment possible. And, unlike other types of Stem Cells, there is no danger of the bodys rejection of Fetal Stem Cells due to the fact they are immune privileged. This means that you can give the cells to any patient without matching, use of immunosuppressive drugs and without rejection. This unique quality eliminates the need for drugs used to suppress the immune system, which can leave a patient exposed to serious infections.

With over 3000 patients treated, Stem Cell Of America has achieved positive results with a wide variety of illnesses, conditions and injuries. Often, in cases where the diseases continued to worsen, our patients have reported substantial improvements following the Stem Cell treatment.

Patients have experienced favorable developments such as reduction or elimination of pain, increased strength and mobility, improved cognitive function, higher tolerance for chemotherapy, and quicker healing and recovery.

To view follow up letters from patients, please visit the patient experiences page on our website.

All statements, opinions, and advice on this page is provided for educational information only. It is not a substitute for proper medical diagnosis and care. Like all medical treatments and procedures, results may significantly vary and positive results may not always be achieved. Please contact us so we may evaluate your specific case.

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Breakthrough Stem Cell Treatments, Stem Cell Therapy ...


David Steenblock, D.O., Uses Stem Cells and Other Therapies for … – GlobeNewswire (press release)

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

April 20, 2017 07:00 ET | Source: David Steenblock, D.O. Inc.

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif., April 20, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- David Steenblock, an osteopathic physician based in San Clemente, CA, uses stem cells and other therapies to achieve significant and improved lifestyle outcomes for many stroke patients.

Many of our cases have demonstrated improved mobility for stroke victims who received stem cell therapy, along with other therapies, including chelation and hyperbaric oxygen, says Dr. Steenblock.

One patient who suffered a stroke several years ago, came to Dr. Steenblocks clinic to undergo the full stroke program. This included EDTA chelation, a procedure that removes heavy metals from the blood, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, along with stem cells from his bone marrow to effect healing and restoration.

After having the bone marrow stem cells, the patients eyesight improved, and both of his knees, which hadnt been working well, were back to functioning almost normally. In addition, his hip joint went back to normal function and he believes his balance when walking has improved tremendously.

The EDTA Chelation Therapy, a treatment used to remove heavy metals from the blood, was used with hyperbaric oxygen, which can lead to significant neurologic improvements for stroke patients.

Dr. David Steenblock is a leading-edge physician in many fields of medicine, from stroke care, to acute brain trauma, to generative and cell-based medicine in the treatment of ALS, Cerebral Palsy and other chronic and degenerative diseases. For more information about Dr. Steenblocks work in stem cell therapies, visit http://www.stemcellmd.org

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David Steenblock, D.O., Uses Stem Cells and Other Therapies for ... - GlobeNewswire (press release)


Husaini trust plans to perform bone marrow transplants, stem cell therapy – The News International

Wednesday, April 19th, 2017

The Husaini Haematology and Oncology Trust will soon provide facilities of bone marrow transplant and stem cell therapies at its newly established Blood Transfusion Centre and Thalassaemia Centre that was inaugurated by the city director health on Tuesday.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, Karachi director health Dr Muhammad Toufique urged the trust officials to share the data of patients undergoing blood transfusions, stem cell therapies and bone marrow transplant.

He said the data would help the Sindh government formulate a plan to establish more such facilities in the future. In addition to the blood screening and storage facilities, the centre is providing blood transfusion service to children suffering from genetic blood disorders as well as diagnostic services related to blood disorders.

This is a state-of-the-art blood transfusion and thalassaemia centre where bone marrow transplant and stem cell therapies would be started very soon, said a renowned haematologist associated with the Husaini Blood Bank, Dr Sarfraz Jaffery, at the inaugural ceremony of the blood transfusion and thalassaemia centre located at Qalandaria Chowk, North Nazimabad.

The head office of the Husaini Haematology and Oncology Trust is equipped with a diagnostic lab, blood bank having storage capacity of around 3,000 blood bags and blood transfusion centre for thalassaemic patients while its management is also planning to introduce bone marrow transplant and stem cell therapy services at the same facility in the near future.

Felicitating the trust officials, the city director health vowed to support them in their services. He said the government was also striving hard for provision of safe blood to thalassaemic children and other patients.

Dr Toufique hoped that institutions like Hussaini would come forward to support the government in establishing such centres in the province. Talking to journalists, the director health said steps were being taken to control the outbreak of Chikungunya in the city.

He said the health department was in contact with the municipal authorities to start fumigation in various areas of Karachi to eliminate the mosquitoes and prevent people from mosquito-borne diseases, including dengue and Malaria.

The Sindh government was planning to merge the Malaria and Dengue Prevention and Control Cells under one project director, who would be utilizing all the resources to eliminate the mosquitoes that were responsible for the deadly infectious diseases in the province, he added.

I would also urge people to take precautionary measures, prevent themselves and their children from mosquitoes by using repellents, improving sanitation conditions in their residential areas and adopt other preventive measures to protect themselves against the mosquitoes, he advised.

Earlier, speaking at a workshop on thalassaemia management held at the same place, noted haematologists of the country stressed the need for promoting the culture of prevention from diseases in the country.

They called for the implementation of laws regarding thalassaemia screening, saying that both the government and private sector could not treat the increasing number of thalassaemic patients.

Senior haematologist from Lahore, Prof Dr Jovaria Mannan, urged the doctors and researchers to use latest research methods in the field of haematology.

Husaini trust plans to perform bone marrow transplants, stem cell therapy - The News International


Melbourne woman travelling to Russia for ground-breaking MS stem cell treatment – 9news.com.au

Monday, April 17th, 2017

A Melbourne woman is attempting to raise $170,000 for her sister to travel to one of the world's pre-eminent stem cell treatment facilities in an attempt to stop the fatal progression of Multiple Sclerosis.

Chantelle Baker was first diagnosed with MS in May, 2016. In a six month period, 79 lesions had developed on her brain.

"There is no medication to stop the progression of MS," Mrs Baker told A Current Affair.

Chantelle Baker, 41, is hoping to travel to Russia for stem cell treatment to stem the progression of Multiple Sclerosis (Source: A Current Affair)

Mrs Baker, her husband Dara, five-year-old daughter, Lilly, and younger daughter, Edie, are hostages to the hope that Russian doctors can achieve what Australia doctors cannot.

The cost is high, so Mrs Baker's sister, Maxine Parker, has set up an online fundraising campaign to raise the money on her sister's behalf.

"That's my job, I am her big sister," Ms Parker said.

"I have spent 17 years sharing the same bedroom with her growing up and there was no way I was going to let anything take her away from me and I still won't. I am determined to fight this all the way, side-by-side with her."

Mrs Baker's sister, Maxine Parker, has launched a crowd-funding campaign to pay for her sister's treatment in Russia (Source: A Current Affair)

But the cost is nothing compared to the regret the family would face if they didn't give it their all to get Mrs Baker to Russia for the ground-breaking treatment.

"I am scared of not being able to walk, I am scared of waking up one day and not being able to see my kids again because I have gone blind," Mrs Baker said.

"My worst fear is not remembering my children in four or five years' time."

Ms Parker said she would do anything to keep her sister active for her children (Source: A Current Affair)

NSW mother of two Nikki Tatum has just finished the treatment at the same stem cell clinic in Moscow that Mrs Baker is hoping to attend.

Ms Tatum is now back in Australia and will have to wait months before she knows if the therapy worked.

"I have just recently returned from to have HSCT (Hematopoietic Stem Cell Therapy) to hold the progression of my MS," Ms Tatum said in a video message to Mrs Baker.

"I just want to wish you luck for July and let you know that you have made the best choice. The doctors and nurses are just outstanding and you are definitely well looked after."

Mrs Baker, her husband and their children (Source: A Current Affair)

The video message affirmed to Mrs Baker that she was making the right decision.

"It definitely gives me hope. I know I am making the right decision and that is just verifying that I am," Mrs Baker said.

Mrs Baker's husband, Dara, agrees.

"We need to make it work. We need the treatment to work. But of course, I love her to death anyway," Mr Baker said.

Mrs Baker's family have set up a Facebook page where her journey can be followed, Chantelle Fights Multiple Sclerosis.

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