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Archive for the ‘Stem Cell Therapy’ Category

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Stem cell therapy for arthritis Mayo …

Monday, March 4th, 2019

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Whats the latest information on using stem cell therapy to treat an arthritic shoulder that causes excessive pain?

ANSWER: New efforts in regenerative medicine, including stem cell therapy, could dramatically affect orthopedic surgery over the coming years. Much of this hope is pinned on using stem cells to treat degenerative conditions such as shoulder arthritis. Although it shows promise, stem cell treatment for arthritis isnt widely available at this time, as its still being researched.

Stem cells are the basic building blocks of all human tissue. Stem cells hold potential as treatment, in part, because they can communicate valuable information about tissue growth and healing to other cells in the body. Arthritis involves joint degeneration due to loss of the cartilage that cushions bones. Recently researchers have begun to look to stem cells for orthopedic conditions such as shoulder arthritis. Progress using stem cells to treat arthritis already has been reported, with the ultimate goal of using stem cells to regrow cartilage.

When discussing stem cell therapy, its important to understand that pure stem cells are not currently available to U.S. patients outside of a clinical research study. A handful of clinical research trials, monitored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are ongoing at this time to study stem cell treatment for arthritis. The early findings from these trials are encouraging.

Unfortunately, the excitement surrounding emerging stem cell therapy has led some patients and health care providers to overlook the lack of scientific evidence to support its use at this time. Stem cell therapies currently used outside clinical studies do not contain pure stem cells. Instead, they are a mix of a variety of cells, of which only a very small percentage are stem cells. It is possible that many of these treatments do not contain enough stem cells to help.

It is also important to recognize that many stem cell therapies now marketed directly to patients are conducted without the required biologics license from the FDA. Also, some forms of mislabeled stem cell therapies do not contain any living stem cells. Such practices are cause for concern, as these treatments can mislead patients and the public, and delay the scientific progress needed to turn stem cell therapies into cures.

What the research into stem cells and arthritis shows is that there are opportunities for stem cell treatment to be used as injection therapy alone and in addition to orthopedic surgical procedures. Successful stem cell therapies thus far have resulted mostly in pain relief and improvement in function or quality of life. Only a few limited early studies have demonstrated improvement in new cartilage or bone formation needed to cure arthritis. Exactly how that cartilage regrowth occurs, or even how pain relief is achieved, is still unknown. That means if you have a stem cell procedure, it will be used to treat the symptoms of arthritis only. The ability to cure the disease entirely is not yet available.

No major research studies have specifically investigated stem cell treatment for shoulder arthritis. Much of what is known about stem cells in arthritis comes from research into knee degeneration. Its not known if the successes treating knee arthritis will prove to be similarly beneficial when used for the shoulder. Therefore, current recommendations to treat shoulder arthritis remain the judicious use of gentle pain relievers, exercise and occasional steroid injections. In severe cases, shoulder replacement can provide long-lasting pain relief.

With demonstrable safety and mounting evidence of the effectiveness of stem cell therapy for some orthopedic conditions, potentially all orthopedic disease could be treated with stem cell therapy in the future. But, first, doctors and patients will have to wait until the scientific evidence catches up to the excitement around this promising option. Dr. Shane Shapiro, Orthopedic Surgery and Center for Regenerative Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida

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Mayo Clinic Q and A: Stem cell therapy for arthritis Mayo ...


Stem Cell Treatment UK – Stem Cell Therapy Clinic

Monday, January 28th, 2019

Get In Touch

Over 60 disabling illnesses including , neurological , organ damage , metabolic disorders , blood disorders , arthiritis.... please read more for extensive list

See what people say about their personal improvements , and experiences whilst in our worldwide clinics

See my own story unfold , after recieving life changing treatment in dec 2015 watch how i improve over the coming weeks and months

Welcome to my site providing a direct link to Stem Cell Treatment clinics to improve the health of UK and worldwide residents

Groundbreaking modern technology has brought us a completely natural, drugfree way to heal the

human body. Our primary task is to use your own unique stem cells for the treatment of your own body. Using advanced medical knowledge we can now activate dormant cells (adipose mesenchymal stem cells) to differentiate into the cells we need, and then they can replace the damaged cells. Symtoms become less obvious and disappear, giving relief and the chance to regain a normal functioning body and life!

Having been to a private clinic and experiencing life changing improvements to my own health, I want to let more people know about stemcells and that there is HOPE, to end many disabling conditions that we are led to believe are inevitably going to get worse. By contacting me I will help you to find the right treatment for your individual needs, at a clinic in a country where you will be treated as a distinguished guest, at a price more affordable than you will expect. I can speak from experience, and will gladly guide and help you through the whole process. Please explore my site, read the testimonials and hit the contact me button to speak to some of them! That much is free, and to feel better is truly miraculous!

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Stem Cell Treatment UK - Stem Cell Therapy Clinic


Stem cell therapy could be life-changing for some multiple …

Saturday, January 19th, 2019

An experimental treatment for multiple sclerosis is showing promise in stopping symptoms of the disease, according to a new study that found that a single stem cell transplant could stop or delay symptoms better than some medications. Just over 75 percent of patients who took drugs over a five-year period saw their disease get worse while less than 10 percent of those who had a transplant saw their condition worsen.

As CBS News' Dr. Tara Narula reports, this procedure could be life-changing for some of the 2.3 million people affected by the chronic condition worldwide. Narula met two women who struggled for years with a relapsing-remitting MS. But current drug treatments are expensive, most require daily medications and have serious side effects. These women decided to volunteer for a small clinical trial to test a risky stem cell procedure that appears to be paying off.

Amanda Loy never imagined she'd be battling the Alaska elements on her runs instead of battling her disease. Loy was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS, the form that comes and goes in sporadic episodes, bringing her life to a sudden halt.

"Both of my arms went numb and I wasn't really able to use them well," Loy said.

Every month she underwent a drug infusion and took half a dozen other medications, but her symptoms just got worse.

"I started having bladder problems and my balance was really bad, requiring the cane more often," she said. MS is an autoimmune disease where the body attacks itself and damages myelin, the protective covering surrounding nerve cells. With that insulation compromised, the nerves deteriorate and can cause a wide range of symptoms including vision problems, fatigue and weakness. So Loy traveled almost 3,000 miles to Chicago to participate in a trial with the hope of stopping the disease in its tracks.

"Transplants ended up being markedly superior in all the perimeters we looked at," said Dr. Richard Burt, who led the international trial at Northwestern Medicine. "You have to select the right group of patients there's these really aggressive ones that are very relapsing and inflammatory that it works extremely well in."

Here's how it works: a patient's own stem cells are collected and stored. During a two-week stay in the hospital, high-dose chemo is given to wipe out the immune system. Then, the stem cells are infused back into the patient to "re-boot" the body's immune system.

Trudee Manderfield was just 23 when she received her diagnosis. She had trouble walking and temporarily went blind in one eye. In 2013, with an infant daughter, she was ready to try the new treatment. She was scared, but excited about the possibilities.

"I knew that I couldn't just keep going the way that I was going," Manderfield said. "There's a lot of potential side effects, I mean any procedure will have a side effect of death and, as a new mom, I go 'OK, well that would be bad' but I knew that I had to give it a shot."

The transplant might not be a permanent fix. There are serious risks like infertility, infection, and even death. As for Manderfield, she's keeping up with her three active children and Amanda Loy plans to head back to Chicago, not for treatment, but to run the city's marathon in October.

2019 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Stem cell therapy could be life-changing for some multiple ...


Conditions and Diseases Treated | Adult Stem Cell Therapy

Monday, January 14th, 2019

As pioneers in the field, TruStem Cell Therapy provides evidence-based care customized to suit patient needs in a safe, effective manner. The discovery of stem cells opened a whole new understanding of how healing works in the human body. TruStem Cell Therapy uses that science to provide access to therapy for painful and debilitating conditions.

Adult stem cells are natural healers that have almost limitless capabilities. Emerging evidence shows that adult stem cells are able to create completely unrelated cells making them valuable assets in the fight to treat many diseases.

TruStem Cell Therapy provides access to the stem cell therapy and the bodys own healing resources as a therapy for life-changing illnesses. Stem cells have the ability to develop into different cell types and aid in repairing the damage done by illness. This means they work with your body to heal tissue, help manage pain and relieve symptoms.

Our board certified surgeons have access to the latest research and state-of-the-art equipment, allowing them to harvest stem cells effectively and efficiently utilizing the least-invasive methods available. The goal is to provide access to patient-centric care with therapy using stem cells, giving the power back to patients. At TruStem Cell Therapy, we specialize in conditions treated with stem cells, such as:

Originally posted here:
Conditions and Diseases Treated | Adult Stem Cell Therapy


Stem Cell Therapy: Alternative To Hip Replacement …

Monday, January 14th, 2019

The usage of hip replacement and surgery has grown dramatically over the years and has even become more common among younger people. However, surgery is not the only solution. At the Institute of Regenerative Medicine, we offer stem cell therapy for hip joints as a safe and effective alternative to hip replacement or surgery.

Stem cell therapy for hip joints is an outpatient procedure that takes a few hours to complete. The process begins with the abstraction of stem cells and platelet rich plasma, also referred to as PRP, from the patients blood and bone marrow.

Stem cells are the natural healing mechanism in the human body. They have the ability to morph into other types of cells that are needed to repair a damaged hip joint such as muscle, cartilage, or bone cells. This results in the stem cells restoring your hip joints naturally without the need of drugs or hip surgery. However, as we age, the number of stem cells in our body and their potency decline. This causes our body to heal slower or not at all from joint injuries in the hip. To counter this, we have developed a proprietary technique to revitalize the patients stem cells and inject a high concentration of them directly to the damaged area of the hip joint with the PRP

Once injected into the hip joint, the stem cells will being restoring the damaged areas of the hip. The PRP, which contains many growth factors, will act as a stimulate for the stem cells, helping to increase their healing potential. After the injection, patients can go home immediately.

Hip surgery often requires patients to stay in a hospital overnight for several days and is followed by several months of physical therapy or training. With a hip replacement, patients are advised to avoid certain movements such as bending and twisting for up to a 12 month period. And even after a patients hip joint has healed after surgery, patients may not be permitted to do certain high impact activities such as sports, jogging, and dancing.

This is not the case for patients that elect to have stem cell therapy for their hip joint injuries. In most cases, patients can resume their active lifestyles without any restrictions or the need of extensive physical therapy in a short amount of time. Typically, patients will begin to see a response from the stem cells in about three weeks after the injection. After that, patients will experience a significant reduction in pain while regaining full mobility of their hip joints in the next several weeks as the stem cells continue to restore the hip joint.

Our medical team will determine the exact treatment and the number of stem cell injections after examining your medical files. Typically, a single stem cell injection is all that is needed to repair most hip joint injuries. If the injury in the hip joint is more severe, then additional injections will be needed. In these cases, we inject additional PRP into the hip joint a month after the first injection to stimulate the initially injected stem cells to prolong their healing process, and then another injection a few weeks after that.

Stem cell therapy for hip joints is a safe alternative to hip replacement or surgery since stem cells and platelet rich plasma (PRP) are biological components that already exist in the human body. Because we harvest the stem cells and PRP for the patients blood instead of other sources, the virtually no risk of rejection or harm to the patients health. Furthermore, the procedure is done by a board certified orthopedic surgeon.

At the Institute of Regenerative Medicine, we have successfully treated patients with various hip injuries and conditions including:

If you suffer from any of these conditions or experience hip pain, contact our office to see if you are a candidate for stem cell therapy for hip joints.

To maximize success, we tailor our stem cell treatment based on the unique needs of our patients. For this reason, the cost for hip stem cell treatment will vary greatly from case to case and can only be determined after our orthopedic specialist has evaluated a patients hip joint. Factors that will determine the cost of stem cell treatment includes:

It is important to note that most health insurance companies will not cover the cost for hip stem cell treatment. However, in many cases, the cost of stem cell therapy can be similar to the cost patients will pay out of pocket for hip surgery and post-surgical care with insurance.

See more here:
Stem Cell Therapy: Alternative To Hip Replacement ...


Stem cell therapy: FDA investigates clinics offering …

Thursday, January 10th, 2019

Inside Mark Bermans clinic in Rancho Mirage, California, is a sign hes obliged by law to post. It reads Not FDA Approved.

Patients who come here to the California Stem Cell Treatment Center can get treatments for ailments ranging from sports injuries to muscular dystrophy. For upward of $5,000, Berman, a plastic surgeon by training, will remove a small portion of their fat, process it, and inject it back into them.

This is called fat-derived stem cell therapy; the premise is that the stem cells in your fat can jump-start the healing process. The stem cells could be good for repairing everything from Alzheimers to paralysis to neurodegenerative conditions, says Berman. These cells are miraculous for helping heal. We dont have a choice. We have to use them.

The problem is theres not much evidence to back up the claims Berman is making. And its not just him there are more than 100 clinicians in the Cell Surgical Network, a group he co-founded in 2010 to promote the same kind of adult stem cell regenerative medicine he practices. According to a 2017 report by three Food and Drug Administration scientists in the New England Journal of Medicine looking at the benefits and risks of this kind of stem cell therapy, This lack of evidence is worrisome.

Fat-derived stem cells may have a positive effect, says Brad Olwin, a professor of molecular cellular and developmental biology at the University of Colorado Boulder with more than 30 years of experience working with stem cells. They may be beneficial; its clearly a possibility. The problem is the research hasnt been done.

So little evidence exists, in fact, that the Department of Justice, on behalf of the FDA, is suing Bermans clinic as well as a clinic in Florida for experimenting on patients with misleading products. The complaint was filed in May 2018 and the investigation is ongoing, according to the DOJ.

Given the popularity and abundance of these clinics nationwide, the FDA is also taking steps to modernize regulation in the field. But despite these efforts to streamline a path to legitimacy for stem cell clinics, unregulated medical procedures persist, at times leading to patient harm.

Currently, the only stem cell therapy approved by the FDA is a bone marrow transplant that uses pluripotent stem cells to treat cancers of the blood and bone marrow.

But doctors in the Cell Surgical Network have moved ahead with using cells for autoimmune, neurologic, and other serious conditions.

And there is a growing number of cases of adverse effects. In 2016, an elderly woman went blind after receiving an injection of stem cells to treat her macular degeneration. She received the treatment at the Stem Cell Center of Georgia an affiliate of Bermans Cell Surgical Network.

More reports of ill-fated procedures have since surfaced across the country, the worst resulting in kidney failure and paraplegia. In December, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 12 cases of people who suffered bacterial infections from contaminated stem cell treatments. An investigation traced the infections back to a single provider, Genetech, prompting the FDA to issue a warning letter to the company. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb then issued a public statement reaffirming the agencys intent to regulate unapproved treatments.

Bioethicists are sounding the alarm too. In a recent paper in the journal Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, the University of Minnesotas Leigh Turner examined the marketing claims of 716 stem cell clinics in the United States. Often, he found, they were misleading. What at first glance might appear to be credible and compliant clinical research often is highly problematic, he wrote, adding that the individuals most affected are those who often are already dealing with serious health problems and other challenges.

Despite two years of increased scrutiny from the FDA, clinics continue to recruit new patients. Berman insists that repurposed fat-derived stem cells should not be subject to the same regulations as other treatments, and that FDA guidelines are arbitrary and nonscientific. They are a violation of constitutional rights to your own property.

He noted that after the case of the woman with macular degeneration going blind, his networks clinicians no longer inject fat-derived stem cells into patients eyes. But they continue to offer intravenous (bloodstream) injections. We have virtually three or four adverse events, of very little significance or consequence, says Berman, referring to the patients in his network. But according to the FDA, intravenous injections are associated with higher risk.

Other scientists I spoke with say theyre also worried that intravenous treatments may harm patients. Youre taking cells out of one part of your body, and putting them into another. You have absolutely no control after that, says Olwin. He acknowledges the FDAs efforts to crack down on clinics but suggests that much more can be done. They have limited resources to go after people. But I think its irresponsible for doctors and these clinics to be promoting these things.

Some types of stem cells can indeed give rise to virtually any cell in the body providing a platform for regenerating muscle or even rebuilding organs. Stem cells derived from embryos have this power, called pluripotency, but those obtained from adults do not. In order to acquire pluripotency, adult stem cells must be biologically reprogrammed a feat that, when invented, led to a Nobel Prize. These induced pluripotent stem cells allow doctors to treat challenging illnesses such as leukemia.

But clinics like Bermans are not using pluripotent stem cells they are using the mesenchymal stem cells found in fat, which are much more limited in function. Arnold Caplan, the fields pioneer who first gave them the stem cell label, recently advocated for renaming them to prevent doctors from claiming that they can cure the blind, make the lame walk, and make old tissue young again.

BrainStorm, a biotechnology company working with mesenchymal cells, recently gained FDA approval to begin clinical trials to treat patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. But to treat the neurological condition, BrainStorm researchers have developed a method to convert the mesenchymal cells into biological factories that release disease-treating proteins. In other words, BrainStorms therapy doesnt involve mesenchymal cells doing the work on their own what some clinics in the Cell Surgical Network claim mesenchymal cells can do.

Outside of the Cell Surgical Network, other clinics are using patients fat-derived cells but making different claims about the treatment.

I dont say Im doing stem cell therapy, says Dr. Joanne Halbrecht, an orthopedic surgeon and founder of Boulder Regenerative Medicine. Her clinic uses patients fat-derived cells to treat orthopedic conditions, injecting them into joints.

Halbrecht avoids the stem cell label because current research does not support claims that these fat-derived cells can turn into cartilage. Instead, she uses patients fat to cushion their joints. According to Olwin and the FDA, such joint injections are significantly lower-risk than intravenous injections.

Berman also administers direct joint injections. But afterward, he tells me, his clinicians also inject the leftover cells into the patients bloodstream. Halbrecht is adamant that this kind of procedure is unproven and unsafe.

Thats definitive. Its not a question, she says. They are completely wrong because there is zero science behind that.

For clinics to prove the safety and efficacy of their fat-derived stem cell treatments to the FDA, they must run rigorous clinical trials.

But some clinicians argue that even if they were interested in clinical trials, getting the FDAs blessing is too daunting. Clinical trials span years and cost millions of dollars. For small, privately owned clinics, this process is unaffordable.

In response, the FDA unveiled a more feasible clinical trial process, better suited to small businesses. Clinics that want to test a specific treatment can now team up on clinical trials and pool their patients, which can save them time and money. Still, the FDA is offering a grace period of up to 36 months for clinics to comply with its guidelines, allowing many to continue operating on patients without doing clinical trials. In the meantime, the FDA is urging patients to do [their] part to stay safe, according to a consumer warning issued in May.

Unfortunately, thats not so easy. Whether or not a clinic is offering an FDA-compliant treatment can be unclear. Some doctors advertise compliance because the device they use to remove and process a patients fat is technically FDA-approved. But if they then advertise their treatment as an FDA-approved stem cell therapy, they risk misleading patients.

Berman has no plans to pursue clinical trials, even with the new streamlined process. He believes his current model of clinical experimentation is adequate. In the so-called safety studies, he treats paying patients with a wide variety of diseases. But according to the recent bioethics report, Turner found that these pay-to-participate studies are poorly designed and unscientific.

In Bermans view, more patients benefit by obtaining cutting-edge treatments faster. But for every revolutionary treatment developed in a lab, there are nine duds and many unpredictable dangers. And unsanctioned clinics cost patients thousands of dollars and are not covered by insurance. Critics argue that it is unethical to charge patients for experimental procedures, as sanctioned clinical trials rarely cost patients anything.

The economic incentives for unsanctioned stem cell clinics are clear. Starting clinical trials would not only reduce patient revenue but also commit clinics to a costly process known to last for years. Shifting blame to the government and research community, Berman assures me that he and his colleagues are not motivated by self-interest. Were the good guys, he says.

In March, the woman blinded by an unsanctioned stem cell treatment filed a lawsuit against Bermans Cell Surgical Network. Bermans site still advertises treatment for macular degeneration with a link to an application.

But tucked away on Bermans website sits a sort of confession that may surprise the many patients who hear him speak with unwavering assurance. The page reads, We do not claim that these treatments work for any listed nor unlisted condition, intended or implied.

Max Levy is a PhD student in chemical and biological engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder and the senior editor of Science Buffs, a graduate student science blog. He writes about health, medicine, and the environment.

Stem cell therapy: FDA investigates clinics offering ...


Stem Cell Therapy, Amniotic Fluid Injections, Pain Relief

Monday, January 7th, 2019

Orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Stacie Grossfeld discussing Stem Cell Therapy.

Stem Cell Recruitment Therapy is a safe and effective treatment to helpyour body heal itself. It is typically administered during a normal office visit, through asingle injection. Patients have reported improved pain relief and repair for the following conditions:

Stem Cell injections are conveniently administered through a single injection during a normal office visit. Following the injection, patients are typically able to return to everyday, non-high impact activities within 24 to 48 hours.

What benefits does Stem Cell Recruitment Therapy offer?

For more information about stem cell recruitment therapy, or to make an appointment, callOrthopaedic Specialists at a (502)212-2663. Follow along for more information about stem cell recruitment therapy.

Stem cells for stem cell recruitment therapy are obtained through amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid contains a multitude of proteins and growth factors. Together they create an extra-cellular matrix to recruit the bodys stem cells to reconstruct and regenerate the injured tissue that is causing pain. Amniotic fluid can repair tissue damage, giving patients with arthritis, joint injuries and soft tissue injuries a treatment option that does not involve pain masking medications or surgery.

The amniotic fluid is obtained during full-term cesarean births from healthy donors who have volunteered their placenta and amniotic fluid. All amniotic fluid is collected aseptically and tested prior to processing and determined to be eligible for transplantation by Donors Suitability Standards established by the AATB and the FDA. The products we use are FDA regulated under the 21 CFR Part 1271 and Section 361 of the Public Health and Service Act.

Stem cells take advantage of the bodys ability to repair itself. With a stem cell injection, your physician injects the amniotic fluid containing stem cells into your body. The amniotic fluid has anti-inflammatory properties, similar to cortisone and steroid shots. However, amniotic fluid goes far beyond the benefits of standard injection therapy.

While cortisone and other drugs only provide temporary pain relief, amniotic fluid actually restores degenerated tissue while providing pain relief. The growth factors in the amniotic fluid may recruit your bodys own stem cells, directly mitigating the repair and the regeneration of healthy tissue. Additionally, amniotic fluid injections contain hyaluronic acid, which lubricates joints and tendons, easing the pain and helping restore mobility.

Stem cells have over 200 growth factors. A growth factor is a proteins or enzyme that can grow cartilage, repair scars, reduce inflammation, take away pain, and grow bone. Astem cell can turn into any type of cell. Basically, it doesnt know what it wants to be when it grows up If you put it into the knee, it turns into the cells in the knee joint, it is an imitator so to speak, adapting to the environment where it is placed.

As we get older our stem cells get older. The amniotic stem cells are much more potent. The other advantage of the amniotic stem cells is that you do not have to have the painful procedure where stem cells are harvested out of your pelvis bone.

Typically it can take three to six weeks for a patient to feel the full effect of stem cell recruitment therapy. This is because the treatment utilizes the bodys own healing process.

Read the original here:
Stem Cell Therapy, Amniotic Fluid Injections, Pain Relief


ReNu Stem Cell Therapy – Advanced Orthopedics – Nonsurgical …

Monday, January 7th, 2019

An ideal injectable therapy would combine safe long term anti-inflammatory pain management and long term regenerative healing. The Center for Nonsurgical & Regenerative Orthopedics now offers the most sophisticated and powerful Stem Cell product on the market. ReNu is the only stem cell injection that combines the anti-inflammatory capacity of amniotic tissue with the regenerative power of fetal stem cells.

ReNu is a revolutionary noninvasive treatment in which human amniotic tissue and stem cells are injected into injured tissue to provide relief from pain and stimulate the body's natural healing process. This amniotic tissue contains fetal mesenchymal stem cells that help to regenerate damaged tissue such as cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. The growth factors in the amniotic tissue provide anti-inflammatory, anti-adhesive, and anti-microbial properties to the injured area and can significantly help reduce scarring for quicker healing. Amniotic tissue is also immune privileged, which means there is virtually no chance that your body will reject the treatment.

ReNu stem cells come from the amniotic membrane and fluid of donated placentas following normal childbirth. With the mother's consent, the amnion is removed and harvested from the placenta of pre-screened and tested donors. It is then sterilely processed and undergoes further rigorous testing to assure safety and efficacy. To be clear, while some people may have ethical issues with embryonic stem cell therapy, almost everyone agrees that the use of amniotic stem cell therapy raises no ethical or moral questions.

Continued here:
ReNu Stem Cell Therapy - Advanced Orthopedics - Nonsurgical ...


Stem Cell Therapy in Richmond Start Healing Chronic Pain …

Monday, January 7th, 2019

Stem cell therapy is a targeted treatment that activates your bodys own natural ability to heal and regenerate. With a simple in-office procedure you will improve your quality of life and potentially avoid surgery.

Research continues to show an increasing number of potential benefits from the anti inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and regenerative actions of stem cells. Stem cell therapy treats pain and chronic conditions at their source, returning you to the things you enjoy.

Our stem cell therapy treatment utilizes umbilical cord derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells from FDA regulated cord banks. Mesenchymal Stem Cells are specialized cells that are able to receive signals from the other cells in your body. Stem cells then seek out inflammation and degeneration and go to that location to begin repairing tissue.

Stem cells have been shown to help repair muscle, bone, cartilage and tendons. Research has indicated that stem cells can benefit a wide variety of health complications and may assist in individuals living stronger, healthier lives.

Our mission is simple: Change the lives of our patients by providing an integrative, holistic approach to healing.

We help people suffering from chronic health conditions, chronic pain, autoimmune issues, and many other undiagnosed syndromes and health problems.

We are passionate about caring for our patients who, until now, were not able to find answers and treatments for their underlying health issues.

Regenerative medicine through stem cell therapy is the future of health care and, for our patients, THE FUTURE IS NOW!

Are you a candidate for regenerative stem cell therapy? The answer is YES if you suffer from any of the following:

Were here to help you heal and restore your health today! Please contact us now using the form below to explore how stem cell therapy can help you find relief and embrace your life again!

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Stem Cell Therapy in Richmond Start Healing Chronic Pain ...


Is Stem Cell Therapy Covered by Medicare?

Monday, December 24th, 2018

Stem cell therapy has been a hot topic in the press lately. With more and more medical providers offering stem cell treatments, patients around the country have been wondering, Is Stem Cell Therapy covered by Medicare.

Stem Cell research has shown that its an effective treatment for chronic joint pain and arthritis sufferers and more recent studies are starting to show the benefit for treatment of neurological disorders as well. (M.S., Parkinsons, and Stroke)

So the team at Stem Cell: The Magazine, have put together some information to answer this question of insurance coverage for potential medical enrollees seeking stem cell and regenerative treatments.

So what is the answer to Does Medicare cover Stem Cell therapy?

From the research that we have pulled up regarding Medicare Insurance Coverage for stem cell therapy; medicare does cover stem cell treatments, but not for some of the chronic degenerative conditions that regenerative treatments (stem cell therapy) can help them with.

You can see in this publication from BCBS that stem cell therapy is covered for the following conditions:


Section 2.aAllogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) eligible for coverage in the following:a) The treatment of leukemiab) The treatment of severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) and for the treatment of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.ORc) The treatment of Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) pursuant to Coverage with Evidence Development (CED) in the context of a Medicare-approved, prospective clinical study.3. Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation(AuSCT) is eligible for coverage in the following:a) Acute leukemia in remission who have a high probability of relapse and whohave no human leucocyte antigens (HLA)-matched;ORb) Resistant non-Hodgkins lymphomas or those presenting with poor prognosticfeatures following an initial response;ORc) Recurrent or refractory neuroblastoma;ORd) Advanced Hodgkins disease who have failed conventional therapy and have no HLA-matched donor.

You can see that outside of the listed conditions above, Medicare does not cover stem cell therapy for treatments joint conditions or neurological conditions that patients are more commonly seeking treatment for.

In this article, it clearly states that stem cell therapy for the coverage of orthopedic conditions is not covered:

The orthopedic application of stem-cell therapy is not addressed within the stem cell transplantation NCD. (NCD = National Care Determinations)

What this means for any patient that is looking to receive regenerative and stem cell treatments for orthopedic conditions such as:



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Medicare will not cover treatment for these conditions. In fact, most major medical carriers will not provide coverage for these treatments either.

Many chronic joint pain sufferers wonder why Medicare and most major carriers dont provide coverage for these treatments if they are so effective, but there is a simple answer for why this is.

Medicare and most major health insurance are for emergency conditions. Regenerative medicine is still considered an elective treatment, close to wellness care. Insurance carriers are not in the business of providing wellness for coverage for their participants.

We found a great video that explains more about this by John R Hoffman at Arcadia University. In it he describes the challenges of Medicare coverage for Stem Cell Therapy.

Our hope at Stem Cell: The Magazine is that as more and more patients continue to seek out treatment of their orthopedic and neurological conditions using stem cell and regenerative treatments, that Mediare and major health insurances will accept stem cell as the first treatment for these chronic conditions.

Learn More About Stem Cell Therapy

Is Stem Cell Therapy Covered by Medicare? was last modified: October 3rd, 2018 by Stem Cell The Magazine

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Is Stem Cell Therapy Covered by Medicare?


Stem Cell Therapy – Dr Sobo, Stamford CT

Friday, December 7th, 2018

The Stem Cell Procedure

Optimal Health Medical, LLC uses adult autologous stem cells, meaning that they are derived and taken from your own body, which avoids the possibility of rejection. A simple in-office procedure a called a bone marrow aspiration is performed to obtain your own stem cells.


Bone marrow is extracted from the back of a patients pelvis called the posterior iliac crest.

The doctor will inject a local anesthetic (numbing agent), to prevent discomfort and pain. Bone Marrow aspiration involves one small incision in the skin to introduce the bone marrow needle for aspiration. You may experience some discomfort during the procedure, but it is brief, and if needed more local anesthesia will be provided.


The actual extraction takes just a couple of 2 minutes. The full procedure and visit will take up to a couple of hours. During that time the handling of the bone marrow sample will include separating the red blood cells, and placing the sample in a centrifuge for its final preparation for injection back into the body.

Utilizing the most advanced technique for stem cell injection, the doctor will perform what is called a Guided Stem Cell Injection. Guided injection stem cell treatments are done by the doctor using a portable ultrasound machine, positioned to allow the doctor to see the needle as he guides it to the area to be injected.


Bone marrow aspirations are safe when properly performed in a sterile environment. Complications are rare but can include:

The risks of a bone marrow aspirate include the following: pain or temporary discomfort and/or bruise at the site of the puncture. Post-procedure treatment guidelines will be provided in the initial consultation.


Most patients are able to return to basic daily activities in 3 days but some pain may be felt at the aspiration site for up to 1 week. Return to exercise or sports or which place on the joint may take several weeks, and guided by the doctor on an individualized basis.

Read the original:
Stem Cell Therapy - Dr Sobo, Stamford CT


15 Stem Cell Therapy For Pain Questions, Answered

Friday, December 7th, 2018

Stem cell therapy is an exciting area of research that holds tremendous potential for helping chronic pain patients reduce their pain. Rapid advances in this field of medicine are buoying doctors and patients hopes that the exciting therapy could change lives. Advances are being made nearly every day, and as scientists further understand the nature of these cells, even more uses for them are becoming known. If youve ever wondered about how stem cell therapy for pain could help you, these 15 questions delve into how this therapy works and who it could be used for.

Science has a strong interest in stem cells because of their renewing properties and the ability of these cells to develop into any type of tissue in the body of the organism. Researchers believe that they have the potential for immeasurable clinical uses in health. Research is advancing many stem cell based therapies for people who suffer from diseases such as:

Mayo Clinic explains how this therapy works:

Stem cell therapy, also known as regenerative medicine, promotes the reparative response of diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissue using stem cells or their derivativesResearchers grow stem cells in a lab. These stem cells are manipulated to specialize into specific types of cells, such as heart muscle cells, blood cells or nerve cells. The specialized cells can then be implanted into a person.

Stem cell therapy is actually a type of treatment within the larger umbrella of regenerative medicine. Our longer post on regenerative medicine discusses the types of treatments available, including stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma injections.

Stem cells are essentially blank canvases that can transform into any type of cell in the human body. Specialized cells like bone cells, liver cells, and heart cells begin as stem cells. The process of the cells transforming from blank slates into specialized cells is called differentiation.

Stem cell therapy is the process of injecting these cells into damaged areas of the body, such as arthritic knees or shoulders. The stem cells then differentiate into damaged tissue, helping to regenerate the entire area.

There are two different types of natural stem cells and one that is genetically reprogrammed within the laboratory. Embryonic stem cells are the most immature and are found within the early stages of a growing embryo, usually after it has been left to develop five to six days. After the egg and sperm have united, the fertilized egg divides and creates stem cells that differentiate into the specialized cells the body requires to function. Many techniques using stem cells for pain therapies no longer rely on these types of stem cells.

The second type of stem cell, found naturally in organisms, is adult stem cells. These are present in developed tissue, such as muscle, skin, bone, brain, and blood. Also called tissue stem cells, they can self-renew and generate one specialized cell type. Under normal circumstances these tissue stem cells, or adult stem cells, will generate the type of cells that make up the organ in which they reside. These cells are used by the body to divide and repair injured areas or regenerate into specialized cells to replace the ones that are dead or damaged.

The third type of stem cells, which are genetically reprogrammed in the laboratory, are induced pluripotent stem cells. After years of stem cell research and development, it was discovered that artificially triggering certain genetic components would prompt different cells to become pluripotent stem cells, which were similar in nature to embryonic stem cells. This helps avoid ethical concerns associated with using human embryonic tissue for research and regenerative medicine.

The following video from an Arizona pain doctor goes into detail about how stem cell therapy for pain works.

There are twomajor types of stem cells: those harvested from adults and those harvested from embryonic tissues.

However, there are other ways to retrieve stem cells that reduce the use of embryonic stem cells, including:

As the Euro Stem Cell organization reports, some of these types of stem cells are more effective than others.

One source of stem cells is human embryos. These cells are called pluripotent stem cells, and theyre very useful to researchers because they can be multiplied indefinitely in the laboratory. Although these cells are often cultivated from embryos that are just a few days old, they can also be taken from fetal tissue thats older than eight weeks, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The majority of therapeutic stem cells come from adults. Even though embryos are the richest source of stem cells, humans of all ages have stem cells. Stem cells give adults the ability to replace damaged tissue, heal wounds, and grow hair.The patients own adult stem cells are extracted, purified, concentrated, and then injected into the damaged tissue. This process is usually non-surgical and the individual has very little recovery time. Most patients report only some soreness around the site of the injection. Sometimes there is also slight bruising. There have been no reports of serious side effects from treatments using stem cell therapy.

Newer research has given scientists the ability to reprogram specialized adult cells so they essentially return to their original stem cell state. These reprogrammed cells are known as induced pluripotent stem cells. Although this ability exists, scientists arent sure how or if these artificially created stem cells behave differently than other types.

Despite these unknowns, the reprogrammed stem cells are already being used in the development of medicines and helping scientists learn more about specific types of diseases, according to NIH.

Stem cells have many uses, and the full spectrum of their application isnt yet known. One way stem cells are helping researchers is by illuminating the inner workings of various diseases. Stem cells offer scientists the ability to model human disease progression in a laboratory setting.

This is exciting because many studies rely on animals with similar, but not exact, biology to humans. The more scientists can understand about human-specific disease progression, the greater insight they have regarding potential treatments.

For example, one of the earliest uses for stem cells were bone marrow transplants, used to help patients with leukemia or sickle cell anemia heal. This treatment has been used for more than 40 years. In addition, stem cell therapy may be used to treat:

The application of most interest to chronicpatients is likely the emerging field of regenerative medicine, which is the science of helping tissues regenerate. This field examines the potential of stem cells to repair damaged tissue and heal areas of the body bone and potentially organs, too affected by arthritis, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, nerve damage, Parkinsons disease, and more.

Exciting research has also uncovered the potential for stem cells to expand the number of lungs available for transplant. A portion of lungs available for transplant arent used because they become damaged. However, research from the American Physiological Society has found stem cells could help repair the organs and prepare them to save lives.

Other recent researchstories include:

For many of the studies underway, time is needed to fully examine the benefits and potential dangers of this treatment. Another obstacle is obtaining specific types of adult stem cells. Theyre difficult to grow in the laboratory, making it hard to produce the large numbers available for research.

Another potential issue with donor stem cells is the possibility of rejection. The immune system of the recipient could reject the cells, essentially making it difficult for the treatment to work as intended and causing ancillary problems.

Finally, since this is such a new treatment area, some government agencies are calling for more oversight of its use. Others are pushing back, claiming that stem cell therapy provides a new area of treatment for patients who have exhausted all other options.

That being said, even though there are complications and roadblocks to its use, the benefits of stem cell therapy could be huge. As the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine notes:

[A]n analysis of the potential benefits of stem cells based therapies indicates that 128 million people in the United States alone may benefit with the largest impact on patients with Cardiovascular disorders (5.5 million), autoimmune disorders (35 million) and diabetes (16 million US patients and more than 217 million worldwide).

Californias Stem Cell Agency gives a great overview of this process, noting:

In order to be approved by the FDA for use in human trials, stem cells must be grown in good manufacturing practice (GMP) conditions. Under GMP standards, a cell line has to be manufactured so that each group of cells is grown in an identical, repeatable, sterile environment. This ensures that each batch of cells has the same properties, and each person getting a stem cell therapy gets an equivalent treatment. Although the FDA hasnt yet issued guidelines for how pluripotent stem cells need to meet GMP standards, achieving this level of consistency could mean knowing the exact identity and quantity of every component involved in growing the cells.

Stem cell therapy is being studied for a number of chronic pain conditions, especiallypain in the:

Stem cell therapy for pain could help reduce the inflammation that results in chronic pain, or it could help to heal regenerative conditions that lead to pain, such as arthritis.

Using stem cell therapy for knee pain is one of the leading areas of research. Stem cell therapy for knees can be provided as stem cell injections or as blood platelet treatments from the body itself (another form of regenerative medicine).These two treatments may help relieve pain associated with:

The leading researchers on stem cell therapy for knee pain claim that it can help patients avoid surgery, with its associated costs and risks.

Since stem cell therapy promises to treat a number of conditions related to degenerative conditions, like arthritis and tendonitis, stem cell therapy may present a great treat option for hip pain related to these causes.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is leading the efforts in research, but currently reports the following:

At present, there are no approved stem cell therapies for MS. Larger, longer-term, controlled studies are needed to determine the safety and effectiveness of using stem cells to treat MS. When the results of these and subsequent clinical trials are available, it should be possible to determine what the optimal cells, delivery methods, safety and actual effectiveness of these current experimental therapies might be for different people with MS.

Potentially. One of our sister clinics, Arizona Pain, is participating in a study evaluating the potential of stem cells to reduce back pain related to degenerative disc disease. This progressive condition sometimes results from injury, but other times has no clear cause.

The study is exciting because it involves stem cells harvested from the bone marrow of healthy, young adults, and therefore itdoesnt come with the ethical concerns of embryonic stem cells. So far, the results have been very positive, and a significant number of people who received stem cells for their back pain have experienced reduced discomfort and improved quality of life.

This study is currently in Phase III, which is the phase immediately preceding potential FDA approval. This means it could soon be available to many more patients and potentially covered by insurance, although each insurance companys coverage policy varies.

Absolutely, and the research into this area is very promising. In fact, scientists have recently uncovered the specific type of stem cell most likely to reduce arthritis pain. Theyre special cells that are specifically able to rebuild tissue, bone, and cartilage, potentially offering much relief to osteoarthritis patients.

What other questions do you have regarding stem cell therapy for pain? If youre ready to learn more about using stem cell therapy to treatyour pain, click the button below to find a pain specialist in your area.

See the original post here:
15 Stem Cell Therapy For Pain Questions, Answered


Jack Nicklaus’ secret stem cell therapy – CNN

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

For much of his professional golf career Nicklaus has had aggravating back pain that he describes as an eight or nine out of 10 on the pain scale. While most golfers live with some degree of back pain Nicklaus said his was particularly debilitating. Despite trying therapies ranging from cortisone shots to a back operation the pain persisted. At the time he flew to Munich, Nicklaus was willing to try anything, even an, as of yet, unproven treatment.

If you don't know much about Jack Nicklaus, you can be certain your parents or grandparents do. He is one of the true sports legends of the United States. With 120 professional tournament victories and a record 18 major-championship titles, he is one of 16 individuals in history to receive both the Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal for his outstanding achievements in sports and philanthropy.

Nicklaus said he has taken roughly 10 million swings with a golf club, but when you hear his backstory, it is a wonder his career ever happened. Even before he became a professional, Nicklaus was having severe enough back pain to warrant nine cortisone injections into his back. (These are done to insert medication between the joints to relieve inflammation and pain). He was only 19 years old at the time. While they worked for a short time, Nicklaus played with significant pain for parts of his career. At the age of 64, he underwent a minimally invasive spine operation to relieve the pressure on his spinal nerve roots, which provided some relief for much of the last 14 years, but not nearly enough. Even basic chip shots and putts were too painful.

It was at a birthday party in December of 2015 when Nicklaus first met German stem cell pioneer Dr. Eckhard Alt. Intrigued by what Alt told him about this experimental therapy, 78 year old Nicklaus once again became a student, reading up on Eckhard, the clinic and the possibilities of stem cells. Within a couple of months, he was convinced adipose stem cells, found in abdominal fat, may be something that could finally provide lasting relief for his aching back.

Go here to see the original:
Jack Nicklaus' secret stem cell therapy - CNN


Stem Cell Therapy for Anti-Aging and Sexual Performance …

Sunday, November 11th, 2018

Stem Cell Therapy has been around for quite some time, but due to high cost it was primarily used for recovery in athletes and the financial elite. However, with the progression of science and knowledge, stem cell therapy has become much more widely used and financially attainable.

Tampa Rejuvenation is the first in Tampa Bay to utilize the benefits of stem cell therapy for the purpose of anti-aging and sexual performance. We realize as our patients age, their bodies no longer have the regenerative properties to attain the desired results from using their growth factors alone as with our PRP, or Plasma Rich Platelet, therapy. Although many patients will still yield improvement with the PRP alone, the magnitude of cytokines and growth factors in your blood as you age will deplete with age. By implementing stem cell therapy, the number of growth factors are exponential allowing our bodies to regenerate on a magnitude that is otherwise unattainable with some results lasting for 3-5 years.

Stem Cell Therapy can be used to restore vitality to the skin, encourage the growth of hair, and even restore sexual performance and pleasure.

Follow this link:
Stem Cell Therapy for Anti-Aging and Sexual Performance ...


Stem Cell Therapy for Back Pain – ThriveMD Vail & Denver, CO

Sunday, November 11th, 2018

Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD), Herniated Discs & Sciatica Causing Lumbar Back Pain

What is degenerative disc disease and what are the symptoms?

Spinal disc degeneration and disc herniations are two of the most common causes of back pain, affecting in particular the lumbar spine (low back). Spinal discs are soft, compressible structures that separate the vertebrae of the spine. The discs act as shock absorbers, allowing the spine to flex, bend, and twist.

Sciatica is the name for the horrible leg pain that is caused when a bulging lumbar disc irritates a lumbar nerve root. The discomfort can be a combination of burning pain and numbness that responds poorly to pain medication.

There is a normal amount of expected wear and tear of our spinal discs as we age. On the other hand, arthritis, injury, and extreme wear and tear of sports can accelerate the degeneration. On a cellular level, there is continual loss of healthy cells inside the disc that is responsible for the discs structure. Over time, normal cells are damaged and hydration is lost, leading to tears in the internal structure of the discs.

When discs degenerate, mobility is affected and function is limited, resulting in symptoms that include stiffness, weakness, and ultimately, unrelenting pain.

What is spinal facet disease and what are the symptoms?

Spinal facet disease is one of the most common causes of neck and back pain and can cause pain at any level of the spine. The spinal facets joints are located on both sides of the back of each spinal segment. They connect each spinal level and are responsible for stabilizing the vertebral bodies and counterbalancing the intervertebral discs. The facets can be injured during acute trauma often seen in flexion extension injuries such as a whiplash event or sports accident. The surfaces of the facet joints are covered by articular cartilage and are also prone to chronic degenerative arthritis much like the larger joints such as knees and hips.

Pain that is caused by facet dysfunction is typically isolated to the back of the lumbar spine, thoracic region and neck. The discomfort can be isolated to one side or may affect both sides of the spine at once. The pain may radiate into the muscles but does not extend into the extremities like sciatic pain that is caused from a disc herniation. Typically the pain is worsened with extension and or rotation of the neck or back. Diagnosis of facet pain begins with a physical exam and imaging studies, but often requires diagnostic injection with local anesthetic and or steroid to confirm the diagnosis.

When the facet joints are injured mobility is affected and function is limited, resulting in symptoms that can mimic disc disease such as stiffness, weakness, and ultimately, unrelenting pain.

Original post:
Stem Cell Therapy for Back Pain - ThriveMD Vail & Denver, CO


Stem Cell Therapy – Top Rated Local Stem Cell Treatment In …

Sunday, November 11th, 2018

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are the basic building blocks of human tissue and have the ability to repair, rebuild, and rejuvenate tissues in the body. When a disease or injury strikes, stem cells respond to specific signals and set about to facilitate the healing process by stimulating your own body to repair itself.

Stem cells that come from perinatal tissue(healthy post-natal C-sections) have distinct functional properties including immunomodulation and anti-inflammation which support the repair and regeneration of damaged tissue associated with disease and injury.

There are four known types of stem cells which include:

We provide allogeneic regenerative cytokines and mesenchymal stem cells from health post-natal C-sections.

We tap into our bodys stem cell reserve daily to repair and replace damaged or diseased tissue. When the bodys reserve is limited and as it becomes depleted, the regenerative power of our body decreases and we succumb to disease and injury.

Three sources of stem cells from a patients body are used clinically which include adipose tissue (fat), bone marrow and umbilical cord matrix(Whartons Jelly).

We provide stem cell therapy for a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions for which traditional treatment offers less than optimal options. Some conditions include Osteoarthritis, Bursitis, Plantar Fasciitis and Degenerative Disc Disease

Since each condition and patient are unique, there is no guarantee of what results will be achieved or how quickly they may be observed. According to patient feedback, many patients report results in one to three months, however, it may take as long as six to nine months. Individuals interested in stem cell therapy are urged to consult with their physician before choosing investigational allogeneic umbilical cord derived regenerative medicine allografts as a treatment option.

In order to determine if you are a good candidate for a regenerative medicine treatment, you will need to complete a medical history form which will be provided by our patient advocate team. Once you complete and submit your medical history form, our medical team will review your records and determine if you are a qualified candidate for a regenerative medicine therapy.

The side effects of intra-articular injection of a regenerative medicine allograft are minimal and may include but are not limited to: infection, minor bleeding at the treatment sites and localized pain. However, these side effects typically last no longer than 24 hours.

We provide regenerative medicine allografts from healthy post-natal C-section births that provide regenerative factors and mesenchymal stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are typically associated with ethical concerns. We do not offer embryonic stem cells.

Our regenerative medicine allografts are regulated as human cell and tissue transplants, similar to skin and bone. As structural human cell and tissue products regulated under FDA CFR 1271 Part 361, our allografts do not require FDA approval, rather we are strictly regulated to prevent the spread of communicable diseases and to maintain the structural integrity of the allografts as theyre harvested from umbilical cords and transferred for musculoskeletal cushioning, protection and supplementation. These regenerative allografts are FDA regulated rather than FDA approved. The FDA is a regulatory oversight body and doesnt exercise legal authority. If an FDA regulated tissue transplant or therapy is noted as non-compliant and not corrected according to FDA guidelines, the FDA may refer a significant public health risk to the Department of Justice or a state attorney general.

Stem cell treatment is not covered by health insurance at this time.

Although stem cells are found throughout our bodies, mesenchymal stem cells can only be harvested for native (non-cultured) use from adipose, bone marrow and umbilical cord matrix. The term amniotic stem cells is an oxymoron in that amniotic fluid and matrix products dont contain stem cells. They do however contain unique cytokines and other growth factors.

See the article here:
Stem Cell Therapy - Top Rated Local Stem Cell Treatment In ...


Placenta | Amniotic tissue is not stem cell therapy – Dr …

Saturday, November 10th, 2018

There is a fascination among some patients with umbilical cord, amniotic fluid/membrane, and placenta membrane as a means of getting the best, or the most stem cells, in stem cell therapy treatment.

In the opinion of researchers cited in this article, that fascination and the supportive claims are unfounded. Further, the treatments mentioned and advertised in some doctors office as amniotic stem cell therapy is in fact not even stem cell therapy.

I am going to discuss amniotic stem cell therapy, which is in fact amniotic tissue treatment, placenta treatments and umbilical cord stem cell therapy in this article.

Marc Darrow MD, JD. Thank you for reading my article. You can ask me your questions about stem cell therapy using the contact form below.

The Interventional Orthopedics Foundation is a non-profit that provides CME-accredited courses that teach simple to advanced injection skills.

In a December 2015 press release, the Foundation issued a warning about faulty stem cell products after testing placental tissue-derived products. The warning: The products contained no live stem cells.

Here are the five key points published in that press release:

Every day here in Los Angeles, you can see advertisements for seminars and webinars for LIVE amniotic stem cell therapy. What do they base this on?

It is based on research saying one thing and amniotic stem cell therapy marketers saying another. Here is an example of one study:

On the release of a 2012 study examining the theory that Amniotic stem cells derived from donated amniotic fluid could be stored in banks, shipped to doctors and researchers, and used for various therapies, study author Dr. Pascale Guillot of the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College of London described amniotic stem cells this way:

Amniotic fluid stem cells are intermediate between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. They have some potential to develop into different cell types but they are not pluripotent.

Pluripotent cells can give rise to all of the cell types that make up the body. To make amniotic cells pluripotent they have to be genetically modified. Genetically modified stem cells are drugs and must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Dr. Guillot and her research team in fact were trying to turn stem cells from amniotic fluid into pluripotent stem cells by way of culturing. The purpose was to get them to a point where they could replace embryonic stem cells for laboratory testing. That they succeeded lead some in the amniotic/stem cell therapy business to believe that donated amniotic stem cells, taken from a caesarian section delivery donor, could be persevered, freeze-dried, and then shipped out to doctors offices as stem cell therapy injections for osteoarthritis.

So as mentioned, this often cited 2012 study was not about joint degeneration but as Dr. Guillot pointed out . . . We are particularly interested in exploring their use in genetic diseases diagnosed early in life or other diseases such as cerebral palsy, and further replacing the need for embryonic stem cells. Of course embryonic stem cell research is fraught with ethical challenges and limited supply.

Dr Paolo De Coppi, from the UCL Institute of Child Health in London, who jointly led the study with Dr Guillot, said: This study confirms that amniotic fluid is a good source of stem cells. The advantages of generating pluripotent cells without any genetic manipulation make them more likely to be used for therapy.

Read again This study confirms that amniotic fluid is a good source of stem cells, BUT FOR research looking at genetic pediatric disorders and how these stem cells can be harvested and stored for future research for genetic engineering.

We are often asked if we can use stored cord blood in our treatments. Umbilical cord blood is different from bone marrow stems cells. Cord stem cells are hematopoietic stem cells (which can differentiate only into blood cells), and not pluripotent stem cells (such as stem cells from bone marrow, which can differentiate into any type of tissue).The research surrounding the use of Cord Blood centers around blood and immune diseases such as leukemia, certain cancers and anemia. Speculation that cord blood stem cells may help with brain trauma injuries, cognitive disorders, and autism is being tested in the medical research.

This is the gray line with Amniotic/Placenta stem cells.A company the markets amniotic stem cells as injections and as mail order service says this:Researchers have discovered that the amniotic fluid has an extremely high concentration of stem cells, even more than bone marrow in adults. When processed at an FDA regulated lab, the biologic material ends up containing significant regenerative properties, such as growth factors, hyaluronic acid and stem cell activators.

Now on the same website the treatment is called: Amniotic derived stem cell activator injections

There is no argument that amniotic fluid contains stem cells, perhaps more so than bone marrow derived stem cells, BUT, from placenta to your joint pain the stem cells get lost along the way.

By name they are something that activates stem cells. But how? According to the makers of oral supplements sold as stem cell activators, they are protein building blocks that rejuvenate aging stem cells by way of DNA telemore support. The claim is you may live longer.

In stem cell therapy, stem cell activators are the building block or the scaffold which the stem cells begin its repair.

We are going to examine a 2013 study produced by MiMedx Group, Inc., a company that describes itself as the global premier processor, marketer, and distributor of human amniotic tissue.This study was also produced in conjunction with the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine, the Georgia Institute of Technology. And the Angiogenesis Foundation. It was published in the International journal of wound healing.This is not a light-weight study.

Where are the stem cells in this study?

The researchers never say that the processed amniotic membrane have any. What they do say is that they stimulateHuman bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells already present in the body to multiple. (So does dextrose Prolotherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma).

Q. So what are stem cell activators?A. They are growth factors that help your own bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells multiply.

Q. So where are the amniotic stem cells?A. There are none

Researchers have discovered that the amniotic fluid has an extremely high concentration of stem cells, even more than bone marrow in adults. When processed at an FDA regulated lab, the biologic material ends up containing significant regenerative properties, such as growth factors, hyaluronic acid and stem cell activators. They do not survive the processing, only the remnants of their ability to activate bone marrow stem cells.

But isnt this still a great selling point for amniotic stem cell activator therapy?

No because there is already a well proven stem cell activator that works well and is a fraction of the cost, Platelet Rich Rich Plasma and dextrose prolotherapy.

Doctors from George Washington University and the University of Southern California went into this question with an open mind. Lets point out that we are NOT talking about stem cell therapy we are talking about placenta tissue preparation.

Here is what their study suggests:A review of the small number of reported studies revealed a high degree of variability in placental cell types, placental tissue preparation, routes of administration, and treatment regimens, which prohibits making any definitive conclusions. Currently, the clinical use of placenta is limited to only commercial placental tissue allografts, as there are no placenta-derived biological drugs approved for the treatment of orthopaedic sports medicine conditions in the United States.1

This April 2017 study is not very robust in its clinical recommendations.

So where did all this hype come from?

Doctors at Rush University School of Medicine wrote this in 2016 in the American journal of sports medicine:

Alter their biological properties?

With these type of research I would find it difficult to convince my patients, who are always eager for research to support their decision to undergo our treatments that the scientific community is as excited about amniotic/placenta stem cells as a potential help for their osteoarthritis.

1 McIntyre JA, Jones IA, Danilkovich A, Vangsness Jr CT. The Placenta: Applications in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2017 Apr 1:0363546517697682.

2 Riboh JC, Saltzman BM, Yanke AB, Cole BJ. Human Amniotic MembraneDerived Products in Sports Medicine: Basic Science, Early Results, and Potential Clinical Applications. The American journal of sports medicine. 2016 Sep;44(9):2425-34.

Here is the original post:
Placenta | Amniotic tissue is not stem cell therapy - Dr ...


Stem cell therapy — beyond the headlines: Timothy Henry …

Sunday, September 30th, 2018

There is considerable excitement about the use of stem cells for cardiovascular disease. Stem cells are unspecialized cells with the unique property to self-renew or make copies of themselves and to differentiate into specialized cells. The goal of stem cell therapy is to enhance the body's natural process of regeneration. There are a considerable number of stem cells currently under investigation for patients with heart attacks, angina, heart failure, and peripheral arterial disease. We have made considerable progress but have many questions left to answer.

Timothy Henry, MD, FACC, is Chief of Cardiology at Cedars Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Henry earned his bachelor's degree at the University of North Dakota, graduated from medical school at University of California, San Francisco, in 1982, and was chief medicine resident from 1982--1986 at University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. He completed his training as a cardiology fellow, chief cardiology fellow, and interventional cardiology fellow at University of Minnesota in 1991. His research interests include interventional cardiology, acute myocardial infarction and novel therapies, including stem cell and gene therapy, for patients who are not candidates for standard revascularization techniques.

Dr. Henry has published over 250 manuscripts and book chapters and has served on the Research Committee for the Minnesota Affiliate of the AHA and the Emergency Care Committee for the ACC; he currently serves on the Advisory Committee for the AHA Mission: Lifeline Program, the AHA Acute Cardiac Care Committee of the Council on Clinical Cardiology and on the ACC Interventional Subcommittee. He has served as national principal investigator of multiple large, multicenter trials in acute coronary syndromes, myocardial infarction and angiogenesis including several ongoing cardiovascular stem cell trials including RENEW, ALLSTAR and ATHENA. He is also principal investigator for 1 of 7 NIH Clinical Cardiovascular Stem Cell Centers. He is a fellow at ACC and SCAI and a member of Alpha Omega Alpha and the AHA Council on Clinical Cardiology.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

See original here:
Stem cell therapy -- beyond the headlines: Timothy Henry ...


Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy | Treatment for Back Pain | VSI

Saturday, September 15th, 2018


Regenerative therapiesfor the spine are the future for spinal treatments. We are excited to offer innovative techniques as new and improved ways to try to heal spinal problems without having to undergo surgery. Regenerative therapy options hold wonderful healing potential and represent the future of modern medicine. We are excited to offer innovative techniques as new and improved ways to try to heal spinal problems without having to undergo surgery.

In the United States alone, more than 400,000 lumbar discectomies and 500,000 spinal fusions are performed each year for symptoms related to lumbar disc degeneration. The ability to get these to heal without surgery has been a long-term goal of many patients and physicians alike.

At Virginia Spine Institute, we are working to promote healing without surgery. Virginia Spine Institute continues to be on the forefront of treatment options and is proud to offerstem cell therapy treatmentsfor patients as part of ourcomprehensivenon-operative treatmentoptions.

Painful discs in the neck or low back are common causes of severe back pain and disability. Historically, therapies did not exist to regenerate the degenerative process in a vertebral disc, often leaving surgical intervention as the only option if other non-operative treatment options have failed. In selected patients, we now have hopes of better ways to treat spinal disease.

Learn if you are a candidate for this treatment.

Click to Schedule Your Initial Consultation

We obtain a patients own stem cells by aspirating tissue from the patient's hip bone or from their fat cells. These cells are centrifuged down to identify and separate specific primitive cells that will help heal tissues. Stem cells are theninjected into the disc, stimulating healing of the disc by using these primitive blood cells to stimulate regeneration of the collagen within the disc. We are excited to report improvements in our patients treated with stem cells.

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the potential to become specialized types of cells. Stem cells can be categorized as embryonic stem cells or adult stem cells.Embryonic stem cells are derived from a human fetus; there are many ethical concerns with embryonic stem cells, and these are not used in our practice.

Adult stem cells are derived from adults, sometimes obtained from your very own body! Adult stem cells are further divided into different categories. For example, the types of adult stem cells we use to treat musculoskeletal issues are known as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). These are multi-potent cells that can differentiate into bone cells, cartilage cells, or fat cells. Its important to note that they cannot differentiate into any other type of cell.

The human body has multiple storage sites for stem cells to repair degenerated and injured structures. We have found that obtaining stem cells from the hip bone (iliac bone) is easily performed within minutes and, in most cases, is a fairly painless procedure for the patient. The stem cells are obtained from your own bone marrow; just minutes later, they are used for treatment.

This procedure is done in our office and starts with the patient lying face down on the examination table. The skin is first numbed with a novocaine solution. After that, the cortex of the hip bone (iliac bone) is numbed. Next, under x-ray (fluoroscopic) guidance, a special needle is advanced through the bone to the cortex of your hip bone into the bone marrow. The liquid marrow - which contains the stem cells - is then withdrawn into a syringe. Finally, the needle is removed, and a small bandage is placed where the needle was inserted.

After the procedure, the syringe of stem cells is taken to the lab and placed in a specialized machine called a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins the bone marrow solution and stem cells are separated from the non-useful cells. The concentrated stem cells are then transferred to a new syringe. Now, the stem cells are ready for the treatment.

Not all patients will be a candidate for these disc regeneration procedures. For those whom are ideal candidates, this provides great hope with reduction in pain and improved quality of life without the need for major surgery. We are excited about these great advances in health care and look forward to helping you live pain free.

Stem cell injections are most commonly used for treatment of the following conditions:

The area of injury is first identified using ultrasound or fluoroscopy. The area is then sterilized, and the skin above the area is numbed with a novocaine-type solution. Using ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance, the needle is guided to the area of injury, and the stem cell solution is injected. All the regenerative injections performed at our practice are performed under image guidance with ultrasound or fluoroscopy to confirm accurate placement of the stem cells.

The risks depend on the area being treated; however, there is always a potential risk of an injection causing infection, bleeding, or nerve damage. It is important to note that there is no risk of allergic reaction since you are using your own stem cells. At Virginia Spine Institute we always recommended the safest and most efficient procedures for our patients, however, your physician will review any possible risks associated with this treatment prior to administering.

The benefit is usually seen approximately two to three months after the whole treatment protocol has completed; however, you may start to notice the benefit sooner than this.

In most cases, patients respond very well to just one treatment; however, the patient may require two to three injections. We never perform more than three injections within a span of 12 months.

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Originally posted here:
Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy | Treatment for Back Pain | VSI


Stem Cell Therapy for Knees vs Surgery – Which Works Best?

Saturday, September 15th, 2018

Risks and Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy for Knees

We are already aware of the several risks associated with knee replacement surgery. Theyre big and scary. When you choose stem cell therapy as an alternative for knee replacement, however, most of those risks evaporate. The biggest risk youll face is the risk of infection, but that is extremely rare because the procedure is so minimally invasive.

The benefits of stem cell treatment for knees, on the other hand, are huge. Check it out:

The procedure is relatively quick, especially compared to surgery. We have our equipment and labs in-house, and the outpatient procedure can be done in a single day (a few hours, to be more precise).

The costs involved are reasonable. Your initial consultation, exam, and treatment planning are all done for at a low cost to help reduce your treatment expenses.

Stem cell therapy for knees is natural. We do not produce synthetic stem cells. We dont even use donor cells from embryos or other adults. Instead, we use your own stem cells. We literally take your stem cells from one part of your body and inject them into your knees or other problem areas. And the entire treatment is done in one sitting. It is as natural as you can get!

Recovery time is minimal. With surgery, the recovery time can last for months, many of which you spend immobile or with your mobility severely limited. With stem cell knee injections, this is not the case. You walk in and walk out of the procedure on your own, and your daily routine should stay the same. In a few weeks, you begin to increase your activity levels and do more!

Read more here:
Stem Cell Therapy for Knees vs Surgery - Which Works Best?


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