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Archive for the ‘Stem Cell Russia’ Category

4 reporters break down the DOJ criminal probe and more impeachment bombshells – POLITICO

Sunday, October 27th, 2019

Melanie Zanona, congressional reporter: The GOP raid on the secure facility where interviews with impeachment witnesses have been taking place. It was quite the scene Ive never seen anything like it in all my years covering Congress. The sergeant at arms even had to be called in at one point to defuse the situation and perform a security sweep because Republicans were violating the strict no cell phone use rules.

Josh Gerstein, legal affairs contributor: Probably what I got to witness first-hand, which was a defense lawyer for one of Rudy Giulianis associates, Lev Parnas, tell a federal judge that some of the evidence the government has collected in the straw-donor and foreign-donations case may not be usable because Parnas and Giuliani were working for the president of the United States. Giuliani hasnt been charged, of course, but when he was the swashbuckling top federal prosecutor in New York in the 1980s could anyone have predicted that his activities would be intimately connected to a case being prosecuted by that same office?

Nahal : Ive been fascinated by Rudy Giuliani for many years, so Im eyeing with interest the various criminal probes into his actions. Im not an expert on the Bard, but there has to be a Shakespeare play that captures the arc of Giulianis life and career. He will probably say its Much Ado About Nothing.

Natasha: The Giuliani investigation just got a lot more interesting, in light of new reporting from our colleague Darren Samuelsohn about the Justice Departments Criminal Division jumping into the fray. The other one to watch, of course, is the continuing probe out of the Southern District of New York into Giulianis two associates, Parnas and Igor Fruman, who were indicted on campaign finance charges earlier this month. Both men have pleaded not guilty.

Melanie: We now know the Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation into itself. DOJ has transitioned from an administrative review into the origins of its Russia probe which Trump has repeatedly decried as a "hoax" despite mounds of evidence to the contrary to a criminal inquiry with subpoena and grand jury power. The news raised eyebrows in D.C., with some Democrats worried that the the department is acting like Trumps political attack dog instead of an independent law enforcement agency.

Josh: Like other Justice Department reporters, Im fascinated by this new criminal investigation and what the grounds or the predicate as they call it here for launching it. No one seems to have nailed that down yet. Some possibilities: the inspector general investigation stumbled across evidence that someone was illegally leaking to the press about the Trump-Russia probe; the IG thinks someone lied to them, to Congress or to the courts; or someone may have been conducting some surveillance or other investigate tactic that may have been illegal. I guess its remotely possible that the alleged crime has to do with the decision to launch the Trump-Russia inquiry in the first place or anti-Trump bias on the part of officials involved, but its hard to see how that itself can be torqued into a criminal case.

Nahal: I believe it will say that at the very least such an action would open the president to being investigated. Im not sure about prosecuted, at least not while hes in office.

Melanie: That was a shocking argument to many observers and likely to the judges as well. Essentially, Trumps lawyers are saying the president is above the law (although they did acknowledge that Trump could be criminally prosecuted once he leaves office).

Josh: Its a headline-grabber to be sure, but Im not sure its a question that the court has to answer directly in order to address the issue before them about turning over Trumps tax returns to the Manhattan D.A. A real weak point in the Trump legal teams argument is that they seem to be contending Trump has the right to keep any evidence about him away from investigators even if they want to use it to charge others. Even if a president does have some immunity, does that extend to all of his family members and business associates? I cant see any court adopting that stance.

Nahal: As a strategy it actually seemed pretty smart to me. At this stage, they have very little they can say on the substance of the impeachment inquirys findings. So they want to muddy the picture the public has of the process but claiming, often misleadingly, that it is unfair. They managed to do that, as well as changing the headlines for a few hours. They also showed the GOP base that they remain loyal to Trump.

Natasha: A stunt more than a strategy, and transparently so given how many Republicans currently have access to the closed-door depositions by virtue of their membership on the relevant committees including ones who participated in the crash of the SCIF on Wednesday.

See more here:
4 reporters break down the DOJ criminal probe and more impeachment bombshells - POLITICO


Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Market Sustains Competitiveness by Adoption of Technological Innovations – Health News Office

Sunday, October 27th, 2019

Global Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays Market Report 2019 Market Size, Share, Price, Trend and Forecast is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the global Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays industry.

The report also covers segment data, including: type segment, industry segment, channel segment etc. cover different segment market size, both volume and value. Also cover different industries clients information, which is very important for the manufacturers.

There are 4 key segments covered in this report: competitor segment, product type segment, end use/application segment and geography segment.

Make An EnquiryAbout This Report @ https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=E&repid=2518510&source=atm

For competitor segment, the report includes global key players of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays as well as some small players.

AppleSamsungCreative TechnologySanDiskSonyArchosMicrosoftKoninklijke PhilipsCoby ElectronicsCinepal

Segment by RegionsNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndia

Segment by TypeAudioVideo

Segment by ApplicationOnline SalesOffline Sales

Request Sample Report @ https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=2518510&source=atm

Important Key questions answered in Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays market report:

What will the market growth rate, Overview, and Analysis by Type of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays in 2024?

What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the drivers, challenges, and business risks in Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays market?

What is Dynamics, This Overview Includes Analysis of Scope and price analysis of top Manufacturers Profiles?

Who Are Opportunities, Risk and Driving Force of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays market? Knows Upstream Raw Materials Sourcing and Downstream Buyers.

Who are the key manufacturers in space? Business Overview by Type, Applications, Gross Margin, and Market Share

What are the opportunities and threats faced by manufacturers in the global market?

You can Buy This Report from Here @ https://www.researchmoz.com/checkout?rep_id=2518510&licType=S&source=atm

The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters:

Chapter 1, to describe Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks.

Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays , with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays in 2019 and 2015.

Chapter 3, the Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast.

Chapter 4, the Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 10 and 11, to segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 12, Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix and data source.

Excerpt from:
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Market Sustains Competitiveness by Adoption of Technological Innovations - Health News Office


5G Health Risks: Here’s What the Experts Say – Tom’s Guide

Sunday, October 27th, 2019

This year has delivered a whirlwind of hype surrounding 5G: how it will change lives, where 5G networks are launching around the world and when exactly your smartphone will be capable of lightning-fast speeds. But some people are concerned that the rollout of 5G is happening so quickly that we don't truly understand if or how the launch of next-generation connectivity will bring unintended health consequences.

The short answer: The scientific consensus is that 5G, like 3G and 4G before it, is not harmful to your health. In August, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) officially determined that 5G's radio waves are safe.

But that finding probably won't stem the tide of worry over 5G's rollout, especially as more 5G phones hit the market and the coverage becomes more widespread.

Early 5G networks including those launched by AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile use high-frequency, millimeter-wave (mmWave) spectrum to deliver faster speeds. Some people are concerned that those radio waves, along with the additional cellular infrastructure needed to build out mmWave-based 5G networks in major cities, will increase the amount of radiation in the environment.

The scientific consensus is that there are no known health risks from all forms of RF energy at the low levels approved for everyday consumer use.

Millimeter-wave spectrum has never been used for telecommunications. However, that's not because it's dangerous; the higher-frequency bands are just not as effective at transmitting data across distances. An mmWave-based 5G signal can't penetrate objects, such as glass windows or concrete buildings. It also can't penetrate the body.

The concerns over 5G are an extension of the worries some people have about cellphones in general.

There are two types of radiation: ionizing and non-ionizing. Ultra-high-frequency ionizing radiation which includes gamma-rays, UV rays from the sun and X-rays is harmful to humans because it penetrates the body at the cellular level and causes electrons and atoms to break apart. Ionizing radiation can cause cancer, which is why you're supposed to wear sunscreen outdoors and avoid unnecessary medical X-rays.

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Non-ionizing radiation does not cause cancer, and runs the gamut from FM radio waves to visible light. In between the two is 5G, which operates at a slightly higher frequency than 3G and 4G.

The FCC requires all electronic equipment sold in the U.S. to meet the agency's safety standards for acceptable radio-frequency (RF) energy by determining the device's specific absorption rate (SAR), or the rate by which the body absorbs RF energy. The FCC recently reevaluated its standards, which were created in 1996, when determining the safety of 5G. The recommended RF exposure limits remain unchanged.

MORE: What Is 5G? The Definitive Guide to the 5G Network Rollout

"The scientific consensus is that there are no known health risks from all forms of RF energy at the low levels approved for everyday consumer use," a spokesperson for CTIA, a trade group for the wireless communications industry, said in an emailed statement. "The FCC regulates RF emissions, including millimeter waves from 5G devices and equipment, and has adopted the recommendations of expert scientific organizations that have reviewed the science, including dozens of studies focused specifically on millimeter waves, and established safe exposure levels."

There are a few factors contributing to the concern or outright fear of 5G's effects.

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

The first is scientific research that has been interpreted by some to support concern about cellphone radiation. For instance, a 2018 study released by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) found that when rats and mice were exposed to radio-frequency waves like the kind that emanate from cellphones, they developed malignant tumors. This particular study looked at 2G and 3G phones. However, that doesn't mean 5G will cause cancerous tumors in humans.

Skeptics, like the University of California, Berkeley's Joel Moskowitz, are calling for a halt to 5G's rollout.

"The exposures used in the studies cannot be compared directly to the exposure that humans experience when using a cellphone," John Bucher, a senior scientist for the NTP, said when announcing the findings. "In our studies, rats and mice received radio-frequency radiation across their whole bodies. By contrast, people are mostly exposed in specific local tissues close to where they hold the phone. In addition, the exposure levels and durations in our studies were greater than what people experience."

The NTP has said it plans to develop thorough studies to evaluate the safety of 5G.

The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer has categorized RF waves from cellphones as a possible carcinogen, which is another factor contributing to the concerns over 5G. But, for context, an ingredient in coffee is also considered a possible carcinogen. Red meat is categorized as a probable carcinogen, which means it has a stronger link to cancer than cellphones do.

MORE: 5G Phones: Every Known Phone and Release Date

The New York Times reported earlier this year that one of the primary 5G fearmongers is Russian propaganda spreading on YouTube, Facebook and blogs across the internet. Videos and news articles filled with misinformation are scaring U.S. consumers even as Russia proceeds with its own 5G plans.

5G is a new standard for wireless communication, but from a technological standpoint, it isn't all that different from 3G and 4G. The radio-frequency waves from 5G cellphones are akin to the RF waves from LTE devices (i.e., non-ionizing). According to the American Cancer Society, most studies have shown that "the RF waves given off by cell phones don't have enough energy to damage DNA directly or to heat body tissues."

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

In 2000, a now-debunked study on the effect of radio waves on brain tissue fueled conspiracy theories about cellphones and radiation. The author of the study, physicist Bill Curry, claimed that wireless devices could cause brain cancer in humans. According to The New York Times, Curry neglected to take into account that our skin protects our internal tissues from high-frequency radio waves (which is, again, why you need to wear sunscreen to protect the skin from even higher-frequency UV rays).

"If you're more concerned about the base station on your building than you are [about] spending an hour in the noonday sun without any protection, you might want to think about your priorities."

However, because 5G networks are just now getting off the ground with a new roster of 5G phones, no long-term studies of the network or the devices and their effects on humans have been conducted. In addition, the types of devices we use and the way we use them are constantly changing. For that reason, skeptics such as Joel Moskowitz, director of the Center for Family and Community Health at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health, are calling for a halt to 5G's rollout.

Moskowitz said it would be unethical to conduct a conclusive scientific study on human beings controlling for the health effects of cellphone radiation, so researchers rely on observational and animal studies. Those studies haven't proved conclusively that cellphones are harmful to humans, but Moskowitz thinks there's enough evidence to "put a moratorium on the rollout of new technologies" like 5G infrastructure build-out until more research is done.

"I'm certain that, within the next five years, radio-frequency radiation will be declared at least probably carcinogenic [by the WHO]," Moskowitz said.

But Christopher Collins, a professor in New York University's radiology department who studies the safety of electromagnetic fields, said the lack of 5G-specific research doesn't mean researchers are starting from scratch when evaluating 5G's potential effects on human health.

MORE: Here's Why Apple's 5G iPhone Isn't Coming Until 2020

"A lot of the premise of people who advocate against 5G or wireless communications fields in general seem to suggest that we just don't know and we need to do more studies," Collins said. "We know a lot. We've been doing experiments on humans and animals for decades over this entire spectrum."

Collins said scientists "never want to say the book is closed," but based on what we already know, there's no evidence to suggest that 5G will cause cancer or other detrimental health effects in most people.

Prior to the FCC's 5G safety determination, city and state regulators were hearing from residents who were concerned that not enough was known about 5G. Specifically, people are concerned that the density of small cell sites required to build out mmWave-based 5G networks would emit dangerous amounts of radiation.

The FCC's 5G FAST Plan, which requires municipalities to approve 5G cell sites within 60 to 90 days, has caused concern. Carriers are moving quickly to build out infrastructure without giving residents notice, The Wall Street Journal reported, and local legislators are pushing back. Some 90 cities and counties have filed suit against the FCC in a case currently pending in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Homeowners may not want new antennas outside their homes for aesthetic reasons, or because they want advance notice when changes occur in their communities, but the FCC, industry trade groups and many scientists maintain there is no proven health risk.

MORE: 5 Ways 5G Will Change Your Life

"Typical exposure to 5G devices such as small cells attached to phone poles or the sides of buildings is far below the permissible levels and comparable to Bluetooth devices and baby monitors," the CTIA spokesperson said. "The FCC continues to monitor the science to ensure that its regulations are protective of public health."

Or, as NYU's Chris Collins put it:

One thing that we know can cause cancer is sunlight. People would generally do better to worry about that than the exposure levels we're talking about with cellphones. If you're more concerned about the base station on your building than you are [about] spending an hour in the noonday sun without any protection, you might want to think about your priorities."

Scientists and researchers will keep studying radio-frequency waves, including 5G, to add to the existing body of research. But without replicable, concrete proof that radiation from cellphones or wireless networks causes serious adverse health effects in humans, Collins said, there's no reason to stop the rollout of 5G.

"Is it time to stop questioning? No, it's never time to stop questioning," he said. "It's important to remember that, based on what we know now, there is no effect except for heating. This is based on many decades' worth of study in these fields. It's another thing to say, 'Should we stop progress?' based on what I would call unfounded concerns. I am quite certain there's nothing to be alarmed about for millimeter waves."

If you are concerned, there are ways to mitigate your personal exposure to cellphone radiation by using fewer wireless devices. That might also do wonders for your mental health, too.

Read the original:
5G Health Risks: Here's What the Experts Say - Tom's Guide


Higher Education Market Industry Analysis, Opportunity Assessment and Forecast up to 2016 2023 – Health News Office

Sunday, October 27th, 2019

Global Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays Market Report 2019 Market Size, Share, Price, Trend and Forecast is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the global Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays industry.

The report also covers segment data, including: type segment, industry segment, channel segment etc. cover different segment market size, both volume and value. Also cover different industries clients information, which is very important for the manufacturers.

There are 4 key segments covered in this report: competitor segment, product type segment, end use/application segment and geography segment.

Make An EnquiryAbout This Report @ https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=E&repid=2518510&source=atm

For competitor segment, the report includes global key players of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays as well as some small players.

AppleSamsungCreative TechnologySanDiskSonyArchosMicrosoftKoninklijke PhilipsCoby ElectronicsCinepal

Segment by RegionsNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndia

Segment by TypeAudioVideo

Segment by ApplicationOnline SalesOffline Sales

Request Sample Report @ https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=2518510&source=atm

Important Key questions answered in Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays market report:

What will the market growth rate, Overview, and Analysis by Type of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays in 2024?

What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the drivers, challenges, and business risks in Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays market?

What is Dynamics, This Overview Includes Analysis of Scope and price analysis of top Manufacturers Profiles?

Who Are Opportunities, Risk and Driving Force of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays market? Knows Upstream Raw Materials Sourcing and Downstream Buyers.

Who are the key manufacturers in space? Business Overview by Type, Applications, Gross Margin, and Market Share

What are the opportunities and threats faced by manufacturers in the global market?

You can Buy This Report from Here @ https://www.researchmoz.com/checkout?rep_id=2518510&licType=S&source=atm

The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters:

Chapter 1, to describe Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks.

Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays , with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays in 2019 and 2015.

Chapter 3, the Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast.

Chapter 4, the Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 10 and 11, to segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 12, Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix and data source.

Read more from the original source:
Higher Education Market Industry Analysis, Opportunity Assessment and Forecast up to 2016 2023 - Health News Office


Cone Beam Computed Tomography Extremity Scanner Market Volume Analysis, Segments, Value Share and Key Trends 2018 2026 – Health News Office

Sunday, October 27th, 2019

Global Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays Market Report 2019 Market Size, Share, Price, Trend and Forecast is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the global Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays industry.

The report also covers segment data, including: type segment, industry segment, channel segment etc. cover different segment market size, both volume and value. Also cover different industries clients information, which is very important for the manufacturers.

There are 4 key segments covered in this report: competitor segment, product type segment, end use/application segment and geography segment.

Make An EnquiryAbout This Report @ https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=E&repid=2518510&source=atm

For competitor segment, the report includes global key players of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays as well as some small players.

AppleSamsungCreative TechnologySanDiskSonyArchosMicrosoftKoninklijke PhilipsCoby ElectronicsCinepal

Segment by RegionsNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndia

Segment by TypeAudioVideo

Segment by ApplicationOnline SalesOffline Sales

Request Sample Report @ https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=2518510&source=atm

Important Key questions answered in Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays market report:

What will the market growth rate, Overview, and Analysis by Type of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays in 2024?

What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the drivers, challenges, and business risks in Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays market?

What is Dynamics, This Overview Includes Analysis of Scope and price analysis of top Manufacturers Profiles?

Who Are Opportunities, Risk and Driving Force of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays market? Knows Upstream Raw Materials Sourcing and Downstream Buyers.

Who are the key manufacturers in space? Business Overview by Type, Applications, Gross Margin, and Market Share

What are the opportunities and threats faced by manufacturers in the global market?

You can Buy This Report from Here @ https://www.researchmoz.com/checkout?rep_id=2518510&licType=S&source=atm

The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters:

Chapter 1, to describe Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks.

Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays , with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays in 2019 and 2015.

Chapter 3, the Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast.

Chapter 4, the Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 10 and 11, to segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 12, Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring Relays sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix and data source.

Read the rest here:
Cone Beam Computed Tomography Extremity Scanner Market Volume Analysis, Segments, Value Share and Key Trends 2018 2026 - Health News Office


Laser printing technology: Creating the perfect bioprinter – posted by Biophotonics.World at Biophotonics.World – Biophotonics.World

Saturday, October 12th, 2019

Image source: Freepik

By: vectorgraphit

Scientists from Russia, China, and the US have drawn the attention of the scientific community to one of the newest and most promising areas in bioprinting - laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT). The researchers have compared laser printing parameters, bioink composition, donor ribbons, and collector substrates for LIFT bioprinters, as well as post-printing treatments of fabricated materials - all of this may affect the properties of printed tissues and organs. The study will help scientists select the most appropriate techniques and materials, avoid many pitfalls in the process of bioprinting, and set the priorities for the development of this technology in the coming years. The details of the analysis were published inBioprinting.

Tissue-engineering materials are increasingly used in medicine, mainly because they are created through mimicking the natural environment for cell development. The use of cell carriers (scaffolds) is a step forward compared to traditional cell therapy, which employs stem cells on their own. Bioprinting technologies allow to recreate tissues or organ models ("organs-on-chips") through layer by layer deposition of cells and biomolecules such as drugs or growth factors (compounds regulating cell growth and development) on a three-dimensional support structure.

LIFT technology transfers cells and biomolecules using laser pulse energy. The laser beam of a LIFT bioprinter focuses on the donor ribbon - a glass slide coated with an energy absorbing material (e.g. metal) and a layer of bioink (hydrogel with cells and biomolecules). Where the laser beam hits the surface, it heats and evaporates the energy absorbing layer, generating a gas bubble that propels a jet from the hydrogel layer. The resulting jet lands on another glass slide, the collector substrate, depositing a droplet.

LIFT technology provides a high print speed and cell survival rate, precise transfer of cells or molecules, and allows to work with various objects including microorganisms and whole cell structures such as spheroids. However, each hydrogel-cell combination requires a calculation of specific laser transfer parameters.

The authors of the paper analyzed 33 studies of bioprinting using LIFT. They systematically analyzed the descriptions of laser sources, energy absorbing materials, donor ribbons, and collectors substrates, as well as comparing the objectives and outcomes of the studies.

The most commonly used laser wavelengths were 193 and 1064 nanometers (short ultraviolet and near infrared ranges, respectively), although much longer and shorter wavelengths were successfully experimented with as well. Gold, titanium, gelatin and gelatin-containing mixtures were used as an energy absorbing material, while researchers in five studies did not use this layer at all.

Most of the studies used murine fibroblasts (connective tissue cells that synthesize extracellular matrix proteins) or mesenchymal stromal cells (cells that can differentiate into various connective tissue cells). The choice depended on cell availability.

The bioink used by many research teams contained glycerol and methylcellulose to help the bioink retain moisture, or blood plasma to support cell growth. Another common component was hyaluronic acid because it improved bioink viscosity as well as promoting cell growth. One of the best bioink materials was collagen, the main component of connective tissue. In some studies, the bioink also formed a "functional pair" with the collector substrate: for instance, if the donor ribbon was alginate-based, then the collector substrate contained calcium ions, while fibrinogen-containing donor ribbons were used with collector substrates containing thrombin. Such "functional pairs" allow to maintain the shape of the printed constructs effectively, because the substances in the collector substrate act as bioink fixatives.

The studies also used different types of printing: 2D, whereby the cells were arranged in a single layer (the researchers printed lines, shapes, letters, numbers, or the Olympic flag), or 3D, which allows to recreate complex cellular structures such as stem cell niches. Three-dimensional structures were created by depositing the bioink layer by layer.

The authors of the studies used various techniques to assess the impact of the bioprinting process on cells. Most researchers note that cell viability was fairly high, and there was no damage to the DNA despite the mechanical impact and the spike in temperature. There were no changes in either the proliferation rate of cells or the ability of stem cells to differentiate (transform into more specialized cells). In some of the studies, printed tissues were implanted into laboratory animals. The authors of the review believe that with the improvement of this technology in the next few years, there will be more studies involving animals.

"LIFT technology is quite new, and is only beginning to 'conquer' the world of biomedicine. Naturally, it will be improved and further used in tissue engineering, possibly even in clinical practice. In my opinion, however, its most promising application is in combination with other technologies, which will allow to create tissues and organs for transplantation", says Peter Timashev, one of the paper's authors, Director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Sechenov University.

Source: Sechenov University

Related journal article:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bprint.2019.e00052

Excerpt from:
Laser printing technology: Creating the perfect bioprinter - posted by Biophotonics.World at Biophotonics.World - Biophotonics.World


Endothelial Cell Growth Kit-VEGF ATCC PCS-100-041

Friday, October 4th, 2019

Complete Growth Medium

Table 1. If using the Endothelial Cell Growth Kit-BBE (ATCC PCS-100-040), add the indicated volume for each component:



Final Concentration

Bovine Brain Extract (BBE)

1.0 mL


rh EGF

0.5 mL

5 ng/mL


25.0 mL

10 mM

Heparin sulfate

0.5 mL

0.75 Units/mL

Hydrocortisone hemisuccinate

0.5 mL

1 g/mL

Fetal Bovine Serum

10.0 mL


Ascorbic acid

0.5 mL

50 g/mL

Table 2. If using the Endothelial Cell Growth Kit-VEGF (ATCC PCS-100-041), add the indicated volume for each component:



Final Concentration


0.5 mL

5 ng/mL

rh EGF

0.5 mL

5 ng/mL

rh FGF basic

0.5 mL

5 ng/mL

rh IGF-1

0.5 mL

15 ng/mL


25.0 mL

10 mM

Heparin sulfate

0.5 mL

0.75 Units/mL

Hydrocortisone hemisuccinate

0.5 mL

1 g/mL

Fetal Bovine Serum

10.0 mL


Ascorbic acid

0.5 mL

50 g/mL

Antimicrobials and phenol red are not required for proliferation but may be added if desired. The recommended volume of each optional component to be added to the complete growth media is summarized in Table 3.

Table 3. Addition of Antimicrobials/Antimycotics and Phenol Red (Optional)



Final Concentration

Gentamicin-Amphotericin B Solution

0.5 mL

Gentamicin: 10 g/mL

Amphotericin B: 0.25 g/mL

Penicillin-Streptomycin-Amphotericin B Solution

0.5 mL

Penicillin: 10 Units/mL

Streptomycin: 10 g/mL

Amphotericin B: 25 ng/mL

Phenol Red

0.5 mL

33 M

Here is the original post:
Endothelial Cell Growth Kit-VEGF ATCC PCS-100-041


Liver Cirrhosis Treatment with Stem Cells – Liver disease …

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

Liver cirrhosis treatment - Stem cells treatment clinic

Chronic liver disease is the fifth biggest killer in the world. When a serious damage occurs, the liver loses the ability to repair itself which becomes a life-threatening condition. The only treatment currently available is a liver transplant. Would regenerative medicine be able to help?

The liver is a multifunctional organ that plays a role in digestion, blood sugar control, blood clotting factors for healing, making amino acids, increasing red blood cell growth, fat and cholesterol transport and the removal of waste, especially toxic exposures and the metabolization of medications into their active ingredients.

Causes of Liver Disease:

Cirrhosis is a term that describes permanent scarring of the liver. Normal liver cells are replaced by scar tissue that cannot perform healthy liver function.

Acute liver failure may be life threatening and at one time it was deemed non reversible; however, stem cell regeneration has proven most effective.

The majority of the liver (80 %) is made up of liver cells called hepatocytes. These cells have an average lifespan of 150 days, which means that the liver is constantly renewing itself under normal conditions. It is the only organ in the body that can easily replace damaged cells, but if enough cells are lost, the liver may not be able to meet the needs of the body that leads to liver failure.

The liver is a regenerative organ, but it is limited in this ability depending on the energy reserve needed to heal and the host of responsibilities that must be attended to daily regardless of this central organs ability to keep up the pace.

Liver disease can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure. Associated complications include increased risk of bleeding and infection, malnutrition and weight loss, decreased cognitive function over time and an increased risk of cancer.

Reinforcing therapies can transfer us from a condition of day-to-day survival to ones in which we feel a better quality of life.

Treatment of liver options

Although the liver can be recovered, there are no warning signs it is failing until it is too late. Once the line is crossed between the chronic liver disease and the final stage or liver failure, there are fewer options. Up to now, there is no liver dialysis that can rehabilitate liver function in the way that kidney failure is treated. Transplantation is currently the only effective treatment for liver failure, but it has many drawbacks, including the risk of rejection, risks associated with surgery, and a shortage of donors. It is estimated that for every donor organ there are 30 patients on a waiting list, and many people die from end-stage liver disease waiting for a donor organ.

Although dozens of patients with acute liver failure have received hepatocyte transplants from cadaveric donors, with some improvement in liver function, the effects were short lived and there was no overall survival benefit. The major challenges with this approach shortage of cadaveric donors and immune suppression of patients are essentially the same as for whole organ transplants.

As far back as 2000, researchers showed that hepatocytes could grow in the body on non-liver cell sources. This phenomenon is called transdifferentiation. Today, we clinically use donated or autologous (from the patient) adipose tissue stem cells for treating liver disease. When introduced to the patients body, stem cells are transdifferentiating into hepatocytes as as well as producing soluble factors that promote regeneration and repair. There is also the possibility that the stem cells may be fusing with resident hepatocytes to direct their regeneration.

Mesenchymal stem cells are found throughout the adult body in tissues such as bone, muscle, cartilage and fat.

Mesenchymal stem cells are among the most multipotent stem cells that remain in our bodies after birth. This means that they are still able to make a variety of different cell types.

Many trials have shown that patients with liver cirrhosis have benefitted from autologous adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells. We have proven results reversing the effects of hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver damage due to chemo and other drug therapies.

In Swiss Medica Clinic we deliver treatment with proven results supported by the assistance of highly qualified professionals who realize the importance of personalized care, quality and confidence and that leads to top standards of treatment.

Swiss Medica Clinic is an excellent centre that offers patients the most innovative therapies. In principle in our medical centres we use the unique technology of application of autologous photo activated stem cells previously extracted from fat cells using mini liposuction. The highest standards of treatment and investigative research are upheld at all times.

The package include:

Optional additional therapy:

Here is the original post:
Liver Cirrhosis Treatment with Stem Cells - Liver disease ...


Dr Raj – Best Orthopedic Surgeon In Los Angeles & Beverly …

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

As one of the Best Orthopedic Surgeons in Beverly HIlls and Los Angeles CA, Dr. Raj provides the ultimate in state-of -the-art quality orthopedic care available and is always on the cutting edge of the latest surgical and nonsurgical technologies such as PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections, stem cell injections for tendonitis and arthritis, minimally invasive surgery and more. As an orthopedic surgeon Beverly Hills trusts and respects, Dr. Raj believes that an important part of recovery starts before treatment, with educating the patient and their family members on all treatment options, both surgical and non-surgical.

Dr. Raj is a Double Board Certified best Orthopedic Surgeon in Los Angeles, who has been in private practice for 10 years. In his short career and at a young age, he has been named as one of Americas Top Orthopedists, been featured on the Best of LA and has received numerous other accolades and awards as one of the Top & Best Orthopedic doctors in Los Angeles & Beverly Hills. At our orthopedic clinic in Beverly Hills & Los Angeles, Dr. Rajs obsession for perfection and his outstanding team has led to unparalleled surgical results and an impeccable reputation which has garnered the attention of the media seeking his expert opinion, also resulting in numerous guest appearances on radio and television.

As a top Los Angeles orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Raj uses the most advanced techniques and technologies available, to reduce hospitalization and speed recovery. This includes cutting edge techniques for rotator cuff repair, ACL reconstruction, knee replacement, meniscal repair, fracture treatment and much more. The goal of the top Los Angeles orthopedic surgeon is to return you to full activity in the least amount of time possible!

Dr. Raj and his team of orthopedic surgeons in Beverly Hills & Los Angeles CA provides a VIP, concierge personalized service for out of state and international patients to help you recover quicker. In addition, we have catered to many international patients encompassing VIP accommodations.Dr. Raj provides top & best orthopedic surgery in Beverly Hills & Los Angeles CA. Contact Dr. Raj and get back to your life!

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Dr Raj - Best Orthopedic Surgeon In Los Angeles & Beverly ...


Biological immortality – Wikipedia

Monday, September 30th, 2019

A state in which the rate of mortality from senescence is stable or decreasing

Biological immortality (sometimes referred to as bio-indefinite mortality) is a state in which the rate of mortality from senescence is stable or decreasing, thus decoupling it from chronological age. Various unicellular and multicellular species, including some vertebrates, achieve this state either throughout their existence or after living long enough. A biologically immortal living being can still die from means other than senescence, such as through injury, disease, or lack of available resources.

This definition of immortality has been challenged in the Handbook of the Biology of Aging,[1] because the increase in rate of mortality as a function of chronological age may be negligible at extremely old ages, an idea referred to as the late-life mortality plateau. The rate of mortality may cease to increase in old age, but in most cases that rate is typically very high.[2]

The term is also used by biologists to describe cells that are not subject to the Hayflick limit on how many times they can divide.

Biologists chose the word "immortal" to designate cells that are not subject to the Hayflick limit, the point at which cells can no longer divide due to DNA damage or shortened telomeres. Prior to Leonard Hayflick's theory, Alexis Carrel hypothesized that all normal somatic cells were immortal.[3]

The term "immortalization" was first applied to cancer cells that expressed the telomere-lengthening enzyme telomerase, and thereby avoided apoptosisi.e. cell death caused by intracellular mechanisms. Among the most commonly used cell lines are HeLa and Jurkat, both of which are immortalized cancer cell lines. HeLa cells originated from a sample of cervical cancer taken from Henrietta Lacks in 1951.[4] These cells have been and still are widely used in biological research such as creation of the polio vaccine,[5] sex hormone steroid research,[6] and cell metabolism.[7] Normal stem cells and germ cells can also be said to be immortal (when humans refer to the cell line).[citation needed]

Immortal cell lines of cancer cells can be created by induction of oncogenes or loss of tumor suppressor genes. One way to induce immortality is through viral-mediated induction of the large Tantigen,[8] commonly introduced through simian virus 40 (SV-40).[9]

According to the Animal Aging and Longevity Database, the list of organisms with negligible aging (along with estimated longevity in the wild) includes:[10]

In 2018, scientists working for Calico, a company owned by Alphabet, published a paper in the journal eLife which presents possible evidence that Heterocephalus glaber (Naked mole rat) do not face increased mortality risk due to aging.[11][12][13]

Many unicellular organisms age: as time passes, they divide more slowly and ultimately die. Asymmetrically dividing bacteria and yeast also age. However, symmetrically dividing bacteria and yeast can be biologically immortal under ideal growing conditions.[14] In these conditions, when a cell splits symmetrically to produce two daughter cells, the process of cell division can restore the cell to a youthful state. However, if the parent asymmetrically buds off a daughter only the daughter is reset to the youthful statethe parent isn't restored and will go on to age and die. In a similar manner stem cells and gametes can be regarded as "immortal".

Hydras are a genus of the Cnidaria phylum. All cnidarians can regenerate, allowing them to recover from injury and to reproduce asexually. Hydras are simple, freshwater animals possessing radial symmetry and no post-mitotic cells. All hydra cells continually divide.[citation needed] It has been suggested that hydras do not undergo senescence, and, as such, are biologically immortal. In a four-year study, 3 cohorts of hydra did not show an increase in mortality with age. It is possible that these animals live much longer, considering that they reach maturity in 5 to 10 days.[15] However, this does not explain how hydras are consequently able to maintain telomere lengths.

Turritopsis dohrnii, or Turritopsis nutricula, is a small (5 millimeters (0.20in)) species of jellyfish that uses transdifferentiation to replenish cells after sexual reproduction. This cycle can repeat indefinitely, potentially rendering it biologically immortal. This organism originated in the Caribbean sea, but has now spread around the world. Similar cases include hydrozoan Laodicea undulata[16] and scyphozoan Aurelia sp.1.[17]

Research suggests that lobsters may not slow down, weaken, or lose fertility with age, and that older lobsters may be more fertile than younger lobsters. This does not however make them immortal in the traditional sense, as they are significantly more likely to die at a shell moult the older they get (as detailed below).

Their longevity may be due to telomerase, an enzyme that repairs long repetitive sections of DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes, referred to as telomeres. Telomerase is expressed by most vertebrates during embryonic stages but is generally absent from adult stages of life.[18] However, unlike vertebrates, lobsters express telomerase as adults through most tissue, which has been suggested to be related to their longevity.[19][20][21] Contrary to popular belief, lobsters are not immortal. Lobsters grow by moulting which requires a lot of energy, and the larger the shell the more energy is required.[22] Eventually, the lobster will die from exhaustion during a moult. Older lobsters are also known to stop moulting, which means that the shell will eventually become damaged, infected, or fall apart and they die.[23] The European lobster has an average life span of 31 years for males and 54 years for females.

Planarian flatworms have both sexually and asexually reproducing types. Studies on genus Schmidtea mediterranea suggest these planarians appear to regenerate (i.e. heal) indefinitely, and asexual individuals have an "apparently limitless [telomere] regenerative capacity fueled by a population of highly proliferative adult stem cells". "Both asexual and sexual animals display age-related decline in telomere length; however, asexual animals are able to maintain telomere lengths somatically (i.e. during reproduction by fission or when regeneration is induced by amputation), whereas sexual animals restore telomeres by extension during sexual reproduction or during embryogenesis like other sexual species. Homeostatic telomerase activity observed in both asexual and sexual animals is not sufficient to maintain telomere length, whereas the increased activity in regenerating asexuals is sufficient to renew telomere length... "[24]

Lifespan: For sexually reproducing planaria: "the lifespan of individual planarian can be as long as 3 years, likely due to the ability of neoblasts to constantly replace aging cells". Whereas for asexually reproducing planaria: "individual animals in clonal lines of some planarian species replicating by fission have been maintained for over 15 years".[25]They are "literally immortal."[26]

Although the premise that biological aging can be halted or reversed by foreseeable technology remains controversial,[27] research into developing possible therapeutic interventions is underway.[28] Among the principal drivers of international collaboration in such research is the SENS Research Foundation, a non-profit organization that advocates a number of what it claims are plausible research pathways that might lead to engineered negligible senescence in humans.[29][30]

In 2015, Elizabeth Parrish, CEO of BioViva, treated herself using gene therapy with the goal of not just halting, but reversing aging.[31] She has since reported feeling more energetic, and no obvious negative side effects have been noticed.[32]

For several decades,[33] researchers have also pursued various forms of suspended animation as a means by which to indefinitely extend mammalian lifespan. Some scientists have voiced support[34] for the feasibility of the cryopreservation of humans, known as cryonics. Cryonics is predicated on the concept that some people considered clinically dead by today's medicolegal standards are not actually dead according to information-theoretic death and can, in principle, be resuscitated given sufficient technological advances.[35] The goal of current cryonics procedures is tissue vitrification, a technique first used to reversibly cryopreserve a viable whole organ in 2005.[36][37]

Similar proposals involving suspended animation include chemical brain preservation. The non-profit Brain Preservation Foundation offers a cash prize valued at over $100,000 for demonstrations of techniques that would allow for high-fidelity, long-term storage of a mammalian brain.[38]

In 2016, scientists at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging and the Mayo Clinic employed genetic and pharmacological approaches to ablate pro-aging senescent cells, extending healthy lifespan of mice by over 25%. The startup Unity Biotechnology is further developing this strategy in human clinical trials.[39]

In early 2017, Harvard scientists headed by biologist David Sinclair announced they have tested a metabolic precursor that increases NAD+ levels in mice and have successfully reversed the cellular aging process and can protect the DNA from future damage. "The old mouse and young mouse cells are indistinguishable", David was quoted. Human trials are to begin shortly in what the team expect is 6 months at Brigham and Women's Hospital, in Boston.[40]

To achieve the more limited goal of halting the increase in mortality rate with age, a solution must be found to the fact that any intervention to remove senescent cells that creates competition among cells will increase age-related mortality from cancer.[41]

In 2012 in Russia, and then in the United States, Israel, and the Netherlands, pro-immortality transhumanist political parties were launched.[42] They aim to provide political support to anti-aging and radical life extension research and technologies and want to ensure the fastest possibleand at the same time, the least disruptivesocietal transition to radical life extension, life without aging, and ultimately, immortality. They aim to make it possible to provide access to such technologies to the majority of people alive today.[43]

Future advances in nanomedicine could give rise to life extension through the repair of many processes thought to be responsible for aging. K. Eric Drexler, one of the founders of nanotechnology, postulated cell repair devices, including ones operating within cells and utilizing as yet hypothetical molecular machines, in his 1986 book Engines of Creation. Raymond Kurzweil, a futurist and transhumanist, stated in his book The Singularity Is Near that he believes that advanced medical nanorobotics could completely remedy the effects of aging by 2030.[44] According to Richard Feynman, it was his former graduate student and collaborator Albert Hibbs who originally suggested to him in around 1959 the idea of a medical use for Feynman's theoretical micromachines (see biological machine). Hibbs suggested that certain repair machines might one day be reduced in size to the point that it would, in theory, be possible to (as Feynman put it) "swallow the doctor". The idea was incorporated into Feynman's 1959 essay There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom.[45]

Excerpt from:
Biological immortality - Wikipedia


U-2 OS ATCC HTB-96 Homo sapiens bone osteosarcoma

Monday, September 30th, 2019


Heldin CH, et al. A human osteosarcoma cell line secretes a growth factor structurally related to a homodimer of PDGF A-chains. Nature 319: 511-514, 1986. PubMed: 3456080

Ponten J, Saksela E. Two established in vitro cell lines from human mesenchymal tumours. Int. J. Cancer 2: 434-447, 1967. PubMed: 6081590

Raile K, et al. Human osteosarcoma (U-2 OS) cells express both insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptors and insulin-like growth factor-II/mannose-6- phosphate (IGF-II/M6P) receptors and synthesize IGF-II: autocrine growth stimulation by IGF-II via the IGF-I receptor. J. Cell. Physiol. 159: 531-541, 1994. PubMed: 8188767

Landers JE, et al. Translational enhancement of mdm2 oncogene expression in human tumor cells containing a stabilized wild-type p53 protein. Cancer Res. 57: 3562-3568, 1997. PubMed: 9270029

Moradpour D, et al. Characterization of cell lines allowing titghtly regulated expression of heapatitis C virus core protein. Virology 222: 51-63, 1996. PubMed: 8806487

Ponten J, Saksela E. Two established in vitro cell lines from human mesenchymal tumours. Int. J. Cancer 2: 434-447, 1967. PubMed: 6081590

Originally posted here:
U-2 OS ATCC HTB-96 Homo sapiens bone osteosarcoma


Nature Cells stem cell treatment for Alzheimers approved …

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019

South Korean biotechnology firm Nature Cell said Tuesday that its stem cell therapy for Alzheimers disease has been formally approved for use at Fukuoka Trinity Clinic, one of its partner hospitals in Japan.

The Seoul-based biotech firm says this is the first time for a stem cell therapy for treating Alzheimers to be commercialized anywhere in the world.

Despite the news, shares of Nature Cell early Tuesday continued a plunge initiated by recent news that the Korean Drug Ministry had rejected Nature Cells request for conditional approval for a separate osteoarthritis stem cell drug.

Shares of Nature Cell initially fellabout 18 percent in morning trading hours, but later recovered to close at 43,700 won ($40.90) on Tuesday, up 0.23 percent from the previous day.

As a result, the hospital -- a partner of the Biostar Research Institute jointly run by Nature Cell and R Bio -- will be able to start offering the firms stem cell therapies to patients within this month, it said.

In Japan, stem cell therapies are not considered drugs, but fall under therapeutic technology.

To begin providing stem cell therapies, a hospital must obtain the approval of a board of regenerative medicine specialists who review the drugs efficacy and safety, as well as patient risks and benefits.

Once approval is granted, it is delivered to the Japanese Drug Ministry for recordkeeping. Then, the hospital can begin commercially offering the stem cell treatments to patients at the facility.

Stem cells -- progenitor cells able to develop into various types of tissue -- are viewed as key to the field of regenerative medicine, which helps the body repair itself.

Stem cell therapies are engineered by extracting stem cells from the patients tissue, incubating the cells, then administering them intravenously to the patient.

So far, Nature Cell has developed stem cell therapies including Joint Stem, targeting osteoarthritis, and Astro Stem for Alzheimers disease, both of which have concluded phase 2 clinical trials in the US.

In Korea, the drugmaker finished phase 2 trials for Joint Stem and sought to obtain sales approval from the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, based on a fast-track approval procedures that allows drugs targeting rare or severe irreversible diseases to be commercialized early, before conducting phase 3 trials.

However, the Korean drug regulator rejected Nature Cells submission, citing insufficient clinical evidence -- the firm had tested out its drug on only 13 patients in the US -- to prove the drugs efficacy and safety.

By Sohn Ji-young (jys@heraldcorp.com)

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Nature Cells stem cell treatment for Alzheimers approved ...


New Medicine Stem Cell Clinic in Moscow, Russia

Saturday, May 11th, 2019


Welcome to New Medicine Stem Cell Clinic

New Medicine Stem Cell Clinic, located in Moscow, Russia, has been among the first centers in this country to use the innovative stem cell therapy for prevention, and rehabilitation, as well as for organism revitalization and rejuvenation.

The mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are stem cells that have been harvested from mesenchymal tissues, such as cartilage, bones, derma and connective tissue. These cells have the ability to differentiate into various cell types.

MSCs fulfill three groups of tasks:

Stem cells (SCs) are able to divide asymmetrically, leading to self-renewal and their ability to turn into specialized cells of any organ and tissue.

The New Medicine clinic uses the following stem cells for therapy:

Range of diseases that may be treated successfully with stem cells

Cardiological diseases

Vascular diseases

Endocrine system diseases

Nervous System Diseases

Hereditary diseases

Ophthalmic diseases

Hepatic diseases

Gastrointestinal diseases

Respiratory diseases

Diseases of genitourinary system

Musculoskeletal System Diseases

Skin diseases


Why choose us?

If you want to find out more about the treatments and procedures offered by New Medicine Stem Cell Clinic, please contact us!

Originally posted here:
New Medicine Stem Cell Clinic in Moscow, Russia


Russia Opens the Door for Stem Cell Clinical Trials | BioSpace

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

Stem Cell Global Boom

The widespread global outreach potential of stem cell therapies is becoming apparent, especially given the recent news of a second person going into long-term remission (some saying cured) of HIV after undergoing a stem cell transplant. Regenerative medicine is becoming a powerful instrument for providing cures to previously incurable diseases. According to a recent statement, the US FDA expects to receive over 200 investigational new drug (IND) applications per year by 2020, many of which include cell and gene therapies. In fact, the FDA estimates that 10 to 20 new cell and gene therapy products per year will be approved by 2025. The number of stem cell trials carried out globally has also been growing exponentially, having over 7000 trials registered on ClinicalTrials.gov with 16 FDA-approved cellular and gene therapies.

The Official Launch of Biomedical Cell Products (BCP) in Russia

While the US, Europe and some Asian countries have had a fully functional, comprehensive regulatory platform for BCP procedures for over two decades, Russia is relatively new to the area, only recently approving a regulatory framework. 2018 marked a key breakthrough for the Russian market and the global pharmaceutical arena, when the Russian government enacted a law involving amendments to biomedical cell product guidelines, which officially opened the door for Russia to enter the stem cell technologies industry. The regulation stipulates and defines what a BCP is, specifying that both registered medical products and pharmaceuticals can be classified as BCPs.

When speaking about the current pharma industry landscape, the major development of the past several years is, without doubt, the creation and implementation of stem cell product regulation and related clinical trial procedures," Dmitry Goryachev, head of Expertise and Control of Ready Medicaments at the FSBI Russian Ministry of Health Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products, noted during the 6th annual OCT Conference on Clinical Trials.

Although cellular biomedicines show great promise, there are some important scientific and practical nuances to note, such as patent rights, certification procedures, and BCP costs. Experts from the I. M. Sechenov Institute for Regenerative Medicine claim that one of the key challenges for biomedical stem cell production in Russia lies in the absence of suitable production sites, with an estimated cost of building such infrastructure as high as USD 7 million.

Alexey Martynov, Director of the Stem Cell Products Manufacturer Association, added that with the stem cell industry on the rise, there is an exponentially growing demand for trained professionals in the field, therefore relevant courses are being included in the universities curriculum for students as well as professionals. There are also a few widescale government programs which stimulate the emergence of new medical products and innovative technology in healthcare. One such program is aimed at developing stem cell technologies.

The Russian Federation government has recently issued specific decrees which outline the stem cell technologies development strategy for 2018-2020. This program undertakes the development of knowledge sharing centers, both from the product development and production points of view, as well as medical center accreditations for them to be eligible for such studies, Vadim Merkulov, Deputy Director of the Russian Ministry of Health Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products, elaborated.

According to the previously mentioned BCP procedure law, the number of accredited entities eligible to accommodate stem cell clinical trials will grow from 5 in 2018 to 20 in 2019 then up to 50 in 2020. The budget for BCP production, called production capacity, is also estimated to reach USD 230 million by 2020, up from USD 180 million in 2018. This strategy will stimulate and potentially boost stem cell studies in Russia, ultimately resulting in increased patient access to stem cell therapies.

Russian Market Potential for Stem Cell Studies

The Russian pharmaceutical and healthcare markets have a lot of potential for stem cell studies and clinical trials in general. Key strengths of the region include fast patient enrollment, large clinical trial participation and favorable currency exchange rates. Fast patient enrollment is especially essential for early-stage trials to allow for faster project initiation. Some US and European corporations might be cautious to enter the market because of language barriers or logistic issues. However, these concerns can be avoided by choosing a reputable CRO with experience

It is high time for the biomedicine and stem cell industry in our country to enter the phase when it is possible to grow and develop within the regulatory framework. Understanding the registration procedures and a solid regulatory platform, without doubt, create a very favorable environment to launch progressive stem cell studies in Russia, commented Dmitry Sharov, president of OCT, a CRO located in Russia and Eastern Europe. In the upcoming years, we will witness a giant leap in the development of new treatment methods.

The first uptick in medical product applications is already being seen as the first licensing application for a cartilage restoration BCP was filed in February. Despite the fact that this technology has been in development since 2016, it is just now possible to apply for a license as the new bill is being implemented.

About OCT

OCT is a leading full-service CRO serving Russia and Eastern Europe. OCT offers a full range of services to manage Phase 1-4 and BE studies, as well as offering standalone services, such as medical writing, consulting, project management and monitoring, and data management and biostatistics. More information can be found on their website.

This article was provided by OCT and modified by Chelsea for clarity.

View original post here:
Russia Opens the Door for Stem Cell Clinical Trials | BioSpace


Stem Cell Transplants For Incurable and Untreatable …

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019

BCRO fetal precursor cell transplantation, has been usedsuccessfully for 80+ years as treatment of many diseases

in documented over 5 millions of patients worldwide. Physicians can learn about it in a textbook by E. Michael Molnar, M.D.:Fetal Precursor Cell Transplantation, BCRO Fetal Precursor Cell Transplantation, published in 2014 by http://www.amazon.com On the same web site the general readership can find out all about it in the book by the same author: Treatment of Incurable and No Longer Treatable Diseases, published in January 2015, as well as in his autobiography: Diseases and Genocide are not Our Destiny. You can buy it as free reader download for PC as well as Kindle Book.

The syllabus on the use of BCRO fetal cell transplantation (BCRO FCT) and BCRO fetal brain cell transplantation as a treatment of incurable/ untreatable diseases of all organ systems (including that of central nervous system!):

1/ Genetic diseases: All of known ~4,500 genetic diseases all incurable/untreatable by current medicine (controlled by the Big Pharma) can be successfully treated by BCRO FCT!

Such a huge statement can be made despite that there is no sufficient proof of results of such treatment for many extremely, or very rare, genetic diseases. In my experience of 26 years, whenever I was asked to treat such patient, the result was a success (of various degree) in practically all of correctly(!) diagnosed patients.

However, it is mandatory that the BCRO FCT treatment be done as soon as the diagnosis is made, i.e. without any major delay. The later in life the patient gets the treatment, the lesser is the chance of success. This applies in particular to the diseases of central nervous system in children, where all BCRO FCT treatments must be completed before reaching the 4th year of life(!).

In 1994 I treated - by request of close friend/colleague and his wife - by BCRO FCT his 24 years old oligophrenic daughter, likewise very close to me. This colleague was a member of Board of Directors of IIBM in Moscow, so he knew that his daughter was way too old to get a positive result from FCT. I treated her twice. Both parents were convinced that their daughter, who is today 48 years old, was noticeably improved by FCTs.

In 2007 our well known Hong Kong colleague, professor of medical school in Vancouver, Canada, advised me about a local TV program, where a mother of 3 years old boy with CHARGE syndrome, a very rare genetic combination of anomalies, in particular deafness and blindness, was begging hospitals and physicians to help her son. I decided to give it a try for free although I did not know anything about CHARGE syndrome, except for the old adage (of mine): when there is nothing known about extremely rare genetic disease, there in nothing wrong with trying BCRO FCT, because it is so safe! After three FCTs about four months apart the success was exceptional, in particular the reversal of blindness and deafness. It was reported on the same Hong Kong local TV station.

Central nervous system is the sole system of the human body, the development of which is not completed until the end of 4th year of life, i.e. the diseases of central nervous system respond to the BCRO FCT very well until then, but the same cannot be expected later on.

Human being is the sole member of animal kingdom, completely unprepared to live independently up until one year of age, i.e. no Tarzan could survive alone in Nature during the first year of his life, without the nurturing of his mother, in this case the gorilla.

Our International Institute of Biological Medicine in Moscow, in existence from 1990 till 1997, carried out a clinical research in collaboration with a Russian Research Center of OB/GYN and Perinatology of RAMS, whereby all newborns with Apgar score 1 3, i.e. with miniscule capacity to survive and to develop as normal human beings, got CT scan of their brain at the age of 2 weeks (no MRI was available then) and if the classical radiological sign of peri-ventricular malacia was found, then at 6 weeks of life the first fetal brain cell transplantation of white matter of brain was carried out, even though no official neurological diagnosis could be obtained as yet. The same treatment was repeated in 4 months, and again in another 4 months, following which the clinical diagnosis was already possible to make, that explained the reason(s) for low Apgar score. Later on, after the age of 1 year, fetal cell transplants of other parts of the brain and other body organs were added, as needed.

If ethics of modern medicine demand a resuscitation of every newborn with a birth weight of 500 grams, and extraordinary intensive care to keep such newly born alive, then medicine and human society should also assure that such newborns get a chance to become more than just permanent wards of chronic care hospitals.

When facing a serious damage of brain, the earlier in life is BCRO FCT done, preferably immediately after the diagnosis is established, (even in utero!), the better will be the outcome, because BCRO FCT cannot repair scar tissue! At such an early age there is no need to transplant fetal brain cells directly into the brain (by intrathecal implantation), a standard implantation works well, because the homing, which delivers fetal cells of the brain where they belong, i.e. into the brain, even if implanted elsewhere in the body, for example under the skin, is most active(!) at that stage of human development.

In other words, in any case of brain damage caused by event in utero, or during birth, treatment by BCRO FCT should be carried out as soon as possible. Later on any such treatment is much less effective, and definitely so if done past the 4th year of life.

Once the child is diagnosed with a cerebral palsy after 4th year of life, BCRO FCT, or any other, will have a much diminished effect, if any. Parents of cerebral palsy children spend enormous amount of time and money seeking treatment at the time when it is already too late.

One such child born at Russian Research Center of Mother and Child of RAMS in Moscow, was diagnosed at the age of 9 months with a congenital deafness, but already at that age the hearing loss was diminished to 60%, thanks to fetal brain cell transplantation, as was done already at 6 weeks of life( !).

Such very early BCRO FCT treatments were exceptionally appeciated in cases, where the newborn was extremely wanted by the parents.

2/ Chromosomal diseases, such as Down syndrome, with an incidence of 1:500 of live births, the most common among chromosomal and genetic diseases, and its treatment by fetal cell transplantation, proved to the world that hopeless inborn childhood diseases can be helped by such treatment quite well. It was the tremendous work of Prof.Dr. Franz Schmid, of Germany, born in Czechoslovakia, as Sudeten-German, No.1 expert in cell therapy, until his death in 1997 (next after the official father of this treatment Prof.Dr. Paul Niehans).

Major West German statistics of 1950 1990s proved that fetal cell transplantation, following the rules described above under genetic diseases, did allow Down syndrome children to enter the regular German public schools, which are much more difficult, than the private ones, successfully finish 8 years course of studies, obtain a vocational education, which prepared them to get regular jobs, in at least 50% of instances.

Our IIBM in Moscow started its treatment with IIBM FCT in early December 1992 by starting with our first patient: 2 years old boy with Down syndrome (in honor of our Director Prof.Dr. F. Schmid). Right after, our first study was commenced, comparing two matched groups of Down syndrome patients, all 2 years old, one treated with FCT, and the second not treated. Of the second group 50 % of patients died within 8 months - before they reached the age of 3 years! This was the last comparative study ever for IIBM to do.

In 1993 came to us in Moscow a 4 years old girl from Puerto Rico, who was previously treated by German cell therapy by Prof.Dr. Schmid. Her father wanted to compare the results of our FCT with cell therapy. It happened that the patient was in Moscow at the same week as Mike Wallace of CBS 60 Minutes was doing his most valuable report about me and IIBM. Mike Wallace talked the father to let him to film his daughter: as usual he betrayed the trust of father, as he made fun of the patient and her father in his usual way.

The patient had very good result, so the family decided to have FCT No. 4 in 4 months.

When the patient was entering the school at the age of 6, the laws of Puerto Rico required the entrance exam by clinical psychologist. The father wrote me a letter, excited that the Ph.D. psychologist pronounced his daughter as normal and she entered the school for normal children. He added, that Mike Wallace better did not show his face ever in Puerto Rico, because he will learn how hospitable Puerto Ricans can be

The patient was lucky because her parents believed in FCT and started her treatment when she was 2 years old. These patients have only one real handicap, even after FCT: lack of abstract thinking, thus they will not become Albert Einsteins

There has been also a success in FCT treatment of Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Greig syndrome.

3/ Cerebral palsy has been successfully treated by BCRO FCT for years as long as treatment began prior to the age of 4 which was practically never!

With dyskinetic and ataxic CP children there is frequently a therapeutic success even if BCRO FCT is done even later, but not past the age of 10.

In hypotonic forms BCRO FCT treatment should be tried once, even if the patient is already past the age of 4, as there may be some therapeutic success, in which case additional treatment - every 4 months - should be done, as long there is appreciable positive result.

4/ Classical autism (Kanner autism, described in 1943) treatment by BCRO FCT was pioneered by myself, in 2007 in Hong Kong, where the colleague of mine, previously the professor of medical school in Vancouver, Canada, asked me to donate my time to give a consultation to the parents of a 9 years old boy with a classical autism. I was aware, that based on official teaching of all California physicians, the state in U.S. with the highest incidence of classical autism in the world, - where I was a practicing surgeon, I likewise was of the opinion, that classical autism is a psychiatric disease, and as such untreatable by FCT!

I met with parents of autistic boy, two highly educated young people, who devoted all their available time to learn everything that was known about autism. After their three hours long lecture, they convinced me that autism is not a psychiatric disease, and it is a result of measles-mumps-rubella vaccination, and thats why the incidence of classical autism was highest in California in the world, because 100% children there were vaccinated (and when they were not, they were not permitted to enter school) with MMR vaccine

I was willing to accept their explanation of mistake of official medicine, because I learned in my medical school in Czechoslovakia about an extensive research, done in Europe before WW2, about the mandatory vaccination against the measles of young men : the live attenuated vaccines were given to young men before drafted into the army, that measles gotten at the age of 18 20 caused large number of cases of encephalitis.

I saw their son, my first patient with classical autism ever, and it was a frightening sight: he almost destroyed the doctors office in 20 minutes despite being held by 3 bodyguards.

One month later I carried the BCRO FCT on their son, with help of 3 able bodied men and the father to hold him down. Two month later I saw the patient again. He was a completely different person, a calm, self-controlled, intelligent boy. He greeted me with polite handshake and kisses on both of my cheeks. The parents said that during two months post FCT he was upgraded two classes up in his private school. The school teaching staff spoke about a miracle. The parents did not tell anyone that their son had fetal cell transplantation.

I told immediately the organizers of my FCT scheduling to call back all parents of other autistic children, that I previously refused to treat, and inform them that I changed my opinion: now I do treat all classical autism patients with FCT. Every single patient with classical autism under age of 12 that received BCRO FCT lost all symptoms and signs of being autistic.

The therapeutic success has been 100% in all of 60 first patients treated. One problem remained: their education remained on the level of age, when they became autistic. It was mandatory to saturate the brains of all patients with all information, that they did not absorb while they were in autistic state.

One BCRO FCT treatment was sufficient in all patients.

Up until 12 years of age subcutaneous implantation of BCRO FCT has been used. - Over the age of 12 intrathecal implantation of BCRO FCT (via lumbar puncture) must be carried out, due to the closure of hemato-encephalic barrier, that usually becomes complete by the age of 12.

Classical autism is caused in all patients by MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine. Since in the State of California the MMR vaccination is mandatory and enforced by law ( the child is not allowed to enter the school with the legal consequences for the parents) the incidence of classical autism is 1:100!

A few years ago an artificial (and illogical) classification of autism spectrum disorders was made, which bears no relationship to reality. There are no autism spectrum disorders known in Nature.

BCRO FCT cannot be used to treat autism spectrum disorders, only classical autism patients as defined by Dr. Kanner.

5/ Aging disease has been at all times the most common reason for fetal cell transplantation therapy for 80+ years. According to the West German statistics of 1950 1990, of 5 million patients, who received such therapy in that country, about 4 million claimed that aging was the main reason for seeking such therapy, although many of them suffered from a variety of other medical conditions as well (besides menopause in women and impotence in men). FYI, 250.000 Americans travelled to West Germany or Switzerland for cell therapy, primarily for treatment of aging disease.

German patients considered their zellentherapie successful in 90% cases and desired a repetitive treatment at regular intervals. According to BundesGesundheitsAmt report one aging man received such therapy 27 years in a row (German method of preparing zelltherapeutica, which is less sophisticated than that of BCRO FCT, required once a year treatment).

With fast growing incidence of dementia, most commonly diagnosed as Alzheimers disease, the frequent component of aging disease is becoming the treatment of dementia by intrathecal BCRO fetal brain cells implantation via lumbar puncture, with exceptionally good results, even in the most advanced stage 4 of Alzheimers disease patients.

With BCRO FCT it is recommended that the treatment of aging be repeated every 3 years.

After the end of WW2 the post of West German Chancellor was offered to Konrad Adenauer, then 73 years old. To take the responsibility of leading the country completely destroyed by WW2 at that age was considered a super-human task. Yet the Chancellor Adenauer kept that job until he was 94, for 21 years(!) It was a common knowledge of all Germans, that he religiously set aside one week a year for his cell therapy treatment.

Charlie Chaplin married at the age of 57 a woman 30 years younger. He bought right away a villa next door to Prof.Dr. Niehans, the father of zellentherapie, to make sure that he would receive fetal cell transplantation every year. After the birth of child No. 8 Madame Chaplin paid a visit to their neighbor to beg him to stop giving her husband those cells because she is already tired. Charlie Chaplin finished his last film King in Hong Kong at the age of 84, in his usual way: he wrote the script, directed the movie, composed the music and played the main role.

Many kings and presidents of countries, famous personalities, etc., received such treatment between 1931 to this date. The partial list is available.

In 1985 the First Lady Nancy Reagan decided that her husband, President Reagan, must get the cell therapy. He just lived through Hinckleys assassination attempt plus was found to have a precancerous condition of colon. He was the oldest U.S. President to date. So she was absolutely right when she tried to help her husband by getting for him the very well known treatment, that worked. The ban by U.S. FDA of cell therapy since 1956 was not stopping her! Invited German physicians carried it out at Walter Reed Army General Hospital in Washington, D.C. That treatment helped President Reagan to successfully finish his two terms!

I learned about it during the annual meeting of selective German Society of Cell Therapy, that I was the only U.S. member of. My friend Prof.Dr. Schmid was a President.

In 1977 we became neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Reagan. Their house was of mile from ours. They lived there for 30 years. Riviera was a very friendly, closed community: our neighbors gave a welcoming big party for us and they all to make us feel welcome. My wife was introduced to Mrs. Reagan by her best friend to this date, who was our neighbor. Her husband was a chief of Department of Surgery in nearby St. Johns Hospital, the best private hospital in L.A. then, where I had surgical privileges. I shared my chiropractor with past twice governor of California and future U.S. President. In honor of this relationship I broke my rule (that I made after the departure from communist Czechoslovakia) to never become politically engaged anywhere and joined the Republican Party. I still keep many honors - in memory of President Reagan and his First Lady. He was the only U.S. President that I really liked.

I started to take FCT every 3 years when I was 47. My last treatment was combined with fetal brain cell transplantation on 12/12/2016.

The goal of medicine should be not only to find out why aging disease takes place, but also discover therapy to preserve the vitality of aging organism for as many years to come as possible, perhaps until the limit of our life, which is allegedly 120 years.

Vitality measures an ability of ones organism to realize all vital functions in physical, mental and spiritual spheres. It is an optimal performance of capacities existing in an individual. The best time to start such treatment is at the age of 40.

6/Diabetes mellitus type 1 with complications:

Every patient with diabetes mellitus type 1, or juvenile diabetes mellitus, will with a guarantee - develop complications typical for this disease over the next 10 years, such as diabetic retinopathy, the most common reason for blindness (in U.S.), diabetic nephropathy, leading cause of kidney failure, requiring hemo-dialysis and eventually kidney transplantation, diabetic poly-neuropathy, causing in 90% of such patients untreatable pain in lower extremities, diabetic lower extremity arterial disease, with gangrene of legs, requiring amputation, brittle diabetes in children, which is a very serious condition(!) of fast development of diabetic complications, complications of pregnancy in diabetics, such as fetal death, and female infertility. In all such patients BCRO FCT is the sole(!) treatment for such problems, that works uniformly well every time.

USSR was the first country in the world that discovered that human FCT is the sole treatment of complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus in late 1970s, by Prof.Dr. Shumakov and his team at Research Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs of USSR Ministry of Health in Moscow, which led to the development of BCRO (animal) fetal cell transplantation in 1997.

In early 1993 our IIBM began to receive requests for FCT treatment from abroad. The first South Korean patient was a young music composer, author of anthem for Seoul Olympic Games, who suffered from a very advanced type 1 diabetes mellitus with serious complications. He was treated with FCT: he became insulin-independent(!), which means that he did not have to take any insulin for 5 months(!), and his health improved tremendously. He let to know about it the entire nation of South Koreans. Soon VIPs of that country were coming in drones to Moscow for FCT.

In 2007 in Peoples Republic of China, after several visits to Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suchow, with all day long lectures about BCRO FCT, I was invited to Beijing by the famous four star general T.Y., that was the No.2 man behind Marshall Yap as No. 1, (Marshall Yap was the No. 5 in the hierarchy, after the Chairman Mao), of the team given the task - by the Politburo of the Communist Party of China - to take care of worst problem that country ever had, the coup of the first wife of Mao Ze Dong with the gang of four, which almost destroyed that country. General T.Y. was the one who found Mr. Deng Xiaoping in the concentration camp, where he was kept locked up by the gang of four, and was instrumental in installing him as a leader and architect of new China, as we know it today.

Subsequently General T.Y. decided to get involved in the organization of BCRO fetal cell transplantation project in China.

He suffered from advanced untreatable disease (I dont have his permission to disclose his diagnosis). Before his FCT he requested a permission to get such treatment from the first secretary of Communist Party of China - in writing. Only after he was given such permission - in writing I received a green light for his BCRO FCT. It was done in improvised operating room of five star hotel, big enough for about 50+ guests, invited by him to observe his BCRO FCT, with two TV cameras to record it. I was assisted by four senior surgical nurses. This was the first BCRO FCT I did in China. - After that all remaining patients were from the same group.

My private medical consultations in China were done usually in front of audience of up to 100 people. I was told that the visitors consisted mostly of family members. I did up to 10 consultations at the time, of different family members. Son of General T.Y., who lived in California, U.S. citizen, was my translator and keeper of patients medical records.

One problem I had was that only Chinese was spoken. In the rest of the countries - on all five continents - I was able to understand the patients partially, though enough, to be able to establish the usual physician - patient relationship: my translator could not cope with the volume of information so that I could not get into the real relationship (meeting of minds) with the patients as I was accustomed.

That was the first time in my life where I had the opportunity to get the first hand information about the life of ruling class.

The second patient was a four star general, who was until his retirement 2 years ago, the chief of secret service of China for 22 years. He spoke Russian too so that I could speak to him without a translator. Prior to taking this post he had to be found hidden in one of the concentration camps, courtesy of gang of four and their leader: wife of Mao. He suffered from the medical problem, which could not be helped by FCT, but he wanted to give it a try anyway. The next patient was his wife.

And there were many others from the ruling class of China.

I learned interesting facts about Mao Ze Dong and the Chinese history, modern and past, which I did not learn in school even though I lived until May 1, 1969, in the communist Czechoslovakia.

IIBM was invited in 1993 by Sansum Medical Research Foundation, Santa Barbara, California, for cooperation and a treatment of patients with incurable/untreatable diabetes mellitus with diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy, and with Los Gatos Hospital. In U.S.A. we treated altogether 55 patients. There was a wide publicity in Los Angeles Times of this. (Read my https::/bio-cellular-research.com, Chapter I: Definition and Basics, part 3: History, under the heading: Bio-Cellular Research Organization, for details.)

Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic complications(!) has been an indication for BCRO FCT, but the success is limited only(!) to cases of non-obese diabetics.

BCRO FCT has been a mandatory(!) treatment for children with brittle diabetes. It has to be done in a hurry, to prevent the much faster development of the usual diabetic complications. The pioneering work was done in USSR in 1980s in Kiev.

7/ Other endocrine diseases:

Pituitary nanismus was the first disease successfully treated in 35 children by animal fetal cell transplantation, already 100 years ago, by Prof.Dr. Niehans.

Various forms of hypothalamic syndromes have been treated successfully by FCT, such as Sheehan syndrome, anorexia neurosa, bulimia, morbid obesity, intractable diabetes insipidus.

Diseases of adrenal cortex, such as adreno-cortical insufficiency, Addisons disease, exhaustion of adrenal cortex by over-treatment of variety of diseases by cortisone, excessive use of cortisone in treatment of variety of diseases, without real indication, all these require timely BCRO FCT treatment.

Male infertility is the cause of infertility of a couple in 50% of instances(!). There is a successful treatment of this condition, the entire protocol is based on BCRO FCT, that could be carried out in most modern infertility clinic.

A young ophthalmologist, that was made by Prof.Dr. Fedorov a liason between the world famous Fedorov Eye Institute in Moscow and IIBM, was infertile. He asked me to be the first male to be able to father a child, despite the total lack of sperm. Along with Infertility Center of IIBMs minority partner, the huge Russian Center for Care of Mother and Child of RAMS, we developed the therapeutic method for male infertility. The young eye specialist was the first infertile male to have the son of his own. There were two more such lucky men in Moscow.

At IIBM we developed a technique, which could be used for infertile males. It required services of an infertility clinic. After a complete evaluation of the male patient the FCT was carried out. After a month the patients ejaculate must be collected every week for 4 weeks, and inspected for normal, mobile spermatozoa. If any are found, they have to be concentrated and saved by freezing. When a sufficient quantity of mobile spermatozoa is accumulated, an artificial insemination is carried out. These steps are repeated, if necessary.

As a male is usually not happy with the idea that the child of record would not be really his, before electing a sperm of the donor to be used for in-vitro-fertilization, a trial of above method is worthwhile.

Premature menopause has reached epidemic proportions in the modern world, full of young women that are overzealous in their competition with men, many with 36 known venereal diseases transmitted by unprotected sex.

One third of 170 such patients received hormonal therapy, which was unsuccessful, while the second third of patients got repeated (!) BCRO FCT treatment with dramatic improvement of all pertinent hormonal levels, and the last third received placebo only. Such therapeutic protocol was developed by International Institute of Biological Medicine in Moscow in 1993/4.

Untreatable endometriosis, and uterine myomas, can be successfully handled, without hysterectomy or more aggressive surgical procedures (in case of myomas), by BCRO FCT.

A 42 years old Chinese businesswoman wanted a first child, but was not getting pregnant. Her gynecologist found a huge myoma in her uterus, which most likely was the cause of her infertility. Then she heard from me, that BCRO FCT usually shrinks myomas. She received FCT, got pregnant soon thereafter, married the father of her baby and became a happy mother of little boy.

Intractable chronic prostatitis with impotence has been successfully treated with by fetal cell transplantation and demanded loudly by wives of Soviet Navy men, loudly complaining to commanding admiral of the fleet about sexual non-performance of their husbands.

The rest is here:
Stem Cell Transplants For Incurable and Untreatable ...


MS Patients Flock to Russia for Stem Cell Therapy …

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019

People from all around the world are flocking to Moscow, Russia, for innovative stem cell therapies for MS. Multiple sclerosis is a crippling disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. MS is an autoimmune disease that is unpredictable and affects different people in different ways. Clinical management and pharmacotherapy can help relieve symptoms and delay the progression of MS. However, there is no drug that can completely cure the disease.

Forty-one-year-old Chantelle Baker from Melbourne was diagnosed with MS in 2016. The disease quickly progressed and six months later, Ms. Baker had several dozen lesions in her brain. The family is raising money to travel to Russia with the hope that the doctors there will be able to stop her multiple sclerosis from progressing. Traditional treatments available in Australia have failed to control the disease.

Maxine Parker, Chantelles sister, is helping the family raise the more than $150,000 needed to travel to Russia and receive the groundbreaking treatment there. The family wants to give it their all and not live with the regret that they didnt do everything they possibly could. Chantelle has two young daughters and is fearful the disease will progress to the point that she will not remember her children in a few years time.

Another Australian, Nikki Tatum, received hematopoietic stem cell therapy at a leading clinic Moscow. In a video message to Chantelle Baker, Nikki wished her luck and talked about the excellent care she received overseas.

Thirty-seven-year-old Donna Agnew from Auckland, New Zealand, was diagnosed with MS months after her first child was born. Donna has been battling dizziness, nausea, and crippling headaches ever since. She hopes to travel to Moscow to receive groundbreaking stem cell treatment to control her disease. She worries that the disease will impact her cognitive abilities to the point that she will be unable to care for her child. The travel to Russia and the hematopoietic stem cell therapy she hopes to receive will cost more than $100,000. The family is running an online campaign to help raise funds for Donnas treatment. Donna has chosen to travel overseas after doctors in New Zealand indicated there was not much they could offer in terms of treatment to control her almost daily attacks. Stem cell treatments for MS are considered low-risk, but they do carry some risk. Moreover, there is no guarantee that the hundreds of thousands of dollars the patients spend will control the disease. Many patients are showing good results, but some fail to respond to the therapy. The results of large-scale clinical trials are awaited to more completely understand whether stem cell therapy for MS is safe and effective.


1. Multiple Sclerosis2. Melbourne woman travelling to Russia3. Stem cell treatment gives sick Auckland mum hope

Contributor at Regenerative Medicine Now

Mira Swave, M.D. is a specialist in the field of Regenerative Medicine.

See the original post:
MS Patients Flock to Russia for Stem Cell Therapy ...


Stem cell research – novonordisk.com

Saturday, March 16th, 2019

The fertilised egg is the only (totipotent) stem cell that can give rise to a human being. Cells found in the early embryo (the blastomeres and the inner cell mass of the blastocyst) can give rise to pluripotent embryonic stem cell cultures that maintain the ability to mature into all the different cell types found in the fully developed body.

Stem cells in the adult body (adult stem cells or tissue-specific stem cells) are used by the body to replace old and damaged cells. As opposed to pluripotent stem cells, adult stem cells can normally only mature into a limited number of specialised cell types (multipotent). Therefore, Novo Nordisk focuses on pluripotent stem cells as a basis for cell therapy.

Research on adult stem cells has been taking place for more than 30 years, and has not been subject to ethical objections, whereas research on stem cells obtained from surplus embryos donated with freely given informed consent is a central issue in the ongoing ethical debate, because the embryo is lost in the process of establishing one continuous cell line. However, new scientific findings show that a human embryonic stem cell line can be established from one single cell of the blastomere stage without affecting the vitality of the embryo. This technique can also be used to generate human embryonic stem cell lines from non-viable blastocysts (which are discarded anyway by IVF clinics).

Currently, the best defined and most extensively used stem cell treatments are based on adult stem cells, including blood stem cell transplantation to treat diseases and conditions of the blood and immune system. Pluripotent stem cells themselves cannot directly be used for therapies as in their undifferentiated state. They will first need to be coaxed into specialised cell types before transplantation. Therefore, it is critical that these cells are proven safe and efficacious in preclinical and controlled clinical trials. Many potential stem cell-based treatments are currently being tested in animal models and a few have been brought to clinical trials, with the first phase 1/2 clinical trial approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2010.

Read the original post:
Stem cell research - novonordisk.com


Trump Calls Halt To Medical Progress Over Stem Cell Research

Wednesday, March 6th, 2019

Reprinted with permission from Shareblue.

The Trump administration is considering cutting $100 million worth of crucial medical research into developing new vaccines and treating diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers.

It will slow some projects down that are vital for sick Americans, Larry Goldstein, the director of UC San Diegos stem cell program, toldPolitico, blasting the proposal by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to discontinue National Institutes of Health (NIH) research that uses fetal tissue.

Research on stem cells derived from fetal tissue isabsolutely essentialto medical progress. It brought us the vaccines for polio and measles, and its currently being used to develop potential vaccines for HIV/AIDS and influenza, as well as treatments for neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinsons, Alzheimers, ALS, and more.

There are strict ethical guidelines on how to obtain the fetal tissue, which comes from miscarriages and legal abortions, and which hasunique propertiesthat give researchers insights they often cant find elsewhere.

This fetal tissue would just get thrown away if it werent being donated to research and that research could save future babies by finding treatments for the Zika virus and other prenatal problems.

But Trump is willing to throw all of that progress out the window just to pander to the same religious extremists whowant to banbirth control and fertility treatments.

An HHS spokesperson told Politico that the department is holding multiple listening sessions with various stakeholders [like] scientists, pro-life groups, ethicists on whether to ban this medical research.

Among those pro-life groups is the Susan B. Anthony List, an extremist lobbying group thats basically like theNRAof the movement against reproductive health and rights.

But groups like SBA List do even worse things to science and medicine than the NRA, which hasblockedgovernment research on gun violence.

The anti-choice extremist movement in Americaoperatesa lot like the climate change denial movement: Making up garbage lies and peddling garbage experts in order to confuse people about the validity of well-established science.

Thanks to the lobbying of these extremists, doctors are often forced tolie to womenabout basic health issues or useoutdatedmedical practices. They risk losing their license or even jail time if they cant figure out how to follow badly written laws thatmake no medical sense. And women are evenarrested for miscarriagewhen prosecutors abuse laws that were intended to protect pregnant women.

So when the Trump administration says its consulting scientists, ethicists, and pro-life groups about medical research, its a lot like saying NASA is consulting engineers, astrophysicists, and used car salesmen before launching the next space probe.

The real scientists arent happy about this at all and some worry that theyre being listened to just so that the Trump administration can cover its ass and do what its been planning to all along.

I dont know how much time anyone has to give a compelling case, one anonymous representative of a scientific organization on the listening tour told Politico. Is this just a fait accompli and window dressing to say that you listened to people?

Trump, probably taking the advice of the virulently anti-choice Vice President Mike Pence, has already stuffed HHS full ofanti-science hackswho push abstinence-only sex education for teenagers and who want to defund basic family planning and health programs.

When Pence was governor of Indiana, he signed a law that would have forced women who had miscarriages to seekfunerary services for their fetuses.

And of course, the Trump administration and the GOP have tried to ruin health care across the board by systematicallysabotagingObamacare.

Once again, Trump and his lackeys are working hard to sacrifice human health at the altar of right-wing extremism.

Published with permission of The American Independent.

View original post here:
Trump Calls Halt To Medical Progress Over Stem Cell Research


what is hsct, what is Hematopioetic Stem Cell Transplant …

Monday, January 28th, 2019

what is hsct, what is Hematopioetic Stem Cell Transplant for ms, hsct stops all types of ms | HSCT STOPS MS Skip to contentWHAT IS HSCT? A COMPREHENSIVE DESCRIPTIONWith HSCT currently gaining a lot of attention in the main stream media for its huge success in giving people with MS new hope and the epic possibility of totally halting disease progression, more and more people are asking: what is HSCT? HSCT stops MS! HSCT or Hematopioetic Stem Cell Transplant, is the only existing scientifically proven treatment, currently available that completely halts disease progression of Multiple Sclerosis. It is not a new procedure as such, as it has been used to treat cancer since the 1960s, but it is a relatively new treatment for MS. Perhaps new is the wrong word The first HSCT performed specifically for an autoimmune disease (uveitis) was performed in 1985 by Prof. Shimon Slavin in Israel. The patient remains cured today. The first HSCT performed specifically for MS was at George Papanicolaou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece in 1995. However, there were many observational case studies before then focusing on the success of HSCT for MS patients that were transplanted for cancer who simultaneously had their MS halted, as an unanticipated side effect of the treatment. All of the early studies that followed, also clearly established the now (well understood) probability that transplantation earlier in the disease life cycle is more beneficial than transplanting later in the disease evolution, when there is a greater degree of irreversible disability. Dr Burt at North Western University, Chicago, started HSCT treatment back in 1996. Prior to that, while he was a Fellow working at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, he noticed that the leukemia patients he was treating needed to be re-vaccinated because the protection from childhood diseases like the measles and mumps was being lost. The cells affected by transfusion treatments were losing the memory of these original childhood vaccinations.Maybe, thought Dr. Burt, if we could get bad, diseased cells to lose their memory, we could reprogram them with good memories and help patients with autoimmune diseases. This reprogramming would depend on adult stem cellstiny building blocks found in the bodyif it was going to work.He first tried out his idea on animals in the research lab andit worked! Not long afterwards the FDA gave its approval for the adult stem cell therapy to be used on people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, and again, it worked. Now, 14 years later, Burt and his team of researchers at Northwestern University are using this technique to help treat patients suffering from some 23 different diseases. There is no ethical dilemma as the treatment uses adult stem cells extracted from the patients own blood, and no embryonic stem cells are involved.Because the procedure involves the use of chemotherapy the treatment is not the most comfortable and is unfortunately quite expensive. That said many who have completed the procedure successfully attest to the fact that it is not unbearable by any means, and the chemotherapy part of the procedure is a short targeted dose that lasts for days as opposed to cancer treatments which can drag out over a much longer period. Indeed it is very different from the chemo used for cancer patients altogether. One should bear in mind that when cancer patients undergo chemotherapy they are more than likely very sick going in to the procedure and therefore would experience a greater degree of discomfort than someone relatively fit except for MS. Please refer to the blog links page to read first hand accounts of how individuals who have been treated already dealt with the procedure and how it has affected them. Please see: http://www.hsctstopsms.com/how-hsct-works/.What cannot be denied however is that to date HSCT is the only scientifically proven treatment that STOPS underlying disease progression in all types of MS and restores normal immune self-tolerance and produces lasting curative symptomatic improvement for the majority of MS patients. To date over 2,000 patients have been treated world wide, and the number continues to rise daily. It is important to mention here, that where you can go for treatment and whether you qualify, is determined by a variety of different criteria. We aim to help clarify your options and help you to decide the best place to apply for your own treatment.While this treatment is standard procedure for treating cancer patients (thousands of patients are treated annually), it is not standard treatment for people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. There are a very small number of facilities Worldwide currently performing this procedure for MS. The type of MS that you have also plays a part in treatment; see http://www.hsctstopsms.com/types-of-ms/. The hope is that more will open in the early future as the demand increasingly continues to outweigh the supply, and that the cost of being treated will reduce accordingly, as the protocol efficiency is optimized. (Please refer to the menu item entitled Choosing a facility to learn more).Many who have already had HSCT say that one of the best parts of being treated is that halting the underlying disease progression of MS gives them back a future. George Goss, who had HSCT in 2009, an inspirational pioneer in promoting HSCT after he underwent the procedure in Heidelberg five years ago, describes this as pure gold. (Please see his blog: http://themscure.blogspot.co.uk/ and check out his HSCT forum on Facebook: HematopioeticStemCellTransplantMS&AutoimmuneDiseases, where he has provided invaluable information and support for those seeking HSCT). Living with MS is both frightening and uncertain. Little is known about what sparks rapid disease progression with no warning. One can go 10 years with little or no symptoms and then suddenly find oneself in a wheelchair in the space of a few months. It has been described as a Tiger that cannot be tamed. HSCT removes this Sword of Damocles hanging over ones heads and gives one the gift of hope and the luxury of planning a future with loved ones. Unless you live with MS you can have no concept of how magic this prospect can be! (Please see What it is like living with MS in the menu.)

Excerpt from:
what is hsct, what is Hematopioetic Stem Cell Transplant ...


Upcoming Cancer Conferences 2019 | Oncology Conferences …

Sunday, November 11th, 2018

About he conference

It is our most prominent joy to welcome you to the official site of Cancer Research 2019, that goes for uniting the teachers, scientists, clinicians, instructors, program engineers to give a worldwide gathering to the spread of unique research results, new thoughts and viable advancement encounters which focus on both hypothesis and practices in our Therapeutic gatherings. The gathering will be on August 22-23, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan. The subject of the gathering is near, "Rising and Imaginative methodologies for the progression of disease treatment. The disease is a harmful development or a tumor coming about because of an uncontrolled division of cells. Malignancy is the second most regular reason for death in the European Association. Malignancy of the bosom and lung tumors is the main growth composes in European guys and females. The weight of new growth cases in 2010 was assessed to associate with 3 million, in European areas to 53% of this heap. The weight of tumor is expanding worldwide regardless of advances in growth finding and treatment. Notwithstanding, the overall growth insights delineate that 1 million grown-ups on the planet were determined to have the disease and 1.7million passings happened in 2012 in Europe and 7.4 million internationally.

Cancer is the most essential reason for death and horribleness in Europe after cardiovascular diseases. Cancer is, as a rule, avoidable, and early recognition builds the possibility of fix generously. Mostly every now and again happening type of the Cancer ailment in the EU are colorectal, bosom, prostate, and lung cancers. In men, lung cancer is the most continuous reason for cancer demise, while in ladies, it is bosom cancer. In the two people, colorectal cancer is the second most basic reason for cancer demise. Albeit noteworthy advances are being made in the battle against the infection, cancer remains a key general wellbeing concern and a colossal weight on European Cancer Societies.

Whats New?

The thoughts which you are working or looking on may require some extraordinary procedures for the finish. In this way, this meeting gives a stage to share thoughts as individuals over the globe will assemble at a similar place from various locales, nations, colleges. Individuals with the diverse thought are additionally welcome to demonstrate their work or exhibit the work and even they can impart the plan to the general population of various thoughts, can team up the work, and can examine with the gatherings of people.

Notwithstanding creating our very own oncology gatherings, cancer gatherings, cancer gatherings, oncology meetings we participate with national oncology affiliations and establishments, cancer alliances and other neighbourhood gatherings to guarantee the most astounding scholarly gauges in their projects and to animate proceeding with medicinal oncology instruction and preparing.

About Tokyo City

Tokyo was some time ago named Edo when Shgun Tokugawa Ieyasu made the city as his home office in 1603. It turned into the capital after Emperor Meiji moved his seat to the city from Kyoto in 1868; around then Edo was renamed Tokyo. Tokyo Metropolis was shaped in 1943 from the merger of the previous Tokyo Prefecture. The city of Tokyo has 39 million occupants, half a greater number of individuals than some other urban region, with a $2.5 trillion economy bigger than that of some other city; in the event that it was a nation, Tokyo would be the eighth biggest economy on the planet. Tokyo is frequently alluded to as a city, however, is formally referred to and administered as a "metropolitan prefecture", which contrasts from and consolidates components of a city and a prefecture. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government directs the 23 Special Wards of Tokyo (each administered as an individual city), which cover the region that was the city of Tokyo before it consolidated and turned into the metropolitan prefecture in 1943, the 30 districts in the western piece of the prefecture, and the two remote island chains. The number of inhabitants in the exceptional wards is more than 9 million individuals, with the aggregate populace of the prefecture surpassing 13 million. Tokyo is positioned first in the Global Economic Power Index and third in the Global Cities Index

Review of Tracks

This gathering is anticipated gynecologic oncologists, therapeutic oncologists, radiation oncologists, understudy, occupants in these zones, and look into researchers, specialists, doctor colleagues, and different clinicians engaged with this meeting to share your logical thoughts in this logical condition.

Track 1: Cancer Research

Cancer explore is an examination into harm to perceive causes and make frameworks for neutralizing activity, investigation, treatment, and fix. Tumor investigates ranges from the investigation of malady transmission, sub-nuclear bioscience to the execution of clinical primers to evaluate and consider the use of the distinctive development drugs. These applications fuse medicinal technique, radiation treatment, chemotherapy, hormone treatment, and immunotherapy, and united treatment modalities, for instance, chemo-radiotherapy. Starting in the mid-1990s, the emphasis in clinical harm ask about moved towards medications got from biotechnology investigate, for instance, tumor immunotherapy and quality treatment.

Track 2: Cancer Genetics

Cancer is a hereditary infection activated by an expansion of DNA changes and epigenetic modifications that prompts uncontrolled cell multiplication and neoplasm arrangement. The change happens much of the time in the collection of human still it can ready to remedy a large portion of the transformations. Thus, it won't be conceivable to cause cancer with one change. For the most part, it takes various transformations in a lifetime of a human to cause cancer. This is the reason senior individuals have cancer, as they have had various possibilities for change. Oncogenomic manages the portrayal of cancer-related qualities. Tumor silencer qualities or oncogenes are the ones that deal with the phone cycle process, so they are known as the defensive cells. These hereditary changes heighten the danger of cancer. The nearness of changed qualities in germ cells can be acquired to the offsprings. Cancer Pharmacology manages the activity of the medication on cancer patients. Cancer science Meetings investigates the new thoughts and procedures of cancer treatment.

Track 3: Cancer Epigenetics

Cancer epigenetics is the investigation of epigenetic alterations to the DNA of cancer cells that don't include an adjustment in the nucleotide arrangement. Epigenetic changes might be similar as imperative, or significantly more critical, than hereditary transformations in a cell's change to cancer. In cancers, loss of articulation of qualities happens around 10 times all the more oftentimes by translation quieting (caused by epigenetic promoter hypermethylation of CpG islands) than by transformations. As Vogelstein et al. call attention to, in colorectal cancer, there are for the most part around 3 to 6 driver changes and 33 to 66 drifter or traveller transformations. In any case, in colon tumors contrasted with neighbouring ordinary seeming colonic mucosa, there are around 600 to 800 intensely methylated CpG islands in promoters of qualities in the tumors while these CpG islands are not methylated in the contiguous mucosa.

Track 4: Cancer Science

Cancer Science is a broad field that arrangements with cancer research and treatment. Cancer, once considered as a lethal infection, however now with an improvement in cancer inquire about the circumstance has changed. It is considered a gigantic accomplishment as there are distinctive treatments accessible currently to treat and analyse cancer. The focused on cancer treatment is one of the best treatments in regarding cancer as it includes, the treating of the cancer cells by focusing on and restraining the particular particles that are a requirement for the tumor movement. This blocking should be possible by sub-atomic medication. The Cancer Case Reports demonstrates the undeveloped cell treatment as a functioning treatment of cancer. Cancer biomarkers help in discovering tumor cells and treating them. Tumor Immunology assumes an imperative job in a finding of new methodologies for cancer therapeutics. Cancer Conferences communicates its push to relinquish cancer from the world.

Track 5: Cancer diagnostics

The worldwide cancer diagnostics showcase extension was esteemed at USD 124.0 billion of every 2016 and is relied upon to develop at a CAGR of 7.2% over the figure time frame. Constrained diagnostics progressions have achieved a diminishing of 30% in bosom cancer. Henceforward, the imaging part in the overall Oncological diagnostics market will proceed with its everlasting inside a sensible time span. The general Cancer Diagnostics Market can be distributed into blood cancer, kidney sickness, bosom cancer, prostate development, pancreatic development, ovarian tumor, lung cancer, and liver cancer. The overall cancer diagnostics advertise is for the most part evaluated by enhancing the enthusiasm for lung cancer and bosom cancer investigation. The lung cancer area is driving the market, as it is the most prevalent sort of threat.

Track 6: Cancer Therapies & prevention

It is a method for diagnosing the ailment and utilizing an extensive variety of medications and systems. Homegrown medication utilizes plants, or blends of plant extricate, to treat sickness and advance well-being. It means to re-establish your body's capacity to ensure, control, and recuperate itself. It is an entire body approach, so takes a gander at your physical, mental, and enthusiastic prosperity. It is occasionally called phytomedicine, phototherapy, or natural drug. Naturopathic authorities (NDs) assume that cancer rises up out of an unevenness that causes a basic breakdown inside the body. Homoeopathy relies upon the theory of treating like with like. Therefore, to treat an ailment a homoeopathic advisor (homoeopath) utilizes minor dosages of a substance that in extensive measurements would really cause the side effects of the sickness.

Track 7: Cancer Stem Cells

Cancer stem cells (CSC's) are subpopulations of cancer cells that can self-recharge, create different cells in the tumor mass, and manage tumorigenesis. Cancer specialists guess that tumors emerge from cancer stem cells that begin because of mutational hits on ordinary stem cells, by the change of confined forebear cells or even the separated cells that get a self-restoring limit. Cancer stem cells drive tumor movement, repeat after chemotherapy medicines, and have as of late moved toward becoming focuses for cancer stem cell treatments. Since both ordinary stem cells and cancer cells have the capacity to self-recharge, numerous pathways that are traditionally connected with cancer are likewise associated with the control of typical stem cell advancement including Notch, Wnt, Shh and established pluripotency translation factor pathways.

Track 8: Biomarkers

The expression "biomarker", a portmanteau of "natural marker", alludes to a general subcategory of medicinal signs that is, target signs of the restorative state saw from outside the patient which can be estimated precisely and reproducibly. Therapeutic signs remain rather than restorative side effects, which are constrained to those signs of wellbeing or ailment seen by patients themselves. There are a few more exact meanings of biomarkers in the writing, and they, luckily, cover extensively. In 1998, the National Institutes of Health Biomarkers Definitions Working Group characterized a biomarker as a trademark that is unbiased estimated and assessed as a marker of ordinary organic procedures, pathogenic procedures, or pharmacologic reactions to a remedial mediation.

Track 9: Biopsy

Cancer biopsy is the expulsion of tissue with a specific end goal to inspect it for the sickness. The tissue tests can be taken from any piece of the body. Biopsies are performed in a few diverse ways. A few biopsies include evacuating a little measure of tissue with a needle while others include precisely expelling a whole protuberance, or knob, that is suspicious. Regularly, the tissue is evacuated by putting a needle through the skin (percutaneous) to the region of irregularity. Biopsies can be securely performed with imaging direction, for example, ultrasound, x-beam, registered tomography (CT), or attractive reverberation imaging (MRI). These kinds of imaging are utilized to decide precisely where to put the needle and play out the biopsy.

Track 10: Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy (Chemo) is a sort of treatment that incorporates a drug or mix of pharmaceuticals to treat cancer. The objective of chemo is to stop or moderate the development of cancer cells. Chemo is viewed as a fundamental treatment. This implies it might influence your whole body. Chemo drugs assault quickly developing cancer cells; however, they can likewise influence sound cells that develop quickly. Chemotherapy is the use of any solution to treat any sickness. Regardless, to large number individuals, the word chemotherapy infers drugs used for malady treatment. It's as often as possible shortened to "chemo." Surgery and radiation treatment evacuate, murder, or mischief infection cells in a particular district, yet chemo can work all through the whole body. This infers chemo can wreck threat cells that have spread (metastasized) to parts of the body a long way from the primary (basic) tumor.

Track 11: Cancer screening

Dissimilar to analytic endeavours provoked by manifestations and restorative signs, disease screening includes endeavours to identify malignancy after it has framed, yet before any detectable indications show up. This may include physical examination, blood or pee tests, or medicinal imaging. Disease screening isn't accessible for some sorts of tumors. Notwithstanding when tests are accessible, they may not be suggested for everybody. All inclusive screening or mass screening includes screening everybody. Specific screening distinguishes individuals who are at higher hazard, for example, individuals with a family history. A few variables are considered to decide if the advantages of screening exceed the dangers and the expenses of screening.

Track 12: Cancer Immunotherapy

Cancer immunotherapy (now and again called immuno-oncology) is the counterfeit incitement of the invulnerable framework to treat cancer. It is a use of the key research of cancer immunology and a developing subspecialty of oncology. It abuses the way that cancer cells regularly have atoms on their surface that can be identified by the invulnerable framework, known as tumor antigens; they are frequently proteins or different macromolecules (e.g. sugars). Immunotherapies can be arranged as a dynamic, uninvolved or half breed (dynamic and aloof). Dynamic immunotherapy guides the invulnerable framework to assault tumor cells by focusing on tumor antigens. Inactive immunotherapies upgrade existing enemy of tumor reactions and incorporate the utilization of monoclonal antibodies, lymphocytes, and cytokines.

Track 13: Cancer Operomics

The recognizable proof of coding successions in various species, incorporating human sooner rather than later, has introduced the post-genome period. In this time, advancements are getting to be accessible that permit the profiling of tissues and cell populaces at the genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic levels. The atomic investigation of tissues at all three levels has been alluded to as operomics. This audit covers some essential innovations for operomics and their application to some lymphoid issue. It is suggested that nobody sort of investigation is completely instructive and that data that can be gotten from the diverse compartments enveloped in operomics is complimentary. Prospects for bringing such profiling advances into the clinical research facility will rely upon their strength, their ease of use and the clinical significance of the additional data they give, which can't be caught through different advances being used in the clinical lab.

Track 14: Carcinogenesis

Lately new improvements in cytogenetic, immunophenotyping and molecular biology have significantly propelled our comprehension of leukaemia. Tragically, customary morphologic assessment of intense myeloblastic leukaemia utilizing the French-American-British characterization corresponds ineffectively with a large portion of this new data and does not anticipate the reaction to treatment. In this audit, we focus on uses of molecular biologic procedures to the determination of leukaemia and examine utilization of this innovation to identify the insignificant lingering illness. We at that point present an amended grouping for intense myeloblastic leukaemia as indicated by whether myelodysplasia-like highlights are available or lacking. Cases may then be additionally characterized utilizing French-American-British morphology and different parameters. This grouping seems to relate better with new biologic information and with remedial reaction.

Track 15: Cancer nursing care

Cancer Nursing is a field including practice envelops the jobs of the direct parental figure, instructor, advisor, manager, and scientist. Cancer nursing reaches out to all mind conveyance settings where customers encountering or in danger of creating cancer get human services, training, and advising for cancer counteractive action, screening and identification. It additionally includes fitting screenings and other safeguard hones, manifestation administration, care to hold however much typical working as could reasonably be expected, and strong measures upon the finish of life.

Track 16: Cancer awareness

Expanded cancer mindfulness enhances survival. Social and Economic Impact additionally hurt the nature of cancer care. Individuals who are fiscally not solid don't get great treatment. Cancer side effect mindfulness and cancer survival are related. Cancer Awareness Program is directed by the administration and numerous associations to acquire the mindfulness the general population to diminish the cancer levels and towards all oncology programs. Crusades should centre on enhancing mindfulness about cancer indications, particularly in financially denied territories.

Track 17: Experimental Therapeutics

Experimental therapeutics is the advancement of treatment systems that all the more viable and particularly treat human illness with less danger. Research in experimental therapeutics coordinates different teaches to comprehend the malady from the sub-atomic to organismal levels and afterwards endeavours to apply this information to distinguish and approve targets, find and create intercessions or medications to control these objectives, and at last drive preclinical and clinical examinations to achieve the objective of the customized drug.

Track 18: Organ-specific cancer

The piece of genomics that recognizes cancer-united qualities was related to oncogenomics. It focuses on epigenetic, genomic, and record modifications in cancer. The headway from ordinary tissue to threatening cancer was thought to happen over a time of 5 20 years. Acquired hereditary variables, substantial hereditary adjustments, and transformations change were resolved, and it results in uncontrolled cell development and prompts passing. Cancer-causing qualities have been classified as proto-oncogenes (e.g., the qualities for MYC, ERBB2, and EGFR) and tumor silencer qualities, for example, the qualities that encode TP53, CDKN2A, and RB. The achievement of the Human Genome Project streamlined the field of oncogenomics and improved the abilities of scientists to the revelation of oncogenes.

Track 19: Radiation therapy

As a general term, radiation implies influxes of vitality, for example, light or warmth. The type of radiation utilized in cancer treatment is a high-vitality composes known as ionizing radiation. Precisely how radiation functions as a treatment for cancer are mind-boggling and yet being examined, however on a straightforward level it separates the DNA of cancer cells in a way that disturbs their development and division and can even execute them. Radiation treatment will here and there be utilized without anyone else, and now and again will be utilized close by other cancer medications, for example, chemotherapy, if a cancer master chooses that this will upgrade the impact of the treatment. Roughly 60 for each penny of individuals being dealt with for cancer in the United States will get radiation treatment.

Track 20: Cancer alternative medicine

Cancer treatments incorporate Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which are for the most part non-standard practices. As of late, CAM treatments are picking up significance in overseeing unfavourable manifestations of Cancer. In the event that a non-standard treatment is utilized together with the customary drug, it's considered as "Reciprocal treatment." If a non-standard treatment is utilized instead of ordinary pharmaceutical, it's considered as "Elective treatment." CAM comprises medications that depend on prescientific ideas of human physiology and pathology. A great many people who utilize non-standard methodologies utilize them alongside customary medications. CAM treatments incorporate a wide assortment of botanicals and healthful items, for example, dietary enhancements, natural enhancements, and vitamins.

Track 21: Cancer survivors

We can call dietary as eating routine treatment. As it is a strategy for giving the best possible sustenance to the patient endorsed by the specialists. Treatment of the patient includes sustenance for a superior state of the wellbeing. Because of cancer patients, slim down is essential to make due for an extended stretch. Picking correct sort of the sustenance when cancer treatment is vital. As the cancer patient should require every one of the vitamins and in addition nourishment. The point when the body isn't furnished with the best possible sustenance then the patient will experience the ill effects of the ailing health. In a few conditions, the tumors in our body make synthetics that divert the method for supplements use. Cancer medications make the patient harder to devour the sustenance and vitamin. The reactions caused by the treatment of cancer.

Track 22: Malignancy aggravation

At the point when threatening tumors are discovered after intense injury, medico-legal angles regularly enter the photo and impressive examination might be important to decide the circumstances and end results relationship. Ewing discovered it for the most part concurred, and it appears to be still to be the accord, that a solitary injury infrequently creates a harmful tumor in already ordinary tissue. To implicate solitary damage, the accompanying criteria would need to be met: There must be nonattendance of past injury, and the injury is referred to must be adequate to create a change of the tissue structure.

Track 23: Personalized medicine

Customized drug or accuracy solution is a therapeutic model that isolates individuals into various gatheringswith medicinal choices, practices, intercessions, as well as items being custom-made to the individual patient in view of their anticipated reaction or danger of malady. The terms personalized medicine, accuracy medicine, stratified medicine and P4 medicine are utilized reciprocally to portray this idea, however, a few creators and associations utilize these articulations independently to demonstrate specific subtleties. Various qualities all in all impact the probability of creating numerous normal and complex infections. The customized drug can likewise be utilized to foresee a man's hazard for a specific infection, in view of one or even a few qualities.

Worldwide Cancer Diagnostics advertise is relied upon to develop from $8.54 billion out of 2016 to reach $22.41 billion by 2023 with a CAGR of 8 %. Expanding frequency of cancer illnesses, developing mindfulness about human services, and later mechanical progressions in symptomatic gadgets are a portion of the elements moving the market development. Moreover, ideal government repayment approaches, expanding interests in innovative work exercises are some different elements boosting the market development amid the estimated time frame.

Then again, high expenses of analytic gadgets, strict controls for new item endorsements are the variables restricting the market development. Just 10% of patients determined to have a harmful neoplasm get by for over five years. Colorectal cancer (of the colon and rectum), the most widely recognized threatening tumor in the event that we amass people together, presents a normal survival rate of 50-55% five years after analysis, implying that a large portion of the patients survives this type of cancer. Prostate cancer, today the most widely recognized tumor in men, has an inexorably great prognosis, with a worldwide survival rate of 76%, which is higher in youthful grown-ups. Ovarian cancer displays an exceptionally shifted prognosis relying upon age: while 70% of the gathering somewhere in the range of 15 and 44 years survives this type of cancer, this is the situation for just 19% of those more than 74 years of age. Consistently omics arranges cancer gatherings in Europe.

Cancer Survivors Market analysis

For the result of legislative FA, an expanded Cox relapse display was connected to the entire companion, with age at growth conclusion as the timedependent variable, yielding risk proportions (HRs) with 95% certainty interims (CIs). This strategy was decided to completely exploit the forthcoming idea of the information and to represent the adjustments in risk rates over the span of followup. The followup for this investigation began at age 18 years (guardians are obliged by law to maintain their youngsters until that age) and finished at the date of the principal event an individual got FA, blue pencilling at the date of death, resettlement, or December 31, 2007, whichever happened first.

Cancer survivors were additionally classified into significant cancer gatherings (leukaemia, lymphoma, focal sensory system [CNS] tumors, testicular tumors, dangerous melanoma, bone and delicate tissue sarcomas, cancers of the female genital tract [cervix/uterus/ovarian], and "other"). Survivors likewise were arranged into CCS (those aged < 15 years at cancer conclusion) and AYAs (ages 1524 years at cancer determination). Examinations was being balanced for a year of birth and for parental instruction(the most elevated training accomplished by the two guardians)separated into 3 classificationsbring down training (<11 years), middle of the road instruction (1114 years), and tertiary training (>14 years) to represent contrasts in family financial status as a conceivable confounder.27 Marital status was incorporated as an arbiter in early investigations yet was excluded in the last model, in light of the fact that the appraisals delivered were comparative, and modifying for this variable could have presented colliderstratification inclination.

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