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Stem Cell Supplement | Stem Cell Worx News

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Why Spray Supplements Work Best Monday, July 20th, 2015

On a regular basis we are asked why is it best we take the supplementintraorally (sprayed under the tongue)?

We reply: because this enables almost all of the nutrients to hit the bloodstream quickly, which is extremely effective. The absorption rate for an intraoral spray delivery (referred to as sublingual in certain contexts) enables up to 95% of the nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream, whereas pills and capsules have an absorption rate of only 10% to 20% at best.

So Why Is This?

When certain molecules are placed under the tongue, they are absorbed through the sub-mucosal membrane (a layer of connective tissue that sits beneath your tongue), that has a direct route into the bloodstream. This enables almost all of the nutrients to get into the bloodstream in their entirety and get to work straight away. There are no road blocks, no waiting just straight into the bloodstream (the bodys principal carrier of nutrients throughout the entire body) and off to work they go.

So What About When You Swallow a Pill or Capsule?

Good question. When you swallow a pill or capsule it must go through your entire gastrointestinal tract. This means the stomach (which has acid and bile), and the intestines (where most of the absorption takes place), and then off to the liver, where more filtering is done. THEN finally what is left of the nutrients is delivered to where it is needed. If you have a healthy gastrointestinal tract, healthy stomach and liver, the absorption rate of nutrients that finally get into your bloodstream and the intended destination point will be 20%. The problem is over 70% of the American population suffer from digestive and/or gastrointestinal tract issues. This results in very poor absorption through the intestines and liver (i.e. leaky gut syndrome is common), and these issues reduce the absorption rate when taking a pill or capsule to less than 10%.

Speed is also an important factor. Not only is the absorption rate of nutrients far superior with intraoral delivery, the speed via this route is fast and direct, and because the potency of the formulation stays intact, less nutrients are needed making this delivery very cost effective.

The digestive tract is one incredibly harsh route and it is set up this way for a purpose. It is how our food is broken down. The nutrients get stripped out, the waste gets filtered. This is why pills are getting so large, as many companies try to squeeze more nutrients into them. Many people cut a pill or capsule in half and then put the contents under the tongue, but the problem is often the compressed manufacturing processes of a pill have already destroyed many of its nutrients. Another big negative with a pill and capsule is its coating and fillers.

Coatings and fillers are used in most pills and capsules to bind the ingredients together, fill and/or lubricate the contents, and accelerate manufacturing through the equipment so they dont stick together. This is not the case for liquid health supplements. Fillers and binders are not nearly so common in liquid supplements because they are not needed.

Pills and capsules generally contain a lot more low grade ingredients than liquid supplements.

Never buy proprietary blends. Most proprietary blends contain a bunch of low grade ingredients that are grouped together so you dont have a clue of the purity or source of each ingredient. Always look on the label for the individual ingredients to be noted separately with their actual percentage of purity displayed.

Yes, quality supplements are more expensive, but when the ingredients are stated individually on the label, with a high percentage of purity noted, you are receiving quality. Also look for the ingredients to be stated in milligrams (mgs) or grams. Mcgs (watch for that little c) and IUs equate to zilch. If you see IUs, Mcgs or Ng measurements, do the math using an online conversion calculator.

Liquid intraoral / sublingual formulations are the way of the future. You want to ensure you spray the formulation under your tongue, hold for at least 7 seconds, then swallow the remainder of the formulation. If you look around in the Health Stores today, you will find a good range of liquid and spray health supplements but ensure when taking any liquid supplement you dont just chug-a-lug it downso it all runs down your throat. The spray under the tongue method is by far the best delivery method for health supplements as stated in the Physicians Desk Reference. Pharmaceutical companies are moving quickly to develop many sublingual and intraoral applications (including diabetic medications).

For more information on intraoral health supplements click here: http://www.stemcellworx.com

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Doctors and Scientists all around the world acknowledge a persons own adult stem cells have the ability to provide remarkable repair, renewal and anti-aging abilities throughout a persons entire life time.In the last decade, more recent research shows we can treat, heal and repair our existing organs, blood, cartilage, muscle and tissue with our own stem cells.

As reported in the Health Digest you can do this by:

Here are ways stem cell activation can be done.

A) Some people undergo full stem cell replacement therapy (in a medical setting) where a persons own stem cells or those from a donor are drawn from the blood. The blood is then put into a centrifuge to spin down and separate out the stem cells so they become very concentrated. They are then put back into the body (by injection / intravenous administration) where the stem cells are precisely directed into the actual site of injury or damage where the repair and renewal is needed. This is a very effective form of treatment however it can be very expensive. For this treatment the stem cells are mostly taken from the bone marrow, blood or skin. When a persons own stem cells arent able to be used, they can be obtained from a donor (often the case for those suffering from a life threatening disease).

B) Take a powerful stem cell supplement.

Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is the most powerful stem cell supplement in the market due to:

C) Other methods that have been found to have some stem cell stimulating properties include:

Just as healthy lifestyle choices have the ability to help maintain and trigger your healthy stem cells, Scientists also report that negative lifestyle habits have the opposite effect and can greatly suppress your bodys ability to produce and release stem cells.Negative effects include cigarette smoking, lack of sleep, stress, emotional extremes, a lazy lifestyle and poor nutrition.

As we age, our own adult stem cells diminish in quality and quantity. It is now possible to stimulate, increase and trigger your adult stem cells with Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray (sprayed under the tongue enabling maximum absorption of nutrients for natural stem cell stimulation).

Tags: Activate Stem Cells, stem cell supplement, stimulate stem cells Posted in activate own stem cells, best stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Worx, stimulate stem cells | Comments Off on How To Stimulate Your Own Stem Cells

As we age:

Stem Cell Worx Is At The Forefront of Nutritional Supplementation

Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is a natural dietary health supplement that activates your own adult stem cells naturally and provides robust immunity. With 50 to 70 trillion cells in our body, cellular health is crucial to our overall well-being and good health. Adult stem cells working at optimal levels provide the platform for many cumulative health benefits. Stem Cell Worx is the most powerful stem cell supplement on the market. It is taken sublingually (sprayed under the tongue) enabling 95% of its nutrients to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream compared to the 10% to 20% absorption rate that pills and capsules only provide. Stem Cell Worxs pure ingredients provide the highest grade of natural growth and immune factors available. Growth and immune factors are vital in the initiation process as they have the ability to bind with the adult stem cells in order to activate them.

Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray targets anti-oxidant optimization, adult stem cell activation and provides advanced immune response, cellular repair and renewal. Clinical studies and research back up this new wave of nutrition.

Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Sprayis a leader in the field of nutritional supplementation providing many benefits including:

For further information visit: http://www.stemcellworx.com

Tags: stem cell nutrition, stem cell supplement Posted in adult stem cell nutrition, stem cell nutrition, Stem Cell Worx, stemcellworx | Comments Off on Adult Stem Cell Nutrition, Improving Your Health, Improving Your Life

Here Doctor Daniel Pompa from Park City, Utah talks about how you must fix the cell in order to get well.

In this short video he provides an overview of why the cells in our body are being damaged, and why so many diseases and disorders are on the increase.

Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is a natural dietary health supplement designed specifically to improve and activate ones own adult stem cells (the repair and renewal cells of the entire body). Manufactured by a specialized Laboratory in the U.S.A. it is one of the only stem cell supplements on the market that contains abundant natural growth and immune factors, that are absolutely necessary to bind with adult stem cells in order to active them. It is the only stem cell supplement delivered in intraoral spray format (spray under the tongue, hold then swallow), providing an absorption rate of up to 95% of its nutrients.

Tags: cell supplement, cellular health, fix the cell you'll get well, stem cell supplement Posted in activate stem cells, cell health, fix the cell, stem cell nutrition, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplements, stem cell therapy, Stem Cell Worx | Comments Off on Fix The Cell And Youll Get Well with Stem Cell Worx

T cells are a type of blood cell that protect the body from infection.

All T cells originate fromhaematopoietic stem cells (a type of adult stem cell) locatedin thebone marrow. There are certain sub-populations of T cells (that include a number of the CD+ cells). See more about adult stem cells below.

The thymus is a specialized organ of the immune system and contributes fewer cells as a person ages. This is because thethymus shrinks by about 3%a year throughout middle age, resulting in a corresponding fall in the thymic production ofnaive T cells.

A study published this week on May 15th 2013, by Immunity & Ageing, shows slower immune system aging in women than men.

Study Conclusion

The study (ref: doi: 10.1186/1742- 4933-10-19) concluded:

the rate of increase of these immunological parameters was greater in women than in men (p < 0.05). T cell proliferation index (TCPI) was calculated from the T cell proliferative activity and the number of T cells. It showed an age-related decline that was greater in men than in women (p < 0.05). The rate of decline in IL-6 and IL-10 production was also greater in men than in women (p < 0.05).

Age-related changes in various immunological parameters differ between men and woman. Our findings indicate that the slower rate of decline in these immunological parameters in women than that in men is consistent with the fact that women live longer than do men.

Recent research on adult stem cells has generated a great deal of excitement. Scientists now have technologies available to stimulate and replace these adult stem cells using a variety of stem cell therapies. Powerful adult stem cell supplements, such as Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray are also available. Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray has been scientifically proven to be one of the most powerful stem cell supplements on the market. Its pure, natural ingredients provide a triple effect of stem cell production from the bone marrow, enabling adult stem cells and their subsets CD+ cells, T cell and IL-6 proliferation to increase by as much as 50% within two weeks of taking the Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray supplement.

What are Adult Stem Cells?

The history of research on adult stem cells began more than 50 years ago. In the 1950s, researchers discovered that the bone marrow contains at least two kinds of stem cells. One population of adult stem cells is calledhaematopoietic stem cells, that form all the types of blood cells in the body. A second population, calledbone marrow stromal stem cells(also called mesenchymal stem cells, or skeletal stem cells by some), were discovered a few years later. With the latest advancements in the scientific and medical fields, especially in the last 5 years, its now possible to activate these adult stem cells through medical and specialized health supplement means.

An adult stem cell is an undifferentiatedcell. This means that under the right direction, adult stem cells can transform into a specific type of cell that promotes tissue, muscle, cartridge and organ repair and renewal.

The human bodys lymphatic system



Immunity & Ageing Research Paper: doi: 10.1186/1742-4933-10-19

Tags: Adult Stem Cell News, stem cell activator, stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Worx, T cell production Posted in activate stem cells, cellular health, cellular nutrition, stem cell activator, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplements, Stem Cell Worx, Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray, stemcellworx, T cells | Comments Off on Why Do Men Die First? No, Its Not Because They Want Too Its All About Stem Cells

A natural activator of your own adult stem cells. Click here:

Stem Cell Supplement

Tags: adult stem cells, stem cell activator, stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Worx Posted in activate stem cells, adult stem cells, cellular nutrition, I am a Stem Cell, liquid stem cell supplement, stem cell mobilizer, stem cell news, Stem Cell Products, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplements, Stem Cell Worx, stemcellworx | Comments Off on Stem Cell Supplement

Dr. Edward D. Wagner is one of the most renowned Chiropractors and foremost holistic healers in the world.

Dr. Wagners healthcare career began over 35 years ago in one of the original health clubs in Southern California where he partnered with Jack La Lanne in the Jack La Lanne Nutrition Centers in Torrance and Rolling Hills, California.

In 1992 Dr. Wagner published Dr. Edward D. Wagners Complete Guide to Healing the Entire Body, Mind, and Spirit. Doctor Wagner has a Degree in Sports & Recreational Injuries; he is a licensed member of the American and Californian Chiropractic Associations; and Board Certified Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Applied Spinal Biomechanical Engineering. He stops at nothing to restore a persons emotional, mental and physical well-being.

Today, Dr. Wagner practices from his California Office, Wagner Chiropractic situated in Sunset Blvd, Suite A230, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, nestled between Malibu Beach and Santa Monica.

In this video, Dr. Wagner provides a review of a leading stem cell supplement called Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray. He explains why this natural health supplement is such an important requirement in todays world especially when the exposure to super bugs and nasty allergies is growing at an alarming rate, and younger people are more prone to illness than ever before. Good health starts at the cellular level and it is vital your immune system remains strong and robust throughout your entire lifetime. In this video, hear why Dr. Wagner puts this stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray at the forefront of nutritional supplementation.

Tags: Adult Stem Cell Supplement, nutritional health review, nutritional products review, stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Supplement Review, stem cell supplements Posted in activate stem cells, best supplement, best supplement review, cellular health, nutritional supplement, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplement review, stem cell supplements, Stem Cell Worx, top health supplement | Comments Off on Stem Cell Supplement Reviewed By World Renowned Chiropractor

First Responders recognize the potential and benefits of banking their own adult stem cells.

Watch the video below to see why First Responders are banking theirown adult stem cellsin preparedness should they be exposed to hazards as they may well require these life-savers at a later date.

Tags: Adult Stem Cell Supplement, Banking Stem Cells, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplements, Stem Cell Worx Posted in activate stem cells, adult stem cell supplement, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplements, Stem Cell Worx, Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray, stemcellworx | Comments Off on Benefits of Banking Own Adult Stem Cells

Pre-clinical research has generated very promising findings using adult stem cells from bone marrow for the treatment of diabetic wounds.

Research carried out by scientists at the National University of Ireland Galway is published in this months official journal of The American Diabetes Association. The work was led by researchers at the Universitys Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI), which is supported by Science Foundation Ireland.

Tags: adult stem cell supplements, stem cell news, stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Worx, wound healing for diabetics Posted in activate stem cells, adult stem cells, bone marrow cells, bone marrow stem cells, cellular supplement, diabetic wound healing, stem cell diabetes, stem cell facts, stem cell news, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplements, Stem Cell Worx, Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray, stemcellworx, wound healing | Comments Off on Adult Stem Cells For Diabetic Wound Healing

Michael Phelan is the CEO ofSevOne. My Forbes colleagueTomio Geronrecentlywrote about his fast-growing IT company and Phelan contributed a guest post earlier this year atEric SavitzsCIO Network.

Phelan also has multiple sclerosis. Frustrated by the limited effectiveness of standard drugs for MS, he decided to try something more radical.

He traveled to a clinic in Panama and had infusions of adult stem cells generated from his own body fat.

It worked so well, hes going back for another treatment.

After mylast post, highlighting some research on the potential adverse consequences of adult stem cell treatments, some readers, including Phelan, protested that such studies represented but a small fraction of the thousands of successful treatments people were getting offshore, and that I was overlooking the patients perspective.

I asked if hed be interested in recounting his own story in more detail. Our Q&A was conducted by email.

Q: When did you first show symptoms of MS?

A: My symptoms started 7 years ago, in my late 40s. Im 56 now.

Q: Im assuming you began by seeking standard medical therapy. Can you tell me a bit about this, which drugs, and what led you gradually (or more speedily) to try a stem cell therapy?

A. I still use standard medical therapy. I have the best Neurologists in Philadelphia, at theUniversity of Pennsylvania Hospital, and Jefferson. I was on Copaxone for 5 years. Last month I started on Gilenya. Unfortunately, the approved, standard drug therapy has not been effective for me. I considered theTysabri (natalizumab)risks too high.

Q. Before going abroad, you attempted to get into some clinical trials here in the U.S. Can you tell me about the clinical trials you registered forand whether they explained why you did not qualify?

A. The first: Stem Cell Therapy for Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Failing Interferon A Randomized Study

The evaluation process is not funded; therefore I paid approximately $10,000 for travel to Chicago, for tests, MRIs, etc. The opinion of the investigators was the risk related to aggressive chemotherapy was not worth the potential gain because I was 55 years old, and the MRI evidence did not confirm enough recent disease activity. The treatment is most effective in active, early stages. My stage was questionable.

A second clinical trial:Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Transplantation in MS. The research team is headed up by Jeffrey Cohen, MD, of the Cleveland Clinics Mellen Center for Multiple Sclerosis Treatment and Research. I did not qualify because I would be over 55 at the end point. This study is very similar to the treatment that I received in Panama.

Q. How did you come to learn about theStem Cell Institute in Panama?

A. I researched Pubmed, talked to physicians involved in U.S. studies and reviewed conference publications. I first learned about the Stem Cell Institute from Dr. Roger Nocera, author ofCells That Heal Us From Cradle To Grave.

I also noted that the Medical Director of the Stem Cell Institute was published:Non-expanded adipose stromal vascular fraction cell therapy for multiple sclerosis.

Plus I read and viewed many personal testimonies of patients, such as famous Texas High School football coach,Sam Harrell.

Read the original here:
Stem Cell Supplement | Stem Cell Worx News


Stem Cell Therapy for Autism – Medical Information – Panama Ci

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Autism Treatment

Current investigative therapies for autism attempt to reverse these abnormalities through administration of antibiotics, antiinflammatory agents, and hyperbaric oxygen. Unfortunately, none of these approaches address the root causes of oxygen deprivation and intestinal inflammation.

Mesenchymal stem cells can regulate the immune system. It is thought that they may help to reverse inflammatory conditions and is currently in the final stages of clinical trials in the US for Crohns disease, a condition resembling the gut inflammation in autistic children.

Through administration of mesenchymal stem cells, we have observed improvement in patients treated at our facilities. The biological basis for our scientists in the peer published treatment method reviewed in the Journal of Translational Medicine: Stem Cell Therapy for Autism.

The adult stem cells used to treat autism at the Stem Cell Institute come from human umbilical cord tissue (allogeneic mesenchymal). Umbilical cords are donated by mothers after normal, healthy births. Before they are approved for treatment all umbilical cord-derived stem cells are screened for viruses and bacteria to International Blood Bank Standards. In some cases, we also utilize stem cells harvested from the patients own bone marrow. Umbilical cord-derived stem cells are ideal for the treatment of autism because they allow our physicians to administer uniform doses and they do not require any stem cell collection from the patient, which for autistic children and their parents, can be an arduous process. Because they are collected right after (normal) birth, umbilical cord-derived cells are much more potent than their older counterparts like bone marrow-derived cells for instance. Cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells pose no rejection risk because the body does not recognize them as foreign.

Because HUCT stem cells are less mature than other cells, the bodys immune system is unable to recognize them as foreign and therefore they are not rejected. Weve treated hundreds of patients with umbilical cord stem cells and there has never been a single instance rejection (graft vs. host disease). HUCT stem cells also proliferate/differentiate more efficiently than older cells, such as those found in the bone marrow and therefore, they are considered to be more potent.

Through retrospective analysis of our cases, weve identified proteins and genes that allow us to screen several hundred umbilical cord donations to find the ones that we know are most effective. We only use these cells and we call them golden cells.

We go through a very high throughput screening process to find cells that we know have the best anti-inflammatory activity, the best immune modulating capacity, and the best ability to stimulate regeneration.

The umbilical cord-derived stem cells are administered intravenously by a licensed physician.

*NOTE Treatment protocol will be assigned by staff physicians after the patient has submitted all requested medical information and received approval. A patients recommended protocol may differ from the example given below.

Below is an example of a typical autism protocol:

Proper follow-up is an essential part of the autism treatment process. Our primary goal is to ensure that your child is progressing safely. Regular follow-up also enables us to evaluate efficacy and improve our autism treatment protocols based on observed outcomes.

Therefore, our medical staff will be contacting you after 1 month, 3 months, 4 months, and 1 year to monitor your childs progress.

Yes, you may. Once your child has been evaluated and approved for treatment by our medical team, your patient coordinator will be happy to put you in touch with a few.

We also welcome you to view testimonials, news articles and videos from treated cerebral palsy. Please take a look!

You may contact us by telephone 1 (800) 980-STEM (toll-free in US) and 1 (954) 358-3382.

To apply for stem cell treatment, please complete this Patient Application Form.

Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Ichim T, Solano F, Glenn E, Morales F, Smith L, Zabrecky G, Riordan Neil. Journal of Translational Medicine 2007, 5:30

Read the original here:
Stem Cell Therapy for Autism - Medical Information - Panama Ci



Thursday, August 4th, 2016


The post-natal bone marrow has traditionally been seen as an organ composed of two main systems rooted in distinct lineagesthe hematopoietic tissue proper and the associated supporting stroma. The evidence pointing to a putative stem cell upstream of the diverse lineages and cell phenotypes comprising the bone marrow stromal system has made marrow the only known organ in which two separate and distinct stem cells and dependent tissue systems not only coexist, but functionally cooperate. Originally examined because of their critical role in the formation of the hematopoietic microenvironment (HME), marrow stromal cells later came to center stage with the recognition that they are the stem/progenitor cells of skeletal tissues. More recent data pointing to the unexpected differentiation potential of marrow stromal cells into neural tissue or muscle grant them membership in the diverse family of putative somatic stem cells. These cells exist in a number of post-natal tissues that display transgermal plasticity; that is, the ability to differentiate into cell types phenotypically unrelated to the cells in their tissue of origin.

The increasing recognition of the properties of marrow stromal cells has spawned a major switch in our perception of their nature, and ramifications of their potential therapeutic application have been envisioned and implemented. Yet, several aspects of marrow stromal cell biology remain in question and unsettled throughout this evolution both in general perspective and in detail, and have gained further appeal and interest along the way. These include the identity, nature, developmental origin and in vivo function of marrow stromal cells, and their amenability to ex vivo manipulation and in vivo use for therapy. Just as with other current members of the growing list of somatic stem cells, imagination is required to put a finger on the seemingly unlikely properties of marrow stromal cells, many of which directly confront established dogmas or premature inferences made from other more extensively studied stem cell systems.

Alexander Friedenstein, Maureen Owen, and their coworkers were the first to utilize in vitro culture and transplantation in laboratory animals, either in closed systems (diffusion chambers) or open systems (under the renal capsule, or subcutaneously) to characterize cells that compose the physical stroma of bone marrow [1-3]. Because there is very little extracellular matrix present in marrow, gentle mechanical disruption (usually by pipetting and passage through syringe needles of decreasing sizes) can readily dissociate stroma and hematopoietic cells into a single-cell suspension. When these cells are plated at low density, bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) rapidly adhere and can be easily separated from the nonadherent hematopoietic cells by repeated washing. With appropriate culture conditions, distinct colonies are formed, each of which is derived from a single precursor cell, the CFU-F.

The ratio of CFU-F in nucleated marrow cells, as determined by the colony-forming efficiency (CFE) assay [4], is highly dependent on the culture conditions, and there is a great deal of variability in the requirements from one animal species to another. In rodents, irradiated marrow feeder cells are absolutely required in addition to selected lots of serum in order to obtain the maximum number of assayable CFU-F (100% CFE), whereas CFE is feeder cell-independent in humans [5]. The mitogenic factors that are required to stimulate the proliferation of CFU-F are not completely known at this time, but do at least include platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor, transforming growth factor-, and insulin-like growth factor-1 [6, 7]. Under optimal conditions, multi-colony-derived strains (where all colonies are combined by trypsinization) can undergo over 25 passages in vitro (more than 50 cell doublings), demonstrating a high capacity for self-replication. Therefore, billions of BMSCs can be generated from a limited amount of starting material, such as 1 ml of a bone marrow aspirate. Thus, the in vitro definition of BMSCs is that they are rapidly adherent and clonogenic, and capable of extended proliferation.

The heterogeneous nature of the BMSC population is immediately apparent upon examination of individual colonies. Typically this is exemplified by a broad range of colony sizes, representing varying growth rates, and different cell morphologies, ranging from fibroblast-like spindle-shaped cells to large flat cells. Furthermore, if such cultures are allowed to develop for up to 20 days, phenotypic heterogeneity is also noted. Some colonies are highly positive for alkaline phosphatase (ALP), while others are negative, and a third type is positive in the central region, and negative in the periphery [8]. Some colonies form nodules (the initiation of matrix mineralization) which can be identified by alizarin red or von Kossa staining for calcium. Yet others accumulate fat, identified by oil red O staining [9], and occasionally, some colonies form cartilage as identified by alcian blue staining [10].

Upon transplantation into a host animal, multi-colony-derived strains form an ectopic ossicle, complete with a reticular stroma supportive of myelopoiesis and adipocytes, and occasionally, cartilage [8, 11]. When single colony-derived BMSC strains (isolated using cloning cylinders) are transplanted, a proportion of them have the ability to completely regenerate a bone/marrow organ in which bone cells, myelosupportive stroma, and adipocytes are clonal and of donor origin, whereas hematopoiesis and the vasculature are of recipient origin [7] (Fig. 1). These results define the stem cell nature of the original CFU-F from which the clonal strain was derived. However, they also confirm that not all of the clonogenic cells (those cells able to proliferate to form a colony) are in fact multipotent stem cells. It must also be noted that it is the behavior of clonal strains upon transplantation, and not their in vitro phenotype, that provides the most reliable information on the actual differentiation potential of individual clones. Expression of osteogenic, chondrogenic, or adipogenic phenotypic markers in culture (detected either by mRNA expression or histochemical techniques), and even the production of mineralized matrix, does not reflect the degree of pluripotency of a selected clone in vivo [12]. Therefore, the identification of stem cells among stromal cells is only done a posteriori and only by using the appropriate assay. In this respect, chondrogenesis requires an additional comment. It is seldom observed in open transplantation assays, whereas it is commonly seen in closed systems such as diffusion chambers [11], or in micromass cultures of stromal cells in vitro [13], where locally low oxygen tensions, per se, permissive for chondrogenesis, are attained [14]. Thus, the conditions for transplantation or even in vitro assays are critical determinants of the range of differentiation characteristics that can be assessed.

FigureFigure 1.. Transplantation of ex vivo-expanded human BMSC into the subcutis of immunocompromised mice.A) Multi-colony and some single colony-derived strains attached to particles of hydroxyapatite/tricalcium phosphate ceramic (HA) form a complete bone/marrow organ composed of bone (B) encasing hematopoietic marrow (HP). B) The bone (B) and the stroma (S) are of human origin as determined by in situ hybridization using a human specific alu sequence as probe, while the hematopoietic cells are of recipient origin.

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The ability to isolate the subset of marrow stromal cells with the most extensive replication and differentiation potential would naturally be of utmost importance for both theoretical and applicative reasons. This requires definitive linkage of the multipotency displayed in transplantation assays with a phenotypic trait that could be assessed prior to, and independently of, any subsequent assays. Several laboratories have developed monoclonal antibodies using BMSCs as immunogen in order to identify one or more markers suitable for identification and sorting of stromal cell preparations [15-18]. To date, however, the isolation of a pure population of multipotent marrow stromal stem cells remains elusive. The nearest approximation has been the production of a monoclonal antibody, Stro-1, which is highly expressed by stromal cells that are clonogenic (Stro-1+bright), although a certain percentage of hematopoietic cells express low levels of the antigen (Stro-1+dull) [19]. In principle, the use of the same reagent in tissue sections would be valuable in establishing in vivo-in vitro correlation, and in pursuing the potential microanatomical niches, if not anatomical identity, of the cells that are clonogenic. The Stro-1 reagent has limited application in fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue. However, preliminary data using frozen sections suggest that the walls of the microvasculature in a variety of tissues are the main site of immunoreactivity (Fig. 2), a finding of potentially high significance (see below).

FigureFigure 2.. Immunolocalization of the Stro-1 epitope in the microvasculature of human thymus.A) CD34 localizes to endothelial cells (E) forming the lumen (L) of the blood vessel. B) Stro-1 localizes not only to endothelial cells, but also the perivascular cells of the blood vessel wall (BVW).

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Freshly isolated Stro-1+bright cells and multi-colony-derived BMSC strains, both of which contain but are not limited to multipotent stromal stem cells, have been extensively characterized for a long list of markers expressed by fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, endothelial cells, and hematopoietic cells in several different laboratories [20-24]. From these studies, it is apparent that the BMSC population at large shares many, but not all, properties of fibroblastic cells such as expression of matrix proteins, and interestingly, some markers of myofibroblastic cells, notably, the expression of -smooth muscle actin (-SMA) and some characteristics of endothelial cells such as endoglin and MUC-18. It has been claimed that the true mesenchymal stem cell can be isolated using rather standard procedures, and characterized using a long list of indeterminate markers [23]. However, in spite of this putative purification and extensive characterization, the resulting population was no more pure than multi-colony-derived strains isolated by simple, short-term adherence to plastic; the resulting clones displayed varying degrees of multipotentiality. Furthermore, the pattern of expressed markers in even clonal strains that are able to completely regenerate a bone/marrow organ in vivo is not identical, and changes as a function of time in culture. These results indicate that identifying the phenotypic fingerprint of a stromal stem cell may well be like shooting at a moving target, in that they seem to be constantly changing in response to their microenvironment, both in vitro and in vivo.

The primitive marrow stroma is established in development through a complex series of events that takes place following the differentiation of primitive osteogenic cells, the formation of the first bone, and the vascular invasion of bone rudiments [25]. This intimate relationship of the stromal cells with the marrow vascularity is also found in the adult marrow. In the post-natal skeleton, bone and bone marrow share a significant proportion of their respective vascular bed [26]. The medullary vascular network, much like the circulatory system of other organs, is lined by a continuous layer of endothelial cells and subendothelial pericytes [27]. In the arterial and capillary sections of this network, pericytes express both ALP (Fig. 3B, C, D, F, G) and -SMA (Fig. 3E), both of which are useful markers for their visualization in tissue sections. In the venous portion, cells residing on the abluminal side of the endothelium display a reticular morphology, with long processes emanating from the sinus wall into the adjacent hematopoietic cords where they establish close cell-cell contacts, that convey microenvironmental cues to maturing blood cells. These particular adventitial reticular cells express ALP (Fig. 3G) but not -SMA under normal steady-state conditions (Fig. 3H). In spite of this, but in view of their specific position along with the known diversity of pericytes in different sites, organs and tissues [28], reticular cells can be seen as bona fide specialized pericytes of venous sinusoids in the marrow. Hence, phenotypic properties of marrow pericytes vary along the different sections of the marrow microvascular network (arterial/capillary versus post-capillary venous sinusoids). In addition, adventitial reticular cells of venous sinusoids can accumulate lipid and convert to adipocytes, and they do so mainly under two circumstances: A) during growth of an individual skeletal segment when the expansion of the total marrow cavity makes available space in excess of what is required by hematopoietic cells, or B) independent of growth, when there is an abnormal or age-related numerical reduction of hematopoietic cells thereby making space redundant [29-31].

FigureFigure 3.. Anatomical and immunohistological relationship of marrow stromal cells to marrow pericytes.A) Marrow vascular structures as seen in a histological section of human adult bone marrow. hc = hematopoietic cells; ad = adipocytes; a = artery; VS = venous sinusoid; PCA = pre-capillary arteriole. Note the thin wall of the venous sinusoid. B) Semi-thin section from low-temperature processed glycol-methacrylate embedded human adult bone marrow reacted for ALP. Arrows point to three arterioles emerging from a parent artery (A). Note that while there is no ALP activity in the wall of the large size parent artery, a strong reaction is noted in the arteriolar walls. C, D) Details of the arterioles shown in A and B. Note that ALP activity is associated with pericytes (P). E) Section of human adult bone marrow immunolabeled for -SMA. Note the reactivity of an arteriolar wall, and the complete absence of reactivity in the hematopoietic cords (hc) interspersed between adipocytes (ad). F) Detail of the wall of a marrow venous sinusoid lined by thin processes of adventitial reticular cells (venous pericytes). Note the extension of cell processes apparently away from the wall of the venous sinusoid (vs) and into the adjacent hematopoietic cord ALP reaction. G, H) High power views of hematopoietic cords in sections reacted for ALP (G) and -SMA (H). Note the presence of ALP activity identifying reticular cells, and the absence of labeling for -SMA.

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The ability of reticular cells to convert to adipocytes makes them a unique and specialized pericyte. Production of a basement membrane by adipocytes endows the sinus with a more substantial basement membrane, likely reducing the overall permeability of the vessel. Furthermore, the dramatic increase in cell volume through the accumulation of lipid during adipose conversion collapses the lumen of the sinus. This may exclude an individual sinus from the circulation without causing its irreversible loss. In general, the loss of pericyte coating on a microvessel is associated with vessel regression by apoptosis, while a normal pericyte coating is thought to stabilize them and prevent vessel pruning [32]. Adipose conversion is thus a mechanism whereby the size and permeability of the overall sinusoidal system is reversibly regulated in the bone marrow. Not surprisingly, regions of bone marrow that are hematopoietically inactive are filled with fat.

Given the similar location of pericytes and stromal cells, the significance of -SMA expression, a marker of smooth muscle cells, in marrow stromal cells takes on new meaning, although its expression is variable, both in vitro and in vivo. -SMA expression is commonly observed in nonclonal, and some clonal cultures of marrow stromal cells [33], where it appears to be related to phases of active cell growth [34], and may reflect a myoid differentiation event, at least in vitro [35]. However, the phenotype of -SMA-expressing stromal cells in culture resembles that of pericytes and subintimal myoid cells rather than that of true smooth muscle cells [35]. In the steady-state normal bone marrow, -SMA expressing stromal cells other than those forming the pericyte/smooth muscle coats of arteries and capillaries are not seen. In contrast, -SMA+ stromal cells not associated with the vasculature are commonly observed in the fetal bone marrow [36, 37], that physically grows together with the bone encasing it. -SMA+ marrow stromal cells are likewise seen in conjunction with a host of hematological diseases [37], and in some bone diseases, such as hyperparathyroidism [37] and fibrous dysplasia (FD) of bone (Riminucci and Bianco, unpublished results). In some of these conditions, these cells have been interpreted as myofibroblasts [34, 37]. More interestingly, at least some of these conditions also feature an increased vascularity, possibly related to angiogenesis [38], and an increased number of CFU-F, quantitated as discussed above (Bianco, Kuznetsov, Robey, unpublished results). Taken together, these observations seem to indicate that -SMA expression in extravascular marrow stromal cells (other than arterial/ capillary pericytes) is related to growth or regeneration events in the marrow environment, which is in turn associated with angiogenesis.

Angiogenesis in all tissues involves the coordinated growth of endothelial cells and pericytes. Nascent endothelial tubes produce EGF and PDGF-B, which stimulate the growth and migration of pericytes away from the subintimal myoid cell layer of the vascular section. A precise ligand-receptor expression loop of PDGF-B produced by endothelial cells and expression of the cognate receptor on pericytes regulates the formation of a pericyte coating and its occurrence in physical continuity with the nascent vascular network [39]. Interestingly, PDGF-receptor beta and EGF receptor are two of the most abundant tyrosine kinase growth factor receptors in BMSCs, and PDGF-B and EGF have been found to stimulate proliferation of BMSCs [6, 40], indicating a physiological similarity between pericytes and BMSCs.

In bone, as in any other organ, angiogenesis is normally restricted to phases of developmentally programmed tissue growth, but may reappear in tissue repair and regeneration or proliferative/neoplastic diseases. During normal bone growth, endothelial cell growth, pericyte coverage, and bone formation by newly generated bone-forming cells occur in a precise spatial and temporal sequence, best visualized in metaphyseal growth plates. Growing endothelial tubes devoid of pericytes occupy the foremost 200 microns of the developing metaphysis [41]. Actively dividing abluminal pericytes and bone-forming osteoblasts are next in line. Progression of endochondral bone formation is dependent on efficient angiogenesis, and is blocked if angiogenesis is blocked, as illustrated by both experimental and pathological conditions. Experimentally, inhibition of VEGF signaling initiated by chondrocytes with blocking antibodies to the cognate receptor on growing blood vessels in the metaphysis results in a blockade not only of bone growth, but also of the related activities in the adjacent cartilage growth plates [42]. A remarkably similar event occurs naturally in rickets, and can be mimicked by microsurgical ablation of the metaphyseal vasculature [41].

Taking into account the similarities in their physical relationship to the vasculature, the cellular response to growth factors, and expression of similar markers lead one to suspect that marrow pericytes and marrow stromal cells are the same entity. Pericytes are perhaps one of the most elusive cell types in the body, and their significance as potential progenitor cells has been repeatedly surmised or postulated [28, 43-46]. Elegant as much as unconventional, experimental proof of their ability to generate cartilage and bone in vivo, for example, has been given in the past [47, 48]. Likewise, it has been shown that retinal pericytes form cartilage and bone (and express Stro-1) in vitro [49]. But, there has been little definitive understanding of the origin of this elusive cell type. Current evidence suggests that there is most likely more than one source of pericytes throughout development and growth. First, during development, pericytes may be recruited during angiogenesis or vasculogenesis from neighboring resident mesenchymal cells [50]. Secondly, as recently shown, pericytes may arise directly from endothelial cells or their progenitors [51, 52]. Third, they can be generated during angiogenesis, either pre- or post-natally, through replication, migration and differentiation of other pericytes downstream of the growing vascular bud [32, 39, 53, 54]. With regards to bone marrow, this implies that marrow pericytes might also be heterogeneous in their mode of development and origin. Some may be recruited during blood vessel formation from resident, preexisting osteogenic cells; others may originate from endothelial cells; still others may grow from preexisting pericytes during vascular growth. Interestingly, it would be predicted from this model that a hierarchy of marrow stromal/progenitor cells exists. Some would be osteogenic in nature, while others would not. If so, one would expect to find multipotent cells with markers of osteogenic commitment, and multipotent cells with endothelial/pericytic markers. With respect to the phenotypic characterization of clonal stromal cells, evidence supporting a dual origin is indeed available.

As described above, stromal cells can take on many forms such as cartilage, bone, myelosupportive stroma, or fat. This behavior of marrow stromal cells, both in vitro and in vivo, has perhaps offered the first glimpse of the property now widely referred to as plasticity. It was shown, for example, that clonal strains of marrow adipocytes could be directed to an osteogenic differentiation and form genuine bone in an in vivo assay [55, 56]. Earlier, the ability of marrow reticular cells to convert to adipocytes in vivo had been noted [29, 57]. A number of different studies have claimed that fully differentiated chondrocytes can dedifferentiate in culture and then shift to an osteogenic phenotype [58, 59], and that similar or correlated events can be detected in vivo [60]. All of these data highlight the non-irreversible nature of the differentiation of several cell types otherwise seen as end points of various pathways/lineages (i.e., reticular cells, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes). The primary implication of these findings has remained largely unnoticed until recently. Commitment and differentiation are not usually thought of as reversible, but rather as multistep, unidirectional and terminal processes. This concept is reflected in the basic layout of virtually every scheme in every textbook depicting the organization of a multilineage system dependent on a stem cell. Here, a hierarchy of progenitors of progressively restricted differentiation potential is recognized or postulated. Lineages are segregated, leaving no room for switching phenotype at a late stage of differentiation, no way of turning red blood cells into white blood cells, for example. In contrast, it seems that one can turn an adipocyte or a chondrocyte into an osteoblast, and nature itself seems to do this under specific circumstances. If so, then some kind of reversible commitment is maintained until very late in the history of a single cell of the stromal systema notable and yet unnoticed singularity of the system, with broad biological significance.

There is a real physiological need for plasticity of connective tissue cells, namely the need to adapt different tissues that reside next to one another during organ growth, for example [30, 61], and it is likely that nature has evolved mechanisms for maintaining plasticity which remain to be fully elucidated. One example may be the key transcription factor controlling osteogenic commitment, cbfa1 [62, 63], which is commonly if not constitutively expressed in stromal cells derived in culture from the post-natal marrow [12], and maintained during differentiation towards other cell types such as adipocytes. This is perhaps the most stringent proof that a cell committed to osteogenesis (as demonstrated by expression of the key gene of commitment) may still enter other pathways of differentiation that were thought to be alternative ones [61]. Whether one can isolate a multipotent cbfa1-negative (non-osteogenically committed) stromal cell is at present unclear. However, freshly isolated stromal cells sorted as Stro-1bright have been shown to be cbfa1-negative by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (Gronthos and Simmons, unpublished results). Interestingly, these cells also exhibit several endothelial markers, although never a true endothelial phenotype [21, 22].

The fact that chondrocytes, osteoblasts, reticular cells, and adipocytes come from a single precursor cell carrying a marker of osteogenic commitment is consistent with the fact that all of these cell types are members of the same organ, even though of different tissues. A single skeletal segment contains all of these cell types either at different stages of its own organogenesis or simultaneously. Although heretical to some and novel to others, even the notion that each of these cell phenotypes can switch to another within the same family under specific circumstances is consistent with the development and maintenance of the organ from which they were derived. This kind of plasticity is thus orthodox, meaning that it remains within the context of the organ system.

Over the past 2 years, several studies have indicated or implied that progenitors can be found in a host of different post-natal tissues with the apparently unorthodox potential of differentiating into unrelated tissues. First, it was shown that the bone marrow contained systemically transplantable myogenic progenitors [64]. Second, it was shown that neural stem cells could reestablish hematopoiesis in irradiated mice [65]; third, that bone marrow cells could generate neural cells [66], and hepatocytes [67]; and fourth, that a neurogenic potential could be ascribed to marrow stromal cells [68, 69]. What is striking about these data is the developmentally distant nature of the source of these progenitors and their ultimate destination. Differentiation across germ layers violates a consolidated law of developmental biology. Although consolidated laws are not dogmas (which elicited the comment that germ layers are more important to embryologists than to embryos), it is still indisputable and remarkable that even in embryos, cells with transgermal potential only exist under strict temporal and spatial constraints, with the notable exception of neural crest cells, which in spite of their neuroectodermal nature generate a number of craniofacial mesodermal tissues including bone. Cells grown in culture from the inner cell mass self-renew and maintain totipotency in culture for extended periods of time. However, this is in a way an artifact, of which we know some whys and wherefores (feeder cell layers, leukemia inhibitory factor). Embryonic stem (ES) cells only remain multipotent and self-renewing in the embryo itself for a very short period of time, after which totipotent cells only exist in the germline.

Consequently, the first key question iswhere do the multipotent cells of post-natal organisms come from? All answers at this time are hypothetical at best. However, if marrow stromal cells are indeed members of a diffuse system of post-natal multipotent stem cells and they are at the same time vascular/pericytic in nature/origin, then a natural corollary would read that perhaps the microvasculature is a repository of multipotent cells in many, if not all, tissues [70]a hypothesis that is currently being tested.

A second question is that if multipotent cells are everywhere, or almost everywhere, then what are the mechanisms by which differentiated cells keep their multipotency from making every organ a teratoma? Phrased in another way, adult tissues must retain some kind of organizing ability previously thought of as specific to embryonic organizers. If indeed cells in the bone marrow are able to become muscle or liver or brain, then there must be mechanisms ensuring that there is no liver or brain or muscle in the marrow. Hence, signals for maintenance of a tissues self must exist and be accomplished by differentiated cells. (That is, of course, if stem cells are not differentiated cells themselves).

A third question ishow much of the stemness (self-renewal and multipotency) observed in experimental systems is inherent to the cells that we manipulate, and how much is due to the manipulation? Are we discovering unknown and unexpected cells, or rather unknown and unexpected effects of manipulation of cells in culture? To what extent do cell culture conditions mimic the effects of an enucleated oocyte cytoplasm, which permits a somatic cell nucleus to generate an organism such as Dolly, the cloned sheep? For sure, a new definition of what a stem cell isa timely, and biotechnologically correct, oneshould incorporate the conditions under which phenomena are recorded, rather than guessing from ex vivo performance what the true in vivo properties are. This exercise also has important implications for understanding where and when stem cells come into action in physiology. Even for the mother of all stem cells, the ES cell, self-renewal and multipotency are limited to specific times and events in vivo, and are much less limited ex vivo. Are similar constraints operating for other stem cells? Marrow stromal stem cells for example, can be expanded extensively in culture, but the majority of them likely never divide in vivo once skeletal growth has ceased (except the few that participate in bone turnover, and perhaps in response to injury or disease). What physiological mechanism calls for resumption of a stem cell behavior in vivo in the skeleton and other systems?

All of these questions are important not only for philosophical or esoteric reasons, but also for applicative purposes. Knowing even a few of the answers will undoubtedly enable biotechnology to better harness the magical properties of stem cells for clinical applications.

In vivo transplantation under defined experimental conditions has been the gold standard for defining the differentiation potential of marrow stromal cells, and a cardinal element of their very discovery. Historically, studies on the transplantability of marrow stromal cells are inscribed into the general problem of bone marrow transplantation (BMT). The HME is created by transplantation of marrow stromal cell strains and allows for the ectopic development of a hematopoietic tissue at the site of transplantation. The donor origin of the microenvironment and the host origin of hematopoiesis make the ectopic ossicle a true reverse BMT.

Local transplantation of marrow stromal cells for therapeutic applications permits the efficient reconstruction of bone defects larger than those that would spontaneously heal (critical size). A number of preclinical studies in animal models have convincingly shown the feasibility of marrow stromal cell grafts for orthopedic purposes [71-77], even though extensive work lies ahead in order to optimize the procedures, even in their simplest applications. For example, the ideal ex vivo expansion conditions have yet to be determined, or the composition and structure of the ideal carrier, or the numbers of cells that are required for regeneration of a volume of bone.

In addition to utilizing ex vivo-expanded BMSCs for regeneration of bone and associated tissues, evidence of the unorthodox plasticity of marrow stromal cells has suggested their potential use for unorthodox transplantation; that is, for example, to regenerate neural cells or deliver required gene products at unorthodox sites such as the central nervous system (CNS) [78]. This could simplify an approach to cell therapy of the nervous system by eliminating the need for harvesting autologous human neural stem cells, an admittedly difficult procedure, although it is currently believed that heterologous cells may be used for the CNS, given the immune tolerance of the brain. Moreover, if indeed marrow stromal cells represent just a special case of post-natal multipotent stem cells, there is little doubt that they represent one of the most accessible sources of such cells for therapeutic use. The ease with which they are harvested (a simple marrow aspirate), and the simplicity of the procedures required for their culture and expansion in vitro may make them ideal candidates. For applicative purposes, understanding the actual differentiation spectrum of stromal stem cells requires further investigation. Besides neural cells, cardiomyocytes have been reported to represent another possible target of stromal cell manipulation and transplantation [79]. It also remains to be determined whether the myogenic progenitors found in the marrow [64] are indeed stromal (as some recent data would suggest, [80]) or non-stromal in nature [81], or both.

Given their residency in the marrow, and the prevailing view that marrow stromal cells fit into the hematopoietic paradigm, it was unavoidable that systemic transplantation of marrow stromal cells would be attempted [82] in order to cure more generalized skeletal diseases based on the successes of hematopoietic reconstitution by BMT. Yet major uncertainties remain in this area. Undoubtedly, the marrow stromal cell is the entity responsible for conveying genetic alterations into diseases of the skeleton. This is illustrated very well by the ability of these cells to recapitulate natural or targeted genetic abnormalities into abnormal bone formation in animal transplantation assays [83-85]. As such, they also represent a potential repository for therapy to alleviate bone disease. However, a significant rationale for the ability of stromal cells to colonize the skeleton once infused into the circulation is still missing.

The stroma is not transplanted along with hematopoiesis in standard BMT performed for hematological or oncological purposes [86-88]. Infusion of larger numbers of stromal cells than those present in cell preparations used for hematological BMT should be investigated further, as it might result, in principle, in limited engraftment. Stringent criteria must be adopted when assessing successful engraftment of systemically infused stromal cells [61]. The detection of reporter genes in tissue extracts or the isolation in culture of cells of donor origin does not prove cell engraftment; it proves cell survival. In this respect, it should be noted that even intra-arterial infusion of marrow stromal cells in a mouse limb may result in virtually no engraftment, even though abundant cells of donor origin are found impacted within the marrow microvascular network. Of note, these nonengrafted cells would routinely be described as engrafted by the use of any reporter gene or ex vivo culture procedure. Less than stringent definitions of stromal cells (for example, their identification by generic or nonspecific markers) must be avoided when attempting their detection in the recipients marrow. Clear-cut evidence for the sustained integration in the target tissue of differentiated cells of donor origin must be provided. This is rarely the case in current studies claiming engraftment of marrow stromal cells to the skeleton. Some evidence for a limited engraftment of skeletal progenitors following systemic infusion has, however, been obtained in animal models [89, 90]. These data match similar evidence for the possible delivery of marrow-derived myogenic progenitors to muscle via the systemic circulation [64]. It should be kept in mind that both skeletal and muscle tissues are normally formed during development and growth by extravascular cells that exploit migratory processes not involving the circulation. Is there an independent circulatory route for delivery of progenitors to solid phase tissues, and if so, are there physiologically circulating mesodermal progenitors? From where would these cells originate, both in development and post-natal organisms, and how would they negotiate the vessel wall? Addressing these questions is mandatory and requires extensive preclinical work.

Even once these issues are addressed, kinetic considerations regarding skeletal growth and turnover represent another major hurdle that must be overcome in order to cure systemic skeletal diseases via systemic infusion of skeletal progenitors. Yet there is broad opportunity for the treatment of single clinical episodes within the context of skeletal disease. While curing osteogenesis imperfecta by replacing the entire population of mutated skeletal progenitors with normal ones may remain an unattainable goal, individual fractures or deformity in osteogenesis imperfecta or FD of bone could be successfully treated with ex vivo repaired stromal cells, for example. Towards this end, future work must focus on the feasibility of transducing or otherwise genetically correcting autologous mutated osteoprogenitors ex vivo, and studies are beginning to move in this direction.

Molecular engineering of cells, either transiently or permanently, has become a mainstay in cell and molecular biology, leading to many exciting insights into the role of a given protein in cell metabolism both in vitro and in vivo. Application of these techniques for correcting human deficiencies and disease is a challenge that is currently receiving much attention. BMSCs offer a unique opportunity to establish transplantation schemes to correct genetic diseases of the skeleton. They may be easily obtained from the future recipient, manipulated genetically and expanded in number before reintroduction. This eliminates not only the complications of xenografts, but also bypasses the limitations and risks connected with delivery of genetic repair material directly to the patient via pathogen-associated vectors. While a similar strategy may be applied to ES cells, the use of post-natal BMSCs is preferable considering that they can be used autologously, thereby avoiding possible immunological complications from a xenograft. Furthermore, there is far less concern of inappropriate differentiation as may occur with ES cell transplantation. Finally, ES cell transplantation is highly controversial, and it is likely that the ethical debate surrounding their usage will continue for quite some time.

Depending on the situation, there are several approaches that can be envisioned. If a short-lived effect is the goal, such as in speeding up bone regeneration, transient transduction would be the desired outcome, utilizing methods such as electroporation, chemical methods including calcium phosphate precipitation and lipofection, and plasmids and viral constructs such as adenovirus. Transducing BMSCs with adenoviral constructs containing BMP-2 has demonstrated at least partial efficacy of this approach in hastening bone regeneration in animal models [75, 91, 92]. Adenoviral techniques are attractive due to the lack of toxicity; however, the level at which BMSCs are transfected is variable, and problematic. It has been reported that normal, non-transformed BMSCs require 10 more infective agent than other cell types [93], which is often associated with cellular toxicity. Clearly, further optimization is needed for full implementation of this approach.

For treatment of recessive diseases in which a biological activity is either missing or diminished, long-lasting or permanent transduction is required, and has depended on the use of adeno-associated viruses, retroviruses, lentiviruses (a subclass of retrovirus), and more recently, adeno-retroviral chimeras [94]. These viruses are able to accommodate large constructs of DNA (up to 8 kb), and while retroviruses require active proliferation for efficient transfection, lentiviruses do not. Exogenous biological activity in BMSCs by transduction with retroviral constructs directing the synthesis of reporter molecules, interleukin 3, CD-2, Factor VIII, or the enzymes that synthesize L-DOPA has been reported [78, 95-102]. However, these studies also highlight some of the hurdles that must be overcome before this technology will become practical. The first hurdle is optimization of ex vivo transfection. It has been reported that lengthy ex vivo expansion (3-4 weeks) to increase cell numbers reduces transfectability of BMSCs, whereas short-term culture (10-12 days) does not [98]. Furthermore, high levels of transduction may require multiple rounds of transfection [95, 101]. The second hurdle relates to the durability of the desired gene expression. No reported study has extended beyond 4 months post-transplantation of transduced cells [99] (Gronthos, unpublished results), and in most instances, it has been reported that expression decreases with time [96], due to promoter inactivation [102] and/or loss of transduced cells (Mankani and Robey, unpublished results). While promising, these results point to the need for careful consideration of the ex vivo methods, choice of promoter to drive the desired biological activity, and assessment of the ability of the transduced BMSCs to retain their ability to self-maintain upon in vivo transplantation. It must also be pointed out that using retrovirally transduced BMSCs for this type of application, providing a missing or decreased biological activity, does not necessarily require that they truly engraft, as defined above. They may be able to perform this function by remaining resident without actually physically incorporating and functioning within a connective tissue. In this case, they can be envisioned as forming an in vivo biological mini-pump as a means of introducing a required factor, as opposed to standard means of oral or systemic administration.

Use of transduced BMSCs for the treatment of a dominant negative disease, in which there is actual expression of misfunctioning or inappropriate biological activity, is far more problematic, independent of whether we are able to deliver BMSCs systemically or orthotopically. In this case, an activity must be silenced such that it does not interfere with any normal activity that is present, or reintroduced by any other means. The most direct approach would be the application of homologous recombination, as applied to ES cells and generation of transgenic animals. The almost vanishing low rate of homologous recombination in current methodology, coupled with issues of the identification, separation, and expansion of such recombinants does not make this seem feasible in the near future. However, new techniques for increasing the rate of homologous recombinations are under development [103] which may make this approach more feasible. Another approach to gene therapy is based on the processes whereby mismatches in DNA heteroduplexes that arise sporadically during normal cell activity are automatically corrected. Genetic mutations could be targeted by introducing exogenous DNA with the desired sequence (either short DNA oligonucleotides or chimeric RNA/DNA oligonucleotides) which binds to homologous sequences in the genome forming a heteroduplex that is then rectified by a number of naturally occurring repair processes [104]. A third option exists using a specially constructed oligonucleotide that binds to the gene in question to form a triple helical structure, thereby disallowing gene transcription [105].

While it would be highly desirable to correct a genetic disease at the genomic level, mRNA represents another very significant target, and perhaps a more accessible one, to silence the activity of a dominant negative gene. Methods for inhibiting mRNA translation and/or increasing its degradation have been employed through the use of protein decoys to prevent association of a particular mRNA to the biosynthetic machinery and antisense sequences (either oligonucleotides or full-length sequences). Double-stranded RNA also induces rapid degradation of mRNA (termed RNA interference, RNAi) by a process that is not well understood [105]. However, eliminating mRNAs transcribed from a mutant allele with short or single-base mutations by these approaches would most likely not maintain mRNA from a normal allele. For this reason, hammerhead and hairpin ribozymes represent yet another alternative, based on their ability to bind to very specific sequences, and to cleave them and inactivate them from subsequent translation. Consequently, incorporating a mutant sequence, even one that transcribes a single base mutation, can direct a hammerhead or hairpin ribozyme to inactivate a very specific mRNA. This approach is currently being probed for its possible use in the treatment of osteogenesis imperfecta [106]. Taking this technology one step further, DNAzymes that mimic the enzymatic activity of ribozymes, which would be far more stable than ribozymes, are also being developed. Regardless of whether genomic or cytoplasmic sequences are the target of gene therapy, the efficacy of all of these new technologies will depend on: A) the efficiency at which the reagents are incorporated into BMSCs in the ex vivo environment; B) the selection of specific targets, and C) the maintenance of the ability of BMSCs to function appropriately in vitro.

In conclusion, the isolation of post-natal stem cells from a variety of tissues along with discovery of their unexpected capabilities has provided us with a new conceptual framework in which to both view them and use them. However, even with this new perspective, there is much to be done to better understand them: their origins, their relationships to one another, their ability to differentiate or re-differentiate, their physiological role during development, growth, and maturity, and in disease. These types of studies will most certainly require a great deal of interdisciplinary crosstalk between investigators in the areas of natal and post-natal development, and in different organ systems. Clearly, as these studies progress, open mindedness will be needed to better understand the nature of this exciting family of cells, as well as to better understand the full utilization of stem cells with or without genetic manipulation. Much to be learned. Much to be gained.

The rest is here: Bone Marrow Stromal Stem Cells: Nature, Biology, and

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

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Stem Cell Therapy || Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell …

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Multiple Sclerosis

At present there are no treatments that specifically target the abnormal immune responses in MS. Current approaches, such as interferon, copaxone, or immune suppressants all act in a nonspecific manner blocking immune responses against the myelin sheath. While these approaches are useful for reducing the severity of disease, they do not repair the damage to nervous system tissue that has already occurred and therefore they cannot cure multiple sclerosis.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), have immune regulatory properties which may stop the immune system from attacking the myelin sheath.

Mesenchymal stem cells may also potentially help remyelination (re-generation of the myelin sheath) of the affected neurons. Currently, the University of Cambridge is conducting formal clinical studies using mesenchymal stem cells for treatment of MS.

VIDEO Professor Arnold Caplan The father of mesenchymal stem cells from Case Western Reserve University discusses stem cell therapy for MS.

The adult stem cells used to treat MS at the Stem Cell Institute are called allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells. They are harvested from human umbilical cords donated after normal, healthy births. Each mother is tested for infectious diseases and has her medical history screened. Proper consent is received from each family prior to donation.

Before they are approved for use in treatment all umbilical cord-derived stem cells are screened for infectious diseases to International Blood Bank Standards.

Only about 1 in 10 donated umbilical cords pass our rigorous screening process.

Through retrospective analysis of our cases, weve identified proteins and genes that allow us to screen several hundred umbilical cord donations to find the ones that we know are most effective. We only use these cells and we call them golden cells.

We go through a very high throughput screening process to find cells that we know have the best anti-inflammatory activity, the best immune modulating capacity, and the best ability to stimulate regeneration.

The bodys immune system is unable to recognize umbilical cord-derived mesenchmyal stem cells as foreign and therefore they are not rejected. HUCT stem cells have been administered thousands of times at the Stem Cell Institute and there has never been a single instance rejection (graft vs. host disease). Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells also proliferate/differentiate more efficiently than older cells, such as those found in the fat and therefore, they are considered to be more potent.

VIDEO Watch Professor Arnold Caplan explain how this works.

The HUCT stem cells are administered intravenously by a licensed physician. Additional methods may be recommended.

Below is an example of a typical multiple sclerosis treatment protocol:

All patients receive a one month supply of Stem Kine supplement (only after medical evaluation in Panama)

*After examining each patients medical history and other medical information our team of physicians will recommend a specific treatment protocol. Your recommended protocol may differ from the example given above.

We want to help our patients and we care about how you are doing after you return home. Proper follow-up also helps us evaluate treatment efficacy and improve our multiple sclerosis treatment protocol based on observed outcomes.

Therefore, one of our staff will be contacting you after 1 month, 3 months, 4 months, and 1 year after the treatment to follow up on your condition.

Yes, you may. Once you been evaluated and approved for treatment by our medical team, your patient coordinator will be happy to put you in touch with a few.

We also welcome you to view multiple sclerosis patient testimonials, news articles and videos. Please take a look!

You may contact us by telephone 1 (800) 980-STEM (toll-free in US) and 1 (954) 358-3382.

To apply for stem cell treatment, please complete this Patient Application Form.

See more here:
Stem Cell Therapy || Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell ...


Support Autism | Matheo’s Stem Cell Fundraiser | Donations

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Help Matheo Grow is a site we created in an attempt to give our son the best chance to a more fulfilling life by helping him reach his full potential.

Our primary goal is to raise funds for a 2nd Stem Cell Treatment to Panama for our son Matheo. A portion of the funds will also go towards other complementary therapies that will enhance the benefits of Stem Cell Treatment. Homeotoxology, Tomatis, NeuroModulation Technique and Occupational Therapy are a few approaches that will help support Matheo throughout his road to recovery.

Matheo's recovery journey started in Dec. 2009. He is now 7 years old. He has been through many types of therapies and interventions. Everything from play therapies, to special diets, to biomedical approaches and holistic treatments. We have traveled the world in hopes of helping him feel better in his own skin.

Matheo is a beautiful young boy who struggles daily to understand the world around him. He has worked so hard and come so far especially after our latest Stem Cell Treatment. We have seen the most changes from it and plan to return to Panama for a second treatment in July 2016.

After researching Stem Cell therapy and discovering Ken's Journey To Recovery we drove down to Maine to meet with his beautiful family and learn more about his amazing progress. We left there full of hope for our little boy and began planning our 1st trip to Panama.

On August 17, 2015, the day had finally arrived when we would fly to Panama City for one week. Matheo received 36 million cells in the course of 4 days. After the 3rd day we already began to see some significant changes. He pointed to the ketchup bottle and wanted to try it. I know for others this might not seem like much but for us it was huge. Before stem cells, he wouldn't be open to trying anything colourful let alone new foods.

Upon our return from Panama, we would notice new and amazing small changes every week that followed. But above all, consistency would be the biggest improvement thus far. He would for once retain all his gains as he progressed. We felt that Stem Cells would finally start healing the source of his daily pain and bring comfort to his body and mind.

Despite his tremendous progress, Matheo still has a lot of sensory challenges, expressive language delays and general processing information. In order to heal his immune system, from which all these issues stem from, we need to repeat this treatment several times.

Donate Today!

For information on The Stem Cell Institute and Matheo's specific Treatement, please click here.

Your Donation will help us raise the funds needed for Matheo's 2nd round of Stem Cell Therapy. Stem Cell Therapy is a promising treatment where injected "T" cells derived from donated umbilical cord blood, to "find" damaged cells and help repair it.

See more here:
Support Autism | Matheo's Stem Cell Fundraiser | Donations


Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment Panama …

Monday, October 5th, 2015

First Symptoms Ms Blog Dec 15, 2014 MS patients need to understand how symptoms appear and disappear. The first year after my MS diagnosis, I was constantly wondering if the In the months before Apple announced Apple Music at an event in San Francisco on June 8, the company had extensive talks with Universal, Sony and Warner, the three major labels, and

Stem cell therapy: Treatment for autism, autoimmune disease, cerebral palsy, heart failure, multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and spinal cord

Mar 17, 2015 Over the years, many alternative and quack treatments for autism, cancer, and spasticity, pain, spasms, and bladder dysfunction in multiple sclerosis patients . stem cell therapy you have to travel out of the country for this expensive, dangerous, and unproven therapy, o

Patients protest as head of research council says there is no evidence that procedure is effective or safe Costa Rica has cracked down on a stem cell clinic which offered patients experimental treatments diseases such as multiple sclerosis and diabetes.

Multiple Sclerosis Nastursal Healing NK Vue is a unique ELISA-based blood test that measures Natural Killer and cancer surveillance post-treatment, and also to provide additional insights into the condition of active autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel The Maharishi Ayurveda SM Approach to Multiple Sclerosis. Guests often ask, "Can MS respond to the natural approaches of Maharishi Ayurveda?" Our

Complete the FREE CONSULTATION Form To See If You Qualify For Stem Cell Therapy At World Stem Cells Clinic Or Have Questions! Stem Cell Therapy At World Stem

They say it can be used to treat multiple sclerosis, strokes and diabetes. Hundreds of international medical tourists have come to this Central American nation seeking adult stem cell treatment in Costa Ricas neighbor to the south, Panama, claiming

RMI will offer non-surgical stem cell treatments and stem cell enhanced surgeries MPI and SCI are currently conducting seven IRB-approved clinical trials in Panama for autism, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis using human

Advancells provides Stem Cell treatment as a potential therapy for different diseases. Ask us for cure help in Delhi, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Australia, USA , UK.

Jun 18, 2012 Stem Cell Treatment with Beyond Cells is exactly what actor Danny Glover received during his visit. Danny knows the positive impact stem cell therapy has

Stem Cell Therapy. Stem cell treatment and stem cell therapy may be considered controversial and are, perhaps, viewed as akin to science fiction by some people.

Chuck Norris is the star a subsidiary of Medistem Panama, received authorization in April to begin phase one and two of clinical trials using human umbilical cord-derived stem cells for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. The building, cumulative

Thanks for the overview and synopsis on the Stem Cell front, Marc. Just as with the hope for CCSVI, from our anecdotal reported results, it seems to have helped very

Clevelands top medical facilities are collaborating on the nations first clinical trial that uses adult stem cells to treat multiple sclerosis. Four patients damage to the nervous system caused by MS. In the trial, stem cells are taken from

They say it can be used to treat multiple sclerosis, strokes and diabetes. Hundreds of international medical tourists have come to this Central American nation seeking adult stem cell treatment in Costa Ricas neighbor to the south, Panama, claiming

Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment Panama 5 out of 5 based on 14 ratings.

Here is the original post:
Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment Panama ...


Stem Cell Clinics List | Stem Cells Freak

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Here we have compiled a list of several clinics offering stem cell treatments. Please note that the "conditions treated" refers to the conditions that THEY claim to treat. Most, if not all, stem cell treatments (except hematopoietic stem cell transplantation) aren't FDA approved, meaning that they haven't been clincally tested for safety or efficacy. Please be aware that receiving an unapproved medical treatment isrisky and may cause serious complications and possibly death.

It was only a few years ago when Europe's most popular stem cell clinic (XCell-center) was forced to close after one of the treatments caused the death of a boy. In the past, we have also covered the case of a woman that had serious adverse effects following an unapproved cosmetic stem cell treatment(facelift).

We have not included clinics offering hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, as this treatment is medically approved and offered virtually in any country that has an above the average hospital.

The stem cell clinics are categorised by alphabetical order. We are not paid by any of them and we have listed them for your ease. We have probably missed a few ones, feel free to leave a comment and we will add them asap.

Stem cell clinics list

Beijing Puhua International Hospital

Conditions Treated:Diabetes, Epilepsy, Stroke, Ataxia, Spinal Cord Injuries, Parkinson's Disease, Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Batten's Disease

Interview of a patient treated in Beijing Puhua International Hospital. The video is from the hospital's official youtube channel, so it may be biased

Elises International

Conditions Treated: No info available at their website

Advertisement video ofElises International


Conditions Treated:ALS, Alzheimer's,Anemia, Cancer, Eye Diseases, Diabetes, Liver Diseases, Multiple Sclerosis Parkinson, and other


EmCell Advertisement

Global Stem Cells

Conditions Treated:Type 2 Diabetes, Hepatitis C, Osteoarthritis, joint pain, hair regrowth, cosmetic anti-aging, ulcerative colitis, heart disease

Location:Bangkok Thailand

MD Stem Cells

New Zealand Stem Cell Clinic

Stem Cell Institute

Video of a patient treated in theStem Cell Institute. The video is taken from the clinic's official youtube channell,so it may be biased.

Okyanos Heart Institute

Conditions Treated:Cardiac conditions

Okyanos Promotinal Video


Conditions Treated: Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer, Parkinson, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis and other

Location:San Diego, California.

Stem Cells Thailand

Conditions Treated:Alzheimer, Autism, Diabetes, Erectile Dysfunction, Face lift, Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis and other


Conditions Treated: Regennex mainly offers treatments for bone and cartilage regeneration in all major joints like knee, ankle, hip, back, shoulder etc

Dr. Centeno, founder of the clinic, talking about Regenexx

Stem Cell Clinics List | Stem Cells Freak


Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

There are many ways in which human stem cells can be used in research and the clinic. Studies of human embryonic stem cells will yield information about the complex events that occur during human development. A primary goal of this work is to identify how undifferentiated stem cells become the differentiated cells that form the tissues and organs Continue reading

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What are the potential uses of human stem cells and the ...

A Acellular vaccine: Listen [MP3] A vaccine containing partial cellular material as opposed to complete cells. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS): A medical condition where the immune system cannot function properly and protect the body from disease. As a result, the body cannot defend itself against infections (like pneumonia). Continue reading

Source Link(s) Are Here

Vaccines: About/Terms/Glossary

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease of the entire joint involving the cartilage, joint lining, ligaments, and underlying bone. Continue reading

Source Link(s) Are Here

CDC - Arthritis - Basics - Definition - Osteoarthritis

Arthritis (from Greek arthro-, joint + -itis, inflammation; plural: arthritides) is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints.[1][2] There are over 100 different forms of arthritis.[3][4] The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease), a result of trauma to the joint, infection of the joint, or age. Other arthritis forms are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and related autoimmune diseases. Septic arthritis is caused by joint infection. Continue reading

Source Link(s) Are Here

Arthritis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris) is een chronische auto-immuunziekte, gekenmerkt door een versnelde deling (proliferatie) en verminderde rijping (differentiatie) van hoorncellen in de opperhuid. Omdat de cellen niet normaal uitrijpen is ook het afschilferen verstoord, waardoor lokaal sterke afschilfering van huidschubben op de aangedane plaatsen plaatsvindt. Hoewel psoriasis vooral tot uiting komt in de huid, is het niet primair een huidprobleem, maar een ontregeling van het immuunsysteem (auto-immuunziekte[1][2][3]) Continue reading

Source Link(s) Are Here

Psoriasis - Wikipedia

Im truly excited to be bringing you this information today about the miraculous healing abilities of aloe vera. First off, in case you dont know, let me emphasize that I dont sell aloe vera products of any kind, I havent been paid to write this article, and I dont earn any commissions from the sale of any products mentioned here. Continue reading

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The aloe vera miracle: A natural medicine for cancer ...

Debra Torres says September 10, 2012 at 2:13 pm Wow. Its so amazing how just some small indications in mice can create a product that tempts people to actually buy it. I know that joint pain can really be a problem and inhibit movement Continue reading

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Anatabloc Anti-Inflammation Joint Supplement: Review of ...

Osteoarthritis (OA) also known as degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease, or osteoarthrosis, is a type of joint disease that results from breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone.[1] The most common symptoms are joint pain and stiffness. Initially, symptoms may occur only following exercise, but over time may become constant Continue reading

Source Link(s) Are Here

Osteoarthritis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Back pain is a very common complaint. According to the Mayo Clinic, approximately 80% of all Americans will have low back pain at least once in their lives. Back pain is a common reason for absence from work and doctor visits Continue reading

Source Link(s) Are Here

Back Pain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments - Medical News ...

Cancer i, also known as a malignant tumor or malignant neoplasm, is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.[1][2] Not all tumors are cancerous; benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body.[2] Possible signs and symptoms include: a new lump, abnormal bleeding, a prolonged cough, unexplained weight loss, and a change in bowel movements among others.[3] While these symptoms may indicate cancer, they may also occur due to other issues.[3] There are over 100 different known cancers that affect humans.[2] Tobacco use is the cause of about 22% of cancer deaths.[1] Another 10% is due to obesity, a poor diet, lack of physical activity, and consumption of alcohol.[1][4] Other factors include certain infections, exposure to ionizing radiation, and environmental pollutants.[5] In the developing world nearly 20% of cancers are due to infections such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human papillomavirus (HPV).[1] These factors act, at least partly, by changing the genes of a cell.[6] Typically many such genetic changes are required before cancer develops.[6] Approximately 510% of cancers are due to genetic defects inherited from a persons parents.[7] Cancer can be detected by certain signs and symptoms or screening tests.[1] It is then typically further investigated by medical imaging and confirmed by biopsy.[8] Many cancers can be prevented by not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, not drinking too much alcohol, eating plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains, being vaccinated against certain infectious diseases, not eating too much red meat, and avoiding too much exposure to sunlight.[9][10] Early detection through screening is useful for cervical and colorectal cancer.[11] The benefits of screening in breast cancer are controversial.[11][12] Cancer is often treated with some combination of radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy.[1][13] Pain and symptom management are an important part of care. Palliative care is particularly important in those with advanced disease.[1] The chance of survival depends on the type of cancer and extent of disease at the start of treatment.[6] In children under 15 at diagnosis the five year survival rate in the developed world is on average 80%.[14] For cancer in the United States the average five year survival rate is 66%.[15] In 2012 about 14.1 million new cases of cancer occurred globally (not including skin cancer other than melanoma).[6] It caused about 8.2 million deaths or 14.6% of all human deaths.[6][16] The most common types of cancer in males are lung cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, and stomach cancer, and in females, the most common types are breast cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, and cervical cancer.[6] If skin cancer other than melanoma were included in total new cancers each year it would account for around 40% of cases.[17][18] In children, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and brain tumors are most common except in Africa where non-Hodgkin lymphoma occurs more often.[14] In 2012, about 165,000 children under 15 years of age were diagnosed with cancer. The risk of cancer increases significantly with age and many cancers occur more commonly in developed countries.[6] Rates are increasing as more people live to an old age and as lifestyle changes occur in the developing world.[19] The financial costs of cancer have been estimated at $1.16 trillion US dollars per year as of 2010.[20] Cancers are a large family of diseases that involve abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.[1][2] They form a subset of neoplasms Continue reading

Source Link(s) Are Here

Cancer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read the original here:
Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis


Stem Cell Therapy Blog

Sunday, August 9th, 2015

Adult Stem Cell Therapy Blog

However, after undergoing a stem cell transplant by Dr. Richard Burt, at Northwestern University, Britt has made great strides.

From the original article:

Before visiting Northwestern Memorial, he recalled 77 body lesions and nearly all have healed following a recent check-up.

I was not walking or talking, he said. I couldnt read books to my boys. I could not see the words long enough because they were blurry and jumping around.

The transplant reversed neurological dysfunctions. Doctors treated and cleaned his stem cells and they were cryogenically frozen, essentially resetting his immune system.

Another great story of hope for MS patients. For multiple sclerosis patients, there are many different options for stem cell treatments.

Dr. Shimon Slavin in Israel- Dr. Slavin is the director of the International Center for Cell Therapy & Cancer Immunotherapy. Dr. Slavin is famous amongst the Multiple Sclerosis patients in Canada as one of his first MS patients, Louise Zylstra was able to return to the golf course after her therapy with her own adult stem cells.

China Stem Cells - known for their month long stem cell treatment and physical therapy. Their treatment consists of using millions of cord blood stem cells to try to fight the effects of MS

Dr. Roberto Fernandez Vina - one of the adult stem cell pioneers. This doctor invented protocols for stem cell treatment that are now copied by other stem cell therapy centers. You can contact his manager Walter Trotter for details on the treatment Email: dorauno44@hotmail.com

Continued here:
Stem Cell Therapy Blog


Stem Cell Treatment In Panama | Stem Cell Medical Breakthrough

Saturday, August 1st, 2015

By Mathew Lyson, on July 27th, 2015

Quacks and Consequences: The Problems With Alternative Treatment Mar 17, 2015 stem cell therapy you have to travel out of the country for this expensive, dangerous, and unproven therapy, often to Mexico or Panama, etc.

Cassie Wallace said a big part of giving Easton the best life possible is taking him to Panama to receive stem cell therapy. It costs $20,000 per treatment and is not covered insurance. His first treatment was last

Multiple Sclerosis Drugs Exploring Your Options Treatments for Dec 15, 2014 It is just since the mid-1990s that there has been any treatment for by reducing the immune response that can attack nerve cells in your body.

Jan 31, 2014 Services Provided: Substance abuse treatment, Halfway house. Type of Care: Residential long-term treatment (more than 30 days)

Stem Cell Therapy Nerve Regeneration Researchers have identified a promising stem cell based-therapy to address the chronic pain that affects more than one-third of

Adult stem cell treatments are now a reality in Panama. They are being used clinically to treat many diseases. Dr. Jorge Paz Rodriguez, aging cannot be prevented

On June 7, the Whites will leave Bangor en route to Panama so Connor can take part in an exciting, but highly experimental, stem cell therapy to treat his autism. That treatment, said Rachel, involves doctors from the U.S. and around the world, and it will

Cassie Wallace said a big part of giving Easton the best life possible is taking him to Panama to receive stem cell therapy. It costs $20,000 per treatment and is not covered insurance. His first treatment was last

Indiana drug and alcohol treatment centers and substance abuse services.

More here:
Stem Cell Treatment In Panama | Stem Cell Medical Breakthrough


Stem Cells – Lonza

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

Now Available:

The L7 hPSC Reprogramming Bundle, a xeno-free, fully defined system for generation of hiPSCs. When combined with the L7 hPSC Culture System, it provides a complete system for reliable reprogramming, expansion and maintenance of human pluripotent stem cells.

The L7 PBMC Priming-Recovery Kit is supplied with PBMC priming and recovery media, enhancers, and a detailed protocol for PBMC reprogramming utilizing episomal vector technology.

To learn more about the L7 System, click hereor listen to the archived stem cell webinar.

Listen to the archived pluripotent stem cellwebinar.

L7 hiPSC Reprogramming and hPSC Culture System In 2011 Lonza began development on a clinical grade master cell bank. During development it was determined thatexisting commercialproductsdid not provide the optimal xeno-free, defined conditionsfor human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) generation and human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) culture so theL7 hiPSC Reprogramming and hPSC Culture System was created. Efficient and reliable reprogramming of human somatic cells towards hiPSCs has never been easier!

Stem Cell Transfection using Nucleofector Technology Transfection ofstem cells is typically a very difficult task using non-viral methods. With the Nucleofector Technology stem cells can be consistently transfected at high efficiency for various applications, comprising those that require co-transfection of several substrates:

View original post here:
Stem Cells - Lonza


The Stem Cell Institute – Panama City, Panama – medical …

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

The Stem Cell Institute is a modern medical clinic that uses adult stem cells to treat chronic diseases for which there are inadequate standard therapies. The Institute is currently accepting patients with Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes Type 2, Heart Failure, Osteoarthritis & Degenerative Joint Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Spinal Cord Injury.

At the Stem Cell Institute you will find facilities and level of professionalism found in the top medical centers in the United States. In 2009, over 250 international patients where treated at the Panama clinic of the Stem Cell Institute.

The Doctors at the Stem Cell Institute are highly trained specialists, many of whom trained in the U.S. All physicians are multi-lingual and speak English.

All cells used in treatments are processed in accordance with Current Good Tissue Practices (CGTP) in a state-of-the-art laboratory that is licensed and certified by the Ministry of Health of Panama.


Here is the original post:
The Stem Cell Institute - Panama City, Panama - medical ...


Medicine in Panama, Adult Stem Cell Therapy in Panama

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

Adult stem cell treatments are now a reality in Panama. They are being used clinically to treat many diseases. One Panama surgeon has stated that the use of stem cells as treatment will forever change the practice of medicine.

Scientists from around the world are embracing adult stem cells as the next frontier in medicine. The abundant clinical data currently available is being translated into powerful medical delivery systems of incredible healing.

Ethical controversy is avoided by using stem cells that do not originate from embryos. The most common sources of adult stem cells are

fat (adipose tissue) bone marrow umbilical cord blood menstrual blood dental pulp

The use of stem cells from adipose tissue involves a mini-liposuction from the patient who is to receive the stem cells. The procedure, with the patient sedated, is performed by a plastic surgeon in an outpatient setting. The procedure is well tolerated, and the patient recovers quickly. Approximately 500 cc of fat is obtained during this procedure and then taken to an approved lab where the cells are processed to obtain the portion that contains the stem cells.

These stem cells are being used in Panama to successfully treat such serious conditions as:

Multiple Sclerosis Spinal Cord Injury Autism Spectrum Rheumatoid Arthritis Polymyalgia Rheumatica Fibromyalgia Heart Failure Crohn's Disease Joint Disorders Many other autoimmune diseases Diabetes, Type II (stem cells help with insulin resistance)

The principle of how these cells help the body is that they home into areas of damage and inflammation. They control the immune system from attacking its own body while they repair some of the damage which has already occurred.


Original post:
Medicine in Panama, Adult Stem Cell Therapy in Panama


Stem Cells Rheumatoid Arthritis – Stem Cell…

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

Rheumatoid arthritis(RA) is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attacks synovial joints. The process produces an inflammatory response of the synovium (synovitis) secondary to hyperplasia of synovial cells, excess synovial fluid, and the development of pannus in the synovium. The pathology of the disease process often leads to the destruction of articular cartilage and ankylosis of the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can also produce diffuse inflammation in the lungs, pericardium, pleura, and sclera, and also nodular lesions, most common in subcutaneous tissue under the skin. Although the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, autoimmunity plays a pivotal role in both its chronicity and progression, and RA is considered as a systemic autoimmune disease.About 1% of the worlds population is afflicted by rheumatoid arthritis, women three times more often than men. Onset is most frequent between the ages of 40 and 50, but people of any age can be affected. It can be a disabling and painful condition, which can lead to substantial loss of functioning and mobility if not adequately treated. It is a clinical diagnosis made on the basis of symptoms, physical exam, radiographs (X-rays) and labs; although the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) publish diagnostic guidelines. Diagnosis and long-term management are typically performed by rheumatologist, an expert in auto-immune diseases.[1]Various treatments are available. Non-pharmacological treatment includes physical therapy, orthoses, occupational therapy and nutritional therapy but do not stop progression of joint destruction. analgesia (painkillers) and anti-inflammatory drugs, including steroids, are used to suppress the symptoms, while disease-modifying ant rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are required to inhibit or halt the underlying immune process and prevent long-term damage. In recent times, the newer group of biologics has increased treatment options.[1]

Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of autoimmunity, the causes of which are still incompletely known. It is a systemic (whole body) disorder principally affecting synovial tissues.

Recent new work to harness the patients stem cells, while combined with low dose chemotherapy has also proved significant in a number of trials. The modification of the autoimmune dysfunctions with stabilization and some reversals of the disease are shown in a number of studies below. It should be noted that in a number of the autoimmune diseases long term response has been observed.

Autologous Stem-Cell Transplant: Phases of the Procedure:

After a review of your medical records and discussions with medical staff, a protocol is designed especially for you. Specifics of your condition are addressed along with any special needs. It may be similar to the one illustrated below:

Day 1:

At the clinic you will be examined by our physicians. Information including any risks and expectations concerning your treatment, plus answers to any questions you may have will be addressed. A blood draw, to determine cell counts and other chemistries will be collected and cell expansion medication may be administered. Then you will return to your hotel for a restful day or a good nights sleep.

Day 2:

At the clinic our physician/s will review the laboratory results, determine if the cell count is within range, and discuss the response to the stimulation. They may or may not provide additional cell expansion medications and may add adjunctive treatments. The levels of your response will determine if you would return to the hotel, with little restriction on your activities, or possibly go forward with harvesting and processing your cells.

Day 3:

Follow this link:
Stem Cells Rheumatoid Arthritis - Stem Cell...


Stem Cell Therapy in Panama | WorldMed Assist

Thursday, June 4th, 2015

WorldMed Assist now offers stem cell therapy options in Panama. Our medically trained staff can help create a medical travel package that is specifically tailored to your individual needs. Stem cell treatments are being used to address a variety of medical conditions and diseases. Stem cell research has been underway in the United States and worldwide for over 30 years. Stem cell transplantation therapy has led to major breakthroughs in treatments for many conditions that were thought to be incurable.

Due to religious and ethical concerns, WorldMed Assist refrains from treatments that involve the use of embryonic stem cells, or embryonic stem cell research. We provide free initial consultations, which are generally required prior to receiving stem cell treatment. You may fill out our online form to learn more about own individualized medical treatment package.

Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy in general include:

At WorldMed assist, we work only with the most experienced doctors, and the most rigorously inspected medical facilities and hospitals. Stemcell research in Panama has led to newer forms of treatment that can benefit the patient by reducing the need for repeated or ongoing types of treatment. This is because stem cell therapy helps the body in its natural process of regenerating tissues and organs.

Stem cell treatment options in Panama are now affordable thanks to WorldMed Assist. If you have any questions or inquires about stem cell therapy, our medically trained staff can take you through a no-cost consultation process. Stem cell therapy is not available for all patients, although stem cell research is helping to expand the applications of stem cell techniques.

If you would like more information regarding stem cell research and success rates, transplant options, and the different types of adult stem cells, feel free to contact us WorldMed Assist directly. We can provide you with more specialized information, including the latest updates on bone marrow stem cell treatments, and cancer or diabetes treatments.

Through the services of WorldMed Assist, you can obtain leading-edge stem cell therapy in accessible locations like Mexico, China, and selected locations in the U.S. Simply contact WorldMed Assist today and receive a professional consultation at no cost. You can fill out our online form and receive individual guidance throughout the entire treatment process.

We also provide more information on costs: Cost of Stem Cell Therapy

More here:
Stem Cell Therapy in Panama | WorldMed Assist


Stem Cell Treatment In Panama Working Wonders – YouTube

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

This is an update on Beverly after only 10 days in Panama for Stem Cell Treatment. She is feeling so much better and you can see it just by the look on her face. She has Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and is healing right now after her first round of Stem Cell Therapy at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City Panama. This treatment is available to all and we strongly suggest you check out their website at cellmedicine dot com. We are not paid or sponsored in any way by this clinic. We are just telling our story. Hope this will help for you or your loved one.

We are in Panama City to get Stem Cell Treatment for my wife. She has Multiple Sclerosis and lost her sight 10 years ago. My wife has surrfered all of the ailments associated with MS. We have tried everything Canada has to offer for MS and nothing has really helped. My wife took Chemo therapy for 2 years as it was our doctors last resort. This brought back maybe 10-20% of her vision but nothing more. My wife is strong beyond most and will never complain but she is in pain every day. She has difficulty walking and has recently experienced what she calls drop hands. Thinking she has a grip on an object she will then just loose touch with her hand and drop the object. The Canadian doctors upgraded her condition from relapsing remitting to secondary progressive. We could not wait for things to get worse and found Stem Cell Treatment here in Panama at the Stem Cell Institute. My wife starts treatment on Monday and we are hopeful some of the damage will be repaired. Many patients experience a full turn around and end up going of their standard meds after a few months. I believe this will work for her and many others. The clinic has treated over 2000 people and had great success. We are making this YouTube channel and videos for anyone who may consider this treatment. For more info on the clinic and testimonial videos go to www dot cellmedicine dot com. More videos to come showing the treatment and her progress in the coming months. Love and hope to all that are dealing with this condition. I hope we can give some info and a light at the end of this dark tunnel.

This channel documents a lifes journey to healing. True love and positive intention were a huge part of our trip to Panama City Panama. The Stem Cell Treatment at Cellmedicine dot com turned our lives around. My wife is continuing to see results after the treatment and is going to do updated videos each day documenting her healing using the right diet and juicing. My wife lost her sight due to Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and Optic Neuritis. Her sight is going to heal and we are seeing the changes after only 3 weeks. Positive intention, Green Juice Diet and Stem Cell Therapy are the key.

Originally posted here:
Stem Cell Treatment In Panama Working Wonders - YouTube


Stem cell Wild West takes root amid lack of US …

Monday, June 1st, 2015

Science Documentary: Stem Cells,Regenerative Medicine,Artificial Heart,a future medicine documentary

Science Documentary: Stem Cells,Regenerative Medicine,Artificial Heart,a future medicine documentary In each and every one of our organs and tissue, we have stem cells. These stem cells can develop into many different kinds of cells. They can continue to divide in order to replace damaged cell tissue. As we grow older, we loose some of our stem cells, as well as the ability of those stem cells to repair organs and tissue. The function and ability of the stem cells varies greatly between men and women. Each stem cell can become a specific type of cell that has its own function, or it can remain a stem cell. The two main differences between normal cells and stem cells are that stem cells have the potential for self renewal. The second difference is that stem cells can be manipulated to become a specific organ or tissue cell, like muscle cells, bone marrow cells, brain cells, blood cells, and other cells of the central nervous system. The future of medicine will see a huge increase in the use of stem cells to treat various health problems, such as, heart disease, birth defects, paralysis, diabetes and many more. In the field of regenerative medicine, scientist are now able to regenerate whole organs and tissue, and in the future, they will be able to regenerate an entire human heart with the use of stem cells. In the meantime, the development of artificial hearts for transplanting into human patients has grown exponentially. In the early stages of artificial heart development, the heart pumps were a lot larger and a lot bulkier, and were used by doctors to replace just one side of the heart. But now, there are patients that have had heart transplant surgery, in which the entire heart was replaced by a much smaller and completely artificial heart. In the future, doctors may have all the tools readily available to them to treat and cure any form of cardiovascular disease, as well as the ability to treat and cure spinal cord injury. Science Documentary: Graphene , a documentary on nanotechnology and nanomaterials http://youtu.be/IUrqyuw-6Iw Science Documentary: Nanotechnology,Quantum Computers, Cyborg Anthropology a future tech documentary http://youtu.be/sCLnHKl0GT4 Science Documentary: Cognitive science , a documentary on mind processes, artificial intelligence http://youtu.be/0T_nOzpBYxU Science Documentary: Planet formation, a documentary on elements, early earth and plate tectonics http://youtu.be/yQexV341t-E Science documentary : Expansion of the Universe , a science documentary on expanding space http://youtu.be/nxsOVYmwSOk Science Documentary: The Sun, a science documentary on star life cycles, star formation http://youtu.be/VJ9fmAGShvs Science Documentary: Cosmic Microwave Background the oldest light in the universe http://youtu.be/fSPQbrxD75w Science Documentary : Electromagnetic Spectrum , a science documentary on forms of light http://youtu.be/41Q6FeO-_8I ScienceRound on Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/102384224840004876140/102384224840004876140/posts

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Stem Cell Clinics Panama | Stem Cell Institute

Monday, June 1st, 2015

The Stem Cell Institute http://www.cellmedicine.com/

The Stem Cell Institute lists academic publications of stem cell research on its website, some of which are in peer-reviewed journals, and some which are not. Although it is difficult to assess the level of potential bias of any scientific research funded by self-interested parties or clinicians, it appears that collaboration with researchers in the US, Europe, and across the world at major universities and other well-respected institutions lends an air of credibility to these publications. Research so far has looked at stem cells in cases of autism, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, rheumatoid arthritis, and critical limb ischaemia among other conditions. Another interesting aspect to the work done at the Stem Cell Institute is that which is being advanced by Dr. Paul Cheney, who became involved with Medistem Inc. in order to promote a cream he had created that purports to change Cell Signalling Factors (CSFs). This cream, which is sourced from the organs of bison (an animal which has been falsely attributed as never suffering from cancer), uses CSFs to compel the body to alter gene expression which is impacting on illness (Sieverling, 2009).

Dr. Cheneys theory is that by re-booting the gene expression prior to stem cell treatment the patient will see more of an effect from the treatment as the stem cells will not be corrupted by faulty, diseased, gene expression. The evidence for this is shaky at best, and the use of the CSFs with stem cells remains untested clinically. Patients should be wary of spending a significant amount of money on treatments which may exacerbate their conditions, particularly those with fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome who can be extremely sensitive to the thymus extract and adrenal extract that may be present in some of these treatments. Cheney himself has sounded the alert about this potential issue, and is, rather sensibly, limiting the CSF therapy to specific patients only (Sieverling, 2009).

The Stem Cell Institute has eight doctors, who appear to be operating out of the Punta Pacifica Hospital, and currently accepts patients with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, Type 2 Diabetes, cardiomyopathy, osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and spinal cord injury. The Stem Cell Institutes website claims that no long term side effects have been reported with this type of treatment. This does not seem exactly true considering the recent complications highlighted in treatment at the XCell Center in Germany, and with a child recently at a clinic in Israel. Prospective patients can contact the institute through their website.

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Stem Cell Clinics Panama | Stem Cell Institute


Stem Cell Clinics Panama | Stem Cell Research

Thursday, May 28th, 2015

Stem cell therapy is available in Panama for numerous conditions that have not been approved for treatment in the US. This makes Panama, along with other countries such as Mexico, China, and Germany, popular destinations for medical tourists. The legal framework in Panama allows these clinics to offer treatments using stem cells in an unregulated fashion, which has the benefit of easier access for those unable to obtain treatment in their home country, but carries with it the risks of an untested and, potentially, unsafe procedure.

Stem Cell Injection

The Panama City clinics are well established, easily contactable, and appear to present an attractive option for patients who have exhausted all other treatment possibilities for chronic conditions. Their proximity to the US is an added bonus, allowing for a shorter trip and, therefore less time away from home and work. Patients report excellent care from these facilities, with compassion, encouragement, and professionalism.

There are a few possible centers for stem cell treatment in Panama; the National Hospital, and the Stem Cell Institute, both which are in Panama City.

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Stem Cell Clinics Panama | Stem Cell Research


Stem Cell Treatment Stem Cell Therapy Stem Cell Research

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell treatment and stem cell therapy may be considered controversial and are, perhaps, viewed as akin to science fiction by some people. However, stem cell treatments have been used regularly in veterinary practice since 2003 for the repair of bone and tissue damage, and have a wealth of research highlighting their efficacy in both humans and other animals. Stem cells are found in plentiful supply in embryonic tissue, but are also found in adult tissues. These cells have the ability to self-renew, giving rise to countless generations of new cells with varying abilities to differentiate into specific cell types. By introducing stem cells into an area of damage or pathology, the body can be encouraged to repair and renew regardless of how old the trauma is. Stem cells also show application for inhibiting the death of cells (apoptosis) through disease, making them candidates for use in treating degenerative illnesses such as Lou Gehrigs disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons disease and Alzheimers.

Stem cells from embryos are considered more flexible in terms of their ability to become either new liver cells, new neurons, new skin cells, and so on, whereas adult stem cells tend to be more restricted to the tissue type from which they were taken. New research is showing that this might not necessarily have to remain the case however, with the plasticity of adult stem cells now under investigation. Stem cell use carries little risk of the resulting tissues being rejected, it appears safe, efficient, and almost endless in its possibilities for application.

Potential Stem Cell Treatments

Conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, spinal cord injury, and cancer, among others, are considered possible candidates for stem cell treatment. Cures for some of these diseases could be closer than previously thought with clinical trials already showing impressive results where stem cells have been used in cases thought intractable. The rapid rate of progression in research and clinical use means that some of the controversial issues, such as the use of embryos as a source of stem cells, have been overcome, with governments around the globe subtly altering their legal policies in order to accommodate new scientific advances. In the US, Bill Clinton was the first president to have to consider the legal issues surrounding stem cells, and subsequent presidents have been forced to readdress the issues time and again in line with medical discoveries. Worldwide, governments have remained generally cautious over the use of this technology but are gradually improving funding access, whilst keeping an eye on the ethics of stem cell treatment, in order to explore the tremendous benefits that appear possible. The credibility of research remains a concern, with some stem cell studies discredited by ethics committees after initial general acceptance of their veracity.

Stem cells may be garnered from living adult donors and, indeed, already are in the case of bone marrow transplants. More usually they are taken from discarded embryos leftover after IVF treatment, or from the placenta after birth. Previously the removal of stem cells resulted in the destruction of these embryos, but now it is possible for scientists to remove the stem cells without this occurring. This development negates some of the criticism faced by the technology from religious groups and ethical bodies over the sanctity of life and the attribution of sentience and autonomy to embryos, gametes, and the foetus. Clearly, some debate remains about these issues in relation to stem cell research, but recent improvements in methodology may remove the need for these considerations completely. Clinicians have demonstrated the possibility of taking adult stem cells and seemingly teaching them to become cells of a different type to their site of removal, effectively returning them to a similar state to that of the embryonic stem cell. Whilst stem cells from embryos remain more reliable and more economical to work with, the use of adult tissue-derived stem cells could revolutionize the research in this field.

As well as stem cell use in pathology and disease, there are also applications in personal aesthetics such as the regeneration of hair follicles and an end to baldness through stem cell treatment. Stem cells are also considered useful in regenerating the skin after injury, without the scarring usually associated with repair. There are reports of paralyzed patients becoming mobile after years in a wheelchair through the use of stem cells injected into the spinal cord, and the rapid disappearance of tumors in brain tissue after stem cells were injected.

Stem cell treatment provides an exciting possibility to change the face of modern medicine, alleviating pain and suffering, and improving the prognosis for millions withe diseases previously thought incurable.

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