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Archive for the ‘Stem Cell Panama’ Category

Stem Cell Institute – Panama – Inspire

Saturday, August 18th, 2018

Stem cell transplant and stem cell treatment are nothing alike.A HSCT wipes out the old bone marrow and replaces it with a new one. Auto=patients own stem cells, Allo= a donor's. Also, mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells are different. Mesenchymal stem cells do have successfully immunomodulatory effect in GVHD, for example. The donor is the same donor who donated for the HSCT. There was a phase I or II trial in the UK using the patient's own mesenchymal stem cells as pure IV with no other therapies. I need to follow-up on their results, but given that there are no further trials, I presume this was unsuccessful. It's true that the umbilical stem cells have high hopes. It is also true that selling cells or organs is illegal in the US. This would be one argument for the use in Panama but not in the US. On the other hand, this will not be a cure. It could, potentially, exert a temporary effect or perhaps some effect after SEVERAL treatments. But it isn't a cure. Also, a 'universal cure' makes it sound fishy.Having said that about Panama, there is legitimacy in HSCT, with success. This is a treatment in clinical trials. It was done in the US and Canada for SPS. Now there is a trial going on in the Philippines. It's listed on clinicaltrials.gov

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Stem Cell Institute - Panama - Inspire


My experience with stem cells therapy in Panama – MSWorld

Wednesday, July 18th, 2018

I'm 51, and I've multiple sclerosis since 18 years.The desease has not been too agressive in the first 14 years, but it has worsened in the last 4 years. It is secondary progressive form. My main symptoms are bladder and bowel difficulties, as well as erection problems, and to a lesser extend fatigue and spasticity in the legs.I've never had any medical treatment, as my neurologist says it doesn't work with secondary progressive MS. I'm just careful with what I eat : no animal fat, first pressure oils, organic fruits and vegetables. I'm also having various food supplements such as primerose oil, selenium, and stemenhance.

I went to the Stem Cell Institute in Panama (cellmedicine.com/locations.asp) in march 2010 for a two week treatment. I decided to tell the story of my experience on this forum, specially for those who are considering going for such therapy.

The people at the SCI were nice, friendly, and professional. Everything was well organised, with a taxi picking me up at my hotel always right on time.The different places where the treatment took place were very clean.I've had 5 intracathetal injections, and 2 intraveinous injections.The intracathetal used cells from umbilical cords, while the intraveinous were using stem cells from my own fat (obtained from a mini-liposuction).The treatment was not painful, except for the mini-liposuction which was a littleunpleasant.The treatment costed me 22500 US$. With the travel (from France) and accomodation expenses for me and the accompanying person, the total amount was approximately 26000 US$.

Unfortunately, 6 months after the treatment, I still don't feel any improvement.(but the treatment has not worsened my condition either).

Of course this is only my own experience, and others probably have indeed been improved.Now I'm just hoping that the new theory on CCSVI will eventually be the solution ...

Good luck to all of you who are in the same quest as I am.Zaz

See the rest here:
My experience with stem cells therapy in Panama - MSWorld


Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy – Open Access …

Sunday, July 15th, 2018

PUBMED NLM ID: 101586297 | Index Copernicus Value: 84.95 The Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy is an open access journal that showcases seminal research in the field of stem cell therapy. As stem-cells are flag-bearers of translational research, the field has an interdisciplinary feel by including oncology, clinical research, medicine and healthcare under the aegis of stem-cell therapy. It also includes scientific research related to the auxiliary areas of Biology by prioritizing scholarly communication milieu and transfers expert knowledge synthesized from the ever burgeoning stem-cell literature. In order to create such impactful content, the Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy brings together an expert Editorial Board, which comprises of noted scholars in the field of Cell Biology. Every single article is subjected to rigorous peer review by illustrious scientists. In addition to Research Articles, the Journal also publishes high quality Commentaries, Reviews, and Perspectives aimed at synthesizing the latest developments in the field, and putting forward new theories in order to provoke debates amongst the scholars in the field. The journal thus maintains the highest standards in terms of quality and comprehensive in its approach.The journal aims to provide the authors with an efficient and courteous editorial platform. The authors can be assured of an expeditious publishing process. In this regard, the journal also provides advance online posting of the accepted articles. The Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy ensures barrier-free, open access distribution of its content online and thus, helps in improving the citations for authors and attaining a good impact factor.

Scholarly Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy is using online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems of Editorial Manager for quality and quick review processing. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members of Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy or outside experts; at least two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript.

It is an undifferentiated cell which is capable of transforming into more cells of same type or multiple other types. They are found in multicellular organisms. They can differentiate into cells of blood, skin, heart, muscles, brain etc. In adult human being, they replenish the dead cells of various organs. Stem cells are being used for treatment of various diseases like diabetes, arthritis, few cancers, bone marrow failure etc.

Related Journals of Stem Cell

Insights in Stem Cells, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology,Stem Cells, Cell Stem Cell, Stem Cells and Development, Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, Current Stem Cell Research and Therapy, Stem Cell Research

They can develop into any cell type or organ in the body. A single totipotent stem cell can give rise to an entire organism. Fertilized egg or a zygote is the best example. Zygote divides and produces more totipotent cells. After 4 days the cells lose totipotency and become pluripotent.

Related Journals ofTotipotent Stem Cells

Breast Cancer: Current Research, Cancer Diagnosis, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Stem Cell Research and Therapy, Stem Cells International, Stem cells translational medicine, Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology

They can differentiate into any cell type in the human body. Embryonic stem cells are mostly pluripotent stem cells. They have the ability to differentiate into any of three germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm, or ectoderm.

Related Journals ofPluripotent Stem Cells

Cancer Science & Therapy, Cervical Cancer: Open Access, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Stem Cell Reports, Hematology/ Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy, Journal of Stem Cells, International Journal of Stem Cells

These are multipotent stem cells normally found in the bone marrow and are derived from mesenchyme. They differentiate into adipocytes, chondrocytes, osteoblasts, myocytes and tendon. MSCs can also be extracted from blood, fallopian tube, fetal liver and lungs.

Related Journals ofMesenchymal Stem Cells

Insights in Stem Cells, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications, International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research

They are the multipotent stem cells derived from mesoderm and located in red bone marrow. They are responsible for production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. HSCs give rise to myeloid lineage (which forms erythrocytes, eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, macrophages, mast cells and platelets) and lymphoid lineage (which forms T-lymphocytes, plasma cells and NK cells).

Related Journals ofHematopoietic Stem Cells

Insights in Stem Cells, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research, Open Stem Cell Journal, Stem Cell, Stem Cell Research Journal

They can differentiate into more than one cell type, but only into a limited number of cell types. Hematopoietic stem cells are considered multipotent as they can differentite into red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells but they cannot differentiate into hepatocytes or brain cells.

Related Journals ofMultipotent Stem Cells

Cancer Medicine & Anti Cancer Drugs, Colorectal Cancer: Open Access, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Blood, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases, Blood Reviews

Cells with stem cell like abilities have been observed breast cancer, colon cancer, leukemia, melanoma, prostate cancer which can form new cells and lead to tumorigenesis. They cause relapse and metastasis by giving rise to new tumors. Scientists are developing methods to destroy CSCs in place of traditional methods which focus on bulk of cancer cells.

Related Journals ofCancer Stem Cells

Head and Neck Cancer Research, Lung Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Cancer Research, Nature Reviews Cancer, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Clinical Cancer Research, Cancer Cell, Cancer, International Journal of Cancer, British Journal of Cancer

They are derived from Hematopoietic stem cells. They differentiate into Erythrocyte progenitor cell (forms erythrocytes), Thrombocyte progenitor cell (forms platelets) and Granulocyte-Monocyte progenitor cell (forms monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, dendritic cells).

Related Journals ofMyeloid Stem cells

Insights in Stem Cells, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Clinical Medicine Insights: Blood Disorders, Electrolyte and Blood Pressure, Integrated Blood Pressure Control, Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Current Studies in Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Blood Research, High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Prevention, Blood Cancer Journal, BMC Blood Disorders, Blood Transfusion

They are the self-renewing, multipotent stem cells in the nervous system that differentiate into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. They repair the nervous system after damage or an injury. They have potential clinical use the management of Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons disease and multiple sclerosis.

Related Journals ofNeural Stem Cells

Oncology & Cancer Case Reports, Prostate Cancer, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, Child's Nervous System, Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry

They are derived from embryo in the blastocyst stage. They are pluripotent stem cells. They give rise to all derivatives of the three primary germ layers: endoderm (stomach, colon, liver, pancreas, intestines etc.), mesoderm (muscle, bone, cartilage, connective tissue, lymphatic system, circulatory system, genitourinary system etc.) and ectoderm (brain, spinal cord, epidermis etc.).

Related Journals ofEmbryonic Stem Cells

Human Genetics & Embryology, Breast Cancer: Current Research, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Birth Defects Research Part C - Embryo Today: Reviews, Advances in Anatomy Embryology and Cell Biology, Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C: Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Neuroembryology, Neuroembryology and Aging

Embryonic stem cells are derived from the fetus are used in treatment of various diseases. As ESCs are pluripotent, they can differentiate into any cell type. Researchers are able to grow ESCs into complex cells types like pancreatic -cells and cardiocytes. Fetal cell therapy is generating lot of controversy from religious groups and ethics committees.

Related Journals ofFetal Stem Cell Therapy

Insights in Stem Cells, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy, Journal of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Fetal and Pediatric Pathology, Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review, Journal of Maternal-Fetal Investigation, International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine

Research is being done to use stem cells for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Human embryonic stem cells may be grown in vivo and stimulated to produce pancreatic -cells and later transplanted to the patient. Its success depends on response of the patients immune system and ability of the transplanted cells to proliferate, differentiate and integrate with the target tissue.

Related Journals of Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes

Endocrinology & Diabetes Research, Diabetes & Metabolism, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Diabetes Care, Diabetes, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, Endocrine-Related Cancer, Best Practice and Research in Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Journal of Endocrinology

The procedure to replace damaged cells (in cancers, aplastic anemia etc.) with healthy stem cells of the same person or in another compatible person to restore the normal production of cells. It can either be autologous or allogeneic. Bone marrow HSCs are generally used for the transplantation.

Related Journals of Stem Cell Transplant

Cancer Diagnosis, Cancer Science & Therapy, Cervical Cancer: Open Access, Gastrointestinal Cancer and Stromal Tumors, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Cell Transplantation, Journal of Cell Biology, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Cell, Nature Cell Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Cancer Cell, Current Opinion in Cell Biology

They are the totipotent, undifferentiated cells present in the meristems (shoot and root apices) of a plant. They never undergo aging process and can grow into any cell in the plant throughout its lifetime. They have numerous applications in production of cosmetics, perfumes, pigments, insecticides and antimicrobials.

Related Journals ofPlant Stem Cells

Plant Pathology & Microbiology, Plant Biochemistry & Physiology, Plant Physiology & Pathology, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Plant Cell, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal, Trends in Plant Science, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Plant, Cell and Environment, American Journal of Transplantation, Plant Molecular Biology

Several types of dental stem cells have been isolated from mature and immature teeth, exfoliated deciduous teeth and apical papilla, MSCS from tooth germs and from human periodontal ligament. They are found to be multipotent and can give rise to osteogenic, adipogenic, myogenic and neurogenic cell lineages.

Related Journals of Dental Stem Cells

Oral Health and Dental Management, Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences, Dental Implants and Dentures: open access, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, International Endodontic Journal, Dental Materials, Caries Research, Journal of Endodontics, Monographs in Oral Science, Molecular Oral Microbiology, Journal of Dentistry,International journal of oral science

Adipose tissue is a huge source of mesenchymal stem cells which differentiate into various cell types. They can be easily extracted in large numbers by a simple lipo-aspiration. They have good application potential in regenerative medicine. ASCs are found to have the ability to differentiate into bone cells, cartilage cells, nerve cells, adipocytes etc.

Related Journals of Adipose Derived Stem Cells

Childhood Obesity, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, International Journal of Obesity, Obesity, Obesity Surgery, Obesity Reviews, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Pediatric obesity

Preservation of stem cells is critical for both research and clinical application of stem-cell based therapies. Properly preserved stem cells can be later used in the field of regenerative medicine for treating congenital disorders, heart defects etc. Currently there is no universal method for preserving stem cells and the existing methods are expensive.

Related Journals ofStem Cell Preservation

Oncology & Cancer Case Reports, Prostate Cancer, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications, International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research, Open Stem Cell Journal, Stem Cell, Stem Cell Research Journal

MSCs can be applied in osteoarthritis treatment through implantation and microfracture as well as intra-articular injections. Single injection studies have showed improvement from pain which decreased overtime. Multiple, regular MSC injections into joints may be necessary.

Related Journals ofStem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis

Osteoporosis and Physical Activity, Osteoarthritis, Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Arthritis and Rheumatism, Arthritis Care and Research, Arthritis Research and Therapy, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism

OMICS International through its Open Access Initiative is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community. OMICS International hosts over 700 leading-edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organizes over 1000 International Conferences annually all over the world. OMICS International journals have over 10 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 50000 eminent personalities that ensure a rapid, quality and quick review process. OMICS International signed an agreement with more than 1000 International Societies to make healthcare information Open Access. OMICS International Conferences make the perfect platform for global networking as it brings together renowned speakers and scientists across the globe to a most exciting and memorable scientific event filled with much enlightening interactive sessions, world class exhibitions and poster presentations.

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Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy - Open Access ...


Stem Cell Cancer Treatment in Panama City, Panama

Friday, July 13th, 2018

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Health-Tourism.com. Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

Stem cell cancer treatment

Stem cell cancer treatment is a type of treatment that treats cancer by using stem cell transplant, which is also called peripheral blood stem cell transplant. It is used to try and cure some types of cancer such as myeloma, lymphoma and leukemia. Stem cells are very early blood cells in the bone marrow that develop into red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. They are needed in order to survive. Your doctor can collect them from a donor or from your blood. After a high dose of treatment which leaves stem cells dead, the stem cells are replaced through an intravenous drip.

Stem cell transplant infuses healthy stem cells into the body to stimulate bone marrow growth, suppress the disease and reduce the possibility of going into remission. Stem cell transplant implies that you can have higher doses of treatment through chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Therefore, the chances of getting cured are higher.

There are two main types of stem cell transplants. You and your doctor will discuss the best choice for you.

This is also known as auto stem cell transplant. Cancer treatment using autologous stem cell transplant uses your own stem cells. It is used mainly to treat myeloma and lymphoma. There is less risk of rejection or graft-versus-host disease, whereby the new donor cells think your cells are foreign and attack them. Ina addition, engraftment is quicker ad side effects are fewer.

How It Works: Your team of doctors collect, freeze and store your own stem cells. You then undergo treatment with chemotherapy or radiation therapy after which your stem cells are thawed and transplanted back into you. You may need to go through the above process twice instead of once. This is known as a tandem or double autologous stem cell transplant.

This type of stem cell transplant is also known as allo stem cell transplant. It involves using stem cells that have been donated. It is mainly used to treat leukemia, aggressive lymphomas and autologous transplants that have failed.

How It Works: Stem cells are donated from a matched donor. You then receive treatment using chemotherapy or radiation therapy after which you receive the donor stem cells.

The type and strength of your high-dose treatment is what will influence any side effects you may have and their severity. Possible side effects include:

After having a stem cell transplant to treat your cancer, you will have regular tests to check your general health. In addition, monitoring the levels of your blood cells, you will have blood tests. Most of the side effects are worse when your blood count is at its lowest. However, as this goes up, the side effects will begin to improve. You will be able to go home when your blood count has reached a safe level.

See the rest here:
Stem Cell Cancer Treatment in Panama City, Panama


Stem Cell Therapy for Autism in Panama – Medical Tourism

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Health-Tourism.com. Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is autism?

Autism is an array of disorders which are characterized by visible abnormalities in social interactions and communication. The common medical findings associated in children with the disorder are a chronic immunologically mediated inflammatory condition in the gut and reduced oxygenation in specific areas of the brain.

Current research aims at attempting to reverse the abnormalities through administration of anti-inflammatory agents, antibiotic and hyperbaric oxygen. However, none of these approaches address the underlying causes of the intestinal inflammation or oxygen deprivation.

It is thought that mesenchymal stem cells may help reverse inflammatory conditions and regulate the immune system. The umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells are administered intravenously by a licensed doctor.

Adult stem cells used to treat autism are harvested from human umbilical cord tissue also called allogenic mesenchymal. The human umbilical cords are donated by mothers after healthy and normal births. They are thoroughly screened and tested for bacteria and viruses.

They are idea for the treatment of autism because they allow for the administering of uniform doses and do not necessitate any stem cell harvesting from the patient, which can be quite concerning for the parents and terrifying for the autistic child. Because the stem cells are collected immediately after birth the umbilical cord-derived cells are much more effective than their counterparts such as bone marrow derived cells.

In addition the umbilical cord derived mesenchymal cells are not rejected by the patient because they do not recognize them as foreign. This is due to the fact that the HUCT stem cells are less mature than other cells. HUCT stem cells also differentiate/proliferate better that older cells and are therefore considered to be more potent.

A typical autism treatment protocol takes about 5 days and involves blood tests and physical examination. Intravenous infusions of the mesenchymal cells are then administered.

The cells are not rejected because the HUCT mesenchymal stem cells are immune system privileged and Human Leukocyte (HLA) matching is not required.

Screening and testing of the best stem cells can be conducted to ensure that the best immune modulating capacity, anti-inflammatory and regeneration stimulation cells are selected.

Administering of uniform dosages with high cell counts can be done with the allogenic stem cells.

The umbilical cord tissue provides a supply of mesenchymal stem cells in abundance.

There is no need to harvest stem cells from the patient under anesthesia which can be very unpleasant t the child.

Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells are thought by researchers to be more robust than mesenchymal stem cells harvested from other sources.

Proper follow up after the procedure is necessary to ensure that the patient is progressing well.

The rest is here:
Stem Cell Therapy for Autism in Panama - Medical Tourism


Stem Cell Therapy A Rising Tide Neil H. RIordan, PA …

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

By Neil H. Riordan, PA, PhD

Autism, spinal cord injury, arthritis, multiple sclerosis . . . At first glance, these incurable conditions, devastating and life-altering for patients and their families, have little in common clinically. But each condition responds well to a cutting-edge, research-based therapy that is changing patients lives when conventional medicine has failed them.

The body has a built-in healing ability determined by the presence and quality of its stem cells. When those cells are not numerous or robust enough to maintain health, chronic disease sets in. In other cases, children begin life with an unfair disadvantage in the form of autism, muscular dystrophy, or cerebral palsy. Still others experience certain debilitating injuries that dont respond to surgery or physical therapy. For all of these conditions, and more, stem cell therapy is shortening the path to wellness.

The lives of millions of people are at stake.

Neil Riordan PA, PhD has spent over thirty years pioneering the research and development of evidence-based biologic technologies to successfully treatand sometimes reversea wide range of health conditions. Neils rigorous dedication to bringing stem cell therapy out of the shadows and into mainstream medicine is not only an interesting story, but also a powerful call to action for patients, lawmakers, and the medical community at large.

From industry leaders, sport stars, and Hollywood icons to thousands of everyday, ordinary people, patients are experiencing health transformations that mainstream medicine was unable to achieve. Many of them had lost all hope.These are their stories.

Neil takes readers on a riveting journey through the past, present and future of stem cell therapy.Hiswell-researched, educational and entertaining book could change your life.I highly recommend it.

Neil is certainly a student of the medical arts and an expert using innovative treatments. I have talked to patients of Neils clinics and their family members about their treatments; the stories told in this book are just the tip of the iceberg. This is an interesting book and an interesting and gutsy journey of Neil Riordan. His physician father would be proud to recognize Neils passion and medical achievements.

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Stem Cell Therapy A Rising Tide Neil H. RIordan, PA ...


Stem Cell Cancer Treatment in Panama – health-tourism.com

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Health-Tourism.com. Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

Stem cell cancer treatment

Stem cell cancer treatment is a type of treatment that treats cancer by using stem cell transplant, which is also called peripheral blood stem cell transplant. It is used to try and cure some types of cancer such as myeloma, lymphoma and leukemia. Stem cells are very early blood cells in the bone marrow that develop into red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. They are needed in order to survive. Your doctor can collect them from a donor or from your blood. After a high dose of treatment which leaves stem cells dead, the stem cells are replaced through an intravenous drip.

Stem cell transplant infuses healthy stem cells into the body to stimulate bone marrow growth, suppress the disease and reduce the possibility of going into remission. Stem cell transplant implies that you can have higher doses of treatment through chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Therefore, the chances of getting cured are higher.

There are two main types of stem cell transplants. You and your doctor will discuss the best choice for you.

This is also known as auto stem cell transplant. Cancer treatment using autologous stem cell transplant uses your own stem cells. It is used mainly to treat myeloma and lymphoma. There is less risk of rejection or graft-versus-host disease, whereby the new donor cells think your cells are foreign and attack them. Ina addition, engraftment is quicker ad side effects are fewer.

How It Works: Your team of doctors collect, freeze and store your own stem cells. You then undergo treatment with chemotherapy or radiation therapy after which your stem cells are thawed and transplanted back into you. You may need to go through the above process twice instead of once. This is known as a tandem or double autologous stem cell transplant.

This type of stem cell transplant is also known as allo stem cell transplant. It involves using stem cells that have been donated. It is mainly used to treat leukemia, aggressive lymphomas and autologous transplants that have failed.

How It Works: Stem cells are donated from a matched donor. You then receive treatment using chemotherapy or radiation therapy after which you receive the donor stem cells.

The type and strength of your high-dose treatment is what will influence any side effects you may have and their severity. Possible side effects include:

After having a stem cell transplant to treat your cancer, you will have regular tests to check your general health. In addition, monitoring the levels of your blood cells, you will have blood tests. Most of the side effects are worse when your blood count is at its lowest. However, as this goes up, the side effects will begin to improve. You will be able to go home when your blood count has reached a safe level.

Here is the original post:
Stem Cell Cancer Treatment in Panama - health-tourism.com


On the trail of yellow fever – Science Magazine

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

Monkeys and mosquitoes hold clues to when and where the virus could resurge in Brazil.

Researchers Bruna Sena Nascimento (foreground) and Hlio Saraiva climb a tree to capture mosquitoes in the canopy in Santa Barbara, Brazil.

The howler monkeys slink like cats through the canopy, swiveling their heads to look for danger. They have reason to be wary. In the jungle below, biologists armed with a black tranquilizer rifle are hunting them, flashes of khaki through the foliage.

The scientists signal each other with snaps and whistles and pivot directions frequently; they often cross trails perpendicularly instead of following them. As they maneuver for clean shots, thick leaves come rattling down through the branches. In the distance, marmosets whistle.

The scientists are on Ilha Grande, an island off southern Brazil that once housed a notorious maximum security prison. Resorts dot the perimeter today, but untouched jungle dominates the interior. Brazil recently experienced its worst outbreak of yellow fever in decades with hundreds of cases, some just east of Ilha Grande. So scientists plan to test local howler monkeys (called bugios) for the virus to learn whether it has spread here, too. If they can catch one.

Suddenly, a shota sharp hiss. A 20-centimeter dart with a red tuft for a tail rockets upward. The shooter is Filipe Abreu, a Ph.D. student at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), a research institute in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Abreu looks as if he's been in the wild for weeks: muddy pants, scruffy beard, machete dangling from his belt. He's an entomologist, but the intricate transmission cycle of yellow fever, which involves both monkeys and mosquitoes, compels him to study primates, too.

The shot misses. Instead of leaves, the dart comes clattering down. A second shot also goes awry, striking a branch and bending the needle tip 45.

The party regroups, and Abreu hands the rifle to Marcelo Quintela Gomes, a technician at Fiocruz. The hunters thread through vines and shinny down trees into a gully. Every so often Gomes raises the rifle, then drops it. He eventually takes three shots, all misses. Everyone agrees that the bugios are unusually skittish.

They're not the only ones. Yellow fever has left the people of Brazil feeling edgy as well. Over the past 8 months, they've endured vaccine shortages, lurid media stories, and the occasional slaughter of innocent monkeys. To stem such problems, scientists have scoured this massive country to figure out where the virus lurks and how it's spreadingknowledge vital to fighting future outbreaks as well. But fear remains, especially the fear that yellow fever will ravage the megacities along Brazil's east coastor push even beyond that.

We've seen Zika march up to the United States, says Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, in Geneva, Switzerland. So have dengue fever, chikungunya, and other mosquito-borne diseases. There's no reason to think yellow fever won't do the same, he says.

YELLOW FEVER WAS ONCE the world's most feared disease. Most victims suffer only fevers and aching joints, but 15% get walloped: Their eyes and skin turn yellow, and they bleed from the mouth and eyes. (The Spanish name for the disease, vomito negro, means black vomit.) No drugs exist to treat it, and half of those who develop the serious form die as the virus destroys their livers.

Native to Africa, yellow fever spread to the Americas with the slave trade. In 1793, then-President George Washington fled Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (then the U.S. capital), during an epidemic that killed 5000. Later outbreaks nearly derailed the construction of the Panama Canal.

A vaccine developed in the 1930s largely eliminated the disease in North America. Africa and South America, meanwhile, continue to suffer. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 90% of cases, including a 2016 outbreak centered in Angola with thousands of victims. But in some ways yellow fever in South America is scarier: Because of the low natural immunity there, it kills one-third of those who contract it.

Brazil seems particularly vulnerable. Yellow fever long ago disappeared into the interior, and given the mere handful of cases most years (2014 saw none at all), few people outside endemic areas get vaccines. But in December 2016, victims began appearing in the east for the first time since 1942. The government confirmed 792 cases in 130 cities nationwide, with several hundred more under investigation. More than half occurred in Minas Gerais (population: 21 million), a southeastern state bordering the states of Rio de Janeiro (17 million) and So Paulo (44 million). One victim reportedly died within 40 kilometers of the city of Rio.

State health ministries, which administer vaccines, have ordered 26.3 million emergency doses since December, but some places still ran short. During Carnival in February, a squirrel monkey died of yellow fever in Utinga State Park in Belm in northern Brazil. After panicked stories in the press, people stampeded vaccine clinics, which had to open extra rooms to contain the crowds. After 12,000 inoculations in 5 days, Belm's clinics exhausted their supply.

Although the onset of winter slowed the outbreak, scientists fear a resurgence next year. When and where it might reappear depends on the erratic and often maddening behavior of three animals: mosquitoes, monkeys, and humans.

TWO TRANSMISSION CYCLES of yellow fever exist in South America. In the sylvatic (jungle) cycle, mosquitoes from two generaSabethes and Haemagogusspread the virus mostly between monkeys, with people (usually loggers or miners in remote areas) bitten and infected only incidentally. But the possibility of an urban cycle looms. Here, a different mosquito, the infamous Aedes aegypti, spreads the disease directly from person to person, and cases quickly multiply. All the recent cases in Brazil have been sylvatica slight misnomer because some have occurred inside citiesbut no human-to-human transmission has occurred.

Bruna Sena Nascimento brings the mosquitoes she catches in the forest (top) back to a lab at the Evandro Chagas Institute in Belm, Brazil (bottom), where she identifies the species and checks for signs of the yellow fever virus.

Pinning down which mosquito species carry the virus can yield clues about who is at risk and where. So on a recent June morning, entomologists from the Evandro Chagas Institute in Belm don green jumpsuits and drive north to the jungle. On the way, they swap stories about all the mosquito-borne diseases they've endured. Leathery old Hlio Saraiva has had three strains of dengue.

They park at a dilapidated banana farm and start gathering equipment. Just in case, bring the big knife, someone says. Saraiva grabs a 45-centimeter machete with ENTOMOLOGIA on the scabbard. As they head off, the farm's resident Dalmatian trots up to join the adventure.

After several turns, they stop. Twelve meters above is a platformor rather, four ragged planks. Yellow fever mosquitoes dine on monkeys in the canopy, so researchers have to scale trees, too. There's no ladder, just a few dozen nails pounded into the trunk to hoist yourself up. It's a drenching climb in the heat.

An ignorant reporter asks what they use for mosquito bait. Bruna Sena Nascimento, an animated entomologist, laughs. We are the bait. Oh. Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that primates exhale. So unlike with monkeys, hunting mosquitoes is easy: Just sit and waitand hold off on the bug spray.

In the old days, researchers sometimes sat on platforms in their underwear, counting bites and noting what parts of the body mosquitoes preferred. Now, fully clothed scientists use short white nets to nab mosquitoes in the air. They then slip tubes into the nets, suck the bugs up with their lungs, and puff them out into collection vesselsanything from sawed-off sections of PVC pipe to plastic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cups with lids. (Entomology is a cheap science, Abreu says. You improvise.) A half-day in the canopy can net a few hundred skeeters.

Back at the lab in Belm, Nascimento freezes and sorts her mosquitoes, focusing on the abdominal stripes or sweeping back legs that distinguish various species. After the sorting, the mosquitoes go into vials filled with saline and a BB. An automatic agitator then liquefies the bugs, producing a foamy gray ink with floating legs. The fluid is added to cell cultures to test for yellow fever.

Although scientists know the disease's main vectors in Brazil, they're still investigating whether others play a role. One mystery is how outbreaks shift from sylvatic to urban and what species drive that shift. Perhaps miners or loggers simply carry the virus back to cities. But certain mosquitoes might play a role, too. Abreu suspects that A. albopictus, the Asian tiger mosquito, which often straddles jungle and urban areas, might harbor the virus and could bridge the cycles by introducing cases into new areas.

Even the known vectors wreak plenty of havoc, though. Says Thomas Monath, a yellow fever expert at NewLink Genetics, a biotech company in Ames, Iowa: In Brazil, they've drawn a line that supposedly demarcates risk. We vaccinate people on one side and don't vaccinate people living on the other side. But mosquitoes aren't observing that demarcation.

IF MOSQUITOES ARE THE VILLAINS of yellow fever, monkeys are the main victims. A lack of natural immunity leads to devastating outbreaks for many South American species, especially howler monkeys. In the throes of the disease, Abreu says, they often descend from trees to riverbanks to slake their thirst, but lack the strength to climb up again. They end up shivering in the dirt, wracked with pain.

During the Brazilian outbreak, health officials nationwide asked people to report sightings of sick or dead monkeys so they could test for yellow fever. They received reports of 5300 dead monkeys since the outbreak started, with an unknown number related to yellow fever. Biologists also carried out active vigilance campaigns, such as the hunts on Ilha Grande.

Shooting monkeys on those hunts is only half the challenge. After the tranquilizer hits, scientists have about 5 minutes before the monkey passes out and plummetsduring which time they're scrambling about with a net, hoping like crazy it doesn't wander into some inaccessible area. Once it lands safely, they check its gums, eyes, and genitals for yellow discoloration, then take blood from the groin to test for virus. Although the monkey usually wakes within an hour, it might remain loopy for several more, rendering it vulnerable to falling or a jaguar attack. So scientists usually detain itone group uses a red dog carrieruntil it recovers its wits.

Most people in Brazil know that monkeys can catch yellow fever. Alas, many also believe that monkeys infect people, which isn't true. (Mosquitoes do.) As a result, people in rural areas sometimes shoot monkeys or leave poisoned fruit around, adding dozens of casualties to an already devastating outbreak. Killing monkeys ends up harming humans as well, says Jlio Bicca-Marques, a primatologist at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil: The death of monkeys from yellow fever is the first warning that the virus is circulating. In other words, monkeys are sentinels, he says, early detection systems. Without the monkeys in our forests, we'll be blind.

HUMAN BEINGS, the third actor in this drama, are the least predictable. Miners and loggers, some with fake immunization cards, jet between sylvatic regions and cities in just hours, potentially transferring the virus to new areas. Cutting down forests also exposes people to mosquitoes that would otherwise remain hidden.

Building homes in forest clearings, a common practice in Brazil, is especially risky. On one side of the road might sit shanties with chickens wandering about and satellite dishes anchored onto mossy boulders. On the other, a wall of thick jungle with vibrant red tropical birds and playful monkeys. Jozelene Beckmann, who lives in Belm, home of the state park where the squirrel monkey died, says that monkeys used to cavort along her rooftop and slip inside her home. Unfortunately, where monkeys go, mosquitoes followas does yellow fever. After years of ignoring recommendations, Beckmann finally got vaccinated in mid-June.

Briefly anesthetized, a monkey has its blood drawn to check for yellow fever virus.

Vaccinating infants for yellow fever is already mandatory in northern and Amazonian states, where the disease is endemic, and some scientists propose extending the law nationwide. But because vaccination carries a small riskone in 300,000 people develops full-blown yellow fever after vaccination and another one in 100,000 develops meningitisthe government has stopped short of mandating it for everyone, instead merely recommending it. Many people in Rio and other cities ignore the recommendation. One problem is that most vaccine clinics keep short hours, and with the Brazilian economy struggling, people can't take time off work to visit.

The low compliance frustrates scientists because inoculation could basically eliminate yellow fever nationwide, and do so at a pittance. A single dose given as an infant that costs a dollar is effective for life. That's extraordinary, Monath says. During the Angolan emergency last year, health officials stretched vaccine supplies with fractional doses of one-fifth the normal amount, and even that seemed to offer short-term protection.

Still, making the vaccine has its challenges. It's hard to scale up production, for one thing, partly because many steps are still performed by hand, the same basic way they were in the 1930s. Manufacturers grow the virus in chicken eggs, which workers must candle one by one with hand lamps to check for signs of live embryosveins, eyes, movement. (Dead eggs are discarded.) A single technician might examine 8000 eggs per week. Technicians also must burn holes in the eggshells with torches to introduce the virus, and later burn more holes around the waist of the egg to extract the infected embryos for grinding in blenders. It's not quite artisanal vaccine production, but it's close.

Another problem is more perverse: The vaccine is almost too good at preventing yellow fever. Because it costs so little and protects people for life, making it isn't profitable. Worldwide, just four institutes bother, including Fiocruz. Manufacturers also dislike the uneven market for it: low demand most years, followed by outbreaks that leave them scrambling. Production at Fiocruz, for instance, jumped from 25 million doses in 2016 to a planned 70 million this yearwhich forced the institute to cut back severely on its vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella.

The market could soon change, however. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently brokered deals in several African and South American countries to vaccinate 584 million people for yellow fever over the next decade, with a goal of eliminating all outbreaks worldwide by 2026. That campaign should steady the market by ensuring stable demand. To boost supply, Fiocruz is also building a new $1 billion plant west of Rio that, in a few years, could produce up to 100 million doses of yellow fever vaccine annually.

Still, WHO notes that production of vaccine almost always lags behind projections. Lack of urgency among political leaders could also weaken the campaign. Public health authorities, says Monath, can basically forget about [the disease] in between these horrible episodes. So although the new Fiocruz facility will help, eliminating outbreaks worldwide remains an ambitious goal. The quick spread of Zika and other mosquito-borne diseases from South America up to Texas and Florida also suggests that yellow fever will be hard to tame.

During the yellow fever outbreak this year, public health clinics in Belm, Brazil, vaccinated hundreds of people daily.

But the danger of yellow fever in North America pales in comparison with the disaster that could arise if it ever spread to Asia. Even though southern Asia has all the prerequisites for yellow fevermonkeys, mosquitoes, a warm climatethe disease has never gained a foothold on the world's most populous continent. Perhaps, some scientists speculate, other diseases there provide cross-immunity. Or perhaps humans have simply been lucky. But last year, 11 Chinese men working in Angola developed yellow fever upon returning home, the first confirmed cases in Asian history. Thankfully, the disease spread no further. But if the urban cycle ever got established there, 1.8 billion peoplevirtually all unvaccinated and presumably with high genetic susceptibilitycould be vulnerable.

Moreover, the struggle to contain yellow fever, a familiar disease with an effective vaccine, does not augur well for our ability to combat the new diseases that will almost certainly emerge as people push deeper into jungles. As Jon Abramson, a pediatrician at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and a yellow fever adviser for WHO, puts it: If we can't stop outbreaks with yellow fever, we're in a lot of trouble with other outbreaks.

IN BRAZIL, the quest to stop the current outbreak continues. On Ilha Grande, after the howler monkeys scatter, the hunting party takes a break to catch insects. Sometimes we get mosquitoes and can't get monkeys; other times, we get monkeys but can't get mosquitoes, Abreu says philosophically. Both are important.

But after tracking those two creatures all morning, Abreu and Gomes now switch their attention to the final animal in the yellow fever triad: humans. To that end, they visit the abandoned prison nearby, now a museum.

Locals there are gossiping about a tourist who recently found a dead monkey nearby and posted a picture on Facebook. Unfortunately, something dragged the carcass off before authorities could test it for yellow fever.

Abreu befriends the museum guard, whose backyard is a popular crossing point for monkeys. She's quite taken with the tranquilizer rifle, and he shows her how it works. Afterward they exchange contact information, so she can alert him if she sees sick or dead monkeys. She then asks Abreu whether it's true that monkeys give yellow fever to humans. He assures her that they don't.

Late the next morning, Gomes finally bags a bugio, a female. Instead of tumbling from the canopy, she slides down a thick shaft of bamboo like that pole the firemen come down, Abreu says. But she is unharmed, and they get a good blood sample.

A few weeks later, the results come back: negative for yellow fever. That's a reliefno sign yet that this ancient scourge has infiltrated the island paradise. But with nearby mainland cities confirming cases and tourists pouring in, it might not be long. As the rest of Brazil has shown, exemption from yellow fever today is no guarantee of a safe tomorrow.

On the trail of yellow fever - Science Magazine


New method to 3D print living tissues developed – Livemint

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

Scientists at the University of Oxford in the UK devised a way to produce tissues in self-contained cells that support the structures to keep their shape. Photo: iStock

London: Oxford scientists have developed a new method to 3D-print laboratory-grown cells to form living structures, an advance that may help repair damaged body parts. The approach could revolutionise regenerative medicine, enabling the production of complex tissues and cartilage that would potentially support, repair or augment diseased and damaged areas of the body, researchers said.

Scientists at the University of Oxford in the UK devised a way to produce tissues in self-contained cells that support the structures to keep their shape. The cells were contained within protective nanolitre droplets wrapped in a lipid coating that could be assembled, layer-by-layer, into living structures. Producing printed tissues in this way improves the survival rate of the individual cells, and allowed the team to improve on current techniques by building each tissue one drop at a time to a more favourable resolution.

To be useful, artificial tissues need to be able to mimic the behaviours and functions of the human body, researchers said. The method enables the fabrication of patterned cellular constructs, which, once fully grown, mimic or potentially enhance natural tissues.

We were aiming to fabricate three-dimensional living tissues that could display the basic behaviours and physiology found in natural organisms, said Alexander Graham, scientist at OxSyBio (Oxford Synthetic Biology).

To date, there are limited examples of printed tissues, which have the complex cellular architecture of native tissues. Hence, we focused on designing a high-resolution cell printing platform, from relatively inexpensive components, that could be used to reproducibly produce artificial tissues with appropriate complexity from a range of cells including stem cells, said Graham. The research was published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Excerpt from:
New method to 3D print living tissues developed - Livemint


Stem Cell Therapy || Patient Treatment Disclaimer || Stem …

Saturday, August 5th, 2017

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This website http://www.cellmedicine.com offers patients, doctors and scientists the opportunity to connect to licensed doctors who use adult stem cells as part of their clinical practice outside of the United States and Canada. Because stem cell therapy is not the standard of care in the US or Canada, the following important disclosures are made:

1) The Stem Cell Institute is not conducting free clinical trials at this time.2) Health insurance will not cover the treatment fees.3) The Stem Cell Institute does not provide itemized bills.

Treatments include from 3 to 16 separate stem cell infusions/injections over the course of 4 to 30 days depending upon the protocol employed. A fee will be quoted once your treatment protocol has been determined.We DO NOT treat:

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Birdies for Landry fundraiser golf outing set – Sturgis Journal

Saturday, August 5th, 2017

Rosalie Currier

Joel and Anna Troyer of Burr Oak are doing whatever it takes to help their 4-year-old son, Landry, live a normal life.

Landry has neuro immune dysfunction syndrome, an illness that causes autistic-like symptoms.

Because the treatment is expensive, for a second year, Tobey Schwartz is hosting Birdies for Landry, a golf scramble Aug. 19 at the St. Joe Valley Golf Club.

Schwartz a cousin of Joel, said, Joels like a brother to me. I would do anything for him and he would do anything for me.

Schwartz isnt the only one who wants to help. When Doug Smith of the Burr Oak High School class of 1987 heard about the golf scramble, he sprang into action.

Hole-in-one sponsorship

Smith works for the Henkle Auto Group in Battle Creek where the new car division of Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram sponsors hole-in-one contests for local golfing fundraisers.

The dealership approved the Birdies for Landry golf scramble and are providing some big-ticket prizes.

At three holes, golfers will have the opportunities to win a prize specific for the hole:

Smith said he hopes to gather a group and join the golf scramble himself.

The golf scramble

The scramble is from 2-6 p.m. Aug. 19, includes a meal catered from Yoder's Country Market, Centreville and raffle prizes.

The cost is $200 per team with a $400 prize for the winning team and the hole-in-one package.

There is still room for businesses and individuals wishing to sponsor a hole at $100 each or to donate raffle items. All hole sponsorships and prize donations are tax deductible as it is sponsored through Freedom Center Ministries in Centreville.

Raising awareness

Not only does Schwartz want to support his brother/cousin financially, he respects that Joel is trying to raise awareness of NIDS to help others.

This Little League season, Joel helped Schwartz who was coaching a team with an autistic player. With Joel advise things were going as well as could be expected.

However, during championship playoffs, the Little League player was so overwhelmed by the crowd and the noise he went to his parents car for refuge.

Schwartz explained the situation to the other coaches who were extremely supportive. When the autistic athlete came up to bat, the opposing coaches quieted the crowd.

All the players and audience responded by going silent for his sake. The young player made a hit (his second for the season) which allowed for the winning run for Schwartzs team.

I was bawling, Schwartz said, being so overwhelmed by the support. Now Joel is in contact with the boys mother offering possible hope.


Schwartz plans to make Birdies for Landry an annual golf scramble until Landry is out of speech therapy, off the medications and through several more umbilical cord blood stem cell therapies at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama, Joel said.

On July 22, the Troyer family returned from Panama City, Panama after Landry's first Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy at the Panama Stem Cell Institute.

We've seen some pretty significant improvements already and more are expected over the next 5-9 months as the cells multiply and grow in his body,Joel said.

However, the cells are fragile and will lose their effectiveness in 10 months to a year so the Troyers plan to return to Panama for more therapy.

Landry is also in speech and Applied Behavior Analysis therapy. The therapists have noted significant improvements since the stem cell therapy.

They see that Landry has an improved ability to follow direction, a willingness to try new foods, improved eye contact, appropriate laughter, more babbling, singing and attempts at language and words.

Landry also started swimming on his back and underwater while in Panama, Joel said. He started jumping in deep water on his own without someone to catch him.

Twice hes tried to swing a baseball bat when the ball was pitched to him, although he previously wouldn't hold a bat.

And hes been involved in interactive play with his sister Cora, and parallel play with other children, Joel said.

Landry is a patient of Dr. Michael Goldberg of Los Angeles and Dr. Ann Auburn in Grand Rapids for treatments to help with gut and immune health, Joel said.

Along with Landry, the Troyers have Cora Jo, 3, and Audra Rose, nine months old.

For more information contact, Tobey Schwartz at (260) 336-8713 or Joel Troyer at (269) 503-3959.

See the rest here:
Birdies for Landry fundraiser golf outing set - Sturgis Journal


Deadly school explosion – Castanet.net

Saturday, August 5th, 2017

Photo: The Canadian Press

UPDATE: Thursday 6 a.m.

A second body was found in the rubble of a collapsed school building in Minneapolis after an explosion killed a school employee and injured several others, fire officials said Wednesday night.

City Fire Chief John Fruetel said the body was recovered around 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Minnehaha Academy. Fruetel said the medical examiner's office is working to notify relatives.

The blast occurred in a utility as students were playing soccer and basketball at the private Christian school, which serves students from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, according to fire and school officials.

Contractors were working on one of the campus' buildings at the time of the blast, which investigators believe was caused by a natural gas explosion, said Assistant Minneapolis Fire Chief Bryan Tyner.

The explosion killed Ruth Berg, a receptionist for 17 years at the school who "welcomed everyone with a smile," the school said in a statement.

John Carlson, a part-time janitor known for giving Dilly Bars to students, was reported missing. The 81-year-old attended the school as a child, sent his own children there, and was like a grandfather figure to students, school officials said.

ORIGINAL: Wednesday 4 p.m.

One school staff member has been found dead and another is still missing following a natural gas explosion Wednesday at a private school in Minneapolis, authorities said.

The body was found in the rubble of a building that partially collapsed during the explosion at the Minnehaha Academy, Minneapolis Fire Chief John Fruetel said during a news conference. The Christian school serves students from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.

Both individuals worked at the school, according to the Minneapolis Fire Department. No other details were immediately released.

Contractors were doing work on the building at the time of the blast, which investigators determined was caused by a gas explosion, according to Assistant Fire Chief Bryan Tyner.

Four people remained hospitalized late Wednesday, including one in critical condition, at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, according to the hospital. Victims suffered injuries ranging from head injuries and broken bones to cuts from debris, according to Dr. Jim Miner, the hospital's chief of emergency medicine.

Aerial video footage of the school's campus showed part of a building crumbled, windows in other areas blown out and shattered, and bricks and other debris scattered about. Three people were rescued from the roof of the building shortly after the explosion and fire, Tyner said.

Original post:
Deadly school explosion - Castanet.net


Derma Divine Serum – Plant Stem Cell Skin Repair …

Wednesday, July 12th, 2017

Stem Cell Skin Treatment

Skin care specialists around the world are turning to non-embryonic stem cells for skincare. The stem cells come from specialized plants that when applied, protect human skin stem cells from damage and deterioration. Derma Divine is a unique topical serum that repairs and protects aging skin at a cellular level. Although you can not avoid getting older, now you can reverse the appearance of aging skin! For wrinkle free, hydrated and youthful looking skin, order online today. Users notice results just after three months of consistent use. Remember, you can never be too old to feel and look young.

The number one cause of aging skin is from sun damage. UV rays and pollution deteriorate skin cells making your skin more prone to damage. Derma Divine restores damaged skin cells creating skin that is wrinkle free, hydrated and youthful. Millions are skin care specialists are turning to stem cell skin treatments instead of injections. Injections can leave scaring and is an unnatural way to repair damage. Stem cell treatments however, repair wrinkled and damaged skin at the source of the problem. This method is much more efficient, natural and effective. Order online today for a confident tomorrow.

Stem cells have the ability to develop into different cell types in the body. For skin treatment, essentially the stem cell turns into a new skin cell. The new cell can then create proteins, carbohydrates and lipids to repair wrinkles and restore firmness and elasticity back into the face. Derma Divine is a light weight serum that is fast absorbent allowing it to penetrate deep into the skin. This allows the active ingredients to repair at a cellular level. Did you know that wrinkles, age spots and dry skin are considered wounds? Stem cells repair skin leaving you with irresistibly young looking skin.

The active ingredients are the most important part of any skin care treatment. Derma Divine Anti Aging Serum is unique to others because it uses stem cell stimulation to restore youthful skin back into the face. We combined botanical extracts into the serum to support and protect new skin growth. Below is a few active ingredients within the serum:

Plant Stem Cell Rebuild damaged skin cells. Reverse appearance of aging skin. Firms, smooths & lifts damaged skin.

Vitamin C Corrects hyper pigmentation (dark spots). Helps fight skin cell damage, protects from sun damage and supports collagen production

We understand that using stem cells may come off as strange to new users. Lots of people are skeptical about new skin treatments on the market and that is okay! It is good to be skeptical in order to avoid scams. That is why we are offering new users a free trial to test the product out for themselves before purchasing. We want you to see the benefits so you are 100% satisfied with our products.


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Derma Divine Serum - Plant Stem Cell Skin Repair ...


Support Ella’s Endeavor with Autism – Areawide News

Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

Ella Beggs

The autism spectrum is broad and affects 1 in 68 children in the United States alone. For one local child, Ella Beggs, her family is working to raise money to take Ella to Panama for treatment for her autism.

The fundraiser will take place at the Old Hardy Gym, July 8 starting at 5 p.m. and will include a live auction, concert and BBQ dinner. All proceeds will be used to help Ella and her family travel to Panama for treatment.

According to Scarlett Beggs, Ellas mom, the treatment uses stem cells in order to help alleviate the developmental delays created by autism.

Michael and I are always researching things to just help her be her best and we found stem cell research online from a place called the Stem Cell Institute of Panama, where they do stem cell treatment for autism, Beggs said. Its done in several different places; China, Mexico and India too but Panama is where we have seen the most testimonials from. We contacted them and researched as much as we could and found that with the stem cell treatment for autism, kids that were completely non-verbal before, had started talking in full sentences. Kids that were not potty trained before, were able to potty train and just an overall improvement from stem cells.

Beggs said initially she was hesitant to travel to a foreign country in order to have her daughter undergo treatment, however the further she researched, the more comfortable she became with the idea.

They are doing trial runs in the U.S., but it takes so long to get things approved through the FDA; who knows when theyll get it done here. In order to be eligible for the trials here [in the United States], you have to have your own [umbilical] cord blood bank and we dont have Ellas, so we have to rely on donated cord blood, Beggs said. Its a simple process. Its like a blood transfusion. Shell go for a week and theyll do it through an IV and the only side effects theyve seen are very mild. With such a low risk, we have to give it a try. It cant hurt her. Its shell either stay the same or show improvement.

So far, the family has been able to raise a little less than half of the $20,000 which they will need in order to make the weeklong trip.

They would like to invite the community to come out and support Ellas Endeavor with Autism.

View original post here:
Support Ella's Endeavor with Autism - Areawide News


Wheelchair-bound Langley man raising funds for stem cell therapy in Central America – Surrey Now-Leader

Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

Logan Van Dyk hopes stem cell operation in Central America will open doors for him ones that shut abruptly on Aug. 3, 2008.

It took seconds for the now 26-year-old Fort Langley residents life to change.

On that day nearly nine years ago, just after he graduated from R.E. Mountain Secondary, Van Dyk suffered a life-altering spinal cord injury in a mountain biking incident.

I was fooling around on a construction site with some friends and I accidentally fell off a dirt pile on my bike, recalled Van Dyk, who was born and raised in Langley. I fell 25 feet and landed on my face.

Van Dyk suffered a spinal cord injury that left him bound to a wheelchair, as a partial quadriplegic.

I got a C56 spinal cord injury, but its incomplete which means theres always a possibility for recovery, Van Dyk said.

Its that hope that has Van Dyk looking to travel to Panama for therapy.

He started doing some research on stem cells and found an institute in Panama City that offers treatments.

Van Dyk sent in an application and on March 8 received an email saying he will make an excellent candidate for stem cell therapy.

Of course there is no guarantee that I will gain anything back but at this point Im willing to try anything to improve the quality of my life, said Van Dyk, who hopes to get into broadcasting.

He has created a GoFundMe page to raise what he believes is the $45,000 necessary to pay for flights, treatments, accommodations, and a personal nurse in Panama City. Visit http://www.gofundme.com/anw8ce-stem-cell-research.

The therapy itself will cost roughly $37,400 US. As well, there are no nurses at the institute who would assist Van Dyk directly.

I receive care twice a day in order to get in and out of my wheelchair and in and out of bed, Van Dyke explained. So I need to get a bit of extra money so I can hire a nurse to come down with me. Im not sure how much that is going to cost.

A friend who works as a nurse guided Van Dyk towards the possibility of travelling to Panama.

She couldnt believe there was nothing that could be done given the circumstances of my injury, Van Dyke said, because Ive got feeling all the way down to my toes. She looked into it and she found this down in Panama City. We looked at it and found some testimonials from some people who have gone down. They say they have about a 75 per cent success rate.

Van Dyk said he always does his best to remain positive and happy in everything he does.

Even the most basic of things take all my effort to achieve, Van Dyk said on his GoFundMe page. There just had to be something out there that could make things easier.

However, time is running out.

Unfortunately, the cutoff is 10 years, Van Dyk said. They wont do this treatment on anybody whose injury is over 10 years old. Im at my deadline.

Positive attitude

After the accident, Van Dyk was told by doctors that it was very unlikely he would ever walk again and would need to be in a power wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Van Dyk said much to their surprise, he wasnt able to accept that and he worked as hard as possible to overcome the barriers the medical world presented him with, and within a few months started using a manual wheelchair every day.

Mobility however, did not return and life has been a constant struggle ever since.

Keeping Van Dyk moving forward has been a positive attitude, and he quickly adapted to his new life in a wheelchair. It was pretty easy to get over it. I never had trouble finding the positives in life. I kind of adapted. A lot of people would say that I am the most positive person that theyve ever met. I get compliments a lot on how well I actually dealt with the injury. It was difficult but it was easy at the same time.

Van Dyk is now turning to the public to help him regain some freedom.

I miss the active lifestyle I led prior to injury, and am getting really tired of sitting all day long with a limited amount of things I can do to entertain myself, Van Dyk said. Im as independent as a I can be and I still rely on a lot of help. If I can get anything back, even just a bit more upper body Im just looking for anything at this point.

Read more:
Wheelchair-bound Langley man raising funds for stem cell therapy in Central America - Surrey Now-Leader


Stem Cell Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

Thursday, November 24th, 2016

At Beike, our treatment not only focuses on treating the patient current symtoms but also prevents future complications. As cerebral palsy patients mature, the primary symptoms will inevitably lead to futher physical issues that could possibly be avoided.

Possible Improvements after Stem Cell Treatment:

Now lets talk about the stem cells we use in our treatment protocol for Cerebral Palsy.

What are Stem Cells? Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to help perform a variety of regenerative functions such as differentiate and replace a wide range of cells in patients body, regulate the immune system and stimulate patients own stem cells. Adult Stem Cells (ACSs) are naturally present in every human being and their task is to regenerate dead and damaged cells during the bodys whole life span. They regenerate cells that are naturally dying (apoptosis) as well as cells injured by other reasons (disease, traumatic injuries etc.). These stem cells have limited differentiation and proliferation potentials, thus they are not likely to create any tumor or cancer. At Beike Biotech, we are only using Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells (UCBSC) and Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells (UCMSC) in our treatment protocols, which are 2 types of Adult Stem Cells widely documented and considered as safe by the international scientific community.

How do our Stem Cells help treat Cerebral Palsy? Stem Cells help Cerebral Palsy patients by rebuilding and regenerating the cells that were lost at birth due to a lack of oxygen. These cells will NEVER be naturally regenerated by the body which means the damage that has been done, will NEVER improve.

Is Stem Cell Treatment for Cerebral Palsy Safe? YES Since the companys founding in 2005, more than 20,500 patients (as of January 2016) have been treated with Beikes stem cell technology with no serious adverse outcomes or reactions that have been related to the stem cell transplants. Our medical department doctors review in-depth medical information provided by patients and it is only after this review that patients may be accepted for treatment. All medical procedures present possibility for complications.

As you already know by seeking treatment for Cerebral Palsy, the traditional process of treating Cerebral Palsy is almost as complex as the condition itself. Cerebral Palsy is caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain during birth, being born premature, serious head injuries or infections such as Meningitis. Cerebral Palsy treatment and the everyday life complications are emotionally, physiologically, physically, financially and spiritually draining. The average lifetime cost of treating a child with Cerebral Palsy is $921,000USD, that cost does not include out-of-pocket expenses, visits to the emergency room, lost wages or physosocial effects. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for Cerebral Palsy, conventional treatments options for parents are:

When considering treatment for Cerebral Palsy we focus on all factors that truly determine the level of care the patient needs, also, what a successful outcome would be. It is also important to note that each case of Cerebral Palsy is unique, with unique medical needs for each patient. An example of being able to determine a successful outcome would be as follows; there is no known cure for Cerebral Palsy, so to have the expectation of curing the disease is unrealistic. However, we break down Cerebral Palsy into primary and secondary conditions we are able to identify a realistic treatment outcome, with measurable medical outcomes. An example of a typical primary condition is when a patient has facial muscle control and coordination problems. The facial issues would be considered a primary condition with the secondary conditions being:

Common symptoms caused by Cerebral Palsy

Visit link:
Stem Cell Treatment for Cerebral Palsy


Stem Cell Treatment in Panama – Two Men’s Stories …

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

I was fascinated to hear recently that one of our clients in Boquete is traveling regularly to Panama City for stem cell treatment. The treatment is incomplete and while I get the impression they are still assessing its effectiveness, they also mentioned some improvement. We are reluctant to tout this option without knowing more about its efficacy and risks. While the technology is enormously promising, we encourage those who are ill or disabled to be careful of any treatment that is new or unproven. If you do a simple web search youll find some cautions and concerns. However, it seems to be working well for some patients and is a trend gaining steam in Panama as is medical tourism in general. And it is very interesting that a hospital offering the procedures is affiliated with Johns Hopkins, one of the most respected hospital systems in the world.

Fortunately, it seems the issue of embryonic stem cells has passed as the new methods use adult stem cells now.

I remember touring Panama City in 2005 with a guide who showed me an ultra-advanced MRI copy he received from one of his foreign clients. The MRI was impressive and the cost a small fraction of what it would have in the U.S. for example. It had been taken at Hospital Punta Pacifica, which had recently become affiliated with Johns Hopkins. Now you can get stem cell treatment there as well as many other procedures.

Below are two articles about men who have benefited from treatment in Panama. One is from this week. The other is an article from Forbes in 2013.

ByEric Anderson, CBC News, Nov 05, 2014

With every bicep curl and chest press, Glen Nelson pushes himself closer to his goal of walking again.

The former University of Regina basketball star was paralyzed last November after undergoing back surgery.

I really realized this was my only chance to get healthy.- Glen Nelson on travelling to Panama for stem cell treatments

In September, Nelson travelled to Panama to receive stem cell treatments. In four weeks, he received more than 520 million stem cells.

I really realized this was my only chance to get healthy. I had to go in there positive and wanting to fight everyday. By the end of the four weeks, I was totally exhausted mentally and physically, Nelson said.

Since undergoing the treatments, Nelson has felt pain in his lower back. However, his doctors tell him that is a good sign. The stem cells are designed to create new nerve pathways in his spinal chord.


Forbes, by John Farrell, 2/21/13

Michael Phelan is the CEO of SevOne. My Forbes colleagueTomio Geronrecently wrote about his fast-growing IT company and Phelan contributed a guest post earlier this year at Eric Savitzs CIO Network.

Phelan also has multiple sclerosis. Frustrated by the limited effectiveness of standard drugs for MS, he decided to try something more radical.

He traveled to a clinic in Panama and had infusions of adult stem cells generated from his own body fat.

It worked so well, hes going back for another treatment.

After my last post, highlighting some research on the potential adverse consequences of adult stem cell treatments, some readers, including Phelan, protested that such studies represented but a small fraction of the thousands of successful treatments people were getting offshore, and that I was overlooking the patients perspective.

I asked if hed be interested in recounting his own story in more detail. Our Q&A was conducted by email.

Q: When did you first show symptoms of MS?

A: My symptoms started 7 years ago, in my late 40s. Im 56 now.

Q: Im assuming you began by seeking standard medical therapy. Can you tell me a bit about this, which drugs, and what led you gradually (or more speedily) to try a stem cell therapy?

The evaluation process is not funded; therefore I paid approximately $10,000 for travel to Chicago, for tests, MRIs, etc. The opinion of the investigators was the risk related to aggressive chemotherapy was not worth the potential gain because I was 55 years old, and the MRI evidence did not confirm enough recent disease activity. The treatment is most effective in active, early stages. My stage was questionable.

A second clinical trial:Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Transplantation in MS

The research team is headed up by Jeffrey Cohen, MD, of the Cleveland Clinics Mellen Center for Multiple Sclerosis Treatment and Research. I did not qualify because I would be over 55 at the end point. This study is very similar to the treatment that I received in Panama.

I also noted that the Medical Director of the Stem Cell Institute was published:Non-expanded adipose stromal vascular fraction cell therapy for multiple sclerosis.

Plus I read and viewed many personal testimonies of patients, such as famous Texas High School football coach, Sam Harrell.

Continued Page 2

Read the original post:
Stem Cell Treatment in Panama - Two Men's Stories ...


Stem Cell Therapy For Autism In USA World Stem Cells

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Characteristics

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) includes individuals with a range of symptoms, abilities, and levels of impairment. Some children with autism are very high-functioning, communicating with others and performing well at school, while others experience significant impairment and remain highly dependent on caregivers.


Exact traits may vary by child, but autism is characterized by the following symptoms:

Social impairment. Kids with autism tend to make less eye contact, fail to respond to people in their environment, avoid sharing enthusiasm about activities by pointing or showing toys to others, and have atypical responses to others emotions. They often fail to reciprocate others emotions and avoid interacting socially with peers or adults.

Communication difficulties. For many children with autism, communication abilities remain a challenge. Early signs of autism include failure to develop age-appropriate gestures (e.g., pointing or waving), slowness in responding to their name, and a sudden stop in babbling after age one. Children show general language delays, having difficulty using complete sentences, substituting special made-up words in conversation, or repeating the same phrase over and over.

Repetitive behaviors. One of the hallmark symptoms of autism spectrum disorder is repetitive behaviors. This might include hand flapping, rocking, or finger flicking. Some children with autism may develop highly focused interests that have an obsessive quality. For example, some kids feel driven to learn as much as possible about trains, dinosaurs, or Star Trek. Interrupting these preoccupations, such as moving a favorite toy train, can be extremely upsetting for a child with autism.

Neurological and Physiological Changes

Researchers continue to explore the neurobiological changes associated with ASD. MRI studies have found that children with autism have some brain areas that are larger than neurotypical children, while other brain areas are smaller. During development, abnormal neuronal growth and problems with pruning of growing neurons may contribute to these differences.

Specifically, many children with autism have changes in the temporal lobe. This lobe is important for language processing, attention, empathy, facial processing, and social abilities. Changes in the structure and function of the temporal lobe may underlie autistic kids difficulties connecting socially, showing appropriate emotions, and communicating with others.

A recent study has also found that brain chemicals differ between neurotypical children and those with ASD. In early childhood, kids with autism have lower levels of an important brain chemical called N-acetylaspartate (NAA). NAA is thought to help with efficient nerve impulse transmission and the creation of connections between neurons.

Two recurring conditions associated with autism spectrum disorder are decreased oxygenation to certain areas of the brain and gastrointestinal problems. Many researchers believe that immune system dysfunction may contribute to these issues, providing a potential treatment target addressed by stem cell therapy.

Causes of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Understanding the causes of autism spectrum disorder is an ongoing effort by research scientists worldwide. Although the causes of autism remain poorly understood, some clues exist.

1) Genetic factors. While specific genes have not been characterized, genetic risk factors play a role in the development of autism. A child who has siblings with autism is more likely to be diagnosed with the disorder. Furthermore, autism rates are higher among people with certain genetic disorders, including untreated phenylketonuria (PKU) and Fragile X syndrome.

2) Prenatal environment. Environmental factors occurring before birth may increase autism risk. For example, viral infections during pregnancy, congenital rubella, gestational diabetes, obesity, and exposure to alcohol or drugs may increase the likelihood that a child develops autism.

3) Postnatal environment. After birth, several factors may increase the risk of autism. Exposure to heavy metals, gastrointestinal problems, metabolic imbalances, changes in detoxification pathways, and autoimmune diseases may contribute to autism risk. The popular media has reported about the connection between vaccines and autism, and there are twenty-two small studies supporting this link. However, controlled studies have provided no convincing scientific evidence to support the vaccine-autism connection.

How Can Stem Cell Treatment Help? Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Purpose of Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy is a new advance in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. At World Stem Cells Clinic in Cancun, experienced physicians perform a comprehensive assessment of your childs condition and recommend individualized treatment plans. In addition to performing the typical behavioral and biomedical treatment approaches for autism, stem cells are used to restore normal functioning. World Stem Cells Clinic uses the ATEC form, which has been used to evaluate ASD youngsters for both staging and statistically relevant changes. It has a history dating back to 2000, with continued relevance for anyone wishing to evaluate the level of symptom change following a therapy.

Clinical research studies suggest that using stem cells from bone marrow, adipose and other sources selected may address metabolic problems that contribute to ASD. Many children with autism have immunological problems, gastrointestinal issues, and increased inflammation. With stem cell therapy, these problems can be addressed to reduce autism symptoms, as we have seen in many of our patients.

Battling Autism With The Therapy

A person suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can undergo stem cell therapy for autism in USA. These persons have a number of symptoms including impairment disability and need constant supervision. Stem cell therapy has opened new avenues in treatment procedures of autism. It can not only rectify the behavioral or biomedical approaches but also help autistic patients to function normally. It has helped in decreasing digestive and inflammatory problems. Although further research is needed but studies have suggested stem cell therapy can address the problem of high metabolism among these patients that will reduce the autism symptoms.

Treatment Outcomes Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

After stem cell therapy at World Stem Cells Clinic, patients show improvements in perception, cognitive abilities, and fine motor skills. This may address several of the problems seen in children with autism, including social impairment and repetitive behaviors. World Stem Cells Clinic has seen the following improvements following stem cell therapy:

1. Improved digestion and a decrease in inflammatory problems.

2. Better tolerance to a variety of foods. Many children start trying new foods and liking them.

3. Improvements in behavior at home, school, and elsewhere.

4. Better quality and easier contact with the child (including improved eye contact and attention span). Children start looking at objects with interest.

5. Improved self-care skills, including ability to dress themselves and be potty trained.

6. Eating with utensils instead of the hands.

7. Diminished or no fear of loud noises, strangers, and bright colors

8. Children that are non-verbal begin making sounds, pronouncing syllables, and saying words. Non-verbal children develop larger vocabularies.

9. Development or improvement in writing skills.

10. Better sleeping habits

11. Improved attention span, concentration and interaction with other people.

12. A new life and hope for the family wanting their children to be self sufficient when they grow up.


Treatment Phases

Each patient undergoes a thorough assessment for stem cell therapy by trained medical staff, resulting in an individualized treatment plan that addresses any special needs. A typical course of treatment includes:

Day 1

Our physicians conduct a thorough physical, behavioral, and psychological assessment. We will collect a small blood sample and administer cell expansion medication. After we answer any questions and address relevant concerns, you will return to your hotel for a good nights sleep.

Day 2

Our physicians will review the laboratory results to determine whether your cell count is in the appropriate range. Depending on the results, you may undergo cell harvesting and processing. If your cell count is not adequate, we will provide additional medications or treatments to increase cell count.

Day 3

Board certified specialists physicians will harvest a bone marrow or adipose sample. In children and adolescents our protocol is carried out under inhalatory sedation, while adults only requirelocal anesthetics. Although you may feel some pain upon needle insertion, the entire procedure takes less than30 minutes and is generally pain-free. After the procedure, you may return to the hotel, with minimalrestrictions. The bone marrow or adipose sample is processed in our state-of-the-art laboratory by trained staff supervised by a lab physician.

Day 4

You will be treated by IV infusion and/or a lumbar puncture. These procedures inject the stem cells into the cerebrospinal fluid, allowing them to travel through the spinal canal directly into the brain. This eliminates restrictions imposed by the blood-brain barrier, increasing the efficacy of the stem cell therapy. You may be required to spend the day at the hospital or hotel, restricting your activities.

Day 5

Our physicians will conduct a thorough post-treatment examination and evaluate you prior to your release. We may employ additional ancillary treatments to maximize the effectiveness of the stem cell therapy.

What Makes Our Treatment Unique?

Unlike typical approaches to autism spectrum disorder treatment, which rely on psychological methods and medications that may be ineffective or cause side effects, our stem cell approach addresses what we think may be the root problems of autism. Prior to collection of the cells, we stimulate growth and assess the implantation potential of your sample. This ensures that you will receive the best possible outcomes, making a positive impact on your condition. Furthermore, our staff physicians are board-certified and have decades of experience in their specialties.

Your experience at World Stem Cells Clinic includes an open registry to monitor your treatment progress, information about the latest advances in stem cell research, and future assessments to evaluate your treatment gains. This is not just a one-stop treatment it is an ongoing relationship designed to help each patient experience improvement in his or her spectrum of dysfunction. Furthermore, we offer bilingual staff members, travel support, and excellent lodging options to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Our research-based treatment, world class physicians, and exceptional standards for patient care set World Stem Cells Clinic apart.

See the original post:
Stem Cell Therapy For Autism In USA World Stem Cells


Stem Cell Supplement | Stem Cell Worx News

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Why Spray Supplements Work Best Monday, July 20th, 2015

On a regular basis we are asked why is it best we take the supplementintraorally (sprayed under the tongue)?

We reply: because this enables almost all of the nutrients to hit the bloodstream quickly, which is extremely effective. The absorption rate for an intraoral spray delivery (referred to as sublingual in certain contexts) enables up to 95% of the nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream, whereas pills and capsules have an absorption rate of only 10% to 20% at best.

So Why Is This?

When certain molecules are placed under the tongue, they are absorbed through the sub-mucosal membrane (a layer of connective tissue that sits beneath your tongue), that has a direct route into the bloodstream. This enables almost all of the nutrients to get into the bloodstream in their entirety and get to work straight away. There are no road blocks, no waiting just straight into the bloodstream (the bodys principal carrier of nutrients throughout the entire body) and off to work they go.

So What About When You Swallow a Pill or Capsule?

Good question. When you swallow a pill or capsule it must go through your entire gastrointestinal tract. This means the stomach (which has acid and bile), and the intestines (where most of the absorption takes place), and then off to the liver, where more filtering is done. THEN finally what is left of the nutrients is delivered to where it is needed. If you have a healthy gastrointestinal tract, healthy stomach and liver, the absorption rate of nutrients that finally get into your bloodstream and the intended destination point will be 20%. The problem is over 70% of the American population suffer from digestive and/or gastrointestinal tract issues. This results in very poor absorption through the intestines and liver (i.e. leaky gut syndrome is common), and these issues reduce the absorption rate when taking a pill or capsule to less than 10%.

Speed is also an important factor. Not only is the absorption rate of nutrients far superior with intraoral delivery, the speed via this route is fast and direct, and because the potency of the formulation stays intact, less nutrients are needed making this delivery very cost effective.

The digestive tract is one incredibly harsh route and it is set up this way for a purpose. It is how our food is broken down. The nutrients get stripped out, the waste gets filtered. This is why pills are getting so large, as many companies try to squeeze more nutrients into them. Many people cut a pill or capsule in half and then put the contents under the tongue, but the problem is often the compressed manufacturing processes of a pill have already destroyed many of its nutrients. Another big negative with a pill and capsule is its coating and fillers.

Coatings and fillers are used in most pills and capsules to bind the ingredients together, fill and/or lubricate the contents, and accelerate manufacturing through the equipment so they dont stick together. This is not the case for liquid health supplements. Fillers and binders are not nearly so common in liquid supplements because they are not needed.

Pills and capsules generally contain a lot more low grade ingredients than liquid supplements.

Never buy proprietary blends. Most proprietary blends contain a bunch of low grade ingredients that are grouped together so you dont have a clue of the purity or source of each ingredient. Always look on the label for the individual ingredients to be noted separately with their actual percentage of purity displayed.

Yes, quality supplements are more expensive, but when the ingredients are stated individually on the label, with a high percentage of purity noted, you are receiving quality. Also look for the ingredients to be stated in milligrams (mgs) or grams. Mcgs (watch for that little c) and IUs equate to zilch. If you see IUs, Mcgs or Ng measurements, do the math using an online conversion calculator.

Liquid intraoral / sublingual formulations are the way of the future. You want to ensure you spray the formulation under your tongue, hold for at least 7 seconds, then swallow the remainder of the formulation. If you look around in the Health Stores today, you will find a good range of liquid and spray health supplements but ensure when taking any liquid supplement you dont just chug-a-lug it downso it all runs down your throat. The spray under the tongue method is by far the best delivery method for health supplements as stated in the Physicians Desk Reference. Pharmaceutical companies are moving quickly to develop many sublingual and intraoral applications (including diabetic medications).

For more information on intraoral health supplements click here: http://www.stemcellworx.com

Tags: best health supplements, best stem cell supplement, stem cell supplement Posted in best health supplements, best stem cell supplement, look for with health supplements, stem cell nutrition, stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Worx | Comments Off on Why Spray Supplements Work Best

Doctors and Scientists all around the world acknowledge a persons own adult stem cells have the ability to provide remarkable repair, renewal and anti-aging abilities throughout a persons entire life time.In the last decade, more recent research shows we can treat, heal and repair our existing organs, blood, cartilage, muscle and tissue with our own stem cells.

As reported in the Health Digest you can do this by:

Here are ways stem cell activation can be done.

A) Some people undergo full stem cell replacement therapy (in a medical setting) where a persons own stem cells or those from a donor are drawn from the blood. The blood is then put into a centrifuge to spin down and separate out the stem cells so they become very concentrated. They are then put back into the body (by injection / intravenous administration) where the stem cells are precisely directed into the actual site of injury or damage where the repair and renewal is needed. This is a very effective form of treatment however it can be very expensive. For this treatment the stem cells are mostly taken from the bone marrow, blood or skin. When a persons own stem cells arent able to be used, they can be obtained from a donor (often the case for those suffering from a life threatening disease).

B) Take a powerful stem cell supplement.

Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is the most powerful stem cell supplement in the market due to:

C) Other methods that have been found to have some stem cell stimulating properties include:

Just as healthy lifestyle choices have the ability to help maintain and trigger your healthy stem cells, Scientists also report that negative lifestyle habits have the opposite effect and can greatly suppress your bodys ability to produce and release stem cells.Negative effects include cigarette smoking, lack of sleep, stress, emotional extremes, a lazy lifestyle and poor nutrition.

As we age, our own adult stem cells diminish in quality and quantity. It is now possible to stimulate, increase and trigger your adult stem cells with Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray (sprayed under the tongue enabling maximum absorption of nutrients for natural stem cell stimulation).

Tags: Activate Stem Cells, stem cell supplement, stimulate stem cells Posted in activate own stem cells, best stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Worx, stimulate stem cells | Comments Off on How To Stimulate Your Own Stem Cells

As we age:

Stem Cell Worx Is At The Forefront of Nutritional Supplementation

Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is a natural dietary health supplement that activates your own adult stem cells naturally and provides robust immunity. With 50 to 70 trillion cells in our body, cellular health is crucial to our overall well-being and good health. Adult stem cells working at optimal levels provide the platform for many cumulative health benefits. Stem Cell Worx is the most powerful stem cell supplement on the market. It is taken sublingually (sprayed under the tongue) enabling 95% of its nutrients to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream compared to the 10% to 20% absorption rate that pills and capsules only provide. Stem Cell Worxs pure ingredients provide the highest grade of natural growth and immune factors available. Growth and immune factors are vital in the initiation process as they have the ability to bind with the adult stem cells in order to activate them.

Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray targets anti-oxidant optimization, adult stem cell activation and provides advanced immune response, cellular repair and renewal. Clinical studies and research back up this new wave of nutrition.

Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Sprayis a leader in the field of nutritional supplementation providing many benefits including:

For further information visit: http://www.stemcellworx.com

Tags: stem cell nutrition, stem cell supplement Posted in adult stem cell nutrition, stem cell nutrition, Stem Cell Worx, stemcellworx | Comments Off on Adult Stem Cell Nutrition, Improving Your Health, Improving Your Life

Here Doctor Daniel Pompa from Park City, Utah talks about how you must fix the cell in order to get well.

In this short video he provides an overview of why the cells in our body are being damaged, and why so many diseases and disorders are on the increase.

Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is a natural dietary health supplement designed specifically to improve and activate ones own adult stem cells (the repair and renewal cells of the entire body). Manufactured by a specialized Laboratory in the U.S.A. it is one of the only stem cell supplements on the market that contains abundant natural growth and immune factors, that are absolutely necessary to bind with adult stem cells in order to active them. It is the only stem cell supplement delivered in intraoral spray format (spray under the tongue, hold then swallow), providing an absorption rate of up to 95% of its nutrients.

Tags: cell supplement, cellular health, fix the cell you'll get well, stem cell supplement Posted in activate stem cells, cell health, fix the cell, stem cell nutrition, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplements, stem cell therapy, Stem Cell Worx | Comments Off on Fix The Cell And Youll Get Well with Stem Cell Worx

T cells are a type of blood cell that protect the body from infection.

All T cells originate fromhaematopoietic stem cells (a type of adult stem cell) locatedin thebone marrow. There are certain sub-populations of T cells (that include a number of the CD+ cells). See more about adult stem cells below.

The thymus is a specialized organ of the immune system and contributes fewer cells as a person ages. This is because thethymus shrinks by about 3%a year throughout middle age, resulting in a corresponding fall in the thymic production ofnaive T cells.

A study published this week on May 15th 2013, by Immunity & Ageing, shows slower immune system aging in women than men.

Study Conclusion

The study (ref: doi: 10.1186/1742- 4933-10-19) concluded:

the rate of increase of these immunological parameters was greater in women than in men (p < 0.05). T cell proliferation index (TCPI) was calculated from the T cell proliferative activity and the number of T cells. It showed an age-related decline that was greater in men than in women (p < 0.05). The rate of decline in IL-6 and IL-10 production was also greater in men than in women (p < 0.05).

Age-related changes in various immunological parameters differ between men and woman. Our findings indicate that the slower rate of decline in these immunological parameters in women than that in men is consistent with the fact that women live longer than do men.

Recent research on adult stem cells has generated a great deal of excitement. Scientists now have technologies available to stimulate and replace these adult stem cells using a variety of stem cell therapies. Powerful adult stem cell supplements, such as Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray are also available. Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray has been scientifically proven to be one of the most powerful stem cell supplements on the market. Its pure, natural ingredients provide a triple effect of stem cell production from the bone marrow, enabling adult stem cells and their subsets CD+ cells, T cell and IL-6 proliferation to increase by as much as 50% within two weeks of taking the Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray supplement.

What are Adult Stem Cells?

The history of research on adult stem cells began more than 50 years ago. In the 1950s, researchers discovered that the bone marrow contains at least two kinds of stem cells. One population of adult stem cells is calledhaematopoietic stem cells, that form all the types of blood cells in the body. A second population, calledbone marrow stromal stem cells(also called mesenchymal stem cells, or skeletal stem cells by some), were discovered a few years later. With the latest advancements in the scientific and medical fields, especially in the last 5 years, its now possible to activate these adult stem cells through medical and specialized health supplement means.

An adult stem cell is an undifferentiatedcell. This means that under the right direction, adult stem cells can transform into a specific type of cell that promotes tissue, muscle, cartridge and organ repair and renewal.

The human bodys lymphatic system



Immunity & Ageing Research Paper: doi: 10.1186/1742-4933-10-19

Tags: Adult Stem Cell News, stem cell activator, stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Worx, T cell production Posted in activate stem cells, cellular health, cellular nutrition, stem cell activator, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplements, Stem Cell Worx, Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray, stemcellworx, T cells | Comments Off on Why Do Men Die First? No, Its Not Because They Want Too Its All About Stem Cells

A natural activator of your own adult stem cells. Click here:

Stem Cell Supplement

Tags: adult stem cells, stem cell activator, stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Worx Posted in activate stem cells, adult stem cells, cellular nutrition, I am a Stem Cell, liquid stem cell supplement, stem cell mobilizer, stem cell news, Stem Cell Products, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplements, Stem Cell Worx, stemcellworx | Comments Off on Stem Cell Supplement

Dr. Edward D. Wagner is one of the most renowned Chiropractors and foremost holistic healers in the world.

Dr. Wagners healthcare career began over 35 years ago in one of the original health clubs in Southern California where he partnered with Jack La Lanne in the Jack La Lanne Nutrition Centers in Torrance and Rolling Hills, California.

In 1992 Dr. Wagner published Dr. Edward D. Wagners Complete Guide to Healing the Entire Body, Mind, and Spirit. Doctor Wagner has a Degree in Sports & Recreational Injuries; he is a licensed member of the American and Californian Chiropractic Associations; and Board Certified Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Applied Spinal Biomechanical Engineering. He stops at nothing to restore a persons emotional, mental and physical well-being.

Today, Dr. Wagner practices from his California Office, Wagner Chiropractic situated in Sunset Blvd, Suite A230, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, nestled between Malibu Beach and Santa Monica.

In this video, Dr. Wagner provides a review of a leading stem cell supplement called Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray. He explains why this natural health supplement is such an important requirement in todays world especially when the exposure to super bugs and nasty allergies is growing at an alarming rate, and younger people are more prone to illness than ever before. Good health starts at the cellular level and it is vital your immune system remains strong and robust throughout your entire lifetime. In this video, hear why Dr. Wagner puts this stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray at the forefront of nutritional supplementation.

Tags: Adult Stem Cell Supplement, nutritional health review, nutritional products review, stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Supplement Review, stem cell supplements Posted in activate stem cells, best supplement, best supplement review, cellular health, nutritional supplement, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplement review, stem cell supplements, Stem Cell Worx, top health supplement | Comments Off on Stem Cell Supplement Reviewed By World Renowned Chiropractor

First Responders recognize the potential and benefits of banking their own adult stem cells.

Watch the video below to see why First Responders are banking theirown adult stem cellsin preparedness should they be exposed to hazards as they may well require these life-savers at a later date.

Tags: Adult Stem Cell Supplement, Banking Stem Cells, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplements, Stem Cell Worx Posted in activate stem cells, adult stem cell supplement, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplements, Stem Cell Worx, Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray, stemcellworx | Comments Off on Benefits of Banking Own Adult Stem Cells

Pre-clinical research has generated very promising findings using adult stem cells from bone marrow for the treatment of diabetic wounds.

Research carried out by scientists at the National University of Ireland Galway is published in this months official journal of The American Diabetes Association. The work was led by researchers at the Universitys Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI), which is supported by Science Foundation Ireland.

Tags: adult stem cell supplements, stem cell news, stem cell supplement, Stem Cell Worx, wound healing for diabetics Posted in activate stem cells, adult stem cells, bone marrow cells, bone marrow stem cells, cellular supplement, diabetic wound healing, stem cell diabetes, stem cell facts, stem cell news, stem cell supplement, stem cell supplements, Stem Cell Worx, Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray, stemcellworx, wound healing | Comments Off on Adult Stem Cells For Diabetic Wound Healing

Michael Phelan is the CEO ofSevOne. My Forbes colleagueTomio Geronrecentlywrote about his fast-growing IT company and Phelan contributed a guest post earlier this year atEric SavitzsCIO Network.

Phelan also has multiple sclerosis. Frustrated by the limited effectiveness of standard drugs for MS, he decided to try something more radical.

He traveled to a clinic in Panama and had infusions of adult stem cells generated from his own body fat.

It worked so well, hes going back for another treatment.

After mylast post, highlighting some research on the potential adverse consequences of adult stem cell treatments, some readers, including Phelan, protested that such studies represented but a small fraction of the thousands of successful treatments people were getting offshore, and that I was overlooking the patients perspective.

I asked if hed be interested in recounting his own story in more detail. Our Q&A was conducted by email.

Q: When did you first show symptoms of MS?

A: My symptoms started 7 years ago, in my late 40s. Im 56 now.

Q: Im assuming you began by seeking standard medical therapy. Can you tell me a bit about this, which drugs, and what led you gradually (or more speedily) to try a stem cell therapy?

A. I still use standard medical therapy. I have the best Neurologists in Philadelphia, at theUniversity of Pennsylvania Hospital, and Jefferson. I was on Copaxone for 5 years. Last month I started on Gilenya. Unfortunately, the approved, standard drug therapy has not been effective for me. I considered theTysabri (natalizumab)risks too high.

Q. Before going abroad, you attempted to get into some clinical trials here in the U.S. Can you tell me about the clinical trials you registered forand whether they explained why you did not qualify?

A. The first: Stem Cell Therapy for Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Failing Interferon A Randomized Study

The evaluation process is not funded; therefore I paid approximately $10,000 for travel to Chicago, for tests, MRIs, etc. The opinion of the investigators was the risk related to aggressive chemotherapy was not worth the potential gain because I was 55 years old, and the MRI evidence did not confirm enough recent disease activity. The treatment is most effective in active, early stages. My stage was questionable.

A second clinical trial:Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Transplantation in MS. The research team is headed up by Jeffrey Cohen, MD, of the Cleveland Clinics Mellen Center for Multiple Sclerosis Treatment and Research. I did not qualify because I would be over 55 at the end point. This study is very similar to the treatment that I received in Panama.

Q. How did you come to learn about theStem Cell Institute in Panama?

A. I researched Pubmed, talked to physicians involved in U.S. studies and reviewed conference publications. I first learned about the Stem Cell Institute from Dr. Roger Nocera, author ofCells That Heal Us From Cradle To Grave.

I also noted that the Medical Director of the Stem Cell Institute was published:Non-expanded adipose stromal vascular fraction cell therapy for multiple sclerosis.

Plus I read and viewed many personal testimonies of patients, such as famous Texas High School football coach,Sam Harrell.

Read the original here:
Stem Cell Supplement | Stem Cell Worx News


Stem Cell Therapy for Autism – Medical Information – Panama Ci

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Autism Treatment

Current investigative therapies for autism attempt to reverse these abnormalities through administration of antibiotics, antiinflammatory agents, and hyperbaric oxygen. Unfortunately, none of these approaches address the root causes of oxygen deprivation and intestinal inflammation.

Mesenchymal stem cells can regulate the immune system. It is thought that they may help to reverse inflammatory conditions and is currently in the final stages of clinical trials in the US for Crohns disease, a condition resembling the gut inflammation in autistic children.

Through administration of mesenchymal stem cells, we have observed improvement in patients treated at our facilities. The biological basis for our scientists in the peer published treatment method reviewed in the Journal of Translational Medicine: Stem Cell Therapy for Autism.

The adult stem cells used to treat autism at the Stem Cell Institute come from human umbilical cord tissue (allogeneic mesenchymal). Umbilical cords are donated by mothers after normal, healthy births. Before they are approved for treatment all umbilical cord-derived stem cells are screened for viruses and bacteria to International Blood Bank Standards. In some cases, we also utilize stem cells harvested from the patients own bone marrow. Umbilical cord-derived stem cells are ideal for the treatment of autism because they allow our physicians to administer uniform doses and they do not require any stem cell collection from the patient, which for autistic children and their parents, can be an arduous process. Because they are collected right after (normal) birth, umbilical cord-derived cells are much more potent than their older counterparts like bone marrow-derived cells for instance. Cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells pose no rejection risk because the body does not recognize them as foreign.

Because HUCT stem cells are less mature than other cells, the bodys immune system is unable to recognize them as foreign and therefore they are not rejected. Weve treated hundreds of patients with umbilical cord stem cells and there has never been a single instance rejection (graft vs. host disease). HUCT stem cells also proliferate/differentiate more efficiently than older cells, such as those found in the bone marrow and therefore, they are considered to be more potent.

Through retrospective analysis of our cases, weve identified proteins and genes that allow us to screen several hundred umbilical cord donations to find the ones that we know are most effective. We only use these cells and we call them golden cells.

We go through a very high throughput screening process to find cells that we know have the best anti-inflammatory activity, the best immune modulating capacity, and the best ability to stimulate regeneration.

The umbilical cord-derived stem cells are administered intravenously by a licensed physician.

*NOTE Treatment protocol will be assigned by staff physicians after the patient has submitted all requested medical information and received approval. A patients recommended protocol may differ from the example given below.

Below is an example of a typical autism protocol:

Proper follow-up is an essential part of the autism treatment process. Our primary goal is to ensure that your child is progressing safely. Regular follow-up also enables us to evaluate efficacy and improve our autism treatment protocols based on observed outcomes.

Therefore, our medical staff will be contacting you after 1 month, 3 months, 4 months, and 1 year to monitor your childs progress.

Yes, you may. Once your child has been evaluated and approved for treatment by our medical team, your patient coordinator will be happy to put you in touch with a few.

We also welcome you to view testimonials, news articles and videos from treated cerebral palsy. Please take a look!

You may contact us by telephone 1 (800) 980-STEM (toll-free in US) and 1 (954) 358-3382.

To apply for stem cell treatment, please complete this Patient Application Form.

Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Ichim T, Solano F, Glenn E, Morales F, Smith L, Zabrecky G, Riordan Neil. Journal of Translational Medicine 2007, 5:30

Read the original here:
Stem Cell Therapy for Autism - Medical Information - Panama Ci


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