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Archive for the ‘Stem Cell Costa Rica’ Category

False hope for autism in the stem-cell underground …

Thursday, April 25th, 2019

Scientific interest in stem cell therapies for autism began from one doctors observation.

In the late 1980s, Joanne Kurtzberg, a pediatrician specializing in blood cancers, worked with Hal Broxmeyer, who had been studying the stem cells present in blood from umbilical cords preserved at birth. Since the 1950s, doctors have treated blood cancers using transplants of bone marrow, which contains adult stem cells capable of generating blood cells. But as Broxmeyers group showed, cord-blood stem cells are more potent than adult stem cells at this task. Of particular value, they do not require a perfect match between donor and recipient.

Kurtzberg recognized the promise of cord blood for people of color, who often have trouble finding matching bone-marrow donors. So, in 1998, she founded the Carolinas Cord Blood Bank at Duke University and, in 2005, helped pass legislation to establish a national network of similar banks. Every year in the U.S., about 200,000 women donate cord blood from their babies to these public banks or to research labs; families also pay to store up to 7 million units of cord blood in private banks worldwide, though these samples rarely end up being used. In 2011, the FDA began requiring companies selling therapies developed from cord blood to submit data showing their safety and effectiveness.

In the late 1990s, Kurtzberg says she noticed something curious following cord blood transplants in children with certain metabolic conditions who also have autism traits. The transplants not only extended their lives but also seemed to prevent brain deterioration and improve brain function. Kurtzberg theorized that the stem cells in the cord blood might be engrafting in the brain and repairing damaged tissue. Other cells in the cord blood might also be sending chemical signals across the blood-brain barrier to lower inflammation, which is seen in some people with autism, she says.

To test the inflammation theory, Kurtzberg began collaborating with Geraldine Dawson, an autism researcher also at Duke. In 2014, they launched a clinical trial with $40 million in funding from the Marcus Foundation, a nonprofit based in Atlanta that supports a variety of causes. The foundations head, Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus, has called himself a real advocate for stem cells for autism, and he reportedly told the controversial leader of the Panama stem cell clinic the Perskins visited that he hoped to get approval from the FDA.

The Duke trial drew immediate criticism. In 2014, Arnold Kriegstein, a neural stem cell expert at the University of California, San Francisco, told Spectrum the study was a Hail Mary pass and that it was unlikely cord-blood stem cells could reverse autism-related changes to the brain during early development. None of their explanations hold water on why it would have any therapeutic value, Kriegstein now says. Paul Knoepfler, a researcher at the University of California, Davis who blogs about the stem cell industry, also expressed skepticism, noting that autisms causes are too diverse and mysterious for the therapy to make sense.

Still, the Duke team published encouraging results from the safety phase of the trial in 2017. Clinicians working with the researchers evaluated 22 of the participants, all between the ages of 2 and 5 years, and documented improvements in 13 of them six months after a single infusion. Without a control group, it is impossible to say whether the children would have improved anyway. A follow-up report found that those who improved showed increased connectivity in brain regions affected by autism, including the limbic system, but the researchers published no evidence to support their inflammation theory.

Because there were no adverse effects from the infusions, in November 2017 the FDA granted Kurtzberg special approval to provide cord blood infusions to certain children, including some with autism. Kurtzberg declined to say how much the treatments cost but confirmed that the parents from other countries are required to put down a $15,000 deposit; the money covers a 45-minute intravenous infusion of their childs own cord blood or that of a matched sibling. Kurtzberg says her team plans to treat about 1,000 children per year, and that they have a waiting list of more than a year. She expects to publish the results of a placebo-controlled phase of the trial sometime this year, comparing children who receive cord blood infusions with those who do not.

While the Duke trial pushes forward, others have sputtered. A 2018 clinical trial at the Sutter Institute of Medical Research in Sacramento, California, found minimal evidence of clinical effectiveness of cord blood infusions given to 29 autistic children. The National Institutes of Health clinical trials registry lists 11 other autism-related stem cell trials but 3 concluded years ago without registering any results, 3 are listed with an unknown status, and 2 have been withdrawn. Most are outside the U.S., and none randomized the participants to receive the therapy or placebo, which is considered the gold-standard approach in clinical trials. Some may even be pay-to-participate trials, which are little more than marketing ploys to lure customers, Turner says.

Kurtzberg acknowledges that her research has led to a boom in questionable stem cell providers but says her team members do their best to tell families to tread carefully. We dont want to promote a therapy thats not helpful, she says.

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False hope for autism in the stem-cell underground ...


Advance Stem Cell Therapy in India | Stem Cell Treatment …

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019

Plan your Stem Cell Therapy in India with Tour2India4Health Consultants

Stem cell therapy in India is performed by highly skilled and qualified doctors and surgeons in India. Our hospitals have state-of-art equipment that increase success rate of stem cell treatment in India. Tour2India4Health is a medical value provider that offers access to the stem cell therapy best hospitals in India for patients from any corner of the world. We offer low cost stem cell therapy at the best hospitals in India.

Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into specific cell types. The two defining characteristics of a stem cell are perpetual self-renewal and the ability to differentiate into a specialized adult cell type.

Serving as a sort of repair system, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells for as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each "daughter" cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.

There are three classes of stem cells i.e totipotent, pluripotent and multipotent (also known as unipotent).

Many different terms are used to describe various types of stem cells, often based on where in the body or what stage in development they come from. You may have heard the following terms:

Adult Stem Cells or Tissue-specific Stem Cells: Adult stem cells are tissue-specific, meaning they are found in a given tissue in our bodies and generate the mature cell types within that particular tissue or organ. It is not clear whether all organs, such as the heart, contain stem cells. The term adult stem cells is often used very broadly and may include fetal and cord blood stem cells.

Fetal Stem Cells: As their name suggests, fetal stem cells are taken from the fetus. The developing baby is referred to as a fetus from approximately 10 weeks of gestation. Most tissues in a fetus contain stem cells that drive the rapid growth and development of the organs. Like adult stem cells, fetal stem cells are generally tissue-specific, and generate the mature cell types within the particular tissue or organ in which they are found.

Cord Blood Stem Cells: At birth the blood in the umbilical cord is rich in blood-forming stem cells. The applications of cord blood are similar to those of adult bone marrow and are currently used to treat diseases and conditions of the blood or to restore the blood system after treatment for specific cancers. Like the stem cells in adult bone marrow, cord blood stem cells are tissue-specific.

Embryonic Stem Cells: Embryonic stem cells are derived from very early embryos and can in theory give rise to all cell types in the body. While these cells are already helping us better understand diseases and hold enormous promise for future therapies, there are currently no treatments using embryonic stem cells accepted by the medical community.

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (IPS cells): In 2006, scientists discovered how to reprogram cells with a specialized function (for example, skin cells) in the laboratory, so that they behave like an embryonic stem cell. These cells, called induced pluripotent cells or IPS cells, are created by inducing the specialized cells to express genes that are normally made in embryonic stem cells and that control how the cell functions.

Embryonic stem cells are derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst: the fertilized egg, called the zygote, divides and forms two cells; each of these cells divides again, and so on. Soon there is a hollow ball of about 150 cells called the blastocyst that contains two types of cells, the trophoblast and the inner cell mass. Embryonic stem cells are obtained from the inner cell mass.

Stem cells can also be found in small numbers in various tissues in the fetal and adult body. For example, blood stem cells are found in the bone marrow that give rise to all specialized blood cell types. Such tissue-specific stem cells have not yet been identified in all vital organs, and in some tissues like the brain, although stem cells exist, they are not very active, and thus do not readily respond to cell injury or damage.

Stem cells can also be obtained from other sources, for example, the umbilical cord of a newborn baby is a source of blood stem cells. Recently, scientists have also discovered the existence of cells in baby teeth and in amniotic fluid that may also have the potential to form multiple cell types. Research on these cells is at a very early stage.

Stem cell therapy is the use of stem cells to treat certain diseases. Stem cells are obtained from the patients own blood bone marrow, fat and umbilical cord tissue or blood. They are progenitor cells that lead to creation of new cells and are thus called as generative cells as well.

The biological task of stem cells is to repair and regenerate damaged cells. Stem cell therapy exploits this function by administering these cells systematically and in high concentrations directly into the damaged tissue, where they advance its self-healing. The process that lies behind this mechanism is largely unknown, but it is assumed that stem cells discharge certain substances which activate the diseased tissue. It is also conceivable that single damaged somatic cells, e.g. single neurocytes in the spinal cord or endothelium cells in vessels, are replaced by stem cells. Most scientists agree that stem cell research has great life-saving potential and could revolutionize the study and treatment of diseases and injuries.

Stem cell therapy is useful in certain degenerative diseases like

If stem cell therapy is an option, a detailed treatment plan is prepared depending on the type of treatment necessary. Once the patient has consented to the treatment plan, an appointment is scheduled for bone marrow extraction. Please note that this is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, so it is important that patients do not take any blood-thinning medication in the ten days prior to the appointment. It is necessary for each patient to consult their own doctor before discontinuing this type of medication.

The treatment procedure include:

Bone Marrow Extraction: Bone marrow is extracted from the hip bone by the physicians. This procedure normally takes around 30 minutes. First, local anesthetic is administered to the area of skin where the puncture will be made. Then, a thin needle is used to extract around 150-200 ml of bone marrow. The injection of local anesthetic can be slightly painful, but the patient usually does not feel the extraction of bone marrow.

Isolation, Analysis and Concentration of the Stem Cells in the Laboratory: The quality and quantity of the stem cells contained in the collected bone marrow are tested at the laboratory. First, the stem cells are isolated. Then a chromatographical procedure is used to separate them from the red and white blood corpuscles and plasma. The sample is tested under sterile conditions so that the stem cells, which will be administered to the patient, are not contaminated with viruses, bacteria or fungi. Each sample is also tested for the presence of viral markers such as HIV, hepatitis B and C and cytomegalia. The cleaned stem cells are counted and viability checks are made. If there are enough viable stem cells, i.e. more than two million CD34+ cells with over 80 percent viability, the stem cell concentrate is approved for patient administration.

Stem Cell Implantation: The method of stem cell implantation depends on the patient's condition. There are four different ways of administering stem cells:

Intravenous administration:

It is important to understand that while stem cell therapy can help alleviate symptoms in many patients and slow or even reverse degenerative processes, it does not work in all cases. Based on additional information, patient's current health situation and/or unforeseen health risks, the medical staff can always, in the interest of the individual patient, propose another kind of stem cell transplantation or in exceptional situations cancel the treatment.

Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation: Allogeneic stem cell transplantation involves transferring the stem cells from a healthy person (the donor) to your body after high-intensity chemotherapy or radiation. It is helpful in treating patients with high risk of relapse or who didnt respond to the prior treatment. Allogeneic stem cell transplant cost in India is comparatively less when contrasted with alternate nations.

Autologous Stem Cell Transplant: Patients own blood-forming stem cells are collected and then it is treated with high doses of chemotherapy. The high-dose treatment kills the cancer cells. They are used to replace stem cells that have been damaged by high doses of chemotherapy, used to treat the patient's underlying disease.

The side effects of stem cell therapy differ from person to person. Listed below are the side effects of stem cell therapy :

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, all is considered to be experimental, with the exception of bone marrow transplants. However, the guidelines that were put into place in 2007 are largely non-enforceable. Regardless, stem cell therapy is legalized in India. Umbilical cord and adult stem cell treatment are considered permissible. Embryonic stem cell therapy and research is restricted.

There is about a 60% to 80% overall success rate in the use of stem cell therapy in both India and around the world. However, success rates vary depending on the disease being treated, the institute conducting the procedures, and the condition of the patient. In order to receive complete information you will have to contact the medical institutes and ask specific questions concerning the patient's condition.

Mrs. Selina Naidoo with her Son from Malaysia

Tour2India4Health has proved to be a blessing in disguise for me. A medical tourism company with everything at par with our expectations has given me the most satisfactory and relieving experience of my life. I went to them for my sons surgery who was suffering from a serious illness and stem cell therapy was the only choice I had. Trust it was heart wrenching to leave my son under any hands on the operation table. Nevertheless, courageously I had to because thats what I was here for and thats what could get my son a new and healthy life. Sitting at a corner outside the operation theatre was taking my heartbeats away with every second. Finally, the surgery was over and I was there in front of the doctor with closed eyes. He declared that the surgery was successful and my son is fine but needs some extra care and some cautious post operative measures for recovery. All through our stay in the hospital, everything went on brilliantly and after my son recovered completely, I came back to my home country. Even after that for many months, I received regular calls to verify and virtually monitor the health of my child. Now, its been 5 years and when I see my child today it feels as if no surgery was ever done on him. Thanks to the doctor who treated him and to the entire team of nurses and travel professionals who displayed extra warmth and care. Thanks is just a small word to say as a mother of a child.

India is the most preferable destination for patients who are looking for low cost stem cell therapy. Indian doctors and healthcare professionals are renowned world over for their skills with many of them holding high positions in leading hospitals in US, UK and other countries around the world. There are significant numbers of highly skilled experts in India, including many who have relocated to India after having worked in the top hospitals across the world.

The Cost of stem cell treatment in India are generally about a tenth of the costs in US and are significantly cheaper compared with even other medical travel destinations like Thailand

*The price for the Stem Cell Therapy is an average collected from the 15 best corporate hospitals and 10 Top Stem Cell Experts of India.

*The final prices offered to the patients is based on their medical reports and is dependent on the current medical condition of the patient, type of room, type of therapy, hospital brand and the surgeon's expertise.

We have worked out special packages of the Stem Cell Therapy for our Indian and International patients. You can send us your medical reports to avail the benefits of these special packages.


There are many reasons for India becoming a popular medical tourism spot is the low cost stem cell treatment in the area. When in contrast to the first world countries like, US and UK, medical care in India costs as much as 60-90% lesser, that makes it a great option for the citizens of those countries to opt for stem cell treatment in India because of availability of quality healthcare in India, affordable prices strategic connectivity, food, zero language barrier and many other reasons.

The maximum number of patients for stem cell therapy comes from Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, USA, UK, Australia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh.

Cities where top and world renowned Stem Cell Therapy hospitals and clinics situated are :

We have PAN-India level tie ups with TOP Hospitals for Stem Cell Therapy across 15+ major cities in India. We can provide you with multiple top hospitals & best surgeons recommendations for Stem Cell Therapy in India.

India has now been recognized as one of the leaders in medical field of research and treatment. Tour2India4Health Group was established with an aim of providing best medical services to its patients and since then has been working hard in maintaining itself as one of the most professional healthcare tourism providers in India. With a number of world-renowned medical facilities affiliated, we have the resources to offer you the finest medical treatment in India, and help your speedy recovery. Tour2India4Health Group has always believed and practiced providing its patients best surgery and treatment procedure giving a second chance to live a more better and normal life. Our team serves the clientele most comfortable and convenient measures of healthcare services thus, making your medical tour to India very fruitful experience.

Our facilitation:

We has been operating patients from all major countries like USA, United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, Canada, Spain, New Zealand, and Kuwait etc. We have network of selected medical centers, surgeons and physicians around various cities in India, who qualify our assessment criteria to ensure that our core values of Safety, Excellence and Trust are maintained in all our services.

Below are the downloadable links that will help you to plan your medical trip to India in a more organized and better way. Attached word and pdf files gives information that will help you to know India more and make your trip to India easy and memorable one.

Best Stem Cell Therapy in India, Cost of Stem Cell Therapy in India, Stem Cell Therapy Best Hospitals in India, Success Rate of Stem Cell Treatment in India, Stem Cell Therapy Treatment Cost in India, Allogeneic Stem cell Transplant Cost in India, autologous Stem Cell Transplant Cost in India, Stem Cell Therapy in India, Low Cost Stem Cell Therapy India, Stem Cell Benefits in India, Top Stem Cell Centers in India, Best Doctors for Stem Cell Therapy in India, List of Best Stem Cell Treatment Clinics in India, Allogeneic stem cell transplantation, Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant Cost in India, Autologous Stem Cell Transplant, Autologous Stem Cell Transplant Cost in India

The rest is here:
Advance Stem Cell Therapy in India | Stem Cell Treatment ...


Contractors & Developers in Costa Rica. Home Commercial …

Thursday, April 18th, 2019

CONST RICA CONTACTORS and DEVELOPERSConstructing and developing buildings can be an intimidating and frustrating process in Costa Rica. Rven when you are in your own culture you sorta know what to expect and plan for. In a foreign country, the same processes can be downright crazy.

In a new setting, you have to learn how to go about doing things. Materials are more expensive, but labor is lower, and don't expect anything fast-tracked. Time is considered, "whenever it gets done." Weather, plays an important roll. For example, I have a friend who has been trying to put a road into his property for a year now, and has been delay by an unusually raining season (2007-2008); mud slides have been a major problem, forcing his budget to triple for the road. Invest some time in 'learning how the system works" to protect your investment by who is legally and ethically responsible for the construction. Research your building team by getting references. It helps if you have an Costa Rica Architect and Engineer who knows the ins and outs of the local building department laws.

It is not difficult to find contractors capable of working up to American standards. Remember, you pay for what you get. Low bid on some local builders have the whenever habit of missing deadlines, running over budget, producing shabby work and refusing to take responsibility for their mistakes that end up costing you more.

Costa Rica is also a member of the World Green Building Council for those that want green building.

See related articles - Building Green in Costa Rica and Eco-friendly Home in Costa Rica

Excerpt from:
Contractors & Developers in Costa Rica. Home Commercial ...


Costa Rica Alternative Medical Herbal Medicine, Holistic …

Sunday, March 31st, 2019

We get many emails asking about alternative medical and which doctor or practitioners would we most recommend. Requests vary from everything to vitamins injections and Cobalt treatment for whatever, HIV/AIDs and cancer cures and the increasing inquires about anti-aging remedies.

With Health Care in the US running amok, Costa Rica has become a major place for medical tourism that include modern hospitals that provide elective procedures as well as complex specialized surgeries such as joint replacement (knee/hip), cardiac surgery, dental surgery, and cosmetic surgeries the Central American country has also has seen an major increase in herbalism or what is also called, botanical medicine.

According to The United Nations, Costa Rica ranks in first place in Latin America for the development of curative and preventative diseases. And the World Health Organization (WHO) has Costa Rica placed higher for health services than that of the US. So it is very appealing for those seeking treatment to do it in Costa Rica and most important, medical costs vs the US are a lot lower.

Herbal medicine is an approach to the treatment of diseases and medical complaints involving the use of plants and their extracts. Many conventional drugs also use medicines derived from plant sources.

Some 120 prescription drugs sold worldwide today are derived directly from rainforest plants, which Costa Rica has a lot of. And according to the U.S. National Cancer Institute, more than two-thirds of all medicines found to have cancer-fighting properties come from rainforest plants. Examples abound. Ingredients obtained and synthesized from a now-extinct periwinkle plant found only in Madagascar (until deforestation wiped it out) have increased the chances of survival for children with leukemia from 20 percent to 80 percent.

Some of the compounds in rainforest plants are also used to treat malaria, heart disease, bronchitis, hypertension, rheumatism, diabetes, muscle tension, arthritis, glaucoma, dysentery and tuberculosis, among other health problems. And many commercially available anesthetics, enzymes, hormones, laxatives, cough mixtures, antibiotics and antiseptics are also derived from rainforest plants and herbs.

Herbal medicine is considered an alternative medical philosophy, as the efficacy of many of the ingredients used has not been scientifically proven or approved in the US, FDA but becoming more popular and openly practiced in Costa Rica.

Unfortunately, that has a greater potential to generate into scammers haven with their well-versed hype in herbal remedies, massage techniques and guided meditation. Generally the only thing they provide is a psychological sounding board for the one that seeks desperate treatment.

According to WHO there is no registry of traditional health practitioners in Costa Rica. Many biomedical health practitioners have a negative bias towards traditional healers and traditional medicine, thinking of healers mostly as quacks and with that said, the medical fraud cases have increase as people seek last minute help from those practicing without a license, to useless supplements, worthless or dangerous diet aides, fake medicines and the last stop in cures for cancer.

In Costa Rica traditional medicine practitioners are not licensed, nor are they sanctioned for practicing medicine, which leaves an open book to anyone that wants to practice Alternative Medical in Costa Rica. Countries like the US have rigid laws that forbid the so-called, Snake Oils. It is unclear to calculate the number of frauds, mostly due to people embarrassment of when they get conned out of their retirement funds, and do not report it.

Though the production of traditional medications is somewhat regulated in Costa Rica, like what happened when the Costa Rica government banned stem cell research the practice of traditional medicine is generally ignored in official health laws.

However, the good news is, this may soon change as the Legislative Assembly is currently considering a bill that would regulate traditional medicine. When it happens and what it regulates may be another story.

The other good news is, Costa Rica is excelling when it comes to alternative holistic approach which goes far beyond the Mind-Body connection, like yoga, and is becoming a preferred place for wellness whether it is after surgery recuperation, weight loss (Bariatric Surgery) strength training, drug treatment, rehabilitation, or general conditioning in an exceptional environment. It has also become the place to go for the rich and famous who want seclusion.

Many of the centers have top professional and trained medical personal that focused on nutrition counseling, exercise, education and behavior modification. They work with you on not just short-term solutions but on the long-term lifestyle changes, such as Holistic healing.

Calypso Cruises

Read more from the original source:
Costa Rica Alternative Medical Herbal Medicine, Holistic ...


Calgary Stem Cell Transplants, Britannia, Bel-Aire …

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

Calgary is one of the main cities in Alberta. The economy of Calgary includes activity in the energy, financial services, film and television, transportation and logistics, technology, manufacturing, aerospace, health and wellness, retail, and tourism sectors. Investigations in heath techniques improvements is growing fast and Calgary is definitely part of the stem cells field.

Scientists and doctors in Calgary Canada have made tremendous advances to make tissue regeneration with stem cells a reality. Through Regenerative Medicine, a person can take advantage of their bodys ability to heal itself. Stem cells can restore lost, damaged or aging cells and effectively regenerate tissue in the body. This may provide patients from Calgary an alternative to surgery for certain treatments and regenerative therapies using autologous adult stem cells for many degenerative and inflammatory diseases.

Despite all advances in stem cells research and the application of these therapies in many countries all over the world; stem cells therapies are not legally approved yet in Canada. The investigations are still in the clinical trial phase.

Costa Rica is one of the top five countries most visited by Americans seeking medical treatment. Stem Cells Transplant Institute is a leading institute in Costa Rica providing innovative and proven techniques and therapies using the natural healing power of the bodys stem cells, so we can provide our patients from Britannia, Bel-Aire, Mayfair, Eagle Ridge, Mount Royal and Roxboro, with the best therapies available.

Costa Rica has a unique geographic location. It has the Pacific ocean on the one side and the Caribbean Sea on the other, it has endowed it with beautiful pristine beaches, lush green mountains formed by past volcanic eruptions, dense rainforests, lakes, and rivers. All these help support one of the most diverse plant and animal life on the planet in addition to one of the best health care systems in the World. Get more information about stem cells therapies in Costa Rica. Now

The Stem Cells Transplant Institute of Costa Rica specializes in the legal treatment of Parkinson, COPD, Knee Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoarthritis, Erectile Dysfunction, Myocardial infarction, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Lupus, Alzheimer, Cardiovascular Disease and Neuropathy.Contact us.

Explore Costa Ricas local and international resources, learn more about its medical industry, and see why Costa Rica is such an exciting place to get your stem cells therapy! Get more information about legally approved stem cell therapies in Costa RicaApply here.

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Calgary Stem Cell Transplants, Britannia, Bel-Aire ...


History of Stem Cell Research

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

By: Ian Murnaghan BSc (hons), MSc - Updated: 13 Aug 2018| *Discuss

Stem cells have an interesting history that has been somewhat tainted with debate and controversy. In the mid 1800s it was discovered that cells were basically the building blocks of life and that some cells had the ability to produce other cells.

Attempts were made to fertilise mammalian eggs outside of the human body and in the early 1900s, it was discovered that some cells had the ability to generate blood cells.

In 1968, the first bone marrow transplant was performed to successfully treat two siblings with severe combined immunodeficiency. Other key events in stem cell research include:

More recently, in 2005, scientists at Kingston University in England were purported to have found another category of stem cells. These were named cord blood embryonic-like stem cells, which originate in umbilical cord blood. It is suggested that these stem cells have the ability to differentiate into more cell types than adult stem cells, opening up greater possibilities for cell-based therapies. Then, in early 2007, researchers led by Dr. Anthony Atala claimed that a new type of stem cell had been isolated in amniotic fluid. This finding is particularly important because these stem cells could prove to be a viable alternative to the controversial use of embryonic stem cells.

Over the last few years, national policies and debate amongst the public as well as religious groups, government officials and scientists have led to various laws and procedures regarding stem cell harvesting, development and treatment for research or disease purposes. The goals of such policies are to safeguard the public from unethical stem cell research and use while still supporting new advancements in the field.

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khedr - 10-Jul-18 @ 10:10 AM

Prof - 11-Jun-18 @ 10:51 PM

BOOMBOXPARADE - 3-May-18 @ 1:55 PM

ash - 20-Apr-18 @ 10:33 PM

autismsms - 9-Mar-18 @ 3:23 AM

Vicky - 23-Apr-17 @ 6:33 PM

Matapurkar - 6-Dec-16 @ 3:12 PM

Ben - 29-Oct-16 @ 5:23 PM

Jobbo - 5-Aug-16 @ 12:50 AM

Student101 - 10-Apr-16 @ 9:07 PM

StemCellProjectWrite - 14-Jan-16 @ 7:31 PM

Jojo - 13-Nov-15 @ 7:33 AM

Chloe - 12-Nov-15 @ 5:03 AM

ugdekichaman - 11-Nov-15 @ 1:02 PM

Cells - 2-Nov-15 @ 3:40 AM

Jim - 6-Jul-15 @ 10:02 PM

Ramen Sarkar - 23-Jun-15 @ 9:46 AM

Ramen Sarkar - 18-Jun-15 @ 7:26 PM

tera baap - 17-May-15 @ 9:46 AM

almighty.king.jay - 25-Mar-15 @ 4:18 PM

Bobby - 1-Dec-14 @ 4:23 PM

Adil Ahmed 255 - 20-Nov-14 @ 10:48 AM

ExploreStemCells - 22-Oct-14 @ 2:18 PM

Yusuf Syed - 22-Oct-14 @ 1:30 PM

amaad - 22-Oct-14 @ 1:27 PM

dgdsfbgf - 22-Sep-14 @ 3:18 PM

coline - 9-Aug-14 @ 2:13 PM

Manoj Jain - 6-Jul-14 @ 9:35 AM

sri - 19-Mar-14 @ 7:13 PM

jimmy - 25-Feb-14 @ 3:19 PM


(never shown)

See the rest here:
History of Stem Cell Research


PET Scan in Costa Rica – Health-Tourism.com

Thursday, March 21st, 2019

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Health-Tourism.com. Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is a PET scan? A PET scan (positron emission tomography) is an imaging test that can help reveal how your tissues and organs are functioning. To show this chemical activity, a small amount of radioactive material must enter your body.

The precise type of radioactive material, and its delivery method, depends on which organ or tissue is being studied by the PET scan. The radioactive material may be injected into a vein, inhaled or swallowed.

What are PET scans used for? Currently, PET scans are most commonly used to detect:- cancer-heart problems- brain disorders- central nervous system disorders

Is the PET scan painfull? When the radioactive substance is inserted into your vein you will feel temporary pain. There shouldn't be any pain during the actual PET scan.What other tests are combined with a PET scan? PET scan is often combined with other imaging tests, such as CT scan and MRI. The combination of the testsimproves the clarity of the images and makes it easier for the physician to interpret the results.

Duration of procedure/surgery : The test takes between 1.5 to 2 hours to complete.

Days admitted : PET scan is done on an outpatient basis. No hospitalization is required.

Risks : A radioactive substance is used during a PET scan, but the amount of radiation that you are exposed to is low and is not considered dangerous. However, for pregnant woman and for woman who are breastfeeding, the radioactive material might be harmful.

Here is the original post:
PET Scan in Costa Rica - Health-Tourism.com


Why Perform a Stem Cell Transplant?

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

By: Ian Murnaghan BSc (hons), MSc - Updated: 18 Dec 2018| *Discuss

Although many people may think of a transplant to mean replacing a diseased organ with another one, such as in heart or liver transplants, stem cells have an important and often life saving use for treating disease.

A stem cell transplant doesn't involve surgery in the same sense as an organ transplant and the procedure is simplistic in comparison. Its benefit, however, can be just as enormous.

In most cases, the benefits of stem cell transplants will likely outweigh the risk of complications and these techniques can truly be life-saving for conditions such as leukaemia and aplastic anaemia. It is hoped and anticipated that future research can yield successful therapies for a broader range of diseases.

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LauraN - 19-Feb-18 @ 11:47 AM

Ted - 18-Feb-18 @ 7:20 PM

Rnbarb - 26-Sep-17 @ 2:48 AM

NONE - 7-Sep-16 @ 9:30 PM

Glasdegib - 13-Aug-15 @ 9:23 AM

Kris - 14-Nov-14 @ 1:44 PM

Krupa - 24-Sep-14 @ 8:18 AM

kylie - 18-May-14 @ 8:12 PM


(never shown)

More here:
Why Perform a Stem Cell Transplant?


Anti-Aging, Regeneration and Stem Cell Supplements

Saturday, March 16th, 2019

According to U. S. records, the number of individuals over 100 years of age known as Centenarians is skyrocketing! In the US in 1840 there were 90 centenarians which is 1 for every 189,000 people. Today there are more than 53,000 which is 1 for every 5,800 people. To find out why some people live so long, the world was searched for places where there are an unusually large number of centenarians. Those places became known as Blue Zones based on a National Geographic book that was published a few years ago.

There were four areas of the world known as Blue Zones in the original book with a fifth more recently addedOkinawa, Japan; Ikaris, Greece; Loma Linda, California; Nicoya, Costa Rico; and Sardinia, Italy. Experts cite that an active lifestyle and a healthy diet as the keys to a longer life. In Blue Zones people are passionate about retaining close family ties and staying closely connected to their neighbors and community organizations.

Okinawa has the highest number of centenarians in the world. Two thirds of the people who reach 100 in this country are able to continue living independently at age 97. These people are three times more likely to reach the age of 100 than maost Americans. Additionally, they have very low rates of stroke, cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Researchers are convinced that their diet is the key component to their longevity.

The diet of Okinawan is high in vegetables and fruits, high in plant proteins, includes seafood and is also rich in whole grains. Scientists from the Eat Lancet Commission say this diet closely resembles their planetary health diet which is a diet that works well for human health and also for reducing the environmental impact of the foods we choose.

Some of the most widely consumed foods in Okinawa include green leafy and yellow root vegetables, sweet potatoes, bitter melon, tofu with modest amount of seafood, lean meat, tea and fruit. This diet is low calorie and high carbohydrate with moderate protein consumption, includes nutrient rich food choices and sparse amounts of refined grains sugar, dairy and meat. A typical meal will include a vegetable stir fry, miso soup, a side of seaweed and freshly brewed jasmine tea.

In addition to a healthy diet, Okinawans maintain close social ties and networks with a grounded sense of purpose. These people remain true to their traditional culture which emphasizes lifelong connections with social and emotional support.

Another Blue Zone is Ikaris, Greece. The residents in this part of the world nap regularly in the middle of the day. None of them exhibit symptoms of depression which non nappers do according to a 2011 study. One study of Greek adults showed that napping on a regular basis reduced the risk of heart disease by close to 40%.

These people of Greece follow a Mediterranean diet which includes natural products produced and consumed on the island of Ikaris. Their diet includes fruits, a variety of vegetables, olive oil, fish, honey, red wine, small quantities of coffee and a variety of herbal teas. Their daily calorie consumption is not high. They have minimal drug use, live a relaxed pace without anxiety and stress, are full of optimism and have strong family and social ties. All characteristics that are abundant in all five Blue Zones!

In Loma Linda, California the proportion of people age 85 or more is more than double the rest of this state. 4 in 10 residents of this city (about 9,000 members) are 7th Day Adventists whose members live longer than any other religious group in America. 7th Day Adventists are 10 times more likely to live to 100 than other Americans. The average male lives to 89 while the average female lives to 91. Both are averages of 10 years longer than the American average. This group of people believe in taking care of their bodies which they do through exercise, healthy diet habits and their close ties to their religious community.

They avoid smoking and alcohol while encouraging exercise and a life full of activity. Their diet typically includes nuts, green salads, fruits, legumes, whole grain cereals and polyunsaturated fats. Many are vegetarians and those who are not eat a low meat diet. They avoid foods high in sugar, salt and stay away from refined grains.

The next Blue Zone is Nicoya, Costa Rica which is known as one of the happiest places in the world! In this area of the world a man at the age of 60 is twice more likely of hitting 90 as a man living in America, France or Japan and residents frequently reach the age of 100. Once again, their long lives are attributed to their healthy lifestyle.

Their largest meal of the day is typically in the morning with their smallest meal of the day at night. They eat little or no processed foods and their diet is primarily plant based. They consume large amounts of beans, vegetables, corn and antioxidant rich tropical fruits. The consume meat only a few times a week and smoking is not common. They also drink a lot of mineral rich water which is very high in calcium and magnesium and get very healthy doses of sunshine on a daily basis.

These people also have a very strong belief in God, and their faith routines help them relieve anxiety and stress and bring tranquility and peace to their lives. They engage in physical activity as a normal part of their daily liveswalking, bicycling, cooking, keeping up their houses, gardening and taking care of animals are all parts of their very active lives.

These residents of Coats Rice focus on family by tending to live with or near their families. Children and grandchildren provide strong support, purpose and a sense of belonging to their elders. This helps Nicoyan elders retain their active lifestyle and positive outlook on life!

Sardinia, Italy is the fifth Blue Zone. There are 21 centenarians in a population of 10,000. In the U. S. there only about 4 centenarians in 10,000. Here Sardinia men live longer than any other men on earth.

There is a large number of sheep herding and farming communities where daily physical activity is strong. Many of these residents walk up to 5 miles a day across rugged terrain. They tend to walk daily to the grocery store. Many Sardinians still fish, hunt and harvest their own food. And even though they are culturally isolated, they remain close to friends and family throughout their lives. They like to laugh and drink wine together!

Their diet like the other Blue Zones is comprised of homegrown vegetables and fruits, beans, fish and milk and cheese from grass fed sheep and goats. Goats milk has components that are thought to protect against inflammatory diseases of aging. And they like their wine! They typically drink a glass or two daily of red wine. Cannonau wine which is the wine produced in this area from the grape known as Grenache, has three times the levels of artery scrubbing flavonoids as other wines.

These people laugh with friends. They gather each afternoon in the street to talk and laugh and the men of this region are famous for their sardonic sense of humor. And their strong sense and support of family keeps the young looking after their elders with many believing that putting an older family member in a retirement home would dishonor the family!

For Americans and others, following the habits of the people living in the five Blue Zones may help improve daily health and longevity. Taking notes about diet, daily exercise and activity; close ties to family, friends and community; purpose; and a positive outlook and gratitude on life are key. It is known that all these factors play a role in aging and age related diseases.

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Anti-Aging, Regeneration and Stem Cell Supplements


LifeCell Official Site | The All in One Anti Aging Cream

Thursday, February 7th, 2019

By cultivating the rare and unique Uttwiler Sptlauber apple, scientists have discovered an innovative way to harness this unique plants stem cells to help prevent the look of aging skin by incorporating it into topical anti-aging skincare products. LifeCells breakthrough formula contains Malus Domestica Plant Stem Cells created to replicate the anti-aging effects of this rare Swiss apple.

New innovations allow us to see the skin preserving potential plant stem cells have to offer. Plant stem cells can serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells. One of their main characteristics is its ability to protect the longevity of skin by helping combat chronological aging.

What was keeping these apples alive?, What was the secret to such prolonged youth?

And, naturally, how quickly could this miracle ingredient be harnessed to stop the aging process - in people?

Scientists discovered that the key to the apple's longevity lay chiefly in its unusually resilient stem cells. Stem cells in plants function much as they do in people: Their job is to maintain and repair. Stem cells found in skin have a limited life span, and as we age and as we expose ourselves to inevitable environmental assaults - like UV light, i.e., sunshine - they decrease in number, as does their ability to regenerate tissue. The result is the familiar loss of skin elasticity and radiance, and finally wrinkles.

Welcome to the apple. New technology made it possible to replicate the cells of the nearly extinct Uttwiler Sptlauber in the lab. In clinical tests, the apple's stem cells appeared to be protecting the skin. Like a youth tonic, they were nourishing and stimulating them, defending them from UV radiation (like a natural SPF booster), even delaying their aging and death.

And so, this fairly tale has a happy ending. Today, the rare Uttwiler Sptlauber trees (there are now seven) are protected by the European environmental group ProSpecieRara. The apples themselves are so revered, in 2008, the Swiss government put them on a postage stamp. Maybe someday we'll even eat them. Imagine what that could do for you.

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LifeCell Official Site | The All in One Anti Aging Cream


Blue Zone – Wikipedia

Thursday, February 7th, 2019

Blue Zones are regions of the world where Dan Buettner claims people live much longer than average. The term first appeared in the November 2005 National Geographic magazine cover story "The Secrets of a Long Life" by Buettner.[1] He identified five areas that Buettner considers "Blue Zones": Okinawa (Japan); Sardinia (Italy); Nicoya (Costa Rica); Icaria (Greece) and among the Seventh-day Adventists in Loma Linda, California. He offers an explanation, based on data and first hand observations, as to why these populations live healthier and longer lives. The term "Blue Zones" is trademarked by Dan Buettner.[2]

The concept grew out of demographic work done by Gianni Pes and Michel Poulain[3] outlined in the Journal of Experimental Gerontology,[4] who identified Sardinia's Nuoro province as the region with the highest concentration of male centenarians. As the two men zeroed in on the cluster of villages with the highest longevity, they drew concentric blue circles on the map and began referring to the area inside the circle as the Blue Zone. Together with demographers Pes and Poulain, Buettner broadened the term, applying it to validated longevity areas of Okinawa, Japan and among the Seventh-day Adventists in Loma Linda, California. Buettner and Poulain, under the aegis of National Geographic, then identified and validated longevity hotspots in Nicoya, Costa Rica and Icaria, Greece.

The five regions identified and discussed by Buettner in the book The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who've Lived the Longest:[5]

Residents of these places produce a high rate of centenarians, suffer a fraction of the diseases that commonly kill people in other parts of the developed world, and enjoy more years of good health.[11]

The people inhabiting Blue Zones share common lifestyle characteristics that contribute to their longevity. The Venn diagram at the right highlights the following six shared characteristics among the people of Okinawa, Sardinia, and Loma Linda Blue Zones:[12]

In his book, Buettner provides a list of nine lessons, covering the lifestyle of blue zones people:[13]

Blue Zone - Wikipedia


Stem Cell Therapy in Thailand – Beike Biotech

Friday, February 1st, 2019

TREATMENT:hRPE stem cells implantation (human Retinal Pigment Epithelial cells, (adult stem cells) by stereotactic brain injection + nutritious stem cell cocktail treatment (intravenous).


BEFORE THE TREATMENT: Lindas main symptoms were rigidity and stiffness in the left side of her body. She had mild tremors mainly in her left hand and had difficulty grasping small objects or holding things with her fingers. She would drag her left leg while walking and while at rest the

muscles in her leg and tows would contract. During the night her muscles would contract constantly keeping her regularly from having more than few hours sleep. Her muscles were very weak and she would tire very quickly, her posture was stooped and she suffered from a general tenseness and stiffness in her face, neck and back.

Without the affect of the medications she could not turn her neck and should turn her whole body in order to look back. Every morning, before the medications started to influence, it was difficult getting dressed, getting out of bed or taking a shower.

Before the treatment Linda took her medications every 2-3 hours (Contam 250mg x 8 times a day). One hour after taking the medications Lindas symptoms were hardly noticed, but the medications influence wear out quickly and Lindas every activity was dependant on her next dose of medications.

During the last few years Lindas short term memory was affected up to a level that she quit her job in human resources. Her hand writing was affected too even after taking the medications, it was still very scratchy and hard to read.

Linda also suffered from general anxiety and depression.


Lindas first notable change after the surgery was a full night sleep - the first one in 5 years. Within 5 weeks after the stem cell implantation most of Lindas symptoms were gradually gone. Her fingers got their flexibility back and the tremors were gone she could now grasp things, open a door and articulate more precise movements with her fingers.

The cramps in her leg were gone and she stopped dragging her left leg.

I dont need to think anymore about every movement, as I did before she says.

Her muscle tension was significantly reduced, she felt more relaxed and stronger than before.

Her posture became more open and she could now turn her neck more easily. Before leaving the hospital Linda still had some weakness in her muscles but she felt that she is getting stronger every day.

Linda also noticed that her sense of smell and taste that were greatly weakened during the last years were coming back.

A major change in her quality of life was that now her symptoms were unnoticeable with almost half the dosage of the medications she used to take before. Linda is now taking medications 4 times a day (Sinemet 200mg X4 times a day) instead of 8 times of double dosage that she used to take before the treatment.

I was a watch keeper, I used to watch at the clock all the time, I stopped swimming riding bicycle and other activities because I never knew when the medications affect will wear out she says.

Linda hopes that her medications could be gradually reduced even more, and she will keep a close contact with her doctors in China in order to follow up with her condition.

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Stem Cell Therapy in Thailand - Beike Biotech


StemFit Feeder Free Culture | amsbio

Friday, February 1st, 2019

StemFit is a xeno-free, defined medium proven to effectively maintain Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) and Embryonic Stem (ES) cells under feeder-free conditions during the reprogramming, expansion and differentiation phases of stem cell culture. Now available in research and clinical grade formulations StemFit combines market-leading colony forming efficiency with lower than standardmedia volume consumption to offer the most cost-effective colony expansion compared to leading competitors.


Find out about our new StemFit and iMatrix Recombinant Laminin Coating Free protocol.

Weekend-Free Cell Culture:

Figure 1. StemFit allows flexible weekend free protocols.

Greater Than x100 Folder Expansion:

Figure 2. Human 201B7 iPSCs grown on MEFs (feeder dependent)were transitioned to feeder-freeconditions with StemFit or commerciallyavailable medium A on respective ECMs (1000cells/cm2), and cultured for one week onpre-coated plates.

Reduced Media Consumption:

Figure 3. StemFit offers unparrallel cost savings, requiring less media volume and less media changes to achieve the same expansion.

Easy Transition from Feeder to Feeder-Free Culture:

Figure 4. Schematic of the transition of 201B7 iPSCs from feeder cell conditions to feeder free using StemFit. Protocol courtesy of the Center for iPSC Research and Application, Kyoto University.

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Superior Colony Forming Efficiency From a Single Clone:

StemFit culture medium has been independently evaluated to offer a high rate of colony expansion ofundifferentiated iPS/ES cells, while retaining normal karyotype following long-term passage.

Figure 5. Human iPSCs were adapted to StemFit,or commercially available medium A or B onMatrigel for more than 3 passages. Then,cells were serially diluted and seeded with eachmedium on Matrigel-coated 96-well platesat 1 cell/well or 10 cells/well. The number ofseeded cells was counted after 3 hours, andcolonies were counted at day 7.

Superior Performance of StemFit for the Culture of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. An independant study performed by CGT Catapult.

Figure 6. Compared against the 4 leading stem cell culture media (M2 - M5), StemFit (M1) demonstrates high rates of cell growth. Densities of approx. 7x105 viable cells/cm2 (vc/cm2) were achieved with protocol M1 after a 7-day culture cycle. Thenumber of doublings per day was found to be higher in M1

Highly Stable and Reproducible Feeder-Free Culture:

Figure 7. Human 201B7 iPSCs were cultured on iMatrix Laminin-511 with StemFit for 4 weeks without weekendfeeding. Cell colonies were dissociated into single cells and seeded at the listed densities.


Ryuji Morizane & Joseph V Bonventre (2017) Generation of nephron progenitor cells and kidney organoids from human pluripotent stem cells. Nature Protocols 12, 195207 (2017).

Miyazaki, T. et al. (2017) Efficient Adhesion Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Laminin Fragments in an Uncoated Manner. Scientific Reports 7: 41165.

Camp, J. G. et al. (2017) Multilineage communication regulates human liver bud development from pluripotency. Nature 2017 Jun 22;546(7659):533-538.

Nakagawa, M. et al.(2014) A novel efficient feeder-free culture system for the derivation of human induced pluripotent stem cells. Scientific Reports. 4, Article number: 3594.

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See the original post here:
StemFit Feeder Free Culture | amsbio


Contact Us – Stemcell Technologies

Monday, January 28th, 2019

Select your desired country to view specific contact information for that location: Please choose a country... Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegowina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France France, Metropolitan French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard and Mc Donald Islands Honduras Hong Kong, China Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, Republic of Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau, China Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar (Burma) Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Republic of Serbia Reunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia and South S.S. Spain Sri Lanka St. Helena St. Pierre and Miquelon Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Tahiti Taiwan, China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand The Democratic Republic of Congo Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu U.S. Minor Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City State Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands (British) Virgin Islands (U.S.) Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) Zambia Zimbabwe

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Stem Cell Costa Rica

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

Select a Treatment Addictions Alternative Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency AGHD Bio-identical Hormone Replacement (BHRT) Chelation Therapy Dr Rath Vitamins Holistic Medicine Hormone Replacement Therapies Human Growth Hormone Replacement IV therapies Medical Weight Loss Megadose Intravenous Vitamin C Micro biota strengthening Myers Cocktail Neural Therapy Orthomolecular Medicine Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields PEMF diagnostic Stem Cells Transplant The Simeon Diet Anti-Aging Botox Facial Rejuvenation Fillers P-Shot Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) PRP with Dermapen PRP without Dermapen Ayurveda Bariatric or Weight Loss Surgery Gastric Band Gastric Bypass or Roux-en-Y Gastric Plication Gastric Sleeve or Sleeve Gastrectomy Metabolic Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes Cardiology Colorectal Surgery & Proctology Haemorrhoid Surgery with PPH Laparascopic colectomy for diverticular disease Surgical management of constipation Cosmetic Surgery for the Body Arm lift or Brachioplasty Brazilian Butt Lift Breast Augmentation or Breast Implants Breast Lift Breast Reconstruction Post Mastectomy Breast Reduction Buttock Augmentation Buttock Implants Buttock Lift or Gluteoplasty Coolsculpting Gynecomastia Surgery or Male Breast Reduction Lipo-Injection Liposuction or Liposculpture or Lipectomy Lower Body List Mini Tummy Tuck or Partial Abdominioplasty Minor Surgeries Mommy Makeover Nipple Reduction or Inversion Pectoral Liposuction Scar Revision Thigh Lift or Thighplasty Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty Upper Body Lift Cosmetic Surgery for the Face Bichat Bags or Bichectomy Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Surgery Cheek Implants Chin Implants Chin Liposuction Ear Surgery or Otoplasty Eyelid Lift Face lift or Rhytidectomy Facial Implants Facial Trauma & Facial Irregularities Forehead Lift or Brow Lift or Browplasty Hair Transplant Lip Augmentation Neck Lift Neck Sculpting Rhinoplasty or Nose Reshaping Dental Procedures All on 4 All on 5 All on 6 All on 8 Bone Graft Bridges Cosmetic Dentistry Crowns Dental Cleaning Dental Implants Dental Surgery Endodontics Fillings Full mouth restoration Inlays & onlays Oral & Maxilofacial Surgery Orthodontics Orthognatic (Jaw) Surgery Periodontics Prosthodontics Removable Dentures Root Canal Sinus Lift Smile Design TMD Temporomandibular Joint Disorders Veneers Whitening Wisdom teeth extraction Dermatology Botox CO2 laser skin resurfacing Cryosurgery Fillers Lesions/Moles Mohs Surgery Skin Cancer Screening SPA services Diabetes Ear, Nose & Throat BAHA Surgery Balloon Sinuplasty Base of Cranium surgery Cancer of Head & Neck Coblation or Reduction of Turbinates Cochlear Implant Surgery Ear Disease Treatment Early detection of Hearing Loss in Newborn babies Facial Paralysis Management Head Surgery (minimally invasive) Hearing Aids Hearing Loss Diagnosis, Management & Treatment Loss of Smell Valuation Middle Ear implants (Soundbridge, Bonebridge) Middle Ear Surgery Nasal Surgery Neck Surgery (minimally invasive) Polysomnography Septoplasty Sinus Surgery (Functional Endoscopic) Sleep Studies Surgery of the Cerebellopontine Angle Swallowing Disorders Tonsillectomy Turbinoplasty Vertigo Treatment or Surgery Voice Disorders Endocrinology Executive Health Checks Eye Surgery Cataract Surgery Diabetic Eye Disease Treatments Glaucoma Surgery Intravitreal injections LASEK Laser surgery without flap LASIK PRK Pterygium & External Diseases Surgery Refractive & Laser Eye Surgery Retinal & Vitreous Surgery Fertility Treatments Artificial Insemination Gamete Transfer IVF In Vitreo Fertilisation Gastroenterology Anorectal Manometry & Biofeedback Anti-GERD Endoscopic Technique Capsule Endoscopy Colonoscopy Conventional or Stapled (PPH) hemorrhoidectomy Detection of Premalignant Lesions Diagnostic & Therapeutic Endoscopy Digestive Endoscopy Digestive Surgery Diverticular Disease Surgery Endoscopic oesophageal or pyloric or colon dilation Endoscopic Surgery Esophageal Manometry for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Gastroenterology Consultation Gastroscopy Infrared Coagulation (IRC) for haemorrhoids Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) Polipectomy Removal of Polyps Secca Technique for fecal incontinence Stretta Treatment of Digestive Diseases Video Colonoscopy Video Gastroscopy Video Intestinoscopy General Surgery Abdominal Organs Surgery Abdominal Wall Closure Abdomino-peineal resection Appendectomy Cavity Washing / Cleansing Cholecystectomy - Gall Bladder Colon Cancer Surgery Digestive Surgery & Obesity Consultation Drainage & Debridement Duodenal Switch EndoCapsule Mucosal Dissection (ESD) Endoscopic Retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Exploratory Laparotomy Gall stones or Gall Bladder polyps Surgery Gastroesophageal reflux or Acalasia Surgery Hemorrhoidectomy Hernioplasty of incisional hernia Hernioplasty of umbilical hernia Hiatal Hernia Surgery Inguinal Hernia Surgery Intestinal resection Laparascopic heller Laparoscopic Appendectomy Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - Gall Bladder Removal Laparoscopic nissen Laparoscopic repair of incisional hernia Laparoscopic splenectomy Left hemicolectomy Low Anterior Resection Rectal Cancer Surgery Right Hemicolectomy Sphincterotomy Stomach cancer surgery Gynecology Annual Well-Woman Check Climateric Consulting Colposcopy Cryotherapy Endometriosis Family planning consultation General gynaecological surgery Hysterectomy LEEP or cone Ovarian Cysts Pelvic Pain Vaginal Surgery Hair Loss Treatment Infertility Treatments Nephrology Neurology Obstetrics Caesarian Births Prenatal Checks Vaginal Births Oncology Oriental Medicine Acupuncture Cupping Five Element Theory Gua Sha Moxibostion Oriental Body Therapy Qi gong Thai Massage Traditional Chinese Medicine Tui Na Orthopedics for Hands Carpal Tunnel Release Ganglion (Cyst) of the Wrist Hand Procedures Orthopedics for Hips Hip Decompression Hip Resurfacing Total Hip Replacement Orthopedics for Knees Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury Arthritis of the Knee Knee Arthroscopy Knee Injuries Meniscal Tears Partial & Total Knee Replacements Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Runner's Knee Surgical Treatment of Osteoarthritis Orthopedics for Shoulders Arthritis of the Shoulder Biceps Tendinitis Clavicle Fracture (Broken Collarbone) Rotator Cuff Tears Shoulder Arthroscopy Shoulder Impingement Shoulder Instability Shoulder Joint Replacement Physical Therapy Podiatry Reproductive Medicine Retirement Alzheimers Care Assisted living Independent Living Memory Support Skilled Nursing Spinal Surgery Spine Surgery Spinal Decompression Sports Injuries Stem Cell Aging Alzheimer's Disease Cardiovascular Disease Diabetes Erectile Dysfunction Knee Injury Lupus Myocardial Infarction Neuropathy Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Parkinson's Disease Thoracic Surgery Urogynecology & Urodynamics Computerised Urodynamics Electrostimulation of Pelvic Floor Prolapse of Pelvic Floor Reconstructive Vaginal Plasty with nets Reeducation of Pelvic Floor Suburetales Slings Training Pelvic Floor with Vaginal Cones Urinary Incontinence Urodynamics Clinic Vaginal Reconstruction Surgery with nets Urology Vascular Surgery CCSVI Liberation Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis Wellness & Spa Aesthetics Balneotherapy Biocelular Regenerator Body Wraps Clay Therapy Colonics Dentistry Detoxification Programs Electotherapy equipment Facials Fitness therapies Holistics Programs Hot & Cold Compresses Hot Springs Hydrotherapy Intravenous Vitamin Therapy Laser Life Coaching Magnotherapy Massage Meditation Nutrition Pain Management Physiatry Physiotherapy Pilates Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) Pressotherapy Radiofrequency Radiology Rehabilitation Addictions Anxiety Bi-polar Depression Detox Dual Diagnosis Personality Disorders Schizophrenia Reiki Rejuvenation Programs Shirodhara Shock Waves Spa program Stress Management Therapeutic Ultrasound Watsu Weight management Yoga classes Yoga Iboga Retreats Yoga Retreats Yoga Teacher Training Yoga Training

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Stem Cell Costa Rica


Stem Cells Therapy in Costa Rica – Stem Cells Transplant …

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

Stem cells are the bodys raw material cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Stem Cells are widely used around the world to treat many diseases. What makes stem cell treatment in Costa different from treatment in other places?

Stem cell therapy in Costa Rica is an amazing modern medical advancement that goes straight to the source of the problem to treat various disorders like; Alzheimers disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, Parkinsons disease, rheumatoid arthritis,acute lung injuryas well as many other diseases. Specialized clinics like, the Stem Cells Transplant Institute in Costa Rica, offer customized stem cells therapies.

Stem cell treatments in Costa Rica have been available to patients for several years with positive. However, it was not until recently that stem cell treatments were legalized. The process for approval was slow causing some stem clinics close. Today stem cells treatment in Costa Rica is legally approved and endorsed by the government making it one of the leading countries worldwide for treatment and research.

The Stem Cells Transplant Institute in Costa Rica, under the direction of Dr. Leslie Mesn, is a pioneer in the use of stem cell therapies. Patients of the clinic should feel confident about the quality of our therapies.

At the Stem Cells Transplant Institute in Costa Rica, we use adult autologous stem cells. Stem cells are harvested from a sample of your own adipose tissue or bone marrow. Then, after the cells have been separated and activated, they are reinjected intravenously or directly into the zone required, depending on the disease. Protocols are strictly enforced and treatment is very safe making Costa Rica and ideal choice for stem cell therapy. Some clinics in other countries practice allogeneic transplants, meaning the patient receives stem cells from a donor, either related or unrelated to the patient. In a few cases we have even learned about clinics using stem cells derived from animals. In an allogeneic transplant, because the cells do not come from the patient, there is a higher risk of the patient rejecting the cells. In Costa Rica the stem cells are obtained from your own tissue so the possibility of rejection is almost zero. It is important for you to speak with your physician about the possible risks as well as the benefits of stem cell based products.

Another advantage of stem cell treatment in Costa Rica is the lower cost of therapy when compared with other countries like the United States or Europe. Cost does not always equal quality. The World Health Organization has ranked Costa Rica as one of the top three healthcare systems in Latin America, and Costa Rica consistently ranks higher in healthcare than many industrialized countries including Canada and the United States. Price does not reflect safety or efficacy. Why should you pay more? Stem cell treatment in Costa Rica is safe, effective and price-friendly. Dr. Leslie Mesn, Chief Medical Officer of the Stem Cells Transplant Institute in Costa Rica is an expert in the field of stem cell therapy and continues to stay current by attending continuous education courses in the United States and Latin America. Dr. Mesen is a dedicated professional, aware that every patient is unique. He understands the limitations of traditional medicine and will help you achieve the desired outcome through a minimally invasive stem cell treatment in Costa Rica.

The Stem Cells Transplant Institute in Costa Rica believes in the importance of its patients. Are you aware how important you are? Your health and security should be your top priority when choosing the correct place to receive your stem cell treatment. Costa Rica has one of the best stem cell clinics in the world as well one of the best climates in the world. Make your trip more than a medical visit by enjoying the climate and natural beauty of Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a great medical destination. We are sure the more you learn about this incredible destination, the more you will want to come and visit.

Stem Cell Treatment in Costa Rica is growing fast. Costa Rica is also a point of meeting of important health scientist and professionals, this past March 6th and 7th we had de I Regenerative Medicine International Conference Costa Rica 2017, hold at the Tennis Club in San Jos, with the participation of relevant speakers like Dr. Arnold Caplan, Barbara Krutchkoff, PhD, Graham Parker, PhD and many others. Stem Treatment in Costa Rica is up-to-date with latest advances and techniques applied all over the world.

In conclusion, Stem Cells Therapies in Costa have state-to-the-art technologies and human resources. Costa Rica ranks as one of the best healthcare systems in the World. The therapies are based on your own stem cells, with the highest security standards. Costa Rica plays an important role in Stem cells investigations and applications. And finally, but very important Costa Rica is just an amazing place you have to visit.Contact us.

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Escaz, Costa Rica: Stem Cell Network to expand

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

Image:CIMA Hospital in Escaz

Global Stem Cells Group announces plans to expand its Stem Cell Center Network to include a new stem cell treatment center in Escaz, Costa Rica.

MIAMI, Dec. 21, 2017Global Stem Cells Group (GSCG), a world leader in stem cell and regenerative medicine, has announced the opening of a new stem cell center in its Stem Cell Center Network in Escaz, Costa Rica. The new center will focus on treating patients who suffer from regenerative illnesses.

The new center, located at the CIMA Hospital in Escaz, will be headed by Leslie Mesen, M.D., a specialist in anti-aging medicine.

The new center is part of Global Stem Cells Groups worldwide expansion of its clinical presence, partnering with qualified physicians experienced in stem cell therapies to open new clinics and utilize GSCG stem cell products and protocols inpatient treatments. GSCG has established similar alliances in 33 cities worldwide.

The new centers location at the CIMA Hospital in Escaz offers a safe and luxurious venue for patients traveling from the U.S. and other countries for treatment.

Mesen studied medicine at the Ibero-American University (UNIBE) in San Jos, Costa Rica. He leads numerous regenerative medicine courses in the United States and throughout Latin America. He is board certified in anti-aging and regenerative medicine byThe American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Mesen has served as chief medical officer of three highly-recognized anti-aging institutes, including the Costagenics Age Management program (2007-2010), Anti-Aging Institute of the Americas (2010-2013) and the Anti-Aging and Wellness Clinic (2014-present).

The new center in Escaz is equipped with the latest, cutting-edge regenerative medicine technology. Mesen was trained in Global Stem Cells Group facilities in the U.S.

This new center, headed by Dr. Mesen, is a perfect reflection of Global Stem Cells Groups commitment to meet the growing needs of clients and patients, says GSCG founder and CEO Benito Novas. Together with Dr. Mesen, we will continue to provide the latest medical technology and benefits available through our regenerative medicine products and protocols.

Global Stem Cells Group hopes to approve five more franchises in early 2108. If you are a pysician interested in learning more about joining the worldslargest regenerative medicine practitioner network please contact us http://www.stemcellcenter.net

GSCG provides stem cell treatments for a variety of conditions, diseases, and aesthetic treatments at facilities worldwide. The new facility will have an international staff experienced in administering the leading cellular therapies available.

Global Stem Cells Groups Escaz clinic is certified for the medical tourism market, and staff physicians are board-certified or board-eligible. GSCG clinics provide services in more than 10 specialties, attracting patients from the United States and around the world.

GSCG is committed to providing the highest standards of services and technology, expert and compassionate care, and a philosophy of exceeding the expectations of their international patients.

To learn more about Global Stem Cells Group, visit the GSCG website, email info@stemcellsgroup.com, or call +1305 560 533

About Global Stem Cells Group:

Global Stem Cells Group (GSCG) is a worldwide network that combines seven major medical corporations, each focused on furthering scientific and technological advancements to lead cutting-edge stem cell development, treatments, and training. The united efforts of GSCGs affiliate companies provide medical practitioners with a one-stop hub for stem cell solutions that adhere to the highest medical standards.

Global Stem Cell Groups aim is to be the largest recognized stem cell and regenerative medicine network in the world.

Escaz, Costa Rica.

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Escaz, Costa Rica: Stem Cell Network to expand


National Stem Cell Foundation of Australia

Wednesday, November 14th, 2018

Why do some cancer cells get away? Heather Lee, NewcastleNewborn babies offer clues for healing hearts Enzo Porrello, MelbourneWinners of the National Stem Cell Foundation of Australias 2018 Metcalf Prizes announcedDr Heather Lee is analysing individual cancer cells to understand how some survive therapy. Her research ultimately aims to prevent relapse and lift survival rates for leukaemia. Associate Professor Enzo Porrello is exploring newborn heart development to develop heart attack drugs and engineer artificial pumps from patient stem cells.Heather Lee of the University of Newcastle and Enzo Porrello of the University of Melbourne have both received $50,000 Metcalf Prizes from the National Stem Cell Foundation of Australia in recognition of their early-career leadership in stem cell research.Heather invented a way to study the genetics of individual cells more closely that will help her find out why some cancer cells are treatable, and others go rogue. With her new technique, she can see the chemical flags that tell the cell how to interpret its genetic code. At the same time, she can watch how those instructions areor arentcarried out.Heather and other scientists use the technique to study what makes rogue cancer cells different at a genetic level.Heather is now studying cells from patients with acute myeloid leukaemia to see how just a few cells can resist treatment and go on to cause a fatal relapse. She hopes this will lead to new, more effective drug treatments for this devastating disease.Dr Heather Lee is a Cancer Institute NSW Fellow at Hunter Medical Research Institute and the University of Newcastle.Read Heather's full profile.For a few short days after birth, the heart can regenerate damaged tissue. Enzo wants to understand why this ability turns off, so that he and colleagues can switch it back on to heal broken hearts. Understanding regeneration could lead to new treatments for different types of heart disease, the worlds biggest killer, from birth defects to heart attacks late in life.I recently showed that the hearts of newborn mice can regenerate after a heart attack, Enzo says. But this self-healing ability rapidly diminishes in the days after birth.Enzo thinks there is a similar capacity in humans. He is using stem cells to recreate the development of the heart in the lab to study the processes and the genes involved in turning self-healing on and off.He wants to develop drugs that can stimulate heart muscle cells to rebuild after a heart attack.He is also part of a new consortium that aims to engineer new working heart tissue to treat children with heart disease, made from their own stem cells.Associate Professor Enzo Porrello is Group Leader of Cardiac Regeneration at the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI) and a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne.Read Enzo's full profile.We hope that supporting Heather Lees work will help her share a valuable new technique for cancer researchers, and that Enzo Porrellos work will help us tackle Australias biggest killer, says Dr Graeme Blackman, AO, the chairman of the Foundation.Once again, weve been stunned by the quality of the applications. Heather and Enzo stood out from a very competitive field of young research leaders.The awards are named for the late Professor Donald Metcalf AC. Over his 50-year career, Don helped transform cancer treatment and transplantation medicine, and paved the way for potential stem cell therapy in the treatment of many other conditions.Professor Richard Larkins AO will formally present the 2018 Metcalf Prizes for Stem Cell Research at a special event in Melbourne on Friday 30 November 2018.Click here for full media kit and photographs.About the National Stem Cell Foundation of AustraliaThe NSCFA is an ATO-registered, tax-deductible health promotion charity dedicated to promoting the study and responsible use of stem cells to reduce the burden of disease.The Foundations activities include:supporting research that pursues cures for as-yet-untreatable diseasesbuilding a community of people with a shared interest in stem cell scienceproviding the Australian public with objective, reliable information on both the potential and risks of stem cell medicine.The Foundation is led by an expert volunteer Board, with a diversity of scientific, medical and governance experience. The Chairman is Dr Graeme Blackman, AO, FTSE, FAICD.The Board consults with leading stem cell scientists before committing funds to research and education initiatives.

Original post:
National Stem Cell Foundation of Australia


Stem cells in Costa Rica: a boost for medical research

Saturday, September 22nd, 2018

Regenerative medicine allows the application of experimental therapies using adult stem cells to treat various diseases that so far have been incurable. This branch of medicine has been promoted by the knowledge that stem cells have the ability to become cells of different tissue that the body uses for self-repair. Scientific research has shown that these cells have the potential to regenerate organs and other body tissue.

In 2014, Costa Rica enacted the Biomedical Research Statute, No. 9234, after a drawn-out period of uncertainty for the medical community that had left the country deprived of the gains from foreign and local investment and the subsequent benefits for patients that comes from medical research. Today, the country is benefiting from a rising market of companies and individuals seeking to move their clinical trials to Costa Rica as a result of the business-oriented provisions contained within the statute, as well as the support of local authorities.

One of the flaws of the statute was its omission of the application of regenerative therapies using adult stem cells. The Costa Rican Secretary of Health had considered that under the provisions of the statute these regenerative therapies were illegal.

However, aware of the current developments in science and the benefits of regenerative therapies, the Costa Rican President and the Secretary of Health secured a decisive political victory at the end of 2016 by implementing Regulation No. 39986 on the Authorization for Regenerative Therapy Using Adult Stem Cells. This resulted in a dramatic shift in public health policies coming from a nation that banned in-vitro fertilisation for more than a decade and declared that clinical trials were against the Constitution for several years.

Formal requirements

Under the new section 2, the regulation provides that no official authorisation is required for transplants of progenitor cells obtained from peripheral blood or transplants of haematopoietic cells obtained from umbilical cord blood when they are indicated for treatment of acute myeloid or lymphoid leukaemia, chronic lymphoblastic or myeloid leukaemia, Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin lymphoma as the more frequent causes or to a lesser degree for severe aplastic anaemia, nocturnal paroxysmal haemoglobinuria, immune system diseases, some haemoglobinopathies, hereditary metabolic diseases, as well as multiple myeloma and some solid tumours.

"It is of utmost importance to encourage sponsors and all parties managing the investigation and application of therapies to comply with all applicable rules and standards."

Moreover, therapies are subject to authorisation where the stem cells are exposed to more than minimal manipulation. The regulation follows the standards of science in section 1 providing that minimal manipulation entails processing that does not alter the relevant biological cell characteristics and includes nonproliferation conditions.

On the other hand, more than minimal manipulation involves processing that alters the relevant biological cell characteristics, such as when adult stem cells are subject to expansion during the cell cultivation and storage steps and in the nutrition, simulation, or intervention processes.

In both scenarios, any party interested in obtaining authorisation to implement therapies for regenerative purposes must submit an application in writing to the local Health Controller attaching formal requirements that include:

(i) Evidence that the therapy has completed preclinical studies that, as in the case of medications, demonstrate that they are effective and safe for use in clinical practice;

(ii) The complete characterisation of the cell types that will be transplanted and their characteristics, cellular processing and production;

(iii) The description of the cells and how they will be administered, including assistive drugs, agents, and surgical procedures;

(iv) A clinical follow-up plan and data records to ensure that the cellular therapy is effective and has no adverse effects; and

(v) Credentials substantiating training in stem cell therapy for the staff who will carry out the procedure.

If requirement (i) is not met, the procedure must be performed using a research protocol as set forth in the statute mentioned previously.

Before the new regulation was implemented, the criterion of the Secretary of Health was that all types of regenerative therapies were subject to the investigational protocol, leaving the country unattractive for patients and practitioners enthusiastic to apply therapies that are effective and safe for use in clinical practice.

Clinical research and regenerative therapies are an essential part of the approval of new drugs and human health findings. A comprehensive legal framework encourages the science and technology sector to invest in the country. It is of utmost importance to encourage sponsors and all parties managing the investigation and application of therapies to comply with all applicable rules and standards, without disregarding the importance of the protection of a patients rights.

Mara del Pilar Lpez is a partner at Zrcher Lawyers. She handles all aspects of IP practice, assisting companies with strategic portfolio development and management, counselling on the registration of rights, enforcement policies, advertisement and promotion of innovations. Lpez has established a life sciences and data privacy practice in order to comply with clients demands in these areas. She can be contacted at: plopez@zurcherip.com

Esteban Monge is an attorney at Zrcher Lawyers. He provides advice on a variety of areas of IP law, including counselling on aspects such as product development and testing, advertisement, regulatory compliance and enforcement strategies. He can be contacted at: emonge@zurcherip.com

Mara del Pilar Lpez, Esteban Monge, Zrcher Lawyers, stem cells, Costa Rica, medical research, , manipulation

Stem cells in Costa Rica: a boost for medical research


Costa Rica Best Health Care, Stem Cell Treatments, Medical …

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

An article published on January 5, 2017, by the Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC), an American news channel, confirms that Costa Rica is one of the four countries with the best health care in the World. The article was originally published by International Living, a worldwide program created to share experiences, languages, and customs with those from different countries, with the goals of broadening horizons and advancing peace.

The Stem Cells Transplant Institute located in Escaz, Costa Rica, offers state-of-the-art technologies in stem cell medicine. We have the best equipment, knowledgeable experts, and one of the best health care systems in the world, for you to receive your stem cell procedure.

Lets take a look at some important points that the media highlighted about Costa Ricas heath care system (check it athttp://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/05/4-countries-with-the-best-health-care-in-the-world-2017-commentary.html)

More than 40,000 Americans travel each year to Costa Rica to seekmedical and dental treatmentbecause of the outstanding reputation of Costa Rica. These medical tourists have discovered that this little Central American country has high quality healthcare available at a very low cost compared with their home country. Medical tourism is increasing each year as more and more patients learn about the advantages of coming to Costa Rica.

Costa Rica provides two medical systems and expats are allowed access to both. The first system is the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social. This is universal healthcare, provided and managed by the government. Its available both to citizens and legal residents. As a member of the Caja, you pay a monthly a fee based on your income. After you pay your monthly fee, all the health care is covered and there are no exclusions for age or pre-existing conditions. The system has an emphasis on preventative care. There are ten major public hospitals four in San Jose, including the Childrens Hospital affiliated with the Caja. For non-emergencies and everyday medical care, the Caja has small clinics, known as EBAIS, located in almost every community.

There is also an extensive private medical system in Costa Rica, with doctors, clinics, and hospitals throughout the entire country. You can pay cash to see private providers, but the cost is still a tiny fraction compared to equivalent care in the United States. A general doctor visit will cost about $50 and a specialist doctor visit will range from $80 to $100. Exams like ultrasound and x-rays, will cost about $75. Even major surgeries are cheap comparatively, running half to a quarter of the cost compared the U.S. Due to Costa Ricas medical reputation, very low costs, and beautiful surroundings, the country is rapidly becoming a prime destination for medical tourism.

You can also use insurance, either international policies or those provided by Costa Rican companies. Most private hospitals have international patient departments to help you arrange financial matters. Stem Cell treatments are no exception.

Costa Rica provides a great opportunity to get your stem cell treatment at a very reasonable price when compared with the United States. The Stem Cells Transplant Institute in Costa Rica, provides legally approved stem cell therapies. Costa Ricas health care system ranks higher than the United States, making Costa Rica one of your best options for stem cell treatment. You can feel safe and confident receiving medical treatment in one the best health services in the World.

At the Stem Cells Transplant Institute, we specialize in the use of autologous stem cells obtained from your own bone marrow and adipose tissue to treat a broad range of diseases. Dont hesitate to contact us to get more information about your specific condition. Stem Cells are positively impacting many peoples lives. You can be the next! Do it in the right place.

Continued here:
Costa Rica Best Health Care, Stem Cell Treatments, Medical ...


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