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Archive for the ‘Regenerative Medicine’ Category

Regenerative Medicine Journals | Stem Cell Articles List

Wednesday, July 8th, 2015

Journal of Regenerative Medicine Journal of Regenerative Medicine (JRGM) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal and aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in all areas of stem cells and regenerative medicine and making them available online freelywithout any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide. Journal of Regenerative Medicine focuses on the topics include regenerative medicine therapies, stem cell applications, tissue engineering, gene and cell therapies, translational medicine and tissue regeneration. The Journal is using Editorial Manager System for quality in review process. Editorial Manager is an online manuscript submission, review and tracking system. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members ofJournal Regenerative Medicine or outside experts; at least two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress through the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions to the editor. Editors can manage the whole submission/review/revise/publish process. Interested authors can submit manuscript through Online Submission System or Editorial Manager or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office ateditor.jrgm@scitechnol.com oreditor.jrgm@scitechnol.org Journal of Regenerative Medicine is organizing & supporting3rd International Conference on Tissue Science & Regenerative Medicine during September 24-26, 2014 Valencia, Spain with the theme ofBreakthrough Strategies for Tissue Engineering, Repair & Regeneration.

*Unofficial 2014 Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2012 and 2013 with the number of times they are cited in 2014 based on Google search and the Scholar Citation Index database. If X is the total number of articles published in 2012 and 2013, and Y is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2014 than, impact factor = Y/X.

Heterogeneity of Stem Cells in Human Amniotic Fluid

Amniotic fluid contains a mixture of cells with capacity to differentiate into all germ layers. These cells are present in large numbers in midtrimester samples obtained for cytogenetic diagnosis, and have been identified by stem cell surface markers and transcription factors. We studied cultured samples from patients who had both direct cultures and matched cultures obtained 2 weeks later from the cytogenetics laboratory as well as patients with cytogenetics material only. Samples were cryogenically frozen, thawed, expanded in culture with excellent viability. There was considerable individual variation unrelated to gestational age or telomere length. Phenotype for embryonic markers was assessed by flow cytometry and by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The most consistently present stem cell markers in substantial amounts were CD90, SSEA-4, & TRA-1-60. Cells with CD90, SSEA-4 & TRA-1-60 double and triple labeled also could be identified and subcultured, confirming the heterogeneity of the amniotic fluid stem cell population.

Patent Knowledge and Stem Cell Scientists

The knowledge economy is progressing at a rapid pace and increasingly relying on intangible assets as a form of recoupling its investments. Intangible assets include intellectual capital and intellectual property, with an emphasis on patents here. Due to the unawareness about intellectual property rights, researchers, very often, are flying blind unaware of opportunities and threats posed by patents to their research projects. Although, the business acumen of many (private and public) scientists has markedly increased in recent years, large numbers are still left outside the patent loop of opportunities and knowledge of obstacles to their research. Knowledge about patents carries important implications for all researchers and those responsible for science and technology policy making.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapies:In the Right Pathway to Find their Regulatory Niche

The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS) has recently regulated the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), that is,patients own plasma enriched in platelets and therefore in proteins and growth factors, as a human use drug. It is the first time that one regulatory agency worldwide categorizes these types of therapeutic therapies. According to AEMPS, PRP approaches cannot be considered as an advanced-therapy medicinal product. PRPs are classified as non-industrial biological medicines, being subjected to a strict regulation in terms of production, validation, efficacy and safety.

Understanding Somatic (Adult)Stem Cells: Potential vs. Reality

In the adult mammal, reserve stem cells, both active and quiescent, serve as primary precursors for differentiated cells. They often provide replacement cells as needed during normal cell homeostasis or serve as residual stem cell sources during periods of stress, trauma or disease. Adult stem cells have a defined level of maturity, accompanied by stability of differentiation, are less likely to invoke an immune response and are often readily derived from reservoirs in bone marrow, blood, adipose tissue and a variety of placental related tissues. While certain adult stem cells are well established as normal cell precursors and used in the treatment of diseases, an expanding array of specific adult stem cells from muscle, heart, nervous tissue, etc. are being discovered and posited as cell progenitors for regenerative therapy. Current preclinical and clinical tests are designed to test the identity, safety, efficacy, and methodology of harvested stem cells or derived cell lines for therapy of specific disorders. Contemporary therapeutic venues, bio-cell, drug and treatment centers have proposed the use of specific adult stem cells for human therapy in regenerative medicine.

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Regenerative Medicine Journals | Stem Cell Articles List


2015 Cluster for Regenerative Medicine Symposium

Friday, July 3rd, 2015


Congratulations to trainees who won prizes!From left: Marissa Scavuzzo (RU), Gautham Yepuri (HMRI), Samantha Paulsen (RU), Danielle Wu (RU), and John Leach (BCM). Not pictured: Alexander Tatara (RU)

Stem Cell Category: Trainee Speakership and Award: John Leach, Baylor College of Medicine Hippo signaling deletion in heart failure reverses functional declineLeach J, Heallen T, Zhang M, Rahmani M, Martin J

1st Place Poster Award: Marissa Scavuzzo,Baylor College of Medicine Isl1 Directs Cell Fate Decisions in the Pancreas by Specifying Progenitor Cells Towards Different Endocrine LineagesScavuzzo MA, Yang D, Sharp R, Wamble K, Chmielowiec J, Mumcuyan N, Borowiak M

2nd Place Poster Award: Gautham Yepuri, Houston Methodist Research Institute Proton Pump Inhibitors Impair Vascular Function By Accelerating Endothelial SenescenceYepuri G, Sukhovershin R, Nazari-shafti TZ, Ghebremariam YT, Cooke JP

Tissue Engineering Category: Trainee Speakership and Award: Samantha Paulsen, Rice University 3D printing vascularized tissues: Closing the loop between computational and experimental models Paulsen SJ, Miller JS

1st Place Poster Award: Alexander Tatara, Rice University Using the Body to Regrow the Body: In vivo Bioreactors for Craniofacial Tissue EngineeringTatara AM, Shah SR, Lam J, Demian N, Ho T, Shum J, Wong ME, Mikos AG

2nd Place Poster Award: Danielle Wu, Rice University Building Salivary Cell Mini-Modules: A First Step Toward Reconstruction of the Human Salivary GlandWu D, Pradhan-Bhatt S, Cannon K, Chapela P, Hubka K, Harrington D, Ozdemir T, Zakheim D, Jia X, Witt RL, Farach-Carson MC

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2015 Cluster for Regenerative Medicine Symposium


Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine – Official Site

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

An International Leader in Regenerative Medicine

The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) is a leader in translating scientific discovery into clinical therapies.

Physicians and scientists at WFIRM were the first in the world to engineer laboratory-grown organs that were successfully implanted into humans. Today, this interdisciplinary team is working to engineer more than 30 different replacement tissues and organs and to develop healing cell therapies-all with the goal to cure, rather than merely treat, disease.

Regenerative medicine has been called the "next evolution of medical treatments," by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. With its potential to heal, this new field of science is expected to revolutionize health care.

"We have many challenges to meet, but are optimistic about the ability of the field to have a significant impact on human health. We believe regenerative medicine promises to be one of the most pervasive influences on public health in the modern era."- Anthony Atala, MD, Director

Why is public education on regenerative medicine important?Watch the videos below from leaders in the field of regenerative medicine to get this answer and learn more.The Regenerative Medicine Network is a newly formed collaboration between the Regenerative Medicine Foundation and MDTV Inc. The network will be a digital information and education hub available to the public through participating web portals such as the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine.

See the article here:
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine - Official Site


RegenerativeMedicine.net – What is regenerative medicine?

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

When injured or invaded by disease, our bodies have the innate response to heal and defend. What if it was possible to harness the power of the body to heal and then accelerate it in a clinically relevant way? What if we could help the body heal better?

The promising field of Regenerative Medicine is working to restore structure and function of damaged tissues and organs. It is also working to create solutions for organs that become permanently damaged. The goal of this medicine is to find a way to cure previously untreatable injuries and diseases.


Some patients must manually empty their bladder but the complications dont end there. The inability to urinate at will, or even to regulate the build up of urine, could cause back up into the kidneys, creating life-threatening damage.

But wait, a revolutionary event has occurred! A series of child and teenage patients have received urinary bladders grown from their own cells! This is the first ever laboratory-grown organ transplant placed into a human, all made possible by Regenerative Medicine.

Regenerative Medicine is working to improve the quality of life for patients all over the world. Scientists work with this powerful technology to create new body parts from a patients own cells and tissues. Success of these efforts will eliminate the concept of tissue rejection.

Learn more about the study of artificial organs and how scientists are working to replace damaged or diseased tissue with synthetic devices (fully artificial organs) or synthetic and cellular components (biohybrid organs).

Also find out how medical devices provide the ability to sustain patients during their long wait for a donor organ, and occasionally eliminate the need for a transplant altogether.


Heart disease affects many Americans and the only current solution requires a heart transplant. Even if a patient is able to survive long enough to receive a heart, there is no promise that the body will not reject the foreign organ.

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RegenerativeMedicine.net - What is regenerative medicine?


regenerative medicine | Britannica.com

Wednesday, July 1st, 2015

regenerative medicine,cartilage: bronchus repair using bioartificial tissue transplantationHospital Clinic of Barcelona/APthe application of treatments developed to replace tissues damaged by injury or disease. These treatments may involve the use of biochemical techniques to induce tissue regeneration directly at the site of damage or the use of transplantation techniques employing differentiated cells or stem cells, either alone or as part of a bioartificial tissue. Bioartificial tissues are made by seeding cells onto natural or biomimetic scaffolds (see tissue engineering). Natural scaffolds are the total extracellular matrixes (ECMs) of decellularized tissues or organs. In contrast, biomimetic scaffolds may be composed of natural materials, such as collagen or proteoglycans (proteins with long chains of carbohydrate), or built from artificial materials, such as metals, ceramics, or polyester polymers. Cells used for transplants and bioartificial tissues are almost always autogeneic (self) to avoid rejection by the patients immune system. The use of allogeneic (nonself) cells carries a high risk of immune rejection and therefore requires tissue matching between donor and recipient and involves the administration of immunosuppressive drugs.

A variety of autogeneic and allogeneic cell and bioartificial tissue transplantations have been performed. Examples of autogeneic transplants using differentiated cells include blood transfusion with frozen stores of the patients own blood and repair of the articular cartilage of the knee with the patients own articular chondrocytes (cartilage cells) that have been expanded in vitro (amplified in number using cell culture techniques in a laboratory). An example of a tissue that has been generated for autogeneic transplant is the human mandible (lower jaw). Functional bioartificial mandibles are made by seeding autogeneic bone marrow cells onto a titanium mesh scaffold loaded with bovine bone matrix, a type of extracellular matrix that has proved valuable in regenerative medicine for its ability to promote cell adhesion and proliferation in transplantable bone tissues. Functional bioartificial bladders also have been successfully implanted into patients. Bioartificial bladders are made by seeding a biodegradable polyester scaffold with autogeneic urinary epithelial cells and smooth muscle cells.

Another example of a tissue used successfully in an autogeneic transplant is a bioartificial bronchus, which was generated to replace damaged tissue in a patient affected by tuberculosis. The bioartificial bronchus was constructed from an ECM scaffold of a section of bronchial tissue taken from a donor cadaver. Differentiated epithelial cells isolated from the patient and chondrocytes derived from mesenchymal stem cells collected from the patients bone marrow were seeded onto the scaffold.

There are few clinical examples of allogeneic cell and bioartificial tissue transplants. The two most common allogeneic transplants are blood-group-matched blood transfusion and bone marrow transplant. Allogeneic bone marrow transplants are often performed following high-dose chemotherapy, which is used to destroy all the cells in the hematopoietic system in order to ensure that all cancer-causing cells are killed. (The hematopoietic system is contained within the bone marrow and is responsible for generating all the cells of the blood and immune system.) This type of bone marrow transplant is associated with a high risk of graft-versus-host disease, in which the donor marrow cells attack the recipients tissues. Another type of allogeneic transplant involves the islets of Langerhans, which contain the insulin-producing cells of the body. This type of tissue can be transplanted from cadavers to patients with diabetes mellitus, but recipients require immunosuppression therapy to survive.

Cell transplant experiments with paralyzed mice, pigs, and nonhuman primates demonstrated that Schwann cells (the myelin-producing cells that insulate nerve axons) injected into acutely injured spinal cord tissue could restore about 70 percent of the tissues functional capacity, thereby partially reversing paralysis.

embryonic stem cell: scientists conducting research on embryonic stem cellsMauricio LimaAFP/Getty ImagesStudies on experimental animals are aimed at understanding ways in which autogeneic or allogeneic adult stem cells can be used to regenerate damaged cardiovascular, neural, and musculoskeletal tissues in humans. Among adult stem cells that have shown promise in this area are satellite cells, which occur in skeletal muscle fibres in animals and humans. When injected into mice affected by dystrophy, a condition characterized by the progressive degeneration of muscle tissue, satellite cells stimulate the regeneration of normal muscle fibres. Ulcerative colitis in mice was treated successfully with intestinal organoids (organlike tissues) derived from adult stem cells of the large intestine. When introduced into the colon, the organoids attached to damaged tissue and generated a normal-appearing intestinal lining.

In many cases, however, adult stem cells such as satellite cells have not been easily harvested from their native tissues, and they have been difficult to culture in the laboratory. In contrast, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) can be harvested once and cultured indefinitely. Moreover, ESCs are pluripotent, meaning that they can be directed to differentiate into any cell type, which makes them an ideal cell source for regenerative medicine.

Studies of animal ESC derivatives have demonstrated that these cells are capable of regenerating tissues of the central nervous system, heart, skeletal muscle, and pancreas. Derivatives of human ESCs used in animal models have produced similar results. For example, cardiac stem cells from heart-failure patients were engineered to express a protein (Pim-1) that promotes cell survival and proliferation. When these cells were injected into mice that had experienced myocardial infarction (heart attack), the cells were found to enhance the repair of injured heart muscle tissue. Likewise, heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) derived from human ESCs improved the function of injured heart muscle tissue in guinea pigs.

Derivatives of human ESCs are likely to produce similar results in humans, although these cells have not been used clinically and could be subject to immune rejection by recipients. The question of immune rejection was bypassed by the discovery in 2007 that adult somatic cells (e.g., skin and liver cells) can be converted to ESCs. This is accomplished by transfecting (infecting) the adult cells with viral vectors carrying genes that encode transcription factor proteins capable of reprogramming the adult cells into pluripotent stem cells. Examples of these factors include Oct-4 (octamer 4), Sox-2 (sex-determining region Y box 2), Klf-4 (Kruppel-like factor 4), and Nanog. Reprogrammed adult cells, known as induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, are potential autogeneic sources for cell transplantation and bioartificial tissue construction. Such cells have since been created from the skin cells of patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer disease and have been used as human models for the exploration of disease mechanisms and the screening of potential new drugs. In one such model, neurons derived from human iPS cells were shown to promote recovery of stroke-damaged brain tissue in mice and rats, and, in another, cardiomyocytes derived from human iPS cells successfully integrated into damaged heart tissue following their injection into rat hearts. These successes indicated that iPS cells could serve as a cell source for tissue regeneration or bioartificial tissue construction.

Scaffolds and soluble factors, such as proteins and small molecules, have been used to induce tissue repair by undamaged cells at the site of injury. These agents protect resident fibroblasts and adult stem cells and stimulate the migration of these cells into damaged areas, where they proliferate to form new tissue. The ECMs of pig small intestine submucosa, pig and human dermis, and different types of biomimetic scaffolds are used clinically for the repair of hernias, fistulas (abnormal ducts or passageways between organs), and burns.

The rest is here:
regenerative medicine | Britannica.com


Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, and Tissue Engineering

Monday, June 1st, 2015

Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, and Tissue Engineering


Treatments classed as regenerative medicine help our natural healing processes work more rapidly and more effectively. These technologies can enable regeneration in missing or damaged tissue that would not ordinarily regrow, producing at least partial regeneration, and in some promising animal studies complete regeneration.

Strategies presently either under development, in clinical trials, or available via medical tourism include stem cell transplants, manipulation of a patient's own stem cells, and the use of implanted scaffold materials that emit biochemical signals to spur stem cells into action. In the field of tissue engineering, researchers have generated sections of tissue outside the body for transplant, using the patient's own cells to minimize the possibility of transplant rejection. Regenerative therapies have been demonstrated in the laboratory to at least partially heal broken bones, bad burns, blindness, deafness, heart damage, worn joints, nerve damage, the lost brain cells of Parkinson's disease, and a range of other conditions. Less complex organs such as the bladder and the trachea have been constructed from a patient's cells and scaffolds and successfully transplanted.

Work continues to bring these advances to patients. Many forms of treatment are offered outside the US and have been for a decade or more in some cases, while within the US just a few of the simple forms of stem cell transplant have managed to pass the gauntlet of the FDA in the past few years.

What Are Stem Cells?

Some of the most impressive demonstrations of regenerative medicine since the turn of the century have used varying forms of stem cells - embryonic, adult, and most recently induced pluripotent stem cells - to trigger healing in the patient. Most of the earlier successful clinical applications were aimed at the alleviation of life-threatening heart conditions. However, varying degrees of effectiveness have also been demonstrated for the repair of damage in other organs, such as joints, the liver, kidneys, nerves, and so forth.

Stem cells are unprogrammed cells in the human body that can continue dividing forever and can change into other types of cells. Because stem cells can become bone, muscle, cartilage and other specialized types of cells, they have the potential to treat many diseases, including Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, diabetes and cancer. They are found in embryos at very early stages of development (embyonic stem cells) and in some adult organs, such as bone marrow and brain (adult stem cells). You can find more information on stem cells at the following sites:

Embryonic and adult stem cells appear to have different effects, limitations and abilities. The current scientific consensus is that adult stem cells are limited in their utility, and that both embryonic and adult stem cell research will be required to develop cures for severe and degenerative diseases. Researchers are also making rapid progress in reprogramming stem cells and creating embryonic-like stem cells from ordinary cells.

Progress in Stem Cell Research

Originally posted here:
Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, and Tissue Engineering


About Regenerative Medicine – Mayo Clinic

Friday, May 22nd, 2015

Though great progress has been made in medicine, current evidence-based and palliative treatments are increasingly unable to keep pace with patients' needs, especially given our aging population. There are few effective ways to treat the root causes of many diseases, injuries and congenital conditions. In many cases, clinicians can only manage patients' symptoms using medications or devices.

Regenerative medicine is a game-changing area of medicine with the potential to fully heal damaged tissues and organs, offering solutions and hope for people who have conditions that today are beyond repair.

Regenerative medicine itself isn't new the first bone marrow and solid-organ transplants were done decades ago. But advances in developmental and cell biology, immunology, and other fields have unlocked new opportunities to refine existing regenerative therapies and develop novel ones.

The Center for Regenerative Medicine takes three interrelated approaches:

Rejuvenation. Rejuvenation means boosting the body's natural ability to heal itself. Though after a cut your skin heals within a few days, other organs don't repair themselves as readily.

But cells in the body once thought to be no longer able to divide (terminally differentiated) including the highly specialized cells constituting the heart, lungs and nerves have been shown to be able to remodel and possess some ability to self-heal. Teams within the center are studying how to enhance self-healing processes.

Replacement. Replacement involves using healthy cells, tissues or organs from a living or deceased donor to replace damaged ones. Organ transplants, such as heart and liver transplants, are good examples.

The center aims to expand opportunities for transplants by finding ways to overcome the ongoing donor shortage, the need for immunosuppression and challenges with organ rejection.

Regenerative medicine holds the promise of definitive, affordable health care solutions that heal the body from within.

Stem cells have the ability to develop through a process called differentiation into many different types of cells, such as skin cells, brain cells, lung cells and so on. Stem cells are a key component of regenerative medicine, as they open the door to new clinical applications.

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About Regenerative Medicine - Mayo Clinic


Regenerative Medicine

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

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Regenerative Medicine


Regenerative Medicine at the McGowan Institute

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Regenerative Medicine in the News...

Designing a Synthetic Gel that Changes Shape and Moves via Its Own Internal Energy

By developing a new computational model, McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine affiliated faculty member Anna Balazs, PhD, and Pitts Olga Kuksenok, PhD, have designed a synthetic polymer gel that can utilize internally generated chemical energy to undergo shape-shifting and self-sustained propulsion.


Clifford Brubaker to End 25-Year Tenure as Dean of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Clifford E. Brubaker, PhD, who has served as professor and dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences for nearly 25 years, will step down from the deanship on July 1. Dr. Brubaker, a Distinguished Service Professor of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, also holds appointments in the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, the Department of Neurological Surgery, and the Clinical and Translational Science Institute.


Dr. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski Wins Dreyfus Prize

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, PhD, the J.C. Warner University Professor of Natural Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University, has won the 2015 Dreyfus Prize in the Chemical Sciences, an international prize given every 2 years to recognize accomplishments in different areas of chemistry. Dr. Matyjaszewski is also a McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine affiliated faculty member.

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See the rest here:
Regenerative Medicine at the McGowan Institute


Download Cord Blood Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine PDF – Video

Monday, May 4th, 2015

Download Cord Blood Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine PDF
Download PDF Here: http://bit.ly/1GSodzZ.

By: Monet Siler

View post:
Download Cord Blood Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine PDF - Video


Researchers find that brain activity promotes the growth of brain cancer – Video

Sunday, April 26th, 2015

Researchers find that brain activity promotes the growth of brain cancer
Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine researcher Michelle Monje, MD, PhD, has found that normal brain activity creates factors that promote the growth of a brain...

By: institutesofmedicine

Go here to see the original:
Researchers find that brain activity promotes the growth of brain cancer - Video


Mayo Clinic Transplant Center Regenerative Medicine Consult Service – Video

Sunday, April 26th, 2015

Mayo Clinic Transplant Center Regenerative Medicine Consult Service
Regenerative medicine is the idea of rebuilding the tissues that are destroyed by degenerative disease. With regenerative medicine and stem cell biology, doctors are working to determine which...

By: Mayo Clinic

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Mayo Clinic Transplant Center Regenerative Medicine Consult Service - Video


U.S. Stem Cell Clinic: Meet Kristin Comella – Video

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

U.S. Stem Cell Clinic: Meet Kristin Comella
Ms. Comella has over 15 years experience in corporate entities with expertise in regenerative medicine, training and education, research, product development, and senior management. Ms. Comella...

By: U.S. Stem Cell Clinic

Read more from the original source:
U.S. Stem Cell Clinic: Meet Kristin Comella - Video


Asterias Biotherapeutics – Video

Saturday, April 11th, 2015

Asterias Biotherapeutics
Pedro Lichtinger, President CEO (NYSEMKT: AST) Headquarters: Menlo Park, CA Asterias develops products based on its core technology platforms of pluripotent stem cells and allogeneic dendritic.

By: Alliance for Regenerative Medicine

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Asterias Biotherapeutics - Video


Testimonial John Edwards – Video

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

Testimonial John Edwards
John Edwards of Roatan provides a testimonial for his orthopedic stem cell treatments recently at GARM.

By: Global Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, Roatan, Honduras

Go here to read the rest:
Testimonial John Edwards - Video


What is regenerative medicine – Video

Friday, March 27th, 2015

What is regenerative medicine
Siddharth Tambar MD discusses regenerative medicine treatments for arthritis and tendinitis, including prp and stem cells.

By: Chicago Arthritis

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What is regenerative medicine - Video



Monday, March 23rd, 2015

Moderator - Tim Studt, Advantage Media Speakers - Michele Reilly, Turing, Inc. Michael Vassar, MetaMed James M. Watt, PhD, Eagle Medical Services, LLC.

By: worldstemcell

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SuperCells at Centre for Life – Video

Monday, March 23rd, 2015

SuperCells at Centre for Life
Exhibition at Centre for Life, Newcastle. Exhibition presented by the Stem Cell Network and produced by the Sherbrooke Museum of Nature and Science (Quebec, Canada); in partnership with the...

By: Cell Therapy Catapult

Excerpt from:
SuperCells at Centre for Life - Video


Laurel Barchas: Becoming a Stem Cel Scientist – Video

Thursday, March 19th, 2015

Laurel Barchas: Becoming a Stem Cel Scientist
In this video produced by ConnectEd California, Laurel Barchas, a Ph.D. student in Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley, describes how her passion for stem cell research has inspired her to bring...

By: California Institute for Regenerative Medicine

Read more from the original source:
Laurel Barchas: Becoming a Stem Cel Scientist - Video


The Ethics of Stem Cells – Video

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015

The Ethics of Stem Cells
In this video produced by ConnectEd California, Professor Charis Thompson from UC Berkeley explains the ethics debate surrounding stem cell research and what...

By: California Institute for Regenerative Medicine

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The Ethics of Stem Cells - Video


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