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Archive for the ‘Regenerative Medicine’ Category

Cell therapy startup raises $16 million to fund its quest for the Holy Grail in regenerative medicine – Endpoints News

Friday, October 18th, 2019

In 2006, Shinya Yamanaka shook stem cell research with his discovery that mature cells can be converted into stem cells, relieving a longstanding political-ethical blockage and throwing open medical research on everything from curbing eye degeneration to organ printing.

But that process still has pitfalls, including in risk and scalability, and some researchers are exploring another way first hinted at years ago: new technology to convert mature cells directly into other mature cells without the complex and time-consuming process of first making them into stem cells.

One of those companies, Mogrify, just raised $16 million in Series A financing to bring its overall funding to over $20 million since its February launch. Led by CEO Darrin Disley, the funding will help expand their new base in Cambridge to a 60-strong staff and push forward their direct-conversion approach to cell therapy through research and licensing. Investors include Parkwalk Advisors and Ahren Innovation Capital.

They list potential applications as treatments for musculoskeletal and auto-immune disorders, cancer immunotherapy, and therapies for ocular and respiratory diseases. For example, you could use it regenerate cartilage in arthritis patients.

If you could take a cell from one part of the body and turn it into any other cell at any other stage of development for another part of the body, you effectively have the Holy Grail of regenerative medicine, Disley told Labiotech.eu in April.

Mogrifys advantage over the Yamanaka method called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), is that in theory it can be more scalable and avoid the problems associated with iPS. These include instabilities arising from the induced immature state and an increased risk of cancer if any pluripotent cells remain in the body.

The concept behind Mogrify actually predates, by nearly 19 years, Yamanakas discovery, which fast won him the 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine. A 2017 Nature study on transdifferentiation, as the process is called, of fibroblasts into cardiac tissue traced the idea to a 1987 findingthat a master gene regulator could convert mice fibroblasts into skeletal muscle.

The problem though, according to Mogrify, is that most current efforts rely on an exhausting guess-and-check process. With hundreds of cell types and an even greater number of transcription factors the program that recodes the cell finding the right factor for the right cell can be like a custodian with a jangling, unmarked key ring trying to get into a building with thousands of locks.

Mogrifys key tech is a computer model they say can predict the right combination. The scientists behind the platform published a 2016 study in Nature applying the model to 173 human cell types and 134 tissues.

Before Mogrify, Disley led the Cambridge-based gene-editing company Horizon Discovery.

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Cell therapy startup raises $16 million to fund its quest for the Holy Grail in regenerative medicine - Endpoints News


Enso Discoveries and Kansas Department of Agriculture will Host the 4th Annual Kansas Veterinary Regenerative Symposium on Saturday, November 9, 2019…

Friday, October 18th, 2019

Enso Discoveries is proud to partner with the Kansas Department of Agriculture for the fourth year to bring the veterinary and agricultural industries in the midwest the Kansas Veterinary Regenerative Symposium as part of the Kansas Veterinary Medicine Association Annual Meeting.

MANHATTAN, Kan., Oct. 17, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Enso Discoveries, the perennial sponsor of the Kansas Veterinary Regenerative Symposium (KVRS), proudly announces the 4th annual session hosted by the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) on the second day of the Fall Kansas Veterinary Convention & Kansas Veterinary Medicine Association (KVMA) Annual Meeting happening in Manhattan, Kansas from November 8-10, 2019.

The Fall Kansas Veterinary Convention promises over 40 hours of quality education in small and large animal medicine, practice management and veterinary technicians. Speaking sessions, wet labs and workshops offer practical information, flexible schedule, networking and more over the three-day event.

"The mission of the KVRS has always been to concisely educate the practicing veterinarian about regenerative medicine in such a way that they can immediately implement into their practice. Once a treatment option available only to a limited few, it is now available for most every patient, so being informed has never been more important," said Corey Orava, DVM, CSO of Enso Discoveries and Chair of KVRS.

This year KVRS will have four speakers from both academia and private practice. The general theme of the Symposium will be regenerative therapies in veterinary medicine with topics including Platelet Rich Plasma and Platelet Rich Fibrin in both large and small animal practice:

Date: November 9, 2019 Time: 1:30 PM Location: Hilton Garden Inn & Conference Center Address: 410 S. 3rd Street, Manhattan, KS 66502

"Using the body to heal itself is the perfect marriage of natural and advanced technology. It is truly a marvel to witness the progress of my patients. I can't say enough about Enso Discoveries and the easy-to-use kits we now use to offer PRP as a service to our clients." - Kendell Michel, DVM, CVCP, Family Animal Care of Salina, Kansas

### Our mission at Enso Discoveries is to greatly enhance the lives of animals through the development of cutting-edge, novel technology. We believe all things are possible. We offer a wide range of innovative services, university-backed science, and affordable medical products with an emphasis on regenerative medicine.

We continually perform and fund veterinary research with the help of our academic and industrial research partners. While maintaining the highest level of integrity, we continue to succeed because we support our products and services with scientific proof, superior sales and marketing ability, and a worldwide network of industry experienced contacts.

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Enso Discoveries and Kansas Department of Agriculture will Host the 4th Annual Kansas Veterinary Regenerative Symposium on Saturday, November 9, 2019...


Second annual Regenerative Medicine summit proves big win for The Bahamas – EyeWitness News

Friday, October 18th, 2019

Nassau, The Bahamas The best and brightest global recently gathered in The Bahamas to discuss ways of making stem cell and regenerative health technologies available, accessible and affordable to everyone, everywhere.

Dr. Desiree Cox, Rhodes Scholar and Founder and CEO of HEALinc reflects, This event promotes research and innovation in medical technologies with the potential to help people stay healthy through their lifespan. Our presenters and sponsors delivered an immersive experience that bridged the gaps between modern regenerative medicine technologies and ancient healing arts of creativity, music, movement and breathwork.

The second annual HEALinc Future Health and Innovation Summit was hosted at the Grand Hyatt, Baha Mar Convention Center from October 2 4, 2019 with an audience of more than 200-participants. A slate of more than 50 presenters delivered thought-provoking presentations and the celebrity keynote speech was given by Dr. Joe Dispenza,an international lecturer, researcher and author who has been invited to speak in more than 33 countries on six continents. Dr. Dispenza challenged the audience to rewire the brains and recondition their bodies to make lasting life changes.

Dr. Steven Greco, Chief Scientific Officer of the Houston Healthspan Innovation Group said, Regenerative medicine and immune restoration treatments provide safe, accessible options for patients. Houston Healthspan was pleased to share some of the exciting pilot data related to orthopedic and neurological treatments delivered at Okyanos. Through our participation and the sponsorship of the Bosarge Family Foundation, we were able to collaborate on this Summit because of our shared commitment to HEALinc., and to The Bahamas.

Dr. Joshua Hare, Professor of Medicine at University of Miami and Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Longeveron, presented important scientific data from Longeverons multiple FDA authorized stem cell trials in the US as well as the 60+ patients treated in The Bahamas in Longeverons approved open Registry for aging and musculoskeletal related disorders.Dr. Todd McAllister, CEO of Fountain Therapeutics scheduled to begin operations in Bimini was a keynote speaker at the Summit along with Dr. Robert Hariri, Founder and President of Celularity, and one of the angel investors of Fountain Therapeutics along with Peter Diamandis and Tony Robbins. Dr. Hariri says, This Summit is an ideal environment to engage in conversations that affirm our commitment to harnessing the powerful biology of the placenta to treat cancer, immunological and degenerative diseases and we commend Dr. Cox for her leadership in this regard.

Dr. Cox says, As we grow, we anticipate hosting events in the United States that provide a space for more individuals to showcase products and services that will allow more persons to live longer, healthier and happier lives because of the integration of modern and ancient regenerative health technologies.

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Second annual Regenerative Medicine summit proves big win for The Bahamas - EyeWitness News


Accomplishments of Dr. Steven Rosenberg in Cancer Immunotherapy Inspire Young Researchers in Japan & XIV Fujio Cup Quiz on Stem Cells Is Won by…

Friday, October 18th, 2019

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Utilizing the capability of ones own immune system to tackle cancer, an out-of-the box idea was the brain child of Dr. Steven Rosenberg almost three decades ago. His initiative which paved way for a new chapter in oncology, inspired many young scientists and clinicians in the NCRM NICHE 2019 held in Tokyo, Japan, as his acceptance speech in the Edogawa NICHE Prize ceremony was videocast.

NCRM NICHE, an active knowledge gaining academic event since 2006 in which young scholars from all over the world compete for the Fujio Cup Quiz (FCQ) in regenerative medicine is evolving to be an open innovation platform according to Dr. Shojiro Katoh, Chairperson of Edogawa Evolutionary Lab of Science (www.eels.tokyo), a co-host. He added that the FCQ motivated his team research on 16 different themes in Regenerative Medicine in various clinical specialties, among which two have completed clinical pilot studies with successful outcome viz., corneal endothelial regeneration and urethral stricture repair.

The XIV edition of FCQ contest that witnessed teams from Malaysia, Indonesia and India in the finals, was won by Reshma Romanas and Aayurshi Agrahari of Kasturba Medical College, India. Alumni of the FCQ are now eligible to nominate the awardees for Edogawa NICHE Prize which was established in 2018 to honour scientists or clinicians who develop novel solutions in healthcare, based on inter-disciplinary interactions. Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg, Chief of surgery, National Cancer Institute, NIH, USA is the recipient of the award in 2019. The award portrays such accomplished role models to the FCQ Elites according to the organizers who have instituted Joyce & James Till Travel Grant with a generous grant by Prof James Till, that supports travel of yesteryears FCQ Elites, who are now accomplished researchers in their own rights to meet and inspire the FCQ Elites of today, thus bringing together science and generations across nations.

NCRM NICHE is supported by a consortium with EELS as knowledge partners and JBM Inc., as industry partners based in Tokyo which has set up a hybrid cell culture cum biomaterials lab for taking forward the cell therapy and tissue engineering innovations to bed side, with future plans to propagate them globally through networking with like-minded academic and industry partners.

Originally posted here:
Accomplishments of Dr. Steven Rosenberg in Cancer Immunotherapy Inspire Young Researchers in Japan & XIV Fujio Cup Quiz on Stem Cells Is Won by...


Researchers See Future of Dry Eye Treatment in Innovative Contact Lens – UPJ Athletics

Friday, October 18th, 2019

Alexis Nolfi went to her doctor one day to get treatment for her dry eyes.

Nolfi, a graduatebioengineeringstudent researcher in the University of PittsburghsSwanson School of Engineering, has been dealing this condition for several years now and the eye drop treatments she had been taking were only working temporarily, so she was using eye drops multiple times a day.

Its been pretty frustrating and borderline debilitating, said Nolfi. I had been using artificial tears every night and all through the day. I still use them all the time and havent been getting adequate relief, and I fight with my insurance company to cover prescription eye drop treatments.

However, this 2018 visit to her eye doctor,Vishal Jhanji, would be different.

While talking with each other in the doctors office, they realized the need for better treatment options for dry eye syndrome, which affects millions of Americans each year.

Dry eye is the most common reason patients come into our office, said Jhanji, a professor ofophthalmologyin PittsSchool of Medicine. She (Nolfi) had been using eye drops 10 to 15 times a day.

Nolfi then decided to experiment with contact lenses given to her by Jhanji to develop a new therapy tool and drug delivery system to target inflammation that can cause this irritating condition. What came out of it was the CyteSolutions Lens, a silicone-hydrogel-based contact lens coated with natural biopolymers organic molecular structures containing adrugthat targets inflammatory dry eye pathways not targeted by any other current treatments.

The coating is only activated and degraded whenever it makes contact with the surface of your eye, because there are enzymes in your eyes that work to degrade the polymers we use, said Nolfi. This allows the slow and safe release of drugs over a period of hours or even days as opposed to drops that almost immediately fall out of or drain away from your eyes.

While contact lens-based therapies have been previously developed by dipping lenses in drug solutions, the team is using biopolymers for slow and sustained drug delivery to target the inflammatory pathways in the eye.

There is a definite need for innovation and ways to deliver drugs to the surface of the eye, Jhanji said. Were not looking to simply replenish the eye; were trying to tackle the root cause of this problem.

Nolfi and Jhanji, along with Swanson School researchersMangesh KulkarniandBryan Brown, recently won one of three $100,000 grand prizes at the 2019 Pitt Innovation Challenge, hosted by Pitts Clinical and Translational Science Institute, to further advance their innovation.

Jhanji said dry eye syndrome has become more common in the 21stcentury, and with that has come more treatment options, ranging from over-the-counter eye drops to surgery depending on the patient.

The CyteSolutions Lens team wishes to eventually take their prototype to clinical trials and will ramp up studies thanks to the competitions funding. The researchers said anyone who uses contact lenses would be good candidates to try CyteSolutions Lens.

We dont expect this lens to feel any different from standard soft contact lenses, and theyre natural with no chemical crosslinking, said Jhanji.

PittsInnovation Institute, theMcGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicineand the UPMC Eye Centerassisted with research on the CyteSolutions Lens.

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Researchers See Future of Dry Eye Treatment in Innovative Contact Lens - UPJ Athletics


ARMI summit: With synthetic meat within grasp, why not synthetic liver? – The Union Leader

Friday, October 18th, 2019

MANCHESTER Now that the world has the Impossible Whopper, will the impossible liver be far behind?

Such possibilities are being broached this week as inventor Dean Kamen, founder of the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute, hosts the fourth semi-annual summit since launching ARMI in July 2017.

The three-day conference started Tuesday with a members-only day for BioFab USA and ARMI. It included a dinner at Kamens Bedford home.

Two public days of speeches and workshops are scheduled through Thursday. A total of 150 have signed up for the event.

Guests listen to a speaker at the Meeting in the Millyard at ARMI in Manchester on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2019.

The keynote speaker on Wednesday was Jason Kelly, co-founder and chief-executive of Ginkgo Bioworks, a synthetic biology company that programs cells for customers in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food and energy industries.

We program cells because they run on digital code in the form of DNA, Kelly told a crowd of scientists, entrepreneurs and regulators.

Much of ARMIs work has focused on the use of stem cells to generate replacements for human tissue, bones and organs. For example, one of ARMIs biggest accomplishments to date has been the Tissue Foundry; its first production was bone-ligament tissue grown together from bone-marrow stem cells.

But Kamen, who prides himself on introducing new technologies to a field, had Kelly speak about a different kind of cells synthetic cells.

Ginkgo Bioworks has partnered with Bayer to develop self-fertilizing crops, with Roche to develop antibiotics, and with Motif to produce animal-free protein ingredients. Kelly said synthetic cell production played a role in the Impossible Whopper, the plant-based patty that Burger King claims tastes like beef.

(According to the website of Impossible Food, the company that makes the patty, the company extracts DNA from soy plants and inserts it into genetically engineered yeast, which ferments to produce heme, the molecule that gives meat its taste.)

Ginkgo has made CNBCs Disruptor 50 List in the last three years and recently raised more than $430 million in venture capital. In doing so, Ginkgo has achieved what Kamen wants for ARMI to move from theoretical design and laboratory work to mass production.

Theyve learned how to scale it, Kamen said in his introduction. Kamen said he expects ARMI-linked production to start relatively quickly.

(Finding) talent is not the problem. Capital is the problem, Kelly said about tech startups. Many venture capitalists arent experts in the science-heavy world of what he calls tough tech. So they are wary about investing in something they cant grasp.

He advised startups to seek government grants Ginkgo would not have succeeded without them hustle the non-specialist investor and find third-party validation from agencies such as the FDA or the Standards Coordinating Body, a voluntary organization that sets standards for the regenerative medicine industry.

Kelly said the time is now for tough tech. He noted the work of SpaceX and Tesla, and he said Silicon Valley is embracing biotech.

People have run out of things to invent that end up as a square on your phone, he said.

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ARMI summit: With synthetic meat within grasp, why not synthetic liver? - The Union Leader


Regenerative Medicine Market Predicted to Develop at a 23.8% of CAGR – Story of Future

Friday, October 18th, 2019

The regenerative medicine market is predicted to develop at a CAGR of 25.4%, driven by the growing cell-based immunotherapy sector.

Cell therapies are the major driver behind the growth and will leap from being worth $13.2 bn in 2019 to $45.7bn in 2026 resulting in a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.8%, according to a Acumen Research and Consulting report.

In terms of causal reasons for the growth, the demand for such therapies is fuelled by a global ageing population and the rising incidence of cancer.

As a result, oncology has become a major therapeutic focus for companies with over a third of the current cell and gene therapy pipeline orientated toward finding a treatment for cancer.

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However, the specialist treatments often come with a higher price tag, compared to traditionally developed treatments, and as such, the highest growth will be seen in countries with growing health care sectors and those with populations that have the highest disposable incomes.

The niche within cell therapies that is seeing particularly high investment is chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T therapies, which has seen two treatment approvals in the US and Europe. In addition, there are number of other CAR-T therapies currently in clinical trials globally.

The development of the area has led to a number of acquisitions taking place in the sector, such as Gileads takeover of Kite, to gain access to its CAR-T treatment, and Novartis acquiring CellforCure to expand its manufacturing network for cell and gene therapies.

Despite the highest growth seen in the oncology sector, the overall largest market is for muscoskeletal disorders. This is due to the rise of orthopaedic diseases and injuries related to a rising geriatric population.

Geographically, the North American region accounts for the largest share of the regenerative medicine market.


20+ years of diverse and extensive experience in higher education including teaching, research, and university and community service in overseas universities and colleges.Associate Editor, and publications in international refereed journals and presented most of them in international conferences in the fields of Applied Multivariate Statistics, Mortality, Social Science, Economics.

Mail: globalqyresearch@gmail.com

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Regenerative Medicine Market Predicted to Develop at a 23.8% of CAGR - Story of Future


What will the world look like in 50 years? – Quartz

Friday, October 18th, 2019

Companies that reject shareholder primacythat prioritize the needs of society, community, consumers, and employees above shareholder valueand those that fully understand the social and environmental impacts of their entire supply chain, irrespective of product or industry, will be the ones to thrive.

Companies that reject shareholder primacythat prioritize the needs of society, community, consumers, and employees above shareholder valueand those that fully understand the social and environmental impacts of their entire supply chain, irrespective of product or industry, will be the ones to thrive.

To define the characteristics of those companies: They will demonstrate emotional intelligence, flexibility, and the ability to adapt to complex, quickly-shifting conditions, work forces, and social movements. The companies that develop innovative products and services designed to protect people from climate impacts (sea-level rise, extreme heat, disaster) will prosper as well. Examples are companies that make cooling vests for outdoor workers, police officers, and firefighters; flood-response companies; design firms that build resilient structures capable of floating or adapting to rising waters; even private extraction companies like those being used by oil and gas entities to extract personnel from harmful situations like political conflicts, violence, or natural disasters.Further, companies with a majority of women on their boards and executive teams will outperform competitors and lead in their industry. In fact, I would venture that the numbers of men will flip to a women-led majority in most everything in the next 50 years.

Finally, given the increase in both the types of risk and the size of risk exposures such as hurricane, drought, extreme heat, and floods, property and casualty industry will finally transform. Along with reinsurance companies, they will offer individual policies that pay quickly based on a metric such as wind speed or sustained temperature.

What will the world look like in 50 years? - Quartz


Marc Thurner Launches mimiX Biotherapeutics to Bioprint in the OR Using Sound – 3DPrint.com

Friday, October 18th, 2019

The biofabrication race is on. Scientists around the world are competing and the rise of biotechnological commercial players has diversified the field, moving fast to keep up with high expectations from scientists, healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies eager to take the research to clinical therapy. But this is no easy transition, and even though bioprinting has moved the field forward, it is not as close to patients as everyone hopes it would be. One new company is now bringing a different message, one of possibility and hope that could pave the way for the future of healthcare.

Newly launched mimiX biotherapeutics is developing the next generation of biofabrication solutions to provide Point-of-Care tissue engineering for regenerative, personalized and precision medicine. Founded by Marc Thurner, who just this year left his previous creation regenHU and is now beginning a new chapter in his life, the startup will commercialize a new bioprocessing technology called Sound Induced Morphogenesis (SIM). Off to a new start, Thurnernow the CEO of mimiX biotherapeuticsspoke with 3DPrint.com about the scientific tool he expects could revolutionize regenerative medicine and diagnostics, and which he expects to launch commercially by next summer.

Could we accelerate the biofabrication revolution in the healthcare industry? wondered Thurner back in June.

This is a big question and one which he believes to have found the answer.

Just after I left regenHU, I began touring the countryside with my family. But I quickly went from a camping experience to a new tech venture. Tiziano Serra (the inventor of 3D-SIM technology) came to see me claiming he had an interesting technology in the field of biofabrication. After spending a week looking over some of the amazing scientific results and data he had developed throughout the last six years I decided this was an opportunity I couldnt miss, revealed Thurner. At the time, I realized that the technology most of the bioprinting companies have, which are based on conventional extrusion systems, are a great tool for scientific research but will probably never make the translation into the clinical environment, he revealed.

Marc Thurner

Instead, mimiX biotherapeutics technology has already demonstrated with scientific evidence that it offers tissue engineering strategies to overcome todays obstacles, for example, the creation of dense networks of cell suitable for micro vascularization.

According to Thurner, bioprinting using conventional dispensing systems is good for science but much too complicated for clinical use due to several critical hurdles including scalability, affordability, manufacturing, and because they entail complicated and labor-intensive processes.

He also claims that the current cell therapy available is costly and time-consuming since patients own biopsies are sent to labs where cells are isolated and amplified to create artificial tissue using 3D printing (or other more conventional methods) so that they can weeks later be transplanted back into the patient. It just takes too long.

It seems clear that we need to overcome this rudimentary process which is not stable and a logistical nightmare. Instead, mimiX biotherapeutics opens the door to manufacturing patient-specific tissues directly in the operating room (OR), enhancing patients autologous biological materials, for their own treatment. So, we see an opportunity to reduce the cost of the tissue engineering procedure. Moreover, we hope that in the future, most medical practitioners will be able to use the patients own biological material to process it directly in the OR without the need of any specific expertise in engineering or robotic tools required by typical bioprinters.

Delivering their technology to the clinical environment is the ultimate goal for the startup, which is headquartered in Neuchtel, Switzerland. Thurner hopes that one day every hospital will have a 3D-SIM system in the OR, to enhance the biomaterial that they obtain from the patient, and create tissue that is ready to be implanted within a few minutes.

Thurner went on to say that this could be possible within a timeframe of 10 years because we are simplifying the process and because the materials dont have to go out of the OR. This means that beyond patient care, we are also offering a solution to one of the biggest problems the healthcare industry has: extremely high costs.

Tiziano Serra

The 3D-SIM technology behind mimiX biotherapeutics is nearly a decade old. It was developed by Tiziano Serra, a Research Scientist at the AO Research Institute in Davos, Switzerland, with the objective of creating well-defined biological patterns that self-assemble into functional tissues using sound waves. A process Serra has poetically defined as orchestrating biology. The company states that SIM is a cell and biologics patterning process to create a 3D biological template in which cells induce morphogenesis through a self-assembly mechanism. SIM technology offers a highly efficient strategy creating dense and organized cell patterns.

The beauty behind SIM is that Serra began exploring its potential many years ago and already understands which type of patterns induce different types of tissue engineering strategies. Our current focus is on micro vascularization, which is the big bottleneck in regenerative medicine.

Our universe is immersed in waves, and mimiX biotherapeutics machines transmit them. A proprietary Labware is first placed on a type of speaker and depending on the sound emitted, the waves that are generated transmit energy to the labware and the cell-cultured media. The cells will then be patterned in different forms, such as circular, square, star shape or in agglomerates to trigger a self-assembly process. The company plans to deliver its novel instrument as a scientific tool next year for the research community, allowing them to explore the potential of what they could achieve when switching from conventional bioprinting to SIM. The small device fits any biosafety cabinet, and Thurner hopes that it will exponentially trigger the intellectual property behind the technology.

Marc Thurner

The company is driven by experienced healthcare, life science managers and scientists and benefits from cooperation with the AO Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the care of people with musculoskeletal injuries and their sequels through research, development, education and quality assurance.

Thurner has already begun setting up strategic partnerships to move forward with research and development, clinical trials, and luring strategic investors to join the venture. He is already preparing for a Series A round of financing to go to market with his prototype and start a clinical journey.

I am convinced we need to work with an open innovation mindset because the field of biofabrication is so versatile. To enable a revolution we need to bring together our expertise in hardware and software, along with cell therapy, clinical and healthcare knowledge. Even more so, our device will be an ideal lab instrument with the potential to be used in many fields, from biotechnology to drug discovery, concluded the expert.

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Marc Thurner Launches mimiX Biotherapeutics to Bioprint in the OR Using Sound - 3DPrint.com


Medtec China 2019 successfully rounds off; upgrading to two pavilions in 2020 to power innovative development of China’s medical device industry -…

Friday, October 18th, 2019

SHANGHAI, Oct. 16, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Medtec China 2019, organized by Informa Markets, was successfully held at Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center. It brought together 436 exhibitors from 25 countries and regions, including 150 first-time exhibitors; international exhibitors accounting for 56% of the turnout. The exhibition handled 28,057 visitors over three days, mainly professionals of R&D / Technology, Production / Manufacturing, Purchasing, Quality, Regulatory Affairs, and Senior Management from 41 countries and regions.

Industry leaders gather at a Medtec China that provides wide choice for procurement

Medtec China brings together and continues to attract leading medical device manufacturers from home and abroad, to exhibit a great many high-quality innovative technologies and products for the audience, thereby meeting the ever-increasing needs in the medical market.

Tekni - Plex, Suzhou Bank Valley, Baoji Xinuo, DuPont and other material suppliers exhibited Cellene thermoplastic elastomeric particles, medical absorbable biodegradable polymer materials, medical titanium, and the new packaging material Tyvek 40L; Delta Precision, Shanghai Y&L, Gowin Mold, and other enterprises exhibited high-precision and micro-machinery parts, holistic processing and manufacturing systems, and hot runner systems; JoyMed Technology and JCBIO are committed to providing a full range of commissioned product development, clinical, registration and OEM services for small and medium medical device enterprises and clinical institutions around the world. Medical automation device providers, such as Mikron, Team Technik and KAHLE Automation SRL, provide reliable assembly and testing lines for complex products, including POC diagnostic equipment, self-service pen injectors, dialysis filters, inhalers, infusion apparatus, insulin pens, pre-filled syringe, safe indwelling needles, and infusion tubes.

Conferences and forums following the industry focus, full house onsite

Chinese Regulatory Updates and Compliance, the 7th IIMD China Summit, Risk Management of Medical Product Life Cycle, MDR's MDSAP, and MDSAP&QSIT inspection all took place during Medtec to heightened interest. Lin Feng (Director, Medical Device Registry at Shanghai Food & Drug Administration), Feng Xiaoming (Deputy Director, National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Office), Xi Tingfei (Director of the Medical Device Inspection Center of the China National Institutes for Food and Drug Control), Shao Linyun (Deputy Director of the Central R&D Management Department of Shenzhen Mindray), William Sutton (Assistant Director in the Office of International Programs (OIP) at the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) China Office), and other authoritative speakers appeared to present speeches.

Medtec China this year continued to introduce the technology development forum on new medical dressings. Qin Yimin (Director of State Key Laboratory of Bioactive Seaweed Substances) was invited to introduce the properties and applications of silver-containing wound dressings, and Hu Fang (Board Chairman, Bestlife Regenerative Medicine) shared their insights on the selection and use of raw materials in the development and design of new high-end medical dressings.

Overall, there were 15 keynote forums covering 65 sessions of lectures; 53 invited speakers appeared to speak and share; and more than 1,500 industry representatives participated in the onsite events.

Medtec China 2020 will be held againfrom September 1416, 2020. High-quality brand suppliers from nearly 25 countries around the world will offer design, raw materials, precision parts, manufacturing equipment, processing technology, contract customization, testing and certification, policies and regulations, market consulting and other services required for product development, production and registration. It is expected to be attended by more than 30,000 visitors. A wealth of onsite events will offer premium opportunities for visiting and learning. For more information, please visit http://www.medtecchina.com.

Contact Us:Carina LiTel: +86-10-5730-6163E-mail: carina.li@ubm.comMedtec China Organization Committee

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SOURCE Medtec China

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Medtec China 2019 successfully rounds off; upgrading to two pavilions in 2020 to power innovative development of China's medical device industry -...


What the Hippo pathway in cardiac fibroblasts reveals about heart function – Baylor College of Medicine News

Friday, October 18th, 2019

Heart failure remains the leading cause of mortality in the U.S. During a heart attack, blood stops flowing into the heart. Without oxygen, part of the heart muscle dies. The heart muscle does not regenerate, instead it replaces dead tissue with a scar made from cells called fibroblasts. If there is too much scarring, the heart progressively weakens. A large proportion of people who had a severe heart attack will develop heat failure and scarring in the heart.

One of the interests of my lab is to develop ways to heal heart muscle by studying cellular pathways involved in heart development and regeneration, said Dr. James F. Martin, professor and Vivian L. Smith Chair in Regenerative Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and director of the Cardiomyocyte Renewal Lab at the Texas Heart Institute.

In previous studies, Martin and his colleagues discovered that inactivating the Hippo signaling pathway in adult murine hearts triggered cardiac muscle cell regeneration after heart attack. These findings raised hope for the development of promising heart failure therapies involving the Hippo pathway.

In the current study, Martin and his colleagues further investigated the Hippo pathway in the adult murine heart, this time focusing on its role in cardiac fibroblasts, non-muscle cells that are closely associated with cardiac muscle cells. The researchers conducted a number of basic studies, including single cell sequencing experiments that provided a high level of resolution to their analyses.

We inactivated the Hippo pathway in resting adult hearts that did not have any injury and observed that the fibroblasts became activated they proliferated and developed into myofibroblasts, a major cell type that appears in heart tissues after an injury, Martin said.

Mouse hearts with a deficient Hippo pathway in cardiac fibroblasts spontaneously developed cardiac fibrosis, even without injury, which resulted in severe heart dysfunction, said co-first author Dr. Yang Xiao, who was a postdoctoral fellow in the Martin lab during this project. This and other evidence indicated that the Hippo pathway is required to restrain cardiac fibrosis; Hippo is important for maintaining the fibroblasts in their resting state.

In addition, the researchers found that inactivating the Hippo pathway also triggered a molecular cascade resulting in an inflammatory response that was mediated by Yap, a molecule that regulates a number of molecular pathways.

We know that Hippo and Yap work together. Hippo acts like a brake for Yap, so when we took away Hippo, Yap remained active and regulated the expression of important signaling molecules that talk to macrophages and other immune cells luring them into the heart, Martin said.

The researchers believe they have identified important insights into heart function. Their findings inform about the genetic pathways that are important for maintaining the fibroblasts in their resting state.

Find the complete article in the journal Genes & Development.

Other contributors to this work include co-first author Matthew C. Hill, Lele Li, Vaibhav Deshmukh, Thomas J. Martin and Jun Wang. The authors are affiliated with one or more of the following institutions: Baylor College of Medicine, the Texas Heart Institute and the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

This study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (DE023177, HL127717, HL130804, HL118761; F31HL136065; K01DE026561); American Heart Association (14SDG19840000), Vivian L. Smith Foundation, State of Texas funding, Fondation LeDucq Transatlantic Networks of Excellence in Cardiovascular Research (14CVD01) Defining the genomic topology of atrial fibrillation. Further support was provided by Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center grant number 1U54 HD083092 from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development and the Mouse Phenotyping Core at Baylor College of Medicine (U54 HG006348).

By Ana Mara Rodrguez, Ph.D.

Original post:
What the Hippo pathway in cardiac fibroblasts reveals about heart function - Baylor College of Medicine News


6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition – The Epoch Times

Friday, October 18th, 2019

Spontaneous recovery from disease is often painted as superstition but our body can heal itself

It may come as a surprise to some, especially those with conventional medical training, but the default state of the body is one of ceaselessregeneration. Without the flame-like process of continual cell turnover within the bodylife and death ceaselessly intertwinedthe miracle of the human body would not exist

In times of illness, however, regenerative processes are overcome by degenerative ones. This is where medicine may perform its most noble feat, nudging the body back into balance with foods, herbs, nutrients, and healing energies and intentions.

Today, however, drug-based medicine invariably uses chemicals that lackregenerative potential; to the contrary, they commonly interfere with bodily self-renewal in order to suppress the symptoms against which they are applied.

In other words, most medicines attack disease symptoms rather than support the bodys own ability to combat disease.

Over the course of the past few years of trolling MEDLINE (the National Institutes of Healths website produced by the National Library of Medicine), we have collected a series of remarkable studies on a topic considered all but heretical by the conventional medical systemspontaneous remission.

There is actually a broad range of natural compounds with proven nerve-regenerative effects. A 2010 study published in the journalRejuvenation Research, for instance, found a combination of blueberry, green tea and carnosine have neuritogenic (i.e. promoting neuronal regeneration) and stem-cell regenerative effects in an animal model ofneurodegenerative disease.Other researched neuritogenic substances include:

There is another class of nerve-healing substances, known asremyelinatingcompounds, which stimulate the repair of the protective sheath around the axon of the neurons known as myelin. Myelin is often damaged in neurological injury and/or dysfunction, especially autoimmune and vaccine-induceddemyelination disorders.

It should also be noted that evenmusicandfalling in lovehave been studied for possibly stimulating neurogenesis, regeneration and/or repair of neurons, indicating that regenerative medicine does not necessarily require the ingestion of anything; rather, a wide range oftherapeutic actionsmay be employed to improve health and well-being, as well.

[To view the first-hand biomedical citations on these neuritogenic substances, visit GreenMedinfosneuritogenicresearch page online.]

Glycyrrhizin, a compound found within licorice that is also a powerfulanti-SARS virus agent, has also been found to stimulate the regeneration of liver mass and function in the animal model of hepatectomy. Other liver regenerative substances include:

[To view the first-hand biomedical citations, visit GreenMedinfosliver regenerationresearch page on the topic online.]

The medical community has yet to harness the diabetes-reversing potential of natural compounds. Whereas expensive stem cell therapies, islet cell transplants, and an array of synthetic drugs in the developmental pipeline are the focus of billions of dollars of research, annually, our kitchen cupboards and backyards may already contain the long sought-after cure for type 1 diabetes. Nature has a way of providing the things our bodies need.

The following compounds have been demonstrated experimentally to regenerate the insulin-producing beta cells, which are destroyed in insulin-dependent diabetes, and once restored, may (at least in theory) restore the health of the patient to the point where they no longer require insulin replacement.

[To view the first-hand biomedical citations onbeta cell regeneration, visit GreenMedinfos research page on the topic online.]

Secretagogues are substances in the body that cause other substances to be secreted, like sulfonylureas, which triggers insulinrelease. Secretagogues, includingsynthetic secretagogues, can increase the endocrine glands ability to secrete more of a hormone. But even better are substances thattruly regeneratehormones which have degraded. They do this by emitting electrons into potentially carcinogenic transient hormone metabolites. One of these substances isvitamin C.

A powerful electron donor, this vitamin has the ability to contribute electrons to resurrect the form and function of estradiol (estrogen; E2), progesterone, and testosterone, for instance. In tandem withfoods that are able to support the function of glandslikethe ovaries, vitamin C may represent an excellent complement or alternative to hormone replacement therapy.

Not too long ago, it was believed that cardiac tissue was uniquely incapable of being regenerated. A new and rapidly growing body of experimental research now indicates that this is simply untrue. A class of heart-tissue regenerating compounds, known asneocardiogenicsubstances, are able to stimulate the formation of cardiac progenitor cells which can differentiate into healthy heart tissue. Neocardiogenicsubstances include the following:

Another remarkable example of cardiac cell regeneration is through what is known as the fetomaternal trafficking of stem cells through the placenta. The amazing process known as fetal microchimerism allows a fetus to contribute stem cells to the mother which are capable of regenerating her damaged heart cells, and possibly a wide range of other cell types.

Curcuminandresveratrolhave been shown to improve recovery from spinal cord injury. Over a dozen other natural compounds hold promise in this area, which can be viewed on GreenMedinfosspinal cord injurypage online. As far as degenerative joint disease, i.e. osteoarthritis, there are a broad range of potentially regenerative substances, with 50 listed on the sitesosteoarthritisresearch page.

Regenerative medicine poses a unique challenge to the current medical paradigm, which is based on costly drug trials, patents, and an economic infrastructure supported by drug-based interventions. It is a simple truth that symptom suppression is profitable. It guarantees both the perpetuation of the original underlying disease and the generation of an ever-expanding array of additional, treatment-induced symptoms known as side effects.

But cures, especially those that come from natural sources, dont have this built-in income potential. Worse perhaps, from a Big Pharma perspective, they can not be easily patented. In the current regulatory environment, that means that companies have no incentive to conduct the costly trials required to have these cures approved by the FDA and then used in clinical settings. Without patents, they cant be controlled and sold.

But suppressing symptoms with drugs that cause side effects requiring other drugs is a non-sustainable, infinite growth model. It is doomed to fail and eventually collapse.

The current approach also interferes with the bodys natural regenerative and immune capabilities. Cultivating diets, lifestyles and attitudes conducive to bodily regeneration can interrupt this pathological circuit. With true health, we can attain the bodily freedom that is a precondition for the liberation of the human spirit.

SayerJiis the founder ofGreenmedinfo.com, a reviewer at theInternational Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, co-founder and CEO ofSystome Biomed, vice chairman of the board of theNational Health Federation, and steering committee member of theGlobal GMO Free Coalition.This article was originally published on GreenMedinfo.com

See the original post:
6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition - The Epoch Times


Triad Regenerative Medicine – Greensboro, NC

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

The Future of Medicine is Here!

To help you return to the activities you love, our expert team at Triad Regenerative Medicine now offer Regenerative Cell Therapy procedures to help alleviate your pains without relying on complex surgical procedures or medication.

Of all bodily ailments, nothing is more painful and crippling than the persistent knee, hip or shoulder pain. Unfortunately, any damage to the ligaments, cartilage or bone by way of injury or disease (such as osteoarthritis), can cause severe pain and difficulty walking or partaking in your favorite activities. To help you return to the activities that you love, our expert team at Triad Regenerative Medicine now offer Regenerative Cell Therapy, based on a 21st-century therapeutic procedure to help alleviate your shoulder, hip, and knee pains without relying on complex surgical procedures or medication.

Regenerative Cell Therapy is one of the most effective treatments today that help the body to heal and regenerate tendon injuries, ligament damage, degenerative joint disease DJD and osteoarthritis. This procedure is non-invasive and harnesses your bodys natural healing potential to combat shoulder, hip and knee problems by the newly introduced cells stimulating existing healthy cells and tissues to operate at a higher level of function boosting the bodys repair mechanisms to aid in the healing process. The whole procedure takes approximately 30 minutes and has no known adverse side effects.

Regenerative Cell Therapy is one of the safest and most advanced approaches to treating a wide variety of injuries and diseases within the human body.

Patients recovering from injuries will rapidly improve exhibiting a greater mobility and less pain, compared to the lengthy and exhaustive period of post-surgical healing and rehabilitation.

Regenerative Cellular Medicine has opened the doors to medical advancements. We have only just begun to explore the amazing benefits. Praised notes of success thus far include the reduction or elimination of pain, increased strength and mobility, and quicker healing and recovery.

Originally posted here:
Triad Regenerative Medicine - Greensboro, NC


Mayo Clinic Transplant Center – Regenerative medicine …

Thursday, October 3rd, 2019

Mayo Clinic Regenerative Medicine Consult Service

At Mayo Clinic, an integrated team, including stem cell biologists, bioengineers, doctors and scientists, work together and study regenerative medicine. The goal of the team is to treat diseases using novel therapies, such as stem cell therapy and bioengineering. Doctors in transplant medicine and transplant surgery have pioneered the study of regenerative medicine during the past five decades, and doctors continue to study new innovations in transplant medicine and surgery.

In stem cell therapy, or regenerative medicine, researchers study how stem cells may be used to replace, repair, reprogram or renew your diseased cells. Stem cells are able to grow and develop into many different types of cells in your body. Stem cell therapy may use adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed in the laboratory (induced pluripotent stem cells), your own adult stem cells that have been reprogrammed or cells developed from an embryo (embryonic stem cells).

Researchers also study and test how reprogrammed stem cells may be turned into specialized cells that can repair or regenerate cells in your heart, blood, nerves and other parts of your body. These stem cells have the potential to treat many conditions. Stem cells also may be studied to understand how other conditions occur, to develop and test new medications, and for other research.

Researchers across Mayo Clinic, with coordination through the Center for Regenerative Medicine, are discovering, translating and applying stem cell therapy as a potential treatment for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, degenerative joint conditions, brain and nervous system (neurological) conditions, such as Parkinson's disease, and many other conditions. For example, researchers are studying the possibility of using stem cell therapy to repair or regenerate injured heart tissue to treat many types of cardiovascular diseases, from adult acquired disorders to congenital diseases. Read about regenerative medicine research for hypoplastic left heart syndrome.

Cardiovascular diseases, neurological conditions and diabetes have been extensively studied in stem cell therapy research. They've been studied because the stem cells affected in these conditions have been the same cell types that have been generated in the laboratory from various types of stem cells. Thus, translating stem cell therapy to a potential treatment for people with these conditions may be a realistic goal for the future of transplant medicine and surgery.

Researchers conduct ongoing studies in stem cell therapy. However, research and development of stem cell therapy is unpredictable and depends on many factors, including regulatory guidelines, funding sources and recent successes in stem cell therapy. Mayo Clinic researchers aim to expand research and development of stem cell therapy in the future, while keeping the safety of patients as their primary concern.

Mayo Clinic offers stem cell transplant (bone marrow transplant) for people who've had leukemia, lymphoma or other conditions that have been treated with chemotherapy.

Mayo Clinic currently offers a specialty consult service for regenerative medicine within the Transplant Center, the first consult service established in the United States to provide guidance for patients and families regarding stem cell-based protocols. This consult service provides education and consultation for people with many conditions who have questions about the potential use of stem cell therapy. The staff provides guidance to determine whether stem cell clinical trials are appropriate for these individuals. Regenerative medicine staff may be consulted if a doctor or patient has asked about the potential use of stem cell therapies for many conditions, including degenerative or congenital diseases of the heart, liver, pancreas or lungs.

People sometimes have misconceptions about the use and applications of stem cell therapies. This consult service provides people with educational guidance and appropriate referrals to research studies and clinical trials in stem cell therapies for the heart, liver, pancreas and other organs. Also, the consult service supports ongoing regenerative medicine research activities within Mayo Clinic, from basic science to clinical protocols.

Read more about stem cells.

For more information about Mayo Clinic's regenerative medicine consultation service, please call 844-276-2003 (toll free) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central time.

Share your Mayo Clinic transplant experience with others using social media.

Oct. 02, 2019

Visit link:
Mayo Clinic Transplant Center - Regenerative medicine ...


Regenerative Medicine – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Thursday, October 3rd, 2019

1 Introduction

Regenerative medicine is characterized as the process of replenishing or restoring human cells, tissues, or organs to restore or reestablish normal function. This field holds the promise of transforming human medicine, by actually curing or treating diseases once poorly managed with conventional drugs and medical procedures.

It informally started almost 60years ago with the first successful organ transplant performed in Boston by a team led by Dr Joseph Murray, John Merrill, and J. Hartwell Harrison.1 This landmark accomplishment marked a new era in the emerging field of organ transplantation and allowed for the first time for the complete cure of a patient with end-stage organ disease.

The first effective cell therapies with bone marrow transplants followed in the late 1950s and 1960s. A team led by Dr Don Thomas was the first to treat leukemic patients with allogeneic marrow transplants in Seattle.2,3 This was later followed by Dr Robert Good in 1968, where an immunodeficient patient was successfully treated with an allogeneic bone marrow transplant from his sibling at the University of Minnesota.4

Throughout these decades, many attempts on organ transplantation, cell therapies, and gene therapy ended in failure, but this vigorous scientific and clinical interest established the basis of the first wave of successes that regenerative medicine experienced and delivered to the clinic.58

With this paradigm change in medicine, came the first challenges of organ shortage and higher demand for matching bone marrow donors. Organ shortages established a driving force for novel advancements in molecular and cell biology that opened new avenues in several areas in regenerative medicine. The fields of cell transplantation and tissue engineering were proposed as alternatives to tissue and organ shortage by de novo reconstitution of functional tissues and organs in the laboratory for transplantation, and the use of cells for therapy.

The present book you have just started to explore is an introduction for the translational and basic researcher as well as the clinician to the vast field of regenerative medicine technologies. It is the second book in a new series, Advances in Translational Medicine and presents 23 key chapters that describe in detail some of the contemporary regenerative medicine advances in different medical fields. These chapters review the state-of-the-art experimental data available from the bench, along with vital information provided by multiple clinical trials, giving a broad view of current and near future strategies to treat or cure human disease.

Here is the original post:
Regenerative Medicine - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics


Tissue Science Conferences| Regenerative Medicine Conferences …

Thursday, October 3rd, 2019

Sessions & Tracks


Scaffoldsare one of the three most important essentials constituting the basic concept ofRegenerative Medicine, and are included in the core technology of Regenerative Medicine. Every day thousands of surgical procedures are done to replace or repair tissue that has been damaged through disease or trauma. The developing field oftissue engineering(TE) aims to regenerate damagedtissuesby combining cells from the body with highly porous scaffoldbiomaterials, which act as templates fortissue regeneration, to guide the growth of new tissue. Scaffolds has a prominent role in tissue regeneration the designs, fabrication, 3D models, surface ligands andmolecular architecture, nanoparticle-cell interactions and porous of the scaffolds are been used in the field in attempts to regenerate different tissues and organs in the body. The worldstem cell marketwas approximately 2.715 billion dollars in 2010, and with a growth rate of 16.8% annually, a market of 6.877 billion dollars will be formed in 2016. From 2017, the expected annual growth rate is 10.6%, which would expand the market to 11.38 billion dollars by 2021.

RelatedRegenerative Medicine Conferences|Stem Cell Conferences|Stem Cell Congress|Tissue Science Conferences|EuropeConferences

9th Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy conference, March 21-22, 2019 Rome, Italy; 12th Genomics and Molecular Biology conference, April 15-17, 2019 Berlin, Germany; 7th Integrative Biology conference, April 15-16, 2019 Berlin, Germany; Pacific Regenerative Medicine Conference, May 16-19, 2019 Hawaii, USA; Annual conference & Exhibition on Transversal, Translational & Transformative, December 2-5, 2019 Florida, USA; 21st International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, June 27 - 28, 2019 London, United Kingdom; World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2019, May 15 17, London, UK; 6th Annual European Congress on Clinical & Translational Sciences, October 18-20, 2019 Vienna, Austria;

Europe:EuroStemCell (European Consortium for Stem Cell Research);German Stem Cell Network (GSCN);German Society for Stem Cell Research (GSZ);Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW);Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research (NCSCR);

USA:California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM);New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF);Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS);International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR);


The New South Wales Stem Cell Network;Korean Society for Stem Cell Research;Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine;Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research;Stem Cell Society Singapore (SCSS);

Cord Blood Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

Recently,cord blood stems cellsare developed in the treatment of different diseases, including a broad range of cancers,blood disorders, and genetic diseases. In a cordblood transplant, stem cells are infused in to a patients bloodstream for healing and repairing damaged cells and tissue. In a successful transplant, new healthy immune system has been created. The natural power and purity of newborn's cord blood are responsible for healthy development during gestation.Cord bloodapplications have developed beyondtransplant medicineinto the areas ofregenerative medicineincluding brain injuries, autism,Cardiac Problems, andAutoimmune Deficiencies. The latest research in routine transplantation of cord blood are reviewed followed by the critical role ofcord bloodstem cells in regenerative medicine research and novel approaches using cord blood as a source of whole blood for transfusion.

RelatedRegenerative Medicine Conferences|Stem Cell Conferences|Stem Cell Congress|Tissue Science Conferences|EuropeConferences

9th Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy conference, March 21-22, 2019 Rome, Italy; 12th Genomics and Molecular Biology conference, April 15-17, 2019 Berlin, Germany; 7th Integrative Biology conference, April 15-16, 2019 Berlin, Germany; Pacific Regenerative Medicine Conference, May 16-19, 2019 Hawaii, USA; Annual conference & Exhibition on Transversal, Translational & Transformative, December 2-5, 2019 Florida, USA; 21st International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, June 27 - 28, 2019 London, United Kingdom; World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2019, May 15 17, London, UK; 6th Annual European Congress on Clinical & Translational Sciences, October 18-20, 2019 Vienna, Austria;

Related Associations and Societies:

Europe:EuroStemCell (European Consortium for Stem Cell Research);German Stem Cell Network (GSCN);German Society for Stem Cell Research (GSZ);British Association of Tissue Banks;British Association for Tissue Banking;European Tissue Repair Society;Spanish Association of Tissue Bank;European Calcified Tissue Society;European Association of Tissue Banks;

USA:California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM);New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF);Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS);International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR).


The New South Wales Stem Cell Network;Korean Society for Stem Cell Research;Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine;Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research;Stem Cell Society Singapore (SCSS).

Bone and Cartilage Tissue Engineering

This interdisciplinary engineering has attracted much attention as a new therapeutic means that may overcome the drawbacks involved in the current artificial organs and organ transplantation that have been also aiming at replacing lost or severelydamaged tissuesor organs.Tissue engineeringandregenerative medicineis an exciting research area that aims at regenerative alternatives to harvested tissues for organ transplantation withsoft tissues. Although significant progress has been made in thetissue engineeringfield, many challenges remain and further development in this area will require on-going interactions and collaborations among the scientists from multiple disciplines, and in partnership with the regulatory and the funding agencies. As a result of the medical and market potential, there is significant academic and corporate interest in this technology.

RelatedRegenerative Medicine Conferences|Stem Cell Conferences|Stem Cell Congress|Tissue Science Conferences|EuropeConferences

9th Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy conference, March 21-22, 2019 Rome, Italy; 12th Genomics and Molecular Biology conference, April 15-17, 2019 Berlin, Germany; 7th Integrative Biology conference, April 15-16, 2019 Berlin, Germany; Pacific Regenerative Medicine Conference, May 16-19, 2019 Hawaii, USA; Annual conference & Exhibition on Transversal, Translational & Transformative, December 2-5, 2019 Florida, USA; 21st International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, June 27 - 28, 2019 London, United Kingdom; World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2019, May 15 17, London, UK; 6th Annual European Congress on Clinical & Translational Sciences, October 18-20, 2019 Vienna, Austria;

Related Associations and Societies:

Europe:EuroStemCell (European Consortium for Stem Cell Research);German Stem Cell Network (GSCN);German Society for Stem Cell Research (GSZ);Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW);Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research (NCSCR);ScanBalt Stem Cell Research Network;

USA:California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM);American Association of tissue banks;New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF);Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS);

Asia:Asia Pacific Association of Surgical Tissue Banking;The New South Wales Stem Cell Network;Korean Society for Stem Cell Research;Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine;Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research;

Stem cells to Battle cancer

Stem cell transplant is treatment in some types of cancers like leukemia, multiple myeloma, or some types of lymphoma. Stem cell transplantation is the procedure that restores blood-forming stem cells in patients who have had theirs destroyed by the very high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy that are used to treat certain cancers.

RelatedRegenerative Medicine Conferences|Stem Cell Conferences|Stem Cell Congress|Tissue Science Conferences|EuropeConferences

9th Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy conference, March 21-22, 2019 Rome, Italy; 12th Genomics and Molecular Biology conference, April 15-17, 2019 Berlin, Germany; 7th Integrative Biology conference, April 15-16, 2019 Berlin, Germany; Pacific Regenerative Medicine Conference, May 16-19, 2019 Hawaii, USA; Annual conference & Exhibition on Transversal, Translational & Transformative, December 2-5, 2019 Florida, USA; 21st International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, June 27 - 28, 2019 London, United Kingdom; World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2019, May 15 17, London, UK; 6th Annual European Congress on Clinical & Translational Sciences, October 18-20, 2019 Vienna, Austria;

Related Associations and Societies:

Europe:EuroStemCell (European Consortium for Stem Cell Research);German Stem Cell Network (GSCN);German Society for Stem Cell Research (GSZ);Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW);Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research (NCSCR);

USA:California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM);New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF);Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS);International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR);


The New South Wales Stem Cell Network;Korean Society for Stem Cell Research;Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine;Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research;Stem Cell Society Singapore (SCSS);

Novel Approaches guided in Tissue Engineering

GTR are dental surgical procedures that use barrier membranes to direct the growth of new bone and gingival tissue at sites with insufficient volumes or dimensions of bone or gingiva for proper function, esthetics or prosthetic restoration

RelatedRegenerative Medicine Conferences|Stem Cell Conferences|Stem Cell Congress|Tissue Science Conferences|EuropeConferences

9th Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy conference, March 21-22, 2019 Rome, Italy; 12th Genomics and Molecular Biology conference, April 15-17, 2019 Berlin, Germany; 7th Integrative Biology conference, April 15-16, 2019 Berlin, Germany; Pacific Regenerative Medicine Conference, May 16-19, 2019 Hawaii, USA; Annual conference & Exhibition on Transversal, Translational & Transformative, December 2-5, 2019 Florida, USA; 21st International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, June 27 - 28, 2019 London, United Kingdom; World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2019, May 15 17, London, UK; 6th Annual European Congress on Clinical & Translational Sciences, October 18-20, 2019 Vienna, Austria;

Related Associations and Societies:

Europe:EuroStemCell (European Consortium for Stem Cell Research);German Stem Cell Network (GSCN);German Society for Stem Cell Research (GSZ);Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW);Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research (NCSCR);

USA:California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM);New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF);Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS);International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR);


The New South Wales Stem Cell Network;Korean Society for Stem Cell Research;Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine;Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research;Stem Cell Society Singapore (SCSS);

Clinical Medicine

Clinical medicine relates to medicine field that deals mainly with the study and practice of medicine based on the direct examination of the patient. In clinical medicine, medical practitioners assess patients in order to diagnose, treat, and prevent disease

RelatedRegenerative Medicine Conferences|Stem Cell Conferences|Stem Cell Congress|Tissue Science Conferences|EuropeConferences

9th Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy conference, March 21-22, 2019 Rome, Italy; 12th Genomics and Molecular Biology conference, April 15-17, 2019 Berlin, Germany; 7th Integrative Biology conference, April 15-16, 2019 Berlin, Germany; Pacific Regenerative Medicine Conference, May 16-19, 2019 Hawaii, USA; Annual conference & Exhibition on Transversal, Translational & Transformative, December 2-5, 2019 Florida, USA; 21st International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, June 27 - 28, 2019 London, United Kingdom; World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2019, May 15 17, London, UK; 6th Annual European Congress on Clinical & Translational Sciences, October 18-20, 2019 Vienna, Austria;

Related Associations and Societies:

Europe:EuroStemCell (European Consortium for Stem Cell Research);German Stem Cell Network (GSCN);German Society for Stem Cell Research (GSZ);Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW);Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research (NCSCR);

USA:California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM);New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF);Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS);International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR);


The New South Wales Stem Cell Network;Korean Society for Stem Cell Research;Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine;Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research;Stem Cell Society Singapore (SCSS);

Clinical trials with Stem Cells

Stem cell treatments and clinical trials have been going on for over 40 years; however we are still in the initial stages of stem cell therapy being utilized as an effective alternative treatment method to traditional pharmaceutical based treatments. Much of the early work in stem cell clinical trials focused on the overall effectiveness and safety of the procedures involved. The primary concern with any new treatment is the long term safety and standardization of results. There have been countless journals and research papers focusing in on these clinical trials that have revealed promising results from these initial trials around the world

RelatedRegenerative Medicine Conferences|Stem Cell Conferences|Stem Cell Congress|Tissue Science Conferences|EuropeConferences

9th Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy conference, March 21-22, 2019 Rome, Italy; 12th Genomics and Molecular Biology conference, April 15-17, 2019 Berlin, Germany; 7th Integrative Biology conference, April 15-16, 2019 Berlin, Germany; Pacific Regenerative Medicine Conference, May 16-19, 2019 Hawaii, USA; Annual conference & Exhibition on Transversal, Translational & Transformative, December 2-5, 2019 Florida, USA; 21st International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, June 27 - 28, 2019 London, United Kingdom; World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2019, May 15 17, London, UK; 6th Annual European Congress on Clinical & Translational Sciences, October 18-20, 2019 Vienna, Austria;

Related Associations and Societies:

Europe:EuroStemCell (European Consortium for Stem Cell Research);German Stem Cell Network (GSCN);German Society for Stem Cell Research (GSZ);Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW);Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research (NCSCR);

USA:California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM);New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF);Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS);International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR);


The New South Wales Stem Cell Network;Korean Society for Stem Cell Research;Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine;Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research;Stem Cell Society Singapore (SCSS);

Biomaterials & Bioengineering

Biomaterials are being utilized for the social insurance applications from old circumstances. In any case, consequent development has made them more flexible and has expanded their utility. Biomaterials have reformed the territories like bioengineering and tissue designing for the advancement of novel methodologies to battle perilous infections. Together with biomaterials, immature microorganism innovation is additionally being utilized to enhance the current human services offices. These ideas and innovations are being utilized for the treatment of various maladies like cardiovascular disappointment, cracks, profound skin wounds, and so forth. Presentation of nanomaterials then again is turning into a major seek after a superior and a reasonable social insurance. Mechanical headways are in progress for the advancement of persistent observing and controlling glucose levels by the implantation of sensor chips.

RelatedRegenerative Medicine Conferences|Stem Cell Conferences|Stem Cell Congress|Tissue Science Conferences|EuropeConferences

9th Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy conference, March 21-22, 2019 Rome, Italy; 12th Genomics and Molecular Biology conference, April 15-17, 2019 Berlin, Germany; 7th Integrative Biology conference, April 15-16, 2019 Berlin, Germany; Pacific Regenerative Medicine Conference, May 16-19, 2019 Hawaii, USA; Annual conference & Exhibition on Transversal, Translational & Transformative, December 2-5, 2019 Florida, USA; 21st International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, June 27 - 28, 2019 London, United Kingdom; World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2019, May 15 17, London, UK; 6th Annual European Congress on Clinical & Translational Sciences, October 18-20, 2019 Vienna, Austria;

Related Associations and Societies:

Europe:EuroStemCell (European Consortium for Stem Cell Research);German Stem Cell Network (GSCN);German Society for Stem Cell Research (GSZ);Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW);Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research (NCSCR);

USA:California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM);New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF);Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS);International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR);


The New South Wales Stem Cell Network;Korean Society for Stem Cell Research;Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine;Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research;Stem Cell Society Singapore (SCSS);


Biomarkers, in the hands of clinical investigators, provide a dynamic and powerful approach to understanding the spectrum of diseases with obvious applications in analytic epidemiology, biomarkers and clinical research in disease prevention, diagnosis and disease management. Biomarkers have the additional potential to identify individuals susceptible to particular diseases. This conference is a podium that brings and shares collective knowledge and research explorations in biomarkers study. In the recent years, the information about cancer biomarkers has increased largely providing a huge potential for improving the management of cancer patients by improving the accuracy of detection and efficacy of treatment. Latest technological advancements have enabled the examination of many possible biomarkers and renewed interest in developing new biomarkers. All such developments can be evidenced in this biomarker congress.

Cancer Biomarkers, Molecular Biomarkers, Genomics biomarkers, Biomarkers in Clinical Research & Development, Biomarkers and Pathology

RelatedRegenerative Medicine Conferences|Stem Cell Conferences|Stem Cell Congress|Tissue Science Conferences|EuropeConferences

9th Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy conference, March 21-22, 2019 Rome, Italy; 12th Genomics and Molecular Biology conference, April 15-17, 2019 Berlin, Germany; 7th Integrative Biology conference, April 15-16, 2019 Berlin, Germany; Pacific Regenerative Medicine Conference, May 16-19, 2019 Hawaii, USA; Annual conference & Exhibition on Transversal, Translational & Transformative, December 2-5, 2019 Florida, USA; 21st International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, June 27 - 28, 2019 London, United Kingdom; World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2019, May 15 17, London, UK; 6th Annual European Congress on Clinical & Translational Sciences, October 18-20, 2019 Vienna, Austria;

Related Associations and Societies:

Europe:EuroStemCell (European Consortium for Stem Cell Research);German Stem Cell Network (GSCN);German Society for Stem Cell Research (GSZ);Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW);Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research (NCSCR);

USA:California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM);New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF);Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS);International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR);


The New South Wales Stem Cell Network;Korean Society for Stem Cell Research;Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine;Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research;Stem Cell Society Singapore (SCSS);

Regeneration & Therapeutics

Some parts of our bodies can repair themselves quite well after injury, but others dont repair at all. We certainly cant regrow a whole leg or arm, but some animals can regrow - or regenerate - whole body parts. Regeneration means the regrowth of a damaged or missing organ part from the remaining tissue. As adults, humans can regenerate some organs, such as the liver. If part of the liver is lost by disease or injury, the liver grows back to its original size, though not its original shape. And our skin is constantly being renewed and repaired. Unfortunately many other human tissues dont regenerate, and a goal in regenerative medicine is to find ways to kick-start tissue regeneration in the body, or to engineer replacement tissues.

RelatedRegenerative Medicine Conferences|Stem Cell Conferences|Stem Cell Congress|Tissue Science Conferences|EuropeConferences

9th Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy conference, March 21-22, 2019 Rome, Italy; 12th Genomics and Molecular Biology conference, April 15-17, 2019 Berlin, Germany; 7th Integrative Biology conference, April 15-16, 2019 Berlin, Germany; Pacific Regenerative Medicine Conference, May 16-19, 2019 Hawaii, USA; Annual conference & Exhibition on Transversal, Translational & Transformative, December 2-5, 2019 Florida, USA; 21st International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, June 27 - 28, 2019 London, United Kingdom; World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2019, May 15 17, London, UK; 6th Annual European Congress on Clinical & Translational Sciences, October 18-20, 2019 Vienna, Austria;

Related Associations and Societies:

Europe:EuroStemCell (European Consortium for Stem Cell Research);German Stem Cell Network (GSCN);German Society for Stem Cell Research (GSZ);Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW);Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research (NCSCR);

USA:California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM);New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF);Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS);International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR);


The New South Wales Stem Cell Network;Korean Society for Stem Cell Research;Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine;Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research;Stem Cell Society Singapore (SCSS);


Rejuvenation is a medical discipline focused on the practical reversal of the aging process. Rejuvenation is distinct from life extension. Life extension strategies often study the causes of aging and try to oppose those causes in order to slow aging. Rejuvenation is the reversal of aging and thus requires a different strategy, namely repair of the damage that is associated with aging or replacement of damaged tissue with new tissue. Rejuvenation can be a means of life extension, but most life extension strategies do not involve rejuvenation.


Immunotherapy, also called biologic treatment, is a kind of disease treatment that lifts the body's common guards to battle the malignancy. It utilizes substances made by the body or in a research facility to enhance or re-establish safe framework work. Immunotherapy may work in these ways: Halting or abating the development of tumor cells, preventing malignancy from spreading to different parts of the body, helping the safe framework work better at crushing disease cells. There are several types of immunotherapy, including: Monoclonal antibodies, Non-specific immunotherapies, oncolytic virus therapy, T-cell therapy, Cancer vaccines

RelatedRegenerative Medicine Conferences|Stem Cell Conferences|Stem Cell Congress|Tissue Science Conferences|EuropeConferences

9th Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy conference, March 21-22, 2019 Rome, Italy; 12th Genomics and Molecular Biology conference, April 15-17, 2019 Berlin, Germany; 7th Integrative Biology conference, April 15-16, 2019 Berlin, Germany; Pacific Regenerative Medicine Conference, May 16-19, 2019 Hawaii, USA; Annual conference & Exhibition on Transversal, Translational & Transformative, December 2-5, 2019 Florida, USA; 21st International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, June 27 - 28, 2019 London, United Kingdom; World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2019, May 15 17, London, UK; 6th Annual European Congress on Clinical & Translational Sciences, October 18-20, 2019 Vienna, Austria;

Related Associations and Societies:

Europe:EuroStemCell (European Consortium for Stem Cell Research);German Stem Cell Network (GSCN);German Society for Stem Cell Research (GSZ);Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW);Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research (NCSCR);

USA:California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM);New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF);Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS);International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR);


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Regenerative Medicine | Stem Cell Treatments | PRP | Houston …

Thursday, October 3rd, 2019

What is regenerative medicine? This fast growing, highly effective treatment option utilizes various treatments that may include stem cells and growth factors including, umbilical allografts, amniotic fluid, mesenchymal stem cells and platelet rich plasma or PRP treatments to heal and restore your body to a healthy level. The very name indicates that regenerative medicine therapies help your body regenerate tissue, bone, discs, cartilage, and cells. This treatment option provides relief from injuries and chronic pain. Regenerative medicine is a natural solution that even helps combat the effects of aging.

Our team of doctors will design a customized treatment program just for you. A custom program is far more effective than a "one size fits all" treatment option. Our solutions are designed to help your body truly heal rather than simply mask your symptoms.

Stem cell therapy is not regenerative medicine. Regenerative medicine helps your body restore itself to a healthy state naturally. Patients in pain, those with wounds that wont heal or with damaged cartilage, muscle or ligaments may return to normal life in a short time. Regenerative cell therapy may also help arthritic patients find relief from the swelling, pain and lack of mobility resulting from this condition. It will even help those that have had recent surgery heal more quickly and reduce scar tissue.

There are many sources for stem cells. However, we fell that the mesenchymal stem cells obtained from umbilical cords offer the most potent and effective healing power. Why are young stem cells more favorable than those in our bodies naturally? Our body's own stem cells age as we age and are therefore less effective year after year. The stem cells harvested from the umbilical cord the day of birth show an extremely high rate of replication. To illustrate this, simply think about how much more quickly children heal from injuries than do elder people. This is due to their young, healthy stem cells.

When introduced into an injured or damaged area, stem cells go to work to accelerate and enhance your natural healing process. They are reported to help your body heal muscle tears, ligament or tendon damage, strengthen degenerating bones and cartilage and more. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells meaning that they transform into the exact cells your body needs to heal itself. They even have the ability to help with the inflammation and pain that accompanies arthritis and other conditions.

The most active healing cells contained in your blood are called platelets. When your body signals that it is injured, platelets are attracted to the injured area. They then go to work repairing that area. To focus this healing power intensively on your injury, we extract a small quantity of your blood. The next step is to process it and isolate the platelets in clear plasma. This platelet-rich plasma will then be returned to your injured area. PRP treatments of knees, shoulders, muscles, tendons and other parts of the body have proven remarkably effective.

Most often the fastest relief after a regenerative medicine treatment comes from the anti inflammatory properties of the injection. The longer term results are the result of your body healing itself and restoring the damaged tissue. These procedures regenerate cells, tissue, bone, ligaments, tendons muscles, cartilage, and more. Stem cell treatments are found to help those with heart conditions, alopecia, peripheral neuropathy, skin rejuvenation, hair restoration, etc. Choosing regenerative medical treatment options and regenerative cell therapy helps your body tap into its youthful healing potential. You can expect hair restoration, younger looking skin and improved quality of life.

O-Shots: This life changing, revolutionary use of regenerative medicine utilizes platelet-rich plasma to improve vaginal tone and sexual response. By injecting PRP into anesthetized genital areas, regeneration of tissue in the area is triggered. These PRP injections increase blood flow to these sensitive and responsive tissues. Improved sensation during sexual activity is the result, along with a reduction of urinary incontinence and other symptoms.

P-Shots: The P-shot, or Priapus Shot, offers similar benefits for men. In this case, the patients own platelets are injected into numbed areas of the penis. Growth factors that are abundant in platelet-rich plasma rejuvenate the tissues in the penis involved in creating erections and responding to stimuli. Resulting in more satisfying sexual experiences.

Medical science has moved beyond simply covering up a patients problems with steroids, painkillers and muscle-relaxing drugs and has embraced regenerative medicine and regenerative cell therapy as better solutions to heal pain and injuries. At Campbell Medical Group, we offer cutting-edge regenerative medicine and stem cell treatments that rebuild, regenerate and restore so we can return you to the pain-free and active life you enjoy leading.

Call our office for a free consultation on our cutting edge regenerative medicine in Houston

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Home Regenerative Medicine of South Jersey

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

Get Your Life BackRegenerative Medicine of South Jersey offers a unique and comfortable healing environment for all of our patients. For years, weve served patients in our area with the most advanced treatments for acute and chronic pain. We are committed to staying current with most state-of-the-art medical and rehabilitative therapies in order to bring our patients the finest non-invasive health care available.

While traditional forms of medical pain management consist of radical methods such as powerful medications and surgery, our providers use safe and effective non-surgical, non-drug solutions to helping our patients live pain-free. Our unique approach to care combines the best of regenerative cell therapy, physical therapy, non-invasive medical pain management, chiropractic care and laser pain relief to help our patients get out of pain, fast and effectively.

If youre seeking relief from chronic, debilitating pain, the team at Regenerative Medicine of South Jersey can help you today. Give us a call now to request a spot at our seminar.

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Home Regenerative Medicine of South Jersey


Stem Cell Therapy|PRP Injections – Regenerative Medicine

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

At Regenerative Medical Institute we strive to provide the safest and most effective care for our patients. Our Regenerative Medicine Program was developed to give our patients access to the most advanced treatment options with proven results. In recent years scientists and doctors have made tremendous advances in moving regenerative medicine into the mainstream as a treatment for many diseases and disorders. The reparative procedures offered at Regenerative Medical Institute, PLLC will repair damaged tissues and get you back to your active lifestyle without the need for surgery.

If youre suffering from ongoing, nagging chronic pain that hasnt benefited from other treatments,you could benefit from an exciting new area of pain management known as regenerative medicine.

These minimally-invasive treatments offer patients pain relief, while reducing the likelihood of infectionand avoiding the need for surgery. For many patients, regenerative medicines can help them get their livesback by jump-starting their bodys own natural healing processes.

Regenerative medicine includes treatments like PRP therapy and stem cell therapy.The most common conditions that have been successfully treated using regenerative medical procedures includearthritis and injuries to cartilage, tendons, muscle, bone, spinal discs, and other tissue types. For many patients,it can help them:

Chronic pain can affect a persons ability to function during daily activities and their job responsibilities. Pain increases a persons rate of physician appointments, disability claims, and loss of productivity. Using estimates from both acute and chronic pain conditions, back pain alone accounts for pain in approximately 100 million adults in the U.S.

For these patients, regenerative medicine (Stem Cells and/or PRP) may be able to help. Regenerative medicines are cutting-edge therapies that use chemistry, medicine, robotics, biology, computer science, genetics, and engineering to construct a biologically compatible structure for many different tissues found in the body. Although relatively new in the field of acute and chronic pain management, regenerative medical procedures do date back as early as 1962.

To learn More About The Regenerative Medicine Treatments Available Please Click the Links Below:

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Stem Cell Therapy-Refill and Revive

Stem Cell Therapy Info

Stem Cell Injections

NyDyn Stem Cell Brochures for Patients

FDA Guidelines for PRP Usage

Guidelines for PRP in Sports Medicine

Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Stem Cell Therapy|PRP Injections - Regenerative Medicine


Magenta Therapeutics Announces FDA Regenerative Medicine …

Monday, September 30th, 2019

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sep. 4, 2019--Magenta Therapeutics (NASDAQ: MGTA), a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing novel medicines to bring the curative power of stem cell transplant to more patients, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Regenerative Medicine Advance Therapy (RMAT) designation for MGTA-456, a one-time cell therapy for the treatment of multiple inherited metabolic disorders.

This RMAT designation was based on the encouraging clinical data we have presented thus far, and it is an important milestone that recognizes the transformative, life-saving potential of MGTA-456 for children suffering from inherited metabolic disorders, said John Davis, M.D., M.P.H., Chief Medical Officer, Magenta. We look forward to collaborating closely with the FDA as we seek to rapidly advance MGTA-456 through the ongoing Phase 2 study and into potential pivotal studies in 2020.

MGTA-456 is a cell therapy designed to halt the progress of inherited metabolic disorders by providing a high dose of stem cells that regenerate a well-matched new immune system in the patient. Magenta is developing MGTA-456 as a medicine for multiple diseases. The company is currently studying MGTA-456 in a Phase 2 clinical trial in patients older than 6 months of age with Hurler syndrome, cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy (cALD), metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) or globoid cell leukodystrophy (GLD) at four centers of excellence: Cincinnati Childrens Hospital, Duke University, Emory University and the University of Minnesota.

Previously presented results from the first five evaluable patients treated in the study followed to 6 months showed rapid and persistent signs of disease benefit, which are not consistently seen with other investigational therapies in these diseases:

Established under the 21st Century Cures Act, RMAT designation is a dedicated program designed to expedite the development and approval processes for promising pipeline products, including cell therapies. An investigational drug is eligible for RMAT designation if it is intended to treat, modify, reverse, or cure a serious or life-threatening disease; and preliminary clinical evidence indicates that the therapy has the potential to address unmet medical needs for that disease. Advantages of the RMAT designation include all the benefits of the fast track and breakthrough therapy designation programs, including early interactions with FDA that may be used to discuss potential surrogate or intermediate endpoints to support accelerated approval.

About Magenta TherapeuticsHeadquartered in Cambridge, Mass., Magenta Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing novel medicines for patients with autoimmune diseases, blood cancers and genetic diseases. By creating a platform focused on critical areas of unmet need, Magenta Therapeutics is pioneering an integrated approach to allow more patients to receive one-time, curative therapies by making the process more effective, safer and easier.

Forward-Looking StatementThis press release may contain forward-looking statements and information within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other federal securities laws. The use of words such as may, will, could, should, expects, intends, plans, anticipates, believes, estimates, predicts, projects, seeks, endeavor, potential, continue or the negative of such words or other similar expressions can be used to identify forward-looking statements. The express or implied forward-looking statements included in this press release are only predictions and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including, without limitation: uncertainties inherent in clinical studies and in the availability and timing of data from ongoing clinical studies; whether interim results from a clinical trial will be predictive of the final results of the trial; whether results from preclinical studies or earlier clinical studies will be predictive of the results of future trials; the expected timing of submissions for regulatory approval or review by governmental authorities, including review under accelerated approval processes; orphan drug designation eligibility; regulatory approvals to conduct trials or to market products; and other risks set forth under the caption Risk Factors in Magentas Registration Statement on Form S-1, as updated by Magentas most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and its other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this press release may not occur and actual results could differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Although Magenta believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee that the future results, levels of activity, performance or events and circumstances reflected in the forward-looking statements will be achieved or occur. Moreover, except as required by law, neither Magenta nor any other person assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the forward-looking statements included in this press release. Any forward-looking statement included in this press release speaks only as of the date on which it was made. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190904005511/en/

Source: Magenta Therapeutics

Magenta Therapeutics:Manisha Pai, Vice President, Communications & Investor Relations617-510-9193mpai@magentatx.com

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