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Archive for the ‘Preventative Medicine’ Category

Preventive healthcare

Tuesday, May 9th, 2023

Prevent and minimize the occurrence of diseases

Preventive healthcare, or prophylaxis is the application of healthcare measures to prevent diseases.[1] Disease and disability are affected by environmental factors, genetic predisposition, disease agents, and lifestyle choices, and are dynamic processes which begin before individuals realize they are affected. Disease prevention relies on anticipatory actions that can be categorized as primal,[2][3] primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.[1]

Each year, millions of people die of preventable deaths. A 2004 study showed that about half of all deaths in the United States in 2000 were due to preventable behaviors and exposures.[4] Leading causes included cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, unintentional injuries, diabetes, and certain infectious diseases.[4] This same study estimates that 400,000 people die each year in the United States due to poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle.[4] According to estimates made by the World Health Organization (WHO), about 55 million people died worldwide in 2011, two thirds of this group from non-communicable diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and chronic cardiovascular and lung diseases.[5] This is an increase from the year 2000, during which 60% of deaths were attributed to these diseases.[5]

Preventive healthcare is especially important given the worldwide rise in prevalence of chronic diseases and deaths from these diseases. There are many methods for prevention of disease. One of them is prevention of teenage smoking through information giving.[6][7][8][9] It is recommended that adults and children aim to visit their doctor for regular check-ups, even if they feel healthy, to perform disease screening, identify risk factors for disease, discuss tips for a healthy and balanced lifestyle, stay up to date with immunizations and boosters, and maintain a good relationship with a healthcare provider.[10] In pediatrics, some common examples of primary prevention are encouraging parents to turn down the temperature of their home water heater in order to avoid scalding burns, encouraging children to wear bicycle helmets, and suggesting that people use the air quality index (AQI) to check the level of pollution in the outside air before engaging in sporting activities. Some common disease screenings include checking for hypertension (high blood pressure), hyperglycemia (high blood sugar, a risk factor for diabetes mellitus), hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol), screening for colon cancer, depression, HIV and other common types of sexually transmitted disease such as chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea, mammography (to screen for breast cancer), colorectal cancer screening, a Pap test (to check for cervical cancer), and screening for osteoporosis. Genetic testing can also be performed to screen for mutations that cause genetic disorders or predisposition to certain diseases such as breast or ovarian cancer.[10] However, these measures are not affordable for every individual and the cost effectiveness of preventive healthcare is still a topic of debate.[11][12]

Preventive healthcare strategies are described as taking place at the primal,[2] primary,[13] secondary, and tertiary prevention levels.Although advocated as preventive medicine in the early twentieth century by Sara Josephine Baker,[14] in the 1940s, Hugh R. Leavell and E. Gurney Clark coined the term primary prevention. They worked at the Harvard and Columbia University Schools of Public Health, respectively, and later expanded the levels to include secondary and tertiary prevention. Goldston (1987) notes that these levels might be better described as "prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation", although the terms primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention are still in use today. The concept of primal prevention has been created much more recently, in relation to the new developments in molecular biology over the last fifty years,[15] more particularly in epigenetics, which point to the paramount importance of environmental conditions, both physical and affective, on the organism during its fetal and newborn life, or so-called primal period of life.[3]

Primal prevention has been propounded as a separate category of health promotion based on the evidence that epigenetic processes start at conception (see below: Primal and primordial preventions). Primordial prevention refers to measures designed to avoid the development of risk factors in the first place, early in life.[16][17]

Primal prevention is health promotion par excellence.[21] New knowledge in molecular biology, in particular epigenetics, points to how much affective as well as physical environment during fetal and newborn life may determine adult health.[22][23][24][25] This way of promoting health consists mainly in providing future parents with pertinent, unbiased information on primal health and supporting them during their child's primal period of life (i.e., "from conception to first anniversary" according to definition by the Primal Health Research Centre, London). This includes adequate parental leave, ideally for both parents, with kin caregiving and financial help where needed.[26]

Primordial prevention refers to all measures designed to prevent the development of risk factors in the first place, early in life,[16][17] and even preconception, as Ruth A. Etzel has described it "all population-level actions and measures that inhibit the emergence and establishment of adverse environmental, economic, and social conditions". This could be reducing air pollution[27] or prohibiting endocrine-disrupting chemicals in food-handling equipment and food contact materials.[28]

Primary prevention consists of traditional health promotion and "specific protection".[18] Health promotion activities include prevention strategies such as health education and lifestyle medicine, and are current, non-clinical life choices such as eating nutritious meals and exercising often, that prevent lifestyle-related medical conditions, improve the quality of life, and create a sense of overall well-being.[29] Preventing disease and creating overall well-being prolongs life expectancy.[1][18] Health-promotional activities do not target a specific disease or condition but rather promote health and well-being on a very general level.[1] On the other hand, specific protection targets a type or group of diseases and complements the goals of health promotion.[18]

Food is the most basic tool in preventive health care.[citation needed]

The 2011 National Health Interview Survey performed by the Centers for Disease Control was the first national survey to include questions about ability to pay for food. Difficulty with paying for food, medicine, or both is a problem facing 1 out of 3 Americans. If better food options were available through food banks, soup kitchens, and other resources for low-income people, obesity and the chronic conditions that come along with it would be better controlled.[30] A food desert is an area with restricted access to healthy foods due to a lack of supermarkets within a reasonable distance. These are often low-income neighborhoods with the majority of residents lacking transportation.[31] There have been several grassroots movements since 1995 to encourage urban gardening, using vacant lots to grow food cultivated by local residents.[32] Mobile fresh markets are another resource for residents in a "food desert", which are specially outfitted buses bringing affordable fresh fruits and vegetables to low-income neighborhoods.[33]

It has been proposed that healthy longevity diets are included in standard healthcare as switching from a "typical Western diet" could often extend life by a decade.[34]

Specific protective measures such as water purification, sewage treatment, and the development of personal hygienic routines, such as regular hand-washing, safe sex to prevent sexually transmitted infections, became mainstream upon the discovery of infectious disease agents and have decreased the rates of communicable diseases which are spread in unsanitary conditions.[1]

Scientific advancements in genetics have contributed to the knowledge of hereditary diseases and have facilitated progress in specific protective measures in individuals who are carriers of a disease gene or have an increased predisposition to a specific disease. Genetic testing has allowed physicians to make quicker and more accurate diagnoses and has allowed for tailored treatments or personalized medicine.[1]

Food safety has a significant impact on human health and food quality monitoring has increased.[35]Water, including drinking water, is also monitored in many cases for securing health. There also is some monitoring of air pollution. In many cases, environmental standards such as via maximum pollution levels, regulation of chemicals, occupational hygiene requirements or consumer protection regulations establish some protection in combination with the monitoring.[citation needed]

Preventative measures like vaccines and medical screenings are also important.[36] Using PPE properly and getting the recommended vaccines and screenings can help decrease the spread of respiratory diseases, protecting the healthcare workers as well as their patients.[37][38]

Secondary prevention deals with latent diseases and attempts to prevent an asymptomatic disease from progressing to symptomatic disease.[18] Certain diseases can be classified as primary or secondary. This depends on definitions of what constitutes a disease, though, in general, primary prevention addresses the root cause of a disease or injury[18] whereas secondary prevention aims to detect and treat a disease early on.[39] Secondary prevention consists of "early diagnosis and prompt treatment" to contain the disease and prevent its spread to other individuals, and "disability limitation" to prevent potential future complications and disabilities from the disease.[1] Early diagnosis and prompt treatment for a syphilis patient would include a course of antibiotics to destroy the pathogen and screening and treatment of any infants born to syphilitic mothers. Disability limitation for syphilitic patients includes continued check-ups on the heart, cerebrospinal fluid, and central nervous system of patients to curb any damaging effects such as blindness or paralysis.[1]

Finally, tertiary prevention attempts to reduce the damage caused by symptomatic disease by focusing on mental, physical, and social rehabilitation. Unlike secondary prevention, which aims to prevent disability, the objective of tertiary prevention is to maximize the remaining capabilities and functions of an already disabled patient.[1] Goals of tertiary prevention include: preventing pain and damage, halting progression and complications from disease, and restoring the health and functions of the individuals affected by disease.[39] For syphilitic patients, rehabilitation includes measures to prevent complete disability from the disease, such as implementing work-place adjustments for the blind and paralyzed or providing counseling to restore normal daily functions to the greatest extent possible.[1]

The general use of machinery that has adequate ventilation and airflow is suggested for these patients in order to halt progression and complications of disease. A study conducted in nursing homes to prevent diseases concluded that the use of evaporative humidifiers to maintain the indoor humidity within the range 4060% can reduce respiratory risk. Certain diseases thrive in different humidities, so the use of the humidifiers can help kill the particles of diseases.[38][37]

The leading preventable cause of death in the United States is tobacco; however, poor diet and lack of exercise may soon surpass tobacco as a leading cause of death. These behaviors are modifiable and public health and prevention efforts could make a difference to reduce these deaths.[4]

The leading causes of preventable death worldwide share similar trends to the United States. There are a few differences between the two, such as malnutrition, pollution, and unsafe sanitation, that reflect health disparities between the developing and developed world.[40]

However, several of the leading causes of death or underlying contributors to earlier death may not be included as "preventable" causes of death. A study concluded that pollution was "responsible for approximately 9 million deaths per year" in 2019.[41] And another study concluded that the global mean loss of life expectancy (a measure similar to years of potential life lost) from air pollution in 2015 was 2.9 years, substantially more than, for example, 0.3years from all forms of direct violence, albeit a significant fraction of the LLE is considered to be unavoidable (such as pollution from some natural wildfires).[42]

A landmark study conducted by the World Health Organization and the International Labour Organization found that exposure to long working hours is the occupational risk factor with the largest attributable burden of disease, i.e. an estimated 745,000 fatalities from ischemic heart disease and stroke events in 2016.[43] With this study, prevention of exposure to long working hours has emerged as a priority for prevention healthcare in workplace settings.[citation needed]

In 2010, 7.6 million children died before reaching the age of 5. While this is a decrease from 9.6 million in 2000,[44] it was still far from the fourth Millennium Development Goal to decrease child mortality by two-thirds by 2015.[45] Of these deaths, about 64% were due to infection including diarrhea, pneumonia, and malaria.[44] About 40% of these deaths occurred in neonates (children ages 128 days) due to pre-term birth complications.[45] The highest number of child deaths occurred in Africa and Southeast Asia.[44] As of 2015 in Africa, almost no progress has been made in reducing neonatal death since 1990.[45] In 2010, India, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, and China contributed to almost 50% of global child deaths. Targeting efforts in these countries is essential to reducing the global child death rate.[44]

Child mortality is caused by factors including poverty, environmental hazards, and lack of maternal education.[46] In 2003, the World Health Organization created a list of interventions in the following table that were judged economically and operationally "feasible," based on the healthcare resources and infrastructure in 42 nations that contribute to 90% of all infant and child deaths. The table indicates how many infant and child deaths could have been prevented in 2000, assuming universal healthcare coverage.[46]

Obesity is a major risk factor for a wide variety of conditions including cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, certain cancers, and type 2 diabetes. In order to prevent obesity, it is recommended that individuals adhere to a consistent exercise regimen as well as a nutritious and balanced diet. A healthy individual should aim for acquiring 10% of their energy from proteins, 15-20% from fat, and over 50% from complex carbohydrates, while avoiding alcohol as well as foods high in fat, salt, and sugar.[47] Sedentary adults should aim for at least half an hour of moderate-level daily physical activity and eventually increase to include at least 20 minutes of intense exercise, three times a week.[47] Preventive health care offers many benefits to those that chose to participate in taking an active role in the culture. The medical system in our society is geared toward curing acute symptoms of disease after the fact that they have brought us into the emergency room. An ongoing epidemic within American culture is the prevalence of obesity. Healthy eating and regular exercise play a significant role in reducing an individual's risk for type 2 diabetes. A 2008 study concluded that about 23.6 million people in the United States had diabetes, including 5.7 million that had not been diagnosed. 90 to 95 percent of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is the main cause of kidney failure, limb amputation, and new-onset blindness in American adults.[48]

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as syphilis and HIV, are common but preventable with safe-sex practices. STIs can be asymptomatic, or cause a range of symptoms. Preventive measures for STIs are called prophylactics. The term especially applies to the use of condoms,[49] which are highly effective at preventing disease,[50] but also to other devices meant to prevent STIs,[49] such as dental dams and latex gloves. Other means for preventing STIs include education on how to use condoms or other such barrier devices, testing partners before having unprotected sex, receiving regular STI screenings, to both receive treatment and prevent spreading STIs to partners, and, specifically for HIV, regularly taking prophylactic antiretroviral drugs, such as Truvada. Post-exposure prophylaxis, started within 72 hours (optimally less than 1 hour) after exposure to high-risk fluids, can also protect against HIV transmission.[citation needed]

Genetically modified mosquitoes are being used in developing countries to control malaria. This approach has been subject to objections and controversy.[51]

Thrombosis is a serious circulatory disease affecting thousands, usually older persons undergoing surgical procedures, women taking oral contraceptives and travelers. The consequences of thrombosis can be heart attacks and strokes. Prevention can include exercise, anti-embolism stockings, pneumatic devices, and pharmacological treatments.[citation needed]

In recent years[when?], cancer has become a global problem. Low and middle income countries share a majority of the cancer burden largely due to exposure to carcinogens resulting from industrialization and globalization.[52] However, primary prevention of cancer and knowledge of cancer risk factors can reduce over one third of all cancer cases. Primary prevention of cancer can also prevent other diseases, both communicable and non-communicable, that share common risk factors with cancer.[52]

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States and Europe and is a major cause of death in other countries.[53] Tobacco is an environmental carcinogen and the major underlying cause of lung cancer.[53] Between 25% and 40% of all cancer deaths and about 90% of lung cancer cases are associated with tobacco use. Other carcinogens include asbestos and radioactive materials.[54] Both smoking and second-hand exposure from other smokers can lead to lung cancer and eventually death.[53]

Prevention of tobacco use is paramount to prevention of lung cancer. Individual, community, and statewide interventions can prevent or cease tobacco use. 90% of adults in the U.S. who have ever smoked did so prior to the age of 20. In-school prevention/educational programs, as well as counseling resources, can help prevent and cease adolescent smoking.[54] Other cessation techniques include group support programs, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), hypnosis, and self-motivated behavioral change. Studies have shown long term success rates (>1 year) of 20% for hypnosis and 10%-20% for group therapy.[54]

Cancer screening programs serve as effective sources of secondary prevention. The Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering hospitals conducted annual x-ray screenings and sputum cytology tests and found that lung cancer was detected at higher rates, earlier stages, and had more favorable treatment outcomes, which supports widespread investment in such programs.[54]

Legislation can also affect smoking prevention and cessation. In 1992, Massachusetts (United States) voters passed a bill adding an extra 25 cent tax to each pack of cigarettes, despite intense lobbying and $7.3 million spent by the tobacco industry to oppose this bill. Tax revenue goes toward tobacco education and control programs and has led to a decline of tobacco use in the state.[55]

Lung cancer and tobacco smoking are increasing worldwide, especially in China. China is responsible for about one-third of the global consumption and production of tobacco products.[56] Tobacco control policies have been ineffective as China is home to 350 million regular smokers and 750 million passive smokers and the annual death toll is over 1 million.[56] Recommended actions to reduce tobacco use include decreasing tobacco supply, increasing tobacco taxes, widespread educational campaigns, decreasing advertising from the tobacco industry, and increasing tobacco cessation support resources.[56] In Wuhan, China, a 1998 school-based program implemented an anti-tobacco curriculum for adolescents and reduced the number of regular smokers, though it did not significantly decrease the number of adolescents who initiated smoking. This program was therefore effective in secondary but not primary prevention and shows that school-based programs have the potential to reduce tobacco use.[57]

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States.[58] The most lethal form of skin cancer, melanoma, leads to over 50,000 annual deaths in the United States.[58] Childhood prevention is particularly important because a significant portion of ultraviolet radiation exposure from the sun occurs during childhood and adolescence and can subsequently lead to skin cancer in adulthood. Furthermore, childhood prevention can lead to the development of healthy habits that continue to prevent cancer for a lifetime.[58]

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends several primary prevention methods including: limiting sun exposure between 10 AM and 4 PM, when the sun is strongest, wearing tighter-weave natural cotton clothing, wide-brim hats, and sunglasses as protective covers, using sunscreens that protect against both UV-A and UV-B rays, and avoiding tanning salons.[58] Sunscreen should be reapplied after sweating, exposure to water (through swimming for example) or after several hours of sun exposure.[58] Since skin cancer is very preventable, the CDC recommends school-level prevention programs including preventive curricula, family involvement, participation and support from the school's health services, and partnership with community, state, and national agencies and organizations to keep children away from excessive UV radiation exposure.[58]

Most skin cancer and sun protection data comes from Australia and the United States.[59] An international study reported that Australians tended to demonstrate higher knowledge of sun protection and skin cancer knowledge, compared to other countries.[59] Of children, adolescents, and adults, sunscreen was the most commonly used skin protection. However, many adolescents purposely used sunscreen with a low sun protection factor (SPF) in order to get a tan.[59] Various Australian studies have shown that many adults failed to use sunscreen correctly; many applied sunscreen well after their initial sun exposure and/or failed to reapply when necessary.[60][61][62] A 2002 case-control study in Brazil showed that only 3% of case participants and 11% of control participants used sunscreen with SPF >15.[63]

Cervical cancer ranks among the top three most common cancers among women in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and parts of Asia. Cervical cytology screening aims to detect abnormal lesions in the cervix so that women can undergo treatment prior to the development of cancer. Given that high quality screening and follow-up care has been shown to reduce cervical cancer rates by up to 80%, most developed countries now encourage sexually active women to undergo a Pap test every 35 years. Finland and Iceland have developed effective organized programs with routine monitoring and have managed to significantly reduce cervical cancer mortality while using fewer resources than unorganized, opportunistic programs such as those in the United States or Canada.[64]

In developing nations in Latin America, such as Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Cuba, both public and privately organized programs have offered women routine cytological screening since the 1970s. However, these efforts have not resulted in a significant change in cervical cancer incidence or mortality in these nations. This is likely due to low quality, inefficient testing. However, Puerto Rico, which has offered early screening since the 1960s, has witnessed almost a 50% decline in cervical cancer incidence and almost a four-fold decrease in mortality between 1950 and 1990. Brazil, Peru, India, and several high-risk nations in sub-Saharan Africa which lack organized screening programs, have a high incidence of cervical cancer.[64]

Colorectal cancer is globally the second most common cancer in women and the third-most common in men,[65] and the fourth most common cause of cancer death after lung, stomach, and liver cancer,[66] having caused 715,000 deaths in 2010.[67]

It is also highly preventable; about 80 percent[68] of colorectal cancers begin as benign growths, commonly called polyps, which can be easily detected and removed during a colonoscopy. Other methods of screening for polyps and cancers include fecal occult blood testing. Lifestyle changes that may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer include increasing consumption of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and reducing consumption of red meat.[citation needed]

Access to healthcare and preventive health services is unequal, as is the quality of care received. A study conducted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) revealed health disparities in the United States. In the United States, elderly adults (>65 years old) received worse care and had less access to care than their younger counterparts. The same trends are seen when comparing all racial minorities (black, Hispanic, Asian) to white patients, and low-income people to high-income people.[69] Common barriers to accessing and utilizing healthcare resources included lack of income and education, language barriers, and lack of health insurance. Minorities were less likely than whites to possess health insurance, as were individuals who completed less education. These disparities made it more difficult for the disadvantaged groups to have regular access to a primary care provider, receive immunizations, or receive other types of medical care.[69] Additionally, uninsured people tend to not seek care until their diseases progress to chronic and serious states and they are also more likely to forgo necessary tests, treatments, and filling prescription medications.[70]

These sorts of disparities and barriers exist worldwide as well. Often, there are decades of gaps in life expectancy between developing and developed countries. For example, Japan has an average life expectancy that is 36 years greater than that in Malawi.[71] Low-income countries also tend to have fewer physicians than high-income countries. In Nigeria and Myanmar, there are fewer than 4 physicians per 100,000 people while Norway and Switzerland have a ratio that is ten-fold higher.[71] Common barriers worldwide include lack of availability of health services and healthcare providers in the region, great physical distance between the home and health service facilities, high transportation costs, high treatment costs, and social norms and stigma toward accessing certain health services.[72]

With lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise rising to the top of preventable death statistics, the economics of healthy lifestyle is a growing concern. There is little question that positive lifestyle choices provide an investment in health throughout life.[73] To gauge success, traditional measures such as the quality years of life method (QALY), show great value.[74] However, that method does not account for the cost of chronic conditions or future lost earnings because of poor health.[75]

Developing future economic models that would guide both private and public investments as well as drive future policy to evaluate the efficacy of positive lifestyle choices on health is a major topic for economists globally. Americans spend over three trillion a year on health care but have a higher rate of infant mortality, shorter life expectancies, and a higher rate of diabetes than other high-income nations because of negative lifestyle choices.[76] Despite these large costs, very little is spent on prevention for lifestyle-caused conditions in comparison. In 2016, the Journal of the American Medical Association estimated that $101 billion was spent in 2013 on the preventable disease of diabetes, and another $88 billion was spent on heart disease.[77] In an effort to encourage healthy lifestyle choices, as of 2010 workplace wellness programs were on the rise but the economics and effectiveness data were continuing to evolve and develop.[78]

Health insurance coverage impacts lifestyle choices, even intermittent loss of coverage had negative effects on healthy choices in the U.S.[79] The repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) could significantly impact coverage for many Americans as well as "The Prevention and Public Health Fund" which is the U.S. first and only mandatory funding stream dedicated to improving public health[80] including counseling on lifestyle prevention issues, such as weight management, alcohol use, and treatment for depression.[81]

Because in the U.S. chronic illnesses predominate as a cause of death and pathways for treating chronic illnesses are complex and multifaceted, prevention is a best practice approach to chronic disease when possible. In many cases, prevention requires mapping complex pathways[82] to determine the ideal point for intervention. Cost-effectiveness of prevention is achievable, but impacted by the length of time it takes to see effects/outcomes of intervention. This makes prevention efforts difficult to fundparticularly in strained financial contexts. Prevention potentially creates other costs as well, due to extending the lifespan and thereby increasing opportunities for illness. In order to assess the cost-effectiveness of prevention, the cost of the preventive measure, savings from avoiding morbidity, and the cost from extending the lifespan need to be considered.[83] Life extension costs become smaller when accounting for savings from postponing the last year of life,[84] which makes up a large fraction of lifetime medical expenditures[85] and becomes cheaper with age.[86] Prevention leads to savings only if the cost of the preventive measure is less than the savings from avoiding morbidity net of the cost of extending the life span. In order to establish reliable economics of prevention for illnesses that are complicated in origin, knowing how best to assess prevention efforts, i.e. developing useful measures and appropriate scope, is required.[87]

There is no general consensus as to whether or not preventive healthcare measures are cost-effective,[according to whom?] but they increase the quality of life dramatically. There are varying views on what constitutes a "good investment." Some argue that preventive health measures should save more money than they cost, when factoring in treatment costs in the absence of such measures.[11] Others have argued in favor of "good value" or conferring significant health benefits even if the measures do not save money.[88] Furthermore, preventive health services are often described as one entity though they comprise a myriad of different services, each of which can individually lead to net costs, savings, or neither. Greater differentiation of these services is necessary to fully understand both the financial and health effects.[11]

A 2010 study reported that in the United States, vaccinating children, cessation of smoking, daily prophylactic use of aspirin, and screening of breast and colorectal cancers had the most potential to prevent premature death.[11] Preventive health measures that resulted in savings included vaccinating children and adults, smoking cessation, daily use of aspirin, and screening for issues with alcoholism, obesity, and vision failure.[11] These authors estimated that if usage of these services in the United States increased to 90% of the population, there would be net savings of $3.7 billion, which comprised only about -0.2% of the total 2006 United States healthcare expenditure.[11] Despite the potential for decreasing healthcare spending, utilization of healthcare resources in the United States still remains low, especially among Latinos and African-Americans.[89] Overall, preventive services are difficult to implement because healthcare providers have limited time with patients and must integrate a variety of preventive health measures from different sources.[89]

While these specific services bring about small net savings, not every preventive health measure saves more than it costs. A 1970s study showed that preventing heart attacks by treating hypertension early on with drugs actually did not save money in the long run. The money saved by evading treatment from heart attack and stroke only amounted to about a quarter of the cost of the drugs.[90][91] Similarly, it was found that the cost of drugs or dietary changes to decrease high blood cholesterol exceeded the cost of subsequent heart disease treatment.[92][93] Due to these findings, some argue that rather than focusing healthcare reform efforts exclusively on preventive care, the interventions that bring about the highest level of health should be prioritized.[88]

In 2008, Cohen et al. outlined a few arguments made by skeptics of preventive healthcare. Many argue that preventive measures only cost less than future treatment when the proportion of the population that would become ill in the absence of prevention is fairly large.[12] The Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group conducted a 2012 study evaluating the costs and benefits in quality-adjusted life-years or QALYs of lifestyle changes versus taking the drug metformin. They found that neither method brought about financial savings, but were cost-effective nonetheless because they brought about an increase in QALYs.[94] In addition to scrutinizing costs, preventive healthcare skeptics also examine efficiency of interventions. They argue that while many treatments of existing diseases involve use of advanced equipment and technology, in some cases, this is a more efficient use of resources than attempts to prevent the disease.[12] Cohen suggested that the preventive measures most worth exploring and investing in are those that could benefit a large portion of the population to bring about cumulative and widespread health benefits at a reasonable cost.[12]

There are at least four nationally implemented childhood obesity interventions in the United States: the Sugar-Sweetened Beverage excise tax (SSB), the TV AD program, active physical education (Active PE) policies, and early care and education (ECE) policies.[95] They each have similar goals of reducing childhood obesity. The effects of these interventions on BMI have been studied, and the cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) has led to a better understanding of projected cost reductions and improved health outcomes.[96][97] The Childhood Obesity Intervention Cost-Effectiveness Study (CHOICES) was conducted to evaluate and compare the CEA of these four interventions.[95]

Gortmaker, S.L. et al. (2015) states: "The four initial interventions were selected by the investigators to represent a broad range of nationally scalable strategies to reduce childhood obesity using a mix of both policy and programmatic strategies... 1. an excise tax of $0.01 per ounce of sweetened beverages, applied nationally and administered at the state level (SSB), 2. elimination of the tax deductibility of advertising costs of TV advertisements for "nutritionally poor" foods and beverages seen by children and adolescents (TV AD), 3. state policy requiring all public elementary schools in which physical education (PE) is currently provided to devote 50% of PE class time to moderate and vigorous physical activity (Active PE), and 4. state policy to make early child educational settings healthier by increasing physical activity, improving nutrition, and reducing screen time (ECE)." The CHOICES found that SSB, TV AD, and ECE led to net cost savings. Both SSB and TV AD increased quality adjusted life years and produced yearly tax revenue of 12.5 billion U.S. dollars and 80 million U.S. dollars, respectively.[citation needed]

Some challenges with evaluating the effectiveness of child obesity interventions include:

As of 2009, the cost-effectiveness of preventive care is a highly debated topic. While some economists argue that preventive care is valuable and potentially cost saving, others believe it is an inefficient waste of resources.[101] Preventive care is composed of a variety of clinical services and programs including annual doctor's check-ups, annual immunizations, and wellness programs; recent models show that these simple interventions can have significant economic impacts.[74]

Research on preventive care addresses the question of whether it is cost saving or cost effective and whether there is an economics evidence base for health promotion and disease prevention. The need for and interest in preventive care is driven by the imperative to reduce health care costs while improving quality of care and the patient experience. Preventive care can lead to improved health outcomes and cost savings potential. Services such as health assessments/screenings, prenatal care, and telehealth and telemedicine can reduce morbidity or mortality with low cost or cost savings.[102][103] Specifically, health assessments/screenings have cost savings potential, with varied cost-effectiveness based on screening and assessment type.[104] Inadequate prenatal care can lead to an increased risk of prematurity, stillbirth, and infant death.[105] Time is the ultimate resource and preventive care can help mitigate the time costs.[106] Telehealth and telemedicine is one option that has gained consumer interest, acceptance, and confidence and can improve quality of care and patient satisfaction.[107][108]

There are benefits and trade-offs when considering investment in preventive care versus other types of clinical services. Preventive care can be a good investment as supported by the evidence base and can drive population health management objectives.[12][103] The concepts of cost saving and cost-effectiveness are different and both are relevant to preventive care. Preventive care that may not save money may still provide health benefits; thus, there is a need to compare interventions relative to impact on health and cost.[109]

Preventive care transcends demographics and is applicable to people of every age. The Health Capital Theory underpins the importance of preventive care across the lifecycle and provides a framework for understanding the variances in health and health care that are experienced. It treats health as a stock that provides direct utility. Health depreciates with age and the aging process can be countered through health investments. The theory further supports that individuals demand good health, that the demand for health investment is a derived demand (i.e. investment is health is due to the underlying demand for good health), and the efficiency of the health investment process increases with knowledge (i.e. it is assumed that the more educated are more efficient consumers and producers of health).[110]

The prevalence elasticity of demand for prevention can also provide insights into the economics. Demand for preventive care can alter the prevalence rate of a given disease and further reduce or even reverse any further growth of prevalence.[106] Reduction in prevalence subsequently leads to reduction in costs. There are a number of organizations and policy actions that are relevant when discussing the economics of preventive care services. The evidence base, viewpoints, and policy briefs from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and efforts by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) all provide examples that improve the health and well-being of populations (e.g. preventive health assessments/screenings, prenatal care, and telehealth/telemedicine). The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has major influence on the provision of preventive care services, although it is currently under heavy scrutiny and review by the new administration. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the ACA makes preventive care affordable and accessible through mandatory coverage of preventive services without a deductible, copayment, coinsurance, or other cost sharing.[111]

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), a panel of national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine, works to improve health of Americans by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services.[112] They do not consider the cost of a preventive service when determining a recommendation. Each year, the organization delivers a report to Congress that identifies critical evidence gaps in research and recommends priority areas for further review.[113]

The National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives (NNPQC), sponsored by the CDC, supports state-based perinatal quality collaboratives (PQCs) in measuring and improving upon health care and health outcomes for mothers and babies. These PQCs have contributed to improvements such as reduction in deliveries before 39 weeks, reductions in healthcare associated bloodstream infections, and improvements in the utilization of antenatal corticosteroids.[114]

Telehealth and telemedicine has realized significant growth and development recently. The Center for Connected Health Policy (The National Telehealth Policy Resource Center) has produced multiple reports and policy briefs on the topic of Telehealth and Telemedicine and how they contribute to preventive services.[115] Policy actions and provision of preventive services do not guarantee utilization. Reimbursement has remained a significant barrier to adoption due to variances in payer and state level reimbursement policies and guidelines through government and commercial payers. Americans use preventive services at about half the recommended rate and cost-sharing, such as deductibles, co-insurance, or copayments, also reduce the likelihood that preventive services will be used.[111] Despite the ACA's enhancement of Medicare benefits and preventive services, there were no effects on preventive service utilization, calling out the fact that other fundamental barriers exist.[116]

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as just the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, was passed and became law in the United States on March 23, 2010.[117] The finalized and newly ratified law was to address many issues in the U.S. healthcare system, which included expansion of coverage, insurance market reforms, better quality, and the forecast of efficiency and costs.[118] Under the insurance market reforms the act required that insurance companies no longer exclude people with pre-existing conditions, allow for children to be covered on their parents' plan until the age of 26, and expand appeals that dealt with reimbursement denials. The Affordable Care Act also banned the limited coverage imposed by health insurances, and insurance companies were to include coverage for preventive health care services.[119] The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has categorized and rated preventive health services as either A or B, as to which insurance companies must comply and present full coverage. Not only has the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force provided graded preventive health services that are appropriate for coverage, they have also provided many recommendations to clinicians and insurers to promote better preventive care to ultimately provide better quality of care and lower the burden of costs.[120]

Healthcare insurance companies are willing to pay for preventive care despite the fact that patients are not acutely sick in hope that it will prevent them from developing a chronic disease later on in life.[121] Today, health insurance plans offered through the Marketplace, mandated by the Affordable Care Act are required to provide certain preventive care services free of charge to patients. Section 2713 of the Affordable Care Act,[122] specifies that all private Marketplace and all employer-sponsored private plans (except those grandfathered in) are required to cover preventive care services that are ranked A or B by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force free of charge to patients.[123][124] UnitedHealthcare insurance company has published patient guidelines at the beginning of the year explaining their preventive care coverage.[125]

Evaluating the incremental benefits of preventive care requires a longer period of time when compared to acutely ill patients. Inputs into the model such as discounting rate and time horizon can have significant effects on the results. One controversial subject is use of a 10-year time frame to assess cost effectiveness of diabetes preventive services by the Congressional Budget Office.[126]

Preventive care services mainly focus on chronic disease.[127] The Congressional Budget Office has provided guidance that further research is needed in the area of the economic impacts of obesity in the U.S. before the CBO can estimate budgetary consequences. A bipartisan report published in May 2015 recognizes the potential of preventive care to improve patients' health at individual and population levels while decreasing the healthcare expenditure.[128]

Chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity and cancer have become the most common and costly health problems in the United States. In 2014, it was projected that by 2023 that the number of chronic disease cases would increase by 42%, resulting in $4.2 trillion in treatment and lost economic output.[129] They are also among the top ten leading causes of mortality.[130] Chronic diseases are driven by risk factors that are largely preventable. Sub-analysis performed on all deaths in the United States in 2000 revealed that almost half were attributed to preventable behaviors including tobacco, poor diet, physical inactivity and alcohol consumption.[4] More recent analysis reveals that heart disease and cancer alone accounted for nearly 46% of all deaths.[131] Modifiable risk factors are also responsible for a large morbidity burden, resulting in poor quality of life in the present and loss of future life earning years. It is further estimated that by 2023, focused efforts on the prevention and treatment of chronic disease may result in 40 million fewer chronic disease cases, potentially reducing treatment costs by $220 billion.[129]

Childhood immunizations are largely responsible for the increase in life expectancy in the 20th century. From an economic standpoint, childhood vaccines demonstrate a very high return on investment.[4] According to Healthy People 2020, for every birth cohort that receives the routine childhood vaccination schedule, direct health care costs are reduced by $9.9 billion and society saves $33.4 billion in indirect costs.[132] The economic benefits of childhood vaccination extend beyond individual patients to insurance plans and vaccine manufacturers, all while improving the health of the population.[133]

The burden of preventable illness extends beyond the healthcare sector, incurring costs related to lost productivity among workers in the workforce. Indirect costs related to poor health behaviors and associated chronic disease costs U.S. employers billions of dollars each year.[citation needed]

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA),[134] medical costs for employees with diabetes are twice as high as for workers without diabetes and are caused by work-related absenteeism ($5 billion), reduced productivity at work ($20.8 billion), inability to work due to illness-related disability ($21.6 billion), and premature mortality ($18.5 billion). Reported estimates of the cost burden due to increasingly high levels of overweight and obese members in the workforce vary,[135] with best estimates suggesting 450 million more missed work days, resulting in $153 billion each year in lost productivity, according to the CDC Healthy Workforce.[136]

The health capital model explains how individual investments in health can increase earnings by "increasing the number of healthy days available to work and to earn income."[137] In this context, health can be treated both as a consumption good, wherein individuals desire health because it improves quality of life in the present, and as an investment good because of its potential to increase attendance and workplace productivity over time. Preventive health behaviors such as healthful diet, regular exercise, access to and use of well-care, avoiding tobacco, and limiting alcohol can be viewed as health inputs that result in both a healthier workforce and substantial cost savings.[citation needed]

Health benefits of preventive care measures can be described in terms of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) saved. A QALY takes into account length and quality of life, and is used to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of medical and preventive interventions. Classically, one year of perfect health is defined as 1 QALY and a year with any degree of less than perfect health is assigned a value between 0 and 1 QALY.[138] As an economic weighting system, the QALY can be used to inform personal decisions, to evaluate preventive interventions and to set priorities for future preventive efforts.[citation needed]

Cost-saving and cost-effective benefits of preventive care measures are well established. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation evaluated the prevention cost-effectiveness literature, and found that many preventive measures meet the benchmark of <$100,000 per QALY and are considered to be favorably cost-effective. These include screenings for HIV and chlamydia, cancers of the colon, breast and cervix, vision screening, and screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms in men >60 in certain populations. Alcohol and tobacco screening were found to be cost-saving in some reviews and cost-effective in others. According to the RWJF analysis, two preventive interventions were found to save costs in all reviews: childhood immunizations and counseling adults on the use of aspirin.[139]

Health disparities are increasing in the United States for chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Populations at heightened risk for health inequities are the growing proportion of racial and ethnic minorities, including African Americans, American Indians, Hispanics/Latinos, Asian Americans, Alaska Natives and Pacific Islanders.[140]

According to the Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH), a national CDC program, non-Hispanic blacks currently have the highest rates of obesity (48%), and risk of newly diagnosed diabetes is 77% higher among non-Hispanic blacks, 66% higher among Hispanics/Latinos and 18% higher among Asian Americans compared to non-Hispanic whites. Current U.S. population projections predict that more than half of Americans will belong to a minority group by 2044.[141] Without targeted preventive interventions, medical costs from chronic disease inequities will become unsustainable. Broadening health policies designed to improve delivery of preventive services for minority populations may help reduce substantial medical costs caused by inequities in health care, resulting in a return on investment.[citation needed]

Chronic disease is a population level issue that requires population health level efforts and national and state level public policy to effectively prevent, rather than individual level efforts. The United States currently employs many public health policy efforts aligned with the preventive health efforts discussed above. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention support initiatives such as Health in All Policies and HI-5 (Health Impact in 5 Years), and collaborative efforts that aim to consider prevention across sectors[142] and address social determinants of health as a method of primary prevention for chronic disease.[143]

Policies that address the obesity epidemic should be proactive and far-reaching, including a variety of stakeholders both in healthcare and in other sectors. Recommendations from the Institute of Medicine in 2012 suggest that "concerted action be taken across and within five environments (physical activity (PA), food and beverage, marketing and messaging, healthcare and worksites, and schools) and all sectors of society (including government, business and industry, schools, child care, urban planning, recreation, transportation, media, public health, agriculture, communities, and home) in order for obesity prevention efforts to truly be successful."[144]

There are dozens of current policies acting at either (or all of) the federal, state, local and school levels. Most states employ a physical education requirement of 150 minutes of physical education per week at school, a policy of the National Association of Sport and Physical Education. In some cities, including Philadelphia, a sugary food tax is employed. This is a part of an amendment to Title 19 of the Philadelphia Code, "Finance, Taxes and Collections", Chapter 19-4100, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax that was approved 2016, which establishes an excise tax of $0.015 per fluid ounce on distributors of beverages sweetened with both caloric and non-caloric sweeteners.[145] Distributors are required to file a return with the department, and the department can collect taxes, among other responsibilities. These policies can be a source of tax credits. Under the Philadelphia policy, businesses can apply for tax credits with the revenue department on a first-come, first-served basis. This applies until the total amount of credits for a particular year reaches one million dollars.[146]

Recently, advertisements for food and beverages directed at children have received much attention. The Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (CFBAI) is a self-regulatory program of the food industry. Each participating company makes a public pledge that details its commitment to advertise only foods that meet certain nutritional criteria to children under 12 years old.[147] This is a self-regulated program with policies written by the Council of Better Business Bureaus. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded research to test the efficacy of the CFBAI. The results showed progress in terms of decreased advertising of food products that target children and adolescents.[148]

Despite nationwide controversies over childhood vaccination and immunization, there are policies and programs at the federal, state, local and school levels outlining vaccination requirements. All states require children to be vaccinated against certain communicable diseases as a condition for school attendance. However, only 18 states allow exemptions for "philosophical or moral reasons." Diseases for which vaccinations form part of the standard ACIP vaccination schedule are diphtheria tetanus pertussis (whooping cough), poliomyelitis (polio), measles, mumps, rubella, haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis B, influenza, and pneumococcal infections.[149] The CDC website maintains such schedules.[150]

The CDC website describes a federally funded program, Vaccines for Children (VFC), which provides vaccines at no cost to children who might not otherwise be vaccinated because of inability to pay. Additionally, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is an expert vaccination advisory board that informs vaccination policy and guides on-going recommendations to the CDC, incorporating the most up-to-date cost-effectiveness and risk-benefit evidence in its recommendations.[151]

Journals and organizations

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Preventive healthcare


What Is Preventive Health and Why Is It Important?

Tuesday, May 9th, 2023

Preventive health is key to helping you stay healthy and detecting health problems early on, before they cause other issues or become more difficult to treat.

Most of us think of going to the doctor as something we do when we arent feeling well or when we need treatment for a specific medical condition. Preventive health refers to routine care you receive in order to maintain your health. Its key to diagnosing medical conditions before they become a problem.

Preventing serious diseases before they happen is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health. Unfortunately, uptake isnt nearly as robust as it needs to be. One study from 2018 found that only 8% of adults in the United States who are 35 years and older received the preventive care recommended to them.

Lets take a look at what preventive healthcare is, what types of tests, screenings, and services are included, and the role your family history plays when it comes to the preventive tests you may need.

Preventive health encompasses a set of health services meant to screen and possibly identify health issues before symptoms develop. Preventive healthcare can help you live a longer, healthier life.

Adult preventive healthcare typically includes screenings for conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, as well as counseling for smoking cessation and balanced eating habits.

For children, preventive healthcare includes yearly checkups, vaccinations, and screenings for conditions like autism and lead poisoning.

Preventive care for adults involves screening for chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease, as well as immunizations against serious illnesses like the flu and COVID-19.

It also involves education and counseling that can help you make positive lifestyle choices that protect your overall health and well-being.

The types of screenings recommended for you may vary based on your age and family history. The following are the most common preventive screenings for adults:

Preventive care for children helps protect them from some of the serious illnesses that can affect kids, and includes screenings to detect behavioral and health conditions. Preventive healthcare can help children stay healthy when theyre young and also as they grow older.

Preventive healthcare for children is covered in full under most insurance plans, and is always covered in full by Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Some of the preventive care offered to children includes:

If a close relative (like your mother, father, or sibling) has a health condition like diabetes, heart disease, or cancer, youre considered to have a family history of that condition.

This means that screenings for that particular condition are important, and you may even need early or more robust screening than someone who doesnt have this same family history.

Learning that you have a family history of a serious health condition can be discouraging and stressful, but knowledge is power. While you cant change your genetic risk, you can participate in health screenings that can detect this condition early, so that treatment is more effective.

Furthermore, when you know your family history, you can take steps to lower your risk of specific conditions. You can be proactive about engaging in healthy lifestyle choices that are known to help prevent these conditions from developing or worsening.

If you arent sure what your family health history is, now might be a good time to discuss this with your close family members.

If you find out that certain diseases tend to run in your family, tell your physician about this at your next checkup. They can help you understand which preventive screenings may be appropriate for you, and whether you may need to be screened for these conditions at an earlier age, or more frequently than other people.

When you talk with your doctor, you may get any number of tests done some may be preventive tests and others may be diagnostic tests.

Preventive tests refer to screenings you get to detect diseases and conditions, before symptoms develop. On the other hand, diagnostic tests are used to learn more about a condition once symptoms are present.

As an example, getting a screening blood test for diabetes when you dont have any symptoms is considered a preventive test. However, if youve already received a diagnosis of diabetes and you get a test to check your blood sugar and A1C, this would be a diagnostic test.

One of the best things you can do for your health and well-being is to get screened for any serious conditions before they happen. Thats what preventive health is about, and why medical experts recommend that all adults and children participate in routine tests, screenings, and immunizations.

Preventive health services offer significant health benefits, and are covered by most insurance companies. In other words, participating in preventive care usually wont cost you anything. In fact, if any conditions are identified, early treatment will likely save you money on healthcare costs in the future.

If you have any questions about preventive care and what screenings you or your children should get, be sure to talk with your doctor or healthcare professional.

The rest is here:
What Is Preventive Health and Why Is It Important?


What Is Preventive Medicine & Why Do We Need It? | AUC

Thursday, February 16th, 2023

Many are curious to know exactly what is preventive medicine? Preventive medicine is a medical specialty that focuses on the health of individuals and communities. The goal of preventive medicine is to promote health and well-being and prevent disease, disability, and death. Preventive medicine specialists must have a broad range of medical skills as well as expertise in behavioral, economic, environmental, and social sciences. A doctor of preventive medicine can help create healthier communities, save lives, and transform healthcare systems. If you are considering a career in preventive medicine, ask yourself these questions:

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then preventive medicine may be the career path for you.

All doctors engage in a certain amount of preventive care, meaning they focus on corrective or curative care after a patient already has a disease or unhealthful condition. Preventive medicine physicians focus on disease prevention and health promotion to try to keep peopleand entire communitiesfrom getting sick.

Specialists in the field assess medical conditions and perform physical examinations, make diagnoses and develop treatment plans, evaluate health programs and policies, and use diagnostic studies and tests. They may help people quit smoking, lose weight, eat healthfully, or reduce alcohol or drug use.

Preventive medicine physicians also help ensure healthy pregnancies and safe work environments, treat depression, work in poison control, and administer vaccinations to prevent such diseases and viruses as COVID-19, influenza, measles, meningitis, polio, pneumonia, or shingles. Many physicians in this specialty have aspects of their work and its impacts on society published in a preventive medicine journal such as The American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Some preventive medicine specialists focus on the health of such people as astronauts or undersea divers who spend prolonged periods of time in extreme atmospheric environments.

What is preventive medicines overall goal? Preventive care includes the assessment of behavioral, cultural, and social influences on health, as well as:

Preventive medicine physicians may specialize in Aerospace Medicine, Occupational Medicine, or Public Health and General Preventive Medicine. Aerospace Medicine focuses on the health, performance, and safety of crew members and passengers of air and space vehicles. Occupational Medicine focuses on the physical and mental health of workers by improving the physical, social, and structural conditions of the workplace. Public Health and General Preventive Medicine focuses on promoting health and preventing disease in individuals and communities. Preventive medicine physicians may work in such fields as behavioral and mental health, environmental health, epidemiology, health systems management, infectious disease, or lifestyle medicine. Because it includes expertise in population health, preventive medicine bridges clinical practice and public health.

A preventive medicine physician must first earn a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) degree by graduating from a four-year medical schoolsuch as the American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC School of Medicine). The doctor must then complete a three-year residency in a preventive medicine specialty, during which the resident often earns a Master of Public Health or equivalent degree. Qualified candidates are then certified by theAmerican Board of Preventive Medicine (ABPM), and they may apply for membership in the American College of Preventive Medicine. Doctors who want to subspecialize in a specific area of preventive medicine must take additional fellowship training approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Fellowships last one or two years, during which preventive medicine doctors may subspecialize in:

Preventive medicine may be combined with internal or family medicine or other disciplines. Combined residencies are usually four years in length, and after successful completion of the residency, doctors may be double-boardedcertified by the ABPM and the American Board of Internal Medicine or other medical specialty board.

Public Health and General Preventive Medicine physicians may work in a clinic, government agency, hospital, medical office, public health department, or university, and some have their own private practice. Occupational Medicine physicians may work on-site with businesses, companies, or corporations. Practitioners of Aerospace Medicine or Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine may at times work in remote locations under extreme conditions. Preventive medicine physicians often work in laboratories or with the military. A large part of the profession is dedicated to research and interpreting data, and meetings and administration tasks also absorb large amounts of time. Hours are also spent consulting with other specialists, studying, and teaching. Some preventive medicine physicians work a typical 40-hour week, while others work much more. Hours will vary according to the scope of practice or health emergencies and complications that may arise on an individual, public, or systematic level.

Because preventive medicine physicians are needed for a wide variety of health and wellness issues, they can have a tremendous impact on the individual lives of patients as well as overall community health.

Preventive medicine is an expanding field as the value of delaying or averting illness and disease becomes better appreciated. Communities, corporations, and individuals are promoting healthier lifestylesand it is more than just an interest in good health. Healthier lifestyles reduce medical expenses: it costs a lot less to prevent illness than it does to try to cure it. Like doctors in all medical fieldspreventive care physicians are an aging population. As doctors retire, there will be an increasing shortage of preventive care specialists. In July 2020, an Association of American Medical Colleges report showed that one third of United States physicians are age60 or older, and well over half57 percentare over 50 years old.

Now that you know exactly what is preventive medicine and what a physician in this specialty does, you can take the next step in your path to becoming a doctor. Take the next step on your path to becoming a preventive medicine physician: Apply for admission to AUC School of Medicine.

Related resources:

See more here:
What Is Preventive Medicine & Why Do We Need It? | AUC


Preventive Medicine | Journal | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022

Founded in 1972 by Ernst Wynder, Preventive Medicine is an international scholarly journal that publishes original articles on the science and practice of disease prevention, health promotion, and public health policymaking. Preventive Medicine aims to reward innovation. It will favor insightful observational studies, thoughtful explorations of health data, unsuspected new angles for existing hypotheses, robust randomized controlled trials, and impartial systematic reviews. Preventive Medicine's ultimate goal is to publish research that will have an impact on the work of practitioners of disease prevention and health promotion, as well as of related disciplines.

Preventive Medicine is the companion title to the open access journal Preventive Medicine Reports, which publishes articles that form the building blocks of research in disease prevention and health promotion.

Founded in 1972 by Ernst Wynder, Preventive Medicine is an international scholarly journal that publishes original articles on the science and practice of disease prevention, health promotion, and public health policymaking. Preventive Medicine aims to reward innovation. It will favor insightful

See the original post:
Preventive Medicine | Journal | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier


Migraine – Diagnosis and treatment – Mayo Clinic

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022

Diagnosis Migraine FAQs

Amaal Starling, M.D., a neurologist at Mayo Clinic, answers the important questions you may have about migraine.

Hi, I'm Dr. Amaal Starling, a neurologist at Mayo Clinic. And I'm here to answer some of the important questions that you might have about migraine.

Migraine is a disease of abnormal function within the setting of normal brain structure. An MRI of the brain solely tells you about the structure of the brain but tells you very little about the function of the brain. And that is why migraine doesn't show up on an MRI. Because it's abnormal function in the setting of normal structure.

Migraine is highly disabling for some individuals. In fact, it is the second leading cause of disability worldwide. Disabling symptoms are not just the pain, but also the sensitivity to light and sound, as well as the nausea and vomiting.

There is a wide range of disease severity in migraine. There are some people who only need a rescue or an acute treatment for migraine because they have infrequent migraine attacks. But there are other people who are having frequent migraine attacks, maybe two or three times a week. If they used rescue treatments for every attack, it could potentially lead to other complications. Those individuals need a preventive treatment regimen to reduce the frequency and severity of attacks. Those preventive treatments might be daily medications. They might be once a month injections or other injectable medications delivered once every three months.

This is why preventive treatment is so crucial. With preventive treatment, we can reduce the frequency as well as the severity of attacks so that you're not having attacks more than two times per week. However, for some individuals, despite preventive treatment, they may still have migraine symptoms more frequently throughout the week. For them, there are non-medication options for treating pain, such as biofeedback, relaxation techniques, cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as a number of devices that are non-medication options for treating migraine pain.

Yes, that is an option for the preventive treatment of chronic migraine. These onabotulinum toxin A injections are administered by your doctor once every 12 weeks to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks. However, there are many different preventive treatment options. And it is important for you to speak with your doctor about which option is best for you.

The best way to partner with your medical team is to, number one, get a medical team. Many people living with migraine have not even talked to a doctor about their symptoms. If you have headaches where you have to rest in a dark room, where you might get sick to your stomach. Please talk to your healthcare professional about your symptoms. You might have migraine and we can treat migraine. Migraine is a chronic disease. And to best manage this disease, patients need to understand the disease. This is why I prescribe advocacy to all of my patients. Learn about migraine, join patient advocacy organizations, share your journey with others, and become empowered through advocacy and efforts to shatter the stigma of migraine. And together, the patient and the medical team can manage the disease of migraine. Never hesitate to ask your medical team any questions or concerns that you have. Being informed makes all the difference. Thanks for your time and we wish you well.

If you have migraines or a family history of migraines, a doctor trained in treating headaches (neurologist) will likely diagnose migraines based on your medical history, symptoms, and a physical and neurological examination.

If your condition is unusual, complex or suddenly becomes severe, tests to rule out other causes for your pain might include:

Migraine treatment is aimed at stopping symptoms and preventing future attacks.

Many medications have been designed to treat migraines. Medications used to combat migraines fall into two broad categories:

Your treatment choices depend on the frequency and severity of your headaches, whether you have nausea and vomiting with your headaches, how disabling your headaches are, and other medical conditions you have.

Medications used to relieve migraine pain work best when taken at the first sign of an oncoming migraine as soon as signs and symptoms of a migraine begin. Medications that can be used to treat it include:

Pain relievers. These over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers include aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others). When taken too long, these might cause medication-overuse headaches, and possibly ulcers and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Migraine relief medications that combine caffeine, aspirin and acetaminophen (Excedrin Migraine) may be helpful, but usually only against mild migraine pain.

Dihydroergotamine (D.H.E. 45, Migranal). Available as a nasal spray or injection, this drug is most effective when taken shortly after the start of migraine symptoms for migraines that tend to last longer than 24 hours. Side effects can include worsening of migraine-related vomiting and nausea.

People with coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, or kidney or liver disease should avoid dihydroergotamine.

Some of these medications are not safe to take during pregnancy. If you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant, don't use any of these medications without first talking with your doctor.

Medications can help prevent frequent migraines. Your doctor might recommend preventive medications if you have frequent, long-lasting or severe headaches that don't respond well to treatment.

Preventive medication is aimed at reducing how often you get a migraine, how severe the attacks are and how long they last. Options include:

Ask your doctor if these medications are right for you. Some of these medications are not safe to take during pregnancy. If you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant, don't use any of these medications without first talking with your doctor.

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Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this condition.

When symptoms of migraine start, try heading to a quiet, darkened room. Close your eyes and rest or take a nap. Place a cool cloth or ice pack wrapped in a towel or cloth on your forehead and drink lots of water.

These practices might also soothe migraine pain:

Exercise regularly. Regular aerobic exercise reduces tension and can help prevent a migraine. If your doctor agrees, choose aerobic activity you enjoy, such as walking, swimming and cycling. Warm up slowly, however, because sudden, intense exercise can cause headaches.

Regular exercise can also help you lose weight or maintain a healthy body weight, and obesity is thought to be a factor in migraines.

Nontraditional therapies might help with chronic migraine pain.

A high dose of riboflavin (vitamin B-2) may reduce the frequency and severity of headaches. Coenzyme Q10 supplements might decrease the frequency of migraines, but larger studies are needed.

Magnesium supplements have been used to treat migraines, but with mixed results.

Ask your doctor if these treatments are right for you. If you're pregnant, don't use any of these treatments without first talking with your doctor.

You'll probably first see a primary care provider, who might then refer you to a doctor trained in evaluating and treating headaches (neurologist).

Here's some information to help you get ready for your appointment.

Take a family member or friend along, if possible, to help you remember the information you receive.

For migraines, questions to ask your doctor include:

Don't hesitate to ask other questions.

Your doctor is likely to ask you a number of questions, including:

Originally posted here:
Migraine - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic


Functional Medicine of Idaho | Preventative Root Cause Medicine

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022

Dr. David Musnick, MD, IFMCP

David Musnick is a board-certified medical doctor who offers in-person and telemedicine care from the Functional Medicine of Idaho Eagle clinic. Dr. Musnick offers Functional Medicine, Sports Medicine, Functional Immunology, and Primary Care for adults and teenagers. He specializes in sports medicine, internal medicine, frequency specific microcurrent (FSM), scars, homeopathy, prolotherapy, and low-level laser treatments.

Dr. Musnick is interested in getting to the root of underlying causes and factors that affect healing, including diet, sleep, exercise, stress, mood, GI health, brain region health, toxins, mold, hormones, infections, and electromagnetic fields (EMF). He is excellent at Orthopedic diagnosis trying to determine which tissues are causing pain, what the issue with the tissue is and what is going on in the pain processing system.He has developed a uniqueprogram to heal the brain after Concussion thatisbased on what actually goes on in the brain after head injury.His program integrates: diet, supplements, sleep, exercise and microcurrent and brain training to heal the brain after concussion.He also applies this to other brain based disorders including cognitive impairment and dementia. He has a special interest in autoimmune disorders and has studied FunctionalImmunology. He is one of the top 10 clinicians in the world withFrequency Specific Microcurrent and he teaches at Microcurrent meetings.He is also very experienced in Prolotherapy regenerative injections to build moreligamentto stabilize a joint or area of the spine.

In medical school, Dr. Musnick spent a year studying nutrition. He has always been interested in the complex interrelationships of different systems of the body. Taking on challenges in the past, he created new treatment programs to heal the brain after concussion, treat chronic pain, arthritis, and tough SIBO and IBS cases. Dr. Musnick wants to help his patients achieve the highest level of health, vitality and function.

After his internal medicine residency in Seattle, Dr. Musnick completed a fellowship in sports medicine where he became interested in helping patients get back to optimal musculoskeletal health and eventually back to their favorite activities. He quickly learned that many areas of the body were interrelated and started learning more about nutrition, supplements, and other facets of functional medicine. Dr. Musnick has more than 24 years of experience in Functional Medicine and achieved a very high level of both experience and expertise with many health conditions. He is also the author of the book, Conditioning for Outdoor Fitness, and helped in writing textbook chapters on arthritis and concussions.

Dr. Musnick received his Doctorate of Medicine from the University of California, San Francisco. He is certified through the Institute for Functional Medicine as an IFMCP. He also studied in the French school of Homeopathy. He is uniquely rare in that he teaches Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) and how to integrate it with functional medicine.

In his spare time, Dr. Musnick enjoys hiking, nature photography, cooking healthy food, mountain biking, and skiing.

Functional Medicine of Idaho | Preventative Root Cause Medicine


These 2 Staten Island nurses believe IV hydration drips and vitamin shots are key to long-term health – SILive.com

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022

These 2 Staten Island nurses believe IV hydration drips and vitamin shots are key to long-term health  SILive.com

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These 2 Staten Island nurses believe IV hydration drips and vitamin shots are key to long-term health - SILive.com


CNBCTV-18 and IIM-K’s India@2047 Leadership Series: Challenges and opportunities in the fintech and healthcare sectors – Forbes India

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022

CNBCTV-18 and IIM-K's India@2047 Leadership Series: Challenges and opportunities in the fintech and healthcare sectors  Forbes India

Originally posted here:
CNBCTV-18 and IIM-K's India@2047 Leadership Series: Challenges and opportunities in the fintech and healthcare sectors - Forbes India


As N.W.T. mulls health coverage changes, petition calls for preventative HIV drug to be free – CBC.ca

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

A Yellowknife resident is calling on the Northwest Territories government to offer an HIV preventative drug at no cost to residents without health insurance.

William Gagnon saidHIV pre-exposure prophylaxis(PrEP), a daily pill taken by those at high risk of contracting HIV,isn't covered by theN.W.T.government for those without health insurance.

Meaning residents in need wouldhave to pay out of pocket.

"If you don't [have insurance]then it could be a big financial barrier," Gagnon told CBC News.

"So I just think it should be universal coverage."

The drug is found beeffective at preventing HIV when taken as prescribedand iscovered for residents inseveral other jurisdictions includingthe Yukon, Manitoba, B.C., Saskatchewan and Alberta.

Jeremy Bird, a spokesperson for the Health Department, said in an emailthe current policy doesn't offer the drug because the N.W.T.'s Specified Disease Conditions Extended Health Benefits program coverage requires a diagnosis of a specified condition. He said it costs around $1,000 a month for those not covered to pay for it. Gagnon said in the petition for those without health insurancePrEPcosts around $250 a month.

However, most employer insurance plans cover PrEP,as well as non-insuredhealth benefits programs for First Nations, Inuit and Mtis.

Gagnon started a petition that encourages residents to fill out a feedback form the territorial government is collecting on proposed changes to the extended health benefits policy.

The territory is proposing extending coveragefor those who don't have health insurance and make under a certain amount annually.

The changeswould makePrEP free for those who fit into that category.

The feedback form said the N.W.T. hasn't updated its health benefits policy in 34 years and is doing so to ensure it meets theobjectives of fairness and equity.

Chelsea Thacker, the executive director of the Northern Mosaic Network,said it's good the N.W.T. is taking feedback, but thatPrEPshould have been offered to residents long before this.

"We shouldn't even be debating preventative health care measures and the access to it," they said.

"So many people need access to this medication in order to safely engage in physical contact with their partner."

Thacker addedPrEP should be available to all, no matter their income.

"Basing it off people's income isn't necessarily something that we have the right to do," they said.

"A lot of people have different expenses that we don't know about. And so really with so many things still needing to be paid inour health-care system, I think that this medication should just be free for everyone."

The territory has only had five cases of HIV diagnosed in the past five years, according to data provided by the Health Department.

However, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) rates as a whole are among the highest in the country and the territory is in the midst of an unprecedented syphilis outbreak.

Sean Hosein is a science and medicine editor with Catie.ca, a Canadian information website on HIV and other STIs.

He said a syphilis infection makes it easier for HIV to be transmitted due to genital inflammation or lesions.

"So when you've got inflammationinside your genitals or on them, or tiny holes or lesions, then not only can you spread syphilis to other people, but you can get other germs, including HIV," Hosein said.

He said in the long run,preventative drugs like PrEP are far more cost effective thantreatment.

"It's always cheaper and easier and simpler to prevent something rather than wait until it gets more complicated down the road," he said.

"So the costs of PrEPare really low compared to the lifetime cost for treating chronic HIV infection."

As of Friday afternoon, nearly 2,000people had signed Gagnon's petition which was started on Tuesday.

Residents interested in sharing feedback on the proposed changes to the N.W.T. extended health benefits have until Oct. 14 to do so.

Go here to see the original:
As N.W.T. mulls health coverage changes, petition calls for preventative HIV drug to be free - CBC.ca


EU regulator backs wider use of AstraZeneca COVID therapy – Reuters

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

People pose with syringe with needle in front of displayed AstraZeneca logo in this illustration taken, December 11, 2021. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration/Files

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LONDON, Sept 16 (Reuters) - Europe's medicines regulator has backed using AstraZeneca's (AZN.L) preventative COVID-19 therapy as a treatment for the disease and also endorsed another medicine as preventative option for another common virus.

The regulator's recommendations are usually followed by the European Commission when it takes a final decision on drug approvals.

AstraZeneca said on Friday the European Medicines Agency (EMA) had backed Evusheld as a treatment for adults and adolescents with COVID who do not need supplemental oxygen and who are at increased risk of their disease worsening.

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Last month, Japan became the first country to approve the long-acting antibody as a treatment for COVID - making Evusheld the first such therapy authorised for both prevention and treatment of the viral disease.

Evusheld had previously had largely secured global approvals, including in Europe, as a preventative therapy for people with compromised immune systems who see little or no benefit from COVID vaccines.

AstraZeneca is leaning on Evusheld to help offset tepid sales of its COVID vaccine that has rapidly lost ground to mRNA shots in the fight against the rapidly evolving virus.

Evusheld, first launched in December, generated $914 million in the first half of 2022 for the Anglo-Swedish drugmaker.

Separately on Friday, the EMA also endorsed AstraZeneca and partner Sanofi's experimental long-acting therapy Beyfortus for the prevention of lower respiratory tract infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

RSV causes thousands of hospitalisations and deaths globally each year in toddlers and the elderly, but the complex molecular structure of the virus and safety concerns have stymied efforts to develop a vaccine since the virus was first discovered in 1956.

But there is one therapy, Synagis, also developed by AstraZeneca but sold by Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (SOBIV.ST) in the United States.

It is designed to prevent lower respiratory tract infections caused by RSV in high-risk infants and requires up to five injections to cover a typical RSV season.

Meanwhile, if Beyfortus were approved, it would be the first single-dose preventative RSV therapy for the broad infant population - including those born healthy or are deemed high-risk - during their first RSV season.

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Reporting by Pushkala Aripaka in Bengaluru and Natalie Grover in London; editing by Mark Potter and Jason Neely

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

Read the original:
EU regulator backs wider use of AstraZeneca COVID therapy - Reuters


Choose integrative medicine for health and wellness – Technique

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

For those who dont know, integrative medicine is the blending of conventional medicine with complementary or alternative medicine.

Essentially, an integrative treatment is one that utilizes traditional drugs and surgery in combination with other holistic therapies such as Ayurveda, homeopathy, acupuncture, yoga, meditation and massages.

This medical practice doesnt just remedy a patients disease or pain. It also dives deeply into the patients physical, emotional, spiritual and pathophysiological wellness.

Integrative medicine is preventative and curative, just like conventional medicine, but it also brings forth a dimension of healing that conventional medicine and alternative medicine simply cant reach on their own.

It is understandable why people tend to be skeptical about alternative medicine. After all, the scientific evidence proving the legitimacy of alternative treatments is just beginning to roll out.

Additionally, alternative medical treatments are known to take much longer to work than conventional treatments. This is because every health issue is dealt with at its root by promoting lifestyle changes, emotional/spiritual wellness therapies and natural (non-lab-made) medication. Therefore, alternative medicine is not the best option in emergency situations.

On the other side, alternative medicine patients do receive personal attention and tailored treatment plans to heal not only their ailments but also their body and mind.

Patients often feel long-term betterment due to the fact that they are given the lifestyle tools to promote further healing. Alternative medicine patients also tend to suffer less from the side effects of their medication.

Last but not least, alternative medicine is much more affordable than conventional medicine.

On the other hand, conventional medicine is widely accepted throughout the world, especially in western societies. There is a lot of scientific evidence proving the effectiveness of conventional medicine.

It is especially great in emergency situations and can be helpful if a patient wants to treat an illness and its symptoms quickly.

Unfortunately, conventional medicine does fall short since treatment is often localized to where the disease or pain is rather than treating a patient on the whole.

In these ways, conventional medicine might not be the best in cases of chronic pain and illness.

Alternative medicine and conventional medicine both have drawbacks and benefits, but together they make an incredible treatment plan.

Where one falls short the other pulls through and vice versa. The best example is a cancer patient.

Telling a cancer patient to only take natural medication and to practice yoga to rid themselves of the cancer is impractical.

Telling a cancer patient to go through chemotherapy without accounting for other facets of their wellness is also impractical.

A patient should go through chemo while also focusing on alternative medicine treatments such as inflammatory food avoidance.

As time passes, studies increasingly show that there is a strong connection between mind and body when it comes to illness.

For example, studies have demonstrated that depression is a risk factor for heart disease.

The mind and body affect one another, so a successful, sustainable treatment would address mind-body related health issues along with physical issues.

For example, studies show that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in combination with highly active antiretroviral therapy is a great combination to treat HIV-positive men.

In this treatment, both mind and body are looked after to foster the long-term healing of HIV-positive men.

While alternative medicine works best for some people, and conventional medicine works better for others, it is the gap that integrative medicine bridges that truly promotes sustainable and successful health and wellness.

Original post:
Choose integrative medicine for health and wellness - Technique


The high hospital bills we make victims of rape and sexual violence pay – Vox.com

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

When victims of rape or sexual violence seek emergency medical assistance following an attack, they may be saddled with hundreds or even thousands of dollars in medical bills, a new study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine found.

These bills can further traumatize victims, the study authors warn, and deter others from seeking professional help. Only one-fifth of sexual violence victims are estimated to seek medical care following an attack.

Researchers affiliated with Harvard analyzed a nationwide data set of more than 35 million emergency room visits in 2019, the most recent year such information was available. They looked specifically at visits where doctors billed with codes related to care after sexual assault, and found more than 112,000 such patients. Nearly 90 percent of those patients were female, and 38 percent were children under 18.

When victims of sexual violence go to the ER, there are two kinds of care theyd typically receive. The first is a sexual assault forensic exam, or more colloquially, a rape kit. Thats where a medical professional collects evidence from a victim, such as conducting a pelvic, rectal, or throat exam, taking samples for a DNA test, and looking for semen or any other evidence of violent injury.

Under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994, the costs associated with a forensic exam are paid for with public funds, and while survivors are sometimes erroneously billed, the federal law prohibits charging victims for the cost of their evidence collection.

But VAWA does not cover the second category of care and thats therapeutic care, or whatever is medically necessary for a persons health following an attack.

So for instance, doctors frequently give victims preventative medication for STDs, like antibiotics to prevent syphilis, gonorrhea, or HIV medication if thats a possibility, said Stephanie Woolhandler, one of the lead authors of the study. ER physicians may also provide emergency contraception to victims if pregnancy is a concern, and in other cases victims may have vaginal or rectal lacerations that need to be sewn up, other injuries, or broken bones.

The researchers findings on the costs of such care are sobering. Uninsured victims, who numbered over 17,000 in 2019, faced out-of-pocket charges averaging $3,673.

For all the roughly 112,800 patients seen for sexual assault who visited the ER that year, charges averaged $3,551, with even higher averages for pregnant patients ($4,553). Insured patients had lower out-of-pocket bills, but how much lower depends on the structure of their insurance plan. Prior research suggests that even those with private insurance paid about 14 percent of their bill on average, roughly $500. That can be an enormous sum of money given that a disproportionate share of sexual assault victims are low-income women and girls, Woolhandler told Vox.

The findings, published less than three months following the Supreme Courts overturn of Roe v. Wade, come as states move to restrict not only access to abortion but other basic sexual health care treatments, like emergency contraception and drugs used to manage miscarriages.

Samuel Dickman, an abortion provider and lead study author, told Vox that when he used to provide care in Texas (he relocated to Montana in May), he personally encountered patients who came in following sexual attacks who were then vulnerable to catastrophic medical bills. Texas has the highest uninsured rate in the country, and this research is a start towards quantifying that vulnerability, he said.

The vulnerability isnt limited to the uninsured, though. Dickman recalls one of his former patients who had been raped and became pregnant, and was seeking an abortion. She was on Medicaid, and under the Hyde Amendment, rape victims should have had that procedure covered but Texas has made it so hard that we were looking at charging this victim more than $1,000 out of pocket, he said. Those charges were just shocking to her, and on top of having just been raped, frankly, it was haunting.

The study authors are urging policies that ensure affordable access to all essential medical services including abortion and emergency contraception for survivors of rape, and for everyone else who needs that care, said Dickman.

One option they suggest in their paper to help survivors of sexual violence would be to expand VAWA to cover therapeutic services, not just evidence collection. Woolhandler told Vox that that would be a step in the right direction but that ultimately more comprehensive reform, including universal health care coverage, is needed to eliminate barriers.

Sexual health care is health care and we, like other developed nations, ought to be making all health care free at the time of use, Woolhandler added. In a post-Roe world, an unwanted pregnancy can mean an unwanted childbirth, and so the government has the power to force you as someone with a vagina to bear all the consequences of your attack, not just a $500 or $3,000 medical charge, but you have to also bear this child. Its frankly outrageous.

Paying greater attention to privacy concerns of survivors, the study authors urge, is also paramount to ensuring victims feel they can seek the care they need. Emergency department charges may discourage the reporting of rape and seeking of medical care for both short-term and long-term sequelae of sexual assault, the NEJM study states. Incurring such charges may further harm survivors even those with full insurance coverage by serving to disclose a potentially stigmatizing event to parents, partners, or employers.

Dickman said theres no reason we couldnt have a system where every individual has their own insurance card that entitles them to private care. Ive seen insured patients say theyll pay for their care out of pocket even if that means theyll have to skip rent or groceries, because they cant have that kind of disclosure to their family or employer about abortion or sexual assault, he said. If youre a minor seeking emergency room care, theres a good chance the primary insurance policy holder will be getting a list of what services you received, and very plausibly, that person could be the person who committed the assault.

Woolhandler said some of the privacy concerns stem from private insurance, because insurers are entitled to know what procedures were done and diagnoses made. Part of the thing with single-payer is hospitals dont send bills, she said. In Canada, hospitals get a lump sum that they use to pay all their operations; presumably, theres a record at the hospital about who you are and your [medical] record, but it doesnt have to leave the hospital.

We need to not tie people to their jobs or their family members in terms of medical care, added Dickman. Its just a crazy way to structure a system.

See more here:
The high hospital bills we make victims of rape and sexual violence pay - Vox.com


4 Anti-Aging Products Youre Using All Wrong, According To Skincare Experts – SheFinds

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

Before you apply yet another anti-aging cream, serum, or other product, stop right there you could be using it all wrong. Many people are unknowingly applying some of the most effective ingredients to their skin all wrong. As a result, they are wasting both precious time and money on products that could be effective if used correctly. From sunscreen tips to retinol mistakes, these are the anti-aging products skincare experts say youre using all wrong.

For starters, you are probably not applying sunscreen daily, which means youre missing out on opportunities to protect your skin from the damaging, aging effects of UV light, whether its July or December.

Preventative care is the most important step inanti-aging, says Dr. Adrienne OConnell, medical director and president ofLaguna Beach Aesthetics. You must wear sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays (broad spectrum) with an SPF 30 or higher every single day, no matter the weather. I highly recommend a 100% mineral sunscreen, which is much safer for sensitive skin and contains no added chemicals.

The second most misused product is Retinol, according to Dr. OConnell.As the ultimate go-to skincare ingredient for a younger look, retinol speeds up your cell turnover so your body can replace damaged surface cells with brighter, younger skin cells, Dr. OConnell says.More is not better when it comes to this product. It can over-dry or irritate your skin.It is also dangerous to use in the morning because it makes your skin more sensitive to sunlight.

If you choose to use a Retinol product, Dr. OConnell says it is best used at night and washed off in the morning.You also must apply sunscreen in the morning as an added precaution, Dr. OConnell says.Also, start slow.Use the product once a week and gradually increase until you are using it according to the products instructions and never use more than the instructions direct you to.

Often, people buy the products they see on TV or are advertised by a favorite celebrity without caution, warns Dr. Nadir Qazi, DO, a board-certified physician, cosmetic dermatology surgeon, and owner ofQazi Clinic. Then when you look at the ingredient list it can contain ingredients known to cause harm to skin instead. For example, a product may contain retinol to combat wrinkles, Dr. Qazi says. However, if that same product contains a coconut oil derivative like Coco-Caprylate, the product might slow wrinkling but clog the pores and cause acne.Or they may only put a small amount of active ingredients in the product. Suppose an under-eye cream advertises vitamin C as its main active ingredient. Then, using a name like sodium ascorbate, they put it at the bottom of the ingredients list. All the while, that product uses silica as a main ingredient and filler to smooth the appearance of under-eye circles while using the product without treating them.

Thats why Dr. Qazi says its imperative to look at ingredients and do your own research on whether a product can be harmful or beneficial.

Exfoliation is wonderful it makes the skin fresh and rejuvenated, Dr. Qazi says. It feels so nice and vibrant that people are often tempted to exfoliate more often than they should, and with products that do more harm than good.

Over-exfoliation makes the skin sensitive and inflamed, and the skin can begin to flake and peel away, Dr. Qazi says. In addition, as skin becomes dehydrated from over-exfoliating, collagen breaks down, which causes the skin to lose its firmness and elasticity, creating wrinkles.

To maintain a youthful glow, chemical exfoliants are a good substitute for the abrasive scrubs one might have used growing up, Dr. Qazi says. Look for alpha-hydroxy acids like glycolic and mandelic acids. These acids exfoliate efficiently, and it is easy to find lower concentrations or limit how often you use them to avoid over-exfoliation. Mandelic acid can be especially beneficial for sensitive skin as it has a larger molecular structure and is very gentle as an exfoliant.

It isnt enough to own a bathroom medicine cabinets worth of expensive anti-aging skincare products. Learning which ones you could be using wrong is key to getting healthier, more glowy skin at any age.

Read more:
4 Anti-Aging Products Youre Using All Wrong, According To Skincare Experts - SheFinds


Why Now is the Time to Double Down on Virtual Care – HIT Consultant

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

Dr. Ron Moody, Chief Medical Officer, Accenture Federal Services

For an industry that traditionally embraces change at a glacial pace, the pandemic has been a wake-up call for healthcare. Once COVID-19 struck, the shift to video, telephone engagement and remote patient monitoring spiked seemingly overnight.

This surging demand for virtual care resulted, in many cases, in increased provider efficiency, provider-patient interactions, and satisfaction. One national telehealth organization covering 2,000 hospitals and 81,000 doctors, for example, experienced an 86% decrease in time needed to complete the patient onboarding process, and 92% of providers said they expect to continue video visits post-pandemic. Access also improved a Johns Hopkins University study found that Medicare beneficiaries in poor neighborhoods increased their use of telemedicine during the pandemic.

In short, weve learned that virtual care is scalable, trusted, adaptable, and even preferable for many patients and clinicians alike.

No time to rest

But this isnt the time for the industry to go back to the old way of doing business. Healthcare organizations should leverage lessons learned from the pandemic to create fundamental change. That means shifting away from reactive medicine to proactive and preventative care, wellness, population health, and better support for chronic conditions.

We need to think differently because, frankly, incremental change around the same ideas hasnt worked. A recent studyby the Commonwealth Fund found that, despite spending far more of its gross domestic product on health care than 10 other high-income nations, the U.S. ranked last in access to care, administrative efficiency, equity, and healthcare outcomes.

Transforming the healthcare system wont be easy. Structural hurdles such as regulatory constraints and legacy payment models, as well as simple inertia, have conspired to block the path forward. Too often, providers are incentivized to provide direct, in-office care instead of using the best mode available to address a patients specific needs.

Federal agencies: catalysts of change

Federal healthcare providers, such as the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), Defense Health Agency, and Indian Health Service are uniquely positioned to lead this transformation. These agencies serve a large portion of the U.S. population and are dedicated to patient-centered, evidence-based care. Importantly, their financial models are different from those of commercial healthcare providers, enabling them to disrupt the status quo.

Because these federal agencies operate largely as integrated healthcare systems, they can more readily implement policy and procedural changes as well as the enabling technology which can minimize and manage potential disruption, while achieving improved outcomes.

Furthermore, they can more quickly capture cost savings and other efficiencies for reinvestment to expand adoption and improve care quality and convenience. Most agencies have already been making significant investments in virtual care.

VHA leads the way

Consider the VHA, for example. It is the largest integrated health care system in the U.S., providing care at nearly 1,300 health care facilities and more than 1,100 outpatient clinics, serving 9 million enrolled veterans each year. VHAs Connected Care program has been a pioneer and innovator in using video visits at scale, conducting more than 750,000 virtual visits per month in 2021.

Because they have laid the groundwork for virtual care, the VHA and other federal agencies will be able to accomplish more by tying those investments to a broader model we call Virtual First a strategic framework for transforming patient experiences and outcomes using data-driven innovation.

Reimagined approach

A Virtual First approach uses remote, digital engagement as the default care delivery method whenever appropriate to improve patient and provider experiences, reduce costs and improve outcomes.

It does not, of course, replace todays in-person ambulatory and critical care services. Rather, it complements, enhances, and where appropriate, replaces traditional in-person care. A Virtual First strategy matches the means of care delivery to the case, factoring in the specific patient, his or her condition, the urgency, and the needed staff.

Virtual First provides new opportunities for clinicians to consult with patients regularly and outside of traditional care settings. It allows for more effective monitoring and interventions. A providers ability to impact patient health is no longer bound by the limited time spent interacting with patients in medical offices, nor is it constrained by a lack of data.

Private sector innovation

Besides the federal healthcare providers cited above, private sector health organizations have also pioneered patient-centric models driven by technology.

A recent Harvard Business Review article The Telehealth Era Is Just Beginning, describes how two of the earliest telehealth adopters Kaiser Permanente and Intermountain Healthcare leverage sophisticated technology to improve access to care, deliver care more efficiently, and reduce unnecessary emergency room visits.

Kaiser members in some states can access a round-the-clock video health center connecting them with telehealth doctors who resolve the issue 60% of the time, thereby avoiding a costly trip to the ER. The doctor can also schedule an appointment with the members personal physician if follow-up care is needed and provide details of the patients issue before the appointment.

Similarly, using remote home monitoring technology and a telemedicine program during the pandemic, Intermountain avoided more than 1,800 hospital admissions and saved almost 4,800 hospital bed-days, which freed up beds for the sickest patients.

A word of caution

Virtual care has demonstrated its ability to serve as a catalyst and enabler for much-needed improvements of the healthcare system.

However, simply using it as an alternate way to deliver the same type of care wont change outcomes drastically. It will not address the growing doctor and nursing shortage. It may provide another avenue of convenient health access, but it will be yet another innovation that falls short of its promise unless it is accompanied by a true outcomes-based, patient-centric strategy, enabled by technology and data.

About Dr. Ron Moody

Dr. Ron Moody is currently the Chief Medical Officer at Accenture Federal Services. He is a retired Army Colonel who served in the military for more than two decades. Dr. Moody is board-certified in family medicine with a broad background in medicine, clinical operations, Healthcare administration, strategic planning, and health information technology.

Read the original:
Why Now is the Time to Double Down on Virtual Care - HIT Consultant


Tell Giselle: The price of good help is priceless – Wilkes Barre Times-Leader

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

What are your thoughts about the clips going viral showing the newest King needing someone to clear his desk so he could sign some ridiculously sized documents? His facial expressions and gestures were a distasteful sight.

G: After my surprise at seeing what at first looked like an inelegant way to solve a problem, the thing that came to mind is wondering if this were a fake video intended to undermine his reign.

As is often the case when I receive a forwarded email or video that indicates some type of outlandish statement, claim or factoid, I do what they teach on Sesame Street when the kiddlings dont know something: I look it up.

Sometimes I resort to the major news outlets first, sometimes I resort to Snopes.com.

When I looked up the video, sure nuf, its real. Unfortunately, all too real.

The next thought was perhaps the organizers had overlooked that the way too-small desk would be a problem for King Charles. But perhaps they were too busy focusing on the bigger stuff like that of arranging a pageant funeral of grotesque proportions and extravagance to attend to that rather small detail which ended up presenting the King in quite unfavorable stead with his subjects.

This affords the opportunity to consider how we regard any of those who are in our lives that help to make our day-to-day reality function more smoothly. And I am not talking about personal aides or butlers.

I am talking about the electrician, the plumbers, the auto mechanics, the lawn service workers, the flight attendants, the nurses/docs/orderlies/caregivers, the garbage truck driver, the school teacher, the grocery clerk, housekeepers, the dry cleaner, the plow driver, the street cop, the emergency rescue teams, the beauticians and barbers, the carpet cleaners, the car service drivers, the newspaper-magazine-mail-package delivery folks, the customer service worker bees, etc. You get the idea.

I am also talking about our closest loved ones family, neighbors or friends who are there for us for every catastrophe or errand that require us, sometimes at the most inconvenient moments, to have to lean on them.

I am not talking about needing someone to move an ink well to make room for outrageously comically-sized state documents that need a performance signature.

I learned of a caregiver who has been used to receiving $20 an hour for her attentive duty to elderly people, some close to death, others needing home care as they age out of being able to tend to themselves.

Her latest employment opportunity only offered $15 an hour. She decided to take the job on the condition that she be reevaluated in a couple of weeks to see if it was a good fit for everyone, and if so, she had expected the pay would go to $20 an hour.

Its been about two years and she is still earning only $15 an hour.


Because she is unwilling to quit the job if she doesnt get more money. She is resentful of her employer, yet because she loves the person she is caring for and wants the best for them, and because she is a pure heart of compassion, she endures.

And so it may also be with that aide to the monarchy, who was being hand-fanned by King Charles in the most deprecating, slight-of-hand gesture, to set right the space on his wee tiny desk so he could put his signature on some gigantic sized paper.

Perhaps that monarchy aide is also feeling mistreated, underpaid, disrespected.

But perhaps not.

Or not enough to quit over this or any other incident that fails to regard their service as worthy of more dignity.

And so it is with many of the people we choose to employ, that we not only owe a fair wage to them that can be honestly regarded as a living wage, but also owe them the decency of respect and gratitude for the work they perform on our behalf.

My hope is as these video clips circumnavigate the realms of the commonwealth, as the Brits are wont to say, that new emphasis is placed upon our common humanity and the need for kindness and an equanimity of consideration as we all go about our duties.

Who knows how long that particular monarchy will endure.

What is more certain is the younglins who have been taught better are not going to put up with this or any kind of hierarchical abuse for too much longer.

* * *

Follow up to last weeks column about preventative medicine and cancer screenings.

This from a most thankful reader of TELL GISELLE: My father had colon cancer at age 57, so I appreciated your mention of the need for periodic colonoscopy. Lives could be saved if more people did this.

It is so true.

But persuading people, especially those close to us, to get screenings is sometimes a real challenge. People like to believe they dont need them or that they are the exception to the rule.


Go schedule those screenings and help yourself to a greater quality of life.

Youll also help keep the cost of your health care, and others insurance, down. Getting a cancer diagnosis is not only traumatic, the treatments are not cheap and can bankrupt families.

And, as to my dear friend waiting on the uterine tumor biopsy. Sadly, it is cancer. Even though the surgeon thinks they got it all she will begin preventative chemotherapy and radiation treatments as this type of cancer likes to come back elsewhere she was told.

Email Giselle with your question at [emailprotected] or send mail: Giselle Massi, P.O. Box 991, Evergreen, CO 80437. For more info and to read previous columns, go to http://www.gisellemassi.com

Here is the original post:
Tell Giselle: The price of good help is priceless - Wilkes Barre Times-Leader


Heron Therapeutics Announces U.S. FDA Approval of APONVIE (HTX-019) for the Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) – BioSpace

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

- APONVIE is the first and only intravenous (IV) formulation of a substance P/neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor antagonist indicatedfor PONV -

- Delivered via a single 30-second IV injection, APONVIE has demonstrated rapid achievement of therapeutic drug levels ideally suited for the surgical setting -

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --Heron Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: HRTX), a commercial-stage biotechnology company focused on improving the lives of patients by developing best-in-class treatments to address some of the most important unmet patient needs, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved APONVIE (aprepitant) injectable emulsion, for intravenous use for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) in adults.

APONVIE is the first and only IV formulation of aprepitant for PONV prevention. Administered via a single 30-second IV injection, APONVIE reaches drug levels associated with 97% receptor occupancy in the brain within five minutes and maintains therapeutic plasma concentrations for at least 48 hours. APONVIE is provided in a single-dose vial that delivers the full 32 mg dose approved for PONV. This ready-to-use, easy to administer, innovative IV formulation ensures rapid and consistent exposure in patients undergoing surgery.

An important component of the FDA approval of APONVIE were results from two multicenter, randomized, double-blind clinical studies comparing oral aprepitant to current standard of care, IV ondansetron, for the prevention of PONV in patients during the 48 hours following open abdominal surgery demonstrating that aprepitant was more effective than ondansetron in preventing vomiting. Treatment with aprepitant resulted in approximately 50% fewer patients vomiting in the first 24 and 48 hours compared to ondansetron. In clinical studies, APONVIE was well-tolerated and presented a safety profile comparable to oral aprepitant.

In a 2020 Cochrane meta-analysis, aprepitant was ranked as the most effective drug approved for PONV prophylaxis, being the most effective for the prevention of vomiting in the first 24 hours post-surgery and the drug with the fewest adverse events.

"With the approval of APONVIE our acute care portfolio now addresses the two most common concerns of patients and clinicians after surgery, postoperative pain and postoperative nausea and vomiting. This marks an important milestone for our expanding acute care portfolio and is a testament to our ongoing commitment to developing innovative solutions to help improve the overall patient experience after surgery," said Barry Quart, Pharm.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Heron. "With approximately 36 million procedures in the U.S. each year in patients with high to moderate risk for PONV, the approval of APONVIE provides an easy to use, highly effective option for these patients that fits seamlessly into our acute care franchise."

PONV are common adverse effects of anesthesia and surgery, with an estimated 30 percent of patients receiving general anesthesia and up to 80 percent of high-risk patients experiencing these symptoms, necessitating more effective preventative agents. PONV is a major cause of patient dissatisfaction after surgery, with patients frequently ranking vomiting as the most undesirable outcome of anesthesia. Additionally, PONV presents a significant risk in outpatient surgeries as patients are often discharged within hours after surgery and no longer have access to highly effective antiemetics.

"PONV is commonly experienced after surgery and may result in increased hospital stays, prolonged recovery time, and decreased patient satisfaction" said Ashraf Habib, MBBCh, MSc, MHSc, FRCA, Chief, Division of Women's Anesthesia at Duke University Hospital. "Oral aprepitant has been used to prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting for more than 16 years and it is exciting to see that, with the approval of APONVIE, physicians can now offer patients a more convenient IV injection that delivers the same effective treatment, with a 48-hour duration of effect, in a rapid, consistent and reliable way, ensuring a better experience for patients postoperatively."

Conference Call and Webcast

Heron will host a conference call and webcast on September 19, 2022 at 8:30 a.m. ET. The conference call can be accessed by dialing 646-307-1963 for domestic callers and 800-715-9871 for international callers. Please provide the operator with the passcode 4538096 to join the conference call. The conference call will also be available via webcast under the Investor Relations section of Heron's website at http://www.herontx.com. An archive of the teleconference and webcast will also be made available on Heron's website for 60 days following the call.

Important Safety Information

APONVIE should not be used:

APONVIE may cause serious side effects. Tell your doctor or nurse right away if you have any of these signs or symptoms of an allergic reaction:

APONVIE may affect how other medicines work. Other medicines may affect how APONVIE works. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, or herbal supplements. If you take the blood-thinner medicine warfarin, your doctor may do blood tests after you receive APONVIE to check your blood clotting.

Women who use birth control medicines containing hormones to prevent pregnancy (birth control pills, skin patches, implants, and certain IUDs) should also use back-up methods of birth control (such as condoms and spermicides) for 1 month after receiving APONVIE.

Before you receive APONVIE, tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. APONVIE contains alcohol and may harm your unborn baby.

Before you receive APONVIE, tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding or plan to breastfeed because it is likely APONVIE passes into your milk, and it is not known if it can harm your baby. You and your doctor should decide if you will receive APONVIE, if breast-feeding.

The most common side effects of APONVIE are constipation, low blood pressure, tiredness, and headache.

Talk to your healthcare provider for medical advice about side effects. Report side effects to Heron at 1-844-437-6611 or to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or http://www.fda.gov/medwatch.

The information provided here is not comprehensive. Please see full Prescribing Information.


APONVIE (aprepitant) injectable emulsion is a substance P/neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor antagonist, indicated for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) in adults. Delivered via a 30-second intravenous (IV) injection, APONVIE 32 mg was demonstrated to be bioequivalent to oral aprepitant 40 mg with rapid achievement of therapeutic drug levels. APONVIE is the same formulation as Heron's approved CINVANTI (aprepitant) injectable emulsion formulation for prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). APONVIE is supplied in a single-dose vial that delivers the full 32 mg dose for PONV. APONVIE was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in September 2022.

About Heron Therapeutics, Inc.

Heron Therapeutics, Inc. is a commercial-stage biotechnology company focused on improving the lives of patients by developing best-in-class treatments to address some of the most important unmet patient needs. Our advanced science, patented technologies, and innovative approach to drug discovery and development have allowed us to create and commercialize a portfolio of products that aim to advance the standard-of-care for acute care and oncology patients. For more information, visit http://www.herontx.com.

Forward-looking Statements

This news release contains "forward-looking statements" as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Heron cautions readers that forward-looking statements are based on management's expectations and assumptions as of the date of this news release and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially, including, but not limited to, the timing of the commercial launch of APONVIE; the potential market opportunity for APONVIE; the extent of the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on our business; and other risks and uncertainties identified in the Company's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements reflect our analysis only on their stated date, and Heron takes no obligation to update or revise these statements except as may be required by law.

Investor Relations and Media Contact:

David SzekeresExecutive Vice President, Chief Operating OfficerHeron Therapeutics, Inc.dszekeres@herontx.com858-251-4447

View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/heron-therapeutics-announces-us-fda-approval-of-aponvie-htx-019-for-the-prevention-of-postoperative-nausea-and-vomiting-ponv-301626450.html

SOURCE Heron Therapeutics, Inc.

Read more:
Heron Therapeutics Announces U.S. FDA Approval of APONVIE (HTX-019) for the Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) - BioSpace


The next big social movement and other takeaways from our regular meeting – POLITICO

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

POLITICO illustration / iStock

Congrats to Elizabeth Ralph, our fearless leader here at Women Rule, for being named editor of POLITICO Magazine this week! Shes our second woman editorafter founding editor Susan B. Glasserand Im so excited to see what she does with the place. Thanks to Maya Parthasarathy for your help finding and curating these interesting articles below!

On Thursday, POLITICO held its regular Women Rule: The Exchange meeting to discuss pressing issues concerning women and communities. In panels, small group discussions and interviews, we touched on everything from involving more young people in movement-building to getting more women to run for office to gender and racial inequities in health, and we also heard from White House Gender Policy Council Director Jennifer Klein and Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams. (Well share more from those interviews next week.) Join us next time if you can. Here were some of the takeaways from Thursday.

How to get more young people into organizing: Many separate discussions came back to one question: How do we get young people on board with movement-building?

Young people are asking more from companies and employers, one participant said she had found. It is important for them to know a companys values.They dont want nice volunteerism anymore, the participant said. A company has to demonstrate its making progress toward corporate social responsibility goals, the participant continued.

Other participants discussed how, in their experience, a lot of young people see working in politics as a little bit dirty, or unethical, or ineffective, as one participant said. The task for others, she continued, is convincing young people that theres still power in making those decisions from inside.

Participants in one discussion were also asked what the next big social movement would be. A few answers: Refugee rights, racial equity and higher education reform.

How can technology be a better tool in social movements? I heard several times throughout the day from women who felt that technology is a useful tool, but that it could also be ineffective and shallow. Some efforts to incorporate technology more have led organizations at times to focus on vanity metrics, or how many impressions or likes posts get on social media, said one participant

Another participant in a roundtable discussion said too much of the action that technology drives on advocacy was shallow action, without real substance. Instead of just a static programmatic ad, can you have someone watch a video, and that unlocks a donation, and your company is giving out real money to a cause the person cares about? she asked.

How to get more women into the C-suite: One executive wanted to know how to get more women into the top roles of her company and asked others how to help. She outlined a story from her company where two senior employees one woman and one man had a difficult task to complete. The man eventually went to a company leader to ask for help; the woman didnt, explaining that she didnt want that leader, who was male, to think of her as incompetent. The man, who had forged a better relationship with this key company leader as a result of this collaboration and completed his task more quickly, ultimately benefited from this challenge; the woman, who did not complete the task as quickly, did not.

This story made the executive who was outlining this story at the event yesterday understand that mentorship is key to whether women advance, or dont, at a company.

She asked the other participants: How can her company encourage more such relationships for women? Some suggested formalizing the relationships with mentoring programs. Interestingly, others wondered if the organization leader, in her story, had set the proper tone for engaging with lower-level employees, pointing out that such relationships can only flourish under certain cultures. How are you creating a culture across the board that embraces things like asking questions? one participant asked. That participant pointed out that representation often flows from culture, rather than the other way around.

Has corporate social responsibility reached a high-water mark? During one discussion about boosting social impact at companies, one participant asked about the lack of progress on climate and the blowback in states to companies environmental, social and governance investments. She asked if the general push for companies to invest in meeting corporate social responsibility goals had peaked. If you look at the full picture, for sure, the needle is moving very slowly. But it comes back to building a new muscle, one participant answered. A lot of the folks whove been at these companies have never heard of these things before. Theres going to be a lag, across the board, understanding what it [corporate social responsibility] is.

BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS We also asked our business and impact leaders for recommendations, and they had some interesting books in particular to share. Here are their picks:

Regenerative Leadership by Giles Hutchins and Laura Storm; The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-AssuranceWhat Women Should Know by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman; The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai; The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich; The Gap and the Gain: The High Achievers Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy; Deep Purpose: The Heart and Soul of High-Performance Companies by Ranjay Gulati

AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis

A New Approach to Domestic Violence, by Joanne Kenen for Politico Magazine: Keisha Walcott started slipping through the cracks as a baby.

Separated from her mother in Jamaica and brought to the United States as an infant, Walcott was exposed to sexual abuse, sexual trauma, hospitalizations and so on and so forth, she says, from the start. She lived with her father, but it was a chaotic life. At age nine, she required surgery after a particularly violent sexual assault by a close family friend. Looking back, shes not really surprised that she got into one damaging relationship after another as a teen, then as an adult.

One day, about six years ago, she looked in the mirror and saw a stranger. I was asking the person in the mirror, Who are you? I dont know you, recalled Walcott, now 44.

That moment began her multiyear path toward escape, safety, independence and self-respect. She eventually left her husband and went to a womens shelter, which helped her enroll in a job training program. A lawyer helped her address her immigration status, enabling her to work legally. The lawyer also connected her with a health care clinic that would change her life.

Walcott went to see Anita Ravi, who runs an unusual clinic dedicated to treating women who have endured intimate partner violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. At her clinic, PurpLE Family Health, in New York City the name stands for Purpose: Listen and Engage Ravi treats these patients immediate medical needs, connects them to a network of social and behavioral health services that can help them get out these relationships if they want or need to, or help them reduce the harm if they decide to stay. All the care is free, paid for by the PurpLE Health Foundation, which Ravi also started.

Domestic violence has long been thought of as a criminal justice problem. Health care was there to patch up the wounds, maybe provide some mental health support, maybe dispense some information about shelters. But Ravis clinic is part of a growing albeit unofficial network of clinics and medical centers that are recognizing they have a crucial role to play in identifying, treating and ultimately reducing domestic violence.

Poll: Americans say politicians aren't informed enough to set abortion policy, by Elena Schneider for POLITICO: As Republicans in state capitals and Washington race to enact new restrictions on abortion following the fall of Roe v. Wade, a new poll shows that Americans have a message for lawmakers: Slow down and learn.

Seven in 10 Americans dont think politicians are informed enough about abortion to create fair policies a position held by majorities of both Democrats and Republicans, according tothe survey of more than 20,000 adults by The 19th, a news organization focused on gender and politics, and SurveyMonkey. A majority of Americans also said they think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 35 percent said abortion should be illegal in all or most cases.

The data sheds new light on a top issue for both parties in the final weeks ahead of the November election. By overturning Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court sent the power to determine abortion policy back to the states, triggering new abortion restrictions across the country and juicing interest in the midterm elections among Democrats and women more broadly. Abortion has shot up as a key issue among voters, and it has partially fueled an improved outlook for Democrats in November.

Republican Graham introduces bill that would restrict abortions nationwide, by Alice Miranda Ollstein for POLITICO Graham's abortion ban stuns Senate GOP, by Burgess Everett, Marianne LeVine and Sarah Ferris for POLITICO GOP pollster warns party on total abortion bans, by Elena Schneider for POLITICO

Read more here.

Rape victims can face huge hospital bills if they seek help, by Rachel M. Cohen for Vox: When victims of rape or sexual violence seek emergency medical assistance following an attack, they may be saddled with hundreds or even thousands of dollars in medical bills, a new study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine found.

These bills can further traumatize victims, the study authors warn, and deter others from seeking professional help. Only one-fifth of sexual violence victims are estimated to seek medical care following an attack.

Researchers affiliated with Harvard analyzed a nationwide data set of more than 35 million emergency room visits in 2019, the most recent year such information was available. They looked specifically at visits where doctors billed with codes related to care after sexual assault, and found more than 112,000 such patients. Nearly 90 percent of those patients were female, and 38 percent were children under 18.

When victims of sexual violence go to the ER, there are two kinds of care theyd typically receive. The first is a sexual assault forensic exam, or more colloquially, a rape kit. Thats where a medical professional collects evidence from a victim, such as conducting a pelvic, rectal, or throat exam, taking samples for a DNA test, and looking for semen or any other evidence of violent injury.

Under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994, the costs associated with a forensic exam are paid for with public funds, and while survivors are sometimes erroneously billed, the federal law prohibits charging victims for the cost of their evidence collection.

But VAWA does not cover the second category of care and thats therapeutic care, or whatever is medically necessary for a persons health following an attack.

So for instance, doctors frequently give victims preventative medication for STDs, like antibiotics to prevent syphilis, gonorrhea, or HIV medication if thats a possibility, said Stephanie Woolhandler, one of the lead authors of the study. ER physicians may also provide emergency contraception to victims if pregnancy is a concern, and in other cases victims may have vaginal or rectal lacerations that need to be sewn up, other injuries, or broken bones.

The researchers findings on the costs of such care are sobering. Uninsured victims, who numbered over 17,000 in 2019, faced out-of-pocket charges averaging $3,673.

What Happened After I Quit: Five women reflect on the financial fallout of their own Great Resignation, a year later, by Charlotte Cowles for the Cut

Op-Ed: Why the lack of diversity in drug industry leadership is hurting women and people of color, by Lindsay Androski for the Los Angeles Times: Dr. Lynn Seely, the female chief executive officer of Myovant, a biopharmaceutical company that develops new treatments for womens diseases, was speaking about chronic pelvic pain and painful periods associated with endometriosis. As many as 10% of women between age 15 and 45 experience it, and many of them miss school or work because of debilitating pain. Yet treatments often end with the removal of the uterus, ending hopes of childbearing.

Why, Seely asked, had pharma not developed a better treatment that didnt involve infertility?

Silence ensued.

She kept going, saying she could see the discomfort visible on the faces of many of the male leaders in this room because she was talking about womens periods and pelvic pain. Then she dropped the hammer: That is why this health problem hasnt been solved.

Her point? A lack of diversity in healthcare leadership is directly related to the lack of progress on womens health challenges.

From 'Dreamgirls' to 'Abbott Elementary,' Sheryl Lee Ralph forged her own path, by Terry Gross for NPR

Sponsored by Business Leader members of Women Rule: The Exchange:

As inflation rates soar and disruptions to the global supply chain persist, all eyes are on the nations economic recovery. But getting back on track in an inclusive and sustainable way is no easy feat. POLITICO Focus connected with members of Women Rule: The Exchange to learn about the strategies and solutions that will power an economy that benefits all. Join the Conversation.

Read more here.

Jennifer Griffin will be chief national security correspondent at Fox News. She previously was national security correspondent. More from The Hollywood Reporter Sarah Matthews is now a senior adviser with Merrimack Potomac + Charles. She previously was comms director for the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Republicans and is a Trump White House alum. (h/t Playbook)

Theresa Bradley is now a speechwriter for the White House. She most recently was a freelance writer and is a Biden campaign alum. Anna Chu has been hired as executive director of We The Action. She most recently was VP for strategy and policy at the National Womens Law Center. (h/t Playbook)

Jessica Medeiros Garrison has been named president of the Land Betterment Exchange and LBX Carbon Offsets. She most recently was VP of government affairs at Clearview AI. Natalie Armijo is now a strategist with Federal Street Strategies. She most recently was a senior adviser to New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham Cecilia Narrett is now a development associate at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. She most recently was a humane educator at Farm Sanctuary. (h/t Playbook)

Sponsored by Business Leader members of Women Rule: The Exchange:

See original here:
The next big social movement and other takeaways from our regular meeting - POLITICO


Pickleball injuries are on the rise: 5 preventive tips to keep you on the court – The Manual

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

Pickleball is Americas favorite emerging recreational sport at the moment. The game that was first developed on Washingtons Bainbridge Island in 1965 is taking the country by storm for its ease of access, fun, quick action, and social attraction.

Whats lost in the hype, however, is that the sport is leading to numerous injuries. An analysis of pickleball-related injuries using data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission found the annual estimated number of injuries rising precipitously from 2013 to 2017.

Even though the court is much smaller, and requires much less ground to cover, numbers show that pickleball-related emergency room visits are quickly catching up tennis-related traumas, especially for seniors. Using data from 2001 to 2019 (as reported by the NEISS), analysts found a weighted total of 28,984 pickleball injuries as compared with 58,836 tennis injuries.

Although pickleball-related injuries have many similarities with those associated with other racquet sports, there were various differences (e.g., increasing trend and older patient age) that may need to be considered for the prevention and management of injuries related to the sport, concluded the article.

This was especially true for seniors as 85% of medical stresses occurred in people over 60. Still, all players risk any number of athletic impairments including ankle sprains, muscle strains, tendon pulls/tears, shoulder problems, rotator cuff injuries, and lower back problems such as disc injuries and strains.

No need to stress, though. The Manual is here with a guide on how to prevent devastating pickleball injuries.

Any sport that you play, youre going to want to support that condition with cross-training. The United States Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per week. High-impact cardiovascular exercise includes running, jogging, and sports like basketball, or skiing. While these will work wonders for physical shape, they can be hard on limbs and joints. Lower impact activities such as biking, elliptical machines, pool walking, or swimming can promote fitness with less destructive contact with the ground and other bodies.

Sleep is key to mental and physical recovery.

The ODPHPs Physical Activity Guidelines note that moderate to vigorous activity improves the quality of sleep in adults.

You break your body down with activity, which leads to improved physical conditioning and a mental calm that encourages healthy, healing sleep. Its a beautiful system.

For optimal health, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research contends that adults should get at least seven hours of sleep. This varies, of course, from person to person and according to the sleepers age, but the body will rest as it should as long as you keep a regular schedule of proper diet and exercise. In turn, youll be actively promoting quicker recovery, better blood flow, and improved focus, all from under the covers.

Warming up is an obvious preventative step. At the same time, it can be a big pain in the butt.

Everybody remembers those half-hearted first 10 minutes of gym class and/or practice, lackadaisically limbering body parts before the real play could begin. Dedicate yourself to active stretching, and you can flip that half-assed practice and not only help avert injury, but improve performance.

Elite movement coaches have found increased athletic achievement in concert with fewer injuries with targeted, non-repetitive, and dynamic stretching before, during, and after workouts. Straining muscles by elongating instead of flexing will have the same effect: youll get better movement and stronger, more defined musculature.

In turn, this can level up your pickleball game. A broad 2010 comprehensive analysis found that warming-up enhanced athletic execution in 79 percent of the criteria examined over several studies.

Core muscles your abs, inner and outer obliques, the diaphragm on top, and pelvic floor on the bottom stabilize your body as you bend, stretch, jump, and leap toward, say, yellow Wiffle balls on the pickleball court. It stands to reason that the more control you have over your extremities, the better shape your body is going to be in at the end of the activity.

Stabilizer, mobilizer, and load transfer core muscles assist in understanding injury risk, assessing core muscle function, and developing injury prevention programs, a National Library of Medicine paper concluded. Moderate evidence of alterations in core muscle recruitment and injury risk exists. Exercise programs to improve core stability should focus on muscle activation, neuromuscular control, static stabilization, and dynamic stability.

Similar to stretching, core workouts not only can help you prevent a strained back or pulled hamstring, but they can also boost your athletic capacity.

Whacking a plastic ball with a short, wood and graphite paddle might seem easy enough to do without practice, but that repetitive, chaotic motion can take a serious toll, especially if youre not doing it right.

Tennis elbow tendinitis that flares up when you dont warm and swing your arm correctly can affect pickleball players just as much as their hardcourt brethren. Seeing as tennis elbow can linger for six to 12 months, this is a common injury youre going to want to avoid. Knowing how to properly swing your paddle is key. For new players, break into the sport easily. Its no fun waking up with sore elbow tendons that could signal stepping away from the sport for a half or full year.

Mount Sinai Hospitals orthopedic department suggests balanc(ing) your body weight without over-extending your arms, legs, or your back. Use proper footwork to help you avoid injuries to the ankle and the Achilles tendon. Play with the proper equipment for your size and ability.

Pickleball, like any sport, can be a blast. Competition fires adrenaline, endorphins, testosterone, and other critical hormones. Whats good for the body is just as good for the mind. Theres no reason to get too excited, though. Youve got a lifetime to smack balls around. Make sure that youre prepared and on point to not only prevent injury, but give the game the best you got.

Read the original here:
Pickleball injuries are on the rise: 5 preventive tips to keep you on the court - The Manual


15 Mushrooms and How to Use Them in Vegan Cooking – VegNews

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

Delicious, medicinal, psychedelic, or sometimes deadly, mushrooms are equal parts fascinating and mysterious. Mushrooms and their mycelium still elude us, but weve become regular mycophiles in all aspects. The days of only finding white button, cremini, and portabello mushrooms at the grocery store are over. Its not unusual to find fresh shiitakes or oyster mushrooms among them and the farmers market brings even more varieties.

If youve ever read a recipe that uses mushrooms, you might have come across advice that you should never wash them because they absorb water. Instead, many cookbooks advise you to clean them with a damp cloth. But, the cooking magazine Cooks Illustrated advises washing them with water. While there is some absorption, the amount is negligible.

There are just over 2,000 species of edible mushroom species. This guide doesnt cover all of them, but we selected some of the most common types that youll find in the grocery store or farmers market.


If youre familiar with only one kind of mushroom, its probably white button, or Agaricus bisporus. White button mushrooms are a type of gilled mushroom and they are actually the same as creminis and portabellaswhich well get to belowbut they are harvested at an earlier stage during their growth cycle.

White button mushrooms are practically flavorless in their raw state, but they shine when theyre used as an addition to a dish. Slice them up for a hearty vegan stew or dice them up and add them to a plant-based bolognese for a meaty texture. They are also a good addition to tofu scrambles. If you want to enjoy white button mushrooms in a purer form, slice them, then saut them in oil or dairy-free butter with minced garlic and fresh, chopped parsley.


Also known as baby bella mushrooms, cremini mushrooms are Agaricus bisporus harvested later in their growth cycle. Due to this, they have a deeper, more savory flavor than white button mushrooms and are better suited to eating raw in salads. But, if youre an umami fiend, then cook them the same way that you would cook white button mushrooms. They can also be stuffed with a variety of fillings, such as vegan crab and dairy-free cream cheese.


Noticeably bigger than the younger Agaricus bisporus, portabello mushrooms have a heartiness to their flavor that might make shroom-haters shirk. Its common to remove their stems and just cook the caps, either marinated or plain. They are versatile, so if a recipe calls for white buttons or creminis, you can use portabellos.

Portabellos are great stuffed, like in these spinach and mashed potato-stuffed mushrooms. But, they are also a classic veggie burger ingredienteither using the whole cap or dicing and mixing it with other ingredients such as legumes and grains to form a patty.


Shiitake mushroomsLentinula edodesare small brown mushrooms native to East Asia that are traditionally cultivated on logs. Now available worldwide, modern shiitake mushrooms are usually grown in controlled conditions, either on logs or in an artificial substrate.

These mushrooms, which are available fresh or dried, have a deep umami flavor and can be used in a wide variety of dishes, from hot pots and stir-frys to pasta sauces and vegan BLT sandwiches. Their woody stems are typically removed before they are cooked. If youre using dried shiitake mushrooms, save the cooking liquid as a soup stockyou can do the same with the raw stems. Always ensure that shiitake mushrooms are cooked thoroughly. Theyre known to cause a rash when eaten raw or undercooked.


Also known as hen of the woods or Grifola frondosa, maitake mushroomswhich is Japanese for dancing mushroomshave a golden brown color and grow in delicate, ruffled conks. They are polypore mushrooms, meaning they inhabit live or dead trees. Polypores help the wood rot and play a critical role in forest ecosystems.

Maitake are best when young, as they become tough and woody when left to age. They can be baked, battered and fried, sauted, grilled, or cooked and used as toppings, either on pizza or on a buttery crostini for a dinner party or a night in with loved ones.


A staple of farmers markets, oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) are distinct from king oysters, which well get to below. These gilled mushrooms are usually white or light tan and the shelves grow in overlapping, round clusters. In the wild, these mushrooms grow on decaying trees in temperate and subtropical forests. They can even decompose plastic! Oyster mushrooms are commonly foraged, but most of the ones youll find are cultivated.

Oyster mushrooms turn slimy when cooked in a lot of liquid, so theyre not suited for soup or stew, but otherwise, they can be grilled, sauted, or friedespecially when coated with a crispy batter. They make an especially great substitute for seafood, either in a buttery linguine dish with fresh parsley or in a sandwich, like this oyster mushroom poboy.


Flammulina velutipes, or enoki mushrooms, grow in clusters with long, slender white stems and a small pin-cushion tip. Their flavor is mild and not particularly noteworthy, but they have a pleasantly chewy texture that makes them suited to sauteing, grilling, braising, and adding to hot pots, noodle soups, and sundubu jjigae (Korean soft spicy soft tofu stew). They are also fantastic in warm, mixed mushroom salads.


Wildly different-looking from oyster mushrooms, king oyster mushroomsalso known as king trumpet, French horn mushrooms, or Pleurotus eryngiihave thin brown caps and thick white stalks that give them a tree-like silhouette. They have a meaty, chewy texture that makes them the go-to shroom when replacing meat or seafood. The mushrooms can be cut vertically into thin slices to make vegan bacon or the stalks can be cut into coins to make a substitute for scallops. But, king oysters can also take sauting, frying, braising, grilling, as well as being cooked in soups, stews, and sauces.

Casarsa Guru

PorciniItalian for pigletmushrooms have round brown caps and thick white stalks that grow at the base of trees. The earthy, nutty Boletus edulis is prized in Italian and French cuisine, so they are especially good in both cuisines, be it pasta, risottos, hearty soups like minestrone, and mushroom gravies. They are usually available in fresh or dried varieties. As with shiitakes, dried porcini mushrooms are typically used to elevate the flavor of stews.


One of the holy grails of mushroom foraging, the morel mushroom, or Morchella, is light tan in color with a conical, honeycomb-like cap. It is actually more closely related to truffles than they are to mushrooms. This charismatic fungi sprouts from moist soil in forests between the months of March and May. This short harvesting period means that they can be fairly expensive at $20 per pound when theyre in season.

These luxury mushrooms have a savory flavor when cooked and they add depth to any dish. Theyre suited to most forms of cooking but because theyre so pricey and distinctive, you might want to use them in a way that showcases the whole fungus.


The lovely chanterelle, genus Cantharellus, is the golden child of the mushroom-foraging world. These funnel-shaped woodland mushrooms are commonly found near hardwood trees, with which they share a strong mycorrhizal (symbiotic) relationship. Theyre also really delicious. Chanterelles emit a fruity aroma and have a peppery bite to them with notes of apricot, some say.

Chanterelles are best in simple dishes where their flavor wont be outshined. Try cooking them with gnocchi in a dairy-free garlic butter sauce with salt, pepper, fresh parsley, or thyme, and a squeeze of lemon. When you cook them, the mushrooms become tender, but maintain some firmness.


Also known as Hypsizygus tessellatus, or beech mushrooms due to how they grow from dead or dying beech trees, shimeji mushrooms are native to East Asia. These edible fungi have long, thin stems and small caps. They come in white or brown varieties. As with the mushrooms from the Agaricus bisporus family, the latter has a more obvious flavor.

These mushrooms have a somewhat crunchy texture with a mild, nutty flavor when cooked. They are good in hot pots, rice bowls, soups, and stir-frys.


Hericium erinaceus, the lions mane mushroom, is a big, white mushroom made up of long, thin strands that resemble the eponymous big cats name. Practitioners of Chinese traditional medicine have used this tree-borne fungus for centuries. Lions mane mushrooms contain substances that stimulate the growth of brain cells, and studies show they may improve cognitive function and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

When cooked, this mushroom is said to taste similar to crab or lobster meat. So, its best browned in a little bit of olive oil with salt, pepper, and minimal seasoning.


Wood ear mushrooms, also known by their scientific classification, Auricularia heimuer, are a crinkly type of fungus with a color that ranges from light to dark brown. The wild variety grows on deciduous trees, but is also cultivated for commercial purposes on sawdust logs.

Popular in Chinese cuisine, they have a gelatinous texture and mild flavor. Typically, they are sold dried and must be rehydrated before cooking. Use wood ear mushrooms in hot pots, soups, and stir-frys.


The coveted chicken of the woods mushroom (Laetiporus sulphureus) is easily spotted by its overlapping goldenrod-colored shelves, ruffled edges, and large size. Foragers can find these saprotrophic (feeds on dead trees), parasitic mushrooms at the base of dead or dying hardwood trees. They grow in North America and Europe and there are seven varieties in the former.

Chicken of the woods gets its name from its flavor, which people say is reminiscent of chicken meat and lemon. In vegan cooking, you could use it to replace chicken in chicken piccata or saut it in olive oil and add it to a pasta dish, like this angel hair pasta with dairy-free feta, kale, and lemon.

This list is just a snippet of the flavors and textures of the edible fungus world. Youre likely to find rare varieties at the farmers market. If you do, ask the seller how best to cook them.

For more on vegan cooking, read:5 Meaty Swaps That Arent Vegan MeatThe Comprehensive Guide to Vegan Butter10 High-Protein Vegan Recipes

Kat Smith is a Queens, NY-based freelance writer and editor who loves cooking and discovering local vegan hidden gems.

Original post:
15 Mushrooms and How to Use Them in Vegan Cooking - VegNews


Use of honey in the management of Chemotherapy | CMAR – Dove Medical Press

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022


Cancer is among the leading causes of death globally, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in the year 2020, or nearly one in six deaths (Ref. WHO, 2022). Globally, nearly 300,000 children aged 017 are diagnosed with cancer every year.1 Chemotherapy has been reported to be efficient for such conditions.2 One of the potential limitations for chemotherapy drugs is that they do not only act on malignant cells but also on normal cells,3 which may lead to oral mucositis (OM), especially in paediatric patients. In severe cases, OM development can increase mortality by almost 40%.4 The OM is an acute inflammation of the oral mucosa with haemorrhage, erythema and edema.5 The development of such inflammatory conditions is higher (up to 4580%) in paediatric cancer patients compared to adult cancer patients.4 Moreover, children have differed from adults in relation to compliance, acceptance, and reaction to various preventive agents6 due to their compromised immune system. These conditions are dose-limiting, and high-cost effectiveness, which may result in undermining the ideal cancer treatment plan for patients, and ultimately decreasing the chances of survival.7 Keeping in mind, the facts management of OM in children is particularly critical. OM conditions are treated with some mucosal coating agents, analgesia, and cryotherapy in adult patients; nevertheless, paediatric patients have a limited choice.8 Nevertheless, cryotherapy was previously indicated to be performed only on older and cooperative pediatric patients.9 Honey has attracted the attention of medical care in the past decades because of its tissue healing, antibacterial and antioxidant properties,10 and has been shown to be an acceptable traditional medicine (Natural Product) globally.11 Based on the present knowledge, honey is efficiently used to treat chemotherapy-induced OM.12 Honey comprises ~200 substances, including water and carbohydrates, along with other vitamins and enzymes.13,14 Previous studies have indicated that honey enhances tissue healing (conditions: wound, burn, surgical site and ulcer) by stimulating monocytes, which helps to release cytokines.15,16 The inclusion of honey or its products could be optional for chemotherapy-induced OM in cancer patients.17 Several studies reported that conventional honey, including natural honey and commercially available marketed honey, could be effective only for chemotherapy-induced OM but also on radiation- and chemoradiation-induced OM.13,1719 In contrast, although evidences have demonstrated that Manuka honey has healing properties, four published studies reported on Manuka honey have shown negative results on prophylaxis and treatment of OM.1821 The reasons for this negative effect remain uncertain, and it may be because that Manuka honey contains unusually high content of methylglyoxal, which is considered a cytotoxic agent.22 Moreover, the intervention for OM requires high compliance; however, the peculiar taste of Manuka honey, which is bitter taste and lower water content, could be likely the reason for a high dropout rate (57.4%) in the trial conducted by Hawley et al.20 Given the lack of intervention for prophylaxis and treatment of OM in children, this report highlights proven evidences of honey in paediatric care to prevent and treat chemotherapy-induced OM. Summarizing pieces of evidence for paediatric clinical practice and the use of honey may open avenues for further studies in this field.

In this study, we selected published studies based on oral care with honey or honey products in the treatment and prophylaxis of chemotherapy-induced OM in child patients. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and non-randomized controlled studies (NRSs) of honey or honey products that treat or prevent chemotherapy-induced OM in paediatric patients.

For searching English literature, we used the following keywords: honey, stomatitis, oral mucositis, oral ulcer, child, paediatric, pediatric, adolescent, and chemotherapy. We used the CINAHL, CENTRAL, EMBASE, and MEDLINE PubMed as our healthcare search databases from April 2010 to April 2020. Data were analyzed using GraphPad PRISMA-8 California, USA. Thus, the present review included a 27-item checklist, which was performed to assess the quality of included studies, which were described earlier.23 The checklist was divided into five sections: reporting, external validity, internal validity-bias, internal validity-confounding (selection bias), and power. The score ranges of Downs and Black were given the following corresponding quality levels: excellent (2628); good (2025); fair (1519); and poor (14).

The population was defined as children and adolescents with cancer aged 117 years with chemotherapy-induced OM or during the phase of chemotherapy treatment. Interventions: Honey-made products as therapy interventions include natural honey, commercially available marketed honey, and honey ice cube, all these product types were included in this review, whereby, honey was applied between the 7th day and the 14th day after the initiation of chemotherapy treatment when OM peaked or developed. For prophylaxis therapy, honey was applied before the start of chemotherapy and the development of OM.

The primary outcomes were the recovery time and the severity of OM. Various types of outcome measurement can cause clinical heterogeneity. Thus, only studies using National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria (NCI-CTC) Table S1 and scales developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) were included and the details of the scales were presented in Table S2.24

The present report includes studies comparing the effect of honey, routine mouth care, no treatment, or any other treatment for the prophylaxis and treatment of OM. Data (published scientific evidences) of all children and adolescents with cancer aged 117 years with chemotherapy-induced OM or during the phase of chemotherapy treatment, were included in this review. Studies were selected by whether they meet the inclusion criteria for the studies outlined as follows: RCTs and NRSs that investigated the effectiveness of honey products for patients with chemotherapy-induced OM in preventative or curative groups compared with control groups were included. All studies were in English language, full-text and released before April 2020.

Patients who were aged less than 1 year and over 17 years, had no capacity for oral feeding, were allergic to honey, with evidence of confirmed co-infection, and were diagnosed with diabetes were excluded. Details of exclusion criteria are shown in Table 1. In addition, studies that used Manuka honey as an intervention were excluded due to its taste and high content of methylglyoxal.22

Table 1 Detailed Exclusion Criteria for the Present Study

Data were extracted from a database that met the objectives of the study and presented in a Microsoft Excel format Table S3. The key extracted data is based on basic information, study characteristics, study design, participants, intervention, and outcomes. The mini-review was performed to integrate each sample to review the effects of treatment compared to the other, especially in RCTs; a large number of patients allow to be included, and thus the smaller, but clinically significant differences may be identified.22 In addition, compare to the short review, we have performed the narrative synthesis is essentially more subjective. Therefore, to avoid potential bias, the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) (2009) suggested that the method applied should be transparent and rigorous.25 However, there was heterogeneity within and between studies, including not only the methodology but also the cancer type, OM cause, control arm, assessment scales, and study design. Therefore, data synthesis as part of this study adopted narrative synthesis that would be more appropriate to describe the results. A framework for narrative synthesis is the developing a preliminary synthesis of the findings of included studies; the researcher brought extracted data together and organised and described the findings. Exploring relationships within and between studies the relationship between characteristics and findings of individual studies, and the findings of different studies were explored, and assessing the robustness of the synthesis it was the end of the data synthesis process, and the related analysis resulted in a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the evidence.

All experimental groups in the studies used honey as an intervention, two studies used natural honey,26,27 two studies used commercial honey,12,28 and one study used honey and tulsi in ice cubes as an intervention.28 Tulsi is a herb that has robust evidences supporting its anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-stress effects and can protect the bodys DNA against radiation. Except for one study that divided patients into three groups, all studies divided patients into experiment groups and control groups.27 The ice cubes study did not mention the application of routine mouth care,29 all experimental groups in the other three studies received routine mouth care along with honey,2628 and instead of performing routine mouth care, one study performed the routine practice of analgesic and antiseptic gel application along with honey.12 The control groups in three studies performed the same protocols as the experiment groups but did not use honey.12,26,28 The other two studies performed Benzocaine 7.5% gel27 and plain ice cubes29 as comparisons. Except for the ice cube study that used honey 5 minutes before receiving the MTX treatment,29 all studies performed the honey more than three times a day.12,2628 The experiment group in two studies received 0.51g honey/kg,26,27 one study received 12mL each time,12 and the rest of the two studies did not mention the dose of honey.28,29

All studies used OM scales to assess the grade of OM and evaluated the effectiveness of honey in treatment and prophylaxis from different angles. It is difficult to conclude due to numerous variables being involved. In terms of recovery time, four studies reported it, which is defined as the number of days from the beginning of treatment until all ulcers have healed completely.12,2628 Among them, instead of reporting the recovery time, one study reported the duration of hospitalization.28 In terms of the severity of OM, Bulut and Tfekci assessed the severity of OM before each session of chemotherapy and on the 1st, 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 21st days after chemotherapy.26 Mishra and Nayak focused on the occurrence of OM from the initiation of MTX administration.29 Thus, the severity of OM was assessed on the 5th and 15th days of the administration of ice cubes. In the study of Al Jaouni et al, OM was assessed before and after chemotherapy, as well as a week after the initiation of chemotherapy.28 Singh et al evaluated OM every other day from the first day of enrollment until OM had healed completely.12

All included studies were in the fair range based on the Down and black (1998)23; the scores for Singh et al and Abdulrhman et al were 16 and 18,12,27 and another 3 studies were 17.26,28,29 Table S4, presents the detail of the quality assessment of each included study. All studies failed to describe how patients were selected, it is not possible to determine whether the chosen participants were representative of their population12,27,29 Bulut and Tfekci and Abdulrhman et al included almost all source populations that met the inclusion criteria26,27; Mishra and Nayak recruited almost all participants who were receiving MTX chemotherapy due to few numbers of children with MTX chemotherapy in the Hematology and oncology department.29 Therefore, it cannot be determined whether the participants of the above three studies are representative or not because this appears to be a convenience sampling. Only two studies12,26 blinded the people who assessed the outcomes of the intervention to avoid personal bias.30 Moreover, all studies failed to blind participants to the intervention they received which may have an impact on the reliability of their results.12,2629 In addition, only three studies in this review were RCTs, and the participants were randomized into groups.2729 However, none of the studies mentioned whether randomized intervention assignments were concealed from health-care staff and patients.

All included studies confirmed the effectiveness of honey in the prophylaxis and treatment of OM among child patients with chemotherapy.12,2629 The actual results will be presented by narrative synthesis due to the existing clinical and methodological heterogeneity that was explained in the Methodology section. P-value is a statistical approach that was used for measuring the effect of honey application in this mini-review. The characteristics of the experimental and control groups of each study are presented in Table 2. The overall data on recovery time and the OM status can be seen in Table 3.

Table 2 Detailed Characteristics of Participants Included in the Present Studies (Experimental and Control Groups)

Table 3 Characteristics of Recovery Time and the Severity of OM

A total of 51 original studies were recorded from the electronic databases by performing PRISM-8 (Figure 1). Among which 8 results were obtained from CENTRAL, 9 from MEDLINE, 12 from CINAHL, 12 results from EMBASE and 10 from Web of Science. After the analysis of each article, 16 studies that included adults or non-cancer patients, and used propolis as intervention, were excluded due to the inconsistency with the predefined inclusion criteria for this short review. Furthermore, 7 studies were excluded due to the following reasons: three studies investigated the effectiveness of radiation-reduced OM, one piece of grey literature did not report results, two studies were published in the symposium without sufficient information and one study has no full-text access S5.

Figure 1 The study selection process is presented as PRISMA flow diagram.

Notes: Adapted from: Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: An updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ. 2021;372:n71. doi:10.1136/bmj.n71. Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode).33

A total of 51 studies were included, which was published so far. The detailed data are present in Table 2. All participants did not suffer from OM in the phase of prophylaxis; participants in the treatment phase had varying grades of chemotherapy-induced OM that are present in Table 2. Instead of only reporting chemotherapy, two studies reported the specific chemotherapy drugs that patients were undergoing, which was methotrexate (MTX). Moreover, one study enrolled participants who were treated with chemo/radiotherapy; the limitation of this study was that they failed to report the ratio of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Three studies assessed the effectiveness of honey by investigating the recovery time. One study focused on the duration of hospitalisation for OM patients.28 In the study of Abdulrahman et al, in grade II OM, the recovery time was 3.60.8 days in the honey group, and 4.60.9 days in the control group, which is a statistical significance between the honey group and control group (P=0.0017).27 In grade III OM, the recovery time between the honey and control groups, which were 5.41.11 days in the honey group, and 8.61.0 days in the control group, differ significantly (P=0.0001). It shows significantly faster healing in the honey group compared to the control group. Combining grades II and III, the recovery time was 4.251.25 days in the honey group and 6.202.47 days in the control group, which shows honey can produce faster healing compared with the control group (P=0.0005; with a statistical power of 96.2%). Bulut and Tfekci reported that the recovery duration in the honey group was 4.8694.341 days before OM developed and 14.8572.905 days after OM developed, which was shorter than the control group was 19.2821.805 days.26 The recovery duration differs significantly between the two groups (p=0.000). Al Jaouni et al compared the duration of hospitalization between the honey group and the control group.28 The duration of hospitalization for OM children was significantly reduced in the honey group (mean 73 days) as compared to the control group (mean 135 days) (p<0.001). The study by Singh et al (2019) compared the duration of OM between the honey group and the control group. The median duration of OM in the honey group was 4 days (IQR: 46 days) and was 6d (IQR: 68 days) in the control group. All the above findings show significantly faster healing in the honey group (p<0.01).

Four of the five included studies assessed the effectiveness of honey by investigating the severity of OM.12,26,28,29 One study set two honey groups.26 The OM degree decreased gradually in the honey group (patients with grade III and V OM) after the fourth follow-up day (p<0.001). The severity of OM was higher in the honey group compared to the control group on day 4 (3.580.47 vs 1.791.08, p=0.000); however, the OM degree was noticeably lower on day 21 (0.140.36 vs 1.761.03, p= 0.000). And, 92.9% of the children achieved full recovery and 7.1% at a mild level in the honey group. In the control group, only 5.1% of the children obtained full recovery and the rate of mild-level OM was 71.8%; the remaining 23.1% of the children experienced severe OM. However, none of the children developed severe OM in the honey group after the eighth follow-up day. Recovery status differs significantly between the two groups (p<0.01), which indicates honey can reduce the severity of OM. Meanwhile, the severity of OM was significantly lower in the other honey group (patients without OM and before chemotherapy was initiated) compared to the control group (0.430.58 vs 1.791.08, p=0.000) on day 4 and day 21 (0.170.38 vs 1.761.03, p= 0.000). The OM grade increased gradually on the 4th, 8th, and 12th days and slightly decreased on the 16th and 21st days in the control group, and a significant difference in OM degree on the different follow-up days (p<0.001). Also, 82.6% of the children achieved full recovery and 17.4% at a mild level in the honey group before OM occurred. In the control group, only 5.1% of the children obtained full recovery and the rate of mild-level OM was 71.8%; the remaining 23.1% of the children experienced severe OM. However, none of the children developed severe OM in the honey group. Recovery status differed significantly between the two groups (p<0.01).

Al Jaouni et al recruited participants before OM was developed.28 The prophylaxis and treatment were not investigated separately, and participants were receiving honey before OM occurred, and when the children experienced OM with grades III and V. Compared with the control group, the incidence of grade III and V OM was significantly reduced in the honey group (20% in honey versus 55% in control; P=0.02). Mishra and Nayak enrolled participants before OM occurred.29 The incidence of OM was considerably lower in the experimental group (honey and tulsi ice cubes) as compared to the control group (plain ice cubes). Forty percent of the children experienced OM (mild-moderate) in the experimental group and 90% (65% mild-moderate OM and 25% severe OM) in the control group on day 5 (p<0.001). As well as the assessment on the 15th day showed that all OM was at mild-moderate grade, and the incidence of OM was 15% in the experimental group and 80% in the control group (p<0.001). The severity of OM was significantly reduced in the experimental group compared to the control group (0.40.50 vs 1.750.96, p=0.001) on day 5 and day 15 (0.150.36 vs 1.10.71, p= 0.001). The severity of OM was significantly reduced on follow-up days in the honey group compared to the control group (p<0.01), and 12% of the children achieve a recovery on the third day in the experiment group. The rate of the grade 0 differs significantly between both the groups, which was 50% on the 5th day and 92% on the 7th day in the honey group, and 8% on the 5th day and 54% on the 7th day in the control group (p<0.01). All children recovered from OM on day 9 in the honey group and on day 13 in the control group.

We focused on the effect of oral care treatment with honey products in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced OM in paediatric patients. Based on the evidence reported in our study, honey products have a beneficial effect on the treatment and prophylaxis of OM. Honey significantly decreased the OM grade and provided faster healing for OM in included studies. Honey can treat grade I, II, and III chemotherapy-induced OM, and prevent patients from developing severe chemotherapy-induced OM in children. To the best of our knowledge, no data was reported on the disadvantages of conventional honey in OM patients except for Manuka honey, which failed to show positive results. Our report represents the recovery time of OM and the severity of OM was different from lab to lab or hospital to hospital. However, in terms of treatment, the recovery time of OM was reported in four studies and showed statistical significance between the honey group and the control group.12,2628 Concerning grades of OM, very limited data is available. The present report reflects that honey treatment in grade V OM may not be significant compared to grade I, II, and III OM.12,2628 However, the severity of such conditions may decrease during chemotherapy.12,2629 So far co-infection has not been considered by any researcher except Al Jaouni et al and the results of this study showed a statistically significant reduction of bacterial and fungal infections among paediatric cancer patients undergoing chemo/radiotherapy who are receiving honey as an intervention for OM.28 Honey + Tulsi (ratio not reported) showed the best effect as compared to cryotherapy.29

The potential limitation of our present search is the limited number of data, while no data are available on chemotherapy drugs used in recovery. Moreover, yet to explain the effectiveness of honey products in the prevention and treatment of OM, authors accept scientific flora carry out further investigations that are needed. Honey as a more economical treatment enables it to be the intervention of choice for OM.31 Honey shows a significant effect without sex disparity.32 Globally, studies have proven that radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of both can cause OM.22

Honey reduced the recovery time and the stage of OM, which made it an effective intervention in the prevention and treatment of OM in paediatric oncology patients. Furthermore, not only has been shown to have the capability for healing injured tissues but it is also a more economical treatment, and it has fewer side effects compared to synthetic drugs.

In conclusion, this study suggests that honey must be included as one of the treatments or prevention of choice for the grade I, II, and III chemotherapy-induced OM. However, further studies on the treatment and prevention of chemotherapy-induced OM in children are needed due to the different pathomechanism between radiotherapy and chemotherapy and the characteristics of OM in children healing faster than in adults.

All data files mentioned in this manuscript are available.

The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee, Shenzhen Childrens Hospital, Reference number: 2018 (013) on dated 2018/09/03.

Due to the retrospective nature of the study, the Ethics Committee of Shenzhen Childrens Hospital, Shenzhen determined that patients consent was not required. Data were kept confidentially and in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki.

We would like to thank Prof. Liu from the Department of Hematology and Oncology, Shenzhen Childrens Hospital and Samantha Toland from Birmingham City University for their constant support.

All authors made a significant contribution to the work reported, whether that is in the conception, study design, execution, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation, or in all these areas; took part in drafting, revising or critically reviewing the article; gave final approval of the version to be published; have agreed on the journal to which the article has been submitted; and also agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.

This work was supported by Shenzhen Fund for Guangdong Provincial High-Level Clinical Key Specialties (No. SZGSP012) and Shenzhen Key Medical Discipline Construction Fund (No. SZXK034).

The authors declare no conflicts of interest in relation to this work

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More here:
Use of honey in the management of Chemotherapy | CMAR - Dove Medical Press


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