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Archive for the ‘Personalized Medicine’ Category

Welcome to the Indiana Institute for Personalized Medicine

Wednesday, October 7th, 2015

Dr. Lang Li, Associate Director of the IIPM, namedDirector ofIU Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Read more...

IIPM Member Dr. Janet Carpenter named Indiana University Distinguished Professor.Read more...

Posted on August 12, 2014 IIPM Member receives Conquer Cancer Foundation grant Dr. Costantine Albany, IIPM member, has received a Conquer Cancer Foundation grant. Read more...

Posted on July 25, 2013 Educational Conference on Personalized Medicine and Pharmacogenomics "Pharmacogenomics in Clinical PracticeWhat you need to know" Thursday, September 5, 2013 from 8:30am 3:00pm The Indiana Institute of Personalized Medicine is offering a didactic and case-study oriented educational conference focusing on pharmacogenomics and its application in clinical practice.The IIPM, led by Dr. Flockhart and a select group of clinicians and pharmacogenomic experts, will conduct a CME and ACPE qualified program addressing the use of pharmacogenomics in clinical practice. The program will be held at the IU Health Neuroscience Center Auditorium at 355 West 16th Street Indianapolis IN 46202. Read more...

To assist with the recognition of these medications, Dr. Malaz A. Boustani and an interdisciplinary team developed the Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden (ACB) list as a practical tool that identifies the severity of anticholinergic effects on cognition of both prescription and over-the-counter medications. Read more...

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Welcome to the Indiana Institute for Personalized Medicine


Personalized Medicine News — ScienceDaily

Thursday, September 10th, 2015

Sustained Remission of Multiple Myeloma After Personalized Cellular Therapy Sep. 9, 2015 A multiple myeloma patient whose cancer had stopped responding after nine different treatment regimens experienced a complete remission after receiving an investigational personalized cellular ... read more Design of 'Japonica Array' Sep. 2, 2015 Scientists have successfully developed the Japonica Array which is the first ever SNP array optimized for Japanese population.The aim of development of Japonica Array is not only to facilitate the ... read more Lupus: A Disease With Many Faces Sep. 1, 2015 Lupus is an autoimmune disease with so many different symptoms that it is often difficult to diagnose and to treat. Despite huge medical advances over the last few years, lupus is incurable. Modern, ... read more 21-Gene Recurrence Score and Receipt of Chemotherapy in Patients With Breast Cancer Aug. 27, 2015 Use of the 21-gene recurrence test score was associated with lower chemotherapy use in high-risk patients and greater use of chemotherapy in low-risk patients compared with not using the test among a ... read more Young Black Women Have a Higher Frequency of BRCA Mutations Than Previously Reported Aug. 25, 2015 Researchers recently conducted the largest U.S. based study of BRCA mutation frequency in young black women diagnosed with breast cancer at or below age 50 and discovered they have a much higher BRCA ... read more Genomic Testing Triggers a Diabetes Diagnosis Revolution Aug. 17, 2015 Over a 10 year period, the time that babies receive genetic testing after being diagnosed with diabetes has fallen from over four years to under two months. Pinpointing the exact genetic causes of ... read more MicroRNA Markers for Madhumeha Aug. 14, 2015 Researchers have shown the biomarker role of certain circulatory microRNAs characteristic of Asian Indian phenotype in patients with type 2 ... read more Better Way to Personalize Bladder Cancer Treatments Aug. 13, 2015 A new way to personalize treatments for aggressive bladder cancer has been developed by researchers. In early proof-of-concept research, the team took bladder tumors from individual patients, ... read more New Computational Method Predicts Genes Likely to Be Causal in Disease Aug. 10, 2015 A new computational method improves the detection of genes that are likely to be causal for complex diseases and biological traits. The method, PrediXcan, estimates gene expression levels across the ... read more Statistical Technique Helps Cancer Researchers Understand Tumor Makeup, Personalize Care Aug. 9, 2015 A new statistical method for analyzing next-generation sequencing data helps researchers study the genome of various organisms such as human tumors and could help bring about personalized cancer ... read more Enthusiasm for Personalized Medicine Is Premature, Prominent Public Health Scholars Argue Aug. 5, 2015 The increasing national focus on personalized or 'precision' medicine is misguided, distracting from broader investments to reduce health inequities and address the social factors that ... read more People With Type 2 Diabetes Benefit from Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring, Study Shows Aug. 5, 2015 People with type 2 diabetes can lower their blood sugar if they follow a personalized blood glucose monitoring schedule, even if they dont use insulin, according to a new ... read more New Cancer Marker Identified; Possible Therapeutic Target for Breast Cancer July 31, 2015 Basal-like breast cancer (BLBC) is an aggressive form of breast cancer and is often referred to as "triple negative," which means it is not responsive to the common medical therapeutics. ... read more Targeted Therapy Shows Effectiveness Against a Subtype of the Brain Tumor Medulloblastoma July 29, 2015 A subset of medulloblastoma tumors briefly stopped growing or disappeared entirely during treatment with vismodegib, researchers report after a trial with both adults and ... read more New Tool Uses 'Drug Spillover' to Match Cancer Patients With Treatments July 28, 2015 A new article describes a new tool that improves the ability to match drugs to disease: the Kinase Addiction Ranker predicts what genetics are truly driving the cancer in any population of cells and ... read more Race, Institutional Factors Play an Important Role in Pharmacogenomic Trial Participation July 28, 2015 The participation rate of patients in pharmacogenomic trials has been the focus of recent study. The research has concluded that there are a number of factors at the patient, physician, institution ... read more Clinical Validation for LOXO-101 Against TRK Fusion Cancer July 27, 2015 The first imaging studies of TRK fusion cancer conducted post-treatment have confirmed that stage IV patient's tumors had substantially regressed. With four months of treatment, additional CT ... read more 'Major Player' in Skin Cancer Genes Identified July 27, 2015 A subgroup of genetic mutations that are present in a significant number of melanoma skin cancer cases has been defined by a multidisciplinary team of researchers. Their findings shed light on an ... read more July 23, 2015 Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis -- a condition featuring curvature of the spine -- affects tens of millions of children worldwide, but does not have a known cause. Now, scientists have discovered a ... read more First Genetic Test Developed to Predict Tumor Sensitivity to Radiation Therapy July 23, 2015 Advances have been made in cancer care with the development of the first test that analyzes the sensitivity of tumors to radiation therapy. Researchers discovered that colon cancer metastases have ... read more

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Personalized Medicine News -- ScienceDaily


Personalized Medicine Conferences | Europe | Worldwide …

Saturday, September 5th, 2015

OMICS Internationalinvites all the participants across the globe to attend 3rd International Conference on Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine & Molecular Diagnostics during September 01-03, 2015 Valencia, Spain.

Personalized Medicine 2015scientific program paves a way to gather visionaries through the research talks and presentations and put forward many thought provoking strategies in Personalized Medicine.

OMICS Internationalis devotedly involved in conducting International conferences 2014-2015 Europe, across USA (Baltimore, Chicago, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, and San Antonio) and almost all other parts of the world

Personalized Medicine 2015 will serve as an impulse for the advancement of molecular analysis by connecting scientists all across the world at conferences and exhibitions that would create an environment conducive for information exchange, generation of new ideas and acceleration of applications. Personalized Medicine promises many medical innovations, and has the potential to change the way treatments are discovered and used.

Personalized Medicine is referred as individualized therapy which means the prescription of specific treatments and therapeutics. Biomarker is a biological characteristic which can be molecular, anatomic, physiologic and chemical change drug development research which turns biomarkers into companion diagnostics. Personalized medicine therapeutics and companion diagnostic market have huge opportunities for growth in healthcare and will improve therapeutic effectiveness and reduce the severity of adverse effects approach to drug therapies. Personalized cancer medicine is self-made samples of translating cancer genetics into medical. Genomic medicine can contribute to personalized medicine Genomics by revealing genomic variations; have an effect on health, sickness and drug response.

Please, submit your abstract according to our format as early as possible and take advantage of early bird registration. All abstracts will be reviewed by the OCM/Review Panel.

As the hardest problem with science can only be solved by the Opencollaboration with Scientifc Community, Series of Conferences are Organized by Omics International Confereses, for more details have a glance atConference Series

Track 1:Current Focus on Personalized Medicine

Personalized medicine is an emerging practice of medicine that uses an individual's genetic profile to guide decisions made in regard to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Knowledge of a patient's genetic profile can help doctors select the proper medication or therapy and administer it using the proper dose or regimen. Used for the treatment asPersonalized cancer medicine,Diabetes- related disease: risk assessment & management,Personalized medicine: New strategies and economic implications,Implications of personalized medicine in treatment of HIV,Applications of personalized medicine in rare diseases,Translational Medicine.

Track 2:Clinical aspects of Personalized Medicine in Human, Animal models

Personalized medicine is based on intraspecies differences. It is axiomatic that small differences in genetic make-up can result in dramatic differences in response to drugs or disease andSocietal impact of personalized medicine. To express this in more general terms: in any given complex system, small changes in initial conditions can result in dramatically different outcomes. Despite human variability and intraspecies variation in other species, nonhuman species are still the primary model for ascertaining data forPersonalized medicine health improvement in Human.We call this practice into question and conclude that human-based research should be the primary means for obtaining data about human diseases and responses to drugs.Strategies in the development and application of personalized medicinewas developed for the accurate results inPersonalized medicine health improvement in Human and Animal Models.

Track 3:Genetics of Ebola Outbreak

Sequence analysis of Ebola virus Genomeis the second through the sixth genes of the Ebola virus (EBO) genome indicates that it is organized similarly to rhabdoviruses and paramyxoviruses and is virtually the same as Marburg virus (MBG). Scientists usedgenomic sequencing technologiesto identify the origin and track transmission of the Ebola virus in the current outbreak in Africa.

Track 4:Molecular Diagnostics and Therapeutics

Molecular diagnosticsis a technique used to analyzebiological markersin thegenomeandproteome,realizing the value of personalized medicinethe individual'sgenetic codeand how their cells express their genes asproteins, by applyingmolecular biologytomedical testing. The technique is used to diagnose and monitor disease, detect risk, and decide which therapies will work best for individual patients.Therapeutics and diagnosticsare useful in a range of medical specialisms, includinginfectious disease,oncology,human leukocyte antigentyping (which investigates and predictsimmune function),coagulation, and pharmacogenomicsthe genetic prediction of which drugs will work best and even leads totranslational research.

Track 5:Biomarkers

In medicine, abiomarkerand molecular markersare the measurableindicatorof the severity or presence of some disease state. More generally abiomarkeris anything that can be used as an indicator of a particular disease state or some otherphysiologicalstate of an organismDrug-Diagnostic Co-Development. In the current era of stratified medicine and biomarker-driven therapies, the focus has shifted from predictions based on the traditional anatomic staging systems to guide the choice of treatment for an individual patient to an integrated approach using the genetic makeup of the tumor and the genotype of the patient. Genomics and other "omics technologies have largely contributed to the identification and the development of biomarkers likeStratification biomarkers in personalised medicine. The recent surge in high-throughput sequencing of cancer genomes has supported an expanding molecular classification of cancer. These studies have identified putative predictive biomarkers signifying aberrant oncogene pathway activation and may provide a rationale for matching patients with molecularly targeted therapies in clinical trials. Here, we discuss some of the challenges of adapting these data for rare cancers or molecular subsets of certain cancers, which will require aligning the availability of investigational agents, rapid turnaround of clinical grade sequencing, molecular eligibility and reconsideringPersonalizing clinical trials with biomarkersdesign and end points.

Track 6:Nanotechnology and Biotechnology

Nanotechnology("nanotech") is the manipulation of matter on anatomic,molecular, and supramolecularscale. The earliest, widespread description of nanotechnologyreferred to the particular technological goal of precisely manipulating atoms and molecules for fabrication of macroscale products, also now referred to asmolecular nanotechnology. Applications of pharmaceutical nanotools,Cell based therapy,Molecular mechanismsare the techniques and tool in nano technology and biotechnology.

The human metabolome is best understood by analogy to the human genome, i.e., where the human genome is the set of all genes in a human being, the human metabolome is the set of all metabolites in a human being well understood by Role of Metabolics, Bioinformatics, Biosensorsin Personalized Medicine.

Track 7:Predictive Medicine in Pharmaceutical Analysis

Predictive medicineis a field ofmedicinethat entails predicting the probability ofdiseaseand instituting preventive measures in order to either prevent the disease altogether or significantly decrease its impact upon the patient (such as by preventingmortalityor limitingmorbidity).Techniques and assaysincludeNewborn screening,Diagnostic testing,Medical bioinformatics,Prenatal testing,Carrier testing,Preconception testing. Newborn screeningis apublic healthprogram designed to screen infants shortly after birth for a list of conditions that are treatable, but not clinically evident in the newborn period.Prenatal testing: Prenatal testing is used to look for diseases and conditions in a fetus orembryobefore it is born. This type of testing is offered for couples who have an increased risk of having a baby with a genetic or chromosomal disorder. Screening can determine the sex of the fetus.Prenatal testingcan help a couple decide whether toabortthe pregnancy. Like diagnostic testing,prenatal testingcan be noninvasive or invasive. Non-invasive techniques include examinations of the woman's womb throughor maternal serum screens. These non-invasive techniques can evaluate risk of a condition, but cannot determine with certainty if the fetus has a condition.

Track 8:Preventive Medicine

Preventive Medicine is practiced by all physicians to keep their patients healthy. It is also a unique medical specialty recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Preventive Medicinefocuses on the health of individuals, communities, and defined populations. It is also used for the treatment forobesity, blindness. TheEpidemiologyDivisionapplies research methods to understand the patterns and causes of health and disease in the populationandto translate this knowledge into programs designed to prevent disease. The division has a long history of involvement in NIH-sponsored multi-site, longitudinal cohort studies, and its faculty oversees many investigator-initiated, NIH-sponsored research projects and trials. Public trust invaccinesis a key to the success of immunization programs worldwide in the era of preventive medicine.

Track 9:Health Care Medicine and P4 Medicine

P4 Medicineis a plan to radically improve the quality of human life via biotechnology. P4 Medicine is a term coined by biologist Leroy Hood, and is short for "Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, andParticipatory Medicine." The premise of P4 Medicine is that, over the next 20 years, medical practice will be revolutionized by biotechnology, to manage a person's health, instead of manage a patient's disease.Internal medicineorgeneralmedicine(in Commonwealth nations) is themedicalspecialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases.Emergency medicineis amedicalspecialty involving care for adult and pediatric patients with acute illnesses or injuries that require immediatemedicalattention.

Track 10:Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle Medicine (LM) is the use of lifestyle interventions in the treatment andmanagement of disease. LM is becoming the preferred modality for not only the prevention but thetreatment of most chronic diseases, including Type-2 Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension, Obesity, Insulin Resistance Syndrome, Osteoporosis, cancer prevention Alsoinclude Aerobic & Resistance exercises for patients with diabetes,Sleep and disease prevention, Intrinsic motivation and health behavior adherence.

Track 11:Genomics

Genomicsis a discipline ingeneticsthat appliesrecombinant DNA,DNA sequencingmethods, andbioinformaticsto sequence, assemble, and analyze the function and structure ofgenomes. Advances in genomics have triggered a revolution in discovery-based research to understand even the most complex biological systems such as the brain. The field includes efforts to determine the entireDNA sequenceandhuman genome varivationof organisms and fine-scalegenetic mapping. The field also includes studies of intragenomic phenomena such as other interactions betweenlociand within thegenome and metagenomics.Comparative genomicsis an exciting new field of biological research in which thegenomesequences of different species human, mouse and a wide variety of other organisms from yeast to chimpanzees are compared.

Track 12:Cancer Immunology & Oncology

Personalized medicine can be used to learn about a person's genetic makeup and to unravel thebiology of their tumor. Using this information, doctors hope to identify prevention, screening, andtreatment strategiesthat may be more effective and cause fewer side effects than would be expected with standard treatments. By performing more genetic tests and analysis, doctors may customize treatment to each patient's needs. Creating a personalized cancer screening and treatment plan includes: Determining the chances that a person will develop cancer and selectingscreening strategiesto lower the risk, Matching patients with treatments that are more likely to be effective and cause fewer side effects,Predicting the risk of recurrence(return of cancer).

Personalized medicine can be used to learn about a person's genetic makeup and to unravel the biology of their tumor. Using this information, doctors hope to identify prevention, screening, and treatment strategies that may be more effective and cause fewer side effects than would be expected with standard treatments. By performing more genetic tests and analysis, doctors may customize treatment to each patient's needs. Creating aPersonalized Cancer Medicineand treatment plan includes: Determining the chances that a person will develop cancer and selecting screeningstrategies to lower therisk, Matching patients with treatments that are more likely to be effectiveand cause fewer side effects, Predicting the risk of recurrence(return of cancer).

Personalized medicine is an evolving field of medicine in which treatments are tailored to the individual patient.Personalized Diagnosticsare medical devices that help doctors decide which treatments to offer patients and which dosage to give, tailored specifically to the patient, says Elizabeth A. Mansfield, Ph.D., Deputy Office Director for Personalized Medicine in FDAs Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health. The companion diagnostic is essential to the safe and effective use of the drug.

Personalized Medicine Diabetesis the use of information about the genetic makeup of a person with diabetes to tailor strategies for preventing, detecting, treating, or monitoring their diabetes. The practice of PMFD involves four processes. First is the identification of genes and biomarkers for diabetes as well as for obesity. Second, is allocation of resources to prevent or detect the diabetes and/or obesity phenotype in high-risk individuals, whose risk is based on their genotype. Third is selection of individualized therapies for affected individuals. Fourth is measurement of circulating biomarkers of diabetes to monitor the response to prevention or therapy.

Personalized Medicine World Conferencewill serve as an impulse for the advancement of molecular analysis by connecting scientists all across the world at conferences and exhibitions that would create an environment conducive for information exchange, generation of new ideas and acceleration of applications.Personalized Medicine Conferencepromises many medical innovations, and has the potential to change the way treatments are discovered and used.

Cancer chemotherapy is in evolution from non-specific cytotoxic drugs that damage both tumour and normal cells to more specific agents and immunotherapy approaches. Targeted agents are directed at unique molecular features of cancer cells, and immunotherapeutics modulate the tumour immune response; both approaches aim to produce greater effectiveness with less toxicity. The development and use of such agents in biomarker-defined populations enables a morePersonalized Medicine Oncologytreatment than previously possible and has the potential to reduce the cost of cancer care.

The term "personalized medicine" is often described as providing "the right patient with the right drug at the right dose at the right time." More broadly,personalized medicine(also known asprecision medicine)may be thought of as the tailoring of medical treatment to the individual characteristics, needs, and preferences of a patient during all stages of care, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. International expertise Gathering onPersonalized Medicine World Congress.

Personalized medicine will shift medical practices upstream from the reactive treatment of disease, to proactive healthcare management including screening, early treatment, and prevention, and will alter the roles of both physician and patient. Personalized medicine requires a systems approach to implementation. But in a healthcare economy that is highly decentralized and market driven, it is incumbent upon the stakeholders themselves to advocate for a consistent set of policies and legislation that pave the way for the adoption of personalized medicine. To address this need, thePersonalized Medicine Coalition(PMC) was formed as a nonprofit umbrella organization of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, diagnostic, and information technology companies, healthcare providers and payers, patient advocacy groups, industry policy organizations, major academic institutions, and government agencies.

Pharmacogenomics is part of a field called personalized medicine, also called individualized or precision medicine, that aims to customize health care, with decisions and treatments tailored to each individual patient in every way possible.Although genomic testing is still a relatively new development in drug treatment, this field is expanding. Currently, more than 100 drugs have label information regardingPersonalized Medicine Pharmacogenomicsbiomarkers some measurable or identifiable segment of genetic information that can be used to direct the use of a drug.

Advances in human genome research are opening the door to a new paradigm for practicing medicine that promises to transform healthcare. Personalized medicine, the use of marker-assisted diagnosis and targeted therapies derived from an individual's molecular profile, will impact the way drugs are developed and medicine is practiced. The traditional linear process of drug discovery and development will be replaced by an integrated and heuristic approach. In addition,Personalized Medicine Patient Carewill be revolutionized through the use of novel molecular predisposition, screening, diagnostic, prognostic, pharmacogenomic and monitoring markers. Although numerous challenges will need to be met to make personalized medicine a reality, with time, this approach will replace the traditional trial-and-error practice of medicine.

Personalized lifestyle medicine is a newly developed term that refers to an approach to medicine in which an individual's health metrics from point-of-care diagnostics are used to develop lifestyle medicine-oriented therapeutic strategies for improving individual health outcomes in managing chronic disease.Personalized lifestyle medicinecan provide solutions to chronic health problems by harnessing innovative and evolving technologies based on recent discoveries in genomics, epigenetics, systems biology, life and behavioral sciences, and diagnostics and clinical medicine.

The US market for personalized medicines is predicted to grow at the compounded annual growth rate of 9.5% during 2010 to 2015. This growth in future is expected to be driven by different factors like cost savings on treatments, early diagnosis of disease, drug safety, patient compliance, and optimization of therapies. Currently, America dominates the market for personalized medicine; however, advancement in technology and developments in the field of DNA is expected to establishPersonalized Medicine Marketin UK, France, India, China, and Japan.

Rapid advances in technology have made it feasible to identify a persons unique genome. One person differs from another by millions of variations in the genome, and many of these variations affect susceptibility to disease and response to treatments.Greater understanding of individual genomes is allowing scientists and clinicians to begin to personalize" medicine. ThePersonalized Genomic Medicinerevolution will yield more effective medicines with fewer adverse side effects and lead to longer, healthier lives and lower health care costs. The personalized medicine industry in the United States already generates $286 billion per year in revenues and is growing by 11 percent annually, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers.Research at JAX Genomic Medicine will contribute to personalized medicine by revealing how genomic variations affect health, disease and drug response.

The globalPersonalized Medicine Industrywas valued at USD 1,007.88 billion in 2014 and is expected to reach USD 2,452.50 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 11.8% over the forecast period. Key drivers of the market include growing development of next generation sequencing, whole genome technology, companion diagnostics and growing number of retail clinics.

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Personalized Medicine Conferences | Europe | Worldwide ...


Enthusiasm for personalized medicine is premature …

Sunday, August 9th, 2015

August 5, 2015

The increasing national focus on personalized or 'precision' medicine is misguided, distracting from broader investments to reduce health inequities and address the social factors that affect population health, two leading public health scholars argue in the New England Journal of Medicine.

"There is now broad consensus that health differences between groups and within groups are not driven by clinical care, but by social-structural factors that shape our lives," write Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH, dean of the Boston University School of Public Health, and Ronald Bayer, PhD, professor of Sociomedical Sciences and co-director of the Center for the History and Ethics of Public Health at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. "Yet seemingly willfully blind to this evidence, the United States continues to spend its health dollars overwhelmingly on clinical care.

"It is therefore not surprising that even as we far outpace all other countries in spending on health, we have poorer health indicators than many countries, some of them far less wealthy than ours."

Bayer and Galea say that while investments in precision medicine may ultimately "open new vistas of science" and make contributions to "a narrow set of conditions that are primarily genetically determined," enthusiasm about the promise of this research is premature. Leaders of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have praised President Barack Obama's recent initiative to devote $215 million to personalized medicine, an emerging practice of medicine that uses an individual's genetic profile to guide decisions in regard to the diagnosis and treatment of disease.

"Without minimizing the possible gains to clinical care from greater realization of precision medicine's promise, we worry that an unstinting focus on precision medicine by trusted spokespeople for health is a mistakeand a distraction from the goal of producing a healthier population," they write.

Arguing that clinical intervention will not remedy pressing health problems that arise from environmental conditions and inequities in income and resources, they cite a 2013 report by the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine that found Americans fared worse in terms of heart disease, birth outcomes, life expectancy and other indicators than their counterparts in other high-income countries. The report concluded that "decades of research have documented that health is determined by far more than health care."

They call for greater public investments in "broad, cross-sectional efforts" to minimize the socioeconomic and racial disparities in the U.S. that contribute to poor health.

Bayer and Galea say the NIH's most recent Estimates of Funding for Various Research, Condition and Disease Categories report shows that total support for research areas including the words 'gene,' 'genome' or 'genetic' was about 50 percent higher than funding for areas including the word 'prevention.' And investment in public health infrastructure, including local health departments, lags substantially behind that of other high-income countries.

In explaining why they felt compelled to speak out, Galea and Bayer said they are wary that that specialized medicine will push larger public health initiatives aside.

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Enthusiasm for personalized medicine is premature ...


Personalized Medicine and Cancer Companion Diagnostics

Wednesday, August 5th, 2015

Companion Diagnostics are the Key to Personalized Medicine for Cancer

Personalized medicine -- also known as targeted medicine or precision medicine -- is a rapidly-evolving area of healthcare in which treatment for a medical condition such as cancer is tailored to the individual patient and his or her biology. There should be no one-size-fits-all approach to medicine. The goal of personalized medicine is to prescribe the right medicine to the right patient at the right time and avoid the trial-and-error treatment paradigm.

If, for example, a woman has ovarian cancer caused by a genetic mutation, personalized medicine may enable her to be treated with a chemotherapy shown to be effective in individuals with that specific mutation.1

Companion diagnostics are the medical tests that make personalized medicine possible. Designed to be paired with a specific drug, companion diagnostics help healthcare professionals determine which patients could be helped by that drug and which patients would not benefit, or could even be harmed.

Unlike other laboratory developed tests, companion diagnostic tests are reviewed and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is the gold standard for ensuring safety, effectiveness and quality. FDA approval gives physicians confidence they are receiving the highest quality test result on a consistent basis.

BRACAnalysis CDx is an FDA-approved companion diagnostic that helps to identify women with advanced ovarian cancer with germline BRCA1/2 mutations who have completed three or more lines of chemotherapy and might benefit from treatment with Lynparza (olaparib).

Myriad myChoice HRD is a tumor tissue test that measures deficiencies in the DNA-repair mechanism of cancer cells and may help identify more of the cancer patients who are most likely to benefit from certain types of DNA-damaging chemotherapy agents.

Personalized medicine is the future of healthcare, not just for cancer, but for disease in general. Companion diagnostics will be critical tools that all physicians will need in their toolbox as healthcare moves forward. In addition to cancer, companion diagnostics hold promise in the treatment of other chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, other autoimmune disorders and diabetes.

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Personalized Medicine and Cancer Companion Diagnostics


Pharmacogenomic Testing Services | Personalized Medicine …

Saturday, August 1st, 2015

Welcome to DNA Stat. We specialize in personalized medicine services, specifically in the pain management and pharmacogenomics arena. We take pride in both our research and unsurpassed customer service, providing clients with genetic & pharmacogenomics testing which is the fastest growing field in the medical industry today.

Pain management and pharmacogenomics is vitally important as we progress into the 21st century as it is a realization and acknowledgement that one size does not fit all when it comes to medications. What might work for one individual flawlessly could mean an adverse reaction and a trip to the emergency room for another. Genetic Testing is the tool used to determine the difference before the medication is ingested. In this way, we are spearheading and defining personalized medicine services and enabling people to recover and maintain their illnesses and conditions worry-free. By eliminating the guess work, patients can recover more fully and quicker than ever before.

We know that the medical industry can be daunting to most people. Fortunately, the genetic & pharmacogenomics testing at DNA Stat comes down to a simple Buccal swab of the cheek. No needles involved, no fear, no blood no problem. Within three weeks, the patients doctor will have in his or her hands a Pharm D Report which is the roadmap to prescribing better medications and better treatments for their patient. DNA Stat, the leader in genetic& pharmacogenomics testing, is changing the way the world sees medicine one patient at a time.

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Personalized Medicine, Targeted Therapeutics and Companion …

Sunday, June 28th, 2015

NEW YORK, June 23, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

This is a comprehensive account of the market size, segmentation, key players, SWOT analysis, influential technologies, and business and economic environments. The report is supported by over 270 tables & figures over 254 pages. The personalized medicine (global) market is presented as follows:

By Company (e.g., 23andMe, AFFYMETRIX, ATOSSA GENETICS, NODALITY, deCode /Amgen, CELERA, MYRIAD) By Geography (US, UK, EU) By Segment (Targeted therapeutics, Companion Diagnostics, Esoteric tests, Esoteric lab services) By Sub-market (Companion diagnostics & therapeutic, nutrition & wellness, medical technology, pharmacogenomics, consumer genomics)

A wealth of financial data & business strategy information is provided including:

Company financials, sales & revenue figures Business Model Strategies for Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies Business Model Strategies for Providers. Provider Systems and Academic Medical Centres Business Model Strategies for Payers & Governments Private and Public Funding and Personalized Medicine Reimbursement Revisions to Current Payment Systems and intellectual property How to Gain Market Penetration in the EU Cost-effectiveness and Business Value of Personalized Medicine Consumer genomics and POC market Therapeutics and Companion Diagnostics (e.g., BRAC Analysis, Oncotype Dx , KRAS Mutations) Comprehensive account of company product portfolios & kits

SWOT, Economic & Regulatory Environment specifics include:

Key strengths, weaknesses and threats influencing leading player position within the market Technologies driving the market (e.g., New-Generation Sequencing Technologies, Ultra-High Throughput Sequencing) Top fastest growing market segments and emerging opportunities Top pharmaceutical companies within the IPM by market share and revenue Comprehensive product portfolios, R&D activity and pipeline therapeutics M&A activity and future strategies of top personalized medicine pharmacos Personalized Medicine Regulation (USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy) CE-marked Personalized Medicine/Diagnostic Tests FDA Advances in Personalized Medicine Regulation

This report highlights a number of significant pharmacos and gives details of their operations, products, financials and business strategy.

23andMe Affymetrix Astex Pharmaceuticals Atossa Genetics CuraGen Celera Corporation (Quest Diagnostics) Celldex Therapeutics deCode Genetics (Amgen) Illumina Genelex Myriad Nodality Qiagen What you will gain:

An in-depth understanding of the global personalized medicine market and it's environment Current market facts, figures and product lines of key players in the industry Emerging trends in key markets such as the US, UK, Germany and France Knowledge of how the personalized medicine market will integrate into the global healthcare market Technical insights into new generation sequencing technologies and ultra-high throughput sequencing Updates on bioinformatics, high throughput systems, genetic analysis kits, companion diagnostics and future technologies FDA approved pharmacogenetic tests and recognized biomarkers Information on key government and regulatory policies Strategies on how to adapt and restructure current business models to this industry

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Personalized Medicine, Targeted Therapeutics and Companion ...


The Promise of Personalized Medicine – Vanderbilt Magazine

Saturday, June 27th, 2015

Empowered by genetic information, Vanderbilt aims to reinvent health care. by Bill Snyder and Dagny Stuart

The iconic Norman Rockwell painting of a family doctor checking the heart of a young patients doll may seem quaint, but its far from old-fashioned. On the contrary, personalized medicine is bringing the family doctor back and the family nurse, and the family pharmacist, and a whole team of family health care providers. Only this time, they will be empowered by 21st-century tools like genomics, informatics and high-tech imaging.

Ailments will be diagnosed more quickly and accuratelyor prevented before they can occur. By selecting drugs that match each patients unique genetic readout or by tweaking molecular pathways instead of blasting away like a shotgun, treatments will be more effective and will have fewer side effects.

After having gone through a period where blockbuster drugs and massive screening were the norm, we are actually moving back to a place where were trying to tailor care to the individual, says Dr. Jeff Balser, Vanderbilt Universitys vice chancellor for health affairs and dean of the School of Medicine.

I try to think of this as not getting more high-tech and therefore more distant from the patient, Balser says. But through technology were becoming more familiar with our patients as individuals and, along with that, always remembering to be personableNorman Rockwell with a DNA sequencer.

In 2010 Vanderbilt University Medical Center launched two major personalized medicine initiatives to advance cancer treatment and to individualize and improve drug therapy. Already this approach is showing promise.

Patients scheduled for cardiac or orthopedic procedures are being tested in advance for genetic variations that can affect their response to common blood thinners. Based on the test results, their doctors may adjust the dose or order a different drug entirely.

Similarly, by reading the genetic fingerprints of tumors removed from patients with certain forms of cancer, doctors can choose targeted drugs that are most likely to work.

Using genetic information to guide drug therapy is just the beginning. In the near future, genomicsthe science of reading and interpreting the DNA sequencewill help Vanderbilt physicians select the best tests and procedures for their patients. Eventually, genetics will help guide efforts to prevent disease and maintain good health.

Personalized medicine is more than genetics, of course. Social, family and behavioral factors, as well as environmental and economic circumstances, also have a profound impact on health. Those things are just as important in tailoring care to the individual as their genetic background, says Balser. Its almost like genomic medicine is what were using to learn how to individualize medicine, but then we can apply it to a broader set of data and circumstances.

Read more:
The Promise of Personalized Medicine - Vanderbilt Magazine


Conquering Cancer: Personalized Medicine Is the Future …

Saturday, June 20th, 2015

Personalization is threaded into the social fabric of America. Innovation is rooted in customizing and personalizing even the smallest parts of our lives, stemming from technology and retail to travel, media and wellness. The future continues to promise even smarter applications where personalization fits, but what about our health? Enter, precision medicine -- this new era of personalized medicine has arrived to healthcare and the possibilities in treating cancer unimaginable just a few years ago, are closer than ever. Imagine a world where your treatment was tailored to you, taking into consideration every cell and gene throughout your individual genetic profile, using that data to specifically design a treatment to fight the exact cancer you have? Sound too good to be true? Think again. The future is here, and the healthcare industry is preparing for massive disruption but for once disruption couldn't have come at a better time.

The Road to Personalized Medicine for Cancer Treatment

For decades, physicians had the same approach for all patients with the same type of cancer, be it breast, lung, liver or prostate cancer, the same way, even through they were aware drug treatments may work on some and fail in others. This is not to say all cancers are treated the same, but the basic approach and process is used when it comes to diagnosing, staging, and recurrence. As significant advances in research progressed over the course of the last 30 years, the medical community created standards of care and treatment when it came to diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. However, treating cancer cannot be classified with a standard approach. What we're learning more and more comes down to the individual. Each person is as unique on the inside as they are on the outside. Therefore, why wouldn't we treat their cancer using an individual approach?

For the last 20 years, cancer cells have outsmarted us by protecting themselves, building a wall, not allowing the immune system to identify and kill them. Current treatments are not aimed at stopping cells from spreading and have almost no selective capacity to distinguish between cancer cells and healthy cells. We've basically poisoned the body to kill cancer using chemotherapy and even radiation. But advancements in research has led to a number of potential targeted therapies designed to fight cancer, among them one approach is gaining more and more support -- immunotherapy. This type of targeted therapy teaches our own immune system to fight cancer cells and spare healthy ones. By injecting bacteria inside cancer cells and putting them back into the body, the immune system can learn to recognize and kill them. Think of your T cells as guided missiles aimed at killing the bad cancer cells versus a bomb that kills every cell in its path such as chemotherapy. But an approach we could've never foreseen 10 years ago is right around the corner, leading a transition not just from the diagnosis and treatment of these cancers but much more emphasis on prediction and prevention.

Welcome to the world of precision medicine also deemed "personalized medicine," where each patient is treated individually based on their genetic makeup and the specific genetic mutations present in their body. The National Institutes of Health defines precision medicine as an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that integrates an individual's variability in genes, environment and lifestyle. To take it even further, precision health may be the new approach to medicine, rooted in prevention and prediction of various diseases while also maintaining overall health and quality of life.

In my field, which is prostate cancer, we talk a lot about an individual patient's risk factors such as family history, which is a huge proponent of the disease and how aggressive it is. While oftentimes surgery is the first line of defense, the right way to treat prostate cancer and any cancer is through individualized care. Recently at the 110th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association, a significant study was presented which showed a combined assessment of genetic bio markers and the genetic profile for a patient would lead to better methods for diagnosing, treating and measuring the likelihood of the disease recurring. The breakthrough here is the role genetic testing plays in cancer, throughout the entire process, from diagnosis to recurrence. We can gather more information about the patient at each step of the way.

Precision Medicine Meets Individualized Care

I've always spoken about the importance of individualized care, especially when it comes to diagnosing and treating cancer. Innovations in genomic testing are leading this emerging era of cancer therapy -- analyzing a group of genes and their activity, which can influence how a cancerous tumor is likely to grow and respond to treatment. This type of diagnostic testing analyzes and detects very specific abnormalities in the tumor cells in a patient's individual cancer. Unlocking the mysteries of genetics holds the promise of finding more customized cures with drugs that attack genetic mutations or repair genetic defects based on the individual patient. Advances in genetic sequencing has increased the likelihood of detecting mutations driving tumor growth and even specific cells inside the tumor. This is the future of treating and diagnosing cancer, integrated with the promise of precision medicine.

Is this revolutionizing everything we know about cancer, from prevention and diagnosis to treatment and recurrence? I would say yes. We've always identified cancer based on the organ it originates in such as the prostate, colon or liver, grouping these together as if they grow the same. What we know now is just because it's deemed "prostate cancer" doesn't mean all prostate cancers develop or progress in the same way. Testing the genetics of an individual patient has opened up an entire new conversation in oncology leading us to define within the cancer what actually drives its development and progression.

The Precision Medicine Initiative

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Conquering Cancer: Personalized Medicine Is the Future ...


How An Integrated Data Approach will Impact Personalized …

Friday, June 12th, 2015

Leveraging Tissue Data and Analysis

By extracting and analyzing all the relevant data from tissue samples, and correlating that to genomic and other data in order to get a clear picture of what is happening inside a patient, several areas of diagnostic and drug discovery and development are impacted:

Evaluating combination therapies

With combination therapies, the diagnosisin terms of which drugs will be effective in combinationbecomes very complicated. Looking at tissue data in conjunction with the other patient data available enables researchers to combine many different molecules to understand which one tells the right storyin other words, which combination of those molecules demonstrate patterns that predict drug response, and thus which combination is the right one for a target group of patients.

Gaining insight into biological processes driving disease

In the past, the industry usually took a bottom up approach where a molecule or protein was considered first, and then researchers thought upward in terms of how that biological molecule could help a patient. This paradigm is changing and pathological data is now being used to drive biological research. By looking at tissue in a structured, statistical, and analytical way in addition to the molecules and pathways, new discoveries can be made, which ultimately triggers more purposeful research.

Identifying novel tissue diagnostics with prognostic or predictive value

Historically, researchers searching for biomarkers would stain certain proteins in the tissue, such as with immunohistochemistry (IHC), which they would then investigate with the naked eye. Much of this investigation is being automated now, however. Machines can identify more objects and more precise measurements in tissue than the human eye, and this approach is being used to identify biomarkers and develop diagnostics that could not previously be found.

The use of an integrated data approach to drug discovery and development has been slow to get off the ground, but the need and possibilities for a big data approach is growing. This is changing, however. Technologies are emerging that can collect, correlate, and structure a significant volume and multiple kinds of dataincluding genetic, tissue, clinical outcomes and other kinds of patient datain a meaningful way, giving researchers the ability to see the bigger picture and make discoveries that couldnt previously be found.

Here is the original post:
How An Integrated Data Approach will Impact Personalized ...


Personalized medicine could mean big business for D.C …

Monday, June 1st, 2015

The American health-care industrys pivot to personalized medicine has attracted the interest of an unlikely group of companies government contractors.

As health-care providers explore this new model of treatment, which involves the study of the human genome to provide personalized care, they face a problem with which many in government are familiar: analyzing an overwhelming amount of data.

Were literally drowning in data, said Norman Sharpless, an oncologist and director of the University of North Carolinas Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.

The amount of information generated from sequencing human genes is growing at a rapid clip, and it has triggered a rush of clinical trials aimed at linking that knowledge to medical treatment. Cataloguing all this new information requires computational power and sophisticated analysis, Sharpless said.

For IT contractors, many of which are based in the Washington region, the flood of information presents a simple business opportunity: The same skills used to crunch massive amounts of data for cyberthreats or warfare intelligence can be applied to personalized medicine.

The governments growing interest in this field also is a factor.

In his State of the Union speech this year, President Obama outlined an initiative to explore the uses of precision medicine. His budget includes a request for $215million to fund research in this area. The White House also hired its first chief data scientist, DJ Patil, who has made precision medicine one of his priorities.

Many contractors, especially those in information technology, have been eager to pursue opportunities in precision medicine as they look to add lines of business to make up for cuts in other parts of the federal budget as overall spending slows.

That is why so many different kinds of businesses including defense giants Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, and cloud storage providers such as Amazon Web Services and Google are getting in on the game.

Lockheed Martin announced a partnership this year with Illumina, a San Diego company that provides relatively inexpensive genome sequencing technology, to study the DNA of populations and develop personalized health-care solutions. For Illumina, the partnership offered access to Lockheeds experience in managing large-scale information systems, Alex Dickinson, Illuminas senior vice president of strategic initiatives, said at the time.

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Personalized medicine could mean big business for D.C ...


The Koch Institute: Personalized Medicine – David …

Sunday, May 31st, 2015

What makes cancer cells different, and dangerous? Among the myriad genetic alterations observed in tumors, only some propel cancer cells to proliferate abnormally, survive inappropriately and resist the drugs administered to destroy them. Furthermore, every cancer is different, as multiple pathways can lead to the same lethal conclusion. To know which alterations represent important therapeutic targets, we need to understand their place in the vast molecular network that underpins cellular function. We are using multiple genomic, proteomic, computational, and in vivo approaches to build a comprehensive wiring diagram for cancer cells and their molecular environment. This blueprint will lead us to better, more sophisticated strategies to control individual cancers and combat drug resistance.

Featured Faculty: Matthew Vander Heiden

Learn more about the Vander Heiden lab and their efforts to better understand cancer cell metabolism and how small molecules might be used to activate enzymes and restore the normal state of cells.

Participating Intramural Faculty

To browse recent publications by these and other Koch Institute faculty members, visitProgress, our monthly research review.

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The Koch Institute: Personalized Medicine - David ...


Personalized Medicine and its Impact in the Clinic

Sunday, May 31st, 2015

Call for Papers

If you would like to be considered for an oral presentation at this meeting, Submit an abstract for review now!

Oral Presentation Submission Deadline: 16 June 2015

You can also present your research on a poster while attending the meeting. Submit an abstract for consideration now!

Poster Submission Deadline: 23 September 2015

Exhibition Team, exhibitors@selectbio.com +44(0)1787 315110

Samir Hanash, Director, Red & Charline McCombs Institute for the Early Detection & Treatment of Cancer, MD Anderson Cancer Center Sherry Yang, Chief, National Clinical Target Validation Laboratory, National Cancer Institute Jeremy Segal, Director of Bioinformatics, Division of Genomic and Molecular Pathology, University of Chicago Valerie Taly, Group Leader/Researcher, Universite Paris Descartes Reinhard Bttner, Director, Cologne University Hospital Catherine Alix-Panabieres, Associate Professor, University Medical Center of Montpellier Julia Stingl, Professor/Director of the Division of Research, BfArM Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices Edith Schallmeiner, Global Team Director - NPT, Novartis Arijit Chakravarty, Director, Takeda Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd Ryan Richardson, Healthcare Investment Banking Associate, J.P. Morgan Leeza Osipenko, Associate Director, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Excerpt from:
Personalized Medicine and its Impact in the Clinic


Personalized Medicine – Food and Drug Administration

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

Given the nature of personalized medicine, the FDA places high priority on helping to ensure that the agency, drug manufacturers, physicians and patients have adequate information about the product and its use. Product labeling and tracking of use in the marketplace are critical to the proper application of personalized medication tools.

Product Labeling

The FDA requires product labeling to be balanced, scientifically accurate and not misleading, and that clear instructions be communicated to healthcare practitioners for drug prescribing and/or administration. Personalized medicines that may only be safe and effective in particular sub-populations, or must be administered in different doses in different sub-populations, must be labeled accordingly. To date, the labeling of more than 100 approved drugs contain information on genomic biomarkers (including gene variants, functional deficiencies, expression changes, chromosomal abnormalities, and others).

Post-market Surveillance

While personalized medicine will likely allow for more focused clinical trials by increasing the proportion of responders in the trial or increasing the average effect size, or both, one implication of dramatically smaller pre-market exposure is a general increase in the importance of and emphasis on post-market monitoring, because relatively rare adverse events, in particular, are unlikely to show up when a drug is being tested in a small population, may arise when a broader population is treated. Post-market surveillance, then, is critical to the success of personalized medicine.

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Personalized Medicine - Food and Drug Administration


Personalized Medicine – Information and Resources

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

Personalized Medicine: The Background

Personalized medicine is an extension of traditional approaches to understanding and treating illness. Since the beginning of the study of medicine, physicians have employed evidence found through observation to make a diagnosis or to prescribe treatment. In the past, this was presumably tailored to each individual, but personalized medicine makes treatment more specific.

In the modern conception of personalized medicine, the tools provided to the physician are more precise, probing not just the obvious, such as a tumor on a mammogram or cells under a microscope, but the very molecular makeup of each patient. Looking at the patient on this level helps the physician get a profile of the patients genetic distinction, or mapping. By investigating this genetic mapping, medical professionals are then able to profile patients, and use the found information to plan out a course of treatment that is much more in step with the way their body works. Genomic medicine and personalized medicine use genetic information to prevent or treat disease in adults or their children.

Having a genetic map or a profile of a patients genetic variation can then guide the selection of drugs or treatment processes. This can be used to minimize side effects or to create a strategy for a more successful outcome from the medical treatment. Helping the physician cover all the bases is imperative. Genetic mapping can also indicate the propensity to contract certain diseases before the patient actually shows recognizable symptoms, allowing the physician and patient to put together a plan for observation and prevention.

The ability to profile how genes are put together in sequence and expression level is helping to redefine the ways in which medical professionals classify diseases and discover treatments, allowing physicians to go beyond the "one size fits all" model that may be ineffective or have undesirable side effects. Through further organization, and the use of personalized medicine, medical professionals are developing many sub populations for complex diseases and physical conditions such as these.

Personalized medicine may be able to help the medical community make the most effective clinical decisions for each patient on an individual level.

Personalized medicine, when coupled with personal pharmacogenetics, is a unique approach that may be well suited for the health challenges we face in the new millennium. Although the medical and scientific communities, through research and discovery, got the upper hand over many of the diseases weve encountered since the advent of advanced medicine, we are still threatened by many more complicated diseases.

Diseases like Diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimers are thought to caused by a combination of genetic and other factors. Coupled with the fact that they tend to be chronic, they place a significant burden on not only the patient, but on the healthcare system as a whole. Personalized medicine aims to provide the tools and knowledge to fight chronic diseases and treat them more effectively than ever before.

Genetic profiles can help physicians to better discern subgroups of patients with various forms of cancer in addition to other complex diseases, helping to guide doctors with accurate forms of predictive medicine and preventative medicine. With personalized medicine, the physician is intending to select the best treatment protocol or even, in many cases, avoid passing the expense and risks of unnecessary medical treatments on to the patient altogether. Also, personalized medicine, when used correctly, aims to guide tests that detect variation in the way individual patients metabolize various pharmaceuticals. Personalized medicine is working to help determine the right dose for a patient, helping to avoid hazards based on familial history, environmental influences, and genetic variation.

See the original post here:
Personalized Medicine - Information and Resources


Personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics – Mayo Clinic

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

Personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics Pharmacogenomics holds the promise that drugs might one day be tailored to your genetic makeup. By Mayo Clinic Staff

Modern medications save millions of lives a year. Yet any one medication might not work for you, even if it works for other people. Or it might cause severe side effects for you but not for someone else.

Your age, lifestyle and health all influence your response to medications. But so do your genes. Scientists are working to match specific gene variations with responses to particular medications.

With that information, doctors can tailor treatments to individuals. That's what pharmacogenomics is all about. Part of a new field called personalized medicine, pharmacogenomics offers the promise of predicting whether a medication is likely to help or hurt you before you ever take it.

Imagine you've had a heart attack and your doctor wants to give you medication to lower your risk of having another. Taking into account such factors as your weight, age and medical history, your doctor might prescribe a blood-thinning drug to help prevent blood clots from causing another heart attack.

Without testing, neither you nor your doctor knows exactly how you'll react to the medication. It may not work for you, or you may have serious side effects such as bleeding. You might have to try different doses or even different medications before finding a treatment that works for you.

Pharmacogenomics speeds up that process. Before you take a single dose of medication, you can have a test to see how you're likely to respond to the medication. With that information, your doctor can tailor the dose or avoid that drug entirely and prescribe a different one.


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Personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics - Mayo Clinic


Personalized Medicine

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

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Personalized Medicine


Personalized Medicine Coalition precision medicine

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Policy Updates "Precision Medicine" Proposal Includes $215M for NIH, FDA, ONC

President Obamas Precision Medicine Initiative, which he unveiled on Jan. 30, will account for $215 million in his budget proposal. The funds will be divided between the National Institutes of Health (NIH), FDA and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), with the majority of the money being used for the development of a voluntary national research cohort. Read PMC's press release on the initiative Watch Obama's announcement of the initiative View the White House fact sheet

21st Century Cures Draft Tackles Device Review Pathways, Biomarkers Among other topics, the U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee's recently released "21st Century Cures" draft bill tackles innovative device review pathways and biomarker qualification. Access a summary of the bill

Senate HELP Committee White Paper Explores FDA, NIH Processes The U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee's recent white paper explores how well FDA and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) processes support innovation. Download the white paper

In its response letter to FDA on the agency's proposed framework for regulating laboratory-developed tests (LDTs), PMC suggests that the agency publish draft guidance documents on risk classification and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) harmonization alongside a second draft of the original framework documents. Download the Letter

PMC Joins Stakeholders for "Precision Medicine" Announcement PMC's Amy Miller joined stakeholders at the White House on Jan. 30 when Obama announced his "Precision Medicine Initiative." Watch the announcement

PMC Engages 21st Century Cures PMC advocates for additional draft guidance documents from FDA in this 21st Century Cures response letter. Download the letter

PMC Analysis: 20 Percent of 2014 Approvals Personalized Medicines A PMC analysis of FDA's 2014 novel new drug approvals shows that more than 20 percent were personalized medicines. Download the analysis

PMC Summarizes 2014 In this blog post, PMC's Amy Miller reflects on 2014, which she calls "the year of the patient." Read the post

See the rest here:
Personalized Medicine Coalition precision medicine


Personalized Medicine Bulletin Personalized Medicine …

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

California sees opportunities in personalized medicine. Earlier this month, Governor Brown announced the creation of a two year initiative California Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine to begin building infrastructure and assembling resources necessary to advance precision medicine-orientated data, tools and applications. See California Launches Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine. Continue reading this entry

President Obamas precision medicine initiative earmarked over $200 million from his proposed 2016 budget to bring us closer to curing diseases like cancer and diabetes and to give all of us access to the personalized information we need to keep ourselves and our families healthier.[1] The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) will be the major benefactors if the proposed budget for this initiative is approved. A recent article co-authored by Drs. Francis S. Collins and Harold Varmus, directors of the NIH and NCI, respectively, identifies precision medicines critical needs and discusses how the Presidents initiative will help accelerate progress toward a new era of precision medicine.[2] Continue reading this entry

23andMe is not a traditional diagnostics company. Rather than seeking to directly sell its services to health care professionals, 23andMe went straight to the consumer, offering genetic screening and analysis in a mail-order fashion. For ninety-nine dollars, customers only needed to send in a saliva sample and the company would analyze the customers genetic information, interpret and report the results directly to the consumer, bypassing the physician or genetic counselor. Continue reading this entry

Late last year, the USPTO issued its modified and revised 2014 Interim Guidance on Patent Subject Matter Eligibility (Interim Guidance) to assist patent examiners and the public in determining if a claim presented for examination is patent-eligible in view of recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions, namely Alice Corp., Myriad, and Mayo. In addition to streamlining the analysis of patent claims directed to any one of the judicial exceptions to patent-eligibility (abstract ideas, laws of nature and physical phenomena), the USPTO provided illustrative examples to be used in combination with the Interim Guidance. One such example discussed the patent-eligibility of claims directed to stem cells or regenerative medicine. Fortunatelyfor these industries, application of the Interim Guidance as discussed in the example finds that many stem cell technologies are patent-eligible. Continue reading this entry

Personalized medicine has a friend in high places. President Obama recently announced an initiative to support precision or personalized medicine. In very general terms, the President stated during his 2015 State of the Union address that he wanted the United States to lead a new era of medicine an era that delivers the right treatment at the right time. Continue reading this entry

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Personalized Medicine Bulletin Personalized Medicine ...


Personalized Medicine – Articles

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015


Personalized medicine has a vision to avoid a costly and prolonged trial and error approach that can leave the patient anguishing unnecessarily from side effects, while simultaneously losing precious time in the fight against the disease. As evidence of the benefits of personalized medicine continue to grow, a network of laws, policy, education, and clinical information is building around personalized medicine to support its use in the medical community.

Personalized medicine introduces new treatment protocols, which create the ability to use molecular tracking elements that signal the risk of disease on a genetic level. This alerts the medical community to its presence before clinical indications and symptoms appear. This healthcare strategy is focused on preventive medicine and intervention, rather than a reaction to highly developed stages of disease. Such a strategy intends to delay disease onset and help the patient avoid mounting healthcare costs.

The cost of healthcare in the United States is on an upward climb, which is highly unsustainable. Proponents of personalized medicine believe that by following the practice of personalized medicine and working it into the existing healthcare system, we as a nation can resolve many of the inefficiencies inherit therein. These inefficiencies, such as a dosing system based on trial and error, severe reactions to a drugs, reactive treatment, and poorly timed diagnoses are contributing to mounting healthcare costs.

There are specific examples that the pharmacogenic system of personalized medicine is generating tangible results. Authors of various studies exploring potential healthcare cost savings from using genetic testing estimated that the use of a genetic test to properly dose various pharmaceuticals could reduce overall healthcare costs.

The substantiation of the benefits of personalized medicine is accumulating rapidly, and the real world applications of this knowledge are beginning to take root as well. Three areas of technology are key to making personalized medicine a presence in our healthcare system. New tools to decode the human genome, large-scale studies that help link genetic variation to disease, and a healthcare information technology system that supports the integration of clinical data in addition to the research is spawned from, as well as the ability of physicians to track every aspect of patient care according to genetic and molecular profiles to facilitate tailoring of treatment.

In addition, technological advancements have enabled personalized medicine to be brought to the public through the use of personal genetic testing. The systems for sequencing DNA or checking for genetic variation are essential to progress in both research and doctor to patient applications. DNA microscopes borrow technology from circuit manufacturing, helping scientists detect hundreds of thousands of genetic variations on a single chip. They are instrumental in identifying which variations are associated with any given disease.

In the last five years, the number of changes in single DNA chemical building blocks of the genome, which can be examined in a 1 cm chip increased from 250,000 to 920,000. It is estimated that there are millions such variations in the human genome. There are many subfields that are being employed as possible tools in the study of personalized medicine. Genomics and Transcriptomics offer information on genetic variation as well as the level of gene expression. Metabolomics examines the small molecules that are the byproducts of chemical reactions within the human body. Proteomics examines the entire formation of proteins made by cells. These tools are very important because what was once thought to be a single disease characterized by a common set of physical signs, for instance, asthma or breast cancer and symptoms may be several distinct conditions, or it may be a single disease with a variety of handling options.

Those in favor of personalized medicine see a future in which each person, on the day of their birth, is provided with his full genomic sequence to place into a personal medical record. That information from a personal genome would then be used to allow physicians to develop a more proactive healthcare approach based on the patients susceptibility to different diseases. The reactions to pharmaceuticals and reactions to different types of medicine would be assisted with that information as well. Advances in genomic sequencing are clearly on an exponential curve, and many scientists believe that with the help of venture capital we will see a dollar amount applied on a genome in the coming years.

Within the past few years, a growing number of businesses have begun to offer direct to consumer genetic tests. These tests are designed to help individuals better understand their genetic predisposition for a given health condition. As supporting technology has become less exclusive, genomics companies have started on the track to offer consumers whole genome scanning and associated information on individual genetic predisposition for a wide-ranging list of conditions concurrently.

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