OMICS Internationalinvites all the participants across the globe to attend 3rd International Conference on Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine & Molecular Diagnostics during September 01-03, 2015 Valencia, Spain.
Personalized Medicine 2015scientific program paves a way to gather visionaries through the research talks and presentations and put forward many thought provoking strategies in Personalized Medicine.
OMICS Internationalis devotedly involved in conducting International conferences 2014-2015 Europe, across USA (Baltimore, Chicago, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, and San Antonio) and almost all other parts of the world
Personalized Medicine 2015 will serve as an impulse for the advancement of molecular analysis by connecting scientists all across the world at conferences and exhibitions that would create an environment conducive for information exchange, generation of new ideas and acceleration of applications. Personalized Medicine promises many medical innovations, and has the potential to change the way treatments are discovered and used.
Personalized Medicine is referred as individualized therapy which means the prescription of specific treatments and therapeutics. Biomarker is a biological characteristic which can be molecular, anatomic, physiologic and chemical change drug development research which turns biomarkers into companion diagnostics. Personalized medicine therapeutics and companion diagnostic market have huge opportunities for growth in healthcare and will improve therapeutic effectiveness and reduce the severity of adverse effects approach to drug therapies. Personalized cancer medicine is self-made samples of translating cancer genetics into medical. Genomic medicine can contribute to personalized medicine Genomics by revealing genomic variations; have an effect on health, sickness and drug response.
Please, submit your abstract according to our format as early as possible and take advantage of early bird registration. All abstracts will be reviewed by the OCM/Review Panel.
As the hardest problem with science can only be solved by the Opencollaboration with Scientifc Community, Series of Conferences are Organized by Omics International Confereses, for more details have a glance atConference Series
Track 1:Current Focus on Personalized Medicine
Personalized medicine is an emerging practice of medicine that uses an individual's genetic profile to guide decisions made in regard to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Knowledge of a patient's genetic profile can help doctors select the proper medication or therapy and administer it using the proper dose or regimen. Used for the treatment asPersonalized cancer medicine,Diabetes- related disease: risk assessment & management,Personalized medicine: New strategies and economic implications,Implications of personalized medicine in treatment of HIV,Applications of personalized medicine in rare diseases,Translational Medicine.
Track 2:Clinical aspects of Personalized Medicine in Human, Animal models
Personalized medicine is based on intraspecies differences. It is axiomatic that small differences in genetic make-up can result in dramatic differences in response to drugs or disease andSocietal impact of personalized medicine. To express this in more general terms: in any given complex system, small changes in initial conditions can result in dramatically different outcomes. Despite human variability and intraspecies variation in other species, nonhuman species are still the primary model for ascertaining data forPersonalized medicine health improvement in Human.We call this practice into question and conclude that human-based research should be the primary means for obtaining data about human diseases and responses to drugs.Strategies in the development and application of personalized medicinewas developed for the accurate results inPersonalized medicine health improvement in Human and Animal Models.
Track 3:Genetics of Ebola Outbreak
Sequence analysis of Ebola virus Genomeis the second through the sixth genes of the Ebola virus (EBO) genome indicates that it is organized similarly to rhabdoviruses and paramyxoviruses and is virtually the same as Marburg virus (MBG). Scientists usedgenomic sequencing technologiesto identify the origin and track transmission of the Ebola virus in the current outbreak in Africa.
Track 4:Molecular Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Molecular diagnosticsis a technique used to analyzebiological markersin thegenomeandproteome,realizing the value of personalized medicinethe individual'sgenetic codeand how their cells express their genes asproteins, by applyingmolecular biologytomedical testing. The technique is used to diagnose and monitor disease, detect risk, and decide which therapies will work best for individual patients.Therapeutics and diagnosticsare useful in a range of medical specialisms, includinginfectious disease,oncology,human leukocyte antigentyping (which investigates and predictsimmune function),coagulation, and pharmacogenomicsthe genetic prediction of which drugs will work best and even leads totranslational research.
Track 5:Biomarkers
In medicine, abiomarkerand molecular markersare the measurableindicatorof the severity or presence of some disease state. More generally abiomarkeris anything that can be used as an indicator of a particular disease state or some otherphysiologicalstate of an organismDrug-Diagnostic Co-Development. In the current era of stratified medicine and biomarker-driven therapies, the focus has shifted from predictions based on the traditional anatomic staging systems to guide the choice of treatment for an individual patient to an integrated approach using the genetic makeup of the tumor and the genotype of the patient. Genomics and other "omics technologies have largely contributed to the identification and the development of biomarkers likeStratification biomarkers in personalised medicine. The recent surge in high-throughput sequencing of cancer genomes has supported an expanding molecular classification of cancer. These studies have identified putative predictive biomarkers signifying aberrant oncogene pathway activation and may provide a rationale for matching patients with molecularly targeted therapies in clinical trials. Here, we discuss some of the challenges of adapting these data for rare cancers or molecular subsets of certain cancers, which will require aligning the availability of investigational agents, rapid turnaround of clinical grade sequencing, molecular eligibility and reconsideringPersonalizing clinical trials with biomarkersdesign and end points.
Track 6:Nanotechnology and Biotechnology
Nanotechnology("nanotech") is the manipulation of matter on anatomic,molecular, and supramolecularscale. The earliest, widespread description of nanotechnologyreferred to the particular technological goal of precisely manipulating atoms and molecules for fabrication of macroscale products, also now referred to asmolecular nanotechnology. Applications of pharmaceutical nanotools,Cell based therapy,Molecular mechanismsare the techniques and tool in nano technology and biotechnology.
The human metabolome is best understood by analogy to the human genome, i.e., where the human genome is the set of all genes in a human being, the human metabolome is the set of all metabolites in a human being well understood by Role of Metabolics, Bioinformatics, Biosensorsin Personalized Medicine.
Track 7:Predictive Medicine in Pharmaceutical Analysis
Predictive medicineis a field ofmedicinethat entails predicting the probability ofdiseaseand instituting preventive measures in order to either prevent the disease altogether or significantly decrease its impact upon the patient (such as by preventingmortalityor limitingmorbidity).Techniques and assaysincludeNewborn screening,Diagnostic testing,Medical bioinformatics,Prenatal testing,Carrier testing,Preconception testing. Newborn screeningis apublic healthprogram designed to screen infants shortly after birth for a list of conditions that are treatable, but not clinically evident in the newborn period.Prenatal testing: Prenatal testing is used to look for diseases and conditions in a fetus orembryobefore it is born. This type of testing is offered for couples who have an increased risk of having a baby with a genetic or chromosomal disorder. Screening can determine the sex of the fetus.Prenatal testingcan help a couple decide whether toabortthe pregnancy. Like diagnostic testing,prenatal testingcan be noninvasive or invasive. Non-invasive techniques include examinations of the woman's womb throughor maternal serum screens. These non-invasive techniques can evaluate risk of a condition, but cannot determine with certainty if the fetus has a condition.
Track 8:Preventive Medicine
Preventive Medicine is practiced by all physicians to keep their patients healthy. It is also a unique medical specialty recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Preventive Medicinefocuses on the health of individuals, communities, and defined populations. It is also used for the treatment forobesity, blindness. TheEpidemiologyDivisionapplies research methods to understand the patterns and causes of health and disease in the populationandto translate this knowledge into programs designed to prevent disease. The division has a long history of involvement in NIH-sponsored multi-site, longitudinal cohort studies, and its faculty oversees many investigator-initiated, NIH-sponsored research projects and trials. Public trust invaccinesis a key to the success of immunization programs worldwide in the era of preventive medicine.
Track 9:Health Care Medicine and P4 Medicine
P4 Medicineis a plan to radically improve the quality of human life via biotechnology. P4 Medicine is a term coined by biologist Leroy Hood, and is short for "Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, andParticipatory Medicine." The premise of P4 Medicine is that, over the next 20 years, medical practice will be revolutionized by biotechnology, to manage a person's health, instead of manage a patient's disease.Internal medicineorgeneralmedicine(in Commonwealth nations) is themedicalspecialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases.Emergency medicineis amedicalspecialty involving care for adult and pediatric patients with acute illnesses or injuries that require immediatemedicalattention.
Track 10:Lifestyle Medicine
Lifestyle Medicine (LM) is the use of lifestyle interventions in the treatment andmanagement of disease. LM is becoming the preferred modality for not only the prevention but thetreatment of most chronic diseases, including Type-2 Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension, Obesity, Insulin Resistance Syndrome, Osteoporosis, cancer prevention Alsoinclude Aerobic & Resistance exercises for patients with diabetes,Sleep and disease prevention, Intrinsic motivation and health behavior adherence.
Track 11:Genomics
Genomicsis a discipline ingeneticsthat appliesrecombinant DNA,DNA sequencingmethods, andbioinformaticsto sequence, assemble, and analyze the function and structure ofgenomes. Advances in genomics have triggered a revolution in discovery-based research to understand even the most complex biological systems such as the brain. The field includes efforts to determine the entireDNA sequenceandhuman genome varivationof organisms and fine-scalegenetic mapping. The field also includes studies of intragenomic phenomena such as other interactions betweenlociand within thegenome and metagenomics.Comparative genomicsis an exciting new field of biological research in which thegenomesequences of different species human, mouse and a wide variety of other organisms from yeast to chimpanzees are compared.
Track 12:Cancer Immunology & Oncology
Personalized medicine can be used to learn about a person's genetic makeup and to unravel thebiology of their tumor. Using this information, doctors hope to identify prevention, screening, andtreatment strategiesthat may be more effective and cause fewer side effects than would be expected with standard treatments. By performing more genetic tests and analysis, doctors may customize treatment to each patient's needs. Creating a personalized cancer screening and treatment plan includes: Determining the chances that a person will develop cancer and selectingscreening strategiesto lower the risk, Matching patients with treatments that are more likely to be effective and cause fewer side effects,Predicting the risk of recurrence(return of cancer).
Personalized medicine can be used to learn about a person's genetic makeup and to unravel the biology of their tumor. Using this information, doctors hope to identify prevention, screening, and treatment strategies that may be more effective and cause fewer side effects than would be expected with standard treatments. By performing more genetic tests and analysis, doctors may customize treatment to each patient's needs. Creating aPersonalized Cancer Medicineand treatment plan includes: Determining the chances that a person will develop cancer and selecting screeningstrategies to lower therisk, Matching patients with treatments that are more likely to be effectiveand cause fewer side effects, Predicting the risk of recurrence(return of cancer).
Personalized medicine is an evolving field of medicine in which treatments are tailored to the individual patient.Personalized Diagnosticsare medical devices that help doctors decide which treatments to offer patients and which dosage to give, tailored specifically to the patient, says Elizabeth A. Mansfield, Ph.D., Deputy Office Director for Personalized Medicine in FDAs Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health. The companion diagnostic is essential to the safe and effective use of the drug.
Personalized Medicine Diabetesis the use of information about the genetic makeup of a person with diabetes to tailor strategies for preventing, detecting, treating, or monitoring their diabetes. The practice of PMFD involves four processes. First is the identification of genes and biomarkers for diabetes as well as for obesity. Second, is allocation of resources to prevent or detect the diabetes and/or obesity phenotype in high-risk individuals, whose risk is based on their genotype. Third is selection of individualized therapies for affected individuals. Fourth is measurement of circulating biomarkers of diabetes to monitor the response to prevention or therapy.
Personalized Medicine World Conferencewill serve as an impulse for the advancement of molecular analysis by connecting scientists all across the world at conferences and exhibitions that would create an environment conducive for information exchange, generation of new ideas and acceleration of applications.Personalized Medicine Conferencepromises many medical innovations, and has the potential to change the way treatments are discovered and used.
Cancer chemotherapy is in evolution from non-specific cytotoxic drugs that damage both tumour and normal cells to more specific agents and immunotherapy approaches. Targeted agents are directed at unique molecular features of cancer cells, and immunotherapeutics modulate the tumour immune response; both approaches aim to produce greater effectiveness with less toxicity. The development and use of such agents in biomarker-defined populations enables a morePersonalized Medicine Oncologytreatment than previously possible and has the potential to reduce the cost of cancer care.
The term "personalized medicine" is often described as providing "the right patient with the right drug at the right dose at the right time." More broadly,personalized medicine(also known asprecision medicine)may be thought of as the tailoring of medical treatment to the individual characteristics, needs, and preferences of a patient during all stages of care, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. International expertise Gathering onPersonalized Medicine World Congress.
Personalized medicine will shift medical practices upstream from the reactive treatment of disease, to proactive healthcare management including screening, early treatment, and prevention, and will alter the roles of both physician and patient. Personalized medicine requires a systems approach to implementation. But in a healthcare economy that is highly decentralized and market driven, it is incumbent upon the stakeholders themselves to advocate for a consistent set of policies and legislation that pave the way for the adoption of personalized medicine. To address this need, thePersonalized Medicine Coalition(PMC) was formed as a nonprofit umbrella organization of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, diagnostic, and information technology companies, healthcare providers and payers, patient advocacy groups, industry policy organizations, major academic institutions, and government agencies.
Pharmacogenomics is part of a field called personalized medicine, also called individualized or precision medicine, that aims to customize health care, with decisions and treatments tailored to each individual patient in every way possible.Although genomic testing is still a relatively new development in drug treatment, this field is expanding. Currently, more than 100 drugs have label information regardingPersonalized Medicine Pharmacogenomicsbiomarkers some measurable or identifiable segment of genetic information that can be used to direct the use of a drug.
Advances in human genome research are opening the door to a new paradigm for practicing medicine that promises to transform healthcare. Personalized medicine, the use of marker-assisted diagnosis and targeted therapies derived from an individual's molecular profile, will impact the way drugs are developed and medicine is practiced. The traditional linear process of drug discovery and development will be replaced by an integrated and heuristic approach. In addition,Personalized Medicine Patient Carewill be revolutionized through the use of novel molecular predisposition, screening, diagnostic, prognostic, pharmacogenomic and monitoring markers. Although numerous challenges will need to be met to make personalized medicine a reality, with time, this approach will replace the traditional trial-and-error practice of medicine.
Personalized lifestyle medicine is a newly developed term that refers to an approach to medicine in which an individual's health metrics from point-of-care diagnostics are used to develop lifestyle medicine-oriented therapeutic strategies for improving individual health outcomes in managing chronic disease.Personalized lifestyle medicinecan provide solutions to chronic health problems by harnessing innovative and evolving technologies based on recent discoveries in genomics, epigenetics, systems biology, life and behavioral sciences, and diagnostics and clinical medicine.
The US market for personalized medicines is predicted to grow at the compounded annual growth rate of 9.5% during 2010 to 2015. This growth in future is expected to be driven by different factors like cost savings on treatments, early diagnosis of disease, drug safety, patient compliance, and optimization of therapies. Currently, America dominates the market for personalized medicine; however, advancement in technology and developments in the field of DNA is expected to establishPersonalized Medicine Marketin UK, France, India, China, and Japan.
Rapid advances in technology have made it feasible to identify a persons unique genome. One person differs from another by millions of variations in the genome, and many of these variations affect susceptibility to disease and response to treatments.Greater understanding of individual genomes is allowing scientists and clinicians to begin to personalize" medicine. ThePersonalized Genomic Medicinerevolution will yield more effective medicines with fewer adverse side effects and lead to longer, healthier lives and lower health care costs. The personalized medicine industry in the United States already generates $286 billion per year in revenues and is growing by 11 percent annually, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers.Research at JAX Genomic Medicine will contribute to personalized medicine by revealing how genomic variations affect health, disease and drug response.
The globalPersonalized Medicine Industrywas valued at USD 1,007.88 billion in 2014 and is expected to reach USD 2,452.50 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 11.8% over the forecast period. Key drivers of the market include growing development of next generation sequencing, whole genome technology, companion diagnostics and growing number of retail clinics.
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