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Innovating for Individual Care: The Impact of USP on Personalized Medicine

Sunday, March 10th, 2024

In 2022, personalized medicines (PM) made up more than 34% of new therapeutics approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). PM is defined by the Personalized Medicines Coalition as the use of diagnostic tests to determine which medical treatments will work best for each patient or [the] use [of] medical interventions to alter molecular mechanisms that impact health. This emerging approach to healthcare is growing rapidly and having an important impact on patients, practitioners, and health systems. While many healthcare providers have already discovered the value of PM for their patients, others may remain unsure or unconvinced. The primary rationale for using PM is that the standard-of-care therapy may work well for some patients, but for others, it may have lower efficacy or higher risk for side effects due to patients biological differences. , This is the subset of patients who could benefit the most from PM.

At USP, the Healthcare Quality & Safety (HQS) Center of Excellence has developed a science-based roadmap for personalized medicine that considers how USP can evolve standards to address new modalities of medicine and close important gaps in these treatments that help ensure quality patient care. Waypoints on this roadmap include examining established standards, building collaborations with key stakeholders, identifying volunteers for future DTx standards work at USP, holding roundtable discussions, drafting Stimuli articles, and developing workplan focus areas for the HQS Expert Committees. USP has a long-standing history of healthcare standards including those for compounding preparations that are tailored to meet the unique needs of patients who may not otherwise have access to their medications. Currently, USP is exploring other specialized areas within PM, including pharmacogenomics, digital therapeutics, and 3D-printed medications to name a few.


Pharmacogenomics (PGx) is the study of how a patients genes can affect drug therapy. From a sample of saliva, cheek cells, or blood, scientists can extract a patients DNA and sequence it to understand how that individuals genes are similar to or different from genes of other patients. The individuals genetic results are then considered by healthcare providers, in combination with other data about the patient and their medical condition, to select the most appropriate drug therapy for them.

Based on decades of research with populations around the globe, healthcare providers can now use PGx to make predictions of an individuals personalized response to medications. For example, PGx can help predict the amount of drug available in the patients body, which can determine both its therapeutic effect(s) and likelihood to cause side effects. This is based on the observation that multiple people who take the same dose of the same medication may metabolize, transport, bind, or otherwise interact with drugs differently, leading to different amounts of drug in their bodies.

PGx presents opportunities for USP to collaborate with key stakeholders who are already developing PGx standards and guidelines and to apply its standards-setting process to establish alignment and consistency in PGx standards. Specifically, some of the standards and guidelines that USP could help develop are the 1) naming of genetic biomarkers and PGx terminology, 2) labeling of medicines to incorporate PGx information, 3) incorporation of PGx into healthcare information technology such as electronic health records and clinical decision support, and 4) diversification of clinical trials so that PGx information is not limited to patients of common ancestries, such as those of European ancestry. USP is well-positioned to engage a wide audience while increasing the reliability of and confidence in the utilization of PGx. This will help support PGx implementation, including payment and reimbursement, both nationally and globally.

Digital Therapeutics

Digital therapeutics (DTx) are defined by the International Organization for Standardization as health software intended to treat or alleviate a disease, disorder, condition, or injury by generating and delivering a medical intervention that has a demonstrable positive therapeutic impact on a patients health. The DTx landscape is evolving rapidly, with more than 40 prescription digital therapeutics already available in the U.S. DTx is projected to have a cumulative annual growth rate of up to 25.4% in the U.S. market by 2030, and this growth is not limited to the U.S., as the global DTx market is expected to expand by 31.6% by 2027. Due to this burgeoning expansion, DTx products are increasingly in need of robust standards to underpin the creation of high-quality products and the delivery of comprehensive care on a large scale.

USP is actively engaged in researching the landscape of DTx and has started an investigation into opportunities for DTx standards to improve the quality of care provided to patients. USP has identified areas for potential standards that include establishing, or supporting the establishment of, global DTx definitions including outcomes used in clinical studies of DTx products. These potential standards may also include key aspects such as security and privacy, promoting awareness and education among healthcare providers and patients, adopting consistent labeling practices, setting standard technology proficiency requirements, addressing issues related to data integrity and code authenticity to deter counterfeit DTx products, facilitating interoperability among the various clinical systems used in healthcare around the world, and integrating DTx into healthcare delivery systems such as existing software and devices.

These elements would create a comprehensive framework for seamlessly integrating DTx within the healthcare industry, as well as for its development and regulation. USP is also maintaining awareness of the current position of DTx, understanding the potential role of standards in DTx product growth, identifying factors that can expedite progress, recognizing and addressing barriers, and determining the competencies needed to navigate the ever-changing, technology-driven market.

What comes next

USP is currently engaging with stakeholder leaders to develop Stimuli Articles related to its research involving potential standards for PGx and DTx. These future articles will feature in the USP-PF and will solicit public comment to promote stakeholder engagement. In the meantime, USP encourages interested parties to reach out for more information as USP approaches its new 2025-2030 cycle.

For further information about USPs work on personalized medicine, visit our webpage, sign up for the HQS newsletter, or contact:

Blaine GroatEmail: blaine.groat@usp.org

Yasmin HaidarbaigiEmail: Yasmin.haidarbaigi@usp.org


i Personalized Medicine Coalition. Personalized Medicine at FDA: the Scope & Significance of Progress in 2022.report.pdf (personalizedmedicinecoalition.org) Accessed November 10, 2023. Personalized Medicine Coalition.ii Personalized Medicine 101.https://www.personalizedmedicinecoalition.org/personalized-medicine-101/. Accessed November 6, 2023.iii Schork, N. Personalized medicine: Time for one-person trials. Nature 520, 609611 (2015).https://doi.org/10.1038/520609a.iv US Department of Health and Human Services. National Action Plan for Adverse Drug Event Prevention.Washington (DC): 2014; pharmacogenomics working group whose mission is to develop a 56.v International Organization for Standardization. "Health Informatics Personalized Digital Health DigitalTherapeutics Health Software Systems." ISO/TR 11147:Edition 1, 2023, https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:tr:11147:ed-1:v1:en.vi Liesch J, Murphy D, Singh V. Under Pressure: Prescription Digital Therapeutics - How an analysis of the U.S. PDTlandscape indicates mounting pressure for a make-or-break next 3 years. Blue Matter. 2022.vii Digital Therapeutics Market Size, Share, and Analysis Report. Grand View Research, 2023. Accessed viahttps://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/digital-therapeutics-market on Sep 05, 2023.viii Digital Therapeutics Market Revenue Forecast: Latest Industry Updates. Markets and Markets, 2023. Accessed via https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/digital-therapeutics-market-51646724.html on Sep 05, 2023.

Innovating for Individual Care: The Impact of USP on Personalized Medicine


Live Cell Encapsulation Market To Reach USD 313.3 Million at a CAGR of 4% in 2032 – EIN News

Sunday, April 23rd, 2023

Live Cell Encapsulation Market To Reach USD 313.3 Million at a CAGR of 4% in 2032  EIN News

Continued here:
Live Cell Encapsulation Market To Reach USD 313.3 Million at a CAGR of 4% in 2032 - EIN News


Cancer Therapeutics and Biotherapeutics Market is estimated to be US$ 506.8 billion by 2032 with a CAGR of – EIN News

Friday, April 7th, 2023

Cancer Therapeutics and Biotherapeutics Market is estimated to be US$ 506.8 billion by 2032 with a CAGR of  EIN News

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Cancer Therapeutics and Biotherapeutics Market is estimated to be US$ 506.8 billion by 2032 with a CAGR of - EIN News


Regenerative Therapies Market is Set to Grow at a CAGR of 8.7% by 2033, Propelled by Advancements in – EIN News

Monday, March 13th, 2023

Regenerative Therapies Market is Set to Grow at a CAGR of 8.7% by 2033, Propelled by Advancements in  EIN News

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Regenerative Therapies Market is Set to Grow at a CAGR of 8.7% by 2033, Propelled by Advancements in - EIN News


Gene Therapy Market Size (USD 46.5 Bn by 2030): A Growing Industry and Its Impact on Healthcare Systems – EIN News

Monday, March 13th, 2023

Gene Therapy Market Size (USD 46.5 Bn by 2030): A Growing Industry and Its Impact on Healthcare Systems  EIN News

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Gene Therapy Market Size (USD 46.5 Bn by 2030): A Growing Industry and Its Impact on Healthcare Systems - EIN News


Translating the Microbiome – Inside Precision Medicine

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

Over the past two decades scientists have been working steadily to unravel the complex interplay of the microbiome, human health, and disease.

Our understanding of the microbiomeor the community of microorganisms that reside in the human bodyhas been greatly advanced thanks to the improvements in next-generation sequencing techniques, with methods such as amplicon and shotgun metagenomic sequencing allowing scientists to sequence microbial genetic material directly from a sample without having to culture and grow microbes in the lab. These methods have generated orders of magnitude more data than were available two decades ago. The explosion of data has led to a clearer understanding on the link between diet, the microbiome, and health; how early exposures shape future health outcomes; and even associations between disease states and microbiome composition.

Researchers have made great strides over the past 15 years in trying to understand how organisms may be contributing to disease, says Cynthia Sears, professor of medicine and oncology at Johns Hopkins University. She adds that for a subject like the microbiome, which is complex, diverse, and even varies between people, that is a pretty short timeline of discovery.

The next step is to bring this knowledge into the clinic. The race is on to develop prognostics, diagnostics, and even therapeutics with microbiome data. Many predict that next year will see the first FDA-approved microbiome-based therapeutics targeted against C. difficile, and others are rapidly developing diagnostics against a range of diseases, including cancer and irritable bowel syndrome. While there is much promise in the field, there are also considerable challenges.

One of the most active areas of research in the microbiome field is the effort to better understand the link between nutrition, gut microbes, and health. In 2011, a seminal study was published by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania that showed diet was directly related to gut microbiota composition. Researchers found that people could be grouped into categories, called enterotypes, based on the species and relative proportions of microbes in their gut. In addition, they showed that a shift in diet, from low fat/high fiber to high fat/low fiber, led to a significant change in the composition of their gut microbes. In some cases the changes happened within as little as 24 hours.

A few years later, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh furthered this line of research linking diet to colon cancer risk in African Americans. They wanted to understand why African Americans living in the U.S. had higher rates of colon cancer than Africans living in rural South Africa despite both groups being of African descent. In the study, the researchers replaced high fiber/low fat South African diet with the high fat/low fiber American diet. After only two weeks, they observed marked changes in inflammation and metabolic risk factors in the South African cohort. One change in particular was worrisome. The South African group seemed to lose a specific type of gut microbe that synthesizes the chemical butyrate, known to break down fiber and confer a lower risk of colon cancer. The butyrate levels in the South Africans plunged by as much as 2.5 times. The results demonstrated how changes in diet could impact disease risk through the microbiome.

These studies showed that changes brought on by diet can be quite quick and have a big impact on your metabolism, says Sears. We all have the capacity to improve health through our diet, she adds.

Another active area of investigation is early exposure to germs and development of disease later in life. The incidence of asthma and allergies has risen sharply over the past several decades as the population has shifted to an industrialized lifestyle, with better sanitation and medicines like antibiotics. Some postulate that cleaner living has reduced childrens exposure to germs and thus negatively impacted our immune systems.

Studies of children in Amish and Hutterite communities provide some of the best evidence for this idea. The two groups share a genetic ancestry, but the Amish have continued their traditional farming practices while the Hutterites have adopted a more modern and industrialized lifestyle. It has long been known that children who grow up on traditional farms, like the Amish, have a much lower incidence of asthma than the general population. In fact, asthma is four times lower among the Amish compared to their Hutterite counterparts. In addition, high concentrations of bacterial endotoxins, which are inflammation-producing sugars shed from bacterial cells, have been found in Amish households. And in studies using mice, inhalation of these endotoxins seemed sufficient to ward off asthma and allergies. Now, next-generation sequencing studies in urban American children have found an explanation in the microbiome.

In a study published in 2017, researchers collected and analyzed stool samples from 300 newborns in Detroit, Michigan, and followed the babies for several years. They were looking for signatures in the microbiome that could be linked to later developing asthma or allergies. After four years of follow up they found three distinct microbial signatures, each incurring a different risk profile for later developing asthma. The highest risk group had a low abundance of certain bacterial strains, a high abundance of fungi, and microbial metabolic outputs that cause inflammation.

Studies like this are just the beginning. In January of 2020, researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong announced one of the largest studies to date that will investigate these links. They launched a new study that aims to recruit 100,000 mother-baby pairs in the Greater Bay area in China to be followed for more than seven years. They hope to better characterize healthy and disease-promoting microbiomes. They also hope to develop biomarkers and identify risk factors for diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, and other immune system-related conditions.

One very active area of investigation is the prognostic value of the microbiome for new personalized cancer treatments like immunotherapies. Despite being one of the most promising new approaches to tackle cancer, immunotherapies dont work for everyone. Factors in the cancers genome, like the mutation burden, or even the hosts immune system can interfere with the success of the treatments, and many scientists are looking for ways to expand the population for which immunotherapies are effective.

Various studies have shown that the composition of the microbiome can have an impact on the efficacy of treatment, and there are dozens of clinical trials recruiting patients now to look for a link between microbiome and immunotherapy. Many hope that altering the microbiome concentration could be a way to improve current therapies. Researchers at the University Health Network in Toronto, for example, have launched a clinical trial that is evaluating the efficacy of gut microbes taken from healthy donors and given to cancer patients. The microbes are delivered in oral pill form, which is a safer alternative to fecal microbiota transplants alongside immunotherapy. If the trial is successful, it could mean that many more patients will be eligible for immunotherapy. It could also indicate that themicrobiome could be a tool for pronostic applications.

In 2020, research was published in the journal Nature showing the cancer diagnostic potential of the microbiome. A group of researchers from University of California San Diego made a surprising discovery: blood and tissue harbor their own communities of microbes. The finding overturned a long held belief that the blood is a sterile environment, consisting only of blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Furthermore, they showed that the specific composition of microbes could be linked to the tumor type a patient may harbor.

The team, led by Rob Knight from the University of California San Diego, collected tens of thousands of tumor and blood samples from patients with 33 different types of cancer. Using next-generation sequencing and machine-learning algorithms to analyze the DNA, they found that they could distinguish between healthy individuals and those with cancer just by looking at the composition of the microbial DNA in the blood. Furthermore, using the DNA signatures in the blood they could also tell the difference between tumor types. Some relationships were expected, such as the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical, head, and neck cancers and Helicobacter pylori and stomach cancer, but the specificity of the community found beside one of these microbes were totally new associations.

It was a fantastic discovery, according to Sandrine Miller-Montgomery, co-author of the study and CEO of Micronoma, a microbiome-driven liquid biopsy start-up that was launched by the team who published the report. The microbiome in the breast tissue was completely different from the one in the colon tissue in the same way that the microbiome in the ocean differs from the microbiome in a prairie, and this was transpiring in the blood of the patients, making it possible to develop a minimally invasive clinical diagnostic tool, she said. Sears calls the paper a tour-de-force in trying to define the microbiome of different cancer types.

And research from other groups supports the findings as well. In January of 2022, the microbiome was added to the famous list of cancer hallmarks. The Hallmarks of Cancer, originally published in 2000, was meant to highlight the various things that need to happen for a normal cell to turn into a cancer cell. Other hallmarks have to do with genetic mutations, tissue invasion, and metastasis, for example. The addition of the microbiome to this list is a sign that has come of age as a significant contributor to disease.

And now the race is on to bring these advances into the clinic. In 2019, Knight, Miller-Mongomery, and their colleagues founded a startup called Micronoma, which hopes to develop blood-based assays that detect cancer microbial signatures in the blood. First up in their pipeline is a blood test for lung cancer. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths and one of the reasons is that it is often caught too late, when it is difficult to treat. Micronoma hopes to develop a blood-based assay for early detection for this type of cancer and then later move on to others.

I think it is a really cool approach, says Sven Borchmann, cancer researcher at the University of Cologne in Germany. Borchmanns lab focuses on developing liquid biopsies. Borchmann published a study in 2021 detailing new links between bacteria, viruses, and cancer. Borchmann found many microbial species that were not known to colonize humans in his cohort of cancer patients, for example those with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Borchmann says there are still many challenges in using this data as a diagnostic. Chief among them are contamination and sensitivity. The test has to be extremely sensitive to pick up the minuscule amounts of circulating genetic material in the blood. He thinks instead that it would be a good tool to measure remission or even to match tumor types to personalized therapies.

Sears also worries about sensitivity with such tests and thinks this work and others like it are a very positive step forward but there are still many challenges in bringing microbiome-based assays to the clinic. In order to push the field forward, Sears advocates for larger and more rigorous studies. She says that studies today suffer from poor study designs that gather data at a single point in time, rather than through many time points over many years. She also says that the sample collection techniques vary greatly from study to study. In addition, DNA sequencing methods, sample storage procedures, and DNA extraction protocols are not standardized and often not fully reported in the studies. These discrepancies and omissions make it difficult to interpret and validate results across studies, she says.

Researchers at Harvard University showed just how variable the research could be when they sent microbiome samples to 15 different high-quality laboratories for analysis and found major discrepancies in results. They blamed the variation on the differing DNA extraction, sample prep, and bioinformatics techniques used. The bottom line is that very good labs can analyze samples and come up with different results because of their processes, she says. In order to correct these issues, Sears and others advocate for more transparency and standardization across the field.

Late last year, a consortium of microbiome researchers published a paper in Nature that outlined a checklist of reporting guidelines for microbiome research, called the STORMS checklist. It is a 17-item list that hopes to encourage more transparency and peer-review in the publishing of these papers.

Levi Waldron, epidemiologist at the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy in New York and senior author of the paper, says that microbiome research lacks standardization and oftentimes the reporting on the methods and analysis vary from one lab to another. The field is still so heterogenous that it can be hard to find the most basic things in a paper, he says. Waldron says that reviewing the papers is difficult because it is hard to check all the details that should be reported to make it a replicable paper. Waldron co-founded a consortium of researchers in 2020 that are working to standardize microbiome research in hopes of making the studies easier to evaluate and replicate.

I am very supportive of that paper, says Sears. She thinks that in order for the microbiome to make its way into the clinic it will need to tighten its reporting. She compares it to guidelines used in clinical trials called Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials or CONSORT. The guidelines are a 25-item checklist of reporting guidelines that requires researchers to report on how the trial was designed, analyzed, and interpreted. Much like the STORMS checklist, it is meant to ensure transparency and it facilitate peer review.

The checklist is meant to encourage good habits in the field and urges scientists to report on the DNA extraction kit that was used, for example, and also on statistical methods used to avoid confounding factors. The STORMS consortium is actively working with journals to enact these guidelines for all studies. Some of the Nature journals have adopted these guidelines and others are considering them.

Despite the lack of guidelines and standardization, microbiome-based therapeutics are pushing ahead. There are at least three companies developing microbiome-based treatments for the intractable intestinal infection, C. difficile. The infection, most often occurring after use of antibiotics in hospitalized patients, affects roughly half a million people every year and is extremely difficult to treat. Antibiotics arent very effective against the infection and many patients end up with chronic and severe illness.

Fecal microbiota transplants have been very effective in fighting C. difficile in patients who dont respond to other treatments. And now, the FDA allows fecal transplants for patients with recurrent C. difficile but the method still comes with many limitations, such as difficulty in quality control.

In September, Seres Therapeutics completed its submission process for an application to the FDA for a product called SER-109, which is an oral therapeutic that consists of purified Firmicutes spores. Firmicutes is a butyrate-producing bacteria that resides in the gut and is known as a healthy microbe. The product is designed to repair the disrupted microbiome in patients with C. difficile.

C. diff takes advantage of the disrupted microbiome to cause disease, according to Casey Theriot, C. difficile researcher and associate professor at North Carolina State University. If you are going to create a therapeutic that targets and leverages the microbiome, I think you start here. she says.

Theriot is hopeful these therapies will take off but also cautions that there is still much work to do. She cautions that next-generation sequencing tools are great at telling scientists which microbes are present, but it doesnt necessarily tell you what they are doing. If youre looking at the metagenome of a gut, itll just tell you which bacteria and genes are present, but it wont tell you if which genes will eventually be made into proteins and or molecules, she says.

Theriot thinks its critical to use metabolomics, in addition to sequencing platforms, in order to understand the mechanism of how certain bacteria, or lack thereof, contributes to disease.

Tools like this, she says, will help scientists parse the complicated interplay between bacterial composition, metabolism, and disease and aid the development of therapeutics in more complicated diseases like irritable bowel syndrome.

Overcoming these challenges will be essential for the microbiome to come of age in clinical applications, but the field is closer than ever to realizing its potential. I think we are at that moment, where perhaps we can make all this information much more usable in the world of medicine, if we just take a little more time and care to document exactly what were doing, says Sears.

Monique Brouillette is a freelance journalist who covers science and health.

Here is the original post:
Translating the Microbiome - Inside Precision Medicine


Enhancing Enrollment in Biomarker-Driven Oncology and Rare Disease Trials – Applied Clinical Trials Online

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

Integrated approaches can help enhance recruitment plans.

Oncology accounts for 27% of all clinical trials conducted since 2017. Compared to other therapeutic areas, oncology trials are more resource-intensive and less efficient, requiring an average of 16 clinical sites to enroll a median of just 31 patients per study. In fact, average enrollment duration for oncology trials is two times longer than for all diseases combined (22 months vs. 11 months).1

Yet research interest remains high, with oncology accounting for 45% of all planned studies from Q4 2021 to Q4 2024. Nearly half of these are Phase II studies and almost 40% include countries in North America, while 35% are being conducted in Asia.2 As of July 2022, among the 19,700 new drugs in the pipeline, 6,731 (34%) are for cancer. This robust development activity spans over 20,000 organizations across 116 countries. Interestingly, 72% of these oncology trials are sponsored by companies outside of the top 50 pharmaceutical organizations and 67% are for rare and orphan disease indications.1

Among the more than 1,500 potential oncology biomarkers that have been identified in the preclinical setting, approximately 700 are involved in the active or planned clinical trials in oncology. Over 60% of these studies are for immuno-oncology drugs, with the remainder for targeted therapies.3

The rise of personalized medicine has been driven by biomarkers, which have enabled researchers to understand the science behind mechanism of action and have been used to target recruitment. More than one-third of all drugs approved by FDA since 2000 have been personalized medicines, demonstrating that biomarker-driven approaches help optimize treatment impact and improve patient outcomes.4 In fact, a recent analysis of 9,704 development programs from 2011 to 2020 found that trials employing preselection biomarkers have a two-fold higher likelihood of approval, driven by a nearly 50% Phase II success rate.3

The value of biomarkers is not limited to the clinical trial setting. Rather, biomarkers play a critical role throughout drug discovery and development, bridging preclinical and clinical studies. Incorporating biomarkers into programs requires careful choreographyfrom collecting biological samples and analyzing them in decentralized or specialty labs to generating data that will be integrated with other clinical information to support decision-making. It may also require a broad spectrum of logistics and laboratory management capabilities for handling a range of sample types.

Table 1 below provides a sampling of FDA-approved biomarker-driven therapies. A key challenge of integrating biomarkers into development programs is selecting the right biomarker. Often, the frequency of the biomarker of interest is very low. The same or similar biomarker may be present in multiple tumor types at varying frequencies, as is the case with HER2 amplifications in breast and gastric cancer. Biomarker frequency may also differ among races and ethnicitiesit may also change as the disease progresses. For example, EGFR exon 20 T790M alterations increase in frequency in patients with non-small cell lung cancer who have become resistant to previous lines of therapy. Consequently, selecting the right biomarker is akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

Precision for Medicine was involved in an oncology cell therapy study, where eligibility was based on the expression of two biomarkers. The first biomarker was expression of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A*02:01 and the second was a tumor type expressing a certain cell receptor on at least 80% of cancer cells. Precision for Medicine performed an analysis and found that the prevalence of HLA-A*02:01 varied among geographic regions, with a prevalence of 38.5% to 53.8% in Europe and 16.8% to 47.5% in North America (see Figure 1 below). Based on this finding, we recommended conducting this clinical trial in Europe.

Analysis of the expression of the cell receptor of interest showed that expression levels varied not only by tumor type, but even by subtype or demographic (see Table 2 below).

We used these findings to project the number of patients and samples that would need to be screened in order to enroll 36-40 study participants. Our assumptions were that 30% of patients screened would have HLA-A*02:01 expression and 10% of those patients would have 80% biomarker expression, and 50% of those would meet all the inclusion criteria for the study.

Based on these assumptions, it was determined that HLA analysis would need to be performed on approximately 2,500 blood samples and immunohistochemistry would need to be performed on about 750 tumor tissue samples to reach the enrollment target.

To increase the efficiency of this study, the Precision for Medicine team implemented various strategies for streamlining the recruitment process:

As oncology clinical research evolves toward personalized treatment of patients in niche populations, a biomarker-driven approach to drug discovery and development is required. With new biological targets frequently having a low level of prevalence, it is important for researchers and developers to look for more innovative approaches to patient identification.

Esther Mahillo, Vice President, Operational Strategy and Feasibility, Precision for Medicine

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Enhancing Enrollment in Biomarker-Driven Oncology and Rare Disease Trials - Applied Clinical Trials Online


Global Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market Research Report to 2027 – Increasing Demand for Personalized Medicine Presents Opportunities -…

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market Research Report by Technology, Cancer Type, Biomarker Type, Application, Region - Global Forecast to 2027 - Cumulative Impact of COVID-19" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

The Global Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market size was estimated at USD 9,872.31 million in 2021, USD 11,656.24 million in 2022, and is projected to grow at a CAGR 18.32% to reach USD 27,094.28 million by 2027.

Competitive Strategic Window:

The Competitive Strategic Window analyses the competitive landscape in terms of markets, applications, and geographies to help the vendor define an alignment or fit between their capabilities and opportunities for future growth prospects. It describes the optimal or favorable fit for the vendors to adopt successive merger and acquisition strategies, geography expansion, research & development, and new product introduction strategies to execute further business expansion and growth during a forecast period.

FPNV Positioning Matrix:

The FPNV Positioning Matrix evaluates and categorizes the vendors in the Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market based on Business Strategy (Business Growth, Industry Coverage, Financial Viability, and Channel Support) and Product Satisfaction (Value for Money, Ease of Use, Product Features, and Customer Support) that aids businesses in better decision making and understanding the competitive landscape.

Market Share Analysis:

The Market Share Analysis offers the analysis of vendors considering their contribution to the overall market. It provides the idea of its revenue generation into the overall market compared to other vendors in the space. It provides insights into how vendors are performing in terms of revenue generation and customer base compared to others. Knowing market share offers an idea of the size and competitiveness of the vendors for the base year. It reveals the market characteristics in terms of accumulation, fragmentation, dominance, and amalgamation traits.

The report provides insights on the following pointers:

1. Market Penetration: Provides comprehensive information on the market offered by the key players

2. Market Development: Provides in-depth information about lucrative emerging markets and analyze penetration across mature segments of the markets

3. Market Diversification: Provides detailed information about new product launches, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments

4. Competitive Assessment & Intelligence: Provides an exhaustive assessment of market shares, strategies, products, certification, regulatory approvals, patent landscape, and manufacturing capabilities of the leading players

5. Product Development & Innovation: Provides intelligent insights on future technologies, R&D activities, and breakthrough product developments

The report answers questions such as:

1. What is the market size and forecast of the Global Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market?

2. What are the inhibiting factors and impact of COVID-19 shaping the Global Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market during the forecast period?

3. Which are the products/segments/applications/areas to invest in over the forecast period in the Global Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market?

4. What is the competitive strategic window for opportunities in the Global Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market?

5. What are the technology trends and regulatory frameworks in the Global Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market?

6. What is the market share of the leading vendors in the Global Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market?

7. What modes and strategic moves are considered suitable for entering the Global Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market?

Market Dynamics





Companies Mentioned

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/1qunge

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Global Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market Research Report to 2027 - Increasing Demand for Personalized Medicine Presents Opportunities -...


Cambridge biotech raises $168 million to fight cancer and other diseases – The Boston Globe

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

A Cambridge biotech that wants to develop tailor-made medicines for cancers and diseases of the immune system said Thursday it has raised $168 million in venture funding, bringing the startups total capital to $386 million after 16 months of recruiting investors.

Odyssey Therapeutics will use the money to advance a portfolio of drugs to treat solid tumors and immune disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus, according to the startups founder and chief executive, Gary D. Glick. The firm of 160 employees is housed in temporary quarters on Binney Street in Kendall Square and plans to move to Sleeper Street in Bostons Seaport District in early December.

Odyssey has eight drug development programs that rely on the cutting-edge approach known as precision medicine. In contrast to the one-size-fits-all design of most drugs, precision medicine, sometimes called personalized medicine, takes into account differences in peoples genes, environments, and lifestyles when creating medications.

The startup is using artificial intelligence and machine learning, among other tools, to discover and develop drugs. And it is focusing on serious, common diseases with few, if any, effective treatments, unlike the Massachusetts biotechs working on medicines for rare disorders drugs that can carry six- and even seven-figure price tags.

Were not looking to market and commercialize in what has historically been thought of as rare or orphan diseases, Glick said.

The latest funding round, Odysseys second, was led by General Catalyst, a 22-year-old Cambridge-based venture capital firm. At least eight investors from the first round ponied up more money for the second, as did a number of new investors, which further validates our approach to therapeutic development, Glick said.

Glick is a serial biotech investor and former longtime chemistry professor at the University of Michigan who founded Boston-based Scorpion Therapeutics and previously co-founded Lycera, another privately held biotech, in Ann Arbor, Mich.

The chair of Odysseys board is Dr. Jeffrey Leiden, the former CEO of Boston-based Vertex Pharmaceuticals, who now serves as executive chairman of its board. Glick said he has known Leiden since around 2009, when the latter was managing director of Clarus Ventures and chaired Lyceras board. He considers Leiden a mentor, saying, There really is no better biotech executive than Jeff.

Leiden said Odyssey has quickly attracted investors because it possesses the three Ts: the team, the targets, and the technologies. It boasts seasoned drug hunters from Novartis and other companies, has pinpointed a promising raft of drug targets, and is deploying technologies ranging from artificial intelligence to the engineering of so-called small molecule drugs medicines made of small chemical molecules and typically dispensed as pills.

I get asked to join the boards of lots of companies, Leiden said. I said yes to this one, he added, because its a very unusual company.

Jonathan Saltzman can be reached at jonathan.saltzman@globe.com.

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Cambridge biotech raises $168 million to fight cancer and other diseases - The Boston Globe


Perlmutter Cancer Center Medical Oncologist Provides Personalized Care to People with Breast Cancer – NYU Langone Health

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

Medical oncologist Nina DAbreo, MD, an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine at NYU Long Island School of Medicine, treats people with varying stages of breast cancer. She also sees and counsels women with benign but high-risk breast disease, regarding options to lower their risk.

As medical director of the Breast Medical Oncology Program at Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU Langone HospitalLong Island, Dr. DAbreo is involved in the creation and implementation of programs that can help at every stage of the continuum of breast cancer carefrom diagnosis to survivorship.

She discusses how she decided to become a doctor, how treatment for breast cancer has changed, and more.

I grew up in Mumbai, India, and my mother was a biology teacher, so science was her thing. She had wanted to become a physician, and for many reasons that wasnt feasible. Growing up, I was good at math, science, and biology, but math and physics were my strong suit. I thought eventually I would study engineering and work in an information technologybased job. My mother, however, wanted me to become a physician, and I was adamant that I wouldnt do that.

In India, the way higher education is structured, scores matter in qualifying exams. And I had scores that qualified me to get into one of the very prestigious medical schools there. Unknown to me at the time, my parents put in an application for medical school, for which, lo and behold, I got an interview. I promised them I would attend a few medical school classes and see how it would go. I attended engineering school for three months and medical school right after, just to see what it was like. After the first anatomy exam, I was hooked. There is a lot of physics involved with the human body. Pharmacology was fantastic, and physiology was really what drew me in. So, after the first three months, we had a short exam and I did well on that. I gave up my admission to engineering school and decided to go with medicine.

The most important advance is personalizing therapy, in which we refine treatment to suit an individual patients tumor biology. We have moved away from the one-size-fits-all style of treatment, which has been the history of breast cancer treatment through the ages, from the times of radical mastectomies to, finally, when medical oncology evolved. Traditionally, we gave a lot of chemotherapy to all patients. We still do this for some patients for the right reasons, but now we are personalizing therapy and tailoring it to fit both the patients biology and their clinical condition. This means that in some cases we add treatment when required and in some cases, we de-escalate. Personalized treatment has evolved in the 14 years that I have been in practice as a medical oncologist, and it continues to be refined.

I am the principal investigator in the NYU Langone network for two exciting cooperative group-led trials looking to optimize how we treat HER2-positive breast cancer. This is an aggressive form of the disease, for which we typically give patients multi-agent chemotherapy in combination with HER2-blocking antibodies before or after surgery. CompassHER2-pCR is a de-escalation trial led by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group that is using pathological complete response (pCR) to a single chemotherapy with HER2-targeted drugs given before surgery, to appropriately minimize the use of additional chemotherapy for patients who dont need it.

The second part of that trial, called CompassHER2 RD, is looking at optimizing treatment after surgery. This is for people who do not achieve a complete response and have residual disease (RD). Typically these patients would receive a HER2-targeted drug called TDM-1. In this trial, they can be escalated to TDM-1 in combination with another oral HER2-blocking drug. These are great examples of tailoring therapy based on tumor response so we dont over- or under-treat anyone.

Another area that I am intrigued by is using non-pharmacological approaches to improve cancer care. I think there is a growing interest in the idea that exercise is medicine. Not only can exercise make patients feel better, it can also improve cancer outcomes. We are developing an investigator-initiated project in collaboration with colleagues who are experts in the field of oncological rehabilitation at Perlmutter Cancer Center as well as another academic center, looking at adding exercise for patients with early-stage estrogen receptorpositive breast cancer. These patients will receive a short course of exercise before surgery to see whether that will ultimately impact their cancer outcomes. So this is another way of optimizing cancer therapy, but using exercisea nontoxic, non-pharmacological interventionin combination with hormonal therapy.

There are many success stories that are gratifying both professionally and personally.

Eight years ago, I treated a pregnant patient who was diagnosed with locally advanced HER2-positive breast cancer. At the time, she was underinsured and had trouble finding medical care. With our medical oncology team and our gynecologist we were able to successfully get her through her pregnancy. We now see her with her daughter, who was born right after the treatment, in the clinic. Watching her child grow over the years is extremely gratifying to me. For us, each follow-up visit is a sign of how far weve come and how we were able to, as a team, bring this patient successfully through a time of crisis.

Another story thats professionally gratifying concerns a patient who participated in a clinical trial that looked at using adjuvant therapy, which is treatment after surgery, in patients with triple-negative breast cancer. This was an escalation trial in which immunotherapy was added for patients who had residual disease after receiving chemotherapy and surgery. We were one of the few sites on Long Island offering the trial when it opened.

She came to us from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). Even though this patient didnt have access to the trial at the time at MSKCC, her oncologist was able to direct her and she traveled to us and was successfully enrolled. She is now about three years out and is doing very, very well. It may not sound like a big deal, but it was a big leap of faith for this patient to leave MSKCC and come to us for treatment. That experience illustrated how oncology care is truly collaborative. Patients are able to find resources, and we are able to assist them thanks to an excellent network of support.

One advance is in patients who receive estrogen-driven therapy for long durations. We know that some patients receive therapy for 10 years, but there are technologies that might help us assess who among those patients really needs extended therapy. One way to do this is by analyzing circulating tumor DNA and identifying markers in the blood that can then predict whether the cancer is likely to recur. This is an evolving field. There are some applications of this science already in the clinic, for example, in colon cancer, and I think this will also be applicable to breast cancer to further refine how long we treat patients and when to change therapy.

Newer antibodydrug conjugates that are less toxic and use smaller doses of chemotherapy bound to a targeted drug are also on the horizon and may replace traditional chemotherapy.

A fascinating area is personalized vaccines. Breast cancer is also one of the tumor types where using the patients own immune system in many ways, including chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells, is an area of promise. This is particularly relevant in patients with cancers like triple-negative breast cancer, where there are fewer effective treatments.

The one thing that has remained constant, regardless of all the advancements in treatment, is that we are still personalizing cancer care. Its not just that the treatments are personalized, but when someone comes to Perlmutter Cancer Center, they will be cared for by a very personal team, one that they can contact at any time. Our physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and medical assistants know the patient, and they become part of a family. This very one-on-one approach is what patients can expect when they see us. Like any other major cancer center, we have the ability to offer technology and cutting-edge trials, but its all done in a very personalized fashion.

The story that I shared about the patient who brings her daughter to clinic visits illustrates this. Patients become part of the family here. When she and her daughter come in, you can see that the entire team that treated her is happy to see her. We take that extra step of integrating the entire team in the patients care. We are responsive and available to patients, and we take great pride in making sure that the patients queries are answered in a timely fashion. While people can receive the same treatment anywhere, its this team approach with personal involvement that sets us apart.

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Perlmutter Cancer Center Medical Oncologist Provides Personalized Care to People with Breast Cancer - NYU Langone Health


Concierge Medicine’s Continued Rise Illuminated by Specialdocs Consultants at the Industry’s Leading Event – PR Newswire

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

Pioneering concierge medicine management company Specialdocs and physician clients to offer compelling perspectives at the Concierge Medicine Forum October 20th 22nd

CHICAGO, Oct. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Terry Bauer, CEO of Specialdocs Consultants, a 20-year pioneer in concierge medicine transitions and management, and several of the company's affiliated physicians will offer insights on the extraordinary growth of this dynamic and enticing practice model at the upcoming Concierge Medicine Forum (CMF) in Atlanta. Reflecting the surging demand for personalized care, the industry's signature event is on track in 2022 to be the most well-attended conference to date, according to organizers.

"What we're seeing is a genuine recognition of the pillar stone of concierge medicine - the tremendous value of a long-term physician-patient relationship," says Bauer. "The impact of the pandemic made that crystal clear and has inspired thousands of people to thoughtfully reconsider how they chose to deliver and receive care." He cited a doubling in the number of physicians converting to the Specialdocs concierge medicine model in the last few years, as well as a 10% average annual industry growth rate of the U.S. concierge medicine market over the next 8 years, as forecast by Grand View Research.

Bauer will lead key sessions covering qualities necessary for success as a concierge physician, and how to communicate the enhanced level of care to concierge patients inside and outside the exam room. He'll also discuss the expanding plethora of paths to becoming a concierge physician. "The options go well beyond traditional conversions from fee-for-service models to acquiring a practice from a retiring physician, transitioning from hospital employment or within a group practice, or joining a successful local concierge practice," he said.

In addition, Specialdocs-affiliated physicians will be featured at the conference, sharing expert perspectives that include:

"Sharing our passion for concierge medicine at CMF with insightful, long-time collaborators like Specialdocs and others is a privilege we look forward to each year," Michael Tetreault, CMF organizer and editor of Concierge Medicine Today."We're all thrilled to see the soaring interest in membership medicine practices which continue to bring balance to physicians' lives and elevate the care offered to the patients and communities they serve."

A pioneer in concierge medicine since 2002, Specialdocs is celebrating two decades of transforming physicians' professional lives, empowering them to deliver exceptionally personalized patient care.


SOURCE Specialdocs Consultants

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Concierge Medicine's Continued Rise Illuminated by Specialdocs Consultants at the Industry's Leading Event - PR Newswire


Hormone Changes: The Star of Every Stage in Women’s Sleep – Medscape

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

MADRID Because of the hormone changes that occur throughout their lives, women experience sleep problems that differ significantly from those experienced by men. Indeed, 75% to 84% of pregnant women don't sleep well during the third trimester, and up to 80% of women in menopause have symptoms that prevent them from getting a good night's rest. For those seeking to a precision medicine approach, the challenge is to identify the relationship between the different sex-related phenotypes and the sleep conditions.

Irene Cano, MD, PhD, is the coordinator of the sleep department at the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR). She spoke with Medscape Spanish Edition about the significant impact of hormones on sleep disorders in women.

"Reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone play a meaningful role in brain functions not only those linked to the regulation of reproduction but also other physiological processes related to the regulation of circadian rhythms, cognitive performance, mood, and sleep. In addition, other hormones for example, prolactin, growth hormone, cortisol, and melatonin have sex-dependent effects on sleep," Cano said.

Girls start puberty at a younger age than boys. As girls enter adolescence, they go to bed later and waking up earlier. So, girls are getting less than the 10 hours of sleep that they should be getting at this stage of life. The result is sleep debt, which gives rise to various problems: poor academic performance, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, obesity, and metabolic problems, to name a few. As Ariadna Farr, RN, a sleep unit nurse, noted at SEPAR's Joint Winter Meeting, "Schools would have to start morning classes later to get adolescents to perform well academically. As the situation is now, half of the kids are falling asleep at their desks."

Cano explained the issue as follows: "In adolescence, along with changes in young women's hormone levels, we begin to see differences between the sexes. The changes in levels of estrogens and progesterone are what's responsible for the changes that, to some extent, cause those disturbances in the quality of our sleep and in the stages of our sleep."

Thus, sleep can be affected by the changes in hormone level that occur during a menstrual cycle. Estrogens, which increase during the follicular phase, are associated with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, while progesterone, which increases during the luteal phase, increases non-REM sleep. "In the 3 to 6 days prior to menstruation, it's quite common for a woman to report difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep, in connection with a decline in the percentage of time she spends in REM sleep, in the context of premenstrual syndrome. In addition," Cano pointed out, "menstrual bleeding, that loss of blood, is associated with a drop in iron levels, making it more likely that the woman will experience restless legs syndrome."

Medscape Spanish Edition also spoke with Milagros Merino, MD, PhD, president of the Spanish Sleep Society. "The consequences that lack of sleep have on the cardiovascular system we're essentially talking about certain arrhythmias, high blood pressure, thrombosis in some cases, stroke, and heart attack. Lack of sleep also gives rise to endocrine and metabolic issues, like overweight and being at a greater risk of developing diabetes. And as for mental health, we see, among other things, attention and memory problems, emotional lability, and irascibility. Numerous studies have confirmed all of this."

Sleep apnea also deserves mention, Merino added. "Although this disorder is more common in men, we're seeing it more and more now in women, along with the cardiovascular issues that it brings about."

Another cardiovascular risk factor is insomnia, said Merino. "This sleep disorder is more prevalent in women. As hormones constantly change, the ways women sleep constantly change, from one stage of life to the next. They sleep one way in childhood, another way in adolescence, and yet another way in menopause."

During pregnancy, hormone changes are much more pronounced. During the first trimester, progesterone levels increase, making the woman drowsy. On top of that, her sleep is interrupted by more frequent visits to the bathroom as well as greater general discomfort.

In the second trimester, sleep interruptions persist but are not as bad as they were during the first 3 months. In the third trimester, 75% to 84% of pregnant women find it difficult to sleep because of aches and pains, the need to urinate during the night, cramps, and heartburn.

"Major physical changes are happening. When the bladder gets compressed, the woman has to get up and go to the bathroom. There's an interruption in her sleep," Farr explained. In addition, as the pregnancy progresses, the woman gains weight and her body mass index (BMI) increases, which can bring on obstructive sleep apnea, high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and diabetes, if not closely monitored.

Other factors include concomitant treatments, such as contraceptives, and the stages of life, such as pregnancy and lactation. "When a woman of childbearing age has restless legs syndrome, more often than not, this means that she has an iron deficiency that needs to be treated with oral iron supplements," said Merino. "However, there are few medications that can be given to a pregnant woman and RLS is relatively common during pregnancy. So, we have to turn to oral or intravenous iron supplements. Yet another matter is narcolepsy. In these cases, all medications have to be stopped during pregnancy and lactation, as they can be harmful to the baby."

While 1 in 5 menopausal women are asymptomatic, the others experience mild to severe symptoms of apnea that frequently interrupt their sleep. In this stage of life, which begins around age 50 years, the hormones that had provided protection against sleep disruptions start to decrease. As a result, there is a rise in sleep problems, especially insomnia, breathing-related sleep disorders (eg, apnea), and restless legs syndrome.

The prevalence of breathing-related sleep disorders during menopause is attributable to weight gain, the drop in levels of estrogens, and the redistribution of adipose tissue in the body. Other factors also increase a woman's risk of experiencing apnea. They range from stress, depression, and other psychological and psychiatric conditions to health status, medication use, and simply the fact of getting older. "Sleep apnea is more common in men than in premenopausal women. The numbers even out, though, when we compare men against menopausal women," Cano noted.

In women, symptoms of sleep apnea are frequently attributed to menopause. There is some overlap: insomnia, headache, irritability, low mood, decreased libido, fatigue during the day, and feeling sleepy. Only much later is the woman's condition correctly diagnosed as sleep apnea. So, even though presenting with the same complaints, a man will be diagnosed with sleep apnea sooner than a woman will in some cases, around 10 years sooner.

"On the other hand, we'd always thought that, in menopause, insomnia was characterized by awakenings occurring throughout the second half of the night. But perhaps what happens more often is that women are regularly waking up repeatedly over the course of the entire night, as opposed to experiencing a wakefulness that starts early and lasts throughout the night or having a problem falling asleep to begin with," said Merino. "The good news is that hormone replacement therapy can get things back to the way they were. And getting better sleep will help to overcome insomnia."

Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. It affects 10% to 20% of people, mostly women. "The fact that sleep problems are more prevalent in women can be explained by the fact that among women, there is a higher incidence of conditions that disrupt sleep, such as depression," said Cano.

"Insomnia is much more common in adult women than adult men. And at menopause, women find that the insomnia only gets worse," Merino added. "But around that same age, 50 years old, what we start to see more frequently in men is REM sleep behavior disorder, a type of parasomnia that's a risk marker of degenerative nerve diseases."

Cano emphasized one finding that, though basic, is not well known. "After adjusting for socioeconomic characteristics, the difference between the sexes in reporting sleep problems is cut in half. This suggests that an important factor that explains why there are differences in sleep problems between the sexes is that women's socioeconomic status is generally lower than men's.

"As for sleep apnea in particular," Cano continued, "the kinds of symptoms that women have can be different from the classic ones seen in men snoring, pauses in breathing, and daytime sleepiness; women are being underdiagnosed, and when they are diagnosed, that's happening at a later age and at a higher BMI."

So, it's alarming that, as reported by SEPAR, 90% of women with obstructive sleep apnea are not being diagnosed.

"The majority of research studies on sleep apnea have focused on men given the prevalence of cases and the results have been extrapolated to women. This is why there's still a lot of work to be done in terms of better defining the characteristics specific to each sleep disorder and how they relate to each sex," said Cano. "Being able to identify the relationship between the different sex-related phenotypes and each condition will allow us to take a precision medicine approach tailored to a patient's particular characteristics."

As Merino put it, "The approach to sleep disorders is always personalized. The patient's sex, in and of itself, doesn't have that great of an impact on this approach. What does have a great impact are women's life stages. There are some subtle differences here and there, such as types of continuous positive airway pressure machines. The ones that are designed for women have masks that are better suited to their facial features, which differ from men's."

A precision medicine approach can be taken to treat any sleep disorder. For insomnia, the approach allows healthcare professionals to employ an appropriate cognitive-behavioral therapy plan or to determine which drugs would be more effective all on the basis of symptoms and the characteristics of the particular case. Regarding sleep apnea, Cano explained, "Taking into account the different anatomical characteristics or the higher prevalence of positional apnea will also allow us to offer different therapeutic alternatives to continuous positive airway pressure, such as mandibular advancement devices or positional therapy devices."

Women should be encouraged to develop good sleep habits. These include taking circadian rhythms into account and aligning lifestyles accordingly. It also means going to bed earlier than the men in the household. For menopausal women, recommended sleep habits range from keeping their bedroom at an ideal temperature, following a diet rich in vegetables to avoid becoming overweight, and exercising daily. While this advice may be more applicable to teenagers, adults can benefit from it as well: electronic devices should be turned off well before bedtime. Whether from a phone screen, a tablet screen, or a TV screen, the light emitted can keep one awake, which can be harmful to one's health.

Cano and Merino have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

This article was translated from the Medscape Spanish edition.

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Hormone Changes: The Star of Every Stage in Women's Sleep - Medscape


Could Xolair Be the First Biologic Treatment for Food Allergies? – Allergic Living

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

Biologic medications that neutralize IgE antibodies have long been considered a promising food allergy treatment. Now, one such medication omalizumab (or Xolair) looks likely to become the first anti-IgE biologic drug contender to treat multiple food allergies.

Researchers from the Consortium of Food Allergy Research are studying omalizumab in two ways for child and adult patients. The first is as a standalone treatment to protect against reacting to accidental exposures in those with allergies to peanut plus two or more other foods: milk, egg, wheat, cashew, hazelnut or walnut.

The second method is as an add-on treatment for oral immunotherapy (OIT) to reduce adverse reactions and improve safety.

If this drug works, its very likely to work for exposures to at least small amounts of any foods, where people could eat out without having to worry, says Dr. Robert Wood. Hes the trials principal investigator and director of pediatric allergy and immunology at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore.

Its quite possible omalizumab could help people safely eat more than small amounts of their allergens perhaps even introducing these foods into their diets.

The first 60 participants have completed stage 1 of the double-blind, placebo-controlled study. At this stage, neither researchers nor patients know who is receiving the injectable medication and who is getting the sham shot.

The initial patients then moved to an open-label extension of the trial. Everyone, including those who had received the placebo injections, got a series of omalizumab injections. After six months of shots every two to four weeks, these patients underwent food challenges. Depending on how much they could consume of the allergens without reacting, patients could either immediately start introducing those foods into their diet, or start multi-allergen OIT.

What we can say, even though the results are not fully analyzed, is that most of the participants were able to successfully introduce the foods they were allergic to into their diet, Wood says.

Those who were able to eat a lot of the food at their food challenge without reacting are given a minimum and a maximum amount of the allergenic foods to eat daily. This is to maintain their desensitization. Those who reacted to smaller amounts of the food are offered OIT, since it starts at a lower dose of the food protein.

Stage 1 of the trial is still enrolling, with a goal of getting to 225 patients. If things look good, this treatment could move out to the public in 2024 or possibly 2025, Wood says.

Omalizumab is a monoclonal, or lab-made, antibody. Its currently approved in the U.S. to treat moderate to severe asthma, nasal polyps and chronic hives. The drug, developed by Genentech and Novartis Pharmaceuticals, works by binding to IgE antibodies circulating in the blood. This prevents the IgE from binding to receptors on the surface of mast cells and basophils. Those immune system cells are involved in setting off allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.

In 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted omalizumab breakthrough therapy designation for its potential as a food allergy treatment. Wood and his colleagues launched the OUtMATCH study the following year.

Omalizumab, and anti-IgE medications like it, have long been eyed as a food allergy treatment. The first study to look at treating peanut allergy with monoclonal antibodies was published in 2003.

Back then, researchers gave 84 peanut-allergic patients either an injection of an anti-IgE drug similar to omalizumab, called TNX-901, or a placebo. They found that after a single dose of TNX-901, participants who had initially reacted to the equivalent of half to one peanut could consume almost nine peanuts before starting to react. TNX-901, however, was never developed for commercial use by the drug makers.

Even so, anti-IgE biologic drug research continued. As well as studying biologics as standalone treatments (called monotherapy) for food allergy, researchers also wanted to know if combining a biologic with OIT could cut down adverse side effects.

During OIT, allergic individuals eat gradually increasing amounts of their allergen over several months. The goal is to increase protection in case an allergen is accidentally consumed. While OIT has a strong success rate, many patients experience adverse effects. Common symptoms are mouth and throat itching, stomach pain or vomiting. A minority of patients experience anaphylaxis.

We and many others had been pushing to move this forward, says Wood. One idea was using Xolair as a drug to treat food allergy. The second idea that has been studied is to use Xolair along with OIT as a way to make OIT safer.

The two approaches are going to look quite different, with one being a longer-term use of Xolair to increase the threshold of reactivity. While the other is a relatively short-term use of Xolair to get the dosing escalation done.

Indeed, some allergists already prescribe omalizumab off-label in conjunction with OIT. Others will wait for FDA approval of such a protocol. Wood says FDA approval is also needed for insurance coverage.

The OUtMATCH trial was about 80 percent enrolled, as of October 2022. At the start of the study, all participants do oral challenges to confirm their food allergies.

From there, one group receives injections of omalizumab every two to four weeks, while the other group receives placebo shots. After four months, a second round of food challenges determines how much of each allergen patients can tolerate.

We do think people can become protected to large amounts of food pretty quickly 20-plus peanuts. That is what we are hoping to see, says Dr. Edwin Kim, a study investigator and an associate professor of allergy and immunology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Additional stages are underway. Stage 2 looks at using Xolair with OIT. All Stage 2 participants receive omalizumab injections for the first eight weeks of treatment, then start either multi-allergen OIT or placebo OIT.

Then as oral immunotherapy begins, they receive the shots for the first eight weeks of treatment. After that,half the participantscontinue with multi-allergen OIT while receiving placebo shots.Theother group continues with placebo OIT, but receives realXolairinjections.All participants then go onto maintenance therapy in their respective groups to complete one year of treatment.

Stage 3 will be a real-world follow up of patients to see how they fare over the long-term having introduced the foods into their diet.

We are all very excited about this. Scientifically, its supposed to work. Hopefully we are correct, and it does work, Kim says.

If Xolair is approved as a standalone treatment, the label would say the medication is for the prevention of reactions to small, accidental exposures to food, Wood says. Patients would still be advised to avoid their allergen. (Although they could potentially do a food challenge to see if they could tolerate more, he adds).

The dosing amounts and intervals in the trial are the same as the dosing of omalizumab when its used to treat other conditions. In patients 12 and older, omalizumab can be self-injected at home after several in-office injections. Researchers say they expect food allergy patients would be able to do the same.

If injections are stopped, Xolairs effects will gradually wear off over several months. While omalizumab is usually considered very safe, it can have a range of side effects. These include rare but severe allergic reactions. The medication carries a black box warning about potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Even with those caveats, Kim predicts the medication as a monotherapy would be a welcome option for many food allergy families, including those who choose not to pursue OIT.

OIT can be challenging for some families to manage. Parents work schedules and intense after-school sports schedules may make daily dosing and rest periods difficult. Many allergists arent set up to offer OIT, so accessibility is an issue in some areas.

An Olympic-level swimmer who is training constantly maybe cant do an OIT, but they can do a once a month shot, Kim says. Omalizumab might provide added protection for teenager about to leave home for college. Or, an adult might choose the shots to feel safer when dining out and traveling.

To date, there is only one FDA-approved food allergy therapy Palforzia, the oral immunotherapy for peanut allergy. While some allergists offer OIT for other foods, patients with many food allergies find it time-consuming to become desensitized to all of them.

One of the most exciting things about a drug to treat food allergy as opposed to OIT is that a drug like Xolair would not be food-specific, Wood says. If someone had food allergies other than peanuts, or peanut plus eight other food allergies, instead of having to wait for an OIT product to be available, this would be a way to cover everyones food allergies equally.

Kim says not to overlook that omalizumab as an adjunct to OIT is also exciting. If the medication can prevent adverse reactions during OIT, it could improve dropout rates during the dose escalation period. Or, it could help those worried about reactions to feel safer in trying it.

Kim envisions that one day soon food allergy families will have choices about what treatment route is best for them. This is about creating options for people. Until we have that one-shot cure, its going to be about personalized medicine. Food allergies affect people in different ways, he says.

Related Reading: Allergists See Palforzia as Start of Era of Food Allergy TherapiesOIT Study See Maturing of Immune System Over TimeNew Peanut Allergy Test Reveals if Trace Amounts Risky or Not

Read this article:
Could Xolair Be the First Biologic Treatment for Food Allergies? - Allergic Living


Matching Treatments to Your Genes – The Epoch Times

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

Youre one of a kind. Its not just your eyes, smile, and personality. Your health, risk for disease, and the ways you respond to medicines are also unique. Medicines that work well for some people may not help you at all. They might even cause problems. Wouldnt it be nice if treatments and preventive care could be designed just for you?

The careful matching of your biology to your medical care is known as personalized medicine. Its already being used by healthcare providers nationwide.

The story of personalized medicine begins with the unique set of genes you inherited from your parents. Genes are stretches of DNA that serve as a sort of instruction manual telling your body how to make the proteins and perform the other tasks that your body needs. These genetic instructions are written in varying patterns of only 4 different chemical letters, or bases.

The same genes often differ slightly between people. Bases may be switched, missing, or added here and there. Most of these variations have no effect on your health. But some can create unusual proteins that might boost your risk for certain diseases. Some variants can affect how well a medicine works in your body. Or they might cause the medicine to have different side effects in you than in someone else.

The study of how genes affect the way medicines work in your body is called pharmacogenomics.

If doctors know your genes, they can predict drug response and incorporate this information into the medical decisions they make, says Dr. Rochelle Long, a pharmacogenomics expert at NIH.

Its becoming more common for doctors to test for gene variants before prescribing certain drugs. For example, children with leukemia might get theTPMTgene test to help doctors choose the right dosage of medicine to prevent toxic side effects. Some HIV-infected patients are severely allergic to treatment drugs, and genetic tests can help identify who can safely take the medicines.

By screening to know who shouldnt get certain drugs, we can prevent life-threatening side effects, Long says.

Pharmacogenomics is also being used for cancer treatment. Some breast cancer drugs only work in women with particular genetic variations. If testing shows patients with advanced melanoma (skin cancer) have certain variants, two new approved drugs can treat them.

Even one of the oldest and most common drugs, aspirin, can have varying effects based on your genes. Millions of people take a daily aspirin to lower their risk for heart attack and stroke. Aspirin helps by preventing blood clots that could clog arteries. But aspirin doesnt reduce heart disease risk in everyone.

NIH-funded researchers recently identified a set of genes with unique activity patterns that can help assess whether someone will benefit from taking aspirin for heart health. Scientists are now working to develop a standardized test for use in daily practice. If doctors can tell that aspirin wont work in certain patients, they can try different treatments.

One NIH-funded research team studied a different clot-fighting drug known as clopidogrel (Plavix). Its often prescribed for people at risk of heart attack or stroke. Led by Dr. Alan Shuldiner at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the team examined people in an Amish community. Isolated communities like this have less genetic diversity than the general population, which can make it easier to study the effects of genes. But as in the general population, some Amish people have risk factors, such as eating a high-fat diet, that raise their risk for heart disease.

Many of the Amish people studied had a particular gene variant that made them less responsive to clopidogrel, the scientists found. Further research revealed that up to one-third of the general population may have similar variations in this gene, meaning they too probably need a different medicine to reduce heart disease risks.

The findings prompted the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to change the label for this common drug to alert doctors that it may not be appropriate for patients who have certain gene variations. Two alternative drugs have since been developed. If people have these gene variants, they know they have options, says Shuldiner. This is a great example of how study results made it onto a drug label and are beginning to be implemented into patient care.

Getting a genetic test usually isnt difficult. Doctors generally take a sample of body fluid or tissue, such as blood, saliva, or skin, and send it to a lab. Most genetic tests used today analyze just one or a few genes, often to help diagnose disease. Newborns, for example, are routinely screened for several genetic disorders by taking a few drops of blood from their heels. When life-threatening conditions are caught early, infants can be treated right away to prevent problems.

The decision about whether to get a particular genetic test can be complicated. Genetic tests are now available for about 2,500 diseases, and that number keeps growing. Your doctor might advise you to get tested for specific genetic diseases if they tend to run in your family or if you have certain symptoms.

While there are many genetic tests, they vary as to how well they predict risk, says Dr. Lawrence Brody, a genetic testing expert at NIH.

For some diseases, such as sickle cell anemia or cystic fibrosis, inheriting 2 copies of abnormal genes means a person will get that disease. But for other diseases and conditions, the picture is more complex. For Type 2 diabetes, testing positive for some specific gene variants may help predict risk, but no better than other factorssuch as obesity, high blood pressure, and having a close relative with the disease.

The latest approach to personalized medicine is to get your wholegenomesequenced. Thats still expensive, but the cost has dropped dramatically over the past decade and will likely continue to fall. Since your genome essentially stays the same over time, this information might one day become part of your medical record, so doctors could consult it as needed.

You can start to get a sense of your genetic risks by putting together your familys health history. A free online tool calledMy Family Health Portraitfrom the U.S. Surgeon General can help you and your doctor spot early warning signs of conditions that run in your family.

But personalized medicine isnt just about genes. You can learn a lot about your health risks by taking a close look at your current health and habits. Smoking, a poor diet, and lack of exercise can raise your risks for life-threatening health problems, such as heart disease and cancer. Talk to your healthcare provider about the steps you can take to understand and reduce your unique health risks.

Matching Treatments to Your Genes was originally published by the National Institutes of Health.


A part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIH is the largest biomedical research agency in the world.

Read this article:
Matching Treatments to Your Genes - The Epoch Times


Global Monoclonal Antibodies (mAbs) Markets, 2018-2021 & 2022-2030 – Increasing R&D Activities Aimed at the Development of Novel Therapeutic mAbs -…

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

DUBLIN, Oct. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Monoclonal Antibodies Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Source Type (Chimeric, Murine, Humanized, Human), by Production Type (In Vivo, In Vitro), by Application, by End-use, by Region, and Segment Forecasts, 2022-2030" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

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The global monoclonal antibodies market is projected to reach USD 494.53 billion by 2030, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.30%

Increasing research and development activities aimed at the development of novel therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and supportive government initiatives for biologics production are anticipated to drive market growth in the forecast period.

The rising demand for personalized medicine is likely to positively affect the development of therapeutic mAb targeted therapies that are tailored to individual requirements. Moreover, the therapeutic use of mAbs offers several advantages such as fewer adverse effects, specificity of treatment, and large-scale production capabilities, as compared to conventional treatment options, and can significantly drive market growth.

In addition, several government entities are fueling clinical research activities and expanding the scope of applications for mAb therapies. For instance, in June 2022, the National Institutes of Health launched clinical trials for the evaluation of dupilumab, for the reduction of asthma attacks and the improvement of lung functionality in children.

Similarly, in March 2021, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services invested USD 150 million in increasing patient access to monoclonal antibody therapeutics for COVID-19. Such initiatives are expected to increase the adoption of monoclonal antibodies and strengthen growth prospects.

Furthermore, technological advancements in genetic engineering, DNA cloning, and various peptide and protein display technologies have led to the generation and optimization of recombinant mAbs. Demand for such recombinant antibodies is driven by increasing commercial prospects and quality requirements that may not be fulfilled by hybridoma technologies. Hence, with the increasing commercial viability of recombinant technologies, the market is expected to witness significant growth.

Story continues

The COVID-19 pandemic has created several market expansion opportunities by fueling the development of several mAbs directed against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

As mAbs represent a promising alternative for mitigation of the disease due to their safety and effectiveness, several mAbs such as Eli Lilly's bebtelovimab, and GlaxoSmithKline & Vir Biotechnology's sotrovimab have attained emergency use authorizations from the U.S. FDA. Such authorizations are likely to broaden the horizons for the growth of mAbs applications and propel market growth.

Monoclonal Antibodies Market Report Highlights

By source type, the human mAbs segment held the largest share of 54.07% in 2021 due to the low immunogenicity offered and increasing cancer treatment applications of these antibodies

In vitro production type held a dominating share of 78.45% in 2021 due to the low contamination levels offered by the technique and the availability of advanced bio-manufacturing capabilities

The oncology segment dominated the market in 2021 due to the rising number of approvals for mAb cancer therapeutics and increasing scientific and patient awareness about such therapies

Hospitals accounted for the largest share of the end-use segment in 2021 due to the widespread use of mAbs for cancer treatment in hospitals and increasing healthcare expenditure favoring the adoption of such therapeutics

North America accounted for 46.2% of the market value in 2021 due to the availability of advanced healthcare infrastructure, high growth in cancer incidence, and local presence of key players such as Pfizer Inc., Amgen, Inc., and Merck & Co., among others

The Asia Pacific is projected to witness the highest growth rate in the forecast period due to the availability of a large patient pool for cancer treatment and expanding the scope of clinical research prospects for mAbs.

Key Topics Covered:

Chapter 1 Methodology and Scope

Chapter 2 Executive Summary2.1 Market Outlook2.2 Market Summary

Chapter 3 Monoclonal Antibodies Market Variables, Trends & Scope3.1 Market Trends & Outlook3.2 Market Segmentation & Scope3.3 Market Driver Analysis3.3.1 Increasing Incidences Of Chronic Diseases3.3.2 Technological Advancements3.3.3 Growing Awareness Levels3.4 Market Restraint Analysis3.4.1 High Cost Of Therapeutic Mabs3.5 SWOT Analysis, by Factor (Political & Legal, Economic, and Technological)3.6 Porter's Five Forces Analysis3.7 COVID-19 Impact Analysis3.8 Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping

Chapter 4 Monoclonal Antibodies Market - Segment Analysis, by Source Type, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)4.1 Monoclonal Antibodies Market: Source Type Movement Analysis4.2 Murine4.2.1 Murine Market Estimates And Forecast, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)4.3 Chimeric4.4 Humanized4.5 Human

Chapter 5 Monoclonal Antibodies Market - Segment Analysis, By Production Type, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)5.1 Monoclonal Antibodies Market: Production Type Movement Analysis5.2 In Vivo5.2.1 In Vivo Market Estimates And Forecast, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)5.3 In Vitro

Chapter 6 Monoclonal Antibodies Market - Segment Analysis, By Application, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)6.1 Monoclonal Antibodies Market: Application Movement Analysis6.2 Oncology6.2.1 Oncology Market Estimates And Forecast, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)6.3 Autoimmune Diseases6.4 Infectious Diseases6.5 Neurological Diseases

Chapter 7 Monoclonal Antibodies Market - Segment Analysis, By End-Use, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)7.1 Monoclonal Antibodies Market: End-Use Movement Analysis7.2 Hospitals7.2.1 Hospitals Market Estimates And Forecast, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)7.3 Specialty Centers

Chapter 8 Monoclonal Antibodies Market - Segment Analysis, By Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)8.1 Monoclonal Antibodies Market: Regional Movement Analysis

Chapter 9 Competitive Analysis

Abbott Laboratories

Amgen Inc.

Astrazeneca plc

Bayer AG

Biogen Inc.

Bristol Myers Squibb

Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited

Eli Lilly and Company

F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd.

GlaxoSmithKline plc

Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.

Merck & Co. Inc.

Merck Kgaa

Novartis AG

Novo Nordisk A/S

Pfizer Inc

Sanofi S.A.

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

Viatris Inc.

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/1y2bed

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Research and MarketsLaura Wood, Senior Managerpress@researchandmarkets.comFor E.S.T Office Hours Call +1-917-300-0470For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call +1-800-526-8630For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716

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SOURCE Research and Markets

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Global Monoclonal Antibodies (mAbs) Markets, 2018-2021 & 2022-2030 - Increasing R&D Activities Aimed at the Development of Novel Therapeutic mAbs -...


Xcell Biosciences and aCGT Vector Collaborate to Accelerate Development of Cell and Gene Therapies – Business Wire

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

SAN FRANCISCO & DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Xcell Biosciences Inc. (Xcellbio), an instrumentation company focused on cell and gene therapy applications, and aCGT Vector, a point-of-care cell and gene therapy-as-a-service (TaaS) company, today announced a collaboration to improve manufacturing and analytic procedures used to develop personalized cell and gene therapies for cancer patients. Through this alliance, aCGT Vector will provide its point-of-care, GMP-licensed manufacturing platform to validate Xcellbios core next-generation manufacturing and analytical AVATAR AI technology for use in precision cancer treatment.

We are looking forward to working with the Xcellbio team and to utilizing the well-established AVATAR platform to further power our TaaS platform to deliver and deploy precision medicine proximal to patients, said Gary McAuslan, CEO and co-founder of aCGT Vector. We believe our joint efforts will further accelerate the creation of automated, end-to-end cell therapy manufacturing and QC release platforms to streamline processing and optimize patient outcomes.

aCGT Vectors enclosed, GMP-compliant manufacturing environment will demonstrate the use of Xcellbios AVATAR AI to support development and deployment of cell therapeutic procedures proximal to patients in the treatment of cancers. Through mimicking the tumor microenvironment (TME) ex vivo, AVATAR AI delivers unique capabilities to support the development of therapeutic products with improved potency and persistence as well as reduced cell exhaustion. Proprietary technology enables tight control and modulation of atmospheric pressures and oxygen concentrations in direct contact with the cell therapy product.

The AVATAR AI leverages the tight environmental control of the proven AVATAR product family, and pairs it with a specialized reader to enable real-time, label-free cell killing analysis of cell therapies targeting solid tumors. Focused on establishing next-gen immunotherapy testing workflows, the AVATAR AI system is currently in late-stage beta.

With the tremendous promise of cell therapies and the current challenges in treating patients with solid tumors, there is more interest in both designing manufacturing conditions to optimize potency, persistence, and quality and in characterizing cell potency as a critical attribute in cell therapy manufacturing, said Brian Feth, co-founder and CEO at Xcellbio. We are pleased to partner with aCGT Vector and to pair their manufacturing expertise with our unique approach to measuring and improving therapeutic potency. Together, our objective is to advance the development and deployment of cell therapies, such as CAR-T and tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte technologies, to treat solid tumors. We look forward to supporting aCGT and their initiatives, including the next-generation cell therapies for the cancer-focused HEALED Consortium.

For more information about Xcellbios AVATAR AI system or its Beta program, please visit http://www.xcellbio.com/avatar-ai.

About aCGT Vector

aCGT Vector have assembled a world class team of cell therapy and processing expertise within major cellular therapy centers of excellence. aCGT is establishing a state-of-the-art, closed-system cellular processing standardization technology and digitization loopback platform within a network of GMP ATMP PODS located proximal to rare disease patients. aCGT Vector will deliver cellular therapy processing and procedures through co-locating multidisciplinary expertise more efficiently, effectively, and safely within centers of excellence. The result will be to place less burden on patients and less stress on their cells. Digitization will permit enhanced control of cell processing and monitoring patient outcomes, thus providing value enhancement for key stakeholders, including care providers and payors. For more information, please visit https://www.acgtvector.com/.

About Xcell Biosciences

Xcellbio is driven by its mission to enhance the performance and safety of cell and gene-based therapies through the design and development of revolutionary technology platforms. The companys commercial instruments and AI-driven software allow researchers to discover novel insights into immune and tumor biology and enable the translation of these insights at patient scale through the development of its pioneering cell therapy manufacturing platform. Based in San Francisco, Xcellbio can also be found online at http://www.xcellbio.com.

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Xcell Biosciences and aCGT Vector Collaborate to Accelerate Development of Cell and Gene Therapies - Business Wire


Important Mission By LG To Reinvent Society With Future Growth – Forbes

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

INCHEON AIRPORT, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - 2018/06/12: A young girl communicating with a robot that is on ... [+] display at Incheon International Airport in Seoul / South Korea. The Guide Robot recognises languages; In addition to English, it can also answer Korean, Chinese and Japanese and recognise boarding cards that are scanned on the touch screen. In South Korea robots are playing an increasing role in society. AI boosts the economy in the countrys rapidly growing industry. Still, threats by terminators and lost employment threats linger. (Photo by Jonas Gratzer/LightRocket via Getty Images)

The world of social technology and public-private partnerships has been rapidly changing, and organizations must adapt their strategies to stay ahead of the curve. UN recently announced that the Republic of Korea is one of the top leaders in the 2022 digital government ranking of the 193 United Nations Member States, scoring the highest in the scope and quality of online services, the status of telecommunication infrastructure, and existing human capacity. LG NOVA is a perfect example of a private sector enterprise constantly innovating and looking for new ways to drive growth. LG NOVA is a subsidiary of LG Electronics, one of the world's largest electronics firms headquartered in Korea. It is on a critical mission to reinvent social impact for the future. The company has been at the forefront of innovation for over five decades, and its commitment to social responsibility and sustainability has earned it a reputation as a trusted partner for businesses and organizations around the globe. In fact, LG Energy Solutions is teaming up with Honda to build the $3.5 billion battery factory and create 2,200 jobs, with an overall investment projected to reach $4.4 billion as part of a joint venture in southern Ohio. President Joe Biden recently mentioned that the Honda-LG joint venture was "committing more than $5 billion toward electric vehicle battery manufacturing and factory retooling across the state.

To realize its vision of becoming a leading global provider of social technology solutions, LG NOVA has invested heavily in its Mission for the Future program. The program is designed to identify and invest in early-stage companies working on cutting-edge technologies with the potential to impact society positively.


In Silicon Valley and globally, LG NOVA seeks to achieve a leadership position in socially impactful technology solutions. The company is focused on investing in early-stage companies that are working on cutting-edge technologies with the potential to impact society positively. Social innovation is reinventing how we live, work, and play, and LG NOVA is committed to supporting the companies leading this charge. The organization can drive growth and create value for shareholders, customers, and partners.

According to Dr. Sokwoo Rhee, Corporate SVP of Innovation at LG Electronics and Head of the North America Innovation Center at LG NOVA, The key industries that the LG NOVA program is seeking submissions from are digital health, electric mobility, and the metaverse. Digital Health is going to be huge. Healthcare is already huge, and you can see that many people are jumping into it right now. Electric mobility is also exploding with new solutions for electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. The government is putting money into the market, so it will only get bigger. While metaverse is still in its early stage of development, LG is continuing to explore how we can play a leading role in its development. Its a key part of our future, and we anticipate that at some point, we'll have an excellent idea or solution that we can make commercially viable."

Dr. Sokwoo Rhee, Corporate SVP of Innovation at LG Electronics and Head of the North America ... [+]ca Innovation Center at LG NOVA speaking at 2022 LG NOVA Innovation Festival


Significant trends in healthcare and electric mobility include the convergence of physical and digital health, the rise of personalized and precision medicine, the growth of the wearables market, and the increasing demand for EV infrastructure as the market for EVs grows. In the metaverse, the initiative looks for applications that can create new value for users by providing an immersive and interactive experience. Dr.Rhee, previously an Associate Director for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Innovation at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, continued to emphasize that "In my opinion, healthcare is a key part of smart communities. Now, if you have to go to a hospital, it's not exactly a smart city; it's just a hospital. But when you are doing healthcare at home, also known as digital healthcare, it broadens to become a community issue. So I believe digital health indirectly contributes to the concept of a smart city." The notion of the smart city is a significant trend to watch in the industry, as it represents the future of urban living and has the potential to create substantial value for companies that can provide solutions that make cities more efficient and livable.

Moreover, according to Joshua Di Frances, Head of Incubation and Senior Director, Healthcare Strategy & Enterprise Business Development, "I focus primarily on healthcare and digital health. Some companies are hospital- and consumer-facing, but they're all looking at the patient and trying to improve health. But I think some companies in that area, like Digbi Health, are exciting. They're looking at personalized health using DNA, genetics, and microbiome to understand better what each person needs. Personalizing medicine represents a huge area of growth. Medicine is going that way; we've seen it for several years. LG has a screen presence at hospitals and a hardware presence, but we also have a powerful consumer brand, and healthcare is moving to the home. And I think there's an opportunity when you think about connected devices, remote patient monitoring, and empowering patients to understand their health better where we could play a significant role. I think our leadership sees that, and thats why health is a big area of focus for us."

According to Maria Patterson, Director of New Ventures, LG Electronics, and LG NOVA Entrepreneur in Residence, Electric Vehicles are a priority in the near future due to their lack of emissions and ability to be powered by renewable energy sources. However, there are concerns about the potential for EVs to overload the electrical grid, as they require a significant amount of power to charge. One way to address this issue is by using AI to model people's behavior and better understand when and how they will use their EVs. This information can then be used to manage the charging of EVs in a way that does not overload the grid. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that these new technologies are accessible to everyone. Those who cannot afford EV chargers should not have to pay for infrastructure improvements that primarily benefit those who can. She states, "Using AI to model peoples behavior is very interesting because it makes us realize everything is very much interconnected, especially with electrification.


Based on the above information, it is evident that LG Electronics is focusing on emerging industries to stay ahead of the curve and create value for their shareholders, such as healthcare and electric vehicles. This aligns with vital global megatrends. The need for better healthcare solutions will only increase as the world's population ages, and the move towards electric vehicles is gathering momentum to combat climate change. LG is well-positioned to capitalize on these trends and create significant value for its shareholders in the years to come.

2022 LG NOVA Innovation Festival

LG NOVA has spotlighted several attractive solutions focusing on health care and electric vehicles as part of their leading finalists for the Mission for the Future challenge.


With digital health capabilities key to delivering healthcare to diverse and disparate communities, LG NOVA is working on expanding and scaling greater access to healthcare and personal health services.

Digbi Health is a digital care platform to prevent and reverse chronic metabolic, digestive, and mental health conditions using gut microbiome insight, genetics, AI, and food-as-medicine. Together LG and Digbi will work to make care globally accessible at home and the office and advance cure.

LifeNome is a B2B2C precision health platform powered by genomics and AI, offering personalized health and well-being solutions to the world's leading enterprises. LG and LifeNome plan to bring to market the world's first precision maternal and family health platform, supporting pregnant individuals 24/7 from conception to the early stages of a child's life.


Mindset Medical is a sensor-based technology platform that can use a camera in patient-owned devices to capture health and biological readings to assist doctors in enhancing medical diagnosis and treatment effectiveness. Expanding upon new services available to doctors and providers, LG's work with Mindset Medical is expected to make it easier for medical providers to understand patient health over time or during live virtual doctor visits.

XRHealth develops virtual treatment rooms, integrating immersive VR/AR technology, licensed clinicians, and real-time data analytics on one platform, providing a comprehensive therapeutic care solution for patients through the continuum of care, from the hospital to the patient's home. LG and XRHealth will continue to grow the service offering to deliver more insights to clinicians and enable more precise personalized care.

The solutions in this category lead to social innovation by bringing technology-enabled solutions to healthcare's most challenging problems and making it easier for people to get the care they need. Specifically, these companies are focused on making it easier for people to access care, whether that's through at-home solutions or by providing more data to doctors to help them make better decisions.


With LG's commitment to sustainability as an organization, LG NOVA is working to pursue new opportunities to expand access to electric vehicles (EV) and electric mobility solutions by enabling more businesses to leverage their infrastructure to provide EV services.

Driivz empowers major EV service providers with an end-to-end EV charging and intelligent energy management software platform. LG and Driivz will work together to enable the hospitality industry across the United States to offer EV charging-as-a-service while optimizing their EV charging operations and providing their customers with an exceptional EV charging experience.

I-EMS Solutions, Ltd. uses innovative AI and blockchain-based distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS) and transactive energy software platforms to enable power optimization across smart cities, smart homes, and e-mobility. By working with I-EMS, LG will help modernize the electricity grid and optimize energy management to deliver better power management solutions for the market.


SparkCharge offers an affordable and convenient way for electric vehicle owners to charge their EVs without a direct-access charger at home or on the road. LG and SparkCharge plan to work together to deliver turnkey EV solutions for businesses to create a stream of revenue from their parking spaces.

The companies in this category focus on making it easier for people to switch to electric vehicles and expanding the infrastructure necessary to support widespread adoption. This is an integral part of LG's commitment to sustainability, as electric vehicles have a lower environmental impact than traditional gas-powered cars.

LG NOVA's Mission for the Future program is a testament to the pressing need for social innovation globally. The company is working with startups in various industries to create new solutions for some of the world's most pressing problems. LG NOVA is committed to positive change in the world, from healthcare to electric vehicles. Other organizations can begin to emulate this program by establishing social innovation initiatives and partnering with startups to create new technologies and services that address pressing global issues.


See the original post here:
Important Mission By LG To Reinvent Society With Future Growth - Forbes


Learn Look Locate Partners with Genetic Testing Leader, Myriad Genetics, in Educational Campaign – PR Newswire

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

TUCSON, Ariz., Oct. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Learn Look Locate (LLL) announced a partnership with Myriad Genetics, a leader in genetic testing and precision medicine, to advance awareness about hereditary breast cancer and risk assessment. As part of the partnership, Myriad will share educational information for breast cancer patients and survivors on LLL's doctor monitored and curated platform.

"We are partnering with Learn Look Locate to help further educate patients and healthcare providers about hereditary cancer testing," said Thomas Slavin, M.D., chief medical officer, Myriad Genetics. "This testing provides vital data-driven genetic insights and personalized medical information to help people with a personal or family history of cancer understand their risk of being born with a predisposition to cancer. With this information, patients and their providers can take steps to either proactively prevent disease or, if diagnosed with cancer, personalize their treatment."

The American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBrS) recommends testing of all patients diagnosed with breast cancer. Patients without a breast cancer diagnosis, but have a family history of the disease, should discuss testing with their physicians. Genetic testing can provide an assessment of a patient's risk of developing breast cancer and provide data-driven medical information for use in personalizing medical management plans.

Myriad's MyRiskHereditary Cancer Test offers multi-gene panel testing that helps determine a patient's hereditary cancer risk associated with 11 primary cancer types, including breast cancer. Patients without breast cancer may also be eligible for further personalized risk stratification with RiskScore, a risk assessment tool that delivers a personalized five-year and remaining lifetime risk of breast cancer

"Genetic testing is one of the most powerful pieces of knowledge about yourself," said Allison DiPasquale, M.D., Breast Surgical Oncologist at Texas Oncology. "It can help predict your risk of certain cancers, help guide systemic therapy and surgical recommendations, as well as provide potential lifesaving information for relatives. Learning how to tap into the insights of your genes empowers both patients and family members. I am so honored to be part of LLL and partner with Myriad on the LLL webpage."

To learn more about hereditary cancer testing, visit LLL online. And stay up to date on the latest therapies and breast cancer news by following LLL on social media @learnlooklocate Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn.

About Myriad Genetics

Myriad Genetics is a leading genetic testing and precision medicine company dedicated to advancing health and well-being for all. Myriad develops and offers genetic tests that help assess the risk of developing disease or disease progression and guide treatment decisions across medical specialties where genetic insights can significantly improve patient care and lower healthcare costs. Fast Company named Myriad among the World's Most Innovative Companies for 2022. For more information, visit http://www.myriad.com.

About Learn Look Locate (LLL)

Founded in 2019 by breast cancer survivor, Cynthia Jordan, LLL represents a global movement for breast cancer support and education. As part of her guiding mission to diagnose breast cancer early and educate people, LLL provides answers to the most important questions patients have: What do I need to know? Who are my resources? Where do I turn now?

LLL focuses on early detection and early diagnosis, aggregating the latest technology and research, the most cutting-edge breast cancer treatments, and information from globally recognized doctors/specialists. Understanding breast cancer at the earliest possible point of a patient's journey is critical. LLL empowers everyone touched by this diagnosis with a supportive community who share their breast cancer stories all ages, genders, and at all stages of the disease.

Join the global movement and become part of the conversation at: http://www.LearnLookLocate.com.

Media Contact:Cynthia Jordan1-407-592-4474[emailprotected]

SOURCE Learn Look Locate

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Learn Look Locate Partners with Genetic Testing Leader, Myriad Genetics, in Educational Campaign - PR Newswire


Scientists identify more than 12,000 spots in the human genome associated with height – Inverse

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

If youve ever lied about your height on a dating app, we now know to whom you can address your grievances. No, not any reinforced societal expectations about what heterosexual relationships look like or how traditional masculinity or femininity manifests, but a stretch of genetic variations.

Height is one of the easiest physical characteristics to measure, and we know that its a trait with high hereditability, meaning inherited genes almost entirely determine it. This trait seems like it should be a fairly straightforward one to parse genetically, but the actual places where gene variations occur have been hard to pin down.

Researchers in Australia, the U.K., and the U.S. published a study on Wednesday in the journal Nature that provides evidence for more than 12,000 spots in the human genome that are associated with height.

Whats new In the largest and most diverse genome-wide association study (GWAS) to date, the studys authors have identified 12,111 places in the human genome associated with height. The team analyzed existing genetic data from nearly 5.4 million people, more than a million of whom were not of European ancestry.

Throughout ones DNA are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP, pronounced snip), which are spots for genetic variation. SNPs are, in part, whats responsible for eye and hair color, height variation, and pretty much any other inherited trait. These arent mutations but spots where a particular nucleotide (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine) exists. These nucleotides encode certain traits.

This study has pinpointed more than 12,000 locations in the human genome where those SNPs coding for height occur.

Why it matters As simple as height may seem, theres so much we still dont know about it.

Loic Yengo, lead author, and statistical geneticist at the University of Queensland, says this work sets the stage for future genetic investigation of other traits and diseases, demonstrating that genetic data alone can contribute a significant portion of trait variation and risk of disease.

It also offers a guide on sample sizes. Though this is the largest GWAS to date, it will likely impel broader and broader studies with even more people.

Widening the sample size is important for the future of personalized medicine, Yengo wrote in an email to Inverse. The more genetic material included, the better researchers will get at identifying at-risk patients before an inherited disease or trait progresses beyond prevention.

More directly, this study teaches something about the biology of bone growth and can eventually help us design treatments for certain skeletal growth disorders, Yengo wrote to Inverse.

Digging into the details Genetic information on European ancestry is now saturated. There arent many more unknown common variants associated with height in this population. According to Yengo, these more than 12,000 genetic variants account for about 40 percent of height variation in European ancestry.

Weve more or less finished mapping them, at least for European ancestry, Joel Hirschhorn, senior author, and a pediatric endocrinologist at Boston Childrens Hospital tells Inverse. Genetic rarities, however, still remain. Yengo now wants to focus on rare variants present in less than 1 percent of that population.

And, there are plenty of other ancestry groups that must be investigated for common variants. In this study, fewer than 78,000 people represented South Asian ancestry. But Hirschhorn and Yengo point to the importance of better understanding height in African ancestries.

Ancestries with an s because of the large diversity existing on the African continent, Yengo writes. Considering human life originated in Africa, information from these populations could provide novel insights.

Humans all started as one relatively small group in Africa, Hirschhorn says. Some of that genetic diversity left Africa, and some of it stayed behind. Since these genes come from much older populations, it has more genetic variability because its had so much more time to evolve.

Theres more to discover and better ability to pinpoint where the right variants are, but to do that, you need large studies of folks with African ancestry, he says.

Whats next These analyses will only get bigger and more diverse. Yengos vision for this researchs future is to home in on rarer genetic variants that alter height and to find even more height variants in other populations.

Hirschhorns interested in the immediate biological understanding we can glean. The more relevant genes we understand, the better we can get to know the biological mechanisms behind how height and skeletal growth work. He also says this study offers an opportunity for prevention and intervention when it comes to genetic disorders or diseases that affect height.

And as a pediatric endocrinologist, I see a lot of kids where the parents come in because theyre concerned about their child growing too slowly, he says. As sci-fi as it may seem, its not too hard to look at that kids genetics to see if perhaps theyre going to end up on the shorter side based on variants identified. But if that kids genetics suggest they should end up on the taller side, then there may be something else going on worth investigating.

Nobody needs genetic testing to at least partially, if not mostly, understand their own height. If youre curious, see if you can learn your parents heights, and that should offer some insight.


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Scientists identify more than 12,000 spots in the human genome associated with height - Inverse


The future of cancer research | News – ND Newswire

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

Pokagon Flag

Harper Institute collecting Native American samples to address health disparities

Dr. Gerald Morris, the medical director for the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians that live in northern Indiana and southwest Michigan, isnt certain that the Native American patients he sees show higher rates of cancer than the rest of the population though he suspects it.

The one thing that stands out to me is, oftentimes, theyre more advanced when we find them, said Morris, who is a Pokagon citizen. I think they have the same issues as other patients in terms of the types of cancers. Its just that they tend to be more advanced when I do see them.

Morris said the reason the cancers are more advanced could trace back to historical access to health care, which leads to lower rates of cancer screening. He hopes that a partnership being developed between the Pokagon Band and the University of Notre Dame'sHarper Cancer Research Institute (HCRI) will help raise awareness of the importance of screening and early detection to address measurable disparities in cancer treatment outcomes involving Native Americans.

The Pokagon Bands tribal leadership plans to invest $25,000 to help fund the project. Scott Brewer, a senior vice president at the tribes Four Winds Casino Resorts, oversees the companys philanthropic activities and proposed the HCRI project to his tribal council. He said the research disparities Harper presented speak for themselves of about 90,000 cancer tissue samples in the Cancer Genome Atlas at the National Cancer Institute, only 114 came from Native Americans.

Thats .001 percent of the total, even though people identifying as at least partially American Indian or Alaska Native constitute about 3 percent of U.S. population.

Weve partnered with the University on several things, but this is the first health initiative, Brewer said. It was the easiest sell for me because its research to try to get a cure, and the research is specific to Native Americans.

The project aims to double the number of cancer tissue samples that come from Native Americans through several outreach efforts. While Harper is in the early stages of relationship building with the Pokagon Band, it has been working for a few years with other minority groups: the Kalispel tribe in eastern Washington state, and medical groups in Puebla, Mexico.

Andy Bullock, associate director of HCRI, explained why its so important to diversify the cancer tissue samples available for research. His rationale starts with the direction the future of cancer research is taking.

Cancer is not one disease, its thousands, Bullock said. It used to be cancer of the breast, colon, kidney, etc. With more personalized medicine, its now more about the type of mutation.

Cancer comes from a mutation in a persons DNA, leading cells to grow uncontrollably in different ways. Targeted cancer drugs and chemotherapy attempt to block different pathways that are turned on by these mutations in the body. But people of different race or ethnicity with the same cancer might have different mutations that activate the cancer-driving pathway.

It might be different between a Caucasian person and Native American person and African American person, said M. Sharon Stack, the Anne F. Dunne and Elizabeth Riley Director of HCRI. We don't know for most cancers in minority populations because nobodys really looked.

Most cancer tissue is collected at elite cancer centers, where there is an over-representation of white patients that can afford treatment there. Minority cancer patients are more likely to seek treatment at local, often less-costly cancer centers. These trends drive the disparity that leads to such low numbers of Native Americans in the Cancer Genome Atlas.

The current model is we come up with a drug that helps white people, then hope it helps other people too, Bullock said. We are trying to invert that model. We want to research Native Americans and see how well those pathway blockers help them and other people.

Stack said the project fits the Universitys mission of serving populations often marginalized in the past, but its also a really compelling scientific question.

A 2022 American Cancer Society report on American Indian and Native Alaskan populations found that cancer incidence in these indigenous communities is higher nationally than among whites, especially for lung, colorectal and kidney cancers. The report notes that lower levels of health insurance and chronic underfunding of the U.S. Indian Health Services exacerbates the problem.

Within the national numbers are wide variations, partly because there are 574 federally recognized tribes and more than 200 that remain unrecognized. Even when factors like health care and poor housing are equalized, wide disparities in cancer cases remain. For instance, Northern Plains Indians are four times more likely to have kidney cancer than whites. Survivability charts also show disparities, likely due to later detection.

Bullock said HCRI has been working for several years with partners in eastern Washington because an alumnus there donated money for cancer research. Ryan Gee, who graduated in 1998, is CEO of Gee Automotive companies with 35 car dealerships across several western states.

Gee, whose wife survived cancer, said the fight against the disease is his side passion. He co-founded the Community Cancer Fund with a friend who survived cancer against great odds. The organization raises money for cancer research and to help families in the Northwest cope with the severe economic impact of cancer treatment.

The Kalispel Indian tribe is a large donor to the fund, so Gee asked Harper about cancer research among Native Americans and learned it was lacking. What if we set a goal to double the amount of Native American research samples in the database through Harper at Notre Dame, Gee said.

Gees nonprofit works with the MultiCare hospital system in Washington state, which has helped Harper collect about 20 cancer tissue samples from Native Americans so far.

Native American populations experience much higher cancer rates than non-Hispanic white people in the U.S and are historically under-represented and critically under researched, said Annie Reedy, MultiCares chief research and education officer. Through this collaboration with Notre Dame we are moving toward a greater understanding of cancers in Native Americans and building a foundation for future clinical trials and treatment advances for this population.

Fundraising is an important part of this research because the cancer tissues are expensive to analyze. When a lump or tumor is removed from a patient, the doctors will perform a biopsy on a small slice to determine if its cancerous. The rest is considered medical waste.

Stack said it can be difficult to convince people to share the leftover portions with tissue banks, especially if the target population is mistrustful of the medical community. Relationship building can take years. A tissue bank must strip out identifying information that could lead back to the donor, leaving only basic demographic information.

Harper contracts with a Chicago company that extracts DNA from samples and looks for about 600 mutations linked to cancer. The $2,500 process also analyzes the RNA sequence, which is a blueprint of the DNAs genetic code that gets made into the proteins that form hair and skin and bones the different parts of the body. Mens basketball coach Mike Brey raised money for the project through his Coaches vs. Cancer work.

Another branch of this ongoing project works with partners in Puebla, Mexico. There is a huge disparity in childhood leukemia survival between people in America and Mexico. In America, more than 90 percent of leukemia patients live to the 10-year marker that signals successful treatment. In Mexico, only about 60 percent live for four years.

HCRI has been collecting samples from pediatric patients in South Bend to compare them with samples from Mexican patients.

Ideally we would have Caucasian kids and also kids of Latin American origin that happened to be raised in South Bend to see if any differences are genetic, or if it could be an environmental effect, Stack said.

Maria Cristina Miranda Vergara earned a doctoral degree in biochemistry from Notre Dame in May. As a student, she studied biomarkers that could improve early cancer detection, working with partners at the Catholic Universidad Popular Autnoma del Estado de Puebla. Now working in biochemical research in Puebla, Miranda Vergara helps process Mexican samples using the same protocols so that the data can be compared to Notre Dames research.

My dream is to develop some sort of microfluidic device that would allow us to detect cancer biomarkers in the field, so we could do early diagnosis of children in their communities, she said. Its difficult to determine the symptoms of cancer, but we need to improve early detection to get the right treatment and improve outcomes.

The common thread between the Harper projects in Mexican and Native American communities is to improve cancer survival by analyzing distinct populations that have not been studied as thoroughly in the past.

Priscilla Gatties, director of Health Services for the Pokagon Band, said Harpers research can help address disadvantages that Native American communities have developed due to a lack of historical health data. She said her mother-in-law, a Pokagon citizen, is fighting against kidney cancer using medication that didnt exist a decade ago.

From my perspective, Im very excited about what Harper is doing, Gatties said. Theres a lot of new research and information, and we can be a part of that. I think thats going to help patients and save lives, even if its later on down the road.

Read more from the original source:
The future of cancer research | News - ND Newswire


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