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Archive for the ‘Nano medicine’ Category

Highly bioactive zeolitic imidazolate framework-8capped nanotherapeutics for efficient reversal of reperfusion-induced injury in ischemic stroke -…

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

Rational design of potent antioxidative agent with high biocompatibility is urgently needed to treat ischemic reperfusion-induced ROS-mediated cerebrovascular and neural injury during ischemia strokes. Here, we demonstrate an in situ synthetic strategy of bioactive zeolitic imidazolate framework-8capped ceria nanoparticles (CeO2@ZIF-8 NPs) to achieve enhanced catalytic and antioxidative activities and improved stroke therapeutic efficacy. This nanosystem exhibits prolonged blood circulation time, reduced clearance rate, improved BBB penetration ability, and enhanced brain accumulation, where it effectively inhibits the lipid peroxidation in brain tissues in middle cerebral artery occlusion mice and reduces the oxidative damage and apoptosis of neurons in brain tissue. CeO2@ZIF-8 also suppresses inflammation- and immune responseinduced injury by suppressing the activation of astrocytes and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, thus achieving satisfactory prevention and treatment in neuroprotective therapy. This study also sheds light on the neuroprotective action mechanisms of ZIF-8capped nanomedicine against reperfusion-induced injury in ischemic stroke.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, so long as the resultant use is not for commercial advantage and provided the original work is properly cited.

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Highly bioactive zeolitic imidazolate framework-8capped nanotherapeutics for efficient reversal of reperfusion-induced injury in ischemic stroke -...


NANOBIOTIX 2019 Annual Results – Business Wire

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

PARIS & CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regulatory News:

NANOBIOTIX (Paris:NANO) (Euronext : NANO ISIN: FR0011341205 the Company), a late clinical-stage nanomedicine company pioneering new approaches to the treatment of cancer, today announced its audited consolidated results for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019:

2019 was a major year for Nanobiotix. We made significant progress in our clinical development plan and are proud to have received our first market approval in Europe for NBTXR3, under the brand name Hensify, in soft tissue sarcoma of the extremity and trunk wall. R&D expenses reflect the strength of our development plan and some key positions have been hired to sustain the activity. In 2020, we are prioritizing the registration pathway for head and neck cancer in the US and Europe, while also continuing our Immuno-Oncology program and evaluating NBTXR3 in other indications with our partners. Philippe Mauberna, Chief Financial Officer of Nanobiotix

The audited consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019 have been approved by the Companys executive board and reviewed by the supervisory board on March 17, 2020.

Consolidated Income Statement: 1

In K



Total revenue and other income









Other sales






Other revenues



Research Tax Credit









Research & Development (R&D) costs



Selling, General and Administrative (SG&A) costs



Operating loss



Financial loss



Income tax



Net loss for the period



Financial Review

Total Revenue in 2019 amounted to 2.5M vs. 3.5M in 2018, mainly due to:

Total Operating expenses reached 49.3M in 2019 vs. 33.5M in 2018:

Total consolidated headcount reached 110 as of December 31, 2019 vs. 102 as of December 31, 2018, in line with the Companys growth.

Net loss after tax amounted to 50.9M for the year ending December 31, 2019 (vs. 30.3M loss in 2018).

Cash available as of December 31, 2019 amounted to 35.1M (excluding the amount related to the 2018 research tax credit, which was received in February 2020)

Nanobiotix activities and achievements in 2019


First ever radioenhancer to receive European market approval

In April 2019, the Company announced that Hensify received European market approval enabling commercialization in 27 European Union countries for the treatment of locally advanced soft tissue sarcoma (STS). Hensify is the brand name for NBTXR3 as approved for the treatment of locally advanced STS.

In July 2019, results from the randomized Phase II/III trial evaluating NBTXR3 in patients with locally advanced STS were published in The Lancet Oncology. The data from the registration study (Act.In.Sarc) demonstrated a significant advantage in both pathological complete response (pCR) and rate of margin-negative resection (R0) for those treated with NBTXR3 activated by radiation therapy (RT) versus RT alone. Data showed that an increase in efficacy was achieved with the addition of NBTXR3, without a significant difference in the safety profile compared to RT alone.

NBTXR3 may present as a valuable option for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma or liver metastasis

During an oral presentation at the ASTRO 2019 annual meeting, Nanobiotix announced phase I results in liver cancer. The study showed promising signs of efficacy for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients, as every evaluable patient responded and over half (62.5%) reached complete response. Moreover, given that the safety profile was very good, a 5th dose escalation level has been added to the trial.

Clinical collaboration(s)

MD Anderson

In January 2019, the Company announced a clinical collaboration with MD Anderson. This agreement expanded the clinical development plan for NBTXR3, as the nine MD Anderson-led trials will evaluate the product in new indications and patient populations, and should involve around 340 patients.

Pre-clinical collaboration(s)

MD Anderson and Weill Cornell Medical College

At AACR 2019, Nanobiotix presented pre-clinical data from studies currently being conducted through its collaborations with MD Anderson and the Weill Cornell Medical College, demonstrating the efficacy of treatment combinations including NBTXR3, radiotherapy, and anti-PD-1 immunotherapy in treating resistant pre-clinical in vivo lung cancer models.

In November during SITC 2019, Nanobiotix announced new results from an in vivo pre-clinical study showing the generation of adaptive immune response (turning cold tumors into hot tumors), better local control, increased abscopal effect, and significantly increased survival for NBTXR3 activated by RT and anti-PD-1 in combination versus RT alone in combination with anti-PD-1. Additionally, an in vivo RadScopal model showed superior local control along with significant increases in abscopal effect and survival for treatments combining NBTXR3 activated by RT with anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA-4 versus all other tested combinations.

Financial Events

Registered public offering in the United States

Nanobiotix announced that it planned to conduct a registered public offering of ordinary shares, including in the form of American Depositary Shares (ADSs) in the United States, and has confidentially submitted a draft registration statement on Form F-1 to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.2

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NANOBIOTIX 2019 Annual Results - Business Wire


UA developing wearable technology to measure sweat ‘biomarkers’ – Tucson Local Media

Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

Researchers at the University of Arizona are developing wearable technology to analyze sweat, which may remove the need to draw blood to learn about the bodys functions in multiple situations.

The project is funded by an 18-month, $519,000 grant from the SEMI Nano-Bio Materials Consortium. The project falls at the crossroads of multiple academic fields, including engineering, chemistry and medicine, and has two main goals: develop a patch to reliably collect the sweat, and develop a biochemistry sensor to analyze the sweat.

When physicians take blood samples, the blood is tested for "biomarkers" which are indicators of medical phenomena like disease or infection. Sweat contains its own index of biomarkers, and collecting it presents a unique series of challenges and advantages.

No matter what molecule you measure in sweat, you need to determine how it relates to the physiological status of the individual, says co-investigator Esther Sternberg, who serves as research director for the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine and UA professor of medicine. In order to measure the status of the immune system without stressing an individual, one needed to get at immune molecules in a different way than drawing blood, because if you draw blood you need to stick a needle in a person, and thats a stressor If youre trying to understand how the stress response affects the immune response, you need to have a noninvasive, unobtrusive way of measuring the status of the immune response.

Sternberg began working with biomarkers in sweat 20 years ago while working at National Institutes of Health. She says one of the reasons she was drawn to the UA was because of interdisciplinary research projects such as this.

Part of understanding biomarkers in sweat involves using a sweat correlation lab where subjects use exercise bikes to have their sweat collected in a controlled environment.

Were able to relate the levels of the different biomarkers to the exact amount of stress that their bodies are experiencing because we correlate them with heart rate, heart rate variability, breathing and other well-standardized methods to accurately measure the activity of the brain and bodys stress response, Sternberg says. Just measuring the molecules is just the tip of the iceberg, you need to correlate them with all these different measures of the status of the physiological stress response in order to understand what they mean and have actionable results.

One of the first hurdles is how to accurately and quickly collect the sweat. According to project principal investigator Erin Ratcliff, a materials science and engineering professor and head of the UA Laboratory for Interface Science of Printable Electronic Materials, the obvious idea to collect sweat would be to make a patch to gather information from multiple pores at once. However, this means waiting for the space between the patch and skin to fill up with sweat, and during that time, the molecules and biomarkers can chemically change, altering important information.

Ratcliff became involved in this project five years ago, and her role is to convert the biomarkers into an electronic signal that devices use. Current wearable technologies, such as a FitBit, measure bodily data like EKG and heart rate, but dont measure the molecules behind the stress responses, such as cortisol or neuropeptide Y.

Part of the project uses a virtual sweat sensing lab which is a computer simulation that allows researchers to input information about biomarkers, printable materials and device architectures to determine what the output of a sensor would be before they ever make it.

The prototypes that will come out of this 18-month project will be laboratory level with the idea that the components will lead to a product stream for a particular company, but were not going to make thousands of them, Ratcliff says.

While Sternberg says measuring sweat has a tremendous and very wide applicability to many different diseases, it will not completely remove the need to draw blood.

Youre getting information from two different compartments of the body; the blood tells you whats going on in the blood and circulatory system, and sweat tells you whats going on in the tissues and peripheral nervous system I believe this will enhance information and give you information that is not present when you only measure molecules in blood, Sternberg says. Ultimately there may be circumstances in which collecting sweat and collecting molecules from sweat will replace the need to measure the molecules in blood, and in other cases to get a full picture of whats happening in the body, you may need to measure sweat, blood, saliva, urine and on and on.

The U.S. Department of Defense measures "technology readiness" throughout nine levels. According to Ratcliff, the team is aiming for the technology to be at level four at the end of this project. Technology Readiness Level Four means that "basic technological components are integrated to establish that they will work together.

This speaks to the importance of academe and industry working together in an unbiased way, together with federal agencies, to solve complex problems which cant be solved only on the academic side or only on the industry side, Sternberg says. This is an interdisciplinary, multi-college collaboration with an engineer of materials science in Erin Ratcliff, a chemist Ray Runyon, and myself a physician When youre talking about cutting-edge, frontier science, that is the way science has to be done.

Go here to read the rest:
UA developing wearable technology to measure sweat 'biomarkers' - Tucson Local Media


2020-2025 Global and Regional Nanomedicine Industry Production, Sales and Consumption Status and Prospects Professional Market Research Report -…

Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

The global Nanomedicine market report by HNY Research offers users a detailed overview of the market and all the main factors affecting the market. The study on global Nanomedicine market, offers profound understandings about the Nanomedicine market covering all the essential aspects like revenue growth, supply chain, sales, key players and regions. There is a target set in market that every marketing strategy has to reach. This report on Nanomedicine focusses on different categories that define this market with a systematic approach that addresses the consumer base, researchers and market experts like the stakeholders. It also gives a clear perspective towards the competition and demand and supply chain.

Request a sample of this report @ https://www.orbisresearch.com/contacts/request-sample/4361506

Manufacturer Detail

By Market Players:Combimatrix, Ablynx, Abraxis Bioscience, Celgene, Mallinckrodt, Arrowhead Research, GE Healthcare, Merck, Pfizer, Nanosphere, Epeius Biotechnologies, Cytimmune Sciences, Nanospectra Biosciences

By Application

By TypeQuantum dots, Nanoparticles, Nanoshells, Nanotubes, Nanodevices

The Nanomedicine market report also offers some presentations and illustrations about the market that comprises pie charts, graphs, and charts which presents the percentage of the various strategies implemented by the service providers in the global Nanomedicine market. This report on Nanomedicine has been very well drafted to benefit anyone studying it. There are different marketing strategies that every marketer looks up to in order to ace the competition in the Global market. Some of the primary marketing strategies that is needed for every business to be successful are Passion, Focus, Watching the Data, Communicating the value To Your Customers, Your Understanding of Your Target Market. Every market research report follows a robust methodology to define its market value. By doing so, the Nanomedicine research study by HNY Research offers collection of information and analysis for each facet of the Nanomedicine market such as technology, regional markets, applications, and types.

Browse the complete report @ https://www.orbisresearch.com/reports/index/2020-2025-global-and-regional-nanomedicine-industry-production-sales-and-consumption-status-and-prospects-professional-market-research-report

This study can benefit investors and business owners in many ways. It studies the business models, strategies, growth, innovations and every information about manufacturers that can help make business predictions and fetch good results. Making right business decisions is an undeniable measure that needs to be taken for market growth. Every market has a set of manufacturers, vendors and consumers that define that market and their every move and achievements becomes a subject of studying for market researchers and other stakeholders. One of the most important aspects focused in this study is the regional analysis. Region segmentation of markets helps in detailed analysis of the market in terms of business opportunities, revenue generation potential and future predictions of the market. For Nanomedicine report, the important regions highlighted are North America, South America, Asia, Europe and Middle East. Another important aspect of every market research report by HNY Research is the study of the key players or manufacturers driving the market forward. The process helps to analyze the opponent thoroughly.

Make an enquiry of this report @ https://www.orbisresearch.com/contacts/enquiry-before-buying/4361506

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Orbis Research (orbisresearch.com) is a single point aid for all your market research requirements. We have vast database of reports from the leading publishers and authors across the globe. We specialize in delivering customized reports as per the requirements of our clients. We have complete information about our publishers and hence are sure about the accuracy of the industries and verticals of their specialization. This helps our clients to map their needs and we produce the perfect required market research study for our clients.

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2020-2025 Global and Regional Nanomedicine Industry Production, Sales and Consumption Status and Prospects Professional Market Research Report -...


How China Is The Future of Nanoscience – OZY

Tuesday, February 4th, 2020

Everything about Chinas drive to become a leading innovator works on a giant scale. Ambitions are enormous, budgets are vast and the focus is widespread. And in many fields, its beginning to close the gap with U.S. and European institutions. But its in the study of materials on the scale of a billionth of a meter nanoscience that China is already fast overtaking its international rivals.

From cloning to cancer research, China is using nanoscience and nanotechnology innovation to drive some of the worlds biggest breakthroughs. In July, an international team of researchers led by Chinese scientists developed a new form of synthetic, biodegradable nanoparticle. Capable of targeting, penetrating and altering cells by delivering the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing tool into a cell, the nanoparticle can be used in the treatment of some single-gene disorders, as well as other diseases including some forms of cancer.

In a separate project, scientists at Chinas Nanjing University haveused nanoparticles to target and destroy abnormal proteins known to causebreast cancer. Tests in mice showed the treatment reduced the size of tumors byhalf compared to the control group. At the University of Science and Technologyof China, a team of researchers claims to have given mice infrared night visionby injecting nanoparticles into their eyes.

And at the State Key Laboratory of Robotics in the northeast city of Shenyang, researchers have developed a laser that produces a tiny gas bubble. This bubble can be used as a tiny robot to manipulate and move materials on a nanoscale with microscopic precision. The technology promises new possibilities in the field of artificial tissue creation and cloning.These innovations are backed up by a scale of research thats unmatched. In 2018, Chinese researchers were on their own responsible for 40 percent of all global scientific papers in the field, with the U.S. (15 percent) a distant second.

Nanotechnology supports biomedicine and quantum technology development and makes its way into everyday life through advancements in consumer electronics and artificial intelligence, all areas where China seeks global dominance. Being at the forefront of cutting-edge nano research greatly improves Chinas prospects for success, especially in biomedicine, where it has long trailed rivals.

Drug delivery, nanomedicine and tissue engineering are rapidly growing fields that rely on our ability to engineernanoparticles and biomaterialstargeted at specific cells, such as cancer cells,to enhance the therapeutic efficacy, says Dr. Omid Kavehei, deputy director of the University of Sydney Nano Institute.

Chinas gains could help it win critical patents in advanced research in fields like cancer, where the U.S. has historically led.

Strong state support in nanoscience as in tech fields such as artificial intelligence and robotics is also a key advantage for China, Bai Chunli, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), conceded publicly in August. The importance the government places on competitiveness in the field is underlined by its inclusion as a strategic industry in Chinas 13th Five-Year Plan, ensuring state funding and legislative and regulatory support. Nanotech research is also a key component of the ambitious Made in China 2025 initiative aimed at turning China into a high-tech manufacturing powerhouse.

Thats allowing China to find success in myriad areas of nanotechnology. A new nanomaterial invented by CAS scientists promises to eliminate millions of metric tons of liquid pollution and emissions from organic chemicals used in printing plates and ink. It is one of the headline acts for CAS as it drives to apply nanotechnology innovation to the development of consumer tech. So far, the project has landed $780 million in investment.

China still relies on collaborations with foreign institutions in most of the subfields of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Shengfu Yang, University of Leicester

In an October 2019 paper published by science journalNano Energy, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics announced the creation of a tiny lithium battery that is resilient to low temperatures, capable of operating at 80 percent efficiency at temperatures of -40 degrees Celsius. While the battery presents huge potential for industries from electric cars to mobile devices, the ability of the battery to operate at extreme temperatures is particularly important to the future of space technology.

Industry experts point to the return of foreign-trained Chinese researchers to the Middle Kingdom, lured by the promise of readily available funding, as an important factor of Chinas progress. The next step is for China to become self-sufficient in developing talent. Currently China still relies on collaborations with foreign institutions in most of the subfields of nanoscience and nanotechnology, says Shengfu Yang, nanochemistry professor at the University of Leicester. The nanoparticle that delivers the gene-editing tool into cells was developed in partnership with scientists at Tufts University in the United States, for instance.

Enhancing innovation in the private sector will also help China kick on, says Zheng Xiao Guo, professor of chemistry and mechanical engineering at the University of Hong Kong. State-funded institutions have played a far bigger role in nanotechnology innovations, and private institutions or enterprises in this area are not as strong, he says.

But the number of private companies driving nanotech product innovation is rapidly growing, Zheng concedes. Nanopolis, the worlds largest nanotech industrial zone, located in the eastern city of Suzhou, houses several private multinationals and new Chinese startups across nanotech fields. China now also leads the globe in newly established nanotech companies. In 2018, Tencent founder Ma Huateng joined a number of high-profile businesspeople in financing the establishment ofChinas first private research institute,Westlake University, with nanotech a main focus for research.

Private-sector involvement opens new and unique pools of funding and talent, and the focus is on applicable research even in a country like China, where state-sponsored institutions still dominate, say experts.

That combination of a growing talent pool and a state-sponsored desire to become a global leader, with an expanding private-sector ecosystem, will be hard for other countries to match. Chinas big leap in small science is just starting.

Go here to see the original:
How China Is The Future of Nanoscience - OZY


Immix Doses First Patient in USA in its Phase 1b/2a Trial in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors – Yahoo Finance

Tuesday, February 4th, 2020

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 4, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Immix Biopharma, Inc., announced today that the first patient in the USA was dosed successfully in its flagship phase 1b/2a clinical trial testing Imx-110 in patients with refractory solid tumors.To-date, the trial has accrued patients across tumor types. The expansion of the study to the US builds upon Immix' results from Australia, wherein six cohorts were dosed with no treatment-related serious adverse events observed and dose escalation is continuing.

The first US patient was dosed at Sarcoma Oncology Research Center in Santa Monica, California - led by Dr. Sant Chawla, a world renowned expert in sarcoma treatment and clinical research. Based on his extensive experience with anthracycline-based experimental therapies for sarcoma, including CytRx' Aldoxorubicin, Dr. Chawla shared his optimism for Imx-110 as an investigational candidate both from the standpoint of superior efficacy and a lower risk of cardiac complications associated with older formulations of doxorubicin.Dr. Chawla's colleague, Dr. Erlinda Gordon is the Principal Investigator leading the study at Sarcoma Oncology Research Center in Santa Monica.

Dr. Gordon is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and previously a Tenured Associate Professor for 24 years at USC and currently a Professor Emeritus at the USC Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California. She is a co-inventor of more than 150 patents in biomedical research, and patented the first targeted gene delivery system for cancer in the USA, Europe and the Philippines. She has authored more than 100 original peer-reviewed articles and served as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Director of the Red Cell Defects Program and the NIH-funded Comprehensive Hemophilia Center at Children's Hospital of Los Angeles and the NIH-funded Children's Oncology Group. Dr. Gordon was co-founder of two biotechnology companies and is a pioneer in the development of targeted gene therapy products.

For more information on the Imx-110 study, please visit clinicaltrials.gov: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03382340.

Immix also has an open call for investigator initiated studies where the company will provide Imx-110 at no charge.

About Imx-110Imx-110 is a first-in-class combination therapy designed to inhibit cancer resistance and evolvability while inducing apoptosis. Imx-110 contains NF-kB/Stat3/pan-kinase inhibitor curcumin combined with a small amount of doxorubicin encased in a nano-sized delivery system for optimal tumor penetration. The nanoparticle is tunable in that it can be bound to various targeting moieties, allowing it to deliver even more payload to tumors or other cell populations of interest, if needed. Imx-110 showed preclinical efficacy in glioblastoma, multiple myeloma, triple-negative breast, colorectal, ovarian, and pancreatic tumor models with the mechanism of action being a 5x increase in cancer cell apoptosis compared to doxorubicin alone, and a wholesale shift in the tumor microenvironment post administration.

About the CompanyImmix Biopharma, Inc. is a privately-held, biopharmaceutical firm focused on developing safe and effective therapies for cancer patients. The company was founded by Vladimir Torchilin, Ph.D., D.Sc., Director of the Center for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Nanomedicine at Northeastern University; physician-scientist and clinical researcher Ilya Rachman, MD, PhD, MBA; and Sean D. Senn, JD, MSc., MBA, a senior biotechnology patent attorney. Immix's founding investor is a family office focused on harnessing scientific advances in order to engineer transformative and effective cancer treatments. For more information visit http://www.immixbio.com.

Media ContactRyan Witt+1 (888) 958-1084info@immixbio.com

View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/immix-doses-first-patient-in-usa-in-its-phase-1b2a-trial-in-patients-with-advanced-solid-tumors-300998208.html

SOURCE Immix Biopharma, Inc.

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Immix Doses First Patient in USA in its Phase 1b/2a Trial in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors - Yahoo Finance


NanoViricides: A History Of Producing Headlines Without Producing A Product – Seeking Alpha

Tuesday, February 4th, 2020

The Wuhan Coronavirus has rapidly become a global health crisis and is producing hourly headlines. As a result, many of the vaccine tickers started to experience parabolic reactions as investors speculate on who will benefit from the growing health crisis. NanoViricides (NNVC) is one of these tickers and has rocketed from ~$3 to around $19 per share. On January 30th, NanoViricides announced it is has already initiated a program for developing a treatment for the 2019-nCOV." In addition, the company believes that their platform technology allows them to possibly have the most rapid pathway for new drug development against viral diseases. This triggered a sharp spike in the share price and has investors keeping a close eye on NNVC for their next move. Unfortunately, the company has yet to gain support from governmental and international agencies, so it doesnt appear NanoViricides is going to be in lead considering Moderna (MRNA) at least has a clinical collaboration with NIH. What is more, the company has started several pipeline programs but has yet to put one into human trials. Consequently, I believe investors need to be cautious around this ticker and should be skeptical about its ability to be a long-term investment.

I intend to provide a brief background on the companys platform technology and pipeline programs. In addition, I discuss my concerns around the companys technology and the ability to get one of their programs through the FDA. Moreover, I recap the companys history of publicizing their intention to develop a therapy for the latest outbreak but has yet to get one of these programs into the clinic.

NanoViricides is committed to the advancement of nanomedicine drugs in the battle against viruses. The companys nanoviricide platform technology intends to develop first-in-class drugs to envelope virus particles, which should block a virus from infecting a healthy cell and will eventually destroy the virus.

Figure 1: NanoViricide Mechanism of Action (Source: NNVC)

NanoViricides has its own c-GMP capable manufacturing facility that can be used to produce their own product candidates for both clinical and commercial use. In terms of pipeline programs, the company has multiple preclinical programs that are moving closer to an IND and into human trials (Figure 2).

Figure 2: NanoViricide Pipeline (Source: NNVC)

At the moment, the company is focused on bringing their NV-HHV-101 HerpeCide program into human trials. This would be the companys lead product candidate for a topical treatment for shingles rash and would be the companys first clinical program. According to the company, NV-HHV-101 had positive GLP Safety/Toxicology and non-GLP studies. Unfortunately, the company hasnt been able to produce any animal models in order to evaluate their dermal treatment but has been using ex vivo human skin organ culture model studies to determine some safety and efficacy. NanoViricides is preparing to file an IND and transition into a clinical-stage biotech.

Once NV-HHV-101 is in the clinic, the company expects to advance their HSV-1 cold sores and of HSV-2 genital ulcers programs. In addition, the company has several preclinical programs that include therapies for HIV, Dengue, Ebola, Bird Flu. These programs are at different stages of preclinical development and have demonstrated safety in animal models. According to the company, their anti-HIV drug candidate has demonstrated complete suppression of the HIV virus in mouse models, which would lead to a functional cure.

My Concerns

Does the NanoViricide entice or attack a virus? After reading through the companys presentation, I couldnt come to a conclusion about how their platform works. The company has illustrated that their NanoViricides attacks and envelopes the virus (Figure 1). However, they have also stated that the NanoViricides fools the virus that it is a host cell and then entraps the virus. Perhaps the NanoViricides work both ways, but it still has me wondering about how it is supposed to act inside the bodya human host cell is astronomically bigger than the virus that is attempting to infect it (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Size Comparisons (Source: Research Gate)

Viruses are measured in nanometers and human cells are measured in microns, yet, the NanoViricide is attempting to trick the virus to thinking it is human cell. Indeed, a virus doesnt decide to attach to a human cell because of its size but rather surface receptors. Still, I dont see it as it being tricked but rather just getting stuck and consumed...which makes me wonder about the size of a NanoViricide...How big of a virus can it cover? Can multiple NanoViricides work on one virus?

How does the NanoViricide destroy the virus? Viruses are quite resilient for just being RNA or DNA encapsulated in a protein coat. A virus requires host cells to carry out the remaining life processes in order to reproduce. This gives our bodies a chance to identify and destroy viruses with our innate and adaptive immune systems by several complex mechanisms. So, an explanation of how a NanoViricide destroys a virus needs to go beyond it encapsulates and destroys. The company explains that the NanoViricide delivers a devastating payload of active pharmaceutical ingredients API into the virus particle, thereby completely destroying the enemy. What is this API? Does it cause cytotoxicity? Is it relying opsonization? The company has a slide (Figure 4), that shows NanoVircide dismantling the capsid.

Figure 4: NanoViricide Dismantling (Source: NNVC)

Admittedly, the company is attempting to be one of the leaders in nanomedicine, so perhaps the mechanisms are beyond me and contemporary medicine. Unfortunately, we cant rely on currently approved products or science to understand how NanoViricide works, which doesnt bode well in my opinion. Contemporary vaccines, antibodies, and anti-viral drugs are effective against viruses, so I have to imagine health agencies and organizations are going to side with the standard-of-care modalities rather than take a chance with unproven technology.

Another issue I have with their technology is how they plan to run clinical trials for some of their pipeline programs. Take their shingles cream candidate, which is intended to be a topical treatment for the shingles rash. How is the company supposed to run a clinical trial for this? What would be an inclusion or exclusion trial for this? How would they know if it is better at clearing up a rash vs. placebo alone? A shingles rash appears abruptly and can last several weeks, so, determining if NanoViricides were able to shorten or diminish the impact of the rash would be difficult to measure. I have the same issue with infectious viruses, where the company is attempting to prove their NanoViricides work against a dangerous virus. With vaccines, companies are able to determine their ability to stimulate the immune system and elicit some seroprotection without the subject being infected with the virus. NanoViricides is not a vaccine, so the subject would have to be infected with the Wuhan Coronavirus in order to determine if it is effective against the virus. Overall, I see the company having a hard time clearing some of these regulatory hurdles and being able to prove its product works the way it is intended.

The other concerning issue is the companys history of developing the current global health crisis and has yet to get that program into the clinic. The company started to develop an Avian Bird Flu drug back in 2006, and yet, it has yet to hit the clinic. The same can be said for their Dengue program that was started in 2007, and the same with Ebola in 2008 and 2014. In addition, the company promoted their efforts against MERS in 2014 and has been attempting an HIV program for several years. Unfortunately, none of these programs have made it into the clinic for human trials but investors cash has made it into the companys bank account. It appears the company takes advantage of any major global health crisis by claiming they have a potential product and they are working hard to quickly progress their NanoViricides against the most recent headline virus. In reality, the company doesnt move out of discovery and preclinical studies. Sadly, investors have been enticed by the prospects of investing in a company that has an answer to the current scare, only to experience dilution that has devastated the share price over the years (Figure 5).

Figure 5: NNVC Weekly Chart (Source: Trendspider)

Even if the company wanted to push forward with development and start human trials, it will need a large amount of cash to get the ball rolling. What is more, the company would most likely need to secure commercial partners to produce and distribute their products. Admittedly, the company just raised about $7.5M in a public offering after the stock popped once the Wuhan virus started to catch the publics eye. Still, the company will most likely need some additional funding to get one of their product candidates through the FDA.

NanoViricide might be working on a potential treatment for the Wuhan Coronavirus, but investors need to be cautious here. The company has a 15-year history of promoting their attempts to develop a leading therapy for the latest virus but has yet to get one of these programs into human trials. Even if the company is able to develop a potential candidate, it is going to need the help from government agencies and institutions to be used and it looks as if some of the worlds biggest pharmaceutical and biotechs are already starting to send some of their anti-viral products to China to help with the outbreak. In fact, Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) is already working on a vaccine and has donated some of their HIV medications. What is more, NanoViricides is not even listed on a CNBC list of companies working on a Coronavirus vaccine or drug (Figure 6).

Figure 6: List of Coronavirus Companies (Source: CNBC)

Considering these points, I would advise investors to wary of investing until the company is able to get an IND and reports their first human data. Until then, I expect shorts to start piling on once the market realizes the company is reusing its old playbook of promoting a program and never following through with it.

Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

NanoViricides: A History Of Producing Headlines Without Producing A Product - Seeking Alpha


Nanomedicine Market: Industry Analysis and forecast 2026 – Expedition 99

Thursday, January 30th, 2020

Nanomedicine Marketwas valued US$ XX Bn in 2018 and is expected to reach US$ XX Bn by 2026, at CAGR of XX% during forecast period of 2019 to 2026.

Nanomedicine Market Drivers and Restrains:Nanomedicine is an application of nanotechnology, which are used in diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and control of biological systems. Nanomedicine usages nanoscale manipulation of materials to improve medicine delivery. Therefore, nanomedicine has facilitated the treatment against various diseases. The nanomedicine market includes products that are nanoformulations of the existing drugs and new drugs or are nanobiomaterials. The research and development of new devices as well as the diagnostics will become, more effective, enabling faster response and the ability to treat new diseases are likely to boost the market growth.

The nanomedicine markets are driven by factors such as developing new technologies for drug delivery, increase acceptance of nanomedicine across varied applications, rise in government support and funding, the growing need for therapies that have fewer side effects and cost-effective. However, long approval process and risks associated with nanomedicine (environmental impacts) are hampering the market growth at the global level. An increase in the out-licensing of nanodrugs and growth of healthcare facilities in emerging economies are likely to create lucrative opportunities in the nanomedicine market.

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Nanomedicine Market Segmentation Analysis:Based on the application, the nanomedicine market has been segmented into cardiovascular, neurology, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, and oncology. The oncology segment held the dominant market share in 2018 and is projected to maintain its leading position throughout the forecast period owing to the rising availability of patient information and technological advancements. However, the cardiovascular and neurology segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR of XX% during the forecast period due to presence of opportunities such as demand for specific therapeutic nanovectors, nanostructured stents, and implants for tissue regeneration.

Nanomedicine Market Regional Analysis:Geographically, the Nanomedicine market has been segmented into North America, the Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America held the largest share of the Nanomedicine market in 2018 due to the rising presence of patented nanomedicine products, the availability of advanced healthcare infrastructure and the rapid acceptance of nanomedicine. The market in Asia Pacific is expected to expand at a high CAGR of XX% during the forecast period thanks to rise in number of research grants and increase in demand for prophylaxis of life-threatening diseases. Moreover, the rising investments in research and development activities for the introduction of advanced therapies and drugs are predicted to accelerate the growth of this region in the near future.

Nanomedicine Market Competitive landscapeMajor Key players operating in this market are Abbott Laboratories, CombiMatrix Corporation, General Electric Company, Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc, and Johnson & Johnson. Manufacturers in the nanomedicine are focusing on competitive pricing as the strategy to capture significant market share. Moreover, strategic mergers and acquisitions and technological innovations are also the key focus areas of the manufacturers.

The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive analysis of Nanomedicine Market including all the stakeholders of the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers and new entrants by region. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors by region on the market are presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which will give a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers. The report also helps in understanding Nanomedicine Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and project the Nanomedicine Market size. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players By Type, Price, Financial position, Product portfolio, Growth strategies, and regional presence in the Nanomedicine Market make the report investors guide.

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Scope of the Nanomedicine Market:

by Modality:

Diagnostics Treatmentsby Diseases:

Oncological Diseases Infectious Diseases Cardiovascular Diseases Orthopedic Disorders Neurological Diseases Urological Diseases Ophthalmological Diseases Immunological Diseases

by Application:

Neurology Cardiovascular Anti-Inflammatory Anti-Infectives Oncology

by Region:

Asia Pacific North America Europe Latin America Middle East Africa

Major Players:

Abbott Laboratories CombiMatrix Corporation General Electric Company Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc Johnson & Johnson Mallinckrodt plc. Merck & Company, Inc. Nanosphere, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Celgene Corporation UCB (Union Chimique Belge) S.A. AMAG Pharmaceuticals Nanospectra Biosciences, Inc. Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Leadiant Biosciences, Inc. Epeius Biotechnologies Corporation Cytimmune Sciences, Inc.

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Chapter One: Nanomedicine Market Overview

Chapter Two: Manufacturers Profiles

Chapter Three: Global Nanomedicine Market Competition, by Players

Chapter Four: Global Nanomedicine Market Size by Regions

Chapter Five: North America Nanomedicine Revenue by Countries

Chapter Six: Europe Nanomedicine Revenue by Countries

Chapter Seven: Asia-Pacific Nanomedicine Revenue by Countries

Chapter Eight: South America Nanomedicine Revenue by Countries

Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Revenue Nanomedicine by Countries

Chapter Ten: Global Nanomedicine Market Segment by Type

Chapter Eleven: Global Nanomedicine Market Segment by Application

Chapter Twelve: Global Nanomedicine Market Size Forecast (2019-2026)

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Maximize Market Research provides B2B and B2C market research on 20,000 high growth emerging technologies & opportunities in Chemical, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics & Communications, Internet of Things, Food and Beverages, Aerospace and Defense and other manufacturing sectors.

Contact info:

Name: Vikas Godage


Email: sales@maximizemarketresearch.com

Contact: +919607065656/ +919607195908


Original post:
Nanomedicine Market: Industry Analysis and forecast 2026 - Expedition 99


These 4 Biotech Stocks Are the Silver Lining on the Wuhan Coronavirus – Yahoo Finance

Thursday, January 30th, 2020

With the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus in China and the increasing death toll, there is little doubt that global financial markets are going to be impacted negatively. As Trump considers banning all flights to China, airline and travel companies like United Airlines (NASDAQ:UAL), Expedia (NASDAQ:EXPE), American Airlines (NASDAQ:AAL) and many more have seen their stock prices crash. There is a strong negative sentiment on the Chinese economy as a whole as the virus has shaken up many of the erstwhile strong sectors.

Overview of the virus

For those readers who are not aware, the Wuhan coronavirus first emerged in the central Chinese city of the same name through the meat and seafood markets and has spread across the country with over a thousand cases and more than a hundred deaths confirmed. It belongs to the same family of viruses as SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and the MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome). This group of crown-shaped viruses can become deadly if it causes the patient to develop lower respiratory tract illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis. It is highly contagious in nature, spreading through the slightest form of saliva contact, whether it is coughing or kissing. The story of the Wuhan coronavirus sounds like history repeating itself after SARS shook up global markets in 2002-03.

It is worth recalling that pharma and biotech companies catering to the respiratory system and providing anti-viral medications were the ones that appreciated the most during the time of SARS, and the current situation does not appear very different. With a strong negative sentiment prevailing in most other sectors, pharma and biotech are perhaps the only sectors that could get a boost from a new bullish sentiment resulting from this virus. Based on the nature of the virus and the expected treatments, the following four stocks could benefit hugely given their presence in the field of anti-viral respiratory medication.

GlaxoSmithKline plc

Since the Wuhan coronavirus belongs to the same family as the SARS, it is important to recall those companies which benefitted the most from the SARS outbreak. While SARS may not have a defined cure even today, the most commonly prescribed form of treatment is the same as that for pneumonia. GlaxoSmithKline plc (NYSE:GSK) is one of the leaders in the space of anti-viral treatments for respiratory disorders like pneumonia.

The above chart shows how the company's stock grew as much as 35% during the SARS phase, which is quite significant for its size. It is worth highlighting that GlaxoSmithKline is a global player with its biggest markets being the U.S. and the UK. Respiratory oral health is one of its strongest segments, and it has a monopolistic position in many anti-viral medications. For example, its Shingrix vaccine for shingles is the only preventive vaccine for the disease across the globe. It has also performed strong research on HIV. The stock has appreciated by over 20% in the past twelve months and also provided a dividend yield of 4.32%, making it an excellent bet for investors.

Abbott Laboratories

Abbott Laboratories (NYSE:ABT) is more of a play on the diagnostics aspect rather than the treatment aspect of the Wuhan virus. The company is one of the largest global biotech giants, and one of its most important offerings relevant to the Wuhan virus situation is its diagnostic capabilities. Abbott is known to provide rapid diagnostics systems for infectious diseases along with remote patient monitoring, informatics and automation solutions that are all very relevant to diagnose the Wuhan virus victims. It also has molecular point-of-care testing for HIV, influenza A and B and RSV.

Story continues

Abbott's relevance was so strong in the SARS era that it appreciated by over 30% in those times and is already up by around 22% in the past 12 months. Given the current situation, the upward momentum of the stock might continue for a while.

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Biotech giant Gilead Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:GILD) was easily one of the biggest beneficiaries in the SARS outbreak, as it saw its stock appreciate more than 200% throughout the outbreak.

The reason for this appreciation is that Gilead gets most of its revenues from the anti-viral segment. The company's stock price has been stable throughout economic downturns and it is not without reason that the company has a 4.5-star business predictability rating on Gurufocus. Not only is it debt-free, it is known to distribute a good amount of dividend (current yield of 3.93%) to shareholders over and above capital appreciation. Not only has it done remarkable research on HIV, Gilead also has some very well known anti-viral brands in the market such as Atripla, Cayston, Sovaldi, Odefsey, Truvada, Biktarvy and so on. It is certainly going to be moving fast in the race to provide strong anti-viral treatments for the Wuhan coronavirus.

NanoViricides, Inc.

NanoViricides, Inc. (NNVC) is the only small, development-stage company on this list, but it is here for a reason. Since the news of the Wuhan virus outbreak, NanoViricides has seen its stock shoot up by as much as 349%.

The company, led by biotech veteran Dr. Anil Diwan, specializes in anti-viral research and had actively worked on MERS in the past. Its current research is also focused on treating viruses through its proprietary nanomedicine technology, where it uses anti-viral nanomachines known as "nanoviricides." The company has a decent pipeline of anti-viral drug candidates catering to diseases such as shingles, herpes, seasonal and potentially-epidemic influenzas, bird flu, HIV, cold sores, viral eye diseases and dengue viruses.

In fact, its most rapidly advancing drug candidate is a topical cream for the treatment of shingles, which is now advancing to the stage of IND application before progressing to human trials. While the company may not have significant revenues today, it hopes to start monetizing the progress of this cream through licensing agreements after the initial phases of the human trials. It has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the Wuhan virus outbreak so far in terms of stock appreciation, and the upward momentum is expected to remain strong with the IND application results arriving soon.


The Wuhan coronavirus may have a huge negative impact on global markets over a span of time, but the pharma and biotech space is one where it presents a good opportunity. As its fears grip the world, companies like the ones mentioned above are working hard to capitalize on this opportunity and maximize their revenues. In such a situation, it is often beneficial for investors to be opportunistic and make the most returns through investing in these companies.

Disclosure: No positions.

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This article first appeared on GuruFocus.

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These 4 Biotech Stocks Are the Silver Lining on the Wuhan Coronavirus - Yahoo Finance


Global Nanorobotics Market : Industry Analysis and Forecast (2018-2026) – Expedition 99

Thursday, January 30th, 2020

Global Nanorobotics Marketwas valued at US$ 3.7 Bn in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 9.2Bn by 2026, at a CAGR of 12.06%during a forecast period.Global Nanorobotics MarketDevelopments in nanotechnology coupled with demand for minimally aggressive procedures are expected to drive market growth over the forecast period. Nanobots possess likely in the medical sector for destroying cancerous cells at the genetic level. Increasing support for nanomedicine by many nations and the increasing geriatric population are factors which can augur market demand.

Utilization of nanobots in the ranostics can be beneficial for the market in the near future. A rise in miniaturization and demand for automation across various sectors are anticipated to fuel market growth. Training of new personnel to use nanobots can restrain market growth in the upcoming years.Nanomedicine application segment to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Nanorobotics is widely used in nanomedicine owning to its healthcare features. The large share of this application aspects to the large level of commercialization in the healthcare sector for drug delivery, in vivo imaging, biomaterial, in vitro diagnostic, active implants, and drug therapy.

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North America region accounted for the largest share of 12.2%, in terms of value, of the nanorobotics market globally. Presence of many nanotechnology companies, well-developed healthcare infrastructure, and government initiatives to create patient awareness are factors driving the market. The U.S is anticipated to contribute to market revenue owing to the increase in cardiovascular diseases and the rising elderly populace.

Europe follows North America as the second biggest nanorobotics market. Presence of chronic diseases and the burgeoning population are factors expected to indicate the Europe nanobots market. Establishment of organizations to develop standards pertaining to nanotechnology can expand market growth. In 2018, DNA-Robotics, an organization including 12 European companies, has outlined steps to expedite production of nanobots on a large scale. These standards can help scale the market exponentially in the upcoming years.

A recent development in nanorobotics market: In March 2018, Thermo Fisher Scientific acquired Gatan, an exclusively owned subsidiary of Roper Technologies. Gatan is an electron microscopy solutions provider in the U.S, which accompaniments the Thermo Fisher Scientifics electron microscopy solutions business.In March 2017, Oxford Instruments (U.K) Asylum Research introduced its new SurfRider HQ-Series of high quality, budget-priced AFM probes, which are also existing in a model suitable for nanomechanical image mode.

The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, industry-validated market data and projections with a suitable set of assumptions and methodology. The report also helps in understanding Global Nanorobotics Market dynamics, structure by identifying and analyzing the market segments and project the global market size. Further, the report also focuses on the competitive analysis of key players by product, price, financial position, product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence. The report also provides PEST analysis, PORTERs analysis, SWOT analysis to address the question of shareholders to prioritizing the efforts and investment in the near future to the emerging segment in the Global Nanorobotics Market.

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Scope of the Global Nanorobotics Market

Global Nanorobotics Market, By Type

Nanomanipulatoro Electron Microscope (EM) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)o Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM) Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) Bio-Nanorobotics Magnetically Guided Bacteria-BasedGlobal Nanorobotics Market, By Application

Nanomedicine Biomedical Mechanical OthersGlobal Nanorobotics Market, By Region

North America Europe Asia Pacific Middle East and Africa South AmericaKey players operating in Global Nanorobotics Market:

Bruker JEOL Thermo Fisher Scientific Ginkgo Bioworks Oxford Instruments EV Group Imina Technologies Toronto Nano Instrumentation KlockeNanotechnik KleindiekNanotechnik Xidex Synthace Park Systems Smaract Nanonics ImagingKey Innovators:

Novascan Technologies Angstrom Advanced Hummingbird Scientific NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments Witec

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Chapter One: Nanorobotics Market Overview

Chapter Two: Manufacturers Profiles

Chapter Three: Global Nanorobotics Market Competition, by Players

Chapter Four: Global Nanorobotics Market Size by Regions

Chapter Five: North America Nanorobotics Revenue by Countries

Chapter Six: Europe Nanorobotics Revenue by Countries

Chapter Seven: Asia-Pacific Nanorobotics Revenue by Countries

Chapter Eight: South America Nanorobotics Revenue by Countries

Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Revenue Nanorobotics by Countries

Chapter Ten: Global Nanorobotics Market Segment by Type

Chapter Eleven: Global Nanorobotics Market Segment by Application

Chapter Twelve: Global Nanorobotics Market Size Forecast (2019-2026)

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Maximize Market Research provides B2B and B2C market research on 20,000 high growth emerging technologies & opportunities in Chemical, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics & Communications, Internet of Things, Food and Beverages, Aerospace and Defense and other manufacturing sectors.

Contact info:

Name: Vikas Godage


Email: sales@maximizemarketresearch.com

Contact: +919607065656/ +919607195908


See the rest here:
Global Nanorobotics Market : Industry Analysis and Forecast (2018-2026) - Expedition 99


Healthcare Nanotechnology Nanomedicine Market : Outlook Continues to Remain Positive by 2015 2021 – The Trusted Chronicle

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020

Nanotechnology is one of the most promising technologies in 21st century. Nanotechnology is a term used when technological developments occur at 0.1 to 100 nm scale. Nano medicine is a branch of nanotechnology which involves medicine development at molecular scale for diagnosis, prevention, treatment of diseases and even regeneration of tissues and organs.

Thus it helps to preserve and improve human health. Nanomedicine offers an impressive solution for various life threatening diseases such as cancer, Parkinson, Alzheimer, diabetes, orthopedic problems, diseases related to blood, lungs, neurological, and cardiovascular system.

Development of a new nenomedicine takes several years which are based on various technologies such as dendrimers, micelles, nanocrystals, fullerenes, virosome nanoparticles, nanopores, liposomes, nanorods, nanoemulsions, quantum dots, and nanorobots.

In the field of diagnosis, nanotechnology based methods are more precise, reliable and require minimum amount of biological sample which avoid considerable reduction in consumption of reagents and disposables.

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Apart from diagnosis, nanotechnology is more widely used in drug delivery purpose due to nanoscale particles with larger surface to volume ratio than micro and macro size particle responsible for higher drug loading. Nano size products allow to enter into body cavities for diagnosis or treatment with minimum invasiveness and increased bioavailability. This will not only improve the efficacy of treatment and diagnosis, but also reduces the side effects of drugs in case of targeted therapy.

Globalnanomedicinemarket is majorly segmented on the basis of applications in medicines, targeted disease and geography. Applications segment includes drug delivery (carrier), drugs, biomaterials, active implant, in-vitro diagnostic, and in-vivo imaging. Global nanomedicine divided on the basis of targeted diseases or disorders in following segment: neurology, cardiovascular, oncology, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and others.

Geographically, nanomedicine market is classified into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and MEA. Considering nanomedicine market by application, drug delivery contribute higher followed by in-vitro diagnostics. Global nanomedicine market was dominated by oncology segment in 2012 due to ability of nanomedicine to cross body barriers and targeted to tumors specifically however cardiovascular nanomedicine market is fastest growing segment. Geographically, North America dominated the market in 2013 and is expected to maintain its position in the near future.

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Asia Pacific market is anticipated to grow at faster rate due to rapid increase in geriatric population and rising awareness regarding health care. Europe is expected to grow at faster rate than North America due to extensive product pipeline portfolio and constantly improving regulatory framework.

Major drivers for nanomedicine market include improved regulatory framework, increasing technological know-how and research funding, rising government support and continuous increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, kidney disorder, and orthopedic diseases. Some other driving factors include rising number of geriatric population, awareness of nanomedicine application and presence of high unmet medical needs. Growing demand of nanomedicines from the end users is expected to drive the market in the forecast period.

However, market entry of new companies is expected to bridge the gap between supply and demand of nanomedicines. Above mentioned drivers currently outweigh the risk associated with nanomedicines such as toxicity and high cost. At present, cancer is one of the major targeted areas in which nanomedicines have made contribution. Doxil, Depocyt, Abraxane, Oncospar, and Neulasta are some of the examples of pharmaceuticals formulated using nanotechnology.

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Market Players

Key players in the global nanomedicine market include:

Original post:
Healthcare Nanotechnology Nanomedicine Market : Outlook Continues to Remain Positive by 2015 2021 - The Trusted Chronicle


Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market By Technology, Route of Administration, Application and Region Global Industry Analysis, Market Share,…

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020

Global Antisense and RNAi Therapeutics Market was valued US$ X1.2X Bn in 2019 and is expected to reach US$ XX Bn by 2027, at CAGR of X7.XX% during forecast period of 2020 to 2027.

Global Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market

Global Antisense and RNAi Therapeutics Market: Overview

In past years, pharmaceutical companies were motivated about the prospective of RNA interference (RNAi). But later, financial volatility and subsequent suspensions by pharmaceutical companies have articulated that RNAi therapeutics market was fiished. Yet, advances in nano medicine helped the vast potential of RNAi therapeutics to flourish. Antisense technology offers the prospect to influence the gene expression and this is being considered as an effective treatment for various diseases. Based on this factor, great number of gene silencing drugs are in the development process.

The global antisense and RNAi therapeutics market have gathered substantial attention in the recent years, due to its perspective to treat many sort of chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, diabetes, cancer, AIDS, as well as certain cardiovascular problems. This prospect is being cashed on by the many companies in this industry and are investing in R&D. Just to emerge as being in the clinical research division, the RNA based therapeutics are likely to be explored as a most efficient treatment choice for the disorders, which are very difficult to treat. Market is expected to grow at CAGR XX.XX% over the forecast period, as number of companies are into the development of molecules focused on antisense technology.

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However, there are many challenges associated with the emerging antisense technology and RNAi. One of the noticeable issue is the drug delivery to the proposed portion. Drug delivery to the nervous tissues is one of the problems as the drug has to pass the blood-brain barrier. Major players in the industry are coming up with solutions to overcome these challenges.

The other challenge is toxic effects caused by the use of this technology. Determining the right dosage and path for drug delivery of an antisense molecule is one of the most crucial process to ensure the safe administration. While overcoming this as much as possible and implementing it, companies have encountered multiple rejections from the regulatory bodies. For instance, FDA has refused, an antisense molecule to treat familial chylomicronemia syndrome by the renowned U.S. organization Akceas Waylivra. Such events would push companies to develop better paths, efficient delivery solutions, and effective compositions.

Global Antisense and RNAi Therapeutics Market: Growth Factors

In RNAi therapeutics, more influential product focus vs. platform technologies and virtual drug expansion models that enable several companies to minimize the R&D costs, are expected to attract investors and supplement in the growth of the market. Instead, major issues in drug delivery as well as high failure rates are some of the biggest barriers for companies working in this particular field. Despite the limitations, the players in the pharmaceutical sector are interested and focused for the commercialization of these therapies, hence antisense and RNAi therapeutics market have chances to grow substantially with CAGR of XX.XX% and expected to reach US$ XX.XX Mn by the end of the forecast period.

Global Antisense and RNAi Therapeutics Market: Regional Analysis

North America has experienced to be the most lucrative market in the recent times and has contributed a substantial share in the Global Antisense and RNAi Therapeutics Market. Multiple clinical trials have shown favorable results and are even progressing through the development stages. Supposing such trials expected to show positive results, the North American market can be expected to witness the exponential growth during forecast period. Furthermore in the U.S. several biotechnology companies have made considerably high investments for RNAi therapeutic development and number of RNAi therapeutics are in final stage of development phases. In North America, clinical laboratories are likely to contribute significant revenue generation via platform and product licensing. Supportive government regulation and provision to increase the number of clinical trials therein encourages the method of initiation for exploring antisense therapeutics. The forthcoming commercialization of several players are under R&D will help to boost the global antisense and RNAi therapeutics market in North America in the forecast period.

The increasing government expenditure toward R&D, as well as different forms of siRNA delivery methods, is a strong side propelling the growth of the global antisense and RNAi therapeutics market in Asia Pacific region. Still this region is experiencing the moderate growth rate with CAGR of XX.XX% during 2014-2018, but post commercialization of these therapies, prospects, and forthcoming opportunities in the Asia Pacific are likely to be more profitable, presenting a maximum development rate with the consistently growing CAGR of XX.XX% in the forecast period from 2020 to 2027.

Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market Insights and developments

In the recent years there are many discoveries in the field of technologies with regards to Global Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market, which in turn will help the industry to grow. Big pharmaceutical developers have entered into collaboration agreements or outsourcing deals with a several of smaller firms & new entrants in an effort to take advantage of on the expected growth in revenue that this market can generate over the forecast period. For instance, Agreement between AstraZenecas and Ionis pharmaceuticals is one of the big deals that are hugely investing & doing R&D into antisense technology.

Since the discovery of RNAi in, there are various ways of treatment of multiple diseases using RNAi, still, the market has picked up very little over the past decade due to the complexities in delivery methodologies associated to RNAi. But due to initiatives by key players and ongoing R&D have shown the chances of better growth.

Rising need for the cure and prevention of diseases like cancer, AIDS and several diseases caused by mutating viruses is anticipated to impact the usage rate of oligonucleotide products. This field is rapidly expanding owing to the increasing number of clinical trials for the oligonucleotide drugs. For instance, Ionis Pharmaceuticals has 2 approved molecules in the European Union and 1 in U.S. along with 4 molecules in pipeline.

Many key players are putting efforts in developing novel delivery systems like nanocarriers, to encourage the in-vivo delivery of the oligonucleotides. To develop the bioavailability, carrying capability of siRNA payload and they deliver high interface with the target cells are the key functions of Nanocarriers, for which they are recognized mostly. The development of newer nanotechnology-oriented methods has offered high potential to the market to grow during the forecast period. Nanocarriers can reduce the toxicity of these oligonucleotides. There is huge need for the latest and harmless delivery systems for cancer and other viral diseases, which is expected to suppliment the market growth. Significant pipeline for cancer therapies by organizations and institutes such as, Enzon Pharmaceuticals (Santaris Pharma), OncoGenex, University of Texas, Astrazeneca (Ionis Pharmaceuticals), Isarna Therapeutics and INSYS Therapeutics, Inc. have huge contribution in driving the market.

Detailed analysis of competition, new entrants, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisition in the Global Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market is covered in the report. The report covers the market leaders and followers in the industry with the market dynamics by region. It will also help to understand the position of each player in the market by region, by segment.

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Global Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market Company Profiles

The players operating in the Global Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market, analyzed in the report are:

GSK, Sanofi-Genzyme, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Marina Biosciences, Benitec Biopharma, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Akcea Therapeutics, Quark Pharmaceuticals, Gene Signal

Global Antisense and RNAi Therapeutics Market: Segmentation

The global antisense and RNAi therapeutics market is classified into technology, application, and route of administration. In terms of technology, the global antisense and RNAi therapeutics market is bifurcated into RNA interference and antisense RNA. The segment RNA interference is further sub-divided into miRNA and siRNA. In terms of application, the global antisense and RNAi therapeutics market are categorized into cardiovascular, oncology, renal diseases, respiratory disorder, genetic disorders, a neurodegenerative disorder, infectious diseases, and others. In terms of route of administration, the global antisense and RNAi therapeutics market is sub segmented into intravenous injections, pulmonary delivery, intraperitoneal injections, intradermal Injections, topical delivery, and other delivery methods.Global Antisense and RNAi Therapeutics Market by Technology

RNA Interferenceo siRNAo miRNA Antisense RNAGlobal Antisense and RNAi Therapeutics Market by Application

Oncology Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) Respiratory Disorders Renal Diseases Neurodegenerative Disorders Genetic Disorders Infectious Diseases OtherGlobal Antisense and RNAi Therapeutics Market by Route of Administration

Pulmonary Delivery Intravenous Injections Intra-dermal Injections Intraperitoneal Injections Topical Delivery Other Delivery Methods


Chapter One: Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market Overview

Chapter Two: Manufacturers Profiles

Chapter Three: Global Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market Competition, by Players

Chapter Four: Global Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market Size by Regions

Chapter Five: North America Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Revenue by Countries

Chapter Six: Europe Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Revenue by Countries

Chapter Seven: Asia-Pacific Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Revenue by Countries

Chapter Eight: South America Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Revenue by Countries

Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Revenue Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics by Countries

Chapter Ten: Global Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market Segment by Type

Chapter Eleven: Global Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market Segment by Application

Chapter Twelve: Global Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market Size Forecast (2019-2026)

Browse Full Report with Facts and Figures of Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market Report at: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-antisense-rnai-therapeutics-market/46233/

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Maximize Market Research provides B2B and B2C market research on 20,000 high growth emerging technologies & opportunities in Chemical, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics & Communications, Internet of Things, Food and Beverages, Aerospace and Defense and other manufacturing sectors.

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Name: Vikas Godage


Email: sales@maximizemarketresearch.com

Contact: +919607065656/ +919607195908

Website: http://www.maximizemarketresearch.com

Antisense & RNAi Therapeutics Market By Technology, Route of Administration, Application and Region Global Industry Analysis, Market Share,...


Shanghai Hospital to Develop mRNA Vaccine Targeting the 2019-nCoV in 40 Days – PrecisionVaccinations

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020

According to the Shanghai East Hospital of Tongji University, a Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine targeting the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) may become available in a few months.

The project has already completed an emergency filing.

Announced in a press release on January 28, 2020, the mRNA vaccine will be co-developed by the Shanghai East Hospital and Stermirna Therapeutics Co., Ltd.

Li Hangwen, the CEO of Stermirna Therapeutics, is reported by Xinhua to have said no more than 40 days will be needed to manufacture the vaccine samples based on the new generation of mRNA technology and some preliminary procedures.

Li Hangwen said this accelerated development process can be achieved since mRNA vaccines have shorter development and production cycles.

Separately, Li Hangwen, a project leader of the translational medicine platform of Dongfang Hospital and chairman of Sri Lanka Microbiology, said in a press release that using relevant platform technology, rapid synthesis of mRNAs with different antigen sequences targeting key targets of this new type of coronavirus, and through nano-lipid.

The translational medical platform of Dongfang Hospital affiliated to Tongji University cooperated with Siwei (Shanghai) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and relied on the subject of "Shanghai Zhangjiang National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone Stem Cell Strategic Library and Stem Cell Technology Clinical Translation Platform" Sub-task-the results of the mRNA synthesis platform, to quickly promote the development of new coronavirus mRNA vaccines.

This drug-loaded technology is used to prepare the preparation, and in vivo and animal experiments are used to screen and verify effective antigens.

The new generation of mRNA vaccine technology that has emerged in recent years has the advantages of short development and production cycles and can realize the timely production and application of vaccines.

Based on this, large-scale preventive 2019-nCoV vaccine sample production and preparation will be completed within 40 days.

After completing the necessary approval process, the mRNA vaccine candidate can be promoted to the clinic as soon as possible.

Preventive vaccines are the key to extinguishing the large-scale epidemic of major infectious diseases.

In view of the current epidemic of 2019-nCoV, the traditional vaccine has a problem that the production cycle is too long, said this press release. For example, the production cycle of the recombinant protein vaccine takes 5 to 6 months, which cannot meet the need to extinguish the epidemic in time.

Although several vaccine candidates are currently in clinical trials, many still remain in the pre-clinical stage.

Novel coronavirus vaccine news published by Precision Vaccinations.

Read more:
Shanghai Hospital to Develop mRNA Vaccine Targeting the 2019-nCoV in 40 Days - PrecisionVaccinations


Cape Breton University researchers hope to help water woes – TheChronicleHerald.ca

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020


Work taking place at Cape Breton University could help small communities both locally and globally deal with water contamination issues.

Shine (Xu) Zhang is a CBU chemistry professor and holds the Tier II Canada Research Chair in healthy environments and communities and the industrial research chair in applied nanotechnology. He is working on a project that involves electrochemical water treatment which he believes can offer a green, efficient and cost-effective alternative.

Water pollution, water contamination is a global concern but its also a local problem for Cape Breton and Nova Scotia, Zhang said.

He said he wanted to take on water contamination as a research topic because it is such a big issue.

CBU is a local university, but CBU really wants to contribute to the community, Zhang said. The environment is a big issue. Water contamination is also a global issue, therefore, research here, if we do a good job, can not only help local communities but also help people far away from here.

We want to apply what we learn to solve some real-world problems.

His research program aims at exploiting nanotechnology and nanomaterials for environmental and health applications with a focus on water treatment, cancer diagnostics and treatment with precision nanomedicine. Zhang has published 65 journal articles.

He describes the technology hes developed as being relatively simple, with an electrode acting like a filter. One electrode removed organic material while another electrode removed heavy metals.

Water comes through the filter, dirty water becomes clean, Zhang said.

The technology, I feel is useful because, from a research standpoint, energy consumption is very low, so essentially its quite cost-effective. That is compatible, for example, with solar panel, those kinds of various sustainable power source. It can be a very automatic system, so you dont need a lot of manpower to run it.

A request for proposals for a market research consultant issued by CBU recently closed and Zhangs team is currently reviewing the proposals received. It asked for proposals to outline how the consultant would go about understanding and marketing the technology, from lab to market through the successful negotiation of a licence.

Zhang said they are now evaluating the best way to commercialize the technology.

Were looking for different industry partners so that we can do further development of specific products or applications for this to meet different needs, he said. For example, we work with environmental remediation companies, we work with landfill leachate, we work on pharmaceutical wastewater. We want to find industry partners to work on further development.

Its hoped the consultant that they hire will assist in finding those partners. A prototype has been developed.

The ideal starting industry level would be 3,000 litres a day, were about halfway there already, were at about 1,500 litres a day," said Andrew Carrier, who works closely with Zhang.

Carrier noted the technology also works in flows, so you dont need a large quantity of contaminated water to make use of it, and it doesnt take up much physical space. They want the technology to be accessible to as many people who can make use of it as possible, he added.

Its easy to put into a remote location without having to invest much capital, Carrier said.

Zhang noted the technology also doesnt generate any sort of secondary waste as a result of its water treatment.

Zhangs work has been supported by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Innovacorp, Springboard Innovation Mobilization program, Nova Scotia Lands as well as CBU.


Read the rest here:
Cape Breton University researchers hope to help water woes - TheChronicleHerald.ca


A Chelate-Free Nano-Platform for Incorporation of Diagnostic and Thera | IJN – Dove Medical Press

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020

Yaser H Gholami, 1 4 Lee Josephson, 3 Eman A Akam, 5 Peter Caravan, 5 Moses Q Wilks, 3 Xiang-Zuo Pan, 3, 6 Richard Maschmeyer, 1 Aleksandra Kolnick, 3, 7 Georges El Fakhri, 3 Marc D Normandin, 3 Zdenka Kuncic, 1, 4, 8Hushan Yuan 3

1The University of Sydney, Faculty of Science, School of Physics, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 2Bill Walsh Translational Cancer Research Laboratory, The Kolling Institute, Northern Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, Australia; 3Gordon Center for Medical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States; 4Sydney Vital Translational Cancer Research Centre, St Leonards, NSW, Australia; 5The Institute for Innovation in Imaging and the A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States; 6Bouve College of Health Sciences, CaNCURE Program, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA; 7Internal Medicine Residency Program, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, Burlington, MA, USA; 8The University of Sydney Nano Institute, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Correspondence: Hushan YuanGordon Center for Medical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 149 13 th Street, Charlestown, MA 02129, USATel +1 617-643-1963Email hyuan@mgh.harvard.edu

Purpose: Using our chelate-free, heat-induced radiolabeling (HIR) method, we show that a wide range of metals, including those with radioactive isotopologues used for diagnostic imaging and radionuclide therapy, bind to the Feraheme (FH) nanoparticle (NP), a drug approved for the treatment of iron anemia.Material and methods: FH NPs were heated (120C) with nonradioactive metals, the resulting metal-FH NPs were characterized by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), dynamic light scattering (DLS), and r 1 and r 2 relaxivities obtained by nuclear magnetic relaxation spectrometry (NMRS). In addition, the HIR method was performed with [ 90Y]Y 3+, [ 177Lu]Lu 3+, and [ 64Cu]Cu 2+, the latter with an HIR technique optimized for this isotope. Optimization included modifying reaction time, temperature, and vortex technique. Radiochemical yield (RCY) and purity (RCP) were measured using size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and thin-layer chromatography (TLC).Results: With ICP-MS, metals incorporated into FH at high efficiency were bismuth, indium, yttrium, lutetium, samarium, terbium and europium (> 75% @ 120 oC). Incorporation occurred with a small (less than 20%) but statistically significant increases in size and the r 2 relaxivity. An improved HIR technique (faster heating rate and improved vortexing) was developed specifically for copper and used with the HIR technique and [ 64Cu]Cu 2+. Using SEC and TLC analyses with [ 90Y]Y 3+, [ 177Lu]Lu 3+ and [ 64Cu]Cu 2+, RCYs were greater than 85% and RCPs were greater than 95% in all cases.Conclusion: The chelate-free HIR technique for binding metals to FH NPs has been extended to a range of metals with radioisotopes used in therapeutic and diagnostic applications. Cations with f-orbital electrons, more empty d-orbitals, larger radii, and higher positive charges achieved higher values of RCY and RCP in the HIR reaction. The ability to use a simple heating step to bind a wide range of metals to the FH NP, a widely available approved drug, may allow this NP to become a platform for obtaining radiolabeled nanoparticles in many settings.

Keywords: nanomedicine, radiolabeling, radionuclide therapy, HIR, Feraheme

This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at https://www.dovepress.com/terms.php and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License.By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms.

Continued here:
A Chelate-Free Nano-Platform for Incorporation of Diagnostic and Thera | IJN - Dove Medical Press


The application of technology in the fields of medicines and living sciences – BPhrm Dv

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020

There are some fascinating possibilities for using nanotechnology in medicine. Some techniques are only imagined, while others are being tested at different stages.

The nanotechnology field of medicine includes applications of currently-developed nanoparticles and longer-range work involving the use of engineered nano-robots to repair cellularly (sometimes called nanomedicine).

Regardless of what you call nanotechnology, it can revolutionize the manner in which we diagnose and treat human corporal and disease damage in the future, and many technologies only imagined a few years ago, are making significant progress towards becoming reality.

A report on the opportunities offered by nanobiotechnology was published by the German pharmaceutical group, VFA.

The report found that Germany holds a strong position with 1,100 companies in space, including nanobiotechnology, the application of technology in the fields of medicines and living sciences, in the area of nanotechnology.

The relatively young research field has the potential to further improve diagnostic and therapeutic chances for diseases which had not or can not have previously been treated sufficiently Currently used in medical and pharmaceutical nanobiotechnological methods include high-data screening to seek new targets structures and substances, alongside the use of nanotechnology

Many nano-cancer therapies as medical devices for the treatment of brain and liver tumors have also been approved since 2010. Many other nano-based life science technologies are currently being developed in different stages.

The VFA supports a rise in nanobiotechnology technical leadership, exploiting the potential of nanomedicine and actively promoting nanomedicine, believing that this is a major advantage for patients.

The still very recent field of research can further enhance the diagnostic and therapeutic prospects for previously incurable or not adequately treatable diseases, explains a concluding statement from the VFAs view of this topic.

Public discussion will continue to highlight the huge opportunities provided by nanobiotechnology and nanobiotechnology applications that patients already can gain from today, the statement says.

The overall aim must be to consider and overcome concerns about this new technology on a large societal basis.

Whatwe'vecaterpillar-trackedand seenwithin thelast four yearsmay be aspiritedscheme,thatwaswithin thepast,terriblye-commerce health-centered totoday,terriblysubtlewith AI drug discovery, clinical trials, and digitalmedicine, etc. In 2018,the wholequantityofcapitalthat wasendowedin the Asia Pacific amounted toconcerning$6.8B.To placein context,within theUSits$8.2B and $2B for Europe,aforesaidJulien de Salaberry, Chiefmilitary officer& Founder,anatomistGrowth Asia

DNA play an important part in humans and their development. DNAs are the core reason behind everything in our life. It shapes our body, functions, features and even the capability of receiving certain diseases. The core of DNAs has not

DNA play an important part in humans and their development. DNAs are the core reason behind everything in our life. It shapes our body, functions, features and even the capability of receiving certain diseases. The core of DNAs has not

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The application of technology in the fields of medicines and living sciences - BPhrm Dv


What are the Upcoming Trends of Nanotechnology in Medicine? – Medical Tech Outlook

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020

Nanotechnology is a rapidly expanding area of research with massive potential in many sectors ranging from healthcare to construction, and electronics.

FREMONT, CA: In the field of medicine, nanotechnology has revolutionized drug delivery, gene therapy, diagnostics, and various other areas of research, development and clinical application. Nanotechnology is a leading technology in medicine, bettering the potential of nanotechnology to target specific cells or tissues is a popular area of interest for the companies producing nanomedicines. Numerous registered clinical trials are in progress and involve nanotechnology; many of these studies are related to oncology and other therapy areas such as autoimmune diseases, anti-fungal agents and rare diseases. Playing a significant role in the transformation of medicine, identifying the trends in nanotechnology industry is essential.

Target Specification

The area of medicinal research involves attaching nanoparticles into drugs or liposomes to enhance specific localization. Different cell types have remarkable properties, and nanotechnology can be used to recognize cells of interest. This method enables associated drugs and therapeutics to reach diseased tissue while bypassing healthy cells.

Controlled Drug Release

The capability to control the discharge of a drug or therapeutic compound from its associated nanotechnology is benefitting a lot of interest from the industry. This triggered release can be gained from inside the body or from outside the body. The internal system consists of changes in the ecosystem of tumours in comparison with the surrounding tissues, while external stimuli comprise temperature change, ultrasound, or light. At present, the research efforts are dedicated to trying to understand how to release diagnostic molecules and drugs from liposomes with heat, and microbubbles using ultrasound.

Understanding Varied Patient Populations

Generally, there is a need for a better understanding of what makes patients distinctive from each other in terms of lack of ubiquitous drug efficacy. This raises a question, why nanotechnologies are not always able to improve the therapeutic output of drugs for an individual patient. Understanding the behaviour of nanomedicines when encountering different physiological characteristics of the patients and their disease states is significant.

Production of Nanomedicine

When compared to standard drug compounds, synthesizing and producing nanomedicine is primarily believed to be more complicated. In a few cases, this can limit the potential of drug manufacturers or pharmaceutical companies to deliver large quantities of nanomedicines. Not addressing the issues related to production may make the companies less interested in investing resources in this industry.

Follow this link:
What are the Upcoming Trends of Nanotechnology in Medicine? - Medical Tech Outlook


NANOBIOTIX Announces Plan for Global Phase III Head and Neck Cancer Registration Trial Along With Overall Development Update – Yahoo Finance

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020

Regulatory News:

"After the achievement of major development milestones in 2019, 2020 offers great opportunity for Nanobiotix and NBTXR3 to fulfill unmet patient needs across oncology. Given NBTXR3s universal mode of action, our proof-of-concept in soft tissue sarcoma, and promising results from our phase I trial in head and neck cancers, we are confident that NBTXR3 activated by radiation therapy has the potential to significantly improve treatment outcomes for head and neck cancer patients. Beyond head and neck, we will continue to expand into additional indications and combination therapies. Ultimately, we aim to change the oncology treatment paradigm for millions of patients around the world." Laurent Levy, CEO of Nanobiotix

NANOBIOTIX (Euronext : NANO ISIN : FR0011341205 the Company) today announced its global development strategy for 2020 and beyond, following proof-of-concept (POC) and European market approval for NBTXR3 in locally advanced soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities and trunk wall (Brand Name: Hensify) in 2019. The Company will continue to prioritize its registration pathway in the US and EU for the treatment of head and neck cancers, while also working to advance the Nanobiotix immuno-oncology (I/O) program and evaluate NBTXR3 in other indications such as lung, pancreatic, esophageal, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), prostrate, and rectal cancers. To execute this plan, Nanobiotix will focus on H&N cancers while its collaborators (i.e. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MD Anderson) in the US and PharmaEngine in Asia) are working on other indications.

Global Development Plan Visualization




Development in Head and Neck Moving Forward

Phase III Registration Trial for NBTXR3 in head and neck patients ineligible for cisplatin


Nanobiotix trial

Design completed based on last interactions with FDA and European payers (EUnetHTA)

Jan 2020 - Submission of final protocol to FDA and other global regulatory bodies

Phase I and Phase I Expansion Trial for NBTXR3 in head and neck patients ineligible for cisplatin or intolerant to cetuximab

TRIAL NAME: Study 102/ 102 Expansion

Nanobiotix trial

Phase I dose escalation completed / data reported 19 patients

Dose Expansion 38 of 44 patients recruited

Q1 2020 - Update of dose escalation patients follow-up

Mid 2020 - First expansion phase data on efficacy and safety of dose expansion

Phase I/II Trial for NBTXR3 combined with cisplatin for head and neck patients


PharmaEngine trial

3rd dose level recruiting

H2 2020- Last patient in for 5th (last) dose level

Immuno-Oncology Program with NBTXR3

Phase I Basket Trial for NBTXR3 combined with pembrolizumab or nivolumab in H&N, lung metastasis, liver metastasis patients

TRIAL NAME: Study 1100

Nanobiotix trial

First patients treated

Protocol extended to include patients with lung and liver metastases from any primary tumor. Recruitment ongoing

Mid-year 2020 - first data reported

Phase II Trial of reirradiation with NBTXR3 combined with anti-PD-1/L1 for inoperable, locally advanced HN cancer

Phase II Trial for NBTXR3 combined with anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1 in Stage IV lung cancer

Phase I Trial for NBTXR3 combined with anti- CTLA4 and anti-PD-1 or PD-L1 in patients with advanced solid tumors and lung or liver mets

Phase II Trial for NBTXR3 for recurrent/metastatic HNSCC patients with limited PD-L1 expression

MD Anderson trials

Final stage of protocol development

Q2-Q3 2020 - Submission of protocols to FDA

Development Across Other Indications

Phase I Trial for NBTXR3 in hepatocellular carcinoma and liver metastasis patients

TRIAL NAME: Study 103

Nanobiotix trial

Recruitment of the last patient at the 5th (last) dose level (one patient left to be treated)

Q1 2020 - Update on results

Phase I Trial for NBTXR3 in prostate cancer patients

TRIAL NAME: Study 104

Nanobiotix trial

2nd dose level recruiting

Q4 2020 - Update on results

Phase I Trial for NBTXR3 in pancreatic cancer

Phase I Trial for NBTXR3 in lung cancer patients in need of reirradiation

Phase I Trial for NBTXR3 in esophageal cancer patients

MD Anderson trials

Pancreas Regulatory process ongoing

Lung re-irradiation / Esophageal Submission of final protocol to regulatory process

Q2 2020 - First patient treated in pancreas

Q3 2020 - Lung re-irradiation / Esophageal first patient treated

Phase I/II Trial for NBTXR3 combined with chemotherapy in rectal cancer patients


PharmaEngine trial

4th (last) dose level recruiting

H2 2020 - Report phase I results

Next Steps in Soft Tissue Sarcoma

Phase III Trial for NBTXR3 in soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities and trunk wall patients


Nanobiotix trial

Trial completed / data reported

H2 2020- Further follow up of the patients

Post-Approval Trial for NBTXR3 in soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities and trunk wall patients


Nanobiotix trial

Design established (100 patients)

H2 2020 - Trial authorization by the relevant regulatory bodies expected

Development in Head and Neck Moving Forward

There are approximately 700,000 new head and neck cancer patients worldwide each year300,000 of these patients reside in the US and the European Union (EU) 1. Of these patients at diagnosis, 90% suffer from local disease and the remaining 10% have metastatic disease. 70-80% of all Head and Neck patients will receive radiation therapy, but significant unmet medical needs remain regarding either local control, systemic control, toxicity, or some combination of the three2. This is especially challenging for patients ineligible for platinum-based chemotherapy (cisplatin).

Global Registration Trial for NBTXR3 in Head and Neck Patients Ineligible for Cisplatin

As previously announced, Nanobiotix has begun interacting with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on its regulatory pathway and met with the agency in October 2019 to refine the design elements of Study 312a phase III investigators choice, dual-arm, randomized (1:1) global registration trial including elderly head and neck cancer patients who are ineligible for platinum-based chemotherapy (cisplatin).

More than half of head and neck cancers include large primary tumors which may invade underlying structures and/or spread to regional nodes. Treatment of these locally advanced forms of the disease ordinarily requires aggressive, concerted measures. Due to potential comorbidities and toxicities associated with treatment, elderly and frail patients suffer from limited therapeutic options. Study 312 aims to target the unmet needs of this population.

Patients in the control arm will receive radiation therapy with or without cetuximab (investigators choice), and patients in the treatment arm will receive NBTXR3 activated by radiation therapy with or without cetuximab (investigators choice). The trial will recruit around 500 patients, the initial readout will be based on event-driven progression-free survival (PFS), and the final readout will be based on PFS and overall survival (OS). The study will be powered to demonstrate the OS superiority of NBTXR3 activated by radiation therapy. In addition, quality of life (QoL) will be measured as a key secondary outcome.

The Companys next step is to submit the final trial design to FDA and other global regulatory bodies within the month. A futility analysis is expected 18 months after the first patient is randomized, the interim analysis for PFS superiority is expected at 24-30 months, and final analysis will report on PFS and OS. In the event of favorable data from the initial readout, Nanobiotix plans to apply for conditional registration in the US.

Story continues

Confirming Efficacy with Phase I (Study 102) Expansion

Nanobiotix has already reported promising early signs of efficacy for patients with head and neck cancer through Study 1023 a phase I trial of NBTXR3 nanoparticles activated by intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in the treatment of advanced-stage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The patient population for Study 102 includes elderly and frail patients who are ineligible for cisplatin or intolerant to cetuximab.

As a result of this report, the Company launched an expansion cohort with 44 additional patients to strengthen preliminary efficacy data. Recruitment for the expansion cohort has reached 38 of 44 patients and the initial readout is expected by mid-2020. Depending on the favorability of the final expansion phase data, the Company may seek to expedite the regulatory process in the EU.

Additional Development in Head and Neck with Collaborators

See more here:
NANOBIOTIX Announces Plan for Global Phase III Head and Neck Cancer Registration Trial Along With Overall Development Update - Yahoo Finance


Triple Negative Breast Cancer Treatment Market Is Expected To Expand US$ 720 Mn By 2026 – Instanews247

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020

Ongoing advancements in cancer research continue to lead to the introduction of newer and better treatment options including drug therapies. The provision of newer drugs and treatments is expected to improve the diagnostic and treatment rate for triple-negative breast cancer. Some of the recent clinical efforts are being targeted at the molecular level characterization of triple-negative breast cancer across emerging therapeutic targets such as epigenetic proteins, PARP1, androgen receptors, receptor and non-receptor tyrosine kinases, and immune checkpoints.

These initiatives are anticipated to boost revenue growth of the triple-negative breast cancer treatment market. In a new research study, Persistence Market Research estimates the globaltriple-negative breast cancer treatment marketrevenue to crossUS$ 720 Mn by 2026from an estimated valuation of just underUS$ 505 Mn in 2018. This is indicative of aCAGR of 4.7%during the period2018 to 2026.

Development of generics is another key opportunity area in the triple-negative breast cancer treatment market. With the rapidly expanding number of cancer cases across the world, there is a need for effective cancer management, including the provision of better and more efficient drugs. Developing economies are faced with challenges on several fronts including paucity of funds and lack of proper treatment options, calling for more innovative approaches to affordable healthcare.

The availability of biosimilars and affordable generic anti-cancer drugs in developing regions is expected to significantly reduce the burden of cancer care. A projected cost reduction to the tune of more than 30% 40% and extended use of generic drugs is expected to reduce overall cancer treatment costs, thereby increasing the treatment rate for triple-negative breast cancer. This is further anticipated to create lucrative growth opportunities in the global triple-negative breast cancer treatment market.

Advances in Cancer Treatment and Introduction of Innovative Cancer Treatment Drugs to Boost Revenue Growth of the Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment Market

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women, and over the years, pharmaceutical and life sciences companies have been conducting advanced research and development activities to devise newer treatment options and drugs to treat breast cancer. Several new drug formulations are currently in the pipeline in different stages of clinical development and this is expected to bode well for the triple-negative breast cancer treatment market.

Innovation in oncology therapeutics has shifted focus towards an outcome based approach to cancer care, with an increasing emphasis on combination drugs and newer therapeutic modalities. This is further likely to put the global triple-negative breast cancer treatment market on a positive growth trajectory in the coming years.

Combination Therapy and Advancements in Nano Medicine Research Trending the Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment Market

One of the biggest trends being observed in the global market for triple-negative breast cancer treatment is the shift towards combination therapy.

Companies in the global triple-negative breast cancer treatment market are conducting clinical trials for combination therapies by collaborating with other players in the market. Combination therapies are the latest innovation in the field of oncology and the combination of therapeutic drugs with chemotherapy is said to be an effective protocol for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer.

Company Profiles

Another huge trend in the triple-negative breast cancer treatment market is the emergence of nanotechnology as an efficient tool in the clinical management of critical diseases such as triple-negative breast cancer. It has been observed that the combination of gold nanoparticles and folic acid results in higher cell entry rate in both in-vitro and in-vivo models, indicative of the fact that folate receptors are effective targeted therapies for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer.

Nanoparticles facilitate systematic and efficient delivery of drugs and agents to the site of the tumor. Advanced R&D in nanotechnology and nano medicine is one of the top trends likely to impact the global triple-negative breast cancer treatment market in the years to come.

See the rest here:
Triple Negative Breast Cancer Treatment Market Is Expected To Expand US$ 720 Mn By 2026 - Instanews247


Growing Demand for Eco-friendly Products to Bolster the Growth of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market during 2015 2021 – Primo…

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020

The comprehensive report published by Persistence Market Research offers an in-depth intelligence related to the various factors that are likely to impact the demand, revenue generation, and sales of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market. In addition, the report singles out the different parameters that are expected to influence the overall dynamics of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market during the forecast period 2015 2021.

As per the findings of the presented study, the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market is poised to surpass the value of ~US$ XX by the end of 2029 growing at a CAGR of ~XX% over the assessment period. The report includes a thorough analysis of the upstream raw materials, supply-demand ratio of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) in different regions, import-export trends and more to provide readers a fair understanding of the global market scenario.

ThisPress Release will help you to understand the Volume, growth with Impacting Trends. Click HERE To get SAMPLE PDF (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) athttps://www.persistencemarketresearch.co/samples/6370

The report segregates the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market into different segments to provide a detailed understanding of the various aspects of the market. The competitive analysis of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market includes valuable insights based on which, market players can formulate impactful growth strategies to enhance their presence in the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market.

Key findings of the report:

The report aims to eliminate the following doubts related to the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market:

Get Access To TOC Covering 200+ Topics athttps://www.persistencemarketresearch.co/toc/6370

Key players in the global nanomedicine market include: Abbott Laboratories, CombiMatrix Corporation, GE Healthcare, Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Johnson & Johnson, Mallinckrodt plc, Merck & Company, Inc., Nanosphere, Inc., Pfizer, Inc., Celgene Corporation, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., and UCB (Union chimique belge) S.A.

Key geographies evaluated in this report are:

Key features of this report

In order to get a strategic overview of the market,Access Research Methodology Prepared By Experts athttps://www.persistencemarketresearch.co/methodology/6370

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Growing Demand for Eco-friendly Products to Bolster the Growth of the Healthcare Nanotechnology (Nanomedicine) Market during 2015 2021 - Primo...


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