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Archive for the ‘Molecular Genetics’ Category

Light-activated genes illuminate the role of gut microbes in longevity – Baylor College of Medicine News

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

Getting old is a complex matter. Research has shown that gut microbes are one of the factors that can influence several aspects of human life, including aging. Elucidating how a specific microbial species contributes to longevity is quite challenging given the complexity and heterogeneity of the human gut environment.

To explore the influence of bacterial products on the aging process, researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and Rice University developed a method that uses light to directly control specific gene expression and metabolite production from bacteria residing in the gut of the laboratory worm Caenorhabditis elegans.

We used optogenetics, a method that combines light and genetically engineered light-sensitive proteins to regulate molecular events in a targeted manner in living cells or organisms, said co-corresponding author Dr. Meng Wang, Robert C. Fyfe Endowed Chair on Aging and professor of molecular and human genetics and the Huffington Center on Aging at Baylor.

In the current work, the team engineered E. coli bacteria to produce the pro-longevity compound colanic acid in response to green light and switch off its production in red light. They discovered that shining the green light on the transparent worms carrying the modified E. coli induced the bacteria to produce colanic acid, which protected the worms gut cells against stress-induced mitochondrial fragmentation. Mitochondria have been increasingly recognized as important players in the aging process.

When exposed to green light, worms carrying this E. coli strain also lived longer. The stronger the light, the longer the lifespan, said Wang, an investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute and member of Baylors Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center. Optogenetics offers a direct way to manipulate gut bacterial metabolism in a temporally, quantitatively and spatially controlled manner and enhance host fitness.

For instance, this work suggests that we could engineer gut bacteria to secrete more colanic acid to combat age-related health issues, said co-corresponding author Dr. Jeffrey Tabor, associate professor of bioengineering and biosciences at Rice University. Researchers also can use this optogenetic method to unravel other mechanisms by which microbial metabolism drives host physiological changes and influences health and disease.

Read the complete report in the journal eLife.

Other contributors to this work include first author Lucas A. Hartsough, Mooncheol Park, Matthew V. Kotlajich, John Tyler Lazar, Bing Han, Chih-Chun J. Lin, Elena Musteata and Lauren Gambill. The authors are affiliated with one of more of the following institutions: Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Funding for this project was provided by Human Health Services and National Institutes of Health grants (1R21NS099870-01, DP1DK113644 and R01AT009050), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (grant NSTRF NNX11AN39H), the John S. Dunn Foundation and the Welch Foundation.

By Ana Mara Rodrguez, Ph.D.

Original post:
Light-activated genes illuminate the role of gut microbes in longevity - Baylor College of Medicine News


Deep Learning Shows How Genetic Motifs Conduct the Music of Life – Technology Networks

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

Our genetic codes control not only which proteins our cells produce, but also to a great extent in what quantity. This ground-breaking discovery, applicable to all biological life, was recently made by systems biologists at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, using supercomputers and artificial intelligence. Their research, which could also shed new light on the mysteries of cancer, was recently published in the scientific journal Nature Communications.

DNA molecules contain instructions for cells for producing various proteins. This has been known since the middle of the last century when the double helix was identified as the information carrier of life.

But until now, the factor which determines what quantity of a certain protein will be produced has been unclear. Measurements have shown that a single cell can contain anything from a few molecules of a given protein, up to tens of thousands.

With this new research, our understanding of the mechanisms behind this process, known as gene expression, has taken a big step forward. The group of Chalmers scientists have shown that most of the information for quantity regulation is also embedded in the DNA code itself. They have demonstrated that this information can be read with the help of supercomputers and AI.

You could compare this to an orchestral score. The notes describe which pitches the different instruments should play. But the notes alone do not say much about how the music will sound, he explains.

Information for the tempo and dynamics of the music are also required, for example. But instead of written instructions such asallegroorfortein connection with the notation, the language of genetics spreads this information over large areas of the DNA molecule. Previously, we could read the notes, but not how the music should be played. Now we can do both, states Aleksej Zelezniak.

Another comparison could be that now we have found the grammar rules for the genetic language, where perhaps before we only knew the vocabulary.

What then is this grammar, which determines the quantity of gene expression? According to Aleksej Zelezniak, it takes the form of reoccurring patterns and combinations of the four notes of genetics the molecular building blocks designated A, C, G and T. These patterns and combinations are known as motifs.

The crucial factors are the relationships between these motifs how often they repeat and at exactly which positions in the DNA code they appear.

We discovered that this information is distributed over both the coding and non-coding parts of DNA meaning, it is also present in the areas that used to be referred to as junk DNA.

The researchers tested the method in seven different model organisms from yeast and bacteria to fruit flies, mice, and humans and found that the mechanism is the same. The discovery they have made is universal, valid for all biological life.

According to Aleksej Zelezniak, the discovery would have not been possible without access to state-of-the-art supercomputers and AI. The research group conducted huge computer simulations both at Chalmers University of Technology and other facilities in Sweden.

This tool allows us to look at thousands of positions at the same time, creating a kind of automated examination of DNA. This is essential for being able to identify patterns from such huge amounts of data.

Jan Zrimec, postdoctoral researcher in the Chalmers group and first author of the study, agrees, saying:

With previous technologies, researchers had to tell the system which motifs in the DNA code to search for. But thanks to AI, the system can now learn on its own, identifying different motifs and motif combinations relevant to gene expression.

He adds that the discovery is also due to the fact they were examining a much larger part of DNA in a single sweep than had previously been done.

The new knowledge could also make it possible to better understand how mutations can affect gene expression in the cell and therefore, eventually, how cancers arise and function. The applications which could most rapidly be significant for the wider public are in the pharmaceutical industry.

It is conceivable that this method could help improve the genetic modification of the microorganisms already used today as biological factories leading to faster and cheaper development and production of new drugs, he speculates.

Reference: Zrimec J, Brlin CS, Buric F, et al. Deep learning suggests that gene expression is encoded in all parts of a co-evolving interacting gene regulatory structure. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):6141. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-19921-4.

This article has been republished from the following materials. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.

Deep Learning Shows How Genetic Motifs Conduct the Music of Life - Technology Networks


Atlas puts wheat resistance genes on the map 27th January 2021 – The John Innes Centre

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

An ambitious proposal to create a resistance gene atlas as a resource for the international wheat community has been outlined in a new review.

The R gene atlas would be a free, online directory from which combinations of resistance (R) genes could be identified by breeders and researchers and bred into wheat varieties.

The aim is to provide durable molecular protection against wheats major pathogens including wheat rusts, blotch diseases, powdery mildew, and wheat blast.

We sat down with Amber Hafeez and Dr Brande Wulff to find out more.

First author of the review Amber Hafeez explains: We lose one fifth of wheat yield annually to pests and pathogens, adding up to 209 million tonnes worth $31 billion.

To minimise that loss and reduce reliance on chemical protection we need broad spectrum and durable genetic resistance. Our atlas would bring together cloned resistance genes and pathogen virulence information so that users can pool the best combinations of resistance genes to fit local conditions.

Genetic resistance is precious; it is a finite resource and pathogens can evolve to quickly overcome individual resistance genes. We need to use resistance in a way that doesnt squander individual genes by releasing them in a stacked or combined way so that they will be effective for a long time.

The idea builds upon a recent surge in genomic resources available to researchers in wheat, facilitated by advancements in sequencing technologies and bioinformatics.

In the past few years, researchers at the John Innes Centre and The Sainsbury Laboratory have rapidly identified and cloned resistance genes in wheat and its wild relatives using technologies such as AgRenSeq, MutRenSeq and MutChromSeq.

This makes it possible to clone disease resistance genes in wheat or one of its wild relatives much faster and much more cheaply. Suddenly what was before just a pipe dream is now a potential reality: we could clone most if not all of the resistance genes in wheat, says Dr Brande Wulff, another author of the review and group leader at the John Innes Centre.

Wheat R genes work by recognising corresponding molecules in the pathogen called effectors. By identifying the effectors present in pathogen and pest populations, combinations or stacks of R genes could be designed.

The gene atlas would be a free online portal containing this genetic information and enabling breeders to design gene stacks using computer modelling before starting their breeding in the field.

It would also enable users to design molecular markers that they could run on wheat populations to find out what resistance genes they already have in their breeding programme.

One of the big problems currently is that breeders dont always know whether their resistance is coming from a single gene or due to two or three different genes. If they bring in something exotic from a wild relative, for example, they need to know that it is going to complement what they already have in their breeding programme, explains Dr Wulff.

Our R gene atlas is like putting a little flag everywhere where there is a resistance gene, a little address tag and that would allow breeders to put their molecular net across the genome and see where all the R genes are. That would allow them to combine existing and new R genes in ways that would give strength in unity.

The proposal details how the molecular components R genes and effectors involved in disease resistance could be captured from both the host and pathogen. Whole genome sequencing would be carried out on diversity panels of wheat, its progenitors and domesticated and wild relatives.

Then, association genetics a method of seeking useful genetic variation could be used to look for correlations between the host genotype and disease resistance or susceptibility and the genes responsible for these traits could be identified.

To combat eight of wheats major diseases, the researchers calculate it would cost around $58.6 million for the sequencing of diversity panels of the pathogens and 10 hosts, as well as funding 75 scientists to carry out the work.

This, they suggest, could be funded by contributions of $2.9 million per G20 country over five years which is likely to be a worthwhile return when disease losses can be valued at around $31.2 billion dollars each year.

Compared to the scale of the problem in yield losses to pests and pathogens, this represents excellent value for money, says Amber Hafeez. Our costs include sequencing, bulking up the seed and performing all the pathology experiments you would need for all these eight major diseases that we list as priorities, as well as including the costs of bioinformaticians and management.

The idea of bringing together an international consortium also allows the project to draw upon existing expertise and resources.

A lot of the pieces of the puzzle already exist, the idea is to bring them together to make sure we dont duplicate efforts, says Dr Wulff.

We see it as a centrally coordinated model distributed around different countries, using existing capacity. For example, there is an institute in Denmark called the Global Rust Reference Centre which can receive and work with exotic isolates of rust in a contained environment. This would be an ideal partner for the proposed endeavour.

We spoke to lots of breeders in different parts of the world and asked them this question: What could we do to incentivise us to use the atlas, this finite resource, judiciously to make it last as long as possible, says Dr Wulff.

One way involves patenting novel genes from wild relative backgrounds as a means of controlling the way they are used.

Another method of exerting control would be through the recommended lists which growers choose varieties from. The committees releasing cultivars onto the lists would award extra points to varieties which are likely to offer more durable resistance.

The gene atlas is a route to bringing disease resistance from the lab to the field at speed and in sufficient quantity. For researchers and breeders of wheat the most widely grown crop in the world that can only be a good thing, says Amber Hafeez.

Amber Hafeezs PhD is funded by the Norwich Research Park Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership.

Go here to see the original:
Atlas puts wheat resistance genes on the map 27th January 2021 - The John Innes Centre


Regulus Announces Addition to Board of Directors – PRNewswire

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

LA JOLLA, Calif., Jan. 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --Regulus Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: RGLS), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of innovative medicines targeting microRNAs, today announced Alice S. Huang, Ph.D. has been appointed to the Company's board of directors. Concurrently with her appointment to the Board, Dr. Huang was appointed to serve on the Compensation Committee.

"We are pleased to add Dr. Huang to the Regulus board. We believe her extensive scientific background will be of benefit to helping direct the Company's drug discovery and development programs," said Stelios Papadopoulos, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board of Directors of Regulus.

Dr. Huang is currently Senior Faculty Associate of Biology and Biological Engineering at the California Institute of Technology having joined Caltech in July 1997. Previous to her tenure at Caltech she was Dean for Science and Professor of Biology at New York University, Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at Harvard Medical School and Director, Laboratories of Infectious Disease at Boston Children's Hospital. She also served as director of Virus-Host Interactions in Cancer for 15 years, a training program at Harvard funded by the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Huang has served on the Board of Trustees of the Keck Graduate Institute since 1998 and has previously served on the Board of Trustees of Waksman Foundation for Microbiology, the Rockefeller Foundation, Public Agenda, Johns Hopkins University, the Health Effects Institute, and the University of Massachusetts. Dr. Huang is serving on the advisory boards of the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine since 2008 as well as the Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe Institute since 2018. She has previously served on the advisory boards of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, the US Army Medical Research & Development Command and Food & Drug Administration. She has been a fellow of the American Association of Women in Science since 1978, American Academy of Microbiology since 1982, Academia Sinica in Taiwan since July 1990, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science since 2000, serving as its president from 2010 to 2011.

Dr. Huang received her B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the Johns Hopkins University.

About Regulus

Regulus Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: RGLS) is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of innovative medicines targeting microRNAs. Regulus maintains its corporate headquarters in La Jolla, CA.

SOURCE Regulus Therapeutics Inc.


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Regulus Announces Addition to Board of Directors - PRNewswire


Medicine by Design researchers focus on promoting self-repair of the brain – News@UofT

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

If you asked Freda Miller 10 years ago if stem cells could be harnessed to repair brain injuries and disease, she would have said it was too early to tell.

Today, she describes the progress that she and other regenerative medicine experts have madein understanding what regulates populations of stem cells cells with the potential to turn into many different cell typesand the rapid advances those discoveries have driven.

The approaches were using allow us to find so much information on things we could only dream of before.

Miller, who is also a professor at the University of British Columbia, is leading a Medicine by Design-funded team with expertise in computational biology, neurobiology, bioengineering and stem cell biology that is investigating multiple strategies to recruit stem cells to promote self-repair in the brain and in muscle. If it succeeds, the research could improve treatments for diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and cerebral palsy, as well as brain injury.

Millers team is one of 11 at U of T and its partner hospitals that are sharing nearly $21 million in funding from Medicine by Design over three years. Funded by a $114-million grant from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, Medicine by Design is a strategic research initiative that is working at the convergence of engineering, medicine and science to catalyze transformative discoveries in regenerative medicine and accelerate them toward clinical impact.

This is the second round of large-scale, collaborative team projects that Medicine by Design has funded. The support builds on the progressmade in the first round of projects (2016-2019) and is spurring further innovation to push regenerative medicine forward. It alsoled to a 2017 publicationby many of the same researchers on Millers current project in Cell Reports that essentially provided a roadmap for how brain stem cells build the brain developmentally, and then persist to function in the adult brain.

Miller, a neuroscientist, has always been fascinated by the brain and neurons, the network of billions of nerve cells in the brain. Around 15 years ago, when she started to take an interest in the potential regenerative capabilities of stem cells, she began to wonder if she could use stem cells to treat brain injury or disease. Though too little was known about stem cells at the time, she knew that it was a question worth investigating. But she also realized that making and integrating new nerve cells, which are the working parts of brain circuits, would be a daunting task.

Even if you can convince the stem cells to make more neurons, those neurons then have to survive and they have to integrate into this really complex circuitry, says Miller. It just made sense to me that if were really going to test this idea of self-repair in the brain, we should go after something thats more achievable biologically.

So, Miller turned her attention to a substance called myelin, which covers nerves and allows nerve impulses to travel easily. In many nervous system diseases MS is a well-known example and brain injuries, damage to and loss of myelin is a main factor in debilitating symptoms. Thanks in part to the team project award from Medicine by Design, Miller leads a team that has a focus on recruiting stem cells to promote the generation of myelin.

Miller says repairing myelin, also called remyelination, will eventually help to better understand the effects of the target disease or injury, possibly even leading scientists to discover how to reverse it. Boosting myelin is a promising area of research, she adds, because its not an all-or-nothing situation.

Even a little bit of remyelination could have a big impact. You dont have to win the whole lottery; you dont have to have 100 per cent remyelination to have a measurable outcome.

The teams work is not limited to generating myelin to treat nervous system diseases or brain injury. They are also looking at how they could recruit stem cells to generate more muscle. They are specifically looking at muscular dystrophy, but Miller says the applications from that work can be used in other diseases or situations where damage to muscles has occurred, such as age-related disorders.

Millers team includes experts from diverse fields: Gary Bader, a professor at the Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research and a computational biologist; bioengineers Alison McGuigan, a professor in the department of chemical engineering and applied chemistry in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, and Penney Gilbert, an associate professor at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering; Sid Goyal, a professor at the department of physics in the Faculty of Arts & Science; ProfessorDavid Kaplan and Assistant ProfessorYun Li, both in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine and a senior scientist and a scientist, respectively, at SickKids; stem cell biologist Cindi Morshead, a professor and chair of the division of anatomy in the department of surgery in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine; and Peter Zandstra, a University Professor in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering and director of Michael Smith Laboratories at the University of British Columbia.

Miller says Medicine by Designs contribution in bringing teams like hers together is immeasurable.

There are tangible results you can measure like publications and other grants and clinical trials, Miller says. But there are a lot of intangible things Medicine by Design brings to the table like developing a culture of people from very diverse places and allowing them to do science together at a time when the biggest breakthroughs are going to be made by combining technological and biological approaches. Its hard to do that if youre on your own.

This large, interdisciplinary team effort combines data and computer modelling to look at individual stem cells in the brain and predict their behaviours. Through experimentation, they can then test if the cells behave the way they predicted, which Miller says they have had great success with. From there, the team casts a wide net, testing various ways to try to control cells behaviour with the end goal of convincing the stem cells to turn into cells that aid in healing and repair.

One approach they use is testing already approved pharmaceuticals to see if they have the desired effect on the stem cells behaviour. This approach has had success. In summer 2020, Morshead, Miller and their collaborators, led by Donald Mabbott, a SickKids senior scientist and professor in the department of psychology in the Faculty of Arts & Science, published a paper in Nature Medicine that showed that metformin, a common diabetes drug, has the potential to reverse brain injury in children who had had cranial radiation as a curative therapy for brain tumours.

Miller says that, to her knowledge, this is the first paper that demonstrates that this type of brain repair is possible in humans.

Go here to see the original:
Medicine by Design researchers focus on promoting self-repair of the brain - News@UofT


Press Registration Is Now Open for the 2021 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting – A Virtual Experience – Herald-Mail Media

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

BETHESDA, Md., Jan. 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --The ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting will be a fully virtual meeting in 2021 and continues to provide groundbreaking research and the latest advances in medical genetics, genomics and personalized medicine. To be held April 1316, experience four days of professional growth, education, networking and collaboration with colleagues from around the world and discover what's shaping the future of genetics and genomics, including several sessions on COVID-19. The 2021 ACMG Meeting Virtual Experience is designed to offer a variety of engaging and interactive educational formats and types of sessionsfrom Scientific Sessions and Workshops to TED-Style Talks, Case-based Sessions, Platform Presentations and Short Courses. The 2021 ACMG Meeting Virtual Experience has something for everyone on the genetics healthcare team and will be available to participate in from the convenience of your home or office.

Interview those at the forefront in medical genetics and genomics, connect with new sources, and get story ideas on the clinical practice of genetics and genomics in healthcare today and for the future. Learn how genetics and genomics research is being integrated and applied into medical practice. Topics include COVID-19, gene editing, cancer genetics, molecular genomics, exome sequencing, pre- and perinatal genetics, diversity/equity and inclusion, biochemical/metabolic genetics, genetic counseling, health services and implementation, legal and ethical issues, therapeutics and more.

Credentialed media representatives on assignment are invited to cover the ACMG Annual Meeting A Virtual Experience on a complimentary basis. Contact Kathy Moran, MBA at kmoran@acmg.netfor the Press Registration Invitation Code, which will be needed to register at http://www.acmgmeeting.net.

Abstracts of presentations will be available online in February.

A few 2021 ACMG Annual Meeting highlights include:

Program Highlights:

Two Short Courses Available Starting on Tuesday, April 13:

Cutting-Edge Scientific Concurrent Sessions:

Social Media for the 2021 ACMG Meeting Virtual Experience: As the ACMG Annual Meeting approaches, journalists can stay up to date on new sessions and information by following the ACMG social media pages on Facebook,Twitterand Instagramand by usingthe hashtag #ACMGMtg21 for meeting-related tweets and posts.

The ACMG Annual Meeting website has extensive information at http://www.acmgmeeting.net and will be updated as new information becomes available.

About the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) and the ACMG Foundation for Genetic and Genomic Medicine (ACMGF)

Founded in 1991, the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) is the only nationally recognized medical society dedicated to improving health through the clinical practice of medical genetics and genomics and the only medical specialty society in the US that represents the full spectrum of medical genetics disciplines in a single organization. The ACMG is the largest membership organization specifically for medical geneticists, providing education, resources and a voice for more than 2,400 clinical and laboratory geneticists, genetic counselors and other healthcare professionals, nearly 80% of whom are board certified in the medical genetics specialties. ACMG's mission is to improve health through the clinical and laboratory practice of medical genetics as well as through advocacy, education and clinical research, and to guide the safe and effective integration of genetics and genomics into all of medicine and healthcare, resulting in improved personal and public health. Four overarching strategies guide ACMG's work: 1) to reinforce and expand ACMG's position as the leader and prominent authority in the field of medical genetics and genomics, including clinical research, while educating the medical community on the significant role that genetics and genomics will continue to play in understanding, preventing, treating and curing disease; 2) to secure and expand the professional workforce for medical genetics and genomics; 3) to advocate for the specialty; and 4) to provide best-in-class education to members and nonmembers. Genetics in Medicine, published monthly, is the official ACMG journal. ACMG's website (www.acmg.net) offers resources including policy statements, practice guidelines, educational programs and a 'Find a Genetic Service' tool. The educational and public health programs of the ACMG are dependent upon charitable gifts from corporations, foundations and individuals through the ACMG Foundation for Genetic and Genomic Medicine.

Kathy Moran, MBAkmoran@acmg.net

See the article here:
Press Registration Is Now Open for the 2021 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting - A Virtual Experience - Herald-Mail Media


Decibel Therapeutics and Invitae Announce Launch of Amplify Genetic Testing Program – BioSpace

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

Jan. 29, 2021 12:00 UTC

Program to screen for congenital, monogenic hearing loss in children diagnosed with auditory neuropathy

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Decibel Therapeutics, a clinical-stage biotechnology company dedicated to discovering and developing transformative treatments to restore and improve hearing and balance, today announced a partnership with Invitae, a leading medical genetics company, to launch AmplifyTM, a no-charge genetic testing program to screen for the genetic cause of congenital hearing loss in children diagnosed with auditory neuropathy.

We are pleased to collaborate with Invitae to introduce AmplifyTM, which is designed to bring patients one step closer to molecular diagnosis and clinical management of auditory neuropathy, a disorder that affects approximately 10 percent of children who are born with hearing loss, said Jonathon Whitton, Au.D., Ph.D., Vice President of Clinical Research at Decibel. This program seeks to provide much-needed answers to patients and families of patients who experience congenital, monogenic hearing loss. We hope that AmplifyTM will provide those patients with a better understanding of their diagnosis and their treatment options.

Auditory neuropathy is a hearing disorder in which the cochlea, the hearing organ located in the inner ear, receives sound normally, yet the transmission of sound to the brain is interrupted. The most common genetic cause of auditory neuropathy is insufficient production of a protein called otoferlin, which facilitates communication between the inner ear sensory cells and the auditory nerve. When this protein is lacking, the ear cannot communicate with the auditory nerve and the brain, resulting in profound hearing loss. Decibels lead investigational gene therapy program, DB-OTO, is designed to treat congenital, monogenic hearing loss caused by a deficiency in the otoferlin gene.

Amplify Program Eligibility

AmplifyTM is available to individuals who meet the following criteria:

AmplifyTM is a no-charge program that offers genetic testing for those who qualify. Although genetic testing can confirm a potential diagnosis, the absence of a genetic alteration does not preclude a diagnosis of genetic hearing loss. For more information about the program, please visit the Amplify program page.

About DB-OTO

DB-OTO is Decibels investigational gene therapy to restore hearing in children with congenital hearing loss due to a deficiency in the otoferlin gene. The program, developed in collaboration with Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, uses a proprietary, cell-selective promoter to precisely control gene expression in cochlear hair cells. DB-OTO is in preclinical studies, and Decibel expects to initiate clinical testing in 2022.

About Invitae

Invitae Corporation (NYSE: NVTA) is a leading medical genetics company whose mission is to bring comprehensive genetic information into mainstream medicine to improve healthcare for billions of people. Invitae's goal is to aggregate the world's genetic tests into a single service with higher quality, faster turnaround time, and lower prices. For more information, visit the company's website.

About Decibel Therapeutics

Decibel Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company dedicated to discovering and developing transformative treatments to restore and improve hearing and balance, one of the largest areas of unmet need in medicine. Decibel has built a proprietary platform that integrates single-cell genomics and bioinformatic analyses, precision gene therapy technologies and expertise in inner ear biology. Decibel is leveraging its platform to advance gene therapies designed to selectively replace genes for the treatment of congenital, monogenic hearing loss and to regenerate inner ear hair cells for the treatment of acquired hearing and balance disorders. Decibels pipeline, including its lead investigational gene therapy program, DB-OTO, to treat congenital, monogenic hearing loss, is designed to deliver on our vision of a world in which the privileges of hearing and balance are available to all. For more information about Decibel Therapeutics, please visit http://www.decibeltx.com or follow @DecibelTx.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210129005089/en/

Here is the original post:
Decibel Therapeutics and Invitae Announce Launch of Amplify Genetic Testing Program - BioSpace


Relief Therapeutics and Acer Therapeutics Sign Option Agreement for Exclusivity to Negotiate a Collaboration and License Agreement for the Worldwide…

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

Acer to receive $1 million payment to obtain exclusivity and a $4 million loan from Relief

Companies working toward negotiation and execution of a definitive collaboration and license agreement by June 30, 2021

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, and NEWTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / January 25, 2021 / Relief Therapeutics Holding AG (SIX:RLF,OTCQB:RLFTF)("Relief"), a biopharmaceutical company with its lead compound RLF-100TM (aviptadil) in advanced clinical development to treat severe COVID-19 patients, and Acer Therapeutics Inc.. (Nasdaq: ACER)("Acer"), a pharmaceutical company focused on the acquisition, development, and commercialization of therapies for serious rare and life-threatening diseases with significant unmet medical needs, today announced that the companies have signed an Option Agreement providing exclusivity for the right to negotiate a potential collaboration and license agreement for worldwide development and commercialization for ACER-001. ACER-001 (sodium phenylbutyrate) powder is a taste-masked, immediate release proprietary formulation in development for the treatment of urea cycle disorders (UCDs) and Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD).

Under the terms of the Option Agreement, Acer will receive from Relief a $1 million non-refundable payment in return for exclusivity until June 30, 2021 to negotiate and enter into a definitive collaboration and license agreement between Acer and Relief for the development of ACER-001. Further, in connection with entering into the Option Agreement, Relief will make a $4.0 million loan to Acer. The loan, which will be secured by a lien on all of Acer's assets, will bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum and will be due in one year.

Under the terms of the proposed collaboration and license agreement, the key terms of which are set forth in the Option Agreement, if a definitive agreement is executed pursuant to these terms and closed by June 30, 2021, Acer will receive $15 million in cash (net $10 million, inclusive of the $1 million payment and offset by a repayment of the $4 million loan from Relief). In addition, Relief will agree to pay up to $20 million in U.S. development and commercial launch costs for the UCDs and MSUD indications. Further, Acer will retain development and commercialization rights in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Turkey and Japan. The companies will split net profits from Acer's territories 60:40 in favor of Relief. Relief will also license the rights for the rest of the world, where Acer will receive from Relief a 15% net sales royalty on all revenues received in Relief's territories. Acer could also receive a total of $6 million in milestones based on the first European (EU) marketing approvals for UCDs and MSUD. There can be no assurance, however, that a definitive agreement will be successfully negotiated and executed between the parties on these terms, on other mutually acceptable terms, or at all. Except for the $1.0 million upfront payment to Acer and the $4.0 million one-year secured loan from Relief to Acer, the remaining proposed terms of the collaboration are not binding and are subject to change as a result of further diligence by Relief and negotiation of a definitive collaboration and license agreement between the parties.

Jack Weinstein, Relief's CFO and Treasurer, said, "We are excited about the opportunity to work with the Acer team to potentially develop and commercialize ACER-001 worldwide. This partnership is Relief's first initiative to build a pipeline of drugs beyond RLF-100(TM). While our core focus remains squarely on the rapid advancement of RLF-100(TM) for treatment of respiratory conditions, primarily acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) due to COVID-19 infection, we are committed to establishing a diversified marketed product portfolio. ACER-001's stage of maturity fits perfectly within our strategic plan."

Chris Schelling, Acer's CEO and Founder, said, "I believe Relief shares the same values and vision that Acer has in supporting the rare disease community. This potential collaboration could provide important resources and additional expertise to help bring ACER-001 to patients worldwide suffering from debilitating diseases like UCDs and MSUD. We very much look forward to the possibility of working with the Relief team."


ABOUT UREA CYCLE DISORDERS (UCDS)Urea Cycle Disorders (UCDs) are a group of disorders caused by genetic mutations that result in a deficiency in one of the six enzymes that catalyze the urea cycle, which can lead to an excess accumulation of ammonia in the bloodstream, a condition known as hyperammonemia. Acute hyperammonemia can cause lethargy, somnolence, coma, and multi-organ failure, while chronic hyperammonemia can lead to headaches, confusion, lethargy, failure to thrive, behavioral changes, and learning and cognitive deficits. Common symptoms of both acute and chronic hyperammonemia also include seizures and psychiatric symptoms.1,2

The current treatment of UCDs consists of dietary management to limit ammonia production in conjunction with medications that provide alternative pathways for the removal of ammonia from the bloodstream. Some patients may also require individual branched-chain amino acid supplementation.

Current medical treatments for UCDs include nitrogen scavengers RAVICTI(R) and BUPHENYL(R) in which the active pharmaceutical ingredients are glycerol phenylbutyrate (GPB) and sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPB), respectively. According to a 2016 study by Shchelochkov et al., published in Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports, while nitrogen scavenging medications can be effective in helping to manage ammonia levels in some patients with UCDs, non-compliance with treatment is common. Reasons referenced for non-compliance associated with some available medications include unpleasant taste, the frequency with which medication must be taken, the number of pills, and the high cost of the medication.2

ABOUT MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASEMaple Syrup Urine Disease (MUSD) is a rare but serious inherited condition whereby the human body cannot process certain amino acids, causing a harmful build-up of substances in the blood and urine. The human body breaks down protein foods such as meat and fish into amino acids. Other than a highly restricted diet of branched-chain amino acid (BCCA) free synthetic foods and formula, there are no currently approved treatments for MSUD.

ABOUT ACER-001ACER-001 is a powder formulation of sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPB). The formulation is designed to be both taste-masked and immediate release. ACER-001 is being developed using a microencapsulation process for the treatment of various inborn errors of metabolism, including UCDs and MSUD. ACER-001 microparticles consist of a core center, a layer of active drug, and a taste-masking coating that quickly dissolves in the stomach, allowing taste to be neutralized while still allowing for rapid systemic release. If ACER-001 is approved, its taste-masked properties could make it a compelling alternative to existing NaPB-based treatments, as the unpleasant taste associated with NaPB is cited as a major impediment to patient compliance with those treatments.3 Acer has been granted orphan drug designation by the FDA for the MSUD indication. ACER-001 is under clinical investigation and its safety and efficacy have not been established. There is no guarantee that this product candidate will receive FDA approval or become commercially available for the uses being investigated.

ABOUT RELIEF THERAPEUTICS HOLDING AGRelief focuses primarily on clinical-stage programs based on molecules of natural origin (peptides and proteins) with a history of clinical testing and use in human patients or a strong scientific rationale. Currently, Relief is concentrating its efforts on developing new treatments for respiratory disease indications. Its lead drug candidate RLF-100TM (aviptadil) is being investigated in two placebo-controlled U.S. phase 2b/3 clinical trials in respiratory deficiency due to COVID-19. Relief holds a patent issued in the United States and various other countries covering potential formulations of RLF-100TM.

RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding AG is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange under the symbol RLF and quoted in the U.S. on OTCQB under the symbol RLFTF. For more information, visit: http://www.relieftherapeutics.com.

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ABOUT ACER THERAPEUTICS INC.Acer is a pharmaceutical company focused on the acquisition, development and commercialization of therapies for serious rare and life-threatening diseases with significant unmet medical needs. Acer's pipeline includes four programs: ACER-001 (sodium phenylbutyrate) for the treatment of various inborn errors of metabolism, including urea cycle disorders (UCDs) and Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD); EDSIVO(TM) (celiprolol) for the treatment of vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (vEDS) in patients with a confirmed type III collagen (COL3A1) mutation; ACER-801 (osanetant) for the treatment of induced Vasomotor Symptoms (iVMS); and ACER-2820 (emetine), a host-directed therapy against a variety of infectious diseases, including COVID-19. Each of Acer's product candidates is believed to present a comparatively de-risked profile, having one or more of a favorable safety profile, clinical proof-of-concept data, mechanistic differentiation and/or accelerated paths for development through specific programs and procedures established by the FDA. For more information, visit http://www.acertx.com.


RELIEF FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTSThis communication expressly or implicitly contains certain forward-looking statements concerning RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding AG, Inc. and its businesses. The results reported herein may or may not be indicative of the results of future and larger clinical trials for ACER-001 for the treatment of UCDs and MSUD, nor whether the ongoing clinical trials of Relief's lead compound, RLF-100(TM) (aviptadil) in advanced clinical development to treat severe COVID-19 patients, will be successful. Such statements involve certain known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could cause the actual results, financial condition, performance or achievements of RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding AG to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding AG is providing this communication as of this date and do not undertake to update any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

ACER FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTSThis press release contains "forward-looking statements" that involve substantial risks and uncertainties for purposes of the safe harbor provided by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release regarding strategy, future operations, timelines, future financial position, future revenues, projected expenses, regulatory submissions, actions or approvals, cash position, liquidity, prospects, plans and objectives of management are forward-looking statements. Examples of such statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the structure, terms, timing and entry into a definitive agreement for the proposed collaboration between Acer and Relief with respect to ACER-001; the shared values, vision and results of the potential collaboration of Acer and Relief; the potential for ACER-001 to target diseases; the adequacy of Acer's capital to support its future operations and its ability to successfully continue its development programs; Acer's ability to secure the additional capital necessary to fund its various product candidate development programs; and the development and commercial potential of any of Acer's product candidates including ACER-001. Acer may not actually achieve the plans, carry out the intentions or meet the expectations or projections disclosed in the forward-looking statements and you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on management's current expectations and involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results and performance could differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of many factors, including, without limitation, risks and uncertainties associated with Acer's ability to successfully negotiate and execute a definitive collaboration agreement with Relief on the proposed terms, on other mutually acceptable terms, or at all, Acer's ability to repay the $4 million secured loan from Relief, the ability to project future cash utilization and reserves needed for contingent future liabilities and business operations, the availability of sufficient resources to fund Acer's various product candidate development programs and to meet its business objectives and operational requirements, the fact that the results of earlier studies and trials may not be predictive of future clinical trial results, the protection and market exclusivity provided by Acer's intellectual property, risks related to the drug discovery and the regulatory approval process and the impact of competitive products and technological changes. Acer disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made. You should review additional disclosures Acer makes in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and its Annual Report on Form 10-K. You may access these documents for no charge at http://www.sec.gov.

RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding AG:Jack WeinsteinChief Financial Officer and Treasurercontact@relieftherapeutics.com

ACER Therapeutics:Jim DeNikeAcer Therapeutics Inc.+1 844-902-6100jdenike@acertx.com

Relief (Europe):Anne Hennecke / Brittney SojevaMC Services AGrelief@mc-services.eu+49 (0) 211-529-252-14

Acer Therapeutics:Hans VitzthumLifeSci Advisors+1 617-430-7578hans@lifesciadvisors.com

SOURCE: Relief Therapeutics Holdings AG

View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/625666/Relief-Therapeutics-and-Acer-Therapeutics-Sign-Option-Agreement-for-Exclusivity-to-Negotiate-a-Collaboration-and-License-Agreement-for-the-Worldwide-Development-and-Commercialization-of-ACER-001-for-the-Treatment-of-Urea-Cycle-Disorders-and-Maple-Syrup

Read the original post:
Relief Therapeutics and Acer Therapeutics Sign Option Agreement for Exclusivity to Negotiate a Collaboration and License Agreement for the Worldwide...


Big Brains podcast: Unraveling the Mystery of Life’s Origins on Earth – UChicago News

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

What are the biggest questions in science today: Can we cure cancer, solve the climate crisis, make it to Mars? For Nobel laureate JackSzostak, the biggest question is still much more fundamental: What is the origin of life?

A professor of genetics at Harvard University,Szostakhas dedicated his lab to piecing together the complex puzzle of lifes origins on Earth. The story takes us back billions of years and may provide answers to some of our most mysterious questions: Where did we come fromand are we alone in the universe?

Paul Rand: If you had to think of the three biggest questions in science today, what would they be? Maybe youre thinking, Can we cure cancer? Can we solve the climate crisis? Or maybe even, Can we make it to Mars? For Jack Szostak, the biggest questions are much more fundamental.

Jack Szostak: Yeah. To me, theyre the origin of the universe, the origin of life, and the origin of the mind or consciousness.

Paul Rand: Szostak is a Nobel Laureate and professor of genetics at Harvard.

Jack Szostak: Theyre the big questions, I think, everyone would like to have some understanding of.

Paul Rand: The origins of the universe, life, and mind are, needless to say, all quite complicated, so Szostak decided to answer

Jack Szostak: The first and third just seemed too hard. The origin of life is much easier.

Paul Rand: Szostak has dedicated the last two decades of his prolific career to figuring out how life on earth began.

Jack Szostak: We all want to know one way or another how we came to be here. If you just look around at life and the world, its so amazing and varied and beautiful and its so different from everything thats inanimate. It just raises the question of: How did this difference arise and how did it lead to us?

Paul Rand: Szostaks career has positioned him to be uniquely prepared to find that out. Hes been at Harvard for more than 40 years, won a Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work and telomeres, or the structures at the end of chromosomes, and he holds a distinguished position at Mass General Hospital and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Recently, he gave a lecture as part of the University of Chicagos Origins of Life speaker series.

Jack Szostak: Yeah, Ive always more or less worked on some aspect of nucleic acid chemistry and that's fundamental for the origin of life because what you need to have a living system is something that can carry information from generation to generation.

Paul Rand: From the University of Chicago, this is Big Brains, a podcast about the pioneering research and pivotal breakthroughs that are reshaping our world. This episode: How Life Began. Im your host, Paul Rand. What does that actually mean in your mind when you talk about the origin of life?

Jack Szostak: Yeah, so we cant go back to the early Earth. We dont have time machines, so what Id like to have is a picture of the whole process, going all the way from planet formation and understanding early environments, understanding the chemistry that gave rise to the building blocks of life, and then how those molecules assembled together to make very simple cells that could start to evolve, and then through the process of evolution, eventually lead to us.

Paul Rand: When we think about it early on and at least historically with philosophers and theologians and others, this whole concept of a creator or a life-giver comes into this. Maybe get this out of the way right up at the start: How do you think about that?

Jack Szostak: The problem just seemed so hard, so incomprehensible that people had to come out with these kinds of supernatural explanations. If you think of the origin of life or the nature of life as a scientific question, then you can break it down into simpler questions and try to understand how life actually didnt get started. I think everything that were learning says that this is a natural process that follows the laws of physics and chemistry and there's nothing magical about it.

Paul Rand: Rather than despair in the idea that theres nothing magical about life, Szostak delights in it. It seems to free him to appreciate the world in all of its natural wonder.

Jack Szostak: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Paul Rand: Szostak started to fixate on the origins of life back in the 1990s.

Jack Szostak: My lab was working on what we call directed evolution.

Paul Rand: Directed evolution means introducing mutations to molecules, looking for variants that could be useful and then allowing those novel molecules to reproduce. Think of it like GMOd foods, but for molecules like RNA.

Jack Szostak: Were doing this molecular evolution in the lab and its very successful and it gives you lots of interesting new kinds of molecules that you can evolve things to do what you want. But its one thing to do this in a lab, right, where you have all the resources of modern science at your disposal and you have all kinds of brilliant students helping out and doing the experiments, and yet, somehow, evolution got started all by itself when the planet was young, and so I started to wonder more and more about how that could possibly have happened.

Paul Rand: Life has, of course, evolved over billions of years, but what did it evolve from? How did molecules first get together and start acting like a living system? Well, lets start with what we know. First, Earth formed a little over four-and-a-half billion years ago.

Jack Szostak: After the moon-forming impact, it was certainly a very violent, hot, unfriendly place to be. But it didnt take that long, considering the entire history of the planet, to cool down; maybe a hundred million years or so. You have liquid water on the surface, you have some areas of dry land, and then you can start to have local environments where different kinds of chemistry can start to happen.

Paul Rand: But this is where things get fuzzy. About 4.3 billion years ago, Earth may have had a habitat suitable for life, but we don't have solid evidence for life until the earliest fossils dated to about 3.7 billion years ago.

Jack Szostak: Thats a big stretch of time, right?

Paul Rand: It is.

Jack Szostak: Somewhere in that 700 or 800 million years, life got started and that could have been early on. Life could have popped up and been wiped out by impacts and then started to come up again. Well, what were trying to figure out are what were the necessary environments and the right kinds of chemistry and roughly where in that timeline and under what environments could life have got started.

Paul Rand: To explore what those environments may have been like, Szostak actually looks to Earth as it is right now. He and his students have gone out in the field to explore extreme habitats.

Jack Szostak: Places in Norway and in Iceland and most recently to Yellowstone, so they tend to be volcanically-active regions and theyre in many ways closely related to impact environments.

Paul Rand: Does that mean meteorites when you say an impact environment?

Jack Szostak: Yeah, yeah, yeah. When you have like a large meteorite or a comet strike the planet, one of the key things is that you have fractured rock and its hot and water circulates through it and it extracts compounds from the rocks and brings them up to the surface, so you can see that kind of thing happening, for example, in Yellowstone.

Paul Rand: Szostak is focused on volcanic areas in part because those kinds of environments would have created the extreme temperature fluctuations that are useful for chemical reactions.

Jack Szostak: Exactly. Yes, yes. The whole point is to get evolution going out of a chemical system.

Paul Rand: Those chemicals might have collected in pools or ponds and then you need energy.

Jack Szostak: The best source of energy is the sun. The ultraviolet radiation on the early Earth was stronger than what we experience now, and so thats a great source of energy and it can drive chemical reactions in the atmosphere. This can bring down to the surface compounds like cyanide. Thats one of our favorites, a really great starting material for making all the building blocks of biology. Its kind of ironic, something as deadly as cyanide is maybe the best starting material to make the molecules of life, but thats how it looks.

Jack Szostak: Then what you need is surface environments where these chemical feedstocks can be concentrated, they can come together, and start to react with each other. Then theres a whole series of pathways where you build up gradually more complicated molecules and theres been a huge amount of work from other labs, gradually unraveling how you actually can make not just a random collection of thousands of millions of different compounds, but just the subset that you want to build life. To me, the most interesting questions are once youve got those correct chemicals in the right environment, how do they get together and what are the processes that give rise to the first cells?

Paul Rand: All right, so lets assume that weve got the environment, weve got the chemicals.

Jack Szostak: Then we have to put it in a cellular context, right? It has to be in some kind of membrane vesicle, its something that looks like the compartment that you see in a modern cell. We know how to make those membrane vesicles. We know how to make them grow and divide.

Paul Rand: By combining fatty acids with water, but what about genetic material?

Jack Szostak: Heres where the fundamental puzzle of the origin of life is, that in modern cells, you have this really complicated biochemistry where you start with information stored in DNA.

Tape: Oh, Mr. DNA. Where did you come from?

Tape: From your blood. Just one drop of your blood contains billions of strands of DNA, the building blocks of life.

Jack Szostak: Transfer it to RNA, and then you translate it to proteins, and every part of that system depends on every other part. It was always a puzzle as to how such a self-referential system could get started.

Tape: A DNA strand like me is a blueprint for building a living thing.

Jack Szostak: But in the beginning, what you need is something simple, just good enough to get by and something that you can get to from the chemistry. The breakthrough came from the realization that RNA, this molecule in the middle between DNA and proteins, RNA can actually do what DNA does because it carries information and its sequence of letters and the big surprise was that RNA can also act like an enzyme, so it can catalyze chemical reactions, you can build structures with it, so RNA is probably not as good at doing either job, but it can do them both.

Paul Rand: Okay. Help translate that and help me understand the meaning of what the RNA world hypothesis is.

Jack Szostak: I mean, its almost in some sense, silly to call it a hypothesis. Its pretty firmly-

Paul Rand: Established?

Jack Szostak: ... established, yeah.

Paul Rand: It gives it a bit of gravitas though, by calling it that.

Jack Szostak: Yeah, yeah. Its very simple, its just the idea that the most primitive cells, the primordial cells were based on RNA, which played the role of the genetic material and they used RNA to carry out biochemical functions to catalyze reactions. The smoking gun is the cellular machine, the ribosome, right, which it turns out its built partly out of RNA and partly out of proteins, but its the RNA part that actually makes new proteins, so RNA makes all the proteins in our bodies and every cell, so it makes sense that RNA came first. All we have to do is figure out how something as complicated as RNA came to exist on the early Earth.

Paul Rand: This is what Szostaks lab focuses almost entirely on: How RNA came into existence.

Jack Szostak: Especially the hardest problem, the thing weve really been struggling with for the last 10 years or so, is how you could replicate RNA without enzymes, just using chemistry and physics. In modern cells, when cells make a new RNA molecule, they use building blocks. I dont want to get too technical, but theyre nucleoside triphosphates. Theyre molecules that are quite stable. You have enzymes that string them together in the right way and its great, but at the origin of life, there were no enzymes. You could only rely on chemistry and the right environment. One of the breakthroughs was to figure out a new, what we call activation chemistry, a way of making these building blocks more reactive. Well, the way the story develops actually quite interesting. The postdoc in the lab figured out a little bit of the chemistry that could make this work much better and then a couple of other people in the lab figured out that actually, this is a way of doing it that totally makes sense for early Earth prebiotic chemistry.

Paul Rand: Without enzymes?

Jack Szostak: Yeah, yeah. It makes the whole thing work much better without enzymes.

Paul Rand: Is there a point where you say, For this series of experiments, weve discovered what we wanted to get to? What is the finale here?

Jack Szostak: What were aiming for is being able to start with, say, one molecule of RNA or some collection of RNAs, and then set up the right chemical environment and have it spontaneously replicate and make more of itself. Were not there yet. We have ideas about how to do it and I think we might solve that within the next couple of years if things work out and we need to put it all together, so were going to have replicating RNA inside replicating compartments. Once we have that, that kind of system should start to evolve spontaneously.

Paul Rand: And that would be a pathway to life. There are other scientists who are looking for alternatives to RNA as the start to life and thats because, as Szostak puts it, RNA is a big, complicated molecule, so some people think that maybe life started with something simpler.

Jack Szostak: Ultimately, we may end up with several paths to life and we may never know which was the one that actually happened on the early Earth, but that would be great, too, because right now, we dont have any paths, right? Wed just like to have at least one and maybe more.

Paul Rand: Coming up: Was life on Earth inevitable? Everyone likes to feel special. We like to think of life on Earth as a one in a billion trillion quintillion chance, and everything had to go just so for us to get here, right?

Jack Szostak: That is one of the big questions. I think when I started to get into this seriously, there were so many gaps in our knowledge. It did seem like maybe it was a very, very hard process, something very unlikely for all the pieces to come together. The more Ive worked in this area, more and more of those gaps are getting filled in a way that makes it look like maybe all the steps are not that hard.

Paul Rand: Life requires the right environments, the right chemistry, but ...?

Jack Szostak: Its possible that given a planetary environment, it might be almost inevitable.

Paul Rand: Wow.

Jack Szostak: I wouldnt say that confidently yet, but it could be.

Paul Rand: What does that mean?

Jack Szostak: Well, then the implication is that there should be life everywhere in the universe, right?

Paul Rand: If life is inevitable, given the right conditions, maybe we are not alone.

Jack Szostak: Yeah. I mean, our field is very closely tied in with all these advances in astronomy, the whole amazing story of exoplanets, and the fact that we now know that Earth is not unique, there are hundreds of millions of rocky planets in our galaxy. One way of looking at this question of whether its easy or hard for life to get started is its basically the same question as, is life common, present on lots of these exoplanets, or is it only here on our planet? And so were all asking the same question and the astronomers are trying to get a clue by looking at the chemistry of the atmospheres of some of these distant planets and were trying to get clues by doing experiments in the lab.

Jack Szostak: If the astronomers get evidence for life on another planet, that would say, Okay, it's not this incredibly improbable event that maybe only happened once in the whole history of the universe, right? It cant be that hard, and so that would mean for us, yeah, theres an answer. We just have to go and find it. On the other hand, if were able to build living cells in the lab in a series of relatively simple steps, then I think that would inspire the exoplanet community to look even harder for examples of life elsewhere.

Paul Rand: I had to ask, of course, does Szostak believe in alien life?

Jack Szostak: Well, you know what? I used to say that I cant answer that because were trying to get the answer to that question by trying to understand, is it easy or hard to get from chemistry to life? But I will say, over the last 10 years, Im edging closer to the idea that it might not be that hard to go from chemistry to life, and so Id say there's a higher profitability now than what I used to think that life is common on other planets.

Paul Rand: Whereas your thinking may have been it was really quite a distinct and unique process is you keep saying, which is sort of hard to fathom, Its not that hard to create life under the right circumstances. Seeing that happen elsewhere starts giving a different level of confidence.

Jack Szostak: Yeah, yeah. I mean, we were just filling in a lot of the gaps in our knowledge and every time theres something that just seemed like, How on Earth could this possibly happen? then we figure it out and its, Oh, yeah, it's actually quite trivial. When that starts to happen enough times, then you think, Well, maybe the whole pathway is easy.

Paul Rand: Well, I go back to the point where we start our conversation about the three fundamental questions of science. I wonder if you can tell me, as you have these thoughts, do you find it hard to shut off your brain and to not be obsessing about this on a moment-by-moment basis? Or is this something youre always turning over inside your head?

Jack Szostak: I do think about it a lot, but I love it. Its fun. It's exciting. One of my favorite things is just to take a blank pad of paper and start scribbling down ideas and sometimes something interesting comes up and then we can go in the lab and try things out.

Paul Rand: The thing about Szostak is that he believes the question of how life began is one that he and his team will be able to answer, and soon, and as excited as he is about finding that answer, he remains the utmost pragmatic scientist. I asked him what he thinks it will be like when he figures it all out.

Jack Szostak: I dont think that theres likely to be a aha moment where, Wow, now we see it, it'll be a gradual shift where we can do little bits of coffee in chemistry now. We need to make it a little bit better, a little bit better. At some point, well start to see replication, but maybe itll be too error-prone, and then well get it to work a little more accurately, and theres still a lot more to do, but step-by-step.

View original post here:
Big Brains podcast: Unraveling the Mystery of Life's Origins on Earth - UChicago News


RNA "Google Map" of the Brain Achieves Nanoscale Resolution – Technology Networks

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

Over the last decade the field of genomics, which enables the extraction and in-depth study of RNA molecules from any tissue, has transformed biology and medicine. Molecules derived from a tissue of a healthy individual, for example, can be compared to molecules of a diseased individual, potentially revealing the cause of disease.

Until now this powerful approach has been limited to studying molecules outside the tissue. But for the proper function of tissues, it is important to identify the location of RNA molecules inside them. In a paper published today in the journalScience, researchers from Bar-Ilan University, Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) reveal that they have succeeded in developing a technology that allows them, for the first time, to pinpoint millions of RNA molecules mapped inside tissues with nanoscale resolution.

The new technology, which the researchers call 'expansion technology', represents a significant step forward in efforts to treat complex diseases and in Alzheimer's and cancer research. It was created by merging two methods developed approximately six years ago - one by a team at Harvard to map RNA molecules inside simple cells, and the other by a team at MIT to physically 'blow-up' cells and tissues.

"We now have a 'Google map' that allows measuring millions of RNA molecules within the tissue with nanoscale precision, without having to extract them as we did previously," says Dr. Shahar Alon, of Bar-Ilan University's Faculty of Engineering, Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center and Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, the first author of the study. "Using expansion technology, researchers and medical doctors will be able to perform genomics analysis in 3D to obtain not only the identity of molecules, but also their location inside the tissue, and thus treat complex diseases better and more effectively," notes Alon.

The new technology is also of particular importance for research into Alzheimer's disease and cancer. In Alon's lab researchers are using it to detect RNA molecules inside synapses, the nanoscale regions of neurons in brain tissue. The location of molecules in the tissue affects processes such as learning and memory, and can shed light on which molecules take part in these processes. This can advance understanding of whether molecules, or their location, are damaged as a result of diseases such as Alzheimer's. The new technology can also be used to detect where cancer cells are located in the tissue in relation to immune system cells, and what their molecular contents are. They have already discovered that cancer cells can change their behavior according to the identity of their neighboring cells. That is, tumor cells can behave differently in terms of the molecules that they express if they are close to immune cells, and vice versa.

With this and several other new technologies, Alon asserts that the dawn of an age in which it will be possible to create complete molecular maps of tissues from individuals is on the horizon. When that happens experts in the fields of image analysis, data analysis, and genetics will be needed to decipher these huge maps, and this radically new approach will be helpful in learning more about many complex diseases.

Reference: Alon S, Goodwin DR, Sinha A, et al. Expansion sequencing: Spatially precise in situ transcriptomics in intact biological systems. Science. 2021;371(6528). doi:10.1126/science.aax2656

This article has been republished from materials provided by Bar-Ilan University. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.

Originally posted here:
RNA "Google Map" of the Brain Achieves Nanoscale Resolution - Technology Networks


[Full text] Post-Transplant Maintenance Therapy for Patients with Acute Myeloid Le | JBM – Dove Medical Press

Sunday, January 31st, 2021


Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) remains the most common acute leukemia in adults with an incidence of 34 per 100,000 person per year. AML is a genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous and biologically dynamic spectrum of diseases.1 Indeed, the clinical outcomes are largely determined by the patients characteristics such as age, performance status and comoridities, as well as the leukemia features including the subtype (de novo versus secondary) and most importantly the genomic profile.2 The recent advances in defining the molecular landscape of AML and its role in leukemogenesis have paved the way for the development and adaptation of novel targeted agents.

Following induction chemotherapy, patients achieving a morphologic leukemia-free state (complete remission (CR)) are mandated to receive a form of consolidation therapy aimed at the residual leukemic stem cells (LSCs) to prevent relapse and improve overall survival (OS).3 A risk-adapted approach for relatively young or fit AML patients in first CR (CR1) involves the assessment of this risk of relapse, leading to either chemotherapy continuation or allogeneic stem cell transplantation (ASCT), taking into account the presence of comorbidities, the donor type as well as the genetic characteristics of the disease.4 In addition to pre-treatment risk stratification, the estimation of the leukemic burden while on therapy has recently emerged as a strong, independent and dynamic tool for individualizing post-induction treatment approaches. Either polymerase chain reaction (PCR), multiparameter flow cytometry (MFC) or the novel next-generation sequencing (NGS) can evaluate this measurable residual disease (MRD)57

Up to the current date, ASCT in first CR remains the most powerful antileukemic post-remission therapy. ASCT is generally recommended upfront for properly selected patients with high-risk cytogenetic features, those with intermediate and adverse-risk molecular findings, and patients with secondary AML. Patients with induction failure, post-induction residual disease and following salvage therapy are also referred for ASCT. In addition to potentially life-threatening complications of ASCT such as graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and opportunistic infections, survival benefits recorded with ASCT are crippled by unacceptably high disease relapse rates,810 hence the need for strategies to maintain remission and prevent relapses post-ASCT. Such interventions aim at reinforcing the graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect and/or eradicating persistent MRD, especially with the increasing availability of more sensitive techniques to detect any residual disease. Nevertheless, these maintenance therapies may represent over-treatment for patients with intermediate-risk disease, further subjecting them to long-term toxicities and disturbed quality of life (QoL), thereby reinforcing the need for a better selection of patients as well as strict and continuous MRD monitoring.

The transplantation field has tremendously evolved over the last two decades with refinements of indications as well as improvement in the safety profile of conditioning regimens and supportive care strategies. Nonetheless, risk factors for increasing mortality after relapse in an allografted patient still include, among others, a shorter time to recurrence and occurrence of GVHD prior to relapse11 with significant improvement of overall survival (OS) for young patients relapsing in recent years (Bazarbachi et al, 2020).12 Furthermore, a deeper understanding of factors facilitating disease relapse, such as molecular profile and role of MRD, has enabled more high-risk patients to receive post-transplant therapies to treat and even prevent relapses. Indeed, pharmacological intervention and manipulation of the disease kinetics in the early post-transplant phase could potentially collaborate with other strategies to improve overall outcomes,13 possibly through up-regulation of tumor-associated antigens (TAA),14 expansion of regulatory T-cells,15 or acceleration of T-cell reconstitution.16 With the availability of a wide array of novel and less toxic agents such as epigenetic modifiers, tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), BCL2 inhibitors and immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICPIs) among others, an intriguing strategy would be to preemptively use such molecules in an attempt to prevent relapses post-ASCT in specific subsets of high-risk patients. Nevertheless, we currently only have few randomized trials that offered a survival advantage for maintenance therapy in AML.

Conducting either retrospective studies or prospective randomized trials to construct therapeutic strategies aiming at reducing post-ASCT relapse rates has been historically hampered by the depth of remission achieved as well as the intrinsic biologic apparatus of the disease. Cytogenetic abnormalities of AML knowingly dictate both the general outcomes of standard therapies and those following ASCT.17 In view of the granular advances in the field of myeloid malignancies, considering specific subsets of AML patients for post-ASCT maintenance should therefore depend on the molecular and genomic characteristics of the disease itself at diagnosis.18 Indeed, the presence of actionable or targetable mutations such as FLT3-ITD and IDH1/2 is a valuable opportunity to incorporate the approved corresponding inhibitors in the post-ASCT maintenance strategies. Novel molecular and MRD diagnostics are therefore of utmost importance to determine those who would benefit the most from personalized therapy options. As such, MRD status in the pre-transplant phase and more importantly detection of MRD early post-ASCT are crucial factors to implement therapy as they largely impact the likelihood and pace of disease relapse.19,20

In this setting, other variables including the donor source, intensity of conditioning regimen and GVHD prophylaxis protocols (T-cell depletion and post-ASCT cyclophosphamide) might influence the risk of disease relapse.21 While the implementation of reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) has allowed more patients to receive ASCT,22 it could potentially increase the rate of post-transplant relapse, as demonstrated by the large prospective randomized Phase III trial conducted by the Bone Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network.23 Well-designed trials are eagerly needed to appropriately answer these challenging situations.

In the presence of few prospective randomized trials, the decision to initiate post-ASCT maintenance therapy remains ambivalent in many situations. Early-phase studies assessing novel agents in the relapsed setting often exclude patients with prior history of ASCT given the plethora of complications they might experience, therefore resorting to agents previously approved for different indications or settings. This dilemma largely provides a protective blanket to access these drugs on an off-label indication, which could impede recruitment for prospective studies. Additionally, most currently ongoing maintenance trials using hypomethylating agents (HMA), targeted therapies and other molecules still demand rigorous eligibility criteria, thereby interfering with enrollment rate.

Starting maintenance therapy in the early post-ASCT phase should take into account the concomitant use of immunosuppressive drugs and their potential heightened hematological and organ toxicities, the risk of opportunistic infections and GVHD, as well as the possible drugdrug interactions (such as with calcineurin inhibitors), even when the acute toxicities of ASCT have seemingly resolved. An optimal maintenance approach is therefore difficult to be intercalated within the conditioning regimen itself and is reserved for a post-ASCT phase, mostly started between days 30 and 100 following transplantation. In this setting, pre- and post-ASCT MRD status could be valuable in planning and timing maintenance therapy. For those patients with impending signs of relapse by MRD testing or falling donor chimerism, a preemptive maintenance therapy could be started early post-ASCT, before overt morphological relapse.

Finally, the optimal duration of maintenance therapy has not been established for most cases, thereby affecting the QoL of these patients.

The use of HMAs such as azacitidine and decitabine remains the most commonly adopted non-targeted strategy for the prevention of post-ASCT relapse owing in part to their acceptable safety profile.24 The mechanism of action of HMAs post-ASCT is unclear, but they appear to silence tumor suppressor genes through epigenetic modification. At the preclinical level, these agents could also induce a GVL effect through stimulation of CD8+ T-cell responses to overexpressed tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) such as MAGE antigens.25 This activity has led to the investigation of HMAs in a series of small trials, especially with the advancing field of MRD detection by sensitive techniques.

For example, AML patients with imminent relapse due to decreasing CD34 chimerism received pre-emptive azacitidine that delayed disease progression according to two studies.26,27 The concurrent administration of donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) did not, however, improve response rates or OS27 and the majority of patients eventually experienced overt disease relapse.26 In another study, azacitidine was also given sequentially with DLI and showed a low relapse rate and encouraging OS despite the presence of acute and chronic GVHD.28

In a Phase I dose-finding trial, azacitidine as monotherapy was given between on day +42 post-ASCT to 45 patients with AML (82%) and MDS, for up to four cycles at different dose levels 8, 16, 24, 32, and 40 mg/m2.29 Interestingly, two-thirds of AML patients were not in CR at the time of transplant. The recommended dose of azacitidine was reported to be 32 mg/m2 for 5 days in 30-day cycles because of dose-limiting but reversible thrombocytopenia. At 1-year follow-up, the median disease-free survival (DFS) was 58% for all enrolled patients and the 1-year OS rate was 77%. In another phase I/II study of 27 AML patients who received a RIC regimen followed by ASCT later showed that the subcutaneous administration of up to 10 cycles of azacitidine at 36 mg/m2 for 5 days in 28-day cycles beginning at day 42 post-ASCT resulted in the expansion of circulating regulatory T-cells with subsequent GVL response and no significant GVHD.15 In a retrospective study of 18 allografted patients (13 AML and 5 MDS), including 50% of patients with a high or very high disease risk index, low-dose azacitidine started at a median of 60 days post-transplant was well tolerated and resulted in one-year disease-free survival (DFS) and OS of 63% and 70%, respectively.30 A subsequent randomized phase III trial comparing azacitidine at 32 mg/m2 subcutaneously for 5 days in up to 12, 28-day cycles to no intervention in 87 patients with AML, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) or chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in remission was terminated early because of slow accrual.31 At a median follow-up of 4.6 years in the azacitidine arm, available data suggest no significant effect of the HMA on relapse-free survival (RFS), except for a non-statistically significant trend for improvement in those who received at least 9 cycles of therapy.

The importance of MRD-adapted therapy is highlighted in the ongoing Phase II study (RELAZA2) whereby preemptive treatment with at least 6 cycles of azacitidine (75 mg/m2 7 days) and for up to 18 additional months was evaluated.32 The study enrolled patients in CR but with detectable MRD either after conventional chemotherapy or following ASCT. This preemptive MRD risk-adapted strategy was found to prevent or significantly delay disease relapse in 58% of patients who remained in CR after 6 months (95% CI: 4472; p < 0.001). These results are encouraging and warrant further follow-up.

More recently, an oral azacitidine formulation CC-486 with extended dosing to prolong activity of azacitidine with sustained DNA hypomethylation showed promising results as maintenance therapy in a randomized trial following induction chemotherapy for AML.33 CC-486 was then evaluated in a phase I/II trial of 30 patients (26 with AML and 4 MDS) who had undergone ASCT, given at 200300 mg orally for 7 days or 150200 mg orally for 14 days in up to 12, 28-day cycles.34 The study resulted in 1-year RFS rates of 54% with the 7-day protocol and 72% with the 14-day regimen in the 28 evaluable patients, leading to estimated 1-year survival rates of 86% and 81%, respectively. The most common grade 34 treatment-related toxicities were gastrointestinal and hematologic toxicities, and two patients experienced severe chronic GVHD. A randomized, phase III trial evaluating CC-486 at the 200 mg 14-day dosing regimen as maintenance therapy post-ASCT for high-risk MDS and intermediate- or high-risk AML is currently enrolling.

On the other hand, a small study of decitabine administered at 515 mg/m2 intravenously for 5 days starting 50100 days post ASCT for up to 8, 6-week cycles also exhibited favorable results with 2-year OS of 56% and cumulative incidence of relapse reaching 28%.35 However, the majority (75%) of patients experienced grade 34 hematologic toxicities during therapy. While decitabine did not increase the rate of chronic GVHD, there was a trend for increased FOXP3 expression and T-reg cells in the lymphocyte environment in a correlative study that was not statistically meaningful.

Interpreting the results of these studies remains challenging and controversial, as they are small and mostly uncontrolled. As such, the optimal timing of HMA initiation post-ASCT and dosing need to be explored further to establish efficacy at preventing relapses and avoid unnecessary toxicities, especially in patients who can be cured with ASCT alone. In patients with detectable MRD or mixed chimerism, pre-emptive treatment with HMA could potentially delay or even prevent relapses in AML and MDS patients.36

More recently, there has been a growing interest in evaluating HMA as partners to novel promising agents such as the BCL2 inhibitor venetoclax, ICPs, FLT3 inhibitors, as well as isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) inhibitors and studies are ongoing (Table 1).

Table 1 Some of the Ongoing Trials Evaluating Various Targets for Post-Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation Strategies

The class I/II HDACi have presented as potential promising agents in AML/MDS owing to large induction effects on cell-cycle arrest and differentiation, as well as pro-apoptotic effects on myeloid cells through epigenetic modifications of histones.37 HDACi have also exhibited some antileukemic and immunomodulatory roles through the control of cytokine secretion. This is further evidenced by the panobinostat activity, a potent oral inhibitor of class 1, 2, and 4 deacetylases, in the PANOBEST trial.38 This study enrolled 42 patients with high-risk AML or MDS who had received ASCT and panobinostat was started at a median of 98 days (60150) post-ASCT. Two-thirds of these patients were transplanted in active disease. While only 22 (54%) of the 42 patients completed 1 year of therapy because of adverse events, the cumulative incidence at relapse remained 21% at 2 years, resulting in 2-year OS and DFS rates of 88% and 74%. More importantly, panobinostat was found to inhibit the suppressive function of T-regs when used at low doses and enhance their function at higher doses,39 thereby playing a possible role in reducing GVHD. As these results are intriguing, a randomized multicenter phase III trial is currently comparing panobinostat 20 mg orally three times weekly every second week to the standard of care as maintenance post-ASCT. Vorinostat, another HDACi, is also being combined with low-dose azacytidine for post-ASCT in a currently ongoing phase I dose-escalation clinical trial.

Treatment of FLT3-ITD mutated AML remains challenging due to significant relapse rates and short remissions with available therapies despite the common historical use of ASCT in first CR.40 Nevertheless, FLT3-mutated AML is a heterogeneous disease that entails diversity in the type of FLT3 mutations and their insertion site, the FLT3-ITD allelic burden, and the presence of concurrent mutations; observations that further complicated the decision to proceed to ASCT in the first CR when feasible.4143 This controversy is evidenced by the European LeukemiaNet guidelines suggesting, with some controversy, that ASCT should not be offered to patients with low-mutant allelic ratio.4446 EBMT guidelines allowed ASCT in this setting and recommended it for all patients with FLT3-mutated AML (Bazarbachi et al, 2020).47

As such, the use of multi-kinase inhibitors of various generations has led to improved outcomes and achievement of deeper responses in FLT3-mutated AML. These TKIs, together with the incorporation of MRD assessment, have enabled the installation of post-transplant therapeutic strategies,48 as the 1-year OS of patients who relapse post-ASCT drops to less than 20%.11 (Bazarbachi et al, 2020).12

The enthusiasm of using FLT3 TKIs stems not only from their direct cytotoxic properties but also involve an immunomodulatory effect synergizing with allografted T-cells. Several murine models have shown that sorafenib enhances the production of interleukin-15 (IL-15) production by leukemic cells, thereby promoting GVL effect.16 The same experiment showed that sorafenib reduced the activating transcription factor (ATF4) expression in leukemic cells, a negative regulator of IRF-7 interferon regulatory factor-7 (IRF-7) activation, which further enhances IL-15 transcription when activated. The exact mechanisms of FLT3 TKIs immunogenicity remain to be elucidated.

One of the earliest and most promising post-transplant maintenance approaches has been the administration of FLT3 inhibitors, limited to date to FLT3-ITD mutated AML patients. Despite multiple retrospective and prospective randomized trials evaluating the efficacy and safety of the use of FLT3 inhibitors as post-transplant maintenance, there is still a debate on the best agent to be used (off-label use of sorafenib versus potent second-generation FLT3 inhibitors), dosing and time of initiation. A consensus by the EBMT Acute Leukemia Working Party recommended the use of sorafenib 400 mg twice daily in the post-transplant setting in the absence of active GVHD based on available data (Bazarbachi et al, 2020).47 Previous retrospective studies have demonstrated a lower risk of disease relapse following ASCT in patients with FLT3 ITD mutated AML who received post-transplant sorafenib maintenance (Antar, et al, 2014).4953

In a phase I study involving 22 patients with FLT3-ITD AML receiving sorafenib maintenance post-ASCT, PFS at 1 year was 85% and OS was 95%.54 Encouraging results were subsequently reported in other small trials of sorafenib maintenance compared to historical controls, showing markedly lower relapse rates, improved RFS and relatively tolerable toxicities, while not significantly affecting the rates of GVHD.5153,5557 This is further supported by two registry studies from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) showing that post-transplant maintenance with sorafenib improved OS and leukemia-free survival (LFS) of allografted patients with FLT3-ITD positive AML (Bazarbachi et al, 2019)58 and that sorafenib combined with DLI clearly improved OS and LFS of relapsed FLT3-ITD positive AML patients following ASCT. (Bazarbachi et al, 2019)59

In a prospective phase II controlled randomized trial (SORMAIN) of 83 patients with FLT3-ITD mutated AML, the administration of sorafenib for up to 24 months resulted in superior outcomes for patients in CR and no grade 2 GVHD compared to placebo. After a long median follow-up of 42 months, the 2-year RFS was 85% in the sorafenib group compared with 53% in the placebo group (HR=0.39, p=0.01), in addition to an OS benefit for the sorafenib group (HR=0.447; p=0.03).60 Further follow-up showed that many patients will experience disease relapse when sorafenib is stopped at 24 months, suggesting a longer exposure to sorafenib might be needed to prevent late relapses. While SORMAIN trial constitutes the first placebo-controlled evidence that post-HSCT maintenance therapy could reduce the risk of relapse and death, this study enrolled patients who underwent transplantation in the first hematological CR, as well as those in the second or subsequent CR. Finally, the Chinese open-label, large randomized phase III trial assigned patients to receive sorafenib maintenance (n=100) or control (n=102) post-ASCT (Xuan et al 2020).61 At a median follow-up of 21.3 months, the 1-year cumulative incidence of relapse was 7.0% (95% CI 3.113.1) in the sorafenib group and 24.5% (16.633.2) in the control group (hazard ratio 0.25, 95% CI 0.110.57; p=0.0010), with no treatment-related deaths and acceptable GVHD rates. Based on these available data, sorafenib is recommended by many authorities as a maintenance strategy to reduce post-ASCT relapses for FLT3-ITD-mutated AML (Bazarbachi et al, 2020).47

More recent data from the RATIFY trial that led to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of midostaurin in 2017, proposed that the outcomes of patients who received this agent prior to ASCT were particularly encouraging.62 In a phase II trial of midostaurin received as post-consolidation or post-ASCT maintenance, the 1-year relapse rate was encouragingly low at 9.2%.63 In this German-Austrian AML Study Group 1610, most patients discontinued midostaurin earlier than planned because of toxicities. This remains in line with prior reports on the drugs complex pharmacokinetic profile and drugdrug interactions that warrant close observation and dose adjustments to reduce toxicity.64,65

RADIUS is another phase II randomized study that accrued 60 patients with FLT3-ITD AML with stable engraftment post-ASCT to receive or not midostaurin for twelve 4-week cycles.66 Unsurprisingly, the median RFS was not reached for either arm as the trial was not powered to detect any statistical difference (p=0.34) between subgroups.

The prospective cooperative group international phase III randomized trial (BMT-CTN 1506; NCT02997202) is seeking to confirm the impact of post-transplant gilteritinib maintenance therapy versus placebo in patients with FLT3-mutated AML and has completed accrual at 346 patients. Gilteritinib is an effective and tolerable FLT3 inhibitor, with potent activity against both FLT3-ITD and FLT3-TKD mutations, particularly the kinase domain mutations at residue D835 and the gatekeeper mutation at residue F691.67 Gilteritinib was recently approved for use in the relapsed/refractory setting68 and was chosen for evaluation as post-ASCT maintenance owing to its safety profile and potent inhibition of FLT3 in vivo. Unfortunately, the use of placebo as control arm in this trial will not allow to answer the important question of whether Gilteritinib offers an additional benefit over sorafenib in that setting.

Quizartinib (AC220), a highly potent selective FLT3-ITD inhibitor was also studied in one small phase I trial where only 1 of 13 patients relapsed under therapy at the last follow-up.69 Furthermore, toxicities were manageable and GVHD rate was not increased. However, increasing reports about resistance through point-mutant forms have been emerging, hence limiting single-agent use.70

Crenolanib, like gilteritinib, is another potent oral type 1 FLT3 TKI with extended activity against FLT3-ITD and resistance-conferring FLT3-D835 TKD mutants.71 It is also under evaluation as a post-ASCT maintenance in a phase II trial (NCT02400255), in a cohort of patients transplanted in CR and in another group allografted with the residual disease with 10% bone marrow blasts. Crenolanib is started between days 45 to 90 after ASCT and for up to 2 years. It is important to note that phase II/III trials of post-ASCT maintenance involving the novel FLT3 TKIs do not use a first-generation inhibitor control, making it difficult to establish their superior efficacy in this setting.

Some unanswered questions remain regarding the use of FLT3 TKIs as maintenance post-ASCT. FLT3-ITD mutations, unlike BCR-ABL1 fusions,72 are not founding mutations but rather an important final step and one of many mutations found in leukemogenesis.73,74 These include WT1, IDH1, DNMT3A, as well as NUP98/NSD1 fusions, which are currently known to affect outcomes and response to therapy. Furthermore, FLT3 measuring assays are not cross-validated within trials along with considerable variability in the FLT3-ITD cut-off used (0.5 in the ELN recommendations, 0.7 in the RATIFY study) for treatment, as well as the dynamic changes that happen to this ratio over time. Until standardization of definitions, the indication of ASCT remains itself controversial in patients with low (<0.5) allelic ratio FLT3-ITD who have a concomitant NPM1 mutation and achieve MRD negative status on therapy (Bazarbachi et al, 2020).47

Ivosidenib and enasidenib have been recently approved for the treatment of IDH1 and IDH2-mutated AML, respectively.75,76 Owing to the natural history of this subtype of AML and the relative safety of these agents, they could present as a promising option for maintenance therapy post-ASCT. Some trials (NCT03515512, NCT03564821) are currently evaluating the significance of these mutations and their role in post-ASCT relapses, as well as the safety of the corresponding targeted agents in this setting.

Venetoclax is a BCL2 inhibitor that competitively binds to the BH3 domain of BCL2, an anti-apoptotic protein, releases BH3-only proteins and induces apoptosis of hematologic malignant cells.77 Venetoclax has been evaluated and is currently approved in combination with low-dose cytarabine and azacitidine or decitabine.78,79 These studies have included only a few patients who relapsed after ASCT and still achieved CR with the combination. Two prospective trials investigating the efficacy of venetoclax in combination with azacitidine at improving RFS are currently enrolling AML patients for maintenance or preemptive therapy post-ASCT.

Anomalous hedgehog (Hh) pathway signaling is involved in the survival and proliferation of leukemia stem cells,80 especially those resistant to chemotherapy.81 Glasdegib, an oral small Hh inhibitor, has been recently FDA approved in combination with low-dose cytarabine for the treatment of AML patients not eligible for intensive therapy, after showing OS benefit.82 Based on these findings, glasdegib is currently being evaluated in a phase II study for post-ASCT maintenance for AML patients at high-risk of relapse (NCT01841333).

AML and MDS with abnormal 17p or mutated p53 are known to portend dismal outcomes with the highest risk of relapse even in the post-ASCT phase.83 APR-246 is an agent that targets p53 mutation in an attempt to restore its function and showed up to 80% CR rate in an early trial of patients with myeloid malignancies.84 Based on this concept, a phase II trial studying the combination of azacytidine and APR-246 is currently enrolling allografted patients with MDS and AML and mutated p53 (NCT03931291) with a primary endpoint being 1-year RFS.

The use of antibody-drug conjugates (ADC) could achieve target specificity through inhibition of certain surface markers, such as CD33, expressed on the majority of myeloblasts. Gemtuzumab ozogamicin (GO) is a MoAb against CD33 conjugated to the toxin calicheamicin. In a small study of 10 relatively young patients allografted for high-risk AML, GO was administered with azacitidine as maintenance post-ASCT.85 After a median number of 1.5 cycles only complicated by reversible hematological toxicities, 40% of patients relapsed.

Another newer generation anti-CD33 ADC Vadastuximab talirine (SGN33a) conjugated to a pyrrolobenzodiazepine dimer was studied as maintenance in the post-ASCT setting (NCT02326584), but the phase I/II trial was terminated early because of neutropenia and thrombocytopenia.

Maintenance therapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors, such as nivolumab, is being investigated in clinical trials for patients with high-risk AML in remission post-consolidation, who are not candidates for ASCT.86 For instance, using this selective immune modulation for post-ASCT maintenance may provide similar benefits and merits investigation owing to their inherent activity in AML. Nonetheless, issues related to acute GVHD are likely to emerge, as seen with previous studies of lenalidomide in this setting,87 thereby limiting the wide adoption of these agents.8890

Other agents on the outlook in this setting include anti-chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 (CXCR4) as well as CAR T-cell therapy.

AML has increasingly presented itself as a poster child for personalized treatment approaches. ASCT by itself should not be regarded as an ultimate definitive therapy for all patients and with established poor outcomes for post-ASCT relapses, preventing one remains more beneficial than treating it. Nonetheless, we still have no simple algorithm or strategy to address post-ASCT relapses or maintenance approaches. As delineated above, most available information is derived from phase II trials of HMAs and FTL3-ITD TKIs and few randomized data. Recent development of targeted agents made their use in the post-transplant setting more exciting taking into consideration the potential risks on GVHD and immune reconstitution post-ASCT. Furthermore, better MRD assessments facilitated the optimal selection of high-risk candidates who would benefit from such strategies.

Any treatment decision should therefore involve the patients performance status, the pre-transplant disease course, the presence of actionable mutations, and the use of concurrent immunosuppressive medications as well as GVHD. Prognostication of high-risk AML patients has been recently refined, especially with the introduction of various MRD assays. These include MFC5,91 and NGS-MRD monitoring, both shown to be predictive for post-transplant relapse and survival.92,93

In our clinical practice, we utilize patient and disease characteristics coupled with pre- and post-transplant MRD assays as metrics to counsel patients about their risk of relapse. Awaiting further validation, we believe these are useful parameters, especially when conjugated to risk-stratified maintenance approaches. Nonetheless, we recommend the use of off-label FLT3-TKIs such as sorafenib because of our favorable experience and the accumulating data with this regard, which led to the EBMT recommendations (Bazarbachi et al, 2020).47 HMAs still represent a cornerstone maneuver to upregulate neoantigens and modulate immune responses post-ASCT when used alone or in various upcoming combinations (HMA+ DLI or venetoclax, etc.). One would, however, ask if pre-transplant therapy matters in this setting and whether responding favorably or not to azacitidine as initial therapy could affect the outcomes of post-ASCT maintenance. Novel agents such as ADCs and BCL2-inhibitors may provide a favorable approach despite little knowledge about the effect of these molecules on the graft and their potential toxicities. Immune stimulation with agents such as ICPs currently remains investigational awaiting well-designed clinical trials. Additionally, we must continue to explore the genetic profiling of AML and its ramifications.

Disease relapse remains a paramount endpoint to treating physicians and patients, far beyond the use of survival endpoints alone based on small single-center trials. With the recent surge of therapeutic opportunities, the priority should be to tailor randomized trials with refined conditioning regimens to post-transplant strategies while routinely incorporating MRD and genomic assays. This will require a solid partnership between the transplant community, academia and the pharmaceutical institutions for innovative and well-integrated approaches. A model trial in this setting also needs to assess the activity of a certain approach and its effect on GVHD. There is a steadily increasing number of novel agents, mostly of oral bioavailability, which could be preferred for maintenance therapy owing to their activity, dosing schedules, as well as minimal hematological toxicities. Other areas of interest include the use of MoAbs, ICP inhibitors and possibly products of cellular engineering (vaccines, modified chimeric antigen receptor T-cells, etc.). As a reflection of toxicities, we strongly support the integration of quality-of-life (QoL) metrics and patient-reported outcomes as informative endpoints in the design of these prospective randomized trials.

The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.

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19. Walter R, Buckley S, Pagel J, et al. Significance of minimal residual disease before myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for AML in first and second complete remission. Blood. 2013;122(10):18131821. doi:10.1182/blood-2013-06-506725

20. Festuccia M, Deeg H, Gooley T, et al. Minimal identifiable disease and the role of conditioning intensity in hematopoietic cell transplantation for myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myelogenous leukemia evolving from myelodysplastic syndrome. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2016;22(7):12271233. doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2016.03.029

21. Milano F, Gooley T, Wood B, et al. Cord blood transplant in patients with minimal residual disease. N Engl J Med. 2016;375:944953. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1602074

22. DSouza A, Lee S, Zhu X, Pasquini M. Current use and trends in hematopoietic cell transplantation in the United States. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017;23(9):14171421. doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2017.05.035

23. Scott B, Pasquini M, Logan B, et al. Myeloablative versus reduced-intensity hematopoietic cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes. J Clin Oncol. 2017;35(11):11541161. doi:10.1200/JCO.2016.70.7091

24. Cruijsen M, Hobo W, van der Velden W, et al. Addition of 10-day decitabine to fludarabine/total body irradiation conditioning is feasible and induces tumor-associated antigen specific T cell responses. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2016;22(6):10001008. doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2016.02.003

25. Snchez-Abarca L, Gutierrez-Cosio S, Santamara C, et al. Immunomodulatory effect of 5-azacytidine (5-azaC): potential role in the transplantation setting. Blood. 2010;115(1):107121. doi:10.1182/blood-2009-03-210393

26. Platzbecker U, Wermke M, Radke J, et al. Azacitidine for treatment of imminent relapse in MDS or AML patients after allogeneic HSCT: results of the RELAZA trial. Leukemia. 2012;26(3):381389. doi:10.1038/leu.2011.234

27. Craddock C, Jilani N, Siddique S, et al. Tolerability and clinical activity of posttransplantation Azacitidine in patients allografted for acute myeloid leukemia treated on the RICAZA trial. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2016;22(2):385390. doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2015.09.004

28. Guillaume T, Florent Malard F, Leonardo Magro L, et al. Prospective phase II study of prophylactic low-dose azacitidine and donor lymphocyte infusions following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for high-risk acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2019;54(11):18151826. doi:10.1038/s41409-019-0536-y

29. de Lima M, Giralt S, Thall P, et al. Maintenance therapy with low-dose azacitidine after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for recurrent acute myelogenous leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome. Cancer. 2010;116(23):54205431. doi:10.1002/cncr.25500

30. El-Cheikh J, Massoud R, Fares E, et al. Low-dose 5-azacytidine as preventive therapy for relapse of AML and MDS following allogeneic HCT. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2017;52(6):918921. doi:10.1038/bmt.2017.31

31. Oran B, de Lima M, Garcia-Manero G, et al. Maintenance with 5-azacytidine for acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome patients. Blood. 2018;132(Supplement 1):971. doi:10.1182/blood-2018-99-111582

32. Platzbecker U, Middeke J, Sockel K, et al. Minimal-residual disease guided treatment with azacitidine in MDS/AML patients at imminent risk of relapse: results of the prospective RELAZA2 trial. Blood. 2017;130(Supplement 1):565.

33. Wei AH, Dhner H, Pocock C, et al. The QUAZAR AML-001 maintenance trial: results of a phase III international, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of CC-486 (oral formulation of azacitidine) in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in first remission. Blood. 2019;134(suppl2):LBA3. doi:10.1182/blood-2019-132405

34. de Lima M, Oran B, Champlin R, et al. CC-486 maintenance after stem cell transplantation in patients with acute myeloid leukemia or myelodysplastic syndromes. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2018;24(10):20172024. doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2018.06.016

35. Pusic I, Choi J, Fiala M, et al. Maintenance therapy with decitabine after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for acute myelogenous leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2015;21(10):17611769. doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2015.05.026

36. Platzbecker U, Middeke J, Sockel K, et al. Measurable residual disease-guided treatment with azacitidine to prevent haematological relapse in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukaemia (RELAZA2): an open-label, multicentre, Phase 2 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2018;19(12):16681679. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(18)30580-1

37. Stahl M, Gore S, Vey N, Prebet T. Lost in translation? Ten years of development of histone deacetylase inhibitors in acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes. Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 2016;25(3):307317. doi:10.1517/13543784.2016.1146251

38. Bug G, Burchert A, Wagner E-M, et al. Phase I/II study of the deacetylase inhibitor panobinostat after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with high-risk MDS or AML (PANOBEST trial). Leukemia. 2017;31(11):25232525. doi:10.1038/leu.2017.242

39. Shen L, Pili R. Class I histone deacetylase inhibition is a novel mechanism to target regulatory T cells in immunotherapy. Oncoimmunology. 2012;1(6):948950. doi:10.4161/onci.20306

40. Brunet S, Labopin M, Esteve J, et al. Impact of FLT3 internal tandem duplication on the outcome of related and unrelated hematopoietic transplantation for adult acute myeloid leukemia in first remission: a retrospective analysis. J Clin Oncol. 2012;30(7):735741. doi:10.1200/JCO.2011.36.9868

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42. Sengsayadeth S, Jagasia M, Engelhardt B, et al. Allo-SCT for high-risk AML-CR1 in the molecular era: impact of FLT3/ITD outweighs the conventional markers. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2012;47(12):15351537. doi:10.1038/bmt.2012.88

43. Deol A, Sengsayadeth S, Ahn K, et al. Does FLT3 mutation impact survival after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia? A Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) analysis. Cancer. 2016;122(19):30053014. doi:10.1002/cncr.30140

44. Dhner H, Estey E, Grimwade D, et al. Diagnosis and management of AML in adults: 2017 ELN recommendations from an international expert panel. Blood. 2017;129(4):424447.

45. Sakaguchi M, Yamaguchi H, Najima Y, et al. Prognostic impact of low allelic ratio FLT3-ITD and NPM1 mutation in acute myeloid leukemia. Blood Adv. 2018;2(20):27442754. doi:10.1182/bloodadvances.2018020305

46. Straube J, Ling V, Hill G, Lane S. The impact of age, NPM1mut, and FLT3ITD allelic ratio in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Blood. 2018;131(10):11481153. doi:10.1182/blood-2017-09-807438

47. Bazarbachi A, Bug G, Baron F, et al. Clinical practice recommendation on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia patients with FLT3-internal tandem duplication: a position statement from the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow. Haematologica. 2020a;105(6):15071516. doi:10.3324/haematol.2019.243410

48. Schuurhuis G, Heuser M, Freeman S, et al. Minimal/measurable residual disease in AML: a consensus document from the European LeukemiaNet MRD Working Party. Blood. 2018;131(12):12751291. doi:10.1182/blood-2017-09-801498

49. Antar, A., Kharfan-Dabaja, M, Mahfouz, R, & Bazarbachi, A. Sorafenib maintenance appears safe and improves clinical outcomes in FLT3-ITD acute myeloid leukemia after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2015;15(5):298302.

50. Borthakur G, Kantarjian H, Farhad Ravandi F, et al. Phase I study of sorafenib in patients with refractory or relapsed acute leukemias. Haematologica. 2011;96(1):6268. doi:10.3324/haematol.2010.030452

51. Brunner A, Li S, Fathi A, et al. Haematopoietic cell transplantation with and without sorafenib maintenance for patients with FLT3-ITD acute myeloid leukaemia in first complete remission. Br J Haematol. 2016;175(3):496504. doi:10.1111/bjh.14260

52. Battipaglia G, Ruggeri A, Massoud R, et al. Efficacy and feasibility of sorafenib as a maintenance agent after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3-mutated acute myeloid leukemia. Cancer. 2017;123(15):28672874. doi:10.1002/cncr.30680

53. Battipaglia G, Massoud R, Ahmed S, et al. Efficacy and feasibility of sorafenib as a maintenance agent after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 mutated acute myeloid leukemia: an update. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2019;19(8):506508. doi:10.1016/j.clml.2019.04.004

54. Chen Y, Li S, Lane A, et al. Phase I trial of maintenance sorafenib after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for fms like tyrosine kinase 3 internal tandem duplication acute myeloid leukemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014;20(12):20422048. doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2014.09.007

55. Sammons S, Pratz K, Smith B, Karp J, Emadi A. Sorafenib is tolerable and improves clinical outcomes in patients with FLT3-ITD acute myeloid leukemia prior to stem cell transplant and after relapse post-transplant. Am J Hematol. 2014;89(9):936938. doi:10.1002/ajh.23782

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[Full text] Post-Transplant Maintenance Therapy for Patients with Acute Myeloid Le | JBM - Dove Medical Press


Saudi women making their mark in science – Arab News

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

JEDDAH: Just 30 percent of women worldwide work in science, but Saudis are challenging this long-standing trend.Women represent 58 percent of university students in Saudi Arabia, with many studying in science, technology and engineering and furthering their careers with studies overseas.In a report by the Saudi Education Ministry, women outnumbered men in graduating with a bachelors in biology, information technology, mathematics, statistics, and physics.Universities and research centers have adopted measures to support the inclusion of female scientists.Ambitious, driven and facing challenges along the way to their success, here are the Saudi women scientists who have made a mark in the field for their extraordinary work.Suha KayumResearch engineerWith a career spanning 10 years, Kayum a research engineer with Saudi Aramcos EXPEC Advanced Research Center was tasked with accelerating the evolution of software algorithms to enhance Aramcos reservoir simulator, which helped the company cut costs.Kayum was a developer for the companys in-house basin and seismic simulators. In 2016, she designed and received a patent for an algorithm that enabled the first 1-billion cell basin simulation run.

Dr. Elaf AhmedLab scientistWith a keen research interest in nano-organisms, Ahmeds main focus while conducting postdoctoral work at King Abdullah University for Science and Technology was synthesis of environmental nano materials using electrochemically active biofilms.She later joined the companys Oil and Gas Treatment Division at Aramcos Research and Development Center.Her main focus at the division is to conduct research projects for water treatment technologies and find new ways to treat water found in oil and gas reservoirs.

Dr. Ilham AbuljadayelImmunologistIn what could be one of the most profound achievements by a Saudi scientist, Dr. Ilham discovered the process of retrodifferentiation, a method also known as retrograde differentiation that treats blood diseases.A common process for the maintenance of cell integrity against damaging agents, Dr. Ilham applied her findings in the first preclinical study in 2000 in collaboration with George Washington Medical Center, US, in two animal models of human diseases to study the utility of retrodifferentiated stem cells.Her research has helped treat 390 patients with diseases ranging from sickle cell anaemia, multiple sclerosis, thalassaemia, and hepatitis C among others.Dr. Abeer Al-OlayanPetroleum scientistWith an academic and industrial background in various fields of chemistry spanning over 20 years, Dr. Abeer is a research scientist at Saudi Aramcos EXPEC Advanced Research Center and is responsible for leading its chemicals development initiative.As a fellow at MIT, she submitted a fellowship research abstract that focuses on reducing dependency on food-based chemicals to tackle drilling and subsurface challenges. She has 10 registered patents with the US Patent Office for the development of methods, materials and compositions in drilling and fluid transfer.

Dr. Malak Abed AlthagafiPhysician-scientistDiagnosed with a rare genetic disease at a young age, Althagafi got a first glimpse of what her future could be during her treatment. Her educational path started with the study of genetic diseases in children and led to molecular pathology before she focused on surgical oncology, molecular genetics and neuropathology.Dr. Malak is one of the few American board-certified molecular neuropathologists in the world and has conducted research that focuses on decoding genetic mutations in tumors, specifically brain tumors in children.She became part of the Saudi Human Genome Program in 2014. Her clinical and research interests are mainly in surgical oncology, pathology, molecular genetics pathology and neuropathology, especially its application for treating brain cancers.

Dr. Hind Al-JohaniScientist of physical chemistryHer research interest is in nano-catalysis. In 2017, this Saudi scientist discovered that by using the simple molecule of citrate ions (from citric acid) you could stabilize and control the structure of gold nanoparticles.Using this new discovery, the findings showed that gold can carry drugs through the body without chemical side effects. Attaching antibodies can guide the nanoparticles to specific cells that need treatment. Her findings have had an impact on environmental chemistry where it may also be used for water purification or methods for capturing CO2 emissions.

Dr. Nouf Al-NumairMolecular bioinformatics scientistDubbed the DNA decoder, her research focuses on predicting the early emergence of diseases through genetic mutations.She has achieved this by merging molecular genetics and computer programming to predict the effects of mutations and provide patients with a personalized medical approach to treatment.Using more than seven programming languages to analyze human genes, she has successfully published a number of papers with the findings.Dr. Nouf pursued her career in STEM and is the first Saudi scientist to major in molecular genetics and programming biological information.

See original here:
Saudi women making their mark in science - Arab News


Avellino Exceeds 1 Million COVID-19 Tests in 2020 and Welcomes New Executive Team Hires In 2021 – Business Wire

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

MENLO PARK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Avellino Lab announced today that the company performed over 1 million AvellinoCoV2 COVID-19 tests since March 2020, and has further expanded the companys executive team to drive additional development and commercial growth in 2021. Chief Scientific Officer, Nazneen Aziz, PhD; and Global Head of Sales and Marketing, Joseph Boyd have joined the growing precision medicine company adding additional scientific and commercial expertise.

Nazneen Aziz, PhD; Chief Scientific Officer

Dr. Aziz will lead the Avellino team in product development and the implementation of new generations of gene sequencing technologies. She brings a wealth of expertise to the Chief Scientific Officer role, including work in clinical medicine, clinical research, and product biotech/biopharma product discovery and development.

Prior to joining Avellino, Dr. Aziz served as the Executive Director of the Kaiser Permanente Research Bank, Senior Vice President and Chief Research Officer at Phoenix Childrens Hospital, and the Director of Molecular Medicine at the College of American Pathologists (CAP). Dr. Aziz led the initiative while at CAP to develop clinical lab standards and proficiency testing for conducting next-generation sequencing tests. She is also a co-author on a highly cited (>9,255) guidance document jointly developed by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, Association of Molecular Pathology and CAP on the interpretation of sequence variants.

In her industry career, Dr. Aziz focused on personalized medicine, biomarkers, genetic tests, and development of drugs for cancer and diabetes. Prior to her work in the biotechnology industry, Dr. Aziz was an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital, where she discovered new genes and their role in polycystic kidney disease.

Dr. Aziz earned a PhD in molecular genetics and MS in biochemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She received a BA in Biological Sciences from Wellesley College.

Avellino Group Chairman Gene Lee said, Dr. Aziz is highly regarded in her career across genetic and biotechnology fields as a professor, researcher, and leader. We are honored to have Dr. Aziz join our team and look forward to the growth in our genetic diagnostic testing and therapy portfolio under her leadership.

Joseph Boyd, Global Head, Sales and Marketing

Mr. Boyd will lead Avellinos sales and marketing efforts on a global basis, with an initial emphasis on expanding commercialization in the United States. Joe has over 20 years of global marketing, strategy, product development and general management expertise in biotech, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries. Most recently, Mr. Boyd was the Executive Director and Xiidra Market Development Lead at Novartis Pharmaceuticals, where he successfully led the market development team for the ophthalmic business unit, a key driver of the rapid growth of the Xiidra product after a successful market launch. He also has extensive functional experience in commercial planning, operations, ethics, compliance, and sales leadership.

Avellino CEO and Board Member Jim Mazzo said, I could not be more excited or feel more fortunate to welcome Joe to our executive team. His analytical and strategic thinking, combined with experience in leading cross-functional teams and the extensive relationships he has built with ophthalmologists and optometrists, will be very critical as our company executes on our technical, clinical, and relational innovations.

About Avellino

Avellino Lab USA, Inc. is a global leader in gene therapy and molecular diagnostics and is at the forefront of precision medicine for eye care. The company is a member of the California State COVID-19 Testing Taskforce, which is focused on the expansion of CoV2 testing and the reduction of testing turn-around times (TAT). Beyond the AvellinoCoV2 test and AvellinoCoV2 Respiratory tests, Avellino recently will relaunch AvaGen in 2021, the worlds first DNA test to confirm the presence of genetic indicators that are positively associated with corneal dystrophies and keratoconus genetic risk-factors. The company is also developing a broader portfolio of infectious disease diagnostic tests. In addition, the company is also pioneering CRISPR gene editing to manage and potentially cure inherited diseases. Avellino is headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, with operations in Korea, Japan, China, and the UK.

To learn more about Avellino, please visit http://www.avellino.com.

See the article here:
Avellino Exceeds 1 Million COVID-19 Tests in 2020 and Welcomes New Executive Team Hires In 2021 - Business Wire


Ubiquigent and the University of York Awarded a Grant to Explore the Potential of Deubiquitylase (DUB) Enzyme Inhibitors to Address Neglected Tropical…

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Dundee, UK, 14th January 2021 Ubiquigent Limited (Ubiquigent) and the Mottram Laboratory at the University of York today announced a collaboration to investigate the inhibition of deubiquitylase (DUB) enzymes expressed by the protozoan Leishmania mexicana for the treatment of leishmaniasis. The collaboration will be supported by aGlobal Challenges Research Fundgrant, awarded byUK Research and Innovation, as part of A Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases; a research consortium involving 13 universities across South America, Asia and the UK.

Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by parasites of the genus Leishmania. It predominantly affects poor communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America, with around 1.0 million new cases arising annually, and can result in serious illness or death. Current treatments are problematic due to high toxicity and emerging drug resistance, meaning there is an unmet need to develop new therapies.

The potential druggability of the ubiquitin system in Leishmania has previously been demonstrated through parasite-specific proteasomal inhibition being shown to reduce parasite burden in animal models of both visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis. The initial objective of this collaboration will be to screen one of Ubiquigents proprietary compound libraries against selected L. mexicana DUBs to identify novel inhibitors that will then be used to seed a full drug discovery programme.

Ubiquigenthas established itself as a respected partner in the DUB field with a strong track record in the development of DUB inhibitors both through supporting the drug discovery efforts of its partners and by the strengthening of its own portfolio of novel DUB inhibitors. TheMottram Laboratoryunder the direction of Professor Jeremy Mottram, works on the molecular genetics, cell biology and biochemistry of parasitic protozoa that cause neglected tropical diseases such as leishmaniasis. This collaboration will combine the strengths of both teams to support the rapid exploitation of this opportunity for novel drug discovery.

Professor Jeremy Mottram, Professor of Pathogen Biology at the University of York and Director of the York Biomedical Research Institute (YBRI) commented: "Ubiquigents expertise in the design and development of novel DUB inhibitors and their understanding of the ubiquitin system will add tremendous value to our drug discovery efforts."

Ubiquigents Managing Director, Mr. Jason Mundin commented: "This collaboration with Professor Mottram and his team is an exciting opportunity for us to explore new applications for our DUB inhibitors with the potential of addressing an area of unmet medical need."

Ubiquigent LtdJason MundinManaging Director, Ubiquigent Ltd.E-mail:jason.mundin@ubiquigent.comPhone: +44 (0) 7976 000683

University of YorkJulie GatenbyPress OfficerEmail:julie.gatenby@york.ac.ukPhone: +44 (0)1904 322029

About UbiquigentUbiquigent Limited enables and supports protein degradation focused drug discovery via modulation and exploitation of the ubiquitin system. Our chemistry and biology platforms allow us to design and develop novel compounds as part of strategic partnerships. In parallel we also provide access to our platforms and capabilities for the evaluation of our partners compounds.

For more information please visitwww.ubiquigent.com.

About the University of YorkThe University of York is a high-performance, research-intensive Russell Group university and one of the worlds premier institutions for inspirational and life-changing research. The Universitys focus on teaching and research excellence has resulted in consistently high rankings in the UK and a first-class reputation across the globe.

For more information please visitwww.york.ac.uk.

See the article here:
Ubiquigent and the University of York Awarded a Grant to Explore the Potential of Deubiquitylase (DUB) Enzyme Inhibitors to Address Neglected Tropical...


Surprising New Study Finds That People Who Wear Masks Are More Likely to Become Infected With COVID-19 Than Those Who Don’t – SciTechDaily

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

A unique new study suggests that the behavior public officials are now mandating or recommending unequivocally to slow the spread of surging COVID-19 wearing a face covering should come with a caveat. If not accompanied by proper public education, the practice could lead to more infections.

The finding is part of a unique study, just published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, that was conducted by a team of health economists and public health faculty at the University of Vermonts Larner College of Medicine in partnership with public health officials for the state of Vermont.

The study combines survey data gathered from adults living in northwestern Vermont with test results that showed whether a subset of them had contracted COVID-19, a dual research approach that few COVID studies have employed. By correlating the two data sets, researchers were able to determine what behaviors and circumstances increased respondents risk of becoming sick.

The key risk factor driving transmission of the disease, the study found, was the number of daily contacts participants had with other adults and seniors.

That had relevance for two other findings.

Those who wore masks had more of these daily contacts compared with those who didnt, and a higher proportion contracted the virus as a result.

A unique new study suggests that the behavior public officials are now mandating or recommending unequivocally to slow the spread of surging COVID-19 wearing a face covering should come with a caveat. If not accompanied by proper public education, the practice could lead to more infections. Credit: Joshua Brown

Basic human psychology could be at work, said Eline van den Broek-Altenburg, an assistant professor and vice chair for Population Health Science in the Department of Radiology at the Larner College of Medicine and the studys principal investigator.

When you wear a mask, you may have a deceptive sense of being protected and have more interactions with other people, she said.

The public health implications are clear. Messaging that people need to wear a mask is essential, but insufficient, she said. It should go hand in hand with education that masks dont give you a free pass to see as many people as you want. You still need to strictly limit your contacts.

Public education messaging should make clear how to wear a mask safely to limit infection, van den Broek-Altenburg added.

The study also found that participants living environment determined how many contacts they had and affected their probability of becoming infected. A higher proportion of those living in apartments were infected with the virus compared with those who lived in single-family homes.

If you live in an apartment, youre going to see more people on a daily basis than if you live in a single-family home, so you need to be as vigilant about social distancing, van den Broek-Altenburg said.

The study controlled for profession to prevent essential workers, who by definition have more contacts and are usually required to wear masks, from skewing the results.

Its generally known that essential workers are at higher risk, and our study bore that out, van den Broek-Altenburg said. We wanted to see what else predicted that people were going to get sick, she said.

The study provides the first estimate of unreported cases in Vermonts Chittenden County, where most study participants live. The survey found that 2.2 percent of the survey group had contracted the virus, suggesting that an estimated 3,621 Chittenden County residents were likely to have become ill, compared with just 662 reported cases, just 18%.

That figure translates to a hospitalization rate of 1.2% and adjusted infection fatality rate of 0.55%.

This finding is important for policy-makers, van den Broek-Altenburg said, in and out of Vermont.

If you know how many people are sick or have been sick, youre much better equipped to make precise predictions of will happen in the future and fashion the appropriate policies, she said.

It also shows the importance of serologic and PCR testing of the general population, she said.

If you only test symptomatic patients, youll never be able to find out how many people have already had the virus. With our random sample study we were able to show that Vermont has so far only tested less than one-fifth of the people who have likely had the virus. To capture the larger population, random samples of the population are needed so we can also capture asymptomatic patients, which appears to be the majority of COVID-19 cases.

The study, among other things, is a proof of concept, van den Broek-Altenburg said.

I hope it leads to other, larger studies that combine survey data with widespread testing. This approach is essential to both understanding the dynamics of this pandemic and planning our response to futures ones.

Ten of the 454 survey respondents who took the serologic test had antibodies for Covid-19, and one tested positive for the virus. Given the small number, researchers simplified their models and were able to reach a high confidence level in the two key findings.

We tested our models and found that the results were robust through several different model specifications, van den Broek-Altenburg said.

To create the study group, the researchers sent a survey to 12,000 randomly selected people between the ages 18 and 70 who had at least one primary care visit at the University of Vermont Medical Center, which services primarily northwestern Vermont, in the past three years.

Reference: Jobs, Housing, and Mask Wearing: Cross-Sectional Study of Risk Factors for COVID-19 by Eline M van den Broek-Altenburg, MA, MSc, PhD; Adam J Atherly; Sean A Diehl, PhD; Kelsey M Gleason, DrSc; Victoria C Hart, PhD; Charles D MacLean, MD; Daniel A Barkhuff, MD; Mark A Levine, MD and Jan K Carney, MD, 11 January 2021, JMIR Public Health and Surveillance.DOI: 10.2196/24320

Coauthors on the study include Eline van den Broek-Altenburg, University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine, Department of Radiology; Adam Atherly, University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine, Center for Health Services Research; Sean Diehl, University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics; Kelsey Gleason University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine; Victoria Hart, University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine; Charles MacLean, University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine; Daniel Barkhuff, University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine, Emergency Department; Mark Levine, University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine, Department of Medicine; Jan Carney, University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine, Department of Medicine.

See the article here:
Surprising New Study Finds That People Who Wear Masks Are More Likely to Become Infected With COVID-19 Than Those Who Don't - SciTechDaily


What do ‘non-identical identical twins’ have to do with COVID-19? Mutations! – Genetic Literacy Project

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Identical twins Stella and Desiree Vignes were born in 1938 in a Louisiana town so small that it wasnt on any maps. Light-skinned Blacks, the girls left town together at the age of 16 to head to New Orleans to work and escape a bleak future. Stella was mistaken for White at a job interview and continued the deception to get the position, eventually marrying her boss and leaving her sister behind. Stella experienced adulthood as White, Desiree as Black.

The Vignes sisters were born in the imagination of Brit Bennett, an extraordinary young writer. Her bestseller The Vanishing Half, traces the experiences of the twins in a world where what happens to them depends upon how others perceive them as Black or White. Of course, they go on to live starkly different lives, Stella in wealthy Brentwood, California, and Desiree back in her hometown waitressing in a diner. The drama intensifies when their grown daughters meet, one a pale blonde, the other a dark girl black as ebony.

Identical twins and higher multiples are, indeed, fascinating. The 2018 film Three Identical Strangerstells the tale of triplet brothers who met by chance at age 19 in 1980. It echoes the fictional filmThe Parent Trap, from 1961 with Hayley Mills and reborn in 1998 with Lindsay Lohan, each in dual roles.

Twins have for decades provided a handy tool in genetics research. Its straightforward. Characteristics more often shared between identical twins than between fraternal twins are presumed to have a greater inherited component. The flip side is that differences between identical twins are assumed to have arisen from environmental factors.

Twin studies are often used to scrutinize the underpinnings of behavioral traits, including conditions such as anxiety and depression. But the approach is also applied to less-well-defined characteristics, such as the ability to make wise investment decisions, altruism, trust, and evencell phone call and texting frequencies.

An entire literature is devoted to what twin studies reveal about the inheritance of political persuasion. The investigations are rigorous I cant follow the math but explaining how, exactly, a gene-encoded protein causes a trait like loyalty seems elusive.

The Heritability of Duty and Voter Turnout,for example, considersbelief that voting is a dutyas a trait that a gene or genes influence. (Heritabilityis a measure of the proportion of a traits variance that is inherited,not the degree that the trait itself is inherited.) Im more comfortable with traits that arise from abnormal or missing proteins like clotting factors and enzymes, rather than from harder-to-define feelings and beliefs.

Fraternal twins result from two sperm fertilizing two eggs. The twins share a uterus, but are no more closely related genetically than are any two full siblings. Fraternal twins are termed dizygotic, or DZ two zygotes, aka fertilized ova.

For identical, or monozygotic (MZ), twins, a single sperm fertilizes a single egg, which then splits. But that can happen at different points very early in development, leading to different types of identical twins.

The split may occur as soon as the fertilized ovum divides, or over the first three days and resulting, eventually, in development of separate placentas. But if an initial collection of cells (the inner cell mass) chugs along until day 7 before separating into two clumps, then the resulting twins may share a placenta and possibly their amniotic sac too. Examining these structures reveals when the twinning took place.

The timing of twinning is important because as cells divide, DNA replicates (copies itself), and thats when mutations can occur, like cutting and pasting an error in a document and then making many copies. A mutation that happens beforethe inner cell mass has sorted itself into two clumps will persist in both twins. But a mutation happeningafter the split results in discordance that is, a mutation in one twin but not the other, even though they are called identical.

A team from deCODE geneticsin Iceland has cleverly identified a few mutations that distinguish supposedly genetically identical twins. They deduced events in development by comparing genome sequences of living individuals,notby harming embryos. The findings are published in a recentNature Genetics.

(deCODE is the company founded in 1996 that established the first national biobank. It caused quite a fuss then, when genome projects were launching, about government control of genetic information. But deCODE went on to become and remain a leader in identifying genetic risk factors. Today deCODE is a subsidiary of Amgen.)

The researchers used the formation of identical twins as a unique window into early embryonic development, they write. Explained first author Hkon Jnsson, Mutations can be formed when cells divide and the daughter cells may carry a mutation that marks the descendants of the mutated cell within an individual. Mutations that are present in only one of the twins allow us therefore to backtrack to the cell divisions that lead to the development of the twins.

To find the mutations, the team compared full genome sequences from fat cells, white blood cells, and cheek lining cells among 387 pairs of identical twins and their parents, offspring, and spouses to identify twins that arent exact clones. Comparison to spouses enabled elimination of mutations inherited from that parent, and comparison to a twins offspring made it possible to infer the gene variants that passed from the twins sperm or egg.

The degree to which the identical twin pairs differ varied quite a lot, with some twins by more than 100 mutations, yet others, none at all. In about 15% of the pairs, one twin had many mutations that the other didnt. The average is 5.2 mutations.

The mutations that distinguish identical twins occurred during the first days of development that explains why the mutations tend to be in large percentages of the sampled cells from an individual. These two groups of monozygotic twins give insight into development of the embryo only a few divisions after conception, when the embryo consists of several cells, said Kari Stefansson, CEO and founder of deCODE genetics.

The finding may be important in understanding the origin of conditions such as autism and developmental disorders that are assumed to be due to an environmental factor if only one identical twin is affected. The conditions may instead be due to genetic differences between the twins, perhaps suggesting novel treatment approaches.

The new view of identical twins illustrates the fundamental changeability of the informational molecules that are genetic material, DNA and RNA.

DNA changes, mutates, because it is an informational molecule. Triplets of the building blocks A, C, T, and G are transcribed into a molecule of RNA, which is then translated into sequences of 20 types of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Traits come from the proteins. Thats molecular biology in a nutshell.

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has RNA. And the sequence of that RNAs building blocks changes, as does the genetic material within our own cells. That is, mutation is part of nature, lying at the intersection of chemistry and biology.

If a mutation leads to a new characteristic, or modifies an existing one, in a way that benefits the organism or virus, the change will persist. This is natural selection, aka survival of the fittest. The word fittest in the context of evolution means reproductive success, not physical fitness. And thats why certain new variants of SARS-CoV-2 are potentially worrisome.

The new variantsare actually asetof genetic changes. Because they enable SARS-CoV-2 to spread more readily, which in turn increases the reproduction number (R naught) of how many people an infected person in turn infects, the mutants will take over the population of viruses I think, no matter what we do.

Because new variants are present before were aware of them, and because some countries have prioritized sequencing viral genomes while others, like the U.S., have not, the proverbial cat is out of the bag. Efforts to block the spread of new viral variants by restricting human travel are almost without doubt too little too late.

Resistance may indeed be futile. For mutations will continue to happen. Thats what nucleic acids RNA and DNA do.

Adam Lauring, MD, PhD, from the University of Michigan Division of Infectious Diseases and an expert in the evolutionary biology of RNA viruses, put the new mutations into practical perspective in a JAMA audioclinical review on January 2 and published a relatedViewpointinJAMA, Genetic Variants of SARS-CoV-2What Do They Mean? with Emma B. Hodcroft, PhD. Said he:

Lots of mutations have happened around the world that havent affected transmissibility. We dont have evidence that they are more virulent and cause more severe disease or death. Mutation happens. Some are important and help the virus do what viruses do spread. The trick is figuring out which of these mutations are important and which ones arent. What is allowing it to spread and how do we get on top of that? Im optimistic mutations wont affect vaccinations, but there will be a lot of work over the next weeks and months and in the future, because well have more mutations to contend with.

Ricki Lewis has a PhD in genetics and is a science writer and author of several human genetics books.She is an adjunct professor for the Alden March Bioethics Institute at Albany Medical College.Follow her at herwebsiteor Twitter@rickilewis

See the article here:
What do 'non-identical identical twins' have to do with COVID-19? Mutations! - Genetic Literacy Project


Aker BioMarine collaboration looks to boost omega-3 oil delivery to brain and eyes – NutraIngredients.com

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

The collaboration looks to support Akers new delivery platform, LYSOVETA that is based on lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC)-bound EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) derived from krill.

The complex enables EPA and DHA to pass through the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain as well as enriching the retina to improve ocular health.

The LPC transporter allows EPA and DHA to enter the brain and the retina, explains Papasani Subbaiah, professor of medicine, biochemistry and molecular genetics at the UIC College of Medicine.

We have demonstrated that LPC- bound EPA and DHA from krill oil have a huge beneficial effect on the uptake levels in these organs.

As part of the agreement, the Oslo-based firm will receive an exclusive license to the current intellectual property resulting from Professor Subbaiahs work on LPC-EPA/DHA.

Aker will also supply the UIC team with LPC-bound EPA and DHA derived from Antarctic krill to further their research.

Prof Subbaiah was the lead author of a recent study looking into LPC-EPAs ability to tackle disorders such as depression by increasing levels of EPA levels in the brain.

He commented that boosting EPA levels in the brain through consuming EPA had proven difficult because the amount of EPA that would need to be ingested to show increases in brain EPA levels was quite large - 40 to 50 millilitres (ml) daily.

Our partnership with the University of Illinois Chicago marks the first step in establishing a strong network of collaborators within the LPC-bound EPA and DHA field, says Matts Johansen, CEO, Aker BioMarine.

We will continue to explore the potential of LPC-bound EPA and DHA from krill, to gain a broader and in-depth understanding of how LYSOVETA can benefit brain and eye function.

There is no better way to kick this off than with a world-leading research team on this subject by our side,

Launched in November 2020, the firm looks to apply the LYSOVETA platform to healthy ageing as well as eye and brain health.

This development is especially applicable during the early years and late in life, where the most pronounced structural and cognitive changes occur.

Research suggests that targeted delivery of essential fatty acids may be of particular importance in periods of accelerated alterations in brain structure.

Aker states that further research on the role of LPC-EPA/DHA from a lifespan perspective could therefore provide benefits both to individuals and to society as a whole.

The firm revealed that it was to scale up production capacity of the molecule at its manufacturing plant in Houston with regulatory approval for the dietary supplement version of LYSOVETA expected by the end of 2022.

Aker added it was also seeking partners to pursue commercial opportunities in the pharmaceutical and infant formula segment.

The agreement with UIC also looks to be the first in a number of academic-industry partnerships as Aker revealed its intentions to reaching out to universities and research organisations with material and knowhow to stimulate further research.

"It is important to bring our findings into the real world, to test and prove the commercial potential of LPC-bound EPA and DHA in terms of its benefits on human health, adds Hyunjin Kim, Associate Technology Manager at UICs Office of Technology Management.

We are excited about this collaboration with Aker BioMarine, a partner whose products are firmly rooted in science.

Original post:
Aker BioMarine collaboration looks to boost omega-3 oil delivery to brain and eyes - NutraIngredients.com


The new age (not that sort) of crystals – Financial Times

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Whether or not you feel your chakras could do with some realignment, its unlikely the term crystal healing has passed you by. The hashtag crops up 5.3m times on Instagram, and Google searches for the term have risen 60 per cent over the past decade. The alternative-wellness trend is based on the theory that crystals such as rose quartz or black obsidian favourites of Gwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham rebalance the bodys electromagnetic field.

While demand for diamonds could have dropped by as much as 25 per cent in 2020, the value of crystals such as quartz, amethyst, citrine and malachite is holding steady. Our first standalone mineral sale was in 2014 and we took 800,000, says James Hyslop, Christies head of natural history. Our sale last October did 1.4m. It is very much amarket that is on the up.

But its not the new wave of New Age spirituality thats driving the high end of the market, says Rob Lavinsky, a doctor of molecular genetics and founder of Dallas-based crystal dealership The Arkenstone. Its a new class of collectors. Theyre not scientists, they didnt start collecting as children as rockhounds buying $5 minerals. They are coming in from other collectable worlds coins, cars, antiques, art and have no problem paying 10,000, or $100,000 for quality. The finest minerals on his website typically range from $100,000 to $500,000. The absolute top things, including a few over the $2m mark, are not listed online.

The type of systematic collecting pioneered by18th-century European aristocrats for their Wunderkammern has sort of gone, agrees New York dealer Daniel Trinchillo, founder of Mardani Fine Minerals, adding that todays major mineral players include Salim Edd, whose collection opened Beiruts Mineral Museum (MIM) in 2013, and GuyLalibert, founder of Cirque du Soleil. Theyare looking for works of art amazingly beautiful, sculptural objects, says fellow New York dealer Stuart Wilensky.

We never know what will come out of the ground tomorrow, Wilensky adds. And this has a dynamic effect on collecting. Most popular are the colourful minerals tourmalines and calcites, even amethysts and quartzes. And fluorite in particular. It comes in nearly every colour, from hundreds of locations around the world, explains Wilenskys website, where a 4.5cm-high specimen of lavender-hued cubic fluorite from China is $3,975, and asought-after combination of pink fluorite and smoky quartz from Switzerland is $855,000.

Recently, the field has come under scrutiny for its supply chains, sustainability and wage thresholds. Our business is not regulated, says Wilensky. But the focus seems to be inspiring systemic change. London seller Shes Lost Control has a Sustainable Mining Initiative with a Brazilian mine. Lavinsky says he consciously drives a price spiral in source countries. And Ian Bruce of Crystal Classics, a leading UK dealer, now operates Europes only specimen mine, in the north of England. We employ 14 full-time miners, he says. The market is now so strong that its commercially viable and were seeing the same thing in the US, South America, Asia, Australia.

As well as new finds, the market incorporates antique specimens where provenance comes into play. Illustrious former owners run from prolific 19th-century collector Stephan von Habsburg-Lothringen whose specimen labels, printed by the Budapest mint, are highly prized to Yves Saint Laurent, whose rock crystals, pyrite clusters and amethyst geodes were auctioned by Christies in 2009.

The auction houses including Sothebys and Heritage Auctions in Dallas are relative newcomers to the realm. As such, We havent seen good specimens hit the auction world yet, posits Bruce. His Somerset showroom is a destination for CEOs and international celebrities, who might leave with an aquamarine from Pakistan ($100,000) or an African druzy chrysocolla ($90,000). One of Bruces most serious customers has 130 treasures, housed in a custom-made glass-fronted cabinet. I go for aesthetics. I love the sheer magic of how theyve formed in some cases a billion or more years ago and the sense of permanence. Pointing to his collection, he says, Thats one of the rarest forms of beryl, from Utah.

The London home of spatial designer Robert Storey shows a more relaxed side of the collector coin. I have a bunch of crystals around my house, he says of the pieces bought on his travels and grouped casually on tabletops. I dont know much about their metaphysical qualities, I just love the way they look. My favourite is azurite-malachite. Its green and blue I like to think of it as land and water.

To capitalise on the growing market for less-rare specimens, and those with a happenstance approach to collecting, Lavinsky runs MineralAuctions.com, where bids start at $10: At $500 to $5,000, you can build a really fun collection. More fun still, for some collectors at least, is to turn sourcing crystals into an experience. In the US, you can do the mining yourself pay-to-dig mines are undergoing a resurgence, as modern-day gem hunters seek their fortunes. Or just a nice chunk of quartz and a bit of a fossick.

MIM Museum, Beirut mim.museum. Natural History Museum, London nhm.ac.uk

The Mineralogical Record Bi-monthly magazine; mineralogicalrecord.com

The Arkenstone irocks.com. Christies christies.com. Crystal Classics crystalclassics.co.uk. Mardani Fine Minerals mardanifineminerals.com. Shes Lost Control sheslostcontrol.co.uk. Tucson Gem & Mineral Show tgms.org; next show, February 2022. Wilensky wilenskyminerals.com

View original post here:
The new age (not that sort) of crystals - Financial Times


Researchers seek to help prevent and treat disease by studying the effects of exercise – University of Virginia The Cavalier Daily

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

University researchers are taking part in an unprecedented research project centered on the biological effects of exercise after receiving a grant from the National Institutes of Health and joining a national consortium of research institutions that includes Stanford University, the University of Florida and Duke University. They are applying Big Data and machine learning techniques, which are methods used to analyze large amounts of often complex data, to a robust molecular map in order to identify the prominent molecules involved in exercise. The long-term goal of modifying those molecules is to develop medical interventions which mimic the effects of exercise in the body.

In 2010, Zhen Yan, director of the Center for Skeletal Muscle Research at the Universitys Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center, and other prominent scientists were invited to a roundtable discussion hosted by the NIH to discuss the future of exercise research. The researchers addressed the mutual consensus that regular physical activity is crucial to fighting numerous chronic conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and depression, among others. The scientists at the conference thus agreed on the importance of conducting further research to determine the deeper molecular causes facilitating exercises well-documented benefits.

Exercise seems to be a regular physical activity and seems to be one of the most effective interventions, but the million dollar question is why exercise is so good, Yan said.

In 2016, the NIHs constituent institutions allocated a total of $170 million to form the Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium, which consists of multiple educational institutions including the University. MoTrPAC aims to collectively track the molecular mechanisms elicited by exercise in order to better understand how it impacts the health of the bodys tissues and organs.

Identifying and understanding the particular mechanisms instigated by exercise may allow healthcare providers to apply the findings to prescribe more specific exercise recommendations for their patients. Knowing the exact mechanisms could also allow for treatments which imitate the beneficial bodily effects of exercise for those with limited mobility.

If we understand the mechanism, we will not only be able to ... manipulate or employ exercise intervention, but we can also use modern medical science to come up with strategies that mimic exercise for people who cannot for whatever the reason exercise regularly, Yan said.

The Universitys research team is building their studies off results from NIHs phase one trials, which involved constructing a molecular map of biological molecules which have been shown to improve and preserve the health of the bodys tissues and organs. Phase one used animal studies and multi-omics, which is a methodology they used to analyze bulks of molecular data.

The first step of Yan and the team is to take this molecular map from the NIH and filter through it to identify the exact molecular mechanism responsible for exercises health benefits. The team is utilizing machine learning algorithms and Big Data methods to search for the particular molecules that are produced or released into circulation upon performing physical activity.

Our task is to find a specific route in that map that is critical for this journey, Yan said.

Upon narrowing down the search to the anticipated candidate molecules, the next step would be to manipulate their expression in animal models by using gene editing to activate or inactivate the expression of the identified molecules in animals. The physiological response of the animals would be consequently observed to determine if the targeted molecule is indeed responsible for eliciting the physiological responses caused by exercise.

The research team is composed of scientists from multiple disciplines, including genetics, bioinformatics and neuroscience, in attempts to gain an increasingly holistic understanding of the mechanisms responsible for exercises benefits.

Dr. John Lukens, assistant professor and researcher at Universitys Department of Neuroscience and the Center for Brain Immunology and Glia, is focusing on how the presence of exercise strengthens connections in the brain and results in improved cognitive function. He plans to change the expression of the molecular pathways identified by bioinformatics methods and consequently put the animals through cognition tasks.

[Exercise] has also been shown to be really important to prevent things like cognitive decline and things like Alzheimer's disease and that's been appreciated for a long time, but nobody really knows how that works, Lukens said.

Adding a neurological angle to Yans project, Lukens plans to study the animals behavior and quantity of neurons in their brains to gain a deeper understanding of how performing exercise impacts mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

[We will conduct] post analysis, looking at the brains to see if they have any kind of loss of neurons, neurodegeneration, which is the underlying cause of most known brain disorders or mental diseases, Lukens said.

In addition, combining the effects of regularly performing exercise with stimulation of target molecular pathways will open up new experimental possibilities as factors like changes in hormone levels, oxygen intake and sleep are already induced by the act of exercise alone.

We just dont understand the molecular players involved, but if we can identify those, combining exercise and target pathways, you might have a synergistic effect that can really make a difference in somebodys life, Lukens said.

A challenge which the team expects to encounter is effectively using bioinformatics to sift through NIHs broad molecular dataset in order to identify intended beneficial pathways.

Yan believes that the current pandemic highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle that incorporates exercise.

If anything, the COVID-19 pandemic is a wake-up call that we should really take advantage of a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise to stay healthy and be prepared to deal with the current pandemic and future challenges, Yan said.

Researchers seek to help prevent and treat disease by studying the effects of exercise - University of Virginia The Cavalier Daily


CRISPR and the Splice to Survive – The New Yorker

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Odin, in Norse mythology, is an extremely powerful god whos also a trickster. He has only one eye, having sacrificed the other for wisdom. Among his many talents, he can wake the dead, calm storms, cure the sick, and blind his enemies. Not infrequently, he transforms himself into an animal; as a snake, he acquires the gift of poetry, which he transfers to people, inadvertently.

The Odin, in Oakland, California, is a company that sells genetic-engineering kits. The companys founder, Josiah Zayner, sports a side-swept undercut, multiple piercings, and a tattoo that urges: Create Something Beautiful. He holds a Ph.D. in biophysics and is a well-known provocateur. Among his many stunts, he has coaxed his skin to produce a fluorescent protein, ingested a friends poop in a D.I.Y. fecal-matter transplant, and attempted to deactivate one of his genes so that he could grow bigger muscles. (This last effort, he acknowledges, failed.) Zayner calls himself a genetic designer and has said that his goal is to give people access to the resources they need to modify life in their spare time.

The Odins offerings range from a Biohack the Planet shot glass, which costs three bucks, to a genetic engineering home lab kit, which runs almost two thousand dollars and includes a centrifuge, a polymerase-chain-reaction machine, and an electrophoresis gel box. I opted for something in between: the bacterial CRISPR and fluorescent yeast combo kit, which set me back two hundred and nine dollars. It came in a cardboard box decorated with the companys logo, a twisting tree circled by a double helix. The tree, I believe, is supposed to represent Yggdrasil, whose trunk, in Norse mythology, rises through the center of the cosmos.

Inside the box, I found an assortment of lab toolspipette tips, petri dishes, disposable glovesas well as several vials containing E. coli and all Id need to rearrange its genome. The E. coli went into the fridge, next to the butter. The other vials went into a bin in the freezer, with the ice cream.

Genetic engineering is, by now, middle-aged. The first genetically engineered bacterium was produced in 1973. This was soon followed by a genetically engineered mouse, in 1974, and a genetically engineered tobacco plant, in 1983. The first genetically engineered food approved for human consumption, the Flavr Savr tomato, was introduced in 1994; it proved such a disappointment that it went out of production a few years later. Genetically engineered varieties of corn and soy were developed around the same time; these, by contrast, have become more or less ubiquitous.

In the past decade or so, genetic engineering has undergone its own transformation, thanks to CRISPRshorthand for a suite of techniques, mostly borrowed from bacteria, that make it vastly easier for biohackers and researchers to manipulate DNA. (The acronym stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats.) CRISPR allows its users to snip a stretch of DNA and then either disable the affected sequence or replace it with a new one.

The possibilities that follow are pretty much endless. Jennifer Doudna, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and one of the developers of CRISPR, has put it like this: we now have a way to rewrite the very molecules of life any way we wish. With CRISPR, biologists have already createdamong many, many other living thingsants that cant smell, beagles that put on superhero-like brawn, pigs that resist swine fever, macaques that suffer from sleep disorders, coffee beans that contain no caffeine, salmon that dont lay eggs, mice that dont get fat, and bacteria whose genes contain, in code, Eadweard Muybridges famous series of photographs showing a horse in motion. Two years ago, a Chinese scientist, He Jiankui, announced that he had produced the worlds first CRISPR-edited humans, twin baby girls. According to He, the girls genes had been tweaked to confer resistance to H.I.V., though whether this is actually the case remains unclear. Following his announcement, He was fired from his academic post, in Shenzhen, and sentenced to three years in prison.

I have almost no experience in genetics and have not done hands-on lab work since high school. Still, by following the instructions that came in the box from the Odin, in the course of a weekend I was able to create a novel organism. First I grew a colony of E. coli in one of the petri dishes. Then I doused it with the various proteins and bits of designer DNA Id stored in the freezer. The process swapped out one letter of the bacterias genome, replacing an A (adenine) with a C (cytosine). Thanks to this emendation, my new and improved E. coli could, in effect, thumb its nose at streptomycin, a powerful antibiotic. Although it felt a little creepy engineering a drug-resistant strain of E. coli in my kitchen, there was also a definite sense of achievement, so much so that I decided to move on to the second project in the kit: inserting a jellyfish gene into yeast in order to make it glow.

The Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness, in the city of Geelong, is one of the most advanced high-containment laboratories in the world. It sits behind two sets of gates, the second of which is intended to foil truck bombers, and its poured-concrete walls are thick enough, I was told, to withstand a plane crash. There are five hundred and twenty air-lock doors at the facility and four levels of security. Its where youd want to be in the zombie apocalypse, a staff member told me. Until recently, the center was known as the Australian Animal Health Laboratory, and at the highest biosecurity levelBSL-4there are vials of some of the nastiest animal-borne pathogens on the planet, including Ebola. (The laboratory gets a shout-out in the movie Contagion.) Staff members who work in BSL-4 units cant wear their own clothes into the lab and have to shower for at least three minutes before heading home. The animals at the facility, for their part, cant leave at all. Their only way out is through the incinerator is how one employee put it to me.

About a year ago, not long before the pandemic began, I paid a visit to the center, which is an hour southwest of Melbourne. The draw was an experiment on a species of giant toad known familiarly as the cane toad. The toad was introduced to Australia as an agent of pest control, but it promptly got out of control itself, producing an ecological disaster. Researchers at the A.C.D.P. were hoping to put the toad back in the bottle, as it were, using CRISPR.

A molecular biologist named Mark Tizard, who was in charge of the project, had agreed to show me around. Tizard is a slight man with a fringe of white hair and twinkling blue eyes. Like many of the scientists I met in Australia, hes from somewhere elsein his case, England. Before getting into amphibians, Tizard worked mostly on poultry. Several years ago, he and some colleagues at the center inserted a jellyfish gene into a hen. This gene, similar to the one I was planning to plug into my yeast, encodes a fluorescent protein. A chicken in possession of it will, as a consequence, emit an eerie glow under UV light. Next, Tizard figured out a way to insert the fluorescence gene so that it would be passed down to male offspring only. The result is a hen whose chicks can be sexed while theyre still in their shells.

Tizard knows that many people are freaked out by genetically modified organisms. They find the idea of eating them repugnant, and of releasing them into the world anathema. Though hes no provocateur, he, like Zayner, believes that such people are looking at things all wrong. We have chickens that glow green, Tizard told me. And so we have school groups that come, and when they see the green chicken, you know, some of the kids go, Oh, thats really cool. Hey, if I eat that chicken, will I turn green? And Im, like, You eat chicken already, right? Have you grown feathers and a beak?

Anyway, according to Tizard, its too late to be worried about a few genes here and there. If you look at a native Australian environment, you see eucalyptus trees, koalas, kookaburras, whatever, he said. If I look at it, as a scientist, what Im seeing is multiple copies of the eucalyptus genome, multiple copies of the koala genome, and so on. And these genomes are interacting with each other. Then, all of a sudden, ploomph, you put an additional genome in therethe cane-toad genome. It was never there before, and its interaction with all these other genomes is catastrophic. It takes other genomes out completely. He went on, What people are not seeing is that this is already a genetically modified environment. Invasive species alter the environment by adding entire creatures that dont belong. Genetic engineers, by contrast, just alter a few stretches of DNA here and there.

What were doing is potentially adding maybe ten more genes onto the twenty thousand toad genes that shouldnt be there in the first place, and those ten will sabotage the rest and take them out of the system and so restore balance, Tizard said. The classic thing people say with molecular biology is: Are you playing God? Well, no. We are using our understanding of biological processes to see if we can benefit a system that is in trauma.

Formally known as Rhinella marina, cane toads are a splotchy brown, with thick limbs and bumpy skin. Descriptions inevitably emphasize their size. Rhinella marina is an enormous, warty bufonid (true toad), the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service notes. The U.S.Geological Survey observes that large individuals sitting on roadways are easily mistaken for boulders. The biggest cane toad ever recorded was fifteen inches long and weighed six poundsas much as a chubby chihuahua. A toad named Big Bette, who lived at the Queensland Museum, in Brisbane, in the nineteen-eighties, was nine and a half inches long and almost as wideabout the size of a dinner plate. The toads will eat almost anything they can fit in their oversized mouths, including mice, dog food, and other cane toads.

Cane toads are native to South America, Central America, and the southernmost tip of Texas. In the mid-eighteen-hundreds, they were brought to the Caribbean. The idea was to enlist the toads in the battle against beetle grubs, which were plaguing the regions cash crop, sugar cane. (Sugar cane, too, is an import; it is native to New Guinea.) From the Caribbean, the toads were shipped to Hawaii. In 1935, a hundred and two toads were loaded onto a steamer in Honolulu, headed for Australia. A hundred and one survived the journey and ended up at a research station in sugar-cane country, in northeast Queensland. Within a year, theyd produced more than 1.5 million eggs. (A female cane toad can produce up to thirty thousand eggs at a go.) The resulting toadlets were intentionally released into the regions rivers and ponds.

Its doubtful that the toads ever did the sugar cane much good. Cane beetles perch too high off the ground for a boulder-size amphibian to reach. This didnt faze the toads. They found plenty else to eat, and continued to produce toadlets by the truckload. From a sliver of the Queensland coast, they pushed north, into the Cape York Peninsula, and south, into New South Wales. Sometime in the nineteen-eighties, they crossed into the Northern Territory. In 2005, they reached a spot known as Middle Point, in the western part of the Territory, not far from the city of Darwin.

Along the way, something curious happened. In the early phase of the invasion, the toads were advancing at the rate of about six miles a year. A few decades later, they were moving at the pace of twelve miles a year. By the time they hit Middle Point, theyd sped up to thirty miles a year. When researchers measured the individuals at the invasion front, they found out why. The toads had significantly longer legs than the toads back in Queensland, and this trait was heritable. The Northern Territory News played the story on its front page, under the headline SUPER TOAD. Accompanying the article was a doctored photo of a cane toad wearing a cape. It has invaded the Territory and now the hated cane toad is evolving, the newspaper gasped. Contra Darwin, it seemed, evolution could be observed in real time.

Read more:
CRISPR and the Splice to Survive - The New Yorker


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