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Archive for the ‘Longevity’ Category

Welcome to DrBartnof.com and the California Longevity and …

Friday, May 22nd, 2015

Check out the Whats New section of our website. This month were featuring a recent presentation by Dr. Bartnof conducted on for the benefit of Smartlifeforum.org LONGER Life, LONGER Quality-of-Life with LONGER Telomeres: A Role for TA-65?. Dr. Bartnof was pleased to conduct this presentation Thursday August 18, 2011. Read more on our Whats New page now!

Men, if you have any one or more of the following, you could have ANDROPAUSE: fatigue, lower sex drive, erections softer, increased belly fat, work-outs more difficult, muscle decline, mood change, or noticing that your overall vitality is just not the same. Testosterone decline with symptoms occurs in 10% of men in their 40s, 25% of men in their 50s, a third of men in their 60s, and even higher for older men. There are now several published studies that men with low testosterone dont live as long and are more likely to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or pre-diabetes, osteoporosis (weak bones), and more likely to develop Alzheimers disease. Treatment is safe with ongoing monitoring by a competent and experienced physician. Men, you dont need to suffer.

Women, if you have any one or more of the following, you could have MENOPAUSE: hot flashes, sweats, sleep problems, fatigue, foggy brain, increased weight (especially belly fat), lower sex drive, mood changes (irritability, depression), hair thinning, skin wrinkling increase, joint aches, dry vagina, or dry eyes. Even before menopause, hormone imbalances occur that can cause several of the symptoms listed above, in addition to pre-menstrual symptoms. Early menopause with low estrogen means increased risk of osteoporosis (weak bones), Alzheimers disease and a shorter life. There is significant supportive evidence published in the medical journals that Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy is very likely to be safer than those that are not Bio-Identical. Bio-Identical Hormones have been used in Western Europe for several decades. Ladies, you dont need to suffer with a compromised quality-of-life. Treatment is safe with ongoing monitoring by a competent and experienced physician.

If you have any of the following symptoms, you could have SOMATOPAUSE (Decline in Growth Hormone): fatigue, increased body fat with less muscle, skin thinning, high cholesterol, vascular disease (atherosclerosis in heart, neck or other arteries), less motivation, depression, or tendency to less socializing. We evaluate for traditional Adult Onset Growth Hormone Deficiency.

AGE MANAGEMENT MEDICINE represents a comprehensive, multi-faceted program in health, wellness and disease prevention to address all aspects of the aging process for men and women. The majority of people will start to notice some slow-down symptoms as they enter middle-age (30s and older). The changes may be subtle in onset, but they eventually occur. People dont need to suffer with these symptoms. This is often accompanied by one or more medical conditions or diseases that western medicine will want to treat with drugs. With a comprehensive program of Age Management Medicine, these symptoms and conditions may be delayed and even preventedmany patients are able to come off their drugs. The program includes Individualized Aging Evaluation and Treatments. Our Longevity and Vitality Program includes: Preventive and Integrative Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Optimized Nutrition, Optimized Vitamin and Nutraceutical Supplementation, Exercise, Stress Management, and Toxicity Elimination.

11th Annual New Living Expo on Sunday, April 29th, 2012 at the San Francisco Concourse Exhibition Center. Panel: Antiaging, Longevity and Health

Title of presentation:

LONGER Life with LONGER Telomeres Since the Nobel Prize was awarded in 2009 for research about Telomeres, we have learned much about how these caps on chromosomes affect aging. Shorter telomeres = shorter life, while longer telomeres = longer life! Come to hear about how you can help keep your telomeres more youthful and longer. This will improve your quality-of-life, help to avoid many diseases and possibly extend your lifespan!

Dr. Harvey S. Bartnof, M.D. Topic: Telomere Effects on Healthspan and Lifespan: Can We Fix It? Date: Saturday, May 24, 2012 at 3PM Venue: Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Symposium at Westin St. Francis Hotel on Union Square. Preventive Aging Specialist Dr. Harvey Bartnof Speaks at Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Symposium. Preventive aging specialist will provide a presentation entitled Telomere Effects on Healthspan and Lifespan: Can We Fix it at the three-day Symposium on in San Francisco.

TA-65 NOW AVAILABLE AT CALIFORNIA LONGEVITY AND VITALITY MEDICAL INSTITUTE: UNIQUE SUPPLEMENT IMPROVES BIOLOGIC AGING TA-65, an oral, natural supplement derivative that improves aspects of biologic aging in humans and mice, is now available at California Longevity and Vitality Medical Institute. TA-65 increases telomerase, an natural enzyme, which in turn increases the length of telomeres that protect the ends of chromosomes in cells.Existing patients at our Institute are encouraged to discuss TA-65 at their next Consultation. If you are interested in taking TA-65 or learning more about TA-65 Click Here. You may also contact the Institute at 415-986-1300 to discuss today.

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Longevity – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

The word "longevity" is sometimes used as a synonym for "life expectancy" in demography - however, the term "longevity" is sometimes meant to refer only to especially long lived members of a population, whereas "life expectancy" is always defined statistically as the average number of years remaining at a given age. For example, a population's life expectancy at birth is the same as the average age at death for all people born in the same year (in the case of cohorts). Longevity is best thought of as a term for general audiences meaning 'typical length of life' and specific statistical definitions should be clarified when necessary.

Reflections on longevity have usually gone beyond acknowledging the brevity of human life and have included thinking about methods to extend life. Longevity has been a topic not only for the scientific community but also for writers of travel, science fiction, and utopian novels.

There are many difficulties in authenticating the longest human life span ever by modern verification standards, owing to inaccurate or incomplete birth statistics. Fiction, legend, and folklore have proposed or claimed life spans in the past or future vastly longer than those verified by modern standards, and longevity narratives and unverified longevity claims frequently speak of their existence in the present.

A life annuity is a form of longevity insurance.

A remarkable statement mentioned by Diogenes Laertius (c. 250 AD) is the earliest (or at least one of the earliest) references about plausible centenarian longevity given by a scientist, the astronomer Hipparchus of Nicea (c. 185 c. 120 BC), who, according to the doxographer, was assured that the philosopher Democritus of Abdera (c. 470/460 c. 370/360 BC) lived 109 years. All other accounts given by the ancients about the age of Democritus appear, without giving any specific age, to agree that the philosopher lived over 100 years. This possibility is likely, given that many ancient Greek philosophers are thought to have lived over the age of 90 (e.g., Xenophanes of Colophon, c. 570/565 c. 475/470 BC, Pyrrho of Ellis, c. 360 c. 270 BC, Eratosthenes of Cirene, c. 285 c. 190 BC, etc.). The case of Democritus is different from the case of, for example, Epimenides of Crete (7th, 6th centuries BC), who is said to have lived 154, 157 or 290 years, as has been said about countless elders even during the last centuries as well as in the present time.

Various factors contribute to an individual's longevity. Significant factors in life expectancy include gender, genetics, access to health care, hygiene, diet and nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, and crime rates. Below is a list of life expectancies in different types of countries:[3]

Population longevities are increasing as life expectancies around the world grow:[1][4]

The Gerontology Research Group validates current longevity records by modern standards, and maintains a list of supercentenarians; many other unvalidated longevity claims exist. Record-holding individuals include:

Evidence-based studies indicate that longevity is based on two major factors, genetics and lifestyle choices.[5]

Twin studies have estimated that approximately 20-30% of an individuals lifespan is related to genetics, the rest is due to individual behaviors and environmental factors which can be modified.[6] Although over 200 gene variants have been associated with longevity according to a US-Belgian-UK research database of human genetic variants,[7] these explain only a small fraction of the heritability.[8] A 2012 study found that even modest amounts of leisure time physical exercise can extend life expectancy by as much as 4.5 years.[9]

Longevity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Longevity – National Geographic

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

By Stephen S. Hall

On a crisp January morning, with snow topping the distant Aspromonte mountains and oranges ripening on the nearby trees, Giuseppe Passarino guided his silver minivan up a curving mountain road into the hinterlands of Calabria, mainland Italys southernmost region. As the road climbed through fruit and olive groves, Passarino, a geneticist at the University of Calabria, chatted with his colleague Maurizio Berardelli, a geriatrician. They were headed for the small village of Molochio, which had the distinction of numbering four centenariansand four 99-year-oldsamong its 2,000 inhabitants.

Soon after, they found Salvatore Caruso warming his 106-year-old bones in front of a roaring fire in his home on the outskirts of the town. Known in local dialect as U Raggiuneri, the Accountant, Caruso was calmly reading an article about the end of the world in an Italian version of a supermarket tabloid. A framed copy of his birth record, dated November 2, 1905, stood on the fireplace mantle.

Caruso told the researchers he was in good health, and his memory seemed prodigiously intact. He recalled the death of his father in 1913, when Salvatore was a schoolboy; how his mother and brother had nearly died during the great influenza pandemic of 1918-19; how hed been dismissed from his army unit in 1925 after accidentally falling and breaking his leg in two places. When Berardelli leaned forward and asked Caruso how he had achieved his remarkable longevity, the centenarian said with an impish smile, No Bacco, no tabacco, no VenereNo drinking, no smoking, no women. He added that hed eaten mostly figs and beans while growing up and hardly ever any red meat.

Passarino and Berardelli heard much the same story from 103-year-old Domenico Romeowho described his diet as poco, ma tutto; a little bit, but of everythingand 104-year-old Maria Rosa Caruso, who, despite failing health, regaled her visitors with a lively version of a song about the local patron saint.

On the ride back to the laboratory in Cosenza, Berardelli remarked, They often say they prefer to eat only fruits and vegetables.

They preferred fruit and vegetables, Passarino said drily, because thats all they had.

Although eating sparingly may have been less a choice than an involuntary circumstance of poverty in places like early 20th-century Calabria, decades of research have suggested that a severely restricted diet is connected to long life. Lately, however, this theory has fallen on hard scientific times. Several recent studies have undermined the link between longevity and caloric restriction.

In any case, Passarino was more interested in the centenarians themselves than in what they had eaten during their lifetimes. In a field historically marred by exaggerated claims and dubious entrepreneurs hawking unproven elixirs, scientists studying longevity have begun using powerful genomic technologies, basic molecular research, and, most important, data on small, genetically isolated communities of people to gain increased insight into the maladies of old age and how they might be avoided. In Calabria, Ecuador, Hawaii, and even in the Bronx, studies are turning up molecules and chemical pathways that may ultimately help everyone reach an advanced age in good, even vibrant, health.

The quest for genetic answers has brought international scientific attention to people like Nicolas Aazco, known as Pajarito, Little Bird in Spanish.

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Longevity - National Geographic


How to live longer through science and technology | Death …

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

by Rick Tllez BRAIN DECLINE BEGINS AT AGE 27! Or says astudyfrom the University of Virginia. The seven years study, headed by Timothy Salthouse, indicates adults achieve their peak mental performance around 22 and mental decline starts as soon as age 27. Most of us believe it is inevitable one day or another our mental abilities are going to shift into reverse. The University of Virginia study seems to confirm thatwe becomeslower, less attentive, and more rigid. Unfortunately, this process starts before age 30! But heres the good news: in the 21st century we have the tools to avoid brain decline. Not only can we stop brain decline, we can even reverse if we know how and if we are willingto make the effort! THE PROBLEM OF AGING Brain performance decreases with age in several cognitive skills: Attention decreases.The result is that we have difficulties concentrating on a single thing. It may happen that we are reading a book and after a while, we have to move back and re-read it because we did not pay attention to what we were reading along the last minute. Our ability to analyze at the same time different pieces of information decreases, this means, ourworking memoryperformance is lower, and it is more difficult for us to hold in the mind different information at the same time. Decline in the short-term memorymakes us more forgetful.We forget things that we did not forget before, things like where did we put the keys, what is the name of a known person or where did we park the car. Processing speed decreases.It takes us longer to understand things and to make decisions. As a consequence, many people feel reticent to learn new things because they find it more difficult. They would rather rely on what they already know. But avoiding to learn new thingsaccelerates brain decline. An interesting paradox: brain decline promotes brain decline! WHY DECLINE HAPPENS There are many reasons why brain performance decreases with age, including nutrition and genes, but the most basic reason is simply we do not challenge ourselves. Around peak performance age many of us have already constructed most of our mental automatic systems, those are, structures of thinking that allow us to easily move in the world. You can call them habits. From that age on,we rely on habits for doing almost everything. We feel comfortable using them because we know how they work and what the expected results will be. Hence, we repeat them once and again to solve the same things. Once we have built our set of habits, we have created ourpersonalcomfort zone. The comfort zone is that psychological place were we feel safe and that we control the situation. We know what to do if something happens. We know how to solve the problems that lie within the zone. It is our zone of (mental) relax. Everything we do in life is related to the creation of our comfort zone. Above everything, we want to be comfortable. Until we achieve this, we work hard and challenge ourselves. Once achieved, we decide to stay within it, making challenge and effort disappear from our lives. Moving only within our comfort zone has two side effects in the brain: One, it strengthens the brain connections of the habits we repeat. This means thatthe more we do the same thing, the more we are condemned to do it again.So we stay within our comfort zone. We avoid using and training of our other abilities that lie outside that zone. Two, the capacity of the brain to create new neurons and connections (called neurogenesis) decreasesbecause we dont use it to learn new things. Again, the effect is that it will beeven more difficultfor us to create new connections, that is, learn new things. At this point, moving away from that comfort zone is very difficult because we have a limited...

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How to live longer through science and technology | Death ...


Stem Cell 100 Longevity Telomere Support Supplement SC100 …

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Stem Cell 100 is designed to rejuvenate your body and slow the aging process to help you feel and function more like a young person. This can help you feel better, look younger and improve your health.

Most of the cells in your body lose function with age. Everyone has special cells called adult stem cells which are needed to repair damaged and old tissues, but adult stem cells themselves are also aging.

Until now there was not much you could do about it. Stem Cell 100 rejuvenates adult stem cells and their micro-environments with the proprietary SC100 formula. Stem Cell 100+ is a more powerful and faster acting version of the same nutraceutical.

Developed by experts in the anti-aging field, patent-pending Stem Cell 100 is the only supplement proven to double maximum lifespan of an animal model. No other product or therapy including caloric restriction even comes close.

SK, Santa Fe, New Mexico

I have been using Stem Cell 100 for about one year. Initially I noticed a boost in energy level, which now remains steady-hence not noticed I have experienced no adverse effects from taking this product. I heartily recommend Stem Cell 100 and plan to continue on it.


Stem Cell 100 has made a noticeable difference in me, including turning my gray hair back to its original color, which supposedly is impossible. The reversal of the gray hair to original color began a couple of months after starting the pill. After about 10 months, the gray hair is mostly gone. At the current rate of improvement, I expect my hair to completely be back to its original color within 1 to 2 months. I think my beard will take longer, but it was the first to gray.

Also, my skin became smoother and younger looking. The skin and hair rely heavily on stem cells, and they seem to benefit strongly from this product. Im so excited about telling people my results because there is nothing that can reverse the graying of hair. It will give me evidence that this supplement thing is really powerful.

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Stem Cell 100 Longevity Telomere Support Supplement SC100 ...


Jeunesse Longevity TV Episode 2, Understanding Health – Video

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

Jeunesse Longevity TV Episode 2, Understanding Health
Episode 2 of 8 of the science program Longevity, brought to you by William Allzag and Jeunesse Global. Learn how stem cell technology is applied to multiple products for skin care, health improveme...

By: Juan Munoz Diaz

Jeunesse Longevity TV Episode 2, Understanding Health - Video


Jeunesse Longevity TV Episode 7 Understanding Stem Cells (Hu subtitle) – Video

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

Jeunesse Longevity TV Episode 7 Understanding Stem Cells (Hu subtitle)
Jeunesse Longevity TV - Episode 7 - Understanding Stem Cells (ssejtek) with William Amzallag. Find out more at http://www.liveworld.jeunesseglobal.com Jeunesse is the world leader in stem...

By: K.Corbett - LiveWorld

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Jeunesse Longevity TV Episode 7 Understanding Stem Cells (Hu subtitle) - Video


Jeunesse Longevity TV – Episode 7 – Understanding Stem Cells – Video

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

Jeunesse Longevity TV - Episode 7 - Understanding Stem Cells

By: Jeunesse LongevityTV

Originally posted here:
Jeunesse Longevity TV - Episode 7 - Understanding Stem Cells - Video


Stem cell regulations & longevity – Video

Sunday, May 11th, 2014

Stem cell regulations longevity
Stem cell regulations longevity.

By: Edouard Debonneuil

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Stem cell regulations & longevity - Video


Human Longevity, Inc. Conference Call Audio (March 4, 2014) – Video

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

Human Longevity, Inc. Conference Call Audio (March 4, 2014)
Human Longevity Inc. (HLI) Launched to Promote Healthy Aging Using Advances in Genomics and Stem Cell Therapies. HLI is Building World #39;s Largest Genotype/Phe...

By: Human Longevity, Inc.

Read more:
Human Longevity, Inc. Conference Call Audio (March 4, 2014) - Video


Longevity With Doctor Wilcox – What makes you age – Telomeres – Stem Cells – Video

Monday, December 30th, 2013

Longevity With Doctor Wilcox - What makes you age - Telomeres - Stem Cells
Dr Wilcox discusses the aging process, telomeres, and stem cells KLAV Las Vegas 1234 AM Monday Thursday 10am to 11am.

By: Infinity Medical Consulting

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Longevity With Doctor Wilcox - What makes you age - Telomeres - Stem Cells - Video


Longevity With Doctor Wilcox – Stem Cell, Diabetes, Breast Cancer – Video

Sunday, December 29th, 2013

Longevity With Doctor Wilcox - Stem Cell, Diabetes, Breast Cancer
Doctor Wilcox explains stem cell therapy and how it relates to diabetes and breast cancer. KLAV Las Vegas 1230AM Monday Thursday 10am to 11am.

By: Infinity Medical Consulting

Read more from the original source:
Longevity With Doctor Wilcox - Stem Cell, Diabetes, Breast Cancer - Video


Stem Cell’s Affect on Longevity – Video

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

Stem Cell #39;s Affect on Longevity

By: Healthy living

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Stem Cell's Affect on Longevity - Video


LUMINESCE™ Anti-Aging Serum – Buy LUMINESCE™ Online from Jeunesse – Video

Sunday, November 25th, 2012

LUMINESCE trade; Anti-Aging Serum - Buy LUMINESCE trade; Online from Jeunesse
LUMINESCE trade; Cellular Rejuvenation Serum - Cyber Monday Online Shopping for Skincare, Beauty and Wellness Products antiagingskincareshoppe.com This Holidays Season, give the gift of improving overall wellness. Start with yourself. Be generous to your own well-being and share with others what you have discovered. It is never too earlier to start taking care of your body and your largest organ - your skin! Your skin is under constant attack by many factors you have little control over. The Jeunesse Youth Enhancement System uses DNA repair and antioxidant ingredients to improve cell performance and longevity. Our patent-pending Stem Cell Innovation helps generate new, vital skin cells in the first place. The skincare component of YES, LUMINESCE trade; super-charges the production of young, fresh skin cells. Infused with a potent growth factor complex derived from natural adult stem cells, the LUMINESCE trade; family of products rejuvenates skin cells at a molecular level. LUMINESCE trade; Cellular Rejuvenation Serum - Buy LUMINESCE trade; Online Order TODAY for a better you. antiagingskincareshoppe.com Happy Holidays 2012 from The Anti-Aging Skin Care ShoppeFrom:Scarlett Johnson RoseViews:1102 15ratingsTime:00:41More inPeople Blogs

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LUMINESCE™ Anti-Aging Serum - Buy LUMINESCE™ Online from Jeunesse - Video


Dr Nathan Newman MD Stem Cell Face lift (ENHANCING YOUTH) – Video

Friday, November 9th, 2012

Dr Nathan Newman MD Stem Cell Face lift (ENHANCING YOUTH)
Jeunesse is not the same old story of skin care and supplements. We are not the same old network model. Jeunesse is a global business that helps people reach their full potential in youthful looks, in healthy living, in embracing life. Jeunesse combines breakthrough sciences in a product system that enhances youth by working at the cellular level. By focusing on the health, longevity, and renewal of cells, we help people enjoy vibrant, youthful results that last. Jeunesse delivers the rewards of youth in four innovative ways: Products. The Jeunesse Youth Enhancement System (YES) isn #39;t just about looking young. It #39;s about feeling young for the long term. Even the sciences we employ are new and cutting edge. Our best-of-the-best formulas are innovative, and the youthful results are real. Learn more about our line of Personal Care and Nutrition products. People. Jeunesse shares an emotional reward no networking company can match. The culture of Jeunesse springs from the integrity and core values of our Founders. As a result, our global family of distributors experience rewarding relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and love. Plan. With one of the most lucrative and truly balanced compensation plans around, the Jeunesse Financial Rewards Plan is able to reward more people with more money. And with the plentiful incentives and built-in travel promotions that are our way of doing business, the Jeunesse culture is in itself a rewarding lifestyle. Learn more about our ...From:paulwarioViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:48More inHowto Style

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