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Archive for the ‘Longevity’ Category

The Baseball Hall of Fame, and longevity versus peak – Bluebird Banter

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

Later this evening, the latest inductees to the Baseball of the Fame will be announced, with one or perhaps two voted in by the BBWAA. The only question with Derek Jeter is whether hell be a second unanimous inductee, and Larry Walker likely to end up right on the knifes edge in his last year of eligibility (my gut is hell fall short despite sitting at over 83% of the 211 known ballots at the time this was published).

Its particularly interesting that these two could make up the 2020 class. At a high level, they had a very similar level of on-field value, with Walker actually edging out Jeter by bWAR 72.7 to 72.4 (Jeter has a more significant edge in fWAR, 73 to 68.7). They even rate similarly by Jay Jaffes JAWS system, with Walker coming in at 58.7 to Jeters 57.4. Of course, off-field factors all the dominant reason to explain the discrepancy in support: Jeter being a career Yankees (Re2pect and all that jazz); Walkers numbers discounted for a significant amount of his career coming in Coors.

In a broader sense however, the way that similar level of on-field production was achieved couldnt have been more different. Jeter played a 20 year career, in which he came to the plate 700 or more times in 10 of them and at least 600 in 17 of them. His 12,602 plate appearances rank 10th all-time as a result of that combination of durability and longevity.

To some extent then Jeter was a compiler: he amassed big counting totals not because of an elite level of productivity, but by being on the field. Its not an entirely fair label since he was objectively very good in terms of productivity, but it shows up in his lack of black ink looking at his player page. Twice he led the league (and in fact MLB) in hits, another time in runs (which isnt even totally a reflection of him), and then the other five are for PA. Never did he lead the league in a rate statistic.

By contrast, Walker was not blessed with such durability, routinely missing time with injuries. While his 17 seasons is not that far behind Jeter, only once did he come to the plate more than 601 times. Thus he only came to the plate 8,030 times, ranking 277th all-time. Thats still a pretty prolific total, speaking to how good he was and hence the quotation marks, but its a low total by Hall of Fame standards. For players active after World War II, theres only 11 inductees with less than 8,000 PA, and most of those involve contextual factors (military service, catchers, colour barrier).

But when he was on the field, he was really good. Even adjusting for Coors Field, he was roughly 40% more productive than the average player per PA (including defensive value). I dont think theres a term for the opposite of a compiler, but Im inclined towards the metaphor of a shooting star: a dazzling bright light arcing across the sky, but that doesnt last long.

Should one prefer a Walker to a Jeter or vice versa? Fundamentally, this is a normative question about what the Hall of Fame should be; everyones mileage will vary especially when it comes to the margin. Descriptively however, its clear that compilers prevail. With Harold Baines inducted last year, Rusty Staub is the only non-active/non-ballot player with at least 10,800 PA not in the Hall of Fame (other than Rafael Palmeiro for PED reasons).

To some extent this is logical theres a very high minimum baseline required to just be able to accrue 10,000 plate appearances. By contrast, absent a contextual factor like those described above, a player under 9,000 career PA making the Hall of Fame is very much an exception regardless of how high the level of productivity (Bobby Grich, Dick Allen, Reggie Smith, etc).

The epitome of this dynamic is actually playing out with two players on the ballot for the third time. Omar Vizquel played 24 big league seasons thanks to his defensive wizardry, his 12,013 PA slotting in 21st all-time. As a result, despite being almost 250 runs below average as a hitter, he ended up just shy of the mythical 3,000 hits (2,877) that represents automatic enshrinement which is supporters point to.

Lets be clear, he had a wonderful career, and hes easily in the top 5% of baseball players historically. This isnt to run him down. But with 45 WAR, hes well shy of Cooperstown standard. Equally, it is almost certain he will one day be inducted. Hes currently sitting at just about 50% support, which actually tends to be increase when non-public votes are tallied. He might not build to the 75% needed, but hell build from this point and only one player ever to get 50% on a writers ballot hasnt been subsequently inducted.

On the flip side is Andruw Jones, who played 17 seasons with just 8,663 PA, but nonetheless put up around 65 WAR (63 bWAR, 67 fWAR). Thats already on the short end by Hall of Fame standards, but its compounded by six of those were partial seasons mostly at the end of his career as a complementary player. Almost all of his value came from his 1997-2007 peak. Not only was he at least Vizquels defensive equal in centre, but he was an impact middle of the order hitter.

Yet even with some big gains this year, hes only at about 25% support (and probably closer to 20% in the end). Its not impossible, but its hard to see him gaining enough support to make it in. Perhaps in the end the productive part of his career was just too short longevity certainly counts. But it speaks volumes I think that if you add the two careers together, you get 41 seasons of which Vizquel contributes 60%. But if you make a list of the top 10 single seasons, perhaps two of them belong to Vizquel (1999 for sure)?

When it comes to balancing peak and longevity, Im definitely in the camp of the former. Give me Jones over Vizquel. Give me Grich over Luis Aparicio. Give me Johan Santana over Jack Morris (or better yet, Dave Steib over Morris). We havent even got to pitchers.

While historically a lot of this was based on achieving counting milestones that required longevity, more recently I think part of the problem is the prevalence of WAR. Dont get me wrong, its a very useful construct. But its an artificial one all the components are measured relative to average, and then at the end theres a translation to make zero replacement level, roughly the level where talent is readily available.

This is very useful most analysis, but it doesnt really apply at the Hall of Fame level though. Routinely, players who were solid everyday regulars (or better) dont get any support or are even left off the ballot. That is to say, for purposes of the Hall of Fame, average is replacement level. And maybe even well higher than that (Rafael Furcal and Eric Chavez were both almost 40 WAR and 10+ WAA, and have a combined one vote on a ballot that isnt crazy crowded).

So in my view, a much better standard for the Hall of Fame is Wins Above Average (WAA). By this measure, Jones (36 WAA) far outclasses Vizquel (5 WAA). Walkers 48 WAA is far ahead of Jeters 31. Using WAA sharpens the contrast longevity and star level productivity.

To finish up and perhaps further elicudate the contrast, I made two starting lineups. The first is compilers who are in the Hall of Fame (not all dont belong objectively, theyre just on the compiling end of the spectrum). The second is shooting stars who have been passed over for Cooperstown.

Overall, shorter career players actually end up a slightly higher WAR total even in a much smaller amount of playing time. Even if all the missing playing time had to be backfilled with ordinary players rather than all-time greats, I think they come out ahead.

See the original post here:
The Baseball Hall of Fame, and longevity versus peak - Bluebird Banter


Drinking this every day can reverse the effects of aging – Ladders

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

Turns out you can start fighting the biological agents of aging with your morning cup of coffee. According to new research published in the journal ofOxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity,the simple decision to opt for skim or 1% milk as opposed to whole milk can add years to your life.

The new pioneering study conducted at Brigham Young University effectively knee-caps recent reports challenging dairys contribution to optimal health.

The authors write in the reports abstract:Investigations evaluating the effect of adult milk consumption on health and disease have produced inconsistent findings. Some studies indicate that the consumption of cows milk promotes health, while others show that it increases risk of disease and mortality. Numerous investigations highlight the mixed results. Overall, the findings highlight an association of increased biological aging in U.S. adults who consumed high-fat milk. The results support the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans (20152020), which recommend consumption of low-fat milk, but not high-fat milk, as part of a healthy diet.

A lengthy analysis of the beverage habits of 5,834 Americans not only motioned low-fat milks impact on longevity, but it also uncovered a slew of other benefits.

Nearly 50% of the entire study pool drank some form of milk every single day and a quarter consumed dairy on a weekly basis. Of these, a little more than 30% drank whole milk, exactly 30% drank 2%, 17% drank skim, 13% preferred non-dairy alternatives like soy or almond and a modest 10% regularly drank 1% milk.

Participants who routinely drank either skim or 1% milk aged around four and half years slower than their 2% milk-loving counterparts.

The low-fat milk drinkers even demonstrated slower genetic aging markers than the individuals that privileged nondairy milk. Of course, this adverse correlation was the most pronounced among habitual whole milk drinkers.

You might recall Ladders recent mediation on the physiological hallmarks of aging. It was an in-depth look at the function of telomerestheends of chromosomes that gradually shrink as a result of repeat cell replication. In other words, the older we get, the shorter they get.

This process was thought to be an unalterable one butin the last few decades,experts have motioned several different ways we can protect these chrome-caps and fend off aging.

The researchers behind this new report, for instance, concluded that every 1% increase in milk fat imbibed was associated with a 69 base pair telomere length-decrease. This is the equivalent offour and a half years of increased aging.

Participants who drank whole milk considerably more often than they drank skim or 1% milk expressed a 145 base pair telomere length decrease. Even with these insightful citations in the chamber, the studys lead author, professor Larry A. Tucker,has no doubt that the scholarly wrangle surrounding the health merits of long-time dairy consumption will survive. And rightly so. On the key question, theres still a fair share of unknown left to discover.

Milk is probably the most controversial food in our country, Tucker said in a press release . If someone asked me to put together a presentation on the value of drinking milk, I could put together a one-hour presentation that would knock your socks off. Youd think, Whoa, everybody should be drinking more milk. If someone said do the opposite, I could also do that. At the very least, the findings of this study are definitely worth pondering. Maybe theres something here that requires a little more attention.

See original here:
Drinking this every day can reverse the effects of aging - Ladders


This Harvard study might put the end to the carbohydrates war – Ladders

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

Modern diet science is much more charitable towards carbs than fads of old. New data assures us thatcarbohydrates areessential to a balanced dieteven when weight loss is an immediate objective.

But a new study published by Harvard researchers in the JAMA Internal Medicine Journal found that not all carbs are equal.

The study, which featured more than 35,000 Ameican adults aged 20 and older, found that the quality of a food group impacted longevity significantly more than the presence of a food group in a given regimen. Despite past studies, a low-fat diet isnt indicative of an effect, sustainable diet.

In this study, overall low-carbohydrate-diet and low-fat-diet scores were not associated with total mortality, researchers said. Unhealthy low-carbohydrate-diet and low-fat-diet scores were associated with higher total mortality, whereas healthy low-carbohydrate-diet and low-fat-diet scores were associated with lower total mortality.

These findings suggest that the associations of low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets with mortality may depend on the quality and food sources of macronutrients.

Since the weight loss market is such a lucrative industry and the medias obsession with diets, it has been argued by some that the market makes a point to blur the line between personal objectives and dietary guidelines. If someone needs to lose weight for health reasons or even for cosmetic purposes, there are healthyand expedient ways to do so.

While carbohydrates give us energy, if the energy isnt used after consumption then theyre stored in our muscles and liver for later. Eventually, if unused, the carbohydrates will turn into fat. Low-carb diets, if adhered to correctly, promote weight loss by limiting the number of carbs we need to use before they become stored as fat. This method works for about six months but fails to be a sustainable system in the long term.

Relying on meats for energy at the expense of carbs is linked toa higher risk for cancer and early death.Restricting carbohydrates is the quickest way to drop weight as long as you apply this restriction to a considered timeline.The Dietary Guidelines for Americas recommend that carbohydrates make up between 45% to 65% of your daily calories. Thats about225 grams for women and to 325 grams for men.

Unlike previous studies, the researchers not only took the number of carbs into account but also the source of carbs consumed. This prerequisite provided an important insight into the role balance plays into longevity and dietary guidelines. When accounting for the total number of person-years (297,768), 4,866 total deaths occurred. Researchers said low-carbohydrate-diet and low-fat-diet scores were not associated with total mortality, but a healthy low-carbohydrate diet and a healthy low-fat diet were associated with lower total mortality.

Our findings show clearly that the quality rather than the quantity of macronutrients in our diet has an important impact on our health, said Zhilei Shan, a postdoctoral researcher at Harvards Department of Nutrition, in a press release. The debate on the health consequences of low-fat or low-carbohydrate diets is largely moot unless the food sources of fats or carbohydrates are clearly defined.

The recommended carb intake can be obtained in three different ways: sugars, starches, and fibers. Each has its own set of health benefits. In addition, fruits, vegetables, milk, grains, seeds, and nuts are a good varied placed as well. When it comes to addressing mortality statistics, there are confounding factors to consider. Carbs, for instance, primarily provide our bodies with energy. If fibers are consumed in your daily carb intake, you lower your risk for cardiovascular disease and type-2 diabetes.

One recent study found that people who ate at least five fruits a day lived roughly three-years longer than those who didnt. Earlier this week, a new report about habitually consuming skim milk reversed the aging process by an average of four-and-a-half-years.

Read the rest here:
This Harvard study might put the end to the carbohydrates war - Ladders


Solving Problems in Tribology with Sensors – AZoSensors

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

Image Credit: SeventyFour/Shutterstock.com

Tribology refers to the science of how surfaces in natural and artificial systems interact in relative motion. The principles of lubrication, friction, and wear are key to the discipline. As it is a highly interdisciplinary field, scientists from different areas of the scientific community are often drawn together to help solve problems in tribology.

To advance knowledge of tribology and to make innovations in this area, collaborative efforts from experts in biomedical science, chemistry, chemical engineering, computer science, mechanics, engineering, manufacturing, mathematics, physics, and more are needed.

While the science of tribology influences numerous industries, the automotive and medical sectors are those that particularly rely on its knowledge and innovations to improve its products and raise its level of quality.

Problems presented by the automotive industry are mostly fueled by the growing demand to produce components that have lifetime guarantees. The products need to be created with higher levels of quality, as consumers require parts with longevity, not only in terms of how long it will last without breaking but also in terms of how the components function over their lifetime.

The demands of the medical industry are similar. There is a growing demand for medical prosthetics, for example, that are easy to install and last a lifetime. Both industries are facing challenges in tribology; they need to develop components with surfaces that do not cause wear as they interact with each other over extended periods. Components also need to be developed in a way that prevents a change in how they behave as they continue to be in constant contact with their surroundings, offering the ability to do the same job repeatedly and to the same level of quality.

The solution relies heavily on understanding how two surfaces interact with each other. Recent advances in tribology have seen the increase in the development of surface texture of coatings to offer friction-free use.

The monitoring of these coatings is essential to understanding how effective they are, and how this may influence the longevity of a component. The task of monitoring can be difficult, but recently, sensors have been employed to conduct this task efficiently and accurately.

The past decade or so has seen the advent of the use of sensors to help solve tribology problems. The coatings that are being tested for use in numerous applications have benefited from the addition of embedded sensor layers within the coating.

These sensor layers have been designed to produce distinctive luminescence spectra in response to laser illumination, which makes it possible to measure the wearing of the coating by measuring changes in the amount of light transmitted back. This offers information on the changing thickness of the coating.

Coatings are designed to ideally last a lifetime, protecting the component from wear and extending the longevity of the product. Using embedded sensors to measure wear methodologically allows scientists to make accurate calculations about how coatings will influence the products that they are intended for. It also helps scientists to innovate new and better coatings by allowing them to see how different coating compositions function. It also enables them to make these innovations faster because they have a direct and accurate way of measuring the coatings effectiveness.

Tribology will likely be positively impacted by the use of sensors to help develop more effective coatings. This may lead to the development of more superior products in the automotive and medical industry, as well as others. Sensors will likely play a role in the continuing improvement of quality and longevity of a wide range of components and products.



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See more here:
Solving Problems in Tribology with Sensors - AZoSensors


AI Will Give Rise To FinTech 2.0 And Longevity Banks – Forbes

Tuesday, January 21st, 2020

In the next several years, FinTech, AI, and data-driven technologies will converge into a single ... [+] advanced technology

Over the past 100 years the financial industry has largely excluded people in retirement. Even today tech entrepreneurs are ignoring financial inclusion for people over 60, who make up the wealthiest part of the financial system, and instead, are developing new financial products designed for younger people. The most valuable and capable client demographic in terms of purchasing power are the citizens of the 7th Continent which is made up of 1 billion people over 60. The global spending power of this demographic is expected to be $15 trillion this year. Who will serve this market? Longevity Banks and FinTech 2.0 services will attract people 60+ who want to optimize their wealthspan.

In the last 10 years investment in the FinTech industry has exceeded $350 billion dollars. During the same period a similar amount of funding was invested in other industries such as AI, healthcare, and aerospace.There have been a number of breakthroughs in these other areas but not in FinTech. The amount of money invested in FinTech has not yielded significant results compared to other domains. FinTech received more investment but accomplished less with it and FinTech stalled.However, recent advances in the development of practical AI tools are enabling new FinTech solutions.

The 7th Continent - 1 billion people in retirement

Progressive governments and businesses understand that whole populations are living much longer than in previous generations and realize that we are going to need institutions that are organized in a different way. For example, traditional banks werent designed to serve large numbers of clients living a long, long time. Today, banks have a small number of clients who are over 90 and they are outliers. In the next decade that demographic will increase dramatically.

In the next few years, age-friendly FinTech companies and Longevity Banks will develop new financial products designed for clients who are planning to live extra long lives and want to remain high functioning and financially stable throughout. Clients of Longevity Banks will have more time to accumulate wealth, will have a longer investment horizon, and will benefit from compounding. Financial services innovators have an opportunity to enhance the financial lives of a billion people by designing new solutions and adapting existing products and services. New products that provide a comprehensive view of investments, taxes, insurance, and regulation without unneeded complexity will appeal to citizens of the 7th Continent.

Rising hubs for the new financial industry.

The Intersection of Longevity and Finance

This map shows the location of major preventive medicine and financial hubs. London and Singapore are distinguished as being hubs for both the financial industry and the preventive medicine industry. As such they have extremely strong potential to become global leaders in Longevity and Finance. When these industries intersect, novel financial systems will be developed that will treat Longevity as a dividend and will play an integral role in the Longevity Economy. The most advanced FinTech 2.0 technology adjusted for Longevity is emerging in London and tools for FinTech 2.0 are already in development there.

The Longevity AI Consortium at Kings College London is developing sophisticated methods for translating advanced AI for Longevity solutions including novel applications of life data for insurance companies, pension funds, healthcare companies, and government bodies. This year theConsortium is planning to expand to Switzerland, Israel, Singapore, and the US. Progressive investment banks, pension funds, and insurance companies are developing new business models, and are using AI to improve the quality of the analytics used to formulate them. In the near future, the synergy between innovative AI and wealth management will lead to the creation of new financial institutions optimized for the aging population and age-friendly Longevity Banks will make banking easier and safer for seniors.

Longevity Valley

These developments will result in the emergence of a Longevity Valley with the highest concentration of robust preventive medicine, HealthTech, Longevity FinTech, and AgeTech. The most likely place for the first Longevity Valley is Switzerland because Switzerland is extremely stable in terms of financial, social, and political frameworks. Switzerland was also recently recognized by the United Nations as the most AgeTech friendly country. The Longevity Valley will attract people who prioritize maximizing their healthspan and wealthspan. The first Longevity Bank is also expected to emerge in Switzerland since the pillars needed for the success of such a bank are present there. These pillars include a progressive RegTech environment, sufficient FinTech development, a MedTech ecosystem, and a significant number of individuals 60+ who fit the client profile.

In the near future, FinTech, AI, and data-driven technologies will converge into a single advanced technology. Next generation financial companies will use engineering methods with integrated systems to treat business, finance and technology as a single unit with complementary parts. The resulting FinTech 2.0 will offer unprecedented potential for growth and disruption.Humans have always desired health, wealth, and longevity, but usually had to settle for one or two. For the first time people are planning for a very different future with the possibility of living to 100 and beyond and being healthy and financially stable the whole time.

Click here to preview a new book that I co-authored with my colleague Dmitry Kaminskiy Longevity Industry 1.0 - Defining the Biggest and Most Complex Industry in Human History. Dmitry Kaminskiy and I serve on the advsiory board of the Longevity AI Consortium at Kings College London.

Here is the original post:
AI Will Give Rise To FinTech 2.0 And Longevity Banks - Forbes


Walking, Running Or Swimming: Which Exercise Is The Best For Longevity? – International Business Times

Tuesday, January 21st, 2020


It has been long-established that exercising frequently can do wonders for your health, including boosting life expectancy. The National Health Service stated that regular exercise lowers your risk of dying early by up to 30%.

Many studies have proven that those who exercise regularly are at a lower risk of developing a host of chronic ailments. These researches have also shown how performing physical activities can improve your mood, energy, self-esteem, and sleep quality. With many types of exercises, however, which is considered the best one to improve life expectancy?

The Best Exercise For Longevity

In research where more than 40,000 men between 20 and 90 years old participated, researchers monitored their activities for 32 years. At the end of the study, researchers found that swimmers are at a 50% lower risk of dying young compared to walkers or runners. swimming best exercise longevity Photo: 12019 - Pixabay

Steven Blair, the lead researcher and a University of South Carolina professor of exercise science, expressed surprise at the result. He had expected to see both runners and swimmers enjoying lower risk of dying. It turned out that swimmers enjoy a considerably lower death rate compared to runners.

The Reason

Researchers established that while swimming is extremely aerobic, it does not cause much strain on the lower joints compared to walking or running. This is why swimming provides your health with more benefits than the other two types of exercises.

The lead researchers also found that regular swimmers enjoy higher cardiorespiratory fitness compared to walkers and people who lead sedentary lives.Blair concluded that swimming provides you with a healthful alternative, as compared to traditional exercise modes, for improving your cardiorespiratory fitness. It is also the best way to maintain overall health and provides the most benefits for patients who have chronic ailments.

He also said that swimming is a great alternative exercise for those who are unable to engage in physical activities like running or other forms of physical endeavors. The findings of the research were published in the International Journal of Aquatic Education and Research.

Dr. I-Min Lee of the Harvard Medical School agrees, saying swimming is the perfect workout. The professor of medicine explained that swimming is best for arthritic patients because it is essentially a weight-bearing exercise.

See the original post here:
Walking, Running Or Swimming: Which Exercise Is The Best For Longevity? - International Business Times


The Longevity Of Classic Design In Fashion: Why Jeff Rudes’ Brands Are Built To Last – vmagazine.com

Tuesday, January 21st, 2020

Fashionespecially denimis like the stock market, says JeffRudes, the visionary co-founder of J Brand and the majority owner of powerhouse ready to wear brand LAgence.

Thats why you can always rely on customer demand coming back to refined, classic, and purist design principles. Such design principles have always been hallmarks of Rudes labels. J Brandfor instancebecame the universal gold standard in high fashion due to its classic dark blue denim jeans.

While trends and outliers have their moments, there will always be demand for a baseline of a high quality, clean and refined aesthetic. This baseline, after all, is what enables the market to reset itself and provides customers a reliable anchor to attach themselves to.

And since the market will always come back to this foundation,Rudes LAgence is now perfectly positioned to be a long-term market force in Fashion and write its own Chapter of Fashion History.

View original post here:
The Longevity Of Classic Design In Fashion: Why Jeff Rudes' Brands Are Built To Last - vmagazine.com


Diet Demand Touts Benefits of Heart Healthy Diets for Longevity and Weight Loss – Yahoo Finance

Tuesday, January 21st, 2020

Baton Rouge, LA, Jan. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- If youre looking to start 2020 with a leap towards a healthier lifestyle, a heart-healthy diet is one of the best places to start. Heart healthy diets can go a long way toward protecting and preserving your bodys most important muscle. They also tend to have an obviously, positive impact on the rest of the body and mind. A focus on heart healthy eating is one way to promote longevity, youthfulness and weight control in your own life. Currently, a few popular heart healthy options stand out the most according to telemedicine weight loss leader, Diet Demand.

TheDASHDiet. According to Dr. Burns - Diet Demands Medical Director, DASH was created as a way to lower blood pressure based on the theory of sodium causing hypertension. It stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and works for a percentage of the population who are hypertensive. For these sodium sensitive individuals (maybe only 25% of the population), this method can provide some benefit. It also helps to restore some mineral imbalances that contribute to high blood pressure. However, Dr. Burns believes that there is more to improving heart health, Avoiding processed foods are sound, however the guidelines on specific macronutrient intake are missing. Also, weight management should be a key aspect of heart healthy dieting. Being that DASH was created for hypertension, the primary purpose of this diet is not weight management. As far as weight loss is concerned, only lower calorie versions of DASH would trigger weight loss, but that would apply to them doing any lower calorie diet. Additionally, for people who are following lower carb diets for weight loss, the sodium requirement actually goes up, along with the other electrolytes of potassium and magnesium due to the effect of the kidneys wasting electrolytes more rapidly while the body goes into ketosis. Believe it or not, the daily sodium requirement is actually higher on a lower carb diet than a high carb diet.

The Mediterranean diet is also touted for its heart-healthy benefits. Unlike the DASH diet whose primary purpose is the reduction of salt, Mediterranean style eating is more heavily focused on the incorporation of heart-healthy omega3s and fats such as olive oil, fatty fish and avocados. Since whole foods are implemented, sodium reduction is somewhat a part of this diet since processed foods are minimized. Diet Demand, a nationally recognized virtual weight loss program incorporates heart-healthy strategies in its customized diet and weight loss coaching methods. Its Jumpstart Diet, focuses is on balanced nutrition and initial calorie reductions between 800-1200 calories to help patients at risk for heart disease with quick weight loss.

Diet Demand provides certified weight loss doctors and coaches available by phone 24/7 to help with meal planning, grocery shopping, dining out and more. Theres nothing better than having personalized help via certified weight loss professionals who can review your plan and help you along the way.

A better solution. Most diets have a one-size-fits-all strategy, so its assumed that what works for some people will work for you as well. Unfortunately, many factors can determine how well a specific diet works for you. Diet Demand takes a personalized approach by gathering information on your individual body macros in order to develop a diet that is specific to your needs. Due to the success of this customized model, Diet Demand clients have a 94 percent success rate.

See what Diet Demand can do for you by easily and effortlessly visiting http://www.dietdemand.com/ to complete an initial comprehensive, yet simple, health questionnaire and schedule an immediate personal, no-cost consultation. DietDemands physicians all received specialized training in nutritional science and fast weight loss. DietDemand reviews each patients health history to create a personalized diet plan geared for fast weight loss, or that addresses life-long issues causing weight loss to slow down or stop. Nutritionists work personally with each patient and use their own algorithm to craft meal and snack plans that are compatible with each patients age, gender, activity level, food preferences, nutritional needs and medical conditions. They combine these state-of-the-art diet plans with pure, prescription diet products that enable their patients to resist the temptation to reach for sugary snacks, eliminate fatigue and curb the appetite. Over 97% of DietDemand patients report incredible weight loss results with the majority losing 20 or more pounds per month.

Story continues

At DietDemand, all patients gain unlimited access to the best minds in the business. Their staff of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches are available six days per week to answer questions, offer suggestions, address concerns and lend their professional guidance and support. Because of this, more and more people are turning to DietDemand for their weight management needs. Diet plans are tailored to be specific to the needs of those of any age, gender, shape or size and for those who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more. Call today to request a private, confidential, no-cost online consultation.

About the Company:

DietDemand is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, DietDemand has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long-term weight loss.

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Diet DemandDietDemand888-786-9568info@dietdemand.com

Continued here:
Diet Demand Touts Benefits of Heart Healthy Diets for Longevity and Weight Loss - Yahoo Finance


Could This Type Of Community Boost Longevity & Eradicate Loneliness? – mindbodygreen.com

Tuesday, January 21st, 2020

However, these studies also face the issue of replicability, and causal associations are difficult to draw. For instance, earlier this month, a study led by Jason Chen, Ph.D., of the Center to Improve Veteran Involvement in Portland, was published in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. They found that, counterintuitively, among veterans, loneliness was associated with lower depression severity. This has prompted study authors to more closely examine the role of social support interventions.

"We are currently looking at interventions that are not only relevant to veterans just at our hospital but also in other settings," Chen said. "In addition, our study team is interested in emphasizing the potential for loneliness interventions for our more rural, isolated populations in Oregon and beyond."

Reza Ghomi, M.D., is a Seattle-based neuropsychiatrist who sees firsthand how social support alone can have a dramatic impact on emotional well-being.

"Social isolation has dramatic effects not only on mental health such as increasing risks for depression and anxiety, but now we are seeing it can increase risk for cognitive impairment and ultimately dementia," Ghomi said. "Building community does the reverse and promotes a sense of well-being and satisfaction including improvement in cognitive abilities."

When it comes to the medical community, at a time when burnout was just named as one of the biggest challenges in health care by a Lancet report, finding supporting environments remains key among health care providers. Dana Correil, M.D., an internist and co-founder of SoMeDocs ("social media doctors"), points to the benefits of her "moai" being centered around a shared interest in advocacy and health care communication.

"For doctors, social media can be a space for connection, a powerful tool to mitigate the loneliness epidemic," Correil said. "It allows us to exchange ideas, find camaraderie and perspective for issues challenging our profession today and provides us with opportunities to make actual change."

And the opportunity for doctors to connect offline have flourished: everything from storytelling workshops like the Nocturnists, narrative medicine programs to Schwartz rounds help build community around shared vulnerability.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. But, as the science suggests, the health and well-being of all of us may benefit from having our own village, or moai: at home, work, and everywhere in between.

Go here to read the rest:
Could This Type Of Community Boost Longevity & Eradicate Loneliness? - mindbodygreen.com


NMN Benefits – The Path of Longevity – ProHealth

Tuesday, January 21st, 2020

Gauging the benefits of NMN, or any supplement, medicine, or treatment regimen can be a bit tricky if done without the benefit of scientific methods and testing standards.

Treatments, and human perception itself, can be influenced by several factors. If we make changes to our diet or lifestyle routine while using a particular herb or vitamin, for example, was it the supplement that produced the perceived effects, or was it those salads?

Perhaps it was just our own mind, convinced that the supplement would produce a particular benefit. This mental ability to influence a treatment regimens outcome is called the placebo effect. The placebo effect can account for a large portion of any treatments success or failure, which is why many research studies are designed to minimize it.

Another dynamic at play to consider is a persons perception and evaluation of a particular treatment, called anecdotal evidence. Anecdotal evidence, while not considered reliable by scientists, is nonetheless a common feature of day-to-day health care. If your doctor prescribes a medicine or supplement, and then later asks, What happened?, he or she is asking for anecdotal evidence

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See the original post here:
NMN Benefits - The Path of Longevity - ProHealth


Live Longer And Healthier By Regularly Doing This Simple Activity – International Business Times

Tuesday, January 21st, 2020


For many years, the human race has been on a quest for ways to improve longevity. Through scientific studies, researchers were able to point out unhealthy practices that you should get rid of to enjoy a longer life. Some of these include quitting smoking as the habit increases your risk of developing several serious ailments like cancer. Although avoiding known unhealthy lifestyle practices play a vital role in achieving longevity, there is a connection between enjoying simple past-times and longevity.

Own a Dog

A new study published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes reveals that owning a dog has been associated with living a longer life. It also showed that those who own dogs also have better cardiovascular activities. Those who live alone and have had bouts with a heart attack and stroke are advised to indulge in such activity. dog ownership longevity lifestpan Photo: MabelAmber - Pixabay

The outcome in the published study was based on two other studies, which showed that dog ownership was associated with a reduction in the factors that play a role in cardiac arrest and other heart-related events.

As a result, since cardiac arrest and cardiovascular events are reduced, the mortality rate associated with these diseases is likewise reduced. Although these studies do not necessarily prove that dog ownership is linked to lower mortality rates, the results clearly suggest this.

Other Benefits Of Dog Ownership

According to previous studies, by owning a dog, social isolation is alleviated. It also helps improve physical activity and also helps in lowering blood pressure. They also found that this is very much evident among dog owners as compared to those who dont own one.

The study looked into the data that was provided by the Swedish National Patient Register. Swedish residents aged between 40 to 85 years old became part of the study. They were the ones who experienced a stroke or a heart attack.

Out of these residents, it was found that those who owned a dog were said to have a lower risk of death thereafter. The possible reasons pointed out include decreased loneliness and depression. They also had better socialization because of their dogs. Furthermore, it was found that by owning a dog, they are better motivated to keep themselves active and physically fit.

See original here:
Live Longer And Healthier By Regularly Doing This Simple Activity - International Business Times


HPD gets 7 percent hike and new longevity incentive – The Daily World

Saturday, January 18th, 2020

Mondays Hoquiam City Council meeting saw the approval of a three-year contract for the police department that includes an incentive to stay with the force, a timber sale that could bring more than $100,000 to the city, and acceptance of a grant that will allow for much needed maintenance at the city cemetery.

Police contract

The contract includes a 7% raise to the base salary in the first year starting Jan. 1, 2020, along with a 3% cost of living increase, a total 10% raise. There will be cost of living increases of 3% Jan. 1 2021 and Jan. 1 2022.

The bargaining agreement includes a new provision for longevity/retention pay, which rewards police personnel for staying with the department.

The longevity/retention pay is based on the number of years worked: $75 a month after five full years, $100 a month after 10 years, $150 a month after 15 years, and $200 a month after 20 years, on top of existing salaries. The longevity/retention pay began Jan. 1.

Under the contract, in the first year, a patrol officer with a year or less with the department would make just under $63,800 annually, a sergeant just over $85,600. Officers also qualify for step increases, based on the number of years they have served with the department. In the first year of the new contract, an officer with more than five years on the force would earn just over $81,400 annually, plus whatever longevity pay they qualify for.

Hoquiam was one of the last cities that didnt have longevity pay in its police contract, said city Finance Director Corri Schmid. City Administrator Brian Shay said, In doing comparisons with other union contracts, most cities do offer what is called longevity pay to their employees.

Timber sale

The city saw an opportunity when it was notified the Dorothea Parker Family Trust was going to log timber on its property between Endresen Road and the College Hill water reservoir to log harvestable timber on adjacent city-owned property at the same time.

Current estimates are the city could take in $100,000 to $180,000 in revenue, which would be nice for the general fund, said Shay. There are trails that could come from that, and maybe even a few home sites created. To me that is a really exciting opportunity.

The sale could remove danger trees near the cemetery and protect the water reservoir as well.

Estes Timber LLC was tapped by the Dorothea Parker Family Trust to log its property, and the city Monday approved Estes Timber to prepare its own timber sale with a cost estimate not to exceed $4,000, according to the approved report.


A $40,600 Historic Cemetery Preservation Grant will allow the city to perform repairs to the mausoleum roofs, ADA ramps, restrooms, gate and lighting at Sunset Memorial Park, the city cemetery. These funds dont require a city match and come from the state Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation.

Mayor Ben Winkelman, presiding over his first council meeting, said Community Service Coordinator Tracy Wood was instrumental in securing the grant.

Brian (Shay) said he asked Tracy to get all the information for the grant application and next thing you know this thing is ready to go, signed, sealed and delivered, said Winkelman.

Shay said estimates for the total amount of work to be done at the cemetery came to around $60,000, but the grant will cover most of that, with the potential to use some city money if needed to complete the maintenance.

Ward 1 Councilman Dave Wilson noted how difficult its been to maintain the cemetery with the lack of funds available. This is a significant site, historically obviously, and needs to be taken care of, he said.

DAN HAMMOCK | GRAYS HARBOR NEWS GROUP Ben Winkelman was sworn in as Mayor of Hoquiam prior to the City Council meeting Monday. Finance Director Corri Schmid performed the swearing in.

DAN HAMMOCK | GRAYS HARBOR NEWS GROUP Re-elected and newly-elected Hoquiam City Council members were sworn in prior to Mondays council meeting. From left: Steven Puvogel, Ward 2; new Ward 4 Councilman Al Dick; Dave Hinchen, Ward 6; Shannon Patterson, Ward 3; Brenda Carlstrom, Ward 5; Elizabeth Reid, Ward 6; and Dave Wilson, Ward 1.

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HPD gets 7 percent hike and new longevity incentive - The Daily World


Editorial: Area youth fortunate to have coaches with longevity – State-Journal.com

Saturday, January 18th, 2020

On Monday, the superintendents of both local school districts asked the Frankfort City Commission for $1.5 million to upgrade the athletic fields at the three area high schools to synthetic turf. While the debate over whether to finance the project played out on the front page, we couldnt help noticing what quietly made headlines on the sports page this week.

On Tuesday, Franklin County High School girls basketball coach Joey Thacker notched his 400th career win. That's quite a feat, but perhaps more noteworthy is his longevity. Thacker, whose Lady Flyers competed in three straight state tournaments from 2015-17 and finished as runners-up in 2016 and 2017, has been pacing the hardwood for more than 20 years.

Frankfort youth are fortunate in that he is not the only local coach with tenure something that is both rare and admirable these days.

FCHS softball coach Tracy Spickard, the schools athletic director and a 2002 inductee in the Kentucky Prep Softball Hall of Fame, will start her 23rd season at the helm this spring with more than 500 wins under her belt. Decidedly absent in the dugout this season will be longtime assistant coach Butch Turner, who recently announced his retirement after more than two dozen years.

To have that longevity with your assistant coaches is almost unheard of today, and I firmly believe it has made an impact with us maintaining the rich tradition of Lady Flyer softball, Spickard told The State Journal.

Across town, Western Hills volleyball coach Kristi Buffenmyer, who was tapped to lead the team straight out of college, concluded a 25-year stint last fall with close to 400 victories, four district championships and seven district runner-up finishes. Her 2001 team advanced to the state tournament as a regional runner-up.

Thank you to these and all local coaches who have dedicated time and energy into what at times can be an underappreciated job. The countless lessons they teach Franklin County youth extend well beyond the playing fields and into life.

See original here:
Editorial: Area youth fortunate to have coaches with longevity - State-Journal.com


It’s Betty White’s 98th Birthday: Here Are 3 Secrets To Her Longevity – mindbodygreen.com

Saturday, January 18th, 2020

Betty White is celebrating another year of life, but if you ask her about her age, she's quick to remind you of one important fact: It doesn't really matter. The sitcom star turns 98 today, and she's still got an active career.

"You don't fall off the planet once you pass a given age," she said in a 1991 interview, "You don't lose any of your zest for life, or your lust for life, if you will."

Now nearly 30 years later, and in the face of continued sidelining of older women in film and television, White has continued to have a successful careerand it's part of her secret to longevity, even if she says she didn't have one.

"I don't have a secret," she said in a 2018 interview with Parade. In the same breath, however, she said she plans to "never" retire. In another interview with the publication, she said, "I just love to work, so I'll keep working until they stop asking."

While she may believe she has no secrets, we think there are a few things White's done in her life that may be to thank for her longevity:

Visit link:
It's Betty White's 98th Birthday: Here Are 3 Secrets To Her Longevity - mindbodygreen.com


Nutrition for Longevity Launches Vegan and Pescatarian Farm-to-Table Meal Kits Nationally – Business Wire

Saturday, January 18th, 2020

RANDOLPH, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nutrition for Longevity, a farm-to-table meal delivery service company focused on supplying delicious, farm-fresh, and high-quality foods based on The Longevity Diet, has announced the national launch of its vegan and pescatarian meal kits. The kits, available as part of Nutrition for Longevitys meal service, can be ordered from the company via nutritionforlongevity.com and will be shipped directly to homes across the continental United States.

Nutrition for Longevitys healthy and affordable meal delivery service provides three full days of meals per week so the food is always fresh and provides customers freedom through the rest of the week. Both the Vegan and Pescatarian meal plans are specially curated by a team of chefs and registered dieticians and are available in either 1600 or 2000 calorie options.

Were very excited to be able to bring the cleanest, healthiest food possible to peoples plates all over the country, said Jennifer Maynard, Nutrition for Longevitys CEO and Co-Founder. We also own and manage the farm where our produce is grown, so this is truly a labor of love. We focus on quality, nutrient-dense food thats non-GMO, and grown with no synthetic chemicals, using the highest-quality seeds that can be traced all the way back to their source. What we are offering is chef-curated meals, from clean, fresh, and seasonally harvested produce delivered straight to our customers doors.

Inspired by the science and principles behind The Longevity Diet, Nutrition for Longevitys meals draw upon lessons learned from geographical hotspots known for inhabitants that live the longest and healthiest lives on record.

Each meal kit includes a breakfast smoothie and either ancient grain oats or a gluten free vegan muffin to get customers going in the morning, fully-prepared lunch salads and an afternoon snack (like rich dark chocolate) to provide fuel for the midday, and a delicious plant-forward or fish-based dinner that can be easily prepared in 30 minutes or less for a fresh, home-made meal packed with flavor and nutrition.

Nutrition for Longevity was founded on the passionate belief that a long, healthy life begins with whats on your plate. To address the nutritional deficiencies in todays commercially-grown produce, Co-Founder and CEO Jennifer Maynard and her team set out to create a farm-to-table meal delivery service that goes beyond organic, restoring food to its natural state so you can support your health according to principals outlined in The Longevity Diet. Learn more at http://www.nutritionforlongevity.com.

Note to Media: To arrange an interview with Nutrition for Longevity co-founder and CEO Jennifer Maynard, obtain samples or images, or to learn more, contact Paul Williams at paul@medialinecommunications.com or 310/569-0023.

See the original post here:
Nutrition for Longevity Launches Vegan and Pescatarian Farm-to-Table Meal Kits Nationally - Business Wire


Rich People Dont Just Live Longer. They Also Get More Healthy Years. – The New York Times

Saturday, January 18th, 2020

Yes, indeed, its good to be rich in old age. According to a new study, wealthy men and women dont only live longer, they also get eight to nine more healthy years after 50 than the poorest individuals in the United States and in England.

It was surprising to find that the inequalities are exactly the same, said Paola Zaninotto, a professor of epidemiology and public health at University College London and a lead author of the study.

The findings, published on Wednesday in The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, emerged from two primary questions: What role do socioeconomic factors play in how long people live healthy lives? Do older adults in England stay disability-free longer than those in the United States?

To answer these questions, researchers from University College London, Harvard University and institutions in three other countries turned to two existing data sets containing more than 25,000 people over 50. They then analyzed how well various factors including education, social class and wealth predicted how long a person would live free of conditions that might impair them from activities such as getting out of bed or cooking for themselves the studys definition of disability-free and healthy.

Everything paled in comparison with wealth. In both countries, wealthy women tended to live 33 disability-free years after age 50 eight to nine more than poor women, the study found. Wealthy men tended to live 31 disability-free years after 50 eight to nine more than poor men.

There are many ways to define wealth. In this study, researchers considered physical possessions such as a home, jewels and artworks, as well as other financial assets such as savings and investments that had been accumulated over a persons lifetime, minus debts. For Americans, the average wealth not to be confused with income was $29,000 for the poorest group, $180,000 for the middle group and $980,000 for the richest group, Dr. Zaninotto said.

Though education level and social class had some effect, neither was found to be nearly as significant as wealth. The researchers did not evaluate race as a factor in England, restricting that countrys data set, which was almost entirely white to begin with, to white Britons. When parsing the more racially diverse American data set by race, the conclusions stayed the same, Dr. Zaninotto said.

Additional study is required to understand why wealth in particular is such a strong indicator of how long someone lives unimpaired, she said, but it was most likely a function of having access to funds when you have ill health.

Corinna Loeckenhoff, director of the Healthy Aging Laboratory at Cornell University, complimented the methodology and made a similar observation.

More wealth means its easier to get to your appointments and access additional services that would not be available to people with less, said Dr. Loeckenhoff, who was not involved in the study. Additionally, poverty has been linked to higher stress levels, which has implications for health, she added.

Beyond that, she said she was curious about the potential role of lifestyle and personality traits. People who were more inclined to save money, for example, might also be more likely to also engage in healthy activity, she said.

But what about all of those people on remote, beautiful islands who seem to live forever? The secret to their enviably long, healthy, lives has little to do with riches, no?

Yes, of course, longevity is also affected by other factors, Dr. Loeckenhoff said. The biggest recommendation is to exercise and eat a healthy diet, she added, noting that the ability to do either might also be affected by wealth.

As far as whether older adults in England or the United States stayed disability-free longer, the study ultimately found that peoples ability to get around in their final years was nearly identical in both countries. The researchers were intrigued by the result, Dr. Zaninotto said, as they had previously found that older Americans tended to be less healthy than older Britons, largely because of obesity.

Read the original here:
Rich People Dont Just Live Longer. They Also Get More Healthy Years. - The New York Times


What your finances say about your health and longevity – Telegraph.co.uk

Saturday, January 18th, 2020

There are a great number of reasons for hoarding wealth security, stability, a dragon-like desire to sit on a huge treasure trove but thanks to a new study you can now justifiably say that topping up your bank balance is a health choice.

The study by researchers at UCL found that having a net household worth of 488,000by the age of 50 adds nine years to your life, compared to those with just 28,000 of assets. The study also found that those extra nine years will be lived in good health because more affluent people are more likely to remain fit, active, and independent in their later years

There's clearlogic behind theidea that being wealthy makes you healthier. With more money comes more stability, access to better healthcare, and improved lifestyle options (a homecooked meal of vegetables is more expensive than a supermarket pizza; and gym memberships can easily set you back 100 a month). According to ONS reports the healthy life expectancy gap between the richest and most deprived parts of the UK is 19 years.

And make no mistake, having a net worth of 488k makes you wealthy. According to a report from the BBC in 2019 based on figures from the Resolution Foundation, the average 51-60 year-old has a total net worth of around 275,000, far short of that nine year life bonus.

Read more:
What your finances say about your health and longevity - Telegraph.co.uk


Amidst coaching carousel, how have Lightning’s Jon Cooper and Jets’ Paul Maurice found longevity? – The Athletic

Saturday, January 18th, 2020

The type of coaching carnage that has gone on in the NHL the past few years is borderline historic.

There have been 27 coaching changes since the 2018 offseason, with 20 of the 31 teams making at least one move. Two teams have fired two coaches (Kings and Flames). Future Hall of Famers such as Joel Quenneville, with three Cups to his name, have been kicked to the curb, as has Cup-winner and gold-medal-winning coach Mike Babcock.

Then you have the Lightnings Jon Cooper and the Jets Paul Maurice, the standard-bearers for the lost art of longevity behind the bench. As the leagues two longest-tenured coaches went head to head Friday in Winnipeg (Cooper two months shy of seven years with Tampa Bay, Maurice just hitting the six-year mark), it begs the question:

How did they do it?

Cooper seems uncomfortable talking about all the coaching changes. These men are his friends, his peers. The old saying youre hired to get...

See the rest here:
Amidst coaching carousel, how have Lightning's Jon Cooper and Jets' Paul Maurice found longevity? - The Athletic


Human Longevity Announces the Acquisition of DoctorsForMe – Yahoo Finance

Saturday, January 18th, 2020

Clients now have access to Massachusetts General Hospital physician network through DoctorsForMe to help treat disease and support long-term health

Human Longevity, Inc., an innovator in providing data-driven health intelligence and precision health to physicians and patients, announced today the acquisition of DoctorsForMe, Inc. The acquisition now allows clients of Human Longevity to access world-class physicians and services of Mass General, well trusted by patients worldwide as one of the best hospitals in the world.

David Karow, MD, PhD, President and Chief Innovation Officer of Human Longevity, commented, "DoctorsForMe uses Big Data and AI technologies to match a patient with a doctor that perfectly matches the patients specific need. The acquisition enables Human Longevity to provide a complete health intelligence solution for our clients from early disease detection to personalized treatment, all with the goal of living a longer, healthier life."


Human Longevity provides unparalleled, precision health analytics to individuals through the Health Nucleus in La Jolla, CA. The Health Nucleus provides an assessment of current and future risk for cardiac, oncologic, metabolic and cognitive diseases and conditions. This is provided via a multi-modal approach, integrating data from an individuals whole genome, brain and body imaging via MRI, cardiac CT calcium scan, metabolic tests and more, using machine learning and artificial intelligence.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200115005207/en/


Debbie Feinberg, VP of MarketingHuman Longevity, Inc.858-864-1058dfeinberg@humanlongevity.com

See more here:
Human Longevity Announces the Acquisition of DoctorsForMe - Yahoo Finance


Learn the longevity secrets of this Chinese city which houses over 1,200 centenarians – The Tribune

Saturday, January 18th, 2020

Nantong, January 13

A towering bronze sculpture of the God of Longevity watches over the city of Rugao in east Chinas Nantong, which is home to an astounding over 1,200 centenarians.

The imposing statue which stands in the garden of longevity is said to artistically depict Chinese deity Shouxing, a bearded old man with a high brow, carrying a crooked staff in one hand, and holding the peach of immortality in his other hand.

The local government prides itself on the large count of people, aged over 100 years, living in Nantong - a port city, attributing it also to healthy habits, fresh air and beauty of nature, blessed by the Yangtze, the mother river of China.

According to senior officials in the Nantong administration, the prefecture-level city, located about 120-kilometer from Shanghai, had 1,205 centenarians till November last year.

Perhaps, the most famous region in east China for being the abode of centenarians is Rugao, a county-level city in Nantong in Jiangsu province.

The number of centenarians in Rugao had reached 524 by January 1, an increase of 84 over the previous year, according to a recent report by the state-run China Daily, quoting the local civil affairs bureau.

The report published on Nantong administrations website also said that there were 16 centenarians aged 105 or above.

Rugao currently has a permanent population of 1.42 million, with 3,91,700 aged 60 and above, 65,200 aged 80 and above, and 9,200 aged 90 and above.

These numbers are much higher than the provincial and national averages, it said.

Yang Deying, 110, is the oldest centenarian in Rugao.

She enjoys her life now with his family and spends time with her great-grand son too. The whole family is having a very wonder life, according to an official at the China Daily.

Yang can still hear, see things, this is an ideal life of someone whose age is more than 100 years. One of her sons, and a daughter-in-law take care of her every day. She has other children too, the official said.

The state-run English daily in partnership with the Jiangsu local government, recently organised a visit to the province for 15 journalists from several countries, who had also visited elderly care centres in Nantong and two other cities.

In a community park in the heart of Nantong in Hongqiao subdistrict, old men can be seen practising Tai Chi (shadow boxing) or reading newspapers, while old women in group perform dance routines inside the elderly-care service centre, neighbouring it.

The subdistrict in Chongchuan district has 35,000 families living with a population of around 100,000, according to officials.

Nearly 18,000 old people live in this area. Through our elderly-care centre, we provide food and other needed services to a section of those people. Medical services are also available at the centre, besides recreational facilities to make them feel engaged. Many volunteers also visit disabled elderly at home to take care of them, a senior official said.

Many of their children are working, so these old people come here and interact with each other, eat food and play games to keep themselves fit and occupied, he said.

Healthy diet and sleeping habits, as well as a convivial environment, are believed to have contributed to longevity in Rugao, earning it the moniker of city of longevity.

We want our Nantong to be a world-class city. Work going on expanding the urban infrastructure and a new bridge being built to connect faster to Shanghai. But, Nantong is also a city having fresh air and the blessing of mother river Yangtze, so many people live for over 100 years, a senior official of Nantong administration said.

The historic city of Nantong is home to several old Chinese gardens, Langshan Mountain National Forest Park, and various architectural heritage.

Located on the confluence of Yangtze River, Yellow Sea and East China Sea, the convergence lends Nantong the sobriquet of Great Pearl from Yangtze River and Sea.

In this salubrious environment, it is not uncommon in Rugao to see several centenarian couples celebrating golden jubilee of their wedding anniversaries, grandparents celebrating birthdays after crossing 100-year mark.

China has witnessed a rise in peoples average life expectancy over the years, from 74.83 years in 2010 to 76.7 years in 2017, according to the National Health Commission.

The average life expectancy for Chinese will go up to 77 years by 2020, one year more than the figure in 2015, the health authorities in Beijing had earlier said.

Chinese view long life as a special blessing and on birthdays and other special occasions for elders, visitors bow before the statue of the God of Longevity, to seek blessings, locals said.

Nantong was named the first longevity capital of the world by the International Society of Natural Medicine and the World Longlife Township Accreditation Committee, according to a 2019 Chinese government publication on the city. PTI

Read the original here:
Learn the longevity secrets of this Chinese city which houses over 1,200 centenarians - The Tribune


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