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Archive for the ‘Longevity’ Category

Oshio’s career in ring had longevity, but limited success – The Japan Times

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Without checking, do you know who has fought the most bouts in professional sumo history?

Hakuho has the most wins (by some distance) but the yokozuna has stepped into the ring over 500 times fewer than former komusubi Oshio.

Even if Hakuho continued fighting for another 5 years without missing a single match, he still wouldnt equal Oshios total number of bouts.

While the Kyushu native didnt have anywhere close to the same winning percentage as Hakuho when he retired in 1981, his 964 wins were the most all time, and to date only Hakuho, Kaio and Chiyonofuji have surpassed that number.

Oshio was still 13 when he decided to join sumo. He made his debut just after turning 14 and, during his first year as a professional, also attended Ryogoku Junior High School in order to complete his compulsory education.

Despite the fact that in his 26-year career he spent 51 tournaments in the top division and reached sumos fourth-highest rank, Oshio didnt have a lot of success.

The Tokitsukaze stable man won the second-tier juryo title on three occasions, but two special prizes and three gold stars for wins over yokozuna are all he had to show for his efforts in the makuuchi division.

For comparison, thats less than another komusubi, Hokutofuji, managed in his first year in the top flight.

After retirement, Oshio established Shikihide stable and remained as master there until handing it over to the present incumbent in 2012.

As a stablemaster it took him 19 years to produce a sekitori-level wrestler. That was a modern-day record.

Oshios son also joined zum but he only managed to make it as far as the fourth-highest sandanme division and retired after just 12 years in the sport less than half the length of his fathers career.

See the original post here:
Oshio's career in ring had longevity, but limited success - The Japan Times


What does proximity to fast food have to do with longevity? – Mother Nature Network

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Fast food is a hallmark of modern living, and while it may be convenient, it's not doing us any favors.

A new study from Penn State, West Virginia and Michigan State universities suggests it's one of several factors contributing to a decline in American life expectancy.

The research, published this week in the journal Social Science & Medicine, found that people living in communities with more fast-food restaurants are living shorter lives. Another major factor found to negatively impact life expectancy was the number of people in a community with jobs in the extraction industry, which includes mining, quarrying and natural gas production. A third key factor was a community's population density, with people living in rural areas having a longevity edge over those in more urban environments. In this case, more people is not necessarily merrier.

Life expectancy defined as the length of time a person born in a specific year can expect to live is one of the most critical ways to gauge a society's overall health. But, after making steady gains over the previous decades, American life expectancy flat-lined in 2014 and then began reversing. From 2014 to 2017, the average years in an American life rolled back from 78.9 to 78.6 years.

"American life expectancy recently declined for the first time in decades, and we wanted to explore the factors contributing to this decline," lead author Elizabeth Dobis of the Penn State-based Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development explained in a press release. "Because of regional variation in life expectancy, we knew community-level factors must matter."

For the study, the team looked at how life expectancy in 2014 has changed from a 1980 baseline on a county-by-county basis. They ended up combing through data from more than 3,000 counties enough to build a comprehensive statistical model that weighed the impact of 12 community variables. They were also able to control for personal variables that are already established as factors on lifespan, including sex, race, education and alcohol use.

"By analyzing place-based factors alongside personal factors, we were able to draw several conclusions about which community characteristics contribute most strongly to this variation in life expectancy."

Their findings? People who lived near fast-food restaurants are having time shaved from their lives.

But that factor wasn't the only thief of time. People who worked in "extraction industries" i.e. mining and oil and gas extraction were also dying younger than those who did not. The population density of a community also had an adverse impact on lifespan. Indeed, the researchers found people living in less dense, rural communities lived longer lives, on average.

It seems at least a few of the reasons why people move to the city conveniences, jobs, and simply to be around more people are also bad for their health.

How bad, exactly?

"For example, for every one percentage point increase in the number of fast-food restaurants in a county, life expectancy declined by .004 years for men and .006 years for women."

Expanding on that grim arithmetic, for each 10 percentage point increase in the number of fast-food restaurants took a 15- to 20-day hit on life expectancy. Researchers found a similar relationship between oil and gas jobs and how long people lived.

"Another interesting finding was that lower population density, or living in more rural areas, is associated with higher life expectancy," study co-author Stephan Goetz adds. "This suggests that living in large, densely-settled metropolitan areas, with all of their amenities and other advantages, comes at the expense of lower life expectancy, at least in a statistical sense."

One thing that stood out to researchers, regardless of a community's density, was how strongly people living there acted like an actual community. Factors like access to doctors and how well people supported each other were seen as having a positive impact on life expectancy.

"We were surprised by the strong positive contribution of social capital to life expectancy within communities," says coauthor Goetz. "Places with residents who stick together more on a community or social level also appear to do a better of job of helping people in general live longer."

What does proximity to fast food have to do with longevity?

A new study looks at the community factors behind the dip in American life expectancy.

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What does proximity to fast food have to do with longevity? - Mother Nature Network


The immune system another contributor to increasing longevity, staying young inside – Cleveland Jewish News

Monday, March 16th, 2020

We talk a lot about avoiding a threat like COVID-19. You likely know avoiding gatherings, social distancing, washing hands, not shaking hands, not touching your face and wearing masks and personal protective gear are important.

But your body is designed to protect you from outside threats. Your immune system is a highly organized and mobile unit, designed to fight to protect you.

Unlike other parts of the body, the immune system is difficult to visualize. After all, you know what the heart looks like and where it beats. But your immune system is just that: a system. It involves a variety of cells and messages between them. Plus, its something that patrols your entire body.

Think about it as any kind of protect-and-defend system it just happens at a microscopic level. It goes through a very similar process as societal defense mechanisms.

And like the city police, state police, FBI, etc., there is a lot of redundancy built into the system, designed to help you. Your skin serves as the first, outer shield to your insides. Even protection for your ears thats what wax is for nose and lungs have filters and cilia that act like brooms, trying to make sure bad stuff from the outside stays outside.

Once inside, or against an inside renegade like a cancer cell, this defense system goes into action. Its what rushes in when you scrape yourself. When you have a cold or are sick from a virus, your immune cells recognize some nasty stuff causing problems and send in other immune cells to fight them. The result of that fight is what you see or feel coughing, runny nose, inflammation, fever and things of that sort.

You also might see it when you cut yourself or twist an ankle. Redness or swelling are a result of those immune cells identifying a problem and sending in cells to heal the area. Ultimately, its what heals you.

Yet when we talk about vibrant longevity, its not just about how your body handles the flu or a bum joint. Its much more about how your immune system handles the major threats that if not defeated, will kill you, like MERS, SARS, COVID-19 or a cancer. Strengthening your immune system is key for keeping you young inside.

It should be noted your immune system, after you turn about 50, loses some of its juice. It is less able to identify and attack invaders, which is the reason self-engineering your immune system is vital and you should do all you can to keep it in top shape.

Tips for self-engineering your immune system

Quality sleep: Poor sleep is associated with decreased immune function and decreased rate of vaccines working, for that very reason. That means not only getting at least 7 hours of sleep, but also making sure its quality sleep. Good sleep hygiene, meaning no screens in the bedroom and not eating for a few hours before sleep, is crucial to making sure you get rest. Getting great sleep for several days prior to a flu shot boosts its success in protecting for influenza viruses.

Manage stress: One of the major threats to your immune system is chronic stress, which causes a cascade of hormonal responses that weakens your immune function over time. And while were of the belief theres no such thing as total stress relief stress is simply a byproduct of living a fulfilling life we believe there are ways to self-engineer the effects that negative and chronic stress can have on the body. Of course stress management can take many shapes and forms, and you should engage in those activities that work for you, as long as theyre healthy a nightly assembly line of martinis does not qualify. Meditation, deep breathing, social connections by phone or video chat in this time of social distancing, and at least 10 other techniques have been shown to increase immune function.

Enjoy healthy food: Vegetables are natures best protective medicine theyre fortified with so many good-for-you compounds and nutrients. When it comes to preventing or fighting enemies of longevity, if theres one thing you can do to help reduce your risk, its to make a conscious effort to cover more of your plate with veggies and fruits. Make them great-tasting, and it helps to avoid red and processed meat, simple sugar, syrups and carbs that are not 100% whole grain. The best approach is to diversify your portfolio of fruits and vegetables think leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, berries and citrus fruits.

This will help improve the chances that all your micronutrients vitamins A, B, C and D, and minerals like zinc and selenium are covered. Its also a good idea to supplement with half a multivitamin-multimineral supplement twice a day (morning and night) to ensure all of your bases are covered. Taking it for several weeks prior to a flu shot is another way to boost the flu shots success in protecting you for influenza viruses.

Move, move, move: Any movement is great, but increasing progressively over time can boost immune functioning. Note, though, that over-exercising is associated with decreased immune function. Training by running continuously for more than two hours, or biking more than two hours continuously, would classify as over-exercising, as doing more than two hours of exercises continuously causes inflammation and depresses your immune system.

Cut out toxins: This includes vaping, smoking cigarettes and consuming too much alcohol.

Cover your cough.

Get vaccines.

Wash your hands.

Yes, you get to engineer your immune system so it can help you ward off the current headline threat, as well as the big longevity stopper cancer. Take the opportunity.

Dr. Michael Roizen writes about wellness for the Cleveland Jewish News. He is chief wellness officer and chair of the Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic.

See original here:
The immune system another contributor to increasing longevity, staying young inside - Cleveland Jewish News


Crew – Issues of longevity – Superyacht News – The Superyacht Report

Monday, March 16th, 2020

The industry often bemoans the impact of transient crew those who want to work on superyachts for a few years to make some money and then leave. A simple way to increase crew longevity in the industry would be to present the sector as a fruitful career pathway to retain crew for longer as well as attract those with longer-term career prospects. By offering long-term career paths, the industrycan attract the most professional candidates.

A big part of this would mean introducing more professional employment packages. The industry can find it difficult to retain talented crew and often this is due to a lack of balance between crew work and personal life, says Lien Eggermont, senior yacht placement consultant at Viking Crew. Especially within junior roles, where rotation packages are non-existent, working on superyachts can make someones personal life challenging, so it is not seen as a long-term career. Unfortunately, because the industry is so rigid with giving crew time off, it is often not possible for some to maintain it as a long-term career.

Another factor that would help to encourage longer careers in the industry is ensuring crew have access to continual professional development. We sell a lot of mandatory training, but we really struggle to sell non-mandatory training, said John Wyborn, co-founder and director Bluewater, who was speaking during a panel discussion at The Superyacht Forum 2019. The industry should be setting out the standard of the skill sets that we want our crew to have and we should be training for them. It shouldnt matter what the MCA says; it should be us who actually determines the skills that we want our crew to have, especially with entry-level crew.

The industry should be setting out the standard of the skill sets that we want our crew to have and we should be training for them...

This includes having a better culture of on-board mentoring throughout the industry, something that is often found lacking. We run the Officer of the Watch navigation and radar course, which is supposed to be a fairly advanced level of navigation, but it isnt because the students have all forgotten [what] they have ever learnt on their Yachtmaster course, added Wyborn. Crew are not prepared for the courses and it is because there is no support for learning on board. Whether its mandatory or non-mandatory training, the culture of learning in our sector is rubbish and we have to change that as a matter of urgency.

Chloe McFarnell, yacht placement consultant at Viking Crew, agrees there would be an improvement in crew retention if owners invested more in training. You have to keep crew interested by showing professional development. If you feel disposable, you are not going to be giving your best, she explains. Yachts should encourage career development by sponsoring courses or even hiring trainers to come on board. If the yachts programme allows it, the chef should be encouraged to go to a local farm and taste the local produce, or the stews to visit a local vineyard to learn about local wines.

The industry should also enable easier transitions into shoreside roles so that crew would not see their time in the industry as a gap year but rather as a potential stepping stone to a fulfilling career that includes time at sea and time ashore. For example, a broader acceptance of GUEST the training and assessment standards available for interior superyacht crew would act as recognition of the high level of service achieved by interior crew.

It is about time that managers, recruitment companies and captains started recognising and asking for GUEST, added Wyborn. This would mean that crew could make an easier transition to a boutique hotel group, private jet or many other organisations where a high standard is employed.

Superyachts can create the right on-board environment forfostering longevity through training, employment packages and on-board working conditions. While there will always be a need for transient crew to some extent, the industry should be looking to attract more career-minded crew into yachting to professionalise the industry and, consequently, enhance the experience for owners and clients on board.

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Viking Crew


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Original post:
Crew - Issues of longevity - Superyacht News - The Superyacht Report


Smart investing to beat longevity risk – Mail and Guardian

Monday, March 16th, 2020


Sanlams actuarial tables show that on average, someone born in 1967 could live to age 95. Increased longevity means we could be retired for as long as weve worked. Say you start working at age 25 and retire at 60, thats 35 working years. If you live to age 95, thats another 35 years a 1:1 ratio! Sounds amazing in theory, but is it feasible in practice, financially? Thats where a long-term strategy of investing in growth assets is key.

With increased longevity comes the urgent need to invest in growth assets. Fred White, head of Balanced Funds at Sanlam Investment Management (SIM), co-manages the SIM Balanced Fund along with Ralph Thomas. White believes that investors are choosing balanced funds as a long-term return oriented solution.

We believe investors do not choose balanced funds for volatility management; such solutions are more likely to be found among the absolute return funds. They come to a balanced fund because they want growth, White says. Thats why we will, on average, have a bias to growth assets.

White points out that over the 20 years since the turn of the century, despite Y2K, the burst of the DotCom bubble, the Global Financial Crisis and pressure on growth assets in recent years, local equities have still significantly outperformed bonds. R1 invested in SA Bonds at the start of 2000 would have grown to R7.30 at the end of 2019, but to R12.40 if it was invested in the All Share index.

Growth assets do come with the complication of larger drawdowns, though. The most important thing that investors need to remember is that drawdowns recover again and over the very long term the outperformance of growth assets over bonds has been consistent. White warns that investors need to prepare themselves for interim periods when growth assets do underperform, but the timing of such events is nearly impossible to predict. Therefore, if you have a bias towards growth assets you need a supplementary protective strategy that reduces drawdown risk.

White and Thomas spend the bulk of their time either looking for ways to enhance returns or finding protective strategies that supplement their growth bias.

An example of how the managers enhance the returns of the Sanlam Investment Management Balanced Fund is the funds exposure to a unique basket of international real assets a carve-out from one of the Sanlam UK-based absolute return funds. White says: These real assets tend to have long-term rental contracts in place with built-in inflation-linked escalations. The real assets include property, infrastructure and renewable energy, but also interesting assets such as music rights and aircraft leasing.

White and Thomas understand the longevity challenge that investors face and they manage the SIM Balanced Fund so as to maximise long-term growth without taking on undue risks. Even our share options have been folded into units in the fund we manage, and they only start vesting on the day we retire, White says. We are fully invested alongside our clients for many years to come.

For additional information and disclosure please refer to the MDD (Factsheet) on the fund webpage: https://www.sanlaminvestments.com/corefunds/Pages/simbalanced.aspx

Read more from the original source:
Smart investing to beat longevity risk - Mail and Guardian


How to achieve super health. – Thrive Global

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Four things are at the very top of the list in most studies of health & longevity. The four take turns being #1. They are, in varying order: exercise, sleep, meditation (stress reduction), and diet / nutrition.

You can learn the basics of the first three in a few hours each, using tips here. Then if you simply do them, many of your life problems will be solved!

The last, diet/nutrition, you can spend the rest of your life on. You can learn and definitely get better at it, which I encourage. However, no one will never understand it fully. The scientific knowledge and the studies conflict, the rules change, each person is unique, and even when you find something that works for you, sooner or later, it wont. You have to learn, and adapt. Its worth it. (Oh, obviously get rid of bad habits like smoking, excess alcohol, etc, which are more or less in this category.)

However, there is a fair amount of agreement on eating habits to be found. As a scientist, I have spent decades researching this topic. Rather than go into detail on diet here, lets move on to the easy things.

Re exercise,Yoga, Tai Chi and older traditional forms appear to be better, but most anyexercise that keeps you moving, especially with complete range of motion and tonear exhaustion, will work if you do it regularly. Simple walking is ofbenefit too, as found in studies of people who sit at a desk for variouslengths of time. Longer sitters die younger, so get up occasionally and move.In fact, even passive motion confers significant benefits, by increasinglymphatic circulation.

Sleep is vastly underrated in modern society. Some people even brag about getting by with little sleep. Dont fall for it. Our ancestors got a LOT of it; they slept while it was dark, so they averaged around 9 hours, and certainly more than 6 hours. People who sleep well are statistically much healthier and live longer than other people. They are happier, they do better at work, and in their relationships. While studying nutrition, the more complicated topic, I kept finding these sleep studies. For just one example (of many), a study found that 6 hour sleepers are 4 times more likely to catch a virus than 8 hour sleepers. In these times, that is a stark warning.

There is more to learn about sleep, but it still isnt that complicated. I will post more in future articles.

I can mention one interesting thing here that you probably do not know; studies find that sleeping in motion produces the best quality sleep you can get, regardless of how many hours you have to sleep. Gentle motion produces faster sleep onset, more stage 3 sleep (the most desirable stage), and more sleep spindles (a measure of cellular repair). It produces better EEG (thus deeper relaxation while asleep, or even when awake), and has other benefits. Its far more enjoyable too. Of course as your own mother would tell you, it already worked for you.

There are several ways to benefit from motion during sleep. You can get a boat, a hammock, or other devices, if you can live with the drawbacks. Another technology to provide the most relaxing motion is a Floating Bed http://www.floatingbed.com There is a lot of science on this. It doesnt cost you precious time either, since falling asleep more easily and faster actually saves you time.

Meditation is the unsung hero here, butmost people wont take the time to do it, which is too bad. I encourage you tofind a simple technique that works for you. It works wonders for stress,health, and peace of mind. It feels nice, and it helps break the habit ofworrying so much.

Thats the basics of what you need to know to be healthy, happier, and have a long life. My hope for you is that you are happy and well, that you dont have any bad luck, and that you can do these things and that you enjoy a more beautiful life! Stay tuned for more.

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How to achieve super health. - Thrive Global


Know Your Life Expectancy And The Larger Implications – Forbes

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Life expectancy in the U.S. rose slightly in 2018, after a few years of flagging. Add to that the frightening number of Americans who underestimate the average life expectancy. Then roll in what the U.S. Census says that 2030 will mark a tipping point at which older Americans will outnumber children and 1 in 5 people will be retirement age.

This recipe of numbers may present an opportunity for well-positioned marketers and entrepreneurs, but most importantly, it should serve as a wake-up call for people whose nest eggs might not be in the best shape. The takeaway for most Americans who are lucky enough to be able to save and invest is to ensure life expectancy is a facet of your financial and retirement planning and that it is accurate or even a bit overestimated. And in the case of aspects of your nest egg for which you personally dont determine life expectancy, find out what life-expectancy figure is used and how it was determined.

Behind The Slow Rise

In a wealthy and industrialized nation like the U.S., you might be surprised that life expectancy does not just steadily rise. But when you look at the big-picture numbers, youll see things like the opioid epidemic dinging life expectancy. The early 1990s even saw an actual decline in life expectancy in the U.S. due to the AIDS epidemic.

Bringing it home to a personal level, you of course might be part of a larger trend, but should more likely be focused on family health history and lifestyle factors when asking, Just how long will I probably live? For the most part, your genetics and family health are what they are, but you can affect changes in your health and longevity when it comes to lifestyle.

There are plenty of resources out there to help you assess and improve the factors you can. Apart from that, be prepared to take a clear-eyed look at your likely life expectancy and plan accordingly.

Estimating Expectancy

So, what are the right age expectancy numbers to work with? U.S. life expectancy (at birth) is 78.7. At age 65, a man can expect to live to 84 and a woman to 86.5. Again, there are many individual and environmental factors in play, but this gives you a ballpark idea of the real averages.

Retirement and financial planning sites tend to use life expectancy figures above those estimated by unbiased sources like the Social Security Administration. Again, its better to skew high on the expectancy, which in the best case means you have a nest egg cushion. Youll be ready to beat the odds with the third of Americans who make it past age 90 and even the one out of seven who make it to 95.

Seeing Silver

Lets focus now on the so-called Silver Economy: the aging U.S. population often touted for its spending power. On the flip side, the hope which for now seems to be warranted is that businesses are not just eager to serve seniors, but are adapting, growing and innovating to do so. This at first may just take the form of businesses managing marketing and messaging so that seniors feel well served. Next, those businesses are going to need the bandwidth to serve the larger volume of older Americans.

But where business and seniors both win is the nexus at which companies develop new ways of doing business, new products and even new industries to serve the onslaught of older customers. The accompanying shift in thinking should not be, What do seniors need? but What do people need? and then viewing that through a lens of the graying of America.

That broader perspective helps ensure seniors have not only more traditional senior services, but any and every other product and service they need and want. So, this would include not just skilled nursing care, for instance, but also day-to-day services and technology tailored to seniors.

Focusing This All On You

Make it a point to get at least a ballpark idea of your own life expectancy for retirement and planning purposes and find out how those handling things for you are making the same determination. Again, the idea is not to fixate on the inevitable, but to ensure your retirement and financial planning includes this important question: How long are you going to need your money to last?

For your own calculation, consider using a variety of longevity tools and then working with an average. You might choose one no-cost life expectancy calculator from a major life insurance provider, another from the Social Security Administrationand another thats very lifestyle oriented.

Keep your eye on the horizon to create or be served by opportunities that are evolving to serve the countrys aging population. From Gen Alpha and Gen Z up to and through boomers, who knows what products and services will be improved or invented as we roll to our newfound life expectancy?

The information provided here is not investment, tax or financial advice. You should consult with a licensed professional for advice concerning your specific situation.

Read the original post:
Know Your Life Expectancy And The Larger Implications - Forbes


Column: The real secrets to living longer – The San Diego Union-Tribune

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Last week, in this space, I made reference to an Internet site that claims to predict longevity.

Its a reminder of the many breakthroughs the World Wide Web has provided.

Today, with a simple touch of the keyboard, you can find out what your credit score is, make reservations to fly to Paris, or pay your utility bill.

Or determine if your fiance has an arrest record, or discover you inherited a fortune from a Nigerian uncle you never knew you had.

And, now, even determine how many years you have left.

According to such longevity sites (there are numerous), all you have to do is provide some personal data and answer a number of lifestyle questions, and up pops your expiration date.

The best part of the exercise is that you can tweak your answers to buy additional time.

Most of the responses, such as your age, your parents longevity, or your health history, cant be altered. But there are a number of areas where adjustments can be applied.

Like diet.

If you stated, for example, that you tend to eat red meat and high-calorie foods, but replace those answers with high-fiber plant-based choices, the longevity numbers climb. Its actually a great tool to find areas where lifestyle changes can pay dividends.

In my case, after only a few modifications, I was able to add five years before the need to consider any sort of excavation.

And I can add two more by simply checking a particular box instead of the one I had originally selected.

Thats the one about gender.

Now Im wondering if I checked the right box, since, according to the site, women automatically get a two-year extension.

So its something I have to give some serious thought to. Its not that Im unhappy with my gender, but two years is two years, so Im not prepared to simply dismiss the idea of gender modification. Not if it means becoming the beneficiary of such a huge windfall. It just depends on whether its sufficient to simply declare the transformation or if surgery is involved.

But besides lifestyle changes, I have discovered another virtually foolproof way of prolonging life. It has to do with name selection. That may sound implausible, but the facts dont lie.

Take the name Bertha. I once saw it in an obituary, and it stated that the deceased had reached the age of 99.

Then I saw another such notice with the same name, only this time Bertha had passed at the age of 104.

At first, I thought it was a coincidence, but since then, every time I see a Bertha in an obituary, shes either near or beyond the century mark.

I had mentioned that to my wife when we were expecting our first child.

We hadnt selected a name yet, so I tried to convince her that if we named our child Bertha, there was an excellent chance the kid would live to be 100 or more.

But my wife is stubborn. She insisted we call him Christopher.

Contact humor columnist Irv Erdos at IrvErdos@aol.com.

Continue reading here:
Column: The real secrets to living longer - The San Diego Union-Tribune


With sparkle and glam, Vaca birthday girl toasts 107 – Vacaville Reporter

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Rocking a bejeweled crown and a fashionably-oversized pair of hot pink rhinestone-studded glasses, Pearle Williams held court Friday at Cornerstone Assisted Living in Vacaville.

Twas an early celebration of her 107th birthday, which is Saturday.

As an exuberant chorus of Happy Birthday swelled around her, the queen of the hour lounged in her wheelchair throne. All around her blush pink balloons waved, a memory board filled with photos served as a backdrop, a lushly frosted cake ringed with colorful roses beckoned and a huge roomful of friends, fellow residents and staff applauded.

I dont know what I owe my longevity too, Williams mused moments before she blew out her birthday candles and the singing started. Im not used to this.

Lourdes Dunham, Cornerstones activity director, fussed over her.

I had to bribe her, she admitted, about getting the spunky Williams to don the fanciful accessories, with this chocolate cake. She loves anything chocolate.

Seems the birthday girl was born in 1913 and grew up in Chicago. She was the oldest of three girls and outlived her sisters, Lillian and Sylvia.

She remembers the cold, living through a multitude of wars and the Depression, and the name of every American president. There were also weekend movies for a nickel and bags of popcorn for the same price.

Williams also told of fun Saturdays that involved dancing and a drink or two.

I liked a little bit of bourbon, she confided.

She married her sweetheart, who later joined the Navy. They would later have a son and a daughter, both of whom would give her her beloved grandchildren.

Williams told a wild tale of being pregnant with her son.

I was in labor, she recalled. Two women and a cousin took me (to the hospital). The bridge was out.

The other women were frightened and holding their breath, she continued, but everything turned out for the best.

These days, the youngster-at-heart enjoys simple pleasures.

I like to sleep, she said. Getting her hair done is also on her priority list.

Dunham shared that Williams is also a gamer.

Shes still playing bingo, still playing poker, the activity director said.

Her secret to longevity?

I inherited some good genes, she offered, adding that she also eats lots of fruits and vegetables.

Fellow residents and friends said her outlook is special.

Even when shes having a bad day, eventually she smiles and comes around, shared Betty Corison.

Shes always in good spirits, chimed in Rita McCain.

Louise Lester has known Williams for about seven years and said they formed a tight bond.

Pearle is just a great person. Shes a sweetheart, she said. Im proud to know her and be a friend of hers.

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With sparkle and glam, Vaca birthday girl toasts 107 - Vacaville Reporter


Cemented the bond – Legendary Coventry City skipper on amazing times, longevity and life after playing days – Coventry Telegraph

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Michael Doyle achieved an incredible career milestone this month when he hit the 800 game mark - almost half of those in a Sky Blues shirt.

He admits it doesnt seem five minutes since he was on trial at Coventry City as a fresh-faced 21-year-old, unable to break through at Scottish giants Celtic in 2003.

Recommended by then Sky Blues assistant Eric Black, whod coached at Celtic Park, he caught the eye of then manager Gary McAllister in a couple of reserve team games at Highfield Road before being handed a contract and starting a long and affectionate relationship with the club.

He enjoyed eight years first time round and then made a triumphant return in 2017 to lead the club hed grown to love to promotion out of League Two.

I know when I got to 700 career games it was when I was at Coventry and the year we got promoted and I wasnt really aware of it, said Doyle , speaking to CoventryLive.

The 38-year-old is still going strong at Notts County where hes played over 30 games this term and showing no signs of slowing down with the club sixth in the National League and pushing for a return to League Two.

I always knew I was in high numbers but it wasnt until I hit 700 and a few of the lads were joking about it. So to be a year and a half or whatever it is down the line to get to 800, Im delighted but its not something that I really look at for myself.

I think its more other people picking up on it.

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You can follow our Sky Blues reporter Andy Turner on Twitter, and his email address is Andy.Turner@reachplc.com

Its a big achievement and its had a bit of publicity on the back of that, and Im really pleased but just enjoying playing.

Thats the most important thing, that I still enjoy playing and its not a struggle. My body isnt breaking down on me and thats the enjoyable part about it.

Theres clearly an element of natural fitness but whats the secret of longevity in football from a player who has managed to avoid serious injury for 20-odd years?

I have always looked after myself and enjoyed doing that in the summers and things like that, he said.

I have always trained hard when other people werent and I have always enjoyed keeping myself fit.

I enjoy getting out for a run in the close season. I wouldnt say its been easy for me but thats what I enjoy doing when I am away from the football. So that obviously helps, the fact that I enjoy doing it.

Theres one other secret that Doyle was adhering to meticulously years before it became the norm.

From when I first signed for Coventry some 18 years ago I was always big on hydrating, he said.

I was always drinking three or four litres of water a day and it obviously helps. I will be really hydrated most days and I have been for most of my career.

Its part of the job. You need to hydrate before and after training, and it helps your body recover, so its something I have always been massive on over the last 20 years.

Its rare youll see me without a bottle of water but thats the same for most players now. But I was doing that 18 years ago, always walking around with my big bottle of water.

If you want to be a footballer or any sort of sports person you have to look after yourself, make sure your diet is right and what youre eating and drinking is a given, you know. Because if you dont make the sacrifices you wont be able to do it at any level.

In his second season at Meadow Lane, the Irishman is showing no signs of hanging up his boots any time soon.

So is he good to go for another season?

Yeah, of course I am, he said confidently.

I have only missed ten games through suspension this season so thats down to myself. I havent missed any training and Im enjoying it.

I dont think Ill be retiring through my body letting me down. Its a case of so far so good and unless I am unfortunate to pick up a heavy injury which means I cant play and its long term then I will probably think, right, next stage of my life.

But at the minute I am just enjoying every minute.

I do consider myself very fortunate to still be playing regularly because I have a lot of friends whose bodies have let them down a long time ago and had to retire. So I feel very lucky.

Asked if his fondest memories of his Sky Blues career, which spanned 371 appearances and 26 goals, are getting promoted at Wembley in 2018, he said: Without doubt.

Listen, I probably took the first eight or nine years, not for granted, but we were a mid-table Championship club often fighting relegation and never had a run of the play-offs or anything like that.

The Championship is a big division and full of fantastic teams with big followings, and Coventry were as well, so it was an amazing time.

But going back is something I never really expected when I left Coventry but when I did, with the situation they were in, it was an amazing time to top it off by getting a promotion.

And that kind of cemented the bond I have with the club because I went back and achieved something, so that was nice and made the bond a lot stronger.

When he left for a second time, in January 2019, Mark Robins left the door open for him to return to the club in the future in a coaching capacity.

But thats certainly not on the agenda at this moment in time for the evergreen midfielder.

Listen, of course when I stop playing I certainly want to stay in the game, he said.

Thats what I want to do, be a coach or whatever and work in football.

Theres no doubt thats what I am going to do when I finish playing but right at the minute were trying to get ourselves promoted at Notts County.

We are in a good position and I am just fully focused on that to be honest with you.

Read more:
Cemented the bond - Legendary Coventry City skipper on amazing times, longevity and life after playing days - Coventry Telegraph


More women aged 60-64 in work than not for first time in UK ONS – The Guardian

Monday, March 16th, 2020

For the first time in the UK, there are more women aged 60 to 64 in work than not, according to an analysis of data from the Office for National Statistics.

The number of older women in work has increased by 51% since changes to the state pension age were introduced in 2010, the data reveals. This contrasts with an increase of 13% in the number of working men aged between 60 and 64 over the same period.

Experts have described the increase as seismic, with profound implications for the economy and for women in later life.

Supporting people aged 50 and over to remain in the workforce could add an additional 1.3% to GDP a year by 2040. But while it is an opportunity for some women, for others it is the culmination of inequalities that have built up over a lifetime, remaining in low-paid, insecure or poor quality work and delaying retirement through financial necessity,said Patrick Thomson, programme manager at the Centre for Ageing Better.

For many other women this will be a positive choice, with work providing financial independence, an opportunity to save for retirement, meaning and purpose, he added. The rising state pension age has clearly had an impact on womens working lives. But while longer lives and changing patterns of work mean many of us can expect to work for longer, its vital that people are able to be in work that improves their current and later lives.

Because of the delays to womens state pension, Julie Kumalinga is only able to retire because she can rely on her husbands pension. Aged 60, she is on a zero-hours contract as a passenger assistant for children with special needs. Before that, she spent a decade working for a care company that did not have a pension scheme.

If I was single, I wouldnt be able to afford to retire at all, she said. Its grossly unfair: no women should be forced into poverty in retirement.

Kathryn Morgan, a corporate business trainer aged 61, is keen to continue working. Morgan divides her time between the UK and teaching in Slovakia. I dont think I will ever retire as long as Im healthy, she said.

Stuart Lewis, founder of Rest Less, a jobs and volunteering site for over-50s, said: The rapid increase in the womens state pension age since 2010 has had a profound impact on women in their 60s: the employment rate of women aged between 60 and 64 has increased from 34% to 51% in just 10 years.

But as well as adjusting to the financial implications of the new state pension age, the added frustration for many comes from the continued challenge to find meaningful work in their 60s when age discrimination in the workplace remains all too prevalent, he added.

Patrick Thompson of the Centre for Ageing Better said: This is a seismic shift, with profound implications for the economy and for women in later life.

David Sinclair, the director of the UK International Longevity Centre, warned that while in recent decades there have been increases in employment levels of older people, we shouldnt get too excited.

The employment rates of men, for example, were actually higher in the 1960s. Weve got a long way to go if we want to maximise the longevity dividend, he said.

Too many older people are forced out of the workforce too early, whether that is due to ageism or poor health. Too many people want to work longer but cant, he added. Good work can be good for us. But if the additional jobs are not good jobs, we could be simply storing up problems for the future.

Caroline Abrahams, the charity director at Age UK, said: We are calling on the government to make sure they factor in the reality of life for middle-aged people before making any decisions about further raising the state pension age.

Age UK is firmly of the view that the triple-lock needs to stay in place, because it is not yet job done when it comes to eradicating pensioner poverty which is now on the rise yet again with 2 million older people living below the poverty line.

Read the original:
More women aged 60-64 in work than not for first time in UK ONS - The Guardian


Make the Most Out of Your Samsung Galaxy S20: Here are 5 Things You Can Do – Science Times

Monday, March 16th, 2020

(Photo : Aaron Yoo on Flickr)

Are you looking for a new mobile phone to buy? More than the price, you surely take the features on top of your priorities for your deciding factors. Some of the best choices you might want to include in your phones to buy are the newly-launched devices under the Galaxy S20 Series. This series of new devices offer new software features users might be looking forward to.

Recently, the tech company has revived the things users can do with their Galaxy S20 Ultra, S20 Plus, and S20, from restarting the devices to enabling gesture navigation, taking screenshots and more.

These latest updates are coming from a combination of the Android 10 OS of Google and the UI 2-software layer ofSamsung.

Along with these updates are man new features to identify. There may be a lot, but the 5 features and functions below are helpful enough to make you decide to buy (or not buy) the Galaxy S20 devices.

ALSO READ:iPhone 12's Supposed 'Killer Feature' Revealed: A Threat to Samsung's Galaxy S20?

If you already have the Galaxy S20, you will discover that the things you can do with your phone are more than just 5-there's a lot of them. The ones below though, are worth-trying. Surely, you will discover more as you navigate through this phone trying the features below.

AGalaxy S20 ownerclaimed, since she tried the new 'gesture navigation' feature, there's no way he'd go back to the custom navigation keys. Enabling the feature is so simple: from 'Settings,' look for the option, 'navigation type,' and opt for the 'full-screen gestures.' If you find the 'hints' choice unnecessary, you may disable it.

The 'power saving protocols' ofSamsung for One UIuse a behavior known as the "sleeping" app. Some users though are not that fond of it. For them, this "sleep" mode is causing the apps used infrequently to have severely restricted ability for the background to run. The main idea here is that the users who are installing several apps they don't even use, and those particular apps, together, are creating an "incremental battery drain" a number of their check-ins, and their "background processes" that compromises their phone's quality, durability and longevity. This feature may be an advantage for you though if you are not that techie enough to use a smartphone.

Samsung is known for allowing its users to startlingly few icons on theirhomescreen grid. However, with phones, now as large as they are, there really is no reason not to maximize the homescreen. Simply look for an empty area on your homescreen and "long-tap" on that area; tap the homescreen settings, set both your app and home screen layouts to the largest "5X6 configuration" to allow for more than enough space for a lot more activities on your phone.

If you are using the Google app, chances are, you are receiving weather notifications. If you are, you then, no longer need a secondary app, to send you a similar set of notifications just like how Google does. Just tap "settings", choose the "Weather" option, and disable or turn off all notifications for the Weather app. One thing for sure, it won't affect the weather widget on your homescreen. The needless and useless notifications about some information that you don't need as well are just prevented.

When theSmart alertis on, the phone vibrates every time the user picks it up for any new call or message that's coming in while the device is not in use. For many users of this smartphone, this is a bit bothersome. But if you a so busy and you tend to forget, or are not mindful of your phone all the time, this feature is for you. With the strong buzzing each time a new notification comes in, you definitely won't miss a single communication sent to you.

Go here to read the rest:
Make the Most Out of Your Samsung Galaxy S20: Here are 5 Things You Can Do - Science Times


Start Spring With More Asparagus In Your Cooking – Longevity LIVE

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Start Spring off by improving your health with asparagus. This Spring vegetable is not only a tasty seasonal treat. It also has intriguing health benefits. In fact, asparagus will start Spring off by giving you a quick folate boost. It ranks high up in this department along with broccoli and spinach. Better yet, the vegetable contains antioxidants including vitamin C and carotenoids, other vitamins, minerals and fibre. Therefore it is probably one of the most beneficial vegetables.

Interestingly, major studies state that when you eat lots of fruit and vegetables there is a much lower risk of mortality, especially death from cardiovascular disease. On average, each additional serving of fruit and vegetables a day reduced mortality risk by about 5%. But asparagus contains benefits that exceed most vegetables and fruits. It also has compounds that help regulate blood pressure. This might reduce hypertension risk which is a major factor in cardiovascular disease.

Other than its delicious flavor, asparagus can also help fight cancer. Its good for your brain and may even help you slim down. Theres no nutritionally dense vegetable quite like asparagus to start Spring off healthier. Just remember that its best to eat your asparagus as soon as you buy it. Pair it with lots of other spring vegetables and flavors. Were thinking peas, garlic or baby potatoes.

According to research, the health benefits of asparagus extend far. Apparently it can help promote ahealthy pregnancy, improved fertility, relief from the pre-menstrual syndrome, and improved bone health. Moreover, this yummy vegetable may even help you to manage conditions like diabetes, hangovers, cataracts, rheumatism, depression,neurodegenerative diseases, and convulsions. Better yet, it could also reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and blood cholesterol.

It is also brilliant for digestive health and has shown anticancer potential. You dont need to worry about your waistline either because just 1 cup of cooked asparagus contains only40 calories. It also provides you with 4 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber and 404 milligrams of potassium. We need lots of Potassium in our bodies because it regulates blood pressure. Researchers state that asparagus also contains a compound called asparaptine, which helps improve blood flow and in turn helps lower blood pressure.

Besides tasting amazing, this spring veggie is filled with reasons to enjoy it with your meals. Lets explore some benefits and why you should eat more asparagus.

Start Spring right with this nutrient-packed vegetable. Experts explain that asparagus is an excellent source of fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, E and K, as well as chromium. This is a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells. So if youre trying to keep an eye on your blood sugar then this is great news for you.

For your information, asparagus is part of the herbaceous plant family. This includes avocado, kale and Brussels sprouts. Start Spring with asparagus because its especially rich in glutathione which is a detoxifying compound. This compound can help break down carcinogens and other harmful compounds like free radicals.

Thats why eating asparagus may help protect against and fight certain forms of cancer, such as bone, breast, colon, larynx and lung cancers.

Youll find that asparagus is one of the top-ranked fruits and vegetables for its ability to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals.

This is a great way to start Spring because it could help you slow the aging process and reduce inflammation.

Asparagus is an incredible addition to your cooking because it promotes a healthy brain which is key to living a happy, long life.

This is an integral anti-aging property. If you start spring with this delicious vegetable, you might help assist your brain in fighting cognitive decline. Like leafy greens, asparagus delivers folate, which works with vitamin B12-found in fish, poultry, meat and dairy-to help prevent cognitive impairment.

Moreover, studies using older adults with healthy levels of folate and B12 performed better on a test of response speed and mental flexibility. Therefore, if youre over age-50, then be sure youre getting enough B12. This is because your ability to absorb it decreases with age.

There are more studies demonstrating that asparagus racemosus is effective in reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Some of which include Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and Huntingtons diseases. Theyve linked these benefits to the presence of phytoestrogens in asparagus which have certain neuroprotective effects. Neurodegenerative diseases are genetic or periodic conditions affecting the neurons of the human brain. The issue is that the body doesnt normally have the ability to replace the damaged neurons.

As you may know, depression is forever increasing around the world. We need to do as much as possible to help alleviate some of its symptoms.

Scientific research is showing the efficacy of asparagus racemosus as an anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drug. You see, now you can also help start Spring off on a happier note. Asparagus may even help enhance memory, increase the production and secretion of estrogen, and revitalize and calm the nervous system. A pretty amazing way to start Spring, right?

Asparagus contains high amounts of a nutrient called inulin. This is a kind of complex carbohydrate, commonly known as prebiotic.It does not get digested until it reaches the large intestine, where it is fed upon by a kind of good bacteria like lactobacilli. Inulin aids in the improved absorption of nutrients.

Start Spring with asparagus because it is also packed with high levels of the amino acid asparagine. This acts as a natural diuretic. Increased urination not only releases fluid but helps rid the body of excess salt. This is especially beneficial for people who suffer from edema (an accumulation of fluids in the bodys tissues) and those who have high blood pressure or other heart-related diseases.

You might also be wondering why eating asparagus causes a strong urinary odor. Well, experts explain that asparagus contains a unique compound that, when metabolized, gives off a distinctive smell in the urine. Young asparagus contains higher concentrations of the compound so the odor is stronger after eating it.

Fortunately, there are no harmful effects, either from the sulfuric compounds or the odor. So you can happily start Spring by cooking with more asparagus!

When shopping the most common type of asparagus is green. However, you might find two others in supermarkets and restaurants: white, which is more delicate and difficult to harvest, and purple, which is smaller and fruitier in flavor. No matter the type you choose start Spring with this vegetable. Asparagus is a delicious, versatile vegetable that can be cooked in a variety of ways or enjoyed raw in salads.

A hectic lifestyle and poor diet affect the number of essential nutrients taken on a daily basis. Heres why eating good foodis the best way to get the right balance of vitamins and minerals.

5 Powerful Health Benefits of Asparagus You Probably Didnt Know. Eating Well. http://www.eatingwell.com/article/17129/5-powerful-health-benefits-of-asparagus-you-probably-didnt-know/

17 Impressive Benefits Of Asparagus. Organic Facts. https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/vegetable/health-benefits-of-asparagus.html

Cancer: Treatments & Home Remedies. Organic Facts. https://www.organicfacts.net/home-remedies/home-remedies-for-cancer.html

Whats New And Beneficial About Asparagus? The Worlds Healthiest Foods. http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=12

The Unique Health Benefits Of Asparagus. Noted. https://www.noted.co.nz/health/health-nutrition/asparagus-the-unique-health-benefits

Follow this link:
Start Spring With More Asparagus In Your Cooking - Longevity LIVE


Orpheum Theatre To Celebrate 100 Years – thejournal-news.net

Monday, March 16th, 2020

by Mary (Galer) Herschelman

In March 1920, a bootlegger from Panama spent $75,000 to build the Orpheum Theatre in downtown Hillsboro.

One hundred years later, the theater is still an iconic building in the downtown area where movie lovers of all ages meet to see the latest flicks.

According to current theater owner Jeff Eisentraut of Hillsboro, Jack JD Williams of Panama began construction on the building in the fall of 1919. Williams owned a speakeasy in Panama during the coal mine boom of that era.

Then Prohibition hit, Eisentraut said. Mr. Williams was a prominent bootlegger making his own alcohol and needed a place to spend some of his money. $75,000 went a long way back then.

At that time, the theater building was two stories, but featured only one movie screen with a balcony.

Eisentraut said Williams owned the business for only six months before selling it to Ed Fellis, the owner of the Opera House, which was also downtown.

He operated it as a movie theater until 1945, when he sold it to Frisina Theaters. It was later sold to Norman Paul of Carlinville in 1975. Paul operated the theater, along with several others in the area, until the 1990s, when he sold it to Gene Dickey, who operated it for a short while.

The Eisentraut family moved to Hillsboro in 2003, when Jeff heard a theater was available in the downtown area. Growing up in the theater business, Eisentraut and his family had previously owned and operated theaters in the Iowa area.

We had to find Hillsboro on the map, Eisentraut said with a smile. We came down in November of 2003 and 30 days later we moved in.

For a time, Jeff and his wife, Julie, resided in the upstairs apartment of the theater with their four children, Cary, Maddie, Alex and Bailey. Now, not only has their family grown to include spouses and grandkids, they have also added several theaters to the mix throughout the Midwest.

Now, the family is marking a special milestone in the very theater that brought them to town.

To celebrate such a historic event, the Eisentraut family is going to take moviegoers back in time. They will have a special event on Sunday, March 22, which is the day the theater opened 100 years ago.

Tickets for this special event are $.25, and are limited to four per person. The evening will include hors d oeuvres, as well as a Vaudeville-type show from the Imagine Hillsboro Theatre Group. Cary Eisentraut will serve as master of ceremonies, with remarks from Jeff Eisentraut and Hillsboro Mayor Brian Sullivan. Eisentrauts son-in-law, Chris Swed, will also perform card tricks.

Following the Vaudeville show, they will play Pollyanna, which is a silent film, and was one of the first to play at the Orpheum.

Eisentraut said for the first seven years of the theaters existence, movies were silent.

In addition to the special showing, they have joined the special #ShopHillsboro event that day with The Journal-News, the Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce and Imagine Hillsboro. Patrons who shop and eat downtown that day will have a chance to register for a special prize from the Orpheum, which is one-year season pass for the winner and a guest to the theater.

Businesses will also be encouraged to decorate their shop with a favorite movie theme. The Eisentrauts will pick a winner, and that business will be treated to a special, private screening of that movie.

And while the movies may have changed over the years, the Eisentrauts hope theatergoers still find the same thrill of going to the movies each and every time.

The thing that has given this theater such longevity is that people tend to remember moments that have happened here, Eisentraut said. Maybe they went to their first movie here when they were 15 or had their first date here. People may not remember the exact date, but the theater tends to be a marker in peoples lives.

See the article here:
Orpheum Theatre To Celebrate 100 Years - thejournal-news.net


Here’s how to make your food last during the coronavirus – Bangor Daily News

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Micky Bedell | BDN

Micky Bedell | BDN

Learning how to make food last longer can help limit trips to the grocery store.

As of 1 p.m. Friday, March 13, test results show that two Maine residents have tested presumptive positive for the coronavirus. Click here for the latest coronavirus news, which the BDN has made free for the public. You can support this mission by purchasing a digital subscription.

Now that the novel coronavirus has officially made its way to Maine, people have been stocking up on food, preparing for potential social distancing, self-isolation or self-quarantine. Canned and non-perishable foods especially have been flying off the shelves.

If you are worried about your stockpiles of more perishable food going to waste, there are ways to keep food fresher for longer. Besides, even though it is smart to stock up on pressure-canned beans, meat and vegetables and for long-term storage (here are some tips for organizing that stockpiled pantry, by the way), maintaining your health with fresh, healthy food is never more important than in the face of a global pandemic.

You can still go to the grocery store while practicing social distancing, self-isolation and self-quarantine, but the best way to keep yourself from getting sick is to avoid going out as much as possible. Here is a roundup of tips to make sure your food stockpiles will last as long as possible, and that you dont waste anything that might be valuable to use.

Sam Schipani | BDN

Mesh produce bags holding various forms of produce at the Hannaford's on Union Street in Bangor.

[Do you have questions about the coronavirus? Ask us here.](this was last shared on FB at 12pm Thursday)

Fruits and vegetables all have different requirements for storage. Some stay crisp in the refrigerator, while others will dry out in the cold. Produce, like apples, onions and tomatoes, emit a gas called ethylene as they ripen and should be kept away from produce like cucumbers, peppers and leafy greens that are sensitive to the gas and will spoil faster if stored with ethylene-emitting fruits and vegetables.

Here is a comprehensive roundup of the best way to store all different types of produce to make your fresh food stores last as long as possible.

Storing food in the freezer will not only prevent spoilage, but it will help preserve some of its quality. Here are some foods you didnt know you could freeze for longer storage. You can also save a range of foodstuffs in old ice cube trays to use for later, including broth, buttermilk and bacon drippings.

Though transmission of the novel coronavirus to persons from contaminated surfaces has not been documented, current evidence suggests that it may remain viable for hours to days on surfaces. If you do venture out to the grocery store, that means taking extra precautions while grocery shopping. Given the number of hands that dive in and dig around in produce bins, it would be wise to take extra precautions by washing your fruits and vegetables in a disinfecting wash. Heres how to make your own produce wash from white vinegar, water and lemon.

Hydrogen peroxide will give leafy greens an extra boost of freshness and longevity. Add one tablespoon of three percent hydrogen peroxide to a spray bottle filled with water and spritz your salad greens before returning them to the fridge. Wash thoroughly before eating to avoid any unpleasant tastes.

If you can get your hands on it, hydrogen peroxide is another way to make a produce wash. A simple combination of hydrogen peroxide and water serves as an inexpensive, Food and Drug Administration-approved, alternative to pricey fruit and vegetable washes. Add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of water to get rid of any lingering microbes when cleaning your produce. Rinse thoroughly before eating to avoid lingering flavors. Here are some other uses for hydrogen peroxide, as well as everything you need to know about cleaning with hydrogen peroxide.

Though canned beans are convenient, dried beans are cheaper, healthier and more sustainable than their canned counterparts. Proper storage will help them last without getting moldy or drying out. Heres how to properly store dried beans for maximum longevity.

After cooking, save the ends of the green onion bulbs with the roots attached. Place the bulbs root-end down in a small jar or glass and add enough water to cover the roots. Set the jar on a sunny windowsill, and, after about two weeks, your green onions will have formed long green shoots, and you will be ready to reap the rewards (yes, this trick works).

Leeks and fennel can be regrown with the same technique, though they take a little longer to grow. You can put the heart of romaine lettuce and the base of celery in water and it will regrow leaves. Many herbs including basil, mint and rosemary can also be placed in water to grow new roots and transfer to a pot of soil.

Reutilizing food scraps will make sure that nothing goes to waste. Here is how to make your own vegetable broth out of vegetable scraps, and how to make your own turkey broth out of a bird carcass (the same, more or less, goes for a chicken carcass).

Please dont replace the CDC recommendations for cleaning with only orange peels. If cleaning products are not available at stores and your house is getting a little stale after some time in self-isolation, citrus rinds can help freshen things up. Heres what you can do with all those leftover lemon, orange and lime peels.

Watch: Symptoms of the coronavirus disease

Original post:
Here's how to make your food last during the coronavirus - Bangor Daily News


A Leather Company With Longevity: McKinley Leather Furniture – StyleBlueprint

Monday, March 9th, 2020

Lori Sedowski lived in, on and around furniture her whole life. From a young age, she followed and learned from her father through many of his jobs within the North Carolina furniture world, gleaning hands-on experience of the ins and outs of the entire process from building to covering to selling. In 1989, Lori and her father started McKinley Leather Furniture together with Loris sister. From the beginning and now more than ever Lori has helped build her family business into one of the most respected furniture manufacturers in North Carolina. Her knowledge of this luxurious material and creative incorporations of it into the home have made Lori somewhat of a leather furniture guru and we learned a lot from her. Get to know this impressive, community-involved and quality-driven executive and hear some of her best furniture advice and stories.

For more insightful words from Lori, check out her blog, Loris Corner. Image: Bob Huffman

I grew up in the furniture manufacturing world. My father was the General Manager of Hickory Hill Upholstery Co., and I worked various jobs in the office and factory during summers. When I left home for college, my father had changed jobs moving to a leather furniture manufacturing company, Hickory International Leather. I worked with him in merchandising on a part-time, temporary basis. Mostly, I helped accessorize and set up their Market showrooms. I originally studied education in college, but then graduated with a degree in business administration. When I graduated, it just felt natural to go out on the road as a manufacturers rep.

Leather is an emotional covering. It is amazing to see the colorations and various textures that our tanneries have developed. I love the natural aspects of leather. Even though you have a specific article, each hide is unique. I love seeing how it all works together.

Weonlyhave 24 full-time employees, so we are a small, boutique operation. We always personally interview applicants and look for those with experience. We have had a very low turnover since we started in 1989, but now those employees are retiring and we have an extremely difficult time hiring new craftspeople. The skilled labor shortage is one of our greatest challenges right now. Larger companies are paying signing bonuses and even getting government incentives for their workforce. We always hope that if we can get them in our door and work within our small business, family culture that they will stay. Unfortunately, higher wages from my competition has taken quite a few of our employees. It is an ongoing battle.

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The North Carolina furniture industry is thriving in spite of inconsistent business. Creativity abounds throughout this industry, and it is exciting seeing how others are responding to the challenge to remain relevant in this ever-changing business climate.

I have four sisters and my parents raised us to dream high and not allow gender to define our capabilities. My advantage is that I have strong attention to details that many men would overlook, and I have the tenacity to take care of those details. This can also be a disadvantage, as I can miss the big picture from focusing on the smaller parts.

Its apparent: the Sedowski family (Lori is pictured with her father on the far left, her husband and two sons) is as tightly knit and beautiful as the seams of the leather pieces they create. Image: Fanjoy Labrenz

All of our projects are fulfilling to me. The Industrial Revolution and manufacturing are built on repetition. I enjoy the assembly-line feeling of doing the same task, keeping an eye on quality and maintaining efficiency. There is always a bit of excitement, even in this rigor and rote, because leathers have their own life and require finesse for the most beautiful outcome.

However, our custom projects present more challenges. Its like traveling to a place where you dont speak their language. You have to listen to their ideas and figure out how to bring them to life. Heather Daily (a renowned Southern interior designer) brought a challenge to us about 18 months ago. Her desired designs incorporate hand-lacing across two adjoining pieces of leather, like on corners, that would not normally have even been sewn together. McKinley customers have loved taking Heathers designs and methods and applying them to their visions. To me, thats what its all about inspiring others to take our designs, along with Heathers designs and personalize them with their own flair.

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It feels like a sham to me when a piece of furniture is beautiful on the outside, but not built well inside. A customer cannot see that part, but they will clearly feel the effects within a relatively short time period. At the very least, leather itself is chosen for its longevity (four to five times longer than many fabrics), so the inside construction has to be built to last as long as the leather. But for me, its more elementary than that. I dont change furniture very often I select items that I love and dont want to give them up. My team and I want to build furniture that will last through generations and that only comes with a solid foundation. We have found that hardwood frames with joints that fit well for a strong base and 8-way hand-tied spring suspension will uphold substantial wear. Our end goal is always integrity and beauty we would never even consider not starting on the inside.

A McKinley craftsman upholding the beauty is only great when matched by what is inside philosophy. Image: Facebook

McKinley Leather has always operated on short two- to three-week production lead times, so it is second nature to us. We continue to partner with quick, responsive suppliers so that I can fulfill my commitment to our customers. Since we are a custom furniture builder, rather than one who works from cut and sewn covers in a limited selection of leathers, it is a struggle to have the right materials on hand. We depend on historical data to achieve this. My track record is very good on this, except for when it might be the most important when we open a new account or hire a new sales rep. In these cases, we know we have something to prove, but they frequently order/sell something that is off the curve. Thats really where the partnerships come in to play we work with suppliers that will go to bat for us when we miss our forecasts.

I talk a lot about furniture lasting a long time, but this does not mean that cushions dont soften and relax with use. As cushions soften, your weight presses lower into the seat and the leather on the seat cushions stretches as low as you go. Customers usually want a soft seat when they first get their furniture but are then unhappy with the amount of wrinkling and puddling that occurs. Furniture will only get softer as it is used, so we would prefer to firm up our cushions on initial orders. Unfortunately, many customers really want that softness from the very beginning.

Another common problem is fading from heat or light. Once leather has faded, you cannot go back at least not much. Uniters North America sells some phenomenal products in their Leather Masters line and can offer some remedy, but its better to select the correct leather for intended usage. Leathers that have a pigmented topcoat (designated in our line as Aniline Plus Pigment, or AP) work better in a room with direct sunlight or heat from multiple windows like a sunroom, but they are still not infallible. We recommend investing in windows that block UV rays to protect your furniture and flooring. Its shocking how quickly an unprotected full aniline leather can fade. Our beloved leather sofa, chair and ottoman (30 years old) were originally placed in our basement. When we moved to a new home, we placed this furniture in a sunroom. We do not have direct sunlight coming into the room, but quite a few windows. The furniture started noticeably fading within one week. We had already had this set for 14 years. We replaced our windows immediately and the fading subsided, but we were unable to recover the original coloration.

How unique is this two-toned circular ottoman? McKinley makes staples and statement pieces alike. Just take care of your leather, they ask! Image: Facebook

Loaded question! I have a hard time parting with any piece of furniture that I own. The leather sofa, chair and ottoman mentioned before were built 30 years ago. The leather is faded but still intact. I know that my friends think we are crazy when they enter our house and see it still there especially since we build so much furniture but it carries so much history for us. My older son (whos now 23) raced his cars across the ottoman, leaving scratches. Our various dogs have created their circular nesting path on the chairs seat cushion. Its comfortable and we use it daily. We even have a leather chair that we had built for and then inherited from my husbands father more than 30 years ago. Other than a button that is hanging loose, it is still beautiful and my favorite seat in the house. I always think of Big Joe every time I sit down. I have more pieces that I want to keep for the rest of my life, like a custom sideboard that we had made for our dining room. It has served our family Christmas and holiday gatherings for more than 20 years. I dont think I need to go on each piece carries a story and it comes back to our family. THIS is why we commit to making quality furniture to last for a lifetime. It seems self-defeating in a world that needs repeat customers, but we want to build furniture that can transcend generations because I am sentimental and thats where my heart is.

Thank you, Lori, for this lovely leather-covered conversation. Find out more about Lori and McKinley Leather here.


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See the article here:
A Leather Company With Longevity: McKinley Leather Furniture - StyleBlueprint


Aging Parents And Longevity: The Big Issue That Affects Families And How To Fix It – Forbes

Monday, March 9th, 2020

So often, we hear about folks declaring that theyd like to live to be 100. Most of us are probably more likely reach the average life expectancy of a little over 78 years for men and about 81 years for women in the U.S. In places where excellent healthcare is available more people surpass average life expectancy and more often reach their 90s and beyond. Is this a great thing?

stubborn old man

Its time for a reality check. Longevity in aging parents can be wonderful but it can also be very difficult to manage.

Take the case of Bertrand, age 91, well fixed financially. He is confused but still driving around and participating in some activities. He loses track of his bills. His memory is shot. He cant take care of his bedridden wife, but he hires helpers and they take advantage of his confusion. His only son, Dominic, lives an hour plane flight away but he has his own family and his own problems and cant be available at every moment. Bertrand authorized Dominic, to be his agent on his Durable Power of Attorney to help with finances. When his son tried to step into one of Bertrands messes, Dad pushed him away and said he would not allow it. What is Dominic to do?

The burden on Dominic is overwhelming. Of course he wants his dad to have a long life, but now that creates problems he never thought about. He sees his father showing signs of dementia, but Bertrand refuses assistance with the very thing most needed: managing money. That leads to the danger of Bertrands assets being depleted, as no one is keeping track of them. Dominic called his fathers estate planning attorney to ask what to do.

His attorney cant make Bertrand honor the Durable Power of Attorney he signed, as anyone can revoke such a document as long as one is still competent. Bertrand is at the last edge of competency to handle money but hes too stubborn to admit it. And hes also too stubborn to give up control and allow his son to help him.

Is there a way out of this dilemma? Perhaps. Bertrands physical health is fragile, as he has numerous diagnoses and goes to his doctor often. Dominic also is appointed on his fathers Advance Healthcare Directive, which gives him the opportunity to speak to Bertrands healthcare providers. He can call the main treating doctor and explain the situation. The estate planning lawyer told Dominic that with a letter from that doctor stating that Bertrand is incapacitated for managing his finances, Dominic can take over the family trust even if his Dad doesnt want him to do so. Thats how the trust was written. Now Dominic has to get the letter and break the news to Bertrand, which is likely to set off a firestorm from Bertrand. Dominic knows that taking this next step is the only way to keep his parents finances safe. He is at least in good position that he just needs one letter from dads treating doctor to move forward to protect his dad.

Diminished financial capacity is an issue many adult children face with parents who live to be 90 and more. Mental capacity to manage money may not last for an entire lifetime, no matter how good an aging parent was at this before. At times, the children have to take over against the elders wishes. Some estate planning attorneys correctly predict this possibility and make the trust language easier to work with when a parent has to be removed from the position of authority. Other lawyers put horribly burdensome language into the trust, almost forcing the adult children to go to court in a pitched battle between parent and child when the parent is cognitively impaired. Here at AgingParents.com, where we mediate family conflicts like the one between Bertrand and Dominic, we see the dangers of badly written trusts. What does your parents trust say about possible incapacity? It is well worth a discussion!

Here are some points to find out about and correct if you need to do so.

Notice that what Dominic needs to do with his father is directed by the words a lawyer put into legal documents for Bertrand. It is worth the effort now for you to find out what might be your responsibility in the future and see that it is workable for all in your family. Getting a trust amended (changed in this particular limited way) is generally not a long nor expensive task.

See original here:
Aging Parents And Longevity: The Big Issue That Affects Families And How To Fix It - Forbes


Beverage For Longevity: Drink This Hot Cup Daily To Increase Life Expectancy – International Business Times

Monday, March 9th, 2020


How to live longer is a quest that almost everyone engages in. A lot of people are conscious of the kind of food they eat, as well as the kind of beverages they drink. One hot drink that has been proven to help in lowering mortality is green tea. By drinking this daily, you would be able to increase life expectancy.

The Evergreen Studies

A study conducted in Japan by the Department of Public Health and Forensic Medicine showed how daily green tea consumption could result in reducing mortality. The study involved 40,530 people aged between 40 and 79.

The participants did not have a history of coronary heart disease, stroke, or cancer at the start of the experiment. They found after the 11-year experiment that green tea did wonder for the overall health of the participants and significantly reduced mortality rates. green tea for longevity Photo: Free-Photos - Pixabay

In another study that was published in ScienceDirect, it also ascertained how consuming green tea was associated with the same great benefits as with other studies concerning mortality rates.In the above study, the researchers from the Department of Epidemiology at Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine investigated around 14,001 elderly citizens who were between 65 to 84 years old.

They completed a questionnaire, which asked them about the frequency of their green tea consumption. The researchers found that those who consumed up to 7 cups of green tea a day lived longer compared to those who consumed less than a cup.

As per the Division of Health in Warwick Medical School, it showed how green tea would create highly favorable effects, especially on getting the heart healthy and avoiding cardiovascular diseases.Aside from this, they also found out that green tea can help lower bad cholesterol. It also staves off high blood pressure. With all these great benefits that green tea provides to the body, you will experience what it is like to be healthier the moment you consume green tea.

More Longevity Tips

In addition to drinking green tea daily, try to engage in a more active lifestyle. Try to engage in cardio exercises daily; you can spend 30 minutes a day to exercise. Also, try to control your blood sugar and blood pressure. Getting these under control will also help in giving you more years.

Read the original here:
Beverage For Longevity: Drink This Hot Cup Daily To Increase Life Expectancy - International Business Times


Home And Life Show Longevity Thanks To Community – PembinaValleyOnline.com

Monday, March 9th, 2020

To furnish your home, buy exercise equipment, find a realtor, or financial advisor, you don't have to travel far to find everything you need.

For nine years, the Morden Home and Life Show has been holding its signature trade event, showcasing the numerous businesses within the community, with over 50 vendors featured at this year's event which happened Friday and Saturday at the Access Event Centre.

Morden and District Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Candace Olafson says the event's longevity is only possible due to community support.

"Each year, we get lots of people to check out the show, and that keeps our vendors coming back. We're always impressed with how many people who go and check it out, and of course, our vendors. They put in a lot of work, and there are just a lot of great businesses here."

You never know what you're going to find, says Olafson, a new business, product, or service you didn't know existed.

That exposure and hard work from businesses do make an economic difference, giving them an excellent opportunity to market themselves.

"People know what it is, and it books up quickly," she says. "Exhibitors want to be part of this show and showcase their business."

Read this article:
Home And Life Show Longevity Thanks To Community - PembinaValleyOnline.com


Is Calorie Restriction the Panacea to Good Health and Longevity? – Men’s Journal

Monday, March 9th, 2020

As we age, it can seem like our bodies are breaking down. We lose our hearing, our vision, our mobility, and our memory. We develop back pain, neck pain, diabetes, and depression. But one recent study, published in Cell, suggests calorie restriction is a comprehensive way to solve most aging ails.

Aging, the studys authors say, is to blame for the functional decline of tissues in the bodya process that can be delayed, though not stopped, by caloric restriction. So the solution to aging gracefully is conceptually the same as skipping dessert, or not having that extra slice of pizza but amplified on the scale of years.

The researchers observed two groups of lab ratsone group ate 30 percent fewer calories compared to group two, which was on a normal diet. The researchers controlled their diets from when the rats were 18 months old through 27 months old. In humans, that period is comparable to 20 years.

When researchers looked at the dieting rats cells, extracted from fat tissues, livers, kidneys, aortas, skin, bone marrow, brains, and muscles, they didnt see the effects of age. At the end of the diet, these rats tissues and cells were nearly identical to those of young rats.

One specific phenomenon of the aging rat cells was how the inflammatory response agents changed. In the dieting rats, there was a repressed inflammatory response compared to the rats on a normal diet.

Not only did the study pinpoint the role of caloric restriction in aging, but it also gave researchers a detailed look at how a single cell ages. The discovery moves researchers closer to fully understanding aging on a cellular leveleven developing drugs and medical strategies to prolong healthy lifespans.

The study, of course, isnt the first to focus on the effects of caloric restriction. Many studies have already been conducted showing that cutting down on the number of daily calories you consume will extend your lifespan.

One study conducted in 2018 and published in Communications Biology tested caloric restriction on grey mouse lemurs. The primates were fed a 30 percentreduced caloric diet over 10 years. Not only were the dieting lemurs healthiertheir motor capacities, cognitive performance, and general health were all mostly intactbut they also lived longer. The lemurs normally live 12 years, but the primates in the dieting group outlived those in the control group, which all died within 11.3 years.

Other studies yet, including another conducted with primates and a 2018 study conducted on humans, proved calorie restrictions role in fighting age-related disease. Calorie restriction sustained over several years may help to decrease risk of chronic disease and prolong life, said Leanne M. Redman, the lead author of that 2018 study, published in Cell Metabolism.

Another study, conducted in 2015 by Taiwanese researchers, found that calorie restriction in dieting improves muscles during middle age. Caloric restriction is the only non-pharmaceutical and non-genetic strategy that increases the lifespan of animals and provides health benefits, the researchers wrote. That study appeared in the American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism.

And even if it isnt your goal, cutting down on calories is a great way to shed pounds. Whereas most diets simply limit the amount of foods youre able to eat (e.g. keto, vegan, paleo) or track the time youre allowed to eat (i.e. intermittent fasting), the research in all these studies is different.

It doesnt advocate eating fewer carbs or eating less frequentlyjust eating less in general. And as hard as it may be to not fill up at mealtime, it will hopefully be easier knowing that, in the long run, youre helping your body to stay healthy longer.

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The rest is here:
Is Calorie Restriction the Panacea to Good Health and Longevity? - Men's Journal


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