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Archive for the ‘Longevity’ Category

Matt Roberts: the exercise regime that will help you stay younger for longer – Telegraph.co.uk

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Go up a gear with jogs and bike rides

When you feel fitter, make some of this daily activity a more moderate intensity, such as a spin on an indoor bike, some fast-paced walking or a light jog. Moderate-level cardio should be done three days a week, says Roberts. The level should feel like a seven out of 10 intensity. You should be able to have a conversation but should also be raising a sweat.

This helps fortify the heart and control your blood pressure and blood glucose levels. We need to be more active than we think, says Roberts.

To really fine-tune your heart and lungs, and trigger cellular regeneration as you age, you need high-intensity exercise, too. We are designed to be challenged and we adapt fast, says Roberts. If we are not pushed, cellular redevelopment starts to slow.

Roberts recommends two to three high-intensity sessions per week. For those getting back into shape, a body weight circuit, or sprints on an indoor bike or rowing machine, are all good options. But if you are feeling fitter, try some sprint intervals outdoors, or a sweaty home cardio circuit with med ball throws and kettlebell swings.

Muscle mass and bone health decline with age, making you vulnerable to injuries and impairments, but there is a way to fight back. Weight training helps retain muscle mass and supports nerve function and bone density, explains Roberts. By increasing the resistance pressure, or the overload, we also increase our central nervous stimulation response which helps with our hormone production levels. This in turn helps to regenerate tissue cells, muscles, tendons, ligaments, hair and skin.

Roberts suggests doing resistance training twice a week. Start with simple exercises, such as squats, lunges and press-ups, for three to sixweeks, then build up to heavier weights, with 6-8 reps per lift. If you dont have dumbbells at home, you can try the smart body weight techniques Roberts is now using on Zoom workouts with his clients. The key is to keep it varied, he explains. You can build in pauses, holds, different ranges of motion and different speeds to work your muscle fibres. With a simple squat, for example, you might hold the position midway through, so you're building tension in the quads and inner thighs. This is called a static contraction and is used in rehab to create strength quickly. Just using a chair to do a step up, and changing the speed of that step up, by moving up slowly for 2 seconds, and down slowly for 3 seconds, is another good example.

Sitting on an indoor bike will build your fitness, yes, but playing a racket sport or team sport when were allowed to will also protect your grey matter. Find sports that encourage you to think, advises Roberts. Tennis is very analytical. Youre always working out a strategy, which is good for your synapses and your nerve endings. When you have to react quickly, it involves a vast amount of electronic responses in your brain, which is anti-ageing.

A strong core will protect your posture and flexibility as you age. As we get older, we get more joint issues and back pain which stops us doing things and leads to inactivity, explains Roberts. Thats why he suggests doing 10-15 minutes of mobility and activation exercises before each workout. Planks, V-sits and glute bridges work well, but yoga poses like the downward dog or child pose are also good for mobility.

This kind of supplementary work can also help to prevent more serious injuries as you age. If you lose your stability in your back, shoulders and hips, your chances of falling go up enormously, says Roberts. Even if you hurt your ankle or knee, your level of activity gets reduced and thats when people gain weight. So keep up a good mobility programme, whether it is through Pilates or foam roller work, so you keep feeling agile and young.

The moment we stop moving properly, the older we feel.

Read more:Matt Roberts: My body fat and fitness levels are the same at 46 as they were at 20

Read more:A health test said my biological age is 41, but Im only 30

Matt Roberts: the exercise regime that will help you stay younger for longer - Telegraph.co.uk


Does Oral Sex Increase Your Risk Of Throat Cancer? – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

According to recent studies, around 70% of oropharyngeal (the back one-third of the tongue, tonsils, soft palate, and the side and back walls of the throat) cancers may be caused by HPV. What does this have to do with oral sex, you ask? Well, in addition to being spread during anal and vaginal sex, HPV can also be spread through oral sex (as well as close skin contact during sex).

Whats more, a new study has found that the timing as well as the intensity of oral sex may also serve to greatly increase your risk of oropharyngeal cancer.

A recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal CANCER found that having oral sex with more than 10 previous partners was associated with a 4.3-times greater risk of developing HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer. The study also found that starting oral sex at a younger age and having more partners during a short period of time were linked to a higher likelihood of having HPV-related cancer of the mouth and throat.

For the study, Dr. Virginia Drake, MD from Johns Hopkins University, and her colleagues asked163 individuals with and 345 without HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer to complete a behavioral survey.

Totaling the results, Dr. Drake and her colleagues found that individuals who had older sexual partners when they were younger and those with partners who had extramarital sex were more likely to have HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer.

Our study builds on previous research to demonstrate that it is not only the number of oral sexual partners but also other factors not previously appreciated that contribute to the risk of exposure to HPV orally and subsequent HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer, said Dr. Drake. As the incidence of HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer continues to rise in the United States, our study offers a contemporary evaluation of risk factors for this disease. We have uncovered additional nuances of how and why some people may develop this cancer, which may help identify those at greater risk.

In addition to throat cancers, HPV can also increase your risk for cervical cancer more than 9 of every 10 cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV. HPV can also cause genital warts.

There are a few things that you can do to reduce your risk of contracting HPV. The Mayo Clinic suggests the following:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, after theHPV vaccinewas recommended in 2006 in the United States, quadrivalent typeHPVinfections decreased by 86% in female teens aged 14 to 19 years and 71% in women in their early 20s.

You can visit your local clinic to receive an HPV vaccine. It should be noted that HPV vaccinations only prevent new HPV infections they cannot treat existing HPV infections or diseases.

HPV doesnt really display symptoms in fact, most people dont even know that they have it.

This is why its important to go for regular screenings. A pap smear will help detect any abnormal HPV cells found in the cervix. Detecting it early can help to manage as well as prevent progression to cancer.

Women should go for regular Pap smears every three to five years.

To protect both you and your partner during oral sex, Avert suggests the following safe-sex tips:

Its also advisable to avoid oral sex altogether if you have:

The use of PrEP can help curb rising HIV infection rates. It can also help make living with the condition much more manageable. So, heres everything that men need to know about PrEP.

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Does Oral Sex Increase Your Risk Of Throat Cancer? - Longevity LIVE - Longevity LIVE


Tom Brady’s TB12 Brand Launches Podcast on Peak Performance – The Beet

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Tom Brady has proved to the worldas he plays his 21st season as the oldest QB in the league that a plant-based diet is great for longevity, strength, and endurance. Some people can barely believe that Tom Brady has achievedsix champion rings and is still going strong on a mostly plant-based diet.

Over the years he and hisbusiness partner and body coach, Alex Guerrero have evolved their strategies into TB12, the company that offers plant-based protein powder, recovery drinks, and other performance fuel, as well as one best-selling book and a host of other equipment to help athletes inspired by Brady's success reach their owner personal best. Now they are adding to this content and product suite a new way to connect and learn from the master: TB12's podcastcalled TheKeep Going Podcastis launching today, hosted by TB12 CEO John Burns. Theshow will promote the companys messaging around a holistic approach to health for athletes and everyday desk jockeys alike. The episodesfeature conversations about healthy dietary options that do not revolve around meat and dairy and will showcaseathletes andhealth and nutritionexperts who share a passion for longevity and how to best live anactive, healthy lifestyle.

Theaudio showfocuses onthe intersectionof sports, health, plant-based lifestyle choices andof course how you can use all the TB12products to reach your performance and wellnessgoals.Tune into the Keep Going podcast with John Burns and guests, startingtodayon Spotify or Apple Music.

Excerpt from:
Tom Brady's TB12 Brand Launches Podcast on Peak Performance - The Beet


Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market 2021 In-Depth Analysis of Industry Share, Size, Growth Outlook up to 2027 | CohBar, TA Sciences, Unity…

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Aging is a natural process, yixue anti-aging, refers to some with inhibition, delay the aging process of the body, can promote the overall health, make the body in the genetic factors within the life limit to maintain a better intelligence and physical strength.Aging, however much you may be reluctant to do it, is a natural part of life.Skin can appear as the lapse of years a variety of problems are like furrow, flabby, chromatic spot, dark dumb etc.Anti-aging is to help reduce the production of free radicals and increase skin elasticity by supplementing antioxidant substances, while supplementing collagen or enzyme, anti-aging dietary therapy and anti-aging skin care products can effectively delay aging.

It is our aim to provide our readers with report forLongevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market, which examines the industry during the period 2020 2026. One goal is to present deeper insight into this line of business in this document. The first part of the report focuses on providing the industry definition for the product or service under focus in the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report. Next, the document will study the factors responsible for hindering and enhancing growth in the industry. After covering various areas of interest in the industry, the report aims to provide how the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market will grow during the forecast period.

The major vendors covered:CohBar, TA Sciences, Unity Biotechnology, AgeX TherapeuticsInc, PowerVision Inc. and more

Get a Free Sample Copy @https://www.reportsandmarkets.com/sample-request/global-longevity-and-anti-senescence-therapy-market-size-status-and-forecast-2019-2025?utm_source=jumbonews&utm_medium=38

The Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report between the years 2020 2026 will highlight the current value of the industry. At the same time, there is also an estimate of how much this line of business will be worth at the end of the forecast period. As it is our goal to maintain high levels of accuracy at all times, we will take a look at the CAGR of the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market. We make sure that all the information available in this report has excellent levels of readability. One way we achieve this target is by Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market segmentation. Going through the report for 2020 2026 will bring our readers up-to-date regarding this industry.

While examining the information from this document, one thing becomes clear, the elements which contribute to increase in demand for the product or service. At the same time, there will be a focus on what drives the popularity of these types of products or services. This report is for those who want to learn about Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market, along with its forecast for 2020 2026. Information regarding market revenue, competitive partners, and key players will also be available.


As discussed earlier, there is segmentation in theLongevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Marketreport, to improve the accuracy and make it easier to collect data. The categories which are the dividing factors in the industry are distribution channels, application, and product or service type. With this level of segmentation, it becomes easier to analyze and understand the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market. At the same time, there is emphasis on which type of consumers become the customers in this industry. When it comes to distribution channels, the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report looks at the different techniques of circulation of the product or service.

Regional Overview

In this part of theLongevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Marketreport, we will be taking a look at the geographical areas and the role they play in contributing to the growth of this line of business. The areas of interest in this document are as follows Middle East and Africa, South and North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. From the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report, it becomes clear which region is the largest contributor.

Latest Industry News

From thisLongevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Marketreport, the reader will also get to learn about the latest developments in the industry. The reason is that these products or services have the potential to disrupt this line of business. If there is information about company acquisitions or mergers, this information will also be available in this portion of the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report.

If you have any special requirements about this Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report, please let us know and we can provide custom report.

Inquire More About This Report @https://www.reportsandmarkets.com/enquiry/global-longevity-and-anti-senescence-therapy-market-size-status-and-forecast-2019-2025?utm_source=jumbonews&utm_medium=38

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See original here:
Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market 2021 In-Depth Analysis of Industry Share, Size, Growth Outlook up to 2027 | CohBar, TA Sciences, Unity...


Collagen: What is it and could it be helpful? – Longevity LIVE

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

The simple answer is that its a protein. The most prevalent one in our bodies. It accounts for at least a third of the bodys protein composition. It forms the building blocks of bones, skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Its also found in other body parts, including teeth and blood vessels. This even includes the cornea of the eye. So, its the glue that holds our bodies together.

Although the word collagen is often used as a catch-all phrase, there are as many as 16 different types. According toHealthline, type 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the key types to focus on.

Type 1 accounts for a massive90% of our collagen composition. Its composed of densely packed fibers that provide structure to key components of the body. These include teeth, skin, bones, tendons, fibrous cartilage, and connective tissue.

This is a more loosely packed structure of the protein and is found in parts of the body. Body parts that need to stretch, bend and move freely. This type is most prevalent in elastic cartilage, which cushions your joints.

Prevalent in and used as a support structure for muscles, organs, and arteries.

Aids in the filtration process and is found mostly in the layers of the skin.

Its important to remember that as you age, your body will produce less and less collagen. And what it does produce is of lower quality. Given that its so vital for key bodily structures,its a good idea to try to increase it through diet. If your diet is already rich in the right nutrients, supplements are another great option.

Collagen production can be easily increased. It starts as pro-collagen which is made through a process in which the body combines two amino acids glycine and proline. A process that makes heavy use of vitamin C.

To aid the body in making this process as easy as possible, we should make sure to get plenty of these nutrients:

Foods such as chicken and pork skin contain a lot of collagen. However, it is unclear whether consuming more of these types of foods benefits the body. When you eat collagen-rich foods, they are simply broken down into amino acids. This means that the pure collagen in the food doesnt necessarilytranslate as more collagen in the body.

Sugar or Refined Carbs:Avoid too much sugar or refined carbs. Sugar interferes with it and prevents it from being able to repair itself.

Sun:Overexposure to UV rays can reduce the production of collagen in the body.

Smoking:Reduces collagen production and can cause wrinkles or stop wounds from healing.

Were all looking for ways to improve our health and keep our youth for as long as possible. And collagen plays an integral part when it comes to maintaining skin, muscles, teeth, and even cartilage. As you get older, it becomes more important to make sure that our bodies have the proper nutrients they require. To keep your skin elastic and healthy and make sure that it stays looking young, keeping up collagen production is vital.

Levels of collagen can be boosted in a couple of ways. For example, through supplements or by making sure your body has the right nutrients to support pro-collagen production. Healthy collagen levels can improve skin quality and muscle function as well as reduce pain associated with osteoarthritis.








Collagen: What is it and could it be helpful? - Longevity LIVE


6 Foods You Should Always Have in Your Refrigerator, According to a Longevity Expert – Well+Good

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Eating healthy doesnt have to be complicated. Theres not a long list of rules you need to follow, or a complicated diet plan to stick to. Just ask one of the many centenarians living in the Blue Zones, who will tell you a big part of living a long and happy life is enjoying a wholesome, plant-forward diet. And your refrigerator is a good place to start stocking foods for longevity.

Through his research, Dan Buettner, longevity expert and author ofThe Blue Zones Kitchen, has found its mostly about making healthy choices every day that, together, add up to a pretty amazing life. None of the Blue Zones centenarians Ive ever met tried to live to 100. No one said at age 50, You know what, Im going to get on that longevity diet and live another 50 years! They dont count calories, take vitamins, weigh protein grams, or even read labels. They dont restrict their food intakein fact, they allcelebrate with food, says Buettner. As we have applied the wisdom of the worlds Blue Zones diet to transform cities in the United States, Ive begun to believe that we can create the same sort of culture here.

Turning your home into a Blue Zone can be as simple as keeping your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry stocked with healthy staples to promote longevity.

According to Buettner, nut-eaters outlive those who dont eat nuts. Because of that, hes a big proponent of eating a handfulaka two ouncesof mixed nuts a day. Nuts come in a variety of flavors, and theyre full of nutrients and healthy fat that satiate your appetite, says Buettner. Small quantities are best, since the oils in nuts degrade (oxidize). Larger quantities can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer for a couple of months.

Buettner says 95 percent of the food you eat should be plant-based.In the Blue Zones, people eat an impressive variety of garden vegetables when they are in season, and then they pickle or dry the surplus to enjoy during the off-season, he says. The best of the best longevity foods in the Blue Zones diet are leafy greens such as spinach, kale, beet and turnip tops, chard, and collards. The Blue Zones also recommends broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and peppersreally, anything you like.

Fresh fruit is another Blue Zones refrigerator staple. Think apples, melons, grapefruit, oranges, and clementines. Fruit that lasts a long time, he says. You can also keep bananas in your fridge. He says doing so when theyre almost ripe will make them last longer. Aside from filling your fridge with fruit, placement is also key. Buettner recommends keeping your fruit (as well as your veggies) on the top shelf of your refrigerator, as doing so puts them at eye level and encourages you to eat more of them.

Animal protein is limited when youre eating like you live in the Blue Zones. Designate two days a week when you eat meat or other animal-derived foodand enjoy it only on those days, Buettner says. Instead, opt for plant-based protein, like beans in your pantry and tofu in your fridge. Find plant-based substitutes for the meat Americans are used to having at the center of a meal, he says. Try lightly sauted tofu, drizzled with olive oil, or tempeh. There are so many different ways you can use tofu, too, all of which are anything but boring.

While meat is limited, Buettner says you can eat up to three ounces of fish daily, as those who ate a plant-based diet that included small portions of fish lived the longest. Favor mid-chain fish like trout, snapper, grouper, sardines, and anchovies, he says. And steer clear of farmed fish, as they are typically raised in overcrowded pens that make it necessary to use antibiotics, pesticides, and coloring.

Dairy should be reduced when youre eating a Blue Zones diet. While Americans have relied on milk for calcium and protein for decades, in the Blue Zones diet people get these nutrients from plant-based sources, Buettner writes. One cup of cooked kale or two-thirds of a cup of tofu, for instance, provides just as much bioavailable calcium as a cup of milk. He also recommends using alt-milks, including unsweetened soy, coconut, or almond milk: Most have as much protein as regular milk and often taste as good or better.

Blue Zones guidelines stipulate that eggs arent necessary for living a long life. Keep your egg consumption to no more than three eggs per week, says Buettner. If you choose to eat eggs, select a variety from chickens that range freely, eat a wide variety of natural foods, and dont receive hormones or antibiotics, Buettner says.

Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, RD, says eggs are part of a healthy diet: Eggs are cheap, satiating, and easy to find, and theyre an excellent source of high quality protein, she says. Your body is able to fully absorb all the protein from the eggs to help lower blood pressure. If you choose to eat eggs regularly, just make sure theyre high-quality to keep them Blue Zones-approved.

For more healthy recipes and cooking ideas from our community, join Well+Goods Cook With Us Facebook group.

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6 Foods You Should Always Have in Your Refrigerator, According to a Longevity Expert - Well+Good


Longevity Pilates of New Jersey

Monday, December 21st, 2020

A Boutique Pilates Studio in Verona, NJ. We offer Private and Duet Pilates sessions at the studio as well as remote pilates classes online.

We know that many people feel intimidated walking into a gym or Pilates Studio.At Longevity Pilates of New Jersey, our goal is to offer you a warm, personalized, nurturing, non-threatening approach to fitness.We've been helping people attain their fitness goals for more than 15 years.

With more than 15 years of teaching experience our certified teachers are well equipped to work with people of all ages, sizes and fitness levels.Whether you are training for a marathon, a retired grandmother, looking to improve your golf swing, trying to lose weight or recovering from an injury, our certified Pilates teachers will put together a Private or Duet session specifically designed for your individual needs. Live Long. Live Strong.

COVID-19 Update: At Longevity Pilates, we are doing all we can to keep you safe. This includes masking, disinfecting, and observing social distancing. If you prefer to work from home, we also offer remote Pilates training and group mat Zoom class on Saturdays at 1pm.

See the rest here:
Longevity Pilates of New Jersey


Sincerely yours: Key to longevity in the Hindi GEC category – Indiantelevision.com

Monday, December 21st, 2020

MUMBAI: From the start of daily soaps in 2000, Hindi GEC fiction haswitnessed multiple eras: From the now-notorious saas-bahu dramas in the first decade, to shows addressing societal evils and women empowerment,tofamily-based love stories that brought in the younger viewers. With each passing era, characters in the Hindi GEC category havebecome smarter, more fashionable and more progressive in their outlook. Whats interesting, however, is that characters who have managed to retain long-term popularity among the audience have one aspect common to their personalities: they are generally over-indexed on the personality dimension sincerity.

In her brand personality framework, psychologist Jennifer Aaker identifies five dimensions to a personality sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication and ruggedness. Most brands will have some image associations with these dimensions, but the more enduring brands largely have one emphasised primary dimension, and optionally a secondary one.

While originally designed for brands, the framework works equally well for celebrities and characters. In the Hindi GEC category, the one emphasised dimensionacross most long-standing popular fiction characters is the sincerity dimension. Five of the seven popular Hindi GEC characters between 2016-19 (based on Ormax Characters India Loves)had sincerity as their strongest, or a strong number two, dimension. These five characters span a width of age, profession and content genres. Theres themiddle-aged shop keeper and familyman Jethalalin a sitcom; young dentistIshita engulfed in across-cultural family drama where she falls in love with a divorced father;the quintessential girl-to-bahu journey of Akshara; the young and quirky Pragya who marries a rock star accidentally; and the talentedvillage singing prodigy Kullfi,who moves to the city in search of her father.

The trend continues in 2020. The undisputed success story of this year has been Star PlusJuly launch Anupamaa. The show has achieved record ratingsin a challenging and disruptive Covid2019 period. The lead character of the showraced to number two on Ormax Characters India Loves within a month of the shows launch, a new record in character popularity tracking in the last decade.

Anupamaas rapid growth is a combination of various factors, such as a unique yet relevant concept (it addresses the anti-family topic of extra-marital relationship in a very family-palatable way), strongwriting and direction, and the performance by thelead actor herself. It is no surprise, however, that Anupamaas character too is heavily loaded on the sincerity dimension, even more than the five characters listed above.

So why do sincere characters strikesuch adeep chord with the audience?

Storytelling on Indian televisionis different from films and web-series, because in serials, audience look for ideas that are important to them. They connect with charactersthatare avatars of themselves. They feel their feeling, live their emotions. As a collectivistic society, most Indians value family cohesion and cooperation as a non-negotiable aspect of their identity. They take great pride, and seek comfort, in the strong emotional bonds they share with their family members. Watching stories driven by characters who reinforce family values give these shows a higher purposebeyond entertainment.

In this context, characters like Jethalal and Anupamaa are the quintessential Indianfamily man and Indian family woman respectively, who value their families and relationships above everything else. While the former is in a sitcom and the latter leads a familydrama, it is their fundamentallyearnest personalities thatendear them to the Indian value system. Coupled with good storytelling, suchcharacters build long-term equity, engaging the audience with their journeys that fundamentally revolve around their large families in a manner thats truly Indian at heart, i.e.,sincere!

Story and storytelling will continue to get more progressive with time. But the cherished place characters high on sincerity have in the hearts of Indian TV audience is unlikely toweaken anytime soon.

(The author is Ormax Media partner. Indiantelevision.com may not subscribe to their views.)

View original post here:
Sincerely yours: Key to longevity in the Hindi GEC category - Indiantelevision.com


Introducing SP8CEVC: The World’s First Space Technology and Human Longevity Focused Rolling Fund in Partnership with AngelList – PRNewswire

Monday, December 21st, 2020

NEW YORK, Dec. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Capt. Franz Almeida has a practiced eagle's eye, honed over thousands of flight hours as a pilot. Junaid Mian, RPh, understands the challenges inherent to maintaining human health through the lens of work as a pharmacist. Both followed unique paths, which led them to angel investing. The two met at the NY chapter of the Harvard Business School.

Together they identified a yawning gap between space technology and biotechparticularly longevityverticals. They recognized that the world's economy is in the throes of change so radical that future generations will see the 21st century as a clear delineation marking a decidedly Earthbound humanity split from humanity that can freely live in and explore space.

The space economy explosion is happening, and there is no better time to invest than as early on as possible during that explosion. The latest estimates of the global space economy are well over $400 billion, and if growth continues to accelerate, many analyses point to a $1 trillion space economy just around the corner. The human longevity market is nearly as massive: A Merrill Lynch analysis revealed that the sector generates over $110 billion annually now and is growing to over $600 billion by 2025.

Without massive and ongoing investment and progress across both space technology and human longevity verticals, we will never be able to truly unlock the potential that our Solar System, and our galaxy, holds.

"A big part of why progress against aging used to be so slow was that so few experts on aging had an engineer's way of thinking. The convergence of those communities is making all the difference."

Aubrey de Grey, VP of New Technology Discovery at AgeX Therapeutics, Inc and Chief Science Officer of the SENS Research Foundation and Human Longevity advisor at SP8CEVC

And that's where Junaid Mian, RPh, and Capt. Franz Almeida comes in. The pair's varied perspectives have been a decisive match when it comes to examining the potential in merging investments across the space tech and human longevity verticals. Almeida and Mian are launching a new Rolling Fund in partnership with AngelList, with an exacting focus on solving the problem that is the future of humankind.

Under the umbrella of SP8CEVC, LPs will be able to gain exposure to deals to empower growing ventures in space technology and human longevity. Why these two rather specific categories? Simple: Moving to an economy based on the resources of our entire Solar System enables a much more substantial timeline for humanity's existence, and biotechnology work in longevity enables people to live and work in space.

The SP8CEVC partners who initially started with a traditional fund structure have chosen to use AngelList's rolling fund Reg 506(c) model to open up investment possibilities in these most critical verticals. As a series of quarterly pooled investment funds, SP8CEVC will give investors access to their deal flow quarterly on a subscription basis.

This new structure accelerates the pace of investing and, as a benefit, also helps promote innovation in those businesses.

The SP8CEVC team launched yesterday at TechCrunch Sessions: SPACE 2020. Investors and LPs interested in setting the pace for future advancement can have access to SP8CEVC's deal flow before anyone else here.

Media Contact:Franz Almeida917-287-5674 [emailprotected]



Read more from the original source:
Introducing SP8CEVC: The World's First Space Technology and Human Longevity Focused Rolling Fund in Partnership with AngelList - PRNewswire


Ronaldos rivalry with Messi has made him better Longevity of Juventus star doesnt surprise Real Madri… – Goal.com

Monday, December 21st, 2020

The iconic former goalkeeper, who worked alongside the Portuguese in Spain, feels the five-time Ballon dOr winner can continue for a very long time

Cristiano Ronaldo's small rivalry with Lionel Messi has made him a better player, claims Iker Casillas, with the Juventus superstar being backed to remain at the top for a very long time.

The Portugal international missed out on the latest FIFA Best prize to Bayern Munich striker Robert Lewandowski,but he has collected that award on two previous occasions and has five Ballons dOr to his name.

Only Barcelona icon Messi can claim to have bettered that return, with the mercurial Argentine another of those to have sent records tumbling over the course of a remarkable career.

Ronaldo has matched the South American stride for stride, re-writing the history books himself on a regular basis, with two all-time greats using the exploits of one another as added motivationwhen raising their own individual bars.

Real Madrid icon Casillas admits as much, with the World Cup winner telling The Nationalof his former Blancos team-mate Ronaldo and why the 35-year-old has starred for so long: Obviously hes a good professional, he looks after himself, eats well, gives the necessary importance to rest also.

So this is just a result of being what a footballer is. Other than that, hes also a great athlete. The reason is hes always hungry and always wanting to improve and better himself.

Perhaps also his small rivalry with [Lionel] Messi has helped him better himself. But its basically down to his professionalism and ambition; that has taken him to the top of the footballing world.

Ronaldo has been showing no sign of slowing down during his time in Italy, with 79 goals recorded through 101 appearances for Juve.

He has also reached 102 efforts for his country, as he looks to become international footballs all-time leading marksman,and appears to have plenty left in the tank.

Casillas cannot see the Portuguese hanging up his boots any time soon, adding on how much longer a modern-day phenomenon can go on for: I hope he can continue to play for a very long time. But, of course, football and its nature is what it is.

We all know that everything must come to an end and time does go by for everyone. Hopefully we will be able to still enjoy his football for a long time, but its difficult to say.

Ronaldo is tied to a contract in Turin through to the summer of 2022 and has stated in the past that he intends to play on beyond his 40th birthday.

Ronaldos rivalry with Messi has made him better Longevity of Juventus star doesnt surprise Real Madri... - Goal.com


How to live longer: Singing could reduce your dementia risk and boost longevity – Express

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Doctors report that singing may also help to reduce blood pressure.

A 76-year-old woman who had experienced severe preoperativehypertensionprior to totalknee replacement surgery for osteoarthritis (OA).

While the patient was unresponsive to aggressive pharmacologic interventions, the womans blood pressure dropped dramatically when she sang several religious songs.

This case-report appears in the April issue of Arthritis Care & Research, a journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR).

Several studies suggest that listening to music can be effective in reducing blood pressure by calming or diverting patients prior to surgery, which lessensstress and anxiety, explains lead author Nina Niu, a researcher from Harvard Medical School in Boston.

Our case study expands on medical evidence by showing that producing music or singing also has potential therapeutic effects in the preoperative setting.

Niu commented, Singing is simple, safe, and free. Patients should be encouraged to sing if they wish.

This single case study showed the positive effective of singing in reducing blood pressure and controlling pain.

To be formally considered as an alternative therapy for the OA patient population, larger studies are needed to explore the effects of singing on hypertension and chronic pain relief, said Niu.

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How to live longer: Singing could reduce your dementia risk and boost longevity - Express


Giannis Antetokounmpo: What his extension means for Bucks longevity – Behind the Buck Pass

Monday, December 21st, 2020

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LAKE BUENA VISTA, FLORIDA AUGUST 06: (Photo by Kim Klement-Pool/Getty Images)

The end to the speculation of whether Giannis Antetokounmpo will or wont sign his supermax extension thankfully came to an end Tuesday afternoon.

The Milwaukee Bucks superstar wound up putting pen to paper and signed the richest contract in NBA history at five years and $228 million, which includes an opt-out clause in the summer of 2025. Still, the Bucks have the two-time MVP under contract for the next six seasons and all Bucks fans subsequently drew a sigh of relief around the city of Milwaukee, the state of Wisconsin and elsewhere.

Antetokounmpo signing his extensionis as much a victory for Bucks fans as it is for the 26-year-old and the organization itself, especially after so much anxiety and fear in the years leading up to his decision.

The constant threat and speculation of how a small market like the Bucks have historically struggled to keep past and present superstars loomed over Giannis decision. Stories of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, LeBron James and Kevin Durant were constant reminders of stars leaving small markets for greener pastures.

For now, Antetokounmpos decision has seen those worries and skepticism scurry away from the discussion as Bucks fans jump for joy to see the Greek superstar commit the prime of his career to the Bucks.

As all Bucks fans continue to bask in a state of pure bliss,the doubts are finally over and we have prevailed. Now to quote King George from Hamilton after losing in the Revolutionary War, What comes next?

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Giannis Antetokounmpo: What his extension means for Bucks longevity - Behind the Buck Pass


How to live longer: Acai smoothies may reduce your risk of the global killer heart disease – Express

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Fortunately, heart disease is a preventable condition and diet is a modifiable risk factor.

Many dietary items can help to stave off the risk by stymying the mechanisms that contribute to heart disease.

Acai berries, a Brazilian superfruit native to the Amazon region, has been shown to improve LDL cholesterol levels.

LDL cholesterol is a harmful substance that clogs up inside of your artery walls, cutting off the blood supply to the heart - the primary cause of heart disease.

READ MORE:How to live longer: Sex may reduce heart disease risk - how often you should have it

Animal studies have also suggested that acai could help improve cholesterol levels by decreasing total and LDL cholesterol.

While more research is needed, researchers postulatethat anthocyanins in acai could be responsible for their positive impact on cholesterol levels, since studies have linked this plant compound to improvements in HDL and LDL cholesterol.

HDL cholesterol is branded the "good" cholesterol because it counters the harmful effects of LDL cholesterol.

What's more, acai contains plant sterols, which prevent cholesterol from being absorbed by your body, research shows.

While certain items are essential, the most important dietary approach is to focus on heart-healthy food groups.

According to the NHS, a low-fat, high-fibre diet is recommended, which should include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables (five portions a day) and whole grains.

"You should limit the amount of salt you eat to no more than six grams (0.2oz) a day as too much salt will increase your blood pressure," warns the health body.

High blood pressure can raise your risk of heart disease by narrowing your blood vessels.

You should avoid food containing saturated fats, because these will increase the levels of bad cholesterol in your blood.

Foods high in saturated fat include:

Harvard Health explains: "Regular exercise also improves factors linked to cardiovascular health, resulting in lower blood pressure, healthier cholesterol levels, and better blood sugar regulation."

Here is the original post:
How to live longer: Acai smoothies may reduce your risk of the global killer heart disease - Express


‘News of the World’ Interview With Mare Winningham | BACKSTAGE – Backstage

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Photo Source: Nathan Arizona

After getting signed by an agent out of high school, Mare Winningham quickly carved a small-screen niche for herself with dozens of TV movies, ultimately earning two Emmys. Her career continued with films St. Elmos Fire and Georgia, the latter notching her Screen Actors Guild and Academy Award nominations. On hiatus from acclaimed Broadway musical Girl From the North Country, she can next be seen in the Tom Hanksled News of the World.

How did you land your first agent?I grew up in the San Fernando Valley and went to public schools. There was something in the water at that time in the 70s in the Valleywe were all very theater-obsessed kids. There were all these festivals and competitions we were involved in, in addition to our productions. I was very single-minded about theater; I did it in my free time and during school. We started getting noticed because of all these festival competitions around Los Angeles, and our school was always winning. I think somebody had a relative who worked at an agency, and they came out to see The Sound of Music, which we were doing when I was in 12th grade. I got invited to see this agent, Meyer Mishkin, who had a boutique agencyone of the few that was high-powered but was just a single-entity agency. He ran it himself, and it was called the Meyer Mishkin Agency. Lee Marvin was a client. I remember running into Richard Dreyfuss in the waiting room. He said that he was going to take me on as a client. This was at the very end of high school, just about when I was wondering, How do I parlay this love of theater into a career? From the beginning, he had this plan. He said, Youre not going to do commercials. Were going to do TV movies. At that stage, it was very divided: Movie actors didnt do television. I think he thought: Youre going to corner that market, kid. I started working right away, mostly small parts on Starsky & Hutch and Family, these TV series of the late 70s. Then I got my first TV movie and started working pretty much in television movies for many years.

What advice would you give your younger self? Open up, dont gossip, and dont listen to gossip. Film sets and rehearsal roomseveryone describes them as instant families. There are good families and there are bad families. I would tell myself to not be fraught and not worry so much and let stuff roll off a bit. And if you are a leader, lead with love.

READ: How Negativity Affects Career Longevity

How did you first get your SAG-AFTRA card? I remember being confused about this Catch-22 about how you cant get a SAG card without having a job, and you cant get a job without having a SAG card. I was grateful that there was a casting director casting this teen idol show that was very popular called James at 15, and in that episode, he was having a Miss 15 pageant. There were about six of us; each of us was a contestant in this Miss 15 pageant. They had backstage scenes where we were all discussing James. We all got our cards. In some ways, I dont know if Ive ever been happier.

Do you have an audition horror story you could share with us? There were so many. I had an interior casting director in me, and in my mind, I would see someone and go, Oh, theyre much better for it than I am, and I would defeatedly go in the room and carry that thought with me. One time, I saw the [character breakdown] sheet, and it actually said, Were looking for a Mare Winningham type, and I didnt get it! I think I was my own worst enemy a lot of times. I probably have a career because I didnt have to audition for those TV movies.

Whats the wildest thing youve ever done to get a role? The best job of my life is the one I currently hold. When Broadway reopens, I have this incredible project that started in London, this Conor McPhersonBob Dylan musical, Girl From the North Country. When I had to audition for it two years ago, I started picking on myself again, and my sweetheart said, No, Im not watching this. Take your dulcimer, go in there, [and] sing the songs. And I said, No, theyre going to have an accompanist there. And he said, Do what you want. Hes going to want to hear your best. This is how you want to sing it? Do it. I fought him and fought him and finally did it his way and got it.

Whats one performance every actor should see and why? When I was a little girl, they used to play The Wizard of Oz before the holidays. I was so frightened of Margaret HamiltonMiss Gulch, the Wicked Witch. She was the first scary person in my life, and I had to leave the room when she was on. Later, as I watched her as an actor, I loved that performance. I find Miss Gulch so awful, and I love the way she built that performance.

Joaquin Phoenix in The Master. He has a close-up in that movie that I couldnt get over. I dont even know if I want to watch it again because it affected me so much. Hes being scrutinized, and its excruciating watching him go through what hes going through. In a more humorous way, no less powerful, would be at the end of Sense and Sensibility, when Emma Thompsons character, its beginning to dawn on her, as shes listening to Hugh Grants character, that their love can be now. Thats a beautiful close-up. Tom Hanks at the end of Captain Phillips. How did he do that scene when hes being examined by the doctor after the ordeal on the ship? Thats how I like to watch acting now: in the quiet dark of a theater or at home. I love to see an actor blow my mind. It makes me want to jump up and shout. Almost everything I watch, I find something that makes me want to jump up.

This story originally appeared in the Dec. 17 issue of Backstage Magazine. Subscribe here.

Looking for remote work? Backstage has got you covered! Click here for auditions you can do from home!

See the original post:
'News of the World' Interview With Mare Winningham | BACKSTAGE - Backstage


The Stand: Whoopi Goldberg Reveals the Secret to Mother Abigails Longevity (Its God Dust) – Den of Geek

Monday, December 21st, 2020

A huge fan of horror movies, Goldberg reveals that she has been lobbying to be involved in a Stephen King adaptation for years, even going back to the 1994 version of this same project.

Ive been looking for a horror movie to do my whole career. What I love more than almost anything is a good scare. Ive been trying to do this since the original miniseries came out, but I was unable to do it, Goldberg says. Then I found out that Ruby Dee was my age now when she did Mother Abigail. So its worked out great. If this had come any sooner, I would have probably just really messed it up.

At the time of the series premiere, the EGOT-winning Goldberg is 65 years old. Dee was 70 years old when filming on the 1994 miniseries began. Both actresses, however, are considerably younger than the wizened Abigail Freemantle of Kings book. This isnt a case of Aunt May getting progressively younger across every Spider-Man franchise but rather an acknowledgement from both miniseries that Abigail has a powerful aura about her that belies her advanced years.

Listen, its all in the lineage, I myself am 108. And my skin looks amazing, Goldberg jokes, before adding. You know, also, shes got a little God dust on her too. You cant look that good without a little God dust. The same goes for (Randall Flagg actor) Alexander (Skarsgrd). He looks great because hes got some devil dust on. Thats how Im looking at it, so it balances out.

In addition to Mother Abigails sprinkling of God dust, what Goldberg finds compelling about the character is her humanity as opposed to her otherworldliness. Given the dearth of Black characters in Kings earlier works, Abigail has sometimes been pointed to as an example of the Magical Negro stereotype, in which a mystical Black character comes to the aid of white characters. Its that representation of the character that Goldberg says she hopes to avoid.

Go here to read the rest:
The Stand: Whoopi Goldberg Reveals the Secret to Mother Abigails Longevity (Its God Dust) - Den of Geek


Dental Procedures and Teeth Whitening for A Beautiful Smile – Longevity LIVE

Monday, December 21st, 2020

It is always best to maintain good oral care. You can even go as far as dreaming of having brilliant teeth. After all, it is said to be our faces greatest asset. It is in our smiles that people can see our happiness, awkwardness, shyness, joy, and many other emotions. It is normal to value it as much as we value the rest of our body parts. These are the top dental procedures and teeth whitening that will ensure you have a beautiful smile. Longevity Live Partner Content

There are some things only the human teeth are characteristic of, such as:

So if they are a bit crooked, one too many, or terribly far apart from each other, it only goes to show that youre unique nothing to be ashamed of. Then again, there is nothing wrong with going the extra mile to feel more special. If you feel like they have the potential to be better, then you have all the right to choose whats best for them. Getting your teeth a brand new makeover to help you build confidence in yourself is never a bad thing. Its just one way of showing how much you treasure your own smile!

There are many ways to go about an oral makeover, but most of them require a visit to the local dentist. If youre not quite sure about what dental procedure you should have, we thought the following suggestions might help you out!

If you have nasty cavities plaguing your tooth, you might want to consider getting a dental filling procedure pretty soon. Time is of the essence; cavities wont wait until youve strengthened your resolve. Theyll keep eating away at your tooth until such time that there is nothing left of it. It may sound like nothing to be alarmed about. After all, youre just going to lose a tooth (Whats a single tooth when you have thirty-two or more of them, right?).

However, what you fail to see here is that with the degradation of your tooth comes excruciating, discomforting, and unsettling pain that seems to drain the life out of you. Dont let it get to that point.

Getting a dental filling procedure done should help you avoid having to go through this ordeal and help you save your tooth in the process. Its a simple, almost 100% painless dental procedure that involves cleaning the affected part of the tooth and filling it in with a substitute substance that will become the new surface of your tooth. It can be done in no more than an hour (for a single tooth, that is).

If you find yourself having cavity problems, cure it while early.

Are you tired of dentures? We will all come to a point in our lives when we lose our munching sets no matter how much we take care of them, no matter how careful we are of them. Its a reality we must all face. Other factors, such as aging and wearing down of teeth, may be attributed to this unpreventable teeth loss https://medlineplus.gov/toothdecay.html. However, that doesnt mean that we have to brave life toothless.

There are several substitutes we can use in place of genuine teeth, of course. One of them is having dentures made. These are artificial that can be retracted when the wearer needs or wants to. They fulfill whatever purpose teeth have and are more than capable of doing common tooth tasks such as biting, chewing, and grinding. However, dentures do come with disadvantages.

You have to remove them for cleaning from time to time, and you also risk having them fall off at the most significant times. You can be talking to the CEO of your company when it suddenly decides to jump right out of the basket. Yikes! Total mishap! If you fear having to experience such moments, then maybe dental implants are more suitable for you.

A dental implant is a substitute for real teeth that are permanently attached to the gums. Even though theyre artificial, you can pretty much do the same things as you would with your regular teeth, like brushing and flossing. It can really help you save time and avoid the hassle. The best part of having dental implants is that you get to enjoy all the perks of having healthy teeth, minus the risks of cavities. Make sure to get them checked by your family dentist every year or so, though!

Everyone dreams of having dazzling pearly whites. The kind of brilliance that shines as bright as its wearers smile. Sadly, not everyone is born naturally with it. All too often, one must work very hard to achieve it. Beautifying this part will most probably involve a whitening procedure.

For people that have been meaning to whiten their teeth, there are various options you can try out. Now available in the market are some of the best teeth whitening kits that come at a very affordable price, so you do not necessarily need to do a full bleach at the dentist. If you want something easily accessible, you can try using over-the-counter whitening strips. These are white elastic strips (looks like gauze tape, really) that you wrap around your teeth. Most of these strips have fluoride a chemical long been proved to whiten teeth effectively.

There are risks to using whitening strips, however. This includes blotching and uneven patches. If you find it really bothersome to use whitening strips, you can opt for a more natural method baking soda paste. Baking soda is a familiar name among moms because of its many practical uses around the home. One particular use is stain removal.

If it can remove stains from dirty laundry, wooden floors, and woolen carpets, then it can definitely whiten teeth as well. Just create a paste-like mixture using baking soda powder and water and apply it to the desired area. This is not an overnight remedy to remove yellowness, but it will certainly improve the color in the long run. Of course, if all these other ways dont work for you, having a professional look after your teeth is a terrific choice. Undergoing a whitening procedure will bring you the desired results in less time.

Why dont you ask your family dentist about it today?

Read more:
Dental Procedures and Teeth Whitening for A Beautiful Smile - Longevity LIVE


‘Explosive surge’ of COVID-19 in LA sees two people dying every hour | TheHill – The Hill

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Californias COVID-19 outbreak continues to worsen, with a grim new statistic revealing the 53,000 new confirmed infections diagnosed on Tuesday.

In a press briefing, Los Angeles Countys Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer described Southern California and the Central Valley regions struggle to suppress the surge of COVID-19 hospitalizations, specifically adding that with the current death rate, two people are dying every hour in Los Angeles County.

"We're experiencing an explosive and very deadly surge," Ferrer said.





The Golden State has been under siege as coronavirus transmission increases across the country during the winter season.

Earlier reports document the state government providing about 5,000 body bags to the embattled Southern California counties, along with 60 refrigerated trailers to serve as additional morgue space.

On the county level, 99.9 percent of all counties in California are experiencing what the state health department classifies as widespread risk levels, bringing the state total of confirmed infections to 1,723,362.

Some 379 new deaths have been recorded across the state as of Dec. 17.

In Los Angeles County specifically, the new case trajectory is increasing,with more than 21,000 new confirmed infections as of Dec. 16.

Theeffect of these statistics on hospitals is substantial, matching statewide trends of rising inpatient admissions and dwindling capacity.

"Hospitals are under siege and our models show no end in sight," Christina Ghaly, Los Angeles Countys health services director said.





Originally posted here:
'Explosive surge' of COVID-19 in LA sees two people dying every hour | TheHill - The Hill


Could red wine be a better choice this festive season? – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Its the festive season and we all know what that means, a lot of holiday overindulgence. Often, we tend to drink more over the festive season than we would in the usual course of events. Copious alcohol consumption is not a great idea. Some alcoholic drinks though, like wine (both red and white) have health benefits. So, if you do choose to grab a few drinks this festive season, wine might be the better choice.

Red wine is well known for its benefits. Many medical professionals believe that a glass of red wine per day is a valuable part of a healthy, balanced diet. And many studies seemingly back this up. Red wine specifically has repeatedly been shown to reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease. However, these studies are associated with moderate red wine intake and. Its always difficult to know when moderate becomes too excessive. Excess consumption can negate all the benefits and might evencausehealth problems. So, the bottom line is yes, your daily glass of wine could be very beneficial for your health.

Red wine is made from dark grapes which are crushed with the skin on and then fermented. The alcohol content of wine generally ranges from12-15%.There are many variations of red wines and common varietals include Shiraz, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot noir, and Zinfandel. All of these varietals have been shown to have benefits when it comes to your health and wellness. Red wine contains a lot ofpowerful antioxidants.Many experts also agree that thealcohol in wineis a major contributing factor when it comes to health benefits.

Grapes themselves are rich in antioxidants which include resveratrol, catechin, epicatechin, and proanthocyanidins. These are what are believed to be behind red wines healthy reputation. To expand upon this: Resveratrol is the antioxidant that is found in grape skin. According to Healthline, it is produced by many plants as a response to harm or injury. It has benefits such asfighting inflammation and blood clotting, as well as reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.Having said that, the amount of resveratrol in red wine is too low to makethat much of a difference. Youd need to consume several bottles per day to realize the benefit and that is obviously not recommended. If you want to increase your resveratrol intake, you can easily get a supplement that comes without the liver-damaging alcohol.

A small daily intake of red wine is linked to more health benefits than any other alcoholic drink. People who drink about 5oz (about 150ml) of red wine a day have a32% lower risk of heart disease than their teetotal counterparts.Any more than that per day though and your riskincreasesdramatically.Another studyfound that, for middle-aged men, drinking 13 glasses of red wine per day on 34 days of the week, may reduce the risk of stroke.

Red wine has also been associated with a reduced risk of:

If youre looking for an alcoholic drink with some actual health benefits, red wine is the way to go. It is, however, important to be aware of your overall alcohol intake. In Europe and America, moderate red wine consumption is considered to be 11.5 glasses a day for women and 12 glasses a day for men. Many health professionals also recommend having 1 or 2 alcohol-free days per week to allow your body to recover.

Alcohol Think Again. 2020. The Festive Season. [Online] Available at: https://alcoholthinkagain.com.au/alcohol-your-community/the-festive-season/

Arkwright, A. 2019. How to survive party season: Christmas health hacks. [Online] Available at: https://www.culturewhisper.com/r/lifestyle/how_to_be_healthy_at_christmas_wellness_guide/12721

Bhatnagar, S. 2019. Red Wine Or White Wine: Which Is Better For Your Health?. [Online] Available at: https://food.ndtv.com/food-drinks/red-wine-or-white-wine-which-is-better-for-your-health-1834678

Bjarnadottir, A MS. 2017. Red Wine: Good or Bad? [Online] Available at: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/red-wine-good-or-bad#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2

Mukamal KJ, Ascherio A, Mittleman MA, Conigrave KM, Camargo CA Jr, Kawachi I, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Rimm EB. Alcohol and risk for ischemic stroke in men: the role of drinking patterns and usual beverage. [Online] Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15630105/

Truelsen T, Gronbaek M, Schnohr P, Boysen G. 1998. Intake of beer, wine, and spirits and risk of stroke: the Copenhagen city heart study. [Online] Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9836752/

US Department of Agriculture and US Department of Health and Human Services. 2010. Dietary Guidelines for Americans. [Online] Available at: https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2020-01/DietaryGuidelines2010.pdf

Wine Enthusiast. 2020. Red Wine Information & Basics. [Online] Available at: https://www.winemag.com/2015/10/27/red-wine-basics/.

Read more:
Could red wine be a better choice this festive season? - Longevity LIVE - Longevity LIVE


‘Ensure that your diet is 90% to 100% plant-based’: 9 food rules from the world’s longest-living people – CNBC

Wednesday, December 16th, 2020

More than 15 years ago, I set out to reverse-engineer a formula for longevity. Working with renowned doctors and nutritionists, I identified several Blue Zones: Places around the world where people live the longest.

Along the way, I met experts who helped me understand why the foods people ate led to longer lives. We also distilled 150 dietary surveys of centenarians, or those who live to 100 or longer, to reveal the secrets of a strong longevity regimen.

These nine simple guidelines reflect what foods (and how of much of it) Blue Zone residents eat to stay healthy:

Centenarians eat an impressive variety of garden vegetables and leafy greens (especially spinach, kale, beet and turnip tops, chard and collards) when they are in season.

During the off-season, they pickle or dry the surplus. Beans, greens, sweet potatoes, whole grains, fruits, nuts and seeds dominate Blue Zone meals all year long.

Olive oil is also a staple. Evidence shows that olive oil consumption increases good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol. In the Greek island Ikaria, for example, we found that for middle-aged people, about six tablespoons of olive oil daily seemed to cut the risk of premature mortality by 50%.

On average, Blue Zone residents eat about two ounces or less of meat about five times per month (usually as a celebratory food, a small side, or as a way to flavor dishes).

One 12-year study, which followed a community of 96,000 Americans in Loma Linda a Blue Zone region in California determined that people who lived the longest were vegans or pesco-vegetarians who ate a small amount of fish.

Vegetarians in Loma Linda, according to the researchers, were more likely to outlive their meat-eating counterparts by as many as eight years.

Okinawans in Japan probably offer the best meat substitute: Extra-firm tofu, which is high in protein and cancer-fighting phytoestrogens.

In most Blue Zones, people ate small amounts of fish, fewer than three ounces up to three times weekly.

Usually, the fish being eaten are small, relatively inexpensive varieties like sardines, anchovies and cod species in the middle of the food chain that are not exposed to the high levels of mercury or other chemicals that pollute our gourmet fish supply today.

Again, fish is not a necessary part of a longevity diet, but if you must eat it, elect varieties that are common and not threatened by overfishing.

Beans reign supreme in Blue Zones and are the cornerstone of every longevity diet in the world: Black beans in Nicoya; lentils, garbanzo and white beans in the Mediterranean; and soybeans in Okinawa.

Most centenarians eat at least four times as many beans as Americans do on average at least a half cup per day. And so should you. Why? Beans are packed with more nutrients per gram than any other food on Earth.

On average, they are made up of 21% protein, 77% complex carbohydrates, and only a few percent fat. Because they are fiber-rich and satisfying, they'll likely help to push less healthy foods out of your diet.

Blue Zone communities eat sugar intentionally, not by habit or accident.

They consume about the same amount of naturally occurring sugars as North Americans do, but only about a fifth as much added sugar no more than seven teaspoons a day.

Between 1970 and 2000, the amount of added sugar in the American food supply rose by 25% (about 22 teaspoons of added sugar per day) generally, the result of the insidious, hidden sugars mixed into soda, yogurt and sauces.

If you must eat sweets, save cookies, candy and bakery items for special occasions (ideally as part of a meal). Limit sugar added to coffee, tea or other foods to no more than four teaspoons per day.

Skip any product that lists sugar among its first five ingredients.

Eat two handfuls of nuts per day.

A handful weighs about two ounces, the average amount that Blue Zone centenarians consume: Almonds in Ikaria and Sardinia, pistachios in Nicoya, and all varieties of nuts with the Adventists in Loma Linda.

A study on food and longevity found that nut eaters outlive non-nut eaters by an average of two to three years. So try to snack on a couple handfuls of almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts, or peanuts every day.

If you can, strive to eat only sourdough or 100% whole wheat bread.

Most commercially available breads start with bleached white flour, which metabolizes quickly into sugar and spikes insulin levels.

But bread in Blue Zones is either whole grain or sourdough. In Ikaria and Sardinia, breads are made from a variety of whole grains such as wheat, rye or barley, each of which offers a wide spectrum of nutrients.

Whole grains have higher levels of fiber than most commonly used bleached flours. Some traditional Blue Zone breads are made with naturally occurring bacteria called lactobacilli, which "digest" the starches and glutens while making the bread rise.

The process also creates an acid the "sour" in sourdough. The result is bread with less gluten than breads labeled "gluten-free," with a longer shelf life and a pleasantly sour taste that most people like.

If possible, strive to avoid soft drinks, including diet soda. With very few exceptions, people in Blue Zones drink only coffee, tea, water and wine.

(Soft drinks, which account for about half of Americans' sugar intake, were unknown to most Blue Zone centenarians until recently.)

Here's why:

We found that most centenarians traditionally eat whole foods.

These are foods made from single ingredient raw, cooked, ground or fermented and are not highly processed. They eat raw fruits and vegetables; they grind whole grains themselves and then cook them slowly.

They also use fermentation an ancient way to make nutrients bioavailable in the tofu, sourdough bread, wine and pickled vegetables they eat.

And they rarely ingest artificial preservatives. Blue zones dishes typically contain a half dozen or so ingredients, simply blended together.

Dan Buettneris a longevity researcher,National Geographic Fellowand award-winning journalist. He is the author of"The Blue Zones Solution"His latest bestseller,"The Blue Zones Kitchen,"fuses scientific reporting,National Geographicphotography and recipes that may help you live to100. Follow him on Instagram@DanBuettner.

Don't miss:

Continued here:
'Ensure that your diet is 90% to 100% plant-based': 9 food rules from the world's longest-living people - CNBC


3 Easy Ways To Embrace Mediterranean Longevity Practices This Holiday Season – mindbodygreen.com

Wednesday, December 16th, 2020

The wide world of diet trends is full of limitations and restrictions, and that's likely why the Mediterranean diet, with its mindset of moderation and simplicity, has become so popular. Consistently ranked as a top diet for health and beyond, the adaptable eating style prioritizes whole foods, healthy fats, and lots of colorful produce.

That said, if you only focus on eating Mediterranean diet macros, you'll miss out on many of the health-supporting habits of people who live in this region.

The immense popularity of this eating style originated with a study that became known as the Seven Countries Study. Beginning in the 1950s, this study observed how diet affects heart disease risk inyou guessed itseven countries: the United States, the Netherlands, Finland, Yugoslavia, Italy, Greece, and Japan. While they found the risk was lowest in Italy and Greecethe Mediterranean countriesthe researchers could only partially attribute the health benefits to diet: After all, while nutrition is crucial, health is more than just what we eat.

The work of Dan Buettner, establishing what he's termed "Blue Zones"those areas of the world where people live the longest and the healthiestis further evidence that it's important to take a holistic view of the lifestyles in these regions. Of the five areas Buettner noted as hot spots of longevity, two rest among the Mediterranean. His work has also highlighted common longevity-promoting habits of people across the Blue Zonesones that aren't restricted to dietary choices but expand into lifestyle.

So whether you're already an avid follower of a Mediterranean diet or you're simply looking for a few ways to support your health this holiday season, consider some key components of the Mediterranean dietor Mediterranean lifestyle, if you willthat extend outside the kitchen:

Read the original post:
3 Easy Ways To Embrace Mediterranean Longevity Practices This Holiday Season - mindbodygreen.com


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