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Archive for the ‘Longevity’ Category

Longevity of thermal fluid heaters – Engineer Live

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Chris Horsley explores the longevity of thermal fluid heaters

For a process heating equipment manufacturer, you might just say thermal fluid heaters are bad for business.They just go on and on and on, and maintenance and service requirements are low, in fact a fraction of the cost of maintaining an equivalent heat output steam plant.Wheres the repeat business?Wheres the big service contracts and money to be made replacing worn parts?Of course, for a customer, this is music to your ears!

Thermal fluid heaters frequently run for 20 years and often longer.Even when the heaters themselves might be at the end of their working life, the pipe work system and other plant is often as good as new, so upgrades are simple and cost effective to implement at any time.

Thermal fluid heating is based on a similar principle to a simple hot water system. It consists of a heater connected to carbon steel flow and return pipework that can provide heat to one or more users or systems.Instead of water running through the pipework, a thermal fluid typically a specialist mineral oil or synthetic based fluid is used as the heat transfer medium.Different fluids can be used to meet specific process heating requirements including high temperature operations and processes requiring heating and cooling thereby making it a very flexible system.

Thermal fluid heaters typically operate at up to 350C at atmospheric pressure and remain pumpable down to minus 20C and lower with special fluids, which makes it a solution suitable for a multitude of applications.

Thermal fluid heaters have rapidly grown in popularity across all industry sectors over the years.This is mainly due to their far-ranging benefits which include their ease of use, compact size, safer operation when compared to steam generators, precise heat control, low exhaust emissions and their energy efficiency.They also operate outside the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations as the fluid is not maintained in the liquid phase by pressure, so statutory inspections are eliminated.This further reduces operating costs and increases plant availability.

When it comes to flexibility in use, thermal fluid heaters often work at high temperatures in a simple closed loop.Compared to a steam system this means no change of state of the fluid, so no condensate and therefore no flash steam losses, no blow down losses or make up water required, no effluent discharge and completely corrosion free operation without the need for expensive chemical treatment.The savings thermal fluid heaters bring are very significant, often up to 50% of the overall cost of running a process heating system.

But one aspect that frequently gets overlooked is the longevity thermal fluid heaters enjoy, which should be a major point when deciding how to heat a process, especially in these uncertain times when many businesses are having to buckle belts that much tighter. With sustainability a key issue, plant longevity is not only about reducing capex, but also reducing wastage and equipment redundancy.

As mentioned, a thermal fluid system should easily serve you 20 or more years without any reduction in productivity as it ages.It would be difficult to find any equipment, process or otherwise, that can match this level of service.Take a car, for example.Assuming the car runs at an average 30mph and covers 200,000 miles before being scrapped it will operate for about 6000 hours in its total life.A Babcock Wanson thermal fluid heater, on the other hand, will usually run for more than 100,000 hours - or the equivalent of 3,000,000 miles with the minimum of service requirements! And thats just looking at heaters with a typical lifespan; Babcock Wanson is still servicing heaters that are more than 40 years old and working away every day quite happily!

Theres no secret elixir for long life when it comes to thermal fluid heaters.Their exceptional longevity is a direct result from their passive nature (there are very few moving parts) and the swapping out of water for a thermal fluid as the heat transfer medium.Unlike water and steam based systems, thermal fluid heaters are unaffected by corrosion caused by water over time, or by ambient temperature where water freezing within pipes leads to costly failures.In fact, most thermal fluids are mineral oil based so are effectively lubricants that help keep the system components protected in use.

However, not all thermal fluid heaters are equal, so it pays to do your homework.Heaters that will best stand the test of time are mostly designed for a downward fired configuration which ensures stress free and unrestricted expansion of the heater coils during normal operation.Also look for a heater that has been designed with a barrier between the hot combustion gases and the outer structure, as this will help provide long heater life as the higher pressure and cooler outer air helps prevent any escape of combustion gases as the plant ages over time.Babcock Wansons TPC and EPC range of thermal fluid heaters, for example, come with an integral, air-cooled outer case that provides this barrier, as well as acting as both a combustion air pre-heater/economiser.Lastly, ensure the heater is fully integrated and has a factory tested control system.

Another key factor is overall emissions. With higher process operating efficiency comes lower total emissions which provides savings in operating costs whilst being much better for the environment.

Its also vital that the thermal fluid heater you decide upon is correctly installed, commissioned and maintained.Thermal Fluid Systems - A Practical Guide for Safe Design, Operation and Maintenancefrom the Combustion Engineering Association (CEA) proffers excellent advice for designers, owners, managers and operators of new and existing thermal fluid heating systems to operate safe and efficient installations. It addresses system design considerations such as choice of fluid, heat source, expansion and deaeration, pumps and pipework, to installation and commissioning and operation and maintenance. Its important to understand how thermal fluid heaters work to ensure you get the most out of your investment, including long life.

With careful system design and careful choice of heater design a thermal fluid system will provide many years of trouble-free ownership, allowing the operator to concentrate on their process needs in the sure knowledge they are getting the best from their process heating investment.

Chris Horsley, is Process Engineering Director at Babcock Wanson

Longevity of thermal fluid heaters - Engineer Live


How Covid-19 Has Changed Aging and Retirement – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

COVID-19 has shaken the entire world, causing far and wide social and monetary havoc all over. The most evident and distressing thing is the huge number of lives lost to the pandemic, yet it keeps taking more and more. As authorities keep on trying to wrestle with controlling the pandemic, the lasting effects from this deadly virus still cause irreparable damage to the livelihood of everyone.

Without a doubt, the financial slump is unusual for anything the economy has ever experienced. Over the initial three months of the pandemic, a huge case of joblessness was reported. As the pandemic spreads, a complete shutdown of the economy can be expected.

As agonizing as this scene has been for everyone, it has been particularly going after the older population. While seniors profit through the basic help given through retirement plans, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented uncommon difficulties for this gathering. The most harmful component has been the radically higher fatality for retirement-age people.

Heres how older people have faced higher levels of difficulty and displacement in the face of this pandemic and recession.

Since COVID-19 has affected all different areas of the world, it has gotten to the retirement and nursing homes as well; because of the pandemic related death in these institutions, older people are opting out of this life. Moreover, most nursing homes are not equipped well enough to deal with the pandemic and dont have enough resources available on hand.

People are choosing to stay home and quarantine with their family members instead of spending this difficult time at a care home. The elderly were locked away in senior living centers before this and didnt have any emotional support from the outside, so aging at home will increase interaction between the younger and older generations.

As there has been an increase in the number of deaths due to COVID-19 in nursing homes, this can prove to be a good thing as age segregation is not likely favored by most retirees.

The pandemic is also disrupting our entire lifestyles as we cant socialize or engage in any activities outside the confines of our home. A healthy amount of physical and social activities is responsible for healthy mental and physical health.

Due to being confined to our homes, studies have shown how loneliness is related to causing a decline in our health, leading to depression, heart diseases, and overall cognitive decline; this is especially hard on the older population and can decrease life expectancy.

Most new technology discoveries are meant to be endorsed by the younger generations. That said, the pandemic has caused most tech entrepreneurs to think about the needs of older people at home as well.

There has been a wave of innovation in the tech field, aimed specifically at the needs of the older generation. Telemedicine has made it possible for people to have appointments with their doctors virtually and keep their health in check.

For example, wearable health devices and diagnostic tests have been very helpful in checking blood pressure, heart rate, and other vital signs and have made it easier for baby boomers to combat the effects of this pandemic.

Its inevitable to spend all your time at home, stuck in one place, not allowed to go anywhere, and not re-evaluate the life choices you have made. Due to all this free time at hand, the older generation is opting for a healthier lifestyle. They are making the most of all the idle time they have on their hands.

It has proven that life is short, and we have to make the most of our limited time on this planet. This has caused a lot of people to reassess how they spend their time and explore new and exciting hobbies.

On the other hand, some senior citizens are also feeling closer to nature, religion, and spirituality. They have more time on their hands, so prayer times have increased and people are reflecting more on morality, happiness, and connectedness.

After the re-evaluation of your life choices, its almost impossible not to think about death and make an end of life plans. Older people have been shown a reminder that they are not going to live forever. This has caused them to kick-start, making retirement and aging life plans.

However, this might be a difficult topic for most of us; its a smart choice to analyze all the expenses needed for your after-care and end of life planning. Theres a lot of helpful material online.

As mentioned above, this pandemic has practically forced us to reassess our life choices; it has also stirred up a lot of mixed feelings about retirement plans in the older generation. In fact, both younger and older members of society have started saving up for when they retire.

Due to the major decline in our economy, it has been made clear that its important to cut out extra costs and expenses. Its also best to have a proper budget and savings dedicated to retirement. Moreover, one needs to work longer and smarter, to be prepared for difficult times. Companies have also adapted to remote working and schedules, so its easier for older people.

The pandemic has been responsible for causing intergenerational conflicts among different societies. Its also affected how people belonging to different ages are dealing with this abrupt change of lifestyles.

This has caused us to think about aging from a different perspective. This is because older people have experienced times like this much longer than the rest of us; it has forced us to see how older people are more resilient in times of crisis.

The pandemic has brought people together. This is because, in times of distress and uncertainty, we are reminded of how much we need to stick together. Coronavirus has also helped remove the gap between generations. Its brought everyone closer together, regardless of age, as we are all in this together.

Arslan Hassan is an electrical engineer with a passion for writing, designing, and anything tech-related. His educational background in the technical field has given him the edge to write on many topics.

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How Covid-19 Has Changed Aging and Retirement - Longevity LIVE - Longevity LIVE


How to live longer: Grapefruit could prevent cancer, protect the heart and boost longevity – TechnoCodex

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit thats rich in the powerful antioxidant lycopene, revealed dietitian Juliette Kellow and nutritionist Dr Sarah Brewer.

Regularly eating red grapefruit, specifically, could reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in your body, they said.

Everyone should aim to eat a portion of citrus fruits every single day to increase their lifespan, they added.

Best known for containing vitamin C, which supports the immune system, citrus fruits do far more than just fight infections, they said in their book Eat Better Live Longer Understand What Your Body Needs To Stay Healthy.

They are linked tight everything from protection against heart disease and cancer to slowing down cataract development.

Grapefruit help to lower cholesterol levels. [They] come in pink, red, and blond varieties. Pink and red are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.

READ MORE:How to live longer: Five habits to adopt into your life to increase life expectancy



Read the original:
How to live longer: Grapefruit could prevent cancer, protect the heart and boost longevity - TechnoCodex


Taylor Wilde Is Inspired By Renee Young And Gail Kim, Says Diversification Adds Longevity To Womens Careers – Wrestlezone

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Taylor Wilderecently spoke with WrestleZone Managing Editor Bill Pritchard about her return to wrestling and took some time to reflect on the opportunities afforded to womens wrestlers and how things are moving forward. The Knockouts Tag Team Championship Tournament will conclude this Saturday at Hard To Kill, and while we know both teams in the final match, Wildesaid she was also excited for the opportunity thatHavok and Nevaeh have with a potential title win.

Im excited to see Havok and Nevaeh. Nevaehs always been someone who has strengths in tag team wrestling and tag divisions havent really existed for women exclusively outside of IMPACT really, so its interesting to see the angle she takes because from what I know about her on the independents, [Nevaeh] and Havok are real talent enhancers and theyve really helped change the trajectory of womens wrestling on the independents. Im excited to see what they can do with up-and-comers and the staples of the company. I love seeing whats old is new again and whats new is old because its very reminiscent of when I was last there, Wilde explained, and the Knockouts had a very important role on the show. It feels like were getting closer and closer to where we were before the Hogan invasion. [laughs]

Wilde also added that the continued push and diversification of womens wrestling opens up more opportunities once talent steps out of the ring. Wilde pointed to how women used to be aged out of the ring in the past, but new roles and being introduced its an exciting prospect.

Itd be wonderful and it just adds to that diversification of the Knockouts and womens wrestling because thats what weve moved to. Were way out of the Divas era and these women have substance, characters, and adding diversification also adds to the longevity of a womens career whereas before, once you hit the 35-40 range, Wilde said, youre [at a new stage in life], you know, and its a really great time [now] for womens wrestling.

You have Madison Rayne and Renee Young, who have been doing the ringside commentary and the backstage interviews, as well as Gail Kim being an agent. All of these things are really new in the last 5-10 years, but its very inspirational and motivating for not only someone like myself, Wilde said, who is in their golden years as far as wrestling goes, but for all of the up-and-comers, their careers wont be stunted by the time they are 35 or 40. They have much more to look forward to.

Check out what Taylor has been up to onher podcast,Wilde On. Season 2 premieres on Wednesday with Trish Stratus as her first guest.

Read More: Yes, Nevaeh Is Heaven Spelled Backward, But Her Inspiration For It Is Heartwarming

Excerpt from:
Taylor Wilde Is Inspired By Renee Young And Gail Kim, Says Diversification Adds Longevity To Womens Careers - Wrestlezone


First Drive: The Fiat 500 EV proves this supermini’s unrivalled longevity – Jersey Evening Post

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Thats right, the new generation 500 cannot be bought with an internal combustion engine. Instead its been completely reinvented with new underpinnings and a new look. As an urban car, on paper, the 500 is the perfect model for electrification, so lets find out if it stacks up.

Pretty much everything except for the name is new. Its the first Fiat Chrysler Automobiles model to be built from the ground up as an electric vehicle, so its perhaps unsurprising that it has led with its most iconic car.

That makes it wider and longer than the outgoing model, gets level-two autonomous driving features, a futuristic twist on the classic 500 styling, and two battery size choices with fast charging up to 85kW. Its also offered as both a hatchback and convertible.

Whats under the bonnet?

The powertrain is impressively compact to maximise space in the cabin. Under the bonnet, where an engine would typically live, is a power electronic bay, which incorporates various aspects of the powertrain such as the charger module and power inverter. Beneath it sits the electric drive module, which has the motor and differential. Its output is 115bhp (or 94bhp on the smaller battery version) and 220Nm of torque.

Beneath the cabin sits the battery pack, which is available in 42kWh or 23.7kWh capacities, providing up to 199 and 115 miles of range respectively. The smaller battery can charge at a maximum rate of 50kW, which takes 30 minutes to get to 80% of charge, while the larger one can take up to 85kW, which takes 35 minutes to reach 80%.

Whats it like to drive?

In previous generations, the 500s trump card has always been its style, and while it hasnt been bad to drive, its far from class leading. However, the new 500 feels like a massive step up. Electric powertrains suit city cars down to the ground and this Fiat is no different.

The electric motor doesnt quite have the immediate kick of acceleration of some EVs, but its much more sprightly than a petrol car when driving around town. Its comfortable, too, without suffering from the overly harsh ride some rivals struggle with.

The 500 could have been the worst car ever made and it would still sell by the boatload because Fiat absolutely nailed the retro-modern styling. This new model has seen the most dramatic change yet, because although its unmistakably a 500, its got an ultra-modern edge that would be well-suited to a concept car.

Despite being larger now, its retained the charming dinky proportions we know and love. It has a solid front grille with a prominent 500 logo that should be tacky but has been implemented in a classy way, while the ring light around the oval headlights is a simple, modern yet characterful touch.

Again, the interior feels like its moved up a level. This is partly because the starting price is higher, as is the case with all EVs, so they tend to get more premium materials and style to help justify it. However, while the Fiat doesnt necessarily feel more premium, gone is the clunky, fussy interior of old and in its place is a sleek minimalist dashboard.

It has a simplified oval instrument binnacle design, which is about the only similarity with its predecessor. Now, the centre console is simply a prominent screen on the dashboard where most features are controlled from, as well as a few physical buttons below for the air conditioning and gear selection.

Prices start at 22,495 for the hatchback. There are four trim levels on the hatchback, while the drop-top goes without the entry-level Action trim, which is only available with the smaller battery. Standard equipment includes rear parking sensors, 15-inch alloy wheels, halogen headlights, air conditioning and digital instruments. However, theres no infotainment screen you get a smartphone cradle instead.

Step up to Passion and you get the larger battery, cruise control, automatic air conditioning and a seven-inch infotainment screen with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. After this, Icon models get a leather steering wheel, passive entry with a wearable key, 16-inch alloy wheels, and 10.25-inch infotainment screen with sat-nav.

Finally, the top-spec La Prima trim gets extensive extra equipment, including wireless phone charging, leather seats, 360-degree parking sensors, 17-inch alloy wheels, LED headlights and a six-speaker sound system.

Reinventing the Fiat 500 was a big ask. But you have to say fair play to the Italians, because they have managed to find everything thats loved about the previous 500 and packaged it up in a modern-looking car with a future-proof electric powertrain.

Theres now more substance to the 500s style, because its great to drive, more spacious and has ultra-low running costs too. Its safe to say this city cars reign of success is likely to continue for a good while yet.

See the original post here:
First Drive: The Fiat 500 EV proves this supermini's unrivalled longevity - Jersey Evening Post


Youth using e-cigarettes 3 times as likely to become daily cigarette smokers – University of California

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

An analysis of a large nationally representative longitudinal study by University of California San Diego Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science report that starting tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, before the age of 18 is a major risk factor for people becoming daily cigarette smokers.

Reporting in the January 11, 2021 online edition of Pediatrics, researchers found that in 2014 people age 12 to 24 who used e-cigarettes were three times as likely to become daily cigarette smokers in the future. Among those who reported using a tobacco product, daily use increased with age through age 28. Daily cigarette smoking nearly doubled between 18 to 21 year olds (12 percent) and 25 to 28 year olds (21 percent).

This is the first paper that actually looks at progression to dependent cigarette smoking among young adults. In these data, e-cigarettes are a gateway for those who become daily cigarette smokers, said the studys first author, John P. Pierce, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus at Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science and UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center. The start product has changed from cigarettes to e-cigarettes, but the end product has stayed the same. When users become dependent on nicotine, they are converting to cigarette smoking.

Researchers used data from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study, a longitudinal study of tobacco use and its effect on the health of people in the United States. The PATH Study, undertaken by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the FDA Center for Tobacco Products under contract to Westat, enrolled a nationally representative sample of 12 to 24 year olds between in 2013 and 2014 and re-interviewed them annually for four years to explore progression to daily use among experimenters of 12 tobacco products.

In the first year, 45 percent of study participants reported using at least one tobacco product in their lifetime. By the fourth year, as participants aged, 62 percent reported some tobacco experimentation. Among those who have ever experimented with tobacco, 73 percent had tried cigarettes and 72 percent had tried e-cigarettes. Further, more than half tried hookahs and cigarillos. Traditional cigars, filtered cigars, smokeless products, pipes and snus were each tried by more than10 percent of study participants.

The analyses revealed that, by year four, 12 percent of participants were using tobacco products daily half of whom became daily users after the first year. Seventy percent of daily users smoked cigarettes and most of them (63 percent) used cigarettes exclusively. Of those who smoked cigarettes and used another tobacco product, half vaped e-cigarettes on a non-daily basis.

Among the 17 percent of daily users who were vaping every day, almost half were also non-daily cigarette smokers. Further follow-up will determine whether these young daily tobacco users continue to use both products or whether they settle on a single product, said Pierce.

What were seeing is that the proportion who are daily e-cigarette users did not increase with age. Whereas with cigarettes the number of users jumps up rapidly with age, said Pierce. This rapid increase with age only occurred with cigarettes, not with any other tobacco products.

Less than 1 percent of study participants who experimented with just one tobacco product progressed to daily cigarette smoking. People who had tried five or more products increased their risk of becoming daily cigarette smokers by 15 percentage points.

Trying e-cigarettes and multiple other tobacco products before the age of 18 is also strongly associated with becoming daily cigarette smoking, said senior author Karen Messer, Ph.D., professor at UC San Diego Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science and director of biostatics at UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center.

We know that e-cigarette use among high school seniors, most under the age of 18, increased from 38 percent in 2016 to 45 percent in 2019. These results suggest that recent rapid growth in adolescent e-cigarette use will lead to increased daily cigarette smoking among young adults in the United States, reversing decades of decline in cigarette smoking.

Co-authors include: Ruifeng Chen, Eric C. Leas, Martha M. White, Sheila Kealey, Matthew D. Stone, Tarik Benmarhnia, Dennis R. Trinidad and David R. Strong, all of UC San Diego.

This research was funded, in part, by the National Institutes of Health (1R01CA234539) and by the Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program of the University of California Office of the President (28IR-0066).

See the original post:
Youth using e-cigarettes 3 times as likely to become daily cigarette smokers - University of California


Over 50s Spending Spree Boosts Economy By Billions – Money International

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Older consumers are a benefit to the economy rather than a drain on resources, according to new research.

The over 50s will spend 63p in every 1 in the UK by 2040 rising from 54p in the 1 in 2018.

And the money is spent across the board rather than on specific goods and services,

However, think-tank the International Longevity Centre (ILC) believes the country could benefit even more if the government looked at lifting barriers to spending by older people.

The ILC reportMaximising the longevity dividendreveals spending by the over 50s has dominated the UK economy since 2013 and will rise over the coming decades, from 54% (319 billion) of total consumer spending in 2018 to 63% by 2040 (550 billion).

According to the report, lifting barriers to spending by the over 75s could add 2% (47 billion) to GDP a year by 2040 and supporting the over 50s to remain in the workforce could add an another 1.3% to GDP a year by 2040.

David Sinclair, Director of the ILC, said: As the population ages there are enormous economic opportunities, but these are currently being neglected.

There are enormous gains to be made by individual businesses and for the economy if we can unlock the spending and earning power of older adults.

But too many people face barriers to working and spending in later life issues like inaccessible high streets, poorly designed products, and age discriminatory attitudes require a serious response.

Weve become accustomed to hearing our ageing population talked about as a bad thing but the reality is it could be an opportunity.

However, we wont realise this longevity dividend through blind optimism about ageing. Instead, we need concerted action to tackle the barriers to spending and working in later life.

We need action to make sure our extra years are healthy years, we need accessible high streets and workplaces that are free from age discrimination and we need continued action to ensure that people have access to decent pensions in later life.

Realising the longevity dividend will require decisive action of the kind weve yet to see from either business or government. For all the talk of baby boomers dominating politics, weve yet to see a serious response to the opportunities and this needs to change.

Further related information and articles can be found following the links below

Read the original here:
Over 50s Spending Spree Boosts Economy By Billions - Money International


Global Longevity Biotech Industry Market 2021 Insights Business Opportunities, Current Trends And Restraints Forecast 2027:Juvenescence, Unity…

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

This contemporary, modern market research compilation is a systematic overview of the overall market status and structure prevalent in global Longevity Biotech market and their rampant implications upon holistic growth trajectory and further probabilities in the near future. The report is based on extensive primary and secondary research initiatives and the insights thus achieved have been stacked systematically aided by several graphs, tables and charts to encourage seamless comprehension. The report sheds ample light into both past and current developments to infer futuristic probabilities. Relevant understanding on market prognosis, trends, policy updates and current development statistics have all been highlighted in thorough detail for quick deductions and subsequent investment discretion by Orbis Pharma Reports.

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Major Company Profiles operating in the Longevity Biotech Market:

JuvenescenceUnity BiotechNapa Therapeutics?Ltd.LyGenesisBuckJuvenescence LimitedInsilico MedicineMajor Types CoveredTherapyDrug

By the product type, the market is primarily split into


By the application, this report covers the following segments

agingregenerationthe diseases of aging

Browse the complete report @ https://www.orbispharmareports.com/2015-2027-global-longevity-biotech-industry-market-research-report-segment-by-player-type-application-marketing-channel-and-region/

Regional Overview:This versatile research report presentation on global Longevity Biotech market, presented by Orbis Pharma Reports has maintained highest parameters of research practices to unravel crucial details. Holistic geographical diversifications have been carefully analyzed and prominent growth centers have been categorically flagged to maintain uniform growth trends.Besides entailing region-specific details, country-wise detailing have also been included to encourage rapid decision making. For maximum reader discretion and subsequent investment decisions, this report on global Longevity Biotech market as assessed by Orbis Pharma Reports reveals Germany, France, Italy, UK as ideal growth hotspots, followed by American growth hubs such as Mexico, Brazil, US and Canada. MEA countries and APAC nations have also been thoroughly scanned to understand growth patterns, competition intensity as well as vendor activities across these growth points.

For Any Query on the Longevity Biotech Market: https://www.orbispharmareports.com/enquiry-before-buying/91311

Decoding Segment Specifications:The report by Orbis Pharma Reports on global Longevity Biotech market encourages complete stratification of the market in terms of segments to understand growth patterns. All prominent segments highlighted in the report have been assessed based on set parameters such as capital diversion, inventory management as well as utility diversification, besides exploring supply chain developments to understand segment potential in growth progression. Each of the segment identified has been assessed on the basis of various market parameters to explore growth projections and likelihood. The report is based on complete SWOT and PESTEL assessment, followed by PORTERs Five Forces assessment and evaluation of all DROT factors. These details are highly crucial to encourage appropriate investment decisions on the part of inquisitive readers and aspirational investors.Orbis Pharma Reports also sketches the prevalent competition landscape, isolating frontline players as well as their growth proficient business decisions. Based on these business decisions, this report helps investors to deliver lucrative business decisions.

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At Orbispharma we curate the most relevant news stories, features, analysis and research reports on the important challenges undertaken by the pharmaceutical and related sectors. Our editorial philosophy is to bring you sharp, focused and informed perspective of industries, the end users and application of all upcoming trends into the pharma sector. Orbispharma believes in conversations that can bring a change in one of the most crucial economic sectors in the world. With these conversations we wish our customers to make sound business decisions with right business intelligence.

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Originally posted here:
Global Longevity Biotech Industry Market 2021 Insights Business Opportunities, Current Trends And Restraints Forecast 2027:Juvenescence, Unity...


3 Benefits Of CBD Oil To Manage Anxiety And Stress – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Its ironic that people have never been this anxious and stressed in a world that has never seen so much comfort, technological, and medical advancement. As if the more artificial certainty we create for ourselves through medicine, perfectly coordinated schedules, and effortless processes thanks to technology, we have become more afraid of the uncertainty of life.

Acceptance of this uncertainty is the first step to easing stress and anxiety. After all, the unknown is such a massive part of our life whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. After that, we can try to ease stress and anxiety with other healthy habits. Reducing the amount of sugar and exercising more outside are two excellent ways of bringing more peace into our life.

There is another natural way to ease stress and anxiety a natural compound that has been around for thousands of years known as CBD.

Short for cannabinol, CBD is the second most predominant active ingredient in the cannabis plant. CBD is derived from the hemp plant, and as a result, it contains a low level of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The latter is a considerable component of marijuana it is the reason users become high. However, in hemp-derived CBD, the THC level is less than 0.3 percent, so users are at no risk of becoming high or overdosing.

This is why the World Health Organization (WHO) has deemed CBD a safe, natural compound. Its low THC content is also the reason countries such as the US have legalized CBD. Although research on this natural compound is limited, researchers have noted the significant potential CBD has for a list of chronic and mental health issues such as diabetes, depression, insomnia, PTSD, and more.

Thanks to its positive attributes, some of the worlds top CBD oil brands have made this natural compound more accessible and safer to buy, whether online or in a brick-and-mortar store. CBD oil is easy to ingest. You can take it sublingually by placing a drop under your tongue for it to be absorbed quickly, or you can add it to anything from your morning smoothie, coffee, cereal, or salad dressing.

Chemical imbalances in our brain and hormone imbalance in the body are the leading causes of stress and anxiety once we face stressful situations, whether they are real or imagined. Treating stress and anxiety with CBD is possible and safe. The following are three ways CBD oil can help.

For those who are chronically stressed and anxious, taking something that will make you feel you have lost control isnt a good idea. This is why anxious people who take marijuana do not enjoy the experience. Its because the high THC content and the mind-altering effects it brings makes them feel more anxious and paranoid.

This is not an issue with CBD. Since this natural compound causes no mind-altering effects, you will not experience more anxiety and stress caused by the fear of getting high and losing control. Researchers have noted no harmful side effects of CBD, and unlike some medications, it is gentle on the organs. The only known side effects some CBD users have experienced include nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Cortisol is a critical hormone that helps us determine whether we fight or flight during an emergency. But when you suffer from chronic stress and cortisol is released continuously in the body, it leads to adverse effects. High levels of cortisol lead to a weak immune system, weight gain, and chronic fatigue. All of these factors can cause more stress.

CBD can help ease stress by balancing cortisol levels in the body. When you take CBD oil, the cannabinoids interact with the receptors running through the body. Although researchers have yet to understand how CBD interacts with the receptors, they know that it can signal to them and trigger change. Here, the change comes as more balanced cortisol levels in the body.

CBD can also trigger the release of more serotonin and GABA in the mind and body. Serotonin is a critical neurotransmitter that infuses us with the sense of well-being we need to feel less anxious. Located in the brain region, GABA helps ease anxiety by signaling to the body to be more relaxed. In both cases, CBD can interact with the receptors to trigger changes and encourage the body to increase serotonin and GABA levels.

Stress and anxiety are part of life, but they do not need to rule our days. Healthily dealing with them is better than avoiding these negative traits, as we would be allowing them to become worse. When you feel overwhelmed, it is best to turn to someone you can trust. They will remind you that although you may feel like it, you are not alone. You can get through this.

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3 Benefits Of CBD Oil To Manage Anxiety And Stress - Longevity LIVE - Longevity LIVE


Mystery Plant: Beautiful, magical and edible, this aquatic bloom has many uses – The Daily Progress

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Following the leaves, a given rhizome will produce one or more flowering stalks. These stalks (also roughened) are without leaves themselves: such a stalk is called a scape. (Another good example of a scape would be the stem of a daffodil.). Each scape will bear a single flower, all the way at the top. A football-shaped, green bud eventually will open up, allowing the flowers 15 or so exquisitely pink (sometimes white) tepals to spread open. The center of the flower bears a lot of stamens, often more than 100, and several pistils, with each pistil embedded in a flattened receptacle.

At maturity, the tepals have all fallen away, and the receptacle swells a bit into a conical shape, with very hard, spherical seeds embedded in its tissue. These seeds are amazing for their longevity, easily sprouting after 100 years of dormancy. Some reports indicate that they may still be good after several centuries.

The entire plant, in addition to the rhizomes, has been used since antiquity in central and eastern Asia, where it is native, in various ways. But it is the extraordinary blossoms that make this species so special: a plant that can resurrect itself from quiet mud into something resplendent and almost sacred.

By the way, the seeds will sprout if scarified, and sometimes the rhizomes are available for planting. Be aware that, if happy enough, this plant can be invasive.

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Mystery Plant: Beautiful, magical and edible, this aquatic bloom has many uses - The Daily Progress


The meat spot – Japanese people may have gained longevity by balancing their diets | Graphic detail – The Economist

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Japans rate of strokes fell during a period when it began eating a bit of meat

Jan 16th 2021

TANAKA KANE is one of humanitys great outliers. On January 2nd she became the third person ever to turn 118, according to the Gerontology Research Group, a team of academics. She is also the first citizen of Japan to reach 118but is unlikely to be the last. The country has the worlds longest life expectancy, and 80,000 centenarians.

Mrs Tanaka is an outlier for another reason, too. She claims to love chocolate and fizzy drinks, setting her apart from most of her compatriots. Japan has long had one of the lowest sugar-consumption rates in the OECD, a club of mainly wealthy countries.

The unusual longevity enjoyed in Japan is often credited to diet. Yet the idea that the country has extended lifespans by entirely avoiding the Wests sinful culinary delights may be too simple. In fact, recent studies imply that one key to its success may be that its peoples diets have shifted over time towards Western eating patterns.

Japan was not always a longevity champion. In 1970 its age-adjusted mortality rates were average for the OECD. Although its levels of cancer and heart disease were relatively low, it also had the OECDs highest frequency of cerebrovascular deaths, caused by blood failing to reach the brain.

In 1970-90, however, Japans cerebrovascular mortality rate fell towards the OECD average. With world-beating numbers on heart disease and fewer strokes, Japan soared up the longevity league table.

How did Japan overcome its cerebrovascular woes? Some of its gains simply mirror better treatments and reductions in blood pressure around the world, notes Thomas Truelsen of the University of Copenhagen.

However, another cause may be diets. Japan largely banned meat for 1,200 years, and still consumes relatively little meat and dairy. Too much of these can be damaging, since they contain saturated fatty acids, which correlate to heart disease. Studies have also tied eating lots of processed red meat to a greater risk of stroke. But too little may be unwise as well, because they provide cholesterol that may be needed for blood-vessel walls. In a study of 48,000 Britons, vegetarians were unusually resistant to heart disease, but prone to strokes.

In theory, a dearth of animal-based food could have contributed to Japans historical cerebrovascular mortality. In 1960-2013, as the countrys deaths from strokes tumbled, its annual meat intake rose from near zero to 52kg per person (45% of Americas level). Tsugane Shoichiro of the National Cancer Centre in Tokyo says that his compatriots may need meat and dairy to keep their blood vessels robustthough not so much that those vessels get clogged.

Some empirical evidence supports this view. One paper from the 1990s found that the parts of Japan where diets had changed most also had the biggest drops in cerebrovascular mortality. Another study, which tracked 80,000 Japanese people in 1995-2009, showed that strokes were most common among those who ate the least chops and cream. Although Japans decline in cerebrovascular deaths could stem entirely from other causes, these data suggest that nutritional shifts may have helped.

The unhappy irony is that Japans health gains, paired with a low birth rate, threaten its economy. By 2060, 40% of Japanese could be 60 or older. That would yield more birthday cakes with 118 candlesand fewer great-grandchildren to blow them out.


This article appeared in the Graphic detail section of the print edition under the headline "The meat spot"

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The meat spot - Japanese people may have gained longevity by balancing their diets | Graphic detail - The Economist


The 17 Best Longevity Tips Experts Taught Us in 2020 – Well+Good

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

In recent years, the motivation for healthy habits like veggie-heavy diets and regular exercise has shifted from present-day benefits to those more long-term in nature. And were not just interested in extending our lifespan, but our health span, tooaka the length of time we are not only alive but alive and well. Most of us want to die with our boots on, as my grandfather would sayable in both mind and body.

As such, longevity research has become a major focus in the wellness world and this year, we learned quite a bit about how to optimize our daily lives now for the benefit of our future selves. Below, a rundown of the best tips weve accumulated in 2020 for living your healthiest life into your 80s and beyondbecause theres a lot to live well for just ask President-Elect Joe Biden, who is 78!

1. Exercise this many times per week

Its no secret that human beings were designed to be a lot more active than most of us currently are in our modern-day, screen-heavy existences; however, you dont need to give up hope of a long life if youre pressed for tons of time to move each week. This year, a new study published inJAMA Internal Medicinefound that those who engage in moderate or vigorous exercise 150 minutes per weekhad lower all-cause mortality.

That translates to just 22 minutes of moderate-to-intense exercise per day. Those who got these 150 minutes per week showed a lower risk of early death from all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality, and cancer mortality.

Benefits were especially notable in those who tended toward the more rigorous side of the equation, opting for running, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) routines, or something equally as taxing. The takeaway there is that if you are doing lower-impact exercises, it might help to throw a few more hardcore (think: quick and dirty) fitness routines into the mix as well. Not sure where to start? Here are nine such workouts you can try now (or January 1, because resolutions).

2. This particular workout format packs the best longevity punch

Any exercise is better than none, so if theres a format you love and that gets you moving, you should one hundred percent stick to it. But if youre open to new things or are already a devotee, research this year shows that HIIT workouts are the most effective form of fitness from a longevity standpoint.

The study looked at the effects of two weekly HIIT workouts per week on 70 to 77 year-olds and found that all-cause mortality was 36 percent lower in that group than in the studys control group (which did whatever kind of exercise they liked). Thirty-six percent!

The specific HIIT routine the studys participants engaged in was the 44 format, which divides each workout into a 10-minute warm-up period followed by four high-intensity intervals. Each interval consists of one to two minutes of extreme exertion, at about 90 percent of maximum heart rate, followed by a three-minute period at about 60 percent of heart rate. The session then concludes with a cool down period. If you want toe try one out, here are four to get you started.

3. If your workouts dont include this one move, they probably should

Technically, research just shows that if you can do this one move easily, that in and of itself is a good indication of longevity: the squat. So while this doesnt necessarily show that doing squats will increase your lifespan, it stands to reason that one way to ensure you can do them easily is to, well, do themand frequently.

One of the reasons its such a good exerciseboth to practice frequently and as a longevity predictor is that its functional, meaning we sort of need to be able to execute squat-like movements regularly in everyday life when, for example, we move from sitting to standing. Plus, we sit too much, and therefore the parts of our bodies, e.g. the glutes, which squats activate do not get nearly the amount of work they were built to take on.

Its critical, howeverfor knee health especiallythat you squat with proper form; heres how.

4. Cardio is not to be overlooked, either

Its not always possible for everyone to engage in high-impact exercise like HIIT or running, but that doesnt mean theyre screwed from a longevity perspective. In some cases, people might want to choose exercises that are gentler on their joints, which is not the same thing as being easy.

According to a cardiologist, there are five types of low-impact cardio thatll work you out hard without irritating aging or injured parts of your body: swimming, walking, cycling, rowing, and elliptical. Or, heres a 25-minute low-impact cardio workout you can try from home today.

5. Overall, your workout routines should include these 3 pillars

Ultimately, the best fitness routines are a mix of a number of different modalities, and exercising for longevity is no different. According toAleksandra Stacha-Fleming, founder of NYCs Longevity Lab, a gym that works with people of all ages to create workouts that help their bodies age properly, your regular workouts should typically include a smattering of the following: cardio, for your heart; strength-training, for your bones; and anything that works your flexibility and mobility, e.g. yoga. Get workout vids for each here.

1. Always keep these 6 foods on hand in your fridge

According to Dan Buettner, longevity expert and author ofThe Blue Zones Kitchen, the longest-living people in the world dont obsess over or restrict what they eat; however, they naturally consume nutrient-dense foods as a way of life. The six such foods Buettner thinks you should stock up on ASAP to follow their lead are nuts, vegetables, fruit, tofu, fish, and alt-milk. Find out more about why here.

You might want to add a jar of canned hearts of palm to your shopping list the next time youre try to stock your fridge, too. The ingredient is nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, and packed with minerals like potassium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. Most importantly, its Blue Zones diet-approved, meaning its a longevity-booster, too. Try these 9 recipes to make use of your next hearts of palm haul.

2. Meanwhile, these 5 foods should go in your freezer

Buettner also has thoughts on what should be found in your freezer if you hope to emulate the worlds centenarians. His top five picks include a lot of the same things you should simultaneously keep fresh in your fridge, like fruits and vegetables, and nuts fall into both categories, too. Additionally, Buettner recommends keeping bread (bless you, Buettner!) and whole grains on ice, too. Get a few recipes made with each ingredient on this Buettners freezer list here.

3. Pack these in your pantry

Buettner even shared what he keeps in his own kitchen specifically when it comes to his pantry. What youll find there includes staples such as beans, legumes, whole grains (specifically steel-cut oats and brown rice), nuts, and seeds. You should keep canned greens in your pantry, too.

4. Herbs and spices are oh-so-important, too

Excess inflammation is an enemy of healthy aging, and plants are packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. According to herbalist Rachelle Robinett, nutrient-dense herbs are, therefore, a great supplement for anyone looking to enhance the longevity benefits of their diet. Specifically, she recommends ginger, turmeric, spirulina, chili peppers, and ginsengfind out more on why here.

People in the Blue Zone of Okinawa, Japan, also consume an herb called otani-watari, which can be boiled and added to stir-fries, soups, and salad.

4. This one-pot recipe is a longevity experts favorite go-to meal

Whatever Buettner, whos made his lifes work longevity, is eating regularly, Ill have, too. Fortunately, this year he shared his favorite go-to meal, which just so happens to be a one-pot Ikarian Longevity Stew packed with legumes and superstar veggies. Get the recipe here.

5. Overall, its this popular diet that wins the day with respect to longevity

You may have noticed a theme in the above tips, which is that they heavily emphasize fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and whole grains; however, the longest-living people in the world arent necessarily vegans. Instead, they adhere to the Mediterranean Diet, and recent research has strengthened the link between it and longevity.

The study found that the Mediterranean diet may be linked to lowering inflammation markers and increasing both brain function and gut healthand therefore improving the aging process overall.

Essentially, the Mediterranean diet does call for substantial amounts of those aforementioned fruits, veggies, whole grains, and nuts. It also adds olive oil as a key component alongside fish and encourages a reduction in the consumption of red meat and saturated fats.

Need a little help making shifting your eating habits to better reflect this diet? Try the Blue Zones specific daily, weekly, and monthly guide for eating more like the longest-living humans on the planet.

6. To keep it simpler still, follow these golden rules of eating for longevity

If all of the above sounds like a lot, consider this; according to Buettner, there are six golden consumption rules to follow if you want to live longer, and TBH, theyre not very restrictive. The first is to drink wine after 5 p.m., ideally with friends or loved ones and a meal. (Um, twist my arm!) The second is to eat mostly plant-based foods, which at this point feels a bit repetitive, so duh. The third is to forget fad-diet brainwashing and carbo load to your hearts desire, as long as your carbs of choice are derived from grains, greens, tubers, nuts, and beans. The fourth is to eat less meat, as mentioned prior, and the fifth is to stick to just three beveragescoffee, that aforementioned wine (okay, yes), and lots and lots of water. Find out what the lastand least obviousgolden rule is here.

1. Keep a consistent sleep schedule

The Dalai Lama might not be a longevity expert per se, but he is doing pretty well at the spritely age of 85. One of his top six tips for extending your lifespan is to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. And even though he starts his day at 3 a.m., his 7 p.m. bedtime ensures he gets a solid eight hours of sleep per night.


1. Volunteer

One less-easy-to-imitate characteristic of those occupying the worlds Blue Zones is that they retain a sense of purpose throughout their lives. In America, we tend to put older people to pasture, so to speak, and they are less naturally integrated into family and community life, too.

One way to hack a sense of purpose in our (cold, heartless) societynot just when youre older but at any ageis to volunteer. Research shows that helping other people can actually help you to live a longer life. Our results show that volunteerism among older adults doesnt just strengthen communities, but enriches our own lives by strengthening our bonds to others, helping us feel a sense of purpose and well-being, and protecting us from feelings of loneliness, depression, and hopelessness, Eric S. Kim, PhD, research scientist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said in a press release about the study. Find out more here, including how to adapt this hashtag-goals habit to pandemic times.

2. Grow a green thumb

According to Buettner, people in the Blue Zones, or longest-living areas of the world, garden well into their 90s and beyond. Gardening is the epitome of a Blue Zone activity because its sort of a nudge: You plant the seeds and youre going to be nudged in the next three to four months to water it, weed it, harvest it, he says. And when youre done, youre going to eat an organic vegetable, which you presumably like because you planted it. Find out more on the research behind this here.

3. Meditate

Not to state the obvious, but the Dalai Lamas longevity routine also includes regular meditation. And while he practices for seven hours a day, research shows that just five minutes per day can reap benefits such as sharpening your mind, reducing stress and, importantly, slowing aging.

4. Practice compassion

The Dalai Lama considers compassion to be one of the keys to happiness, and science says it has pro-social benefits, too. These might help us live longer lives, as humans thrive in the communities many Americans find it more difficult to build than those living in the Blue Zones do. Showing concern, care, and empathy to others can endear you to them and ensure that when the shoe is on the other foot, youve got others to lean on, too. This reciprocal relationship gives you that aforementioned sense of longevity-endowing purpose, too.

Go here to read the rest:
The 17 Best Longevity Tips Experts Taught Us in 2020 - Well+Good


LifeBio Selected to Present at Innovator’s Pitch Challenge During the Inaugural Longevity, Health & Innovation Conference – PRNewswire

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

MARYSVILLE, Ohio, Jan. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --LifeBio, a leading age-tech solutions company using reminiscence methods and life story work for social engagement, announced today it has been selected to participate in the Innovator's Pitch Challenge (IPC) at the inaugural Longevity, Health & Innovationconference to be held virtually and concurrently during the 39th Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Week, January 11-15.

LifeBio's MyHello, a tech-powered, scalable live phone intervention to prevent loneliness in older adults and to address social determinants of health (SDoH), was one of only 37 early-stage company products among hundreds of entries invited to pitch to the life science and longevity investor judging panel. The two-day Innovator's Pitch Challenge includes a 4-minute pitch followed by live Q&A sessions on January 14-15. The purpose of the pitch is to advance technology in longevity and aging by connecting buyers, sellers, and investors.

"The COVID pandemic increased loneliness and isolation among older adults which we know leads to higher levels of depression, poorer cardiovascular and diabetes health and higher rates of Alzheimer's disease," said Beth Sanders, CEO and founder of LifeBio. "MyHello is designed to be a high-tech intervention for loneliness using existing landline or mobile phones and connecting older adults with engaging conversations with the power of life stories. Research shows we reduce depression and increase happiness and well-being using the LifeBio Reminiscence Method and personalized story methods."

Julianne Holt-Lunstadat Brigham Young University, one of the foremost researchers on social isolation and loneliness, found these conditions have as much impact on longevity as obesity or even smoking. It is estimated more than 42 million older adults feel isolated and lonely, whether they live alone or in congregate living communities. In 2020, isolation and loneliness for seniors were exacerbated by the safety restrictions during the pandemic. In addition to the individual impact, loneliness and social isolation also account for $6.7 billion in additional Medicare spending annually according to a 2017 reportby AARP.

LifeBio Solutions

LifeBio (www.LifeBio.com) has captured thousands of life stories, working with senior living, hospice, health insurance partners and other health providers. The company has been recognized for its innovative approach to creating solutions for social determinants of health in older populations with its MyHellosolutions http://www.MyHello.com, a focus of the new guidelines from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). LifeBio also recently received a $2.5 million grant from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program to test an online platform using artificial intelligence (AI) to facilitate life story work for those with dementia and Alzheimer's. (Disclaimer: Federal Grant ID: R44AG069566the content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.)

LifeBio Inc., is a leading age-tech company with more than 20 years of experience creating social engagement solutions using scientifically-proven reminiscence and life story methods. Headquartered in Marysville, Ohio, LifeBio works with health care and senior living organizations to capture key memories and experiences for people age 65+ or those facing life-limiting conditions. Most of LifeBio's work has been with organizations serving older adults. However, LifeBio recognizes the need to increase support for mental health interventions across all age groups as part of its ever-evolving product portfolio and partnerships. Learn more at: http://www.LifeBio.comor http://www.MyHello.com.

To learn more about the Innovator's Pitch Challenge, hosted by Life Science Nation and Mary Furlong and Associates, register hereor go to: http://www.longevityhealthinnovation.com.

Media Contact: Beth Sanders LifeBio 614-580-0333 [emailprotected]


Go here to read the rest:
LifeBio Selected to Present at Innovator's Pitch Challenge During the Inaugural Longevity, Health & Innovation Conference - PRNewswire


Live longer: Chlorophyll reduces cancer risk and promotes liver health to boost longevity – Express

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Chlorophyll is a pigment present in all green plants and a few other organisms. It is required for photosynthesis, which is the process by which light energy is converted into chemical energy. According to health experts, chlorophyll should be part of our daily lives and with the numerous health benefits its easy to see why.

Chlorophyll contains vitamins, antioxidants, and therapeutic properties that all majorly benefit the body.

Dr Keith Kantor, nutritionist and dietician and CEO of the Nutritional Addiction Mitigation Eating and Drinking program said: Chlorophyllsuppresses appetite, aids in weight loss, decreases spikes in insulin which lessens cravings, helps with skin healing, helps in detoxifying the blood, reduces the risk for cancer, increases energy, helps in eliminating odours (as a natural deodorant), and helps in boosting the immune system.

People have used chlorophyll as a health supplement for many years.

A variety of medical studies have suggested that it may be helpful for skin conditions, body odours, and fighting certain kinds ofcancer.

READ MORE:How to live longer: Consume this spice to reduce heart disease risk and inhibit cancer

In a study published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, chlorophylls ability to extend lifespan was investigated..

Results of the study indicate that chlorophyll is absorbed by worms and is thus bioavailable, constituting an important prerequisite for antioxidant and longevity-promoting activities inside the body, noted the study.

It continued: Our study thereby supports the view that green vegetables may also be beneficial for humans.

In conclusion, our experiments demonstrate that chlorophyll exhibits substantial antioxidant activity and significantly improves antioxidant resistance ofC. elegans.

Therefore, dietary chlorophyll derivatives support the recommendation of nutritionists to eat green vegetables and salads containing high contents of chlorophyll, as this could also help to improve human health and prevent diseases.

In another study published in Science Alert, the effects of chlorophyll on body functioning and blood glucose levels were analysed.

The study noted: Blood glucose levels can be affected by the various types of chlorophyll.

Experiments have proven that chlorophyll has antioxidant activities that are present in various foods.

A diet rich in chlorophyll led to a slight decrease in the number of white blood cells, haematocrit, haemoglobin and an increase in red blood cells compared with control.

It is concluded that chlorophyll is likely to have important implications regarding blood sugar and has benefits in body weight with further studies being warranted.

In addition to its neuroprotective and appetite-suppressing effects, chlorophyll promotes liver health and balances the gut flora.

A recent study posted in Frontiers in Physiology in 2018 has found that chlorophyllin may help relieve hepatic fibrosis symptoms by reducing harmful gut bacteria.

The study also indicates that chlorophyllin may reduce liver inflammation and protect the small intestine in mice with hepatic fibrosis.

Its beneficial effects on the gut microbiota hold promise for future research.

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Live longer: Chlorophyll reduces cancer risk and promotes liver health to boost longevity - Express


Freddie Gibbs Explains Why Longevity In Hip-Hop Is The Key To Success – Genius

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Id rather have it later in life than get it quick and then lose it all.

Freddie Gibbs is 38 years old and still watching himself reach new career peaks. The veteran rapper, who is up for a Best Rap Album Grammy at the 2021 show, recently linked up with Vulture to discuss his 2020 achievements, and he reflected on the challenge and reward of achieving career longevity in rap music.

While he didnt find it hard to get a record deal, Gibbs explained that finding stable success in hip-hop took much longer.

I never worked hard to get signed. I got signed after probably a year or two of even rapping. I didnt really know what that was to be signed or none of that, he said. I got dropped in six months. That sh-t came and went very quick. I had to learn how to become my own machine.

He noted that the long path to fame taught him the value of patience.

My path to where Im at is very unique, probably quite different than a lot of other people. I had to fall flat real quick, and then learn how to take some years and time and a whole lot of effort to get where Im at, he said. If you wouldve told me 10 years ago that I was going to have to wait 10 years to be Grammy nominated, I dont know if I would have kept rapping. But thats me and my young mind. I would have been like, Damn, I got to do this sh-t 10 more years? The years in between are all learning years. I wasnt ready for the stage that Im on right now, back then. But now Im ready for it.

Gibbs' career dates back to the early 2000s, with his first mixtape, Full Metal Jakit, Vol. 1, dropping in 2004. After appearing the 2010 XXL Freshman class alongside rappers from J. Cole and Wiz Khalifa to Fashawn and Donnis, he released his major debut album, ESGN, in 2013. He found critical acclaim alongside Madlib with their collaborative albums Piata (2014) and Bandana (2019).

Despite the journey, Gibbs expressed gratitude for the slow-burning success compared to some of his early peers.

Motherf-ckers feel like if they dont make it by 22, they dead, he said. Id rather have it later in life than get it quick and then lose it all. I know a lot of rappers that were popping 10 years ago when I was trying to get it popping, and now they gone. A lot of those guys probably cant go do a show nowhere; a lot of them probably dont own their masters; a lot of them probably aint getting no money off streams or whatever; a lot of them probably signed with somebody who cant put out a project. Its all about longevity for me.

Gibbs is competing for Best Rap Album at the March 2021 Grammys ceremony for his The Alchemist collaborative project, Alfredo. The project earned both artists the highest-charting debut of their careers, landing at No. 15 with 31,000 equivalent album units sold in its first week.

Read Freddie Gibbs' full Vulture interview here and catch up on all the lyrics to Alfredo on Genius now.

Read this article:
Freddie Gibbs Explains Why Longevity In Hip-Hop Is The Key To Success - Genius


How to live longer: The best herbs and spices to extend longevity – Express

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

As well as adding flavour to your food, herbs and spices can also provide numerous protective qualities that can help you live longer. This is a much better alternative to condiments loaded with salt that can cause health problems.

Research nutritionist for the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, Diane Vizthum, commented on the subject matter.

"Spices are concentrated sources of antioxidants," Vizthum said, noting their "therapeutic properties".

People who wish to lower their blood sugar levels would benefit from sprinkling cinnamon onto their porridge.

Another spice recommended by Vizthum is turmeric - ideal for curry dishes, tacos and on roasted vegetables and meats.

Hailed a super spice for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric has been linked to a reduction in brain disease.

Referencing a study, Vizthum stated participants who consumed curcumin - a component of turmeric reported improvement in memory test scores.

"Scans of their brain indicated significantly fewer markers associated with cognitive decline," added an impressed Vizthum.

Vizthum advises people to simmer or stew foods with spices to "heighten the antioxidant levels", instead of frying or grilling.

Dietician Monica Auslander Moreno also recognises the health benefits of herbs and spices.

"Herbs and spices fight inflammation and reduce damage to your bodys cells, Moreno added.

"Thats because each one is rich in phytochemicals, which are healthful plant chemicals."

Moreno recommends adding chilli peppers to your food, as they can "help keep blood vessels healthy".

The Mayo Clinic warns of the dangers of damaged blood vessels, which includes raising blood pressure and potentially causing a stroke.

One herb Moreno recommends is cumin another great addition to curries as it can promote weight loss.

One study involving 88 overweight women who ate less than a teaspoon of cumin daily lost more body fat and weight than those who didn't; both groups were put on the same low-calorie diet.

The NHS points out the health hazards of carrying too much weight, as it can increase your risk of the following health conditions:

Rosemary is another herb recommended by Moreno, as it's rich in antioxidants that prevent cell damage.

To summarise, cinnamon, turmeric, chilli peppers, cumin and rosemary are the herbs and spices you need in your home.

Out of these five herbs and spices, which ones do you have? And what are your favourites? Please put your recommendations below on which spices and herbs go well with what dishes.

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How to live longer: The best herbs and spices to extend longevity - Express


$200 mn project at US Embassy: Testimony to strength, longevity of US-India relations – The Indian Express

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, and outgoing US Ambassador to India Kenneth I Juster Friday broke ground on the new more environmentally sustainable Chancery building to be constructed inside the US Embassy campus.

The project we celebrate today is more than a series of buildings and infrastructure. It reflects Americas enduring commitment to the US-India partnership and is a testament to the strength and longevity of that partnership, Juster said.

The new design reduces total water use by 37% and potable water use by 74%. The reflecting pool will be redesigned to capture stormwater during the monsoon season, storing one million gallons for treatment and reuse Throughout the project, the Embassy will be planting over 2,000 trees in public areas in New Delhi, he said.

Juster said the endeavour was also an investment in the local community. During the project, an approximate $200 million will be invested in the local economy and the project will employ approximately 800 Indian workers at the peak of construction activities. These workers will have the opportunity to learn new technical skills and safety awareness that will help distinguish them in the local market, he said.

Speaking at the event, Puri lauded Justers contribution to strengthening India-US relations, saying ties were stronger, more enduring and with greater potential now as compared to when the envoy had come to India.

Sisodia too said the relationship between the US Embassy and the Delhi government was mutually beneficial. India has adopted a New Education Policy which has enabled partnership in higher education with reputed universities of the world. The Delhi government will seek your cooperation in making Delhi a regional educational hub for some of the Ivy League colleges and schools, he said.

In a statement, the US Embassy said the new Chancery building will stand adjacent to the iconic original Chancery and the Ambassadors Residence at Roosevelt House on the Embassy campus. Friday also marked the 62nd anniversary of the ground-breaking of the original Chancery in 1959.

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$200 mn project at US Embassy: Testimony to strength, longevity of US-India relations - The Indian Express


Stone Ridge Lane receives validation with stipulations – Post Register

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Stone Ridge Lane was officially validated and received by Bingham County on Monday, January 11.

BLACKFOOT Dusty Whited, Bingham County Public Works director, met with the county commissioners Monday morning to present the findings on the study of Stone Ridge Lane formerly referred to as Neff Road regarding its validation. The validation process is conducted to ensure that the reception of the road happens with proper knowledge surrounding the longevity and quality regarding how it was built.

Whited stated that compaction studies as well as core samples were taken from multiple locations to verify the quality only to return less than stellar results. The first major issue that was noticed was that the core samples did not meet the depth requirements set forth by the county and the second issue noticed was that if cuts were to be made into the road to fix the areas that fell just shy of the requirement, the longevity of the road could be compromised.

Whited explained that the depth was shy only one-eighth of an inch of the desired two-and-one-half-inches, and he felt confident that the small difference should not be a staggering issue for the roadway. He furthered his point by stating that if they were to require the section to be removed, not only would it provide areas for water to potentially enter which leads to issues due to the cold weather but it would also present a possibility of having compaction issues in the area leading to what he called alligator pitting. Alligator pitting is a colloquial term that describes when a smaller section of roadway breaks into small pieces, presenting an appearance of alligator scales.

Despite the small difference in the roadway and the countys requirements, Whited felt confident enough to recommend that the commissioners accept the road as is with the stipulations that it is not the countys responsibility to repair any failures of the newly paved roadway. The developer of the area that was required to install the road to meet the development agreement takes full responsibility for any failures that could arise over the next three years. The developer had hired Black Diamond Paving to build the road.

The commissioners voted in favor of accepting the road with the three-year condition. They then signed the documents along with the developer.

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Read more from the original source:
Stone Ridge Lane receives validation with stipulations - Post Register


The secret of longevity, according to the 111-year-old – CampusLATELY

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Dexter Krueger He is Australias oldest living man, and is currently celebrating 111 years in a nursing home. Despite this astonishing achievement, Krueger, born on January 13, 1910, says this years celebration will be very limited due to the pandemic, but that doesnt mean he will enjoy the event less. Revealed what a The secret of a long life.

Dexter Krueger. Photo: 7news Facebook

Kruger is often asked the secret of longevity. No secret He said warmly, then added that breathing and eating three meals a day didnt matter.

The man sings and whistles regularly and eats half a dozen shrimp a day, and in the evening he often eats sardines for soup.

Although he suffered many evils during the past century, he steadfastly watched the positive events that he witnessed during his long life. These, like the first use of the phone, which he called magic, he says outweigh the negatives by far.

Meet the oldest person in Australia, Dexter Krueger. Today he celebrates his 111th birthday, which started with

Posted by: 7NEWS Mackay Tuesday 12 January 2021


Writer. Twitter specialist. Passionate social media ninja. Lifelong beer buff. Bacon fanatic. Wannabe web scholar. Devoted coffee maven.

See the article here:
The secret of longevity, according to the 111-year-old - CampusLATELY


‘Samost ja Sildam’: The government could indicate longevity of restrictions – ERR News

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Samost said that Estonia is the fifth in Europe when it comes to the pace of vaccination, while that is hardly noteworthy.

"Estonia is a very small and flexible country and society that can be mobilized very quickly. // If we had more vaccine and moved even faster, we would have already inoculated our medical staff by today," he said.

Samost added that Estonia has vaccinated a lot more people per capita than Finland, France and Switzerland for example.

That said, Israel took delivery of 100,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine this week and another batch of Pfizer's on Sunday, he added.

"Whether [Minister of Social Affairs] Tanel Kiik picks up the phone to shout at the European healthcare commissioner or not would probably make very little difference. Just as it is a fact Estonia cannot dictate terms to Pfizer," Samost explained.

He said that Estonia is rather in the role of a customer and the quantity of available vaccine depends on the European Commission and manufacturers. Additionally, it is unclear how many doses of the Pfizer vaccine will be delivered before the shipment gets underway from Belgium.

Sildam said it is also important to talk about restrictions and when they might be lifted.

He added that the situation might cause gaps in education as students in Northern Estonia are still looking at remote learning in the second academic half-year.

Samost said there is no explanation for grades 5-8 and 10-11 remaining on remote learning. "If there is a good reason somewhere that goes beyond hot air, I have not seen it yet," he added.

Sildam also said that it remains unclear when different restaurants and sports facilities will be opened in Tallinn, Harju County and Ida-Viru County.

"People, mostly Tallinners, // drive to Paide, Kohila or Haapsalu that are all roughly an hour's drive from the capital to go to the gym," Samost said, adding that it is a fine way to spread the virus all over the country.

Sildam added that while it cannot really be held against residents, it prompts the question of whether regional restrictions have real positive effect.

"Estonian hospitals have not collapsed. Medical institutions that have experienced staffing problems have found temporary employees," Sildam said.

He added that Estonians owe thanks to medical professionals. Samost agreed and said that the Estonian medical system has held out much better than its Latvian and Lithuanian counterparts in a situation where the latter have maintained very strict coronavirus measures for a long time.

The hosts agreed that the government and the COVID-19 advisory council should give an indication of when current restrictions might be relaxed or lifted.


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