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Where’s the wagyu? | News, Sports, Jobs – Maui News

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

Kyle Caires takes a selfie with prized wagyu cattle. Photos courtesy of Kyle Caires

Animal scientist Kyle Caires and a research team have found a way to nearly double pregnancy rates in wagyu, a Japanese breed of cattle that typically has low rates of reproduction but is prized for its meat.

By using technologies, such as artificial insemination, and pairing them with nutrition, management techniques and healthy and controlled environments, ranchers can improve their cattles reproductivity for less costs.

And meat lovers and chefs can have more access to high-quality beef.

Outcomes are much better when you work with Mother Nature, instead of against her, and the same is true when raising livestock, said Caires, the Maui extension agent for the University of Hawaii-Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. Therefore, choosing genetics with production levels calving ease, growth rate, milk production to fit a ranchs forage resources, rainfall level and availability of labor, is a great approach for all ranchers in Hawaii.

Caires, who works in the Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences, recently published his research on how to improve the reproductive rates of the Japanese Black. He also spent the last six weeks setting up programs for ranchers and beef producers across Maui County.

Kyle Caires, Maui extension agent for the University of Hawaii-Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, analyzes cattle embryo samples.

CTAHR programs include educational programs and outreach assistance to ranchers that want to consider estrus synchronization, artificial insemination, semen testing and pregnancy checking. He said that embryo transfers will be offered in the near future.

Excellent pregnancy rates are achieved with integrated approaches that combine genetic improvement strategies with good management practices on a case-by-case basis, not a one-size-fits-all approach, he said.

These safe procedures are no different than what would happen naturally in cattle reproduction, he said. For example, for ranchers breeding first-calf heifers, artificial insemination could help improve productivity because semen from bulls are proven to produce low-weight births, which makes the birthing process easier for first-time mothers, which in turn is better for the cows longevity and health.

Likewise, the semen used in artificial insemination protocols also must pass biosecurity measures to eliminate disease transmission, an added bonus, he said.

In collaboration with researchers from Washington state and Brazil, the article titled, The outcome and economic viability of production using IVF and SOV techniques in the Wagyu breed of cattle, was published May 1 in Veterinary Sciences.

The methods showed a 70 percent decrease in cost compared to typical genetic improvement strategies, Caires said.

Seven ranches on Maui, as well as several on Molokai, Oahu, Kauai and Hawaii island, are utilizing wagyu genetics already. However, due to their lower productivity, Caires said that most ranches maintain wagyu cross-breeds, not pure-breds.

Successful conception rates are between 75 and 80 percent following a single round of artificial insemination, he said, which is much greater than the national average of 60 percent for cows.

Other tips to improve beef reproduction include good nutrition, lowering stress, routine vaccinations, pasture and grazing management, as well as scoping out cows with genetic potential.

All the little things add up to a strong foundation that pays big dividends to set ranchers up for success when using technologies, like artificial insemination, where they can also utilize elite genetics from across the country at a fraction of the cost, he said. In order for AI to be consistently successful at the ranch, reproductive management protocols are used to help ranchers better time the delivery of semen in to match the ovulation event in the cows.

Moving forward, Caires plans to continue his applied research in order to improve genetics, reproductive efficiency and overall productivity for local farmers.

The main goal of our research is to help Hawaiis ranchers remain competitive in a dynamic, ever-changing global beef industry, he said.

To review the results of the study, visit mdpi.com/2306-7381/7/2/58/htm. For information about CTAHR programs on Maui, visit ctahr.hawaii.edu/Maui/pages/Programs.aspx.

* Dakota Grossman can be reached at dgrossman@mauinews.com.

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Where's the wagyu? | News, Sports, Jobs - Maui News


Sandy Springs woman, 105, reflects on living through the Spanish flu and COVID-19 pandemics – MDJOnline.com

Saturday, May 23rd, 2020

Peggy Cobb is one of the few individuals around the world who have experienced both the Spanish flu outbreak of 1918-19 and todays COVID-19 pandemic.

The 105-year-old Sandy Springs resident was only a toddler during the earlier pandemic, but she has vivid memories of it.

Everyones (homes) were in lockdown, said Cobb, who grew up in southern Minnesota. They called it quarantine back then. I remember my dad (Frederick Vanstrom) was called a couple of blocks (away) to help a friend whose wife had the Spanish flu, and she actually died. Dad was not allowed to come back to our house (temporarily), just like in here now. The (pandemics then and now) were an awful lot alike.

I was too young to remember anything (else) except we were in quarantine. I grew up in a family where we were so secure that somehow nobody ever worried about getting it.

Cobb, who has not contracted either virus, talked about that experience and more in an interview with the Neighbor before her 105th birthday party at the Hammond Glen Retirement Community where she lives.

Regarding todays outbreak, Hammond Glen, like some retirement homes, has not allowed visitors to come into the building to see residents such as friends or family members. But it has allowed its residents to go outside to see them. Cobb said living under those conditions has been a breeze.

Oh, listen. It hasnt been a bit difficult for me, she said. I am so interested in everything going on that, really, my life hasnt changed. I keep busy with all unfinished projects. I dont know what it would be like to be bored or anything, no. Im a compulsive writer also.

Cobb, a retired art teacher, lived in Terre Haute, Indiana, as an adult before moving to Hammond Glen in 2007. She and her husband, Jacob, were married for 59 years until his death in 2002, and shes has lived through 18 U.S. presidents.

During the Great Depression, her father owned a small bank that closed in 1929, so the family started farming to make a living. Longevity runs in the family for Cobb, one of six siblings, including five girls. Two of her sisters lived to be 104 and 105 and the other two died in their 90s, her son Bill said, adding its very cool to see his mother turn 105.

I wish I had her energy, her mind still being as sharp as it is, he said. I think its part of whats made her last this long. She just has an intense curiosity about the world. She has a saying thats on her refrigerator that says, Learn something new every day. Shes also one of these people that, no matter what happens, she always finds a way to make lemonade out of lemons. Those two things together, plus genetics.

Cobb has two sons, Bill and Pete, and two grandchildren. Her daughter, Katy, died in her 50s. Cobb said her positive attitude has helped her live over a century.

When we were growing up, we revered nature, that sort of thing, she said. I guess curiosity is one of the big words. (Regarding) the lockdown here, I could cope with that just fine. I just think one of the saddest things Ive seen living in this place is when you know somebody whos had an active mind and everything, and then you see the mind deteriorate. If its a physical thing taking it, they cant do anything about it. I think a lot of the people, they lose interest in everything.

Cobb also said everyone should share your ideas, one of many quotes or phrases she loves to cite.

She loves sayings, her son said. Her refrigerators full of them, and the last one she would share with (others) is: Stay flexible and youll never get bent out of shape. And one she got from her parents, that was, Furnish your mind well and you always have a comfortable place to live. Those are two of her favorites.

See the original post here:
Sandy Springs woman, 105, reflects on living through the Spanish flu and COVID-19 pandemics - MDJOnline.com


Global Precision Medicine Software Market To Witness The Highest Growth Globally In Coming Years 2020-2026 – Cole of Duty

Saturday, May 23rd, 2020

The Precision Medicine Software market report focuses on the COVID-19 Outbreak Impact analysis of key points influencing the growth of the market. The intelligence report prepared contains details on the leading players of the global market, along with various depending aspects related and associated with the market. Profile the Top Key Players, with sales, revenue and global market shares are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast and speak to info. Upstream raw materials and instrumentation and downstream demand analysis is additionally administrated.

The study encompasses profiles of major companies operating in the global Precision Medicine Software market.

Key players profiled in the report include:

SyapseAllscriptsQiagenRoper TechnologiesFabric GenomicsFoundation MedicineSophia GeneticsPierianDxHuman LongevityTranslational SoftwareGene42, IncLifeomic Health

***To know How COVID-19 Pandemic Will Impact This Market/Industry | Request a Sample copy of the Report: https://www.reportspedia.com/report/technology-and-media/global-precision-medicine-software-market-2019-by-company,-regions,-type-and-application,-forecast-to-2024/32812 #request_sample

The Precision Medicine Software market business development trends and selling channels square measure analyzed. This industry research report enriched on worldwide competition by topmost prime manufactures which providing information such as Company Profiles, Gross, Gross Margin, Capacity, Product Picture and Specification, Production, Price, Cost, Revenue and contact information.

Analysis of Global Precision Medicine Software Market: By Type


Analysis of Global Precision Medicine Software Market: By Application

Healthcare ProvidersPharmaceutical and Biotechnology CompaniesResearch Centers and Government InstitutesOthers

Our exploration specialists acutely ascertain the significant aspects of the global Precision Medicine Software market report. It also provides an in-depth valuation in regards to the future advancements relying on the past data and present circumstance of market situation. In this report, we have investigated the principals, players in the market, geological regions, product type, and market end-client applications. The global Precision Medicine Software report comprises of primary and secondary data which is exemplified in the form of pie outlines, tables, analytical figures, and reference diagrams. The Precision Medicine Software report is presented in an efficient way that involves basic dialect, basic outline, agreements, and certain facts as per solace and comprehension.

>>> To get Exclusive Discount Inquiry Here @ https://www.reportspedia.com/report/technology-and-media/global-precision-medicine-software-market-2019-by-company,-regions,-type-and-application,-forecast-to-2024/32812 #inquiry_before_buying

Global Precision Medicine Software Market by Geography:

What You Can Expect From Our Report:

Each segment of the global Precision Medicine Software market is extensively evaluated in the research study. The segmental analysis offered in the report pinpoints key opportunities available in the market through leading segments. This research report categorizes the market by players/brands, region, type and application. This report also studies the global market status, competition landscape, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, sales channels, distributors, customers, research findings & conclusion, appendix & data source and Porters Five Forces Analysis.

A short outline of the pointers encompassed in the Precision Medicine Software market scope:

There are 10 Chapters to deeply display the Precision Medicine Software market:

Chapter 1, is executive summary of Precision Medicine Software Market;

Chapter 2, is definition and segment of Precision Medicine Software ;

Chapter 3, to show info and data comparison of Precision Medicine Software Players;

Chapter 4, to explain the industry chain of Precision Medicine Software ;

Chapter 5, to show comparison of regions and courtiers (or sub-regions);

Chapter 6, to show competition and trade situation of Precision Medicine Software Market;

Chapter 7, to show comparison of applications;

Chapter 8, to show comparison of types;

Chapter 9, to show investment of Precision Medicine Software Market;

Chapter 10, to forecast Precision Medicine Software, market in the next years;

Summary of Precision Medicine Software Market: Precision Medicine Software is a service that provides information to its subscribers. The subscribers can subscribe to magazines, daily papers, academic quarterlies, and/or online news.

View Report TOC In detail @ https://www.reportspedia.com/report/technology-and-media/global-precision-medicine-software-market-2019-by-company,-regions,-type-and-application,-forecast-to-2024/32812 #table_of_contents

Continue reading here:
Global Precision Medicine Software Market To Witness The Highest Growth Globally In Coming Years 2020-2026 - Cole of Duty


The cannabis market is boomingnot just across the United States, but all over the world. In domino fashion, s – mg Cannabis Retailer

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

The cannabis market is boomingnot just across the United States, but all over the world. In domino fashion, stigmas are falling and people are embracing a new perspective on cannabis. Not long ago, the war on cannabis was in full throttle. Now, old-school growers and opportunistic entrepreneurs have stepped forward to claim a piece of the proverbial pie.

Its important to examine data for how states fare after launching a legalized cannabis market. Pre-existing cannabis markets, like in Colorado and California, will exhibit different trends over time than brand-new markets like Oklahoma. For instance, the Washington state market grew 100 percent from 2015 to 2016. The following year, the rate declined to about 33 percent. Going into 2018, the growth estimate was about 10 percent, according to Headset. Its easy to see the trend: an initial explosion cools down over time. Who is still standing once growth plateaus? Thats the important question.

Cannabis legalization presents a massive opportunity, so its no surprise big capital and investment is rolling in across borders and state lines. Multi-state operators (MSOs) are growing in size. Take Curaleaf, for example, which plans to operate seventy-one dispensaries in fifteen states by the end of 2020. This is a new kind of cannabis business. They scale by acquiring licenses and operators. Market share can be bought and sold like any other commodity.

When it comes to growing and feeding the plants, no two cultivators offer the same philosophy, feeding recipe, or training protocol.

Depending on where you are, different market forces will work for or against you. New states like Oklahoma have comparatively lax regulations that have inspired hobby growers and opportunists to stake a claim. Then there are states like Illinois, in which a publicly traded real estate firm is acquiring three of the seven total cultivation licenses.

In maturing markets, recent data show wholesale pricing for cannabis is increasing. Last year reversed a downward trend in pricing over the previous four years. But in any market, new or mature, overproduction and saturation can occur.

The days of easy sales at premium prices are getting farther away from us. So, how do growers face the changing tides and establish a sustainable cultivation business?

At one time, being a skilled grower was enough to command high prices and constant demand for product. Now, with increasing competition, MSOs, and price volatility, growers are wondering how to ensure their product sells and how to stabilize margins to ensure longevity for their business.

In general, indoor-grown product will command a higher price solely because of the cost of inputs and higher THC levels. But some outdoor growers can command top-shelf pricing for their flower. How do they do it?

Memorable branding

Beyond the commodity-versus-premium comparison lies another variable: branding. We wont name names, but crappy product can and does command a high price if its wrapped in premium branding and packaging. Its all about the first impression.

Good branding coupled with low-quality product may not prove successful over the long term, though. As customers mature in their preferences, they learn which brands offer the best value. If product smells good, tastes good, and feels good, it always will command a good price, special packaging or not. With so many choices on the shelf, why would a customer go back to the same over-priced brand when they can get a much better smoke from another?

Heres a tip: invest in a good designer or design agency to lead the branding process. Dont try to wing it yourself or hire someone from 99designs. Take the time to develop your brand positioning and messaging. Even if consumers love your product so much they dont care what the packaging looks like, the package needs to be memorable so theyll be able to find your product the next time they want to buy.

Your favorite brands, as simple as their marketing materials may seem, all have a very strong brand framework. Take the time and make the investment to create one of your own.

Science as art

Some cultivators are truly passionate about mastering the art and science of growing. Factors like aroma, flavor, and effects are achieved through breeding efforts in search of the perfect combination of genetic traits. When it comes to growing and feeding the plants, no two cultivators offer the same philosophy, feeding recipe, or training protocol. There are a million ways to create great weed.

As customers mature in their preferences, they learn which brands offer the best value.

The pursuit of next-level cannabis is responsible for decades of crossbreeding in Californias Emerald Trianglewhere cannabis breeding got its startand beyond. In fact, cannabis may be one of the most bred plants in the world.

The absence of standardized growing methods and consumers differing preferences for strains and effects provide growers huge opportunities to define their style and product offering among an ever-growing field of competitors.

Here are some ideas to get you thinking about how you might position yourself to stand out in the crowd:

Are your genetics unique? What is your best strain and what makes it so? (Run that full terpene analysis!)

Do you use full automation or give each plant your undivided attention?

Do you use customized formulas? Think schedule, feeding, topping or super-cropping, and curing methods.

Whats your personal story? You can build a powerful brand based on who you are, where you come from, and why you do what you do.

Unique partnerships

Another way to gain recognition and brand awareness in a competitive space is to leverage others networks. Together, two brands cast a bigger shadow than either does on its own.

Take for example the hip brand Space Coyote. The company infuses its joints with high-quality cold water hash from the respected Humboldt brand Nasha. Space Coyote was a startup in 2019, but its partnership with Nasha gave the company a bit of authority right from the start, which makes a big difference for a nascent brand.

Now, Space Coyote lends authority back to Nasha. As Space Coyotes pre-rolls grow in popularity, Nashas reputation increases as well. The partnership allows two complimentary brands to up each others games.

Think co-branding on packaging, or co-sponsor an event for the cannabis community or consumers. Cross-promote each other through social media, in email, and on websites. Good partnerships boost brand awareness.

Be sure to pick a trusted partner. Your reputation will depend on theirs. If they make a blunder and get bad press, your name is on the line, too.

Manage profit margins

However your pricing strategy may look, keeping a close eye on margins and profitability is crucial to sustained success. Large grows with hefty investment can afford to work with slim to no margins. For them, market share can be more important than raw profit.

Other businesses survive from harvest to harvest. Healthy margins are extremely important. Being able to reinvest in the business should be every growers goal.

Pay attention to margins ahead of when everyone else starts to squeeze. Increase prices, lower costs, or rely on an economy of scale, but stay one step ahead of the competition.

Increase efficiency

Efficiency comes in many forms: labor, cost of inputs, equipment choices, energy savings, even genetics. One grower made huge efficiency improvements by examining data about time and task management, environmental conditions, and plant batch analytics, then using the trends they noticed to modify their operations.

Hand-watering, for example, was incredibly expensive: Watering alone accounted for 30 percent of the cultivators labor costs. Initially, they implemented more efficient watering practices, but that made only a small difference in man-hours. After crunching more numbers, they invested in an auto-watering system. The investment paid for itself in two months.

The point is, there are efficiencies to be gained everywhere you look in your organization. Data can play into your competitive edge. This is especially true for those with multiple grow rooms or facilities.

Data is power

Software that collects and analyzes data in order to help businesses make informed decisions should be on everyones radar, as it can provide demonstrable competitive advantage. Most third-party software systems handle compliance by integrating with track-and-trace systems like Metrc or BioTrack. Cultivators probably also want built-in utilities for tracking employee productivity and providing performance analytics.

While all-in-one tools seem like a good idea, stacking purpose-built software can have a greater impact. Adding cultivation-focused software can address inefficiencies and improve production quality and yieldsespecially in the cannabis industry, where there are unique scenarios and data points many general-purpose software tools just dont address.

The more accurate and more comprehensive your data, the smarter your business decisions can be.

Ella Alpina is marketing manager at Trym, a farm management and compliance software company. Prior to Trym, she launched a licensed cannabis business in California and before that, founded and led a full-service marketing agency. She has worked in the cannabis space since 2014 and is passionate about the intersection of technology and cannabis.

Read the rest here:
The cannabis market is boomingnot just across the United States, but all over the world. In domino fashion, s - mg Cannabis Retailer


How Smart Technology Can Lead To Healthier Lives – HealthTechZone

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

As the saying goes, Knowledge is power. For you to make positive changes that will enable you tolive a healthier life, you need to learn and understand more about yourself. Technology has now made it easier for us to make informed choices.

There is a lot of data that has been collected and collated that reveals the truth to us. Using data analytics, we can be able to tell: how what we eat affects our longevity, how our surrounding affects our health, and what lifestyle changes we can make to boost our immunity from diseases.

In this article, we discuss how smart technology can help us live a healthier life.

Data Science

We can shrink the number of deaths caused by non-communicable diseases. This can be achieved by leveraging the power of data.

Data analytics can help us focus more on preventive measures rather than treating illnesses. With enough data on these diseases available, governments are able to formulate policies that will help prevent them from becoming prevalent.

Health Applications

To help change the focus from curative measures to preventive measures, individuals need to take more responsibility. More often, individuals are aware of what is beneficial to them; however, they have difficulty in altering their daily routines.

Smart technology can help you change your daily routine. There are more than 100,000 health applications available in the market. You can download one to your mobile phone that can guide you through.

For instance, you can get a mobile phone app that helps you to measure your physical activity. You can also get apps that will provide you with health-related advice.

Wearable Technology

Wearable technology has also contributed significantly in improving our healthcare systems. Combined with data analysis, this technology is already changing lives.

With wearable devices such as smartwatches, smart bracelets, among others, we can keep track of our health. The devices will alert you about where you are going and encourage you to be less sedentary.

Wearable technologies hold up a mirror to your lifestyle so that it becomes easier for you to initiate positive behavioral changes.

Smart Homes

With the advent of wireless technology, smart homes are quickly becoming a reality. Science has provided evidence that our homes and buildings are often unhealthy.

Some of the things that make our homes unhealthy include poor air quality and lighting. Thanks to smart home technology, you can now accurately measure all the essential variables.

Innovations in smart home technology enable us to practically solve these problems hence, allowing us to build homes that are healthy and sustainable.

Precision Medicine

Precision medicine uses your DNA to create individualized medical treatments. With precision medicine, it is possible to treat diseases that were previously costly and hard to manage. Examples of such diseases include cancer, neurological disorders, and other rare genetic conditions.

With precision medicine, novel treatments are created using genetics and other individual variables. This technology will significantly help us live healthier lives. For those individuals that are already living with conditions such as diabetes, cancer, among others, this technology will help them manage the conditions better.

Read more from the original source:
How Smart Technology Can Lead To Healthier Lives - HealthTechZone


INTERVIEW | Leander Paes and the art of reinventing during lockdown – The New Indian Express

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

Express News Service

With tennis in 2020 almost lost due to COVID-19 & Olympics postponed, Leander Paes says he will reevaluate his career once everything is back to normal. In a chat with Indraneel Das, he gives a peek into life after retirement and challenges to stay fit...

Tennis legend Leander Paes is one of those few mortals on this planet who finds joy in everything. Tennis is definitely an inseparable part of him, but the lockdown has given him ample time to reinvent himself, pursue his passion that couldnt be done while on tours and focus on life after tennis. In a freewheeling interview, he reveals his future and recollects those moments that make him the Leander Paes. Wait he is not done with Olympics (that has been postponed to 2021), not as yet. Excerpts...

You have been associated with sports for over 30 years. Are you redefining the meaning of longevity?

I am blessed to have some great friendships in my career. With someone like Martina Hingis, Martina Navratilova, Roger Federer, Andre Agassi in my sport alone. In other sports, you look at Sachin Tendulkar, Bhaichung Bhutia, Vishi (Viswanathan) Anand to name a few, they have had very long careers. I have tried to learn from my peers and friends about that extra one per cent of diet, fitness, mental happiness, recovery and how to keep reinventing myself. I have been very blessed to have such a long career partly thanks to genetics from my parents but most importantly, the hard work that I have put in for over 30 years.

When you talk about reinventing yourself, do you mean motivating yourself all over again or setting new goals and targets?

All of the above. If you look at physical fitness. I remember my 33rd year, I felt I was quite exhausted at that time. I felt exhausted, thanks to the travel and the hours of training in the gym, on the tennis court; the long days that it takes to be a Grand Slam champion. I came back to my team. To my father and my fitness coach and my dietician and my mental trainer.

I reinvented my training system and then when I was 43, I had to reinvent again. Now one month shy of my 47th birthday, I have had to reinvent again with this lockdown period. So I think that its very important as a student of my craft or as a student of life to keep learning new things. I think that is one aspect of all the great champions in the world that I know. I have seen that they all reinvent themselves in all aspects of their lives.

Mentally, have you been very tough?

Yes, I think there are three different things. One is emotional fitness, two, physical fitness and three, there is tennis fitness the technical side, strategy; especially during times like these, emotional fitness and physical fitness are important.

Can you put in perspective postponement of Olympics vis-a-vis your career? You had said this would be your last Olympics.

This was my last season and it started off brilliantly at the Australian Open. I got a grand farewell there. Pune (Open) was a nice run. Bangalore was nice. Dubai, I got a wonderful farewell, Bangalore too. But then after the Davis Cup in Croatia, everything came to a standstill. We were fairly lucky in Croatia.

After we finished on Sunday and travelled back to India, ten odd days later, there was a huge earthquake there. So we got fairly lucky. As soon as I came back from Croatia, I was supposed to go back to Palm Springs in Miami, and it was cancelled. Then the French Open got postponed, Wimbledon cancelled.

I think, at the moment, I am concentrating on reinventing myself with other businesses. It is very hard that all our careers, our jobs have come to a standstill, especially in sport. Even when the lockdown opens up because we are a global sport, we have to travel all over the world 99 per cent of my work is outside India. I feel that in itself makes it very hard where even after the lockdown opens up.

I humbly feel that there is not going to be any tennis till January 2021. Hence I have got to reinvent myself this whole year. We are only sitting in May right now, we have got all of May, June, July, the whole summer, whole of American summer. We are probably going to miss all three Grand Slams, miss an Olympics this year. So with the Olympics postponed to 2021, I think post the lockdown or towards the end of the year, as things start opening up for tennis, we (my team and I) will only reevaluate then as to whether I should continue next year or not.

Is this the longest youve been away from the court?

I have been blessed with such a long career and have rewritten the history books multiple times over. I am blessed to have won so much in all the four Grand Slams. Australian Open I think I have won four times, French Open four times, Wimbledon five times and the US Open five times. In the Davis Cup, I have the world record. I have an Olympic medal.

The reason it was my one last roar this year was that I felt I had already achieved everything and there were few things to play for. To participate in three more Grand Slams to get to 100 is a lifetime of sweat and toil and hard work. So I think that when you look back at my career, it was blessed.

I will always be playing tennis. I will be playing tennis in some shape or form. Whether it is seniors or exhibition, whether it is world team tennis or league, whether it is playing for fun with my family. I will always have tennis in my day-to-day lifestyle. In terms of professional tennis, that is something we have to evaluate at the end of the year.

Away from tennis, are you pursuing any other professional career?

There is so much else to do. I cant really speak about it right now but there is so much my team planned for the last three, four years. Right now in one context, this lockdown has given a realisation that I have to reinvent myself. So its very nice that I get to spend time with my family, get to enjoy quality time with them. I have never spent this much time at home in one long stretch as I have always been working for the last 20 years.

Forty weeks a year travelling and touring non-stop. So I am really taking advantage of this time, spending time with my family. That being said, in terms of other opportunities, businesses and other passions I have had, my team has been working for the last four-five years to put things together. I am spending time to get that done. Because all of these are large projects and they need time and require my personal attention. I am enjoying that.

Any particular lockdown moment you would love to remember? Cooking...

I love to cook. I enjoy different kinds of cuisine obviously. Travelling on the tour it becomes a necessity and also you dont usually have a kitchen everywhere you go. So I specialise in pasta and salad. Breakfast is one of my favourite meals. I can eat breakfast morning, noon or night. And I love making different kinds of breakfast. When it comes to serious cooking, those are the things I am really passionate about.

When I finish with my tennis, I want to learn serious cooking. Take cooking classes. They have a Michelin chef cooking class. French patisserie is very interesting. The way they bake and make bread and pastries. There are so many fun things to do that in one context. I am really looking forward to that time as well. I always maximise whatever position I am in. I always make the best of it. No restaurant though. Cooking for my loved ones for sure.

How many hours do you train? Motivation an issue?

About three hours. Motivation is an issue. It is very difficult. It is something we all have to take stock of. Especially since we are not allowed to leave the house, we should ensure we get plenty of movement. Otherwise, we just sit down in one position on our phones, in front of the computer, or reading, watching Netflix and videos.

There is so much out there that it is distracting. It is really important to get movement. Even if it is walking in a living room. One room to the other. Freehand exercises, core exercises, yoga meditation or breathing, now is the time to do. All professional athletes are doing a lot of fitness exercises. Sustainability is important. You have to be mentally and emotionally fresh.

Even after lockdown, it will take a few weeks before professional sports are back. Plenty of time to sustain fitness levels but the fact is that we are not getting to play football, cricket, badminton or tennis now. Some tennis strokes might be a bit rusty. It might take a bit longer to fix that.

Which is your most cherished moment? Grand Slam wins, Davis Cup matches/records or the Olympic medal?

So many cherished moments! Its hard to pick. If I had to pick my Davis Cup wins, there are so many. If I have to pick every one of my Davis Cup wins, those were very special because I got to play for the tiranga (tricolour). I played for 1.3 billion people. Every one of my Grand Slam victories, all of them with different partners are very special. Then if you look at beating Pete Sampras in singles in New Haven in 1998; beating Roger Federer in singles in Indian Wells in 2001; winning the Newport Hall of Fame in 1998 was special.

If I have to choose the most important one, that would be the Olympic bronze. That is really, really special. The first time they introduced the (Olympic) play-offs, it was quite a tough. Was to meet Sampras in the first round and most of my peers were saying draw was bad luck. But somehow, I felt Atlanta was magic. I worked my whole life for it. The day before the first match, Sampras had pulled out, they put Richey Reneberg (USA) in. So I beat him, then Nicholas Pereira in the second, then Thomas Enqvist and beat Renzo Furlan in quarters.

In the semis, I injured my wrist. Andre Agassi played a passing shot when he was down 5-6 and 15-40, I pushed the ball to his backhand and he hit it as hard as he could right at my face. I felt I had every shot covered except that one. When he did, my hand hurt so badly that I didnt realise until later that I had a tear in my wrist tendon. That was a tough one. I had to come back two days later to play Fernando Meligeni, one of my friends from Brazil. To play him in the bronze play-off was tough because he was in good form. I was down a set to him and then I came back and won. After years of hard work and perseverance, I could emulate what my dad did, win an Olympic medal for India.Parents role in sportspersons development?

Parents have a huge role to play. That emotional fitness starts with parents. It is also important to know that the coaches the parents choose are very crucial. When you choose the right team, you choose the right coach, right fitness trainer. It is important to let the coaches do their job.

The parents do not have to be the coach. They dont have to be the fitness trainer or the physiotherapist. The parent needs to be the confidante. Parents can be the handling companion, support system. The unconditional love every parent gives is something every child needs. Its a huge support. I am what I am is because of my parents. I am so blessed. I have an unbelievable support system and Im lucky. Not only the genetics but all the skills they have taught.

On frying pan challenge and Mahesh Bhupathi

Its all about hand-eye coordination. Its not so difficult when you are a professional athlete. Mahesh Bhupathi and I have had some good banter. We stay in touch and its nice that we can communicate and bring some happiness to people especially in a time like this when it is needed.

See the rest here:
INTERVIEW | Leander Paes and the art of reinventing during lockdown - The New Indian Express


Precision Medicine Software Market to See Massive Growth by 2026| Syapse, Allscripts, Qiagen, Roper Technologies, Fabric Genomics, Foundation…

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

Global Precision Medicine Software Market: Trends Estimates High Demand by 2027

The Precision Medicine Software Market 2020 report includes the market strategy, market orientation, expert opinion and knowledgeable information. The Precision Medicine Software Industry Report is an in-depth study analyzing the current state of the Precision Medicine Software Market. It provides a brief overview of the market focusing on definitions, classifications, product specifications, manufacturing processes, cost structures, market segmentation, end-use applications and industry chain analysis. The study on Precision Medicine Software Market provides analysis of market covering the industry trends, recent developments in the market and competitive landscape.

It takes into account the CAGR, value, volume, revenue, production, consumption, sales, manufacturing cost, prices, and other key factors related to the global Precision Medicine Software market. All findings and data on the global Precision Medicine Software market provided in the report are calculated, gathered, and verified using advanced and reliable primary and secondary research sources. The regional analysis offered in the report will help you to identify key opportunities of the global Precision Medicine Software market available in different regions and countries.

The final report will add the analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 in this report Precision Medicine Software industry.

Some of the companies competing in the Precision Medicine Software markets are: Syapse, Allscripts, Qiagen, Roper Technologies, Fabric Genomics, Foundation Medicine, Sophia Genetics, PierianDx, Human Longevity, Translational Software, Gene42, Inc, Lifeomic Health

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The report scrutinizes different business approaches and frameworks that pave the way for success in businesses. The report used Porters five techniques for analyzing the Precision Medicine Software Market; it also offers the examination of the global market. To make the report more potent and easy to understand, it consists of info graphics and diagrams. Furthermore, it has different policies and development plans which are presented in summary. It analyzes the technical barriers, other issues, and cost-effectiveness affecting the market.

Global Precision Medicine Software Market Research Report 2020 carries in-depth case studies on the various countries which are involved in the Precision Medicine Software market. The report is segmented according to usage wherever applicable and the report offers all this information for all major countries and associations. It offers an analysis of the technical barriers, other issues, and cost-effectiveness affecting the market. Important contents analyzed and discussed in the report include market size, operation situation, and current & future development trends of the market, market segments, business development, and consumption tendencies. Moreover, the report includes the list of major companies/competitors and their competition data that helps the user to determine their current position in the market and take corrective measures to maintain or increase their share holds.

What questions does the Precision Medicine Software market report answer pertaining to the regional reach of the industry

The report claims to split the regional scope of the Precision Medicine Software market into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America & Middle East and Africa. Which among these regions has been touted to amass the largest market share over the anticipated duration

How do the sales figures look at present How does the sales scenario look for the future

Considering the present scenario, how much revenue will each region attain by the end of the forecast period

How much is the market share that each of these regions has accumulated presently

How much is the growth rate that each topography will depict over the predicted timeline

A short overview of the Precision Medicine Software market scope:

Global market remuneration

Overall projected growth rate

Industry trends

Competitive scope

Product range

Application landscape

Supplier analysis

Marketing channel trends Now and later

Sales channel evaluation

Market Competition Trend

Market Concentration Rate

Reasons for Buying this Report

This report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics

It provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growth

It provides a six-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to grow

It helps in understanding the key product segments and their future

It provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitors

It helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segments


Chapter 1:Precision Medicine Software Market Overview

Chapter 2: Global Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3:Precision Medicine Software Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4: Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5: Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions

Chapter 6: Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

Chapter 7: Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8: Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Chapter 9: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11: Precision Medicine Software Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 12: GlobalPrecision Medicine Software Market Forecast to 2027

Get Complete Report @ https://www.reportsandmarkets.com/sample-request/global-precision-medicine-software-market-2019-by-company-regions-type-and-application-forecast-to-2024

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Reports And Markets is part of the Algoro Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Are you mastering your market? Do you know what the market potential is for your product, who the market players are and what the growth forecast is? We offer standard global, regional or country specific market research studies for almost every market you can imagine.

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The rest is here:
Precision Medicine Software Market to See Massive Growth by 2026| Syapse, Allscripts, Qiagen, Roper Technologies, Fabric Genomics, Foundation...


Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size, Key Trends, Challenges and Standardization, Research, Key Players, Economic Impact and Forecast to 2026|…

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

Latest Report On Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market including Market Landscape, and Market size, Revenues by players, Revenues by regions, Average prices, Competitive landscape, market Dynamics and industry trends and developments during the forecast period.

The global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market is broadly analyzed in this report that sheds light on critical aspects such as the vendor landscape, competitive strategies, market dynamics, and regional analysis. The report helps readers to clearly understand the current and future status of the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market. The research study comes out as a compilation of useful guidelines for players to secure a position of strength in the global market. The authors of the report profile leading companies of the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market, Also the details about important activities of leading players in the competitive landscape.

Key companies operating in the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market include: :, Ascend Biopharmaceuticals, Novadip Biosciences, Eureka Therapeutics, Human Longevity, Regeneus, Allogene Therapeutics, BioRestorative Therapies, Immatics Biotechnologies, NewLink Genetics, Cytori Therapeutics, Talaris Therapeutics

Get PDF Sample Copy of the Report to understand the structure of the complete report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) :


The report predicts the size of the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market in terms of value and volume for the forecast period 2020-2026. As per the analysis provided in the report, the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market is expected to rise at a CAGR of xx % between 2020 and 2026 to reach a valuation of US$ xx million/billion by the end of 2026. In 2020, the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market attained a valuation of US$ XX million/billion. The market researchers deeply analyze the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment industry landscape and the future prospects it is anticipated to create

Segmental Analysis

The report has classified the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment industry into segments including product type and application. Every segment is evaluated based on growth rate and share. Besides, the analysts have studied the potential regions that may prove rewarding for the Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment manufcaturers in the coming years. The regional analysis includes reliable predictions on value and volume, thereby helping market players to gain deep insights into the overall Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment industry.

Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Segment By Type:

, Steroid Replacement Therapy, Stem Cell Transplant By the end users,

Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Segment By Application:

Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost 100 countries around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market in 2020. COVID-19 can affect the global economy in three main ways: by directly affecting production and demand, by creating supply chain and market disruption, and by its financial impact on firms and financial markets. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future. This report also analyses the impact of Coronavirus COVID-19 on the Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment industry. Based on our recent survey, we have several different scenarios about the Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment YoY growth rate for 2020. The probable scenario is expected to grow by a xx% in 2020 and the revenue will be xx in 2020 from US$ xx million in 2019. The market size of Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment will reach xx in 2026, with a CAGR of xx% from 2020 to 2026. Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market: Drivers and Restraints This section covers the various factors driving the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market. To understand the growth of the market it is important to analyze the various drivers present the market. It provides data by value and volume of different regions and their respective manufacturers. This data will elaborate on the market share occupied by them, predict their revenue concerning strategies, and how they will grow in the future. After explaining the drivers, the report further evaluates the new opportunities and current trends in the market. Market restraints are factors hampering market growth. Studying these factors is equally pivotal as they help a reader need understand the weaknesses of the market. Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market: Segment Analysis The global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market is split into two segments, type, and application. The product type briefs on the various types of products available in the market. The report also provides data for each product type by revenue for the forecast time period. It covers the price of each type of product. The other segment on the report, application, explains the various uses of the product and end-users. In the report, the researchers have also provided revenue according to the consumption of the product. Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market: Regional Analysis The major regions covered in the report are North America, Europe, China, Rest of Asia Pacific, Central & South America, Middle East & Africa, etc. It includes revenue analysis of each region for the year 2015 to 2026. Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market: Key Players The report lists the major players in the regions and their respective market share on the basis of global revenue. It also explains their strategic moves in the past few years, investments in product innovation, and changes in leadership to stay ahead in the competition. This will give the reader an edge over others as a well-informed decision can be made looking at the holistic picture of the market. By the therapy, the market is primarily split into, Steroid Replacement Therapy, Stem Cell Transplant By the end users, Hospitals, Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Others

Competitive Landscape

It is important for every market participant to be familiar with the competitive scenario in the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment industry. In order to fulfil the requirements, the industry analysts have evaluated the strategic activities of the competitors to help the key players strengthen their foothold in the market and increase their competitiveness.

Key companies operating in the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market include: :, Ascend Biopharmaceuticals, Novadip Biosciences, Eureka Therapeutics, Human Longevity, Regeneus, Allogene Therapeutics, BioRestorative Therapies, Immatics Biotechnologies, NewLink Genetics, Cytori Therapeutics, Talaris Therapeutics

Key questions answered in the report:

Enquire for Customization in the report @ https://www.qyresearch.com/customize-request/form/1664172/global-adrenomyeloneuropathy-treatment-market


1 Market Overview of Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment1.1 Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Overview1.1.1 Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size Overview by Region 2015 VS 2020 VS 20261.3 Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size by Region (2015-2026)1.4 Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Historic Market Size by Region (2015-2020)1.5 Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size Forecast by Region (2021-2026)1.6 Key Regions Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.1 North America Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.2 Europe Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.3 China Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.4 Rest of Asia Pacific Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.5 Latin America Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.6 Middle East & Africa Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.7 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19): Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Industry Impact1.7.1 How the Covid-19 is Affecting the Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Industry Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Business Impact Assessment Covid-19 Supply Chain Challenges COVID-19s Impact On Crude Oil and Refined Products1.7.2 Market Trends and Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape1.7.3 Measures / Proposal against Covid-19 Government Measures to Combat Covid-19 Impact Proposal for Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Players to Combat Covid-19 Impact 2 Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Overview by Therapy2.1 Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size by Therapy: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20262.2 Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Historic Market Size by Therapy (2015-2020)2.3 Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Forecasted Market Size by Therapy (2021-2026)2.4 Steroid Replacement Therapy2.5 Stem Cell Transplant 3 Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Overview by Therapy3.1 Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size by End Users: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20263.2 Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Historic Market Size by End Users (2015-2020)3.3 Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Forecasted Market Size by End Users (2021-2026)3.4 Hospitals3.5 Clinics3.6 Ambulatory Surgical Centers3.7 Others 4 Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Competition Analysis by Players4.1 Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size (Million US$) by Players (2015-2020)4.2 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) (based on the Revenue in Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment as of 2019)4.3 Date of Key Manufacturers Enter into Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market4.4 Global Top Players Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Headquarters and Area Served4.5 Key Players Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Product Solution and Service4.6 Competitive Status4.6.1 Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Concentration Rate4.6.2 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 5 Company (Top Players) Profiles and Key Data5.1 Ascend Biopharmaceuticals5.1.1 Ascend Biopharmaceuticals Profile5.1.2 Ascend Biopharmaceuticals Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.1.3 Ascend Biopharmaceuticals Products, Services and Solutions5.1.4 Ascend Biopharmaceuticals Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.1.5 Ascend Biopharmaceuticals Recent Developments5.2 Novadip Biosciences5.2.1 Novadip Biosciences Profile5.2.2 Novadip Biosciences Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.2.3 Novadip Biosciences Products, Services and Solutions5.2.4 Novadip Biosciences Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.2.5 Novadip Biosciences Recent Developments5.3 Eureka Therapeutics5.5.1 Eureka Therapeutics Profile5.3.2 Eureka Therapeutics Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.3.3 Eureka Therapeutics Products, Services and Solutions5.3.4 Eureka Therapeutics Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.3.5 Human Longevity Recent Developments5.4 Human Longevity5.4.1 Human Longevity Profile5.4.2 Human Longevity Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.4.3 Human Longevity Products, Services and Solutions5.4.4 Human Longevity Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.4.5 Human Longevity Recent Developments5.5 Regeneus5.5.1 Regeneus Profile5.5.2 Regeneus Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.5.3 Regeneus Products, Services and Solutions5.5.4 Regeneus Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.5.5 Regeneus Recent Developments5.6 Allogene Therapeutics5.6.1 Allogene Therapeutics Profile5.6.2 Allogene Therapeutics Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.6.3 Allogene Therapeutics Products, Services and Solutions5.6.4 Allogene Therapeutics Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.6.5 Allogene Therapeutics Recent Developments5.7 BioRestorative Therapies5.7.1 BioRestorative Therapies Profile5.7.2 BioRestorative Therapies Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.7.3 BioRestorative Therapies Products, Services and Solutions5.7.4 BioRestorative Therapies Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.7.5 BioRestorative Therapies Recent Developments5.8 Immatics Biotechnologies5.8.1 Immatics Biotechnologies Profile5.8.2 Immatics Biotechnologies Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.8.3 Immatics Biotechnologies Products, Services and Solutions5.8.4 Immatics Biotechnologies Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.8.5 Immatics Biotechnologies Recent Developments5.9 NewLink Genetics5.9.1 NewLink Genetics Profile5.9.2 NewLink Genetics Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.9.3 NewLink Genetics Products, Services and Solutions5.9.4 NewLink Genetics Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.9.5 NewLink Genetics Recent Developments5.10 Cytori Therapeutics5.10.1 Cytori Therapeutics Profile5.10.2 Cytori Therapeutics Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.10.3 Cytori Therapeutics Products, Services and Solutions5.10.4 Cytori Therapeutics Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.10.5 Cytori Therapeutics Recent Developments5.11 Talaris Therapeutics5.11.1 Talaris Therapeutics Profile5.11.2 Talaris Therapeutics Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.11.3 Talaris Therapeutics Products, Services and Solutions5.11.4 Talaris Therapeutics Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.11.5 Talaris Therapeutics Recent Developments 6 North America Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment by Players and by End Users6.1 North America Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size and Market Share by Players (2015-2020)6.2 North America Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size by End Users (2015-2020) 7 Europe Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment by Players and by End Users7.1 Europe Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size and Market Share by Players (2015-2020)7.2 Europe Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size by End Users (2015-2020) 8 China Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment by Players and by End Users8.1 China Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size and Market Share by Players (2015-2020)8.2 China Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size by End Users (2015-2020) 9 Rest of Asia Pacific Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment by Players and by End Users9.1 Rest of Asia Pacific Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size and Market Share by Players (2015-2020)9.2 Rest of Asia Pacific Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size by End Users (2015-2020) 10 Latin America Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment by Players and by End Users10.1 Latin America Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size and Market Share by Players (2015-2020)10.2 Latin America Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size by End Users (2015-2020) 11 Middle East & Africa Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment by Players and by End Users11.1 Middle East & Africa Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size and Market Share by Players (2015-2020)11.2 Middle East & Africa Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size by End Users (2015-2020) 12 Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Dynamics12.1 Industry Trends12.2 Market Drivers12.3 Market Challenges12.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis 13 Research Finding /Conclusion 14 Methodology and Data Source 14.1 Methodology/Research Approach14.1.1 Research Programs/Design14.1.2 Market Size Estimation14.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation14.2 Data Source14.2.1 Secondary Sources14.2.2 Primary Sources14.3 Disclaimer14.4 Author List

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QYResearch always pursuits high product quality with the belief that quality is the soul of business. Through years of effort and supports from huge number of customer supports, QYResearch consulting group has accumulated creative design methods on many high-quality markets investigation and research team with rich experience. Today, QYResearch has become the brand of quality assurance in consulting industry.

Here is the original post:
Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size, Key Trends, Challenges and Standardization, Research, Key Players, Economic Impact and Forecast to 2026|...


Thoughts from the ammo line – Power Line

Saturday, May 2nd, 2020

Ammo Grrrll is thinking about the end in WHAT WILL GET YOU YOU JUST NEVER KNOW. She writes

Im afraid I have some bad news, dear readers. I think Steve Martin put it best when last I heard him in concert 40 some years ago. Near the end of his flawless and hilarious standup set, he said, Well, I think weve all managed to have a pretty good time tonightconsidering were all going to die.

Yes, in the midst of trying to figure out what the mortality rate is for the Wuhan Virus when we have no damn idea what the denominator is, I must remind you that the mortality rate for everyone currently alive is 100%. I know. Bummer. It appears that the underlying condition that guarantees eventual death is being mortal. Who knew?

And so we must do the best we can to make what time we have count. Love God and your fellow humans; eat often and well; laugh a lot; do something useful and productive; connect with friends; have some babies; be kind; try to stay healthy and happy.

It appears that the cunning plan I had to avoid the death that took my maternal Grandfather when I was six I just wont close my eyes may be ineffective after all. On the other hand, my plan to be blessed with good genetics for longevity is panning out nicely. My other three grandparents lived well into my early adulthood and my own parents both lived to 95, with Daddy still soldiering on, going for a family record. His paternal grandmother lived to be a thorn in her daughter-in-laws side to the age of 96. She was a rock-ribbed Republican who received an autographed framed photo of President Kennedy on the occasion of her 90th birthday. She hung it in a closet. Face to the wall. After he was murdered, she did face it front, out of respect, but it remained in the closet.

But back to our cheery subject at hand death. So, a couple of weeks ago, early evening, I dutifully donned my outdoor mask (homemade out of a festive cloth napkin and two matching hair scrunchies) and took off for the quarter-mile round trip hike to our group mailboxes. When what to my wondering eyes did appear, but a huge gaggle of neighbor ladies, a few men, not one of whom was the Magical Six Feet from another, four firetrucks, four police vehicles and an ambulance. Yikes! All the First Responders sported more long gloves than Southern girls on a homecoming float.

I did not spot the problem immediately, but when I did, I jumped about two feet and possibly blurted out a bad word! Because there was a small white Ford SUV sideways on the rock and cactus strewn lawn of the house at the end of our street. The vehicle had been stopped only by the house itself or it might have gone all the way to Casa Grande. By the grace of God, the occupants of the house were not in the part of the house that was smashed into. Structural damage is such that the poor residents cannot live in it for three to six months. And thats IF the Wuhan Woes do not prevent handymen from getting access to the property. And IF building materiel is in stock! Amazingly, the driver was not seriously injured.

So here we geezers all are, worried about an unpleasant, sometimes lethal virus. We are hiding in our houses with masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and 300 rolls of toilet paper. Then it turns out that our house is the least safe place we could be when a deranged old lady Joe Bidens somewhat less senile sister? guns her vehicle and, with a long blocks running start, rams it full speed into our abode. What are the chances?

Meanwhile, controversial reports appear that suggest that house-hiding is actually preventing the herd immunity that apparently is a good thing, and the reason your Mom made you go play with the kids you didnt even like who had the Chicken Pox.

We just dont know what will get us and that makes us anxious and crabby. Its a capricious world. A high school classmate did two tours in Vietnam, came home to our safe little Minnesota village, and ran off the road and hit a tree. Killed instantly.

On the other hand, when my aunt was in her 60s, she had a routine complete checkup at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. She was shocked when a doctor told her she had an inoperable heart valve issue that would likely lead to her death within two years. Naturally, she found this news very upsetting and spent most of those two years being anxious and depressed. It turned out that that doctor was only off by a couple of decades, so no harm, no foul. She died a few weeks before she turned 90. It wasnt even from the heart valve, but from a fall.

Respected medical personnel flaunting medical degrees in stuff like epidemiology and infectious diseases and never forget that SOMEBODY was last in every class at med school tell us that we have a couple of options: EITHER we have to test 330 million people twice a day, minimum, before we can ever go eat in restaurants again OR, maybe we must all hide under our beds until nobody anywhere on Planet Earth ever has the Wuhan Flu again. Your mileage may vary, as it did with the prediction by Walzing Matilda, Minnesota Governor, that he was determined to lower the anticipated Minnesota deaths from 74,000 to 50,000 by destroying the economy. So far, there have been 343 deaths, so, well done there!

It may seem like a trivial point to some, but when your government lets out hardened and dangerous criminals so they dont get flu very nearly including the Green River serial killer who murdered 48 women but sends undercover sting operatives to suss out illegal nail painters and hairdressers, it may be time for a massive coordinated march on every statehouse. With masks and gloves and six feet apart, it goes without saying. Heck, Antifa already has set the precedent with masks.

Where would you be more safe than in a nail salon where the nail lady is wearing a mask?

My hair takes care of itself. It is in a long ponytail held by one of 10,000 scrunchies I own in vibrant colors. Its color is what some might erroneously call Grey when it is clearly Platinum Blonde. My husbands hair, on the other hand, is beginning to bear more than a slight resemblance to Buckwheats. Or Albert Einsteins. But you know whose hair is perfectly coifed and colored? Every single moronic news-head and politician! What a lucky coincidence.

Evidently, THEIR hairdressers are Essential Personnel, but ours can go fly a kite. Just not outdoors. Alone. On a beach. Ya basta! Enough, already! Let our people go. Out.

The rest is here:
Thoughts from the ammo line - Power Line


Passing the test of time to build businesses that last – YourStory

Saturday, May 2nd, 2020

April 1, 2020. On this day, most of the world was battling to defeat a virus that has wreaked havoc, created chaos, and upended normality as we know it.

Meanwhile, on the same day, Fauja Singh quietly celebrated his 109th birthday in the UK. Born in 1911, Fauja Singh has lived through two World Wars, the Great Depression, the Indian fight for independence, and the Cold War. In 2004, Fauja Singh was chosen as the face of Adidas, replacing David Beckham.

Born in Punjab, Fauja is the worlds oldest marathoner. At the age of 92, Singh ran a marathon in 5 hours 40 minutes, having taken up running only when he was 89. In 2011, Fauja Singh became the first 100-year-old to complete a marathon. Even now, Fauja says he walks at least 5 miles a day after a hernia finally put a stop to his marathon running.

Last year, in a different sport, Serena Williams became the oldest Grand Slam finalist in Open Era tennis history. At 37 years 291 days, Williams joined the 37-year-old Roger Federer in the Wimbledon finals. All three of Federers last Grand Slam trophies have come after the age of 35. Closer home, Sachin Tendulkar was 40 when he played his last Test innings of 74 against the West Indies in 2013.

Sports can offer parallels to situations that we face in our personal and professional lives. Thinking of the longevity of some of the worlds most remarkable athletes during these times made me think of the longevity of businesses too, especially during a crisis.

Sportspersons like Serena and Federer have shown remarkable endurance in staying at the top for decades in a highly competitive sport. Athletes like them are built to last. But its not just talent that has made them last these years.

Their fitness is not mere genetics, even though their skills are unique. Hours of hard work, relentless hours of practice, and a constant desire to hone their skills have made them endure the best of times and the worst of times.

Founded in 578 AD, Kongo Gumi in Osaka, Japan, is the oldest continually operating company in the world. This construction company specializes in building Buddhist temples. I hadnt thought a company could be that old! Companies such as Bofors and Saint Gobain were established in the 16th century, and as I scrolled down that list, I came across increasingly familiar names.

In India, companies such as the Wadia Group, State Bank of India, the Tata Group, Aditya Birla Group, Shalimar Paints, and more have been around for more than 100-300 years.

They were there before the internet, air travel, automobiles, and before televisions. And they are still here now in the times of Snapchat, Facebook, supersonic jumbo jets, luxury cars, and smart TVs.

These are not companies that have barely made it. No. Some of them are giant companies that have constantly reinvented themselves and remained at the forefront of innovation. They have adapted to every situation possible to stay current. They have survived wars, depression, plague, booms, busts, rebellions, revolutions, political upheavals, and more in the process.

Clearly, theres something we can learn from companies that were built to last. Take GE, for example. The company is the only one still listed in the Dow Jones Industrial Index from 1896. Its power to endure comes from its range. Throughout its history, GE has constantly added and exited different business segments. This diversification and divestiture have helped the company stay afloat despite constant market and business fluctuations.

When you look at the list of the worlds longest-surviving companies, you will find that they have strong guiding principles that quickly become living history in these companies. Their purpose and values are defined by those principles. They are led by the right strategic vision and adherence to fundamental values through the ages.

The key values that stand out for me from these companies are: heritage, value, flexibility, and adaptation.

So, how do you build a startup that will last? All long-lasting companies had strong founders who made building the company their life mission. Over time, they created strong organisational structures and built their philosophy into the foundations of the business.

Founders need to dream of growing their companies beyond the startup phase.

Building companies that last requires creating operating guidelines in mind:

Leverage cash flow: The oldest-surviving companies all understood the importance of money in an old-fashioned way. They knew how useful it is to have spare cash all the time. Crucially, they pursued growth within their means, practicing fiscal discipline.

It may seem like empty advice, but startups, I believe, should always be thinking about cash flow.

Cash is important to come out of any crisis stronger and thriving.

Invest in innovation: Long-lasting companies also focus on pragmatic innovation. They are paranoid about innovation. They have taken capital-efficient, well-thought-out risks to drive innovation consistently and creatively.

Indias digital revolution has been led by a dramatic rise in innovation. The ArogyaSetu app is a wonderful example of pragmatic innovation with more than five crore downloads just 13 days after its launch. Without an internal commitment to innovation, I believe that even the strongest brands in the fastest-growing industries will eventually face immense difficulties and wither.

Adapt to the times: Learning from the worlds longest-surviving companies shows that they changed with the times. They remained aware of the environment around them, and embraced change, instead of opposing it.

Barclays, for example, started off in the 16th century as goldsmith bankers. But its the same brand that launched the UKs first debit card and introduced the worlds first ATM in 1969. Quite a change from being goldsmith bankers!

Kongo Gumi, as I wrote earlier, specialised in building Buddhist temples. But during World War II, when funds were low, the company switched to making coffins to survive.

Whenever there is new customer behavior, there is an opportunity to think about doing your business differently.

Twinings, which has been around for 300 years, produced such high-quality tea that Queen Victoria gave the company a Royal Warrant for tea in 1837.

Long-standing companies focus on building long-lasting relationships with customers and partners.

A startup needs to focus on delighting customers - client satisfaction cant be lost while scaling.

Building strong processes means your business is protected from any eventualities, like a drastic drop in revenue as triggered by the current pandemic or even the exit of a key member of the top management.

And we can move through these extraordinary times, too, when we learn, adapt, and embrace this change. For that, we have the timeless weight of history to guide us.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)

How has the coronavirus outbreak disrupted your life? And how are you dealing with it? Write to us or send us a video with subject line 'Coronavirus Disruption' to editorial@yourstory.com

Read the rest here:
Passing the test of time to build businesses that last - YourStory


Global Precision Medicine Software Market Growth and Forecast Research 2020-2027 Cole Reports – Cole of Duty

Saturday, May 2nd, 2020

Globalmarketers.biz recently added a detailed research study focused on the Global Precision Medicine Software Market across the global, regional and country level. The report provides 360 analysis of Market from view of manufacturers, regions, product types and end industries. The research report analyses and provides the historical data along with current performance of the global Precision Medicine Software market and estimates the future trend of industry on the basis of this detailed study.

Request a sample Report :https://www.globalmarketers.biz/report/others/2015-2027-global-precision-medicine-software-industry-market-research-report,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/146709#request_sample

The Major Players are:

Abbott Laboratories(US)Syapse, Inc. (US)Roper Technologies(US)Sunquest Information Systems Inc. (US)Pfizer, Inc., Merck & Co., Inc.(US)N-of-One, Inc. (US)NantHealth, Inc. (US)LifeOmic Health, LLC (US)Fabric Genomics (US)Allscripts(US)GlaxoSmithKline plc(UK)Gene42, Inc. (Canada)Foundation Medicine, Inc. (US)Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Netherlands)PierianDx, Inc. (US)Translational Software, Inc. (US)Flatiron Health, Inc. (US)IBM Watson Group (US)Sanofi S.A.(France)Tempus Labs, Inc. (US)AstraZeneca plc(US)2bPrecise LLC (Israel)Qiagen(Germany)SOPHiA GENETICS SA (Switzerland)Human Longevity, Inc. (US)

The latest research study on the Precision Medicine Software market is a pivotal collection of insights pertaining to this industry vertical, with respect to certain parameters. The research report focuses on providing an in-depth synopsis of this industry, specifically illuminating the market industry size and share, application bifurcation, product types, as well as novel opportunities in the business space.

Segmentation Overview:

Product Type Segmentation :


Application Segmentation :

Healthcare providersResearch centers & Government institutesPharmaceutical & Biotechnology companiesOther end users

Make an Inquiry About This Report @ https://www.globalmarketers.biz/report/others/2015-2027-global-precision-medicine-software-industry-market-research-report,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/146709#inquiry_before_buying

Driving Forces as well as Challenges of the Precision Medicine Software market: How does the study elaborate on the same?

The report entails the various drivers and restraints impacting the commercialization landscape of the Precision Medicine Software market.

The Precision Medicine Software market research report illustrates details about the myriad challenges which this industry presents. Also, the impact that these challenges may have on the overall industry trends.

Significant details revealed in the report also fall along the likes of market concentration ratio over the forecast years.

Ask for Discount on Precision Medicine Software Market Report at:https://www.globalmarketers.biz/discount_inquiry/discount/146709

The geographical spectrum of the business as well as its influence on the overall Precision Medicine Software market outlook:

With respect to the regional frame of reference, the report segments the Precision Medicine Software market into USA, Europe, Japan, China, India, South East Asia.

Pivotal insights about the product consumption across numerous regions are provided. The revenue recorded by these topographies have been included in the study.

The study explains details about the consumption market share spanning the numerous geographies. It is also inclusive of the market share that these regions accrue over the forecast period, as well as the product consumption growth rate.

For More Details On this Report:

Some of the Major Highlights of TOC covers:

Executive Summary

Global Precision Medicine Software Production Growth Rate Comparison by Types (2015-2027)

Global Precision Medicine Software Consumption Comparison by Applications (2015-2027)

Global Precision Medicine Software Revenue (2015-2027)

Global Precision Medicine Software Production (2015-2027)

North America Precision Medicine Software Status and Prospect (2015-2027)

Europe Precision Medicine Software Status and Prospect (2015-2027)

China Precision Medicine Software Status and Prospect (2015-2027)

Japan Precision Medicine Software Status and Prospect (2015-2027)

Southeast Asia Precision Medicine Software Status and Prospect (2015-2027)

India Precision Medicine Software Status and Prospect (2015-2027)

Check Table of Contents of This Report @ https://www.globalmarketers.biz/report/others/2015-2027-global-precision-medicine-software-industry-market-research-report,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/146709#table_of_contents

Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis

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Global Precision Medicine Software Market Growth and Forecast Research 2020-2027 Cole Reports - Cole of Duty


From ‘eating delicious things’ to avoiding marriage, these are the secrets to a long life, according to people who lived beyond 100 – Business Insider…

Saturday, May 2nd, 2020

Though improved medical care and knowledge has helped people live longer and healthier lives, there still arent many that live beyond a century. According to a recent study, just 0.0173% of Americans live to 100.

These people from around the world have all lived well beyond that, beating the odds to achieve long lives. Each centenarian or super-centenarian (those who live beyond 110) on our list shared their tips for longevity.

From daily eating habits to exercise routines, these are their tips for a long life.

Misao Okawa was born in 1898 in Japan. Japan has the most centenarians in the world. According to the Japan Times, in 2018, the country had 69,785 people over 100, nearly 90% of whom were women.

In 2014, Guinness World Records recognised Okawa as the worlds oldest living person. She cited eating sushi and getting a good nights sleep as the reasons for her long life.

Morano was born on 29 November, 1899, in the Piedmont region of Italy. She told the BBC that she believed her long life was partly due to genetics, but she also ate a diet of three eggs a day, two of them raw, for more than 90 years.

Morano didnt have an easy life her only son died at just 6 months old, and she had an abusive marriage. She believed leaving her marriage in 1938 contributed to her longevity. She told the New York Times, I didnt want to be dominated by anyone.

Morano was alive in three centuries, and before her death on April 15, 2017, she was believed to be the last living person born in the 19th century.

Weaver was the oldest living person in the United States from her 116th birthday on July 4, 2014, until her death in her home state of Arkansas in April 2015. She was also the worlds oldest living person for less than a week before her death.

She told Time that her secret to long life was kindness, but she also attributed it to not drinking or smoking, and getting plenty of sleep. Additionally, she didnt have any chronic health conditions, a rarity for people of her age.

Gallan was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1906, and died in March, 2015, at age 109.

In an interview with STV News, she said, I also made sure that I got plenty of exercise, ate a nice warm bowl of porridge every morning, and have never gotten married.

Imich was born in Poland on February 4, 1903. He moved to the United States in 1951 after surviving the Holocaust and a Soviet gulag.

He told the New York Times that he believed his long life came down to genetics and exercise. I was a gymnast. Good runner, a good springer. Good javelin, and I was a good swimmer, he said. He also never drank alcohol, which he believed was another contributing factor.

He was given the title of worlds oldest man by Guinness World Records at 111 years old on May 8, 2014, and held the title until his death on June 8, 2014.

Veillard was born on February 28, 1907, in Haiti. He was married in 1932, and he and his wife, Jeanne, moved to the United States in 1968.

USA Today interviewed the Veillards, one of the oldest living couples, in 2015. At the time, Jeanne was almost 105 and Duranord was about to celebrate his 108th birthday.

He told USA today that his secret was waking up early each day to do five to seven push-ups before eating a healthy breakfast of oatmeal and fresh fruit. The couple would also have fish and vegetables for lunch and dinner.

Duranord died at age 111 in June 2018, and Jeanne died just a few months later, in November of that year, at age 108.

Jeralean Talley was born in Montrose, Georgia, in 1899. She moved to Michigan in the 1930s, where she spent the rest of her life until she passed on June 17, 2015.

According to USA Today, Talley was very religious, and her friends and family said she lived by the motto treat people how you want to be treated.

She told Time that her secret to a long life included her devout faith, as well as a diet rich in pork, including pigs feet and ears.

Bernardo LaPallos family believe he was born on August 17, 1901, in Vitoria, Brazil. Both his parents lived long lives his father reached 99 and mother lived to 105. He died on 19 December, 2015, at age 114.

LaPallo was known for his healthy lifestyle books, where he shared how he lived such a long and healthy life.

In an interview with National Geographic, he said, My longevity is due to my obedience and moderation. I have based my life on following what my father told me. He also said eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, going to bed early, and exercising kept him healthy.

He also shared his daily routine: I get up at 3:30 or 4 in the morning, go for my walk, take my shower, rub my body down with olive oil, make my breakfast. Stress is a killer, my daddy told me that. Its important to take time to relax and exercise your brain, such as by doing crossword puzzles.

Jiroemon Kimura was born on April 19, 1897, in Kyoto, Japan. In 2012, at 115, he became the worlds oldest living person and held the title until his death on June 12, 2013.

In an interview with the Guardian, he said his secret to a long life was watching his food portion sizes, waking early in the day, and reading newspapers.

He told Patch a few other ways he kept healthy for so long. Its important to make daily exercise a discipline, he said. He also cited overcoming adversity as something that made him strong. After every storm, peace always comes, he said.

According to his papers and reportedly verified by the Indonesian government, Mbah Gotho was born in December 1870. However, the country only started recording births in 1900, so the topic remains up for debate.

Gotho told the BBC that his long life was due to his loving family. He was a heavy smoker until his death, and outlived four wives, 10 siblings, and all of his children.

Calment is believed to have been born in Arles, France, in 1875. However, some doubt has been cast on this date, as many researchers cite her age at the time of death as statistically impossible. Nevertheless, she remains the official oldest person to have lived.

According to the New Yorker, she smoked for most of her life, only quitting at 117, five years before her death. She also drank a glass of port every night. She also thoroughly enjoyed chocolate. Calment passed on August 4, 1997, of unknown causes.

Jones was born on July 6, 1899, in Lowndes County, Alabama. She was the third of 11 children. She moved to New York in the 1920s, and although she never had any children, she remained very close with her siblings and their children.

According to Insider, at 115, Jones was still eating bacon and grits for breakfast, and she cited bacon as a food that helped her live a long life. She also ate a lot of fruit. Additionally, her niece said that she never drank, partied, or did drugs.

However, more than anything, it was a loving family that kept Jones alive so long, as they cared for her and visited every Sunday.

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From 'eating delicious things' to avoiding marriage, these are the secrets to a long life, according to people who lived beyond 100 - Business Insider...


The bodies of COVID-19 victims may be contagious, coroner’s case reveals – Livescience.com

Monday, April 20th, 2020

Even after death, COVID-19 could be contagious, a new report finds.

A forensic practitioner working in Bangkok, Thailand, most likely caught the virus from a deceased patient, according to the report, which was posted online April 11 as a preprint for the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine.

The forensic practitioner later died of the virus, marking the first case on record of a "COVID-19 infection and death among medical personnel in a forensic medicine unit," the researchers wrote in the report.

Related: Latest COVID-19 news and US case counts

At the time the report was written on March 19, just 272 people in Thailand including the forensic practitioner and a nurse assistant had tested positive for the new coronavirus. Most of these cases were imported, meaning they weren't from community spread, the researchers wrote. So, it's unlikely that the forensic practitioner caught the new coronavirus outside of work or even from a patient at the hospital, the researchers wrote.

"There is [a] low chance of forensic medicine professionals coming into contact with infected patients, but they can have contact with biological samples and corpses," the researchers wrote in the report.

It's not surprising that the body of a recently deceased COVID-19 patient might be contagious, said Dr. Otto Yang, a professor in the Department of Medicine and the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

"Absolutely, a dead body would be contagious at least for hours if not days," Yang told Live Science in an email. "The virus will still be in respiratory secretions, and potentially still reproducing in cells that haven't yet died in the lungs."

COVID-19's longevity in the body can be problematic for people in the funerary industry. For instance, following reports that temples in Thailand were refusing to perform funeral services of COVID-19 victims, the head of Thailand's Department of Medical Services incorrectly announced on March 25 that the disease was not contagious in bodies after death, according to Buzzfeed News.

It's unclear, however, just how long the virus remains infectious in a dead body.

In light of this finding, forensic scientists should take a number of precautions while examining the remains of COVID-19 patients, the researchers said. For instance, forensic professionals should wear protective gear, including a protective suit, gloves, goggles, a cap and a mask, they wrote.

"The disinfection procedure used in operation rooms might be applied in pathology/forensic units too," they added.

Usually, pathogens that kill people don't survive long enough to spread to others after the person's death, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). "Human remains only pose a substantial risk to health in a few special cases, such as deaths from cholera or haemorrhagic fevers," such as Ebola, the WHO said.

Other illnesses that are contagious in human remains include tuberculosis, bloodborne viruses (such as hepatitis B and C and HIV) and gastrointestinal infections (including E. coli, hepatitis A, Salmonella infection and typhoid fever), according to the WHO.

Originally published on Live Science.

Read the original here:
The bodies of COVID-19 victims may be contagious, coroner's case reveals - Livescience.com


The fundamentalsof fertility in beef cattle – Farmer’s Weekly

Monday, April 20th, 2020

A livestock farmer is firstly a veld and pasture farmer. It is vital that the animals nutritional requirements are met, especially during breeding and when the cows are raising calves.

Moreover, the cattle should be fully fed in a relatively short period of grazing. This implies that the farms fodder flow must be sufficient throughout the year.

Arguably the most crucial aspect of grazing management after establishing the correct stocking rate is to ensure that a portion of the veld and pasture is given a periodic rest period comprising a full growing season.

The foremost economic factor of a cattle farming enterprise is fertility. It is five times more important than growth performance, which in turn is five times more important than carcass quality. Obviously, it is better to have a poorly performing calf than no calf at all.

Management & geneticsFertility has both a management and a genetic component. The management component includes all those aspects, such as feeding correctly and maintaining animal health, that are your sole responsibility as a farmer.

It also includes maintaining strict breeding seasons in order to establish which animals are not reproducing. Breeding seasons make it far easier for you to use a veterinarian to determine which cows have failed to conceive.

Good management enables animals to produce and reproduce optimally. The genetic component of fertility is limited to 10% heritability. However, it is highly repeatable, so make sure to identify the cow families that calve every year.

Just to be clear: heritability is a reflection of the degree to which offspring performance is a reflection of the performance of their parents.

Repeatability is a measure of the strength of the relationship between repeated records. As a producer, knowing the repeatability of a trait can help you make culling decisions. You can also use repeatability as a measurement to predict early on how productive a cow will be over her lifetime in terms of milk production and calf weaning.

Breeding valuesSelect for genetic traits that are positively correlated with fertility, such as scrotal size and mature body mass, and consider the fertility index itself, such as days to calving. These are expressed as estimated breeding values (EBVs).

Remember, however, that if the animals feed and other requirements are not met, you cannot correct for this by selecting for higher fertility on a genetic level.

Scrotal size in bulls plays a major role in determining the fertility of the female offspring. It is true that bigger is better, but only up to a point. Look at the scrotal size or scrotal circumference EBVs of the bulls you buy, and physically examine scrotal development. Two equally well-developed testes with good epididymis development are very important.

Another key trait is mature weight, which should always be kept in check. The EBV for mature weight should ideally be around breed average. Your aim should be to breed cows that calve easily and produce fast-growing calves, but you dont want breeding stock that are too large by the time they wean their first calf, because big cattle have high maintenance requirements. Moreover, animals that are heavy at maturity are often less productive.

The days-to-calving fertility index identifies bulls and cows that carry the genes producing fertile progeny. Animals that take less time to calve from the initial mating date have a better days-to-calving index and are thus more fertile.

This index also plays a large part in the overall economic indices for certain systems, such as a self-replacing feedlot.

Bull selectionA bull has a 50% genetic influence on a herd of females that he gets into calf. Its therefore crucial to buy and use bulls with the correct fertility and growth attributes. The old adage, A good bull is half your herd and a bad bull is your whole herd, holds true.

Be sure to maintain the correct bull-to-cow ratio and to test bulls regularly for fertility and sexually transmitted diseases.

As a general guideline, a two-year-old bull should be able to cope with 20 females in a two- to three-month breeding season. At three years old, a bull should service 30 females within this time frame, and by four years, he should be able to breed with 40 females.

Early calvers are generally the more fertile animals. The shorter you make your calving season, the more fertile your herd will become. Ideally, 60% of your females should calve in the first 30 days of the season. By selling your late calvers, you also in effect shorten your breeding season.

CrossbreedingHybrid vigour increases fertility, growth and longevity, so it pays to crossbreed. But this must be carried out in a structured way, and good management is essential. A normal crisscrossing system or a three-way cross system can be followed.

It is also very important to choose a breed or type of cattle that is suited to your environment and farming system.

Under more extensive conditions (in large parts of the country), breeds with a certain mix of Bos taurus (for production) and B. indicus (for hardiness and adaptability) demonstrate greater fertililty. Under more intensive and higher-rainfall systems, B. taurus-type breeds do better.

Under extremely arid and hot conditions where the stocking rate is very low, indigenous B. indicus-type cattle and Brahmans fare best.

Email Llewellyn Angus at [emailprotected].

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The fundamentalsof fertility in beef cattle - Farmer's Weekly


Gianficaro: COVID-19 took my mom, but her legacy lives on – The Sunday Dispatch

Monday, April 20th, 2020

Editors note: Phil Gianficaro is a native of Pittston as was his mom, Josephine Gianficaro, who died Wednesday, April 8, of COVID-19. She was 88.


Our moms lifetime of generosity, not her death due to COVID-19 last week, will endure as her legacy.

She was where we could not be. A stranger with compassion in her heart and wings on her back. A palliative care nurse doing for my mom in her final hours that which COVID-19 forbade us from doing.

The nurse sat at Moms bedside in the dark and quiet of the quarantine hospital room as the stroke of midnight and her final moments approached. Head to toe in protective garb, she gently wound rosary beads in Moms fingers, stroked her cheek, held her hand, offered prayers. Administering Gods providence. A stranger doing for Mom what the virus wouldnt allow us to do: comfort her at the end.

The nurses name is Mary.


Coronavirus took my mother from us last week. Hers was the cruelest of goodbyes. Isolated. Unconscious. Alone, except for a nurse dispensing endless helpings of love we could not. Saying thank you from the bottom of our hearts comes up woefully short.

A week earlier, cancer was losing its battle against my mom. After three months and four cycles of chemotherapy, tumors caused by diffuse, large B-cell lymphoma were shrinking. Mom, at 88, was punching like a champ, whipping cancers tail. Only two chemotherapy cycles remained before she could begin thinking about returning to her kitchen to bake and deliver cakes and cookies for family and friends. While everyone thanked her, her gift was in the giving. A lesson for us all.

Cancer, fighting out of its weight class, looked at the scorecard with swollen eyes from unsteady knees about to surrender. Trailed late in the fight. Reinforcements were summoned. Enter coronavirus. A week later, Moms fight was over.

Sometimes there just arent enough punches.

While our hearts are breaking, anger toward the Lord does not rule my heart. When the end came, I closed my eyes and said a prayer, thanking God not only for blessing us with a wonderful mother for 60 years, but also for calling her home before more intense pain and suffering took hold.

While we wait for a shuttered world to reopen, to return to some degree of normal, our grief continues. Moms funeral arrangements, as are those of so many loved ones across the nation, are on hold. So, too, is what we as a family need most: a gathering to hug and cry and laugh and reminisce and celebrate the most loving, caring and magnificent person I ever knew. So we wait.

Mom was an umbrella when it rained, a scarf to blunt the chill, a smile to chase the sadness. A well of humanity that never ran dry. She checked all of Jesus boxes: Caring. Generous. Friendly. Faithful. Nurturing. Selfless. Loving. In the alphabet of concern, Mom was letter Z. Back of the line. Her choice. The less fortunate needed love and attention and comfort more. You go ahead, shed say. I can wait. Ill make do.

Whats Mrs. G. baking today? our friends would ask when my younger brother and I were kids. They loved sitting around Moms kitchen table, eagerly waiting for the oven door to open. Your kitchen always smells so good, Mrs. G., they would say. Pies. Cakes. Cookies. Comforting aromas from the oven, my friends assumed. They were wrong. What made them feel so good came not from her stove, but from her heart.

The stories are endless. Leaving a Thermos of coffee and a bag of baked goods on the front porch for trash collectors every week during the harsh winter months. Baking a Thanksgiving dinner for a poor neighbor family whose husband and father had lost his job a few weeks earlier. Several years ago, she phoned a surgeon decades after his medical magic ensured her sons a better life, to thank him again. The docs wife called back the next day. Hes beaming! she told Mom. You made his day! The well never ran dry.

As I turn an ear to heaven, I can hear the conversation:

St. Peter!

Yes, Jesus.

Your pants are getting a little tight around the waist, dont you think?

Yeah, Lord, um, Josie has been up here with us for a few days now. The cheesecakes. The Italian cookies. The cannolis. The rigatoni and meatballs in homemade sauce. The stuffed peppers. I cant resist. It all just smells so good.

Any cheesecake left?

Um, dont think so, Lord.

Then a sweet voice from heavens kitchen to Jesus ears:

How big a slice do you want? I have more.

With Mom, there was always more.

Phil Gianficaro

Columnist Phil Gianficaro can be reached at 215-345-3078, pgianficaro@theintell.com, and @philgianficaro on Twitter.

Go here to read the rest:
Gianficaro: COVID-19 took my mom, but her legacy lives on - The Sunday Dispatch


Aging is a mixed picture – Great Bend Tribune

Sunday, April 12th, 2020

During my lifelong practice of geriatrics, I observed many people reaching the end of their lives. Truth is, what Ive seen is a mixed picture. The two patient stories I describe here are really a blend of hundreds of experiences.

Ms. A is in her late 80s, walks two miles every day, mostly outside but inside a wellness center when sidewalks are icy. She eats a balanced light diet and is connected to many friends. Ms. A is spiritually connected, and life has been and continues to be meaningful to her.

Ms. B is also in her late 80s, has never been much for exercise and now is unable to walk without the help of her walker. She lives in an assisted living center and has made some friends there but remains rather critical of them. Whenever her kids visit, she asks them to take her home. Ms. B had some tough times and some happy times during her life, but now, she remains rather bitter.

At age 82, comedian Rodney Dangerfield, who had studied the relationship between sexuality and longevity said, Im at the age where food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact, Ive just had a mirror put over my kitchen table. Reading that made me laugh out loud, but I see Dangerfields comment as both funny and sad. Indeed, this thing called growing old is a mixed picture. Should we celebrate it or fear it? Does it give wisdom and meaning or just aches and pains?

I suggest we embrace both sides of the picture. Lets choose to live as long and as well as our luck and genetics allows. We would all do better with regular exercise, eating less, connecting with both the earthly and the spiritual. Lets also choose to kindly accept the fact that someday we will reach the end of our lives. We can take healthy steps by creating an advanced directive, by understanding the kinds and causes of dementia and facing the inevitable death of the ones we love. Embracing this mixed picture helps us in accepting aging processes we cannot change, avoiding suffering and savoring things that matter.

Bottom line lessons from Ms. A and B: Like any piece of art, we can choose how we view the picture of our own aging. Those who live with misery, anger and vengefulness will likely die that way. Those who glean meaning and joy from observation, giving to others and opening their hearts to the spiritual will find aging a grand masterpiece.

Richard P. Holm, MD passed away in March 2020 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He is founder of The Prairie Doc. For free and easy access to the entire Prairie Doc

Read the original here:
Aging is a mixed picture - Great Bend Tribune


Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market: Strategic Analysis to Understand the Competitive Outlook of the Industry, 2025 – Science In Me

Sunday, April 12th, 2020

The Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market globally is a standout amongst the most emergent and astoundingly approved sectors. This worldwide market has been developing at a higher pace with the development of imaginative frameworks and a developing end-client tendency.

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The worldwide Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market is an enlarging field for top market players,

key players and government is expected to spur the adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market.

The North America market for adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment is expected to retain its dominance, owing to increasing patient pool for rare disease, increasing government funding to accelerate the research and development for rare disease. According to Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center, more than 25 million Americans are suffering from rare disease in United States.Europe is expected to account for the second largest share in the global adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market owing to growing clinical trial funding programs for orphan drug development and high prevalence of adrenomyeloneuropathy and high treatment seeking rate. Asia Pacific is expected to show significant growth, owing to increasing diagnosis rate and improvement in healthcare infrastructure. China is expected to show significant growth in the adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market, due to rising population improving R&D capability, increasing per capita heath spending. Latin America and Middle East & Africa is expected to show growth owing to lack of diagnosis and inadequate healthcare facilities and lack of skilled physicians for Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market.

Examples of some of the key manufacturer present in the global adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market are Ascend Biopharmaceuticals, Novadip Biosciences, Eureka Therapeutics, Human Longevity, Regeneus, Allogene Therapeutics, BioRestorative Therapies, Immatics Biotechnologies, NewLink Genetics, Cytori Therapeutics, Talaris Therapeutics among others.

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Regional analysis includes

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This Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment report begins with a basic overview of the market. The analysis highlights the opportunity and Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment industry trends that are impacted the market that is global. Players around various regions and analysis of each industry dimensions are covered under this report. The analysis also contains a crucial Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment insight regarding the things which are driving and affecting the earnings of the market. The Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment report comprises sections together side landscape which clarifies actions such as venture and acquisitions and mergers.

The Report offers SWOT examination and venture return investigation, and other aspects such as the principle locale, economic situations with benefit, generation, request, limit, supply, and market development rate and figure.

Quantifiable data:-

Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, covering North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India

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Research objectives and Reason to procure this report:-

Finally, the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market provides a total research decision and also sector feasibility of investment in new projects will be assessed. Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment industry is a source of means and guidance for organizations and individuals interested in their market earnings.

The rest is here:
Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market: Strategic Analysis to Understand the Competitive Outlook of the Industry, 2025 - Science In Me


Aging Is A Mixed Picture; Let’s Choose To Live Long – Vermillion Plain Talk

Friday, April 10th, 2020

During my lifelong practice of geriatrics, I observed many people reaching the end of their lives. Truth is, what Ive seen is a mixed picture. The two patient stories I describe here are really a blend of hundreds of experiences.

Ms. A is in her late 80s, walks two miles every day, mostly outside but inside a wellness center when sidewalks are icy. She eats a balanced light diet and is connected to many friends. Ms. A is spiritually connected, and life has been and continues to be meaningful to her.

Ms. B is also in her late 80s, has never been much for exercise and now is unable to walk without the help of her walker. She lives in an assisted living center and has made some friends there but remains rather critical of them. Whenever her kids visit, she asks them to take her home. Ms. B had some tough times and some happy times during her life, but now, she remains rather bitter.

At age 82, comedian Rodney Dangerfield, who had studied the relationship between sexuality and longevity said, Im at the age where food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact, Ive just had a mirror put over my kitchen table. Reading that made me laugh out loud, but I see Dangerfields comment as both funny and sad. Indeed, this thing called growing old is a mixed picture. Should we celebrate it or fear it? Does it give wisdom and meaning or just aches and pains?

I suggest we embrace both sides of the picture. Lets choose to live as long and as well as our luck and genetics allows. We would all do better with regular exercise, eating less, connecting with both the earthly and the spiritual. Lets also choose to kindly accept the fact that someday we will reach the end of our lives. We can take healthy steps by creating an advanced directive, by understanding the kinds and causes of dementia and facing the inevitable death of the ones we love. Embracing this mixed picture helps us in accepting aging processes we cannot change, avoiding suffering and savoring things that matter.

Bottom line lessons from Ms. A and B: Like any piece of art, we can choose how we view the picture of our own aging. Those who live with misery, anger and vengefulness will likely die that way. Those who glean meaning and joy from observation, giving to others and opening their hearts to the spiritual will find aging a grand masterpiece.

Richard P. Holm, MD passed away in March 2020 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was founder of The Prairie Doc and author of Lifes Final Season, A Guide for Aging and Dying with Grace available on Amazon. Dr. Holms legacy lives on through his Prairie Doc organization. For free and easy access to the entire Prairie Doc library, visit http://www.prairiedoc.org and follow Prairie Doc on Facebook, featuring On Call with the Prairie Doc a medical Q&A show streaming on Facebook and broadcast on SDPB most Thursdays at 7 p.m. central.

Excerpt from:
Aging Is A Mixed Picture; Let's Choose To Live Long - Vermillion Plain Talk


The Better Half by Sharon Moalem review on the genetic superiority of women – The Guardian

Friday, April 10th, 2020

Lets hear it for the female of the species and (more guardedly) for her second X-chromosome! Female superiority in colour vision, immune response, longevity, even basic survival from birth to death are illustrated in Sharon Moalems The Better Half. After decades, if not centuries, of bad press for women and their vulnerable biology, this book argues that in fact almost everything that is biologically difficult to do in life is done better by females.

Moalem, a Canadian-born physician, is a research geneticist who has identified two new rare genetic conditions. He has worked across the world in paediatric medicine, including clinics for HIV-infected infants and is also a biotechnology entrepreneur and bestselling author. The Better Half is his latest foray into the field of popular science, and presents a general argument for the superiority of womens biology to mens.

In most circumstances, a human female has two X-chromosomes, one from her father and one from her mother; a male has just one, inherited from his mother, which is paired with a Y-chromosome, inherited from his father. Moalem believes that the X-chromosome has always received a poor press, and that it is time this negative view is counteracted. He draws on swathes of medical and historical data to show that, in many instances, the superiority of womens biology is explicitly linked to their possession of the second X-chromosome. The greater complexity of womens biology, he claims, is the secret of their success it is more difficult to make a female but, once made, she trumps the male in her lifelong survival skills, for instance in her hyperefficient immune system shrugging off infection and maximising the benefits of vaccination which means that females can avoid the consequences of a wide range of life threatening events ranging from starvation and cancer to, Moalem has cautiously concluded, Covid-19.

In mainstream genetics it was long held that, despite having two X-chromosomes, female cells only made use of one: the second randomly switched off or deactivated early on in embryonic development, a process rather summarily described as an instance of genetic redundancy. There was some evidence that the deactivation reduced female chances of succumbing to X-linked problems, due to the availability of an undamaged back-up. It was acknowledged, for example (though rather grudgingly), that women generally escaped being colour blind. Moalem notes that when he was studying genetics there was much emphasis on the tiny Y-chromosome as what makes a man. He observes wryly that maybe this positivity was related to the fact that most of the people who were speaking breathlessly about the Y had one as well.

Now a new spin on the X-inactivation story is emerging in genetics. Via a process called escape from X-inactivation, it turns out that the silenced X-chromosome is not so silent after all there are escapees which may continue to offer back-up services, for instance providing extra cellular recovery options in the face of traumatic injury. It is to the benefits offered by this flexible availability within different cells that Moalem attributes the secrets of womens biological superiority.

Statistics going back as far as 1662 show women living longer than men, and todays figures show that 95% of people who have reached the age of 110 and over are female. In sport, womens success in races such as ultra-marathons offer a different perspective on what it means to be physically superior. In the spirit of Angela Sainis book Inferior, Moalem notes that this superiority has largely been ignored by medical science. And he discusses the medical trial data whose absence is observed by Caroline Criado-Perez in Invisible Women, her exploration of how the world is designed for men. Medicine needs to stop ignoring the secrets of womens biological successes, Moalem argues, and find ways of harnessing them to improve the survival chances of the whole of the human race.

Imagine you live in a world where most individuals can see 1m colours. But in one group of these people (lets call them males), about 8% cannot tell the difference between colours such as red and green, and a smaller number are totally colour blind. In a second group in this population (lets call them females), almost all can see the standard 1m colours, but some (perhaps as many as 15%) can see 100m colours. Would you excitedly rave about the amazing talent of this latter group? Or would you just describe them as not usually colour blind? This same group has an immune system that has a profound talent to fight off many forms of infection and reap major benefits from vaccinations with the down side that sometimes such hyperefficiency can lead to autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Would you celebrate the former or emphasise the latter? For years, it is the drawbacks that have been underlined.

Research geneticists rarely get out in the field to notice the much greater survival rates of girls in paediatric ICUs

The Better Half is an eye-opening book. In explaining why the advantages that accompany females greater genetic options have to date been largely ignored, Moalem points to paradigm blindness, and to the fact that research geneticists rarely get out in the field to notice, for example, the much greater survival rates of girls in paediatric ICUs (rates which, he discovers, have been clearly obvious to the nurses doing the frontline caring).

I take issue with one part of his chapter on The Male Brain, for the moment setting aside the unproven assumption that the brains of men are different from the brains of women. Moalem chooses to consider autism, and it appears as a given in his book that autism is more common in boys than girls (itself an assumption that is increasingly being challenged). Yet at the more impaired end of the autism spectrum, it is possible that there are as many girls as boys, and his suggestion that females have a different kind of autism doesnt quite prove his wider argument. The X-linked disorders such as fragile-X or Rett syndrome receive only a passing mention not surprisingly perhaps as they run counter to his argument about the superiority of the X-chromosome.

What about hormones? Moalem has perhaps missed a good opportunity to counter oestrogens frequently negative press, and to laud its potentially neuroprotective effects. The greater susceptibility of women to Alzheimers disease is put down by Moalem to a form of anti-inflammatory process linked to an overefficient immune system; their lesser susceptibility to Parkinsons disease (surely a possible inclusion in the list of female genetic successes) is unexplained.

One section of the book focuses on why womens health is not mens health, and considers the failures of drug companies to test their products on females as well as males. For sure this has had detrimental consequences on, for example, the accuracy of dosage rates. But in at least one of the examples he gives, that of Ambien, body mass and blood volume are key factors in calculating dosage rates: because people vary enormously in size and shape, simply dividing test participants into males and females still risks inaccuracy. He is talking about averages, its true, but even so Moalem seems firmly wedded to the notion that genetic females and genetic males can be neatly categorised into two distinct types, and that the understanding of genetic sex will provide all the answers we need.

The impression given in The Better Half is that there is a lifelongfree-ranging choice between X-chromosomes available to the female, her cells dancing back and forth between the best options that will help her to heal quicker after a car crash or to overcome the bacterial infection that might lead to an ulcer. There are brief and tantalising hints about the escapees from X-inactivation in several chapters of Moalems book, but it is a shame that we are never given a full, head-on account.

Yet this book is full of wonderful titbits of information from the existence of a female prostate gland to the number of honey bee flying miles it takes to make 1lb of honey. The celebration of the genetic diversity offered by the females second X-chromosome is wholehearted and the examples Moalem gives are highly effective. He has written a powerful antidote to the myth of the weaker sex.

The Better Half: On the Genetic Superiority of Women by Sharon Moalem is published by Allen Lane (RRP 20).

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The Better Half by Sharon Moalem review on the genetic superiority of women - The Guardian


Inherited Metabolic Disorders Market Trends, Type, Segmentation, Analysis, Assessment, Development, Application and Forecast 2025 – Science In Me

Friday, April 10th, 2020

Global Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD) Market: Snapshot

Inherited metabolic disorders (IMD), as the name suggests, are genetic conditions resulting in metabolism issues. The root cause behind maximum cases of inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) is a gene mutation that probably happened a lot many generations back. The mutation in the gene is carried through the generations.

Treatment of inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) consists of dietary supplementation, dietary restrictions, drugs that thwart or regulate metabolism, gene therapy, transplantation of the concerned organ, and dialysis in extreme cases. Currently, the dietary supplements account for a leading position in the global inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) treatment market. Drug manufacturers, however, are slated to come up with more condition-specific therapeutics in the near future.

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The specificity and high risk affinity of IMD differs from disorder to disorder. Some disorders such as familial cylomicronemia are generally associated closely with Caucasians, while others, namely porphyria is mostly recorded among African Americans. Most of such metabolic disorders are be brought under control with certain changes in the diet and lifestyle of the person. Some inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs) are, however, life threatening. Huntingtons or Zellweger syndrome is to name one such.

The inherited metabolic disorders market lies mostly with the Caucasian and African American populations of world, especially in North America, Europe, Australia, and Africa, followed by the minority populations from South Asia and East A.

At present, genetic screening using mass spectrometry and DNA testing among all newborns are carried out in almost all of the developed nations of the world and also in developing economies of India, Brazil, and China. This helps uncover inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) at an early stage.

GlobalInherited Metabolic Disorders Market: Overview

Globally, IMD affects nearly one in every 2,500 to 5,000 individuals with nearly 300 to 600 new cases found in the U.K., according to Public Health Genetics U.K. The specificity and high risk affinity of IMD varies from disorder to disorder, with some disorders like familial cylomicronemia being closely associated with Caucasians and others like porphyria being recoded largely among African Americans. These metabolic disorders are often controllable with certain lifestyle and diet changes, including Familial Cylomicronemia and Phenylketonuria. But some IMDs are highly dangerous and may affect the survivability of a person, such as Huntingtons or Zellweger syndrome.

A lot of IMDs arise when the mutated gene responsible is inherited by the natural selection process and a large number of these genes are recessive. This is probably why a large number of these metabolic disorders are rare occurrences, whereas certain other genes are dominant in nature; this makes it difficult for a willing parent to conceive a child as the risk for transferring a gene remains high (e.g. Huntingtons). Familial chylomicronemia occurs when an individual genetically inherits Lipoprotein lipase enzyme mutation. This is a very rare genetic disease at occurrence rate of 1 individual per million with chances of symptoms occurring only in homozygous individuals (receiving mutation genes from both parents) or in other words recessive gene transmission.

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GlobalInherited Metabolic Disorders Market: Current Market Trends

Nowadays, genetic screening via mass spectrometry and DNA testing of all newborn children are done in nearly all of the developed countries and also some developing countries of the world, including India, China, and Brazil, albeit across a small percentage of the national population. This prepares a parent and the child with the necessary precautions and treatment for increasing the longevity of the concerned newborn. The life expectancy of such a child with all the necessary care and precaution is at par with the average individual.

However among many adult populations and in some children, rare genetic metabolic disorders are abruptly presented and often not accurately diagnosed. In such individuals, abnormal metabolic changes are considered to be a type of genetic mutation in routine diagnosis. Symptoms such as growth failure, precocious puberty and development delay in children below 12, and anemia, neurological disorder, cancer, muscle weakness, rapid hormonal changes, and skin changes in adults, are regarded to probably have a genetic metabolic cause.

GlobalInherited Metabolic Disorders Market: Treatment Classifications

The treatment of IMDs is broadly classified into dietary restrictions, dietary supplementation, drugs that inhibit or regulate metabolism, transplantation of the concerned organ, gene therapy, and dialysis in severe cases. In the case of familial cylomicronemia, gene therapy includes Alipogene tiparvovec recombinant gene therapy drug, manufactured by UniQure Inc. This therapy utilizes viruses (adenovirus vector) designed in such a way that upon infection, the gene for producing the lipoprotein lipase is induced into the host cell, thereby producing the enzyme in-vivo. This therapy has shown positive results and is expected to be released into the market soon. For now, the global inherited metabolic disorders Market lies broadly in the dietary supplements market.

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GlobalInherited Metabolic Disorders Market: Regional Evaluation

The overall estimated global populations of IMD individuals lie in few millions. The niche category of this segment gives little market for specific condition-related products. However, the implications of therapy are huge as some treatments have the potential to completely eradicate these disorders. Several suitable models have been considered for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and dyslipidemia, which can in turn alter the outcome of cardiovascular diseases to a bare minimum in the future. For now, the inherited metabolic disorders is open for limitless possibilities.

The inherited metabolic disorders lays primarily with the Caucasian and African American populations of world, especially in North America, Europe, Australia, and Africa, followed by the minority populations from South Asia and East Asia.

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Read more from the original source:
Inherited Metabolic Disorders Market Trends, Type, Segmentation, Analysis, Assessment, Development, Application and Forecast 2025 - Science In Me


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