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Archive for the ‘Longevity Genetics’ Category

Environmental legislation to be biggest limiting factor for NI dairying in 2030 – Agriland.co.uk

Thursday, August 13th, 2020

One of Northern Irelands leading dairy researchers has warned he expects environmental legislation to be one of the biggest limiting factors to the industry locally by 2030.

Speaking as part of the Agri Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) webinar The Future of Dairy Production to 2030, Dr. Conrad Ferris said environmental factors, such as ammonia emissions, had already begun to impact the industrys growth.

Dr. Ferris said: As we look to the future for our dairy sector there are certainly lots of challenges, but as in most areas of life, challenges often bring opportunities.

Structural changes over the last 20 years have seen the total number of herds fall by around 25 a year. Meanwhile, the average herd size has increased by around two cows a year.

However, Dr. Ferris said he believed total cow numbers will remain relatively stable over the next decade.

Production in terms of litres has continued to grow, currently increasing by around 55L/cow/year. And I dont see any reason to believe that is going to slow down, he said.

Certainly, with genetic indexes, we can continue to improve production and improve fertility and health.

However, I do believe the biggest challenge to the overall structure of the dairy sector going forward is environmental legislation and I believe that is what will probably have the biggest impact on the structure of the local dairy sector.

Legislation is already impacting herd expansion on some farms, he added, referring to delays over agricultural planning associated with tightened restrictions over ammonia emissions.

Dr. Ferris said it was likely environmental legislation would continue to tighten for the industry. However, explained that anything the sector can do to become more efficient would have benefits for both its profitability and its environmental impact.

In terms of genetics and nutrition, I think there is a real win-win situation in that we know that anything we do to improve the overall efficiency of the whole milk production system right from calf-rearing, getting heifers calving down at 24 months, increasing longevity, the whole picture reduces greenhouse gases and ultimately improves profitability, Dr. Ferris said.

Over the last two decades, we have seen a real escalation in environmental challenges for dairy farmers. Back around 2000, water quality issues became a big issue in Northern Ireland driven by the Nitrates Directive and water quality in regards to phosphorous.10 years later, it was the climate change issue.

The key thing here is that it is cumulative just because now we are focused on ammonia doesnt mean that issues like water quality and climate change have gone away.

In reality, we are now trying to deal with all three of these, while 20 years ago we were only focused on water quality.

Dr. Ferris explained thatmany gains made in terms of water quality had been lost in recent years. Soluble reactive phosphorous levels in rivers had fallen from 2005 until 2012 but have now risen back to the 2007 figure almost wiping out 15 years worth of progress.

There are all sorts of reasons for that. But in terms of [agriculture], I do believe that reducing phosphorous levels in our concentrates, which is something our feed industry has already adopted. [This is] something that, going forward, we will have to push further and we will likely have to move even lower in terms of new levels.

As a result, research is expected to begin soon at AFBI examining the impact of lower protein diets for dairy cows. It will test what effect reducingprotein in cows diets has on farm ammonia emissions.

Meanwhile, promising research carried out by the institute also shows the potential to replace imported feedstocks with protein sources grown in Northern Ireland.

As part of the study, researchers were able to replace imported soya with locally-grown field beans completely without major impacts on milk composition. Reducing the food miles of animal feed could help further reduce the industrys emissions.


See the article here:
Environmental legislation to be biggest limiting factor for NI dairying in 2030 - Agriland.co.uk


Healthy ageing.. The eight R’s – Daijiworld.com

Thursday, August 13th, 2020

Aug 13, 2020

Each one of us aspires to live a long and healthy life. The environment we live in influences our behaviour, and exposure to risk. Thus a need arises for quality health and support. Every one of us can experience healthy ageing. Healthy Aging is developing the environments and opportunities that enable people to be and do what they value throughout their lives.

WHO defines Healthy ageing as the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age. Functional ability is made up of the inner capacity of the individual, relevant environmental conditions, and the interaction between them. The inner capacity is influenced by factors like mental and physical behaviours, genes, age-related changes, and genetics. The Environment includes housing, community, transportation, attitudes, values, social facilities, assistive technologies, and the support system.

Elderly is an incredibly valuable resource for society and to continue being an active person in the society, elderly too without age discrimination should participate/engage and or get opportunities in activities boosting their physical, social and mental wellbeing. The decade from 2020 to 2030 is described by the United Nations as a 'Decade of healthy aging'. Older people are the main focus of this plan and also an aim to bring together civil society, governments, interdisciplinary professionals, international agencies, media, and private sectors to improve the lives of older people, their families, and communities. Through this article, I would like to mention the 8Rs as tips for healthy aging.

1. Regular exercise and physical activity: Exercising regularly and involving oneself in physical activities like walking with the pet, gardening, using stairs, and brisk walking increases stamina and improves health. Exercises help to prevent falls, reduces the risk of bone stiffening, and free movement of muscles. It can be an effective treatment for diseases like arthritis, heart ailments, diabetes, etc.

2. Routine checkups: Ageing itself is a challenge to be healthy, leading to increased doctors visits and need to care. With proper health check-up packages, physicians can detect the early signs of disease and help maintain the baseline and promote healthier aging. Other than the routine tests we undergo, depending on the gender there are additional tests that one needs to check. Its also necessary that like the way we check our physical and functional health, due importance should also be given to our cognitive and emotional health.

3. Relax: Engaging in the activities of ones interests can be relaxing. Sticking to the sleep schedule helps the elderly with insomnia. Some simple tips to be followed include avoid caffeine in the evening, keep the bedroom dark, turn off the cell phone, avoid naps more than 20 minutes during daytime, etc. Deep breathing and meditation can help ease stress, pain, and increase flexibility. Keeping a gratitude journal strengthens emotional resilience.

4. Rich nutritious diet: Many health issues are connected to overweight or obesity but being thinner is not healthier either. Dietary patterns influence the BMI, thus diet must include fibre-rich foods, low-fat dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and lean meat products. Supplements strictly prescribed by doctors like calcium, vitamin B6, B12, and D can be included. Intake of enough liquids is necessary not to get dehydrated.

5. Recreational activities: Well-planned recreations such as listening to music of interest, involving in art and craft, visiting old friends, playing board games, volunteering work, and engaging in old hobbies helps elderly utilize their leisure time, and improve their physical and psychological wellbeing.

6. Restrain from alcohol, smoking, and other addictions: Recent studies have shown that midlife and late-life smokers had a greater risk of developing dementia. Tobacco harmed daily functioning. (Michel et al, 2016). The positive effect of light to moderate alcohol consumption on longevity was completely rejected by a 6 year follow up Pianoro study. Systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies on alcohol consumption and healthy ageing revealed equivocal results. (Daskalopoulou, et al, 2018). However, it needs more research in this area.

7. Research on healthy ageing: Practitioners, professionals, and researchers must consider research addressing topics on the current needs of elderly, future challenges, and determinants of healthy ageing and interventions to improve healthy ageing trajectories. Studies can also emphasize on research priorities and gaps to improve health equity. Thus contributing to and learn from such a knowledge base.

8. Reverse approach: We will not hold their hands; they will hold our hands. One should not underestimate the elderly power only due to their age. The knowledge, skills, and experience they have should not be devalued. Important here is they should not be placed in the receiving end. They are an asset and guide for preserving the cultural and folk traditions, old values, and rituals.

I would also like to inform the readers that the Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) in May 2020 has launched the Centre for Studies on Healthy Ageing (CSHA) aiming to promote health and participation in old age. The centre also encourages young groups to age healthy and be independent.

See the original post here:
Healthy ageing.. The eight R's - Daijiworld.com


The Secret to a Long, Healthy Life Is in the Genes of the Oldest Humans Alive – Singularity Hub

Monday, August 10th, 2020

The first time I heard nematode worms can teach us something about human longevity, I balked at the idea. How the hell can a worm with an average lifespan of only 15 days have much in common with a human who lives decades?

The answer is in their genesespecially those that encode for basic life functions, such as metabolism. Thanks to the lowly C. elegans worm, weve uncovered genes and molecular pathways, such as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signaling that extends healthy longevity in yeast, flies, and mice (and maybe us). Too nerdy? Those pathways also inspired massive scientific and popular interest in metformin, hormones, intermittent fasting, and even the ketogenic diet. To restate: worms have inspired the search for our own fountain of youth.

Still, thats just one success story. How relevant, exactly, are those genes for humans? Were rather a freak of nature. Our aging process extends for years, during which we experience a slew of age-related disorders. Diabetes. Heart disease. Dementia. Surprisingly, many of these dont ever occur in worms and other animals. Something is obviously amiss.

In this months Nature Metabolism, a global team of scientists argued that its high time we turn from worm to human. The key to human longevity, they say, lies in the genes of centenarians. These individuals not only live over 100 years, they also rarely suffer from common age-related diseases. That is, theyre healthy up to their last minute. If evolution was a scientist, then centenarians, and the rest of us, are two experimental groups in action.

Nature has already given us a genetic blueprint for healthy longevity. We just need to decode it.

Long-lived individuals, through their very existence, have established the physiological feasibility of living beyond the ninth decade in relatively good health and ending life without a period of protracted illness, the authors wrote. From this rare but valuable population, we can gain insight into the physiology of healthy aging and the development of new therapies to extend the human healthspan.

While it may seem obvious now, whether genes played a role in longevity was disputed for over a century. After all, rather than genes, wouldnt access to health care, socioeconomic status, diet, smoking, drinking, exercise, or many other environmental and lifestyle factors play a much larger role? Similar to height or intelligence (however the latter is assessed), the genetics of longevity is an enormously complicated and sensitive issue for unbiased studying.

Yet after only a few genetic studies of longevity, a trend quickly emerged.

The natural lifespan in humans, even under optimal conditions in modern societies, varies considerably, the authors said. One study, for example, found that centenarians lived much longer than people born around the same time in the same environment. The offspring of centenarians also have lower chances of age-related diseases and exhibit a more youthful profile of metabolism and age-related inflammation than others of the same age and gender.

Together, about 25 to 35 percent of the variability in how long people live is determined by their genesregardless of environment. In other words, rather than looking at nematode worm genes, we have a discrete population of humans whove already won the genetic lottery when it comes to aging. We just need to parse what winning means in terms of biology. Genes in hand, we could perhaps tap those biological phonelines and cut the wires leading to aging.

Identification of the genetic factors that underlie extreme human lifespan should provide insights into the mechanisms of human longevity and disease resistance, the authors said.

Once scientists discovered that genes play a large role in aging, the next question was which ones are they?

They turned to genome-wide association studies, or GWAS. This big data approach scans existing genomic databases for variations in DNA coding that could lead to differences in some outcomefor example, long versus short life. The differences dont even have to be in so-called coding genes (that is, genes that make proteins). They can be anywhere in the genome.

Its a powerful approach, but not that specific. Think of GWAS as rudimentary debugging software for biological code: it only looks for differences between different DNA letter variants, but doesnt care which specific DNA letter swap most likely impacts the final biological program (aging, in this case).

Thats a huge problem. For one, GWAS often finds dozens of single DNA letter changes, none powerful enough to change the trajectory of aging by itself. The technique highlights a village of DNA variants, that together may have an effect on aging by controlling the cells course over a lifetime, without indicating which are most important. Its also hard to say that a DNA letter change causally leads to (or protects against) aging. Finally, GWAS studies are generally performed on populations of European ancestry, which leaves out a huge chunk of humansfor example, the Japanese, who tend to produce an outsized percentage of centenarians.

So what needs to change?

Rather than focusing on the general population, the key is to home in on centenarians of different cultures, socioeconomic status, and upbringing. If GWAS are like fishing for a rare species in several large oceans, then the authors point is to focus on pondsdistributed across the worldwhich are small, but packed with those rare species.

Extremely long-lived individuals, such as centenarians, compose only a tiny proportion (~0.01 percent to 0.02 percent) of the United States population, but their genes contain a biological blueprint for healthy aging and longevity, the authors said. Theyre spared from usual age-related diseases, and this extreme and extremely rare phenotype is ideal for the study of genetic variants that regulate healthspan and lifespan.

Its an idea that would usually make geneticists flinch. Its generally thought that the larger the study population, the better the result. Here, the recommendation is to narrow our focus.

And thats the point, the authors argue.

Whatever comes out of these studies will likely have a much larger impact on aging than a GWAS fishing experiment. Smaller (genomic) pond; larger (pro-youth) fish. Whats more, a pro-youth gene identified in one European-based long-living population can be verified in another group of centenarianssay, Japaneseensuring that the gene candidates reflect something fundamental about human aging, regardless of race, culture, upbringing, and wealth.

A genomic screen of centenarians can easily be done these days on the cheap. But thats only the first step.

The next step is to validate promising anti-aging genetic differences, similar to how scientists validated such differences in nematode worms during classic longevity studies. For example, a promising pro-youth gene variant can be genetically edited into mice using CRISPR or some other tool. Scientists can then examine how the mice grow up and grow old, compared to their non-edited peers. Does the gene make these mice more resilient to dementia? What about muscle wasting? Or heart troubles? Or hair greying and obesity?

From these observations, scientists can then use an enormous selection of molecular tools to further dissect the molecular pathways underlying these pro-youth genetic changes.

The final step? Guided by centenarian genes and validated by animal models of aging, we can design powerful drugs that sever the connection between the genes and proteins that drive aging and its associated diseases. Metformin is an experimental pill that came out of aging studies in nematode wormsimagine what studies in human centenarians will yield.

Despite enormous improvements in human health over the past century, we remain far from a situation in which living to 100 years of age in fairly good health is the norm, the authors said.

But as centenarians obviously prove, this is possible. By digging into their genes, scientists may find a path towards healthy longevitynot just for the genetically fortunate, but for all of us.

Image credit:Cristian Newman / Unsplash

See more here:
The Secret to a Long, Healthy Life Is in the Genes of the Oldest Humans Alive - Singularity Hub


What We Can Learn About Longevity From SuperAgers and Centenarians – Next Avenue

Monday, August 10th, 2020

Editors note: This article is part of an editorial partnership between Next Avenue and The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR), a national nonprofit whose mission is to support and advance healthy aging through biomedical research.

Dr. Nir Barzilais research as director of the Einstein-Institute for Aging Research and AFAR scientific director explores the genetics and biology of aging through the lens of exceptional longevity. He is a pioneer in the study of centenarians and, as one step in the process of understanding how we age, looking at the cellular level to see how centenarians genes can point to opportunities to delay aging or protect against age-related disease.

He is also co-founder of biotech firms CohBar and Lifebiosciences, who are developing therapies to extend health by targeting aging, and is principal investigator for the TAME (Targeting Aging with Metformin) Trial, which aims to provide proof of concept that aging can be targeted and treated.

Barzilai recently published his first book, Age Later: Health Span, Life Span, and the Science of Longevity. We spoke with him to learn about his research on those who live past 100.

American Federation of Aging Research: What are SuperAgers and what does the study of these individuals tell you about longevity?

Dr. Nir Barzilai: SuperAgers are people who have aged more slowly than others. In other words, SuperAgers chronological age does not reflect their biological age. They do not accumulate age-related disease and require treatment, which allows them to work longer, enjoy post-retirement interests, to live life to the fullest.

Centenarians, as well as many older adults, do survive COVID-19.

In my studies, not only did SuperAgers live twenty to thirty more healthy years, they also had a contraction of morbidity. This means they spent less time being sick and therefore there is a longevity dividend among SuperAgers as medical costs are saved.

How can your study of genes in centenarians or their offspring translate to drug discovery efforts?

The interesting thing about discovering specific changes in the genes of centenarians and their offspring is that those genes can point to a mechanism that can be targeted for intervention. We can look to these mechanisms for developing drugs that inhibit or stimulate these genes.

Through the Longevity Genes Project at Einstein, we have found two such changes in genes that control the good aspect of lipid metabolism. These discoveries led to the development of a drug and successful Phase 2 studies by the pharmaceutical companies Merck and Ionis. [Barzilai is on Mercks advisory board.] The indications for the development of these drugs was cardiovascular disease, but they may impact other diseases as well.

The disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on older adults has been well documented, but what can be learned from older adults, even centenarians, who survive the virus?

Centenarians, as well as many older adults, do survive COVID-19. While we must be sensitive to the range of socioeconomic factors impacting how and who COVID-19 is affecting in America, its important to look at the hallmarks of aging.

On a cellular level, these hallmarks are processes that are considered to be the core underlying machinery controlling how our bodies age. COVID-19 vulnerability is linked to two of the hallmarks of aging: immune decline and inflammation. Some older adults experience these hallmarks at lower levels.

Further, research has shown that immunity among offspring of centenarians is better than that of others their age. Because all hallmarks of aging are involved, not just the immune system, these individuals are able to survive through a severe disease like COVID-19.

In Age Later, you pose the question: Is it possible to grow older without getting sicker? How have your thoughts on this question changed since the coronavirus pandemic?

COVID-19 has put a spotlight on how the biology of aging makes some of us more or less vulnerable to viruses and sickness. The field of aging research has been looking at this for decades, and now we can apply our expertise to COVID-19 and expand the conversation on targeting age-related diseases and extending health span our years of health as we age.

I always say that a future of healthy aging is not just a hope, but a promise: not only have we gone from the promise of targeting aging, but there are drugs that can do this in use by humans today. Those drugs can change biological age and improve immunity not only against COVID-19, but against the next pathogen.

For example, metformin is a drug that can target aging in humans. There are several papers that show COVID-19 patients on metformin were hospitalized less and had lower mortality than patients with similar problems who were not treated with metformin. We need to move rapidly to consider available drugs like this that can help defend older adults against threats like COVID-19 now and those in the future.

This also why we need the TAME Trial. At fourteen leading research institutions across the country, we hope to engage over three thousand individuals between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-nine to test whether those taking metformin experience delayed development or progression of age-related chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and dementia.

The TAME Trial seeks an indication for aging from the FDA [Food and Drug Administration], and this would open the door to so many promising therapies to extend health.

Im passionate about the therapeutics that are within our reach and their promise to extend health as we grow older. My book may be called Age Later, but it really could be called Healthier Longer. The promise that we all can live healthier for longer as we grow older and decrease the pain of disease and illness is really what motivates me and my inspiring colleagues in the field.

Dr. Barzilai will be talking about his book at an online event on Thursday, Aug. 27, 2020 at 2 pm ET (RSVP required). The talk is part of AFARs Live Better Longer series with Prevention magazine, and is part of an editorial and promotional partnership with Next Avenue.

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What We Can Learn About Longevity From SuperAgers and Centenarians - Next Avenue


How to live longer – the anti-ageing spice to protect against an early death and cancer – Express

Monday, August 10th, 2020

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a well-rounded diet is crucial to prolonging your lifespan.

You could also boost your lifespan by doing regular exercise. Its the miracle cure weve all been waiting for, according to the NHS.

Making some small diet or lifestyle changes could help to increase your life expectancy and avoid an early death.

One of the best ways to make sure that you live a long and healthy life is to eat more turmeric, it's been revealed.

READ MORE: How to live longer - the amount of exercise you need to do each day

"Many people think that life expectancy is largely determined by genetics," the dietitian wrote on medical website Healthline.

"However, genes play a much smaller role than originally believed. It turns out that environmental factors like diet and lifestyle are key.

"When it comes to anti-aging strategies, turmeric is a great option. Thats because this spice contains a potent bioactive compound called curcumin.

"Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin is thought to help maintain brain, heart, and lung function, as well as protect against cancers and age-related diseases."

Meanwhile, you could also lower your risk of an early death by eating more nuts, it's been claimed.

They're particularly rich in proteins, fibre, antioxidants, and magnesium.

Scientists have previously revealed that they could protect against heart disease and high blood pressure.

Everyone should aim to eat a handful of nuts everyday; the equivalent to around 30g.

See the rest here:
How to live longer - the anti-ageing spice to protect against an early death and cancer - Express


Global Precision Medicine Software Industry Market 2020 Size, Share, Trends, Growth and Outlook with Company Analysis and Forecast to 2025 – CueReport

Monday, August 10th, 2020

The research report on Precision Medicine Software Industry market comprises of key development trends that define the industry in terms of profit potential and expansion scope. It also highlights the challenges & constraints that may negatively influence the market outlook alongside the various growth drivers and opportunities affecting the future remuneration of this business vertical. In addition, the study encompasses data regarding the impact of COVID-19 in an effort to gain insights about the projected performance over the study duration.

Major aspects from COVID-19 impact analysis:

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A summary of the geographical landscape:

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Other key aspects from the Precision Medicine Software Industry market report:

Major Points Covered in TOC:

Overview:Along with a broad overview of the global Precision Medicine Software Industry market, this section gives an overview of the report to give an idea about the nature and contents of the research study.

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Regional Growth Analysis:All major regions and countries have been covered in the report. The regional analysis will help market players to tap into unexplored regional markets, prepare specific strategies for target regions, and compare the growth of all regional markets.

Segmental Analysis:The report provides accurate and reliable forecasts of the market share of important segments of the Precision Medicine Software Industry market. Market participants can use this analysis to make strategic investments in key growth pockets of the market.

Key questions answered in the report:

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See original here:
Global Precision Medicine Software Industry Market 2020 Size, Share, Trends, Growth and Outlook with Company Analysis and Forecast to 2025 - CueReport


Precision Medicine Software Market Size By Product Analysis, Application, End-Users, Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies And Forecast Up To 2026…

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

New Jersey, United States,- Latest update on Precision Medicine Software Market Analysis report published with extensive market research, Precision Medicine Software Market growth analysis, and forecast by 2026. this report is highly predictive as it holds the overall market analysis of topmost companies into the Precision Medicine Software industry. With the classified Precision Medicine Software market research based on various growing regions, this report provides leading players portfolio along with sales, growth, market share, and so on.

The research report of the Precision Medicine Software market is predicted to accrue a significant remuneration portfolio by the end of the predicted time period. It includes parameters with respect to the Precision Medicine Software market dynamics incorporating varied driving forces affecting the commercialization graph of this business vertical and risks prevailing in the sphere. In addition, it also speaks about the Precision Medicine Software Market growth opportunities in the industry.

Precision Medicine Software Market Report covers the manufacturers data, including shipment, price, revenue, gross profit, interview record, business distribution etc., these data help the consumer know about the competitors better. This report also covers all the regions and countries of the world, which shows a regional development status, including Precision Medicine Software market size, volume and value, as well as price data.

Precision Medicine Software Market competition by top Manufacturers:

Precision Medicine Software Market Classification by Types:

Precision Medicine Software Market Size by End-user Application:

Listing a few pointers from the report:

The objective of the Precision Medicine Software Market Report:

Cataloging the competitive terrain of the Precision Medicine Software market:

Unveiling the geographical penetration of the Precision Medicine Software market:

The report of the Precision Medicine Software market is an in-depth analysis of the business vertical projected to record a commendable annual growth rate over the estimated time period. It also comprises of a precise evaluation of the dynamics related to this marketplace. The purpose of the Precision Medicine Software Market report is to provide important information related to the industry deliverables such as market size, valuation forecast, sales volume, etc.

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Precision Medicine Software Market Size By Product Analysis, Application, End-Users, Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies And Forecast Up To 2026...


Precision Medicine Software Market (impact of COVID-19) Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2020-2026| Syapse, Allscripts, Qiagen, Roper…

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

GlobalPrecision Medicine SoftwareMarket (COVID-19 Impact) Size, Status and Forecast 2020-2026

This report studies thePrecision Medicine Software marketwith many aspects of the industry like the market size, market status, market trends and forecast, the report also provides brief information of the competitors and the specific growth opportunities with key market drivers. Find the completePrecision Medicine Software marketanalysis segmented by companies, region, type and applications in the report.

New vendors in the market are facing tough competition from established international vendors as they struggle with technological innovations, reliability and quality issues. The report will answer questions about the current market developments and the scope of competition, opportunity cost and more.

The major players covered in Precision Medicine Software Market:Syapse, Allscripts, Qiagen, Roper Technologies, Fabric Genomics, Foundation Medicine, Sophia Genetics, PierianDx, Human Longevity, Translational Software, Gene42, Inc, Lifeomic Health

The final report will add the analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 in this report Precision Medicine Software industry.

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Global Precision Medicine Software Market: Competitive Landscape

This section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and production by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2020 to 2026.

Precision Medicine SoftwareMarket in its database, which provides an expert and in-depth analysis of key business trends and future market development prospects, key drivers and restraints, profiles of major market players, segmentation and forecasting. An Precision Medicine Software Market provides an extensive view of size; trends and shape have been developed in this report to identify factors that will exhibit a significant impact in boosting the sales of Precision Medicine Software Market in the near future.

This report focuses on the globalPrecision Medicine Softwarestatus, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players. The study objectives are to present the Precision Medicine Software development inUnited States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, and Central & South America.

Market segment by Type, the product can be split into

Market segment by Application, split into

ThePrecision Medicine Softwaremarket is a comprehensive report which offers a meticulous overview of the market share, size, trends, demand, product analysis, application analysis, regional outlook, competitive strategies, forecasts, and strategies impacting the Precision Medicine Software Industry. The report includes a detailed analysis of the market competitive landscape, with the help of detailed business profiles, SWOT analysis, project feasibility analysis, and several other details about the key companies operating in the market.

The study objectives of this report are:

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ThePrecision Medicine Softwaremarket research report completely covers the vital statistics of the capacity, production, value, cost/profit, supply/demand import/export, further divided by company and country, and by application/type for best possible updated data representation in the figures, tables, pie chart, and graphs. These data representations provide predictive data regarding the future estimations for convincing market growth. The detailed and comprehensive knowledge about our publishers makes us out of the box in case of market analysis.

Key questions answered in this report

Table of Contents

Chapter 1:GlobalPrecision Medicine SoftwareMarket Overview

Chapter 2:Precision Medicine Software Market Data Analysis

Chapter 3:Precision Medicine Software Technical Data Analysis

Chapter 4:Precision Medicine Software Government Policy and News

Chapter 5:Global Precision Medicine Software Market Manufacturing Process and Cost Structure

Chapter 6:Precision Medicine Software Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast

Chapter 7:Precision Medicine Software Key Manufacturers

Chapter 8:Up and Down Stream Industry Analysis

Chapter 9:Marketing Strategy -Precision Medicine Software Analysis

Chapter 10:Precision Medicine Software Development Trend Analysis

Chapter 11:Global Precision Medicine Software Market New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis

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See original here:
Precision Medicine Software Market (impact of COVID-19) Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2020-2026| Syapse, Allscripts, Qiagen, Roper...


Global Precision Medicine Software Market Analysis and Forecast 2027- including drivers, constraints, intimidation, challenges, opportunities, and…

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

Global Precision Medicine Software Market presents insights into the present and upcoming industry trends, enabling the readers to identify the products and services, hence driving the enlargement and effectiveness. The research report provides a comprehensive breakdown of all the major factors impacting the market on a global and regional scale, including drivers, constraints, intimidation, challenges, opportunities, and industry-specific trends. Further, the report cites global certainties and endorsements along with downstream and upstream analysis of leading players.

Get more information on Global Precision Medicine Software Market Research Report by requesting FREE Sample Copy @ https://www.globalmarketers.biz/report/others/2015-2027-global-precision-medicine-software-industry-market-research-report,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/146709#request_sample

Major Players:

Abbott Laboratories(US)Syapse, Inc. (US)Roper Technologies(US)Sunquest Information Systems Inc. (US)Pfizer, Inc., Merck & Co., Inc.(US)N-of-One, Inc. (US)NantHealth, Inc. (US)LifeOmic Health, LLC (US)Fabric Genomics (US)Allscripts(US)GlaxoSmithKline plc(UK)Gene42, Inc. (Canada)Foundation Medicine, Inc. (US)Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Netherlands)PierianDx, Inc. (US)Translational Software, Inc. (US)Flatiron Health, Inc. (US)IBM Watson Group (US)Sanofi S.A.(France)Tempus Labs, Inc. (US)AstraZeneca plc(US)2bPrecise LLC (Israel)Qiagen(Germany)SOPHiA GENETICS SA (Switzerland)Human Longevity, Inc. (US)

Global Precision Medicine Software Market research reports enlargement rates and the market value based on market dynamics, growth factors. Complete knowledge is based on the newest innovation in business, opportunities, and trends. In addition to SWOT examination by key suppliers, the report contains an all-inclusive market analysis and major players landscape.

The regional segmentation covers:

Segmentation by Type:


Segmentation by Application:

Healthcare providersResearch centers & Government institutesPharmaceutical & Biotechnology companiesOther end users

Do Inquiry Before Purchasing Report Here and Ask For Discount @: https://www.globalmarketers.biz/discount_inquiry/discount/146709

Report Objectives

Enquire Before Buying : https://www.globalmarketers.biz/report/others/2015-2027-global-precision-medicine-software-industry-market-research-report,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/146709#inquiry_before_buying

Table of Content:

The Global Precision Medicine Software Market

Chapter 1: Precision Medicine Software Market Overview, Drivers, Restraints and Opportunities

Chapter 2: Precision Medicine Software Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 3: Precision Medicine Software Production by Regions

Chapter 4: Production, By Types, Market share by Types

Chapter 5: Consumption, By Applications

Chapter 6: Comprehensive profiling and analysis of Manufacturers

Chapter 7: Manufacturing cost analysis

Chapter 8: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 9: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 10: Precision Medicine Software Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 11: Precision Medicine Software Market Forecast

Chapter 12: Conclusion of Precision Medicine Software Market

The Report has Tables and Figures Browse The Report Description and TOC @ https://www.globalmarketers.biz/report/others/2015-2027-global-precision-medicine-software-industry-market-research-report,-segment-by-player,-type,-application,-marketing-channel,-and-region/146709#table_of_contents

See the article here:
Global Precision Medicine Software Market Analysis and Forecast 2027- including drivers, constraints, intimidation, challenges, opportunities, and...


Research On Global Genomic Biomarker Market (impact of COVID-19) with Top Players: Bio-Rad,Beckman Coulter,Myriad Genetics and Others – Owned

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

Global Genomic Biomarker Market: Trends Estimates High Demand by 2027

The Genomic Biomarker Market 2020 report includes the market strategy, market orientation, expert opinion and knowledgeable information. The Genomic Biomarker Industry Report is an in-depth study analyzing the current state of the Genomic Biomarker Market. It provides a brief overview of the market focusing on definitions, classifications, product specifications, manufacturing processes, cost structures, market segmentation, end-use applications and industry chain analysis. The study on Genomic Biomarker Market provides analysis of market covering the industry trends, recent developments in the market and competitive landscape.

It takes into account the CAGR, value, volume, revenue, production, consumption, sales, manufacturing cost, prices, and other key factors related to the global Genomic Biomarker market. All findings and data on the global Genomic Biomarker market provided in the report are calculated, gathered, and verified using advanced and reliable primary and secondary research sources. The regional analysis offered in the report will help you to identify key opportunities of the global Genomic Biomarker market available in different regions and countries.

The final report will add the analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 in this report Genomic Biomarker industry.

Some of The Companies Competing in The Genomic Biomarker Market are: Bio-Rad,Beckman Coulter,Myriad Genetics,Thermo Fisher Scientific,Roche,QIAGEN,Epigenomics,Almac,Pfizer,Human Longevity,ValiRx,Personalis,Eagle Genomics,Empire Genomics,Agilent,Illumina.

Get a Sample Copy of the [emailprotected] https://www.reportsandmarkets.com/sample-request/global-genomic-biomarker-market-size-status-and-forecast-2019-2025?utm_source=jewishlifenews&utm_medium=46

The report scrutinizes different business approaches and frameworks that pave the way for success in businesses. The report used Porters five techniques for analyzing the Genomic Biomarker Market; it also offers the examination of the global market. To make the report more potent and easy to understand, it consists of info graphics and diagrams. Furthermore, it has different policies and improvement plans which are presented in summary. It analyzes the technical barriers, other issues, and cost-effectiveness affecting the market.

Global Genomic Biomarker Market Research Report 2020 carries in-depth case studies on the various countries which are involved in the Genomic Biomarker market. The report is segmented according to usage wherever applicable and the report offers all this information for all major countries and associations. It offers an analysis of the technical barriers, other issues, and cost-effectiveness affecting the market. Important contents analyzed and discussed in the report include market size, operation situation, and current & future development trends of the market, market segments, business development, and consumption tendencies. Moreover, the report includes the list of major companies/competitors and their competition data that helps the user to determine their current position in the market and take corrective measures to maintain or increase their share holds.

What questions does the Genomic Biomarker market report answer pertaining to the regional reach of the industry?

The report claims to split the regional scope of the Genomic Biomarker market into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America & Middle East and Africa. Which among these regions has been touted to amass the largest market share over the anticipated duration

How do the sales figures look at present how does the sales scenario look for the future?

Considering the present scenario, how much revenue will each region attain by the end of the forecast period?

How much is the market share that each of these regions has accumulated presently

How much is the growth rate that each topography will depict over the predicted timeline

A short overview of the Genomic Biomarker market scope:

Global market remuneration

Overall projected growth rate

Industry trends

Competitive scope

Product range

Application landscape

Supplier analysis

Marketing channel trends Now and later

Sales channel evaluation

Market Competition Trend

Market Concentration Rate

Reasons to Read this Report

This report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics

It provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growth

It provides a six-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to grow

It helps in understanding the key product segments and their future

It provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitors

It helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segments


Chapter 1:Genomic Biomarker Market Overview

Chapter 2: Global Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3:Genomic Biomarker Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4: Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5: Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions

Chapter 6: Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

Chapter 7: Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8: Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Chapter 9: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11: Genomic Biomarker Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 12: GlobalGenomic Biomarker Market Forecast to 2027

Get Complete Report @ https://www.reportsandmarkets.com/sample-request/global-genomic-biomarker-market-size-status-and-forecast-2019-2025?utm_source=jewishlifenews&utm_medium=46

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Reports And Markets is part of the Algoro Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Are you mastering your market? Do you know what the market potential is for your product, who the market players are and what the growth forecast is? We offer standard global, regional or country specific market research studies for almost every market you can imagine.

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Go here to see the original:
Research On Global Genomic Biomarker Market (impact of COVID-19) with Top Players: Bio-Rad,Beckman Coulter,Myriad Genetics and Others - Owned


New Report: and China Genomic Biomarker Market Share, Growth, Trend Analysis and Forecast from 2020-2026; Consumption Capacity by Volume and…

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

LOS ANGELES, United States: QY Research has recently published a report, titled Global and China Genomic Biomarker Market Size, Status and Forecast 2020-2026. The research report gives the potential headway openings that prevails in the global market. The report is amalgamated depending on research procured from primary and secondary information. The global and China Genomic Biomarker market is relied upon to develop generously and succeed in volume and value during the predicted time period. Moreover, the report gives nitty gritty data on different manufacturers, region, and products which are important to totally understanding the market.

Key Companies/Manufacturers operating in the global and China Genomic Biomarker market include: , Bio-Rad, Beckman Coulter, Myriad Genetics, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Roche, QIAGEN, Epigenomics, Almac, Pfizer, Human Longevity, ValiRx, Personalis, Eagle Genomics, Empire Genomics, Agilent, Illumina

Get PDF Sample Copy of the Report to understand the structure of the complete report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) :


Segmental Analysis

Both developed and emerging regions are deeply studied by the authors of the report. The regional analysis section of the report offers a comprehensive analysis of the global and China Genomic Biomarker market on the basis of region. Each region is exhaustively researched about so that players can use the analysis to tap into unexplored markets and plan powerful strategies to gain a foothold in lucrative markets.

Global and China Genomic Biomarker Market Segment By Type:

Protein MarkerNucleic Acid MarkerOther Genomic Biomarker

Global and China Genomic Biomarker Market Segment By Application:

HospitalsDiagnostic and research laboratories Based on

Competitive Landscape

Competitor analysis is one of the best sections of the report that compares the progress of leading players based on crucial parameters, including market share, new developments, global reach, local competition, price, and production. From the nature of competition to future changes in the vendor landscape, the report provides in-depth analysis of the competition in the global and China Genomic Biomarker market.

Key companies operating in the global and China Genomic Biomarker market include , Bio-Rad, Beckman Coulter, Myriad Genetics, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Roche, QIAGEN, Epigenomics, Almac, Pfizer, Human Longevity, ValiRx, Personalis, Eagle Genomics, Empire Genomics, Agilent, Illumina

Key questions answered in the report:

For Discount, Customization in the Report: https://www.qyresearch.com/customize-request/form/1955234/global-and-china-genomic-biomarker-market


1 Report Overview1.1 Study Scope1.2 Market Analysis by Type1.2.1 Global Genomic Biomarker Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2020 VS 20261.2.2 Protein Marker1.2.3 Nucleic Acid Marker1.2.4 Other1.3 Market by Application1.3.1 Global Genomic Biomarker Market Share by Application: 2020 VS 20261.3.2 Hospitals1.3.3 Diagnostic and research laboratories 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Global Growth Trends2.1 Global Genomic Biomarker Market Perspective (2015-2026)2.2 Global Genomic Biomarker Growth Trends by Regions2.2.1 Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Regions: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20262.2.2 Genomic Biomarker Historic Market Share by Regions (2015-2020)2.2.3 Genomic Biomarker Forecasted Market Size by Regions (2021-2026) 2.3 Industry Trends and Growth Strategy 2.3.1 Market Trends 2.3.2 Market Drivers2.3.3 Market Challenges2.3.4 Market Restraints 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players3.1 Global Top Genomic Biomarker Players by Market Size3.1.1 Global Top Genomic Biomarker Players by Revenue (2015-2020)3.1.2 Global Genomic Biomarker Revenue Market Share by Players (2015-2020)3.2 Global Genomic Biomarker Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)3.3 Players Covered: Ranking by Genomic Biomarker Revenue3.4 Global Genomic Biomarker Market Concentration Ratio3.4.1 Global Genomic Biomarker Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)3.4.2 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Genomic Biomarker Revenue in 20193.5 Key Players Genomic Biomarker Area Served3.6 Key Players Genomic Biomarker Product Solution and Service3.7 Date of Enter into Genomic Biomarker Market3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Genomic Biomarker Breakdown Data by Type (2015-2026)4.1 Global Genomic Biomarker Historic Market Size by Type (2015-2020)4.2 Global Genomic Biomarker Forecasted Market Size by Type (2021-2026) 5 Genomic Biomarker Breakdown Data by Application (2015-2026)5.1 Global Genomic Biomarker Historic Market Size by Application (2015-2020)5.2 Global Genomic Biomarker Forecasted Market Size by Application (2021-2026) 6 North America6.1 North America Genomic Biomarker Market Size (2015-2026)6.2 North America Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Type (2015-2020)6.3 North America Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Application (2015-2020)6.4 North America Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Country (2015-2020)6.4.1 United States6.4.2 Canada 7 Europe7.1 Europe Genomic Biomarker Market Size (2015-2026)7.2 Europe Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Type (2015-2020)7.3 Europe Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Application (2015-2020)7.4 Europe Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Country (2015-2020)7.4.1 Germany7.4.2 France7.4.3 U.K.7.4.4 Italy7.4.5 Russia7.4.6 Nordic7.4.7 Rest of Europe 8 China8.1 China Genomic Biomarker Market Size (2015-2026)8.2 China Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Type (2015-2020)8.3 China Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Application (2015-2020)8.4 China Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Region (2015-2020)8.4.1 China8.4.2 Japan8.4.3 South Korea8.4.4 Southeast Asia8.4.5 India8.4.6 Australia8.4.7 Rest of Asia-Pacific 9 Japan9.1 Japan Genomic Biomarker Market Size (2015-2026)9.2 Japan Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Type (2015-2020)9.3 Japan Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Application (2015-2020)9.4 Japan Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Country (2015-2020)9.4.1 Mexico9.4.2 Brazil 10 Southeast Asia10.1 Southeast Asia Genomic Biomarker Market Size (2015-2026)10.2 Southeast Asia Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Type (2015-2020)10.3 Southeast Asia Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Application (2015-2020)10.4 Southeast Asia Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Country (2015-2020)10.4.1 Turkey10.4.2 Saudi Arabia10.4.3 UAE10.4.4 Rest of Middle East & Africa 11Key Players Profiles11.1 Bio-Rad11.1.1 Bio-Rad Company Details11.1.2 Bio-Rad Business Overview11.1.3 Bio-Rad Genomic Biomarker Introduction11.1.4 Bio-Rad Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020))11.1.5 Bio-Rad Recent Development11.2 Beckman Coulter11.2.1 Beckman Coulter Company Details11.2.2 Beckman Coulter Business Overview11.2.3 Beckman Coulter Genomic Biomarker Introduction11.2.4 Beckman Coulter Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)11.2.5 Beckman Coulter Recent Development11.3 Myriad Genetics11.3.1 Myriad Genetics Company Details11.3.2 Myriad Genetics Business Overview11.3.3 Myriad Genetics Genomic Biomarker Introduction11.3.4 Myriad Genetics Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)11.3.5 Myriad Genetics Recent Development11.4 Thermo Fisher Scientific11.4.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Company Details11.4.2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Business Overview11.4.3 Thermo Fisher Scientific Genomic Biomarker Introduction11.4.4 Thermo Fisher Scientific Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)11.4.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Recent Development11.5 Roche11.5.1 Roche Company Details11.5.2 Roche Business Overview11.5.3 Roche Genomic Biomarker Introduction11.5.4 Roche Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)11.5.5 Roche Recent Development11.6 QIAGEN11.6.1 QIAGEN Company Details11.6.2 QIAGEN Business Overview11.6.3 QIAGEN Genomic Biomarker Introduction11.6.4 QIAGEN Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)11.6.5 QIAGEN Recent Development11.7 Epigenomics11.7.1 Epigenomics Company Details11.7.2 Epigenomics Business Overview11.7.3 Epigenomics Genomic Biomarker Introduction11.7.4 Epigenomics Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)11.7.5 Epigenomics Recent Development11.8 Almac11.8.1 Almac Company Details11.8.2 Almac Business Overview11.8.3 Almac Genomic Biomarker Introduction11.8.4 Almac Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)11.8.5 Almac Recent Development11.9 Pfizer11.9.1 Pfizer Company Details11.9.2 Pfizer Business Overview11.9.3 Pfizer Genomic Biomarker Introduction11.9.4 Pfizer Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)11.9.5 Pfizer Recent Development11.10 Human Longevity11.10.1 Human Longevity Company Details11.10.2 Human Longevity Business Overview11.10.3 Human Longevity Genomic Biomarker Introduction11.10.4 Human Longevity Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)11.10.5 Human Longevity Recent Development11.11 ValiRx10.11.1 ValiRx Company Details10.11.2 ValiRx Business Overview10.11.3 ValiRx Genomic Biomarker Introduction10.11.4 ValiRx Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)10.11.5 ValiRx Recent Development11.12 Personalis10.12.1 Personalis Company Details10.12.2 Personalis Business Overview10.12.3 Personalis Genomic Biomarker Introduction10.12.4 Personalis Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)10.12.5 Personalis Recent Development11.13 Eagle Genomics10.13.1 Eagle Genomics Company Details10.13.2 Eagle Genomics Business Overview10.13.3 Eagle Genomics Genomic Biomarker Introduction10.13.4 Eagle Genomics Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)10.13.5 Eagle Genomics Recent Development11.14 Empire Genomics10.14.1 Empire Genomics Company Details10.14.2 Empire Genomics Business Overview10.14.3 Empire Genomics Genomic Biomarker Introduction10.14.4 Empire Genomics Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)10.14.5 Empire Genomics Recent Development11.15 Agilent10.15.1 Agilent Company Details10.15.2 Agilent Business Overview10.15.3 Agilent Genomic Biomarker Introduction10.15.4 Agilent Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)10.15.5 Agilent Recent Development11.16 Illumina10.16.1 Illumina Company Details10.16.2 Illumina Business Overview10.16.3 Illumina Genomic Biomarker Introduction10.16.4 Illumina Revenue in Genomic Biomarker Business (2015-2020)10.16.5 Illumina Recent Development 12Analysts Viewpoints/Conclusions 13Appendix13.1 Research Methodology13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach13.1.2 Data Source13.2 Disclaimer13.3 Author Details

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QYResearch always pursuits high product quality with the belief that quality is the soul of business. Through years of effort and supports from huge number of customer supports, QYResearch consulting group has accumulated creative design methods on many high-quality markets investigation and research team with rich experience. Today, QYResearch has become the brand of quality assurance in consulting industry.

Read the rest here:
New Report: and China Genomic Biomarker Market Share, Growth, Trend Analysis and Forecast from 2020-2026; Consumption Capacity by Volume and...


New Report: Genomic Biomarker Market: Reporting and Evaluation of Recent Industry Developments| Bio-Rad, Beckman Coulter, Myriad Genetics, Thermo…

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

LOS ANGELES, United States: QY Research has recently published a report, titled Global Genomic Biomarker Market Report, History and Forecast 2015-2026, Breakdown Data by Companies, Key Regions, Types and Application. The research report gives the potential headway openings that prevails in the global market. The report is amalgamated depending on research procured from primary and secondary information. The global Genomic Biomarker market is relied upon to develop generously and succeed in volume and value during the predicted time period. Moreover, the report gives nitty gritty data on different manufacturers, region, and products which are important to totally understanding the market.

Key Companies/Manufacturers operating in the global Genomic Biomarker market include: Bio-Rad, Beckman Coulter, Myriad Genetics, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Roche, QIAGEN, Epigenomics, Almac, Pfizer, Human Longevity, ValiRx, Personalis, Eagle Genomics, Empire Genomics, Agilent, Illumina

Get PDF Sample Copy of the Report to understand the structure of the complete report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) :


Segmental Analysis

Both developed and emerging regions are deeply studied by the authors of the report. The regional analysis section of the report offers a comprehensive analysis of the global Genomic Biomarker market on the basis of region. Each region is exhaustively researched about so that players can use the analysis to tap into unexplored markets and plan powerful strategies to gain a foothold in lucrative markets.

Global Genomic Biomarker Market Segment By Type:

Protein MarkerNucleic Acid MarkerOther

Global Genomic Biomarker Market Segment By Application:

HospitalsDiagnostic and research laboratories Global Genomic Biomarker

Competitive Landscape

Competitor analysis is one of the best sections of the report that compares the progress of leading players based on crucial parameters, including market share, new developments, global reach, local competition, price, and production. From the nature of competition to future changes in the vendor landscape, the report provides in-depth analysis of the competition in the global Genomic Biomarker market.

Key companies operating in the global Genomic Biomarker market include Bio-Rad, Beckman Coulter, Myriad Genetics, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Roche, QIAGEN, Epigenomics, Almac, Pfizer, Human Longevity, ValiRx, Personalis, Eagle Genomics, Empire Genomics, Agilent, Illumina

Key questions answered in the report:

For Discount, Customization in the Report: https://www.qyresearch.com/customize-request/form/1605804/global-genomic-biomarker-market


1 Market Overview of Genomic Biomarker1.1 Genomic Biomarker Market Overview1.1.1 Genomic Biomarker Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Genomic Biomarker Market Size Overview by Region 2015 VS 2020 VS 20261.3 Global Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Region (2015-2026)1.4 Global Genomic Biomarker Historic Market Size by Region (2015-2020)1.5 Global Genomic Biomarker Market Size Forecast by Region (2021-2026)1.6 Key Regions, Genomic Biomarker Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.1 North America Genomic Biomarker Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.2 Europe Genomic Biomarker Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.3 Asia-Pacific Genomic Biomarker Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.4 Latin America Genomic Biomarker Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.5 Middle East & Africa Genomic Biomarker Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026) 2 Genomic Biomarker Market Overview by Type2.1 Global Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Type: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20262.2 Global Genomic Biomarker Historic Market Size by Type (2015-2020)2.3 Global Genomic Biomarker Forecasted Market Size by Type (2021-2026)2.4 Protein Marker2.5 Nucleic Acid Marker2.6 Other 3 Genomic Biomarker Market Overview by Application3.1 Global Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Application: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20263.2 Global Genomic Biomarker Historic Market Size by Application (2015-2020)3.3 Global Genomic Biomarker Forecasted Market Size by Application (2021-2026)3.4 Hospitals3.5 Diagnostic and research laboratories 4 Global Genomic Biomarker Competition Analysis by Players4.1 Global Genomic Biomarker Market Size (Million US$) by Players (2015-2020)4.2 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) (based on the Revenue in Genomic Biomarker as of 2019)4.3 Date of Key Manufacturers Enter into Genomic Biomarker Market4.4 Global Top Players Genomic Biomarker Headquarters and Area Served4.5 Key Players Genomic Biomarker Product Solution and Service4.6 Competitive Status4.6.1 Genomic Biomarker Market Concentration Rate4.6.2 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 5 Company (Top Players) Profiles and Key Data5.1 Bio-Rad5.1.1 Bio-Rad Profile5.1.2 Bio-Rad Main Business5.1.3 Bio-Rad Products, Services and Solutions5.1.4 Bio-Rad Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.1.5 Bio-Rad Recent Developments5.2 Beckman Coulter5.2.1 Beckman Coulter Profile5.2.2 Beckman Coulter Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.2.3 Beckman Coulter Products, Services and Solutions5.2.4 Beckman Coulter Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.2.5 Beckman Coulter Recent Development and Reaction to Covid-195.3 Myriad Genetics5.5.1 Myriad Genetics Profile5.3.2 Myriad Genetics Main Business5.3.3 Myriad Genetics Products, Services and Solutions5.3.4 Myriad Genetics Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.3.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Recent Developments5.4 Thermo Fisher Scientific5.4.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Profile5.4.2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Main Business5.4.3 Thermo Fisher Scientific Products, Services and Solutions5.4.4 Thermo Fisher Scientific Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.4.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Recent Developments5.5 Roche5.5.1 Roche Profile5.5.2 Roche Main Business5.5.3 Roche Products, Services and Solutions5.5.4 Roche Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.5.5 Roche Recent Developments5.6 QIAGEN5.6.1 QIAGEN Profile5.6.2 QIAGEN Main Business5.6.3 QIAGEN Products, Services and Solutions5.6.4 QIAGEN Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.6.5 QIAGEN Recent Developments5.7 Epigenomics5.7.1 Epigenomics Profile5.7.2 Epigenomics Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.7.3 Epigenomics Products, Services and Solutions5.7.4 Epigenomics Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.7.5 Epigenomics Recent Development and Reaction to Covid-195.8 Almac5.8.1 Almac Profile5.8.2 Almac Main Business5.8.3 Almac Products, Services and Solutions5.8.4 Almac Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.8.5 Almac Recent Developments5.9 Pfizer5.9.1 Pfizer Profile5.9.2 Pfizer Main Business5.9.3 Pfizer Products, Services and Solutions5.9.4 Pfizer Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.9.5 Pfizer Recent Developments5.10 Human Longevity5.10.1 Human Longevity Profile5.10.2 Human Longevity Main Business5.10.3 Human Longevity Products, Services and Solutions5.10.4 Human Longevity Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.10.5 Human Longevity Recent Developments5.11 ValiRx5.11.1 ValiRx Profile5.11.2 ValiRx Main Business5.11.3 ValiRx Products, Services and Solutions5.11.4 ValiRx Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.11.5 ValiRx Recent Developments5.12 Personalis5.12.1 Personalis Profile5.12.2 Personalis Main Business5.12.3 Personalis Products, Services and Solutions5.12.4 Personalis Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.12.5 Personalis Recent Developments5.13 Eagle Genomics5.13.1 Eagle Genomics Profile5.13.2 Eagle Genomics Main Business5.13.3 Eagle Genomics Products, Services and Solutions5.13.4 Eagle Genomics Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.13.5 Eagle Genomics Recent Developments5.14 Empire Genomics5.14.1 Empire Genomics Profile5.14.2 Empire Genomics Main Business5.14.3 Empire Genomics Products, Services and Solutions5.14.4 Empire Genomics Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.14.5 Empire Genomics Recent Developments5.15 Agilent5.15.1 Agilent Profile5.15.2 Agilent Main Business5.15.3 Agilent Products, Services and Solutions5.15.4 Agilent Revenue (US$ Million) & (2015-2020)5.15.5 Agilent Recent Developments5.16 Illumina5.16.1 Illumina Profile5.16.2 Illumina Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.16.3 Illumina Products, Services and Solutions5.16.4 Illumina Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.16.5 Illumina Recent Development and Reaction to Covid-19 6 North America6.1 North America Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Country6.2 United States6.3 Canada 7 Europe7.1 Europe Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Country7.2 Germany7.3 France7.4 U.K.7.5 Italy7.6 Russia7.7 Nordic7.8 Rest of Europe 8 Asia-Pacific8.1 Asia-Pacific Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Region8.2 China8.3 Japan8.4 South Korea8.5 Southeast Asia8.6 India8.7 Australia8.8 Rest of Asia-Pacific 9 Latin America9.1 Latin America Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Country9.2 Mexico9.3 Brazil9.4 Rest of Latin America 10 Middle East & Africa10.1 Middle East & Africa Genomic Biomarker Market Size by Country10.2 Turkey10.3 Saudi Arabia10.4 UAE10.5 Rest of Middle East & Africa 11 Genomic Biomarker Market Dynamics11.1 Industry Trends11.2 Market Drivers11.3 Market Challenges11.4 Market Restraints 12 Research Finding /Conclusion 13 Methodology and Data Source 13.1 Methodology/Research Approach13.1.1 Research Programs/Design13.1.2 Market Size Estimation13.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation13.2 Data Source13.2.1 Secondary Sources13.2.2 Primary Sources13.3 Disclaimer13.4 Author List

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New Report: Genomic Biomarker Market: Reporting and Evaluation of Recent Industry Developments| Bio-Rad, Beckman Coulter, Myriad Genetics, Thermo...


A Longer Life May Not Be in Your Genes | Live Science

Friday, July 10th, 2020

Long life spans tend to run in families, a phenomenon that's often attributed to people's genes. But now, a large new study of data from the genealogy website Ancestry reveals that genetics may play less of a role in life span than previously thought.

The reason? Previous studies failed to take into account a quirk of human relationships: that people tend select romantic partners with similar traits to their own. The findings mean that previous studies may have substantially overestimated the heritability of life span, the researchers said.

The study was published in today (Nov. 6) in the journal Genetics. It was funded by Calico Life Sciences, a research and development company owned by Alphabet Inc. (Google's parent company) whose mission is to understand the biology of aging. [7 Ways the Mind and Body Change With Age]

In a given population, people will vary in a number of ways; they'll have different heights, eye colors and, yes, life spans.

Heritability is a measure of how much of the variability in a given trait, such as life span, is explained by variability in people's genes, in contrast to environmental factors such as healthy eating or exercise. Previous studies have estimated that the heritability of life span is as high as 30 percent.

In the new study, the researchers analyzed information from more than 400 million people using publicly available family trees from Ancestry. Because the researchers needed to know the life span of these individuals, the study looked at only those who were born in the 1800s or early 1900s and were deceased. (Before sharing this data, Ancestry removed all identifiable information from the family trees.)

An initial analysis revealed that, when comparing the life spans of siblings and first cousins, the heritability of life span appears to be around 20 to 30 percent similar to what's been found previous studies.

But the life spans of spouses also tended to be similar. This could be due to spouses sharing a similar environment, the study said. Because they live in the same household, they may share many nongenetic factors, from diet to sleep habits, that could influence life span.

But then the researchers noted something curious: They found that even siblings-in-law and first-cousins-in-law had correlated lifespans, despite not generally living in the same household or being blood relatives.

But if they didn't share a close family history or a similar environment, why did remote and non-blood relatives also have linked life spans? The large data set allowed researchers to examine the effect of what's called assortative mating, the phenomenon in which people tend to select spouses who are similar to themselves. If assortative mating was at play, it would mean that factors that are important for life span tend to be similar among spouses, Graham Ruby, lead author of the study and a principal investigator at Calico Life Sciences, said in a statement.

Indeed, the researchers found that this was the case, and when they accounted for assortative mating, the heritability of life span dropped to 7 percent.

However, the study is not saying that people select a mate based on their life span, as that would be impossible, Ruby said. "Generally, people get married before either one of them has died," Ruby said jokingly.

But other factors could be at play, including both genetic and nongenetic variables. For example, if wealth is tied to life span and wealthy people tend to marry other wealthy people, this could make life span appear to be more heritable than it really is, the researchers said. Or if height a trait that is partly influenced by genetics is linked to life span and tall people tend to marry other tall people, then this would also muddle the analysis of the heritability of life span.

However, the findings don't mean that there aren't genes for longevity. The study focused on the heritability of life span on a population level and did not look specifically at people's genomes. Previous studies have found a link between certain genes and a long life.

Originally published on Live Science.

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A Longer Life May Not Be in Your Genes | Live Science


Improving dairy cow reproduction through nutrition – All about feed

Friday, July 10th, 2020

Significant reproductive and performance benefits have been achieved in dairy cows by adding a yeast probiotic to their feed rations, according to the results from a major French trial in which the probiotic boosted conception rates and milk yields.

Dairy farmers are constantly seeking to improve cow health and welfare, reproduction rates and milk yields. Advancing cow longevity and the number of productive lactations is also important to producers as they cope with ever-tightening margins.

In addition to helping spread heifer replacement costs over a maximum number of productive years, multi-lactation cows are also more likely to reach their genetic potential than those which only calve once or twice. The highest average milk yields, for example, are routinely achieved after the 3rd lactation.

Supplementing dairy cow diets with the yeast probiotic not only improves milk production and milk solids but also boosts dairy cow fertility and may contribute to greater longevity. Photo: Shutterstock

The increasing use of beef genetics on dairy farms is another rising trend, designed to boost the meat value of calves born to cows which arent required to breed dairy replacements. This is only possible, however, when farmers are sure of getting strong reproduction from their best milking cows, with reproductive failure identified as the main reason otherwise valuable cows are culled early.

Good reproduction in high-yielding dairy cows results in greater lifetime milk output, more calves, lower replacement costs and lower relative breeding costs. A Dutch dairy study reported that raising reproductive performance can increase net profits by 34 to 231 per cow.

Fertility is affected by several factors, including genetics, nutrition, welfare, stress at calving, heat stress, negative energy balance and so on. This is the context, therefore, in which adding probiotics to diets could help improve overall cow health and may have a positive effect on reproductive performance.

Trial results show that supplementing dairy cows during transition with the yeast probiotic Actisaf Sc 47, significantly reduces inflammatory markers around calving and BHBA blood levels. It also appears to increase feed intake before and after calving. Given that negative energy balance and systemic inflammation around calving can seriously affect future fertility rates, its estimated that supplementing diets with yeast probiotics may help improve reproductive performance.

To further assess the reproductive impact on dairy cows of supplementing diets with a yeast probiotic, the animal genetics and reproduction technologies group, Gnes Diffusion, and the animal care company, Phileo by Lesaffre, carried out a large-scale study involving approximately 2,500 dairy cows. Spread across 14 French farms and conducted over 3 years, the study involved probiotic supplementation being given to lactating cows, mixed into their daily ration, at a rate of 5g per cow.

Study results revealed statistical differences in production and reproduction, with supplemented multiparous cows achieving significantly higher artificial insemination success rate at first insemination (36% vs 31%) (Figure 1) and significantly lower number of inseminations per pregnancy (2.7 vs 3.1) than cows in a non-supplemented reference period covering the previous 2 years (Figure 2).

There was also an increase in milk fat and protein yields (2,246 vs 2,360g/d) in supplemented cows and an extra 1.5 litres per cow per day of increased milk production.

The study concluded that supplementing dairy cow diets with the yeast probiotic not only improves milk production and milk solids but also boosts dairy cow fertility and may contribute to greater longevity. As for the cost benefits of supplementation, the calculated return on investment (ROI) from using the probiotic during the study period, was 6:1.

Authors: Mohamed Mammeri, PhD, Global Product Manager, Phileo by Lesaffre & Valentin Nenov, PhD, Global Ruminant Manager, Phileo by Lesaffre.

References are available from the author on request

Here is the original post:
Improving dairy cow reproduction through nutrition - All about feed


Maintaining Perfect Health in the World of New Technologies and Devices – Digital Market News

Friday, July 10th, 2020

In the era of technologies and digital screens, millions of products are marketed as healthy. But why is it a growing number of individuals are challenged with chronic diseases and mental illnesses? Here is maintaining perfect health in the world of new technologies and devices.

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While we have nutrition and fitness apps at our fingertips, the harsh reality is why these live-saving apps and tech are nowhere near as popular as fast food delivery apps. Internet addiction and trolls may also put some vulnerable people at risk of mental illnesses.

To live a healthy happy life in the midst of convenient choices, we must embrace the power of technology while practicing the most primitive ways of achieving health.

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Unleash the power of your genetics

Recently, CRISPR-based therapy was used to treat inherited blindness for the new in history. This officially brings human gene-editing from science fiction to reality.

Your DNA is the blueprint for building you your eye color, ancestry, and risks of genetic diseases.

If your quality of life is partly determined by genetics, doesnt it make sense to crack this code and prepare for what the future holds?

Indeed, commercial genetic testing has gained rapid popularity all over the world. Dozens of organizations like 23anMe are competing to offer you the most comprehensive genetic interpretations.

In our genetic makeup, millions of single-nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs, hold the secrets to your:

With this information, you are able to take active actions to enhance your lifestyle, inform your doctor, and manage potential diseases. Our medical system is moving towards a thrilling era of personalized data-driven practice these days.

Did you know our gut has 10 times the amount of cells compared to anything else in the body combined?

Its huge. Our gut houses at least 1000 different types of bacteria the good, the bad, and the ugly.

For good bacteria to flourish in our gut, we need to feed them with fermentable fibre from plant-based foods, also called prebiotics. With these healthier fuels, the good gut bacteria begin to:

If you are seriously interested in optimizing your gut health, you can even get yourself a microbiome sequencing that informs you exactly what bacteria are in your gut. Compared to conventional DNA sequencing, this can be a relatively new technology. Nevertheless, researchers are extremely excited about harnessing the wide range of of gut information for disease diagnosis and treatment.

In the not too distant future, it may become commonplace to have personalized nutrition plans and health care predicated on your genes and gut bacteria.

In todays fast-paced society, cognitive technologies like nootropics are well-liked by many people who desire 48 hours out of their day. Unfortunately, boffins have said that there is no strong evidence in synthetic cognitive supplements.

If you still want approaches to boost your productivity, natural compounds, and herbs for health (herbcottage.com) care might be the safer option that really works.

Have you heard of these popular natural cognitive enhancers?

Technology and devices are great for offering valuable data, but that entails that we are constantly bombarded with information. How do we shoot for a balance between performance and burnout?

The answer lies in our biology. Our body has intricate levels of different hormones that try to keep things in balance.

When we have been stressed, the body produces stress hormones like cortisol. The hormone it self is not bad. It actually helps us control blood sugar, metabolism and blood pressure. However, a constantly high level of cortisol could harm both physical and mental health. In women, high cortisol also plays a role in low libido and abnormal menstrual cycles.

But luckily, we have been also naturally equipped with happy hormones like endorphins. These are our natural painkillers that reduce stress and pain. They activate opioid receptors in the brain, but without getting your addicted.

There is not any need for supplements. The most elementary ways of relaxation can perform the trick:

Nourish your social connections

We need to thank the internet and electronic devices for bringing distant people closer. But at the same time, they could also push our close family and friends apart.

Lets not forget that the most primitive and effective way of happiness, even in the era of technology, is genuine human interaction.

The Harvard Medical School reports that people whove great relationships and social support are usually happier and healthier. These include satisfying marriages, family, friends, and community.

In a landmark paper published in the journal Science, researchers found that lack of social connections puts people at increased risk of obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure. In contrast, people who do nourish their social relationships have better longevity, immune system, self-esteem, and additional health advantages.

It may well not sound like a mind-blowing secret, but it is something that all of us forget sometimes. Social connections, just like the body and mind, need to be nourished. We can just only live cheerfully with new technologies whenever we use them for connecting, but not disconnect.

Michael Usiagwu is the CEO of Visible links Pro, apremium Digital Marketing Agency devoted to seeing your brands/company and products gain the right visibility on the internet search engine. He may be reached via [emailprotected]

Maintaining Perfect Health in the World of New Technologies and Devices - Digital Market News


3 Healthy Habits That Can Help You Live Longer – News18

Thursday, July 9th, 2020

For a long time now, humans have been looking for the secret to a long and healthy life. Some say it's all about genetics and some associate it with better availability of healthcare facilities. Sure, it is possible for some to be genetically gifted to have a longer life. But genes dont play as huge a role in longevity as your environment and lifestyle.

Studies have shown that people who live more than 100 years have various things in common, the top amongst them being their healthy lifestyle and their positive outlook towards life.

Here are 3 secrets to living a healthy and long life from centenarians (those who have lived beyond 100 years):

1. A healthy diet

A healthy and balanced diet is undoubtedly one of the keys to good health. Experts suggest that a balanced diet should have 7 components - carbs, proteins, unsaturated fats, fibre, vitamins, minerals and water. Water plays a role in various metabolic activities in the body. Make sure you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.

Avoid overeating at all costs since it would promote obesity, which may further increase your risk of various chronic diseases. Instead, follow caloric restriction whenever possible. Caloric restriction is an excellent way to promote longevity. Various studies show the benefits of caloric restriction on health, including one done in Japan that showed how lifetime caloric restriction reduces the risk of diseases and increases lifespan. It can also help you reduce weight.

It is important to note that the term overeating may not mean the same for everyone. Overeating means eating more calories than you need in a day. Daily calorie requirement for different people varies as per their age, sex and physical activity levels. Long term caloric restriction may cause a constant feeling of hunger and low body temperature. So, it is best to talk to a dietician if you are thinking of trying it.

2. Workout regularly

Regular physical activity keeps up your muscle strength, improves your immune system and reduces your risk of chronic diseases including diabetes, heart diseases and cancer. It also improves memory and cognition and can reduce depression and elevate mood.

Experts suggest doing at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity daily to keep up your health.

However, like every good thing, over-exercising may do more harm than good, especially if you have a health condition. Also, if you dont generally work out, dont jump into the deep end and instead start slowly with a 5-10 minute routine first. Increase the duration and intensity gradually.

3. Be positive

A positive outlook can do miracles for both your mental and physical health. It reduces depression and the risk of diseases. A 35-year-long study done in the USA showed a direct connection between optimism and mortality rate.

On the other hand, stress and anxiety can trigger various pathological conditions. Try and practice mindfulness, breathing exercises and meditation to help reduce stress. Dont hesitate to reach out to your friends and family if you need help

For more information, read our article onBalanced diet chart.

Health articles on News18 are written by myUpchar.com, Indias first and biggest resource for verified medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to bring you information on all things health.

Follow @News18Lifestyle for more

The information provided here is intended to provide free education about certain medical conditions and certain possible treatment. It is not a substitute for examination, diagnosis, treatment, and medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. If you believe you, your child or someone you know suffers from the conditions described herein, please see your health care provider immediately. Do not attempt to treat yourself, your child, or anyone else without proper medical supervision. You acknowledge and agree that neither myUpchar nor News18 is liable for any loss or damage which may be incurred by you as a result of the information provided here, or as a result of any reliance placed by you on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any information provided herein.

Read the rest here:
3 Healthy Habits That Can Help You Live Longer - News18


Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD) Market Promising Growth Opportunities and Forecast 2017-2025 – Daily Research Chronicles

Thursday, July 9th, 2020

Global Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD) Market: Snapshot

Inherited metabolic disorders (IMD), as the name suggests, are genetic conditions resulting in metabolism issues. The root cause behind maximum cases of inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) is a gene mutation that probably happened a lot many generations back. The mutation in the gene is carried through the generations.

Treatment of inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) consists of dietary supplementation, dietary restrictions, drugs that thwart or regulate metabolism, gene therapy, transplantation of the concerned organ, and dialysis in extreme cases. Currently, the dietary supplements account for a leading position in the global inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) treatment market. Drug manufacturers, however, are slated to come up with more condition-specific therapeutics in the near future.

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The specificity and high risk affinity of IMD differs from disorder to disorder. Some disorders such as familial cylomicronemia are generally associated closely with Caucasians, while others, namely porphyria is mostly recorded among African Americans. Most of such metabolic disorders are be brought under control with certain changes in the diet and lifestyle of the person. Some inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs) are, however, life threatening. Huntingtons or Zellweger syndrome is to name one such.

The inherited metabolic disorders market lies mostly with the Caucasian and African American populations of world, especially in North America, Europe, Australia, and Africa, followed by the minority populations from South Asia and East A.

At present, genetic screening using mass spectrometry and DNA testing among all newborns are carried out in almost all of the developed nations of the world and also in developing economies of India, Brazil, and China. This helps uncover inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) at an early stage.

GlobalInherited Metabolic Disorders Market: Overview

Globally, IMD affects nearly one in every 2,500 to 5,000 individuals with nearly 300 to 600 new cases found in the U.K., according to Public Health Genetics U.K. The specificity and high risk affinity of IMD varies from disorder to disorder, with some disorders like familial cylomicronemia being closely associated with Caucasians and others like porphyria being recoded largely among African Americans. These metabolic disorders are often controllable with certain lifestyle and diet changes, including Familial Cylomicronemia and Phenylketonuria. But some IMDs are highly dangerous and may affect the survivability of a person, such as Huntingtons or Zellweger syndrome.

A lot of IMDs arise when the mutated gene responsible is inherited by the natural selection process and a large number of these genes are recessive. This is probably why a large number of these metabolic disorders are rare occurrences, whereas certain other genes are dominant in nature; this makes it difficult for a willing parent to conceive a child as the risk for transferring a gene remains high (e.g. Huntingtons). Familial chylomicronemia occurs when an individual genetically inherits Lipoprotein lipase enzyme mutation. This is a very rare genetic disease at occurrence rate of 1 individual per million with chances of symptoms occurring only in homozygous individuals (receiving mutation genes from both parents) or in other words recessive gene transmission.

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GlobalInherited Metabolic Disorders Market: Current Market Trends

Nowadays, genetic screening via mass spectrometry and DNA testing of all newborn children are done in nearly all of the developed countries and also some developing countries of the world, including India, China, and Brazil, albeit across a small percentage of the national population. This prepares a parent and the child with the necessary precautions and treatment for increasing the longevity of the concerned newborn. The life expectancy of such a child with all the necessary care and precaution is at par with the average individual.

However among many adult populations and in some children, rare genetic metabolic disorders are abruptly presented and often not accurately diagnosed. In such individuals, abnormal metabolic changes are considered to be a type of genetic mutation in routine diagnosis. Symptoms such as growth failure, precocious puberty and development delay in children below 12, and anemia, neurological disorder, cancer, muscle weakness, rapid hormonal changes, and skin changes in adults, are regarded to probably have a genetic metabolic cause.

GlobalInherited Metabolic Disorders Market: Treatment Classifications

The treatment of IMDs is broadly classified into dietary restrictions, dietary supplementation, drugs that inhibit or regulate metabolism, transplantation of the concerned organ, gene therapy, and dialysis in severe cases. In the case of familial cylomicronemia, gene therapy includes Alipogene tiparvovec recombinant gene therapy drug, manufactured by UniQure Inc. This therapy utilizes viruses (adenovirus vector) designed in such a way that upon infection, the gene for producing the lipoprotein lipase is induced into the host cell, thereby producing the enzyme in-vivo. This therapy has shown positive results and is expected to be released into the market soon. For now, the global inherited metabolic disorders Market lies broadly in the dietary supplements market.

Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @https://www.tmrresearch.com/inherited-metabolic-disorders-market

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Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD) Market Promising Growth Opportunities and Forecast 2017-2025 - Daily Research Chronicles


IHS Pets: Bringing Cell And Gene Therapy To Cats, Dogs & Horses – Anti Aging News

Sunday, July 5th, 2020

Integrated Health System is bringing cell and gene therapy to cats, dogs, and horses. Recently IHS Pets has helped a paralyzed dog with a spinal cord injury to walk again after it was treated with experimental PRP and prolotherapy. Click here to see the video.


Aging is the root of virtually every complex noncommunicable disease in humans and animals. Telomeres are the protective end caps on the ends of our chromosomes, they are as important for the health of both humans and our pets, and they play roles in longevity.

One of the contributing factors in the lifespan in dog breeds is telomere length. As in humans researchers have found that telomere length is a strong predictor of average life span among 15 different breeds consistent with telomeres playing a role in life span determination. Dogs lose telomeric DNA ~10-fold faster than humans, which is similar to the ratio of average life spans between these species. As such telomerase therapy may be beneficial to pets as well as their human caretakers.

Telomerase gene therapy has been shown to extend lifespan in animals, this therapy may help to increase bone mineral density, improve motor performance, improve metabolism, and improve brain function.


The loss of muscle mass with age is just as problematic for animals as it is to humans; in cats for instance a study showed that for each 100g loss of lean body mass increased the risk of death by 20%. This is typically accompanied by frailty, and it is a contributing factor to metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, and overall mortality.

Diet and exercise have been shown to pay key roles in keeping pets healthy, but the loss of muscle mass is unavoidable without an effective intervention. Enter follistatin: myostatin blocks muscle growth, when it is inhibited then follistatin is able to let muscles grow freely to stop them from wasting away.

Follistatin gene therapy has been shown to be safe and effective in animals, this therapy may help to protect against frailty, increase muscle density, increase strength, and increase endurance.

Klotho: The Queen of Anti-Aging Proteins

1 in 3 cats will suffer from renal disease, but these numbers are under scrutiny with some suggesting that estimate may be too conservative. Chronic kidney failure can occur gradually over months or years, and it is one of the most common conditions affecting older cats with most cases progressing over time worsening the disease.

Klotho is known to play a significant role in the development of chronic kidney disease, and researchers are now turning to its broader role in the anging process as a whole; such as induces expression with gene therapy in mice has been shown to extend lifespan by targeting many of the same pathways as caloric restriction. Blocking Klotho has been shown to cause premature aging.

Klotho also helps to protect the brain, and contributes to more differences in intelligence than any one single gene. Research from the University of California has shown it to protect the brains of mice and improve brain function within 4 hours; and this result included young mice, old mice, and those that were models of Alzheimers disease.

In addition Klotho also plays a critical role in the inflammaging process. Inflammaging is the long term result of the chronic physiological stimulation of the innate immune system which can become damaging during the aging process.

Circulating levels of Kloto decreases with age, this decrease is associated with an increased risk of age related disease. Gene therapy with Klotho has been shown to increase lifespan in animal models, and it may improve kidney function, brain function, clear damage caused by oxidative stress, and protect against cardiovascular disease.

With the remarkable progress being made in genetics, gene therapy may play increasingly prominent and transformative roles in medicine for both humans and animals due to the potential to treat diseases and congenital disorders.

Pets can be an important part of life, they calm us, make us laugh, and create a bond of unconditional love. The company does note that all therapies are experimental, they are not approved by any regulatory body, and they make no claims that outcomes will be positive or beneficial.

IHS Pets is the veterinary wing of Integrated Health Systems, BioViva Sciences exclusive partner. IHS connects with doctors and patients who are interested in the power of gene therapy to pave the way to healthy aging and longevity.

Continued here:
IHS Pets: Bringing Cell And Gene Therapy To Cats, Dogs & Horses - Anti Aging News


Living to 100: New Genes for Longevity Found | Live Science

Wednesday, July 1st, 2020

Several new genes linked to an exceptionally long life have been discovered, according to a new study that examined the genomes of people living into their 100s, known as centenarians.

Using a new method, the researchers found four genes linked with a very long life: A gene called ABO, which is involved in determining blood type; a gene called CDKN2B, which regulates cell division; a gene called APOE, which is linked with Alzheimer's disease; and a gene called SH2B3, which was previously found to extend life in fruit flies.

The researchers hope that future studies will uncover even more genes linked with longevity, and figure out how these genes may affect the aging process.

"There's a reasonably strong genetic component to becoming a centenarian, and we want to find out what that is," said study researcher Stuart Kim, a professor in the Department of Developmental Biology and Genetics at Sanford University. "We're beginning to unravel the mystery" of why some people age so successfully compared to the normal population, Kim said. [Extending Life: 7 Ways to Live Past 100]

Previous studies have attempted to find variations in genes that are more common in the very old compared with younger people, but haven't had much luck. These studies looked through millions of variations in the human genome, but they might have missed some important associations.

The new study aimed to narrow the search for genes linked with long life by focusing on ones that are known to strongly affect a person's risk of age-related disease, like heart disease and Alzheimer's. The thinking is that these diseases increase a person's risk of dying early, and so genetic variants that increase the risk of these diseases would also decrease the chances of a long life, the researchers said.

The researchers first searched for longevity-linked genes in a population of about 800 people over age 100 and 5,400 people over age 90.

They found eight genes that were linked with a long life span, and were able to confirm four of these genes in a follow-up analysis of about 1,000 people ages 100 or over.

The study found that certain variants in the ABO, CDKN2B, APOE and SH2B3 genes were more common in centenarians than in people with a typical life span. (Adults in the United States have an average life expectancy of about 79 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)

For example, the study found that the a genetic variation associated with type O blood was more common in centenarians than in the study's control group, meaning that there were slightly more centenarians with type O blood, compared to people with a typical life span. Previous studies have found that people with type O blood have a lower risk of coronary heart disease and cancer, and have lower cholesterol levels than people with other blood types.

Another genetic variant in the CDKN2B gene seems to play a role in whether cells continue to divide, or stop dividing. Given that the stoppage of cell division, called senescence, is thought to contribute to aging, having a gene variation that reduces cell senescence could be a factor that contributes to successful aging, Kim said.

Kim suspects that there are still more genes linked with a longer life span.

"I hope our paper inspires other people to continue searching for" genes linked with longevity, Kim said.

The study was published yesterday (Dec. 17) in the journal PLOS Genetics.

Follow Rachael Rettner @RachaelRettner. FollowLive Science @livescience, Facebook& Google+. Original article on Live Science.

Originally posted here:
Living to 100: New Genes for Longevity Found | Live Science


The Key to a Long Life Has Little to Do With Good Genes

Wednesday, July 1st, 2020

In 2013, Google cofounder and CEO Larry Page announced the formation of a new Alphabet entity dedicated to solving the pesky puzzle of mortality. Since then, the billion-dollar longevity lab known as Calicoshort for California Life Companyhas been trying to tease apart the fundamental biology of aging in the hopes of one day defeating death. The hyper-secretive research venture has released few details about what it actually does inside its Silicon Valley lab, but there have been hints. One of the companys first hires was renowned geneticist Cynthia Kenyon, a UC San Francisco researcher who 20 years ago doubled the lifespan of a lab roundworm by flipping a single letter in its DNA.

Shortly after joining Calico, Kenyon recruited a UCSF bioinformatics postdoc named Graham Ruby. He didnt want to dig into worm genetics or study the companys colony of long-lived naked mole rats. He wanted to first ask a much broader question: how big a role do genes play, anyway, in determining how long someone lives? Other scientists had tried to ask that question before, with conflicting results. To clear things up would require getting much, much more data. So Calico went to the biggest family history database in the world: the consumer genetics and genealogy firm Ancestry.

In 2015, the companies inked a research partnership to investigate the human heredity of lifespan, with Ruby leading the charge to sift through Ancestrys vast forest of family trees. What he found by analyzing the pedigrees of more than 400 million people who lived and died in Europe and America going back to 1800 was that although longevity tends to run in families, your DNA has far less influence on how long you live than previously thought. The results, published Tuesday in the journal Genetics, is the first research to be made public from the collaboration, which ended quietly in July and whose terms remain confidential.

The true heritability of human longevity for that cohort is likely no more than seven percent, says Ruby. Previous estimates for how much genes explain variations in lifespan have ranged from around 15 to 30 percent. So what did Ruby uncover that previous studies had missed? Just how often amorous humans go against the old adage that opposites attract.

It turns out that through every generation, people are much more likely to select mates with similar lifespans than random chance would predict. The phenomenon, called assortative mating, could be based on genetics, or sociocultural traits, or both. For example, you might choose a partner who also has curly hair, and if the curly-haired trait winds up being somehow associated with long lifespans, this would inflate estimates of lifespan heritability passed on to your kids. Same thing for non-genetic traits like wealth, education, and access to good health care. People tend to choose partners in their same income bracket with the same terminal degree, both of which are associated with living longer, healthier lives.

The first hint that something other than genetics or a shared family environment might be at work came when Ruby tried looking at in-law relatives. His analysis started with a set of family trees comprising 400 million individuals. The data had been cleaned, de-identified, and stitched together by genealogists and computer scientists at Ancestry based on subscriber-generated public information. Using the basic laws of heredityeveryone inherits half their DNA from one parent and half from the other, repeated across generationsRubys team looked at how related two people were and how long they lived. They investigated parent-child pairs, sibling pairs, various cousins, and so on. Nothing much surprising popped out there.

See original here:
The Key to a Long Life Has Little to Do With Good Genes


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