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Archive for the ‘Longevity Genetics’ Category

Hair loss treatment: Sandalwood and sandalore are both effective in increasing hair growth – Express

Thursday, December 17th, 2020

Hair loss: Dr Ranj discusses causes of male pattern baldness

Hair loss is a tricky situation as most of the time it comes down to stress with the more hair being lost, the more one stresses and so the vicious cycle continues. Genetics and environmental factors are also at play when it comes to hair loss. Fortunately, there are remedies to help this condition and sandalwood and sandalore could be your answer.

In traditional medicine, sandalwood oil has been used as an antiseptic and astringent, and for the treatment of headaches, stomach aches and urinary and genital disorders.

In India, sandalwood essential oil is used in the treatment of inflammatory and eruptive skin diseases.

Millions of men who are going bald may benefit from rubbing sandalwood oil onto their scalps.

Laboratory tests of scalp tissue by German researchers found it stimulates hair growth after just six days.

READ MORE:Hair loss treatment - Dr Sara explains the best type of shampoo to stimulate hair growth

Although humans and animals are only able to smell through their noses, receptors in hair, sperm and even our guts are able to recognise chemicals in certain aromas.

The findings could lead to a sandalwood-based balding treatment that may benefit the quarter of men who start to lose their hair by the time they turn 25.

Studies have already shown that exposing human skin cells to sandalwood in the lab causes the protein keratin to multiply, which speeds up wound healing.

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Researchers from the University of Manchester found that applying sandalwood to the scalp helped prolong human hair growth.

The results of the study were published in the journal Nature Communications explaining how the experiment conducted with the synthetic material and human skin samples achieved startling results.

The team found that a receptor cell in the skin known as OR2AT4 was sensitive to chemicals in synthetic sandalwood and when applied to the skin a growth of keratinocytes was stimulated.

As skin healing and hair growth are closely related, the researchers hypothesised that if applying sandalwood would new hair be able to grow.

Studies have shown that exposing human skin cells to the artificial sandalwood-like odour Sandalore, could help improve hair loss.

Sandalore is often added to fragrances and moisturisers to give sandalwood its aroma.

It has also been used in previous experiments in investigating its effect on keratin.

Intrigued by the possible effect sandalore has on hair growth, researchers from the Monasterium Laboratory in Munster, exposed the human scalp tissue to sandalore with impressive results.

Hair loss treatment: Sandalwood and sandalore are both effective in increasing hair growth - Express


These are the signs and symptoms of dementia – and the stages explained – Yorkshire Post

Thursday, December 17th, 2020

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Tuesday, 15th December 2020, 8:31 am

According to the NHS, there are around 850,000 people in the UK living with dementia.

Following the death of actress Dame Barbara Windsor on 10 December, there has been much discussion around how dementia affects people and families and what can be done to prevent it from becoming aggressive.

The condition is linked with old age and lifestyle habits, but there is a range of things you can do to decrease your likelihood of developing dementia or to reduce the severity of the illness.

The term dementia is related to the symptoms and changes caused by various diseases in the body.

These symptoms include struggling with problem solving, memory loss, confusion and behaviour changes.

Dementia is not a disease nor is it a natural part of ageing - instead it is the name given to the impact of other diseases which have a negative effect on daily life.

The most common disease that causes dementia is Alzheimers.

Vascular dementia on the other hand is caused by diseased blood cells. Blood vessels can become blocked and deprive the brain of oxygen.

Other illnesses such as alcohol related brain disorder and strokes may also alter how the mind works and cause dementia.

The impact of dementia on each person can vary depending on what part of the brain is affected and what disease is causing it.

Some strains of dementia have been linked to genetics in a small number of cases.These people may inherit dementia through a specific gene and are likely to be diagnosed before the age of 65.

The majority of people will carry a number of genes which can increase and decrease the risk of dementia.

These can be exacerbated by their lifestyle habits.

What are the early signs and symptoms?

Dementia is a degenerative disease, meaning it will get progressively worse over time.

There are different signs and symptoms experienced at the early and later stages of dementia.

According to Alzheimers society, common early symptoms include problems with:

- recalling recent events and memory loss

- Difficulty concentrating, planning or organising this could include being unable to follow a sequence of tasks, such as cooking a meal

- misusing or struggling with common language using the wrong words to describe or label something or struggling to piece together a sentence.

- visuospatial skills for example, problems judging distances (such as on stairs) and seeing objects in three dimensions,

- orientation getting lost in common places or being unable to recall the day or date

A recent study published by Dr Davide Bruno at the School of Psychology at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) also suggested forgetting the start of a story could be a tell-tale sign of early onset of dementia.

What long-term effects can dementia have?

Alzheimers is thought to have the slowest progression rate, while dementia caused by strokes or vascular dementia may have a significant impact on memory and cognitive ability in a shorter period.

People experience different symptoms at different stages, however, some of the more progressive challenges are:

- lack of mobility - this can be caused by medication, dementia diseases or a combination of dementia and the other factors which resulted in the diagnosis - such as having a stroke or high blood pressure.

- an increasingly poor memory - a dementia patient may begin to lose their memory of significant people or times in their life as the disease progresses.

- loss of communication - the inability to verbalise what they want to say, struggling to understand what is being asked of them or limited speech.

- weight loss and eating - in the later stages of dementia, patients may lose a considerable amount of weight due to a lack of appetite or inability to chew and swallow. Weight loss can lead to a poor immune system and inability to fight infections and struggling to physically eat could be a choking hazard. You should contact your GP if you are concerned about someone with this symptom of dementia.

What lifestyle habits may increase your likelihood of having dementia?

There are thought to be a number of factors which result in dementia and many are linked to health and lifestyle habits which form and continue throughout your life.

There are also factors which are unavoidable and dementia cannot be completely prevented.

Habits which could reduce your risk are:

- Eating a healthy diet - a balanced diet which includes protein, fats and carbs and is high in nutrient rich food such as fruits and vegetables can help prevent dementia and cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, stroke and heart disease.

- Exercising regularly - take part in two and a half hours of aerobic exercise - such as walking or cycling - per week, as well as some strengthening exercises

- Do not smoke - smoking inhibits the ability for blood vessels to carry oxygenated blood around the body and can lead to strokes, cancer and high blood pressure too.

- Avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol - at most, you should aim to drink no more than 14 units each week, spread across at least three days. If you regularly drink much more than this, youre at risk of alcohol-related brain damage.

Challenge your mind - keeping your mind active is one of the most important ways to reduce the onset and severity of dementia. Think use it or lose it - try studying a new language, completing crosswords, playing cards or board games and reading.

Factors which you cannot control are:

- Age - people over the age of 65 are most likely to suffer from dementia related diseases and it affects one in six people over 80.

- Sex - women are more likely to suffer from dementia than men, even after longevity is taken into account. It is not known why this is.

- Ethnicity - South Asian people (from countries such as India and Pakistan) and people of African or African-Caribbean origin seem to develop dementia more often. They are known to be more prone to diabetes and stroke and this is thought to be more closely related to lifestyle and diet factors than genetics.

Currently, there is no cure for dementia, however there are therapies and drugs which can alleviate some of the related symptoms..

While drugs can curtail some of the effects, person-centred care such as taking part in hobbies and interests which the dementia patient has enjoyed throughout their past and recent years can support memory.

Psychological therapies can also support people who are struggling to cope with the confusion around dementia, and the changes they experience with regards to their mood and behaviour.

Continuing to eat healthily, exercise, read and avoid smoking and drinking will also support in slowing the progression to varying degrees.

For anyone experiencing dementia, or if you care for someone with dementia, support can be found via the following charities:

Age UK's Advice Line - 0800 055 6112 - 8am to 7pm everyday

Dementia UK - 0800 888 6678 - 9am to 9pm weekdays, 9am - 5pm weekends

Here is the original post:
These are the signs and symptoms of dementia - and the stages explained - Yorkshire Post


Manahawkin Woman ‘Scales’ 100 Years With Service, Strength and Determination – The SandPaper

Thursday, December 17th, 2020

Catherine Kate Scales (center) has lived in Manahawkin since 1959 and was partly responsible for the development of Stafford Townships first master plan. (Supplied photo)

In 1920, women in the U.S. were given the right to vote, Warren Harding was elected the 29th president, movies were silent and televisions didnt yet exist, the American Civil Liberties Union was founded, Agatha Christies first novel was published, and American football became a professional sport.

Later that year, on Oct. 27, Catherine Kate Scales was born in Jersey City, but as she grew a slight problem arose she was allergic to regular milk.

I didnt like regular milk anyway, she recently said, bursting with laughter, from her home on North Lakeshore Drive in Manahawkin, several weeks after celebrating her 100th birthday. But I was raised on goats milk, and I really believe that has something to do with why Im still around.

Certainly, thats one of several viable possibilities for why Scales has lived through 17 presidencies, 10 decades worth of revolutionary changes throughout the nation, and the immense development of Stafford Township. But lets consider the others for a moment.

I have a vodka and tonic every night before dinner, just one while dinner is cooking, she said, sounding quite proud of that fact. Ive had a lot of good luck, too. Under a lot of different circumstances, things have worked out for me.

So well, shes rarely entered a hospital.

I went to the hospital for childbirth and to have a bunion taken off my foot, she said. I dont go to hospitals except to visit people. I have my tonsils, appendix and all that good stuff. Ive been healthy. I really think it was the goats milk.

Stafford Township Mayor Greg Myhre presents a proclamation and key to the city to Kate Scales on her 100th birthday, as family and friends celebrated in a drive-by way. (Supplied photo)

Whatever the reasons for her longevity, whats more fascinating about the woman who once was asked by both the Stafford Republican and Democratic clubs to run for mayor she dismissed that request by telling those who asked she didnt lie well enough to be a good politician is not that shes lived 100 years, but how shes lived through those years.

One of two girls to a mother widowed by the time she was 2 years old, Scales grew up in Jersey City and, not long after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, she made a decision that shocked her mom.

I went into the Navy in 1942, because thats where all the boys were, she said with a chuckle. But we had no boys in the family, and this was my country and we all had stars in our eyes in those days. So, I just joined. I came home and told my mother and she said, You cant do that. I said, Mama, I already did it. I knew youd say no, so I didnt ask you. I was 22 when I went in.

While serving during World War II, she became a celestial navigation instructor for naval pilots and fulfilled the role for two years, 10 months and 11 days.

Somebody said to me at the beginning of my service, Dont volunteer for anything because theyll give you the opposite, so I didnt know anything, she said, a bit of a coy emphasis to the explanation. They needed mechanics someplace out in Oklahoma, so I looked at this list of tools and I said, I think that might be a hammer. I knew what it was, but I wasnt telling them that. I didnt want to be some grease monkey for the Navy. I may as well have stayed home and worked in an office in New York.

After serving with the Navy, Scales did in fact go to work in an office in New York City as a secretary to a very fine gentleman named Howard Book with Reed Roller Bit Co. but not before she graduated with a degree in English literature from Fordham University.

I went to college under the G.I. Bill, she said. I was very grateful for that, because I couldnt have gone to school without it. I wouldnt have been able to afford it. But I had big plans. I was going to work in New York until 40, then go to Cape Cod, teach in the winter and have a boarding house in the summer. That didnt happen.

Instead, she met the man who became her husband, Michael Scales, on a blind date set up by her sisters sister-in-law.

She said, I have this nice gentleman for you, and I said, If hes so nice, why didnt you take him? Whats wrong with him? She said he was too young for her, but he wasnt much younger, Kate recalled. I agreed to meet for a drink in Rockefeller Plaza and I told her not to leave me with him. She introduced us and left. I couldve killed her. She left me with this strange fellow, who happened to be British.

That blind date occurred in 1954 and the couple married in 1956. Three years later, they moved to Manahawkin after the company for which Michael worked, Ciba-Geigy, moved from Pennsylvania to Toms River. Scales has lived on the same street next to Manahawkin Lake since, and even had some influence on the booming development of Stafford Township through the 1960s and 70s.

Kate Scales spent nearly three years as a celestial navigation instructor for the U.S. Navy during World War II. (Supplied photo)

While her husband traveled a lot for his job, Kate got involved within the township, eventually making her way onto the planning board. At the time, the town didnt have a master plan. She ultimately chaired the planning board and was part of the committee that developed the first master plan.

Some gentlemen said to me, Mrs. Scales, they just made you the head of the planning board. How would you like to be addressed? Well, everybody there was friendly, and wed always have coffee and cake during our meetings. Everything was real matey, so I said, Just call me Madam. So, thats what they called me. All of a sudden, I was Madam this and Madam that. It was fun, she said.

But it was an exciting time for the town. At the time, the biggest store was Grants, downtown where the motor vehicle office is now. The town was just coming to life at that point. We did our best with the master plan, and I saw the town grow. It was a really nice time.

Scales also spent time as the night court clerk only temporarily, for about a year, because I couldnt stand doing that for too long, she said and was active with the American Legion, Stafford Historic Society and the historic preservation commission. For a few years, she also served as president of the Republican Club.

At 22, Kate Scales joined the U.S. Navy and didnt tell her mother she had done it until after she signed the paperwork to enlist. (Supplied photo)

All the while, she operated a printing and secretarial service from home while her children grew up and served as a job developer for the local Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) program, through which she helped teens get their high school diplomas while working and completing life and skills training during the Reagan administration.

Years later, following her husbands passing, Kate bought and operated an inn on Cape Cod, in West Harwich, for 13 years, before selling it so she could return to Manahawkin full-time to be closer to her grandchildren.

Ive had an interesting life, said Kate, who credits her grandfathers Scottish genetics Thomas Murray was the only postman in New York to complete his mail route during the blizzard of 1888, featured in The New York Times that year for at least some of her strength and longevity. I was always involved with stuff. And I am strong, not stubborn. If I say, I wont, I wont and if I say, I will, I will. But Im still here. I guess thats something special.

On her 100th birthday, family and friends delivered a drive-by celebration orchestrated by her granddaughter Erika in which relatives from as far away as Texas made the trip just to camp out in the backyard, since there wasnt enough space in the house to accommodate many visitors, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. Mayor Greg Myhre also made a special visit to present a town proclamation recognizing Kates milestone and give her a key to the city.

I didnt see a reason he should have come by, but he did and gave me this key to the city, she said. It was nice of him to do that. I never saw the keys to the city, so it was something to get one. I havent tried to see if it works yet.


See the rest here:
Manahawkin Woman 'Scales' 100 Years With Service, Strength and Determination - The SandPaper


15 Things To Stop Doing If You Want To Live To 100 – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE

Friday, December 4th, 2020

For those who have a family history of chronic diseases, this is great news because it means that you can take control of your future by taking control of your health. Furthermore, you can focus your attention on lifestyle factors that you can control as opposed to the genetics that you cant control.

Seriously, stop it.

The fact is that your favorite snacks, fast food meal, and other processed foods are rich in sugar, salt, and trans fats all of which greatly increase your risk for chronic diseases that include cancer, heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes.

You are what you eat and if you want to be the epitome of longevity, then you need to eat foods that improve your lifespan, not shorten it. Adopting a plant-based diet is a great way to ensure that your body gets all the nutrients it needs to keep itself healthy in the coming years. Having said that, eating healthy doesnt mean that you need to say goodbye to all of your favorite treats. They can still be enjoyed, just in moderation.

Continue reading here:
15 Things To Stop Doing If You Want To Live To 100 - Longevity LIVE - Longevity LIVE


Ticking the boxes in a rain-fed dairy system – Dairy News Australia

Friday, December 4th, 2020

Significant bonuses from Fleckvieh calves and cull cows have been important cash flow tools in a rain-fed Victorian dairy herd this year.

This has come on top of the Fleckvieh attributes of longevity, fertility, robustness and temperament for Richard Humphris of Beech Forest.

Dr Humphris left consulting work as a veterinarian 20 years ago to go full-time dairying.

He milks 200 cows off 110ha set in a 2000mm rainfall zone comprising clay loam soils.

Richard has 69ha of lower rainfall country for growing out the rising one-year-old and two-year-old heifers.

Originally we had a fair proportion of stud Holstein-Friesians in the herd but when we moved (from South Australia) to this high rainfall climate, it was a fair challenge for standard Jersey and Friesian cows, Dr Humphris said.

We ran into problems with fertility and mastitis so we moved to a Jersey/Friesian cross using New Zealand sires.

With the low milk prices, I thought I needed to do something different and saw an advertisement for dual-purpose Fleckviehs about eight years ago.

It was ideal a dual-purpose cow producing milk with the value-added beef component.

Dr Humphris initially used Fleckvieh semen over selected cows and has graded up to the point where matings are 100 per cent Fleckvieh.

Most of the milking herd is now three-quarter-bred Fleckvieh.

Dr Humphris was visited on-farm in 2015 by Dr Thomas Grup of Bayern-Genetik, Germany, and South African researcher Dr Carel Muller.

Dr Muller encouraged him to do simple comparative trials of the Fleckvieh crosses against other crossbreeds through herd testing on longevity and lifetime production.

We get much greater longevity from the Fleckviehs due to better fertility, less mastitis and a better recovery if mastitis does occur, Dr Humphris said.

The Saputo suppliers have transitioned to once-a-day milking to reduce stress on the family and herd, and leave extra time for essential farm maintenance and pasture production.

The move also meant they could use the existing 20-a-side swing-over dairy, avoiding extra capital costs.

In the first year of once-a-day milking, the herd produced 75,000kg of milk solids and had jumped to 99,000kg by the third season.

The herd averages 3932 litres, 4.9 per cent butterfat, 3.8 per cent protein and 348kg of milk solids across 287 days.

Last herd test, the highest daily lactation was Flekmaid at (once-a-day milking, second lactation) 31.8 litres, 4.5 per cent butterfat, 3.2 per cent protein and 2.45kg of milk solids.

Rurex daughter Joygirl showed what Fleckvieh crossbreds are capable of under Australian conditions by producing 6209litres, five per cent butterfat, 3.8 per cent protein, and 569kg of milk solids across the 305 day lactation (once a day).

Components over the spring months in the herd are four per cent protein and 4.7 per cent butterfat, increasing to 4.2 per cent protein and five per cent butterfat over the summer.

The most important thing is their temperament, they are beautiful cattle to work with and they have the other option of beef income, Dr Humphris said.

Due to the once-a-day milking and the environment, we find we do need excellent udders with a particular emphasis on udder depth and suspensory ligament.

If a Fleckvieh has to leave the herd it will mainly be due to a low-slung udder.

We are getting some really good uddered cows coming through now and that has helped our udder health.

If they do get mastitis, I have observed Fleckviehs have a better ability to recover they are sturdy, robust cows in this harsh Victorian climate where it can snow in the winter.

Where another cow may produce more on an individual daily basis, these cows have the ability to go on for a lot longer than our traditional Australian genetics in terms of fertility, lack of mastitis and survivability.

We have very few problems with lameness compared with our earlier years with other breeds but once a day milking does contribute to this reduced lameness.

Dr Humphris said the Fleckvieh added frame to the smaller crossbred females.

Fleckvieh fertility and once-a-day milking results in high conception rates with 80 per cent on the first service in the August-calving herd.

The couple joins 100 per cent of the herd to Fleckvieh sires, and they have daughters of Round Up, Rijeka, Waldoer, Reumut, Mahango, Waldbrand and Walfried.

We mop up with Fleckvieh beef bulls the calves have been one of the most exciting complements to the whole exercise, Dr Humphris said.

This year I did not sell one calf for slaughter at five days of age they all went for pasture finishing to adult animals in the local area.

I either sold them at one week of age or at eight weeks of age as a reared calf.

This gives a significant cash flow at the beginning of lactation through the sale of those calves for continuing beef production.

This results in the equivalent of 50kg of milk solids start on any other cow in terms of profitability.

Dr Humphris said the value of cull cows was a bonus on top.

I recently sold Jersey/Friesian cross cows for $850 compared to $1200 for the Fleckvieh crosses, he said.

During his career as a vet, Dr Humphris has experienced a range of calving difficulties in cattle.

At the beginning I was rather cautious about what I would have to face up to with the Fleckviehs calving, he said.

But they dont require assistance unless there is a malpresentation.

We dont select sires on calving ease but rather for production, udders and milk quality.

Our heifers are calved at two years of age we are not convinced this is the best but it suits our system.

The milkers are rotationally grazed across perennial rye-grass pastures and fed a mixed grain ration of 2.5kg in the bail.

Dr Humphris and his wife Christine have travelled to Bavaria, in Germany, to experience the Fleckvieh breed in its native environment and inspect sires.

We aim to select the highest TMI bulls with a big focus on udder, shape and function, he said.

It was enlightening going over there, talking to the breeders and seeing 100 per cent Fleckvieh herds.

Offering dual-purpose flexibility, they are a breed well worthwhile considering as we face these different economic and climatic challenges.

We love our Fleckviehs. They have strength, vitality and production of milk and meat, and live for the moment.

The Fleckviehs have a wonderful temperament they live life to the full full of grass, full of milk and full of meat. They cycle full-on and conceive full-on.

For more information on Bayern Genetik, phone George Cassar on 0265507661.

Follow this link:
Ticking the boxes in a rain-fed dairy system - Dairy News Australia


Barack Obama On Who Is The GOAT Between LeBron James And Michael Jordan: ‘LeBron James Is Not Quite There. We Don’t Know How Many More Rings He Might…

Tuesday, December 1st, 2020

Barack Obama has given his two pennies on the never-ending GOAT debate. The former president is an avid basketball fan, especially with his links with the city of Chicago and the Chicago Bulls. His opinion on NBA-related topics always matters and hes not done giving his takes about the hottest topics in the league right now.

More recently, he shared his opinion on the GOAT debate between LeBron James and Michael Jordan, explaining that James cant be called the GOAT since hes still playing and his rsum isnt finished. Bron can increase his legacy in the league and have a better case to be considered the greatest player of all time, surpassing MJ (47:05 mark).

LeBron is making strides in the GOAT debate. [But hes not quite there yet] Not quite because look, his career is not over yet. And we dont know how many more rings he might win.

Obama said that MJ is the greatest to ever do it for him, but that didnt prevent him from giving some flowers to Bron, who is showing that hes still an incredible player and his longevity is something unmatched in the league.

Heres what I will say about LeBron, who is indisputably, one of the top two already. His longevity. The fact that I joked about him because I was with him on The Shop right before the election.

You know, he doesnt look like hes lost a step. I know that he is benefiting from the kind of training and nutrition and treatments, and all that folks in Michaels generation just did not benefit from.

The 44th POTUS noted that James is a gifted player, hes built different and added to all the treatments he has on his body, his genetics have allowed him to become the player he is right now.

But part of it is just hes a freak. And right now it looks like he could keep on doing what hes doing right now for another five years, right? If at 40, hes still an All-Star and competing in this way, you know that you have to factor that in.

Bron is not done and he just won his 4th NBA championship in the Orlando bubble in October. The King is ready to go for the back-to-back with the Lakers and get closer to that GOAT title that, according to Obama, still belongs to MJ.

Comparing their regular season and playoffs accolades, Jordan is the clear GOAT but Bron is still there, trying to catch up with His Airness. Jordan has expressed that Bron could surpass him in a couple of years from now, which is something similar to what Obama said during his interview.

However, not everybody is convinced that is the truth. Hakeem Olajuwon recently claimed that Jordan is a better player than LeBron. Jordan leads LeBron in titles, MVPs, and Defensive Player of The Year awards, so the gap is still there.

Read more:
Barack Obama On Who Is The GOAT Between LeBron James And Michael Jordan: 'LeBron James Is Not Quite There. We Don't Know How Many More Rings He Might...


20 Dog Breeds That Live the Longest – Reader’s Digest

Tuesday, December 1st, 2020

You dont want to even think about the day your cherished pooch is no longer by your side and crosses over the rainbow bridge. Its better to focus on the here and now and give your dog a healthy and happy life. But if youre wondering where your own pup stands or youre thinking about getting a specific type of dog, its good information to have. The bottom line: Size might matter when it comes to the longest dog life spans. There is a trend across mammals in general that smaller mammals live longer lives, says Catherine Lenox, DVM, a veterinarian for Royal Canin. There isnt a clear reason for thisit might have something to do with the animals metabolismbut it does seem to be true for dogs as well. Yet, other factors not relevant to size, such as poor genetics, unforeseen accidents, not getting enough exercise, and sudden illness, impact how long a dog lives, too.

According to Dr. Lenox, the following 20 dog breeds will live up to 15 years or even longer. While this is by no means an all-inclusive list and theres no guarantee that every dog noted here will live for this long, there are things you can do to help your dog live the longest, healthiest life possible. Be proactive about preventive care, manage medical conditions with your veterinarian as needed, keep your dog in normal body condition (not too heavy and not too thin), and feed a high-quality complete and balanced diet without too many treats, advises Dr. Lenox. Now that we have that squared away, lets see the cute pups!

Excerpt from:
20 Dog Breeds That Live the Longest - Reader's Digest


Mutations of the coronavirus do not appear to make the virus more infectious, study says | TheHill – The Hill

Monday, November 30th, 2020

None of the mutations observed in the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 appear to increase the viruss transmissibility, a new study says.

The study led by researchers from University College London published Wednesday in Nature Communications analyzed a global dataset of virus genomes from more than 46,000 people with COVID-19 from 99 countries.

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Researchers so far have identified more than 12,700 mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Coronaviruses like SARS-CoV-2 mutate all the time and most are neutral. But some can be advantageous or detrimental to the virus, potentially with troublesome consequences, such as making the virus more contagious and a vaccine less effective.

But so far, researchers say they have yet to find any evidence common mutations are increasing the viruss transmissibility.

We realised early on in the pandemic that we needed new approaches to analyze enormous amounts of data in close to real time to flag new mutations in the virus that could affect its transmission or symptom severity, Lucy van Dorp, a professor at University College Londons Genetics Institute and a lead researcher of the study, said in a statement.

Fortunately, we found that none of these mutations are making COVID-19 spread more rapidly, but we need to remain vigilant and continue monitoring new mutations, particularly as vaccines get rolled out, she said.

Researchers found most of the viruss mutations occurred as a result of the human immune system response, rather than the result of the virus adapting to its human host.

Over the course of the pandemic, one mutation in the virus spike protein called D614Gwas reported as being a mutation that could make the virus more contagious than earlier strains that emerged out of Wuhan, China.

The study published Wednesday found the mutation is in fact not associated with a greater increase in transmission.

Francois Balloux, a UCL professor who worked on the research, said the virus posed no threat to COVID-19 vaccine efficacy at this time but warned the introduction of vaccines could exert new selective pressures on the virus to mutate to escape recognition by the humane immune system.

The news on the vaccine front looks great. The virus may well acquire vaccine-escape mutations in the future, but were confident well be able to flag them up promptly, which would allow updating the vaccines in time if required, Balloux said.







Read the original:
Mutations of the coronavirus do not appear to make the virus more infectious, study says | TheHill - The Hill


Spaceflight does some weird things to astronauts bodies – MIT Technology Review

Monday, November 30th, 2020

The Twins Study gave us a first sketch of the human bodys molecular responses to spaceflight, but these outlines needed to be filled in, says Christopher Mason, an associate professor of physiology and biophysics at Weill Cornell Medicine. The changes we saw needed more context and replication. We needed additional studies to map out the frequency of the changes we observed in other astronauts, and other organisms, that go into space, and also to see if the degree of change was similar for shorter missions.

That brings us to a new package of research that builds on the Twins Study, reanalyzing some of the original data with new techniques and providing comparisons with other astronauts. In a set of 19 studies published today in a slew of different journals (along with 10 preprints still under peer review), researchers like Mason (a senior author on 14 of the papers) studied the physiological, biochemical, and genetic changes that occurred in 56 astronauts (including Kelly) who have spent time in spacethe largest study of its kind ever conducted.

The new papers, which incorporate results from cell-profiling and gene-sequencing techniques that have become easier to run only recently, reveal that there are some features of spaceflight that consistently appear in humans, mice, and other animals when they go to space, says Mason. There appears to be a core mammalian set of adaptations and responses to the rigors of spaceflight.

The researchers highlightsix biological changesthat occur in all astronauts during spaceflight: oxidative stress (an excessive accumulation of free radicals in the bodys cells), DNA damage, dysfunction of the mitochondria, changes in gene regulation, alterations in the length of telomeres (the ends of chromosomes, which shorten with age), and changes in the gut microbiome.

Of these six changes, the biggest and most surprising one for scientists wasmitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondria play a critical role in producing the chemical energy necessary to keep cellsand by extension, tissue and organsfunctional. Researchers found irregular mitochondrial performance in dozens of astronauts and were able to broadly characterize these changes thanks to new genomics and proteomics techniques. Afshin Beheshti, a bioinformatician at NASA and senior author of one study, says mitochondrial suppression helps explain how many of the problems astronauts experienced (like immune system deficiencies, disrupted circadian rhythm, and organ complications) are actually holistically related to each other, since they all rely on the same metabolic pathways.

When youre in space, its not just one are or organ thats affected, its the whole body thats affected, says Beheshti. "We started connecting the dots."

Other research homed in on problems observed at the genetic level. The Twins Study showed that Kellys telomeres got longer in space before shrinking back to normal or even shorter lengths soon after he returned to Earth. Telomeres are supposed to shorten with age, so lengthening makes little sense, and the Twins Study didnt provide enough data to prompt any real conclusions as to why it happened and what the effects were.

Susan Bailey, a Colorado State University expert on telomere research and a senior author for several of the papers, says the new research found that 10 other astronautsexperienced the same telomere lengthening Kelly did irrespective of mission durationas well as the same telomere shrinking once they came back to Earth.

Notably, one of the papers in the new package found that longer telomeres were also associated with climbers of Mount Everest. For Bailey and her colleagues, this suggests that telomere lengthening isaffected by oxidative stresssomething that climbers and astronauts both experience, and that disrupts proper telomere maintenance.


They are still trying to pinpoint how these pathways work and exactly what the consequences could be (its probably not a secret to longevity), but we now have a foundation to build onwe know what to look for and be aware of in future astronauts on long-duration [and deep space] exploration missions, she says.

Though some of the changes are unexpected, many are no cause for concern. What is amazing to me is how well we adapt to space, says Jeffrey Sutton, director of the Baylor College of Medicines Center for Space Medicine, who was not involved with the new research.Blood cell mutations decreased in Kelly while he was in space(a total surprise for Mason). Astronauts also exhibiteddecreased levels of biomarkers associated with agingandincreased levels of microRNAsthat regulate the vascular systems response to radiation damage and microgravity. One of the strangest findings was that astronauts gut microbiomes managed to bring space microbes found on the ISS back to Earth.

The studies individually and collectively are truly impressive, says Sutton. We have entered a new era of space biomedical research, where the approaches and tools of precision and translational medicine are being applied to advance our understanding of human adaptation to space.

Ultimately, however, the data highlights just how much havoc and stress even the healthiest bodies face during space missionswhich should have an impact on planning for longer missions. I dont think were close to sending untrained people into space for really long periods of time, says Scott Kelly.

Physiologically, he thinks its probably safe to send people to Mars and back. In the distant future, however, instead of going to Mars, were going to be going to the moons of Jupiter or Saturn, he says. Youre going to be in space for years. And at that point, well have to take a closer look at artificial gravity as a mitigation. I wouldnt want to be arriving on the surface of another planetary body and not be able to function. A year or so is workable. Several years probably isnt.


Were still far away from having to evaluate those kinds of risks. Mason and his colleagues suggest that there should be pharmacological strategies for reducing the impact of gravity on the bodies of returning astronauts.

Sutton believesprecision medicinecould play a huge role in tailoring those drugs to protect astronauts against the effects of microgravity and radiation. And the shared biological responses between astronauts and Mount Everest climbers suggest that some interventions used to protect extreme sports athletes from oxidative stress could be applied to astronauts too.

What we need is more dataand more populations to use for comparison. Mason, Bailey, and their colleagues are starting to collect cell and gene profiles of more astronauts, especially those going on future year-long missions. They also want to study people whove experienced other conditions similar in some way to spaceflight, such as radiotherapy patients, pilots, and flight attendants.

The more we know about the health effects of long-duration spaceflight, the better able we will be to help maintain the health and performance of astronauts during and after spaceflight, says Bailey. Such knowledge benefits those of us on Earth as wellwe are all concerned about getting older, and being in poor health.

This post has been updated with comments from Afshin Beheshti.

Read this article:
Spaceflight does some weird things to astronauts bodies - MIT Technology Review


Precision Medicine Software Market 2020: Potential growth, attractive valuation make it is a long-term investment | Know the COVID19 Impact | Top…

Monday, November 30th, 2020

Precision Medicine Software Marketis anticipated to discover Robust Growth by 2026. This report focuses on the leading key players with global perspective with a professional and in-depth study on the current state of Precision Medicine SoftwareIndustry. Precision Medicine Softwaremarket research report provides important market strategies and Latest trends with discussion of market consumption, major drivers, restraints and market share forecasted to 2026.

The Precision Medicine Software Market Report further describes detailed information about tactics and strategies used by leading key companies in the Precision Medicine Softwareindustry. It also gives an extensive study about different market segments and regions.

The Precision Medicine Softwaremarket report provides answers to the following key questions:

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The Precision Medicine SoftwareMarket report provides basic information about Precision Medicine Softwareindustry, definition, classification, application, industry chain structure, industry overview; international market analysis. This report studies sales (consumption) of Precision Medicine Softwaremarket, focuses on the top players, with sales, price, revenue and market share with volume and value for each region.

Top Key Players in Precision Medicine Softwaremarket: Syapse, , Allscripts, , Qiagen, , Roper Technologies, , Fabric Genomics, , Foundation Medicine, , Sophia Genetics, , PierianDx, , Human Longevity, , Translational Software, , Gene42, Inc, , Lifeomic Health

Precision Medicine SoftwareMarket on the basis of Product Type:Cloud-based, , On-premise

Precision Medicine SoftwareMarket on the basis of Applications:Healthcare Providers, , Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, , Research Centers and Government Institutes, , Others,

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Impact of COVID-19:

Precision Medicine SoftwareMarket report analyses the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Precision Medicine Softwareindustry.Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost 180+ countries around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Precision Medicine Softwaremarket in 2020.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor events restricted; emergency declared in many countries; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market unpredictability; falling business assurance, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.

COVID-19 can affect the global economy in 3 main ways: by directly affecting production and demand, by creating supply chain and market disturbance, and by its financial impact on firms and financial markets.

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Key Questions Answered in this Report:

What is the market size of the Precision Medicine Softwareindustry?This report covers the historical market size of the industry (2013-2019), and forecasts for 2020 and the next 5 years. Market size includes the total revenues of companies.

What is the outlook for the Precision Medicine Softwareindustry?This report has over a dozen market forecasts (2020 and the next 5 years) on the industry, including total sales, a number of companies, attractive investment opportunities, operating expenses, and others.

What industry analysis/data exists for the Precision Medicine Softwareindustry?This report covers key segments and sub-segments, key drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges in the market and how they are expected to impact the Precision Medicine Softwareindustry. Take a look at the table of contents below to see the scope of analysis and data on the industry.

How many companies are in the Precision Medicine Softwareindustry?This report analyzes the historical and forecasted number of companies, locations in the industry, and breaks them down by company size over time. Report also provides company rank against its competitors with respect to revenue, profit comparison, operational efficiency, cost competitiveness and market capitalization.

What are the financial metrics for the industry?This report covers many financial metrics for the industry including profitability, Market value- chain and key trends impacting every node with reference to companys growth, revenue, return on sales, etc.

What are the most important benchmarks for the Precision Medicine Softwareindustry?

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Precision Medicine Software Market 2020: Potential growth, attractive valuation make it is a long-term investment | Know the COVID19 Impact | Top...


Genetics and Alcohol Use Disorder: 5 Things You Should Know – Longevity LIVE

Saturday, November 7th, 2020

The Penn Medicine team identified 18 genetic variants that are related to either heavy alcohol consumption, alcohol use disorder, or both. Five of these variants overlapped, while eight were associated solely with heavy alcohol consumption. Another five were traced with alcohol use disorder only.

One finding from the study was that, although heavy drinking is a prerequisite for alcoholism, variants for particular genes may predispose someone towards alcoholism. Examples of gene variants cited by the Penn Medicine researchers are DRD2 and SIX3. This finding is important because identifying these gene variants in a person may help medical professionals better ascertain their risk for alcohol use disorder.

Ultimately, paying attention to the genetic aspect of a persons alcohol use disorder may contribute to their treatment. There are ongoing studies about patients receptiveness to certain medications for treatment, based on their genes.

For example, naltrexone is a drug thats commonly used to treat dependence on alcohol, as well as opiates. In research cited by the NIAAA, it was found that patients with a specific gene variation responded positively to naltrexone treatment. Those who didnt have the gene, however, did not. In the future, this kind of information may factor into the accuracy and responsiveness of medical treatment for alcohol addiction.

Conclusion: Unlocking Important New Knowledge about Genetics and Alcohol Addiction

Though the relationship between genes and alcoholism has been under scrutinous scientific study for some time, it isnt always common knowledge to laymen. But not being able to see the bigger picture of what contributes to alcoholism may allow certain myths about it to prevail. Many people may still believe that alcohol addiction is 100% a personal choice. But as the information above about genetics and alcohol use disorder portray, its never that simple.

In any case, whether genes influence someones predisposition to alcohol use disorder, no attempt at healing from it is a futile one. Be both compassionate and knowledgeable when approaching the issue of alcoholismbecause your support could save a life.

The rest is here:
Genetics and Alcohol Use Disorder: 5 Things You Should Know - Longevity LIVE


Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Covid-19 Impact On In-depth Industry Analysis: Ascend Biopharmaceuticals, Immatics Biotechnologies, Human…

Saturday, November 7th, 2020

The report on the Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market has been prepared after conducting a comprehensive research through a systematized methodology. These skills are useful for scrutinizing the market on the terms of outlined research guidelines. Mainly, global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market research report covers all the information about the target audience, manufactures, vendors, research papers, products and many more. Keeping a focus on the overall market aspects, and perceptions, this report vastly covers profiles of the companies who have made it big in this particular field along with their sales data and other data. It also suggests the business models, innovations, growth and every information about the big manufacturers that will be present the future market estimates. Every market consists of set of manufacturers, vendors and consumers that gives a definition to the market, its each and every move, achievements. All these are the important subjects required to study the analysis of the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market.

Get sample copy of Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market report @ https://www.orbispharmareports.com/sample-request/44669

It also includes the major market conditions across the globe such as the product profit, price, production, capacity, demand, supply, as well as market growth structure. In addition, this report offers significant data through the SWOT analysis, investment return data, and investment feasibility analysis. The global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market report also features a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation by analysing information collected from market experts and industry participants in the major points of the market value chain.

Major Company Profiles operating in the Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market:

Ascend BiopharmaceuticalsImmatics BiotechnologiesHuman LongevityNovadip BiosciencesBioRestorative TherapiesEureka TherapeuticsCytori TherapeuticsAllogene TherapeuticsRegeneusNewLink GeneticsTalaris Therapeutics

By the product type, the market is primarily split into:

Steroid Replacement TherapyStem Cell Transplant

By the application, this report covers the following segments:

HospitalsClinicsAmbulatory Surgical CentersOthers

The data offered in global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market report is gathered based on the latest industry news, trends, as well as opportunities. This study offers a separate analysis of the major trends in the existing market, mandates and regulations, micro macroeconomic indicators is also comprised in this report. By doing so, the study estimated the attractiveness of every major segment during the prediction period.

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Moreover, the report comprises the analysis of opportunities available in the Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market on the global level. It also includes the major market conditions across the globe such as the product profit, price, production, capacity, demand, supply, as well as market growth structure. The annual progression for the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market in different regions cannot always be listed down as it will keep changing, thus studying and reviewing markets occasionally becomes vital.

In addition, the Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market report provides a detailed information about the key market players along with the strategies they implemented to gain market existence and develop themselves. The report includes precise market estimations depending on current market status and future market forecasts.

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At Orbispharma we curate the most relevant news stories, features, analysis and research reports on the important challenges undertaken by the pharmaceutical and related sectors. Our editorial philosophy is to bring you sharp, focused and informed perspective of industries, the end users and application of all upcoming trends into the pharma sector. Orbispharma believes in conversations that can bring a change in one of the most crucial economic sectors in the world. With these conversations we wish our customers to make sound business decisions with right business intelligence.

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Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Covid-19 Impact On In-depth Industry Analysis: Ascend Biopharmaceuticals, Immatics Biotechnologies, Human...


Global AI Medicine Software Market Analysis of Key Players, Type, Application, Demand and Consumption By 2026 – Stock Market Vista

Saturday, November 7th, 2020

There are millions of them around the globe waiting for clutching on to some of the latest vital information circulating across the globe. The up-to-the-minute AI Medicine Software market report based on the growth and the development of theAI Medicine Software marketis systematically listed down. The AI Medicine Software market report comprises statistically verified facts such the unique essence including topological investigations, worldwide market share, government stringent norms, applications, current trends, futuristic plans, market bifurcations, and so on mentioned in a crystal clear pattern.

The statistical plus scientific AI Medicine Software market report has all the important market aspects penciled down in a layman language format so that the data based on the markets productivity or future strategy can be easily extrapolated from the reports. The AI Medicine Software market report has the dominant market players Tempus Labs, Inc., Flatiron Health, Inc., Gene42, Inc., Sunquest Information Systems Inc, 2bPrecise LLC, NantHealth, Inc, IBM Watson Group, Human Longevity, Inc., N-of-One, Inc., Translational Software, Inc, SOPHiA GENETICS SA, Syapse, Inc., LifeOmic Heal explained in detail.

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The essential futuristic segments such as {Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Others}; {Drug Discovery, Precision Medicine, Others} have also been detailed out in the AI Medicine Software market report for the clients convenience and more of vital data embracing capability. The forecast trends along with the current market status can better understand the AI Medicine Software market development on a global basis. The intricate industrial strategies and the supply-demand chain are also discussed in the contextual report.

Key points of the global AI Medicine Software market

Theoretical analysis of the global AI Medicine Software market stimulators, products, and other vital facets Recent, historical, and future trends in terms of revenue and market dynamics are reported Pin-point analysis of the competitive market dynamics and investment structure is predicted to grow Future market trends, latest innovations, and various business strategies are reported Market dynamics include growth influencers, opportunities, threats, challenges, and other crucial facets

The AI Medicine Software market report has the imperative data mentioned in a systematic way only after comprehensive inspection and vigilant referencing. The diagrammatic representations such as a pie chart of the AI Medicine Software market are also drawn out so as to attract the punters and make it easy for them to comprehend the entire AI Medicine Software market from in and out. The most eye-catching format of the AI Medicine Software market report is its market bifurcation based on the product type, application, geography, end-users, and more as per the particular market. The geographical segments Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa are further exhaustively mentioned.

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Questions answered in the report include

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Ask Any Kind of Query Before Purchasing the Report Here:https://www.marketresearchstore.com/report/global-ai-medicine-software-market-report-2020-industry-761259#InquiryForBuying

View post:
Global AI Medicine Software Market Analysis of Key Players, Type, Application, Demand and Consumption By 2026 - Stock Market Vista


Global Obesity Treatment Market Incredible Potential Examined in New Research Report – The Think Curiouser

Saturday, November 7th, 2020

Global Obesity Treatment Market: Overview

Obesity is a disorder in which excess body fat gets accumulated to such extent that it may have negative effects on health. It occurs over time when people eat more calories than they utilize. The reasons for obesity can be medical problems, inactivity, genetics, family lifestyle, unhealthy diet, medications, age, and pregnancy. Being obese increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some type of cancers.

Obesity treatment basically incorporates a two-step process: assessment and management. Obesity assessment includes determination of the level of obesity and obesity management involves overall maintenance of body weight as well as the systematic weight loss programs.Government initiatives to increase the awareness about fitness, technological advancements improving the compliance rates of surgeries, and aggressive marketing strategies to attract customers are some of the drivers for the growth of the obesity treatment market.

Factors responsible for restraining the growth of the obesity treatment market are availability of low cost alternatives, high cost of customization, and post-surgical side effects.

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Global Obesity Treatment Market: Notable Developments

The obesity treatment market is segmented based on lifestyle changes, surgical & implant devices, and medication therapy. Lifestyle changes involves dietary changes and exercise. The dietary segment held a significant share in 2015 and is expected to increase during the forecast period. The reasons for the projected growth of the segment might be low cost of therapy, increase in health consciousness among people, and acceptance of the fact that it is easier to lower calorie intake to a greater degree than to burn more calories through increased exercise.

The surgery & implant devices are further categorized into gastric bypass surgery, gastric balloon, gastric band, electrical stimulation system, and gastric emptying system. Gastric bypass surgery is a fast growing segment in the obesity treatment market owing to factors such as fast recovery time, improved psychological status, and improved longevity. The minimally invasive segment is expected to grow at a higher rate during the forecast period due to its reversible nature, rapid effect, and cost & time effectiveness. It basically involves employing the implant devices in gastric area, which minimizes the incidences of post-operative infections that arise from invasive procedures. It in turn shortens the hospital stays for patients.

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Global Obesity Treatment Market: Key Trends

The surgery & implant devices are further categorized into gastric bypass surgery, gastric balloon, gastric band, electrical stimulation system, and gastric emptying system. Gastric bypass surgery is a fast growing segment in the obesity treatment market owing to factors such as fast recovery time, improved psychological status, and improved longevity. The minimally invasive segment is expected to grow at a higher rate during the forecast period due to its reversible nature, rapid effect, and cost & time effectiveness. It basically involves employing the implant devices in gastric area, which minimizes the incidences of post-operative infections that arise from invasive procedures. It in turn shortens the hospital stays for patients.

In medication therapy, the individual (satiety) drug and combination drug therapy are the two major segments. The combination drug segment in the obesity treatment market captured a large share globally in 2015. It is mainly attributed to the synergistic effect of combined therapy in obesity treatment and rising prevalence of obesity. The satiety drug which provide a feeling of gastric fullness is a fast growing segment in the obesity treatment market. The major reason for the growth is its cost which is lower than that of the combination therapy.

Key Players of Obesity Treatment Market Report

Key market players operating in the obesity treatment market include NutriSystem, Inc. (U.S.), Kellogg Company (U.S.), Ethicon, Inc. (U.S.), Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. (U.S.), Herbalife Ltd. (U.S.), Covidien plc (U.S.), Apollo Endosurgery (U.S.), Amer Sports (Finland), Johnson Health Technology, Ltd. (Taiwan), Cybex International (U.S.), Olympus Corporation (Japan), Brunswick Corporation (U.S.), and Technogym SpA (Italy). Increase in focus of the market players on gaining FDA approvals to launch new drugs and devices in the obesity treatment market propels the growth of the obesity treatment market exponentially during the forecast period.

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Continued here:
Global Obesity Treatment Market Incredible Potential Examined in New Research Report - The Think Curiouser


Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size, Share, Trends, CAGR by Technology, Key Players, Regions, Cost, Revenue and Forecast 2020 to 2025 -…

Saturday, November 7th, 2020

New Market Research Report: on Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market size | Segment by Applications (Hospitals, Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centers and Others), by Type (Steroid Replacement Therapy and Stem Cell Transplant), Regional Outlook Opportunity, Market Demand, Latest Trends, Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Industry Share & Revenue by Manufacturers, Leading Companies Profiles, Analysis, Growth Forecast 2025. Analyzes current market size and upcoming Few years' growths of this industry.

Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size report is the best source that gives CAGR values with variations during the forecast period of 2020-2025 for the market. The study encompasses market drivers and restraints by using SWOT analysis, along with their impact on the demand over the forecast period. This global market report endows with a profound overview of product specification, product type, production analysis, and technology by taking into consideration the major factors such as revenue, cost, and gross margin. The Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment advertising report has been prepared based on the market type, size of the organization, availability on-premises, and the end-users organization type.

Some of the prominent players operating in the global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market include Ascend Biopharmaceuticals, Immatics Biotechnologies, Human Longevity, Novadip Biosciences, BioRestorative Therapies, Eureka Therapeutics, Cytori Therapeutics, Allogene Therapeutics, Regeneus, NewLink Genetics and Talaris Therapeutics among others.

Request Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.express-journal.com/request-sample/240610

Competitive Analysis: Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market

Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market Size is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market Share for global, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, South America, and Middle East & Africa.

Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Split by Product Type and Applications:

Based on Types:

Based on Application:

The latest research on the Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size fundamentally delivers insights that can empower stakeholders, business owners, and field marketing executives to make effective investment decisions driven by facts and extremely thorough research. The study aims to provide an evaluation and deliver essential information on the competitive landscape to meet the unique requirements of the companies and individuals operating in the Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market for the forecast period, 20202025. To help firms comprehend the Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment industry in multiple ways, the report exhaustively assesses the share, size, and growth rate of the business worldwide.

Report Highlights:

The report covers the shifting industry dynamics

Detailed information about the market segmentation

Covers past, present and projected industry size Recent industry trends

Key Competition landscape

Business strategies of key players and product offerings

Potential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growth

A neutral perspective towards market performance

Queries Resolved In This Report:

Which will be the specialties at which Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market players profiling with intensive designs, financials, and ongoing headways should set nearness?

Which will be the foreseen development rates for your own Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment economy out and out and each portion inside?

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How Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market share advance vacillations of their value from various assembling brands?

Chapters Define in TOC (Table of Content) of the Report:

Chapter 1: Market Survey, Drivers, Restraints and Good fortune, Segmentation overview

Chapter 2: Market competitiveness by Manufacturers

Chapter 3: Production by Regions

Chapter 4: Consumption by Regions

Chapter 5: Production, By Types, Revenue and Market share by Types

Chapter 6: Consumption, By Applications, Market share (%) and Growth Rate by Applications

Chapter 7: Overall profiling and analysis of Manufacturers

Chapter 8: Manufacturing cost analysis, Raw materials analysis, Region-wise manufacturing expenses

Chapter 9: Supply Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11: Market Influence Factors Analysis

Chapter 12: Market Predict

Chapter 13: Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source

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Global Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market Size, Share, Trends, CAGR by Technology, Key Players, Regions, Cost, Revenue and Forecast 2020 to 2025 -...


Early Evidence Shows Fasting, Keto Diet May Make Chemo and Some Other Cancer Treatments More Effective and Easier to Tolerate – Curetoday.com

Saturday, November 7th, 2020

Jocelyn Aguilar felt bad enough after the first of a scheduled four rounds of chemotherapy that she thought about quitting.

She had no detectable cancer after undergoing double mastectomy for breast cancer, so the chemotherapy was an optional treatment that Aguilar, age 37 when diagnosed in October 2019, had chosen to reduce the risk of recurrence.

She ultimately decided to continue because, starting with her next round of chemotherapy, she was going to help test a counterintuitive-but-promising strategy for reducing chemotherapys side effects and increasing its cancer-fighting power: a very low-calorie diet designed to mimic the effects of fasting.

On weeks (when) I was due to receive chemo that Friday, I got four boxes of food labeled Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The only food I ate those days came from that days box. On Saturday morning, I woke up and eased myself back into normal eating, says Aguilar, a nurse who works at the University of Southern California (USC), where the trial took place.

The pain I experienced with that first round of chemo, before the fasting, was so terrible that I didnt think I could go on, says Aguilar, who described the sensation as aches and pains all over her body. With the fast, there were still some effects, but they were not nearly as bad. It was a huge difference.

Aguilar says that her food boxes each contained about 300 calories worth of plant-based food. The diet is billed by its distributor as containing micro- and macronutrients that are nourishing but not recognized as food by the body, which mimics fasting.

Its hard to imagine a more counterintuitive cancer treatment than fasting why deprive the body of vital nutrients when it would seem to need them most? but a growing body of research suggests that fasting decreases the toxicity of cancer treatments and may increase their efficacy too.

Some evidence also shows that a ketogenic diet, which deprives the body of carbohydrates rather than all calories, may increase the efficacy of some cancer treatments. In fact, there is even some thought that the two diets may help prevent cancer, although evidence for this is currently limited.

When it comes to supplementing cancer therapies, the benefits of either dietary intervention also have yet to be definitively proven unless youre a mouse. The animal data for fasting, which started in our lab but is now coming from many labs, is extraordinary. Its hard to think of anything in the past, ever, that has done better, says Valter Longo, who holds a doctorate in biochemistry and is the Edna M. Jones Professor of Gerontology and Biological Sciences and the director of the Longevity Institute at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology.

Healthy cells and tumor cells respond differently to fasting. Healthy cells shut down their growth-promoting pathways shortly after the food stops coming in and focus on cell repair. Cancer cells, on the other hand, rarely slow their unrestrained growth enough to engage in this self-protective behavior.

Fasting thus increases the ability of healthy cells to withstand stressors such as chemotherapyor radiotherapy, but it leaves cancer cells, which suddenly have less nutritional support to sustain their rapid growth, unusually weak and vulnerable.

Fasting also depletes stored carbohydrates. Normal cells can adapt to this by running mostly on two fat-derived energy sources fatty acids and ketones but cancer cells are far more reliant on sugars, starches and the insulin that drives them into cells.

Most of the mouse studies to date have assessed fastings effect on chemotherapy or radiotherapy, but at least one study has found that a low-calorie fasting- mimicking diet (FMD) plus simple vitamin C can slow the progression of KRAS-mutated colon cancer. Another study, this one published in the prestigious journal Nature, found that both fasting and a FMD increased and extended the efficacy of the hormonal treatments tamoxifen and Faslodex (fulvestrant) in mouse models of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer.

The first clinical trial of short-term fasting in humans, which was published in 2009, reported results in 10 patients with various types of cancer. It found that fasting reduced chemotherapy-related toxicities fatigue, weakness and gastrointestinal side effects in the six patients who fasted 48 to 140 hours before and five to 56 hours after some (but not all) of their chemotherapy sessions.

Several other trials in humans, all of them following small patient populations for short periods of time, have also found that fasting reduced treatment-related toxicities such as fatigue or DNA damage in healthy cells. For example, one Dutch trial assigned six patients with breast cancer to follow normal dietary guidelines and seven others to fast 24 hours before and after chemotherapy. Nonhematological toxicity did not differ between the two groups, but the researchers found evidence that fasting reduced bone marrow toxicity and reduced chemotherapy-induced DNA damage in some healthy blood cells.

Data from several of these small trials also suggested that fasting increased treatment efficacy, but none of them were large enough (or lasted long enough) to prove that fasting extended patients survival. There is even less evidence to support the use of fasting or the ketogenic diet in combination with immunotherapy treatments, although that remains a tantalizing possibility.

The only large trial in humans to have reported results so far was inconclusive for a somewhat unexpected reason.

Investigators randomly assigned 131 Dutch women, all of whom were slated to receive chemotherapy for stage 2/3 HER2-negative breast cancer, either to eat according to standard guidelines or to follow the FMD. Sixty-six of the women were assigned to follow the FMD but, unfortunately, so few actually complied that it was impossible to evaluate the diets effects. Just 32% of women in the fasting group fasted before at least half of their chemotherapy cycles, and just 24% of them fasted before all of them.

Patient noncompliance was particularly disappointing because the FMD was designed by Longo who has a financial interest in a company that sells FMD meal kits as a less demanding way to get all the effects of a true, zero-calorie fast.

It wasnt easy, says Aguilar, but it was doable. Im not normally a healthy eater, and I was being given steroids at the time, so my appetite was out of control, but I still managed it because it reduced the pain so much.

Hopefully, patients in several other large studies, all of which are nearing their scheduled completion dates, will comply with fasting protocols well enough to help researchers determine whether short-term fasting can extend life, reduce treatment toxicity or both for patients with glioblastoma, non-small cell lung cancer, lung adenocarcinoma, ovarian cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer.

Positive results could change standards of care for all those tumor types within the next couple of years.

For patients who cant wait that long to select their treatment plan, the obvious question is whether they should ask their oncologists about starting now with short- term fasts or the FMD.

Some experts believe its too early to use fasting anywhere outside of clinical trials.Indeed, a group of Italian clinicians recently published a letter in Nature Reviews Cancer that cautioned against what they perceive as excessive enthusiasm about fastings potential benefits and insufficient caution about its potential to harm some patients.

It is worrying that the application of fasting in oncology has been prematurely reported by the media as a potential advance in medical oncology, to the point where FMD kits have recently been commercialized, the clinicians wrote. These may negatively interfere with cancer care, as patients at risk of malnutrition or sarcopenia (muscle loss) could autonomously decrease protein-calorie intake during treatment.

Longo agrees that neither malnourished patients nor those who are responding to their current treatment should try fasting or the FMD outside of clinical trials. However, he believes the data from both animal models and early human trials are strong enough to make fasting an option when approved treatments stop working.

I think (the evidence so far) is enough for an oncologist to say, Look, your therapy isnt working. Im out of options here. This fasting-mimicking diet is so effective in mice. Why dont we give it a shot? You have to understand there are risks, but you also have to understand that were out of options. That conversation would be appropriate now, Longo says.

Fasting isnt the only way to drive blood sugar and insulin down. Patients can achieve nearly equivalent reductions by following a ketogenic diet that provides about 80% of calories from fat, 12% from protein and 8% from carbohydrates.

Low sugar consumption means low blood sugar, which, in turn, means low levels of insulin a hormone secreted by the pancreas to drive sugar into muscles and fuel their growth and/or activity. Healthy tissue, as mentioned before, can adapt to deriving nearly all its energy fromfat, although many people feel pretty drained for a week or so at the beginning of that adjustment. (This lousy feeling is known as keto flu.) Many tumors, on the other hand, seem far less able to overcome their dependence on insulin and sugar (aka glucose).

Weve known for 100 years that cancer cells take up glucose at a much higher rate than do the normal tissues from which those cancer cells emerge, says Lewis Cantley, who holds a doctorate in biophysical chemistry and is the Meyer Director of the Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center and a professor of cancer biology in medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College.

This does not mean that patients can starve their tumors to death simply by following ketogenic diets, but it has led many researchers to speculate that adding a ketogenic diet to standard treatment protocols might increase the efficacy of many of those regimens.

It has been difficult to test this theory, however. Because no pharmaceutical company canpatent a ketogenic diet, no one has a financial incentive to spend the millions of dollars that largestudies cost. Instead, studies get funded through the National Institutes of Health and foundation grants. Tests of FMDs face the same issue.

The ketogenic diet also runs into the same problem that makes it hard to test fasting: patient compliance. Indeed, researchers who work for the Department of Veterans Affairs in Pittsburgh enrolled 11 patients with cancer in a 16-week trial of the ketogenic diet. Only four of them actually followed the diet all 16 weeks.

In spite of the challenges, several recent discoveries suggest that ketogenic diets may be particularly helpful for certain cancer treatments helpful enough to drive funding and convince patients to follow the diet.

Cantley discovered a previously unknown link between sugar, insulin and cancer growth more than three decades ago: an enzyme called phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) that helps drive sugar into cells. Mutations in the genes that regulate PI3K causing an increase in PI3K activity are among the most common of all cancer mutations.

His discovery eventually led to the creation of PI3K- inhibiting medications, three of which have been approved for the treatment of several cancers. But all three have a big drawback.

When you give patients a PI3 kinase inhibitor, which hits the same enzyme that propagates the insulin response, you get the unsurprising result that the patient instantly becomes insulin resistant. Many of the patients in the trials of these drugs had to drop out because of high blood sugar, Cantley says.

Extra insulin, whether created by the body in response to rising blood sugar or deliberately injected, will solve the problem by driving the sugar into muscles, but it also drives sugar into tumors and destroys treatment efficacy.

Cantleys team hypothesized that PI3K inhibitors would be far safer and more effective if used in combination with some tool that would control blood sugar without driving it into tissues. They saw dramatically improved results in mice when they paired PI3K inhibitors with a class of diabetes medications called SGLT2 inhibitors, which reduce the bodys absorption of glucose via the kidneys so that excess glucose is excreted through the urine. Results were better still when they fed mice a ketogenic diet.

Blood sugar levels hardly went up. Insulin levels hardly went up. Tumors melted away, says Cantley, who also has a financial interest in a company that makes prepackaged meals for patients with cancer. Every tumor we tried essentially disappeared whenever we gave a PI3 kinase inhibitor with a ketogenic diet.

A large human trial will compare the current standard for using PI3K inhibitors against treatment plans that combine PI3K inhibitors with either SGLT2 inhibitors or a ketogenic diet. The ongoing global pandemic delayed the trial for several months, but enrollment has now begun.

And its not the only trial thats testing the ketogenic diets effect on cancer treatments. At least 18 other such studies are either recruiting patients or preparing to do so.

The whole thing comes down to energy. Without energy, nothing can grow, says Thomas N. Seyfried, who holds a doctorate in genetics and biochemistry and is a biology professor at Boston College who studies how metabolic therapies such as a ketogenic diet can affect cancer and other diseases. Tumor cells make energy by fermenting glucose and the amino acid glutamine. If we restrict the availability of glucose and glutamine, this will create tremendous metabolic stress on the tumor cells.

For more news on cancer updates, research and education, dont forget tosubscribe to CUREs newsletters here.

Read more:
Early Evidence Shows Fasting, Keto Diet May Make Chemo and Some Other Cancer Treatments More Effective and Easier to Tolerate - Curetoday.com


Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing Market 2020 Global Forecasts Analysis, Company Profiles, Competitive Landscape and Key Regions 2025 – Zenit…

Saturday, November 7th, 2020

Researchmoz Presents Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing Market Size, Status and Forecast 2020-2026 New Document to its Studies Database

This report, which has been published, is having a meaningful Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing market insight. It casts some lights on industry products and services. Along with those product applications, it also examined whether it reaches up to the end-users or not. This report on this Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing market has given an overall view of the recent technologies used and technological improvements. It also focuses on recent industry trends and which products are quite demanding from a customers perspective. This report is focused on every aspect of the forecast year 2026.

Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing Market dynamics analysis

This report is representing a whole market scenario on a global basis. In this report, we can also find the analysis growth of industries. Through this report, we can easily interpreter the level of market competition, different pricing models, the latest market trends, customer demand, etc. This report acknowledges the revenue model and market expansion of this Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing market. If you want to get that full market information, then this report can help you. It also gives a comprehensive knowledge about the demand and supply graph. Suppose that demand curves moved downward, then from this report, you can know about those factors responsible for its decline. Accordingly, you can know the responsible factors for the rising curve. This Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing market report gives a total knowledge about the market trend and improves its strategies and pricing model.

Get PDF Sample Copy of this Report to understand the structure of the complete report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @ https://www.researchmoz.com/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=2812408&source=atm

In the competitive analysis section of the report, leading as well as prominent players of the global Genomic Biomarker market are broadly studied on the basis of key factors. The report offers comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on revenue by the player for the period 2015-2020. It also offers detailed analysis supported by reliable statistics on price and revenue (global level) by player for the period 2015-2020.The key players covered in this studyBio-RadBeckman CoulterMyriad GeneticsThermo Fisher ScientificRocheQIAGENEpigenomicsAlmacPfizerHuman LongevityValiRxPersonalisEagle GenomicsEmpire GenomicsAgilentIllumina

Research and Methodology

For the research, the Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing markets research teams are adopted various high-end techniques. Industry best analysts are worked on this report. They collected data from various reliable sources and have taken samples of different market segments. They utilize both qualitative and quantitative data in this report. All data are based on primary sources, which are focused on the assessment year 2020-2026. For wise decision-making, they have also done SWOT analysis, which can also help them know their predicted future results. This report also helps to develop Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing market growth by improvising its strategic models.

segment by Type, the product can be split intoOncologyCardiologyNeurologyNephrology

Market segment by Application, split intoHospitalsDiagnostic and research laboratories

Based on regional and country-level analysis, the Genomic Biomarker market has been segmented as follows:North AmericaUnited StatesCanadaEuropeGermanyFranceU.K.ItalyRussiaNordicRest of EuropeAsia-PacificChinaJapanSouth KoreaSoutheast AsiaIndiaAustraliaRest of Asia-PacificLatin AmericaMexicoBrazilMiddle East & AfricaTurkeySaudi ArabiaUAERest of Middle East & Africa

Regional and Country-level Analysis

The Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing market is analysed and market size information is provided by regions (countries).

The key regions covered in the Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing market report are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. It also covers key regions (countries), viz, U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, etc.

You can Buy This Report from Here @ https://www.researchmoz.com/checkout?rep_id=2812408&licType=S&source=atm

Table Of Content Covered In this Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing Market Report:

1 Report Overview

2 Global Growth Trends by Regions

3 Competition Landscape by Key Players

4 Breakdown Data by Type (2015-2026)

5 Breakdown Data by Application (2015-2026)

6 North America

7 Europe

8 China

9 Japan

10 Southeast Asia

11 India

12 Central & South America

13Key Players Profiles

14Analysts Viewpoints/Conclusions

NOTE : Our team is studying Covid-19 and its impact on various industry verticals and wherever required we will be considering Covid-19 footprints for a better analysis of markets and industries. Cordially get in touch for more details

Read the original:
Healthcare Business Process Outsourcing Market 2020 Global Forecasts Analysis, Company Profiles, Competitive Landscape and Key Regions 2025 - Zenit...


Turning the Tide – Lifestyle Medicine and change (part 7) – South Coast Herald

Sunday, October 25th, 2020

Last week we presented common excuses given for why we dont want to commit to changing our behaviour and adopting a healthier way of living.

Today we will cover more ground.

It is true. There are some people who live the most atrociously unhealthy lives who seem to fly under the radar, and escape the bullets. In spite of all odds, they make it to a ripe old age. Good luck to them. But the chance you will do likewise is remote.

ALSO READ : Turning the Tide Top tips on how to change your diet for the better

There are many factors that may have contributed to his longevity genetics, a more active younger life, getting enough sleep at night, a positive attitude towards life, eating some natural whole foods, even if it is a tin of baked beans from time to time. One gets these outliers, who beat the odds.

But instead of stacking up the odds against you, why not try to reduce the risks by whittling away at factors that have been scientifically proven to reduce your health and vitality. And in the process you can reap the rewards of feeling so much better within days of adopting change.

I agree it can be confusing. Author Michael Pollan said Eat food, not too much, mostly plants. Too much of what we eat is food-like substances highly processed edible concoctions that have a long list of very scientific-sounding ingredients. The best foods are the ones that dont have ingredient lists the ones you buy in the vegetable and fruit sections of the supermarket. For thousands of years humankind has thrived on natural foods fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts, seeds and spices. It is only in the last century that the industrial revolution has introduced factory-altered foods to make them more palatable, addictive and provide a longer shelf-life. In doing so our food has lost a great deal of the natural goodness fibre, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, etc.

His second point is also relevant not too much. When the food has been so concentrated and titillated, it is easy to over-indulge, resulting in excessive energy intake. This is one of the main reasons for the obesity epidemic.

If we eat mostly plants, we will not be exposed to high levels of saturated fats, and excessive proteins, heme-iron, inflammatory stimulators, hormones and growth stimulators so rife in animal products.

The media loves controversy it sells newspapers/magazines. We love to get good news about our bad habits.

So when some study or article makes claims that support peoples bad habits, even when the study has been sponsored by the industries who benefit most from the recommendations, the headlines are all over the place, creating confusion and controversy. There is more than enough very sound research supporting the simple nutritional information we present in this blog, and which has become imbedded in most of the national guidelines around the world.

There are very many challenges in life. If we want to achieve anything worthwhile we have to make sacrifices and overcome barriers. No success comes easily.

A healthy body, a clear mind, energy for living, and freedom from so many of the scourges of modern life require persistence in small, sustainable changes. We should start slowly, but gradually stretch the limits of our capabilities. You may have pain walking or jogging, but you can strengthen your upper body and torso; you may be able to swim with freedom of pain, or cycle. Where theres a will, theres a way. You may need to counsel with a physiotherapist or a personal trainer, but there are ways you can improve your physical activity.

I hope that the answers you have read to some of the common excuses has given you opportunities to reassess your commitment to change, and think creatively about how you can begin to enjoy the benefits of positive health changes.

Next week we will discuss the SMART pneumonic for implementing changes whether they be with exercise, or dietary changes, or stopping smoking, or dealing with stress in your life.

Until then, contemplate about what you want out of life.

Dave Glass

Dr David Glass graduated from UCT in 1975. He spent the next 12 years working at a mission hospital in Lesotho, where much of his work involved health education and interventions to improve health, aside from the normal busy clinical work of an under-resourced mission hospital. He returned to UCT in 1990 to specialise in obstetrics/gynaecology and then moved to the South Coast where he had the privilege of, amongst other things, ushering 7000 babies into the world. He no longer delivers babies but is still very clinically active in gynaecology. An old passion, preventive health care, has now replaced the obstetrics side of his work. He is eager to share insights he has gathered over the years on how to prevent and reverse so many of the modern scourges of lifestyle obesity, diabetes, ischaemic heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, common cancers, etc. He is a family man, with a supportive wife, and two grown children, and four beautiful grandchildren. His hobbies include walking, cycling, vegetable gardening, bird-watching, travelling and writing. He is active in community health outreach and deeply involved in church activities. He enjoys teaching and sharing information.


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See the original post:
Turning the Tide - Lifestyle Medicine and change (part 7) - South Coast Herald


Biohacking Conference Kyiv about Efficient Health Optimization Techniques to Take Place on November 11 – Interfax-Ukraine

Sunday, October 25th, 2020

In the modern world of rapid technological development, you need to do a lot to be successful and stay in the top. It is especially important to know how to stay healthy and enjoy a fulfilling life, be productive and push yourself beyond limits.

Answers to the most topical questions about upgrading the body and mind will be given at the first Biohacking Conference Kyiv, dedicated to innovative ways of improving health and prolonging youth. Organized by Smile-Expo, the event will take place on November 11, 2020.

Leading experts from various industries will speak at the event: doctors, scientists, gerontologists, biohackers and many others. Among them:

- Oleksandr Kolyada geneticist, research associate at the lab of epigenetics at the Institute of Gerontology, founder of DIAGEN lab.

- Lyudmyla Goncharova dietarian, immunologist, two-time winner of The Battle of Nutritionists TV show on STB, founder of Goncharova Clinic.

- Oleksandr Skorokhod Candidate of Biological Sciences, research worker at the Department of signaling cell systems at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

- Hlib Khodorovskyi meditation expert, experienced mindfulness trainer.

Experts will delve into the main biohacking tools and explain the interrelation of dieting and longevity. Separately, speakers will discuss how genetic researches help to detect health risks, determine parameters of food digestion, and draw up a disease prevention program. In addition, the reports will focus on a safe approach to sports training, the benefits of mindfulness meditations and health management intended to improve productivity in all areas of life.

About safety measures at the conference

To protect guests, speakers, participants, and sponsors of the event against catching coronavirus, Biohacking Conference Kyiv will adhere to all the requirements of the Ukrainian government and the Ministry of Healthcare aimed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The following preventive measures will be taken at event, among others:

- Admission to the event is allowed only in a protective face mask or respirator.

- Temperature screening at the entrance.

- Availability of antiseptics in the premises, where the event will take place.

- The number of conference attendees is restricted according to the requirements of the Ministry of Healthcare.

- The distance between chairs for guests will be at least 1.5 meters.

Organizer and venue

The event is organized by the international Smile-Expo company, which specializes in industry events dedicated to innovations.

Biohacking Conference Kyiv will be held at Oasis conference hall on November 11.

More info and registration: kyiv.biohacking.events

Interfax-Ukraine - General News Partner of the event.

See the article here:
Biohacking Conference Kyiv about Efficient Health Optimization Techniques to Take Place on November 11 - Interfax-Ukraine


Global Precision Medicine Software Market 2020 Recovering From Covid-19 Outbreak|Know More About Brand Players – The Think Curiouser

Sunday, October 25th, 2020

The research report entitled GlobalPrecision Medicine SoftwareMarket 2020 added by Syndicate Market Researchprovides professional information to evaluate the most recent Precision Medicine Software market measurements and industry situation. The report offers the research methodology and approaches followed to clear up the Precision Medicine Software industry conditions. This report studies the all-important aspects of the Precision Medicine Software market based on current market conditions and focuses on future possibilities of Precision Medicine Software market during 2020-2026.

This report research enormously examines each and every specific deciding factor of the Precision Medicine Software industry on the basis of present financial condition, Demand, Trends, Limit, Capacity, procedures encapsulated by Precision Medicine Software market competitor and their advancement framework.

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The research highly targets on the current industry size of the Global Precision Medicine Software market and its improvement capacity on the basis of the last 5 years data with company profile of leading players and manufacturers. The major key regions which add to the progression of Precision Medicine Software market mostly cover such as Precision Medicine Software market in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Asian countries.

Top Players and Manufacturers Analysis in Precision Medicine Software Market:Syapse, Allscripts, Qiagen, Roper Technologies, Fabric Genomics, Foundation Medicine, Sophia Genetics, PierianDx, Human Longevity, Translational Software, Gene42 Inc, Lifeomic Health

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This Precision Medicine Software Market report separated into the;1. Top manufacturers2. Product Type (Cloud-based, On-premises)3. Application/ end users (Healthcare Providers, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, Research Centers and Government Institutes, Other)4. Key Regions

Key regions covered in the world Precision Medicine Software market report include:

The five regions are in turned segment into major countries and geographies. The key countries included in the global Precision Medicine Software market report includeU.S., Canada, Germany, UK, Italy, France, Spain, China, India, Southeast Asia countries, South Korea, Japan, Australia, GCC countries, Turkey, Brazil, Egypt, Mexico, and South Africa among others.

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Read another Report:-https://www.openpr.com/news/2160425/global-blockchain-technology-in-healthcare-covid-19

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