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ELSI Program – National Human Genome Research Institute

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

ELSI Research ProgramThe Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program

ELSI Research Program Overview

The National Human Genome Research Institute's (NHGRI) Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program was established in 1990 as an integral part of the Human Genome Project (HGP) to foster basic and applied research on the ethical, legal and social implications of genetic and genomic research for individuals, families and communities. The ELSI Research Program funds and manages studies, and supports workshops, research consortia and policy conferences related to these topics.

An article describing the ELSI Research Program in greater detail can be found here:The Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Program of the National Human Genome Research Institute: Reflections on an Ongoing Experiment

The NHGRI Division of Genomics and Society has identified the following three research domains to be considered for support by the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program. The domains are overlapping, and it is anticipated that many research projects will address issues that cut across domains. A more detailed discussion of these domains and a list of examples of possible research topics is available atELSI Research Domains.

Genetic and Genomic Research. These projects may investigate and address the ethical, legal, social, and policy issues that arise in connection with the design and conduct of genetic and genomic research.

Genetic and Genomic Health Care. These projects may investigate and address the ethical, legal, social, and policy issues that arise in connection with the translation of genetic and genomic research into clinical medicine and health care in a variety of healthcare settings.

Broader Legal, Policy and Societal Issues. These projects may investigate and address a range of broader ethical, legal, policy and societal issues raised by the use of genetic and genomic technologies and information in research, clinical or non-medical settings.

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Coming soon

The NHGRI ELSI Program accepts Conference Grant (R13) applications. For specific instructions for preparing a conference grant application, see:

The ELSI program participates in a number of training and career development funding opportunities.

The Fogarty International Center's international bioethics training programs[fic.nih.gov] support education and research training to develop ethics expertise in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The programs complement other global health research and research training programs in the mission areas of NIH Institutes and Centers.

PA-16-288[grants.nih.gov]:Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp)Expiration Date: September 30, 2019

PA-16-288[grants.nih.gov].Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers (Admin Supp)Expiration Date: September 30, 2019

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In the Fall of 2003, the NHGRI in collaboration with U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) launched a new initiative to create interdisciplinary Centers of Excellence in ELSI Research (CEER). The CEERs are designed to bring investigators from multiple disciplines together to work in innovative ways to address important new, or particularly persistent, ethical, legal, and social issues related to advances in genetics and genomics. In addition, the centers will support the growth of the next generation of researchers on the ethical, legal and social implications of genomic research. Special efforts will be made to recruit potential researchers from under-represented groups.

NIH funds new studies on ethical, legal and social impact of genomic information NewMay 17, 2016

For more information about the CEER's program, see: Centers of Excellence in ELSI Research (CEER).

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Joy Boyer, B.A.E-mail: boyerj@exhange.nih.gov

Dave Kaufman, Ph.D.E-mail: dave.kaufman@nih.gov

Nicole Lockhart, Ph.D.E-mail: lockhani@mail.nih.gov

Jean McEwen, J.D., Ph.D.E-mail: mcewenj@mail.nih.gov

Erin CurreyE-mail:Erin.currey@nih.gov

Margaret GinozaE-mail:margaret.ginoza@nih.gov

Tasha StewartE-mail: Tasha.stewart@nih.gov

AddressThe Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Research ProgramNational Human Genome Research InstituteNational Institutes of Health5635 Fishers LaneSuite 4076, MSC 9305Bethesda, MD 20892-9305

Phone: (301) 402-4997Fax: (301) 402-1950E-mail: elsi@nhgri.nih.gov

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Last Updated: July 10, 2017

Continued here:
ELSI Program - National Human Genome Research Institute


How Powerful is CRISPR? – Newswise (press release)

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

Newswise "Good morning, doctor, I am here for my gene editing appointment. In the future, could this be a greeting heard in physician offices around the world? With the introduction of CRISPR technology, genetic material can now be more easily and precisely edited, even creating changes that can subsequently be inherited by offspring.

CRISPR stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, and is often used as shorthand for the CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) technology that in the lab can remove and replace specific sequences of DNA. Scientists now expect that it will be harnessed to treat and or possibly cure debilitating diseases such as sickle cell anemia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Huntingtons disease, HIV, and cancers. Preclinical studies are underway to assess the safety of CRISPR-Cas9 and its ability to discriminate healthy from non-healthy cells.

Jennifer Doudna, PhD, a geneticist and a co-creator along with Emmanuelle Carpenter, PhD, of the CRISPR-Cas9 technology, delivered the Wallace H. Coulter Lectureship Award plenary on Sunday with her talk, CRISPR Biology, Technology & Ethics: The Future of Genome Engineering.

A key leader in the field, Doudna detailed her laboratorys innovative findings that she has collectively referred to as a molecular scalpel for genomes. She intrigued the audience by reviewing the intricate bacterial CRISPR adaptive immune system and how her lab harnessed its power to edit genes. She also delved into CRISPRs potential applications, current limitations, and ethical concerns.

Work is ongoing aimed at making CRISPR more amenable to fighting disease.

Doudna explained how her current research is refining CRISPRCas9 to improve its efficiency and prevent off-target mutations. Her laboratory has developed a CRISPRCas9 targeted gene knockdown method with enhanced efficiency. This method employs techniques such as single-particle electron microscopy to delineate the molecular mechanisms underlying the highly diverse CRISPR-Cas networks.

Several researchers already are using CRSPR to edit genes. Gene editing research in animal models involving mice and monkeys, in human embryos, and in HIV-infected human cells show promise. For example, in 2016 Lu You, MD, and colleagues at Sichuan University in Chengdu became the first group in the world to inject CRISPRCas9 modified T cells into patients with non-small cell lung cancer. The technology also is being used to speed pharmaceutical research and identify targeted therapies for somatic and heritable diseases.

A scan of ClinicalTrials.gov produces more than 10 clinical trials focused on examining the efficacy of CRISPR-Cas9 in diseases as varied as human papillomavirus-related malignant neoplasm (NCT03057912), HIV-1 (NCT03164135), sickle cell disease (NCT03167450), and prostate cancer (NCT02867345). The majority of these trials have not commenced patient recruitment.

What social and ethical frameworks should we use to consider research using CRISPR-Cas9? Be sure to attend the Wednesday afternoon symposium, Ethics in Laboratory Medicine, where Seema Mohapatra, JD, MPH will present Legal and Ethical Issues with Mitochondrial Replacement and CRISPR-Cas9. She will discuss the applications of technologies such as developing so-called designer babies, and the controversy surrounding what impact CRISPR gene editing will have on modern eugenics. Mohapatra has written in law journals about the need to examine such technology through the lens of reproductive justice and disability justice to ensure that all voices are heard and all populations can benefit from such powerful scientific discoveries.

CRISPR-Cas9 and mitochondrial replacement technologies are here, and the widespread opportunity for their clinical use in humans is imminent. Laboratorians, what roles will you play in ensuring the ethnical use of these powerful technologies?

See the rest here:
How Powerful is CRISPR? - Newswise (press release)


The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Issues Statement in Response to Reports of the First Use of Gene Editing … – Benzinga

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC--(Marketwired - Jul 27, 2017) - The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) has issued the following statement in response to the news that a research team from the Oregon Health and Science University has, for the first time in the United States, utilized gene editing technology to modify human embryos:

ARM continues to monitor the latest developments in gene-editing technologies, given their enormous medical potential. We reiterate our encouragement and support of the use of these technologies in somatic (non-reproductive) human cells to durably treat and potentially cure human diseases. Patients will benefit more immediately from resources being directed towards somatic applications of the technologies at this time, as most genetic diseases manifest in and can be treated in somatic, not germline, cells. In addition, many unresolved safety, ethical and legal issues remain with human germline engineering approaches.

ARM continues to support the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM), which noted in its February 2017 report, "heritable germline editing is not ready to be tried in humans."

About The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine

The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) is an international multi-stakeholder advocacy organization that promotes legislative, regulatory and reimbursement initiatives necessary to facilitate access to life-giving advances in regenerative medicine worldwide. ARM also works to increase public understanding of the field and its potential to transform human healthcare, providing business development and investor outreach services to support the growth of its member companies and research organizations. Prior to the formation of ARM, there was no advocacy organization operating in Washington, D.C. to specifically represent the interests of the companies, research institutions, investors and patient groups that comprise the entire regenerative medicine community. Today, ARM has more than 265 members and is the leading global advocacy organization in this field. To learn more about ARM or to become a member, visit http://www.alliancerm.org.

Continued here:
The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Issues Statement in Response to Reports of the First Use of Gene Editing ... - Benzinga


Will Healthcare Inequality Cause Genetic Diseases to Disproportionately Impact the Poor? – Gizmodo

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

Artwork via Angelica Alzona/Gizmodo

Today in America, if you are poor, you are also more likely to suffer from poor health. Low socioeconomic statusand the lack of access to healthcare that often accompanies ithas been tied to mental illness, obesity, heart disease and diabetes, to name just a few.

Imagine now, that in the future, being poor also meant you were more likely than others to suffer from major genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis, TaySachs disease, and muscular dystrophy. That is a future, some experts fear, that may not be all that far off.

Most genetic diseases are non-discriminating, blind to either race or class. But for some parents, prenatal genetic testing has turned what was once fate into choice. There are tests that can screen for hundreds of disorders, including rare ones like Huntingtons disease and 1p36 deletion syndrome. Should a prenatal diagnosis bring news of a genetic disease, parents can either arm themselves with information on how best to prepare, or make the difficult decision to terminate the pregnancy. That is, if they can pay for it. Without insurance, the costs of a single prenatal test can range from a few hundred dollars up to $2,000.

And genome editing, should laws ever be changed to allow for legally editing a human embryo in the United States, could also be a far-out future factor. Its difficult to imagine how much genetically engineering an embryo might cost, but its a safe bet that it wont be cheap.

Reproductive technology is technology that belongs to certain classes, Laura Hercher, a genetic counselor and professor at Sarah Lawrence College, told Gizmodo. Restricting access to prenatal testing threatens to turn existing inequalities in our society into something biological and permanent.

Hercher raised this point earlier this month in pages of Genome magazine, in a piece provocatively titled, The Ghettoization of Genetic Disease. Within the genetics community, it caused quite a stir. It wasnt that no one had ever considered the idea. But for a community of geneticists and genetic counsellors focused on how to help curb the impact of devastating diseases, it was a difficult thing to see articulated in writing.

Prenatal testing is a miraculous technology that has drastically altered the course of a womans pregnancy since it was first developed in the 1960s. The more recent advent of noninvasive prenatal tests made the procedure even less risky and more widely available. Today, most women are offered screenings for diseases like Down syndrome that result from an abnormal presence of chromosomes, and targeted testing of the parents can hunt for inherited disease traits like Huntingtons at risk of being passed on to a child, as well.

But there is a dark side to this miracle of modern medicine, which is that choice is exclusive to those who can afford and access it.

This is one of those aspects of prenatal testing that we dont want to talk about, Megan Allyse, who studies reproductive ethics at the Mayo Clinic, told Gizmodo. Theres a wide variety of reasons people might not get access to reproductive technologies. But what is unavoidable is that you are more likely to have access if you are socio-economically well-off.

The scenario Hercher imagines is this: Say you dont have insurance, or have insurance that does not cover the roster of prenatal tests that OB/GYNs commonly recommend. You also cannot afford the tests out-of-pocket, and your baby is born with a genetic disease. This scenario plays out over and over again among people who cannot afford testing, while at the same time many of those who can afford the test for that disease and test positive choose to terminate a pregnancy. Over time, Hercher predicts, that disease would become more prevalent in those communities that could not afford the tests.

Whether this hypothetical scenario will play out in the real world isnt totally clear, in part because there are many variables besides socioeconomic status at work. Maybe you live in a state where abortions are more difficult to access or against local norms, influencing your decision to undergo prenatal testing. Perhaps you oppose abortion for cultural or religious reasons. And there isnt data for on individuals who refuse prenatal testing altogether, even if they could afford it. Somewhere around 70 percent of women opt-in to some form of prenatal testing, but those numbers vary wildly by region, jumping up to about 90 percent on the coasts and dropping significantly in the midwest.

At this point, all researchers can really do is speculate about future disparities in genetic disease. For example, a 2012 meta-analysis published in Prenatal Diagnosis found that across the country, the mean termination rate for Down syndrome was 67 percent, meaning that a significant number of people who undergo prenatal testing and wind up testing positive for Down syndrome choose to end the pregnancy. Of course, not every parent who learns their future child will have Down syndrome wants to terminate the pregnancy. Its is a complex, personal choice. But access to prenatal testing also allows a parent to better plan for their childs future needs.

Some geneticists already see evidence of an accessibility gap in their own clinical practices.

Certainly we know that access to care varies, Massachusetts General medical geneticist Brian Skotko told Gizmodo. His own work has studied the demographic breakdown of Down syndrome, and has found a clear racial pattern in both Down syndrome births and pregnancy terminations.

In Massachusetts, were seeing more Hispanic and black mothers with [babies with Down syndrome], he said, and what weve learned from their stories is either they dont have access to testing or that if they did get tested, they had strong religious beliefs.

As access to prenatal testing increases, Skotko said, it is likely we will see a drastic reduction in genetic diseases. In the next five years, as tests get better and better, the global market for them is expected to balloon by 25 percent to over $10 billion. We can look to historical evidence, Skotko said. As more people get access to prenatal tests, there will be an increase in number of selective terminations.

Access to prenatal testing isnt the only thing that could lead to Herchers fear becoming a reality, either. Abortion access has become increasingly difficult in some parts of the country, with states like Texas stripping funding for clinics and placing more restrictions on the conditions under which they can take place. In vitro fertilization could one day also contribute, allowing those who can afford the tens of thousands of dollars to undergo IVF to select the most genetically-desirable eggs for implantation.

In her new book, Whittier Law School professor Judith Daar makes a terrifying prediction: that unequal access to IVF may wind up bringing about a new eugenics.

The growth and success of reproductive technologies, accounting for three out of every one hundred babies born in the United States today, have prompted lawmakers to introduce and occasionally pass legislation that expressly or indirectly limits access to [assisted reproductive technologies] by certain individuals, she writes. These formal legal barriers, combined with individual and practice-wide physician conduct, coalesce to suppress access to assisted conception for those who have historically experienced a devaluation of their reproductive worth.

Daar points out that while in the 1942 case Skinner v. Oklahoma, the Supreme Court affirmed that procreation is a right, striking down the states compulsory sterilization of certain criminals, the ruling only weighs in on procreating naturally. The court has yet to rule on anything that might also equalize access to technologies that could help with conception, or to ensure that a child conceived is healthy.

Whats missing in the conversation is how we adopt all of these technologies to a society that considers well-being for all, Eleonore Pauwels, a bioethicist at the Wilson Center, told Gizmodo. There is already an access problem. But what about when were editing out diseases? Who will pay for CRISPR? We are looking at much more disruption in the future.

The only real way to prevent genetic diseases from becoming diseases of poverty, said Josephine Johnston, a bioethicist at The Hastings Institute, is to make sure everyone has access to the same services. While the costs of todays tests may one day be affordable for more people, there will inevitably also be newer, more expensive technologies that create the same issues in the future. Thus is the cycle of healthcares disparity of accessthere are always people for whom treatment is not equal to the rest.

People have to have access to healthcare services, and [genetic testing] needs to be part of what those services include, she told Gizmodo. If you dont have access to testing and termination servicesor support if you continue the pregnancyyou dont really have a choice about what to do. Its not a choice if youre backed into a corner.

The inequality threat that prenatal testing, IVF and germline editing present, is of course a version of the same inequality that has always existed. If you are poor, there is a good chance your access to healthcare is not as good as someone who has more money.

But as these technologies grow in power and expense, the gulf of that inequality widens. Genetic disease has always been our shared vulnerability, Hercher wrote in Genome. When one part of society can opt out of risk, will they continue to feel the same obligation to provide support and resources to those who remain vulnerable, especially if at least some of them have deliberately chosen to accept the risk?

Hercher presents what is really a common vision of dystopia: a future of genetic haves and have-nots in which inequality becomes encoded in our basic biology. But arriving at that future does not require genetic engineering or some other as-yet-unknown technology. All it requires is that we keep doing what we are already doing, living in a world in which access to necessary healthcare is often a luxury off-limits to the poor.

Editors Note: A quotation from Brian Skotko has been changed to reflect the preferred language used to refer to people with Down syndrome.

See original here:
Will Healthcare Inequality Cause Genetic Diseases to Disproportionately Impact the Poor? - Gizmodo


"Rewriting" yeast genomes: Paving the way to create human DNA from scratch – MIMS General News (Hong Kong) (registration) (blog)

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

Jeff Boeke, director of the Institute for Systems Genetic s at New York University School of Medicine, has been working with his team on "rewriting" the yeast genome or, creating new yeast DNA codes to be transcripted into yeast cells.

The controversial project aims to supplement Genome Project-write or GP-write, which focuses on creating new genomes for humans and other animals that began in June 2016 by Boeke, and a group of other scientists, including the controversial geneticist from Harvard University, George Church.

The concept is that synthetic human genomes created, can be inserted into ordinary human cells whose natural DNA has been removed. This should, theoretically, then allow the scientists to match genetic sequences to their relevant traits, disease processes, and physiological functions.

A secret initial meeting to discuss GP-write was conducted in May this year and many experts are concerned about the ethical, legal and social issues, as well as skeptical as to whether the team will be able to fully synthesise human DNA.

The team hopes that this would be a stepping stone for GP-write and reveal basic, hidden rules that govern the structure and functioning of genomes and also possibly reveal new and useful characteristics that can yield new vaccines, biofuels or be part of the drug-manufacturing process in pharmaceutical factories.

"[Cell lines] have been cultured in dishes in labs for decades. But you can't engineer the genomes the tools for doing that are quite crude, relatively speaking," he says. A synthetic cell that lacked unnecessary genetic material could, consistently produce useful drugs to treat disease.

To design a stretch of DNA, the team begins with a stretch of normal, nature-made DNA and uploads that sequence onto a computer. Then, through an internally designed algorithm, specific changes are made to the sequence.

This altered sequence then becomes a blueprint and is sent to a company that manufactures chunks of the DNA containing the sequence. Finally, back in the laboratory, these short strands are joined together to make long sections of DNA.

Boeke's research has so far built one-third of the yeast genome and he hopes the rest will be constructed by the end of the year. But it will take longer to test the new DNA and fix problems, and subsequently combine the various chunks to complete the synthetic genome, he says.

At Harvard University, researchers Jeffery Way and Pamela Silver are developing harmless strains of salmonella DNA to be used as a vaccine against food poisoning that is caused by Salmonella, E. coli and Shigella.

To render the bacteria harmless when picking up DNA from other bacteria, requires altering the genome in 30,000 sites.

The only practical way to do that, Way says, is to synthesize it from scratch.

Whilst they said they were heartened to see that the leaders of GP-write have started discussions of ethical, legal and social issues, the idea of making a human genome is still a sensitive one.

Attorney Nancy J. Kelley, who organised the secret meeting in May and helped found the New York Genome Center, also mentioned that ethical concerns were only given a passing mention.

You can only introduce the concepts. You cant really discuss them or raise a debate about them in the paper," she added.

Zoloth and Endy were against the pursuit of the synthesis of human DNA, but the project has already begun taking shape with support from the Centre of Excellence for Engineering Biology, which will oversee the project and California-based software company Autodesk, which has committed USD250,000.

But more work still has to be done to convince the scientific community and the team recognises that.

The notion that we could actually write a human genome is simultaneously thrilling to some and not so thrilling to others, Boeke said. So we recognize this is going to take a lot of discussion. MIMS

Read more:Are we over-propagandising genetic research?FDA approves sale of genetic tests for disease riskHuman knockouts: A way to decipher why some drugs work, while others failSources:https://www.statnews.com/2016/06/02/project-human-genome-synthesis/https://www.statnews.com/2017/07/26/scientists-build-dna-scratch-alter-lifes-blueprint/http://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/02/synthetic-dna-scientist-says-it-could-be-inside-humans-within-5-years.html

See original here:
"Rewriting" yeast genomes: Paving the way to create human DNA from scratch - MIMS General News (Hong Kong) (registration) (blog)


Baby Charlie Gard’s medical condition: What you need to know – ABC News

Wednesday, July 12th, 2017

The ongoing story of Charlie Gard - a baby born in London with a rare genetic disorder known as Mitochondrial Depletion Syndrome - has gained international attention, with such prominent figures as Pope Francis and President Donald Trump commenting on his familys ordeal.

Charlie, born on August 4, 2016, has been on life support for several months at the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. As his condition continues to deteriorate, his parents are battling with the European courts over how to move forward with his care.

Last week, New York Presbyterian/Columbia Medical University Hospital offered to administer experimental treatment therapy to Gard as long as the British government approves a safe medical transfer to the United States. Thus far, the courts have denied the transfer, but Charlies parents have continued their battle with the legal system.

Meanwhile, Charlies incredibly rare form of mitochondrial disease has generated global attention. Here are some of the common questions about Mitochondrial Depletion syndrome.

MDS is one of a suite of rare disorders that affect the mitochondria - often described as the tiny powerhouses of the cell. Certain genes ensure that these mitochondria are healthy and produce the energy the cells need. Genes come in pairs, one copy comes from the mother and one from the father. When a baby has MDS, it means that both copies received from the parents for this particular gene - the one that keeps mitochondria healthy - are defective. The result is progressive muscle weakness and devastating multi-organ damage.

This disease is very uncommon, with perhaps fewer than 100 cases in the range of related disorders reported worldwide, according to a 2014 study.

Initially, development may appear normal; however, before these children reach 24 months of age, they usually start exhibiting certain signs of muscle weakness -- for example, weakening of eye muscles leading to droopy eyelids and facial weakness. These children may also exhibit signs of organ failure, such as brain and nervous system problems leading to seizure activity, hearing loss, liver damage and difficulty walking, talking, and swallowing.

The prognosis, unfortunately, is very poor. Many children with this condition begin having lung muscle weakness early in life. Normally, this progresses rapidly to respiratory failure and death within a few years of onset. The most common cause of death is infection of the lungs.

Although supportive therapy is available to help treat the conditions that accompany this syndrome - such as the seizures and hearing loss - there is currently no cure for MDS. Experimental therapies tested on mice are intended to target specific defective areas of the mitochondria. Thus far, these treatments have shown only modest success in these animals and some have begun to be tested in a few children. The parents of an American child with a different type of mitochondrial disorder spoke to Gard's parents, according to the Associated Press, about a nucleoside therapy treatment they have been using for their now 6-year-old son who appears to have shown some modest improvement.

Devika Umashanker, M.D., is a recent graduate of the Obesity Medicine fellowship at Weill-Cornell Medical College.

See the original post:
Baby Charlie Gard's medical condition: What you need to know - ABC News


Combivent coupon – Is combivent and albuterol the same – Van Wert independent

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

Submitted information

OHIO CITY The Ohio City Park Association and the Lambert Days Committee has finalized plans for the 2017 festival.

Lambert Days is always the third full weekend in July. This years dates are July 21-23. This is also the 50th anniversary of Ohio Citys celebration of the life of John W. Lambert and his invention of Americas first automobile.

This years edition of Lambert Days will feature a communitywide garage sale. For more information, contact Laura Morgan at 419.965.2515. There will also be food all weekend in the newly renovated Community Building on Ohio 118.

Friday, July 21

Festivities start off with a steak dinner (carryout is available), starting at 4 p.m. Friday. Ohio Citys American LegionHarvey Lewis Post 346 will have aflag-raising ceremony at 5 Friday evening, while kids games and inflatables will also open at 5. At 6 p.m., the Lambert Days Wiffleball Homerun Derby will take place. For more information, contactLorenzo Frye 419.771.7037.

There will also be entertainment at 6 p.m. featuring Cass Blue. At 7, there will be a adult Wiffleball tournament. For more information, contact Brian Bassett419.203.8203. A Texas Hold em Tournament will begin at 7 p.m. Friday, along with Monte Carlo Night, which begins at 8 p.m. For more information, contact Jeff Agler at 419.513.0580.

Entertainment for Friday night starts at 8 and will be the band Colt & Crew. There will also be a fireworks display at 10:15 p.m. Friday (Saturday night is the rain date).

Saturday, July 22

Saturday morning begins with a softball tournament at 8. For more information, contact Brian Bassettat 419.203.8203. There will also be a coed volleyball tournament that starts at 9 a.m. Saturday. For more information, contact Tim Matthews at 419.203.2976. The Lambert Days Kids Wiffleball Tournament starts at 10 a.m. Saturday. For more information, contact Lorenzo Frye at 419.771.7037.

Kids games and Inflatables continue at 11 Saturday morning. Cornhole tournament registration and 3-on-3 basketball tournament registration start at noon, while both tournaments begin at 1 p.m. For more information on cornhole, contact Josh Agler at 567.259.9941 and for 3-on-3 basketball, contact Scott Bigham at 419.953.9511.

The Hog Roast Dinner starts at 4 p.m. Saturday and carryout is available. There will also be music under the tent by Jeff Unterbrink at 4. Bingo will start at 5 p.m., and the night ends with entertainment by Megan White and Cadillac Ranch.


The rest is here:
Combivent coupon - Is combivent and albuterol the same - Van Wert independent


Genetically modified food is too advanced for its out-of-date regulations – The Hill (blog)

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

Last week, the USDA published a series ofquestionsseeking input to establish a National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard, as mandated by amendments to the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 that went into effect in July 2016.

TheNational Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard Actrequires the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture to establish disclosure standards for bioengineered food. The Act preempts state-based labeling laws for genetically modified organisms (GMOs), such as those adopted inVermontlast year.

The USDA is considering public input on the disclosure standards untilJuly 17, 2017. Two key issues are under consideration. The first is whether certain genetic modifications should be treated as though they are found in nature for example, a mutation that naturally confers disease resistance in a crop. The second concerns what types of breeding techniques should be classified as conventional breeding among "conventional breeding" techniques are hybridization and the use of chemicals or radiation to introduce random genetic mutations.

These seemingly mundane questions strike at the heart of GMO controversies and implicate the use of breakthrough CRISPR gene editing technologies. Gene editing allows novel and precise genetic modifications to be introduced into crops and animals intended for human consumption. The answers to the USDA's questions are significant because the Disclosure Standard Act exempts from mandatory disclosure genetic modifications obtained without recombinant DNA (rDNA) techniques that can otherwise be found in nature.

However, CRISPR gene editing need not rely on using any foreign DNA and can introduce genetic modifications that mirror those already found in nature. Unlike rDNA and conventional breeding methods, CRISPR technologies introduce genetic changes with far greater accuracy and precision.

In 2016, the USDAdeclined to regulatetwo CRISPR crops a mushroom and a waxy corn under regulations governing traditionalGMOs. But other regulatory agencies, including the FDA and EPA, have not yet made determinations on crops or animals modified with CRISPR technology, and uncertainty looms concerning the regulatory status of this new breed ofGMOs.

Opponents ofGMOs, who commonly argue thatGMOsare harmful to human health, decried the USDA's decision not to regulate CRISPR crops and argued thatpowerful corporations had found ways to circumvent the law through technical loopholes in outdated regulations.

Yet three decades of scientific research suggest that present-dayGMOcontroversies are not grounded in scientific fact. For instance, despite frequent rumors aboutGMO-induced cancers, a scientific consensus has now formed to support the health and environmental safety of genetically modified crops for animal and human consumption. That proposition is supported by investigations of theU.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicineas well as scientific panels including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Medical Association, the European Commission, and National Academies of Science in Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, the United Kingdom, and other countries.

In its rulemaking process, the USDA should rely upon science and facts. With regard to crops and animals with DNA altered through gene editing, rulemakers ought to distinguish among ways that CRISPR technology may be used to edit genes. For instance, CRISPR technology can be used as a DNA construct that is incorporated into the DNA of plant or animal cells, or as a preassembled RNA and protein complex.

How gene editing is carried out matters, because some methods appear to fall within the disclosure requirements while others do not. The law definesbioengineered foodas food that contains genetic material modified through in vitro rDNA techniques. Thus, under the Disclosure Standard Acts statutory constraints, CRISPR food created using DNA constructs that are incorporated into plant or animal cells would likely fall under the mandatory disclosures.

However, food derived from rDNA-free CRISPR gene editing using transient preassembled RNA and protein complexes should be excluded from the bioengineered food definition because such complexes are degraded shortly after gene editing takes place and do not insert themselves into the target organism DNA.

The nuances of ever-evolving biotechnological innovation highlight the complexity of our regulatory system and the need to modernize it. The National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard Act is just one of the latest pieces of that regulatory patchwork to emerge. Rules establishing bioengineered food disclosures should be coherent and science-based. Gene editing that uses no foreign DNA, is more precise than conventional breeding methods, and causes genetic modifications already found in nature should not be subject to onerous disclosure standards.

Paul Enrquez is a lawyer and scientist currently doing research in Structural & Molecular Biochemistry at North Carolina State University. His work focuses on the intersection of science and law and has been featured in both legal and scientific journals. He explores rising legal and regulatory issues concerning genome editing in crop production in depth and makes policy recommendations in his recently published article CRISPRGMOs.

The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the views of The Hill.

See the original post here:
Genetically modified food is too advanced for its out-of-date regulations - The Hill (blog)


A brief look at the medical issues in the Charlie Gard case – ABC News

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

Charlie Gard is a terminally ill British child whose parents are fighting for the right to take him to the United States for an experimental treatment. His case has gained international attention, including from Pope Francis and U.S. President Donald Trump.

The 11-month-old is being treated at London's Great Ormond Street Hospital, which maintained the experimental treatment was "unjustified" and might cause Charlie more suffering without doing anything to help him. The hospital planned to take the boy off life support, but petitioned for a new court hearing based on evidence from researchers at the Vatican's children's hospital and another facility outside of Britain.

Below is some background on the medical and legal issues behind Charlie's case:


Mitochondrial disease is the umbrella term for a number of rare conditions caused by genetic mutations that result in the failure of mitochondria, specialized compartments within most cells that supply the energy needed to sustain life and support organ function. When mitochondria fail, cells can be injured or die, causing organ systems to shut down. The brain, heart, muscles and lungs are most affected because they need the most energy.

Charlie suffers from a form of the disease known as infantile onset encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (MDDS.) It is specifically known as the RRM2B mutation of MDDS. There is no known cure.


Doctors in the United States have been experimenting with a treatment known as nucleoside therapy, which has shown success in reducing the symptoms of some types of mitochondrial disease in laboratory mice. The treatment has been administered to a small number of children who have also shown improvement.

However, the treatment has never been used on either mice or humans with the type of mitochondrial disease from which Charlie suffers, according to court documents.


A boy named Arturito Estopinan in Baltimore was the first child to be given deoxynucleotide monophosphate, an experimental treatment that significantly extended the life of mice with the same condition as Arturito, known as TK2-related mitochondrial depletion syndrome.

Art Estopinan, the boy's father, met with Charlie's parents in London to share his experience. He stressed that while the therapy was a treatment, not a cure, his 6-year-old son was "getting stronger every day." Arturito still needs around the clock care. Estopinan and his wife, Olga, have given their lives over to caring for him, hoping that a cure will come one day. The sacrifices keep coming because "we love our son," he said.

"A lot of very smart doctors are unaware of these experimental medications," Estopinan said. "As a father, I cannot sit back and know that my son was saved and not be vocal in support of Charlie Gard receiving these meds."


Sian Harding, Director of the British Heart Foundation Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine Center at Imperial College, described the difficulty of treating the disease that Charlie has.

"Mitochondrial diseases are cruel because they strike babies and young children, who rapidly deteriorate," Harding said. "It is because there is no cure that the scientific and medical community have concentrated on pre-conception mitochondrial therapy, and it has been an enormous advance that this is now licensed by the government. It allows parents with these mutations to have healthy children, though sadly, cannot help babies already born."


Parents in Britain do not have the absolute right to make decisions for their children. It is normal for courts to intervene when parents and doctors disagree on the treatment of a child. The rights of the child take primacy, with the courts weighing issues such as whether a child is suffering and how much benefit a proposed treatment might produce.

Professor Dominic Wilkinson, director of medical ethics at the Oxford Uehiro Center for Practical Ethics, said decisions about life-sustaining treatment for a child are "fraught."

"Sadly, reluctantly, doctors and judges are justified in concluding that continuing life support is not always helpful for a child and is in fact doing more harm than good," Wilkinson said. "Providing comfort, avoiding painful and unhelpful medical treatments, supporting the child and family for their remaining time: sometimes that is the best that we can do, and the only ethical course."

Go here to see the original:
A brief look at the medical issues in the Charlie Gard case - ABC News


Writing the human genome – The Biological SCENE

Monday, July 10th, 2017


Credit: Will Ludwig/C&EN/Shutterstock

Synthetic biologists have been creating the genomes of organisms such as viruses and bacteria for the past 15 years. They aim to use these designer genetic codes to make cells capable of producing novel therapeutics and fuels. Now, some of these scientists have set their sights on synthesizing the human genomea vastly more complex genetic blueprint. Read on to learn about this initiative, called Genome Project-write, and the challenges researchers will faceboth technical and ethicalto achieve success.

Nineteenth-century novels are typically fodder for literature conferences, not scientific gatherings. Still, at a high-profile meeting of about 200 synthetic biologists in May, one presenter highlighted Mary Shelleys gothic masterpiece Frankenstein, which turns 200 next year.

Frankensteins monster, after all, is what many people think of when the possibility of human genetic engineering is raised, said University of Pennsylvania ethicist and historian Jonathan Moreno. The initiative being discussed at the New York City meetingGenome Project-write (GP-write)has been dogged by worries over creating unnatural beings. True, part of GP-write aims to synthesize from scratch all 23 chromosomes of the human genome and insert them into cells in the lab. But proponents of the project say theyre focused on decreasing the cost of synthesizing and assembling large amounts of DNA rather than on creating designer babies.

The overall project is still under development, and the projects members have not yet agreed on a specific road map for moving forward. Its also unclear where funding will come from.

What the members of GP-write do agree on is that creating a human genome from scratch is a tremendous scientific and engineering challenge that will hinge on developing new methods for synthesizing and delivering DNA. They will also need to get better at designing large groups of genes that work together in a predictable way, not to mention making sure that even larger assembliesgenomescan function.

GP-write consortium members argue that these challenges are the very thing that should move scientists to pick up the DNA pen and turn from sequence readers to writers. They believe writing the entire human genome is the only way to truly understand how it works. Many researchers quoted Richard Feynman during the meeting in May. The statement What I cannot create, I do not understand was found on the famed physicists California Institute of Technology blackboard after his death. I want to know the rules that make a genome tick, said Jef Boeke, one of GP-writes four coleaders, at the meeting.

To that end, Boeke and other GP-write supporters say the initiative will spur the development of new technologies for designing genomes with software and for synthesizing DNA. In turn, being better at designing and assembling genomes will yield synthetic cells capable of producing valuable fuels and drugs more efficiently. And turning to human genome synthesis will enable new cell therapies and other medical advances.

In 2010, researchers at the Venter Institute, including Gibson, demonstrated that a bacterial cell controlled by a synthetic genome was able to reproduce. Colonies formed by it and its sibling resembled a pair of blue eyes.

Credit: Science

Genome writers have already synthesized a few complete genomes, all of them much less complex than the human genome. For instance, in 2002, researchers chemically synthesized a DNA-based equivalent of the poliovirus RNA genome, which is only about 7,500 bases long. They then showed that this DNA copy could be transcribed by RNA polymerase to recapitulate the viral genome, which replicated itselfa demonstration of synthesizing what the authors called a chemical [C332,652H492,388N98,245O131,196P7,501S2,340] with a life cycle (Science 2002, DOI: 10.1126/science.1072266).

After tinkering with a handful of other viral genomes, in 2010, researchers advanced to bacteria, painstakingly assembling a Mycoplasma genome just over about a million bases in length and then transplanting it into a host cell.

Last year, researchers upped the ante further, publishing the design for an aggressively edited Escherichia coli genome measuring 3.97 million bases long (Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf3639). GP-write coleader George Church and coworkers at Harvard used DNA-editing softwarea kind of Google Docs for writing genomesto make radical systematic changes. The so-called rE.coli-57 sequence, which the team is currently synthesizing, lacks seven codons (the three-base DNA words that code for particular amino acids) compared with the normal E. coli genome. The researchers replaced all 62,214 instances of those codons with DNA base synonyms to eliminate redundancy in the code.

Note: A 17th synthetic neochromosome is not shown in the plot above. The number of DNA bases plotted is for the synthetic yeast chromosome as opposed to the native yeast chromosome. Synthetic chromosomes have been modified slightly from native ones to remove, for instance, transfer RNA coding segments that might destabilize the chromosomes. BGI is a genome sequencing center in Guangdong, China. GenScript is a New Jersey-based biotech firm. AWRI = Australian Wine Research Institute. JGI = Joint Genomics Institute of the U.S. Department of Energy. U = University. Source: Science 2017, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf4557

Bacterial genomes are no-frills compared with those of creatures in our domain, the eukaryotes. Bacterial genomes typically take the form of a single circular piece of DNA that floats freely around the cell. Eukaryotic cells, from yeast to plants to insects to people, confine their larger genomes within a cells nucleus and organize them in multiple bundles called chromosomes. An ongoing collaboration is now bringing genome synthesis to the eukaryote realm: Researchers are building a fully synthetic yeast genome, containing 17 chromosomes that range from about 1,800 to about 1.5 million bases long. Overall, the genome will contain more than 11 million bases.

The synthetic genomes and chromosomes already constructed by scientists are by no means simple, but to synthesize the human genome, scientists will have to address a whole other level of complexity. Our genome is made up of more than 3 billion bases across 23 paired chromosomes. The smallest human chromosome is number 21, at 46.7 million baseslarger than the smallest yeast chromosome. The largest, number 1, has nearly 249 million. Making a human genome will mean making much more DNA and solving a larger puzzle in terms of assembly and transfer into cells.

Today, genome-writing technology is in what Boeke, also the director for the Institute of Systems Genetics at New York University School of Medicine, calls the Gutenberg phase. (Johannes Gutenberg introduced the printing press in Europe in the 1400s.) Its still early days.

DNA synthesis companies routinely create fragments that are 100 bases long and then use enzymes to stitch them together to make sequences up to a few thousand bases long, about the size of a gene. Customers can put in orders for small bits of DNA, longer strands called oligos, and whole geneswhatever they needand companies will fabricate and mail the genetic material.

Although the technology that makes this mail-order system possible is impressive, its not prolific enough to make a human genome in a reasonable amount of time. Estimates vary on how long it would take to stitch together a more than 3 billion-base human genome and how much it would cost with todays methods. But the ballpark answer is about a decade and hundreds of millions of dollars.

Synthesis companies could help bring those figures down by moving past their current 100-base limit and creating longer DNA fragments. Some researchers and companies are moving in that direction. For example, synthesis firm Molecular Assemblies is developing an enzymatic process to write long stretches of DNA with fewer errors.

Synthesis speeds and prices have been improving rapidly, and researchers expect they will continue to do so. From my point of view, building DNA is no longer the bottleneck, says Daniel G. Gibson, vice president of DNA technology at Synthetic Genomics and an associate professor at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI). Some way or another, if we need to build larger pieces of DNA, well do that.

Gibson isnt involved with GP-write. But his research showcases what is possible with todays toolseven if they are equivalent to Gutenbergs movable type. He has been responsible for a few of synthetic biologys milestones, including the development of one of the most commonly used genome-assembly techniques.

The Gibson method uses chemical means to join DNA fragments, yielding pieces thousands of bases long. For two fragments to connect, one must end with a 20- to 40-base sequence thats identical to the start of the next fragment. These overlapping DNA fragments can be mixed with a solution of three enzymesan exonuclease, a DNA polymerase, and a DNA ligasethat trim the 5 end of each fragment, overlap the pieces, and seal them together.

To make the first synthetic bacterial genome in 2008, that of Mycoplasma genitalium, Gibson and his colleagues at JCVI, where he was a postdoc at the time, started with his eponymous in vitro method. They synthesized more than 100 fragments of synthetic DNA, each about 5,000 bases long, and then harnessed the prodigious DNA-processing properties of yeast, introducing these large DNA pieces to yeast three or four at a time. The yeast used its own cellular machinery to bring the pieces together into larger sequences, eventually producing the entire Mycoplasma genome.

Next, the team had to figure out how to transplant this synthetic genome into a bacterial cell to create what the researchers called the first synthetic cell. The process is involved and requires getting the bacterial genome out of the yeast, then storing the huge, fragile piece of circular DNA in a protective agarose gel before melting it and mixing it with another species of Mycoplasma. As the bacterial cells fuse, some of them take in the synthetic genomes floating in solution. Then they divide to create three daughter cells, two containing the native genomes, and one containing the synthetic genome: the synthetic cell.

When Gibsons group at JCVI started building the synthetic cell in 2004, we didnt know what the limitations were, he says. So the scientists were cautious about overwhelming the yeast with too many DNA fragments, or pieces that were too long. Today, Gibson says he can bring together about 25 overlapping DNA fragments that are about 25,000 bases long, rather than three or four 5,000-base segments at a time.

Gibson expects that existing DNA synthesis and assembly methods havent yet been pushed to their limits. Yeast might be able to assemble millions of bases, not just hundreds of thousands, he says. Still, Gibson believes it would be a stretch to make a human genome with this technique.

One of the most ambitious projects in genome writing so far centers on that master DNA assembler, yeast. As part of the project, called Sc2.0 (a riff on the funguss scientific name, Saccharomyces cerevisiae), an international group of scientists is redesigning and building yeast one synthetic chromosome at a time. The yeast genome is far simpler than ours. But like us, yeasts are eukaryotes and have multiple chromosomes within their nuclei.

Synthetic biologists arent interested in rebuilding existing genomes by rote; they want to make changes so they can probe how genomes work and make them easier to build and reengineer for practical use. The main lesson learned from Sc2.0 so far, project scientists say, is how much the yeast chromosomes can be altered in the writing, with no apparent ill effects. Indeed, the Sc2.0 sequence is not a direct copy of the original. The synthetic genome has been reduced by about 8%. Overall, the research group will make 1.1 million bases worth of insertions, deletions, and changes to the yeast genome (Science 2017, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf4557).

So far, says Boeke, whos also coleader of Sc2.0, teams have finished or almost finished the first draft of the organisms 16 chromosomes. Theyre also working on a neochromosome, one not found in normal yeast. In this chromosome, the designers have relocated all DNA coding for transfer RNA, which plays a critical role in protein assembly. The Sc2.0 group isolated these sequences because scientists predicted they would cause structural instability in the synthetic chromosomes, says Joel Bader, a computational biologist at Johns Hopkins University who leads the projects software and design efforts.

The team is making yeast cells with a new chromosome one at a time. The ultimate goal is to create a yeast cell that contains no native chromosomes and all 17 synthetic ones. To get there, the scientists are taking a relatively old-fashioned approach: breeding. So far, theyve made a yeast cell with three synthetic chromosomes and are continuing to breed it with strains containing the remaining ones. Once a new chromosome is in place, it requires some patching up because of recombination with the native chromosomes. Its a process, but it doesnt look like there are any significant barriers, Bader says. He estimates it will take another two to three years to produce cells with the entire Sc2.0 genome.

So far, even with these significant changes to the chromosomes, the yeast lives at no apparent disadvantage compared with yeast that has its original chromosomes. Its surprising how much you can torture the genome with no effect, Boeke says.

Boeke and Bader have founded a start-up company called Neochromosome that will eventually use Sc2.0 strains to produce large protein drugs, chemical precursors, and other biomolecules that are currently impossible to make in yeast or E. coli because the genetic pathways used to create them are too complex. With synthetic chromosomes well be able to make these large supportive pathways in yeast, Bader predicts.

Whether existing genome-engineering methods like those used in Sc2.0 will translate to humans is an open question.

Bader believes that yeast, so willing to take up and assemble large amounts of DNA, might serve as future human-chromosome producers, assembling genetic material that could then be transferred to other organisms, perhaps human cells. Transplanting large human chromosomes would be tricky, Synthetic Genomics Gibson says. First, the recipient cell must be prepped by somehow removing its native chromosome. Gibson expects physically moving the synthetic chromosome would also be difficult: Stretches of DNA larger than about 50,000 bases are fragile. You have to be very gentle so the chromosome doesnt breakonce its broken, its not going to be useful, he says. Some researchers are working on more direct methods for cell-to-cell DNA transfer, such as getting cells to fuse with one another.

Once the scientists solve the delivery challenge, the next question is whether the transplanted chromosome will function. Our genomes are patterned with methyl groups that silence regions of the genome and are wrapped around histone proteins that pack the long strands into a three-dimensional order in cells nuclei. If the synthetic chromosome doesnt have the appropriate methylation patterns, the right structure, it might not be recognized by the cell, Gibson says.

Biologists might sidestep these epigenetic and other issues by doing large-scale DNA assembly in human cells from the get-go. Ron Weiss, a synthetic biologist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is pushing the upper limits on this sort of approach. He has designed methods for inserting large amounts of DNA directly into human cells. Weiss endows human cells with large circuits, which are packages of engineered DNA containing groups of genes and regulatory machinery that will change a cells behavior.

In 2014, Weiss developed a landing pad method to insert about 64,000-base stretches of DNA into human and other mammalian cells. First, researchers use gene editing to create the landing pad, which is a set of markers at a designated spot on a particular chromosome where an enzyme called a recombinase will insert the synthetic genetic material. Then they string together the genes for a given pathway, along with their regulatory elements, add a matching recombinase site, and fashion this strand into a circular piece of DNA called a plasmid. The target cells are then incubated with the plasmid, take it up, and incorporate it at the landing site (Nucleic Acids Res. 2014, DOI: 10.1093/nar/gku1082).

This works, but its tedious. It takes about two weeks to generate these cell lines if youre doing well, and the payload only goes into a few of the cells, Weiss explains. Since his initial publication, he says, his team has been able to generate cells with three landing pads; that means they could incorporate a genetic circuit thats about 200,000 bases long.

Weiss doesnt see simple scale-up of the landing pad method as the way forward, though, even setting aside the tedium. He doesnt think the supersized circuits would even function in a human cell because he doesnt yet know how to design them.

The limiting factor in the size of the circuit is not the construction of DNA, but the design, Weiss says. Instead of working completely by trial and error, bioengineers use computer models to predict how synthetic circuits or genetic edits will work in living cells of any species. But the larger the synthetic element, the harder it is to know whether it will work in a real cell. And the more radical the deletion, the harder it is to foresee whether it will have unintended consequences and kill the cell. Researchers also have a hard time predicting the degree to which cells will express the genes in a complex synthetic circuita lot, a little, or not at all. Gene regulation in humans is not fully understood, and rewriting on the scale done in the yeast chromosome would have far less predictable outcomes.

Besides being willing to take up and incorporate DNA, yeast is relatively simple. Upstream from a yeast gene, biologists can easily find the promoter sequence that turns it on. In contrast, human genes are often regulated by elements found in distant regions of the genome. That means working out how to control large pathways is more difficult, and theres a greater risk that changing the genetic sequencesuch as deleting what looks like repetitive nonsensewill have unintended, currently unpredictable, consequences.

Gibson notes that even in the minimal cell, the organism with the simplest known genome on the planet, biologists dont know what one-third of the genes do. Moving from the simplest organism to humans is a leap into the unknown. One design flaw can change how the cell behaves or even whether the cells are viable, Gibson says. We dont have the design knowledge.

Many scientists believe this uncertainty about design is all the more reason to try writing human and other large genomes. People are entranced with the perfect, Harvards Church says. But engineering and medicine are about the pretty good. I learn much more by trying to make something than by observing it.

Others arent sure that the move from writing the yeast genome to writing the human genome is necessary, or ethical. When the project to write the human genome was made public in May 2016, the founders called it Human Genome Project-write. They held the first organizational meeting behind closed doors, with no journalists present. A backlash ensued.

In the magazine Cosmos, Stanford University bioengineer Drew Endy and Northwestern University ethicist Laurie Zoloth in May 2016 warned of unintended consequences of large-scale changes to the genome and of alienating the public, potentially putting at risk funding for the synthetic biology field at large. They wrote that the synthesis of less controversial and more immediately useful genomes along with greatly improved sub-genomic synthesis capacities should be pursued instead.

GP-write members seem to have taken such criticisms to heart, or come to a similar conclusion on their own. By this Mays conference, human was dropped from the projects name. Leaders emphasized that the human genome would be a subproject proceeding on a conservative timescale and that ethicists would be involved at every step along the way. We want to separate the overarching goal of technology development from the hot-button issue of human genome writing, Boeke explains.

Bringing the public on board with this kind of project can be difficult, says Alta Charo, a professor of law and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, who is not involved with GP-write. Charo cochaired a National Academy of Sciences study on the ethics and governance of human gene editing, which was published in February.

She says the likelihood of positive outcomes, such as new therapies or advances in basic science, must be weighed against potential unintended consequences or unforeseen uses of genome writing. People see their basic values at stake in human genetic engineering. If scientists achieve their goalsmaking larger scale genetic engineering routine and more useful, and bringing it to the human genomemajor changes are possible to what Charo calls the fabric of our culture and society. People will have to decide whether they feel optimistic about that or not. (Charo does.)

Given humans cautiousness, Charo imagines in early times we might have decided against creating fire, saying, Lets live without that; we dont need to create this thing that might destroy us. People often see genetic engineering in extreme terms, as a fire that might illuminate human biology and light the way to new technologies, or one that will destroy us.

Charo says the GP-write plan to keep ethicists involved going forward is the right approach and that its difficult to make an ethical or legal call on the project until its leaders put forward a road map.

The group will announce a specific road map sometime this year, but it doesnt want to be restrictive ahead of time. You know when youre done reading something, Boeke said at the meeting in May. But writing has an artistic side to it, he added. You never know when youre done.

Katherine Bourzac is a freelance science writer based in San Francisco.

See the article here:
Writing the human genome - The Biological SCENE


Ventolin hfa inhaler ingredients – Effects asthma has on the respiratory system – Van Wert independent

Monday, July 10th, 2017

VW independent/submitted information

DELPHOS A Delphos couple were injured in a home invasion assault that occurred Saturday morning.

David and Dianna Allemeier of 209 S. Pierce St. in Delphos were both taken to St. Ritas Medical Center in Lima for treatment of injuries received when a man gained entry to their home and reportedly assaulted them.

Delphos Police were first called out at 6:05 a.m. Saturday on a report of a suspicious person in the 300 block of Jackson Street who was knocking on doors and then walking away. However, while en route to that call, officers were informed that a man had been injured and was bleeding in the 200 block of Pierce Street.

When officers arrived on the scene, they found Allemeier bleeding from an injury to his neck. The Delphos resident said he received the injury from a man who had gained entry into his home.

Officers approached the residence and found the back door unlocked and a lot of blood at the scene. The home was secured and a K-9 and Crime Scene Unit sought from the Allen County Sheriffs Office.

Allemeier then said his wife was still in the house and officers then entered and found Mrs. Allemeier, who was also injured, in the bedroom area of the residence.

After the Allemeiers were transported to the hospital, a K-9 search was made of the area, and the house was processed by an Allen County sheriffs deputy.

No information was released on whether items were taken from the Allemeier house.

Police are currently seeking a young, skinny white male with black hair, possibly wearing cutoff shorts. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Delphos Police Department or Allen County Sheriffs Office.

The investigation is continuing, with no further information forthcoming at this time.

See original here:
Ventolin hfa inhaler ingredients - Effects asthma has on the respiratory system - Van Wert independent


Konica Minolta to Acquire U.S.-based Ambry Genetics in a Deal … – Business Wire (press release)

Monday, July 10th, 2017

TOKYO & ALISO VIEJO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) (TOKYO: 4902) (ISIN: JP3300600008) and Ambry Genetics Corporation (Ambry) today announced the signing of a definitive agreement for a subsidiary of Konica Minolta to acquire Ambry. The transaction is partially funded by Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ). $800 million will be paid upon closure, and there will be an additional payment of up to $200 million based on certain financial metrics over the next two years, valuing the acquisition up to a total of $1.0 billion.

Founded in 1999, Ambry is a privately held healthcare company in the U.S., led by founder, President and Chairman Charles L.M. Dunlop and CEO Dr. Aaron Elliott. Ambry has the worlds most comprehensive suite of genetic testing solutions for inherited and non-inherited diseases as well as for numerous clinical specialties, including oncology, cardiology, pulmonology, neurology, and general genetics. They are recognized as a leader in diagnostic solutions for hereditary conditions in the United States, by having performed more than one million genetic tests and identified more than 45,000 mutations in at least 500 different genes. Ambry is known as a pioneer and thought leader in genetic testing being the first laboratory in the world to offer such tests as hereditary cancer panels and clinical exome sequencing.

Konica Minolta views the addition of Ambry as the first stepping-stone to create an exciting new medical platform aimed at fulfilling the potential of precision medicine an emerging approach to healthcare where genetic or molecular analysis is used to match patients with the most appropriate treatment for their specific disease. Precision medicine aims to improve a patients quality of life and save the healthcare system money by eliminating unnecessary and ineffective treatments. Konica Minolta plans to bring Ambrys capabilities first to Japan, and then to Europe.

This acquisition is the first in a series of strategic initiatives to secure a leading position for Konica Minolta in precision medicine, said Shoei Yamana, President and CEO of Konica Minolta. The future of medicine is patient-focused. Together with Ambry, we will have the most comprehensive set of diagnostic technologies for mapping an individuals genetic and biochemical makeup, as well as the capabilities to translate that knowledge into information the medical community can use to discover, prevent, and cost-effectively treat diseases. This will not only serve as the future foundation for our healthcare business, but will pave the way for a fundamental shift in the way medicine is practiced globally.

The acquisition of Ambry and the advancement of precision medicine marks a strategic and important shift for Konica Minoltas healthcare business. Leveraging its long history of innovation in materials science, nanofabrication, optics, and imaging, Konica Minolta has developed a comprehensive range of technologies and services in the healthcare field spanning digital X-ray diagnostic imaging systems, diagnostic ultrasound systems, and ICT service platforms for medical institutions.

Ambrys genetic testing capabilities complement Konica Minoltas advanced imaging technology to create the most comprehensive range of healthcare diagnostics for use by pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, payers, and consumers. In 2015, Konica Minolta pioneered advanced immunostaining technology High-Sensitivity Tissue Testing (HSTT)1 that uses fluorescent nanoparticles to detect and quantify the proteins that drive disease states and offers far greater precision and accuracy than conventional immunostaining techniques. With initial applications in oncology, the proprietary technology can determine the exact cellular location and amount of specific proteins that manifest in cells, offering an early-stage, highly precise diagnosis and insights into a patients disease that can inform research and a clinicians treatment plan.

Were excited by this opportunity to combine both our companies technologies to unlock new opportunities for precision medicine, said Charles Dunlop, President and Chairman of Ambry Genetics. As a part of Konica Minolta, we will have the resources, technology, and scale to advance biomedical research and enable the matching of more patients in more countries with specialized medicines that target the underlying cause of their illness.

Konica Minoltas HSTT technology will be further enhanced by Ambrys genetics-based screening techniques, which enable clinicians to analyze both tumor and normal tissue to diagnose hereditary cancer, while also providing guidance regarding drug eligibility and response. Ambry recently launched a combined genetic test for both inherited and acquired mutations in DNA mismatch repair genes to indicate appropriate treatment options for cancer patients who may benefit from PD-1/PD-L1 immunotherapy. PD-1 and PD-L1 checkpoint inhibitors help the patient's immune system recognize attack and destroy PD-L1-positive cancer cells that would otherwise evade detection by the immune system.

The combination of these bioinformatics capabilities, alongside Konica Minoltas HSTT technology, will create new opportunities for drug discovery and clinical trials not currently available, said Kiyotaka Fujii, Senior Executive Officer, President, Global Healthcare, Konica Minolta. Konica Minolta will look to accelerate innovations by drawing on the strengths of both companies. In addition to introducing Ambrys genetic-testing capabilities to the Japan market, we will look to develop new bio-imaging and proteomic services and solutions to benefit doctors, patients, and pharmaceutical companies.

Transaction Overview Under the terms of the agreement, Konica Minolta via Konica Minolta Healthcare Americas, Inc., (MHUS), a wholly owned subsidiary of Konica Minolta, and INCJ, will make an upfront, all-cash payment of $800 million to Ambry. MHUS will invest 60% and INCJ will account for the remaining 40%. In addition, Ambry shareholders will receive up to $200 million in incremental consideration based on certain financial metrics over the next two years, valuing the acquisition up to a total of $1.0 billion.

The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of fiscal year 2017, subject to customary regulatory approvals. Ambry would thereafter become a consolidated subsidiary of Konica Minolta, continuing to operate under the Ambry name and headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California.

GCA Corporation acted as financial advisor to Konica Minolta and Baker McKenzie acted as legal advisor for this transaction. Intrepid Investment Bankers acted as financial advisor to Ambry and Jones Day acted as legal advisor.

ABOUT KONICA MINOLTA Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) is a global digital technology company with core strengths in imaging and data analysis, optics, materials, and nano-fabrication. Through innovation, we create products and digital solutions for the betterment of business and societytoday and for generations to come. Across our Business Technologies, Healthcare, and Industrial-facing businesses, we aspire to be an Integral Value Provider that applies the full range of our companys expertise to offer comprehensive solutions to our customers most pressing problems, work with our partners to ensure our solutions are sustainable, anticipate and address tomorrows issues, and tailor each solution to meet the unique and specific needs of our valued customers. Leveraging these capabilities, Konica Minolta contributes to productivity improvement and workflow change for our customers, and provides leading-edge service solutions in the IoT era.

Headquartered in Tokyo and with operations in more than 50 countries, Konica Minolta has more than 43,000 employees serving approximately two million customers in over 150 countries. Konica Minolta is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, (TSE4902). For further information, visit: https://www.konicaminolta.com/

About Ambry Genetics Since 1999, Ambrys mission has remained focused on understanding disease so cures can come faster. Today, Ambry remains unwavering in its commitment to being tough, innovative, committed to quality and, most of all, focused to do what is right for patient care. For more information on Ambrys full suite of genetic testing, visit http://www.ambrygen.com

About INCJ Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ), a unique public-private partnership aimed at promoting innovation and enhancing the value of businesses in Japan, was launched in July 2009. For more information please see: http://www.incj.co.jp/english/

1 A portion of the research on HSTT was commissioned under a project by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Japan.

Here is the original post:
Konica Minolta to Acquire U.S.-based Ambry Genetics in a Deal ... - Business Wire (press release)


Trump offers help for critically ill British child – The Hill

Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

President Trump on Monday offered to help a critically ill British child who has become a flashpoint in the United Kingdom debate over whether the government should have a say in individual matters pertaining to life and death.

Trump tweeted his support for Charlie Gard, a 10-month-old infant on life support due to complications from a mitochondrial disease. The controversy around Gard has engulfed the Vatican, which infuriated some on the right by not immediately siding entirely with the parents, who want to seek experimental medication in the U.S. or bring their child home to die.

If we can help little #CharlieGard, as per our friends in the U.K. and the Pope, we would be delighted to do so, Trump tweeted.

If we can help little #CharlieGard, as per our friends in the U.K. and the Pope, we would be delighted to do so.

Gards case has created an international uproar and sparked debate over whether the government should be able to mandate death with dignity over a familys wishes to seek out experimental medication for their sick child.

Gard was born with a rare genetic condition and cannot move or breathe on his own.

The Great Ormond Street Hospital where he is staying has argued the child would suffer harm because there is no prospect he will recover. The British Supreme Court is backing the hospital, opening the door for doctors there to withdraw life support for the child.

Gards parents will also not be allowed to take him home to die.

White House director of media affairs Helen Ferre said members of the administration had spoken to the Gard family in calls set up by the British government.

The president is just trying to be helpful if at all possible, Ferre said, adding that Trump had not spoken directly with the family and does not want to pressure them in any way.

Citing legal issues, the White House declined to say whether a U.S. hospital or doctor had become involved in the discussions to provide care for the child.

The Vatican has weighed in, saying we must do what advances the health of the patient, but we must also accept the limits of medicine and avoid aggressive medical procedures that are disproportionate to any expected results or excessively burdensome to the patient or the family.

Likewise, the wishes of parents must be heard and respected, but they too must be helped to understand the unique difficulty of their situation and not be left to face their painful decisions alone, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia wrote.

If the relationship between doctor and patient (or parents as in Charlies case) is interfered with, everything becomes more difficult and legal action becomes a last resort, with the accompanying risk of ideological or political manipulation, which is always to be avoided, or of media sensationalism, which can be sadly superficial.

That statement infuriated conservatives, who are questioning why the Vatican did not prioritize the life of the child over the decision of the state.

Pope Francis on Sunday weighed in, saying the parents should be allowed to "accompany and treat their child until the end."

"The Holy Father is following with affection and emotion the situation of little Charlie Gard and expresses his closeness to his parents," a spokesman for the pope said. "He is praying for them, in the hope that their desire to accompany and care for their own child until the end will be respected."

This story was updated at 1:25 p.m.

Read more:
Trump offers help for critically ill British child - The Hill


Propofol – Wikipedia

Saturday, January 21st, 2017

Propofol, marketed as Diprivan among others, is a short-acting medication that results in a decreased level of consciousness and lack of memory for events.[2] Its uses include the starting and maintenance of general anesthesia, sedation for mechanically ventilated adults, and procedural sedation. It is also used for status epilepticus if other medications have not worked. It is given intravenously. Maximum effect takes about two minutes to occur and it typically lasts five to ten minutes.[2]

Common side effects include an irregular heart rate, low blood pressure, burning sensation at the site of injection, and the stopping of breathing. Other serious side effects may include seizures, infections with improper use, addiction, and propofol infusion syndrome with long-term use. It appears to be safe for using during pregnancy but has not been well studied in this group. However, it is not recommended during cesarean section.[2] Propofol is not a pain medication, so opioids such as morphine may also be used.[3] Whether or not they are always needed is unclear.[4] Propofol is believed to work at least partly via the receptor for GABA.[2]

Propofol was discovered in 1977.[5] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system.[6] It is available as a generic medication.[2] The wholesale price in the developing world is between 0.61 and 8.50 USD per vial.[7] It has been referred to as milk of amnesia because of the milk-like appearance of the intravenous preparation.[8] Propofol is also used in veterinary medicine.[9]

Propofol is used for induction and maintenance (in some cases) of anesthesia, having largely replaced sodium thiopental.[3] It can also be administered as part of an anaesthesia maintenance technique called total intravenous anesthesia using either manually-programmed infusion pumps or computer-controlled infusion pumps in a process called target controlled infusion or TCI. Propofol is also used to sedate individuals who are receiving mechanical ventilation but are not undergoing surgery, such as patients in the intensive care unit. In critically ill patients, propofol has been found to be superior to lorazepam both in effectiveness and overall cost.[10]

Propofol is often used instead of sodium thiopental for starting anesthesia because recovery from propofol is more rapid and "clear."

Propofol is also used for procedural sedation. Its use in these settings results in a faster recovery compared to midazolam.[11] It can also be combined with opioids or benzodiazepines.[12][13][14] Because of its fast induction and recovery time, propofol is also widely used for sedation of infants and children undergoing MRI.[15] It is also often used in combination with ketamine as the two together have lower rates of side effects.[16]

The Missouri Supreme Court decided to allow the use of propofol to execute prisoners condemned to death. However, the first execution by administration of a lethal dose of propofol was halted on 11 October 2013 by governor Jay Nixon following threats from the European Union to limit the drug's export if it were used for that purpose.[17][18] The United Kingdom had already banned the export of medicines or veterinary medicines containing propofol to the United States.[19]

Recreational use of the drug via self-administration has been reported[20][21] (including among medical professionals, see below), but is relatively rare due to its potency and the level of monitoring required for safe use.[citation needed] Critically, the steep dose-response curve of the drug makes potential misuse very dangerous without proper monitoring, and deaths from self-administration continue to be reported.[22][23]

The short-term effects sought via recreational use include mild euphoria, hallucinations, and disinhibition.[24][25] The euphoria caused by propofol has been reported to be unlike that caused by other sedation agents; as one anesthetist reported, "I... remember my first experience using [administering] propofol: a young woman... emerging from a MAC anesthesia looked at me as though I were a masked Brad Pitt and told me that she felt simply wonderful."[26]

Recreational use of the drug has been described among medical staff, such as anesthetists who have access to the drug,[27] and is reportedly more common among anesthetists on rotations with short rest periods (as rousing is to a well-rested state).[28] Long-term use has been reported to result in addiction.[27][29]

Attention to the risks of off-label use of propofol increased in August 2009 due to the Los Angeles County coroner's conclusion that music icon Michael Jackson died from a mixture of propofol and the benzodiazepine drugs lorazepam and diazepam on June 25, 2009, the propofol sometimes administered orally.[30][31][32][33] According to a 22 July 2009 search warrant affidavit unsealed by the district court of Harris County, Texas, Jackson's personal physician, Conrad Murray, administered 25 milligrams of propofol diluted with lidocaine shortly before Jackson's death.[31][32][34] Even so, as of 2016 propofol was not on a U.S Drug Enforcement Administration schedule.[28][35]

One of propofol's most frequent side effects is pain on injection, especially in smaller veins. This pain arises from activation of the pain receptor, TRPA1,[36] found on sensory nerves and can be mitigated by pretreatment with lidocaine.[37] Less pain is experienced when infused at a slower rate in a large vein (antecubital fossa). Patients show great variability in their response to propofol, at times showing profound sedation with small doses.

Additional side effects include low blood pressure related to vasodilation, transient apnea following induction doses, and cerebrovascular effects. Propofol has more pronounced hemodynamic effects relative to many intravenous anesthetic agents.[38] Reports of blood pressure drops of 30% or more are thought to be at least partially due to inhibition of sympathetic nerve activity.[39] This effect is related to dose and rate of propofol administration. It may also be potentiated by opioid analgesics.[40] Propofol can also cause decreased systemic vascular resistance, myocardial blood flow, and oxygen consumption, possibly through direct vasodilation.[41] There are also reports that it may cause green discolouration of the urine.[42]

As a respiratory depressant, propofol frequently produces apnea. The persistence of apnea can depend on factors such as premedication, dose administered, and rate of administration, and may sometimes persist for longer than 60 seconds.[43] Possibly as the result of depression of the central inspiratory drive, propofol may produce significant decreases in respiratory rate, minute volume, tidal volume, mean inspiratory flow rate, and functional residual capacity.[38]

Diminishing cerebral blood flow, cerebral metabolic oxygen consumption, and intracranial pressure are also characteristics of propofol administration.[44] In addition, propofol may decrease intraocular pressure by as much as 50% in patients with normal intraocular pressure.[45]

A more serious but rare side effect is dystonia.[46] Mild myoclonic movements are common, as with other intravenous hypnotic agents. Propofol appears to be safe for use in porphyria, and has not been known to trigger malignant hyperpyrexia.[citation needed]

Propofol is also reported to induce priapism in some individuals,[47][48] and has been observed to suppress REM sleep stage and to worsen the poor sleep quality in some patients.[49]

As with any other general anesthetic agent, propofol should be administered only where appropriately trained staff and facilities for monitoring are available, as well as proper airway management, a supply of supplemental oxygen, artificial ventilation, and cardiovascular resuscitation.[50]

Another recently described rare, but serious, side effect is propofol infusion syndrome. This potentially lethal metabolic derangement has been reported in critically ill patients after a prolonged infusion of high-dose substance in combination with catecholamines and/or corticosteroids.[51]

People with this gene have trouble processing sulphites (one of the potential ingredients), and should discuss use of this drug with their specialist.

The respiratory effects of propofol are increased if given with other respiratory depressants, including benzodiazepines.[52]

Propofol has been proposed to have several mechanisms of action,[53][54][55] both through potentiation of GABAA receptor activity, thereby slowing the channel-closing time,[56][57][58] and also acting as a sodium channel blocker.[59][60] Recent research has also suggested that the endocannabinoid system may contribute significantly to propofol's anesthetic action and to its unique properties.[61]EEG research upon those undergoing general anesthesia with propofol finds that it causes a prominent reduction in the brain's information integration capacity at gamma wave band frequencies.[62]

Researchers have identified the site where propofol binds to GABAA receptors in the brain, on the second transmembrane domain of the beta subunit of the GABA A receptor.[63]

Propofol is highly protein-bound in vivo and is metabolised by conjugation in the liver.[64] The half-life of elimination of propofol has been estimated to be between 2 and 24 hours. However, its duration of clinical effect is much shorter, because propofol is rapidly distributed into peripheral tissues. When used for IV sedation, a single dose of propofol typically wears off within minutes. Propofol is versatile; the drug can be given for short or prolonged sedation, as well as for general anesthesia. Its use is not associated with nausea as is often seen with opioid medications. These characteristics of rapid onset and recovery along with its amnestic effects[65] have led to its widespread use for sedation and anesthesia.

Propofol was originally developed in the UK by Imperial Chemical Industries as ICI 35868. Clinical trials followed in 1977, using a form solubilised in cremophor EL. However, due to anaphylactic reactions to cremophor, this formulation was withdrawn from the market and subsequently reformulated as an emulsion of a soya oil/propofol mixture in water. The emulsified formulation was relaunched in 1986 by ICI (now AstraZeneca) under the brand name Diprivan. The currently available preparation is 1% propofol, 10% soybean oil, and 1.2% purified egg phospholipid as an emulsifier, with 2.25% glycerol as a tonicity-adjusting agent, and sodium hydroxide to adjust the pH. Diprivan contains EDTA, a common chelation agent, that also acts alone (bacteriostatically against some bacteria) and synergistically with some other antimicrobial agents. Newer generic formulations contain sodium metabisulfite or benzyl alcohol as antimicrobial agents. Propofol emulsion is a highly opaque white fluid due to the scattering of light from the tiny (about 150-nm) oil droplets it contains.

A water-soluble prodrug form, fospropofol, has recently been developed and tested with positive results. Fospropofol is rapidly broken down by the enzyme alkaline phosphatase to form propofol. Marketed as Lusedra, this new formulation may not produce the pain at injection site that often occurs with the traditional form of the drug. The US Food and Drug Administration approved the product in 2008.[66] However fospropofol is a Schedule IV controlled substance with the DEA ACSCN of 2138 in the United States unlike propofol.[67]

On 4 June 2010, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., an Israel-based pharmaceutical firm and a major supplier of the drug, announced the firm would no longer manufacture it. This aggravates an already existing shortage, caused by manufacturing difficulties at Teva and Hospira. A Teva spokesperson attributed the halt to ongoing process difficulties, and a number of pending lawsuits related to the drug.[68] In Switzerland, various preparations of the drug are supplied by Fresenius-Kabi, a German company.

By incorporation of an azobenzene unit, a photoswitchable version of propofol (AP2) was developed in 2012 that allows for optical control of GABAA receptors with light.[69] In 2013, a propofol binding site on mammalian GABAA receptors has been identified by photolabeling using a Diazirine derivative.[70] Additionally, it was shown that the hyaluronan polymer present in the synovia can be protected from free-radical synovia by propofol.[71]

Propofol is one of the chemicals used in the manufacture of Avasamibe (ACAT inhibitor).

Read more:
Propofol - Wikipedia


Pros and Cons of Cloning – Buzzle

Thursday, December 22nd, 2016

Cloning is the process of creating a copy of a biological entity. In genetics, it refers to the process of making an identical copy of the DNA of an organism. Are you interested in understanding the pros and cons of cloning?


When Dolly, the first cloned sheep came in the news, cloning interested the masses. Not only researchers but even common people became interested in knowing about how cloning is done and what pros and cons it has. Everyone became more curious about how cloning could benefit the common man. Most of us want to know the pros and cons of cloning, its advantages and its potential risks to mankind. Let us understand them.

Cloning finds applications in genetic fingerprinting, amplification of DNA and alteration of the genetic makeup of organisms. It can be used to bring about desired changes in the genetic makeup of individuals thereby introducing positive traits in them, as also for the elimination of negative traits. Cloning can also be applied to plants to remove or alter defective genes, thereby making them resistant to diseases. Cloning may find applications in the development of human organs, thus making human life safer. Here we look at some of the potential advantages of cloning.

Organ Replacement

If vital organs of the human body can be cloned, they can serve as backups. Cloning body parts can serve as a lifesaver. When a body organ such as a kidney or heart fails to function, it may be possible to replace it with the cloned body organ.

Substitute for Natural Reproduction

Cloning in human beings can prove to be a solution to infertility. It can serve as an option for producing children. With cloning, it would be possible to produce certain desired traits in human beings. We might be able to produce children with certain qualities. Wouldn't that be close to creating a man-made being?!

Help in Genetic Research

Cloning technologies can prove helpful to researchers in genetics. They might be able to understand the composition of genes and the effects of genetic constituents on human traits, in a better manner. They will be able to alter genetic constituents in cloned human beings, thus simplifying their analysis of genes. Cloning may also help us combat a wide range of genetic diseases.

Obtain Specific Traits in Organisms

Cloning can make it possible for us to obtain customized organisms and harness them for the benefit of society. It can serve as the best means to replicate animals that can be used for research purposes. It can enable the genetic alteration of plants and animals. If positive changes can be brought about in living beings with the help of cloning, it will indeed be a boon to mankind.

Like every coin has two sides, cloning has its flip side too. Though cloning may work wonders in genetics, it has some potential disadvantages. Cloning, as you know, is copying or replicating biological traits in organisms. Thus it might reduce the diversity in nature. Imagine multiple living entities like one another! Another con of cloning is that it is not clear whether we will be able to bring all the potential uses of cloning into reality. Plus, there's a big question of whether the common man will afford harnessing cloning technologies to his benefit. Here we look at the potential disadvantages of cloning.

Detrimental to Genetic Diversity

Cloning creates identical genes. It is a process of replicating a genetic constitution, thus hampering the diversity in genes. In lessening genetic diversity, we weaken our ability of adaptation. Cloning is also detrimental to the beauty that lies in diversity.

Invitation to Malpractices

While cloning allows man to tamper with genes in human beings, it also makes deliberate reproduction of undesirable traits, a possibility. Cloning of body organs may invite malpractices in society.

Will it Reach the Common Man?

In cloning human organs and using them for transplant, or in cloning human beings themselves, technical and economic barriers will have to be considered. Will cloned organs be cost-effective? Will cloning techniques really reach the common man?

Man, a Man-made Being?

Moreover, cloning will put human and animal rights at stake. Will cloning fit into our ethical and moral principles? It will make man just another man-made being. Won't it devalue mankind? Won't it demean the value of human life?

Cloning is equal to emulating God. Is that easy? Is it risk-free? Many are afraid it is not.

Manali Oak

Last Updated: August 8, 2016

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The Legal and Ethical Issues of Cloning That Make it Controversial

Human Cloning Facts

Human Cloning Benefits

Human Cloning: The Pros and Cons Highlight Its Risk

Is Cloning Good or Bad?

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Cloning: The Intriguing Recent History of Human Cloning

Raising Awareness About the Risks of Cloning

Read more from the original source:
Pros and Cons of Cloning - Buzzle


Genetic Counseling Program Overview – School of Medicine

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

Introduction and Program Goals

The Genetic Counseling Training Program, leading to a Master of Science degree in Genetic Counselings, is a two-year academic program comprised of didactic course work, laboratory exposure, research experience and extensive clinical training. The program, directed by Anne L. Matthews, R.N, Ph.D., is an integral component of the teaching and research programs in the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences (G&GS) at CWRU under the leadership of Dr. Anthony Wynshaw-Boris, MD. Ph.D., chairman of G&GS and the program's medical director, Shawn McCandless M.D., Associate Professor of G&GS and Pediatrics and Director of the Center for Human Genetics, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. The Program is accredited by the Accreditation Counseling of Genetic Counseling (ACGC) and graduates of the program are eligible to apply for Active Candidate Status and sit for the American Board of Genetic Counseling certification examination.

The overall objective of the Genetic Counseling Program is to prepare students with the appropriate knowledge and experiences to function as genetic counselors in a wide range of settings and roles. With unprecedented advances in our understanding of the genetic and molecular control of gene expression and development, and in our ability to apply this knowledge clinically, the Program strives to train students who can interface between patients, clinicians and molecular and human geneticists. Students gain insightful and multifaceted skills that will enable them to be effective genetic counselors, aware of the many new technical advances and often-difficult ethical, legal and social issues that have surfaced in the light of the Human Genome Project. Graduates of the Program will be prepared to work in a variety of settings including both adult and pediatric genetics clinics, specialty clinics such as cancer genetics and metabolic clinics, and prenatal diagnosis clinics, as well as in areas of research or commercial genetics laboratories relevant to genetic counseling and human genetics.

A unique aspect of the Genetic Counseling Training Program that it is housed within Case Western Reserve's Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences that is internationally known for both its clinical expertise and cutting edge research in molecular genetics, model organisms and human genetics. Thus, the Department of G&GS at CWRU provides an interface between human and medical genetics with basic genetics and provides an exciting atmosphere in which to learn and develop professionally. The direct access to both clinical resources and advanced technologies in human and model organisms affords students with an unparalleled environment for achievement. The Graduate Program in Genetics in the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences provides an interactive and collaborative environment for both pre (genetic counseling and PhD students)- and post-doctoral trainees to come together in a collegial atmosphere. By fostering interactions between pre- and post-doctoral trainees in genetic counseling, medical genetics, and basic research at an early stage of their careers, it is anticipated that graduates will be well-rounded professionals with an understanding of the importance of both clinical and basic research endeavors. Moreover, such resources as the Department of Biomedical Ethics, the Center for Genetic Research, Ethics and Law, the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, and the Law-Medicine Center provide for an enriched learning experience for students.

The curriculum consists of 40 semester hours: 22 semester hours of didactic course work and 7 semester hours of research. Additionally, there are three 10-week clinical rotations, one 3-week laboratory rotation and one 6-week summer rotation required of all students, which provide an additional 11 credit hours. Courses include material covering basic genetics concepts, embryology, medical genetics, biochemical genetics, molecular genetics, cytogenetics, genomics, cancer genetics, population genetics, genetic counseling principles, human development, psychosocial issues, interviewing techniques, and ethical and professional issues in genetic counseling.

Clinical rotations include one intensive three-week laboratory rotation in diagnostic cytogenetics and clinical molecular genetics as well as the Maternal Serum Screening program. There are three 10-week clinical rotations during year 2 during which students obtain clinical experience in General Genetics (children and adults) including Specialty Clinics such as Marfan Clinic, Prader-Willi Clinic and Craniofacial Clinic; Prenatal Diagnosis Clinic, and Cancer Genetics Clinic. These rotations take place at The Center for Human Genetics at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, the Genomic Medicine Institute at the Cleveland Clinic and MetroHealth Medical Center. Additionally, there is one off-site rotation - a six-week clinical rotation which is held at Akron Children's Hospital in Akron Ohio during the summer. Moreover, students rotate through the Cleveland-based institutions for weekly observational experiences starting early in year 1 of the program.

Students are also required to attend and participate in a number of other activities such as weekly Clinical Patient Conferences, Genetics Grand Rounds, Departmental Seminars and Journal Club. Students also participate with the doctoral graduate students in the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences' annual retreat and present their research projects during the poster sessions. In addition, counseling students present their research during the program's Research Showcase. Students also have an opportunity to give educational talks to local schools, participate in DNA Day at local high schools and other groups when available.

Tuition for the 2016-2017 academic year is $1,774.00 per semester hour. Currently, other fees include student health insurance ($986 per semester) and a student activity fee of $14.00 per semester.

The Department of Genetics is unable to provide financial aid or research/teaching assistantships to students; however, it does award some scholarship funding in the form of a monthly stipend to genetic counseling students. The amount of the stipend is determined yearly and will be shared with applicants at the time of their interviews. In addition, the costs of the on-line embryology course as well as the CWRU Technology fee of $426.00 per year are covered by the Department. Moreover, students receive funds to cover the costs associated with their research projects and second year students receive funds to travel to the National Society of Genetic Counselors' annual education conference held in the fall.

Financial aid is available to graduate students. The university has extensive information regarding financial aid and scholarship opportunities to assist students in funding their education. For additional information or assistance, please contact the Office of University Financial Aid at http://case.edu/stage/admissions/financialaid.html or (216) 368-4530.

Clarice Young at (216) 368-3431 or email: clarice.young@case.edu


The Program Director:

Please Note: The Direct Application link will take you to the School for Graduate Studies webpage. Go to Prospective Students - Admissions Information - Graduate Program Applications. You will see a link on the right hand side of the page entitled Application Log In to begin your application.

The application includes:

Fulfillment of the requirements for admission to the School of Graduate Studies at Case Western Reserve University must be met as well as those required by the Genetic Counseling Training Program. An applicant having graduated with excellent academic credentials (minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale) from a fully accredited university or college. Complete credentials must be on file with the School of Graduate Studies

The average GPA for matriculating students is 3.5 and GRE mean scores are approximately, 60-70th percentiles and above. However, we take a holistic view of the applicant's complete file in determining admission, which means we look at everything the applicant has submitted. A high GPA or GRE score will not automatically lead to admission; neither will low scores automatically lead to a denial. *While the CWRU application form asks for your GRE scores, please include the percentile score as well.

The Personal Statement is extremely important and applicants need to pay specific attention to how they present themselves in their Personal Statement. Aspects to remember include: Is the applicant's Personal Statement grammatically sound, and does it give us a clear picture as to who the applicant is? Applicants' should emphasize those experiences which have directly assisted them in becoming aware of and knowledgeable about the genetic counseling profession. Genetic counselors are highly motivated and hardworking individuals. Thus, the admissions committee looks for applicants who demonstrate initiative, self-direction, excellent communication skills and who have "gone the extra mile" to show their passion for becoming a genetic counselor.

Letters of recommendation should be written by individuals who can provide an accurate picture of your academic capabilities, your communication skills (both written and spoken) and your potential to successfully complete graduate education. At least two referees should be faculty from your past institutions. Other excellent referee sources include genetic counselors you have shadowed or supervisors of internships or advocacy experiences which you have had. Recommendation letters from friends or family members are discouraged. Please note, while CWRU provides an on-line recommendation form for referees to complete, your referee should also provide a personal letter to accompany the form.

While the number of applications received by the Program varies from year to year, in general we receive approximately 60+ applications each year. At this time, the Program is able to accept 6 students per year.

January 1st of each year is the application deadline. It is important that all required materials such as GRE scores (including their percentiles), transcripts from all institutions in which you have completed coursework and letters of reference be submitted by the application deadline if you wish to have your application reviewed by the Admissions Committee. If you will be taking a prerequisite course or courses in the upcoming semester that will not be reflected on your current transcripts, please let us know in your personal statement which course or courses you will be taking to meet the pre-requisites. Also, please submit a current CV or resume along with your personal statement. The Program only admits one class per year -- in fall semester. Because of the intensive nature of the Program, all students must be full time, we are unable to accommodate part-time students.

View original post here:
Genetic Counseling Program Overview - School of Medicine


Legal issues in predictive genetic testing programs.

Sunday, November 6th, 2016

This article reviews aspects of predictive genetic testing to which the general law of doctor-patient relations applies and identifies peculiarities of such testing that raise more specialized legal issues. Where testing programs are experimental in character, investigators bear legal responsibilities to inform their subjects adequately and separate duties to submit their proposals to ethical review. Access to routine care and counseling and to specialized testing programs are addressed in the contexts of antidiscrimination laws and patient protection. The law on patients' adequately informed and free decision-making regarding testing is reviewed, with particular attention to reproductive counseling and planning for future inability to make or express decisions about care. Modern perceptions of the legal nature of medical confidentiality are applied to results of predictive genetic testing, and distinctions are illustrated between justified and excusable breaches of confidentiality, particularly with regard to familial disorders. Attention is given to patients' directions that their medical information be made available to third parties and to themselves. Finally, legal issues are considered regarding legal control of tissue samples that patients give for genetic diagnosis.

Read more:
Legal issues in predictive genetic testing programs.


Ethical Issues With Prenatal and Preimplantation Genetic …

Saturday, September 17th, 2016

Its not science fiction. Nowadays prospective parents cannot only know the sex of their unborn child but also learn whether it can supply tissue-matched bone marrow to a dying sibling and whether it is predisposed to develop breast cancer or Huntingtons disease all before the embryo gets implanted into the mothers womb. -Esthur Landhuis

Have you heard of designer babies? Or perhaps you saw or read My Sisters Keeper, a story about a young girl who was conceived through In Vitro Fertilization to be a genetically matched donor for her older sister with leukemia? The concept of selecting traits for ones child comes from a technology called preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), a technique used on embryos acquired during In Vitro Fertilization to screen for genetic diseases. PGD tests embryos for genetic abnormalities, and based on the information gleaned, provides potential parents with the opportunity to select to implant only the healthy, non-genetically diseased embryos into the mother. But this genetic testing of the embryo also opens the door for other uses as well, including selecting whether you have a male or female child, or even the possibility of selecting specific features for the child, like eye color. Thus, many ethicists wonder about the future of the technology, and whether it will lead to babies that are designed by their parents.

Todays post is an exploration of the ethical issues raised by prenatal and preimplantation genetic diagnosis, written by Santa Clara Professor Dr. Lawrence Nelson, who has been writing about and teaching bioethics for over 30 years. Read on to examine the many ethical issues raised by this technology.

Prenatal and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis


The overwhelming majority of people on earth, due to a wide range of reasons, beliefs, bodily motives, and attitudessome good, some bad, and some in the moral neutral zonereproduce. They are the genetic, gestational, and/or social (rearing) parents of a child. Birth rates in some countries are at a historic low (Japans is beneath replacement with the consequent deep graying of an entire society). In others, mostly in the developing part of the world where infant and maternal morbidity and mortality (not to mention poverty and disease) are quite high, birth rates remain similarly high.

In the economically developed part of the world, the process of making and having babies has become increasingly medicalized, at least for those fortunate enough to have ready access to the ever more sophisticated tools and knowledge of obstetrical medicine. From the time prior to pregnancy (fertility treatments, in vitro fertilization) to birth (caesarean delivery, high tech neonatal intensive care) and in between (fetal surgery), medical science and technology can help many to reach the goal any good parent should want: the live birth of a healthy child to a healthy mother.

Medical and biological sciences can together determine whether a fetus will (or might) have over a thousand different genetic diseases or abnormalities

Parallel to obstetrical medicine, science and technology have progressed immensely in another are over the last 30 or so years. The Human Genome Project (and the related research it has stimulated) has generated an amazing amount of knowledge about the nature and identity of normaland abnormalhuman genetic codes. Now the medical and biological sciences can together determine whether a fetus will (or might) have over a thousand different genetic diseases or abnormalities. Ultrasound examination can look into the womb (quite literally) and see developmental abnormalities in the fetus (such as neural tube defects like spina bifida and anencephaly). Even a simple blood test done on a pregnant woman can determine whether the fetus she is carrying has trisomy 21 (down syndrome), a genetic condition associated with mental retardation and, not infrequently, cardiac and other health problems.

Pregnant women who have health insurance that covers obstetrical care (and many millions of American women donot), particularly if they are older (>35 years), are more or less routinely offered prenatal genetic diagnosis by their obstetricians. Chorionic villus sampling is a medical procedure that takes a few fetal cells from the placenta and can be done around 10 weeks after the womans last menstrual period. These cells can then be analyzed to determine the presence of genetic abnormalities. Amniocentesis is a medical procedure that obtains fetal cells from the amniotic fluid and is usually done later in pregnancy, typically after 14 weeks following the womans last menstrual period. When done by experienced medical professionals, both procedures carry about a 0.5% risk of spontaneous abortion. The genetic analysis done on these fetal cells can determine the presence of fatal genetic diseases (such as Tay-Sachs, trisomy 13 and 18), disease that can cause the born child much suffering (children with Lesch-Nyan, for example, compulsively engage in self-destructive behavior like lip chewing, while children with spinal muscular atrophy have severe, progressive muscle-wasting), and conditions that typically cause mental retardation (such as Fragile-X and Emanuel syndrome).

Although tremendous strides have been made in genetic sciences ability to detect chromosomal abnormalities, precious little success has been achieved in treating genetic disorders directly either prenatally or postnatally. Some symptomatic treatment may well be available, but almost nothing that will actually cure or significantly ameliorate the effects of the disease. A pregnant woman who wishes to avoid the birth of a child with genetic disease has little alternative but to seek termination of the pregnancy.

The science and technology of assisted reproduction (in this case in vitro fertilization [IVF]) meets the science and technology of obstetrical medicine in preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). Embryos are created in vitro by mixing oocytes taken from the woman who intends to gestate one (or more) of them from a donor, and sperm taken from her partner or a donor. Genetic analysis is performed on one or few cells from each embryo, the loss of which does not affect the embryos ability to develop normally once implanted in a womb. Only those embryos free of detectable genetic abnormalities are then implanted in the womans womb in the hope that they will then attach to the uterine wall and develop normally. While success rates for implantation vary, many women have given birth following PGD. The main advantage of PGD over chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis for many women and couples is that it avoid the need for a surgical abortion to end an undesired pregnancy, although it does result in discarding the affected embryos.

What ethical issues are raised by Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis?

Prenatal genetic diagnosis (PrGD) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) both raise a number of serious ethical questions and problems.

What role does money play in ethical issues with PrGD and PGD?

1. Both services are quite expensive (especially PGD which is typically not covered by even private insurance and has the added cost of IVF) and are not available to all who might need or want them. This raises difficult questions ofsocial justice and equity, including whether coverage for these services is morally responsible when social resources for all health care services (those that are life-saving and preventive) are seriously limited.

2. As PGD is generally paid for directly by the persons who utilize it, ethical questions arise aboutthe means clinics use to attract patients and the information they provide them about its risks and benefits. Clinicians are in a fiduciary relationship with their patients and are obligated to act so as to deserve and maintain the patients trust and confidence that their wishes and best interests are being faithfully served. Consequently, the marketing of infertility services ought to place the good of patients above other interests (especially a clinicians or clinics own economic interests), should not induce patients to accept excessive, unneeded, or unproven services, and should adhere to high standards of honesty and accuracy in the information provided to prospective patients.

What is the moral status of an embryo?

3. Both PrGD and PGD result in the destruction of embryos and fetuses.If, as some contend, all human embryos and fetuses have the same moral status as live-born persons, then they are entitled to basic rights, including the right not to be killed arbitrarily or for the purpose of advancing the interests of other persons. On this view, both PrGD and PGD would be seriously morally wrong. The opposing view would hold that embryos and fetuses lack any moral status whatsoever as they lack any properties, such as sentience or other cognitive traits, that determine moral standing and so can be destroyed at will.

Perhaps the more commonly heldand more ethically defensibleposition is that human embryos and fetuses deserve some modest moral status because they are alive, have some degree of potential to become human persons, and are in fact valued by moral agents whose views deserve at least some respect and deference from others. Nevertheless, they do not possess the full and equal moral standing of persons because they lack interests and other moral claims to personhood. Having a modest level of moral status does not preclude the destruction of embryos and fetuses for a morally serious reason or purpose, and the informed and conscientious choice of the persons who created the embryos to prevent the birth of a child with a serious genetic disease or abnormality is widely (though by no means universally) considered to be such a reason

Does PrGD and PGD lead to discrimination against the disabled?

4. Recently disability activists have strongly challenged what they deem to be the basic assumption underlying PrGD and PGD: reducing the incidence of disease and disability is an obvious and unambiguous good. They rightly criticize certain views that support this assumption: that the disableds enjoyment of life is necessarily less than for nondisabled people; that raising a child with a disability is a wholly undesirable thing; and that selective embryo discard or abortion necessarily saves mothers from the heavy burdens of raising disabled children. However,the ethical critique of the disability activists goes much deeper than this quite proper debunking of broadly drawn and inaccurate assumptions about life with any disability. First, they contend that the medical system tends to exaggerate the burden associated with having a disability and underestimates the functional abilities of the disabled. The activists also point out how medical language reinforces the negativity associated with disability by using such terms as deformity or defective embryo or fetus. Second, and more importantly, the disability activists claim that the promotion and use of PGD and traditional prenatal diagnosis sends a message to the public that negatively affects existing disabled people and fosters an increase in the oppression and prejudice from which they regularly suffer.

Adults who wish to reproduce are ethically obligated to do so in a responsible manner, and this means gathering and assessing fair and accurate information about what the future might hold for them and the child they might produce.

Insofar as individual clinicians do, in fact, exaggerate the problems and burdens of living as an individual with a disability or of living with a disabled person as a parent or family member, then they are doing a moral disservice to the people they are duty bound to be helping. Adults who wish to reproduce are ethically obligated to do so in a responsible manner, and this means (insofar as it is possible in a world about which we have imperfect knowledge) gathering and assessing fair and accurate information about what the future might hold for them and the child they might produce. Clinicians (especially genetic counselors) should endeavor to provide this kind of information, supplementedif at all possibleby the firsthand information that comes from those who have actually lived with disabilities of various kinds as parents of the disabled or from the disabled individuals themselves. On the other hand, these conditions are simply not utterly benign or neutral as each mayand often doesinvolve what can fairly be described as an undesirable event such as pain, repeated hospitalizations and operations, paralysis, a shortened life span, limited educational and job opportunities, limited independence, and do forth. [1]

Discrimination against persons with disabilities is just as morally repugnant as discrimination against persons based on race, religion, or sex, but it is not at all clear that PrGD and PGD reinforce or contribute to this in any manner. Regardless of how society might change (as it surelyought to change) its attitudes and practices to decrease or, better, eliminate the socially created disadvantages wrongly placed on the disabledand regardless of how individual persons might change their views on the prospect of knowingly having a child with a serious disability, other persons will prefer not to have a child with a serious disability, no matter how wonderful the social services, no matter how inclusive the society. It is this individual choice that PGD preserves, although the clinicians who offer PGD have a moral obligation to explore their own and their patients attitudes about, and understanding of, disability so these individual decisions can be made fairly and responsibly with accurate information about the real world of life with and without disability.

Should people be able to select the sex of their baby?

5. Both PrGD and PGD identify the sex of the embryo or fetus. This raisesthe question of whether it is ethically permissible for an embryo to be discarded or a fetus to be aborted because of sex. The selection of an embryos sex via PGD is done for two basic reasons: (1) preventing the transmission of sex-linked genetic disorders; and (2) choosing sex to achieve gender balance in a family with more than one child, to achieve a preferred order in the birth of children by sex, or to provide a parent with a child of the sex he or she prefers to raise. [2] While little extended ethical debate exists regarding the former, sex selection for the purpose of preventing the transmission of sex-linked genetic disease, the latter is the subject of heated ethical disagreement.

The ethical objections to sex selection for nonmedical reasons can be grounded both in the very act of deliberately choosing one sex over the other and the untoward consequences of sex selection, particularly if it is performed frequently. Sex selection can be considered inherently ethically objectionable because it makes sex a determinative reason to value one human being over another when it ought to be completely irrelevant: females and males as such always ought be valued equally and never differentially. Sex selection can also be ethically criticized for the undesirable consequences it may generate. Choice by sex supports socially created assumptions about the relative value and meaning of male and female, with the latter almost universally being considered seriously inferior to the former. By supporting assumptions that hold femaleness in lower social regard, sex selection enhances the likelihood that females will be the targets of infanticide, unfair discrimination, and damaging stereotypes.

Proponents of the ethical acceptability of sex selection would argue that a parents desire for family balancing can beand typically ismorally neutral. The defense of family balancing rests on the view that once a parent has a child of one sex, he or she can properly prefer to have a child of the other sex because the two genders are different and generate different parenting experiences.

To insist [that the experience of parenting a boy is different from that of parenting a girl] is not the case seems breathtakingly simplistic, as if gender played no role either in a persons personality or relationships to others. Gender may be partly cultural (which does not make it less real), but it probably is partly biological. I see nothing wrong with wanting to have both experiences. [3]

An opponent of sex selection for family balancing can argue that good parentswhether prospective or actualought never to prefer, favor, or give more love to a child of one sex over the other. For example, a morally good and admirable parent would never love a male child more than a female child, give the male more privileges than a female, or give a female more material things than a male simply because of sex or beliefs about the childs propergender. A virtuous and conscientious parent, then, ought not to think that, or behave as if, a child of one sex is better than one of the other sex, nor should a good parent believe or act as if, at bottom, girls are really different than boys in the ways that truly matter.

Sex selection is at least strongly ethically suspect, if not outright wrong

The argument in favor of sex selection for family balancing has to assume that gender and gender roles exist and matter in the lived world. For if they did not, then no reason would exist to differentiate the experience of parenting a male child from that of a female. However, it is precisely the reliance upon this assumption to which the opponent of sex selection objects: acceptingand perpetuatinggender roles inevitably both harms and wrongs both males and females, although females clearly suffer much more from them than males. While some gender roles or expectations are innocuous (e.g., men dont like asking for directions), the overwhelming majority (e.g., males areand should beaggressive, women areand should beself-sacrificing) are not. Consequently, given that sex selection is inevitably gendered and most gender roles and expectations restrict the freedom of persons to be who they wish to be regardless of gender, sex selection is at least strongly ethically suspect, if not outright wrong.

Watch: Designer Babies Ethical? L.A.s Fertility Institute Says Prospective Parents Can Choose Physical Traits, Not Just Gender, from CBS NEWS:

Questions 1. Is it ethical to use preimplantation genetic diagnosis to select the sex of your child? 2. Consider the arguments presented about PGD and the ethical issues it poses in regards to disabilities. Does PGD reinforce a message about the disabled that, as disability activists claim, negatively affects existing disabled people and fosters an increase in the oppression and prejudice from which they regularly suffer? 3. In the video above, the doctor interviewed named Dr. Steinberg says, Of course, once Ive got this science (of PGD), am I not to provide this to my patients? Im a physician. I want to provide everything science gives me to my patients. Do you agree with Dr. Steinbergs reasoning? Why or why not?

Read the original post:
Ethical Issues With Prenatal and Preimplantation Genetic ...


Abortion – Just Facts

Saturday, September 17th, 2016

* As of February 1, 2016:

* In the state of Washington, it is against the law to apply a tattoo to anyone under the age of 18.

* In the state of New Jersey, it is against the law to engage in a body piercing of anyone under the age of 18 without written consent from his or her parent or legal guardian.

* In the state of California, it is against the law for anyone under the age of 18 to use a tanning machine.

* In Washington, New Jersey, and California, it is legal for a girl of any age to get an abortion without her parents consent or knowledge.

* Five Gallup polls conducted from 1992 through 2011 found that 69-74% of Americans favor a law requiring women under 18 to get parental consent for any abortion. Opposition to this view ranged from 23-28%.

* A 2005 CBS poll found 80% support for requiring that at least one parent be told before a girl under 18 years of age could have an abortion. Opposition to this view was 17%.

* A 2009 Pew poll found 76% support for requiring that women under the age of 18 get the consent of at least one parent before they are allowed to have an abortion. Opposition to this view was 19%.

* In 1996, Barack Obamas Illinois Senate campaign completed a candidate questionnaire and then resubmitted it with amended answers on the following day. In response to the question, Do you support parental consent/notification for minors seeking abortions? the answers were:

* When these questionnaires were published by Politico.com during the 2008 Presidential contest, Obamas campaign asserted that a staffer filled them out and some of the responses did not and do not reflect Obamas views.

* An investigation by Politico found that one of the questionnaires contains written notes that appear to be in Obamas hand, and the other questionnaire has a cover sheet indicating that Obama supplied the answers in a face-to-face interview at the house of a board member of the organization that issued the questionnaire. The board member has confirmed that Obama personally sat for this interview. In response to these revelations, Obamas presidential campaign wrote:

* On a 2001 vote in the Illinois Senate for a parental notification bill, Barack Obama voted Present.

* Illinois Senate rules state that a majority of those elected (30 Senators) must vote in favor of a bill for it to pass. Thus, a vote of Present has the same result as a vote of No.

* With regard to Obama voting Present on this and other abortion-related bills, Pam Sutherland, the president and CEO of the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council stated:

* In response to a 2004 candidate questionnaire that asked, Do you support parental notification or consent to obtain an abortion? Barack Obamas U.S. Senate campaign answered:

* The 2001 parental notification bill on which Obama voted Present had bypass provisions for sexual abuse, neglect, physical abuse, and cases where notification would not be in the best interests of the minor.

* In response to a 2007 candidate questionnaire asking if minors should be required to seek their parents consent before having an abortion, Barack Obamas presidential campaign did not explicitly answer the question and stated that:

* As of 2008, all of the 35 states with a parental consent or notification law in effect has a bypass provision that permits exceptions in various circumstances such as when notifying a parent not be in a minors best interests. This is also the case with a Congressional bill that Obama filibustered. Six of the seven states with a parental consent or notification law blocked by a court order or ruling have similar bypass provisions. The one exception is New Mexico, which has a 1969 law on its books that the state attorney general ruled unenforceable in 1990.

* The Democratic Party Platform makes no explicit reference to parental consent or notification laws. The Republican Party Platform supports parental notification laws and makes no explicit reference to parental consent laws.

* On September 16, 1988, 17-year-old Rebecca Suzanne Bell of Indianapolis, Indiana was admitted to a hospital with pneumonia and suffered a fatal cardiopulmonary arrest that night. During her autopsy, evidence of recent pregnancy with recent partial abortion was discovered. The cause of death listed on the autopsy report is Septic Abortion with Pneumonia and the manner of death as Undetermined. According to Merriam-Websters Medical Dictionary, a septic abortion is a spontaneous or induced abortion associated with bacterial infection and pneumonia is a disease of the lungs that is caused especially by infection.

* Indiana had (and has) a parental consent law in effect. According to a receipt from a local Planned Parenthood and Beckys friend Heather Clark, the two of them visited Planned Parenthood, where it was suggested that Becky travel 100 miles to Kentucky to circumvent the Indiana law.

* Heather Clark stated that Becky chose not to tell her parents about the pregnancy because she was recently hospitalized with a drug problem and thought that they would kick her out of the house if they knew she was pregnant. Ms. Clark also stated that after she and Becky went to Planned Parenthood, Becky wavered about having an abortion and considered running away and putting the baby up for adoption.

* The county coroner (who did not perform the autopsy and is now deceased) told Beckys parents that she had died from pneumonia and the source of the infection was an illegal abortion performed with unsterile instruments. Her parents came to blame Beckys death on Indianas parental consent law. This led to media attention and Beckys parents embarking on a speaking tour of 23 states with an advocacy group to lobby against parental involvement laws.

* Since this time, Becky Bells case has been cited as an argument against parental consent laws on 60 Minutes, ABC News, CNNs Larry King Live, in the magazines Seventeen, Rolling Stone, Newsweek, an American Civil Liberties Union pamphlet, and an original HBO movie named Public Law 106: The Becky Bell Story. In the last three years, this argument has been repeated in at least 13 different publications including a legal journal. When a parental notification law was put on the ballot in Oregon in 1990, polls found opposition to it at 22%. After Beckys parents toured the state appearing at rallies and on television and talk shows, the measure was defeated with 52% voting against it.

* Around the time that the Beckys parents appeared on 60 Minutes, James A. Miller, the research director of an organization dedicated to promot[ing] and defend[ing] the sanctity of life, corresponded several times with Dr. Jesse Giles, the author of the autopsy report and one of two pathologists who signed it. In an editorial published in the Baltimore Evening Sun and in a press release, Miller wrote that Giles said:

* When contacted by Just Facts, Dr. Giles refused to answer any questions.

* The other pathologist who signed the autopsy report was Dr. John Pless. He supervised the autopsy, as Dr. Giles was a fellow in training at the time. In a 1990 newspaper article, Dr. Pless is quoted as stating, I cannot prove she had anything but a spontaneous abortion [i.e., miscarriage], but that he found evidence of infection in Beckys reproductive system, and thus it seemed probable that an induced abortion was performed.

* The description of the reproductive system in the autopsy report contains no mention of an infection.

* When contacted by Just Facts, Pless confirmed his view as quoted above and stated that the same micro-organism that caused the pneumonia was cultured in the uterus and the lung. When Just Facts pointed out the autopsy report contains a list of Specimens for Culture that does not include the uterus, Pless said his memory may be faulty, but the only possible source of the infection was the uterus because there was no upper airway disease - so the only possibility was spread from the uterus.

* When Just Facts informed Dr. Pless that:

* The HBO movie cited above shows Becky going with a friend to obtain an illegal abortion. All primary sources researched for this case contain no testimony or documentation of such an event. This includes the coroners report, autopsy report, Beckys mothers written account, and an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer in which the reporter quotes Beckys father and her closest friend Heather Clark. Ms. Clark, who accompanied Becky to Planned Parenthood, told the reporter that Becky did not have an induced abortion. She also said that when she visited Becky (four days after she had gotten sick and the night before she passed on), Becky asked her to schedule an abortion in Louisville, Kentucky for two days later.

Events in the week prior to Beckys death (as reported in the coroners report, autopsy report, Beckys mothers written account, and Cleveland Plain Dealer)

Sunday 12:45 AM

Becky comes home from a party and says she thinks someone put cocaine or speed in her drink and that she feels like shes got the flu like Dad.


Becky faints.


Becky stays home from school and develops a 104 fever. Her parents try to take her to the doctor, but Becky resists and they relent.

Thursday PM

Heather Clark visits Becky, and Becky asks her to schedule an abortion in Kentucky on Saturday.


Becky starts bleeding and tells her Mom. Becky agrees to go a doctor, who diagnoses her with pneumonia and sends her to the hospital, arriving at 4 PM.

Friday PM

The doctor says to Beckys family: We dont know if we can save the baby. 11:29 PM: Becky passes on.

* In March 1989, six months after Becky Bells death, 16-year-old Erica Kae Richardson of Cheltenham, Maryland was assisted by her aunt in obtaining an abortion without her mothers consent or knowledge. Ericas aunt, a registered nurse, first took her to Washington Hospital Center, which would not perform the abortion because the pregnancy was 19 weeks along. She then took her to the Metropolitan Womens Center in Laurel, where Dr. Gene Crawford carried out the abortion, puncturing her uterus in the process. Erica died several hours later from rupture of [her] lower uterus and cervix with complications, including hemorrhage into the pelvic cavity surrounding the uterus and air embolism.

* The current Maryland notification law allows abortion providers to bypass notifying a parent if, in their opinion, the minor is capable of giving informed consent to an abortion. The law also stipulates that abortion providers cannot be prosecuted or sued for failing to notify a girls parents.

* A 2000 U.S. Department of Justice study of crimes reported to law enforcement agencies in twelve states from 1991-1996, found that the incidence of forcible rape peaked at the ages of 14 and 15.

* A 1987 survey of U.S. woman aged 18-22, found that of those who had intercourse at 15 years of age or younger, 40% had been forced to have sex against their will or were raped.

* A 2006 U.S. Department of Justice study found that 58% of female forcible rape victims were raped before their 18th birthday.

* Arkansas law requires written consent of a parent (not a step-parent) before an abortion is performed upon a female who is less than 18 years of age. In 2006, a 15-year-old Arkansas girl accused her 41-year-old stepfather of raping her, getting her pregnant, forcing her to have an abortion in Illinois (where there is no parental consent or notification law in effect), and continuing to rape her afterwards.

* The girls claim that she was taken to an abortion clinic in Granite City, Illinois was corroborated by a photo of her stepfathers car at this facility. He was arrested, charged with a dozen counts of rape and committed suicide before trial.

* In 2006, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would have made it illegal to take a minor across state lines to circumvent state laws that require parental involvement in a minors abortion. It required that abortion providers in states without parental involvement laws give at least 24 hours notice to a parent before performing an abortion on a minor who resides in another state. This provision included exceptions for parental abuse, neglect, and if the physical health of the minor is endangered. 93% of Republicans voted for it and 71% of Democrats voted against it. (Click for a record of how each Representative voted.)

* After being approved by the House, the bill was sent to the Senate where it was blocked by a filibuster conducted by 37 Democrats, 4 Republicans, and 1 Independent. Participants in the filibuster included Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Robert Menendez, and Susan Collins. (Click for a record of how each Senator voted.)

* A sexual relationship between a 22-year-old man and a 13-year-old girl is illegal in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. All states have laws requiring healthcare and other workers who interact with children in a professional capacity to report suspected cases of child abuse, which in 29 states and the District of Columbia, explicitly includes a sexual relationship between a 22-year-old man and a 13-year-old girl.

* In 2002, Life Dynamics, an organization dedicated to ending legal abortion, phoned more than 800 Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation abortion clinics and offices. In these calls, a woman from Life Dynamics told workers at these facilities that she was 13-years-old, had been impregnated by her 22-year-old boyfriend, and wanted to get an abortion to hide the situation from her parents.

* In more than 90% of the phone calls, the Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation workers did not act to report the matter.

* Some workers encouraged the caller to come in for the abortion and lie about the age of the person who impregnated her.

* Some workers told the caller that they were required to report the situation, but werent going to do so.

* In states that have parental notification laws, some workers told the caller to find a person who was old enough to impersonate one of her parents and have them sign the required paperwork. In one state that requires a notarized signature from a parent, a worker told the caller that the facility had a notary public who would notarize a fraudulent signature for her.

* After Life Dynamics released the recordings, Planned Parenthood issued the following statement:

* A Connecticut TV station (WTIC Fox 61) scrutinized the recordings of the phone calls to the abortion clinics in Connecticut. They found that the dial tones recorded on the tapes matched the phone numbers of the facilities, the names of the people on the tapes matched the names of the workers at the facilities, and the content of the conversations matched what was reported by Life Dynamics.

* In briefs submitted to the United States Supreme Court regarding a Minnesota parental consent law, the American Psychological Association asserted that the law should be struck down on the grounds that:

most adolescents are competent to make informed decisions about important life situations.

* In a brief submitted to the United States Supreme Court regarding a death penalty sentence in Missouri for a person who committed a capital murder at the age of 17, the American Psychological Association asserted that crimes committed by minors should never be subject to the death penalty on the grounds that:

Adolescent decision-makers on average are less future-oriented and less likely to consider properly the consequences of their actions.

In comparison with adults, studies show that adolescents are less likely to consider alternative courses of action, understand the perspective of others, or restrain impulses. In a study of more than 1,000 adolescents and adults it was not until age 19 that this development of responsible decisionmaking plateaued.

See the original post here:
Abortion - Just Facts


Genetic Medicine

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

therapy [therah-pe] activity therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as the prescription of and assistance with specific physical, cognitive, social, and spiritual activities to increase the range, frequency, or duration of an individuals (or groups) activity. animal-assisted therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as the purposeful use of animals to provide affection, attention, diversion, and relaxation. art therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as facilitation of communication through drawings or other art forms. aversion therapy (aversive therapy) a form of behavior therapy that uses aversive conditioning, pairing undesirable behavior or symptoms with unpleasant stimulation in order to reduce or eliminate the behavior of symptoms. The term is sometimes used synonymously with aversive conditioning.

client-centered therapy a form of psychotherapy in which the emphasis is on the patients self-discovery, interpretation, conflict resolution, and reorganization of values and life approach, which are enabled by the warm, nondirective, unconditionally accepting support of the therapist, who reflects and clarifies the patients discoveries.

cognitive therapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy) a directive form of psychotherapy based on the theory that emotional problems result from distorted attitudes and ways of thinking that can be corrected. Using techniques drawn in part from behavior therapy, the therapist actively seeks to guide the patient in altering or revising negative or erroneous perceptions and attitudes.

1. treatment, usually in a psychiatric treatment center, that emphasizes the provision of an environment and activities appropriate to the patients emotional and interpersonal needs.

1. the use of music to effect positive changes in the psychological, physical, cognitive, or social functioning of individuals with health or educational problems. Music therapy is used for a wide variety of conditions, including mental disorders, developmental and learning disabilities, Alzheimers disease and other conditions related to aging, brain injury, substance abuse, and physical disability. It is also used for the management of acute and chronic pain and for the reduction of stress.

[G. therapeia, medical treatment]

ablation therapy the destruction of small areas of myocardial tissue, usually by application of electrical or chemical energy, in the treatment of some tachyarrhythmias.

antiplatelet therapy the use of platelet-modifying agents to inhibit platelet adhesion or aggregation and so prevent thrombosis, alter the course of atherosclerosis, or prolong vascular graft patency.

art therapy the use of art, the creative process, and patient response to the products created for the treatment of psychiatric and psychologic conditions and for rehabilitation.

behavior therapy a therapeutic approach that focuses on modifying the patients observable behavior, rather than on the conflicts and unconscious processes presumed to underlie the behavior.

biological therapy treatment of disease by injection of substances that produce a biological reaction in the organism.

cognitive therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy that based on the theory that emotional problems result from distorted attitudes and ways of thinking that can be corrected, the therapist guiding the patient to do so.

convulsive therapy treatment of mental disorders, primarily depression, by induction of convulsions; now it is virtually always by electric shock (electroconvulsive t.) .

dance therapy the therapeutic use of movement to further the emotional, social, cognitive, and physical integration of the individual in the treatment of a variety of social, emotional, cognitive, and physical disorders.

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) a treatment for mental disorders, primarily depression, in which convulsions and loss of consciousness are induced by application of brief pulses of low-voltage alternating current to the brain via scalp electrodes.

endocrine therapy treatment of disease by the use of hormones.

family therapy group therapy of the members of a family, exploring and improving family relationships and processes and thus the mental health of the collective unit and of individual members.

fibrinolytic therapy the use of fibrinolytic agents (e.g., prourokinase) to lyse thrombi in patients with acute peripheral arterial occlusion, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or acute myocardial infarction.

gene therapy manipulation of the genome of an individual to prevent, mask, or lessen the effects of a genetic disorder.

group therapy psychotherapy carried out regularly with a group of patients under the guidance of a group leader, usually a therapist.

massage therapy the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for the purpose of normalizing them, thereby enhancing health and healing.

milieu therapy treatment, usually in a psychiatric hospital, that emphasizes the provision of an environment and activities appropriate to the patients emotional and interpersonal needs.

music therapy the use of music to effect positive changes in the psychological, physical, cognitive, or social functioning of individuals with health or educational problems.

occupational therapy the therapeutic use of self-care, work, and play activities to increase function, enhance development, and prevent disabilities.

oral rehydration therapy (ORT) oral administration of a solution of electrolytes and carbohydrates in the treatment of dehydration.

orthomolecular therapy treatment of disease based on the theory that restoration of optimal concentrations of substances normally present in the body, such as vitamins, trace elements, and amino acids, will effect a cure.

photodynamic therapy intravenous administration of hematoporphyrin derivative, which concentrates selectively in metabolically active tumor tissue, followed by exposure of the tumor tissue to red laser light to produce cytotoxic free radicals that destroy hematoporphyrin-containing tissue.

1. treatment by physical means.

2. the health profession concerned with the promotion of health, the prevention of disability, and the evaluation and rehabilitation of patients disabled by pain, disease, or injury, and with treatment by physical therapeutic measures as opposed to medical, surgical, or radiologic measures.

PUVA therapy a form of photochemotherapy for skin disorders such as psoriasis and vitiligo; oral psoralen administration is followed two hours later by exposure to ultraviolet light.

1. treatment to replace deficiencies in body products by administration of natural or synthetic substitutes.

2. treatment that replaces or compensates for a nonfunctioning organ, e.g., hemodialysis.

substitution therapy the administration of a hormone to compensate for glandular deficiency.

thyroid replacement therapy treatment with a preparation of a thyroid hormone.

1. Treatment of illness, injury, or disability.

2. Psychotherapy.

3. Healing power or quality: the therapy of fresh air and sun.

Etymology: Gk, therapeia, treatment

the treatment of any disease or a pathological condition, such as inhalation therapy, which administers various medicines for patients suffering from diseases of the respiratory tract.

[G. therapeia, medical treatment]

n revealing of emotional aspects of a physical dysfunction by simultaneously testing an indicator muscle with its asso-ciated emotional neuromuscular reflex(es).

n.pl in holistic nursing, therapeutic approaches that involve ones sense of peace and awareness. The patient may use prayer, meditation, quiet contemplation, and imagery.

n.pl in holistic nursing, directed therapeutic ap-proach that involves several con-ventional medicine techniques, such as traditional procedures, medications, and surgery with a specific goal or outcome.

n.pl in Ayurveda, the processes that patients undergo at the end of the days treatment that serve to eliminate impurities, which have been loosened during the therapies. See also anu and naruha.

n.pl ap-proaches where expressive arts are employed to promote awareness, healing, and growth.

n.pl therapies such as hypnosis, visual imagery, yoga, relaxation, and meditation, in which the mind and body are used in conjunction to assist or catalyze the healing process.

n.pl therapeutic modalities that involve body postures, breathing, movement, prayer, and/or meditation to facilitate relaxation and awareness of mental, emotional, and spiritual states.

n.pl various traditional and modern herbal treatments and ceremonies used to address physical complaints and psychospiritual maladies.

n.pl techniques that use nature-based animals or plants that reconnect patients to the natural environment and its rhythms to improve and hasten healing and improve quality of life.

n technique in which animals are brought into contact with patients who are recovering; provides touch, builds connection, empathy, and enjoyment.

n therapy that involves treating a patient with nosodes prepared from the patients blood sample or a pooled sample from several patients. Occasionally the patients blood is mixed with homeopathic potencies before admini-stration. Also called autosanguine therapy.

n therapeutic method that stimulates the patients innate ability to heal, as when a healing touch removes blockages or constrictions within the bodys energy flow. Therapy that frees the body to heal itself. See also medicine, natural.

n the use of venom derived from bees for medicinal purposes; used in the treatment of skin, pulmonary, rheumatologic, cardiovascular, pulmonary, sensory, psychological, and endocrine conditions. It has also been used to treat bacterial and viral infections; administered by a variety of methods. Persistent nodular lesions and allergic reactions are a concern. Also called therapy, bee venom and BVT.

n branch of psychotherapy that emphasizes modifying specific behaviors. Sessions include analysis of a behavior and devising ways to change it to a more desirable response.

n therapy that uses music to affect nonmusical behavior; developed from behavior modification theory to facilitate social and cognitive learning and operant conditioning.

n pr. a mind-bodyintegrated therapy developed by Gerda Boyesen, a Norwegian physiotherapist; uses a variety of methods such as massage, talking, sensory awareness, and meditation to refresh the body. Also called the Gerda Boyesen technique or biodynamic psychology.

n any healing practice that addresses the patients biofield, uses the biofield of the practitioner, or a combination of both. See also biofield, reiki, and therapeutic touch.

n a therapeutic modality that uses the biological response modifier, part of the bodys immune system, to fight disease and infection or to protect from the side effects of other treatments. Also called biological response modifier therapy, biotherapy, BRM therapy, or immunotherapy.

n a dietary system, developed by Keith Block, MD, that recommends 50% to 70% complex carbohydrates, 10% to 25% percent fat, and the remaining percentage as protein in the diet. The primary objective of this regimen is decreasing and subsequently removing dairy, refined sugars, and meat from ones diet while increasing the number of calories from complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. Also called BINT.

n form of psychotherapy that holds that emotions are encoded in the body as areas of restriction and tension; movement, breathing, and manual therapy are used to release such emotions.

n a biofeedback therapy in which sensors are placed on the patients abdomen and chest to observe and measure the rhythm, location, volume, and rate of airflow by which the patient learns deep abdominal breathing; used for respiratory conditions, hyperventilation, asthma, and anxiety.

n.pr developed by clinical psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan, therapy that draws on specific energy meridian points in a particular progression in order to eliminate the cause of negative emotions, as well as their effects on health.

n an unconventional cancer treatment containing sodium sulfite, potassium hydroxide, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and catechol.

n a treatment for cancer in which embryonic animal cells from tissues or organs corresponding to those with the cancer are injected into the cancer patient, with the understanding that these healthy cells are incorporated into the organ, thus repairing or replacing the cancerous cells. This treatment may have side effects, including infections, serious immune responses to the foreign proteins in the cells, and death. Since 1984 the FDA has banned the importation of all injectable cell-therapy materials. Also called cellular suspensions, cellular therapy, embryonic cell therapy, fresh cell therapy, glandular therapy, live cell therapy, organotherapy, or sicca cell therapy.

n.pr a treatment used for cancer, offered in the Dominican Republic, in which the client is exposed to a donut-shaped magnetic device (with an electromagnetic field weaker than in MRI) that allegedly reduces the cancer burden (i.e., destroys enough cancer cells) so that the immune system can take care of the remainder.

n 1., removal of heavy metals, such as lead, iron, and mercury, through the use of chelating agents, usually given intravenously. 2., the purported removal of heavy metals, plaque, and other toxins through intravenous infusion of EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), a synthetic amino acid and chelating agent.

n treatment that seeks to change behavior (i.e., habits) by addressing the underlying beliefs that drive the behaviors. Comparable to and often used in concert with behavioral therapy.

n psychotherapeutic approach used to alter thinking and behavior.

n treatment with lasers made from helium-neon or gallium aluminum arsenide and used to treat a host of neurologic problems including carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines, arthritis, vertigo, and soft tissue injuries. Also called low-level light therapy (LLLT).

n the use of professionally administered whole-bowel enemas combined with analysis of fecal chemistry, evaluation of environmental and psychologic factors in the patients life, and regular exercise to maintain bowel health. Based on the belief that the health of the colon is directly related to the health of the whole body and that poor colon health can manifest as a variety of illnesses. Also called colonic hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation.

n treatment of the tissues and fluids of the skull to correct body rhythms and induce self-healing.

n the practice of using ones hands to assess the rhythms of the tissues and fluids in the skull area and to direct those rhythms into healthful patterns. A version of cranial osteopathy sometimes conducted by nondoctors, including massage therapists and physical therapists.

n the integration of artistic abilities into therapy to alleviate patients suffering. Activities include but are not limited to drawing, painting, dancing, poetry writing, singing, and gardening.

n therapeutic use of improvisational music to encourage stimulation and development of musical intelligence, confidence, and self-actualization. Psychodynamic and humanistic theories are often used. Also called Nordoff-Robbins improvisational music therapy.

n the use of quartz crystal energy with a persons energy to facilitate a cascade of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical changes simultaneously or following a hierarchy of cure.

n therapy used for the prevention of serious allergic responses, in which the patient is regularly injected with increasing doses of a purified allergen to reduce the sensitivity of the immune system to that allergen.

n.pr method used for cancer treatment that employs substances such as bromocriptine, melatonin, and retinoid solution.

n cancer treatment that aims to stimulate cancer cells beyond their undifferentiated state to differentiate like normal cells to halt their uncontrolled proliferation.

n the use of digitalis glycosides to increase the hearts rate of contractions and speed. This protocol can decrease the conduction speed of the atrioventricular node and create negative dromotropy, thus leading to heartbeat irregularities.

n technique that employs intravenous transfusions containing disodium EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) to remove minerals, toxins, and other substances from the blood and vessels. No known risks if used properly. Also called chelation.

n treatment system developed by Max Wolf, MD, in the 1930s using orally ingested enzymes derived from animals and plants to address enzyme deficiency and several illnesses.

n treatment of mental and physical conditions through therapeutic interactions (e.g., riding) with horses. Also called hippotherapy, riding therapy, or therapeutic riding. See also therapy, animal-assisted.

n induction of fever for healing purposes using herbal, biological, or mechanical (e.g., hot baths) preparations. Also called pyretotherapy.

n biofeedback therapy in which the rate and force of the pulse are measured and used for controlling anxiety, hyperten-sion, cardiac arrhythmia, and other conditions.

n the use of specific high-frequency oscillations to destroy pathogenic organisms or cancerous cells and restore health. Also called energoinformational therapy or Rife frequency therapy.

n See healing, crystal.

n therapy in which genes are introduced into the patient in order to cure or treat a disease. Also called somatic cell gene therapy.

n.pr an unorthodox anticancer treatment that includes a diet that comprises vegetables and fruits with nutritional supplements, liver extract injections, and coffee enemas.

n.pr a method of humanistic psychotherapy that examines the present emotions of the patient without consideration to the past to gain a new level of self-awareness. Instead of explaining the meaning of these emotions, the therapist works with the patient to elucidate his or her own understanding of these feelings.

n.pr a group-oriented, process-driven form of art therapy created by Janie Rhyne and based on the humanistic Gestalt psychology of Fritz Perls.

n a treatment in which tissue extracts of organs such as spleen, thymus, adrenal glands, or liver are used orally to help with a number of conditions, including asthma, autoimmune diseases, cancer, chronic fatigue, cystic fibrosis, eczema, inflammatory diseases, low white cell count, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other conditions.

n a form of therapy wherein people meet with each other and a therapist in order to interact and discuss their problems.

n use of heat on all or part of the body to encourage hyperemia, increase circulation, facilitate sweating, and relax muscles. Used in sports and rehabilitation medicine and as a cancer treatment.

n a method for treating symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, decreased sexual desire, vaginal dryness, sleep disorders, and mood swings by using estrogen alone or in combination with progestin.

n a subcategory of nature-assisted therapy focused on gardening and horticultural activities for therapeutic benefits.

n a means of enhancing a patients ability to recognize, express, and enjoy humor. Used to help patients learn, express anger, relieve tensions, or manage painful emotions. See also therapy, laughter.

n a cancer treatment based on the belief that hypoxia and resulting anaerobic metabolism promote the growth of cancerous cells. In these therapies, the patient is treated with oxygenating agents, such as germanium sesquioxide, hydrogen peroxide, or ozone. Germanium compounds can have lethal nephrotoxicity. Also called bio-oxidative therapy or oxidative therapy.

n the use of heat either systemically or locally.

n psychotherapy based upon the idea that behaviors have their roots in a clients family dynamics, instinctual drives, childhood development, and genetic traits. Therapy in this vein consists of delving into these areas for information resulting in treatment of disorders.

n.pr a treatment for scotopic sensitivity, a condition of perceptual stress accompanying autism and some learning disorders. In this therapy, the patient wears lenses that have been tinted to a specific color to minimize or eliminate their sensitivity.

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