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Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine Market Analysis, Trends, Top Manufacturers, Share, Growth, Statistics, Opportunities…

Sunday, February 7th, 2021

Report Overview

The global Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market report analyzes market trends, with data from 2021 and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGR) until 2027. It explores a detailed overview, which includes market definition, product/services applications, and different manufacturing methods used across regions. Also, the global Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market report mentions major global regions and the market in the context of its present size and potential in these regions. It also explains the nature and structure of the industry, with the profiles of major players in the market. The report also forecasts sales in the market and major categories of the market in the given time frame.

Major vendors in the Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market include Arab Yoga Foundation (AYF), Soul Warrior, Sukoun, Aura Wellness, Intouch Clinic, Landmark Fitness Ltd., Osana Family Wellness, Cairo Osteopathy, Blue Tree Clinics, House of Nature Medical Center, Zen Yoga, Salmiya SKY Meditation Centre, and Jordan Chiropractic & Acupuncture.

Get A Sample Copy https://www.reportsandmarkets.com/sample-request/global-integrative-health-or-complementary-and-alternative-medicine-market-research-report-2020-2027?utm_source=bisouv&utm_medium=34

Regional Description

On the basis of region, the market has been segmented into Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), and the Middle East and Africa (MEA). Regional segmentation has been provided at a high level and a more detailed level in terms of a country-wise analysis of the market in each region. This regional analysis points out regions with highest consumptions and production rates and also provides a comparative study basis these factors. The revenues generated in these regions, the market growth rate and the compound annual growth rate percentage are also discussed in detail.

Report Objectives

Analyzing the size of the global Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market on the basis of value and volume

Accurately calculating the market shares, consumption, and other vital factors of different segments of the global Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market

Exploring key dynamics of the global Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market

Highlighting important trends of the global Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market in terms of production, revenue, and sales

Deeply profiling top players of the global Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market and showing how they compete in the industry

Studying manufacturing processes and costs, product pricing, and various trends related to them

Showing the performance of different regions and countries in the global Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market

Forecasting the market size and share of all segments, regions, and the global market.

Key questions answered in the report:

What is the growth potential of the Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market?

Which product segment will grab a lions share?

Which regional market will emerge as a frontrunner in the coming years?

Which application segment will grow at a robust rate?

What are the growth opportunities that may emerge in the Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine industry in the years to come?

What are the key challenges that the global Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market may face in the future?

Which are the leading companies in the global Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market?

Which are the key trends positively impacting the market growth?

Which are the growth strategies considered by the players to sustain hold in the global Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine market

Table of Contents: Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine Market

Chapter 1: Overview of Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine Market

Chapter 2: Global Market Status and Forecast by Regions

Chapter 3: Global Market Status and Forecast by Types

Chapter 4: Global Market Status and Forecast by Downstream Industry

Chapter 5: Market Driving Factor Analysis

Chapter 6: Market Competition Status by Major Manufacturers

Chapter 7: Major Manufacturers Introduction and Market Data

Chapter 8: Upstream and Downstream Market Analysis

Chapter 9: Cost and Gross Margin Analysis

Chapter 10: Marketing Status Analysis

Chapter 11: Market Report Conclusion

Chapter 12: Research Methodology and Reference

Enquiry More About Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine Market Report at @ https://www.reportsandmarkets.com/sample-request/global-integrative-health-or-complementary-and-alternative-medicine-market-research-report-2020-2027?utm_source=bisouv&utm_medium=34

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Integrative Health or Complementary and Alternative Medicine Market Analysis, Trends, Top Manufacturers, Share, Growth, Statistics, Opportunities...


Chatham Interim Elections Supervisor Billy Wooten hopes to ‘continue to improve’ – Savannah Morning News

Sunday, February 7th, 2021

Will Peebles|Savannah Morning News

Last week, long-time Chatham County Board of Elections worker Billy Wooten was named interim elections supervisor.

On Monday, hell officially take the reigns, less than two weeks after 16-year veteran Russell Bridges announced hed be retiring. Bridges' last day is Feb. 28.

Wooten, a North Carolina native, has served the Board of Elections in multiple capacities for a little over 20 years. Most recently, he served as the lead trainer for poll managers and workers and served as the manager for the hand audit of Georgias Presidential Election in 2020.

More: OPINION: Chatham election officials earn vote of confidence

When he started as a clerk at a polling place on Wilmington Island all those years ago, he hoped to better represent the diverse electorate of Chatham County. He says that goal hasnt changed.

They didn't look like Savannah. You know, they weren't inclusive. There weren't any men. There weren't any younger people there. There weren't any people of color, Wooten said. I thought, if people are working in something as important as the election, they should look like the electorate.

He found out in late December that Bridges had suggested he be the person to take over after he retired.

More: A new Chatham Elections Board member was sworn in last week. This week, she resigned.

I'm willing to do whatever I can do to ensure a peaceful transition and to help the board continue the process of having honest and accurate elections, Wooten said.

Wooten said with conversations about combining the BOE and the Chatham Board of Registrars currently welling up, his takeover as the interim supervisor is aptly timed.

There's always uncertainty when someone retires, and not only that, but the possibility that the elections and registration office would be combined, Wooten said. It just felt as if it was probably the best time to have an interim, and let some of that dust settle.

He has served five terms on the Coastal Workforce Board, and has served three terms as chairman of the board for First City Network, a non-profit LGBT organization in Savannah, and served as the first director of the Savannah LGBT Center.

Additionally, hes a 25-year member of the Savannah Philharmonic Chorus and a founding member of the integrative medicine/music program developed in partnership with Memorial Health University Medical Center.

All in all, Wooten said, his goal is to keep the board running smoothly.

I hope we continue to improve, continue to follow the laws, follow the guidelines the state has put forth, to continue having honest, accurate and fair elections, with as few problems as possible, Wooten said. You know, there are a lot of moving parts, and it takes a lot of people to conduct elections. And luckily, we've got a real good team.

Will Peebles is the enterprise reporter for Savannah Morning News. He can be reached at wpeebles@gannett.com and @willpeeblessmn on Twitter.

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Chatham Interim Elections Supervisor Billy Wooten hopes to 'continue to improve' - Savannah Morning News


Thriving through Thyroid – The New Indian Express

Sunday, February 7th, 2021

Express News Service

CHENNAI:Thyroid is a butterflyshaped,small glandlocated in front of the neck. It is responsible for producing hormonesthat influence energy levels, metabolism, hair growth, sleep, menstrual cycle, and other chemical reactions in the body.

When the thyroid gland failsto produce thyroid hormone in sufficient amounts, it can lead to hypothyroidism; when it produces more hormone, it leads to hyperthyroidism. Hypo/ Hyperthyroidism symptoms can vary from tiredness, dry skin, constipation, muscle weakness, weight gain/loss, thinning of hair, depression, and forgetfulness. Thyroid disorders develop slowly and with proper naturopathic treatments, it is possible to reverse the condition, resulting in the glands proper functioning.Here are 10 naturopathic treatments to manage thyroid conditions.

YOGAThough hypothyroidism has become a common household name these days, it can be effectively treated with disciplined adherence to the age-old practice of yoga. According to a study published in PubMed, yoga improved thyroid hormones and cholesterol levels for those who practised it for six months. Yoga reduces individual mental stress levels and enhances overall well-being. To improve blood circulation to the neck region and strengthen the neck, one can practise yoga poses like Salamba Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, and Navsasana. Regular practice of Ujjayi and Bhramari pranayama can regularise the secretion of the thyroid hormones.

HERBSHerbs are an integral part of naturopathic treatment and are frequently used in the treatment of thyroid disorders. Herbs like Asian ginseng, gum guggal, ashwagandha, and Coleus forskohlii are used to boost the function of underactive thyroid glands. However, care must be taken to consume these in proper amounts as too much of it can result in the overproduction of T3 and T4 thyroid hormones.

HYDROTHERAPYHydrotherapy is based on the concept that water can be the ultimate healing agent when used in various ways and its effectiveness depends on the location, pressure, temperature, and timing of hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy, like hot and cold therapy, can improve thyroid function and reduce thyroid antibodies. Hydrotherapy can also treat a whole lot of localised neck-related symptoms such as hoarseness of voice, difficulty in swallowing, a lump in the throat, and reducing the size of thyroid nodules.

MASSAGEAcross different naturopathy centres in the world, massages are one of the primary forms of alternative treatment therapies for thyroid dysfunction. Reflexology techniques coupled with proper massages can boost the adrenal and thyroid glands, making them perform better. In most cases, the massages are carried out using essential oils that further boost the adrenal and thyroid glands.

ACUPUNCTUREAcupuncture is an effective method to help balance the levels thyroid hormones in the body. Research published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine revealed that regular acupuncture can improve thyroid hormone markers in those suffering from thyroid dysfunction. Also, acupuncture relieves anxiety and muscle tension, which are common symptoms of hypothyroidism.

LIMITING SUGAR INTAKEIn general, too much sugar is bad for health but is especially harmful to those suffering from thyroid hormone imbalance, as one of the important tasks of the gland is to regulate carbohydrate metabolism. When the thyroid gland fails to produce enough hormones, there can be an imbalance in the blood sugar levels leading to metabolic derangement, weight gain, and fatigue.

CONSUMING FOOD RICH IN IODINEIodine is a key mineral that aids in thyroid hormone production. So, include foods like sea vegetables, seaweed, oysters, shrimp, cheese, and yogurt in your diet. Taking iodised salt or iodine supplements canalso have a positive impact.

VITAMIN B AND SELENIUMB group of vitamins can offer much-needed benefits to people suffering from hypothyroidism, as they have different interactions with various hormone regulation and thyroid function. Rich sources of vitamin B include green leafy veggies, seeds, nuts, whole grains, legumes, yogurt, and milk. Selenium is an important mineral that has many functions, including metabolism of thyroid hormones. An optimum level of selenium in the body also ensures the prevention of thyroid diseases. Some nutrientrich sources of selenium are pasta, rice, oatmeal, Brazil nuts, legumes, and nuts. It is important to take the doctors advice to decide on the right amount of these foods to be consumed for the best benefits.

MUD THERAPYMud therapy helps in the absorption of impurities and toxins from the body that allows the thyroid glands to perform normally once again.When toxin accumulates in thebody, the optimal performanceof thyroid gland activity reduces, leading to decreased secretion of T3 and T4 thyroid hormones, whichcan cause tiredness, excess sleep andvarious other symptoms/signs.

GLUTEN-FREE DIETDiet plays a crucial role in managing thyroid conditions and patients often see remarkable improvements in issues related to thyroid hormones when they stickto a gluten-free diet. Peoplewho are sensitive to glutenare more likely to developthyroid-related disorders as glutencan damage the gut lining, causinginterference with the thyroid hormones. Also, gluten is processedwith bromide which displaces iodine a key component needed to balance thyroid hormones.

(The author is Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Jindal Naturecure Institute)

See the original post here:
Thriving through Thyroid - The New Indian Express


Why We Need the Divine Feminine – Laredo Morning Times

Sunday, February 7th, 2021

Deepak Chopra, Special to SFGate

With the decline of organized religion and a decades-old drop in church attendance, people have largely made their spiritual life into something private and personal. The rise of meditation and yoga attests to this. But it is hard to fix your sight on a spiritual goal if you dont believe in heaven from the Western perspective or enlightenment from the Eastern.

Looking around at the tone of modern life, I think an important goal is worth seizing on: the divine feminine. Being scientific, rational, and technical, secular society seems to have less time for values that Carl Jung would have included in the feminine archetype, that religions cast as goddesses or a motherly figure like the Virgin Mary, and which most of us identify with our mothers growing up.

But at a deeper level, the divine feminine represents certain values that human beings have long cherished. Half of human nature is represented by the feminine in both sexes, as reflected in the qualities of the ancient Greek and Roman goddesses.

Ceres procreation, abundance

Aphrodite sensuality, love, beauty

Athena wisdom, culture, art, science

Artemis Nature, connection with animals and plants

Persephone alchemy, magic, transformation, healing, unconscious mind

Hestia homemaker

Even though these are innate qualities in the psyche, there are times when feminine values decline, and then the resulting imbalance brings problems. Global warming is the imbalance that resulted from too much devotion to science, technology, and progress and too little devotion to nurturing the environment. The extinction of species comes about when the human drive to treat Nature exactly as we want obscures the larger picture, which is that we belong in the total scheme of nature, or Mother Nature as tradition called it.

The age of world wars is past us for the moment, but the same thirst for power and authority drives nations, and war is visited on the innocent no matter how many widows and grieving mothers appear on the news. The dreadful Syrian devastation is the rank product of masculine tolerance for utter violent annihilation without check. It would be heartbreaking to continue such a listsimply the fact that the world has lived under nuclear threat for seventy years is evidence enough that life has gone seriously out of balance.

It is up to us individually to look inside and see where we can allow feminine qualities to correct a personal imbalance. The adjectives that apply to the personal feminine are love, affection, forgiveness, compassion, allowing, nurturing, and creative. They need to be present in everyones life, whether you are a man or woman, and every child needs to be exposed to them.

As things stand, children hardly have a choice to find the right balance of masculine and feminine in themselves. The two halves are not rivals; One doesnt succeed by overwhelming the other. Yet this seems to be the ethos children absorb when they look around a see a world that exults in forceful power, domination, flagrant abuse of minority rights, corporate greed without regard for human consequences, violent videos games, and online pornography.

Morality cannot be legislated, and if you tell people they are supporting the wrong values, the most likely result is that they will entrench themselves in those values even more stubbornly. The shift has to begin inside with a sense that something is missing, and that this something is connected to the feminine energy that has been allowed to dwindle almost to the vanishing point.

One now commonly hears the opinion that the world would be better off if women were heads of state instead of men. Its hard to disagree, but at the very least this country needs more than Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris as admired role models. We also need a shift in attitude, as evidenced by the cruelty, unfairness, anti-feminine prejudice, and spite directed at Hilary Clinton in the 2016 election. It would be bad enough if she became a sacrificial lamb in the eyes of history, the victim who showed people how much they needed to wake up and reflect on their appetite for injustice and inequality.

It would be even worse if the 2016 fiasco became the model for treating women candidates in the future. The prevailing notion is that this is a mans world, and if a woman wants to succeed in it, she deserves all the knocks that would be given to a man. Only a society blind to the value of the divine feminine thinks that way. Everyone should do everything in good conscience to overturn such an ugly, harsh, unforgiving attitude.

DEEPAK CHOPRA MD, FACP, founder of The Chopra Foundation, a non-profit entity for research on well-being and humanitarianism, and Chopra Global, a whole health company at the intersection of science and spirituality, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Chopra is a Clinical Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego and serves as a senior scientist with Gallup Organization. He is the author of over 90 books translated into over forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His 90th book and national bestseller, Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential (Harmony Books), unlocks the secrets to moving beyond our present limitations to access a field of infinite possibilities. For the last thirty years, Chopra has been at the forefront of the meditation revolution and his latest book, Total Meditation (Harmony Books, September 22, 2020) will help to achieve new dimensions of stress-free living and joyful living. TIME magazine has described Dr. Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century. http://www.deepakchopra.com

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Why We Need the Divine Feminine - Laredo Morning Times



Sunday, February 7th, 2021

NEW YORK, Feb. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Daxor Corporation (NYSE MKT: DXR), the global leader in blood volume measurement technology, announces today that it has been awarded a grant from the Center for Advancing Point of Care Technologies (CAPCaT), a program run by the Massachusetts Medical Device Development Center (M2D2) funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, both part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to develop a smart, point-of-care heart failure diagnostic for quantification of intravascular fluid overload to enable precision diuretic dosing.

This exciting award accelerates our active research and development program for our next-generation devices to make precise blood volume measurement both easier and quicker to perform, whether in a hospital lab, at the bedside, or even in the patients own home, said Michael Feldschuh, President and CEO of Daxor.

Heart failure treatment innovations are urgently needed to improve outcomes and reduce the cost of care. Over 6 million Americans suffer from heart failure, one of the most common and deadly diseases in the United States, leading to nearly 1 million deaths and 1 million hospitalizations annually. The point-of-care diagnostics market is projected to grow to $46.7 billion by 2024. Factors such as increasing incidence of target conditions, growing government support, and rising preference for home healthcare across the globe are driving the growth of the market.

Daxor submitted an excellent proposal to our most recent call for applications and rose to the top of a very competitive field, said David McManus, Co-Principal Investigator of CAPCaT and Professor and Chair of the Department of Medicine at UMass Medical School. We look forward to working with them to advance their product toward the commercial market.

This work is being funded by NIH grant 1U54HL143541.

About Daxor Corporation

Daxor Corporation (NYSE: DXR) is the global leader in blood volume measurement technology focused on blood volume testing innovation (organized as an investment company with fully-owned innovative medical instrumentation and biotechnology operations). We developed and market the BVA-100 (Blood Volume Analyzer), the first diagnostic blood test cleared by the FDA to provide safe, accurate, objective quantification of blood volume status and composition compared to patient-specific norms. The BVA technology enhances hospital performance metrics in a broad range of surgical and medical conditions, including heart failure and critical care, by informing treatment strategies, resulting in significantly improved multiple measures of patient outcomes. Daxor's mission is to advance healthcare by enabling optimal fluid management with blood volume analysis. Daxors vision is optimal blood volume for all. For more information, please visit our website at Daxor.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this release may include forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including without limitation, statements regarding the impact of hiring sales staff and expansion of our distribution channels. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this release, including, without limitation, those risk associated with our post-market clinical data collection activities, benefits of our products to patients, our expectations with respect to product development and commercialization efforts, our ability to increase market and physician acceptance of our products, potentially competitive product offerings, intellectual property protection, FDA regulatory actions, our ability to integrate acquired businesses, our expectations regarding anticipated synergies with and benefits from acquired businesses, and additional other risks and uncertainties described in our filings with the SEC. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date when made. Daxor does not assume any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Investor Relations Contact:Bret ShapiroSr. Managing Partner, CORE IR516-222-2560brets@coreir.com

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Vitality Beyond 50 Targets a Specific Niche in the Wellness Industry – Small Business Trends

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

Peoples health needs can change with age. But many wellness brands today focus mainly on young adults. Luckily, Vitality Beyond 50 is there to provide guidance specifically geared toward women in a different age group. Read more about the company below in this weeks Small Business Spotlight.

Provides nutritional guidance for women over 50.

Founder Kristine Bahr told Small Business Trends, I am an Integrative Functional Medicine nutritionist. I help women over 50 regain their energy and vitality with a personalized treatment plan including nutritional services and supplements.

Bringing scientific testing and experience to clients.

Bahr says, I have 20 years of experience as an Integrative Functional Medicine Nutritionist. I do scientific testing to determine the root cause of any illness.

By niching down another venture.

Bahr explains, Vitality Beyond 50 is an offshoot of my present business, Cutting Edge Wellness.

Seeing results with clients.

Bahr says, In my business history, I have helped thousands of clients, all ages achieve optimal health.

She adds, The best gifts I have received are women having babies after being they were infertile. It is a joy to my heart.

Setting up in a new area.

Bahr says, The biggest risk is when I moved from the Berkshires to Boston. I had to develop my business in a new location.

Exploring new areas and continuing to serve clients, just in new ways.

Bahr explains, I would travel more (excluding COVID restrictions) and write a book.

It is a time of Great Awakening. A time for waking up to who you are, not who others think you are. Abraham Hicks

* * * * *

Image: Vitality Beyond 50, Kristine Bahr

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Vitality Beyond 50 Targets a Specific Niche in the Wellness Industry - Small Business Trends


Loyola College researchers find that Kabasura Kudineer’s 145 compounds are extremely potent in controlling COVID-19 – EdexLive

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

Researchers from Loyola College have found that herbal concoction Kabasura Kudineer, which has extracts from 15 medicinal plants, is vital in the prevention of COVID-19 and they have proved through a docking study that it can be used either to block the host cell receptor or to inactivate 3CLpro, the protease that controls the replication of the virus.

Dr Savariar Vincent, research supervisor and former Dean of Research at Loyola College and research scholar Dr Manoj Dhanraj teamed up with Dr Muthupandian Saravanan from Mekelle University in Ethiopia and Dr Selvaraj Arokiyaraj from Sejong University, South Korea for the research. Their paper was published in Frontiers Molecular Bioscience, a reputed journal in the field.

Another paper published in Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine stated that Kabasura Kudineer could be used for effective treatment of COVID-19 but the study only analysed 37 compounds while the Loyola College study worked on 145, Dr Vincent told Edex. "We analysed 145 compounds and 15 of them are extremely powerful and if we were to create medicine with it, it could prove to be a powerful medication against COVID-19. We have also used a different software for the study. Our paper has also been published in a Q1 journal which ensures worldwide reach," he added.

Tamil Nadu's recovery rate is quite high at 97 per cent and one of the reasons is that people here have been consuming Kabasura Kudineer, said Dr Vincent. "Even at times when antibiotics don't work, Kabasura Kudineer is shown to always work," he said. "We did a docking study using the gene structure of COVID and the various medicinal plants that are in Kabasura Kudineer. We have only been saying that it is a preventive measure. If we keep drinking it on a regular basis, then it will prevent COVID from spreading in the body. It is very effective when consumed for 14 days at a time," he added.

Kabasura Kudineer, an official Siddha Formulation, comprises of 15 medicinal plants Adhatoda vasica, Andrographis paniculata, Anacuclus pyrethrum, Coleus ambonicus Cypreus rotundus, Clerodendrum serratum, Hyfrophila auriculata, Saussurea lappa, Sida acuta, Syzgium aromaticum, Terminalia chebula, Tinospora cordifolia, Tragia involuerta, Zingiber officinale and Piper longum. "When we studied those 145 compounds in it, we found that all of them had the power to bind with the Coronavirus and stop it from propagating. It also ensures that the virus doesn't affect the receptors in the cells," added the professor. "Siddha, Ayurveda and Unani medicine should be brought into the mainstream and its power harnessed along with mainstream medicine. We need to do a lot more research into traditional medicine into it. Ministry of AYUSH has recommended it all across India and that has contributed to keeping the infection rate low. There are 29 Siddha COVID centres in Tamil Nadu," he said.

The researchers also said that this study is important because there was no scientific validation for Kabasura Kudineer before this. "Even Nilavembu Kudineer is very potent against dengue but there have been no scientific validations against it. That is why we decided to do this study. We have shared the findings with ICMR and they have acknowledged it. We will be submitting it to the TN government and the Siddha College soon," he said.

Read more from the original source:
Loyola College researchers find that Kabasura Kudineer's 145 compounds are extremely potent in controlling COVID-19 - EdexLive


Comprehensive Report on Health Coaching Market 2021 | Size, Growth, Demand, Opportunities & Forecast To 2027 | Aetna, National Consortium for…

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

Health Coaching Market research report is the new statistical data source added by A2Z Market Research.

Health Coaching Market is growing at a High CAGR during the forecast period 2021-2027. The increasing interest of the individuals in this industry is that the major reason for the expansion of this market.

Health Coaching Market research is an intelligence report with meticulous efforts undertaken to study the right and valuable information. The data which has been looked upon is done considering both, the existing top players and the upcoming competitors. Business strategies of the key players and the new entering market industries are studied in detail. Well explained SWOT analysis, revenue share and contact information are shared in this report analysis.

Get the PDF Sample Copy (Including FULL TOC, Graphs and Tables) of this report @:


Note In order to provide more accurate market forecast, all our reports will be updated before delivery by considering the impact of COVID-19.

Top Key Players Profiled in this report are:

Aetna, National Consortium for Credentialing of Health & Wellness Coaches, Wellcoaches School of Coaching, National Society of Health Coaches, Duke Integrative Medicine, Humana.

The key questions answered in this report:

Various factors are responsible for the markets growth trajectory, which are studied at length in the report. In addition, the report lists down the restraints that are posing threat to the global Health Coaching market. It also gauges the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, threat from new entrants and product substitute, and the degree of competition prevailing in the market. The influence of the latest government guidelines is also analyzed in detail in the report. It studies the Health Coaching markets trajectory between forecast periods.

Global Health Coaching Market Segmentation:

Market Segmentation: By Type

Health EducatorsHealth CoachesWellness Coaches

Market Segmentation: By Application

Day spasCorporationsMedical centersNatural health food storesPhysician officesWellness centersSchools

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Regions Covered in the Global Health Coaching Market Report 2021: The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt) North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada) South America (Brazil etc.) Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)

The cost analysis of the Global Health Coaching Market has been performed while keeping in view manufacturing expenses, labor cost, and raw materials and their market concentration rate, suppliers, and price trend. Other factors such as Supply chain, downstream buyers, and sourcing strategy have been assessed to provide a complete and in-depth view of the market. Buyers of the report will also be exposed to a study on market positioning with factors such as target client, brand strategy, and price strategy taken into consideration.

The report provides insights on the following pointers:

Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Health Coaching market.

Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and product launches in the market.

Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market.

Market Development: Comprehensive information about emerging markets. This report analyzes the market for various segments across geographies.

Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the Health Coaching market.

Table of Contents

Global Health Coaching Market Research Report 2021 2027

Chapter 1 Health Coaching Market Overview

Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions

Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 12 Global Health Coaching Market Forecast

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Roger Smith



+1 775 237 4147

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Comprehensive Report on Health Coaching Market 2021 | Size, Growth, Demand, Opportunities & Forecast To 2027 | Aetna, National Consortium for...


Dont let the winters eat up your fitness regime – Hindustan Times

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

Come winter and the hardest task is to get out of thewarmth of the blanket and go for that run.As soon as temperatures dip, even the most motivated and dedicated fitness enthusiasts start to press thesnooze icon on the mobile clock.If you are struggling to maintain theexercise schedule which you acedat during the summer months,you are not alone.

Dr Anjali Hooda Sanghwan, says, Winters are a great time to lose weight! The metabolic rate of the body is at its best, the calories we consume are utilised better in the winter.

She adds, The best way to stay fit and find motivationin the cold season is to remember that when summer approaches one can look forward to coming out of those heavy clothes to a super fit body that waskept under wraps for the time being. Its actually the best time to focus on fitness, the good part is youend up sweating less and yet can shed weight too.

We all would be kidding if we thought it was just as easy to get outside and run in the winter as it is in the summer. Sometimes, it can take more effort to actually get out of the bedthan it does to complete a run itself! But training outside will give you a boost mentally and physically.

As Luke Coutinho, Holistic Lifestyle Coach- Integrative Medicine,says, Daily exercise also gives us a regular dose of endorphins, ahappy hormone, which can go a long way in combating seasonal affective disorder, depression and anxiety, which is real and especially seen in areas where temperatures drop sub-zero. Exercise also helps keep immunity up so you can better fight off the flu, activates circulation which usually slows down and initiates a process of sweating, which is one of the most natural ways to throw toxins out of our body. And of course, it can avoid the winterweight gain, which most people fear about.

Swapneel Hazare, Strength and Conditioning Coach,Founder - Shield Fitness, says, Unfortunately, during winters people feel it is necessary to spendmost of their time indoors to avoid the cold. On the contrary activities like jogging, walking,running or cycling outside is vital to get you the much-required dose of Vitamin D. This willbuild your immunity and will protect you against any illness caused by the change inweather.

Though its cold, but its time to embrace a strict workout schedule. We are sure these tips would help you.

1. Get the right kit

Though sounds the most banal advice but itwould make a big difference. Gloves and a headband to cover your ears will reduce the risk of catching a cold.

2. Set a goal

Focusing on a goal is the key to keep yourselfmotivated. Create your fitness goals and remember just how you will feel when you complete your kilometers.

3. Find a workout buddy

With friends, everything becomes easier. Even if itmeans running or jogging in the morning. Apart from accountability, you could chatand then enjoy a hot cup of chai after the workout.

4. Make it interesting

Keep in mind to make your workouts diversified, include body weight/strength training orgrounding practices like Hatha Yoga. You can complement your exercise routine withmassage therapies to balance Vata Dosha, says Namita Piparaiya, Yoga, and Ayurveda Lifestyle Specialist, Founder - Yoganama

Dont let the winters eat up your fitness regime - Hindustan Times


North Central West Virginia experts give tips on sticking to popular New Year’s resolutions – WV News

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

CLARKSBURG, W.Va. (WV News) With New Years Day right around the corner, many people are contemplating and committing to resolutions that help promote healthier lifestyles while they put 2020 behind them.

Getting in shape and weight loss remain among the most popular resolutions, and Dr. Elizabeth H. Hess, MD, United Hospital Center Family Medicine Residency Associate Program director and Integrative Medicine director, said its important to take some things into account in order to be successful.

I think its important when you think about a New Year/New You theme that its not limited to resolutions about a specific weight loss goal. We often focus on numbers on the scale but a new you should start with a mindset and emphasize how you accept yourself and choose to take steps that will help you feel better and stronger and more empowered as you reduce your risk of many chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes and heart disease, she said.

When setting goals, its important to be realistic and not set them too out of reach in the beginning. Smaller goals can help people stick to their plans, she said.

I recommend starting with small steps, but at the same time celebrate milestones along the way. This strategy is proven to be successful, yet simple, as it focuses on small, practical changes that add up to a healthy lifestyle over time, she said.

Hess said regular physical activity is essential for good health. Incorporating it into a new routine early can aid in weight loss, and in the future, can help keep it off.

Regular physical activity is an essential part of this wellness journey, and, yes, it can aid with weight loss and more specifically help maintain weight loss but the benefits of physical activity go way beyond the waist line. Specifically, regular physical activity helps elevate your mood and has shown to be an effective treatment or add-on treatment for anxiety and depression. It also plays a role in healthy sleep patterns. Finally, it gives our immune system a natural boost, which is so essential during the COVID-19 pandemic, she said.

For adults, Hess said its recommended they get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise a week, like fast walking, casual biking or light yard work, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity a week, like jogging or swimming. Adults should also add two days of resistance training to their routine, as well as explore activities that improve flexibility, she said.

To get in those minutes, North Central West Virginia is home to several area gyms and facilities for people to pursue their resolutions, such as the Harrison County YMCA, which aside from the exercise equipment, offers several classes to keep members engaged and healthy.

Healthy eating habits, Hess said, are another important aspect when losing weight.

Most of us have developed habits of how, when and why we eat. When we want to make changes in our diet and nutrition, I think its very important to also reflect on our attitudes toward food and our relationship with food. How, when and why we eat can often have deep-seated emotional triggers and if these issues are not addressed, it can be difficult to make lasting changes to how we see and use food to nourish ourselves. A lot of patients often want to adopt a radical change or a so-called fad diet and hope to see rapid changes in weight.

Weight loss management experts often dont recommend just one way of eating or prescribed diet plan. Its important that all the nutrients and micronutrients our body requires are included or supplemented in our eating pattern, but for a starting point, I would suggest starting with a mindfulness-based eating program, she said.

Mindful eating is about using mindfulness or our full attention to learn to recognize the difference between true hunger and non-hunger triggers and to really pay attention to our experience of eating, she said.

Mindful eating involves eating slowly without distraction, learning to distinguish between true hunger or emotional or habit-eating cues and only eating until full, she said.

It also stresses engaging all the senses in the act of eating and noticing how food affects your feelings. It makes eating intentional and not automatic. This mindful act of eating will lend to any nutrition program you adopt for weight management but most importantly it will build a healthy relationship and appreciation for the food you eat, she said.

Permanently improving eating habits requires a person to reflect on their habits, replacing unhealthy habits on healthier ones and reinforcing those habits.

For those trying to improve their overall wallet health, Edward Jones financial adviser Larry Cann offered several pointers.

Sit down and create a budget, and more importantly follow it. For most folks, actually seeing, paying attention to what they are spending on a more regular basis often times helps curve some of that frivolous spending, he said.

With 2020 being a trying year for everyone, filled with job losses, cut hours and parents teaching children at home while working on their own careers, Cann said being prepared is an important focus heading into the new year.

As part of that budget, work towards having an emergency fund. Id define an emergency fund as having somewhere in the neighborhood of approximately six months worth of living expenses. That gives you that cushion for the unexpected, including the loss of a job, cutting of hours, losing overtime pay, (etc.). Having that emergency fund gives you a cushion and time to react when something bad does happen, he said.

For those paying down debt, Cann said putting focus on paying the highest interest debts is impactful, and for folks who have already started planning financially in any way, remember to establish goals, create a plan to follow and dont overreact.

For those curious, unsure or even frightened about finances, seeking the help of a financial adviser can be very beneficial, as they can help you create a plan, lay out the goals an individual would like to accomplish and help achieve them.

You dont have to have a million dollars to talk to us. Thats simply not the case. ... If you are in a position where you are confused, worried and not quite sure, if you have a goal and you dont have a plan in place to help achieve that goal, reach out to somebody. Let somebody help you create that plan, he said.

{span}Staff writer Steven Baublitz can be reached at (304)626-1404 or sbaublitz@theet.com.{/span}

North Central West Virginia experts give tips on sticking to popular New Year's resolutions - WV News


What Are Biodynamic Wines? – Why Biodynamic Wines Are the Most Green – Esquire.com

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

There is a certain type of tea (not the kind you drink) made from manure that was once stuffed inside a cow horn, buried on a farm for a season or two, dug up, and diluted with water. That tea is stirred in a bucket until a vortex, which absorbs the energy of the environment around it, forms. Every few minutes, the vortexs direction is switched. After the mixture absorbs its share of environmental energy, it is sprayed, arbitrarily, over grape vines in a vineyard.

The spraying takes place according to a calendar that follows the phases of the moon and alignment of the stars to determine four types of daysroot, leaf, flower, fruitand the plants you should be cultivating on these days. It also dictates the types of wine you should be drinking on these days. Wines shine brightest on fruit days, although you can get away with a lighter white wine on flower days, too. If youre drinking a Pinot Noir on a root day, you have made a huge mistake.

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The label "biodynamic" is often attached to this intensive practice of winemaking, but its a type of farming in generalpart practice, part philosophy. Biodynamics were first theorized a century ago by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher and beekeeper who hosted a series of lectures in the 1920s decrying the creep of synthetic fertilizers and chemicals into farming. To this day, the biodynamic protocol refuses conventional additives, follows specific preparations for composting, and plans by that biodynamic calendar.

"We people tend to think we can control things," says Rex Farr, co-owner of Farrm Wine, a biodynamic vineyard on Long Island, New York. "But we cant control anything. Biodynamic farming is about giving up control. Its the PhD of organics. It includes energies that are not just in the soil but aboveground, too: how the moon affects the tides, how the stars and planets all play a part in the energy cycle that we here on terra firma are part of."

Biodynamic wines arent new, but as the reality of climate change sets in and younger generations look to spend money on brands paying attention to it, they have been newly attended to, whether wine drinkers understand them or not.

The big idea in biodynamics is self-sustaining agriculture: The biodynamic farm is symbiotic with its plants, soil, animals, and process. It does not take away from the earth, and it does little to disrupt the natural environment of the, albeit manmade, farm with human intervention and destruction. It predates the organic movement by about 15 years. But because biodynamic farming also follows the energy of the cosmos, an idea that has no basis in fact, the decision to drink biodynamic wine becomes a question not of taste or quality but one of integrity. Its not about what kind of wine we like, but what our values are when we go to buy a bottle.

"A lot of consumers walk into the store and want a natural or biodynamic wine because theyve heard the word around," says Jane Arbogast, assistant wine buyer at Eastside Cellars in New York City. "But when I push them, they usually dont know exactly what it means. What theyre usually looking for is something with morals that match their own."

If you are seeking the biodynamic label, youll likely find it at your local wine store and definitely at the closest Whole Foods, in the non-conventional wine aisle full of other green-sounding words like natural, sustainable, and regenerative, nestled among low-intervention wines and dry-farmed wines. These seemingly eco-friendly words are not bound by any USDA (or even colloquial) definition and can easily misrepresent environmental responsibility to the wine-drinking masses. Natural might appeal to the psyche, but it has no real claim to health, despite the health food industrys insistent usage. Natural is not inherently good. Arsenic is natural. It can also kill you.

"We call it 'greenwashing,'" says Ed Field, co-owner of Natural Merchants, an importer of organic and biodynamic wine for places like Whole Foods. "Natural, sustainablethose are like nails on a chalkboard. If you throw in terms that are undefined, it [all] becomes a marketing gimmick."

Part of the draw toward biodynamics is the sense that natural, sustainable, even organic, are not enough. "On a scale from the most green to the least green, biodynamic is the most extreme," says Arbogast. "Its the most dedicated to preserving the earth's resources."

Biodynamic practices havent been updated since Steiners first call to them in 1924, and although any product with a biodynamic label is certified as such from an international governing body called Demeter, in the U.S., the USDA stamp of organic approval is the closest thing we have to a legally bound manifestation of the idea. But where organics focus on what we dont addchemicals, synthetics, and the likebiodynamics also emphasize not taking anything away.

"Say a plant is sick," says Farr. "The Western approach would be: Lets go treat it with Roundup. We ask, 'Why is the plant sick?' Im not just going to eliminate the problem but look at the sourcethe plant, the roots, the soil."

In this way, biodynamic winemaking sounds a lot like integrative medicine: If a person has a chronic skin rash, you dont just prescribe a topical antibiotic and move along. You look at their stress levels, their food intake, their bloodwork. But biodynamics get real hippie, real quick. Some farmers believe in it like a religion. Steiner, for example, doesnt just have modern-day students of the practice, but zealots. They live and breathe the idea that we as people and as an earth are all interconnected with the soil and stars, and we must limit the damage we do to the natural order of things. Wine is not just good or bad based on taste, but right or wrong, ethical or unethical.

That intangible, philosophical way of behaving might be what draws both farmers and wine drinkers to a century-old hypothesis. Its a poetic ideal, which makes it impossible to study, impossible to quantify. If, ultimately, you want to know if biodynamic wine is quantifiably better than other green-sounding wines, youre out of luck. Maybe thats the point.

"Science compiles proof through controlled experiments," says Anna Katharine Mansfield, associate professor of enology at Cornell Universitys College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. "But biodynamics wouldnt fit that frame. They believe you cant replicate a system." You cant test biodynamic wine in a lab, because it matters what day of the week and month and year you drink it on. It matters who you are with and how it is shared and why it is experienced at all. In Mansfield's opinion, if a farmer takes care of the overall, holistic health of a vineyard system, that's good. "But that also happens in organic growing. When you move to relying on the tides of the moon and all that, it probably isn't better than organic."

Wine is not just good or bad based on taste, but right or wrong, ethical or unethical.

Viticulture and enology, the studies of winemaking, are built inside the scientific framework of falsifiability: We test ideas that have the capacity to be proven wrong. In this way, biodynamics seem more like religion than science. We cant prove that the hypothesis is true, but we also cant prove that its not true.

"I have no degree in agriculture, but I have 30 years of farming experience," says Farr. "We are just caretakers of what we do out here. We are not trying to control nature. Theres certainly more spirituality in biodynamics than organics. You can just feel something different. You really can."

Belief in holistic farming aside, some are driven to the biodynamic label by the perception that non-conventional wines are "healthier." It is probably more accurate to say that certain types of wine are less damaging or have fewer additivesthat some wines are less bad than others.

"I have to laugh when people ask for wine without chemicals," says Mansfield. "Everything that makes wine taste good are chemicals. Wine is chemicals. Humans are chemicals. The most toxic thing in any bottle of wine is the alcohol. Let's just agree that we are ingesting a toxin because we like it."

For the record, a casual wine consumer cannot usually tell the difference between a biodynamic wine and other winesnatural, organic, and sometimes even straight-up conventional. Just tastes like good ole fermented grape juice. And no winenot biodynamic, organic, nor naturalis a health food. But what you think, your perception of the wine, is really what ends up defining how good it is. If you think that the wine you bought is a moral investment, that youre supporting sustainable farming, that you are a healthy person who buys healthy things, then youll probably have a better experience drinking that wine.

We have stories about wines because it has never been compelling to reduce the earth and our time on it into data in a lab. Thats why philosophies of farming and cosmic calendars and belief in something beyond what is here right now exist. Science can only arm us with so much.

Biodynamic wine is about those stories. Wine is not just wine. One thing is never, can never be, just one thing. Everything is connected. To some, it is impossible to separate wine from its former life as a grape, the grape from the tea-sprayed vine, or the tea on the vine from its energy in the vortex of space. The wine can't be stripped from its context, just as we cant strip ourselves from the earth and our space in the stars, our morals from our wines.

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What Are Biodynamic Wines? - Why Biodynamic Wines Are the Most Green - Esquire.com


Global Health Coaching Market Research Report focuses on key applications and growth rates and outlooks till 2026 – Factory Gate

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

Globa Health Coaching Market Research Report uses definitions, classifications, and market scopes to give a detailed estimate of the current status of the Health Coaching industry. Basics of the Health Coaching industry are being studied, such as the competitive landscape structure, prominent players in the industry, and the size and value of the Health Coaching market. Health Coaching Market growth trends, development plans, dynamic market drivers, and risk assessments are implemented. All Health Coaching Industry traders, dealers, and distributors are being investigated globally. This study describes the strategies and business plans implemented by the main players in the Health Coaching market.

Key Players:

AetnaAmerican Association for Health EducationAmerican Council of Exercise (ACE)CignaCleveland ClinicDr. Dears Wellness InstituteDuke Integrative MedicineHealth Coach InstituteHumanaInternational Coach Federation

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Health Coaching Industry report Provides useful information on market geography, revenue analysis, market share, and value. First, we look at implementation, operability, product classification, scope, and maturity. The main players of the Health Coaching industry as a whole and their presence in different regions and countries are evaluated. Development plans, Health Coaching growth tactics, and a complete industry overview are presented from 2015-2019 and Forecast Analysis from 2020-2026.Interview with key opinion leaders in the market to get an estimate of the Health Coaching Market size and the market numbers. The top regions surveyed for their presence in the Health Coaching industry include North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, the Asia Pacific region, Southeast Asia, and South America. At the national level, the Health Coaching market analysis includes the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, Egypt, South Africa, Turkey, and more.

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In addition to the market size and value of Health Coaching, supply and supply statistics, usage, gross profit structure, and price analysis are performed. The study also covers capacity, existing and emerging segments of the Health Coaching industrial market, and new business plans, Health Coaching industry competitive analysis. This research study is divided based on Health Coaching product types, applications in different industries, and research areas for concise understanding.The major factors which are driving the Health Coaching industry growth and the factors which are limiting the growth of the market are assessed. In-depth research on development activities, market coverage, new product releases, and mergers and acquisitions in the Health Coaching industry. The Health Coaching industry dimension is based on production and market value to assess revenue and growth. Upstream raw material suppliers and downstream buyers of the Health Coaching market in-depth study. The traders, distributors, dealers, and manufacturers involved in Health Coaching on a global scale is offered.The SWOT analysis is conducted for every region and Health Coaching Market players. The industry barriers, risks, and analysts opinions are structured. This study describes the growth trajectory, company structure, risk assessment, and comprehensive outlook for the Health Coaching industry. The analysis of production, value, and demand defines the scope of the market. Market stability, Health Coaching business plans and policies, and SWOT analysis of industry players lead to strategic planning.

Global Health Coaching Market segments:

Global Health Coaching Market By Type:

Type IType II

Global Health Coaching Market By Application:

Application IApplication II

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Global Health Coaching Market Research Report focuses on key applications and growth rates and outlooks till 2026 - Factory Gate


Kevin Harvick Earns Driver of the Year Honors for Fourth Time – World Sports Network

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

The pandemic-interrupted racing season produced several exceptional candidates for the Richard Petty Driver of the Year award, conferred by vote of the National Motorsports Press Association. Kevin Harvick led NASCARs premier division with nine victories. Chase Elliott claimed his first Cup Series title.

Scott Dixon won the first three races on the IndyCar Series on the way to his sixth championship. Denny Hamlin led the Joe Gibbs Racing, Toyotas flagship team, with seven triumphs and 18 top-five finishes in NASCARs top series. Kyle Larson won 46 of the 92 dirt races he entered, taking checkered flags in four different types of race cars.

Ultimately, it was Kevin Harvick who was named Richard Petty Driver of the Year with 45 percent of the vote from the NMPA membership. In a season interrupted for 10 weeks by the coronavirus pandemic, Harvick won the first race after the resumption of competitionMay 17 at Darlingtonand went on to claim eight more trophies for a career-best nine victories.

Harvick finished fifth in the final standings after narrowly failing to qualify for the Championship 4 race, which Elliott won to secure his maiden championship. But the NMPA rewarded Harvick for his body of work, which elevated his career total to 58 wins, most among active drivers now that Jimmie Johnson has left the Cup Series to race IndyCars next year.

It was the fourth such award for Harvick, who earned the distinction for the first time in 2001 when he was thrust into the limelight as Dale Earnhardts successor at Richard Childress Racing after Earnhardt died in a last-lap crash in the season-opening Daytona 500. Harvick also was the top vote-getter in his 2014 championship season and in 2018.

Buoyed by victories in the final two races of the season, Elliott was second in the balloting with 30 percent of the vote. Dixon and Larson, the latter of whom will return to the Cup Series with Hendrick Motorsports in 2021, also were selected on multiple ballots.

One by-product of the coronavirus pandemic has been the strengthening of the charitable instincts among top NASCAR stars. The Checkered Flag Foundation, founded by 2012 NASCAR Cup champion Brad Keselowski, celebrated its 10th anniversary by providing business suits to returning veterans of the United States Armed Services to aid them in securing work after their service.

Keselowski said:

Weve been celebrating the 10th year of the Checkered Flag Foundation in 2020, and this feels like such a fitting way to end the season and spread some joy around the holidays. Im grateful that we could come together to recognize veterans during this important transition for them.

On November 5, Martin Truex Jr. and his long-time girlfriend, Sherry Pollex, celebrated the opening of the Sherry Strong Integrative Medicine Oncology Clinic at the Weisinger Cancer Institute in Charlotte, N.C. Pollex has been waging a recurring battle with cervical cancer; she and Truex, through his Martin Truex Jr. Foundation, have committed their time and resources to the benefit of cancer patients throughout the United States.

Bristol Motor Speedway, a property of Speedway Motorsports Inc. (SMI), is exploring an agreement with Nashville Fairgrounds Speedway that could return NASCAR racing to the historic short track, the second-oldest operating motorsports speedway in the United States, dating to 1904.

Until a potential agreement, Bristol would assume operation of the .596-mile track and take on financial responsibility for the renovation and maintenance of the facility. Nashville Fairgrounds Speedway is deeply rooted in NASCARs past. The Cup Series last raced there in 1984.

President, and CEO of SMI and Bristol Motor Speedway, Marcus Smith, Said:

We can work together to transform Nashville Fairgrounds Speedway into an amazing multipurpose entertainment destination. Were ready to roll up our sleeves and go to work to fully restore the speedway, recruit national events and breathe new life into a venue that has a legendary status in auto racing history.

Read more:
Kevin Harvick Earns Driver of the Year Honors for Fourth Time - World Sports Network


14 Best Ways Women Can Lose Belly Fat, From RDs – Eat This, Not That

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

Belly fat is often the first to accumulate when we gain weight and the last to be burned off. The belly fat bulge can be even more frustrating for women, who often find that no matter how frequently they hit the gym or how drastically they change their eating habits, there are always at least a few pounds in their midsection that stubbornly remain. Additionally, the quest to lose belly fat only gets more difficult as women age.

"Women tend to pack on more belly fat as they get older, especially after reaching menopause," says Megan Wong, RD, a registered dietitian working with AlgaeCal. "As levels of the hormone estrogen drop, body fat patterns shift from the typical 'pear-shaped' female figure to the 'apple-shaped' figure more frequently associated with men."

And not only is belly fat frustrating if you're trying to fit into your favorite pair of jeans, but it also has the potential to be very detrimental to women's overall health. "Visceral fat is metabolized by the liver and ultimately turns into blood cholesterol, which collects in the arteries, eventually narrowing them. These clogged arteries can eventually lead to angina, heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and other cardiac symptoms," explains Dr. Candice Seti, PsyD, CPT, CNC, a licensed clinical psychologist, a certified personal trainer, and a certified nutrition coach. "Visceral fat is also responsible for the release of hormones that trigger insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, systematic inflammation, heart disease, and other cardiovascular diseases."

But don't be bummed about your belly fat. Armed with these expert-recommended tips fromregistered dietitians, nutritionists, and other medical professionals, you can lose the belly fat. Read on, and for more on how to eat healthy, don't miss Simple Ways to Start Losing Weight Immediately, According to Science.

"Protein-rich foods like fish, chicken, and beans, are ideal to reduce belly fat and also help with weight loss," notes Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, a registered dietitian nutritionist, author of Finally Full, Finally Slim, and an adjunct professor of nutrition at New York University. "And women have a harder time losing weight than men." Protein can be a belly fat-blasting ally for women because it helps you feel fuller for longer since it takes more time to break down. Additionally, since protein is slightly harder to digest, your body uses more calories in the process, which can contribute to a flatter midsection.

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"Most people don't realize that sugar often ends up getting stored as fat. When you eat sugar, your body will use it as an energy source, if needed, and store the rest as fat; more often than not, we consume more [sugar] than we need," explains Wong. "To avoid added sugars, get familiar with reading nutrition labels. Common culprits that tend to be high in added sugars are flavored yogurts, breakfast cereals, energy drinks, iced teas, granola bars, and flavored nut milks. Take a look at ingredients lists as well. Added sugars can be listed as syrups, molasses, or words ending in 'ose' like fructose, glucose, maltose, sucrose or dextrose."

"Yup, I said increase! Healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocado can help normalize your weight and balance your blood sugar both of which help combat the development of visceral fat in the abdomen," says Seti. And this is especially true for women. Looking to blast belly fat? "Include a portion of healthy fats with every meal."

Since women tend to gain weight around their midsection after menopause, doing exercises that specifically engage your waist and abs can help efficiently target that fat. "I recommend physical activities that center on moving the waist, twisting and using your core," notes Dr. Anna Cabeca, DO, who is triple-board-certified in gynecology and obstetrics, integrative medicine and anti-aging and regenerative medicine. "Personally, I'm a big fan of boxing. There's a lot of rotation at the waistline when you're throwing punches, or hitting a bag, so while it helps by releasing frustration and detoxing, it also helps your belly."

Though this may sound obvious, it can have a substantial positive impact on women's loss of belly fat. "When you're bloated, your belly feels bad and may look swollen," says Amanda A. Kostro Miller, RD, LDN, who serves on the advisory board for Fitter Living."Bloating trigger foods vary by individual, however, FODMAPs (Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols) can cause bloating, even if you're on a 'healthy' diet. FODMAPs are present in healthy fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Even though all fruits/veggies are nutritious, some are high in FODMAPs and may cause distress like bloating, gas, diarrhea and abdominal pain. A low FODMAP diet can make you feel better if you have issues with high FODMAP foods."

"If you're chronically constipated, this can make your belly area full and bloated. Make sure you consume enough fiber and also enough fluid during the day," advises Kostro Miller. "Too much fiber without more fluid can cause constipation too."

Additionally, according to Young, foods high in soluble fiber like oatmeal, carrots and legumes may help fight belly fat. "These are particularly good for women as they may also help you feel full and assist with weight loss," she explains.

"Chronically high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, can actually lead to increases in your abdominal fat stores," says registered dietitian nutritionist SaVanna Shoemaker, MS, RDN, LD. "That's why it's important to find ways to manage your stress, to help stop that cycle of depositing more fat stores on your belly. You may even want to talk to a healthcare professional about having your cortisol level checked if you are chronically stressed and struggling to lose fat."

While both men and women produce cortisol, a 2009 Swedish study found that women can have significantly higher levels of certain types of cortisol than men.

Drinking too much alcohol has been linked with increased belly fat," says Young. "To reduce your waist, women should drink alcohol in moderation or abstain. Alcohol can also increase a woman's risk for breast cancer, so limiting alcohol is a win-win."

"Resistant starches, such as potatoes, lentils, and beans, actually help remove visceral fat from women's bodies," says Seti. "Because of the way these carbohydrates are processed in the body, they actually increase your calorie burn and make you feel fuller so you eat less throughout the day."

"Avoid foods or products that have endocrine disruptors, such as parabens," says Cabeca. "Skincare products, creams, shampoos, and lotions that have parabens will add an estrogen load in your body that can increase belly fat in women." This is because extra estrogen leads to excess fat storage, which is especially pronounced in the belly and butt areas in women.

According to a 2020 German study, even pregnant women who use parabens could increase the risk of their children being overweight.

"This is especially important for women since our hormones can cause frequent water weight fluctuations. Where the sodium goes, water will follow," Kostro Miller explains. "When you consume a lot of sodium (a component of salt) which most Americans do our body adjusts accordingly by quenching our thirst and/or holding onto the fluid we already have in our body. When we decrease overall sodium intake, our body does not feel the need to hold onto lots of water, and the water we drink will hydrate us and then be flushed out."

Related: 25 Foods High in Sodium You Should Watch Out For

"Putting more muscle on your body is the most effective way to combat body fat. Extra muscle fibers change your body composition over time," says Seti. "Muscle tissue is active and helps burn more and increase metabolism throughout the day, ultimately combating the development of visceral fat around your organs." To get going, Seti suggests women start with 5 to 10 minutes of weight lifting a day.

When it comes to diet changes women can make to eliminate body fat, Cabeca is a fan of this trendy, yet effective combo. "Incorporate lots of dark leafy greens such as broccoli sprouts and kale into your diet. These greens are rich in nutrients to help detoxify estrogen," she explains. "Also include healthy fats that you can find in salmon or oysters. Divorce from sugar and dairy, and minimize carbs. Avoid drinking more than 4-6 ounces during your meal, chew your food as it will force your natural digestive enzymes to work, burn the calories and the fat, and you will actually eat less."

She adds: "We also want to include cruciferous vegetables because that helps detoxify estrogen diindolylmethane (dim), and the sulforaphane that are abundantly found in the cruciferous vegetables help with estrogen detoxification."

While yo-yo dieting is a common practice among women, Seti warns it actually does more harm than good, especially where belly fat is concerned. "A history of yo-yo dieting is actually a risk factor for building abdominal fat. When we lose weight, we tend to start at the top and bottom of our bodies, leaving visceral fat in the abdomen for last. Some don't ever get to the point of losing it there," she says. "Plus, when we gain the weight back, the abdomen is the first place we add it. So the effects of yo-yo dieting ultimately increase visceral fat in our midsection. Stop the yo-yo and make some lifestyle changes that allow you to eat well all year. Focus on veggies, lean protein, and good fats at every meal!" To help you on your way, check out26 Easy Ways to Keep The Weight Off, According to Dietitians.

Excerpt from:
14 Best Ways Women Can Lose Belly Fat, From RDs - Eat This, Not That


Introduction to the special issue: Complementary medicine and integrative health approaches to trauma therapy and recovery – DocWire News

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

This article was originally published here

Psychol Trauma. 2020 Nov;12(8):821-824. doi: 10.1037/tra0000994.


The popularity of complementary and integrative health (also complementary integrated health; CIH) approaches has significantly increased in recent years. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), part of the National Institutes of Health, about 1 in 3 adults and 1 in 9 children used CIH approaches to healing. Some reports estimate that the use of CIH approaches will continue to increase (Clarke et al., 2015) as these therapies are cost effective and also due to the difficulties in finding trained mental health professionals (Simon et al., 2020). For the purpose of this special issue, we use the NCCIHs definition of CIH as a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine (Barnes et al., 2004, p. v). However, the integration of these therapies into the health system has not followed the same pattern despite the fact that patients report the need to discuss CIH therapies with their doctors or are actually using them (de Jonge et al., 2018; Jou & Johnson, 2016; Stapleton et al., 2015). This inability to keep up with the demand or patients preference is possibly due to providers lack of understanding and/or knowledge of these therapies, as well as scientific skepticism (Ali & Katz, 2015; Fletcher et al., 2017). Using data from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey, Jou & Johnson (2016) identified patterns of CIH use in the United States and reasons for patients nondisclosure of the use of these therapies. Patients fear of disclosure due to perceived skepticism or disapproval from their provider was frequently attributed as a cause of patients nondisclosures to providers about the use of these therapies (Eisenberg et al., 2001; Jou & Johnson, 2016; Thomson et al., 2012). The arrival of patient-centered care models is beginning to shift the ways we understand the patients role in treatment engagement. Patient-centered approaches often emphasize the use of preventative and holistic wellness models that go beyond the use of evidence-based treatments. This approach also seeks to be culturally responsive, which is a key factor in addressing health disparities in the United States (American Psychological Association [APA], 2019). The Institute of Medicine, in its report on CIH therapies, highlighted the importance of engaging patients in their own care, including having a decision about therapeutic options (Bondurant et al., 2005). Likewise, the Race and Ethnicity Guidelines in Psychology (APA, 2019) recommend psychologists engage the patients cultural beliefs, or what Kleinman called the explanatory belief model (Kleinman, 1978)- for example, by aim[ing] to understand and encourage indigenous/ ethnocultural sources of healing within professional practice (APA, 2019, p. 24). (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).

PMID:33346679 | DOI:10.1037/tra0000994

See the original post here:
Introduction to the special issue: Complementary medicine and integrative health approaches to trauma therapy and recovery - DocWire News


Washington Regional Recognizes Three (Movers & Shakers) – Arkansas Business Online

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

We were unable to send the article.

D.J. Burrows, Allison Moss and Hannah Wilburn of the Washington Regional Medical System

D.J. Burrows has been named controller of Washington Regional Medical System in Fayetteville.

In this role Burrows, who has eight years in accounting service, will oversee the medical systems daily accounting operations and help provide strategic vision aligned with the mission and core values of the organization.

Allison Moss, a clinician at Washington Regional, has completed a fellowship in integrative medicine at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Tucson.

Hannah Wilburn has joined Washington Regional Harrison Family Practice as an APRN. She previously served as a registered nurse in the emergency department at North Arkansas Regional Medical Center.

Kathy Grisham and Dr. James Zini Kathy Grisham and Dr. James Zini have received the 2020 Dr. Tom Bruce Arkansas Health Impact Award from the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement. Grisham is the former CEO of Community Clinic in northwest Arkansas. Zini is an osteopathic physician based in Mountain View.

See more of this week's Movers & Shakers, and submit your own announcement at ArkansasBusiness.com/Movers.

Read more from the original source:
Washington Regional Recognizes Three (Movers & Shakers) - Arkansas Business Online


McGill team wins grant to study ‘trained immunity’ with Japanese researchers – McGill Newsroom

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

Joint research program between the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research focuses on advancing technologies in epigenomics, deepening McGills relationship with Japans RIKEN institute.

By Junji Nishihata

In recent years, the concept of trained immunity has emerged as a new area of interest. This refers to the bodys inherent ability to reprogram the innate immune cells to respond differently to subsequent infections. Where does this recall come from? And what are the epigenetic mechanisms that enable it to persist? Indeed, the pursuit of answering the questions raised by trained immunity have been hampered by a lack of useable tools to facilitate research.

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Professor David Langlais will be pursuing this study thanks to a grant from a new collaboration between the Canadian and Japanese research communities. The novel program is a partnership of the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Aimed at early-career researchers such as Langlais, the collaborative research to be supported by the AMED and CIHR builds upon a far-reaching cooperation between McGill and RIKEN that uses genomics and immunology to address major questions in biomedical research.

Japans prestigious RIKEN Institute is composed of over 3,000 scientists working in seven centres across Japan. Its past body of achievements includes two Nobel prize winners. For the current project, Langlais will be interfacing with the teams of Drs Jay Shin and Aki Minoda at RIKENs Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, based in Yokohama.

In 2018, the McGill-RIKEN partnership received support from Quebecs Fonds de Recherche (FRQ). A new 5-year McGill-RIKEN agreement, signed on July 15, 2020, covers the assignment of joint laboratory space for the collaboration at McGill and the RIKEN Yokohama site, exchanges of scientists and trainees, and continuation of a joint symposium that has been held annually since 2017. In July, the RIKEN International Affairs Section also made a 5-year award of 10 million JPY annually towards these joint activities. The collaboration with RIKEN is part of McGill's wider engagement with Japanese academic institutions, which includes the joint McGill-University of Kyoto PhD degree in genomic medicine established in 2018, which is also supported by the FRQ and is the first of its kind for the two Universities.

Professor Mark Lathrop, Director of McGill Genome Centre, said: "We are very pleased that the AMED and CIHR will support this joint research project between McGill and RIKEN. The way the teams will be working closely together to bring their complementary expertise at the leading-edge of genomics and immunology to bear on very important biomedical questions is exemplary of the research that the McGill-RIKEN collaboration is intended to promote."

The $300,000 grant (awarded by CIHR over three years; AMED will grant 30 million JPY over the same time frame to the Japanese researchers) will enable three separate aspects to the study of trained immunity. First, it will permit the study of the phenomenon at the biological level, to better understand how chromatin conformation inherits the ability to recall pathogens from the past and eliminate newcomers. But to do so at the level of the individual cell will require the development of a new suite of tools which is the second aim of the project, and one of the main remits of the RIKEN side of the collaboration.

Specifically, the project seeks to develop bulk and single-cell Single-Molecule chromatin capture techniques that will reveal how the individual cells can be reprogrammed for the purposes resisting infections.

The third objective of the project will be to develop the necessary algorithms to interpret the resultant bioinformatics, a process that is sure to involve large amounts of data, in other words, Big Data. This portion of the study will be undertaken by Professor Hamed Najafabadi, in McGills Department of Human Genetics. A recipient of a Sloan Fellowship in 2018, Najafabadi brings considerable expertise in bioinformatics to the project.

Our teams are already fully integrated on this project, as well as on other collaborative research efforts, said Langlais referring to his collaborators in Japan. We will have exchanges with student internes attending our counterpart institutions, and we are expecting this work will result in a number of published papers, he explained, clearly enthused by the prospect. The expectation is that this will result in truly novel technologies that will advance the field of epigenomics overall.

In 2018, Langlais was among the McGill researchers figured prominently in Qubec Science magazines annual list of the top 10 scientific discoveries in Quebec. This joint research program announcement comes amidst deepening ties between Japan and Canada, as evidenced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus announcements in 2019, as well as parallel moves in Quebec.

Read the original post:
McGill team wins grant to study 'trained immunity' with Japanese researchers - McGill Newsroom


Institute flags off integrative medicine programme – The Nation Newspaper

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

Our Reporter

The Science Medicine Research Insititute Dallas, Texas, USA, has flagged off programmes in integrative medicine in a bid to improve patient outcomes.

Coordinator of the programme in Nigeria, Dr Okeima Ruth, advised all International Medical Graduates or first professionals seeking for an integrative approach to helping patients, to join the institution for a special introductory course designed to provide insight into how integrative medicine can improve patient outcomes.

Dr Ruth, who pointed out that they were offering first Degree in Naturopathy, Natural and Integrative Medicine (USA), Professional MS Degree in Integrative Medicine (USA), PhD in Integrative Medicine (USA), and B.CIM (Board Certification in Integrative Medicine), with specialty in Science Medicine Integrative Healthcare Delivery System, said Diploma and Certificate Courses are also available in the disciplines.

The President/Research Director Science Medicine Research Institute, Dallas, Texas, USA, Professor Alphonsus Ekwerike, expressed delight to be in the country to personally kick start the programme, which begins on the 22nd and 23rd December, 2020, at Rivers State Ministry of Health Conference Hall, State Secretariat, Port Harcourt.

Prof Ekwerike is also a member of the new Committee on National Institute of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, set up by the Minister of Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire last week.

Dr Ruth said, Registration is on now. Interested persons should contact 0906 626 0824 or 0813 000 6700 for more details.1) For those with first Degrees in Naturopathy/Natural Medicine an abridged program or Conversion programs in the above-mentioned Courses is also obtainable.

Dr Ruth also pointed out that the Orientation and Induction programmes will be on the 22nd and 23rd December, 2020, at Rivers State Ministry of Health Conference Hall, the programme will also be on Zoom with the topic, Orientation/Induction into Science Medicine. at 10am daily, and that she should be contacted for the Zoom ID.

See the original post:
Institute flags off integrative medicine programme - The Nation Newspaper


Naturopathy – How Not to be a Doctor and Harm the Public Good – News Intervention

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

Naturopathicmedicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientificknowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. It is based on thehealing power of nature and it supports and stimulates the bodys ability toheal itself. Naturopathic medicine is the art and science of disease diagnosis,treatment and prevention using natural therapies including: botanical medicine,clinical nutrition, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, naturopathic manipulation,traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, lifestyle counselling and healthpromotion and disease prevention. Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors

Naturopathyis a cornucopia of almost every quackery you can think of. Be it homeopathy,traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, applied kinesiology,anthroposophical medicine, reflexology, craniosacral therapy, Bowen Technique,and pretty much any other form of unscientific or prescientific medicine thatyou can imagine, its hard to think of a single form of pseudoscientificmedicine and quackery that naturopathy doesnt embrace or at least tolerate. Dr. DavidGorski

Naturopaths claim that they practice based on scientificprinciples. Yet examinations of naturopathic literature, practices andstatements suggest a more ambivalent attitude. NDhealthfacts.org neatlyillustrates the problem with naturopathy itself: Open antagonism toscience-based medicine, and the risk of harm from integrating these practicesinto the practice of medicine. Unfortunately, the trend towards integratingnaturopathy into medicine is both real and frightening. Because good medicineisnt based on invented facts and pre-scientific beliefs it must be groundedin science. And naturopathy, despite the claims, is anything but scientific. Scott Gavura (Science-Based Medicine)

Naturopathic training does not prepare them to be primary care physicians.Their profession is not science-based, does not have a science-based standardof care, and is largely a collection of pseudoscience and dangerous nonsenseloosely held together by a vague nature is always best philosophy.

This is one of those situations where most people will not believe that thesituation can be as bad as it really is. This is similar to when I describe topeople, who are hearing it for the first time, what homeopathy actually is.They usually dont believe it, because they cannot accept that something sononsensical can be so widespread and apparently accepted in our society. Thesame is true when I tell people about the core chiropractic philosophy of lifeenergy (at least for those chiropractors who have not rejected their roots), orabout what Scientologists actually believe.

One common reaction is the no true Scotsman logical fallacy. Defenderswill insist that what we are describing is the exception, and that a realnaturopath is not like that. Obviously there will be a range of practice(especially since there is no standard), but the pseudoscientific treatmentsthat make up naturopathy are not the exception. They are at the core of theireducation and their philosophy. Dr. Steven Novella

Naturopathic medicine is an eclectic assortment ofpseudoscientific, fanciful, and unethical practices. Implausible naturopathicclaims are still prevalent and are no more valid now than they were in 1968. Kimball C. Atwood

Naturopathic medical school is not a medical school inanything but the appropriation of the word medical. Naturopathy is not a branchof medicine. It is a combination of nutritional advice, home remedies anddiscredited treatments Naturopathic practices are unchanged by research andremain a large assortment of erroneous and potentially dangerous claims mixedwith a sprinkling of non-controversial dietary and lifestyle advice. The Massachusetts Medical Society

Naturopathy[1]is, and always has been, a declaration of pseudoscience and pseudomedicinemixed together with truism dressed-up in cheap makeup to appear legitimate,respectable, even advanced and modern, and real, as per the first statement atthe top in contrast to reliable and respected voices following it. Ignorance ina tutu is still ignorance.

Its notan alternative way of knowing, a different form of medicine, or a novel line ofthought. Its not cheaper than medicine because real medicine works on thecases needing it and, therefore, utilize the finances of patients properly,i.e., effectively.

Naturopathsare not doctors, medical doctors, or real MDs. By peddling nonsense assensible, they harm the public good and, thus, become a negative force insociety, as purveyors of illegitimate practice. Why deal a light critique toindividuals harming public in the most important areas of life, for example,medical care or health?

In turn,as self-proposed practitioners for the betterment of the health of the public,they detract attention and legitimacy away from real medical doctors, realmedicine, in addition to the finances of the public. If alternative medicinebecame effective, then it would become non-alternative medicine, also known asmedicine. So, whats the point of it, in the first place?

As notedin Freethought for the Small Towns: Case Study,Canadians and Others Convictions to DivineInterventionism in the Matters of the Origins and Evolution, Making a Buck as a Mountebank Astrologers, Mediums,and Psychics, The Message of William Marrion Branham: ResponsesCommentary, The Fantastic Capacity for Believing the Incredible,religious fundamentalism, pseudoscience, and pseudomedicine, play off oneanother, as gullibility in the pulpit informs gullibility in the wellnessmarketplace, and vice versa.

Oneignorance feeds into another. Whether in the local Township of Langley or inthe wider province of British Columbia, even in small towns including FortLangley, this is the nature of the pseudoscience and pseudomedicine landscape.Bad people, even thinking themselves good, bilk the public earning good money,even bad money or minimum wage income.

Theseindividuals and, more fundamentally, fraudulent practices, should be combatteddirectly, even at the legislative level as they have been enforced in countrieslike the United States largely through legislative efforts. Why such a directedeffort at legislation rather than randomized double-blind trials? Let me knowhow those homeopathic studies turn out.

InBritish Columbia, widely, when you do a search, you can find more than 100places, so associations, colleges, clinics, centres, integrative clinics, medicalcentres, practitioners, and so on. All devoted to a pseudoscientific practice withinone province. All either harming the bank accounts through fraudulentpractices, or, potentially, harming the public.

Personally,they should not be able to operate in British Columbia generally, or in theTownship of Langley in particular. Its easily viewable as a wide range ofpseudomedicine postulated as real medicine while without proper medical credentials,only fake qualifications, as in real to the fake medicine while faketo the real medicine.

Theresa large number of practitioners and clinics of naturopathy, includingassociations, colleges, and institutes, such as the College Of NaturopathicPhysicians Of British Columbia and the BC Naturopathic Association/BCNA.

Its a literal zoo with the number of them. In a general search of the Canadianprovince of British Columbia, one set includes Dr. Janine Mackenzie ND, AbbyNaturopathic Clinic: Dr. Cristina Coloma ND, Horizons Holistic Health Clinic,Edgemont Naturopathic Clinic, Boucher Naturopathic Medical Clinic, Dr. AggieMatusik, Integrative Naturopatic Medical Centre, Dr. Marisa Marciano, ND, Dr.Melanie DesChatelets ND, Vitalia Naturopathic Doctors Vancouver, Dr. Grodski White Rock Naturopathic, Dr. Lindsey Jesswein, ND, Noble Naturopathic, LocalHealth Integrative Clinic, Dr. Carlson-Rink C., Dr. Andrea Gansner NaturopathicPhysician, Dr. Lorne Swetlikoff, BSc.,, ND, Polo Health + Longevity Centre, ANew Leaf Naturopathic Clinic, Dr. E. DSouza-Carey, ND Family Health Clinic.

Another,second set includes Family Health Clinic: Naturopathic Medicine and MidwiferyCare, Integrated Health Clinic, Dr. Jiwani, Naturopathic Physician SurreyClinic (Not Vancouver) Autoimmune Weight Loss, Dr Andrew Eberding NaturopathicDoctor, Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, Meditrine NaturopathicClinic, Vancouver Naturopathic Clinic, Selkirk Naturopathic Clinic, Cross RoadsNaturopathic clinic, OZONE THERAPY BC: Dr. Walter Fernyhough, Dr. Allana PoloN.D Polo Health + Longevity Centre, Pangaea Clinic of Naturopathic MedicineInc, Dr Eric Chan, Dr Tawnya Ward, Dr. Rory Gibbons, Naturopathic Physician,Dr. Caroline Coombs Naturopathci Doctor, Dr. Brian Gluvic, KitsilanoNaturpathic Clinic, Agency Health, and Richmond Alternative Medical Clinic.

There theres the third set with Arc Integrated Medicine Delta & Surrey Naturopathic Doctors, Dr. Kali MacIsaac, Naturopathic Doctor, Aspire Naturopathic Health Centre Naturopath North Vancouver Dr. Emily Habert, ND, Dr. Hal Brown, Red Cedar Health Ray Clinic, Lonsdale Naturopathic Clinic, Metrotown Naturopathic and Acupuncture, Yaletown Naturopathic Clinic, Flourish Naturopathic, Northshore Naturopathic Clinic, and Dr. Jonathon F. Berghamer.

Thefourth set includes Dr. Scarlet Cooper, ND., Dr. Terrie Van Alystyne,Naturopathic Physician Whistler, Butterfly Naturopathic, Dr. Jason Marr, ND:Naturopathic Doctor, Peninsula Naturopathic Clinic, Dr. Karen Fraser, YaletownIntegrative Clinic, Serenity Aberdour ND Horizon Naturopathic Inc, Dr.Tasneem Pirani-Sheriff, ND, Avisio Naturopathic Clinic & VitaminDispensary, Dr. Robyn Land, Naturopathic Physician, Springs Eternal NaturalHealth, Dr. Alaina Overton, Cornerstone Health Centre: Maryam Ferdosian, ND,Dr. Kim McQueen, BSc, ND, Dr. Safia Kassam, and Restorative Health.

Thefifth set of them include Dr. Esha Singh, ND, Dr. Bobby Parmar NaturopathicDoctor, Lansdowne Naturopathic Centre, West Kelowna Integrative Health Centre,Dr. Shalini Hitkari, ND, Dr. Jolene Kennett, Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. KarinaWickland, ND, Dr. Phoebe Chow Lumicel Health Clinic, Dr. Maltais Lise,Vitality Wellness Centre, Dr. Lisa Good, ND, Dr. Heidi Lescanec, ND, Dr. RodSantos, ND, Inc., West Vancouver Wellness Centre, Dr. Kully Sraw, NaturopathicPhysician, Juniper Family Health, Dr. Peter Liu, ND, Garibaldi Health Clinic,Dr. Kayla Springer, ND, and Dr. Donna Ogden, ND, MSc, Naturopathic Doctor.

Thesixth yes, theres more set includes Dr. Cortney Boer, ND, Burnaby HeightsIntegrative HealthCare Inc., Dr. Amelia Patillo, ND, Jamie Sculley, Dr. EwingRobert J., Central Park Naturopathic Clinic, Dr. Kira Frketich, Living WellnessCentre, Dr. Jennifer Brown, ND, Dr. Randi Brown Naturopathic Doctor, WestShore Family Naturopathic Ltd., Rejuv-Innate Naturopathic Clinic-Dr. JamieGallant, Dr. Tonia Winchester, Nanaimo Naturopathic Doctor TonicNaturopathic, NaturopathicVictoria.net, Fourth and Alma Naturopathic MedicalCentre, Cheam Wellness Group, Maureen Williams, Dr. Meghan Dougan, ND, Dr.Brittany Schamerhorn, ND, and Dr. Jenna Waddy.

Theseventh almost there set includes Inner Garden Health, Dr. Brit Watters,ND, Dr. Laruen Tomkins, ND, The Natural Path Clinic Inc., Elizabeth Miller, Dr.Jennifer Moss Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Penny Seth-Smith, Seeded Nutrition,Northern Centre for Integrative Medicine, Aqua Terra Health, Dr. Kelsea Parker,ND, Maple Ridge Naturopathic Clinic, Newleaf Total Wellness Centre, VitalityIntegrative Health, Dr. Orissa Forest, BSc, ND, Acacia Health Dockside, Dr.Megan Kimberley, Naturopath, Dr. Landon McLean Healthcare, Back to Our RootsIndigenous Medicine, and N.A. Hemorrhoids Centre.

Theeighth set is Legacies Health Centre, Kelowna Naturopathic Clinic, MarseillesRemedy Traditional Oil Blend, Lani NYkilchuk, ND, Dr. Heather van der Geest,ND, Hummingbird Naturopathic Clinic, Dr. Elli Reilander, ND, BodaHealth, TheNatural Family Health Clinic, Dr. Chelsea Gronick, Naturopathic Doctor, Dr.Carla Cashin, ND, Dr. Karen McGree, Saffron Pixie Yoga & Naturopathy, WildHeart Therapies and Farmacy, Dr. Andrea Whelan, Well+Able Integrated HealthLTD., Dr. Kim Hine, ND, Dr. Graham Kathy, Dr. Emily Freistatter, NaturopathicDoctor, Inner Garden Health.

The ninth set is Dr. Emily Pratt, BSc, ND, Inc., Life Integrative, Dr. Michael Tassone, ND, Harbour Health: Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, Chiropractor, Naturopath, Broadway Wellness, Spokes Clinical Naturopathy, Dr. Fulton Lynne, Electra Health, Dr. Macdonald Deidre, Ray Lendvai Naturopathic Physicians, Dr. Maryam Ferdosian, ND, Yinstill Reproductive Wellness, Prajna Wellness, Fountain Wellness & Physiotherapy, Qi Integrated Health, Paradigm Naturopathic Medicine, Apex Chiropractic Coquitlam, Kamloops Naturopathic Clinic, Dr. Carmen Anne Luterbach, and Dr. Mar Christopher.

The final and tenth set is Dr. Lawrence Brkich, The Phoenix Centre, Cave Cure & Therapies, Twisted Oak Holistic Health, Coast Therapy Maple Ridge, Balance Natural Health Clinic, Dr. Theresa Camozzi, ND, BC Pulse Therapy, Naramata Lifestyle Wellness-Best Naturopathy, Meditation, Weight Management Centre Okanagan, Acubalance Wellness Centre, Ltd., Dr. Milanovich David, Catalyst Kinetics Group, and Dr. Kimberly Ostero, BSc., ND, and Kontinuum Naturopathic Medicine, Inc.

Theobvious benefit in these titles compared to the astrologers, mediums, andpsychics, is the appearance of professionalism, while, in a mysterious manner,acquiring an entire reputation based on a fallacious premise, pseudomedicine,in addition to a false title.

Itsless turtles, turtles, turtles, all the way down, and more falsehoods all theway down, and to the top. People with all the accoutrement of theprofessional and medical world while, in fact, lacking the substance, thecontent, and so mimicking, or parroting, the forms and stylings of them.

A shame, a scandal in the province, a waste of the publics dime, a tax on the wellbeing of the province as a whole because real medicine exists, and ignorance without proper medical bases, while idiotic in its proposition and imbibing by the general public. Everyones to blame here; while, some are more culpable than others.

Thisshows both a failure in critical thinking on the part of the public, individualsentering into the schools for training, and a firm action on the part of theproper authorities to regulate public health in such a manner as todelegitimize failed philosophies from the 1800s proposed as modern medicine.

Asstipulated, succinctly, by the skeptic Wiki, RationalWiki, the titles of ND inBritish Columbia naturopaths and naturopathic physicians, self-proclaimed, asin Naturopathic Doctor, does not mean a doctor, a physician, or a medicaldoctor.

Thesetitles, ND, remain false proclamations of credentials and qualifications, byand large, rejected by both mainstream medicine and mainstream science. Theseare a manner in which to attempt to co-opt the earned legitimate legacy ofmodern medical science and modern science, as per credentials, e.g., MD, withillegitimate pseudoscience and pseudomedicine.

In fact,the issue in North America is widespread, as stated by RationalWiki, in Alternative Medicine Education, thereare actually 7accreditedinstitutionsin North America that award this degree (as of 2012), 5 in theUnited States(Bastyr University, National College ofNatural Medicine, National University of Health Sciences,SouthwestCollege of Naturopathic Medicineand University of BridgeportCollege of Naturopathic Medicine) and 2 inCanada(Boucher Institute ofNaturopathic Medicine, and Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine).Forthose who want a shorter route, it is also widely available fromdiploma mills.

Theseindividuals will use the title of Dr. If you dont believe me, then I wouldpropose looking at the ten sets above. How often does the use of the term Dr.get used in the public face of the institutions?

Next, wecan ask about the private face. How many? How often? It is probably more, andmore forcefully, because Dr., rightfully, earned the title because theeducation is more difficult and the positive effects on society far more great.

That which was known as health fraud in prior generations through consistent efforts continues to be regarded more as medicine rather than medicine.

It should be halted, deconstructed, and shown for its farcical foundations and direct, and indirect, harms on the public.

[1] Even Wikipedia, as a minor resource, itstates:

Naturopathyornaturopathicmedicineis a form ofalternativemedicinethat employs an array ofpseudoscientificpractices branded asnatural, non-invasive, or promotingself-healing. The ideology and methods of naturopathy are basedonvitalismandfolk medicine, rather thanevidence-basedmedicine(EBM).Naturopathic practitioners generallyrecommend against followingmodern medical practices, including but notlimited tomedical testing,drugs,vaccinations, andsurgery.Instead, naturopathic practicerelies on unscientific notions, often leading naturopaths to diagnoses andtreatments that have no factual merit.

Naturopathy is considered by themedical professionto be ineffective and harmful, raisingethicalissues about its practice.In addition to condemnations and criticism from the medical community, such as theAmerican Cancer Society,naturopaths have repeatedly been denounced as and accused of beingcharlatansand practicingquackery.

Assistant Editor, News Intervention,Human Rights Activist.

Scott Douglas Jacobsen is the Founder of In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal and In-Sight Publishing. He focuses on North America for News Intervention. Jacobsen works for science and human rights, especially womens and childrens rights. He considers the modern scientific and technological world the foundation for the provision of the basics of human life throughout the world and advancement of human rights as the universal movement among peoples everywhere. You can contact Scott via email.

Read more:
Naturopathy - How Not to be a Doctor and Harm the Public Good - News Intervention


Individuals with high ADHD-traits are more vulnerable to insomnia – Newswise

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

Newswise Individuals with high ADHD-traits that do not meet the criteria for a diagnosis are less able to perform tasks involving attentional regulation or emotional control after a sleepless night than individuals with low ADHD-traits, a new study from Karolinska Institutet published inBiological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimagingreports.

While it can cause multiple cognitive impairments, there is considerable individual variation in sensitivity to the effects of insomnia. The reason for this variability has been an unresolved research question for long. In the present study, KI researchers investigated how sleep deprivation affects our executive functions, which is to say the central cognitive processes that govern our thoughts and actions. They also wanted to ascertain if people with ADHD tendencies are more sensitive to insomnia, with more severe functional impairments as a result.

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is characterized by inattention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity; however, the symptoms vary from person to person and often also include emotional instability.

"You could say that many people have some subclinical ADHD-like symptoms but a diagnosis is only made once the symptoms become so prominent that they interfere with our everyday lives," says Predrag Petrovic, consultant and associate professor in psychiatry at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, who led the study along with Tina Sundelin and John Axelsson, both researchers at Karolinska Institutet and the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University.

The study included 180 healthy participants between the ages of 17 and 45 without an ADHD diagnosis. Tendencies towards inattentiveness and emotional instability were assessed on the Brown Attention Deficit Disorder (B-ADD) scale.

The participants were randomly assigned to two groups, one that was allowed to sleep normally and one that was deprived of sleep for one night. They were then instructed to perform a test that measures executive functions and emotional control the following day (a Stroop test with neutral and emotional faces).

The researchers found that the sleep-deprived group showed worse performance in the experimental tasks (including more cognitive response variability). Moreover, people with high ADHD-traits were more vulnerable to sleep deprivation and showed greater impairment than those with low ADHD-traits.

The effects were also related to the most prominent type of subclinical ADHD-like symptom, in that after being deprived of sleep, the participants who displayed more everyday problems with emotional instability had larger problems with the cognitive task involving emotional regulation, and those who had more everyday inattention symptoms had larger problems with the non-emotional cognitive task.

"One of the reasons why these results are important is that we know that young people are getting much less sleep than they did just ten years ago," explains Dr Petrovic. "If young people with high ADHD-traits regularly get too little sleep they will perform worse cognitively and, what's more, their symptoms might even end up at a clinically significant level."


The study was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council, Forte (the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare), Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Karolinska Institutet, Region Stockholm, the Swedish Society of Medicine, the Sderstrm-Knigska Foundation and the Osher Centre for Integrative Medicine. The study is part of a doctoral project by Orestis Floros, who is also a psychiatrist specialising in ADHD.

Publication: "Vulnerability in executive functions to sleep deprivation is predicted by subclinical ADHD symptoms". Orestis Floros, John Axelsson, Rita Almeida, Lars Tigerstrm, Mats Lekander, Tina Sundelin, Predrag Petrovic.Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 17 December 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2020.09.019.

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Individuals with high ADHD-traits are more vulnerable to insomnia - Newswise


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