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Archive for the ‘Integrative Medicine’ Category

Everything You Need to Know About Health is Wealth Nutrition – Step Out Buffalo

Tuesday, October 26th, 2021

This article is a paid promotion sponsored by an SOB advertiser and designed to share valuable info with our readers.

Living a healthy lifestyle can positively impact your physical health, of course, but it can also work wonders for your emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

Holistic nutrition is about so much more than counting calories. Its about identifying the root causes of illnesses and imbalances in order to improve your overall health.

This whole-person approach is exactly why Yen Ngo decided to become a dietitian. She truly believes food is medicine and shes personally seen what a consistent healthy diet and lifestyle can do for someones health.

Yen Ngo is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) who has been practicing locally for 3 years now. She launched Health is Wealth Nutrition in February of 2020 to teach nutrition the way she sees it.


Yen Ngo focuses on Integrative and Functional Nutrition (IFN) Therapy which is also known as holistic nutrition. Many people get caught up in the calories for weight loss but Yen considers other aspects of life that can affect weight gain or weight loss, such as sleep and stress.

Yens niche is specifically in digestive issues. She is dedicated to creating solutions for anyone who struggles with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), irritable bowel disease (crohns disease and ulcerative colitis), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), chronic constipation, GERD/heartburn/reflux, or those who suspect they may have food sensitivities or food intolerances.

Through her approach to health, she helps her clients choose foods that make them feel their best in all areas of wellness. Losing weight is a bonus, rather than the sole focus.

Yen takes the time to really get to know her clients during an initial consultation. She learns all about your family history and looks for genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence your health. Her work also includes therapeutic diets, dietary supplements, gut-healing protocols, mind-body practices, conventional and functional lab testing and more to find the right solution for your needs.

When you leave Yens office, youll have a comprehensive, personalized plan you can follow for the rest of your life. You can expect to have at least 2 followup appointments and can continue seeing her as medically necessary.


Yen Ngo offers Nutrition Counseling also known as Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) which can be used to treat chronic diseases and conditions such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

It begins with an initial consultation and involves creating a personalized nutrition plan to address your specific health and wellness goals. The best part? Its covered by a variety of insurance plans.

If conventional dieting hasnt worked for you in the past, this self-paced online course was written for you. The Restore and Reclaim Your Health Nutrition Program goes far beyond eating less and exercising more and helps you identify the reasons why you struggle with weight loss and guides you to create balanced meals.

This course is all about providing you the knowledge and skills you need to improve your overall health and wellness. It includes unlimited access to the online program, a paper booklet, an eBook, and audio with presentation slides.

Start Your Journey

Are you ready to start your health journey and feel your best once and for all? If so, contact Yen today for a free 15-minute discovery call!

656 N French Rd, Suite 4, Buffalo 14228


This article is a paid promotion sponsored by an SOB advertiser and designed to share valuable info with our readers.

Read more from the original source:
Everything You Need to Know About Health is Wealth Nutrition - Step Out Buffalo


5 Reasons to Add More Mushrooms to Your Life – The Beet

Tuesday, October 26th, 2021

Unless youve been hiding under a rock (like our fungi friends) you know that mushrooms are the latest plant-based food to enjoy a resurgence in cooking. The main reason is that these are the original "food as medicine" ingredient, but for anyone who has watched Fantastic Fungi or was lucky enough to attend the first Fantastic Fungi Global Summit, you won't be able to stop talking about the benefits of mushrooms.

There is a reason that the current interest in and excitement about mushrooms is spreading fast. From using them in plant-based cooking, or taking medicinal mushrooms to boost the immune system, to enjoying their psychoactive compounds, it seems everyones gone mad for mushrooms.

The first-everFantastic Fungi Global Summit was held virtually, as a three-day event hosted by Fantastic Fungi filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg. Following the underground success of the film, he gathered more than 40 leading experts to expound on the benefits of mushrooms for the planet, health, and personal wellbeing. Here are the highlights. And if youre one of those people who wont eat mushrooms, this may change your mind and make you want to start including them for your health.

You might think this is bunk. In the primordial soup, we all know we came from fish, right? But one mind-blowing fact from the fascinating and visually beautiful film Fantastic Fungi(Netflix)is a stark realization of how fungi are key not only to our ecosystem but to our actual existenceas well. In the evolutionary tree, we humans divided from fungi about 650 million years ago and as animals, we branched out to process our nutrients in an internal sack (that eventually became the digestive system)while fungi chose to go underground to externally digest their nutrients, stabilizing carbon in the soil and contributing to the ecosystem. Humans are actually"related" to fungi, and also to mycelium, which is the network of fungal threads that are abundant under every footstep you take in the forest. This mycelium could be considered "the mother of us all," as the experts in the film commented.

Another fast fact to repeat at parties; The stoned ape hypothesis holds that fungi were a factor in tripling the size of the ape brain and helping sapiens develop skills such as language as we evolved into humans.

In the film, mycologist Paul Stamets talks about how fungi connect us not only with their ever-present underground network of mycelium (benefitting plants, animals, and humans), but in an evolutionary way, through the psychoactive properties of mushrooms. A core concept of evolution is that through natural selection the strongest and fittest survive," he explains. "But moreover, communities survive better than individuals, and thats the power of goodness evolution -- it is based on the concept of mutual benefit and the extension of generosity.

Mushrooms have adaptogenic properties, which means they can regulate and modulate the bodys stress response and this has further beneficial effects on many systems in the body. Studies show that mushrooms modulate the immune system and have many beneficial health effects including weight loss, brain and heart health, and even fighting cancer.

Mark Hyman, a doctor known for advocatingfunctional medicine, and author ofThe Pegan Diet and Food Fix,explained how foods such as mushrooms are medicine forthe body,and that we need to view food not just as calories and energy. The quality of the information in the food determines the quality of your health," Hyman told the summit attendees, and "if your food contains junky information like bad code, you will change your biological software in ways that are downgrading it, as opposed to upgrading your biological software by using food as medicine.

Hyman added that the power of food as medicine is such that it works faster, cheaper, and better than any drug ever invented and is available to everyone on the planet. Furthermore, he points out,healthy foodeaten in moderate quantities has no side effects.

Mushrooms contain a whole host of compounds, minerals, and nutrients, including polysaccharides and antioxidants that are good for the gut and help produce a healthy microbiome. According to studies, the fiberin mushroomsactsas prebiotics, stimulating good bacteria and improving gut health and overall health.

However, several experts at the summit warned that when we damage our ecosystem (through pollution and soil degradation) we alsodamage our own health, in particular our gut health.

The soil naturally contains trillions of microorganisms, including fungi that are beneficial to plant life and human health. Eating a plant-based diet provides our bodies withessential nutrients, but current agricultural methodstend to deplete the soil and contaminate plants with pesticides, as well as strip fruit and vegetables of their natural nutrients so that over time, even eating plant-based will have less benefit to human health. "Whatever we do to these things we do to ourselves Hyman points out.

Zach Bush MD agrees: The collapse of the ecosystem and soil quality is reflected in the collapse of the cell-to-cell communication in our bodies by beneficial bacteria, he points out.

On his website, he hosts a video that is encapsulated with this sentiment: "Weve built an entire economy around the concept of healthcare, and its failing us. Watch this video to learn more about chemical farming and the loss of human health.

At the summit, he explained that our bodies are already seeing the effects of our farming systems. Weve become separated," from the wholesome nutrients our bodies need to thrive, he explained at the summit, and "Weve sterilized ourselves." What he means by that: "Weve become disconnected [from beneficial natural food systems] and the ramifications are deep. The network we see in soil systems is failing within the human body, leading to an epidemic in chronic disease.

Dr. Andrew Weil, perhaps the best-known integrativemedicine advocate at the summit, explained that he had researched the medicinal properties of mushroomsback in the '70s, and continues to have a longstanding interest in the power of fungi. He explained thatmushrooms have always been undervalued by western medicine, yet highly valued in Eastern cultures and Chinese Medicine, which places them at the top of the list of superior natural products that are good for a wide array of conditions. He adds that ginseng is also in this category of a superfood as medicine.

Weil explained that it's simply irrational that Western societies have undervalued mushrooms for so long especially for their therapeutic potential and nutritional content. He added that mushrooms contain compounds that are not found elsewhere in nature, and theres a lot of toxicity in the mushroom world" which means that for treatment of diseases and conditions. "Theres really no difference between a drug and a poison except the dose," he explained, "so one way you find new drugs is to look at toxins and see if you can manipulate them and get them to low enough doses to make them useful.

Alot of the mushrooms used in China, Japan, and Korea are non-toxic polypores (a type of mushroom that grows in a shelf shape in forests) that can help modulate immune function and increase resistance to infection and cancer.

We dont have agents like that in Western medicine," Weil adds, "We know a lot of things that can harm immunity but we dont really have anything that can enhance immunity. He noted there are so many beneficial fungi including Reishi, Maitake, Shitake but the English-speaking world is myco-phobic fearing that mushrooms are worthless, poisonous, or dangerous and this mindset blocks scientists from looking to mushrooms for therapeutic effects, he adds, despite early research that compoundsin mushrooms can halt the growth of cancer cells in the lab.

Another obstacle is that Western medicine only recognizes medicines that work on one condition at a time, whereas mushrooms can work on a variety of systems. In Western medicine, if something is good for a lot of different conditions, we dont take interest in it, because we think that means it can't work by a specific biochemical mechanism," Weil said. "We like magic bullets that have a specific effect on a specific disease, in Chinese philosophy, those kinds of drugs are considered the least valuable in the inferior medicine category.

In the 1970s Nixon waged a war on drugs, which also stooped all research into the psychoactive potential of mushrooms. This got reversed in 1999 whenJohns Hopkins Medicineresearchers ignited newresearch intotherapy that includes psilocybin (the active compound in magic mushrooms).

Scientists have discovered that psilocybin is beneficial for reducing anxiety in some cancer patients and has the potential to treat a wide range of mood and substance disorders. Johns Hopkins researchers believe that we need to understand the potential benefits of magic mushrooms for patients who have disorders such as depression or anxiety, or other mental conditions. Micheal Pollan the author commented that because this is not a good business model, drug companies may not be interested in pursuing the studies.

The summit also included a discussion with Jonathan Levine, director of the popular series Nine Perfect Strangers whose theme was a spiritual retreat that included micro-dosing with hallucinogenics. Retreats involve patients who consent to the treatment (unlike the fictional series) and some have profound and enlightening experiences which can change their mental health for the better.Doctors acknowledge thismay not be suitable treatment for people with serious mental health issues, and the debate continues around ethics and legalization of psychedelics.

Originally posted here:
5 Reasons to Add More Mushrooms to Your Life - The Beet


New cancer treatment may reawaken the immune system – EurekAlert

Tuesday, October 26th, 2021

CAMBRIDGE, MA -- Immunotherapy is a promising strategy to treat cancer by stimulating the bodys own immune system to destroy tumor cells, but it only works for a handful of cancers. MIT researchers have now discovered a new way to jump-start the immune system to attack tumors, which they hope could allow immunotherapy to be used against more types of cancer.

Their novel approach involves removing tumor cells from the body, treating them with chemotherapy drugs, and then placing them back in the tumor. When delivered along with drugs that activate T cells, these injured cancer cells appear to act as a distress signal that spurs the T cells into action.

When you create cells that have DNA damage but are not killed, under certain conditions those live, injured cells can send a signal that awakens the immune system, says Michael Yaffe, who is a David H. Koch Professor of Science, the director of the MIT Center for Precision Cancer Medicine, and a member of MITs Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research.

In mouse studies, the researchers found that this treatment could completely eliminate tumors in nearly half of the mice.

Yaffe and Darrell Irvine, who is the Underwood-Prescott Professor with appointments in MITs departments of Biological Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, and an associate director of the Koch Institute, are the senior authors of the study, which appears today in Science Signaling. MIT postdoc Ganapathy Sriram and Lauren Milling PhD 21 are the lead authors of the paper.

T cell activation

One class of drugs currently used for cancer immunotherapy is checkpoint blockade inhibitors, which take the brakes off of T cells that have become exhausted and unable to attack tumors. These drugs have shown success in treating a few types of cancer but do not work against many others.

Yaffe and his colleagues set out to try to improve the performance of these drugs by combining them with cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs, in hopes that the chemotherapy could help stimulate the immune system to kill tumor cells. This approach is based on a phenomenon known as immunogenic cell death, in which dead or dying tumor cells send signals that attract the immune systems attention.

Several clinical trials combining chemotherapy and immunotherapy drugs are underway, but little is known so far about the best way to combine these two types of treatment.

The MIT team began by treating cancer cells with several different chemotherapy drugs, at different doses. Twenty-four hours after the treatment, the researchers added dendritic cells to each dish, followed 24 hours later by T cells. Then, they measured how well the T cells were able to kill the cancer cells. To their surprise, they found that most of the chemotherapy drugs didnt help very much. And those that did help appeared to work best at low doses that didnt kill many cells.

The researchers later realized why this was so: It wasnt dead tumor cells that were stimulating the immune system; instead, the critical factor was cells that were injured by chemotherapy but still alive.

This describes a new concept of immunogenic cell injury rather than immunogenic cell death for cancer treatment, Yaffe says. We showed that if you treated tumor cells in a dish, when you injected them back directly into the tumor and gave checkpoint blockade inhibitors, the live, injured cells were the ones that reawaken the immune system.

The drugs that appear to work best with this approach are drugs that cause DNA damage. The researchers found that when DNA damage occurs in tumor cells, it activates cellular pathways that respond to stress. These pathways send out distress signals that provoke T cells to leap into action and destroy not only those injured cells but any tumor cells nearby.

Our findings fit perfectly with the concept that danger signals within cells can talk to the immune system, a theory pioneered by Polly Matzinger at NIH in the 1990s, though still not universally accepted, Yaffe says.

Tumor elimination

In studies of mice with melanoma and breast tumors, the researchers showed that this treatment eliminated tumors completely in 40 percent of the mice. Furthermore, when the researchers injected cancer cells into these same mice several months later, their T cells recognized them and destroyed them before they could form new tumors.

The researchers also tried injecting DNA-damaging drugs directly into the tumors, instead of treating cells outside the body, but they found this was not effective because the chemotherapy drugs also harmed T cells and other immune cells near the tumor. Also, injecting the injured cells without checkpoint blockade inhibitors had little effect.

You have to present something that can act as an immunostimulant, but then you also have to release the preexisting block on the immune cells, Yaffe says.

Yaffe hopes to test this approach in patients whose tumors have not responded to immunotherapy, but more study is needed first to determine which drugs, and at which doses, would be most beneficial for different types of tumors. The researchers are also further investigating the details of exactly how the injured tumor cells stimulate such a strong T cell response.


The research was funded, in part, by the National Institutes of Health, the Mazumdar-Shaw International Oncology Fellowship, the MIT Center for Precision Cancer Medicine, and the Charles and Marjorie Holloway Foundation.

Science Signaling


The injury response to DNA damage in live tumor cells promotes antitumor immunity


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Read more here:
New cancer treatment may reawaken the immune system - EurekAlert


Meet the speakers who will welcome President Paul Alivisatos during inauguration – UChicago News

Tuesday, October 26th, 2021

For nearly a century, presidential inaugurations have served as opportunities for the UChicago community to come together and rededicate itself to the University's founding values, while also charting new directions.

For the inauguration of President Paul Alivisatos on Oct. 29, speakers will offer welcome remarks on behalf of UChicago faculty, staff, students, alumni and the local communityhighlighting the Universitys many facets and its interconnectedness with the South Side of Chicago.

Learn more about the people who will speak at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel below:

Eve L. Ewing is an assistant professor in the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy and Practice. She is a sociologist of education whose work has focused on the impact of racism and social inequality in K12 public school systems, and how school communities can help interrupt and dismantle such problems.

Ewing is the author of Ghosts in the Schoolyard: Racism and School Closings on Chicagos South Side. An examination of the 2013 mass closings of Chicago Public Schools, the book received the 2020 Laing Award, the top honor given annually by the University of Chicago Press.

Ewing, AB08,has written two poetry collections, Electric Arches and 1919, as well as the Marvel comic series Ironheart. Her work has also been published by major news organizations, including the New York Times and The Atlantic. Her latest book is Maya and the Robot, a novel for young readers.

Vish Venkataraman is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in integrative biology. He studies the evolution and development of sensory systems and their relationship to the evolutionary morphology of vertebrates; in the lab, he studies the development of zebrafish and skates from embryos and combines this with information from the fossil record of early vertebrates. He has a long-standing interest in the relationship between science and philosophy, as well as in South Asian languages and literature, particularly Tamil and Sanskrit.

As the speaker representing students, he said, his remarks will carry the theme of listening. A university is like a symphony, composed of thousands of voicessome harmonious, some dissonantand the universitys intellectual life is the net result of all of these voices, he said. All symphonies need a listener; the role of the president is to listen and uplift and add his own voice to the symphony.

Venkataraman received his undergraduate degree in biology from the University of California, Berkeley, and his M.Sc. in paleobiology at the University of Bristol.

This past September, Jennifer Kennedy, AB02, marked 19 years as a University staff member. She began her career working as an undergraduate financial assistant at the Reynolds Club, and has served as the inaugural director of the UChicago Student Centers since 2018.

Kennedy oversees several centers for student life, including the Reynolds Club, Mandel Hall, Ida Noyes Hall, four student-run coffee shops and the Pub. Through her various duties, she helps students and RSOs think creatively about how to create a sense of community and belonging on campus.

While Im usually more comfortable supporting events from behind the scenes, Im proud to represent the staff at UChicago at this historic event, Kennedy said. Staff make up a large portion of the UChicago community and are a talented and dedicated group. Over the past 20 months alone, the collaboration and creativity of the staff at UChicago has been key to our success as an institution, and Im proud to be given the chance to highlight their good work.

Margaret Mueller, AM97, is the president and chief executive officer of the Executives Club of Chicago, and the president of the University of Chicago Alumni Board. She considers herself a social scientist at heartsomething shaped by the intellectual home she found at UChicago.

I am honored to represent the alumni community on this momentous occasion as we welcome fellow alum, President Alivisatos, as our next president, Mueller said. We could not envision anyone better suited to lead the University at this pivotal moment in time and into the future. His humanist perspective, brilliant scientific mind and varied world experience will serve the University community well.

A graduate of the Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences, Mueller credits her MAPSS education for guiding her academic and professional journey. As president and CEO, she drives the strategic vision and execution of how the Executives Club of Chicago delivers on its mission of connecting, developing and growing the Chicago regions business leaders.

Mueller has taught and advised students at the Booth School of Business, is a frequent judge in the New Venture Challenge, and remains engaged with MAPSS and the University overall in many other capacities.

Rev. Julian DeShazier is the senior pastor at the University Church of Chicago, located just steps from the UChicago campus. For more than a decade, he has sought to make the church an instrumental part of the communitys most important conversations.

In 2017, Crains Chicago Business named DeShazier to its 40 under 40 listrecognizing his advocacy for the opening of a South Side trauma center, and his role on the University of Chicago Medicines community advisory council.

This occasion is more than ornamental; it is a precious opportunity for us to transition, in various ways, and Im honored to share with and on behalf of the wider community, said DeShazier, a Chicago native and a 2010 graduate of the University of Chicago Divinity School.

DeShazier is also an accomplished musician. Performing as the rapper J.Kwest, he contributed to a short film inspired by Billie Holidays Strange Fruit. The video, which shared its title with the 1939 song, won a 2015 Lower Great Lakes Emmy Award.

Continue reading here:
Meet the speakers who will welcome President Paul Alivisatos during inauguration - UChicago News


Three ayurvedic concoctions get scientific validation for treating rheumatoid arthritis – Free Press Journal

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

She said the study was conducted in four phases in rats after inducing rheumatoid arthritis and the treatment duration was based on standard protocol. "Severity of pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis were decided by the infiltration of so many pro-inflammatory cytokines, lymphocytes, oxidants etc. By this study we were able to find that kashayams exerted therapeutic efficacy in the management of rheumatoid arthritis by regulating pro anti-inflammatory cytokines balance, increasing antioxidant level and by immune modulation," said Aswathy.

The study team that was guided by A. Helen, Professor and Mentor, has published their work in the international peer reviewed Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine and two papers are under review. The highlight of the study is that while all these three kashayams are available in the market there was no scientific validation, which the study team has been able to do.

The team instead of relying on the readily available kashayams, decided to make their own under the guidance of Ayurveda physician Sukumara Varier of Kottakal Arya Vaidyasala. The team prepared the decoction from 28 different forms of herbs and the major difference was they did not add any substance, which is added to increase the shelf life.

With regard to the outcome, Aswathy said "our attempt was to give better hope to patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis besides a vehicle to enrich traditional knowledge with well documented scientific background for the sake of mankind."

Go here to read the rest:
Three ayurvedic concoctions get scientific validation for treating rheumatoid arthritis - Free Press Journal


COVID Long-Haulers Find Relief Among Fellow Sufferers on Road to Recovery – WCCO | CBS Minnesota

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX) Around California and the Bay Area youll find them: members of a club that no one wants to join. These are patients who experience lingering misery after they no longer test positive for SARS-CoV-2. Theyre known as the long-haulers.

About 10 percent of patients whove had an initial COVID-19 infection will go on to not fully recover, said UCSF neurologist Dr. Juliet Morgan.

It puzzled a lot of us, said Dr. Meghan Jobson, palliative care Fellow at UCSF.

KPIX met two long-haulers: retired former banker Bruce Wheeler and Carla, who is a first responder. Carla asked us not to use her last name.

It felt very lonely and, after a while, you wonder: is this in my head? Wheeler said.

When Carla first noticed the symptoms of her long-haul syndrome, she was worried.

I dont think Im going to be OK, she remembered thinking.

Both were infected last year and felt awful. The infections went away but their brush with the novel coronavirus was far from over. For months, they continue to suffer baffling, debilitating health conditions.

I know what its like to be really tired but this was different, explained Carla.

Carla used to bicycle hundreds of miles and run marathons. Today, she feels extraordinary fatigue, shortness of breath and a terrible, systemic pain.

You know when you cut yourself and you put alcohol in there and you know it burns? she asked. It was similar to that but all over.

Wheeler was an active hiker but he now reports fatigue, persistent shortness of breath, nausea, brain fog and destabilizing headaches.

Many days I get up at 8 oclock in the morning and, at 10 oclock, Im back in bed because my headache is pounding away, he said.

The symptoms for long-haul syndrome vary but can also include a loss of the sense of smell and taste, as well as hair loss.

Theres also a report of patients developing serious inflammatory conditions. Preliminary data indicate that some asymptomatic college athletes developed an inflammatory heart condition.

Whats frustrating is that the syndrome is not well understood. Family, friends, co-workers and colleague often express disbelief at the constellation of symptoms, questioning if the patient is actually sick. Often, patients are mistakenly prescribed anti-anxiety medicine, even anti-depressants.

There just werent answers, Wheeler said.

I felt hopeless, said Carla.

Their situation reached the attention of Dr. Morgan and Dr. Jobson. They both specialize in chronic conditions that impact quality of life and they have expertise in integrative medicine.

What we had been hearing from multiple survivors of COVID-19 is that they didnt feel heard, explained Dr. Jobson.

The cause for the syndrome remains unclear although it may involve an overreactive immune or inflammatory response. And, while older people appear more likely to get it, young people are not immune.

We will see plenty of very young patients in their twenties and thirties who have this COVID long-haul syndrome who continue to suffer, Dr. Morgan said.

The doctors established an online COVID support group: the first of its kind in the nation. Meetings are packed.

There is strength in survivorship, explained Dr. Jobson.

During group sessions, patients share their stories. The doctors answer questions, address fringe treatments and provide expertise in how to manage symptoms.

Shortness of breath, the fatigue we know a lot of the data and literature surrounding these things, Dr. Jobson said.

Instruction is given in ways to relax such as mindfulness and meditation.

Mindfulness is actually pretty powerful and potent medicine. We know in studies that it can reduce markers of stress like cortisol. It can reduce inflammatory markers like IL-6. Dr. Morgan explained.

Bruce Wheeler and Carla told KPIX the online support and help has already provided a great benefit.

Literally in the last two weeks, I began to see improvement on the headache front, Wheeler said.

Instead of doing it every once in a while, now I do it every day, every night, Carla added.

They also learn from each other what strategies work, what doesnt and theyve been inspired by others.

I am really impressed by Carlas strength and that she saw the silver lining even when it was a really bad, bad day, Bruce commented.

Carla did lose her hair. When Bruce saw her online, Carla recounted how he said just the right thing.

He took it upon himself to say You know what Carla, it actually looks pretty good on you, she smiled.

As for the doctors, theyve learned quite a lot from their patients: curiosity, resilience, respect and tenacity.

Theyre showing us what it looks like to ask for help, Dr. Morgan said.

We encourage other people in other areas of the country to start support groups, Dr. Jobson added.

There are other extraordinary COVID long-haul syndrome support groups, such as Survivor Corps and Body Politic.

The UCSF group was so successful and helpful to the long-haulers involved, they asked Dr. Jobson and Dr. Morgan to extend it. Now a new one is set to begin this spring. There is no cost to patients.

The rest is here:
COVID Long-Haulers Find Relief Among Fellow Sufferers on Road to Recovery - WCCO | CBS Minnesota


Health Coaching Market Increasing Demand with New Technologies by 2027 ExpertRating, Duke Integrative Medicine, National Society of Health Coaches,…

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Health Coaching Market research report delivers a comprehensive study on production capacity, consumption, import and export for all major regions across the world. Report provides is a professional inclusive study on the current state for the market. Analysis and discussion of important industry like market trends, size, share, growth estimates are mentioned in the report.

Health Coaching is a novel approach to manage health and help people for maintaining good health. Health coaching help patient in variety of ways for management of chronic ailments such as diabetes, chronic pain, metabolic syndromes. Health coach is responsible for guiding the patient in dos and donts. The health coach is responsible for setting goals and targets for patients and also evaluating results on timely basis. The applications of health coaching are in, behavioral management, stress management, fitness, chronic ailments etc.

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Health Coaching Market Increasing Demand with New Technologies by 2027 ExpertRating, Duke Integrative Medicine, National Society of Health Coaches,...


Tuning the circadian clock, boosting rhythms may be key to future treatments and medicines – Newswise

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Newswise Irvine, CA February 11, 2021 Subconsciously, our bodies keep time for us through an ancient means the circadian clock. A new University of California, Irvine-led article reviews how the clock controls various aspects of homeostasis, and how organs coordinate their function over the course of a day.

What is fascinating is that nearly every cell that makes up our organs has its own clock, and thus timing is a crucial aspect of biology, said Kevin B. Koronowski, PhD, lead author and a postdoctoral fellow in Biological Chemistry at the UCI School of Medicine. Understanding how daily timing is integrated with function across organs has implications for human health, as disruption of the clock and circadian rhythms can be both a cause and effect of diseases from diabetes to cancer.

The circadian clock generates a ~24 hour rhythm that controls behavior, hormones, the immune system and metabolism. Using human cells and mice, researchers from the Paolo Sassone-Corsi Laboratory at UCI's Center for Epigenetics and Metabolism aim to uncover the physiological circuits, for example between the brain and liver, whereby biological clocks achieve coherence. Their work, titled, Communicating clocks shape circadian homeostasis, was published today in Science.

Circadian clocks align internal processes with external time, which enables diverse lifeforms to anticipate daily environmental changes such as the light-dark cycle. In complex organisms, clock function starts with the genetically encoded molecular clock or oscillator within each cell and builds upward anatomically into an organism-wide system. Circadian misalignment, often imposed in modern society, can disrupt this system and induce adverse effects on health if prolonged.

Strategies to tune our clocks and boost rhythms have been promising in pre-clinical studies, which illustrates the importance of unraveling this aspect of our biology and unlocking the potential it holds for treatments and medicines of the future, said Koronowski.

Without electrical light, high-speed travel, constant food availability and around the clock work-life schedules, our ancestors clocks were in constant harmony with the environment. However, due to these pressures of modern society, aligning our internal time with geophysical time has become a challenge in todays world. Chronic misalignment when eating and sleeping patterns conflict with the natural light-dark cycle is associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, neurological conditions, and cancer. A large portion of the global workforce has atypical hours and may be particularly vulnerable.

It has become urgent that we uncover the molecular underpinnings of the relationship between the circadian clock and disease, explained Koronowski. Deciphering the means by which clocks communicate across metabolic organs has the potential to transform our understanding of metabolism, and it may hold therapeutic promise for innovative, noninvasive strategies to promote health.

This work is dedicated to the memory of Paolo Sassone-Corsi (19562020), a great scientist, mentor, and human. It was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health, Novo Nordisk Foundation and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

About the UCI School of Medicine

Each year, the UCI School of Medicine educates more than 400 medical students, and nearly 150 doctoral and masters students. More than 700 residents and fellows are trained at UCI Medical Center and affiliated institutions. The School of Medicine offers an MD; a dual MD/PhD medical scientist training program; and PhDs and masters degrees in anatomy and neurobiology, biomedical sciences, genetic counseling, epidemiology, environmental health sciences, pathology, pharmacology, physiology and biophysics, and translational sciences. Medical students also may pursue an MD/MBA, an MD/masters in public health, or an MD/masters degree through one of three mission-based programs: the Health Education to Advance Leaders in Integrative Medicine (HEAL-IM), the Leadership Education to Advance Diversity-African, Black and Caribbean (LEAD-ABC), and the Program in Medical Education for the Latino Community (PRIME-LC). The UCI School of Medicine is accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Accreditation and ranks among the top 50 nationwide for research. For more information, visit som.uci.edu.


Read the rest here:
Tuning the circadian clock, boosting rhythms may be key to future treatments and medicines - Newswise


Apprenticeships are the catalyst for opportunity – Crain’s Chicago Business

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

To build a diverse workforce that reflects the country and matches emerging employer needs, we must increase efforts to support students from high school through college with targeted training, on-the-job paid work experience, individualized supports, and career counseling.

Baker's experience highlights a key ingredient: "What really made it work for me was that everyone was committed to one common goal in creating a pathway for success."

Obtaining a four-year college degree is not essential for all students. In Illinois, 52 percent of jobs require education and training beyond high school, but not a B.A. degree. These high-demand fields include health care, medical technology and advanced manufacturing.

At One Million Degrees, our focus is on providing a range of supports to Chicago-area community college students and serving as a connector to employers. Across the state, 60 percent of public college students attend community colleges. Many, like Baker, are the first in their family to attend college and are working full-time jobs and supporting their families.

We are seeing employers across industries partner with educators and students to build on-ramps to in-demand jobs, especially through new apprenticeship programs. There's growing recognition that these programs can help address long-standing underrepresentation in lucrative fields among Blacks, Latinx and women, by providing both access and wraparound support.

Those supports, from stipends and transportation vouchers to child care and counseling must be aligned with the specific needs of each student. "Each individual is unique and needs different supports," says Baker, who found personal contacts for emotional support especially useful over the past year.

Chicago and the state of Illinois are leading the way. MAPP is but one of several new promising programs. Supported by health care providers Rush University Medical Center, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, NorthShore University HealthSystem, University of Chicago Medicine and Sinai Health System, plus West Side United, One Million Degrees and Malcolm X College, the program is designed to help students advance their careers in the health care sector.

The Chicago Apprenticeship Network has become a national model, with one of its founders, Aon, taking the program to six new cities. The strength of the Chicago program is its array of partners40 companies across 16 industries, City Colleges of Chicago and One Million Degreesas it plans to develop 1,000 apprenticeships.

One Million Degrees is also providing mentors to support Career Launch Chicago, an effort by the city of Chicago, Chicago Public Schools and City Colleges to provide high school students entering college with paid work experiences.

Research from the University of Chicago Inclusive Economy Lab on the impact of our support program for community college students shows increases in college enrollment, full-time enrollment and persistence. Our own analysis shows that our support of college apprentices contributes to high retention rates: 98 percent in our collaboration with Aon and 94 percent with MAPP.

We should be encouraged by the momentum around combining training and education opportunities. The state of Illinois is investing in apprenticeships across the state. President Joe Biden pledged during his campaign to make a $50 billion investment in workforce training, including community college business partnerships and apprenticeships.

Apprenticeships can be a bipartisan way of directing increased education and training support to closing skills gaps and should focus on expanding beyond the trades, where they are now concentrated, according to a new report from Brookings.

As Baker tells us, apprenticeships are the catalyst for opportunity. "For years, I kept telling myself that next semester I'd go back to school. MAPP opened the door for me to pursue my dream."

Paige Ponder is chief executive officer of One Million Degrees, a nonprofit providing support to community college students to help them succeed.

Here is the original post:
Apprenticeships are the catalyst for opportunity - Crain's Chicago Business


Global Alternative Healthcare Providers Market Outlook for Major Applications/end Users, Consumption, Share and Growth Rate 2023 KSU | The Sentinel…

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Global Alternative Healthcare Providers Market: Overview

Practice of complementary and alternative medicine comprises many different areas of medicines. In addition to that, it is possible that many parts of one field will overlap with another in another area. A case in point is acupuncture, which finds use in both alternative and conventional medicine. Alternative medicine refers to those medical treatments that find utilization instead of conventional therapies. Few people call them complimentary or integrative medicine. Many people make use of alternative therapies so as to make them deal and feel better with diseases like cancer. In this type of treatment, how one feels is an important part in how you cope up with the disease.

Many of the alternative healthcare therapies focus on the reduction of and relaxation from stress. These therapies increase general sense of wellbeing, relieve anxiety, and calm ones emotions. Several doctors, researchers, and nurses have exhibited interest in the concept of positive emotions making improvements in ones health. These factors are estimated to propel the global alternative healthcare providers market toward growth over the forecast tenure.

This report on the global alternative healthcare providers market takes a closer look at the key changes in consumer preferences and those preferences affect the growth of market. The insights offered into the report assist investors and the market players in making an informed choice about the market. The information shared in the report will help the stakeholders formulate strategies accordingly

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Global Alternative Healthcare Providers Market: Trends and Opportunities

Growing Faith and Awareness in Alternative Medicines Escalates Demand

The global alternative healthcare providers market has prospered on the back of the growing interest of people in such forms of medicines. Growing preference for alternative medicines has resulted from peoples increasing willingness to experiment with alternative medicines.

Alternative healthcare providers make an offering of a wide variety of products and practices and medical and healthcare systems that are used by patients sans medical supervision. Usually, alternative medicines and treatments are not availed by the people suffering from various chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, liver disease, and osteoporosis. However, there has been a slight change in attitude, a few patients suffering from such chronic diseases are opting for alternative medicines. Such changes in the behavior pattern of patients are expected to spearhead the expansion of the global alternative healthcare providers market in years to come.

Yoga, ayurveda, homeopathic medicines, acupuncture, and unani medicines are some of the types of alternative medicines. The global alternative healthcare providers market is likely to be driven by growing adoption and use of various natural wellness and supplements medicine. In addition to that favorable government initiatives in certain countries, particularly in the Asia Pacific, are expected to create substantial opportunities of growth for the global alternative healthcare providers market over the period of review.

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The report includes an elaborate executive summary, along with a snapshot of the growth behavior of various segments included in the scope of the study. Furthermore, the report sheds light on the changing competitive dynamics in the global Alternative Healthcare Providers market. These indices serve as valuable tools for existing market players as well as for entities interested in entering the global Alternative Healthcare Providers market.

Global Alternative Healthcare Providers Market: Competitive Landscape

Key players profiled in the global alternative healthcare providers market are The Healing Company, Columbia Nutritional Inc., Pure encapsulations, Inc., John Schumachers Unity Woods Yoga Center, Pure encapsulations, Inc., and Allen Laboratories Ltd.

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Global Alternative Healthcare Providers Market Outlook for Major Applications/end Users, Consumption, Share and Growth Rate 2023 KSU | The Sentinel...


the new organ, a book to know what happens inside the organism – Explica

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

The microbiota is a very little known concept even in the world, which is revolutionizing the field of medicine and health care. Thanks to studies of varying rigor, today it is known that hundreds of millions of microorganisms, including viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites, live in the body that can be the answer in the fight against diseases such as obesity, colon cancer, diabetes, autism, among many others, as well as in the improvement of the immune system.

The good news is that we can change, says Dr. Pablo Pea, specialist in Orthomolecular Medicine and director of Masquelier Integrative Medicine and author of the book Microbiota: the new organ.

With the adoption of healthy habits and the balance of the microbiota of the person, it is possible to stop expressing the bad genes inherited from the ancestors and that condition different diseases.

We are not entirely determined by genetics, we can change from our own choices, said the professional.

The book Microbiota: the new organ has a didactic and practical application approach, so that readers learn to adopt personal habits that allow them to have a healthy microbiota and, consequently, a better quality of life. It also includes a series of recipes to bring a diet favorable to the microorganisms that inhabit us.

Pea affirmed that for 10 years they have been working in the clinic on how the microbiota modulates, how to improve it and all that experience of a decade was turned over to the book where the concept, the factors that affect it, how to care for it, how it affects health and the most important thing is the ideal nutrition to have the desired balance, Pea explains TODAY.

Since before birth

From the uterus, human beings have, through defense cells, contact with the maternal microbiota and from the moment they go outside they are colonized with the mothers microbiota, the sheet with which it is covered at birth, with that of father and thus they are colonizing.

Breast milk covers an essential function for proper training, it also influences whether the baby is born by cesarean section or vaginal delivery, says the professional.

He recalled that major epidemics and pandemics occurred over the centuries, the Black Death that killed millions of people, Spanish fever, polio, measles, tuberculosis, syphilis and even Covid-19, all caused by bacteria and virus.

So they have a very bad press and that there are viruses and pathogenic bacteria, they exist but the vast majority are good and help us to be healthy, the pathogens that make us sick are a small group, but because of it we generalize the concept of bad bacteria and viruses, explains Pea.

Although, biologically it cannot be classified as an organ, there is a Microbiota-intestine-brain axis; the microbiota intestine lung axis; the microbiota gut immune system axis; the microbiota intestine skin axis and others, that is, it is related to many other organs and as it was not known and the studies that were more than 70,000 in the last 15 years, made a re-discovery in Medicine.

Contribution of the Microbiota and how to develop it

Homeostasis is balance and the holobiont are the millions of living beings living together inside the human being. Their 3 million genes and our 26 thousand human genes, that is the greatest contribution, the state of balance that equals health, strong and balanced defenses, a balanced metabolism, balanced hormones and a balanced digestive and nervous system.

First we must know that the first 1000 days are everything for development (270 days of pregnancy, 365 days of the first and second year) is like planting a tree, everything is formed there. So we must take care of the Microbiota of our children, very little known by most doctors today. Second, when we go through that with a diverse diet, such as not always eating the same type of coffee with milk with bread, sugar and jam, but eating a variety of colors in fruits and vegetables, eating avocado, suckling pig, tangerine, lettuce, tomato, arugula, radish , he exemplified.

Diversity and colors four times a day and the secret when you are an adult also involves physical exercise, stress management, among other topics that are addressed in the book so that people can learn about them.

The author stressed that the launch of the book would not have been possible without the support of Editorial Dos Maletas with editor Christian Kent and producer Esteban Aguirre and his team. We did it taking advantage of the quarantine time, throughout this past 2020. It was finished printing this January at the Mercurio publishing house and has been on sale since February in the main bookstores in the country, shared Pea.

Here is the original post:
the new organ, a book to know what happens inside the organism - Explica


4 Sneaky Tricks To Stay Hydrated *Without* Chugging Water, From A Functional MD – mindbodygreen.com

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

"A green smoothie a day is probably the most incredible thing you can do to hydrate yourself," Cohen remarks. That's because all those greens (spinach, kale, what have you) contain significant amounts of fiber, which helps you hold on to water much better. "The fiber is what really acts as a sponge," Cohen notes.

More hard data is needed, she adds, but her anecdotal evidence speaks volumes: In Cohen's practice, patients who incorporate a green smoothie into their daily regimen feel way more hydrated. "[I have] patients who say, 'I drink so much water all day but I can't quench my thirst.' And I have them add a green smoothie or two a day, and it changes everything," she recounts.

Cohen's own morning sip includes a handful of greens, half an apple ("an apple and a bottle of water is more hydrating than two bottles of water," she notes), some lemon, and a knob of ginger, but you can learn how to create your own concoction here.

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4 Sneaky Tricks To Stay Hydrated *Without* Chugging Water, From A Functional MD - mindbodygreen.com


Hydrosol: Benefits, Uses, Precautions, DIY, and More – Healthline

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Hydrosols are water-based products made from the distillation of fresh flowers, leaves, fruits, and other plant materials. Theyre a byproduct of the essential oil manufacturing process and share many of the same properties as essential oils.

The difference is that hydrosols are mostly water. This means theyre much less concentrated than essential oils. They also have a softer, more subtle scent.

Hydrosols are often used in skin care or aromatherapy products. While theyve also been used for medicinal purposes, more research is needed to prove their effectiveness.

Keep reading to learn about how hydrosols are used and their purported benefits.

Hydrosol products should be used with caution, since theyre not regulated by any governing body and theres a lack of scientific research about their safety and effectiveness.

Hydrosols are water-based products made from the distillation by water or steam of plant matter. The distilling process produces two end-products:

Many different types of plants can be made into hydrosols not just flowers but also bark, roots, and other plant components like leaves.

Essential oils and hydrosols have some similar properties, but hydrosols have a much higher water content.

This means theyre gentler than essential oils and can be applied directly to your skin without needing to dilute them with a carrier oil. They also have a more subtle scent than their essential oil counterparts.

Hydrosols may be used in a variety of products, including:

They can even flavor drinks and other foods.

Theres a lack of scientific research on the benefits of hydrosols. But anecdotal evidence suggests that certain plants converted into hydrosols may be useful in several ways.

For example, here are some plants and a few of their purported benefits:

Some hydrosols such as lavender, chamomile, and the curry plant have carboxylic acids. These acids may target and reduce inflammation, according to research from 2016.

One older 2008 study suggested that rose hydrosols may help people with insomnia. However, its important to note that the most effective rose hydrosol in the study contained more essential oil than the other hydrosols examined.

More research is needed to prove the effectiveness of hydrosols.

Hydrosols sweetened with sugar or honey are used as nutritive waters in the Middle East. There are more than 50 kinds of these hydrosols available in Iran, but theyre not available elsewhere in the world.

Hydrosols may also be used in products not intended for oral use. These include:

There are many hydrosol products available commercially.

Consider the manufacturer along with any other added ingredients before purchasing and using them. Fragrances and dyes may irritate your skin if you apply the product topically.

Theres not a substantial amount of evidence regarding the safety of hydrosols in the United States. Like essential oils, hydrosols arent regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). So, you use them at your own risk.

A 2017 study of hydrosol drinks in Iran found that most hydrosols are considered safe and effective. The studys researchers also remarked that consuming hydrosols is safer than consuming essential oils because theyre diluted with water.

But theres a scant amount of research in Western culture on hydrosols and their safety.

In the United States, using aromatherapy and other types of plant-based medicines is considered a complementary or alternative therapy. This means they are treatment methods outside of conventional medicine.

Complementary medicine is when you use these products along with medicines or therapies prescribed by your doctor. Alternative medicines are when you use these products in place of conventional medicines.

These therapies lack definitive research. Thats why theyre not proven as scientifically based treatments.

You should talk with a doctor before ingesting these products. Discuss how these treatments might interact with other medications you take. Stop using them if you have a reaction.

Hydrosols can be made intentionally or as a byproduct in the essential oil distillation process.

Look for products intentionally made as hydrosols. These may be of higher quality. Manufacturers of specific hydrosol products versus those packaging the byproduct may put more care and attention into the product they produce.

Hydrosols should be packaged in bottles similar to essential oils. Dark bottles prevent light from altering the product. Also avoid overheating hydrosol products.

Manufacturers create hydrosols with steam, water, or a combination of both. In some distillation techniques, herbs sit above heated water.

Equipment captures the steam, moves the vapor into equipment that can condense it, and then extracts it as hydrosols.

You can make hydrosols at home along with essential oils. Heres what youll need:

Recipes to create flower waters exist, but these are not hydrosols. Flower waters are made by adding plants to water, then exposing them to the sun for a period of time.

These types of flower waters are similar to products like Bachs Rescue Remedy. Research from 2010 on these products shows that theyre no more effective than placebos.

Hydrosols are a water-based product made from plants. You may consider using them for a variety of purposes, such as on your skin or in your bath water.

In the Middle East, sweetened hydrosol beverages are popular because of their purported medicinal value.

Use hydrosols with caution. Theres not a lot of scientific evidence on their safety or effectiveness, and theyre not regulated by the FDA.

See original here:
Hydrosol: Benefits, Uses, Precautions, DIY, and More - Healthline


18 Surprising Foods That Tom Brady Never Eats | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

On Sunday, Tom Brady made history. At 43 years old, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback is the oldest player to ever play in a Super Bowl. He also has had more appearances in the big game than any other player in NFL history at 107 of which he and his team took the championship title. While it's a given that Brady's hard work and training play a big role in his success over the years, there are some other lifestyle changes he's made that have helped the quarterback stay fit and agile in his later years.

Thanks to Alex Guerrero, Brady's personal trainer and body coach, the quarterback reportedly goes to sleep at 9 p.m.and focuses a lot on his flexibility. But perhaps the most important (and unconventional) change is adhering to an anti-inflammatory diet.

With the help of Brady's (former) personal chef, Allen Campbell, the quarterback developed and follows a fairly strict, plant-based diet that leaves out many popular foods.

"My philosophy is that a plant-based diet has the power to reverse and prevent disease," Campbell said in an interview with the Boston Globe in 2016. (After the interview came out and after helping Brady write his TB12 Nutrition Manual, Campbell parted ways with the quarterback.)

Brady's meals consist of roughly 80 percent plant-based foods and 20 percent animal-based foods, according to a TB12 blog post. But there are many foodsboth plant and animal-basedthat Brady avoids, and he's attributed this avoidance to a lot of his athletic performance.

We reviewed interviews with Brady's personal chef alongside blog posts on his personal website, TB12, to find the 18 foods Brady never eats. Read on, and for more on healthy eating, don't miss 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.

"I make conscious decisions to buy local and organic, and to stay away from GMOs, and to think about the future of the planet and the future of humans," said Campbell.

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Brady doesn't eat strawberries for any nutritional reasonhe simply doesn't like the smell, according to the TB12 blog post.

"I try to avoid eating anything that comes in a box or a bag, as well as foods containing white flour or added sugars," Brady says in a TB12 blog post.

"I try to limit cereal, white bread, white rice, pasta, cakes, and cookies. Less inflammation is the key for me," Brady says in a blog post.

In his 2016 interview with the Boston Globe, Campbell said that Brady won't eat this highly-processed additive.

Campbell said that he only cooks with organic foods, and often shops at farmer's markets or at Whole Foods. So that means that any conventional produce or meats are off the table.

"I use Himalayan pink salt as the sodium. I never use iodized salt," said Campbell. Although Brady doesn't eat iodized salt, nutrition experts recommend making iodized salt a staple in a healthy diet, as many people don't consume enough of the nutrient, which is essential to a healthy thyroid.

"Fats like canola oil turn into trans fats," says Campbell. Instead of vegetable oil, Cambell uses olive oil and coconut oil. (Related:What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Olive Oil)

One of the most famous parts of the quarterback's diet is his avoidance of tomatoes and nightshades. "[Tom] doesn't eat nightshades, because they're not anti-inflammatory," says Campbell. "So no tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, or eggplants. Tomatoes trickle in every now and then, but just maybe once a month. I'm very cautious about tomatoes. They cause inflammation."

Nightshades are a botanical family of plants, called Solanaceae, explains UC Davis Integrative Medicine. The term "nightshade" was coined since many of these plants prefer to grow in shady areas or often flower at night. These foods contain chemical compounds called alkaloids, which some say cause inflammation, but that haven't been scientifically proven to do so.

So that means no pasta sauce, no pizza, no salsa!

Sweet peppers are another nightshade that Brady doesn't eat. This also includes chili peppers, so presumably, Brady avoids hot sauce. Many experts criticize leaving out this vegetable, as it's incredibly high in vitamin C. However, there are other foods high in vitamin C, and a blog post on TB12 recommends consuming such foods. "Consider supplementing with 600 mg of vitamin C per day if you're not able to regularly consume those nutrient-rich foods," the blog notes.

Campbell called out eggplant as another nightshade that Brady avoids. Another nightshade Campbell didn't list is white potatoes; however, it's likely that Brady still consumes sweet potatoes, according to a TB12 blog post.

Campbell listed mushrooms as one of the nightshades that Brady doesn't eat, however, the fungus isn't technically a nightshade. Regardless of that fact, Brady doesn't eat them or any fungus.

Campbell listed coffee or any caffeinated foods among those that Brady doesn't consume. That means he won't have to experience any of the Ugly Side Effects of Drinking Too Much Coffee, According to Science.

As dairy can be inflammatory to a population with lactose intolerance or sensitivity, Campbell says it's not in Brady's diet.

Gluten may also cause inflammation in those sensitive to the protein. For that reason, Campbell explains that Brady avoids any gluten-containing foods. "[I use] tamari because we stick to gluten-free for everything," he says. That means bread, anything with wheat, barley (so that means no beer), rye, crackers, bagels, flatbread, tortillas, cake, cookies, doughnuts, pretzels, pancakes, pasta, cereal, and some protein bars.

Besides avoiding beer due to its gluten content, Brady skips out on all alcohol. "Overdoing it can take a toll on your health, performance, and ability to recover," a TB12 blog post notes. "Alcohol is a double whammy: It can be both inflammatory and dehydrating."

Most processed meats are cured with preservatives like nitrates and nitrites. These ingredients have been linked to cancer, and processed foods like hot dogs, lunchmeat, and bacon are associated with a myriad of health problems, says a TB12 blog. "It's best to avoid processed meats as much as possible."

However, Brady isn't extremely strict about this rule: "If I'm craving bacon, I have a piece. Same with pizza. You should never restrict what you really want. We're humans, here for one life," the quarterback told Men's Health.

Forget french fries and potato chips. "Regardless of how much you love fried chicken, fried foods are an inflammation nightmare. Cooking food at the high temperatures required to fry them produce something called advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which have been shown to contribute to chronic inflammation," says a TB12 blog post. For more, see these Dangerous Side Effects of Eating Fried Foods, According to Science.

Originally posted here:
18 Surprising Foods That Tom Brady Never Eats | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That


How an Empath Copes with Shocking Events – Healthline

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

An empath or highly sensitive person (HSP) is someone who experiences the emotions of others. Empaths have the unique ability to sense and absorb others emotions, which typically makes them extremely caring, compassionate, and understanding people.

Empaths have the ability to easily see another persons perspective. On one hand, this is a wonderful trait, but it can create some real challenges. Empaths can feel misunderstood or become easily overwhelmed.

It can be especially challenging when an empath is exposed to emotionally intense information on the daily.

According to the American Psychological Associations Stress in America Survey, theres plenty of conflict between the need to stay informed about current events and the stress that it causes. The survey indicates that 95 percent of adults follow the news regularly, but 56 percent of those who do so say it causes them stress.

For empaths, this stress is even more acute.

A 2017 study found that many people avoid empathy due to its cognitive costs. Thats not possible for empaths. For us, it becomes increasingly difficult to navigate shocking events.

As the media is designed to get the attention of the rest of the population who do not feel deeply and have sensitive nervous systems, a sensitive person will feel emotionally bombarded, overwhelmed, and overstimulated if they consume as much media as a less sensitive person, says Katie T. Larson, PhD.

Larson is a researcher, author, and growth coach who works exclusively with highly sensitive people, empaths, and intuitives.

It wasnt until my late 20s that I began to realize I process emotions differently than others. I felt vulnerable to every hurt and injustice but came across as cold and distant in an effort to shield myself.

Ive experienced both ends of the spectrum. In some cases, I attracted narcissists and emotional manipulators. Other times, I was written off as indifferent because I didnt know how to care without getting completely crushed.

Fortunately, Ive learned ways to cope. While Im not always able to follow these guidelines perfectly, I feel a huge difference in my mental health when I do.

One of the most practical ways to cope with shocking events is to limit your time scrolling social media and watching the news.

I cant even begin to count how many times Ive looked up to realize I just spent hours scrolling. Scheduling your news and even using an actual timer makes a world of difference.

Dr. Tiffany Caplan, DC, is a celebrity doctor, board certified in integrative medicine, and a self-described empath. She has resorted to getting creative about keeping up with world events.

My husband is very good about being objective about events and keeps up with everything going on. I, therefore, rely on him for just the facts of whats going on so I dont personally have to see images or read things that will upset me, Caplan says.

I dont say no well. When I do, I often feel incredibly guilty even when I shouldnt.

This is sometimes referred to as jellyfish boundaries because you easily get stung. You become drained, irritable, and overwhelmed, leading to more guilty feelings.

While it may seem like setting boundaries doesnt apply to watching current events, its important to know that some outlets present news in sensational ways to evoke emotional responses.

Take the time to find and consume news founded on logic, reason, and balance. Or try comedic sources of news for a lighthearted approach.

Setting boundaries with others when discussing current events is important too.

Not only are we often consuming negativity through the news, many of us then find ourselves stuck in conversations about it. You can make it clear to others if you dont feel comfortable or need a break from discussing current events.

Catastrophizing is a pattern of thinking that jumps to the worst-case scenario. Focusing on what-ifs often increases feelings of stress and anxiety. In truth, we dont need much help exaggerating current events.

Start by getting clear on the current situation. Ask yourself, Whats actually true right now?

Be honest with yourself when youre focused on what-ifs. You can tell yourself, This isnt actually happening. Its just a fantasy.

If you find yourself starting to spiral with panic and anxiety, its important to ground yourself back in the present moment. You can do this by using the 5-4-3-2-1 method, meditation, and guided imagery.

Larson suggests creating a visualization or audio mantra that keeps you safe within your own energetic field. Some people choose phrases like white bubbles or I am safe and repeat them throughout the day to keep their nervous system calm and intact.

Annie McDonnell is a licensed acupuncturist and sound therapy practitioner who focuses on giving patients self-care tools for emotional health and resilience. According to McDonnell, it helps to focus on the nervous system.

By stimulating the vagus nerve to go into parasympathetic mode (rest and digest vs. fight or flight), we can help regulate our breathing, heart rate, and digestion. There are a few different ways to activate this mode, she says.

One way to do this is with deep belly breathing.

While there are many wonderful breathing techniques, this is the simplest one for when your anxiety is triggered, McDonnell says.

Another option is a soothing ear massage.

Note: While research suggests there are health benefits, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesnt monitor or regulate the purity or quality of essential oils. Its important to talk with your healthcare provider before you begin using essential oils. Be sure to research the quality of a brands products. Always do a patch test before trying a new essential oil.

You can also take 10 minutes to tune into a sound bath or make your own sound vibration therapy by closing your eyes and humming.

Part of the problem for empaths and anyone who suffers from headline anxiety is that you want to help everyone but you cant.

Its impossible to make things better for everyone, but you can still do it for a few. Take action by volunteering for a cause thats important to you, or engage in a simple act of kindness.

Simple acts of empathy can restore your sense that theres good in the world too.

When you take up a hobby, exercise, or explore your feelings through journaling, youre focusing on the now.

Exercise can be especially potent in changing your energy state.

Allow your body to move and literally shake off the emotions that are not yours. Movement is key, as there is much research to suggest actual immobility keeps emotions stuck as well, says Larson.

Even if you dont like exercise, anything that brings you joy can help.

We have been conditioned to react to headlines with outrage at all times, so our nervous systems become addicted to that pathway. When we engage in joyful, delightful, and pleasurable activities more often, we are retraining the pathways of our brain, adds Larson.

Everyone wants alone time at some point, but empaths need it. Its the main way we recharge our batteries and cleanse our emotional palate.

For me, thats usually getting lost in a good book or hiking. It can be whatevers best for you. Its ideal to do it as part of your regular routine instead of waiting until youve hit complete overload.

Shocking news events are challenging for everybody these days, especially empaths. Know there are things you can do.

You can take control of your media consumption by limiting the duration and timing. You dont have to let your mind run rampant with negative news.

If youve been exposed, find ways to release the negative energy you have inside of you. You can replace it with positivity through meditation, mindfulness, and acts of kindness.

You dont have to let shocking news control your life.

Ashley Hubbard is a freelance writer based in Nashville, Tennessee, focusing on sustainability, travel, veganism, mental health, social justice, and more. Passionate about animal rights, sustainable travel, and social impact, she seeks out ethical experiences whether at home or on the road. Visit her website.

More here:
How an Empath Copes with Shocking Events - Healthline


Impact Entrepreneur Kunal Sood is transforming the world by impacting a billion lives – Fortune India

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

On 21 September 2019 founder Kunal Sood conceptualized and launched #WeThePlanet as a high-level in-person convening at the United Nations during the 74th UNGA with the President of the UN General Assembly Mara Fernanda Espinosa Garcs and H.E. Thomas Remengesau Jr., President of Palau to transform our world for a better future. #WeThePlanet is on a mission to make the impossible possible by uniting the youth and the elders, the left and the right to positively impact a billion lives over the next decade. Sood and co-founder Laura Muranaka are actively creating a virtual platform and real life #WeThePlanet Campus to safeguard and protect all life on land and under the sea.

We as humans must go above and beyond just serving We the People by focusing on serving something that is larger than ourselves. As a force for good, we must come together without fear or favor and become #WeThePlanet, Sood explains.

There is a connection between the current pandemic and the lost harmony between humanity and nature. Integral ecology architecture is one way to demonstrate how human systems can reorient to address human and planetary longevity, social inequities, and increase health and wellness to flourish into the future. COVID-19 highlighted the challenges faced in both the in-person summit industry and the urban architectural industry surrounding the future of working environments. #WeThePlanet attempts to investigate new and forward-looking opportunities for people-friendly architecture in harmony with nature. The #WeThePlanet Campus serves as a communicative media platform to protect all life on land and under the sea while advancing the frontiers of design. The floating building campus is aimed at serving as an inspiring example for future life, living and working environments, and will be addressing topics such as longevity, climate change, social justice and equal opportunities. The 50/50 concept foresees architecture for the future centered on shared spaces that increase wildlife habitat in urban environments.

#WeThePlanet is a culmination of over two decades worth of experience that led Sood from India to New York working alongside extraordinary style icons in the fashion world, and working in global health and integrative medicine, alongside world-renowned physician Dr. TJ Cherian in Chennai, India. In 2006, tragically Sood lost his mentor to suicide. This tremendous loss served as a catalyst for founding #WeThePlanet and creating eight virtual #WeThePlanet global summits during the pandemic in 2020 that highlighted the voices of change-makers such as Kajol, Deepak Chopra, Sidharth Malhotra, Shekar Kapur, Aloe Blacc, Susan Rockefeller, Jane Seymour and extraordinary youth. India is a model nation with the power of youth to galvanize #WeTheFuture as a week in the world focused on empowering next generation leaders. Furthermore, #WeThePlanet successfully launched #WeHaveADream on Gandhi Jayanti as a movement to end all forms of social, racial and environmental injustice inspired by the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. Most recently at Princeton University, Sood recently keynoted and co-hosted the Art of Social and Racial Injustice virtual symposium to reinforce Gandhi and MLKs lessons of exponential leadership to unite the east and the west.

Growing up in India, Sood suffered as a young child from a learning disability and obesity and was known as the Rasna Kid in the infamous television ad where he drank the entire jug of Rasna, and then said, I love you Rasna. Given this stereotype he was often the target of bullying in school and identified as a misfit and outlier. Early in life this suffering taught him valuable lessons where he transformed to build the moral courage, emotional resilience and mental strength to stand up to his adversaries. Sood learned how to harness his learning disability as a superpower and made it his lifes calling to serve as a guardian and protector of the people and the planet.

After curating TEDx at the United Nations and launching the first-ever Novus Summit at the United Nations General Assembly Hall in 2016, Sood became a TED Resident, Tribeca Disruptor Honoree, Stanford CCARE Fellow and Innovation Fellow at Columbia University. Soods role in the company is to set the overall vision and culture of #WeThePlanet and develop and execute global strategies to make the impossible possible. He recently launched We The Future (WTF) on Clubhouse a new social app and as already gained over 25,000 members and followers.

Today Kunal Sood is a world renowned impact entrepreneur and award-winning disruptive innovator. From serving in the slums of Mumbai as a global health scientist with Harvard at PUKAR to building Global Movements at the United Nations General Assembly he is focused on unlocking humanity's exponential potential to usher in a new era of human prosperity and planetary flourishing. Forbes named him an Impact Icon and spotlighted as a Global Movement Builder given his passion for building the network of networks. He has a life-long love for learning having earned five masters degrees that include an MBA from Kellogg at Northwestern University, MA from CIIS, MSc from UCSF, MAPP/MPhil from University of Pennsylvania and is currently an Innovation Fellow at Columbia Business School.

The next decade has been hailed by the United Nations as the decade of action. Given the democratization of information, ideas and technology, it has caused a kind of perfect storm for humanity to come together and make the impossible possible. #WeThePlanet recognizes that amidst this global change, there is a new force of young entrepreneurs working to create social impact-driven business models and strategic frameworks by focusing on consumer consciousness as opposed to just profit-driven conventional businesses. As high impact purpose-driven entrepreneurs and exponential leaders solving the most pressing social and environmental challenges, Sood is focusing their efforts in the company on leadership, strategy and impact to protect the biodiversity of the planet while creating a world of abundance.

Impact Entrepreneur Kunal Sood is transforming the world by impacting a billion lives - Fortune India


Working in Wellness: The Allure of Acupuncture – Mpls.St.Paul Magazine

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

The pandemic has upended some industries entirely, leaving workers scrambling to figure out their Plan B. As they weigh their options, theyre considering the staying power of other occupations. Amainstay of traditional Chinese medicine dating back to 3,000 years ago, it's safe to say that acupuncture is here for the long run. This multi-track field combines caring for others with flexible work schedules and lifelong learning, says Jessica Frier, DAOM, LAc, and dean of the College of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at Northwestern Health Sciences University in Bloomington.

People are drawn to acupuncture as a second career, because they want to help others in a way that focuses on a persons own innate ability to heal, she says. So, youre helping patients take control of their health, their pain, or their diet.

For many, acupuncture is their first career choice, but other practitioners are finding that acupuncture is a natural extension of work they are already doing.

You see people coming from the nursing field, or they have been yoga practitioners and they want to do more with a holistic viewpoint of health care, Frier says. Thats generally what attracts people to a second career in acupuncture.

She points to an array of acupuncture specialties and an increasing number of places to put that training to work, including chiropractic offices, primary care clinics, hospitals, pain clinics, physical therapy departments, athletic facilities, hospices and massage therapy practices. You could also open your own business and practice in that manner, Frier says.

Kate Moknes Bowman, DACM, LAc, says everyones journey into Chinese medicine is different. Her journey began in a pre-med program that led her to degrees in social work and business and, eventually, a doctorate in acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

I really like medicine, but how I got onto this track is that I really wanted to know more about nutrition and the root cause behind why we get sick, she says. And that is really what Chinese medicine is all abouta functional medicine approach.

Now she puts her social work training, business education, and doctorate to work in her acupuncture clinic and NWHSUs Human Performance Center, where she helps elite athletes stay healthy and recover from injuries.

I love doing both, seeing the patients, having all of the issues come into the clinic and whats going on in the community, and then Im able to translate going back and teaching the students, Bowman says.

She also teaches a new generation of acupuncture practitioners at NWHSU and makes time to study advances in science about the biomedical effects of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

She once found it puzzling when engineers studied acupuncture as a second career, she says, but she realized they were drawn to the field for the same reason she wasproblem solving.

For me, its really about finding what actually is the root of the health issue, she says. So, I think thats how engineering comes in, although it is a different path than mine.

How do you make the leap to acupuncture and determine if its the right fit for you? Bowman says its easy to find out. Go shadow someone and make sure its something you want to do something youre passionate about.

The gateway to becoming an acupuncturist is through NWHSUs masters program, says Frier. It gives you a solid foundation in all of the modalities that encompass being an acupuncturist.

Depending on the program, it takes two-and-a-half to four years worth of study to earn a masters. But students are ready to begin practicing as an acupuncturist as soon as they complete their degree, because they have completed clinical work during their studies.

We have one of the most robust clinical experiences of any college in the country, Frier says. That includes specialty clinics out in the community with special populations like HIV patients, geriatric patients. We have a number of hospital rotations, too.

NWHSU offers flexible schedules to allow students to earn degrees while they are working or raising a family, which explains why it can take as little as two-and-a-half years or as long as four years to earn a degree.

Were accustomed to working with people like that, Frier says. It might take you a little longer to get done, but eventually we get you through. Classes begin in September and January, but those embarking on a fall program can take summer classes to hit the ground running in September.

For those who want to lean into more theory, clinical applications of Chinese medicine and research, a doctorate in acupuncture is often a goal. At NWHSU, it takes a little over three years to complete the degree. And, yes, acupuncturists with a masters can return and earn a doctorate.

Frier describes it as looking more into the integrative perspective around health care and the acupuncturists role in health care. So, it really is a dive into medicine.

One of the beautiful parts of East Asian or Chinese medicine in general is the flexibility, she says, the ability to practice in a way that makes sense to you.

Located in Bloomington,Northwestern Health Sciences Universityis a pioneer in integrative natural health care education, offering degree programs in chiropractic, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, massage therapy, medical assisting, medical laboratory programs, post-bac/pre-health, radiation therapy, and B.S. completion. ItsBloomington clinicis open to the public andprovides chiropractic treatment,acupuncture, Chinese medicine, massage therapy, naturopathic medicine, and cupping.

See more content fromNorthwestern Health Sciences University.

Read the rest here:
Working in Wellness: The Allure of Acupuncture - Mpls.St.Paul Magazine


Health Coaching Industry Market 2021 Growth Analysis, Competitive Insights, by Key Players:Wellcoaches School of Coaching, Aetna, National Consortium…

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

The report by Orbis Pharma Reports also includes a dedicated section on pandemic management guide. According to expert financial analysts, global economy is anticipated to take a derogatory turn, while plummeting to tremendous lows in the coming months, also likely to continue at the same pace even in 2021. Therefore, this report is mindfully developed to aid all financial investments on the part of new aspirants and leading players, aiming to seek easy market penetration. The report is also likely to come in handy for all established players in the competitive landscape as well who are amidst unprecedented crisis and seeking appropriate guidance for making adequate investment decisions to maintain sustainability.

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The report is an ideal source of vivid information that allow report readers to realign their growth strategies and tactical business discretion. With ample cues available in this high end research report, interested players across the value chain may initiate profitable business strategies and expansion plans across emerging markets as well as popular growth hubs as observed by Health Coaching research professionals.

Major Company Profiles operating in the Health Coaching Market:

Wellcoaches School of CoachingAetnaNational Consortium for Credentialing of Health & Wellness CoachesDuke Integrative MedicineHumanaNational Society of Health Coaches

Browse the complete report @ https://www.orbispharmareports.com/covid-19-outbreak-global-health-coaching-industry-market-report-development-trends-threats-opportunities-and-competitive-landscape-in-2020/

Market Segmentation:A systematic categorization of various segments along with their sub-segments have been holistically referred in the report by research professionals at Orbis Pharma Reports. The report therefore aids to comprehend segment competencies. Based on these specific competencies, the report carefully incorporates thorough assessment of market participation showcased by inquisitive market players, followed by an assessment of their overall footing in the competitive isle.Clear comprehension with vivid detailing of each market segments and sub-segments is indispensable to understand profitability potential of these segments, based on which new and aspiring market participants along with established players in the competition graph may also design and deploy influential growth strategies.

By the product type, the market is primarily split into

Health EducatorsHealth CoachesWellness Coaches

By the application, this report covers the following segments

RadiologyObstetrics and GynecologyCardiovascularGastroenterologyOther Applications

Regional Overview:This versatile research report presentation on global keyword market, presented by Orbis Pharma Reports has maintained highest parameters of research practices to unravel crucial details. Holistic geographical diversifications have been carefully analyzed and prominent growth centers have been categorically flagged to maintain uniform growth trends.Besides entailing region-specific details, country-wise detailing have also been included to encourage rapid decision making. For maximum reader discretion and subsequent investment decisions, this report on global keyword market as assessed by Orbis Pharma Reports reveals Germany, France, Italy, UK as ideal growth hotspots, followed by American growth hubs such as Mexico, Brazil, US and Canada. MEA countries and APAC nations have also been thoroughly scanned to understand growth patterns, competition intensity as well as vendor activities across these growth points.

For Any Query on the Health Coaching Market: https://www.orbispharmareports.com/enquiry-before-buying/88322

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Health Coaching Industry Market 2021 Growth Analysis, Competitive Insights, by Key Players:Wellcoaches School of Coaching, Aetna, National Consortium...


Can Integrative Health Solutions Help Employees While Cutting Costs? – EHS Today

Sunday, February 7th, 2021

A little late to the party, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently issued a new guidance that requires employers to obtain informed consent from employees before testing them for COVID-19.

Last October, the CDC released its original guidance on employer testing, but didnt get around to issuing the revised guidance containing the informed consent requirement until Jan. 21. The new guidance also includes measures an employer can take to ensure employees are fully supported in their decision-making.

The new guidance states: Workplace-based testing should not be conducted without the employees informed consent. Informed consent requires disclosure, understanding and free choice, and is necessary for an employee to act independently and make choices according to their values, goals and preferences.

Another earlier guidance issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) also directed employers to obtain informed consent before testing, note attorneys for the law firm of Jackson Lewis. Many state and federal directives also stress the role of testing when sending workers home and allowing them to return to work after they have recovered from the disease.

In its new guidance, CDC urges employers to provide the workers who will be tested with complete and understandable information about how the employers testing program may impact employees lives, such as if a positive test result or declination to participate in testing may mean exclusion from work.

When an employer is developing a COVID-19 testing program, the CDC recommends that the following basic considerations be addressed:

Why is the employer offering the test to begin with?

How frequently will employees be tested?

How to effectively obtain employee consent.

What to do if an employee declines to be tested.

The CDC also offers a list of key measures an employer should implement when developing a testing program to ensure that an employees informed consent is obtained and a supportive environment is created. They are:

Make sure safeguards are in place to protect an employees privacy and confidentiality.

Provide complete and understandable information about how the employers testing program may impact employees lives, such as if a positive test result occurs or that a declination to participate in testing may mean exclusion from work.

Explain any parts of the testing program an employee would consider especially important when deciding whether to participate. This involves explaining the key reasons that may guide their decision.

Provide information about the testing program in the employees preferred language using non-technical terms. Consider obtaining employee input on the readability of the information. Employers can use this tool provided by the CDC to create clear messages.

Encourage supervisors and coworkers to avoid pressuring employees to participate in testing.

Encourage and answer questions during the consent process. The consent process is active information sharing between an employer or their representative and an employee, in which the employer discloses the information, answers questions to facilitate understanding, and promotes the employees free choice.

The Jackson Lewis attorneys remind employers that, in order to ensure informed consent, an employee must be provided with certain disclosures regarding the workplace testing program.

These must include disclosures required in the Food and Drug Administration emergency use authorization patient fact sheet for the particular test, such as the type of the test, how the test will be performed, and known and potential risks.

Importantly, these disclosures must be provided during the consent process; meaning, employers will have to know this information and ensure it is provided to employees prior to the employee agreeing to the test, the attorneys stress.

They say employers need to consider which aspects of the testing program may be more relevant than others to an employees decision about whether to accept an offered test and include the appropriate disclosures. Other areas to consider include the process for scheduling tests and how the cost of the tests will be covered; and what employees should expect at the testing site, such as screening.

Other such considerations should include covering what will be the recommended next steps that are expected to occur if an employee tests positive, and what assistance will be made available should an employee be injured while the test is administered.

Privacy and security issues are top priorities to consider when implementing such a program, the attorneys warn. For example, employers must consider what personal information must be supplied to the test provider (for example, name, date of birth, insurance and other information), the test results to follow, and the myriad of issues that arise once that information is obtained.

The employer must look at whether, where and for how long the organization will retain the results. Other questions that need to be answered include how will personal information be kept confidential and secure, and how will the employer keep the results confidential and secure, along with who will have access to the results?

Employee test results are considered confidential medical information and, while not subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the employer-employee context, this information may be protected under state and common law.

Consider, for example, that some states, (such as California and Florida) include medical information as part of the definition of personal information under their breach notification laws, the attorneys point out. Accordingly, if that information is breached, which could include access to the information by an unauthorized party, notification to affected individuals and relevant state agencies may be required.

In addition, they remind employers that statutory and common law obligations mandate that employers safeguard employee personal information, which may include information about their physical health, such as the test results or information provided by the employee before taking the test.

Thus, maintaining reasonable safeguards to protect such information is prudent, the Jackson Lewis attorneys say. This could include access management measures, and record retention and destruction policies. It also may include clear guidelines for making disclosures of this information and whether authorization is needed before it may be disclosed to, or accessed by, a third party.

The attorneys also remind employers that workplace temperature and symptom screening protocols have been mandated or recommended by nearly every state and city across the country. These measures are essential in halting the spread of the virus and ensuring a safe and healthy workplace and workforce. Nevertheless, organizations must consider the legal risks, challenges and requirements before implementing such measures.

Can Integrative Health Solutions Help Employees While Cutting Costs? - EHS Today


Feeling More Stressed Than Ever? You’re Not Alone – Healthline

Sunday, February 7th, 2021

People in the United States are living under a mountain of stress, from a pandemic that shows no signs of abating to political unrest and economic instability.

As we near the one-year marker for the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, adults throughout the nation are reporting their highest stress levels since the start of the health crisis early last year.

The new survey Stress in America: January 2021 Stress Snapshot from the American Psychological Association (APA) offers a view into how this collective stress caused by the pandemic and its related social and cultural upheaval is affecting us.

Nobody is immune to the stress thats happening right now, different people are experiencing different levels of stress overall, said C. Vaile Wright, PhD, APAs senior director of health care innovation. We just werent built to maintain this level of stress and hypervigilance and hyperarousal for this length of time.

Wright told Healthline that given people are reporting their highest levels of stress since the beginning of the pandemic, people are showing a lot of stress-related symptoms and emotions.

Faced with the pandemic and political and economic uncertainties, we are almost at a breaking point of so many stressors, with many of them out of our control.

The survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of the APA. It ran from Jan. 21 to 25 and questioned 2,076 people 18 and older in the United States.

The survey revealed 84 percent of adults in the United States say the country has serious societal issues that need to be addressed.

It also found the average stress level of respondents over the course of the prior month to be 5.6 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being little to no stress and 10 standing at a great deal of stress.

This is higher than stress levels from other APA Stress in America surveys conducted since last April.

Zeroing in further, 84 percent of adults said they experienced at least one emotion tied to prolonged stress in the prior 2 weeks, with the most common being anxiety at 47 percent, sadness at 44 percent, and anger at 39 percent.

And 67 percent said that the challenges the United States is facing now is overwhelming.

I think weve sort of seen this progression over the last three to four to five years, with people really reporting stress driven by national-level kinds of issues, Wright said. Whereas before, it was more work, family life, money, those sorts of things that we have some more control over more or less.

We are as a nation experiencing this collective trauma at this point, she said.

There was some optimism, though. About 9 in 10 adults said they hope the country will move toward a place of unity. Wright said this particularly stood out to her because it shows the large majority of Americans regardless of party affiliation want to move toward unity.

It makes sense that this is a desire shared by many. The survey shows that 81 percent of respondents cited the future of our nation as a significant source of stress, while 80 percent and 74 percent pointed to the pandemic and political unrest, respectively.

The report also shows that 66 percent of adults said the breach at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was a significant stressor.

As with most aspects of American life, the survey showed how some groups are more vulnerable to stress than others. It found 74 percent of Black adults found the attack on the Capitol a source of stress versus 65 percent of white adults and 60 percent of Hispanic adults.

Dr. Michael Young, service chief of The Retreat at Sheppard Pratt, a psychiatric hospital in the Baltimore, Maryland, suburb of Towson, said that it was not a surprise that the survey revealed more than 4 in 5 adults in this country are displaying signs of prolonged stress.

I think one major factor involved is simply that confirmed COVID-19 cases have remained high, requiring restrictions to be maintained at very high levels across many parts of the country, said Young, who was not affiliated with the survey.

Social connection is a fundamental source of well-being and renewal for most people, and the ongoing social restrictions from the pandemic continue to disrupt many of the well-established social routines, he added.

Young told Healthline that this cumulative buildup of stress can have a domino effect on our health. It can impact our physical health and well-being and emotional health.

Stress can negatively impact our immune system, cardiovascular health, and worsen the experience of chronic pain and other medical conditions, he said.

Dr. Judith Cuneo, associate director of clinical programs and an integrative obstetrician-gynecologist at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, said that stress can cause irritability and exacerbate ones anxiety and fear.

Just a low or depressed mood, simply, sadness, can affect peoples resilience and over time that sort of chronic stress and low-level stress can begin to affect our health and reduce our immune function and worsen chronic diseases that are present and stress-related illnesses that are present, said Cuneo, who was not affiliated with the survey.

She said worsening chronic pain can impact our relationships with those we are close to and affect our ability to do day-to-day tasks, even our jobs especially as many are dealing with the shifts associated with working from home as we shelter-in-place during the pandemic.

That low-level chronic stress can put us into that sympathetic nervous system activation, that fight or flight stress reaction, she told Healthline. What follows is a cascade that happens that we may not be aware of, physical changes like our heart rate goes up, our blood pressure goes up, our hyperarousal deteriorates.

Cuneo said all of this leaves us anxious and we have less reliance to handle these stressors. We can develop maladaptive coping mechanisms, evolving our responses in sometimes unhealthy ways to respond to this stress.

It can feel intimidating to tackle these sources of stress, especially given that they stem from what can feel like larger-than-life national, even global, concerns.

Young said its best to focus on basic self-care strategies that include balanced eating and sleeping routines, and daily exercise to boost our immune systems and protect our physical health.

I suggest prioritizing self-care and role model this for others, he said. Participating in an online yoga class, practicing daily mindfulness meditation, going for a nature walk, and taking the time to do enjoyable activities like reading a favorite book or watching a favorite show with loved ones can all be restorative activities that combat stress.

Young added that activities like playing chess and practicing yoga have been two effective methods hes personally turned to during this time.

I encourage everyone to find the healthy activities that work for you in reducing stress and incorporate them into your life on a daily basis, he said.

Cuneo said that one big challenge for a lot of people over the course of the past year has been the fact that access to typical outlets for this stress relief has been closed off to people due to COVID-19.

Many have felt unsafe visiting gyms or even going to see their doctors or therapists.

Due to this, underlying conditions and chronic illnesses have gone untreated and been poorly managed.

This has further added to peoples stresses as they deal with the continuing pandemic and national political ruptures.

Cuneo echoed Young and said that sleep is one of the most accessible ways to take care of yourself during this time.

Physical activity of some kind as well as eating nutritious diets are surefire ways to combat stress and improve overall health and wellness.

Cuneo highlighted the work done at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine that includes mind-body practices everything from mindfulness meditation to yoga to biofeedback practice as ways to help the body heal and for you to mentally and physically respond to stress.

Wright pointed to another major source of stress: technology.

Many of us receive a constant daily barrage of notifications that share all kinds of distressing information.

Wright said that its important to give yourself a break. Turn off your notifications, turn on settings giving you specific daily time limits for certain apps on your phone, as well as instill healthy behaviors around technology in your household.

This can include modeling behavior for children. (No cellphone at the dinner table, please.)

She said its necessary to avoid the doomscrolling that can consume and derail your day.

All of this stress management comes with setting realistic expectations for yourself for how to handle the ups and downs of our current era.

I think a lot of people were really hoping going into 2021 that there would be this sense of relief, and I think what we are seeing is that it hasnt happened yet, Wright said.

Thats another important message for people: To realize they are not alone in still feeling high levels of stress, Wright said. Its important for them to not judge themselves too harshly for it.

Go here to read the rest:
Feeling More Stressed Than Ever? You're Not Alone - Healthline


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