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Archive for the ‘Integrative Medicine’ Category

The Future of Personal and Planetary Well Being : An invitation to Sages and Scientists Symposium, Crystal Bridges Museum, Bentonville Arkansas -…

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Deepak Chopra, Special to SFGate

By Deepak Chopra, MD

Despite a steady increase in life expectancy, medical science is facing diminishing returns. It has been estimated that every increase in lifespan since 1990 has resulted in only ten months of increased healthy life; the rest is only prolonged suffering and the decline of aging. Globally more people now die of so-called lifestyle diseases than from infectious diseases. Doctors cannot make choices about lifestyle; only the patient can. Finally, half of all heart attacks before old age occur in people who live a good lifestyle, managing their weight, eating right, and exercising regularly.

What lies beyond lifestyle? Thats a matter of much speculation. Will human existence be improved in the future through technology, genetic manipulation, nano-robots in the bloodstream serving as cancer hunters? Or will it take a new philosophical conception, one that entices people away from a life of speed, constant activity, and stress?

By all odds it will take both, because innovations in technology cant succeed if we continue to define well-being in old, outworn ways. Consider the following statements, which almost everyone, including doctors, take as fact:

In reality none of these statements is correct. The body isnt a machine; machines cannot heal themselves. The body isnt mindless; every cell is imbued with vast knowledge that far surpasses anything found in medical textbooks. The brain doesnt produce the mind; thats merely an assumption that has never been proved.

The most urgent need facing each of us is how to envision our bodies without the burden of outworn assumptions, which is why, starting in two weeks, an annual symposium known as Sages & Scientists Symposium will bring together the best thinkers with views both humanistic and scientific. This years theme is The Future of Well-Being, and the public is invited to attend. There is nothing on the planet as open to the free exchange of ideas, from every kind of thinker and researcher, all aiming to find a way forward into a viable future.

In my view a total rethink of the human body is long past due. To begin with, the division between mind and body is totally arbitrary. The body is a super-highway of information traveling to every cell, and thousands of different molecules inside a cell know exactly what their precise function is. The bodys ability to heal, along with the immune systems encyclopedic knowledge of all the disease organisms our ancestors encountered (and defeated), far exceeds current medicine.

To get real about your body, you need to see it as a bodymind, a wholeness whose capacity for survival is only exceeded by its capacity to evolve. As the British physicist David Deutsch pointed out in a TED talk this past April, human beings have freed ourselves from the laws of nature that govern the physical universe, and this freedom has allowed us to define entirely how our future will look. Thats a startling reinvention of what it means to be human, because everyone assumes that the laws of nature are vastly more powerful than human beings.

In reality the possibilities created in our consciousness are infinite, but we will remain limited, insecure, and fearful until a new vision tells us who we really are. The body is as conscious as any thought, which is why bodymind is the right conception of our wholeness. Consciousness creates, governs, and organizes every process in the bodymind, and the source of this unlimited knowledge is you. There is no higher power or law of nature dictating your future. The limitations we ascribe to illness, aging, and death are largely mind-made, and the worst of these limitations is our belief that we must be limited.

In reality there is no must about it. The reason science talks about biology as destiny and evolutionists talk about humans as higher apes rests upon a deeply rooted mistake, that we are physical creations glommed together from bits and pieces of matter. This is the same as saying that a masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci or Picasso is just daubs of oil paint. The entire point of a great painting is the consciousness that goes into it, fashioning beauty and meaning first and foremost.

Likewise, human beings are conscious agents whose existence, first and foremost, is rooted in beauty and meaning also, to which can be added everything else we most value: love, compassion discovery, curiosity, creativity, and evolution. These are aspects of consciousness, and the bodymind is our vehicle for exploring them. The future will be viable only if we have the confidence to see ourselves as expressions of higher consciousness.

I inaugurated Sages & Scientists Symposium so that the best thinkers would feel comfortable in each others company. Instead of compartmentalization, which is the norm in the academic world, there is a free and open field in which anything, from artificial intelligence to Vedanta, from virtual reality to epigenetics, is given time and space to be expressed. The concept has borne fruit beyond anything I originally envisioned. Now it can be truly said that well-being has a future and not simply a repeat of the past. The only way to know if human potential is unlimited is to test it through unlimited imagination, discovery, and deep understanding. The sooner every individual grasps this, the more we can live in hope and optimism.

Deepak Chopra MD, FACP, founder ofThe Chopra Foundationand founder of Chopra Global and co-founder of Jiyo, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation, and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and Clinical Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego. Chopra is the author of more than 85 books translated into over 43 languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His latest book is Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential. Chopra hosts a new podcast Infinite Potential and Daily Breath available on iTunes or Spotifywww.deepakchopra.com

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The Future of Personal and Planetary Well Being : An invitation to Sages and Scientists Symposium, Crystal Bridges Museum, Bentonville Arkansas -...


Want to be a better person? Meditation is not enough. – Thrive Global

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Photo byZoltan TasionUnsplash

For about 7 years, our team, now known as YogaX , has been promoting the integrative nature of yoga practice and philosophy. We have demonstrated via research that integrated yoga can be helpful in the fields of medicine, psychology, and physical exercise. It is now becoming clear that our emphasis on teaching a yoga that is inclusive of holistic lifestyle practices is also important to the field of mindfulness. Over the past decades, mindfulness has emerged as a powerful intervention in many contexts. Thanks to influential scientists, such as Jon Kabbat-Zin and Rick Hanson, and technology solutions, such as Calm, Headspace, and Insight Timer, mindfulness has become a widely-accepted and common practice.

Mindfulnesshas achieved a can-do-no-harmreputation. However, have you ever met adaily meditator who creates harm, lacks awareness, demands attention, fishesfor compliments, or plays on a phone through a conversation? Of course, we all have! Meditation cannotexcuse us from being human and it is not a complete solution for lifeimprovement.

Psychologicalresearch asserts that awareness is necessary but not sufficient forchange. Mindfulness is often practiced asan attention-strengthening activity. Forexample, the act of listening to a meditation for 5 minutes in the morning ornoticing your breathing for 10 minutes after lunch helps build the capacity forpaying attention. Enhanced attention isincredibly helpful and a necessary ingredient for change. However, without a path to help place attentionon life practices that create harmony and purpose, attention is simply noticing;in and of itself, it not transformed into change.

A recent article by Eric Dolan in PsyPost this August (link here) reviewed a study demonstrating that the non-judgmental practice of mindfulness may actually increase immoral behavior in meditators. The study involved 714 German adults (Study linked here) assigned to a brief mindfulness meditation practice or listened to a control recording. Participants assigned to the mindfulness condition showed less effort toward repairing damage, for example, after losing a friends bicycle. One possible explanation is that non-reactiveness facilitated by meditation reduced negative feelings caused by losing the bicycle. This reduction in negative affect may have resulted in less effort to repair the relationship and make amends.

Although researchers continue to question and explore themechanism of action that might have given rise to this finding, the point iswell taken. Mindfulness by itself doesnot provide guidance about how to live an ethical life. It is designed to increase the capacity forawareness and concentration. While theseskills have a number of standalone benefits, including decreased stress andstress-related physical reactions, they are not skills that necessarilytranslate into ethical or moral action.

Yoga philosophy, on the other hand, treats mindfulness asonly one part of a larger system of living called the eight limbs of yoga. The eight limbs of yoga detail a path towardsawakening, the final state of meditative consciousness. The eight limbs are as follows:

Limb 1 Yamas: ethical life choices

Limb 2 Niyamas: disciplined lifestyle

Limb 3 Asana: movement and posture

Limb 4 Pranayama: breath and energy awareness

Limb 5 Pratyahara: sense withdrawal to turn inward

Limb 6 Dharana: concentration

Limb 7 Dhyana: meditation

Limb 8 Samadhi: absorption or union with a greater whole

The foundational practices of the eight limbs are the ethicaland disciplined lifestyle choices (called the Yamas and Niyamas, which you canread about in our blog). Yoga ethics encourage us to promotepeacefulness (non-harming), truthfulness, non-stealing, moderation, andnon-passiveness. Yoga discipline guidesus towards living a life of purity, contentment, discipline, self-reflectionand dedication to the greater good.These practices lay the necessary foundation and create a helpfulcontainer for the development of breath work, movement, and the inner practicesof concentration and meditation.

In this tradition of yoga, mindfulness and meditation practicesare not recommended until ethical practices, personal discipline, breath awareness,embodied movement, and withdrawal of senses are in place. The contemporary urge is to cultivate mindfulnessas a quick tool that facilitates a better system of living. In yoga, however, mindfulness and meditationare practices that rest on and support a holistic and comprehensive lifestyleof compassion, lovingkindness, and joy.

We hope that these yogic wisdoms widen your understanding ofmindfulness and to consider situating your mindfulness practice within a largersystem of living that includes self-inquiry, breathing, and physicalpractice. This holistic approach mightjust enhance your experience of meditation and make you a better person in theprocess.

Thank you for reading.


Originally posted here:
Want to be a better person? Meditation is not enough. - Thrive Global


blocked growth of J&K higher education institutions: Singh – IndiaPost.com

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

KATRA (J&K): Union minister Jitendra Singh on Monday said Article 370, which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir, had blocked the growth of higher education in the erstwhile state, and halted the academic institutions to evolve at par with those in the rest of India.

Singh said even though Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave highest priority to the state and the Centre went out of the way to approve new institutions of higher education, growth of such institutions got thwarted by the vested interests using the bogey of Article 370.

The minister of state in the Prime Ministers Office (PMO) was addressing the inaugural session of the three-day international conference on applied biology and biotechnology at the Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU).

In the past five years, Singh said, the state was given two All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), an Indian Institute of Management (IIM) and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), nearly eight centrally-funded medical colleges, including three of them in his parliamentary constituency of Udhampur.

The minister said these institutions failed to pick up because of lack of faculty and lack of research module despite liberal funding from the Modi government,

According to Singh, for any university or institute of higher education to grow, the basic prerequisites include exclusive department or streams of study for research and high standards of research publications, which, in turn, depend upon eminent faculty members selected purely on the basis of merit.

However, the minister added, in the garb of Article 370, no eminent faculty was ready to come here because instead of providing them incentives, they were being offered no incentives.

He also took a dig at the votaries of Article 370 for wrongly citing the name of Maharaja Hari Singh, who signed the instrument of accession to merge Jammu and Kashmir into the Union of India in 1947, to support their argument.

The minister said it was Hari Singh who had brought Ram Nath Chopra from Kolkata and offered him the facility and incentive to start the drug research laboratory (DRL), which is now known as the Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Jammu, and is one of the important nationally-renowned institutions.

Much before Independence, he said, Hari Singh used to ensure best of the teaching faculty from outside for the then Prince of Wales College at Jammu.Jitendra Singh emphasised the need to go for the best faculty from any part of the country without any compromise. He suggested greater collaboration of the university with other eminent academic institutions in the region, which according to him, could help in value addition to the education standards. PTI


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blocked growth of J&K higher education institutions: Singh - IndiaPost.com


Dr. David Friedman’s book Food Sanity wins first place at the Author Academy Awards – PR Web

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

WILMINGTON, N.C. (PRWEB) November 04, 2019

Over a thousand authors worldwide were nominated for their work in one of 16 categories. Entries were reviewed and evaluated on popular vote, social contribution, and overall presentation (cover, content, flow, and originality) by a panel of select judges.

Friedman presented his book synopsis at the Author Academy Awards Red Carpet Sessions, which was then followed by a Red Carpet Meet and Greet, and the Author Academy Awards Ceremony.While other winners thanked those that supported and believed in them, during Friedmans acceptance speech, he thanked those that did not believe in him. This included the agents and publishers that told him his book wasnt worthy of being published. Dr. Friedman shared how he turned this REJECTION into REDIRECTION which motivated him to work even harder. The results paid off and Food Sanity went on to become an international award-winning, #1 best-selling book. After giving a shout out to those that decided not to publish Food Sanity, Friedman held up his award and said, In the words of Julia Roberts from Pretty woman, Big Mistake!

Kary Oberbrunner, founder of the Author Academy Awards said, The Author Academy Awards is an honor bestowed for literary merit and publishing excellence in the writing and publishing industry. Our goal is to help further connect this global community of authors, and maintain excellence and integrity of the book publishing industry.

"It's truly been a 'pinch me' year!" Dr. Friedman says." It took six years to research over one thousand clinical studies and interview hundreds of scientists and renowned doctors before Food Sanity came to fruition. Being an Author Academy Award winner will further help my mission to change the world one plate at a time.

Jack Canfield, New York Time's best-selling author of Chicken Soup for The Soul, says, "I'm very impressed with the level or research Dr. Friedman has done and how he's integrated this information into helping people, including me! With so much confusion and contraindications on what we should and shouldn't be eating, Food Sanity will add more years to your life and life to those years."

About Dr. David Friedman:Dr. David Friedman is a multiple award-winning, #1 national best-selling author of Food Sanity, how to eat in a world of fads and fiction (Turner Publishing.) He's a Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Chiropractic Neurologist. He received a post-doctorate certification from Harvard Medical School, is a Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner and Board Certified in Integrative Medicine. He's a former teacher of neurology and author of the college textbook, "Understanding the Nervous System." As the Health Expert for Lifetime Television's morning show and host of To Your Good Health Radio, millions of people have enjoyed his weekly, cutting-edge health features. Dr. Friedman is also a contributing writer for many leading news, health and fitness magazines including U.S News & World Report, Newsweek, Readers Digest, Better Nutrition, Mind Body Green, AARP Magazine, and Saturday Evening Post, just to name a few. For more information about Dr. David Friedman visit: DrDavidFriedman.com

About the Author Academy AwardsThe Author Academy Awards is an award bestowed for literary merit and publishing excellence in the writing and publishing industry. It is presented annually by Author Academy Elite, a premium service provider for authors, at the Author Academy Awards Ceremony. For more information on the awards, visit AuthorAcademy.com

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Dr. David Friedman's book Food Sanity wins first place at the Author Academy Awards - PR Web


Lecture: The Natural Path to Boosting Immunity and Mood – New Canaan Advertiser

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Updated 5:02pm EST, Monday, November 4, 2019

Photo: Contributed Photo.

New Canaan Library seeks natural path to well-being

Winter is fast approaching and while many enjoy the New England change of seasons, the winter months also bring the challenge of preserving good health and mood. New Canaan Library welcomes nutritionist/dietiian Jay Wolkoff, who will discuss how integrative and natural strategies can boost immunity and ones overall sense of well-being on Sunday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. in the Adrian Lamb Room. To register, visit newcanaanlibrary.org.

While modern-day living allows us to largely insulate ourselves from the outdoors and enjoy produce from temperate and tropical climates, there also is a certain beauty to acclimating our bodies to the cooler months with warming foods, herbs, and spices, an announcement said. In his presentation, Jay Wolkoff uses his extensive knowledge of nutrition and the sciences combined with integrative strategies to demonstrate how one can support his or her bodys natural immunity as well as keep his or her mood up during the darker and cooler months.

Wolkoff, nutritionist/dietician, MS, CNS, CDN, is passionate about providing individualized and comprehensive dietary and lifestyle support to his clients, the announcement said. His approach toward health effortlessly weaves together his background in evidence-based nutrition and the emerging sciences, clinical herbalism, appreciation for mind-body medicine, passion for organic gardening, and love of the outdoors, the announcement said.

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Lecture: The Natural Path to Boosting Immunity and Mood - New Canaan Advertiser


Hawaii Natural Medicine Offers IV Nutritional Therapy for Wellness – KHON2

Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

Posted: Nov 1, 2019 / 02:59 PM HST / Updated: Nov 1, 2019 / 02:59 PM HST

Honolulu (KHON2) IV Nutritional therapy is nolonger just a secret of the stars, its catching on with locals who see thebenefits of getting a cocktail of vitamins and minerals at HawaiiNatural Medicine.

Dr. Stephen Benchouk welcomed Living808 to seehow it works, saying IV Vitamin Therapy is anintravenous injection that delivers vitamins, minerals, and amino acidsnutrients directly to the cells of the body. These nutrients are directlyabsorbed into the circulatory system, bypassing the gastrointestinal tractthereby increasing the absorptive and therapeutic capability. It is oftenprescribed as part of a complete, holistic and individualized treatmentplan.

Many clients use IV therapyfor colds, flu, fatigue, jetlag, hangover, and dehydration, or for pre and postexercise recovery.

Clients fill out an intake form and based on the clients chief concerns, and an infusion is customized for that individual.

According to Dr. Benchouk, Morecomplicated cases such as cancer, autoimmune conditions and chronic diseasewill need a more comprehensive protocol which may include diet, supplements,herbs, medication, and life style changes.

IV Nutritional therapy has been around for years, Dr. Myers made it popular back in the 60s treating a variety of condition with a cocktail of vitamins and minerals.Since then, adds Benchouk, there has been decades of research on the effectiveness of using specific nutrients to treat specific conditions safely and without many of the side effects associated with some conventional medications. It has been used extensively by naturopathic doctors who are trained in application of therapeutic nutrition in both acute and chronic conditions.

Dr. Benchouk is a naturopathic doctor ora primary care physician who specializes in alternative and integrativemedicine. One of his most effective and popular treatments is IV vitamintherapy.

Clients are looking to treat the cause of their health concerns or looking for an alternative to convention medical treatments as those treatments come with side effects or are no longer effective. HNM specializes in integrative oncology, chronic conditions like autoimmune disorders, gastro intestinal disorders, endocrine disorders, most chronic conditions, and general wellness and prevention.

The IV treatments have gotten sopopular, HNM recently launched a mobile service called IV Drip Hawaii.

Mention Living808 and throughoutNovember, youll receive 15% off your introductory IV Vitamin Therapy.

Websites: http://www.hawaiinaturalmedicine.com https://ivdriphawaii.com/

Hawaii Natural Medicine islocated at 1188 Bishop Street, Suite 1605

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Hawaii Natural Medicine Offers IV Nutritional Therapy for Wellness - KHON2


Ticked off: Congressman Chris Smith Perseveres in the fight against Lyme disease – TAPinto.net

Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

New National Lyme ResearchInitiative has roots in New Jersey

MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ: At a press conferenceheld last Friday, October 25th,in the courtyard of the Wall TownshipMunicipal Building,U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), formally acknowledged and praised the recent launching earlier in the month, of theNational Institutes of Healths (NIH)national research strategy to combat Lyme disease.

Smith also expressed his frustration for the amount of years that it took to get to this point.

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Smith was joined at the presseventwith patients who suffer from Lyme disease, and also in attendance were Lyme research and treatment advocacy leaders.

U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), the co-chair of the congressional Lyme Disease Caucus,has been working on advancing research, treatment and funding for Lyme's Disease since1992,when Smith first met with top medical and health officials to discuss the topic in Washington.

Thenin1998, Congressman Smith co-sponsored the Lyme Disease Initiative Act of 1998, toestablish a program to provide for a reduction in the incidence and prevalence of Lyme disease. Smith has been a tenacious early leader in the fight against Lyme disease, a leader in theeffortto combat Lyme disease for over 27 years.

Congressman Smith commented, Everything that was imbedded in our first bill in 1998and every bill thereafteris captured in the five pillars in the NIH plan.We have waited for this initiative for a long time, but in launching this effort,NIH appears to be forging ahead for researching Lyme and other tick-borne diseases to better diagnose and treat those suffering from this horrific disease,"said Smith.

Smith mentioned that the new NIH planreads like the content of several of the bills he has introduced over the years pushing the federal government to establish a responsive, comprehensive, scientific strategy to help those gravely ill from Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.

Dr. Jodie Dashore, Ph.D., of Marlboro, an expert in integrative medicine specializing in neurology, who cares for Lyme patients from 40 countries,wasalso present and spoke at the event. Dashore'sson Brian was present in the audience to sharehis story. His isone riddled with multiple misdiagnosis, and a cripplingnear-deathjourneywith chronic Lyme disease. WatchTAPinto'sone-on-one breakoutinterview with Dr. Dashore:

VIDEO-Hear Dr. Dashore's powerful testimony:

Dr. Dashore also spoke about the link established between Lyme disease and autism. Her plant based treatmentshave successfully treatedpatients withLyme disease and also many with an autism diagnosis. New Jersey has a large population of people diagnosed with Lyme diseaseand heres the keyNew Jersey has a large population of people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, she said, estimating that 65 percent of her child patients with autism have Lyme.

She said more research into Lyme was needed, and was supportive of the NIH to kick off its national research plan."Clinical research is urgently needed for accurate testing of the multiple genospecies and multiple strains of organisms, along with human genetic and immunologic risk factors associated with tick borne illness, Dashore said. Early diagnosis, reliable testing and effective treatment strategies help contain the immunosuppressive complex biological expression of the disease thus preventing a prolonged and debilitating illness with a large socio-economic impact."

Priorities in the NIH multipart plan include the five pillars of: Expanding knowledge of tickborne diseases; developing rapid diagnostic testing; identifying treatment success and human biomarkers of persistent symptoms; developing new treatments; and evaluating prevention approaches such as vaccines.

Smith, the co-chair of the congressional Lyme Disease Caucus, is also the author of the pendingTICK Act(HR 3073), which will develop a whole-of-government National Strategy to prevent and treat Lyme and other vector-borne diseases.Smiths legislation would create a new Office of Oversight and Coordination for Vector-borne Disease in the Department of Health and Human Services coordinating strategies across the entire federal governmentincluding the NIH, and also the Departments of Defense, Agriculture, Interior, Homeland Security and the Environmental Protection Agency.

We have a bill calledThe Tick Actwhich would codify the idea of a national strategy, Smith said. He noted that the fight against Lyme disease is surging administratively, and thanked the Administration for directing federal agencies to see how Lyme disease can be addressed within their own departments.

In releasing itsStrategic Plan for Tickborne Disease Research, the NIH said the effort was inspired in part by the2018 Report to Congressby theHHS Tickborne Diseases Working Group(TBD Working Group). Smith spearheaded the legislation that created the TBD Working Group, which became a provision (Section 2062) ofthe21st Century Cures Act.

The Tickborne Disease Working Group met for months and came up with a report that demolished the myths about Lyme disease, like that chronic Lyme disease doesnt exist. The report recognizes that current diagnostics are totally inadequate. In terms of diseases and disabilities, it shows there is no other disease or disability that is as underfunded than Lyme disease. The Working Group Report has become the marching orders in the fight against Lyme disease,Congressman Smith said.

Also, at the press conference to speak wasPatricia Smith, president of the national Lyme Disease Association, and parent of a child who contracted Lyme disease. I have worked with Congressman Smith for 27 years to get the attention needed for Lyme, Ms. Smith said. Working on our 2018 TBD Working Group Report, we discovered NIH had no national strategy on Lyme and tick borne diseases. The Report to Congress recommended that one be developed. Two weeks ago, NIH released a comprehensive TBD research strategy which outlines what kinds of research needs to be done to help patients and to stop the spread of the disease.

VIDEO-Listen to Patricia Smith, president of the national Lyme Disease Association:

She called the NIH actiona good first step, and added we also need passage of the TICK Act to bring all tickborne disease under one office of government and to generate necessary funds for a comprehensive research plan.

Also speaking at the event were Lyme patients Debbie Scatuccio of Jackson, a mother of two children with Lyme and grandmother of two with Lyme.Brian Dashore is asenior at Monmouth County Academy of Health Science. Hehopes to become an immunologist, in part because of his own battle with Lyme disease. I am motivated by my own experience with the disease and because the health care field is so interesting, Brian said. Ive mentored kids with Lyme, he said, discussing such issues as bullying, extended days out of school, and his own experiences including pain, brain fog and fatigue.

Scatuccio said the NIH research plan was a long time in coming, and was happy the TICK Act was sponsored by her own member of Congress from New Jersey, Rep. Smith (R-NJ), with the lead cosponsor a member from her former state of residence Minnesota, Rep. Colin Peterson (D-MN). Smith and Peterson co-chair the Lyme Disease Caucus on Capitol Hill.

It was very important it was bipartisan, Scatuccio said. I am proud that the two Members of Congress from the two states which are dearest to my heart, are helping our country. The people of the United States deserve to get the right care.

Dr. Robert C. Bransfield, M.D, Clinical Associate Professor at Robert Wood Johnson UMDNJ Medical School, President of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Educational Foundation who has worked with Smith on Lyme issues in the past, said that the main cause of death from Lyme disease is suicide and a major cause of disability from Lyme disease are mental and cognitive impairments.

Many who see themselves as authorities on Lyme disease have little training in psychiatry and are unable to comprehend how a tick bite can result in mental illnesses, Bransfield said.

Originally posted here:
Ticked off: Congressman Chris Smith Perseveres in the fight against Lyme disease - TAPinto.net


Two minutes to lift your mood – Times of India

Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

You dont need big changes to lift your mood. Turn around your hectic day in a jiffy with a few quick tricks Flip through photosWhen you are feeling down, pick your childhood albums or take out your kids baby albums. It may actually make you feel happier than a square of chocolate. Researchers at UKs Open University found this after they examined how much peoples moods rose after looking at personal photos. The study says viewing your old or new happy pictures makes people feel 11% better. Inhale calming scentsFill your indoor space with vanilla or lavender essence. In an Austrian study, researchers wafted the smell of lavender for people. The group felt less anxious, more positive, and calmer when compared with participants not exposed to any fragrance.Open the windowsTo feel happy in seconds, let sunlight stream in. One study of more than 450 women found that those who got the most light, particularly in the morning, reported better mood. Combine exercise with morning light. The exposure amplifies lights beneficial effects on mood, sleep, and alertness.Watch a funny videoA hearty laugh produces a chemical reaction that instantly elevates your mood. When stress builds up or you feel you may snap, make yourself giggle: Watch a funny video clip online.Chop vegetablesYes, this is therapy. According to Andrew Weil, MD, an integrative medicine expert, after a particularly emotional and stressful day, the act of chopping vegetables creates something wonderful this process neutralises the negative mental state in no time.Massage your handsThe act of massaging your hands with oil or cream and rubbing them instantly lifts your mood. Hands and wrists have your pulse points. Happiness is just a tight squeeze away. According to Matt Hertenstein, associate professor of psychology, DePauw University (Indiana, US), even 10 minutes with a massage therapist (or a generous friend) will light up your brains reward centre, get the oxytocin flowing, and have a big effect on your mood, not to mention help relieve aches and pains. Most scientists think that even self-massage, like rubbing your own feet, can rid you of negative emotions.

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Two minutes to lift your mood - Times of India


Get disciplined post festivities – Times of India

Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

Festivities are a time of joy, celebration and of course food! For many people, the idea of indulging in festive food overwhelms them and the fear and stress of piling on weight creeps up. Well, firstly, its necessary to understand the connection between food and the kind of relationship you build with it. Food is not the reason why you gain weight or suffer from a health condition. The culprit is the person eating it and his/her lifestyle. Its a bitter truth that most of us dont want to hear. So, while you consciously practice mindful eating, portion control, moderation, proper chewing, here are some more lifestyle tweakings you can adopt to maintain good health. Mind you, these are simple, inexpensive and natural ways. All you need is self-discipline and effort. Tabata before treat! Tabata workout is a great way to stoke your metabolism in less than 4 minutes. Its a set of 8 exercises that makes you work out at a maximum intensity for 20 secs followed by 10 secs. Exercises like planks, squats, lunges, push-ups, jumping jacks, high knees can easily fit into a Tabata. Four-minute Tabata is powerful because it turns body into a fat-burning machine and keeps metabolism high for the next few hours.

Sure, you always listen to your body when it comes to adopting a new exercise, else you risk injury. Jerky movements may not suit those who suffer from knee issues, so you may want to carve out a Tabata plan that suits your health condition. There are various Tabata apps and YouTube videos that can help you find the best fit. Time your dessert Dont gorge on the leftover sweets. Its an in-built intelligence of our body that directs us to eat, digest, absorb, assimilate, sleep, secrete certain hormones at a specific time of the day. We function best when we live as close to our circadian rhythm as possible. Our circadian rhythm has a huge effect on various metabolic processes in our body. It turns out, that our metabolism is at its peak during the afternoon, meaning that it is the best time of the day to fit in a dessert or any treat meal. As the day proceeds, our metabolism dips and slows down. Also, we do not need additional energy (read carbohydrates) at night because its requirement is much less when we sleep and rest.

That said, these strategies are not a free ticket to go all out and overdo on sweets. We still need to practice moderation, portion control, healthy relationships with food and above all, guilt-free eating.

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Get disciplined post festivities - Times of India


Pollution In Delhi: Herbal Teas And Other Ways To Reduce Cough, Cold And Other Health Risks – NDTV News

Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

Delhi Pollution: Keep your indoors clean and dust-free to prevent air pollution health risks

Air quality in Delhi has reached severe category and people have started to experience the health hazards associated with it. Many are experiencing increased coughing, sneezing, irritation in the throat, etc. Alongside is the dip in weather, which is only making things worse. This is the perfect time to have some soothing, herbal teas that can provide relief from health hazards associated with air pollution and also calm you down. In an effort to help with respiratory problems deal with the hazards effects of air pollution, lifestyle coach Luke Coutinho takes to Instagram to share a herbal tea.

Made with ginger, cinnamon and other herbal spices, this herbal tea can reduce irritation in throat, cough, cold, sneezing, etc. You can have it early in the morning, in between meals or in evening.

Sipping warm tea during change in weather in rising pollution can have a soothing effect on your throatPhoto Credit: iStock

Also read:Prolonged Air Pollution Could Affect Your Mood And Work Productivity

To prepare this herbal tea, you need ginger (1 inch piece). 1 tsp of dried ginger powder can also be used as a replacement. Then, take Ceylon cinnamon stick (1) or cinnamon powder (1/4 tsp); basil/tulsi leaves (1/2 tsp); dry or fresh oregano (1 tsp); pepper corns (3), crushed elaichi (2); fennel seeds (1/4 tsp); ajwain or carrom seeds (a tiny pinch); jeera or cumin (1/4 tsp). You can also add optional ingredients: 1-2 cloves of crushed garlic.

Take all the ingredients and them in 2 cups of water. Boil them and reduce it to half. Strain the ingredients and sip on it warm. You can also add some honey or jaggery to the herbal to sweeten its taste.

Also read:Here's How You Can Protect Yourself From Poor Air Quality

1. An age-old and effective home remedy to control cough is chewing some jaggery or gud. Not only does it help in controlling cough, it can also help in removing harmful toxins from your lungs and respiratory tract.

2. Include more ginger in your diet. Apart from the herbal tea mentioned above, you can also try ginger, honey and lemon tea. You can take some grated ginger, lemon juice and honey and add it to boiling water. Strain the mixture and sip warm. It can control your cough, cold and congestion. Ginger contains gingerol and other compounds that can reduce inflammation in the airways and inhibit airway contraction.

Anti-inflammatory properties of ginger can reduce air pollution health risksPhoto Credit: iStock

3. You can also include garlic in your diet as it boost your immunity and help in fighting infections. Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce symptoms of asthma as well.

Also read:Beat Ill Effects Of Air Pollution With These Lifestyle Changes That Can Cleanse Your Lungs Naturally

4. Citrus fruits like lemon, amla and oranges can boost your immunity and reduce respiratory symptoms caused by air pollution. Vitamin C in citrus fruits have beneficial effect on the body's immunity.

5. Basil (tulsi) juice or tulsi tea is another herbal tea you can have this time of the year. It can keep you warm and reduce ill effects of air pollution.

6. There is nothing that a soothing cup of turmeric latte won't do during cough and cold. From boosting your immunity to reducing inflammation, the traditional haldi doodh is the perfect remedy for dealing with congestion, sneezing, wheezing, cough, cold and asthma.

(Luke Coutinho, Holistic Lifestyle Coach - Integrative Medicine)

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Read the rest here:
Pollution In Delhi: Herbal Teas And Other Ways To Reduce Cough, Cold And Other Health Risks - NDTV News


Lecture: The Natural Path to Boosting Immunity and Mood – mySanAntonio.com

Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

Published 9:00am CDT, Friday, November 1, 2019

Photo: Contributed Photo.

Lecture: The Natural Path to Boosting Immunity and Mood

Winter is fast approaching and while many enjoy the New England change of seasons, the winter months also bring the challenge of preserving good health and mood. New Canaan Library welcomes nutritionist/dietician Jay Wolkoff, who will discuss how integrative and natural strategies can boost immunities and ones overall sense of well-being on Sunday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. in the Adrian Lamb Room. To register, visit newcanaanlibrary.org.

While modern-day living allows us to largely insulate ourselves from the outdoors and enjoy produce from temperate and tropical climates, there also is a certain beauty to acclimating our bodies to the cooler months with warming foods, herbs, and spices. In his presentation, Jay Wolkoff uses his extensive knowledge of nutrition and the sciences combined with integrative strategies to demonstrate how one can support their bodys natural immunity as well as keep their mood up during the darker and cooler months.

Wolkoff, nutritionist/dietician, MS, CNS, CDN, is passionate about providing individualized and comprehensive dietary and lifestyle support to his clients. His unique approach towards health effortlessly weaves together his background in evidence-based nutrition and the emerging sciences, clinical herbalism, appreciation for mind-body medicine, passion for organic gardening, and love of the outdoors.

Here is the original post:
Lecture: The Natural Path to Boosting Immunity and Mood - mySanAntonio.com


How The Blue Blood Of The Horseshoe Crab Is Helping Us Detect Bacteria Beyond Earth – Maritime Herald

Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

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Blue blood of a crab-arachnid in space to detect possible infections of an astronaut in full galactic mission. If this has not caught your attention: Houston, we seem to have a serious problem. As crazy as this first idea may seem, we would not try to make curiosity knock on your door without a good argument. In fact, the statement you just read is true and the blood of the animal you are referring to, is much more important than it seems.

Despite its name, do not be fooled, it is neither a crab, nor has a horseshoe shape. In fact, at first glance it may seem more like a small species of stingray with a built-in shell or even one of those robot vacuum cleaners that leave your living room unpolluted. It could easily be part of the cast of Star Wars alien creatures. As you can imagine, its shape is far from what we would think when talking about a conventional crab.

Disturbing as well as disconcerting, this could be the presentation and a first contact with the Limulus polyphemus, known by his relatives, effectively, as a horseshoe crab. There are five species of these animals, the most common are distributed along the Atlantic coast of the United States and can be observed in the spawning periods, in the sand, on the shores of the sea, explains Xakata Begoa Snchez Chilln, conservative of arthropods of the National Museum of Natural Sciences. The rest of the species are distributed in East and Southeast Asia, where due to their great exploitation they are at high risk of extinction, he adds.

But then, is it a crab or not? As we anticipated, no. According to this study, published in 2019 in the scientific journal Systematic Biology , despite belonging to the group of arthropods, the horseshoe crab family is closer to arachnids than to crustaceans . To make it more visual: throw spiders more than crabs. Of course, unlike spiders, it has 6 pairs of appendages and an exoskeleton or shell that constitutes the union of the head and thorax, says Snchez.

Currently, the comparison of thousands of genes has revealed this new hypothesis , he told Xataka Jesus A. Ballesteros, researcher at the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) and one of the study authors. These results require scrutiny and corroboration, but they reveal a part of the complexity of the evolutionary process ; the same processes that have shaped and continue to shape the tree of life of which we are part, he adds.

But it is not the name or form of this curious animal that makes us write about it today, but its blood , both for its appearance and for its medical applications. According to Snchez, the primitive enzymes this animal attack the material of the cell walls of most bacteria , so they are frequently used in tests to detect bacterial endotoxins in numerous pharmaceutical products.

What is special about the horseshoe crabs blood?

As if it were a member of royalty, the blood of our protagonist is blue . While the human is red by a pigment of this color, hemoglobin, and its corresponding iron content; its analogue in this arthropod causes its hemolymph to acquire a different hue.

Hemocyanin (which contains copper instead of iron) is the one that gives blue color to the blood of the horseshoe crab, explains Xataka Susana Enriquez, a researcher at the Institute of Marine Sciences and Limnology (ICML) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico . But the value of this bugs blood resides in cells called amebocytes , which function as their immune system: when they come in contact with endotoxins produced by pathogenic bacteria, they solidify to alert that there is work to be done and start counteracting an infection .

These compounds [endotoxins] are very abundant in the membranes of gram-negative bacteria, which are the majority of those that live in the marine environment, says Xataka Gema Hernndez-Milia, a biologist specializing in marine mammal food ecology. They could be compared to the pieces of a puzzle: the enzymes in their blood cells coincide with the endotoxins and bind to them, creating a clot that prevents the consequences of the bacteria, he adds.

Since being studied, the blood of this crab has been a revolution in the world of medicine . In fact, if youve ever had a flu shot or know someone with a pacemaker, you owe the animal one.

According to the Horseshoes Crab website , developed by the Ecological Research and Development research group, a non-profit organization that has been fighting to conserve the four species of horseshoe crab since 1995, the quality of vaccines, injectable medications, intravenous solutions and medical implants are checked using the blood of this crab.

In addition, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has used it since 1970 (the year until rabbit blood was used in this task) to approve medications , making sure they are free of endotoxins. Why? We tell you his story.

Although shallow, the sandy seabed in which the arthropod inhabits, along the east coast of North America and Central America, are often plagued with bacteria . Their own habitat, therefore, poses a threat in itself: in other circumstances, these microorganisms could cause all kinds of infections. Here is the survival key of our protagonist of blue blood.

The primitive immune system of this distant relative of the trilobites is based on a blood coagulation mechanism that protects it from the endotoxins to which it is continuously exposed. The blood cells of the horseshoe crab, the amebocytes, contain proteins that are released in response to the presence of unwanted organisms, such as gram-negative bacteria. In this way, they get their blood to clot around the lesion and bacteria, protecting the animal, the authors explain on the web.

That is, the bacteria are trapped and unable to continue advancing through your body.

This defense mechanism, which was recorded for the first time as early as 1885 and which was studied in depth since the 1950s, is known as Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL). Its effectiveness is such that it can detect the contamination with endotoxins of Gram-negative bacteria in incredibly low concentrations.

But what does blue blood have to do with space?

We return to the beginning, to our eccentric and first statement: Blue blood of crabs- arachnids in space to detect the possible diseases of an astronaut in full galactic mission. For now, we give the okey to the first concept, but what about the rest? What does this substance have to do with space, astronauts and disease detection?

NASA, through this article on its website, puts us in a situation: Imagine an astronaut on a space mission to Mars, halfway from Earth, which begins to feel bad. His throat hurts and he seems to have a fever, but he does not want to get sick or infect his companions. Should I take an antibiotic? And if so, what kind?

As a solution to this question, NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center developed the LOCAD-PTS (Lab-on-a-Chip Application Development-Portable Test System), a portable device that allows rapid detection of gram- negative pathogenic bacteria in space thanks to the LAL. How?

Thanks to this machine, a possible infection can be detected much faster than it would be to wait for the results of a culture in a Petri dish, explains Enriquez. According to NASA; lets you know if certain types of bacteria are present on the surfaces of space stations.

The reaction occurs with the endotoxins found in the membrane of these bacteria or some fungi (the same happens with the profenoloxidase of the Jonah crab) that allow to detect gram-positive bacteria, he explains to Xataka Hector Socas Navarro, a physicist at the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands and director of the Museum of Science and Cosmos of Tenerife. These enzymes go in different cartridges of the system, with which the collected sample is reacted, he says.

But its usefulness does not end here: the system not only locates a possible infection, but indicates what type of antibiotics would be necessary to combat such bacteria. It was an interesting development: gram-negative bacteria are among the most pathogenic, responsible for many respiratory, urinary and gastrointestinal diseases in humans, says Enriquez. In addition, he adds, it is the resistant ones that cause the most problems in hospitals.

This test is useful for the astronaut who feels that he is beginning to have health problems. Thanks to it, he can check the causes of the discomfort quickly and stop the infection (if any) at an early stage , long before the disease develops and he himself was a source of bacteria for his companions.

According to Enriquez, when the infection is still incipient, the culture in Petri dishes is not as effective or, at least, it requires more time for the crop to grow and confirm what type of bacteria is growing. As a result, the diagnosis comes later, making the infection more likely to be greater , not only within an astronaut, but within the ship for the entire crew. I think it is a potentially useful tool to quickly slow down the progress of possible infections by gram-negative bacteria, he concludes.

In the words of Socas, this system was also used between 2006 and 2009 to investigate the presence of bacteria and fungi in different places of the International Space Station (ISS). Afterwards, this technique stopped being used, giving way to more sophisticated methods (the PTS did not allow to identify which microorganisms had been detected, something that is possible today with molecular analysis technologies).

Currently, experiments are being carried out with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that allow amplifying any piece of DNA that is present: make many copies of the fragment and facilitate its detection, Socas says. Several experiments between 2015 and 2016 have allowed us to know more about these bacteria and fungi. The dominant population of microorganisms is associated with the human microbiome , although there may also be opportunistic pathogens.

To avoid confusion, Socas insists that we talk about terrestrial microbes dragged by the missions themselves and the astronauts who have gone to the ISS. Their study is important in order to understand the possible extension of microorganisms carried by humans in future missions and to the health of astronauts, especially considering that there appear to be effects on the immune system of prolonged permanence in space.

In fact, the US National Research Council recommends in the ten-year review of its committee of biological and physical sciences of space that NASA establish a large-scale microbial observation program at the ISS.

Does the horseshoe crab survive after bleeding?

In order to obtain the liquid gold that supposes the blood of the horseshoe crab, the companies capture adult specimens of this species, extract a third of their total blood and release them again. However, these species of xiphosuros have to pay a very high price, since death during the process occurs in about 15% of individuals, says Snchez. Some reports also indicate that this mortality may be even higher due to bad practices during collection and transportation .

This, together with the influence that climate change is having on the seas, makes the four species that exist today are in a serious and growing danger of extinction, he adds.

According to the Ecological Research and Development Group, in 2016 the mortality associated with the production of LAL was around 70,600 animals per year , which shows that the species decreases worldwide given its great use for biomedical tests.

To avoid the possible disappearance of the horseshoe crab, which would be a great loss due to its ecological, agro-livestock and fishing interest , as well as biomedical, studies like this, published in 2018 in the scientific journal PLOS Biology , have investigated similar options, thanks to the that you could enjoy a synthetic alternative to this substance. Unlike LAL, the technique (recombinant Factor C, rFC) would use a cloned arthropod protein as an active ingredient.

The proven efficacy of this alternative to detect endotoxins is an opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry to modernize its procedures and contribute to the conservation of horseshoe crabs, the authors explain at the conclusion of the research: using the CFR would reduce the 90 % in the demand for LAL. That is, the mortality of the horseshoe crab would decrease , according to the research, by about 100,000 specimens annually in North America alone. It is a more humane and more ecologically sustainable method, they conclude.

Source: Xataka

Marketing manager and co-Chief Editor of Maritime Herald.

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How The Blue Blood Of The Horseshoe Crab Is Helping Us Detect Bacteria Beyond Earth - Maritime Herald


Turmeric: what are the benefits and is it good for you? – The Irish Times

Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

Have you noticed lattes, ice cream and smoothies with a tawny hue? That could be a sign of a not-so-secret ingredient: turmeric. The botanical is omnipresent in health food aisles, in the form of pills and powders.

Turmeric, native to South Asia, is one of the fastest-growing dietary supplements. In 2018, products racked up an estimated 300 million in sales in the United States, a more than sevenfold increase from a decade earlier, according to a report from Nutrition Business Journal.

Brightening up the pantries of many homes in India, the spice is interwoven into daily life, the cuisine, and cultural and healing traditions. A member of the ginger family, it has been used in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Apply turmeric to wounds, and its believed to fight infection. Mix it with milk, and the mind calms. Tint the entrance of new homes with a paste to welcome prosperity.

Turmeric is auspicious and one of the most important herbs, said Anupama Kizhakkeveettil, a board member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association.

Sliced open, or dried into a spice, the Curcuma longa plant imparts its amber colour and earthy, bitter flavour to food like curry. The active ingredient captured in many turmeric supplements is curcumin. Curcumin, along with the other curcuminoid compounds, compose only about 3 per cent of the dried spice.

And bottles will often say turmeric on the front but list curcumin in the ingredients.

Turmeric is hailed for helping a host of conditions: high cholesterol, hay fever, depression, gingivitis, premenstrual syndrome and even hangovers. In ayurvedic medicine, it is believed to act as an anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic, and has long been used to help with diabetes, pain, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, memory and skin conditions like eczema.

We use it for so many different conditions, its a time-tested herb, Kizhakkeveettil said. Unfortunately, our science doesnt fit into complete randomised controlled trials. That is alternative medicines biggest challenge.

Researchers sought to answer this by sifting through the available literature. In a 2017 paper in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, they concluded its fools gold. There are claims that it can cure everything, said Kathryn Nelson, a research assistant professor at the University of Minnesota and the studys lead author. To me, that is a red flag.

Dr Amit Garg, a professor of medicine at Western University in London, Ontario, knew about turmerics medicinal use because of his Indian heritage. He knew first hand of its rich cultural significance too: on his wedding day, his relatives rubbed the spice all over him because it is believed to be cleansing.

After seeing the effectiveness of curcumin, in smaller studies, Garg and his colleagues decided to test it on a larger scale in hopes it would make elective aortic surgery safer by reducing the risk of complications, which include heart attacks, kidney injury and death. In the randomised clinical trial that followed, about half of the 606 patients were administered 2,000 milligrams of curcumin eight times over for four days, while the others were given a placebo. It was a bit disappointing, but we couldnt demonstrate any benefit used in this setting, Garg said of the study, published last year in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

In fact, there is not enough reliable evidence in humans to recommend turmeric or curcumin for any condition, according to the US National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Turmeric became a nutritional golden child partly because of its promise in laboratory studies cellular and animal. Some research indicates that both turmeric and curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric supplements, have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-parasitic activity. But this has mostly been demonstrated in laboratory studies, and, in many cases, the benefits of preclinical research isnt observed in clinical trials.

According to Natural Medicines, a database that provides monographs for dietary supplements, herbal medicines, and complementary and integrative therapies, while some clinical evidence shows that curcumin might be beneficial for depression, hay fever, hyperlipidemia, ulcerative colitis, osteoarthritis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, its still too early to recommend the compound for any of these conditions.

And Natural Medicines has found there isnt enough good scientific evidence to rate turmeric or curcumins use for memory, diabetes, fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, gingivitis, joint pain, PMS, eczema or hangovers.

Physicians say more research is needed. Dr Gary Small, a professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, who studies curcumins effect on memory, sees a lot of therapeutic potential. He also states that existing research demonstrates curcumins biological effects.

What may be affecting curcumins efficacy, doctors say, is that it is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. In Indian cooking, turmeric is usually heated in a fat, like oil, which can increase absorption. Certain supplement manufacturers are also taking steps to improve this curcumins bioavailability by combining the compound with other components. For instance, a chemical found in black pepper called piperine is sometimes added to curcumin supplements in proprietary blends to increase its absorption.

Researching curcumin can be challenging because some blends have better bioavailability than others, and varying amounts of the active ingredient. If you did the study over and over again but used slightly different preparations, you would probably have different results, said Dr Janet Funk, a professor of medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, who studies curcumins effect on bone.

Still, even if absorption improved, curcumin would not have any biological effects, Nelson contends. Turmeric may still have health benefits, she said, but they just may be from another compound or combination of compounds.

Consuming it by mouth is safe, up to 2g of turmeric daily for a year, and 4g daily of curcumin for a month, according to Natural Medicines. Turmeric aficionados who also use it as a face mask can relax too; the database indicates it is most likely safe to apply to the skin.

Doctors recommend that patients tell a physician they are taking turmeric. High doses of turmeric and its isolated constituents can have some rather unpleasant side effects, including diarrhea and nausea. Curcumin may also interact with anti-coagulants and anti-platelets, antacids, and drugs used for chemotherapy and to control blood pressure. While the spice is considered safe in food, therapeutic doses should be avoided during pregnancy.

The US Food and Drug Administration does not test dietary supplements such as turmeric for safety and effectiveness but announced this year that it would improve oversight of the growing industry.

One study published in 2018 in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, found that the cheaper the turmeric product, the more likely it was to have chemical compounds suggestive of synthetic curcumin; and products with turmeric root were more likely to have higher lead levels. One sample exceeded recommended limits for lead.

How about all those turmeric lattes? Doctorssay that sprinkling a little bit of the bitter spice into frothed milk doesnt have proven health benefits. But that doesnt mean it isnt delicious.

As for Garg, he is not closing the bottle cap on curcumin. To wit: he is in the middle of a randomised study with a different preparation and dosing to see if curcumin prevents the progression of kidney disease. There are still many promising things about curcumin and turmeric, he said. I remain open-minded. New York Times

Original post:
Turmeric: what are the benefits and is it good for you? - The Irish Times


Health providers see hope on the horizon with integrated approach – Daily Inter Lake

Monday, October 28th, 2019

Daily Inter Lake - Local News, Health providers see hope on the horizon with integrated approach '); $(this).addClass('expanded'); $(this).animate({ height: imgHeight + 'px' }); } } }); }); function closeExpand(element) { $(element).parent('.expand-ad').animate({ height: '30px' }, function () { $(element).parent('.expand-ad').removeClass('expanded'); $(element).remove(); }); } function runExpandableAd() { setTimeout(function() { $('.expand-ad').animate({ height: $('.expand-ad img').height() + 'px' }); }, 2000); setTimeout(function() { $('.expand-ad').animate({ height: '30px' }); }, 4000); } function customPencilSize(size) { var ratio = 960/size; var screenWidth = $('body').width(); if (screenWidth > 960) screenWidth = 960; $('.expand-ad__holder').parent('.ad').css('padding-bottom', (screenWidth / ratio) + 'px'); $('.expand-ad__holder').css({ height: (screenWidth / ratio) + 'px' }); $('.expand-ad').css({ height: (screenWidth / ratio) + 'px' }); $('.expand-ad img').css('height', 'auto'); $('.expand-ad embed').css('height', 'auto'); $('.expand-ad embed').css('width', '100%'); $('.expand-ad embed').css('max-width', '960px'); } function customSize(size, id) { var element = jQuery('script#' + id).siblings('a').children('img'); if (element.length 960) screenWidth = 960; element.css('height', (screenWidth / ratio) + 'px'); } (function () { window.addEventListener('message', function (event) { $(document).ready(function() { var expand = event.data.expand; if (expand == 'false') { $('.expand-ad__holder').removeClass('expand-ad__holder'); $('.expand-ad').removeClass('expand-ad'); } }); }, false); function loadIframe(size, id) { $('.ad').each(function () { var iframeId = $(this).children('ins').children('iframe').attr('name'); var element = $(this).children('ins').children('iframe'); if (element.length > 0) { var ratio = 960 / size; var screenWidth = $('body').width(); if (screenWidth > 960) screenWidth = 960; element.css('height', (screenWidth / ratio) + 'px'); } }); } })();

See the rest here:
Health providers see hope on the horizon with integrated approach - Daily Inter Lake


Personal Transformation – What It Really Means – SFGate

Monday, October 28th, 2019

Deepak Chopra, Special to SFGate

By Deepak Chopra, MD

Most people have mixed feelings about how their lives are going, which seems inevitable. Taking the bitter with the sweet is an old saying dating back to the 13th century, but it expresses a universal experience. In the face of lifes mixed blessings, however, there runs a deep yearning for transformation. It is expressed through visons of heaven where eternal bliss is gained, in romantic literature where a perfect life is attained here on earth, and in utopian visions of every kind, including worldwide myths of a lost Eden or a Golden Age.

Is this yearning for transformation mere wish fulfillment, like dreaming of what youd do if you won the lottery? If you are totally pragmatic, the answer is yes, and having abandoned such fantasies you can productively direct your energies to becoming better off by inches and degrees. Even then, modest goals arent always achievable. We settle for half a loaf, or less, because common sense tells us to.

But I think the issue runs deeper than pragmatism. In my new book Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential, I propose that the desire for transformation is not only realistic but totally necessary. Transformation is like the total change of state when two invisible combustible gases, oxygen and hydrogen, combine to form a liquid, water, that puts out fires. The essential nature of the two gases give no hint that they could be transformed so completely. But that is what transformation means, as opposed to gradual stepwise change.

What would it mean to totally transform a human being? Despite the stubborn way that people resist change, clinging to beliefs, fears, biases, and personal tastes for no rational reason, we are transformative beings. This can be evidenced in everyday experience.

None of these experiences is alien, yet we dont usually label them transformative. Why not? Because the setup for being human is drastically tilted toward conformity, normality, and conventionality.Every child absorbs, as if by osmosis, that life is a struggle between good and bad, light and dark, desire and frustration, success and failure.

This condition, generally known as duality, is what Metahuman tries to overturn. Duality condemns us to a lifetime of either/or choices. We identify with the choices we make, and then we cling to the identity that results. We shake our heads when we encounter people who have made bad choices, turning for example into racists or xenophobes, but at bottom the problem isnt bad choices and the solution isnt good choices. Either side of the coin keeps you trapped in duality.

Transformation provides an escape route from what is otherwise an all-embracing worldview. All visions of transformation have in common a desire to be liberated, set free from some kind of personal limitation. In exceptional cases, such as the life of the Buddha or Jesus, the vision of transformation renounces everything duality holds out as the good life.To be in the world but not of it is as radical as seeking to escape the eternal cycle of pleasure and pain.

In Metahuman I dont argue for radical transformation in that way. Instead of presenting transformation as a far-away goal, I argue that it should be a starting point. The common experiences cited earlier give a clue to what the transformed life is like. It is open to change because change is always with us. It allows rather than resists, because no one can predict where any situation might go.

But the biggest shift occurs in a persons identity. Instead of identifying with all the choices youve made in your life, you identify with the state of awareness you are in. Consciousness becomes your identity. I can illustrate what that means with a simple example. Imagine that you are on a debating team, and the question is Does God exist?In this debate the two teams will draw lots to determine who take which side of the question. As a debater you are prepared to argue for total faith in God or total atheism.

Clearly a good debater can do this, and in our legal system, defense lawyers are often asked to mount an argument for indefensible clients. In everyday life we identify with one viewpoint or the other, faith versus atheism, but in reality we are set up to rise above either position, simply because we can instantly change our perspective. This is more basic than any single perspective, yet we live as if the opposite is true. Every -ism is just a perspective somebody wants to defend and cling to.Nazism is dire while pacifism is benign, but each concept limits your unconditioned consciousness, depriving you of the power of transformation.

My way or the highway has become a noxious trend in todays divisive world, by which polarization has become the status quo. But at a subtler level we all cling to our point of view, having forgotten that to be human is never a point of view. To be human is to go beyond any fixed belief, conditioning, bias, or fixed assumptions. What would it be like to live as if transformation is your true essence? Thats the real issue we should be discussing, because the future of humanity and of the planet depends on the answer we arrive at.

Deepak Chopra MD, FACP, founder ofThe Chopra Foundationand founder of Chopra Global and co-founder of Jiyo, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation, and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and Clinical Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego. Chopra is the author of more than 85 books translated into over 43 languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His latest book is Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential. Chopra hosts a new podcast Infinite Potential and Daily Breath available on iTunes or Spotifywww.deepakchopra.com

Read more:
Personal Transformation - What It Really Means - SFGate


Counseling Center Gives Treats (No Tricks) on Halloween – Patch.com

Monday, October 28th, 2019

It is the mission of the NJ Center for the Healing Arts, Inc. to provide access to opportunities for the integration of mind, body, emotions and spirit through counseling, medicine, complementary healing arts, educational resources, cultural and artistic expression, and the celebration of community.

NJCHA was one of the first integrated mental health and wellness centers in the country and has been offering a multidisciplinary approach to healing since 1987. Understanding that each person is a biopsychosocial being, influenced by many factors (including genetics, behavior and the environment), the emphasis at NJCHA is health of body, mind and spirit.

Creative Expressive Therapies and Art Therapy

Creative Expressive Therapies use techniques that help clients explore feelings, dreams, memories and ideas and to provide a means of creative expression for that which has no words. No artistic skill is necessary. The goal is to resolve conflict. Though a non-threatening form of therapy for children, creative expressive techniques are for people of all ages. They are especially effective when dealing with trauma, depression, and loss, recovering from abuse and for management of anger.

Sand Tray Therapy

Sand Tray Therapy is a symbolic process that has the power to reach deep unconscious content without words or analysis. It works on the premise that the human psyche is capable of healing itself when given the opportunity and the right conditions. Using a tray filled with sand, participants are given minimal instructions. They select from numerous objects and then arrange their selections in the tray. The therapist is a witness to the creation of the world in sand as the process unfolds and the story is told.

Mandala Assessment (MARI Cards)With the use of mandala drawings, symbols, colors and some dialogue, the MARI Card process can assist individuals in understanding their present states of being. An assessment and research instrument developed by Joan Kellogg, MA, ATR, it is grounded in Jungian theory and cross-cultural studies. This process can assist in understanding life issues that are seeking immediate attention. The process begins with a mandala drawing. This is a drawing in a circle, which is a universal symbol of self and wholeness. It represents the totality of the world -- one's individual world. Then, cards with symbols are selected and colors cards are chosen that help to reveal the essence of a story that is primary in the immediate moment to the individual engaged in the process. The MARI CARDS provide an experiential way to access wholeness and give focus so that action can be taken. This self discovery process is not covered by insurance.


Visit our center on Halloween to learn more about our not-so-spooky approach to mental health and wellness! We'll have treats for children and adults alike, as well as a fun Halloween craft!

See the article here:
Counseling Center Gives Treats (No Tricks) on Halloween - Patch.com


Crucial Steps Injured Athletes Often Overlook as They Rush Back to Action – STACK News

Monday, October 28th, 2019

Return-to-sport protocols are integral in ensuring athletes are healthy and capable of safely performing at the highest level.

Sports medicine staff as well as strength and conditioning coaches commonly agree on what athletes need prior to reengaging in sport, but rarely are they on the same page regarding the optimal methodologies.

Some believe that when a previously repaired joint is structurally sound and capable of moving through every range of motion, they are ready.

Others, however, believe an athlete must be at or above the level they were at prior to the injury to truly be "ready."

The methods used for rehabilitation vary depending on therapists, doctors and strength coach's individual beliefs. An integrative approach that allows one to seamlessly transition from doctor to physical therapist to strength coach with matching beliefs and congruent systems is what yields optimal results!

Admittedly, the biggest fallacy has traditionally been between physical therapists and strength coaches (like myself).

Doctors and physical therapists work extremely well together, particularly post-surgery. Patients typically have a precise protocol and adhere to it with ease, getting themselves out of the "pain stage."

From there, physical therapists do a wonderful job of restoring basic neuromuscular coordination as well as joint range of motion to their clients.

The biggest hurdle from there is when a client/athlete decides they are ready to regain full strength and get back to the activities they love.

Many physical therapists are capable of carrying out such a task, however they are often limited to the clinical space they work in where sports performance is not the primary concern.

This is where strength and conditioning professionals like myself often enter the picture and assist individuals with integration into a training routine.

Unfortunately, some people will try to bypass this stage because they believe that with no pain and a largely restored range of motion, they are essentially fully healed and ready for sport.

This could not be further from the truth! They might be ready to train, but they're likely not ready to perform.


Because they likely haven't begun proper plyometric progressions, re-trained in power and speed exercises, increased their maximal strength, or even addressed the asymmetries that originally contributed to the injury or the asymmetries that likely developed during the rehab process.

Does that sound like someone who's really ready to return to sport to you?

Strength and conditioning professionals must do a better job of communicating with physical therapists.

They must consistently communicate where the athlete is in their progress and where it is they need to go.

Programs we provide must be able to bridge the gap between athletes ready to train, and athletes ready to perform. Not all athletes will arrive at the gym healthy and ready to go. Some assessments, critical thinking, and integrative programming are required.

Perhaps one of the biggest roles a strength coach can play after that is providing training that reduces future injury risk. Preventative maintenance is key, and the number one rule of any coach is do no harm.

Properly planning and understanding that not every person will train the same based on their injury profile and history is key. My advice to anybody reading this article is to find the right coach and training program for you.

There are alternatives to nearly every training approach, and most goals can be met in a multitude of ways. Take initiative and help bridge the communication between your doctors, therapists and trainers.

Most athletes will perform a variation of a sport test with sports medicine staff prior to being cleared for sport.

Typically, that is where things get most blurry. Getting "cleared" to ski, for example, doesn't mean one is ready to do six giant slalom practice runs at their previous intensity right away.

Strength and conditioning staff can aid in this process by regularly testing all healthy athletes in a number of performance parameters (e.g., Vertical Jump, Broad Jump, 40-Yard Dash, etc.) so there's a baseline to compare if they do indeed get injured.

Taken one step further, athletes can inquire with qualified exercise physiologists to perform basic symmetry testing on them such as force plate jumps. Power, symmetry and performance numbers can be derived from such data and will allow intelligent coaches to program accordingly for athletes in their unique situation.

Last but not least, one key piece that must be discussed is a coach's own intuition.

Over years of training and coaching, one will ideally develop a high level of intuition or a keen "coach's eye."

Watching an athlete jump, run, or cut and noticing a slight movement deficiency, despite all of their numbers checking out, is a huge piece to consider. If a mechanic handed you your car back and gave you the green light to drive it but you saw a deflated tire, you wouldn't just ignore it. The same goes for an injured athlete.

Just because all of the tests have been passed and all of the numbers check out doesn't necessarily mean they are completely ready. They must be physically, mentally and psychologically ready to return.

Consider all of these points and remember that returning to sport after injury is comprehensive and requires special attention to detail. The value of a heart-to-heart conversation with an athlete about their injury and their mental and physical progress is also extremely valuable!

Many times, an athlete will simply insist that they're "ready." But if there are things that don't feel quite right and they're willing to speak with you about that, that's another piece of extremely valuable info that can further inform your approach.

Photo Credit: FG Trade/iStock


Read this article:
Crucial Steps Injured Athletes Often Overlook as They Rush Back to Action - STACK News


Sports Medicine Market witness highest growth in near future described in a new market report – Health News Office

Monday, October 28th, 2019

The Global Vitamin And Mineral Supplementmarket research report added by Report Ocean, is an in-depth analysis of the latest trends, market size, status, upcoming technologies, industry drivers, challenges, regulatory policies, with key company profiles and strategies of players. The research study provides market introduction, VITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENT market definition, regional market scope, sales and revenue by region, manufacturing cost analysis, Industrial Chain, market effect factors analysis, VITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENT market size forecast, 100+ market data, Tables, Pie Chart, Graphs and Figures, and many more for business intelligence.

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Key highlights and important features of the Report:

Overview and highlights of product and application segments of the global VITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENT Market are provided. Highlights of the segmentation study include price, revenue, sales, sales growth rate, and market share by product.

Explore about Sales data of key players of the global VITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENT Market as well as some useful information on their business. It talks about the gross margin, price, revenue, products, and their specifications, type, applications, competitors, manufacturing base, and the main business of key players operating in the VITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENTMarket.

Explore about gross margin, sales, revenue, production, market share, CAGR, and market size by region.

Describe VITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENT Market Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source;

Research Methodology:

The market research was done by adopting various tools under the category of primary and secondary research. For primary research, experts and major sources of information have been interviewed from suppliers side and industries, to obtain and verify the data related to the study of the Global VITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENTMarket. In secondary research methodology, various secondary sources were referred to collect and identify extensive piece of information, such as paid databases, directories and annual reports and databases for commercial study of the GlobalVITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENT Market. Moreover, other secondary sources include studying technical papers, news releases, government websites, product literatures, white papers, and other literatures to research the market in detail.

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Continued here:
Sports Medicine Market witness highest growth in near future described in a new market report - Health News Office


India conducts whole genomic sequencing for Biomed applications – BSA bureau

Monday, October 28th, 2019

The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) in India has conducted Whole Genome Sequencing of 1,008 Indians from different populations across the country.

Announcing details of the IndiGen Genome project, the Union Minister for Science & Technology, Earth Sciences and Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, Dr Harsh Vardhan said that the whole genome data will be important for building the knowhow, baseline data and indigenous capacity in the emerging area of Precision Medicine. The outcomes of the IndiGen will have applications in a number of areas including predictive and preventive medicine with faster and efficient diagnosis of rare genetic diseases, he added.

The IndiGen initiative was undertaken by CSIR in April 2019, which was implemented by the CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), Delhi and CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad. This has enabled benchmarking the scalability of genome sequencing and computational analysis at population scale in a defined timeline. The ability to decode the genetic blueprint of humans through whole genome sequencing will be a major driver for biomedical science.

Dr Harsh Vardhan said that the benefits of this initiative include epidemiology of genetic diseases to enable cost effective genetic tests, carrier screening applications for expectant couples, enabling efficient diagnosis of heritable cancers and pharmacogenetic tests to prevent adverse drug reactions.

On the occasion, Dr Harsh Vardhan unveiled the IndiGenome card and accompanying IndiGen mobile application that enables participants and clinicians to access clinically actionable information in their genomes. He emphasized that it ensures privacy and data security, which is vital for personal genomics to be implemented at scale. Dr Harsh Vardhan elaborated that this is being pilot tested in individuals across India and has evinced interest from several Indian commercial organisations.

The outcomes of the IndiGen will be utilized towards understanding the genetic diversity on a population scale, make available genetic variant frequencies for clinical applications and enable genetic epidemiology of diseases. The whole genome data and knowhow for the analysis of largescale genomic data is expected to enable evidence and aid in the development of technologies for clinical and biomedical applications in India.

Read more from the original source:
India conducts whole genomic sequencing for Biomed applications - BSA bureau


Genome sequencing data to help in predictive and preventive medicine – Down To Earth Magazine

Monday, October 28th, 2019

Minister Harsh Vardhan claims project will help in cost-effective, precision medicine

Research laboratories working under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) on Friday announced completion of whole genome sequencing of 1008 Indian individuals representing diverse ethnic groups in the country. The data will act as baseline information for developing various applications in predictive and preventive medicine.

The genomic data will help scientists understand genetic diversity of the Indian population and make available genetic variant frequencies for clinical applications. The data and knowhow are expected to produce evidence and help in development of technologies for clinical and biomedical applications, scientists explained.

The project called IndiGen was implemented by Delhi-based Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) and Hyderabad-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). The whole genome sequencing of individuals drawn from across the country has been completed, enabling benchmarking the scalability of genome sequencing and computational analysis at population scale, Union Minster for Science and Technology Harsh Vardhan said.

The genome data will be important for building the knowhow, baseline data and indigenous capacity in the emerging area of precision medicine, he said. The outcomes of the IndiGen will find applications in a number of areas, including faster and efficient diagnosis of rare genetic diseases, he added.

It will further lead to cost-effective genetic tests, carrier screening applications for expectant couples, enabling efficient diagnosis of heritable cancers and pharmacogenetic tests to prevent adverse drug reactions are some of the other benefits of this initiative.

Scientists have also developed IndiGenome card and mobile application for researchers and clinicians to access clinically actionable information. The minister said it would ensure privacy and data security, which is vital for personal genomics to be implemented at large scale.

CSIR has been engaged in genomic studies in India and its Indian Genome Variation has made major contributions in understanding genetic makeup of Indian population. It has also pioneered the application of genomics in clinical settings in the area of rare genetic diseases by means of DNA and genome based diagnostics and interaction with large number of clinical collaborators. (India Science Wire)

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Genome sequencing data to help in predictive and preventive medicine - Down To Earth Magazine


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