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Archive for the ‘Immune System’ Category

Immune System: Can Your Immune System … – Biology of Aging

Friday, May 29th, 2015

Elementary schools are breeding grounds for the common cold. Kids pass their germs around as often as they share their lunch. For children, catching a cold may not be a big deal. They might take it easy for a few days while their immune system kicks into action and fights off infection. But for their older teachers and grandparents, each cold can be more of a challenge. It may take a week or longer to get back to feeling 100 percent. Does that mean that the immune system gets weaker as we age? Thats what gerontologists are trying to figure out.

Our immune system is a complicated network of cells, tissues, and organs to keep us healthy and fight off disease and infection. The immune system is composed of two major parts: the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. Both change as people get older. Studies to better understand these changes may lead to ways of supporting the aging immune system.

Innate immunity is our first line of defense. It is made up of barriers and certain cells that keep harmful germs from entering the body. These include our skin, the cough reflex, mucous membranes, and stomach acid. If germs are able to pass these physical barriers, they encounter a second line of innate defense, composed of specialized cells that alert the body of the impending danger. Research has shown that, with age, innate immune cells lose some of their ability to communicate with each other. This makes it difficult for the cells to react adequately to potentially harmful germs called pathogens, including viruses and bacteria.

Inflammation is an important part of our innate immune system. In a young person, bouts of inflammation are vital for fighting off disease. But as people age, they tend to have mild, chronic inflammation, which is associated with an increased risk for heart disease, arthritis, frailty, type 2 diabetes, physical disability, and dementia, among other problems. Researchers have yet to determine whether inflammation leads to disease, disease leads to inflammation, or if both scenarios are true. Interestingly, centenarians and other people who have grown old in relatively good health generally have less inflammation and a more efficient recovery from infection and inflammation when compared to people who are unhealthy or have average health. Understanding the underlying causes of chronic inflammation in older individualsand why some older people do not have this problemmay help gerontologists find ways to temper its associated diseases.

The adaptive immune system is more complex than the innate immune system and includes the thymus, spleen, tonsils, bone marrow, circulatory system, and lymphatic system. These different parts of the body work together to produce, store, and transport specific types of cells and substances to combat health threats. T cells, a type of white blood cell (called lymphocytes) that fights invading bacteria, viruses, and other foreign cells, are of particular interest to gerontologists.

T cells attack infected or damaged cells directly or produce powerful chemicals that mobilize an army of other immune system substances and cells. Before a T cell gets programmed to recognize a specific harmful germ, it is in a nave state. After a T cell is assigned to fight off a particular infection, it becomes a memory cell. Because these cells remember how to resist a specific germ, they help you fight a second round of infection faster and more effectively. Memory T cells remain in your system for many decades.

A healthy young persons body is like a T cell producing engine, able to fight off infections and building a lifetime storehouse of memory T cells. With age, however, people produce fewer nave T cells, which makes them less able to combat new health threats. This also makes older people less responsive to vaccines, because vaccines generally require nave T cells to produce a protective immune response. One exception is the shingles vaccine. Since shingles is the reactivation of the chickenpox virus, this particular vaccine relies on existing memory T cells and has been particularly effective in older people. Researchers are investigating ways to develop other vaccines that are adjusted for the changes that happen in an older persons immune system.

Negative, age-related changes in our innate and adaptive immune systems are known collectively as immunosenescence. A lifetime of stress on our bodies is thought to contribute to immunosenescence. Radiation, chemical exposure, and exposure to certain diseases can also speed up the deterioration of the immune system. Studying the intricacies of the immune system helps researchers better understand immunosenescence and determine which areas of the immune system are most vulnerable to aging. Ongoing research may shed light on whether or not there is any way to reverse the decline and boost immune protection in older individuals.

Adapted from http://www.niaid.nih.gov

Our ability to survive the germs around us is based on a tightly controlled immune system. Too little of an immune response makes us susceptible to infection, including life-threatening pneumonia. Conversely, an overactive immune response is at the root of autoimmune diseases common among older people and may contribute to age-related chronic diseases like Alzheimers disease, osteoarthritis, diabetes, and heart disease. So, should scientists try to change the immune response in older people, or is immunosenescence somehow beneficial within the context of the aging body?

See the original post:
Immune System: Can Your Immune System ... - Biology of Aging


Adaptive immune system – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sunday, May 24th, 2015

The adaptive immune system, also known as the acquired immune or, more rarely, as the specific immune system, is a subsystem of the overall immune system that is composed of highly specialized, systemic cells and processes that eliminate or prevent pathogen growth. The adaptive immune system is one of the two main immunity strategies found in vertebrates (the other being the innate immune system). Adaptive immunity creates immunological memory after an initial response to a specific pathogen, leads to an enhanced response to subsequent encounters with that pathogen. This process of acquired immunity is the basis of vaccination. Like the innate system, the adaptive system includes both humoral immunity components and cell-mediated immunity components.

Unlike the innate immune system, the adaptive immune system is highly specific to a specific pathogen. Adaptive immunity can also provide long-lasting protection: for example; someone who recovers from measles is now protected against measles for their lifetime but in other cases it does not provide lifetime protection: for example; chickenpox. The adaptive system response destroys invading pathogens and any toxic molecules they produce. Sometimes the adaptive system is unable to distinguish foreign molecules, the effects of this may be hayfever, asthma or any other allergies. Antigens are any substances that elicit the adaptive immune response. The cells that carry out the adaptive immune response are white blood cells known as lymphocytes. There are two main broad classes- antibody responses and cell mediated immune response which are also carried by two different lymphocytes (B cells and T cells). In antibody responses, B cells are activated to secrete antibodies, which are proteins also known as immunoglobulins. Antibodies travel through the bloodstream and bind to the foreign antigen causing it to inactivate, which does not allow the antigen to bind to the host.[1]

In acquired immunity, pathogen-specific receptors are "acquired" during the lifetime of the organism (whereas in innate immunity pathogen-specific receptors are already encoded in the germline). The acquired response is said to be "adaptive" because it prepares the body's immune system for future challenges (though it can actually also be maladaptive when it results in autoimmunity).[n 1]

The system is highly adaptable because of somatic hypermutation (a process of accelerated somatic mutations), and V(D)J recombination (an irreversible genetic recombination of antigen receptor gene segments). This mechanism allows a small number of genes to generate a vast number of different antigen receptors, which are then uniquely expressed on each individual lymphocyte. Because the gene rearrangement leads to an irreversible change in the DNA of each cell, all of the progeny (offspring) of that cell will then inherit genes encoding the same receptor specificity, including the memory B cells and memory T cells that are the keys to long-lived specific immunity.

A theoretical framework explaining the workings of the acquired immune system is provided by immune network theory. This theory, which builds on established concepts of clonal selection, is being applied in the search for an HIV vaccine.

Acquired immunity is triggered in vertebrates when a pathogen evades the innate immune system and (1) generates a threshold level of antigen and (2) generates "stranger" or "danger" signals activating dendritic cells.[2]

The major functions of the acquired immune system include:

The cells of the acquired immune system are T and B lymphocytes; lymphocytes are a subset of leukocyte. B cells and T cells are the major types of lymphocytes. The human body has about 2 trillion lymphocytes, constituting 2040% of white blood cells (WBCs); their total mass is about the same as the brain or liver.[3] The peripheral blood contains 2% of circulating lymphocytes; the rest move within the tissues and lymphatic system.[3]

B cells and T cells are derived from the same multipotent hematopoietic stem cells, and are morphologically indistinguishable from one another until after they are activated.[4] B cells play a large role in the humoral immune response, whereas T cells are intimately involved in cell-mediated immune responses. In all vertebrates except Agnatha, B cells and T cells are produced by stem cells in the bone marrow.[4] T progenitors migrate from the bone marrow to the thymus where they are called thymocytes and where they develop into T cells. In humans, approximately 12% of the lymphocyte pool recirculates each hour to optimize the opportunities for antigen-specific lymphocytes to find their specific antigen within the secondary lymphoid tissues.[5]

In an adult animal, the peripheral lymphoid organs contain a mixture of B and T cells in at least three stages of differentiation:

Adaptive immune system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Immune and Lymphatic Systems Anatomy Pictures and …

Sunday, May 24th, 2015

[Continued from above] . . . andother organs that transport a fluid called lymph from the tissues as it returns to the bloodstream. The lymphatic tissue of these organs filters and cleans the lymph of any debris, abnormal cells, or pathogens. The lymphatic system also transports fatty acids from the intestines to the circulatory system.

Red Bone Marrow and Leukocytes Red bone marrow is a highly vascular tissue found in the spaces between trabeculae of spongy bone. It is mostly found in the ends of long bones and in the flat bones of the body. Red bone marrow is a hematopoietic tissue containing many stem cells that produce blood cells. All of the leukocytes, or white blood cells, of the immune system are produced by red bone marrow. Leukocytes can be further broken down into 2 groups based upon the type of stem cells that produces them: myeloid stem cells and lymphoid stem cells.

Myeloid stem cells produce monocytes and the granular leukocyteseosinophils, basophils, and neutrophils.

Lymphoid stem cells produce T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes.

Lymph Capillaries As blood passes through the tissues of the body, it enters thin-walled capillaries to facilitate diffusion of nutrients, gases, and wastes. Blood plasma also diffuses through the thin capillary walls and penetrates into the spaces between the cells of the tissues. Some of this plasma diffuses back into the blood of the capillaries, but a considerable portion becomes embedded in the tissues as interstitial fluid. To prevent the accumulation of excess fluids, small dead-end vessels called lymphatic capillaries extend into the tissues to absorb fluids and return them to circulation.

Lymph The interstitial fluid picked up by lymphatic capillaries is known as lymph. Lymph very closely resembles the plasma found in the veins: it is a mixture of about 90% water and 10% solutes such as proteins, cellular waste products, dissolved gases, and hormones. Lymph may also contain bacterial cells that are picked up from diseased tissues and the white blood cells that fight these pathogens. In late-stage cancer patients, lymph often contains cancerous cells that have metastasized from tumors and may form new tumors within the lymphatic system. A special type of lymph, known as chyle, is produced in the digestive system as lymph absorbs triglycerides from the intestinal villi. Due to the presence of triglycerides, chyle has a milky white coloration to it.

Lymphatic Vessels Lymphatic capillaries merge together into larger lymphatic vessels to carry lymph through the body. The structure of lymphatic vessels closely resembles that of veins: they both have thin walls and many check valves due to their shared function of carrying fluids under low pressure. Lymph is transported through lymphatic vessels by the skeletal muscle pumpcontractions of skeletal muscles constrict the vessels to push the fluid forward. Check valves prevent the fluid from flowing back toward the lymphatic capillaries.

Lymph Nodes Lymph nodes are small, kidney-shaped organs of the lymphatic system. There are several hundred lymph nodes found mostly throughout the thorax and abdomen of the body with the highest concentrations in the axillary (armpit) and inguinal (groin) regions. The outside of each lymph node is made of a dense fibrous connective tissue capsule. Inside the capsule, the lymph node is filled with reticular tissue containing many lymphocytes and macrophages. The lymph nodes function as filters of lymph that enters from several afferent lymph vessels. The reticular fibers of the lymph node act as a net to catch any debris or cells that are present in the lymph. Macrophages and lymphocytes attack and kill any microbes caught in the reticular fibers. Efferent lymph vessels then carry the filtered lymph out of the lymph node and towards the lymphatic ducts.

Lymphatic Ducts All of the lymphatic vessels of the body carry lymph toward the 2 lymphatic ducts: the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic ducts. These ducts serve to return lymph back to the venous blood supply so that it can be circulated as plasma.

Lymphatic Nodules Outside of the system of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, there are masses of non-encapsulated lymphatic tissue known as lymphatic nodules. The lymphatic nodules are associated with the mucous membranes of the body, where they work to protect the body from pathogens entering the body through open body cavities.

Continued here:
Immune and Lymphatic Systems Anatomy Pictures and ...


Immune response: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

The immune system protects the body from possibly harmful substances by recognizing and responding to antigens. Antigens are substances (usually proteins) on the surface of cells, viruses, fungi, or bacteria. Nonliving substances such as toxins, chemicals, drugs, and foreign particles (such as a splinter) can also be antigens. The immune system recognizes and destroys substances that contain antigens.

Your body's cells have proteins that are antigens. These include a group of antigens called HLA antigens. Your immune system learns to see these antigens as normal and usually does not react against them.


Innate, or nonspecific, immunity is the defense system with which you were born. It protects you against all antigens. Innate immunity involves barriers that keep harmful materials from entering your body. These barriers form the first line of defense in the immune response. Examples of innate immunity include:

Innate immunity also comes in a protein chemical form, called innate humoral immunity. Examples include the body's complement system and substances called interferon and interleukin-1 (which causes fever).

If an antigen gets past these barriers, it is attacked and destroyed by other parts of the immune system.


Acquired immunity is immunity that develops with exposure to various antigens. Your immune system builds a defense against that specific antigen.


Passive immunity is due to antibodies that are produced in a body other than your own. Infants have passive immunity because they are born with antibodies that are transferred through the placenta from their mother. These antibodies disappear between ages 6 and 12 months.

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Immune response: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia


How Your Immune System Works – HowStuffWorks

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Inside your body there is an amazing protection mechanism called the immune system. It is designed to defend you against millions of bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins and parasites that would love to invade your body. To understand the power of the immune system, all that you have to do is look at what happens to anything once it dies. That sounds gross, but it does show you something very important about your immune system.

When something dies, its immune system (along with everything else) shuts down. In a matter of hours, the body is invaded by all sorts of bacteria, microbes, parasites... None of these things are able to get in when your immune system is working, but the moment your immune system stops the door is wide open. Once you die it only takes a few weeks for these organisms to completely dismantle your body and carry it away, until all that's left is a skeleton. Obviously your immune system is doing something amazing to keep all of that dismantling from happening when you are alive.

The immune system is complex, intricate and interesting. And there are at least two good reasons for you to know more about it. First, it is just plain fascinating to understand where things like fevers, hives, inflammation, etc., come from when they happen inside your own body. You also hear a lot about the immune system in the news as new parts of it are understood and new drugs come on the market -- knowing about the immune system makes these news stories understandable. In this article, we will take a look at how your immune system works so that you can understand what it is doing for you each day, as well as what it is not.

See the rest here:
How Your Immune System Works - HowStuffWorks


Immune system – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

The immune system is a system of many biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease. To function properly, an immune system must detect a wide variety of agents, known as pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms, and distinguish them from the organism's own healthy tissue. In many species, the immune system can be classified into subsystems, such as the innate immune system versus the adaptive immune system, or humoral immunity versus cell-mediated immunity.

Pathogens can rapidly evolve and adapt, and thereby avoid detection and neutralization by the immune system; however, multiple defense mechanisms have also evolved to recognize and neutralize pathogens. Even simple unicellular organisms such as bacteria possess a rudimentary immune system, in the form of enzymes that protect against bacteriophage infections. Other basic immune mechanisms evolved in ancient eukaryotes and remain in their modern descendants, such as plants and insects. These mechanisms include phagocytosis, antimicrobial peptides called defensins, and the complement system. Jawed vertebrates, including humans, have even more sophisticated defense mechanisms,[1] including the ability to adapt over time to recognize specific pathogens more efficiently. Adaptive (or acquired) immunity creates immunological memory after an initial response to a specific pathogen, leading to an enhanced response to subsequent encounters with that same pathogen. This process of acquired immunity is the basis of vaccination.

Disorders of the immune system can result in autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases and cancer.[2][3]Immunodeficiency occurs when the immune system is less active than normal, resulting in recurring and life-threatening infections. In humans, immunodeficiency can either be the result of a genetic disease such as severe combined immunodeficiency, acquired conditions such as HIV/AIDS, or the use of immunosuppressive medication. In contrast, autoimmunity results from a hyperactive immune system attacking normal tissues as if they were foreign organisms. Common autoimmune diseases include Hashimoto's thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus type 1, and systemic lupus erythematosus. Immunology covers the study of all aspects of the immune system.

Immunology is a science that examines the structure and function of the immune system. It originates from medicine and early studies on the causes of immunity to disease. The earliest known reference to immunity was during the plague of Athens in 430 BC. Thucydides noted that people who had recovered from a previous bout of the disease could nurse the sick without contracting the illness a second time.[4] In the 18th century, Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis made experiments with scorpion venom and observed that certain dogs and mice were immune to this venom.[5] This and other observations of acquired immunity were later exploited by Louis Pasteur in his development of vaccination and his proposed germ theory of disease.[6] Pasteur's theory was in direct opposition to contemporary theories of disease, such as the miasma theory. It was not until Robert Koch's 1891 proofs, for which he was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1905, that microorganisms were confirmed as the cause of infectious disease.[7] Viruses were confirmed as human pathogens in 1901, with the discovery of the yellow fever virus by Walter Reed.[8]

Immunology made a great advance towards the end of the 19th century, through rapid developments, in the study of humoral immunity and cellular immunity.[9] Particularly important was the work of Paul Ehrlich, who proposed the side-chain theory to explain the specificity of the antigen-antibody reaction; his contributions to the understanding of humoral immunity were recognized by the award of a Nobel Prize in 1908, which was jointly awarded to the founder of cellular immunology, Elie Metchnikoff.[10]

The immune system protects organisms from infection with layered defenses of increasing specificity. In simple terms, physical barriers prevent pathogens such as bacteria and viruses from entering the organism. If a pathogen breaches these barriers, the innate immune system provides an immediate, but non-specific response. Innate immune systems are found in all plants and animals.[11] If pathogens successfully evade the innate response, vertebrates possess a second layer of protection, the adaptive immune system, which is activated by the innate response. Here, the immune system adapts its response during an infection to improve its recognition of the pathogen. This improved response is then retained after the pathogen has been eliminated, in the form of an immunological memory, and allows the adaptive immune system to mount faster and stronger attacks each time this pathogen is encountered.[12]

Both innate and adaptive immunity depend on the ability of the immune system to distinguish between self and non-self molecules. In immunology, self molecules are those components of an organism's body that can be distinguished from foreign substances by the immune system.[13] Conversely, non-self molecules are those recognized as foreign molecules. One class of non-self molecules are called antigens (short for antibody generators) and are defined as substances that bind to specific immune receptors and elicit an immune response.[14]

Microorganisms or toxins that successfully enter an organism encounter the cells and mechanisms of the innate immune system. The innate response is usually triggered when microbes are identified by pattern recognition receptors, which recognize components that are conserved among broad groups of microorganisms,[15] or when damaged, injured or stressed cells send out alarm signals, many of which (but not all) are recognized by the same receptors as those that recognize pathogens.[16] Innate immune defenses are non-specific, meaning these systems respond to pathogens in a generic way.[14] This system does not confer long-lasting immunity against a pathogen. The innate immune system is the dominant system of host defense in most organisms.[11]

Several barriers protect organisms from infection, including mechanical, chemical, and biological barriers. The waxy cuticle of many leaves, the exoskeleton of insects, the shells and membranes of externally deposited eggs, and skin are examples of mechanical barriers that are the first line of defense against infection.[14] However, as organisms cannot be completely sealed from their environments, other systems act to protect body openings such as the lungs, intestines, and the genitourinary tract. In the lungs, coughing and sneezing mechanically eject pathogens and other irritants from the respiratory tract. The flushing action of tears and urine also mechanically expels pathogens, while mucus secreted by the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract serves to trap and entangle microorganisms.[17]

Chemical barriers also protect against infection. The skin and respiratory tract secrete antimicrobial peptides such as the -defensins.[18]Enzymes such as lysozyme and phospholipase A2 in saliva, tears, and breast milk are also antibacterials.[19][20]Vaginal secretions serve as a chemical barrier following menarche, when they become slightly acidic, while semen contains defensins and zinc to kill pathogens.[21][22] In the stomach, gastric acid and proteases serve as powerful chemical defenses against ingested pathogens.

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Immune system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


How to boost your immune system – Harvard Health

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

On the whole, your immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes it fails: A germ invades successfully and makes you sick. Is it possible to intervene in this process and make your immune system stronger? What if you improve your diet? Take certain vitamins or herbal preparations? Make other lifestyle changes in the hope of producing a near-perfect immune response?

The idea of boosting your immunity is enticing, but the ability to do so has proved elusive for several reasons. The immune system is precisely that a system, not a single entity. To function well, it requires balance and harmony. There is still much that researchers don't know about the intricacies and interconnectedness of the immune response. For now, there are no scientifically proven direct links between lifestyle and enhanced immune function.

But that doesn't mean the effects of lifestyle on the immune system aren't intriguing and shouldn't be studied. Quite a number of researchers are exploring the effects of diet, exercise, age, psychological stress, herbal supplements, and other factors on the immune response, both in animals and in humans. Although interesting results are emerging, thus far they can only be considered preliminary. That's because researchers are still trying to understand how the immune system works and how to interpret measurements of immune function. The following sections summarize some of the most active areas of research into these topics. In the meantime, general healthy-living strategies are a good way to start giving your immune system the upper hand.

Immunity in action. A healthy immune system can defeat invading pathogens as shown above, where two bacteria that cause gonorrhea are no match for the large phagocyte, called a neutrophil, that engulfs and kills them (see arrows).

Photos courtesy of Michael N. Starnbach, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School

Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle. Following general good-health guidelines is the single best step you can take toward keeping your immune system strong and healthy. Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy-living strategies such as these:

Don't smoke.

Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in saturated fat.

Exercise regularly.

Read more:
How to boost your immune system - Harvard Health


Stress Weakens the Immune System

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Edwards, K.M., Burns V.E., Reynolds, T., Carroll, D., Drayson, M., & Ring, C. (2006). Acute stress exposure prior to influenza vaccination enhances antibody response in women. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 20:159-68.

Glaser, R., Sheridan, J. F., Malarkey, W. B., MacCallum, R. C., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K. (2000). Chronic stress modulates the immune response to a pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. Psychosomatic Medicine, 62, 804-807.

Glaser, R., Robles, T. F., Malarkey, W. B., Sheridan, J. F., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K. (2003). Mild depressive symptoms are associated with amplified and prolonged inflammatory responses following influenza vaccination in older adults. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 1009-1014.

Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., Glaser, R. (1993). Mind and immunity. In: D. Goleman & J. Gurin, (Eds.) Mind/Body Medicine (pp. 39-59). New York: Consumer Reports.

Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., & Glaser, R. (2002). Depression and immune function: Central pathways to morbidity and mortality. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 53, 873-876.

Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., McGuire, L., Robles, T., & Glaser, R. (2002). Psychoneuroimmunology: Psychological influences on immune function and health. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70, 537-547.

Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., McGuire, L., Robles, T., & Glaser, R. (2002). Psychoneuroimmunology and psychosomatic medicine: Back to the future. Psychosomatic Medicine, 64, 15-28.

Pressman, S. D., Cohen, S., Miller, G.E., Barkin, A., Rabin, B. S., Treanor, J. J. (2005). Loneliness, Social Network Size and Immune Response to Influenza Vaccination in College Freshmen, Health Psychology, 24, pages.

Robinson-Whelen, S., Tada, Y., MacCallum, R. C., McGuire, L., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K. (2001). Long-term caregiving: What happens when it ends? Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 110, 573-584.

Segerstrom, S. C. and Miller, G. E. (2004). Psychological Stress and the Human Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Study of 30 Years of Inquiry. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 130, No. 4.

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Stress Weakens the Immune System


Your Immune System: Natural Born Killer – Crash Course …

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Hank tells us about the team of deadly ninja assassins that is tasked with protecting our bodies from all the bad guys that want to kill us - also known as our immune system.

Crash Course Biology is now available on DVD! http://dft.ba/-8bCC

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Table of Contents 1) Innate Immune System 1:45 a) Mucous Membranes 2:54 b) Inflammatory Response 3:44 c) Leukocytes 4:45

2) Open Letter 6:33 a) Natural Killer Cells 6:56 b) Dendritic Cells 7:57

3) Acquired Immune System 8:36 a) Antibodies 9:08 b) Lymphocytes 9:48 c) Cell-Mediated Response 10:17 d) Humoral Response 13:00

References Campbell Biology, 9th ed. http://faculty.stcc.edu/AandP/AP/AP2p... http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites...

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Your Immune System: Natural Born Killer - Crash Course ...


MS Stem Cell Medication Therapy Shows Promise – Video

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

MS Stem Cell Medication Therapy Shows Promise
http://www.dailyrx.com/autologous-stem-cell-transplant-after-immunosuppressive-therapy-induced-3-year-remission-relapsing Many patients with relapsing-remitting MS treated with immune system ...

By: dailyRx

Go here to read the rest:
MS Stem Cell Medication Therapy Shows Promise - Video


A chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL) patient’s video diary: Immune system – Video

Saturday, November 22nd, 2014

A chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL) patient #39;s video diary: Immune system
Part 13 of Harley #39;s video diary, recorded 93 days after his stem cell transplant. In this video, Harley talks about his immune system and how stem cell transplant patients #39; immune systems are...

By: MD Anderson Cancer Center

Continued here:
A chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL) patient's video diary: Immune system - Video


WHD Murings Apak Apak Magnetic Healing Mat ( The Immune System & Stem Cell Activator ) – Video

Saturday, October 11th, 2014

WHD Murings Apak Apak Magnetic Healing Mat ( The Immune System Stem Cell Activator )
BELIEVE IT OR NOT! 1. Stress 2. Depression 3. Fear 4. Insomnia 5. Muscle and joint pains Will be gone after a few minutes of stepping on WHD Muring #39;s Apak-Ap...


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WHD Murings Apak Apak Magnetic Healing Mat ( The Immune System & Stem Cell Activator ) - Video


3 – day fast might reboot your immune system – Video

Monday, June 23rd, 2014

3 - day fast might reboot your immune system
An article published in the journal Cell Stem Cell by scientists at the University of Southern California who say fasting for just 3 days can regenerate your...

By: Mag Ruxa

3 - day fast might reboot your immune system - Video


Stem Cells and the Immune System – Anastasia Filomeno – Video

Friday, October 11th, 2013

Stem Cells and the Immune System - Anastasia Filomeno

By: Juliana Agostino

See more here:
Stem Cells and the Immune System - Anastasia Filomeno - Video


Repairing a Damaged Immune System – Video

Friday, June 28th, 2013

Repairing a Damaged Immune System
Researchers test world #39;s first stem-cell therapy for septic shock. http://www.worldclasscare.ca | http://www.tomorrowscaretoday.ca.

By: TheOttawaHospital

Original post:
Repairing a Damaged Immune System - Video


Embryonic Stem Cells Generate Immune System – Video

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Embryonic Stem Cells Generate Immune System
Researchers at UC San Francisco have developed thymus tissue from human embryonic cells and used it to generate an immune system in mice. The achievement has...

By: UCSFPublicAffairs

Visit link:
Embryonic Stem Cells Generate Immune System - Video


Microgravity Affects The Immune System – The Daily Orbit – Video

Monday, April 29th, 2013

Microgravity Affects The Immune System - The Daily Orbit
Does spaceflight up the risk of disease and disorders? What do you get when you mix dumb mice with human stem cells? Ants are moving on up. And why you shoul...

By: redorbit

Here is the original post:
Microgravity Affects The Immune System - The Daily Orbit - Video


Immunotherapy Boosting the immune system to fight cancer – Video

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

Immunotherapy Boosting the immune system to fight cancer
Hope Medical Group Is a group of three hospitals in South China providing adult stem cell and Cancer biotherapy treatments for patients locally and from around the world. We are the few hospitals sanctioned by the Chinese Ministry of Health to provide these treatments. http://www.hopestemcell.com http://www.hopestemcell.comFrom:Randy RobinsonViews:0 0ratingsTime:07:32More inNews Politics

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Immunotherapy Boosting the immune system to fight cancer - Video


SU2C-CRI Cancer Immunology Translational Research Dream Team – Video

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012

SU2C-CRI Cancer Immunology Translational Research Dream Team
Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) and the Cancer Research Institute (CRI) announce the formation of a Dream Team project dedicated to cancer immunology mdash; "Immunologic Checkpoint Blockade and Adoptive Cell Transfer in Cancer Therapy." Cancer immunology is a field of research that explores the complex relationship between cancer and the immune system, with the goal of discovering immune-based solutions to curing cancer. The SU2C-CRI Cancer Immunology Translational Research Dream Team will receive $10 million in funding over three years for this translational cancer research project that will unite laboratory and clinical efforts leading to the immunological treatment, control and prevention of cancer. The team will be led by James P. Allison, Ph.D., and Antoni Ribas, MD, Ph.D. Allison is chairman of the department of immunology, director of the immunotherapy platform and co-director of the David H. Koch Center for Applied Research of Genitourinary Cancers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Ribas is professor of medicine, surgery and molecular and medical pharmacology, director of the tumor immunology program area at the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, and member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). "The goal of our Dream Team is to expand, optimize and explore combinations of two novel immunotherapies, immune checkpoint blockade and adoptive T-cell transfer ...From:CancerResearchInstViews:14 0ratingsTime:03:37More inNonprofits Activism

Originally posted here:
SU2C-CRI Cancer Immunology Translational Research Dream Team - Video


Caiden’s Story – A 4-year-old’s epic battle – Video

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

Caiden #39;s Story - A 4-year-old #39;s epic battle
Last August, Caiden Steinhoff was diagnosed with medulla blastoma, the most common brain tumor in children. Following brain surgery, the Thunder Bay boy has undergone four chemotherapies, each of which wipes out his immune system. After treatment, Caiden receives a stem cell transplant and remains in isolation to help his immune system recover. These photos were taken after his third round of chemotherapy last month. ------------------------------ Update: Sadly, Caiden passed away on May 14, 2011, 5 days before his eighth birthday. His obituary: ------------------------------ It is with our deepest sorrow that we have to announce the passing of our sweet boy, Caiden Jakob Steinhoff who surrounded by loved ones, went into the loving arms of Jesus on Saturday, May 14, 2011 after a courageous four year battle against Medulloblastoma. He fought with determination and perseverance, all the while, never complaining. His courage inspired many. Caiden was born in Thunder Bay on May 19, 2003. He was a very special boy who had an infectious smile and spirit, always trying to make others laugh. He loved life and loved to be busy doing crafts, dancing, drawing, cooking, singing, playing and entertaining even while battling his disease. Family was important to Caiden. He was always wanting to spend time with them and especially enjoyed his visits out to Grandma #39;s house. Caiden loved Jesus and going to Church. He had a rare gift of being able to make people feel special and was a ...From:startechochannelViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:50More inPeople Blogs

See the rest here:
Caiden's Story - A 4-year-old's epic battle - Video


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