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Archive for the ‘Immune System’ Category

How to Boost Your Immune System – Dr. Axe

Monday, November 19th, 2018

We are continually exposed to organisms that are inhaled, swallowed or inhabit our skin and mucous membranes. Whether or not these organisms lead to disease is decided by the integrity of our bodys defense mechanisms, or immune system. When our immune system is working properly, we dont even notice it. But when we have an under- or over-active immune system, we are at a greater risk of developing infections and other health conditions.

If you are wondering how to boost your immune system, look no further these 10 antimicrobial, immune-stimulating and antiviral supplements and essential oils can be used at home to improve your health.

The immune system is an interactive network oforgans, cells and proteins that protect the body from viruses and bacteria or any foreign substances. The immune system works to neutralize and remove pathogens like bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi that enter the body, recognize and neutralize harmful substances from the environment, and fight against the bodys own cells that have changes due to an illness. (1)

The cells of the immune system originate in the bone marrow, then migrate to guard the peripheral tissues, circulating in the blood and in the specialized system of vessels called the lymphatic system.

When our immune system is working properly, we dont even notice it. Its when the performance of our immune system is compromised that we face illness. Underactivity of the immune system results in severe infections and tumors of immunodeficiency, while overactivity results in allergic and autoimmune diseases. (2)

For our bodys natural defenses to run smoothly, the immune system must be able to differentiate between self and non-self cells, organisms and substances. Non-self substances are called antigens, which includes the proteins on the surfaces of bacteria, fungi and viruses. When the cells of the immune system detect the presence of an antigen, the immune system recalls stored memories in order to quickly defend itself against known pathogens.

However, our own cells also have surface proteins, and its important that the immune system does not work against them. Normally, the immune system has already learned at an earlier stage to identify these cells proteins as self, but when it identifies its own body as non-self, this is called an autoimmune reaction. (3)

The amazing thing about the immune system is that its constantly adapting and learning so that the body can fight against bacteria or viruses that change over time. There are two parts of the immune system our innate immune system works as a general defense against pathogens and our adaptive immune system targets very specific pathogens that the body has already has contact with. These two immune systemscomplement each other in any reaction to a pathogen or harmful substance. (4)

Before learning exactly how to boost your immune system, first understand that most immune disorders result from either an excessive immune response or an autoimmune attack. Disorders of the immune system include:

Allergiesare a immune-mediated inflammatory response to normally harmless environmental substances known as allergens, which results in one or more allergic diseases such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis and food allergies. When the body overreacts to an allergen, such as dust, mold or pollen, it causes an immune reaction that leads to the development of allergy symptoms.

Allergies and asthma is a growing epidemic, affecting people of all ages, races, genders and socioeconomic statuses. In the U.S., it is estimated that more than 35 million people, mostly children, suffer from asthma symptoms. (5)An immune response to an allergic can be mild, from coughing and a runny nose, to a life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis. A person becomes allergic to a substance when the body develops antigens against it and has a reaction upon repeated exposure to that substance.

An immune deficiency disease is when the immune system is missing one or more of its parts, and it reacts too slowly to a threat. Immune deficiency diseases can be caused by medications or illness, or it may be a genetic disorder, which is called primary immunodeficiency. (6)

Some immune deficiency diseases include severe combined immune deficiency, common variable immune deficiency, human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficient syndrome (HIV/AIDS), drug-induced immune deficiency and graft versus host syndrome. All of these conditions are due to a severe impairment of the immune system, which leads to infections that are sometimes life-threatening.

Autoimmune diseases cause your immune system to attack your own bodys cells and tissues in response to an unknown trigger. Autoimmune diseases have registered an alarming increase worldwide since the end of the Second World War, with more than 80 autoimmune disorders and increases in both the incidence and prevalence of these conditions. (7)

Fiftymillion Americans are living with an autoimmune disease today, and for many of them, its hard to get an accurate diagnosis right away. In fact, it often takes about five years to receive a diagnosis because autoimmune disease symptoms are so disparate and vague. Examples of autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, psoriasis, Graves disease (overactive thyroid), Hashimotos disease (underactive thyroid) and vasculitis.

Treatment for autoimmune diseases typically focus on reducing the immune systems activity, but your first line of defense should be addressing leaky gut and removing foods and factors that damage the gut. Several studies have shown that increased intestinal permeability is associated with several autoimmune diseases, and it appears to be involved in disease pathogenesis. (8)

When searching for how to boost your immune system, look to these 10 herbs, supplements and essential oils.

Many of echinaceas chemical constituents are powerful immune system stimulants that can provide significant therapeutic value. Research shows that one of the most significant echinacea benefits is its effects when used on recurring infections. A 2012 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that echinacea showed maximal effects on recurrent infections, and preventive effects increased when participants used echinacea to prevent the common cold. (9)

A 2003 study conducted at the University of Wisconsin Medical School found that echinacea demonstrates significant immunomodulatory activities. After reviewing several dozen human experiments, including a number of blind randomized trials, researchers indicate that echinacea has several benefits, including immunostimulation, especially in the treatment of acute upper respiratory infection. (10)

The berries and flowers of the elder plant have been used as medicine for thousands of years. Even Hippocrates, the father of medicine, understood that this plant was key for how to boost your immune system. He used elderberry because of its wide array of health benefits, including its ability to fight colds, the flu, allergies and inflammation. Several studies indicate that elderberry has the power to boost the immune system, especially because it has proven to help treat the symptoms of the common cold and flu.

A study published in the Journal of International Medical Research found that when elderberry was used within the first 48 hours of onset of symptoms, the extract reduced the duration of the flu, with symptoms being relieved on an average of four days earlier. Plus, the use of rescue medication was significantly less in those receiving elderberry extract compared with placebo. (11)

Dating back to ancient times, silver was a popular remedy to stop the spread of diseases. Silver has historically and extensively been used as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. Research published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine suggests that colloidal silver wasable to significantly inhibit the growth the bacteria grown under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. (12)

To experience colloidal silver benefits, it can be used in several ways. How toboost your immune system with this supplement? Simply take one drop of true colloidal silver with internally. It can also be applied to the skin to help heal wounds, sores and infections. Always keep in mind that it should not be used for more than 14 days in a row.

You may come across many warnings about colloidal silver causing an irreversible condition called argyria (when people turn blue); however, this is caused by the misuse of products that are not true colloidal silver, like ionic or silver protein. (13)

Because leaky gut is a major cause of food sensitivities, autoimmune disease and immune imbalance or a weakened immune system, its important to consume probiotic foods and supplements. Probiotics are good bacteria that help you digest nutrients that boost the detoxification of your colon and support your immune system.

Research published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition suggests that probiotic organisms may induce different cytokine responses. Supplementation of probiotics in infancy could help prevent immune-mediated diseases in childhood by improving the gut mucosal immune system and increasing the number of immunoglobulin cells and cytokine-producing cells in the intestines. (14)

Astragalusis a plant within the bean and legumes family that has a very long history as an immune system booster and disease fighter. Its root has been used as an adaptogen inTraditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. Although astragalus is one of the least studied immune-boosting herbs, there are some preclinical trials that show intriguing immune activity. (15)

A recent review published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine found that astragalus-based treatments have demonstrated significant improvementof the toxicity induced by drugs such as immunosuppressants and cancer chemotherapeutics. Researchers concluded that astragalus extract has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and it protects the body from gastrointestinal inflammation and cancers. (16)

Ayurvedic medicine has relied ongingers ability for how toboost yourimmune system before recorded history. Its believed that ginger helps to break down the accumulation of toxins in our organs due to its warming effects. Its also known to cleanse the lymphatic system, our network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials.

Ginger root and ginger essential oil can treat a wide range of diseases with its immunonutrition and anti-inflammatory responses. Research shows that ginger has antimicrobial potential, which helps in treating infectious diseases. Its also known for its ability to treat inflammatory disorders that are caused by infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria and parasites, as well as physical and chemical agents like heat, acid and cigarette smoke. (17)

7. Ginseng

The ginseng plant, belonging to the Panax genus, can help you to boost your immune system and fight infections. The roots, stems and leaves of ginseng have been used for maintaining immune homeostasis and enhancing resistance to illness or infection. Ginseng improves the performance of your immune system by regulating each type of immune cell, including macrophages, natural killer cells, dendritic cells, T cells and B cells. It also has antimicrobial compounds that work as a defense mechanism against bacterial and viral infections. (18)

A study published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine found that ginseng extract successfully induced antigenspecific antibody responses when it was administered orally. Antibodies bind to antigens, such as toxins or viruses, and keep them from contacting and harming normal cells of the body. Because of ginsengs ability to play a role in antibody production, it helps the body to fight invading microorganisms or pathogenic antigens. (19)

Vitamin D can modulate the innate and adaptive immune responses and a vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection. Research shows that vitamin D works to maintain tolerance and promote protective immunity. There have been multiple cross-sectional studies that associate lower levels of vitamin D with increased infection. (20)

One study conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital included 19,000 participants, and it showed that individuals with lower vitamin D levels were more likely to report a recent upper respiratory tract infection than those with sufficient levels, even after adjusting for variables such as season, age, gender, body mass and race. (21) Sometimes addressing a nutritional deficiency is how to boost your immune system.

Myrrh is a resin, or sap-like substance, that is one of the most widely used essential oils in the world. Historically, myrrh was used to treat hay fever, clean and heal wounds and stop bleeding. Myrrh strengthens the immune system with its antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties. (22)

A 2012 study validated myrrhs enhanced antimicrobial efficacy when used in combination with frankincense oil against a selection of pathogens. Researchers concluded that myrrh oil has anti-infective properties and can help to boost your immune system. (23)

Oregano essential oil is known for its healing and immune-boosting properties. It fights infections naturally due to its antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-parasite compounds. A 2016 study published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition found that the main compounds in oregano that are responsible for its antimicrobial activity include carvacrol and thymol. (24)

Several scientific studies found that oregano oil exhibited antibacterial activity againsta number of bacterial isolates and species, includingB. laterosporus andS. saprophyticus. (25)

I should also stress the importance of incorporating physical activity into your daily and weekly regimen to strengthen your immune system. A 2018 human study published in Aging Cell revealed that high levels of physical activity and exercise improve the immunosenescence (gradual deterioration of the immune system) in older adults aged 55 through 79, compared to those in the same age group who were physically inactive. The study also highlights that physical activity doesnt protect against all of the immunosenescence that occurs. However, the decrease in a persons immune system function and activity can be influenced by decreased physical activity in addition to age. (26)

In the quest for how to boost your immune system, proceed with some caution. If you are using these immune-boosting herbs and essential oils, remember that the products are extremely potent and should not be taken for more than two weeks at a time. Giving yourself a break in between long doses is important.

Also, if you are pregnant, be cautious when using essential oils and reach out to your health care provider before doing so. Any time you are using natural remedies like plant supplements, its a good idea to do it under the care of your doctor or nutritionist.

From the sound of it, you might think leaky gut only affects the digestive system,but in reality it can affect more. Because Leaky Gut is so common, and such an enigma,Im offering a free webinar on all things leaky gut.Click here to learn more about the webinar.

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How to Boost Your Immune System - Dr. Axe


Immune System – Health

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018

Some foods can help boost your immunity

These immune boosters aren't just old wives' talesthey have solid research behind them.

Garlic:People who took garlic supplements during a three-month period had fewer colds than those who took a placebo, according to a 2014 study. Another study found a 30 percent reduction in the risk of colon cancer among people who ate a lot of raw or cooked garlic.

Alcohol:Research suggests that moderate drinking (usually defined as one drink a day for women) helps the immune system. But binge drinking is different: Adults who downed five vodka shots had drops in disease-fighting white blood cells within hours, a 2015 study found.

Apples:The fruit is rich in soluble fiber, a substance that seems to improve immunity, per a University of Illinois study. Researchers found that mice given this type of fiber got half as sick as mice that weren't given any; and they recovered 50 percent faster.

Chicken soup:It contains carnosine, an amino acid compound that helps your body fight off flu in the early stages, says a study in the American Journal of Therapeutics. Other research has shown that the homemade kind has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

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Immune System - Health


Overview of the Immune System | NIH: National Institute of …

Thursday, July 12th, 2018


The overall function of the immune system is to prevent or limit infection. An example of this principle is found in immune-compromised people, including those with genetic immune disorders, immune-debilitating infections like HIV, and even pregnant women, who are susceptible to a range of microbes that typically do not cause infection in healthy individuals.

The immune system can distinguish between normal, healthy cells and unhealthy cells by recognizing a variety of "danger" cues called danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). Cells may be unhealthy because of infection or because of cellular damage caused by non-infectious agents like sunburn or cancer. Infectious microbes such as viruses and bacteria release another set of signals recognized by the immune system called pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs).

Credit: NIAID

Neutrophil (green) ingesting Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (purple).

When the immune system first recognizes these signals, it responds to address the problem. If an immune response cannot be activated when there is sufficient need, problems arise, like infection. On the other hand, when an immune response is activated without a real threat or is not turned off once the danger passes, different problems arise, such as allergic reactions and autoimmune disease.

The immune system is complex and pervasive. There are numerous cell types that either circulate throughout the body or reside in a particular tissue. Each cell type plays a unique role, with different ways of recognizing problems, communicating with other cells, and performing their functions. By understanding all the details behind this network, researchers may optimize immune responses to confront specific issues, ranging from infections to cancer.

All immune cells come from precursors in the bone marrow and develop into mature cells through a series of changes that can occur in different parts of the body.

Skin: The skin is usually the first line of defense against microbes. Skin cells produce and secrete important antimicrobial proteins, and immune cells can be found in specific layers of skin.

Bone marrow: The bone marrow contains stems cells that can develop into a variety of cell types. The common myeloid progenitor stem cell in the bone marrow is the precursor to innate immune cellsneutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, mast cells, monocytes, dendritic cells, and macrophagesthat are important first-line responders to infection.

The common lymphoid progenitor stem cell leads to adaptive immune cellsB cells and T cellsthat are responsible for mounting responses to specific microbes based on previous encounters (immunological memory). Natural killer (NK) cells also are derived from the common lymphoid progenitor and share features of both innate and adaptive immune cells, as they provide immediate defenses like innate cells but also may be retained as memory cells like adaptive cells. B, T, and NK cells also are called lymphocytes.

Bloodstream: Immune cells constantly circulate throughout the bloodstream, patrolling for problems. When blood tests are used to monitor white blood cells, another term for immune cells, a snapshot of the immune system is taken. If a cell type is either scarce or overabundant in the bloodstream, this may reflect a problem.

Thymus: T cells mature in the thymus, a small organ located in the upper chest.

Lymphatic system: The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and tissues composed of lymph, an extracellular fluid, and lymphoid organs, such as lymph nodes. The lymphatic system is a conduit for travel and communication between tissues and the bloodstream. Immune cells are carried through the lymphatic system and converge in lymph nodes, which are found throughout the body.

Lymph nodes are a communication hub where immune cells sample information brought in from the body. For instance, if adaptive immune cells in the lymph node recognize pieces of a microbe brought in from a distant area, they will activate, replicate, and leave the lymph node to circulate and address the pathogen. Thus, doctors may check patients for swollen lymph nodes, which may indicate an active immune response.

Spleen: The spleen is an organ located behind the stomach. While it is not directly connected to the lymphatic system, it is important for processing information from the bloodstream. Immune cells are enriched in specific areas of the spleen, and upon recognizing blood-borne pathogens, they will activate and respond accordingly.

Mucosal tissue: Mucosal surfaces are prime entry points for pathogens, and specialized immune hubs are strategically located in mucosal tissues like the respiratory tract and gut. For instance, Peyer's patches are important areas in the small intestine where immune cells can access samples from the gastrointestinal tract.

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Overview of the Immune System | NIH: National Institute of ...


Immune system – Britannica.com

Friday, July 6th, 2018

Most microorganisms encountered in daily life are repelled before they cause detectable signs and symptoms of disease. These potential pathogens, which include viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoans, and worms, are quite diverse, and therefore a nonspecific defense system that diverts all types of this varied microscopic horde equally is quite useful to an organism. The innate immune system provides this kind of nonspecific protection through a number of defense mechanisms, which include physical barriers such as the skin, chemical barriers such as antimicrobial proteins that harm or destroy invaders, and cells that attack foreign cells and body cells harbouring infectious agents. The details of how these mechanisms operate to protect the body are described in the following sections.

The skin and the mucous membrane linings of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary tracts provide the first line of defense against invasion by microbes or parasites.

Human skin has a tough outer layer of cells that produce keratin. This layer of cells, which is constantly renewed from below, serves as a mechanical barrier to infection. In addition, glands in the skin secrete oily substances that include fatty acids, such as oleic acid, that can kill some bacteria; skin glands also secrete lysozyme, an enzyme (also present in tears and saliva) that can break down the outer wall of certain bacteria. Victims of severe burns often fall prey to infections from normally harmless bacteria, illustrating the importance of intact, healthy skin to a healthy immune system.

Like the outer layer of the skin but much softer, the mucous membrane linings of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary tracts provide a mechanical barrier of cells that are constantly being renewed. The lining of the respiratory tract has cells that secrete mucus (phlegm), which traps small particles. Other cells in the wall of the respiratory tract have small hairlike projections called cilia, which steadily beat in a sweeping movement that propels the mucus and any trapped particles up and out of the throat and nose. Also present in the mucus are protective antibodies, which are products of specific immunity. Cells in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract secrete mucus that, in addition to aiding the passage of food, can trap potentially harmful particles or prevent them from attaching to cells that make up the lining of the gut. Protective antibodies are secreted by cells underlying the gastrointestinal lining. Furthermore, the stomach lining secretes hydrochloric acid that is strong enough to kill many microbes.

Some microbes penetrate the bodys protective barriers and enter the internal tissues. There they encounter a variety of chemical substances that may prevent their growth. These substances include chemicals whose protective effects are incidental to their primary function in the body, chemicals whose principal function is to harm or destroy invaders, and chemicals produced by naturally occurring bacteria.

Some of the chemicals involved in normal body processes are not directly involved in defending the body against disease. Nevertheless, they do help repel invaders. For example, chemicals that inhibit the potentially damaging digestive enzymes released from body cells which have died in the natural course of events also can inhibit similar enzymes produced by bacteria, thereby limiting bacterial growth. Another substance that provides protection against microbes incidentally to its primary cellular role is the blood protein transferrin. The normal function of transferrin is to bind molecules of iron that are absorbed into the bloodstream through the gut and to deliver the iron to cells, which require the mineral to grow. The protective benefit transferrin confers results from the fact that bacteria, like cells, need free iron to grow. When bound to transferrin, however, iron is unavailable to the invading microbes, and their growth is stemmed.

A number of proteins contribute directly to the bodys nonspecific defense system by helping to destroy invading microorganisms. One group of such proteins is called complement because it works with other defense mechanisms of the body, complementing their efforts to eradicate invaders. Many microorganisms can activate complement in ways that do not involve specific immunity. Once activated, complement proteins work together to lyse, or break apart, harmful infectious organisms that do not have protective coats. Other microorganisms can evade these mechanisms but fall prey to scavenger cells, which engulf and destroy infectious agents, and to the mechanisms of the specific immune response. Complement cooperates with both nonspecific and specific defense systems.

Another group of proteins that provide protection are the interferons, which inhibit the replication of manybut not allviruses. Cells that have been infected with a virus produce interferon, which sends a signal to other cells of the body to resist viral growth. When first discovered in 1957, interferon was thought to be a single substance, but since then several types have been discovered, each produced by a different type of cell. Alpha interferon is produced by white blood cells other than lymphocytes, beta interferon by fibroblasts, and gamma interferon by natural killer cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (killer T cells). All interferons inhibit viral replication by interfering with the transcription of viral nucleic acid. Interferons exert additional inhibitory effects by regulating the extent to which lymphocytes and other cells express certain important molecules on their surface membranes.

In the small and large intestines the growth of invading bacteria can be inhibited by naturally gut-dwelling bacteria that do not cause disease. These gut-dwelling microorganisms secrete a variety of proteins that enhance their own survival by inhibiting the growth of the invading bacterial species.

If an infectious agent is not successfully repelled by the chemical and physical barriers described above, it will encounter cells whose function is to eliminate foreign substances that enter the body. These cells are the nonspecific effector cells of the innate immune response. They include scavenger cellsi.e., various cells that attack infectious agents directlyand natural killer cells, which attack cells of the body that harbour infectious organisms. Some of these cells destroy infectious agents by engulfing and destroying them through the process of phagocytosis, while other cells resort to alternative means. As is true of other components of innate immunity, these cells interact with components of acquired immunity to fight infection.

All higher animals and many lower ones have scavenger cellsprimarily leukocytes (white blood cells)that destroy infectious agents. Most vertebrates, including all birds and mammals, possess two main kinds of scavenger cells. Their importance was first recognized in 1884 by Russian biologist lie Metchnikoff, who named them microphages and macrophages, after Greek words meaning little eaters and big eaters.

Microphages are now called either granulocytes, because of the numerous chemical-containing granules found in their cytoplasm, or polymorphonuclear leukocytes, because of the oddly shaped nucleus these cells contain. Some granules contain digestive enzymes capable of breaking down proteins, while others contain bacteriocidal (bacteria-killing) proteins. There are three classes of granulocytesneutrophils, eosinophils, and basophilswhich are distinguished according to the shape of the nucleus and the way in which the granules in the cytoplasm are stained by dye. The differences in staining characteristics reflect differences in the chemical makeup of the granules. Neutrophils are the most common type of granulocyte, making up about 60 to 70 percent of all white blood cells. These granulocytes ingest and destroy microorganisms, especially bacteria. Less common are the eosinophils, which are particularly effective at damaging the cells that make up the cuticle (body wall) of larger parasites. Fewer still are the basophils, which release heparin (a substance that inhibits blood coagulation), histamine, and other substances that play a role in some allergic reactions (see immune system disorder: Allergies). Very similar in structure and function to basophils are the tissue cells called mast cells, which also contribute to immune responses.

Granulocytes, which have a life span of only a few days, are continuously produced from stem (i.e., precursor) cells in the bone marrow. They enter the bloodstream and circulate for a few hours, after which they leave the circulation and die. Granulocytes are mobile and are attracted to foreign materials by chemical signals, some of which are produced by the invading microorganisms themselves, others by damaged tissues, and still others by the interaction between microbes and proteins in the blood plasma. Some microorganisms produce toxins that poison granulocytes and thus escape phagocytosis; other microbes are indigestible and are not killed when ingested. By themselves, then, granulocytes are of limited effectiveness and require reinforcement by the mechanisms of specific immunity.

The other main type of scavenger cell is the macrophage, the mature form of the monocyte. Like granulocytes, monocytes are produced by stem cells in the bone marrow and circulate through the blood, though in lesser numbers. But, unlike granulocytes, monocytes undergo differentiation, becoming macrophages that settle in many tissues, especially the lymphoid tissues (e.g., spleen and lymph nodes) and the liver, which serve as filters for trapping microbes and other foreign particles that arrive through the blood or the lymph. Macrophages live longer than granulocytes and, although effective as scavengers, basically provide a different function. Compared with granulocytes, macrophages move relatively sluggishly. They are attracted by different stimuli and usually arrive at sites of invasion later than granulocytes. Macrophages recognize and ingest foreign particles by mechanisms that are basically similar to those of granulocytes, although the digestive process is slower and not as complete. This aspect is of great importance for the role that macrophages play in stimulating specific immune responsessomething in which granulocytes play no part.

Natural killer cells do not attack invading organisms directly but instead destroy the bodys own cells that have either become cancerous or been infected with a virus. NK cells were first recognized in 1975, when researchers observed cells in the blood and lymphoid tissues that were neither the scavengers described above nor ordinary lymphocytes but which nevertheless were capable of killing cells. Although similar in outward appearance to lymphocytes, NK cells contain granules that harbour cytotoxic chemicals.

NK cells recognize dividing cells by a mechanism that does not depend on specific immunity. They then bind to these dividing cells and insert their granules through the outer membrane and into the cytoplasm. This causes the dividing cells to leak and die.

NK cells are the third most abundant type of lymphocyte in the body (B and T lymphocytes being present in the greatest numbers). They develop from hematopoietic stem cells and mature in the bone marrow and the liver.

The body has a number of nonspecific methods of fighting infection that are called early induced responses. They include the acute-phase response and the inflammation response, which can eliminate infection or hold it in check until specific, acquired immune responses have time to develop. Nonspecific immune responses occur more rapidly than acquired immune responses do, but they do not provide lasting immunity to specific pathogens.

Nonadaptive immune responses rely on a number of chemical signals, collectively called cytokines, to carry out their effects. These cytokines include members of the family of proteins called interleukins, which induce fever and the acute-phase response, and tumour necrosis factor-alpha, which initiates the inflammatory response.

When the body is invaded by a pathogen, macrophages release the protein signals interleukin-1 (IL-1) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) to help fight the infection. One of their effects is to raise the temperature of the body, causing the fever that often accompanies infection. (The interleukins increase body temperature by acting on the temperature-regulating hypothalamus in the brain and by affecting energy mobilization by fat and muscle cells.) Fever is believed to be helpful in eliminating infections because most bacteria grow optimally at temperatures lower than normal body temperature. But fever is only part of the more general innate defense mechanism called the acute-phase response. In addition to raising body temperature, the interleukins stimulate liver cells to secrete increased amounts of several different proteins into the bloodstream. These proteins, collectively called acute-phase proteins, bind to bacteria and, by doing so, activate complement proteins that destroy the pathogen. The acute-phase proteins act similarly to antibodies but are more democraticthat is, they do not distinguish between pathogens as antibodies do but instead attack a wide range of microorganisms equally. Another effect the interleukins have is to increase the number of circulating neutrophils and eosinophils, which help fight infection.

Infection often results in tissue damage, which may trigger an inflammatory response. The signs of inflammation include pain, swelling, redness, and fever, which are induced by chemicals released by macrophages. These substances promote blood flow to the area, increase the permeability of capillaries, and induce coagulation. The increased blood flow is responsible for redness, and the leakiness of the capillaries allows cells and fluids to enter tissues, causing pain and swelling. These effects bring more phagocytic cells to the area to help eliminate the pathogens. The first cells to arrive, usually within an hour, are neutrophils and eosinophils, followed a few hours later by macrophages. Macrophages not only engulf pathogens but also help the healing process by disposing of cellular debris which accumulates from destroyed tissue cells and neutrophils that self-destruct after ingesting microorganisms. If infection persists, components of specific immunityantibodies and T cellsarrive at the site to fight the infection.

It has been known for centuries that persons who contract certain diseases and survive generally do not catch those illnesses again. Greek historian Thucydides recorded that, when the plague was raging in Athens during the 5th century bce, the sick and dying would have received no nursing at all had it not been for the devotion of those who had already recovered from the disease; it was known that no one ever caught the plague a second time. The same applies, with rare exceptions, to many other diseases, such as smallpox, chicken pox, measles, and mumps. Yet having had measles does not prevent a child from contracting chicken pox or vice versa. The protection acquired by experiencing one of these infections is specific to that infection; in other words, it is due to specific, acquired immunity, also called adaptive immunity.

There are other infectious conditions, such as the common cold, influenza, pneumonia, and diarrheal diseases, that can be caught again and again; these seem to contradict the notion of specific immunity. But the reason such illnesses can recur is that many different infectious agents produce similar symptoms (and thus the same disease). For example, more than 200 viruses can cause the cluster of symptoms known as the common cold. Consequently, even though infection with a particular agent does protect against reinfection by that same pathogen, it does not confer protection from other pathogens that have not been encountered.

Acquired immunity is dependent on the specialized white blood cells known as lymphocytes. This section describes the various ways in which lymphocytes operate to confer specific immunity. Although pioneer studies were begun in the late 19th century, most of the knowledge of specific immunity has been gained since the 1960s, and new insights are continually being obtained.

Lymphocytes are the cells responsible for the bodys ability to distinguish and react to an almost infinite number of different foreign substances, including those of which microbes are composed. Lymphocytes are mainly a dormant population, awaiting the appropriate signals to be stirred to action. The inactive lymphocytes are small, round cells filled largely by a nucleus. Although they have only a small amount of cytoplasm compared with other cells, each lymphocyte has sufficient cytoplasmic organelles (small functional units such as mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum, and a Golgi apparatus) to keep the cell alive. Lymphocytes move only sluggishly on their own, but they can travel swiftly around the body when carried along in the blood or lymph. At any one time an adult human has approximately 2 1012 lymphocytes, about 1 percent of which are in the bloodstream. The majority are concentrated in various tissues scattered throughout the body, particularly the bone marrow, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, tonsils, and lining of the intestines, which make up the lymphatic system. Organs or tissues containing such concentrations of lymphocytes are described as lymphoid. The lymphocytes in lymphoid structures are free to move, although they are not lying loose; rather, they are confined within a delicate network of lymph capillaries located in connective tissues that channel the lymphocytes so that they come into contact with other cells, especially macrophages, that line the meshes of the network. This ensures that the lymphocytes interact with each other and with foreign materials trapped by the macrophages in an ordered manner.

Lymphocytes originate from stem cells in the bone marrow; these stem cells divide continuously, releasing immature lymphocytes into the bloodstream. Some of these cells travel to the thymus, where they multiply and differentiate into T lymphocytes, or T cells. The T stands for thymus-derived, referring to the fact that these cells mature in the thymus. Once they have left the thymus, T cells enter the bloodstream and circulate to and within the rest of the lymphoid organs, where they can multiply further in response to appropriate stimulation. About half of all lymphocytes are T cells.

Some lymphocytes remain in the bone marrow, where they differentiate and then pass directly to the lymphoid organs. They are termed B lymphocytes, or B cells, and they, like T cells, can mature and multiply further in the lymphoid organs when suitably stimulated. Although it is appropriate to refer to them as B cells in humans and other mammals, because they are bone-marrow derived, the B actually stands for the bursa of Fabricius, a lymphoid organ found only in birds, the organisms in which B cells were first discovered.

B and T cells both recognize and help eliminate foreign molecules (antigens), such as those that are part of invading organisms, but they do so in different ways. B cells secrete antibodies, proteins that bind to antigens. Since antibodies circulate through the humours (i.e., body fluids), the protection afforded by B cells is called humoral immunity. T cells, in contrast, do not produce antibodies but instead directly attack invaders. Because this second type of acquired immunity depends on the direct involvement of cells rather than antibodies, it is called cell-mediated immunity. T cells recognize only infectious agents that have entered into cells of the body, whereas B cells and antibodies interact with invaders that remain outside the bodys cells. These two types of specific, acquired immunity, however, are not as distinct as might be inferred from this description, since T cells also play a major role in regulating the function of B cells. In many cases an immune response involves both humoral and cell-mediated assaults on the foreign substance. Furthermore, both classes of lymphocytes can activate or enhance a variety of nonspecific immune responses.

Lymphocytes are distinguished from other cells by their capacity to recognize foreign molecules. Recognition is accomplished by means of receptor molecules. A receptor molecule is a special protein whose shape is complementary to a portion of a foreign molecule. This complementarity of shape allows the receptor and the foreign molecule to conform to each other in a fashion roughly analogous to the way a key fits into a lock.

Receptor molecules are either attached to the surface of the lymphocyte or secreted into fluids of the body. B and T lymphocytes both have receptor molecules on their cell surfaces, but only B cells manufacture and secrete large numbers of unattached receptor molecules, called antibodies. Antibodies correspond in structure to the receptor molecules on the surface of the B cell.

Any foreign materialusually of a complex nature and often a proteinthat binds specifically to a receptor molecule made by lymphocytes is called an antigen. Antigens include molecules found on invading microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, protozoans, and fungi, as well as molecules located on the surface of foreign substances, such as pollen, dust, or transplanted tissue. When an antigen binds to a receptor molecule, it may or may not evoke an immune response. Antigens that induce such a response are called immunogens. Thus, it can be said that all immunogens are antigens, but not all antigens are immunogens. For example, a simple chemical group that can combine with a lymphocyte receptor (i.e., is an antigen) but does not induce an immune response (i.e., is not an immunogen) is called a hapten. Although haptens cannot evoke an immune response by themselves, they can become immunogenic when joined to a larger, more complex molecule such as a protein, a feature that is useful in the study of immune responses.

Many antigens have a variety of distinct three-dimensional patterns on different areas of their surfaces. Each pattern is called an antigenic determinant, or epitope, and each epitope is capable of reacting with a different lymphocyte receptor. Complex antigens present an antigenic mosaic and can evoke responses from a variety of specific lymphocytes. Some antigenic determinants are better than others at effecting an immune response, presumably because a greater number of responsive lymphocytes are present. It is possible for two or more different substances to have an epitope in common. In these cases, immune components induced by one antigen are able to react with all other antigens carrying the same epitope. Such antigens are known as cross-reacting antigens.

T cells and B cells differ in the form of the antigen they recognize, and this affects which antigens they can detect. B cells bind to antigen on invaders that are found in circulation outside the cells of the body, while T cells detect only invaders that have somehow entered the cells of the body. Thus foreign materials that have been ingested by cells of the body or microorganisms such as viruses that penetrate cells and multiply within them are out of reach of antibodies but can be eliminated by T cells.

The specific immune system (in other words, the sum total of all the lymphocytes) can recognize virtually any complex molecule that nature or science has devised. This remarkable ability results from the trillions of different antigen receptors that are produced by the B and T lymphocytes. Each lymphocyte produces its own specific receptor, which is structurally organized so that it responds to a different antigen. After a cell encounters an antigen that it recognizes, it is stimulated to multiply, and the population of lymphocytes bearing that particular receptor increases.

How is it that the body has such an incredible diversity of receptors that are always ready to respond to invading molecules? To understand this, a quick review of genes and proteins will be helpful. Antigen receptor molecules are proteins, which are composed of a few polypeptide chains (i.e., chains of amino acids linked together by chemical bonds known as peptide bonds). The sequence in which the amino acids are assembled to form a particular polypeptide chain is specified by a discrete region of DNA, called a gene. But if every polypeptide region of every antigen receptor were encoded by a different gene, the human genome (all the genetic information encoded in the DNA that is carried on the chromosomes of cells) would need to devote trillions of genes to code just for these immune system proteins. Since the entire human genome contains approximately 25,000 genes, individuals cannot inherit a gene for each particular antigen receptor component. Instead, a mechanism exists that generates an enormous variety of receptors from a limited number of genes.

What is inherited is a pool of gene segments for each type of polypeptide chain. As each lymphocyte matures, these gene segments are pieced together to form one gene for each polypeptide that makes up a specific antigen receptor. This rearrangement of alternative gene segments occurs predominantly, though not entirely, at random, so that an enormous number of combinations can result. Additional diversity is generated from the imprecise recombination of gene segmentsa process called junctional diversificationthrough which the ends of the gene segments can be shortened or lengthened. The genetic rearrangement takes place at the stage when the lymphocytes generated from stem cells first become functional, so that each mature lymphocyte is able to make only one type of receptor. Thus, from a pool of only hundreds of genes, an unlimited variety of diverse antigen receptors can be created.

Still other mechanisms contribute to receptor diversity. Superimposed on the mechanism outlined in simplified terms above is another process, called somatic mutation. Mutation is the spontaneous occurrence of small changes in the DNA during the process of cell division. It is called somatic when it takes place in body cells (Greek soma means body) rather than in germ-line cells (eggs and sperm). Although somatic mutation can be a chance event in any body cell, it occurs regularly in the DNA that codes for antigen receptors in lymphocytes. Thus, when a lymphocyte is stimulated by an antigen to divide, new variants of its antigen receptor can be present on its descendant cells, and some of these variants may provide an even better fit for the antigen that was responsible for the original stimulation.

The antigen receptors on B lymphocytes are identical to the binding sites of antibodies that these lymphocytes manufacture once stimulated, except that the receptor molecules have an extra tail that penetrates the cell membrane and anchors them to the cell surface. Thus, a description of the structure and properties of antibodies, which are well studied, will suffice for both.

Antibodies belong to the class of proteins called globulins, so named for their globular structure. Collectively, antibodies are known as immunoglobulins (abbreviated Ig). All immunoglobulins have the same basic molecular structure, consisting of four polypeptide chains. Two of the chains, which are identical in any given immunoglobulin molecule, are heavy (H) chains; the other two are identical light (L) chains. The terms heavy and light simply mean larger and smaller. Each chain is manufactured separately and is encoded by different genes. The four chains are joined in the final immunoglobulin molecule to form a flexible Y shape, which is the simplest form an antibody can take.

At the tip of each arm of the Y-shaped molecule is an area called the antigen-binding, or antibody-combining, site, which is formed by a portion of the heavy and light chains. Every immunoglobulin molecule has at least two of these sites, which are identical to one another. The antigen-binding site is what allows the antibody to recognize a specific part of the antigen (the epitope, or antigenic determinant). If the shape of the epitope corresponds to the shape of the antigen-binding site, it can fit into the sitethat is, be recognized by the antibody. Chemical bonds called weak bonds then form to hold the antigen within the binding site.

The heavy and light chains that make up each arm of the antibody are composed of two regions, called constant (C) and variable (V). These regions are distinguished on the basis of amino acid similaritythat is, constant regions have essentially the same amino acid sequence in all antibody molecules of the same class (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, or IgE), but the amino acid sequences of the variable regions differ quite a lot from antibody to antibody. This makes sense, because the variable regions determine the unique shape of the antibody-binding site. The tail of the molecule, which does not bind to antigens, is composed entirely of the constant regions of heavy chains.

The variable and constant regions of both the light and the heavy chains are structurally folded into functional units called domains. Each light chain consists of one variable domain (VL) and one constant domain (CL). Each heavy chain has one variable domain (VH) and three or four constant domains (CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4). Those domains that make up the tail of the basic Y-shaped molecule (in other words, all the H-chain constant domains except CH1) are responsible for the special biological properties of immunoglobulinsexcept, of course, for the capacity to bind to a specific antigenic determinant. The tail of the antibody determines the fate of the antigen once it becomes bound to the antibody.

The hinge region of the antibody is a short stretch of amino acids on the heavy chain located between the chains CH1 and CH2 regions. It provides the molecule with flexibility, which is very useful in binding antigens. This flexibility can actually improve the efficiency with which an antigen binds to the antibody. It can also help in cross-linking antigens into a large lattice of antigen-antibody complexes, which are easily identified and destroyed by macrophages.

The term constant region is a bit misleading in that these segments are not identical in all immunoglobulins. Rather, they are basically similar among broad groups. All immunoglobulins that have the same basic kinds of constant domains in their H chains are said to belong to the same class. There are five main classesIgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, and IgEsome of which include a number of distinct subclasses. Each class has its own properties and functions determined by the structural variations of the H chains. In addition, there are two basic kinds of L chains, called lambda and kappa chains, either of which can be associated with any of the H chain classes, thereby increasing still further the enormous diversity of immunoglobulins.

IgG is the most common class of immunoglobulin. It is present in the largest amounts in blood and tissue fluids. Each IgG molecule consists of the basic four-chain immunoglobulin structuretwo identical H chains and two identical L chains (either kappa or lambda)and thus carries two identical antigen-binding sites. There are four subclasses of IgG, each with minor differences in its H chains but with distinct biological properties. IgG is the only class of immunoglobulin capable of crossing the placenta; consequently, it provides some degree of immune protection to the developing fetus. These molecules also are secreted into the mothers milk and, once they have been ingested by an infant, can be transported into the blood, where they confer immunity.

IgM is the first class of immunoglobulin made by B cells as they mature, and it is the form most commonly present as the antigen receptor on the B-cell surface. When IgM is secreted from the cells, five of the basic Y-shaped units become joined together to make a large pentamer molecule with 10 antigen-binding sites. This large antibody molecule is particularly effective at attaching to antigenic determinants present on the outer coats of bacteria. When this IgM attachment occurs, it causes microorganisms to agglutinate, or clump together.

IgA is the main class of antibody found in many body secretions, including tears, saliva, respiratory and intestinal secretions, and colostrum (the first milk produced by lactating mothers). Very little IgA is present in the serum. IgA is produced by B cells located in the mucous membranes of the body. Two molecules of IgA are joined together and associated with a special protein that enables the newly formed IgA molecule to be secreted across epithelial cells that line various ducts and organs. Although IgG is the most common class of immunoglobulin, more IgA is synthesized by the body daily than any other class of antibody. However, IgA is not as stable as IgG, and therefore it is present in lower amounts at any given time.

IgD molecules are present on the surface of most, but not all, B cells early in their development, but little IgD is ever released into the circulation. It is not clear what function IgD performs, though it may play a role in determining whether antigens activate the B cells.

IgE is made by a small proportion of B cells and is present in the blood in low concentrations. Each molecule of IgE consists of one four-chain unit and so has two antigen-binding sites, like the IgG molecule; however, each of its H chains has an extra constant domain (CH4), which confers on IgE the special property of binding to the surface of basophils and mast cells. When antigens bind to these attached IgE molecules, the cell is stimulated to release chemicals, such as histamines, that are involved in allergic reactions (see immune system disorder: Type I hypersensitivity). IgE antibodies also help protect against parasitic infections.

Most individuals have fairly constant amounts of immunoglobulin in their blood, which represent the balance between continuous breakdown of these proteins and their manufacture. There is about 4 times as much IgG (including its subclasses) as IgA, 10 to 15 times as much as IgM, 300 times as much as IgD, and 30,000 times as much as IgE.

Part of the normal production of immunoglobulin undoubtedly represents the response to antigenic stimulation that happens continually, but even animals raised in surroundings completely free from microbes and their products make substantial, though lesser, amounts of immunoglobulin. Much of the immunoglobulin therefore must represent the product of all the B cells that are, so to speak, ticking over even if not specifically stimulated. It is therefore not surprising that extremely sensitive methods can detect traces of antibodies that react with antigenic determinants to which an animal has never been exposed but for which cells with receptors are present.

All B cells have the potential to use any one of the constant-region classes to make up the immunoglobulin they secrete. As noted above, when first stimulated, most secrete IgM. Some continue to do so, but others later switch to producing IgG, IgA, or IgE. Memory B cells, which are specialized for responding to repeat infections by a given antigen, make IgG or IgA immediately. What determines the balance among the classes of antibodies is not fully understood. However, it is influenced by the nature and site of deposition of the antigen (for example, parasites tend to elicit IgE), and their production is clearly mediated by factors, called cytokines, which are released locally by T cells.

T-cell antigen receptors are found only on the cell membrane. For this reason, T-cell receptors were difficult to isolate in the laboratory and were not identified until 1983. T-cell receptors consist of two polypeptide chains. The most common type of receptor is called alpha-beta because it is composed of two different chains, one called alpha and the other beta. A less common type is the gamma-delta receptor, which contains a different set of chains, one gamma and one delta. A typical T cell may have as many as 20,000 receptor molecules on its membrane surface, all of either the alpha-beta or gamma-delta type.

The T-cell receptor molecule is embedded in the membrane of the cell, and a portion of the molecule extends away from the cell surface into the area surrounding the cell. The chains each contain two folded domains, one constant and one variable, an arrangement similar to that of the chains of antibody molecules. And, as is true of antibody structure, the variable domains of the chains form an antigen-binding site. However, the T-cell receptor has only one antigen-binding site, unlike the basic antibody molecule, which has two.

Many similarities exist between the structures of antibodies and those of T-cell receptors. Therefore, it is not surprising that the organization of genes that encode the T-cell receptor chains is similar to that of immunoglobulin genes. Similarities also exist between the mechanisms B cells use to generate antibody diversity and those used by T cells to create T-cell diversity. These commonalities suggest that both systems evolved from a more primitive and simpler recognition system.

Despite the structural similarities, the receptors on T cells function differently from those on B cells. The functional difference underlies the different roles played by B and T cells in the immune system. B cells secrete antibodies to antigens in blood and other body fluids, but T cells cannot bind to free-floating antigens. Instead they bind to fragments of foreign proteins that are displayed on the surface of body cells. Thus, once a virus succeeds in infecting a cell, it is removed from the reach of circulating antibodies only to become susceptible to the defense system of the T cell.

But how do fragments of a foreign substance come to be displayed on the surface of a body cell? First, the substance must enter the cell, which can happen through either phagocytosis or infection. Next, the invader is partially digested by the body cell, and one of its fragments is moved to the surface of the cell, where it becomes bound to a cell-surface protein. This cell-surface protein is the product of one of a group of molecules encoded by the genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). In humans MHC proteins were first discovered on leukocytes (white blood cells) and therefore are often referred to as HLA (human leukocyte antigens). (For information on the genetic basis of the HLA, see human genetics.) There are two major types of MHC molecules: class I molecules, which are present on the surfaces of virtually all cells of the body that contain nucleithat is, most body cellsand class II molecules, which are restricted to the surfaces of most B cells and some T cells, macrophages, and macrophage-like cells.

Two main types of mature T cellscytotoxic T cells and helper T cellsare known. Some scientists hypothesize the existence of a third type of mature T cell called regulatory T cells. Some T cells recognize class I MHC molecules on the surface of cells; others bind to class II molecules. Cytotoxic T cells destroy body cells that pose a threat to the individualnamely, cancer cells and cells containing harmful microorganisms. Helper T cells do not directly kill other cells but instead help activate other white blood cells (lymphocytes and macrophages), primarily by secreting a variety of cytokines that mediate changes in other cells. The function of regulatory T cells is poorly understood. To carry out their roles, helper T cells recognize foreign antigens in association with class II MHC molecules on the surfaces of macrophages or B cells. Cytotoxic T cells and regulatory T cells generally recognize target cells bearing antigens associated with class I molecules. Because they recognize the same class of MHC molecule, cytotoxic and regulatory T cells are often grouped together; however, populations of both types of cells associated with class II molecules have been reported. Cytotoxic T cells can bind to virtually any cell in the body that has been invaded by a pathogen.

T cells have another receptor, or coreceptor, on their surface that binds to the MHC molecule and provides additional strength to the bond between the T cell and the target cell. Helper T cells display a coreceptor called CD4, which binds to class II MHC molecules, and cytotoxic T cells have on their surfaces the coreceptor CD8, which recognizes class I MHC molecules. These accessory receptors add strength to the bond between the T cell and the target cell.

The T-cell receptor is associated with a group of molecules called the CD3 complex, or simply CD3, which is also necessary for T-cell activation. These molecules are agents that help transduce, or convert, the extracellular binding of the antigen and receptor into internal cellular signals; thus, they are called signal transducers. Similar signal transducing molecules are associated with B-cell receptors.

When T-cell precursors leave the bone marrow on their way to mature in the thymus, they do not yet express receptors for antigens and thus are indifferent to stimulation by them. Within the thymus the T cells multiply many times as they pass through a meshwork of thymus cells. In the course of multiplication they acquire antigen receptors and differentiate into helper or cytotoxic T cells. As mentioned in the previous section, these cell types, similar in appearance, can be distinguished by their function and by the presence of the special surface proteins, CD4 and CD8. Most T cells that multiply in the thymus also die there. This seems wasteful until it is remembered that the random generation of different antigen receptors yields a large proportion of receptors that recognize self antigensi.e., molecules present on the bodys own constituentsand that mature lymphocytes with such receptors would attack the bodys own tissues.

Most such self-reactive T cells die before they leave the thymus, so that those T cells that do emerge are the ones capable of recognizing foreign antigens. These travel via the blood to the lymphoid tissues, where, if suitably stimulated, they can again multiply and take part in immune reactions. The generation of T cells in the thymus is an ongoing process in young animals. In humans large numbers of T cells are produced before birth, but production gradually slows down during adulthood and is much diminished in old age, by which time the thymus has become small and partly atrophied. Cell-mediated immunity persists throughout life, however, because some of the T cells that have emerged from the thymus continue to divide and function for a very long time.

B-cell precursors are continuously generated in the bone marrow throughout life, but, as with T-cell generation, the rate diminishes with age. Unless they are stimulated to mature, the majority of B cells also die, although those that have matured can survive for a long time in the lymphoid tissues. Consequently, there is a continuous supply of new B cells throughout life. Those with antigen receptors capable of recognizing self antigens tend to be eliminated, though less effectively than are self-reactive T cells. As a result, some self-reactive cells are always present in the B-cell population, along with the majority that recognize foreign antigens. The reason the self-reactive B cells normally do no harm is explained in the following section.

In its lifetime a lymphocyte may or may not come into contact with the antigen it is capable of recognizing, but if it does it can be activated to multiply into a large number of identical cells, called a clone. Each member of the clone carries the same antigen receptor and hence has the same antigen specificity as the original lymphocyte. The process, called clonal selection, is one of the fundamental concepts of immunology.

Two types of cells are produced by clonal selectioneffector cells and memory cells. Effector cells are the relatively short-lived activated cells that defend the body in an immune response. Effector B cells are called plasma cells and secrete antibodies, and activated T cells include cytotoxic T cells and helper T cells, which carry out cell-mediated responses.

The production of effector cells in response to first-time exposure to an antigen is called the primary immune response. Memory cells are also produced at this time, but they do not become active at this point. However, if the organism is reexposed to the same antigen that stimulated their formation, the body mounts a second immune response that is led by these long-lasting memory cells, which then give rise to another population of identical effector and memory cells. This secondary mechanism is known as immunological memory, and it is responsible for the lifetime immunities to diseases such as measles that arise from childhood exposure to the causative pathogen.

Helper T cells do not directly kill infected cells, as cytotoxic T cells do. Instead they help activate cytotoxic T cells and macrophages to attack infected cells, or they stimulate B cells to secrete antibodies. Helper T cells become activated by interacting with antigen-presenting cells, such as macrophages. Antigen-presenting cells ingest a microbe, partially degrade it, and export fragments of the microbei.e., antigensto the cell surface, where they are presented in association with class II MHC molecules. A receptor on the surface of the helper T cell then binds to the MHC-antigen complex. But this event alone does not activate the helper T cell. Another signal is required, and it is provided in one of two ways: either through stimulation by a cytokine or through a costimulatory reaction between the signaling protein, B7, found on the surface of the antigen-presenting cell, and the receptor protein, CD28, on the surface of the helper T cell. If the first signal and one of the second signals are received, the helper T cell becomes activated to proliferate and to stimulate the appropriate immune cell. If only the first signal is received, the T cell may be rendered anergicthat is, unable to respond to antigen.

A discussion of helper-T-cell activation is complicated by the fact that helper T cells are not a uniform group of cells but rather can be divided into two general subpopulationsTH1 and TH2 cellsthat have significantly different chemistry and function. These populations can be distinguished by the cytokines they secrete. TH1 cells primarily produce the cytokines gamma interferon, tumour necrosis factor-beta, and interleukin-2 (IL-2), while TH2 cells mainly synthesize the interleukins IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-10, and IL-13. The main role of the TH1 cells is to stimulate cell-mediated responses (those involving cytotoxic T cells and macrophages), while TH2 cells primarily assist in stimulating B cells to make antibodies.

Once the initial steps of activation have occurred, helper T cells synthesize other proteins, such as signaling proteins and the cell-surface receptors to which the signaling proteins bind. These signaling molecules play a critical role not only in activating the particular helper T cell but also in determining the ultimate functional role and final differentiation state of that cell. For example, the helper T cell produces and displays IL-2 receptors on its surface and also secretes IL-2 molecules, which bind to these receptors and stimulate the helper T cell to grow and divide.

The overall result of helper-T-cell activation is an increase in the number of helper T cells that recognize a specific foreign antigen, and several T-cell cytokines are produced. The cytokines have other consequences, one of which is that IL-2 allows cytotoxic or regulatory T cells that recognize the same antigen to become activated and to multiply. Cytotoxic T cells, in turn, can attack and kill other cells that express the foreign antigen in association with class I MHC molecules, whichas explained aboveare present on almost all cells. So, for example, cytotoxic T cells can attack target cells that express antigens made by viruses or bacteria growing within them. Regulatory T cells may be similar to cytotoxic T cells, but they are detected by their ability to suppress the action of B cells or even of helper T cells (perhaps by killing them). Regulatory T cells thus act to damp down the immune response and can sometimes predominate so as to suppress it completely.

A B cell becomes activated when its receptor recognizes an antigen and binds to it. In most cases, however, B-cell activation is dependent on a second factor mentioned abovestimulation by an activated helper T cell. Once a helper T cell has been activated by an antigen, it becomes capable of activating a B cell that has already encountered the same antigen. Activation is carried out through a cell-to-cell interaction that occurs between a protein called the CD40 ligand, which appears on the surface of the activated helper T cells, and the CD40 protein on the B-cell surface. The helper T cell also secretes cytokines, which can interact with the B cell and provide additional stimulation. Antigens that induce a response in this manner, which is the typical method of B-cell activation, are called T-dependent antigens.

Most antigens are T-dependent. Some, however, are able to stimulate B cells without the help of T cells. The T-independent antigens are usually large polymers with repeating, identical antigenic determinants. Such polymers often make up the outer coats and long, tail-like flagella of bacteria. Immunologists think that the enormous concentration of identical T-independent antigens creates a strong enough stimulus without requiring additional stimulation from helper T cells.

Interaction with antigens causes B cells to multiply into clones of immunoglobulin-secreting cells. Then the B cells are stimulated by various cytokines to develop into the antibody-producing cells called plasma cells. Each plasma cell can secrete several thousand molecules of immunoglobulin every minute and continue to do so for several days. A large amount of that particular antibody is released into the circulation. The initial burst of antibody production gradually decreases as the stimulus is removed (e.g., by recovery from infection), but some antibody continues to be present for several months afterward.

The process just described takes place among the circulating B lymphocytes. The B cells that are called memory cells, however, encounter antigen in the germinal centrescompartments in the lymphoid tissues where few T cells are presentand are activated in a different way. Memory cells, especially those with the most effective receptors, multiply extensively, but they do not secrete antibody. Instead, they remain in the tissues and the circulation for many months or even years. If, with the help of T cells, memory B cells encounter the activating antigen again, these B cells rapidly respond by dividing to form both activated cells that manufacture and release their specific antibody and another group of memory cells. The first group of memory cells behaves as though it remembers the initial contact with the antigen. So, for example, if the antigen is microbial and an individual is reinfected by the microbe, the memory cells trigger a rapid rise in the level of protective antibodies and thus prevent the associated illness from taking hold.

Many pathogenic microorganisms and toxins can be rendered harmless by the simple attachment of antibodies. For example, some harmful bacteria, such as those that cause diphtheria and tetanus, release toxins that poison essential body cells. Antibodies, especially IgG, that combine with such toxins neutralize them. Also susceptible to simple antibody attachment are the many infectious microbesincluding all viruses and some bacteria and protozoansthat live within the body cells. These pathogens bear special molecules that they use to attach themselves to the host cells so that they can penetrate and invade them. Antibodies can bind to these molecules to prevent invasion. Antibody attachment also can immobilize bacteria and protozoans that swim by means of whiplike flagella. In these instances antibodies protect simply by combining with the repeating protein units that make up these structures, although they do not kill or dispose of the microbes. The actual destruction of microbes involves phagocytosis by granulocytes and macrophages, and this is greatly facilitated by the participation of the complement system.

Complement is a term used to denote a group of more than 30 proteins that act in concert to enhance the actions of other defense mechanisms of the body. Complement proteins are produced by liver cells and, in many tissues, by macrophages. Most of these proteins circulate in the blood and other body fluids in an inactive form. They become activated in sequential fashion; once the first protein in the pathway is turned on, the following complement proteins are called into action, with each protein turning on the next one in line.

The action of complement is nonspecifici.e., complement proteins are not recognized by and do not interact with antigen-binding sites. In fact, complement proteins probably evolved before antibodies. Complement functions are similar among many species, and corresponding components from one species can carry out the same functions when introduced into another species. The complement system is ingenious in providing a way for antibodies, whatever their specificity, to produce the same biological effects when they combine with antigens.

Originally immunologists thought that the complement system was initiated only by antigen-antibody complexes, but later evidence showed that other substances, such as the surface components of a microorganism alone, could trigger complement activation. Thus, there are two complement activation pathways: the first one to be discovered, the classical pathway, which is initiated by antigen-antibody complexes; and the alternative pathway, which is triggered by other means, including invading pathogens or tumour cells. (The term alternative is something of a misnomer because this pathway almost certainly evolved before the classical pathway. The terminology reflects the order of discovery, not the evolutionary age of the pathways.) The classical and alternative pathways are composed of different proteins in the first part of their cascades, but eventually both pathways converge to activate the same complement components, which destroy and eliminate invading pathogens.

The classical complement pathway is activated most effectively by IgM and the most abundant of the immunoglobulins, IgG. But, for activation to occur, antibodies must be bound to antigens (the antigen-antibody complex mentioned above). Free antibodies do not activate complement. To initiate the cascade, the first complement protein in the pathway, C1, must interact with a bound immunoglobulin. Specifically, C1 interacts with the tail of the Y portion of the bound antibody moleculei.e., the nonspecific part of the antibody that does not bind antigen. Once bound to the antibody, C1 is cleaved, a process that activates C1 and allows it to split and activate the next complement component in the series. This process is repeated on the following proteins in the pathway until the complement protein C3the most abundant and biologically the most important component of the complement systemis activated. The classical and alternative complement pathways converge here, at the cleavage of the C3 molecule, which, once split, produces C3a and the large active form of C3, the fragment called C3b.

C3b carries out several functions:

It brings about lysis (bursting) of the target cell by activating subsequent steps in the cascade, leading to the formation of a ringlike structure called the membrane attack complex. This structure, which is composed of complement proteins C5 through C9, inserts itself into the membrane of the invading pathogen and creates a hole through which the cell contents leak out, killing the cell.

C3b can combine with another protein that converts more C3 protein to C3b.

C3b can initiate the alternative pathway of complement activation.

The small protein fragments that are released during the activation of complement are potent pharmacological agents that help promote an inflammatory response by causing mast cells and basophils to release histamine, which increases the permeability of blood vessels, and by attracting granulocytes and monocytes.

Thus, when a microbe penetrates the body, if antibodies reactive with its surface are already present (or if the microorganism activates complement without the help of antibodies, through the alternative complement pathway), the complete complement sequence may be activated and the microbe killed by damage to its outer membrane. This mechanism is effective only with bacteria that lack protective coats and with certain large viruses, but it is nevertheless important. Persons who lack C3 and thus cannot complete the later steps in the complement sequence are vulnerable to repeated bacterial infections.

Clearly such a biologically important chain of reactions could do more harm than good if its effects were to spread beyond the site of antigen invasion. Fortunately, the active intermediates at each stage in the complement sequence become rapidly inactivated or destroyed by inhibitors if they fail to initiate the next step. With rare exceptions, this confines the activation to the place in the body where it is needed.

Some cells that bear antigen-antibody complexes do not attract complement; their antibody molecules are far apart on the cell surface or are of a class that does not readily activate the complement system (e.g., IgA, IgD, and IgE). Other cells have outer membranes that are so tough or can be repaired so quickly that the cells are impermeable to activated complement. Still others are so large that phagocytes cannot ingest them. Such cells, however, can be attacked by killer cells present in the blood and lymphoid tissues. Killer cells, which may be either cytotoxic T cells or natural killer cells, have receptors that bind to the tail portion of the IgG antibody molecule (the part that does not bind to antigen). Once bound, killer cells insert a protein called perforin into the target cell, causing it to swell and burst. Killer cells do not harm bacteria, but they play a role in destroying body cells infected by viruses and some parasites.

The protection conferred by IgA antibodies, which are transported to the surface of mucous-membrane-lined passages, is somewhat different. Complement activation is not involved; there are no complement proteins in the lining of the gut or the respiratory tract. Here the available immune defense mechanism is primarily the action of IgA combining with microbes to prevent them from entering the cells of the lining. The bound microbes are then swept out of the body. IgA also appears to direct certain types of cell-mediated killing.

IgE antibodies also invoke unique mechanisms. As stated earlier, most IgE molecules are bound to special receptors on mast cells and basophils. When antigens bind to IgE antibodies on these cells, the interaction does not cause ingestion of the antigens but rather triggers the release of pharmacologically active chemical contents of the cells granules. The chemicals released cause a sudden increase in permeability of the local blood vessels, the adhesion and activation of platelets (blood cell fragments that trigger clotting), which release their own active agents, the contraction of smooth muscle in the gut or in the respiratory tubes, and the secretion of fluidsall of which tend to dislodge large multicellular parasites such as hookworms. Eosinophil granulocytes and IgE together are particularly effective at destroying parasites such as the flatworms that cause schistosomiasis. The eosinophils plaster themselves to the worms bound to IgE and release chemicals from their granules that break down the parasites tough protective skin. Therefore, IgE antibodiesalthough they can be a nuisance when they react with otherwise harmless antigensappear to have a special protective role against the larger parasites.

A newborn mammal has no opportunity to develop protective antibodies on its own, unless, as happens very rarely, it was infected while in the uterus. Yet it is born into an environment similar to its mothers, which contains all the potential microbial invaders to which she is exposed. Although the fetus possesses the components of innate immunity, it has few or none of its mothers lymphocytes. The placenta generally prevents the maternal lymphocytes from crossing into the uterus, where they would recognize the fetal tissues as foreign antigens and cause a reaction similar to the rejection of an incompatible organ transplant.

What is transferred across the placenta in many species is a fair sample of the mothers antibodies. How this happens depends on the structure of the placenta, which varies among species. In humans maternal IgG antibodiesbut not those of the other immunoglobulin classesare transported across the placenta into the fetal bloodstream throughout the second two-thirds of pregnancy. In many rodents a similar transfer occurs, but primarily across the yolk sac.

In horses and cattle, which have more layers of cells in their placentas, no antibodies are transferred during fetal life, and the newborn arrives into the world with no components of specific immunity. There is, however, a second mechanism that makes up for this deficiency. The early milk (colostrum) is very rich in antibodiesmainly IgA but also some IgM and IgGand during the first few days of life the newborn mammal can absorb these proteins intact from the digestive tract directly into the bloodstream. Drinking colostrum is therefore essential for newborn horses and cattle and required to a somewhat lesser extent by other mammals. The capacity of the digestive tract to absorb intact proteins must not last beyond one or two weeks, since once foods other than milk are ingested, the proteins and other antigens in them would also be absorbed intact and could act as immunogens to which the growing animal would become allergic (see immune system disorder: Allergies). IgA in milk is, however, rather resistant to digestion and can function within the gut even after intact absorption into the bloodstream has ended. Human colostrum is also rich in IgA, with the concentration highest immediately after birth.

After a newborn has received its supply of maternal antibodies, it is as fully protected as its mother. This means, of course, that if the mother has not developed immunity to a particular pathogen, the newborn will likewise be unprotected. For this reason, a physician may recommend that a prospective mother receive immunizations against tetanus and certain other disorders. (The active immunization of pregnant women against certain viral diseases, such as rubella [German measles], must be avoided, however, because the immunizing agent can cross the placenta and produce severe fetal complications.)

As important as the passively transferred maternal antibodies are, their effects are only temporary. The maternal antibodies in the blood become diluted as the animal grows; moreover, they gradually succumb to normal metabolic breakdown. Because the active development of acquired immunity is a slow and gradual process, young mammals actually become more susceptible to infection during their early stages of growth than they are immediately after birth.

Occasionally the transfer of maternal antibodies during fetal life can have harmful consequences. A well-known example of this is erythroblastosis fetalis, or hemolytic disease of the newborn, a disorder in which maternal antibodies destroy the childs red blood cells during late pregnancy and shortly after birth. The most severe form of erythroblastosis fetalis is Rh hemolytic disease, which develops when:

The mother is Rh-negative, which is to say her red blood cells lack the Rh factor.

Rh hemolytic disease can be prevented by giving the mother injections of anti-Rh antibody shortly after the birth of an Rh-positive child. This antibody destroys any Rh-positive fetal cells in the maternal circulation, thereby preventing the activation of the mothers immune system should she conceive another Rh-positive fetus.

In addition to their importance in cooperating with B cells that secrete specific antibodies, T cells have important, separate roles in protecting against antigens that have escaped or bypassed antibody defenses. Immunologists have long recognized that antibodies do not necessarily protect against viral infections, because many viruses can spread directly from cell to cell and thus avoid encountering antibodies in the bloodstream. It is also known that persons who fail to make antibodies are very susceptible to bacterial infections but are not unduly liable to viral infections. Protection in these cases results from cell-mediated immunity, which destroys and disposes of body cells in which viruses or other intracellular parasites (such as the bacteria that cause tuberculosis and leprosy) are actively growing, thus depriving microorganisms of their place to grow and exposing them to antibodies.

As discussed in the section Activation of T and B lymphocytes, cell-mediated immunity has two mechanisms. One involves activated helper T cells, which release cytokines. In particular, the gamma interferon produced by helper T cells greatly increases the ability of macrophages to kill ingested microbes; this can tip the balance against microbes that otherwise resist killing. Gamma interferon also stimulates natural killer cells. The second mechanism of cell-mediated immunity involves cytotoxic T cells. They attach themselves by their receptors to target cells whose surface expresses appropriate antigens (notably ones made by developing viruses) and damage the infected cells enough to kill them.

Cytotoxic T cells may kill infected cells in a number of ways. The mechanism of killing used by a given cytotoxic T cell depends mainly on a number of costimulatory signals. In short, cytotoxic T cells can kill their target cells either through the use of pore-forming molecules, such as perforins and various components of cytoplasmic granules, or by triggering a series of events with the target cell that activate a cell death program, a process called apoptosis. In general, the granular cytotoxic T cells tend to kill cells directly by releasing the potent contents of their cytotoxic granules at the site of cell-to-cell contact. This renders the cell membrane of the target cell permeable, which allows the cellular contents to leak out and the cell to die. The nongranular cytotoxic T cells often kill cells by inducing apoptosis, usually through the activation of a cell-surface protein called Fas. When a protein on the surface of the cytotoxic T cell interacts with the Fas protein on the target cell, Fas is activated and sends a signal to the nucleus of the target cell, thus initiating the cell death process. The target cell essentially commits suicide, thereby destroying the virus within the cell as well.

Read more:
Immune system - Britannica.com


National Psoriasis Foundation Immune System & Psoriasis

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

When the immune system functions properly, it protects the body against any invaders that might make you sick, such as bacteria, viruses or other pathogens. But in people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, the immune system goes into action even without these invaders. Instead, the immune system fights the bodys own tissues. In psoriatic disease, this battle is waged in the skin and joints.

Researchers who study psoriatic disease are still working to identify the substances inside the body that the immune response mistakes for antigens. One possibility could be certain kinds of bacteria. For example, in some cases, streptococcal infection (known as strep throat) can trigger a case of guttate psoriasis. Another possible antigen could be antimicrobial peptides, molecules that are a part of the immune system and work as the bodys own antibiotics. Research funded by the National Psoriasis Foundation found that a particular antimicrobial peptide can cause an autoimmune reaction in many people with moderate to severe psoriasis.

Inflammation is one of the weapons used by the immune system to fight an invader. For example, when you catch a virus or develop a bacterial infection, a type of immune cell called a T cell springs into action. When T cells recognize something as an invader also called an antigenT cells begin an inflammatory attack against the invader.

This attack is carried out by cytokines, which are proteins that help control the immune systems inflammatory response. Cytokines trigger inflammation, causing the blood vessels to expand and send more immune cells to different parts of the body. In psoriasis, this inflammation happens in the skin, leading to the red, itchy and scaly patches known as plaques. In psoriatic arthritis, this inflammation happens inside the body, leading to swollen and painful joints and tendons.

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National Psoriasis Foundation Immune System & Psoriasis


Immune System – KidsHealth – the Web’s most visited site …

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

The immune system, which is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, defends people against germs and microorganisms every day. In most cases, the immune system does a great job of keeping people healthy and preventing infections. But sometimes problems with the immune system can lead to illness and infection.

The immune system is the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. Through a series of steps called the immune response, the immune system attacks organisms and substances that invade body systems and cause disease.

The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. One of the important cells involved are white blood cells, also called leukocytes, which come in two basic types that combine to seek out and destroy disease-causing organisms or substances.

Leukocytes are produced or stored in many locations in the body, including the thymus, spleen, and bone marrow. For this reason, they're called the lymphoid organs. There are also clumps of lymphoid tissue throughout the body, primarily as lymph nodes, that house the leukocytes.

The leukocytes circulate through the body between the organs and nodes via lymphatic vessels and blood vessels. In this way, the immune system works in a coordinated manner to monitor the body for germs or substances that might cause problems.

The two basic types of leukocytes are:

A number of different cells are considered phagocytes. The most common type is the neutrophil, whichprimarily fights bacteria. If doctors are worried about a bacterial infection, they might order a blood test to see if a patient has an increased number of neutrophils triggered by the infection. Other types of phagocytes have their own jobs to make sure that the body responds appropriately to a specific type of invader.

The two kinds of lymphocytes are B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. Lymphocytes start out in the bone marrow and either stay there and mature into B cells, or they leave for the thymus gland, where they mature into T cells. B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes have separate functions: B lymphocytes are like the body's military intelligence system, seeking out their targets and sending defenses to lock onto them. T cells are like the soldiers, destroying the invaders that the intelligence system has identified.

When antigens (foreign substances that invade the body) are detected, several types of cells work together to recognize themand respond. These cells trigger the B lymphocytes to produce antibodies, which are specialized proteins that lock onto specific antigens.

Once produced, these antibodies stay in a person's body, so that if his or herimmune system encounters that antigen again, the antibodies are already there to do their job. So if someone gets sick with a certain disease, like chickenpox, that person usually won't get sick from it again.

This is also how immunizations prevent certain diseases. An immunization introduces the body to an antigen in a way that doesn't make someone sick, but does allow the body to produce antibodies that will then protect the person from future attack by the germ or substance that produces that particular disease.

Although antibodies can recognize an antigen and lock onto it, they are not capable of destroying it without help. That's the job of the T cells, which are part of the system that destroys antigens that have been tagged by antibodies or cells that have been infected or somehow changed. (Some T cells are actually called "killer cells.") T cells also are involved in helping signal other cells (like phagocytes) to do their jobs.

Antibodies also can neutralize toxins (poisonous or damaging substances) produced by different organisms. Lastly, antibodies can activate a group of proteins called complement that are also part of the immune system. Complement assists in killing bacteria, viruses, or infected cells.

All of these specialized cells and parts of the immune system offer the body protection against disease. This protection is called immunity.

Humans have three types of immunity innate, adaptive, and passive:

Everyone is born with innate (or natural) immunity, a type of general protection. Many of the germs that affect other species don't harm us. For example, the viruses that cause leukemia in cats or distemper in dogs don't affect humans. Innate immunity works both ways because some viruses that make humans ill such as the virus that causes HIV/AIDS don't make cats or dogs sick.

Innate immunity also includes the external barriers of the body, like the skin and mucous membranes (like those that line the nose, throat, and gastrointestinal tract), which are the first line of defense in preventing diseases from entering the body. If this outer defensive wall is broken (as througha cut), the skin attempts to heal the break quickly and special immune cells on the skin attack invading germs.

The second kind of protection is adaptive (or active) immunity, which develops throughout our lives. Adaptive immunity involves the lymphocytes and develops as people are exposed to diseases or immunized against diseases through vaccination.

Passive immunity is "borrowed" from another source and it lasts for a short time. For example, antibodies in a mother's breast milk give a baby temporary immunity to diseases the mother has been exposed to. This can help protect the baby against infection during the early years of childhood.

Everyone's immune system is different. Some people never seem to get infections, whereas others seem to be sick all the time. As people get older, they usually become immune to more germs as the immune system comes into contact with more and more of them. That's why adults and teens tend to get fewer colds than kids their bodies have learned to recognize and immediately attack many of the viruses that cause colds.

Disorders of the immune system fall intofour main categories:

Immunodeficiencies happen when a part of the immune system is missing or not working properly. Some people areborn with an immunodeficiency (known asprimary immunodeficiencies), although symptoms of the disorder might not appear until later in life. Immunodeficiencies also can be acquired through infection or produced by drugs (these are sometimes called secondary immunodeficiencies).

Immunodeficiencies can affect B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, or phagocytes. Examples of primary immunodeficiencies that can affect kids and teens are:

Acquired (or secondary) immunodeficiencies usually develop after someone has a disease, although they can also be the result of malnutrition, burns, or other medical problems. Certain medicines also can cause problems with the functioning of the immune system.

Acquired (secondary) immunodeficiencies include:

In autoimmune disorders, the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's healthy organs and tissues as though they were foreign invaders. Autoimmune diseases include:

Allergic disorders happen when the immune system overreacts to exposure to antigens in the environment. The substances that provoke such attacks are called allergens. The immune response can cause symptoms such as swelling, watery eyes, and sneezing, and even a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. Medicines called antihistamines can relieve most symptoms.

Allergic disorders include:

Cancer happens when cells grow out of control. This can includecells of the immune system. Leukemia, which involves abnormal overgrowth of leukocytes, is the most common childhood cancer. Lymphoma involves the lymphoid tissues and is also one of the more common childhood cancers. With current treatments, most cases of both types of cancer in kids and teens are curable.

Although immune system disorders usually can't be prevented, you can help your child's immune system stay stronger and fight illnesses by staying informed about your child's condition and working closely with your doctor.

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Immune System - KidsHealth - the Web's most visited site ...


The immune system: Cells, tissues, function, and disease

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

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The immune system: Cells, tissues, function, and disease


The Immune System Explained I Bacteria Infection – YouTube

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

Every second of your life you are under attack. Bacteria, viruses, spores and more living stuff wants to enter your body and use its resources for itself. The immune system is a powerful army of cells that fights like a T-Rex on speed and sacrifices itself for your survival. Without it you would die in no time. This sounds simple but the reality is complex, beautiful and just awesome. An animation of the immune system.

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Why you are still alive - The immune system explained

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The Immune System Explained I Bacteria Infection - YouTube


Adaptive immune system – Wikipedia

Friday, June 22nd, 2018

The adaptive immune system, also known as the acquired immune system or, more rarely, as the specific immune system, is a subsystem of the overall immune system that is composed of highly specialized, systemic cells and processes that eliminate pathogens or prevent their growth. The adaptive immune system is one of the two main immunity strategies found in vertebrates (the other being the innate immune system). Adaptive immunity creates immunological memory after an initial response to a specific pathogen, and leads to an enhanced response to subsequent encounters with that pathogen. This process of acquired immunity is the basis of vaccination. Like the innate system, the adaptive system includes both humoral immunity components and cell-mediated immunity components.

Unlike the innate immune system, the adaptive immune system is highly specific to a particular pathogen. Adaptive immunity can also provide long-lasting protection; for example, someone who recovers from measles is now protected against measles for their lifetime. In other cases it does not provide lifetime protection; for example, chickenpox. The adaptive system response destroys invading pathogens and any toxic molecules they produce. Sometimes the adaptive system is unable to distinguish harmful from harmless foreign molecules; the effects of this may be hayfever, asthma or any other allergy. Antigens are any substances that elicit the adaptive immune response. The cells that carry out the adaptive immune response are white blood cells known as lymphocytes. Two main broad classesantibody responses and cell mediated immune responseare also carried by two different lymphocytes (B cells and T cells). In antibody responses, B cells are activated to secrete antibodies, which are proteins also known as immunoglobulins. Antibodies travel through the bloodstream and bind to the foreign antigen causing it to inactivate, which does not allow the antigen to bind to the host.[1]

In acquired immunity, pathogen-specific receptors are "acquired" during the lifetime of the organism (whereas in innate immunity pathogen-specific receptors are already encoded in the germline). The acquired response is called "adaptive" because it prepares the body's immune system for future challenges (though it can actually also be maladaptive when it results in autoimmunity).[n 1]

The system is highly adaptable because of somatic hypermutation (a process of accelerated somatic mutations), and V(D)J recombination (an irreversible genetic recombination of antigen receptor gene segments). This mechanism allows a small number of genes to generate a vast number of different antigen receptors, which are then uniquely expressed on each individual lymphocyte. Since the gene rearrangement leads to an irreversible change in the DNA of each cell, all progeny (offspring) of that cell inherit genes that encode the same receptor specificity, including the memory B cells and memory T cells that are the keys to long-lived specific immunity.

A theoretical framework explaining the workings of the adaptive immune system is provided by immune network theory. This theory, which builds on established concepts of clonal selection, is being applied in the search for an HIV vaccine.

Adaptive immunity is triggered in vertebrates when a pathogen evades the innate immune system and (1) generates a threshold level of antigen and (2) generates "stranger" or "danger" signals activating dendritic cells.[2]

The major functions of the adaptive immune system include:

The cells of the adaptive immune system are T and B lymphocytes; lymphocytes are a subset of leukocyte. B cells and T cells are the major types of lymphocytes. The human body has about 2 trillion lymphocytes, constituting 2040% of white blood cells (WBCs); their total mass is about the same as the brain or liver. The peripheral blood contains 2% of circulating lymphocytes; the rest move within the tissues and lymphatic system.[1]

B cells and T cells are derived from the same multipotent hematopoietic stem cells, and are morphologically indistinguishable from one another until after they are activated. B cells play a large role in the humoral immune response, whereas T cells are intimately involved in cell-mediated immune responses. In all vertebrates except Agnatha, B cells and T cells are produced by stem cells in the bone marrow.[3]

T progenitors migrate from the bone marrow to the thymus where they are called thymocytes and where they develop into T cells. In humans, approximately 12% of the lymphocyte pool recirculates each hour to optimize the opportunities for antigen-specific lymphocytes to find their specific antigen within the secondary lymphoid tissues.[4] In an adult animal, the peripheral lymphoid organs contain a mixture of B and T cells in at least three stages of differentiation:

Adaptive immunity relies on the capacity of immune cells to distinguish between the body's own cells and unwanted invaders. The host's cells express "self" antigens. These antigens are different from those on the surface of bacteria or on the surface of virus-infected host cells ("non-self" or "foreign" antigens). The adaptive immune response is triggered by recognizing foreign antigen in the cellular context of an activated dendritic cell.

With the exception of non-nucleated cells (including erythrocytes), all cells are capable of presenting antigen through the function of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules.[3] Some cells are specially equipped to present antigen, and to prime naive T cells. Dendritic cells, B-cells, and macrophages are equipped with special "co-stimulatory" ligands recognized by co-stimulatory receptors on T cells, and are termed professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs).

Several T cells subgroups can be activated by professional APCs, and each type of T cell is specially equipped to deal with each unique toxin or microbial pathogen. The type of T cell activated, and the type of response generated, depends, in part, on the context in which the APC first encountered the antigen.[2]

Dendritic cells engulf exogenous pathogens, such as bacteria, parasites or toxins in the tissues and then migrate, via chemotactic signals, to the T cell-enriched lymph nodes. During migration, dendritic cells undergo a process of maturation in which they lose most of their ability to engulf other pathogens, and develop an ability to communicate with T-cells. The dendritic cell uses enzymes to chop the pathogen into smaller pieces, called antigens. In the lymph node, the dendritic cell displays these non-self antigens on its surface by coupling them to a receptor called the major histocompatibility complex, or MHC (also known in humans as human leukocyte antigen (HLA)). This MHC: antigen complex is recognized by T-cells passing through the lymph node. Exogenous antigens are usually displayed on MHC class II molecules, which activate CD4+T helper cells.[2]

Endogenous antigens are produced by intracellular bacteria and viruses replicating within a host cell.The host cell uses enzymes to digest virally associated proteins, and displays these pieces on its surface to T-cells by coupling them to MHC. Endogenous antigens are typically displayed on MHC class I molecules, and activate CD8+ cytotoxic T-cells. With the exception of non-nucleated cells (including erythrocytes), MHC class I is expressed by all host cells.[2]

Cytotoxic T cells (also known as TC, killer T cell, or cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL)) are a sub-group of T cells that induce the death of cells that are infected with viruses (and other pathogens), or are otherwise damaged or dysfunctional.[2]

Naive cytotoxic T cells are activated when their T-cell receptor (TCR) strongly interacts with a peptide-bound MHC class I molecule. This affinity depends on the type and orientation of the antigen/MHC complex, and is what keeps the CTL and infected cell bound together.[2] Once activated, the CTL undergoes a process called clonal selection, in which it gains functions and divides rapidly to produce an army of armed effector cells. Activated CTL then travels throughout the body searching for cells that bear that unique MHC Class I + peptide.[citation needed]

When exposed to these infected or dysfunctional somatic cells, effector CTL release perforin and granulysin: cytotoxins that form pores in the target cell's plasma membrane, allowing ions and water to flow into the infected cell, and causing it to burst or lyse. CTL release granzyme, a serine protease that enters cells via pores to induce apoptosis (cell death). To limit extensive tissue damage during an infection, CTL activation is tightly controlled and in general requires a very strong MHC/antigen activation signal, or additional activation signals provided by "helper" T-cells (see below).[2]

On resolution of the infection, most effector cells die and phagocytes clear them awaybut a few of these cells remain as memory cells.[3] On a later encounter with the same antigen, these memory cells quickly differentiate into effector cells, dramatically shortening the time required to mount an effective response.[citation needed]

CD4+ lymphocytes, also called "helper" or "regulatory" T cells, are immune response mediators, and play an important role in establishing and maximizing the capabilities of the adaptive immune response.[2] These cells have no cytotoxic or phagocytic activity; and cannot kill infected cells or clear pathogens, but, in essence "manage" the immune response, by directing other cells to perform these tasks.

Helper T cells express T cell receptors (TCR) that recognize antigen bound to Class II MHC molecules. The activation of a naive helper T-cell causes it to release cytokines, which influences the activity of many cell types, including the APC (Antigen-Presenting Cell) that activated it. Helper T-cells require a much milder activation stimulus than cytotoxic T cells. Helper T cells can provide extra signals that "help" activate cytotoxic cells.[3]

Classically, two types of effector CD4+ T helper cell responses can be induced by a professional APC, designated Th1 and Th2, each designed to eliminate different types of pathogens. The factors that dictate whether an infection triggers a Th1 or Th2 type response are not fully understood, but the response generated does play an important role in the clearance of different pathogens.[2]

The Th1 response is characterized by the production of Interferon-gamma, which activates the bactericidal activities of macrophages, and induces B cells to make opsonizing (coating) and complement-fixing antibodies, and leads to cell-mediated immunity.[2] In general, Th1 responses are more effective against intracellular pathogens (viruses and bacteria that are inside host cells).

The Th2 response is characterized by the release of Interleukin 5, which induces eosinophils in the clearance of parasites.[6] Th2 also produce Interleukin 4, which facilitates B cell isotype switching.[2] In general, Th2 responses are more effective against extracellular bacteria, parasites including helminths and toxins.[2] Like cytotoxic T cells, most of the CD4+ helper cells die on resolution of infection, with a few remaining as CD4+ memory cells.

Increasingly, there is strong evidence from mouse and human-based scientific studies of a broader diversity in CD4+ effector T helper cell subsets. Regulatory T (Treg) cells, have been identified as important negative regulators of adaptive immunity as they limit and suppresses the immune system to control aberrant immune responses to self-antigens; an important mechanism in controlling the development of autoimmune diseases.[3] Follicular helper T (Tfh) cells are another distinct population of effector CD4+ T cells that develop from naive T cells post-antigen activation. Tfh cells are specialized in helping B cell humoral immunity as they are uniquely capable of migrating to follicular B cells in secondary lymphoid organs and provide them positive paracrine signals to enable the generation and recall production of high-quality affinity-matured antibodies. Similar to Tregs, Tfh cells also play a role in immunological tolerance as an abnormal expansion of Tfh cell numbers can lead to unrestricted autoreactive antibody production causing severe systemic autoimmune disorders.[7]

The relevance of CD4+ T helper cells is highlighted during an HIV infection. HIV is able to subvert the immune system by specifically attacking the CD4+ T cells, precisely the cells that could drive the clearance of the virus, but also the cells that drive immunity against all other pathogens encountered during an organism's lifetime.[3]

Gamma delta T cells ( T cells) possess an alternative T cell receptor (TCR) as opposed to CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and share characteristics of helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells. Like other 'unconventional' T cell subsets bearing invariant TCRs, such as CD1d-restricted natural killer T cells, T cells exhibit characteristics that place them at the border between innate and adaptive immunity. On one hand, T cells may be considered a component of adaptive immunity in that they rearrange TCR genes via V(D)J recombination, which also produces junctional diversity, and develop a memory phenotype. On the other hand, however, the various subsets may also be considered part of the innate immune system where a restricted TCR or NK receptors may be used as a pattern recognition receptor. For example, according to this paradigm, large numbers of V9/V2 T cells respond within hours to common molecules produced by microbes, and highly restricted intraepithelial V1 T cells respond to stressed epithelial cells.

B Cells are the major cells involved in the creation of antibodies that circulate in blood plasma and lymph, known as humoral immunity. Antibodies (also known as immunoglobulin, Ig), are large Y-shaped proteins used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects. In mammals, there are five types of antibody: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM, differing in biological properties; each has evolved to handle different kinds of antigens. Upon activation, B cells produce antibodies, each of which recognize a unique antigen, and neutralizing specific pathogens.[2]

Antigen and antibody binding would cause five different protective mechanism:

Like the T cell, B cells express a unique B cell receptor (BCR), in this case, a membrane-bound antibody molecule. All the BCR of any one clone of B cells recognizes and binds to only one particular antigen. A critical difference between B cells and T cells is how each cell "sees" an antigen. T cells recognize their cognate antigen in a processed form as a peptide in the context of an MHC molecule,[2] whereas B cells recognize antigens in their native form.[2] Once a B cell encounters its cognate (or specific) antigen (and receives additional signals from a helper T cell (predominately Th2 type)), it further differentiates into an effector cell, known as a plasma cell.[2]

Plasma cells are short-lived cells (23 days) that secrete antibodies. These antibodies bind to antigens, making them easier targets for phagocytes, and trigger the complement cascade.[2] About 10% of plasma cells survive to become long-lived antigen-specific memory B cells.[2] Already primed to produce specific antibodies, these cells can be called upon to respond quickly if the same pathogen re-infects the host, while the host experiences few, if any, symptoms.

Although the classical molecules of the adaptive immune system (e.g., antibodies and T cell receptors) exist only in jawed vertebrates, a distinct lymphocyte-derived molecule has been discovered in primitive jawless vertebrates, such as the lamprey and hagfish. These animals possess a large array of molecules called variable lymphocyte receptors (VLRs for short) that, like the antigen receptors of jawed vertebrates, are produced from only a small number (one or two) of genes. These molecules are believed to bind pathogenic antigens in a similar way to antibodies, and with the same degree of specificity.[8]

When B cells and T cells are activated some become memory B cells and some memory T cells. Throughout the lifetime of an animal these memory cells form a database of effective B and T lymphocytes. Upon interaction with a previously encountered antigen, the appropriate memory cells are selected and activated. In this manner, the second and subsequent exposures to an antigen produce a stronger and faster immune response. This is "adaptive" because the body's immune system prepares itself for future challenges, but is "maladaptive" of course if the receptors are autoimmune. Immunological memory can be in the form of either passive short-term memory or active long-term memory.

Passive memory is usually short-term, lasting between a few days and several months. Newborn infants have had no prior exposure to microbes and are particularly vulnerable to infection. Several layers of passive protection are provided by the mother. In utero, maternal IgG is transported directly across the placenta, so that, at birth, human babies have high levels of antibodies, with the same range of antigen specificities as their mother.[2] Breast milk contains antibodies (mainly IgA) that are transferred to the gut of the infant, protecting against bacterial infections, until the newborn can synthesize its own antibodies.[2]

This is passive immunity because the fetus does not actually make any memory cells or antibodies: It only borrows them. Short-term passive immunity can also be transferred artificially from one individual to another via antibody-rich serum.

In general, active immunity is long-term and can be acquired by infection followed by B cells and T cells activation, or artificially acquired by vaccines, in a process called immunization.

Historically, infectious disease has been the leading cause of death in the human population. Over the last century, two important factors have been developed to combat their spread: sanitation and immunization.[3] Immunization (commonly referred to as vaccination) is the deliberate induction of an immune response, and represents the single most effective manipulation of the immune system that scientists have developed.[3] Immunizations are successful because they utilize the immune system's natural specificity as well as its inducibility.

The principle behind immunization is to introduce an antigen, derived from a disease-causing organism, that stimulates the immune system to develop protective immunity against that organism, but that does not itself cause the pathogenic effects of that organism. An antigen (short for antibody generator), is defined as any substance that binds to a specific antibody and elicits an adaptive immune response.[1]

Most viral vaccines are based on live attenuated viruses, whereas many bacterial vaccines are based on acellular components of microorganisms, including harmless toxin components.[1] Many antigens derived from acellular vaccines do not strongly induce an adaptive response, and most bacterial vaccines require the addition of adjuvants that activate the antigen-presenting cells of the innate immune system to enhance immunogenicity.[3]

Most large molecules, including virtually all proteins and many polysaccharides, can serve as antigens.[2] The parts of an antigen that interact with an antibody molecule or a lymphocyte receptor, are called epitopes, or antigenic determinants. Most antigens contain a variety of epitopes and can stimulate the production of antibodies, specific T cell responses, or both.[2] A very small proportion (less than 0.01%) of the total lymphocytes are able to bind to a particular antigen, which suggests that only a few cells respond to each antigen.[3]

For the adaptive response to "remember" and eliminate a large number of pathogens the immune system must be able to distinguish between many different antigens,[1] and the receptors that recognize antigens must be produced in a huge variety of configurations, in essence one receptor (at least) for each different pathogen that might ever be encountered. Even in the absence of antigen stimulation, a human can produce more than 1 trillion different antibody molecules.[3] Millions of genes would be required to store the genetic information that produces these receptors, but, the entire human genome contains fewer than 25,000 genes.[9]

Myriad receptors are produced through a process known as clonal selection.[1][2] According to the clonal selection theory, at birth, an animal randomly generates a vast diversity of lymphocytes (each bearing a unique antigen receptor) from information encoded in a small family of genes. To generate each unique antigen receptor, these genes have undergone a process called V(D)J recombination, or combinatorial diversification, in which one gene segment recombines with other gene segments to form a single unique gene. This assembly process generates the enormous diversity of receptors and antibodies, before the body ever encounters antigens, and enables the immune system to respond to an almost unlimited diversity of antigens.[2] Throughout an animal's lifetime, lymphocytes that can react against the antigens an animal actually encounters are selected for actiondirected against anything that expresses that antigen.

Note that the innate and adaptive portions of the immune system work together, not in spite of each other. The adaptive arm, B, and T cells couldn't function without the innate system' input. T cells are useless without antigen-presenting cells to activate them, and B cells are crippled without T cell help. On the other hand, the innate system would likely be overrun with pathogens without the specialized action of the adaptive immune response.

The cornerstone of the immune system is the recognition of "self" versus "non-self". Therefore, the mechanisms that protect the human fetus (which is considered "non-self") from attack by the immune system, are particularly interesting. Although no comprehensive explanation has emerged to explain this mysterious, and often repeated, lack of rejection, two classical reasons may explain how the fetus is tolerated. The first is that the fetus occupies a portion of the body protected by a non-immunological barrier, the uterus, which the immune system does not routinely patrol.[2] The second is that the fetus itself may promote local immunosuppression in the mother, perhaps by a process of active nutrient depletion.[2] A more modern explanation for this induction of tolerance is that specific glycoproteins expressed in the uterus during pregnancy suppress the uterine immune response (see eu-FEDS).

During pregnancy in viviparous mammals (all mammals except Monotremes), endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are activated and produced in high quantities during the implantation of the embryo. They are currently known to possess immunosuppressive properties, suggesting a role in protecting the embryo from its mother's immune system. Also, viral fusion proteins cause the formation of the placental syncytium[10] to limit exchange of migratory cells between the developing embryo and the body of the mother (something an epithelium can't do sufficiently, as certain blood cells specialize to insert themselves between adjacent epithelial cells). The immunodepressive action was the initial normal behavior of the virus, similar to HIV. The fusion proteins were a way to spread the infection to other cells by simply merging them with the infected one (HIV does this too). It is believed that the ancestors of modern viviparous mammals evolved after an infection by this virus, enabling the fetus to survive the immune system of the mother.[11]

The human genome project found several thousand ERVs classified into 24 families.[12]

A theoretical framework explaining the workings of the adaptive immune system is provided by immune network theory, based on interactions between idiotypes (unique molecular features of one clonotype, i.e. the unique set of antigenic determinants of the variable portion of an antibody) and 'anti-idiotypes' (antigen receptors that react with the idiotype as if it were a foreign antigen). This theory, which builds on the existing clonal selection hypothesis and since 1974 has been developed mainly by Niels Jerne and Geoffrey W. Hoffmann, is seen as being relevant to the understanding of the HIV pathogenesis and the search for an HIV vaccine.

One of the most interesting developments in biomedical science during the past few decades has been elucidation of mechanisms mediating innate immunity. One set of innate immune mechanisms is humoral, such as complement activation. Another set comprises pattern recognition receptors such as toll-like receptors, which induce the production of interferons and other cytokines increasing resistance of cells such as monocytes to infections.[13] Cytokines produced during innate immune responses are among the activators of adaptive immune responses.[13] Antibodies exert additive or synergistic effects with mechanisms of innate immunity. Unstable HbS clusters Band-3, a major integral red cell protein;[14] antibodies recognize these clusters and accelerate their removal by phagocytic cells. Clustered Band 3 proteins with attached antibodies activate complement, and complement C3 fragments are opsonins recognized by the CR1 complement receptor on phagocytic cells.[15]

A population study has shown that the protective effect of the sickle-cell trait against falciparum malaria involves the augmentation of adaptive as well as innate immune responses to the malaria parasite, illustrating the expected transition from innate to adaptive immunity.[16]

Repeated malaria infections strengthen adaptive immunity and broaden its effects against parasites expressing different surface antigens. By school age most children have developed efficacious adaptive immunity against malaria. These observations raise questions about mechanisms that favor the survival of most children in Africa while allowing some to develop potentially lethal infections.

In malaria, as in other infections,[13] innate immune responses lead into, and stimulate, adaptive immune responses. The genetic control of innate and adaptive immunity is now a large and flourishing discipline.

Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses limit malaria parasite multiplication, and many cytokines contribute to the pathogenesis of malaria as well as to the resolution of infections.[17]

The adaptive immune system, which has been best-studied in mammals, originated in jawed fish approximately 500 million years ago. Most of the molecules, cells, tissues, and associated mechanisms of this system of defense are found in cartilaginous fishes.[18] Lymphocyte receptors, Ig and TCR, are found in all jawed vertebrates. The most ancient Ig class, IgM, is membrane-bound and then secreted upon stimulation of cartilaginous fish B cells. Another isotype, shark IgW, is related to mammalian IgD. TCRs, both / and /, are found in all animals from gnathostomes to mammals. The organization of gene segments that undergo gene rearrangement differs in cartilaginous fishes, which have a cluster form as compared to the translocon form in bony fish to mammals. Like TCR and Ig, the MHC is found only in jawed vertebrates. Genes involved in antigen processing and presentation, as well as the class I and class II genes, are closely linked within the MHC of almost all studied species.

Lymphoid cells can be identified in some pre-vertebrate deuterostomes (i.e., sea urchins).[19] These bind antigen with pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) of the innate immune system. In jawless fishes, two subsets of lymphocytes use variable lymphocyte receptors (VLRs) for antigen binding.[20] Diversity is generated by a cytosine deaminase-mediated rearrangement of LRR-based DNA segments.[21] There is no evidence for the recombination-activating genes (RAGs) that rearrange Ig and TCR gene segments in jawed vertebrates.

The evolution of the AIS, based on Ig, TCR, and MHC molecules, is thought to have arisen from two major evolutionary events: the transfer of the RAG transposon (possibly of viral origin) and two whole genome duplications.[18] Though the molecules of the AIS are well-conserved, they are also rapidly evolving. Yet, a comparative approach finds that many features are quite uniform across taxa. All the major features of the AIS arose early and quickly. Jawless fishes have a different AIS that relies on gene rearrangement to generate diversity but has little else in common with the jawed vertebrate AIS. The innate immune system, which has an important role in AIS activation, is the most important defense system of invertebrates and plants.

Immunity can be acquired either actively or passively. Immunity is acquired actively when a person is exposed to foreign substances and the immune system responds. Passive immunity is when antibodies are transferred from one host to another. Both actively acquired and passively acquired immunity can be obtained by natural or artificial means.

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The Immune System: The Body’s Defense Department

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

The Immune Response Influence On Health

Greg B. Wilson, Ph.D. and James B. Daily, Jr., Ph.D. - "Our health is directly influenced by our immune system. The onset of almost all infectious and degenerative disease is preceded or accompanied by inadequate immune response. With intensifying concerns about the perils of vaccinations and antibiotic resistant organisms, a new weapon against disease is sorely needed.

"The long term effects of the breakdown of the immune system can be seen in increased infections, auto-immune disorders and tumor formation. The body's last ditch effort to compensate for the loss of internal defenses is to hyper activate the depressed immune function. What it may do is over stimulate the immune function, sacrificing the "self" - "not self" regulatory mechanisms.

The defenses then perceive its own organs and systems as "not self" and begin to mount defenses against them. This starts the precipitous march toward auto immune disorders such as SLE, Multiple Sclerosis , Rhumathoid Arthritis and possibly Chronic Fatigue Syndrome."

Linda Page, N.D. Ph.D . - "What does the immune system really do? Immune defense is autonomic, using its own subconscious memory to establish antigens against harmful pathogens. It's a system that works on its own to fend off or neutralize disease toxins, and set up a healing environment for the body. It is this quality of being a part of us, yet not under our conscious control, that is the great power of immune response. It is also the dilemma of medical scientists as they struggle to get control of a system that is all pervasive and yet, in the end, impossible to completely understand. Maintaining strong immune defenses in today's world is not easy.

Daily exposure to environmental pollutants, the emotional and excessive stresses of modern lifestyles, chemicalized foods, and new virus mutations are all a challenge to our immune systems. Devastating, immune compromised diseases are rising all over the world. Reduced immunity is the main factor in opportunistic diseases, like candida albicans, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, HIV, hepatitis, mononucleosis, herpes II, sexually transmitted diseases and cancer. These diseases have become the epidemic of our time, and most of us don't have very much to fight with. An overload of antibiotics, antacids, immunizations, cortico-steroid drugs, and environmental pollutants eventually affect immune system balance to the point where it cannot distinguish harmful cells from healthy cells."

"The period once euphemistically called the Age of the Miracle Drug is now dead. And the indiscriminate use of antibiotics is leading us to one of the most frightening eras in recent memory. That is, the return of infectious diseases for which there is no effective treatment. Two decades following the introduction of antibiotics, the medical community began to see a disturbing trend. Bacterial infections that were once treatable no longer responded to antibiotics. Penicillin is effective today against only 10 percent of the strains of Staphylococcus aureus that it used to eradicate easily. Those that did respond often required five to ten times the dose of the drug that previously was effective. One example of this is the resistant strains of gonorrhea that developed as a result of the antibiotics that were used to treat it." Michael Traub, N.D.

Officials from the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control have reported that the overuse of antibiotics in medicine has created an epidemic of superbugs that are antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Doctors fear that if antibiotic use is not curtailed, we may soon approach the day when untreatable infections are rampant.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson M.D - "To strengthen the immune system, one must address the needs of the whole body. A strong immune system is essential for health.It is a very complex system of the body, involving the skin, intestines, nasal mucosa, blood, lymph and many other organs and tissues.Factors that impair the immune system include nutrient deficiencies, contaminated air, water and food, unhealthful lifestyles and too much exposure to harmful microbes. Other factors that weaken the immune system are negative attitudes and emotions and the presence of toxic metals, toxic chemicals and biological toxins in the body. Others are sluggish metabolism, lack of rest and sleep, excessive stress or too much exercise.As these causative factors are removed or corrected, the immune system improves."

The human and animal immune system is a truly amazing constellation of responses to attacks from outside the body. It has many facets, a number of which can change to optimize the response to these unwanted intrusions

Towards the end of Louis Pasteur's life, he confessed that germs may not be the cause of disease after all, but may simply be another symptom of disease. He had come to realize that germs seem to lead to illness primarily when the person's immune and defense system, (what biologists call"host resistance") is not strong enough to combat them. The "cause" of disease is not simply a bacteria but also the factors that compromise host resistance, including the person's hereditary endowment, his nutritional state, the stresses in his life, and his psychological state.

The term "autoimmune disease" refers to a varied group of more than 80 serious, chronic illnesses that involve almost every human organ system. It includes diseases of the nervous, gastrointestinal, and endocrine systems as well as skin and other connective tissues, eyes blood, and blood vessel. In all of these diseases, the underlying problem is similar--the body's immune system becomes misdirected, attacking the very organs it was designed to protect. The immune system is a scapegoat for a variety of ills in this wide-ranging but tendentious guide to approaching diseases like lupus, Crohn's disease, MS, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Every mother (human or mammal) that breast feeds her baby, passes all of the immunity gained throughout her lifetime on to her infant. A healthy immune system removes toxins and damaged cellular material.

* Remove harmful heavy metals.* Remove daily toxins.* Remove damaged cellular materials.* Destroy foreign substances.

This compelling memoir of a life-or-death struggle with immune deficiency and the medical profession illuminates that dark side of medicine where unfounded beliefs substitute for scientific knowledge. You must read this book if you have unexplained medical problems such as debilitating fatigue and pain -you can't think clearly because of brain fog - your doctor implies that it's all in your head - you want help and inspiration to find the cause and a solution.

" Immune Dysfunction: Winning My Battle Against Toxins, Illness and The Medical Establishment is the personal and compelling story of Judith Lopez and her experiences with medical mismanagement and malpractice. Judith documents her struggle with a mystery malady that was life threatening. All the while her doctors sought to discount chronic fatigue syndrome, yeast syndrome, and environmental illnesses as merely sociogenic problems, the result of a mass hysteria or psychosomatic illness. After a twenty year battle with an illness the medical community proclaimed to be non-existent, Judith finally connected with Doctor Vincent Marinkovich, a Stanford professor and authority on clinical immunology and allergy, who was able to understand and treat her symptoms. Immune Dysfunction is a powerful and engaging medical memoir and highly recommended reading for anyone suffering from any form of environmentally generated illness whose physicians are trying to palm off as a form of hysteria or mental illness, as well as medical students, health workers, and practicing physicians concerned with the proper diagnosis and treatment of the rapidly growing numbers of men, women, and children who are experiencing environmentally driven immune system dysfunctions."

Unprecedented exposure to chemical contaminants, pollution, toxic products and stress has increased unhealthy conditions, from arthritis andcancer to heart disease, and even the symptoms of aging. Its no wonder so many people are suffering from fatigue and chronic illness, as well as chronic infections with viruses, bacteria and fungi.You can learn how to protect yourself from the forces that can damage your body and wear down your immune system

Standard Western Medicine strives to suppress the immune response, working against the body. If there is a fever, lower it, if inflammation is present provide steroids to remove it and of course if Western Medicine thinks a bacteria or virus is present or doesn't know what is wrong, a dose of antibioticsis provided. This way of doing things can be effective in the immediate term, and important in life threatening situations, but potentially devastating in the long term especially when over-used. Because, what eventually happens, is that immune system becomes weak and ineffective or damaged and over-reactive and disease is pushed deeper into the body to come back stronger and more difficult to get rid of at a later date. This is called trading ACUTE disease for long-term CHRONIC disease, and it is one reason why so many of us are chronically ill today. A Holistic health care practitioner will not want to suppress symptoms unless they view it to be absolutely necessary, because those symptoms are a sign the immune system is working and doing its job.

Alexander Fleming, the scientist who discovered penicillin, cautioned against the overuse of antibiotics . Unless the scientific community and the general public heed his warning, Harvard professor Walter Gilbert, a Nobel prizewinner in chemistry, asserted, "There may be a time down the road when 80% to 90% of infections will be resistant to all known antibiotics."

Although the suppressive therapies are hard on the body, they do not compare with the rampant idiocy of using antibiotics for viral infections. Thankfully some measure of sanity appears to be returning to the medical profession. More and more doctors are avoiding prescribing antibiotics for colds and flus. Several critical observations must be made here. First, antibiotics are totally ineffective against viruses. The excuse most often heard for prescribing antibiotics in a viral illness is to prophylactically protect the body against a secondary bacterial infection. This is an idea proven to be false decades ago. In the United States, of the 5 most common antibiotics prescribed, three are broad spectrum. That's a problem!

Second, the basis of antibiotics is mold. Through millions of years of evolution, bacteria and mold have coexisted in nature - in the soil, plants and animals. When one of them developed an evolutionary edge over the other and began to shift the balance in favor of itself, the other must have rapidly learned to defend itself against this new attack. If this were not true, we would only have either bacteria or molds but not both. By using mold, we thought we could slay one step ahead of bacteria in the evolutionary scale because we're so smart. Well, the yolk is on us, the bacteria are winning, and at a record pace. So in our attempt to wipe out bacteria, we forced them into a revolutionary evolutionary change and we damaged our immunity so badly that we become easy prey for viruses. Additional side effects of antibiotics are immune suppression and the increased susceptibility to parasites.

The long term effects of the breakdown of the immune system can be seen in increased infections, auto-immune disorders and tumor formation. The body's last ditch effort to compensate for the loss of internal defenses is to hyper activate the depressed immune function. What it may do is over stimulate the immune function, sacrificing the "self" - "not self" regulatory mechanisms. The defenses then perceive its own organs and systems as "not self" and begin to mount defenses against them. This starts the precipitous march toward auto immune disorders such as SLE, MS, RA, and possibly CFS.

In "Beyond Antibiotics" Drs. Schmidt, Smith, and Sehnert explore the problems presented by the overuse of these drugs. More importantly, they show how to build immunity, improve resistance to infections, and avoid antibiotics when possible. The scientific community and the general public have ignored the insights of the late Pasteur and have ignored the importance of host resistance in preventing illnessmore on Louis Pasteur

Marlice Vonck DVM. - The unfolding events surrounding Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, (SARS) is yet another painful reminder that we live in a crowded world where continents are only a plane ride away. The SARS epidemic is only one of an ongoing series of new emerging diseases. Our best global and personal strategy is to do all in our power to ensure and support our unique abilities of disease resistance and immunity

Dr. Lawrence Wilson -" Factors that impair the immune system include nutrient deficiencies, contaminated air, water and food, unhealthful lifestyles and too much exposure to harmful microbes.Other factors that weaken the immune system are negative attitudes and emotions and the presence of toxic metals, toxic chemicals and biological toxins in the body.Others are sluggish metabolism, lack of rest and sleep, excessive stress or too much exercise. As these causative factors are removed or corrected, the immune system improves."

Your immune system is constantly on the prowl for pathogens and foreign antigen agents of cellular damage, toxicity and disease. These antigens include viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi and even pre-cancerous cells. To neutralize these pathogens, the body needs a ready supply ofglutathione. If it doesn't have enough, some of the invaders will get through, infecting the body and/or contributing to aging, long-term accumulative damage even eventual cancers. We cant avoid illness and aging altogether, but by keeping our intracellular glutathione levelselevated, we also keep our immune system on full alert and fully armed.

Professor Dr. Wulf Droge MD - "The human immune system is extremely dependent on adequate glutathione levels to perform properly. Even a partial depletion of the intracellular glutathione pool has a dramatic consequence for the process of blast transformation and proliferation, and for the generation of cytotoxic T cells." ( T cells are those cells which help the body defend against diseases.) Abstract: - Cysteine and glutathione in catabolic conditions and immunological dysfunction. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 2(3):227-233, May 1999. Droge, Wulf

We have all heard stories of apparently miraculous recoveries from terminal cancer, but are any of these accounts true? Absolutely. Medical journals have published thousands of case histories about seemingly incurable patients who have seen their cancers disappear in the absence of medical treatment. These examples of spontaneous regression demonstrate the power of the human immune system. It can cure cancer.

Studies confirm that the eight essential biologically active sugars can accomplish amazing results. The following are just a few examples of the exciting possibilities of Glyconutrition:

Homeopathy as a properly practiced art, stimulates an accelerated immune system response. Back in the early 1800's homeopathy carved out a reputation for itself with the extraordinary results its treating patients during epidemics. The battle of Leipzig in 1813 caused an outbreak of typhus which Hahnemann treated. Of the 180 patients he treated, only 2 died, the medical profession had a greater than 50% mortality rate. During the winter of 1831-1832 a cholera epidemic broke out in Europe. The homeopathic patients had a 4% mortality rate compared to over 50% with conventional medicine.

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride "...about 85 percent of our immune system is located in the gut wall,she says.This fact has been established by basic physiology research in the 1930s and the 1940s. Your gut, your digestive wall, is the biggest and the most important immune organ in your body. There is a very tight conversation and a relationship going on between the gut flora microbiome that lives inside your digestive system, and your immune system...Your gut flora the state of the gut flora and the composition of microbes in your gut flora has a profound effect on what forms of immune cells you will be producing on any given day, what they're going to be doing, and how balanced your immune system is. Dr. Campbell-McBride is the author of"Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia"

The intestinal lining becomes porous when it is inflamed, oxidized, toxic, and lacking in energy. This is called 'leaky gut.' This allows for "translocation" of toxins and noxious organisms from the intestines to the rest of our body. One of the many problems that result is a priming of the "systemic immune system" to attack molecules and tissues it should not be attacking. This means that the immune system you are more familiar with (white cells, antibodies, immunoglobulins, etc.) is overwhelmed, and confused. This is the main reason why we develop "autoimmune" problems, such as arthritis, lupus, thyroiditis, etc.

"The intricate interface between immune system and metabolism" (J. Trends in Immunology 2004;25:193.) reminds us of the concept of "Metabolomics." By improving our cells' ability to produce energy, we also improve our immune system. After all, it also needs energy to function. This also means that being obese and prediabetic compromises our immune system. By improving insulin resistance improves the immune system.

Enzymes are proteins that facilitate chemical reactions in living organisms. They are required for every single chemical action that takes place in your body. All of your tissues, muscles, bones, organs and cells are run by enzymes. Your digestive system, immune system, bloodstream, liver, kidneys, spleen and pancreas, as well as your ability to see, think, feel and breathe, all depend on enzymes.Systemic enzymes, sometimes called metabolic or proteolytic enzymes , are produced by the pancreas to repair the body ... to build and restore tissues.In fact, they are a necessary component of all other functions in the body besides digestion, and your body is unable to produce enough of them because we eat cooked foods.

Animal studies have shown that an increase in fat intake can decrease the number of natural killer (NK) cells found in the blood and spleen. NK cells are an integral part of the natural immune response to virus infections and certain types of cancer. Researchers at Oxford University now report that fish oil significantly decreases NK cell activity in healthy human subjects.

Their clinical trial involved 48 men and women aged 55 to 75 years. The participants were randomized to receive one of six supplements for 12 weeks. The supplements were all provided in the form of capsules, three of which were to be taken with each meal. The nine capsules (daily intake) contained either a total of 2 g alpha-linolenic acid, 770 mg gamma-linolenic acid (from evening primrose oil), 680 mg arachidonic acid, 720 mg docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 720 mg eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)+ 280 mg DHA (fish oil) or a placebo (an 80:20 mix of palm and sunflower oils).

All the participants had blood samples taken four weeks before start of supplementation, immediately before start of supplementation, and then every four weeks during the trial as well as after a four-week washout period. The researchers found no changes in killer cell activity except in the group taking fish oil. Here they observed an average decline of 20 per cent after 8 weeks and 48 per cent after 12 weeks. The decline was completely reversed after the washout period. The fact that no decline was observed with pure DHA strongly suggests that EPA was responsible.

The researchers conclude that an excessive EPA intake could have adverse effects for people at risk of viral infections and some cancers. Editor's Note: The British researchers' speculation about fish oils perhaps affecting the effectiveness of NK cells in killing cancer cells is at odds with the results of many other studies. There are at least a dozen studies that show a clear protective effect of fish or fish oil against breast, colon, and prostate cancer. NOTE: This study was partly funded by Unilever. [54 references] Thies, Frank, et al. Dietary supplementation with eicosapentaenoic acid, but not with other long-chain n-3 or n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, decreases natural killer cell activity in healthy subjects aged >55 years. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 73, March 2001, pp. 539-48

Its been around for thousands of years. Every traditional healing culture in the world has a ginseng or ginseng-type plant in its medicine chest. Daily ginseng was a necessary matter of life throughout all of Chinas long history. At the turn of the 20th century, virtually every Chinese person used ginseng to some extent for their well being, especially as a wellness tonic. Ginseng was also highly esteemed by every Native American culture.

At the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jilin Province (where ginseng is grown), researchers in the pharmacology department evaluated the effects of ginseng on immune responses. The immune responses of mice were tested with different dosages of extracts obtained either from the leaf or the root of ginseng. Significant changes in the response of the reticuloendothelial (RES) system were found, especially with moderate doses of the root extracts. Larger doses did not improve the response. RES cells are the immune system components that devour foreign organisms without leaving their original sites in the liver, spleen and other tissues of the body.

Ginseng - the most extensively studied herb on earth! Dr. Lin Yutang, a Chinese research scientist who spent a lifetime learning about ginseng, summed up his work by saying that "The magic tonic and building qualities of ginseng are the most enduring, the most energy-giving, restorative qualities known to mankind, yet it is distinguished by the slowness and gentleness of its action". More modern research has been done on ginseng than all other herbs combined. At the turn of the 21st century ginseng is being intensively studied by athletic performance experts as well as medical science.

According to the British Journal of Biomedical Science,allicin is considered to be the most potent antibacterial agent in crushed garlic extracts. Garlic has been used since the days of the Egyptians to treat wounds, infections, tumors, and intestinal parasites.Several animal studies published between 1995 and 2005 indicate that allicin may reduce atherosclerosis and fat deposition, normalize the lipoprotein balance, decrease blood pressure, have anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory activities, and function as an antioxidant. Garlic has been widely reported to protect against cardiovascular disease by reducing serum cholesterol concentrations and blood pressure and by inhibiting platelet aggregation. Garlic detoxifies chemical carcinogens and prevent carcinogenesis and can also directly inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Allicin, the heart of garlic, stimulates immunity, including macrophage activity, natural killer and killer cells, and LAK cells, and to increase the production of IL-2, TNF, and interferon-gamma.

"Proven throughout history for physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation, fasting promotes cleansing and healing; helps normalize weight, blood pressure, cholesterol; rebuilds the immune system; and helps reverse the aging process. If we are to get these poisons out of our bodies we must fast. By fasting we give our bodies a physiological rest. This rest builds Vital Force. The more Vital Force we have, the more toxins are going to be eliminated from the body to help keep it clean, pure and healthy." P. Bragg, Ph.D

"There is no family of foods more protective against radiation and environmental pollutants than sea vegetables and can prevent assimilation of different radionuclitides, heavy metals such as cadmium, and other environmental toxins." Steven Schecter, N.D.

A report from the Agronomic Institute, Faculty of Zootechnics, Romania, showed the immune-strengthening effects of bee pollen. According to the report, "Comparative Studies Concerning Biochemical Characteristics of Beebread as Related to the Pollen Preserved in Honey" by Dr's. E. Palos, Z. Voiculescu, and C. Andrei, "An increase has been recorded in the level of blood lymphocytes, gamma globulins, and proteins in those subjects given pollen in comparison with control groups. The most significant difference occurred in lymphocytes. These results thus signify a strengthening in the resistance of the organic system." Lymphocytes are the white blood cells that are the "soldiers" of the immune system. They are responsible for ridding the body of injurious and harmful substances, including infected or diseased cells, mutant and cancerous cells, viruses, metabolic trash, and so on. Gamma globulin is a protein formed in the blood, and our ability to resist infection is closely related to this protein's activity.

As well as its blood purifying properties, echinacea is an effective antibacterial, antiviral and immune system stimulant or infection fighter. For more than 100 years it has proven useful in most diseases due to impurities of the blood. It is excellent for treating the causes of fever, infection, colds and flu and is specific for all glandular infections. Echinacea (pronounced eek-in-asia) is a plant which was first used by Native American Indians to cure snake bites, colds, flu and other fever-related illnesses. Today echinacea is commercially cultivated and is the most popular herb in the world. In Europe, echinacea is used in many cases instead of antibiotics. Golden Seal is claimed by many to be the world's oldest medicinal plant. It is said to promote white blood cell activity, which is an important part of your body's natural defense system.

Oxygen depletion weakens our immune system, which leads to viral infections, damaged cells, growths, inflamed joins, serious heart and circulatory problems, toxic buildup in blood and premature aging. Low oxygen allows damaged cells to multiply and form growths in our bodies because our cells are oxygen deficient. If the cells in our bodies are rich in oxygen, mutated cells are less able to reproduce.

Oxygen shortage in the human body has been linked to every major illness category including heart conditions, cancer, digestion and elimination problems, respiratory disease, inflamed, swollen and aching joints, sinus problems, yeast infections and even sexual dysfunction. Fresh live foods and rain water contain oxygen. Cooked foods and stagnant water has much less oxygen. Oxygen is our primary source of energy. It displaces harmful free radicals, neutralizes environmental toxins and destroys anaerobic (the inability to live in oxygen rich environments) infectious bacteria, parasites, microbes and viruses.

The psychological stressors of surgery deal a blow to the immune system, but this is hardly discussed in the medical community," says Prof. Ben-Eliyahu. "Ours is among the first studies to show that psychological fear may be no less important than real physiological tissue damage in suppressing immune competence." The surprising part of Prof. Ben-Eliyahu's studies is that stress hormones such as adrenaline, which are released before and during surgery, "underlie much of the devastating effects of surgery on immune competence," says Prof. Ben-Eliyahu.

Until now, doctors assumed that the immune system was weakened due to tissue damage and the body's responses to it. A weak immune system is one of the major factors that promotes cancer metastases after an operation, explains Prof. Ben-Eliyahu."Timing is everything after cancer surgery," says Prof. Ben-Eliyahu. "There is a short window of opportunity, about a week after surgery, when the immune system needs to be functioning maximally in order kill the tiny remaining bits of tumor tissue that are scattered around the body."

Let Dr. Appleton show you: (1) A scientific option to Louis Pasteur's germ theory; (2) Why some people get sick and others do not; (3) Why medicines heal some people and not others; (4) Why some people get well without medicines and others do not get well with or without medicines; (5) How your body can resist infectious and degenerative diseases; (6) The true cause of disease, the true cause of healing; (7) Food plans and ways to eat to enhance health and healing.

"Discovering this book was a great delight for me! It provides a good beginning for enlightenment beyond the confines of modern medicine. Its data is both informative and practical. Appleton has taken extremely complex subject matter and made it simple enough for any to understand. I have studied extensively for over 20 years ALL of the material covered by this book. There are no lies within its covers. Consequences today from Pasteur's devious behavior and efforts in the previous century make Adolf Hitler looks like a Cub Scout by comparison!..."

Officials from the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control have reported that the overuse of antibiotics in medicine has created an epidemic of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Doctors fear that if antibiotic use is not curtailed, we may soon approach the day when untreatable infections are rampant.

For many of us it comes as as surprise to learn that bacteria are highly intelligent and adaptable. We have been taught from birth that they are pretty dumb and that, through the use of antibiotics, we are winning a war against them, a war that will end all disease. In fact the opposite is true. Bacteria show behavior that indicate intelligence and they are acting together throughout the world to counter the antibiotics we have invented to kill them off. Bacteria, it turns out, are inextricably intertwined with the formation of the human species and the health of the Earth. One to two pounds of our body weight are bacteria and over eons we have developed a crucial and important symbiosis with them.

See the article here:
The Immune System: The Body's Defense Department


Specific Defense (The Immune System) – Written by Teachers

Monday, October 16th, 2017

Recognition.The antigen or cell is recognized as nonself. To differentiate self from nonself, unique molecules on the plasma membrane of cells called themajor histocompatibility complex (MHC)are used as a means of identification.

Lymphocyte selection.The primary defending cells of the immune system are certain white blood cells called lymphocytes. The immune system potentially possesses billions of lymphocytes, each equipped to target a different antigen. When an antigen, or nonself cell, binds to a lymphocyte, the lymphocyte proliferates, producing numerous daughter cells, all identical copies of the parent cell. This process is calledclonal selectionbecause the lymphocyte to which the antigen effectively binds is selected and subsequently reproduces to make clones, or identical copies, of itself.

Lymphocyte activation.The binding of an antigen or foreign cell to a lymphocyte may activate the lymphocyte and initiate proliferation. In most cases, however, a costimulator is required before proliferation begins. Costimulators may be chemicals or other cells.

Destruction of the foreign substance.Lymphocytes and antibodies destroy or immobilize the foreign substance. Nonspecific defense mechanisms (phagocytes, NK cells) help eliminate the invader.

Specific Defense (The Immune System) - Written by Teachers


Immune System – PetAlive

Monday, October 16th, 2017

What is the Immune System?

Just like the human immune system, the animal immune system is an amazingly intricate and complex system that keeps animals healthy and protects them against all sorts of invaders including viruses, bacteria, microbes, parasites and toxins. The subject of immunity and the immune system is one that regularly crops up in conversation, in the newspaper and in magazines not to mention the vast number of adverts promoting products aimed at working with this system.

If the immune system is weakened, every body system in the animal body is at risk. In order to understand the true importance of the immune system, we firstly need to understand a little bit about how the immune system works.

How does the animal Immune System Work?

The animal immune system has many different components both inside and outside the animal body. If we start from the outside we will see that an animals body has many different barriers that form part of his or her immune system.

While an animals skin is obviously a physical barrier to many germs and toxins, it also contains special immune cells that act as warning bells to alert the immune system to any foreign material, while also regulating the immune response to this material this is evident in the skin of an animal reacting to fleas or certain plants.

The skin also secretes antibacterial substances that hinder the growth of excess bacteria on the skin. An animals eyes, nose and mouth are all possible ports of entry for invading germs but an animals tears, nasal secretions and saliva all contain enzymes or cells of the immune system to keep the invaders at bay.

The mucous membrane linings of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary tracts also provide the one of the first lines of defense against invasion by microbes or parasites. Internal defense mechanisms for an animal include the Lymphatic system, Thymus gland, bone marrow, spleen, white blood cells and antibodies.

The immune system is amazingly resilient and powerful system, protecting an animal daily from a wealth of viruses, bacteria, foreign cells and an animals own body cells that have "gone bad" such as cancer cells. However, like with most amazing systems, sometimes things go wrong.

Many animals suffer from allergies that are caused by a hypersensitivity reaction of the immune system to certain allergens in the environment. When these antigens enter the body system, the immune system tends to over react and antibodies quickly cause the release of histamine which results in an allergic reaction.

These reactions differ in severity and may include itchiness, lesions, blocked sinus, Asthma, Eczema and Contact dermatitis. When cells of the immune system are over-produced, they become out of control and the result is cancer or auto immune diseases, for example in humans when the body over produces white blood cells, the result is leukemia.

Antibiotics are created for the purpose of treating bacterial infections when an animals immune system cannot mount an adequate response. So does it not stand to reason that if an animals immune system were strong enough it would not need the antibiotics? Antibiotics are specific chemicals aimed at killing off the targeted bacteria.

They are not effective against viruses and should not be given to a pet for a viral infection. Unfortunately antibiotics have been excessively and improperly used -The more you give your animals antibiotics, the more you depress their immune systems - and the more depressed their immune systems are, the more likely they are to get another infection and if they get another infection they are given another antibiotic and so the vicious cycle continues!

There is a lot that can be done naturally to help boost your pets immune system. A strong, healthy immune system is the best armor you can give your animal. Here are some of the lifestyle factors that you can employ with your pets to keep their immune systems in peak condition and able to ward off recurrent infections:


Read the original post:
Immune System - PetAlive


AIDS, HIV and The Immune System – Single Sign-On | The …

Monday, October 16th, 2017

HIV, AIDS and the Immune SystemAIDS, HIV and The Immune SystemIntroductionThe virus responsible for the condition known as AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), is named HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). AIDS is the condition whereby the body's specific defense system against all infectious agents no longer functions properly. There is a focused loss over time of immune cell function which allows intrusion by several different infectious agents, the result of which is loss of the ability of the body to fight infection and the subsequent acquisition of diseases such as pneumonia. We will examine the virus itself, the immune system, the specific effect(s) of HIV on the immune system, the research efforts presently being made to investigate this disease, and finally, how one can try to prevent acquiring HIV.The VirusHIV is one member of the group of viruses known as retroviruses. The term "retrovirus" stems from the fact that these kinds of viruses are capable of copying RNA into DNA. No other organism so far discovered on earth is capable of this ability. The virus has two exact copies of single-stranded RNA as its basic genetic material (genome) in the very center of the organism. The genome is surrounded by a spherical core made of various proteins in tightly-packed association with one another. The core is itself surrounded by a membrane (called an "envelope", made of fat [lipids] and various membrane-bound proteins). One of the membrane-boundproteins can bind to a particular protein on the surface of certain immune cells, called T-cells (we'll talk about these in a minute) which results in the virus becoming physically attached. Upon binding, the virus is brought inside of the T-cell (cells do this kind of thing all of the time), and the envelope is removed by enzymes normally present inside the cell. The internal core is thus exposed, and it too is broken-down. This last phase results in exposure of the virus's RNA genetic material. An enzyme attached to the RNA, known as "reverse transcriptase", begins to make a complimentary base-pair single-strand copy of the RNA into DNA (please see What the Heck is PCR? ). The single strand of DNA is also copied by the same enzyme to form double-stranded DNA. This DNA inserts somewhere into one of the 46 chromosomes within our cells, and there it is used as a template for production of all of the things necessary to form new virus particles ( replication of the virus). These new virus particles can be subsequently released from the infected cell, and can infect adjacent cells.The Immune SystemThe immune system is a system within all vertebrates (animals with a backbone) which in general terms, is comprised of two important cell types: the B-cell and the T-cell. The B-cell is responsible for the production of antibodies (proteins which can bind to specific molecular shapes), and the T-cell (two types) is responsible either for helping the B-cell to make antibodies, or for the killing of damaged or "different" cells (all foreign cells except bacteria) within the body. The two main types of T-cells are the "helper"T-cell and the cytotoxic T-cell. The T-helper population is further divided into those which help B-cells (Th2) and those which help cytotoxic T-cells (Th1). Therefore, in order for a B-cell to do its job requires the biochemical help of Th2 helper T-cells; and, for a cytotoxic T-cell to be able to eliminate a damaged cell (say, a virally-infected cell), requires the biochemical help of a Th1 helper T-cell.

Whenever any foreign substance or agent enters our body, the immune system is activated. Both B- and T-cell members respond to the threat, which eventually results in the elimination of the substance or agent from our bodies. If the agent which gains entry is the kind which remains outside of our cells all of the time (extracellular pathogen), or much of the time (virus often released) the "best" response is the production by B-cells of antibodies which circulate all around the body in the bloodstream, and eventually bind to the agent. There are mechanisms available which are very good at destroying anything which has an antibody bound to it. On the other hand, if the agent is one which goes inside one of our cells and remains there most of the time (intracellular pathogens like viruses or certain bacteria which require the inside of one of our cells in order to live), the "best" response is the activation of cytotoxic T-cells (circulate in the bloodstream and lymph), which eliminate the agent through killing of the cell which contains the agent (agent is otherwise "hidden"). Both of these kinds of responses (B-cell or cytotoxic T-cell) of course require specific helper T-cell biochemical information as described above. Usually, both B-cell and cytotoxic T-cell responses occur against intracellular agents which provides a two-pronged attack. Normally, these actions are wonderfully protective of us. The effect of HIV on the immune system is the result of a gradual(usually) elimination of the Th1 and Th2 helper T-cell sub-populations.

The fight between the virus and the immune system for supremacy is continuous. Our body responds to this onslaught through production of more T-cells, some of which mature to become helper T-cells. The virus eventually infects these targets and eliminates them, too. More T-cells are produced; these too become infected, and are killed by the virus. This fight may continue for up to ten years before the body eventually succumbs, apparently because of the inability to any-longer produce T-cells. This loss of helper T-cells finally results in the complete inability of our body to ward-off even the weakest of organisms (all kinds of bacteria and viruses other than HIV) which are normally not ever a problem to us. This acquired condition of immunodeficiency is called, AIDS.

Our immune system's ability to recognize any foreign substance or agent, depends entirely upon how the substance or agent "looks" with respect to the molecular shapes displayed - just as your elbow looks different than someone else's elbow - even though each are clearly elbows. Therefore, while an individual may become infected with a single strain of HIV, over several years of many, many viral generations, an individual may have 10 different strains of HIV present. Further, to date no two people have been identified to have been infected with the same strain of HIV. Consequently, against which strain should a population be immunized? In such cases, one tries to identify molecular shapes which are common to all known strains - in this way, all strains would theoretically be recognizable by our immune system. Sadly, this research has failed to provide an effective vaccine. This virus is subtle, and can do some very covert things using biochemical mechanisms we do not yet understand. Because of recent basic research in the field of immunology (the discipline which develops an understanding of the intricate workings of the immune system), based upon years of previous basic research in this and other fields however, some light is beginning to emerge which may help us.

It is becoming clear that the two helper T-cell types identified only a few years ago may be significantly more important than first assumed. Remember, the Th1 helper-cell helps generate a cytotoxic T-cell response, and the Th2 helper-cell helps generate an antibody response. As it turns out, certain intracellular pathogens primarily elicit a Th2 response in certain in-bred strains of mice, while in a different in-bred mouse strain, the same pathogen primarily elicits a Th1 response. In this example, all mice which respond primarily with antibody (B-cell; Th2 help), die; and, all mice which primarily respond with a cytotoxic T-cell response (Th1 help), live! Such is not the case for every intracellular pathogen - some responses are very balanced with respect to B-cell and cytotoxic T-cell contributions, and others are imbalanced in one or the other direction. The balance in contribution of these two paths to an immune response, appears to not only depend upon the particular infectious organism, but also upon the particular genetic background of the infected animal. Thus, one can imagine that one may be able to find a way to tip the balance towards the most effective response path against a given organism, e.g., either antibody production by B-cells, or development of cytotoxic T-cells. This research is one of the prime areas under investigation with regard to HIV. There are very limited data to date; but, those individuals who have had HIV for a really long time, but have not yet acquired AIDS (there are indeed now a number of such individuals), appear to have their immune response shifted towards the cytotoxic side (Th1 help). This limited information on HIV, in combination with basic research information on several different diseases using animal models (mice), has generated a quick response within the research community. Consequently, there are efforts currently underway to identify the biochemical substances which are involved in directing a response along the Th1 path, and efforts to determine how the immune system might be manipulated to direct a response along a given path. Such experimentation is long and difficult, and requires money, skill, unflinching commitment, and an abiding faith that this problem can be solved.

Under normal circumstances, the design of the immune system's various tissues and connections, allows the agent to be focused within a regional lymph node, which greatly improves the probability of an effective defensive response. In the case of HIV, however, this ability either brings the target cells to the virus, or brings the virus to the target cells. Consequently, the only way to prevent exposure to the virus, is to avoid situations which allow the potential for entry of the virus. Such situations are overwhelmingly associated with sexual intercourse, intravenous drug use, and exposure of a cut in one's skin to the bodily fluids (secretions, blood) of an HIV-infected individual. Such situations do not include hugging, touching, or other nonfluid-exchange expressions of caring for someone infected with HIV.

Oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse can lead to tiny abrasions of the mucosal tissue in these areas; and, within the tissues of the mouth (gums in particular) there will almost always be tiny abrasions present under any circumstances. These openings provide access by the virus to the blood and lymphatic streams, as well as to cells within the tissue. If a person is infected with HIV, there will be virus within the secretions of the person (particularly the seminal fluid of males), and in the blood of the person.Consequently, the direct exposure to bodily fluids (secretions, blood) can potentially occur between both partners (female/female, male/male, female/male) during any kind of sexual intercourse, whether or not ejaculation by a male partner occurs. While the body may be able to ward-off a small amount of virus, repeated exposure to such amounts places a person, particularly women having vaginal intercourse, and men and women having anal intercourse with an HIV-infected partner, at significant risk of HIV infection. Under any circumstance, there is a risk of HIV infection through only one sexual intercourse encounter. The use of a condom for the male partner, in combination with chemical substances which kill viruses, is recommended. Multiple sexual partners, unprotected sexual intercourse, anal sexual intercourse, the presence of other sexually-transmitted disease, and intravenous drug usage significantly increase the risk of HIV infection.

One can be tested for the presence of HIV through an appointment with one's local Health Department (state-supported). Health department test results are completely confidential and inaccesible to anyone but the patient and testing physician at the public-health clinic. While a personal physician's records are also confidential, these records are however, subject to examination at any time by the health insurer(s) of the physician.No matter where one chooses to be examined, one will be required to undergo a pre-test and post-test psychological counseling session.

Recent Statistics (January, 1995): The CDC report showed 401,749 cases of AIDS in the U.S. through the middle of 1994, while approximately one-million within the U.S. are infected with HIV. Twenty percent of all AIDS cases within the U.S. are within the 20s age-group - (apparently contracted HIV while teenagers).

The CDC AIDS Hotlines are:English: 800-342-2437 (800-342-AIDS)Spanish: 800-344-7432 (800-344-SIDA)Deaf: 800-243-7889.Your local Health Department is also a good source of information. Become informed.

Original post:
AIDS, HIV and The Immune System - Single Sign-On | The ...


Foods That Help Your Immune System – 5 Types to Try

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

Certain foods may be helpful for boosting theimmune system and preventingcolds and the flu. Here's a look at five types of foods that provide nutrients that your immune system needs to perform:

An essential nutrient, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, a type of unstable molecule known to damage the immune system. There's some evidence that vitamin C may be particularly helpful in boosting the immune systems of people under major stress.

To increase your vitamin C intake, add these foods to your diet:

Like vitamin C, vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. Research suggests maintaining ample levels of vitamin E is crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system, especially among older people. To get your fill of vitamin E, look to these foods:

Zinc is an essential mineral involved in the production of certain immune cells. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) caution that even mildly low levels of zinc may impair your immune function. Here are some top food sources of zinc:

Another type of antioxidant, carotenoids are a class of pigments found naturally in a number of plants.

When consumed, carotenoids are converted into vitamin A (a nutrient that helps regulate the immune system). Look to these foods to boost your carotenoids:

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of essential fatty acid known to suppress inflammation and keep the immune system in check.

Although it's not known whether omega-3s can help fight off infections (such as the common cold), research suggests that omega-3s can protect against immune system disorders like Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Try these omega-3-rich foods:

To keep your immune system healthy, it's important to get sufficient sleep, exercise regularly, and manage your stress.

Although supplements containing high doses of antioxidants and other nutrients found in whole foods are often touted as natural immune-boosters, some research indicates that taking dietary supplements may have limited benefits for the immune system. (If you're still considering taking them, it's a good idea to consult your healthcare provider first to weigh the pros and cons.)

For more foods that may help boost your immune system, try adding garlic, foods high inprobiotics(such as yogurt and kefir), and green tea to your diet.


Chew BP, Park JS. Carotenoid action on the immune response. J Nutr. 2004 Jan;134(1):257S-261S.

Gill H, Prasad J. Probiotics, immunomodulation, and health benefits. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2008;606:423-54.

Hughes DA. Effects of dietary antioxidants on the immune function of middle-aged adults. Proc Nutr Soc. 1999 Feb;58(1):79-84.

Kyo E, Uda N, Kasuga S, Itakura Y. Immunomodulatory effects of aged garlic extract. J Nutr. 2001 Mar;131(3s):1075S-9S.

Simopoulos AP. Omega-3 fatty acids in inflammation and autoimmune diseases. J Am Coll Nutr. 2002 Dec;21(6):495-505.

Wintergerst ES, Maggini S, Hornig DH. Immune-enhancing role of vitamin C and zinc and effect on clinical conditions. Ann Nutr Metab. 2006;50(2):85-94.

Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. It is not meant to cover all possible precautions, drug interactions, circumstances or adverse effects. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen.

Read the rest here:
Foods That Help Your Immune System - 5 Types to Try


BAMBERG: The canine immune system – The Sun Chronicle

Monday, September 4th, 2017

What most of us know about the canine immune system can fit into this paragraph. Their immune system protects them from infection and disease; when it fails, disease or an allergic reaction occur, pet food companies tell us their ingredients support the immune system.

If only it were that simple. There are two parts to the immune system. The default setting, if you will, is called the innate immune system. It consists of the skin, mucous, specialized cells in the saliva, stomach acid and certain cells in the body called phagocytes.

You might remember from your Conversational Greek classes that phago refers to eating. Phagocytes engulf foreign matter, and they arent too particular about what they engulf. Together, these elements make up the innate immune system; the bodys first line of defense.

As it often happens, repeated exposure to a substance will allow your body to build up a resistance to that substance. The innate immune system has nothing to do with that. But it does do a pretty good job at what it was designed for, which is defense.

The other half of this duo called the immune system is known as the adaptive immune system. Now thats a system. It defends against specific foreign invaders and, in its tool box, has a variety of tools that enable it to do battle.

If the invader simply needs a whack on the head to disable it, the adaptive immune system whips out its hammer. If it needs to cut off a germs legs to disable it, the system whips out its saw.

Not only does it recognize specific invaders and adapt to disable them, but it remembers them, too, so if they try to pull a fast one and attempt to get in again, the adaptive system responds with a swifter, more powerful tool.

The body can build up immunity to diseases in two ways. Active immunity is when the body is exposed to a substance either by natural means or by vaccination, and develops its own antibodies.

Passive immunity is achieved by receiving another animals antibodies. Examples of this would be the immunity received by the fetus from the placenta, from the colostrum consumed in the hours immediately following birth, or from bone marrow transplants.

But, alas, nothings perfect. Sometimes the immune system has a brain cramp, mistakenly recognizes a part of the body as the enemy, and goes on the attack. This is known as autoimmunity. The system can also overreact or it can fail to react at all.

If the immune system fails, it could mean that, just as in the old Wonder Ball song and game: The game for you is past, my friend, and you are out. Note to GenXers and subsequent generations: you might need to consult Prof. Google on that one, or ask Grammy or Grampy.

While the human and animal immune systems basically function in the same manner, theres still a lot that they dont know, especially with regards to animals.

Thats probably because funding for research in animal science is a lot harder to come by.

This lack of complete knowledge, though, has been cited as a major factor in the veterinary science communitys inability, thus far, to establish uniform immunization protocols. Vets, based on training and experience, still differ on the value and frequency of some immunizations.

Bob Bamberg has been selling pet products and writing about pets, livestock and wildlife for three decades. He can be reached at petsap@comcast.net.

Read more here:
BAMBERG: The canine immune system - The Sun Chronicle


5 Shockingly Easy Ways to Boost Your Immune System – Brit + Co

Monday, September 4th, 2017

Brit + Co
5 Shockingly Easy Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Brit + Co
Turns out being not-so-serious can have serious benefits for your immune system. Laughter reduces stress levels within the body and stimulates white blood cells into fighting infection. So keep watching those reruns of The Office or listening to ...

More here:
5 Shockingly Easy Ways to Boost Your Immune System - Brit + Co


Is Poor Sleep Pummeling the Immune System in ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia? A Vicious Circle Examined – ProHealth

Monday, September 4th, 2017

Reprinted with the kind permission of Cort Johnson and Health RisingMost people with chronic fatigues syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM) know the consequences of poor sleep the fatigue and pain, the difficulty concentrating, the irritability and more. Sleep is when our body rejuvenates itself; no sleep no rejuvenation. Given how important sleep is to our health, its no surprise that poor sleep is the first symptom many ME/CFS and FM doctors focus on.The effects of poor sleep go beyond just feeling bad, though. It turns out that poor sleep can have significant effects on our immune system effects, interestingly, which are similar to whats been found in the immune systems of people with ME/CFS and FM. Theres no evidence yet that ME/CFS and FM are sleep disorders that the problems ME/CFS and FM patients face are caused by poor sleep but depriving the body of sleep can cause one immunologically, at least, look like someone with these diseases.Why Sleep Is Important for Health: A Psychoneuroimmunology Perspective-Michael R. Irwin. Annu Rev Psychol. 2015 January 3; 66: 143172. doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-010213-115205.Irwin begins his review on sleep and immunology by noting the explosion in our understanding of the role sleep plays in health over the past decade. First, Irwin demolishes the idea that sleep studies are effective in diagnosing insomnia or sleep disturbances other than sleep apnea. Far more effective than a one or two-night sleep study is a home based sleep actigraph study which estimates sleep patterns and circadian rhythms over time and is coupled with a sleep diary.In fact, Irwin points out that the diagnosis of insomnia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is based solely on patient reports of difficulties going to sleep, maintaining sleep, having non-restorative sleep (common in ME/CFS) and problems with daytime functioning (fatigue, falling asleep, need to nap). (Problems with daytime functioning are actually required for an insomnia diagnosis.)Several effective sleep questionnaires exist including the Insomnia Severity Index, which assesses sleep quality, fatigue, psychological symptoms, and quality of life and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, a 19-item self-report questionnaire that evaluates seven clinically derived domains of sleep difficulties (i.e., quality, latency, duration, habitual efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleeping medications, and daytime dysfunction).Assess Your Sleep QualityThe Immune System and SleepThe immune system is vast and incredibly complex and has its own extensive set of regulatory factors, but is itself regulated by two other systems, the HPA axis and the sympathetic nervous system. Both are involved in the stress response and both are affected in ME/CFS and FM. One the HPA axis is blunted in ME/CFS, while the other the sympathetic nervous system is over-activated.Poor sleep, it turns out activates both system. The HPA axis is generally thought to be blunted, not activated, in the morning in ME/CFS patients, but the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), on the other hand, is whirring away at night (when it should be relaxing) in both FM and ME/CFS. (Having our fight or flight system acting up at night is probably not the best recipe for sleep.)Sympathetic nervous system activation, in fact, was the only factor in one Australian study which explained the poor sleep in ME/CFS. The authors of a recent FM/autonomic nervous system study went so far as to suggest that going to sleep with FM was equivalent to undergoing a stress test (!). Heart rates, muscle sympathetic nervous activation, and other evidence of an activated sympathetic nervous system response made sleep anything but restful for FM patients. In fact, the authors proposed sleep problems could be a heart of fibromyalgia.

Many questions have involved the roles pathogens play in ME/CFS and FM. Thats intriguing given the almost universally poor sleep found in the disorders and role recent studies indicate that sleep plays priming the immune systems pump to fight off invaders. During sleep, pathogen-fighting immune cells move to the lymph nodes where they search for evidence of pathogens. If pathogens are present, those immune cells mount a furious (and metabolically expensive) immune response.

Go here to read the rest:
Is Poor Sleep Pummeling the Immune System in ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia? A Vicious Circle Examined - ProHealth


How our immune systems could stop humans reaching Mars – Telegraph.co.uk

Sunday, September 3rd, 2017

The effects of spaceflight on the human body have been studied actively since the mid-20th century and it is widely known that microgravity influences metabolism, heat regulation, heart rhythm, muscle tone, bone density, the respiration system.

Last year research from the US also found that astronauts who travelled into deep space on lunar missions were five times more likely to have died from cardiovascular disease than those who went into low orbit, or never left Earth.

Astronauts are fitter than the general population and have access to the best medical care, meaning that their health is usually better than the general population. Those of comparable age but who never flew, or only achieved low Earth orbit, had less than a one in 10 chance of death from cardiovascular disease.

But the chance of death rose to 43 per cent for those who reached the Moon or deep space, probably because of the impact of deadly space radiation.

Read more from the original source:
How our immune systems could stop humans reaching Mars - Telegraph.co.uk


Simple tips to boost your immune system – Bel Marra Health

Sunday, September 3rd, 2017

Home Immune System Simple tips to boost your immune system

It may be hard to believe, but summer is coming to an end, which means fall is just around the corner. Fall brings with it colorful leaves, cooler temperatures, and unfortunately, cold and flu season. Instead of falling victim to illness this fall, try these simple tips to start boosting your immune system now so you can have a cold- and flu-free fall.

A big culprit of a weak immune system is exhaustion, both physical and mental. When we are exhausted, our immune system cant work its best to fight off germs that enter the body, which means you get sick. With all of lifes demands, it seems many of us are suffering from some type of exhaustion. Combatting it can improve your immune system. Ensuring you get a good nights sleep each and every night can help reduce exhaustion and also give your body the appropriate time to recover from the days stresses.

Other key areas that can help improve your immune system are food, exercise, hormones, and nutrition.

Food goes a long way in fueling exhaustion. Just think about it. If youve ever consumed a large meal, you probably felt like you needed a nap immediately after. Eating certain foods can go a long way in either promoting energy or fatigue. Steering clear of processed foods is a good step in promoting energy and improving your immune system. This means consuming foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and lean meat. These foods will help ensure your body gets the adequate nutrition to boost the immune system rather than weigh it down.

Another tip is to eliminate trans fats and saturated fats, refined sugars, and empty carbohydrates, as these foods can make you feel sluggish along with contributing to other health conditions like obesity, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

There are specific foods, herbs, and spices that can work to boost the immune system too. These include garlic, radish, hot mustard, blueberries, and pomegranates.

Ensuring youre well hydrated also keeps you energized and flushes the body of toxins.

Lastly, eat foods that dont promote weight gain and watch your calories. Being overweight slows down your immune system, making it less effective at fighting bacteria and viruses.

Exercise is another great method to improve the immune system. This is because exercise supports all bodily functions such as improving heart health, bone health, and lung function, to name a few. When the inside of your body is working top-notch, your immune system will too.

Furthermore, regular exercise supports healthy blood circulation and good blood circulation supports immune cells.

If exercise isnt your thing, completing housework can also offer you similar benefits. Whether you are vacuuming, gardening, or even dusting, the goal is to complete an activity that gets your heart pumping and keeps you moving.

Boosting your immune system doesnt have to be complicated, and if you start now, then you can have an illness-free fall. Just adhering to some basic fundamentals of good sleep, proper nutrition and food, and regular exercise can help you boost your immune system.


Simple trick boosts your immune system

Sleep deprivation leads to weakened immune system: Study

Related Reading:

Chili peppers and marijuana found to benefit immune system responses

Eat these foods for a strong immune system


Simple tips to boost your immune system - Bel Marra Health


Cancer treatment news: ‘Historic’ new drug could redesign immune system to FIGHT leukaemia – Express.co.uk

Sunday, September 3rd, 2017

A new drug to fight cancer has just been approved in the United States.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has described its decision as historic.

They have approved a medicine called CAR-T - the first living drug for cancer - which can successfully treat a certain type of blood cancer in 83 per cent of people.

It works by redesigning the patients own immune system so it attacks acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

White blood cells are extracted from the blood and then genetically reprogrammed to find and eliminate cancer.

They are then inserted back in the patient where they will then multiply.

Unlike current treatments, such as surgery or chemotherapy, the drug can be tailored to each individual.

The treatment - which will be marketed as Kymriah - has been created by Novartis who are charging $475,000 (approximately 367,000).

We're entering a new frontier in medical innovation with the ability to reprogram a patient's own cells to attack a deadly cancer, said Dr Scott Gottlieb, from the FDA.

New technologies such as gene and cell therapies hold out the potential to transform medicine and create an inflection point in our ability to treat and even cure many intractable illnesses."

Kymriah will be offered to patients when normal treatments fail.

Researchers treated 63 patients with CAR-T therapy.

Within three months 83 per cent of them were in complete remission.

However the therapy does come with some risks.

It can lead to potentially life-threatening cytokine release syndrome, but this can be controlled with drugs.

The treatment could also help tackle other types of blood-based cancers.

Go here to read the rest:
Cancer treatment news: 'Historic' new drug could redesign immune system to FIGHT leukaemia - Express.co.uk


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