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Archive for the ‘Genetic medicine’ Category

Building bridges to combat COVID-19 in communities of color – CBS News

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

As protests against police brutality began in late May, Kechia Matthews lay in a hospital bed battling COVID-19: "I really could not breathe at all. Like, I just felt no air, no nothing. It was scary. It was terrifying. It happened fast. I didn't know where it came [from], like, it just hit."

She was treated by a team of doctors at Johns Hopkins University, including Dr. Panagis Galiatsatos, who said, "I couldn't forget how she looked, the fear in her eyes realizing she could die."

Matthews, a Baltimore native, was just about to graduate with a degree in criminal justice and forensic science from Coppin State University. But it wasn't clear if she'd survive. "I've never been as scared in my life," she told correspondent Allison Aubrey of National Public Radio. "I didn't think I was coming home. It was hard."

Young adults are much less likely to die from COVID-19. Dr. Galiatsatos said, "Kechia was telling us her preexisting conditions. As soon as she said diabetes, I mean, my heart sank, right? I wasn't just dealing with now a 27-year-old; I was dealing someone with one of the variables that we know is gonna create a likelihood of worse symptoms."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people with chronic diseases (such as obesity, heart disease and type-2 diabetes) are a staggering 12 times more likely to die from the coronavirus.

And Black Americans have a higher prevalence of these conditions.

Matthews was in the hospital for three weeks, and on a ventilator six days. When she was finally released, she emerged with a new sense of urgency: "Taking my health seriously; I need to," she said. "I don't ever wanna be put in a situation like that again."

But her determination is just one piece of the COVID puzzle. The lifestyle changes needed to tackle chronic disease are often difficult to make in economically-challenged areas.

Dr. Galiatsatos said, "One of the reasons why we see disparities ravage in the minority populations is because those kind of lifestyle requests are really hard to do in neighborhoods that are plagued by homicide, neighborhoods that are plagued by food deserts. And the challenge there is, resources to give them the opportunities to overcome that, were at a pace that, in my opinion, is unethical."

"People are now hungry and they are hurting," said Hassan Amin, who is imam at Masjid Ul-Haqq, a mosque in West Baltimore. "They were hungry and hurting before the virus. Now they're really doing so, because a lot of times the people we serve, these are the ones that are the last hired, first fired."

Dr. Galiatsatos has teamed up with faith leaders, including Imam Amin, to address these obstacles. At a community event at the mosque where fresh produce and grocery gift cards were being handed out, Dr. Galiatsatos answered questions about COVID-19. His goal: to build relationships. "Medicine is a public trust. We can't just know the science, right? We have to know the patient, and we have to know the community."

"So, by bringing him here, you're building bridges?" asked Aubrey.

"Oh, yeah," Imam Amin replied. "It was building bridges, filling in gaps. 'Cause right now, the people don't trust hospitals and doctors."

The hope is that partnerships between between doctors and community leaders (like Imam Amin) can help build trust. The strategy of working with so-called "trusted messengers" is backed by physician Sherita Golden, who is the chief diversity officer at Johns Hopkins Medicine.

"The reasons those trusted messengers are so important is that there are many of these vulnerable communities that are distrustful of the healthcare system, so this is because of prior historical experiences," she said.

From the infamous Tuskeegee syphilis experiment in the 1940s, when treatment was deliberately withheld from Black men, to Dr. James Marion Sims in the 1800s, who performed surgical experiments on enslaved Black women with no anesthesia, the history of racist mistreatment of Black Americans by the medical establishment is well-documented.

And what still persists today is the misperception that Black people are somehow different from other groups of people. Dr Golden said, "There's been sort of this questioning that, 'Are African Americans more genetically or biologically vulnerable to contracting COVID-19?' And there is no evidence of that. There is nothing genetic or biological about working in a service sector where you have to be essential, and you're just gonna get exposed because you happen to be there. So, there is no evidence that genetics is playing into this at all."

But another factor that likely is playing into this: Stress.

"Stress can make people more prone to infection," Dr. Golden said. "So what happens is that, it alters your body's immune response so that you may be less likely to be able to fight infection as well.

"Structural racism, that induces a form of chronic stress, thinking about, 'Where is my next meal going to come from? I've gotta work three shifts tonight. And then, I have to worry about my child getting pulled over by the police.' Like, those chronic stressors, even though you may not feel you are acutely stressed, they are still impacting your hormonal system."

Looking back, COVID-19 survivor Kechia Matthews says she was under tremendous stress when she got the virus: "Working a full-time job. Going to school. Seven classes at one time. Two hours of studying. Three hours of sleep."

And all of that takes its toll. Imam Amin points out Black people in Baltimore and around the country are more likely to have the types of jobs that you cannot do from home: "That means that they are exposed to all kinds of people all day long, coughing and sniffling, whatever, and then they end up maybe catching something, and they end up taking it home to their families."

It's one more reason why Blacks and Latinos are about three times as likely to get COVID-19

But Matthews said she's now full of hope. When she emerged from the hospital to see "Black Lives Matter" painted on streets, and White people joining Black people to protest injustice, she saw it as a symbol of progress.

Her goal is to become an FBI Special Agent: "That's my next career goal. And that also goes along with me and my health goals. You know, you have to be healthy, fit, in shape. So, another thing that's motivating me."

And Dr. Golden said that Matthews deserves a country that rewards that determination: "This is an important time for us as a country to really think about what are the things we value, what do we want to focus on, and how can we use our power of legislation to really address the issues of making our communities healthier, making our communities safer."

Aubrey asked Matthews, "What do you think your role is in pushing for change in your own community?"

"I want my people safe," she replied. "I want them to have someone they can trust. I want to have someone they can look up to."

"You seem hopeful."

"I am hopeful and determined," Matthews replied. "I'm gonna always be hopeful."

For more info:

Story produced by Amol Mhatre. Editor: Ed Givnish.

Read more here:
Building bridges to combat COVID-19 in communities of color - CBS News


How California failed at coronavirus testing from the start – Los Angeles Times

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

The disease investigators arrived at the apartment in street clothes, carrying their gowns, gloves and face shields in Whole Foods bags. They didnt knock on the door.

Instead, they called the resident a man in his 50s, then Californias first known coronavirus case by phone.When he answered, he was instructed to move to the farthest corner of the apartment so the team could go inside and suit up.

They had come to the apartment building in Orange County to make sure the man was where he promised to be and that he was isolating there, completely alone.

First case. New virus. We werent going to take peoples word for it, recalled the countys medical director of communicable disease control, Dr. Matthew Zahn, who oversaw the operation.

They asked about symptoms in the patients wife, his child, his recent dinner guest.

So began what by many measures was the most extensive public health campaign in California: a rapid mobilization to identify people suffering from the novel coronavirus and prevent them from infecting others. In the early days, officials didnt know whether this would be a short-term undertaking to prevent community transmission in the state or an epic battle against a once-in-a-century pandemic.

But as the latter scenario played out, California found itself unprepared, overwhelmed and constantly lagging, a Los Angeles Times investigation has found. Those early failures left California far behind in the fight against the coronavirus, and it has struggled to keep up even as cases surge today.

In the beginning, dozens of investigators, called cluster busters, worked each case to try and contain the spread of the coronavirus. They aimed at identifying each strand of transmission and snipping it before the virus could take hold as a sturdy web across communities. They functioned as all-inclusive personal assistants: arranging child care, setting up WiFi, coordinating grocery drop-offs.

But data would later show that, long before the official case count began to climb, the virus was freewheeling. Federal officials grappling with a shortage of test kits issued narrow testing criteria; that meant key local spreaders in the states budding outbreak were going unnoticed and untraced.

Contact tracers were never alerted, for example, to people such as Margaret Cabanis-Wicht and her husband, a 41-year-old movie director in Rancho Palos Verdes who had attended a January gala in Beijing with hundreds from across China.

Twelve days after her husbands return to California, their 5-year-old daughter woke in the night with a 102-degree fever. Cabanis-Wicht had one, too. For days, they hounded their doctors, the state health department and even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But the two were ineligible for coronavirus testing because, though living with a potential carrier, they hadnt left the country.

Well never know, Cabanis-Wicht said.

With a positive test result in the household, contact tracers would likely have visited the family, along with each of the children with whom the girl had played. Instead, Cabanis-Wicht watched in horror as school officials soon reported cases of influenza-like illness arising in the elementary school. In early March, a parent of a fellow student finally got a test and turned up positive.

Without a doubt, we were all aware that we were likely missing cases, said Zahn, citing the testing restrictions. We relied on test results. If you werent tested, we didnt identify you.

If the earliest potential spreaders werent eligible for coronavirus testing, how could cluster busters find them in time to curb a full-blown outbreak?

It was a question we were all asking, Zahn said.


The laboratory testing process relied on strikingly inefficient instruments: humans.

The strict protocol approved by federal health officials meant no automation at L.A. Countys public health lab. Lab workers hovered over patient samples, using the plastic droppers known as pipettes to manually extract genetic material from them, one by one.

They loaded samples into the wells of a testing machine that looked more like an outdated LaserJet office printer than the solution to a pandemic. It ran 18 hours a day, seven days a week. Still, by March 11, with infections likely spreading by the thousands, only about 70 peoples specimens had been tested in the Downey lab, the departments director said.

Other counties were worse off. One in four of the states public health laboratories closed entirely in recent years, and there remained less than one public health lab per million state residents. Many reported an annual equipment budget of zero dollars or were under review for closure until couriers began arriving with patient swabs and hand-scribbled test requests.

A technician processes specimens at the UCLA clinical microbiology lab in Brentwood.

(Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times)

Demand for testing surged after about 1,250 Californians who had been on a cruise ship with a coronavirus patient had unknowingly scattered across the state, likely proliferating the spread. Another 9,000 people in California had recently returned from countries experiencing severe outbreaks.

The pileup of samples left the countys testing infrastructure bottlenecked and on the brink of collapse. A county memo asked hospitals to turn away any suspected coronavirus patient with mild symptoms without a test and without reporting the case.

Dont call the public health department, one infection control coordinator wrote in an email to doctors.

The county reported a total of just 29 infections an obvious undercount.


On March 13, a Friday, Steve Rusckowski, the chief executive of Quest Diagnostics, approached the podium in the Rose Garden of the White House. President Trump patted him on the back.

Stephen, Trump said. Great job.

Stephen Rusckowski, chief executive of Quest Diagnostics, discusses the coronavirus at a White House news conference with President Trump on March 13.

(Alex Brandon / Associated Press)

With the testing infrastructure in public facilities crippled, the federal government had turned to private partners to scale up testing. Flanked by industry leaders and members of the federal task force, Rusckowski told television cameras and print reporters that the companys testing process was underway, adding that the number of tests available to the public will be considerably increased in the next few weeks.

It was. That day, Los Angeles County had reported just eight new coronavirus cases overnight; the following Friday, it reported 64 overnight. The one after that, it was 252. By the end of the month, total detection in the county surpassed 3,000 cases.

But unfortunately for Quest and other private players such as LabCorp the growing capacity to detect cases was only as good as supply lines. And quickly, every step in the process showed strain.

For tens of thousands of Californians to receive a coronavirus test, medical staff needed just as many cotton-tipped swabs the simplest piece and yet the No. 1 issue, said Dr. Clayton Kazan, medical director for the Los Angeles County Fire Department and former coronavirus testing coordinator for the county. A common type, called a flocked swab, is typically produced in Italy and China, where the outbreak had paralyzed manufacturing. More than 125 testing sites in California would later report swabs as their primary testing shortage.

After collection, a swab sample was immediately inserted into a plastic screw-top tube filled with transport medium a solution intended to preserve it on its journey. But the fluid was so scant that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration began endorsing the use of basic saline in its place.

Once it arrived at processing laboratories such as Quest or LabCorp, sample preparation required specific chemicals, known as reagents, to extract genetic material from the swab. Without the reagents, Gov. Gavin Newsom said, the test kits were like printers, but without ink.

But Qiagen, a top supplier, quickly fell behind. Patients in intensive care units waited more than a week for results; some nurses had to tell families that, in the pileup, the commercial labs had lost their relatives samples entirely.

Even on their deathbeds, they had no diagnoses.

Reagent manufacturing looked like having a garden hose on hand to fight a wildfire, said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. The outbreak in Wuhan, China, demanded a full-blown fire hydrant, he added, and the global spread required virtually a canals worth.

And while states such as New York used expanded testing to screen every nursing home patient, California didnt have the means; about half of deaths in California are from these facilities.

The testing regime failure was federal, state and local. We all failed, Kazan said. If we could go back to January, when we saw what was happening in Wuhan, if we had taken that opportunity to scale ourselves up in anticipation, we could have been more prepared than we are now.

By March 25, Quest alone had 160,000 unprocessed tests about half of all the orders it had received.

The scramble

The backlog reached all the way to the office of Dr. Valerie Ng, the lab director at the Alameda Health System who one day in mid-March found herself piling patient samples into her car for a road trip to the state lab in Richmond. Two separate testing infrastructures had failed her. This was Plan C.

Earlier that month, the pileup at Quest had become insufferable; Dr. Ng had redirected samples to Alameda Countys public health lab. But their aging equipment delivered test results by fax; the head of labs at three hospitals and several clinics found herself relegated to watching for the LOW TONER light to illuminate on the printer.

Issues compounded when the lab equipments test results could not be validated. The deluge of specimens came to resemble the accelerating conveyor belt of confections in the classic chocolate factory episode of I Love Lucy, she said. She began chauffeuring them to Richmond.

When the surge came, it came to the lab, she said in an interview. Were swimming as fast as we can.

Meanwhile, at UC Berkeley, molecular biologist Fyodor Urnov formed what he called SEAL Team Six: hand-selected scientists, physicians and students who had constructed a volunteer lab in a matter of weeks to help relieve Quests backlog. They moved heaven and earth to get government certifications and create a highly automated lab that could run as many as 1,000 patient samples a day, he said.

But when Urnov told nearby hospitals he could provide free testing and results in 48 hours, the hospitals declined, saying their electronic records systems were still entangled at Quest and LabCorp. The volunteers were stunned.

We said, What? Are you kidding me? They have a direct link to a testing provider that has failed, Urnov said. Theres institutional inertia.

Silicon Valley steps in

Fred Turner has always been entrepreneurial. By 17, hed built a DNA machine in his bedroom to figure out why his brother was a redhead. At 20, he dropped out of Oxford to launch his first biotech start-up. And this spring, during an afternoon kicking back at his San Francisco flat, friends of the then-24-year-old talked him into upending his life to address a new problem: coronavirus testing.

Thanks to venture capitalists, Turner, within weeks, was in a hotel room in Southern California blasting out job openings for medical technicians, lab workers and programmers. DM if interested! Turner, the new chief executive of the brainchild, Curative, wrote on Twitter.

Staffers slept in sleeping bags between shifts at their new facility: a former NFL/MLB anti-doping laboratory in San Dimas, its glass walls and biosafety cabinets transformed into the most efficient coronavirus testing operation in the region. By late April, patient samples stuffed inside trash bags were arriving by the truckload on the ground floor of the facility, called KorvaLabs.

Each day, some 350 employees stepped into the assembly lines: sterilizing pouches and scanning bar codes, feeding racks of samples to an automated Tecan extraction robot and transferring plates into almost two dozen viral detection machines with a master mix of chemicals that run in tandem almost around the clock.

Industrial engineers used digital time stamps to track the daily workflow of each step, looking for lags. Were back to Henry Ford, said Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, professor of medicine and public health at UCLA, the medical director of the program.

By early May, California had gone from 2,000 to nearly 40,000 tests per day. The Curative-Korva lab was running 10,000 of them.

Back to the future

Dr. Zahns contact tracing team was back in action, and their caseload by late May was surging. Trading their gowns and gloves for phone lines and shared drives, tracers spend their days staring at computer screens glowing with the ever-growing lists of names.

Dont think Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind. Dont think Sherlock Holmes, said Zahn. There is no big opera music in the background. Think less glamorous: Excel spreadsheets.

Californias contact tracers librarians, Peace Corps volunteers and others called infected patients and asked for the phone number of each person theyd recently seen, vowing to keep the identity of the positive case concealed. Those contacts were asked about symptoms, and they, too, were requested to isolate at home.

But the challenges were overwhelming. Los Angeles County, after a massive team scale-up, still had only 1,759 contact tracers for more than 10 million residents, and, in the U.S., there was another unique hurdle: enforcement.

Effective methods to force compliance were in use elsewhere: Taiwan monitored quarantined people with digital fencing that sounded an enforcement alarm whenever one of some 50,000 quarantined citizens ventured too far from home. Contact tracers in South Korea and Singapore kept track of infected people through GPS and Bluetooth data.

But none of those options were available in California. Contact tracers lacked authority to insist that infectious individuals avoid exposing others.

I cant imagine an America where we can replicate exactly what they did in Asia, given the fact that we have freedoms and a Constitution, said Dr. Bob Kocher, a venture capital executive and former member of the governors task force on testing.

And the more contact tracers went about their work, the more their effectiveness was entirely dependent on the one thing they still couldnt control: testing.

The shadow of past failures and the legacy of ones still in the making lingered.

For example, L.A. County health officials in early June were still only about three-quarters of the way through testing residents and staff at the nearly 400 skilled nursing facilities. In jails, another hot spot for the virus, staff have reported running out of the rapid test kits used before booking new inmates. In rural towns and inner-city neighborhoods, California is scaling back its testing expansion, citing costs.

And, in a startling dj vu to the outbreaks inception, L.A. County public health officials on Wednesday limited the criteria for testing due to dwindling supplies. The ever-fragile testing infrastructure is once again threatened by shortages of swabs, reagents and, curiously enough, those tiny plastic pipette tips that lab workers had wielded by hand in the Downey lab.

The droppers now work robotically, but the plastic needed to manufacture the tips is shrinking across the globe, experts say. If labs run out of the tiny, crucial components, the entire system could grind to a halt by October, they say.

Without these little plastic tips, Kocher said, testing will break down again.

Times staff writers Melody Petersen, Anita Chabria, Sandhya Kambhampati, Matt Stiles and Sean Greene contributed to this report.

Read more:
How California failed at coronavirus testing from the start - Los Angeles Times


Summerville Medical celebrates 1 year anniversary of obstetric consolidation – Journalscene.com

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

This week Summerville Medical Center is celebrating the one year anniversary of consolidating obstetric and neonatal services across Trident Health system to one location at Summerville Medical Center.

We are honored to continue providing excellent care to our Lowcountry families close to home. said Dr. Beth Cook, Womens Services Medical Director for Summerville Medical Center and a local OB/GYN.

Combining more than 170 highly qualified clinicians and board-certified physicians, a comprehensive range of services for women and children, and facility resources onto one campus signaled a landmark moment for the health system in caring for Lowcountry women and children.

In the last year, the hospital has delivered more than 2,700 babies, including 36 sets of twins, and cared for more than 400 babies in the hospitals Level II neonatal ICU (NICU).

In the 26 years Summerville Medical Center has been open, we have been embraced by our community, said Dr. Beth Cook.

In 2018, Summerville Medical Center completed a $53 million womens and neonatal expansion in advance of the consolidation that provides patients with the highest quality care and the comforts of home. The new unit features a two story tower with 30 private postpartum rooms, 12 labor and delivery rooms, a 16-bed Level II neonatal ICU, Emergency Department OB suite, C-section suite, and more than $10 million in state-of-the-art technology.

Summerville Medical Center is proud to be the only Lowcountry hospital offering NICView technology, a 24/7 secure feed for families to watch their baby on any electronic device. Other additions such as wireless fetal monitoring and 55 Apple TVs in patient rooms provides families with the comforts of home while being in the hospitals care. In addition, the hospital provides families with special touches to celebrate the occasion with a celebratory meal for mom and partner, including sparkling grape juice in champagne flutes, a high end bath robe for mom, and a special raised on sweet tea and sunshine for their little one.

The hospital also has a Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic that provides care for high risk expecting moms on their pregnancy journey, as well as genetic counseling and fertility services for women considering starting a family. The Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic cared for more than 1,000 families in the last year.

We are experiencing significant growth in the Lowcountry, commented Angel Bozard, AVP of Womens & Childrens Services at Summerville Medical Center. As a result, Summerville Medical Center is committed to continue growing our facility, our services and our team so that moms and babies can receive excellent care in their own community. We are honored to have the most experienced providers of maternity and newborn care here at Summerville Medical Center.

Take a virtual tour of the new unit at http://www.TridentHealthsystem.com/momandbaby.

See the original post here:
Summerville Medical celebrates 1 year anniversary of obstetric consolidation - Journalscene.com


COVID-19 Now Research Focus Of Health Database That Has Several Wisconsin Partners – WUWM

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

A federal program trying to recruit 1 million people for medical research is launching an effort to learn more about COVID-19. WUWM's Chuck Quirmbach reports.

A federal program trying to recruit 1 million people for medical research is launching an effort to learn more about COVID-19. The Medical College of Wisconsin and some other health care outlets in the state are part of the program called All of Us.

All of Us began during the Obama administration and could cost $1.5 billion nationally over a 10-year period.

READ:In Return For Some DNA, Program Promises Medicine Eventually 'Tailored To You'

So far, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has gotten about 280,000 people to sign up for All of Us. Volunteering means allowing NIH confidential access to online medical records and to provide researchers with blood and urine samples. The hope is to build a diverse biomedical database that will lead to more individualized, or precision, disease prevention, treatment and care.

Enrollment for All of Us has been on hold for more than three months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But program officials are about to start conducting antibody tests of the blood samples of at least the last 10,000 people who signed up for All of Us early this year.

Dr. Jeff Whittle is a professor of Medicine and the Medical College of Wisconsin's principal investigator for All of Us. He says the tests will look for antibodies, or disease-fighting proteins that formed in people who had the coronavirus at the time of giving the blood sample.

"It won't lead directly to effect treatment. It will help us to understand who are the higher-risk individuals for infection and at higher risk for becoming ill. It may help us target resources. It may help target testing. It may help us target vaccination because when a vaccine becomes available, there will be some groups that providers will be wanting to vaccinate sooner than others, Whittle said.

Whittle also told WUWM there may be a genetic link to how humans interact with the coronavirus."There may be markers on your cells, determined by genetics, that make you more or less likely to be infected. There may be aspects of how your immune system works, that are genetically determined, that may make you able to mount a more robust or less robust response."

Whittle says All of Us volunteers, in effect, already gave permission for their submitted blood samples to be tested for research. He says after the antibody study is conducted at Vanderbilt University, some participants may eventually be contacted for follow-up.

As for recruiting nationally 720,000 more people for All of Us, Whittle says people can call to begin preliminary sign-up. He says The Medical College of Wisconsin will schedule local appointments tobegin later this month.

Support for Innovation reporting is provided by Dr. Lawrence and Mrs. Hannah Goodman.

Do you have a question about innovation in Wisconsin that you'd like WUWM's Chuck Quirmbach to explore? Submit it below.


Read the original post:
COVID-19 Now Research Focus Of Health Database That Has Several Wisconsin Partners - WUWM


An intriguingbut far from provenHIV cure in the ‘So Paulo Patient’ – Science Magazine

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

HIV, shown here budding from cell, remains stubbornly resistant to cure strategies because its DNA can lie silently in host chromosomes for years.

By Jon CohenJul. 7, 2020 , 9:00 AM

A 36-year-old man in Brazil has seemingly cleared an HIV infectionmaking him the proof of principle in humans of a novel drug strategy designed to flush the AIDS virus out of all of its reservoirs in the body. After receiving an especially aggressive combination of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs and nicotinamide (vitamin B3), the man, who asks to be referred to as the So Paulo Patient to protect his privacy, went off all HIV treatment in March 2019 and has not had the virus return to his blood.

The patients story is remarkable, says Steven Deeks, an HIV/AIDS clinician at the University of California, San Franciscowho was not involved with this study. But he and others, including the study leaders, caution that the success hasnt been long or definitive enough to label it a cure. Interesting anecdotes have long driven the HIV cure field, and they should be considered largely as hypothesis-generating observations that can simulate new areas of investigation, says Deeks, who also conducts HIV cure research.

Most people who suppress HIV with ARVs and later stop treatment see it come racing back to high levels within weeks. Not only did the So Paulo Patient not experience a rebound, but his HIV antibodies also dropped to extremely low levels, hinting at the possibility he may have cleared infected cells in the lymph nodes and gut.

Ricardo Diaz of the Federal University of So Paulo, the clinical investigator running the study, says he doesnt know whether the patient is cured. He has very little antigen, Diaz says, referring to HIV proteins that trigger the production of antibodies and other immune responses. But he notes his team has not sampled the mans lymph nodes or gut for the virus since he stopped treatment. Diaz discussed the patient today at a press conference for AIDS 2020, the 23rd International AIDS Conference taking place virtually this week, and he plans to present the study in full tomorrow.

Only two people are known to have been cured of their HIV infections:Timothy Ray Brown and a man who has asked to be referred to as the London Patient; both received bone marrow transplants as part of a treatment for cancers. The transplants cleared their infections and gave them new immune systems that resist infection with the virus. But bone marrow transplants are expensive, complicated interventions that can have serious side effects, making them an impractical cure for the 38 million people now living with the AIDS virus.

Other potential HIV cure cases have received intense media attention only to see the virus return after prolonged absences. Most soberingly, a baby in Mississippi who started ARVs shortly after birth stopped treatment at 18 months and was thought to be cured until the virus suddenly resurfaced more than 2 years later. Several adults who had bone marrow transplants and appeared to have been cured were not.

HIV has proven particularly difficult to eliminate because the virus weaves its genetic material into human chromosomes, where it can lie dormant, escaping the immune surveillance that typically eliminates foreign invaders. These silently infected cells may persist, perhaps indefinitely, because they have stem cell-like properties and can make clones of themselves. Researchers have come up with several strategies to flush reservoirs of cells that harbor latent HIV infections, but none have provedeffective.

To compare different reservoir-clearing strategies, Diaz and colleagues in 2015 recruited the So Paulo Patient and other individuals who had controlled their HIV infections with ARVs. The most aggressive approach, used in this man and four others, added two ARVs to the three they were already taking, in the hopethis would rout out any HIV that might have dodged the standard treatment. On top of this intensification, the study group received nicotinamide, which can, in theory, prod infected cells to wake up the latent virus. When those cells make new HIV, they either self-destruct or are vulnerable to immune attack.

After 48 weeks on this intensified schedule, the five trial participants returned to their regular three-drug regimen for 3 years, after which they stopped all treatment. Four saw the virus quickly return, but the So Paulo Patient has now gone 66 weeks without signs of being infected. Sensitive tests that detect viral genetic material did not find HIV in his blood. An even more sensitive test, which mixed his blood with cells that are susceptible to HIV infection, produced no newly infected cells.

Intriguingly, during the intensification period with nicotinamide, this man was the only one of the five who twice had the virus detected on standard blood tests. To Diaz, this suggests that latently infected cells had been roused, leading to blips of viral production. Im always trying to be a little bit the devils advocate, but in this case, Im optimistic, Diaz says. Maybe this strategy is not good for everybody because it only worked in one out of five here. But maybe it did get rid of virus. I dont know. I think this is a possibility.

Deeks says he does not know of any report, other than the two people cured by bone marrow transplants, of decreases in HIV antibody levels after stopping treatment. One large, outstanding question, he says, is whether the man indeed stopped taking his ARVs. I have not taken any HIV medication since March 30, 2019, the So Paulo Patient says. Diaz plans to confirm this by examining the mans blood for ARVs.

Another unknown is how soon the man started ARVs after becoming infected with HIV. Studies have shown that a small percentage of people who begin ARV treatment shortly after becoming infected have a better chance of controlling the virus for prolonged periods if they cease the drugs, presumably because they never built large reservoirs of infected cells. The So Paulo Patient started treatment 2 months after being diagnosed in October 2012. As with most people who become infected with HIV, he cannot say for certain when transmission occurred, but he suspects it was in June 2012. The only certainty is that he tested negative in 2010.

Its also unclear how nicotinamide would awaken silent infected cells. HIV DNA remains latent when it tightly spools around chromosome proteins known as histones. To make viral copies, it must unspool, and Diaz points to evidence that nicotinamide can trigger this unspooling in different ways.

Sharon Lewin, an HIV cure researcher who directs the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne, Australia, finds the antibody response intriguing. But she underscores it is not a convincing, controlled experiment. We need to move beyond case reports of HIV remission, Lewin says. I would be super excited to see long term remission in multiple participants in a clinical trial. This is what the field needs to really advance.

Continued here:
An intriguingbut far from provenHIV cure in the 'So Paulo Patient' - Science Magazine


From pandemic to rare disease, medical innovation is the answer – EURACTIV

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

Living through a global pandemic, we can take some comfort from the enormous collaborative research and development response that is taking place to find a way out from under the shadow of the COVID-19 crisis. Scientists around the world are working to find new diagnostics, treatments and vaccines to use in the fight against the coronavirus.

Nathalie Moll is the Director General of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).

The polar opposite of a pandemic, a rare disease may only affect a handful of patients in a particular country, but to the patient, their family, carers and clinicians, the impact of their condition can be just as devastating. Often genetic, discovered in childhood and frequently severe, rare diseases are some of the most significant scientific challenges in medicine. Typically they affect only 1 in 2,000 people, but there are more than 6000 rare diseases meaning around 30 million Europeans are living with some form of rare condition.

Rare diseases certainly dont attract the levels of media attention and interest that a public health crisis like COVID-19 does but for patients living with the 95% of rare diseases where no treatment options exist, the need for new diagnostics and medicines is every bit as real.

As the industry responsible for developing those new therapies, we are committed to achieving the crucial objective of finding new treatments for patients in areas of unmet medical need. It means supporting and strengthening the framework of incentives to drive further research into the next generation of treatments and cures for rare disease and paediatric treatments. Incentives drive investment, research and results. Results that mean new treatments and ultimately better outcomes for patients.

It is why EFPIA supports the existing European legislation on orphan medicines and paediatric medicines, while underlining the need to co-create vehicles to address issues around access to new treatments. Prior to the orphan legislation coming into force in 2000, there were just 8 treatments licensed for use to treat rare diseases, now there are 169, underlining the fundamental role that a predictable and stable incentives framework for research and development has. Any destabilisation of that framework threatens the investment in research and development in this area.

At the same time, faster, more equitable access to new rare disease treatments for patients across Europe is a shared goal and responsibility. Re-opening the Orphan Medicinal Product Regulation will not address the core challenges regarding unequal access and availability of orphan drugs within the EuropeanUnion. Addressing this challenge requires a structured dialogue with relevant stakeholders, Member States and the European Commission sensitive to their respective competence areas, to find solutions to introduce these ground-breaking treatments. That is why we reiterate the call to Member States and the Commission to set up a High-Level Forum composed of EU and national decision makers, patients, as well as the research and healthcare communities to find collaborative, multi-stakeholder solutions to these complex issues of access.

Considering the lack of innovation policy drivers in the Roadmap for the EUs Pharmaceutical Strategy, it is all the more critical that we maintain a stable and predictable incentives framework that can continue to support the development of new treatments for rare disease patients in Europe. We have to work together to ensure access to new treatments and technologies today, medical innovation in rare diseases for tomorrow and sustainable healthcare systems in a globally competitive Europe. Destabilising investment in the discovery and development of new treatments for patients living with rare diseases by re-opening a legislation, proven to be effective in stimulating the development of new treatments, cannot be the right approach.

One crystal clear lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic has been that the answer lies in medical innovation. This is equally true for patients living with rare diseases. Now is the time to re-build and re-invigorate rather than devalue Europes health research ecosystem, to make sure we address these challenges and #WeWontRest until we make treatments for rare diseases less rare.

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From pandemic to rare disease, medical innovation is the answer - EURACTIV


MyoKardia: The Precision Cardiac Medicine Company with Diversity and Inclusion at its Heart – BioSpace

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

Putting your employees and company culture first keeps the focus on inclusion and innovation, giving the company an incredible competitive advantage. At least thats the mantra at the heart of MyoKardia, a California-based biotech company that is developing precision medicine for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).

We want to change the world for people with cardiovascular disease by taking a patient-focused, scientifically driven approach, Tassos Gianakakos, MyoKardias CEO, told BioSpace. When youre addressing hard problems, you need different opinions, approaches, and expertise at the table. That is the only way to effectively deliver on the mission.

Companies are at risk of getting it wrong when they dont focus on culture early on you need to launch out of the gate with a culture mindset, Gianakakos added. You get back what you put out there, so being a mission-driven, culture-valuing company will help draw in likeminded employees. That group genius is what enables remarkable improvements to health outcomes for society.

CVD, also called heart disease, is a blanket term used to describe many diseases that affect the heart or blood vessels. Globally, heart diseases are by far the number one killer in the world, with CVDs responsible for 17.9 million deaths worldwide. These conditions are highly prevalent throughout the population 30.3 million US adults have been diagnosed with CVDs.

Credit: WHO

We lose more people in the U.S. and around the world to cardiovascular conditions than any other disease, Gianakakos. MyoKardias entire purpose is to change that. We want to be the leading company developing precision medicine for CVDs. Our approach is different; were subtyping patient populations within these large, heterogeneous conditions so that we can identify effective, targeted therapeutics. The idea is to discover and develop medicines that have transformative potential for people.

MyoKardias late-stage pipeline focuses on two CVDs: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), where the heart muscle becomes abnormally thick (hypertrophied), making it harder for the heart to pump blood; and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), where the hearts main pumping chamber (called the left ventricle) stretches and thins (dilates), making it harder for the heart to pump blood.

HCM is frequently caused by gene mutations in heart muscle proteins that cause the heart muscle to squeeze with more force than needed, leading to abnormal thickening over time. It is the most common inherited heart disease, occurring in about 1 in 500 people (over 650,000 people in the US). HCM is the most common cause of cardiac arrest (where the heart suddenly stops beating), in younger people. Although certain medications, like beta blockers and blood thinners, are used to treat some HCM symptoms, there arent any drugs that specifically address the underlying problem in HCM the genetic mutation-induced thickened heart muscle.

Positive results from a Phase III clinical trial of mavacamten, MyoKardias lead drug candidate for HCM, were announced in May. MyoKardia aims to submit a New Drug Application (NDA) submission with the FDA in the first quarter of 2021 and is planning for its first product launch.

DCMs causes may be varied in addition to genetics, a number of diseases are linked to left ventricle dilation, including diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, infections, and drug and alcohol abuse. It is a common cause of systolic heart failure (where the heart isnt pumping blood as well as it should be). Medications such as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, beta blockers, and blood thinners can successfully treat heart failure, but none of them are specific to the heart and have systemic side effects.

MyoKardias investigational drug danicamtiv is intended to increase heart contractions without interfering with the hearts ability to fill. The company recently reported encouraging data from their Phase IIa study of danicamtiv in chronic heart failure patients. They plan to advance into two new Phase II studies in specific patient populations: genetic DCM patients and systolic heart failure patients with paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation (AFib).

BioSpace spoke to Gianakakos and Ingrid Boyes, MyoKardias Senior Vice President of Human Resources, about the companys pipeline, culture, and why building a culture of diversity and inclusion is foundational to a company.

(Boyes previously spoke to BioSpace in 2015 about what MyoKardia is looking for when theyre hiring.)


BioSpace: Why is company culture and diversity so important to a successful company? How do you promote diversity and inclusion at MyoKardia?

Gianakakos: The diseases we are tackling know no ethnic, gender or socioeconomic boundaries. So our company culture needs to reflect this. Our teams need to reflect this and the patients we are working to help. Its hard for us to see doing good science and achieving our mission any other way. And it goes beyond the science. To have a successful and meaningful company, we need to innovate more broadly in growth strategies, commercial models, and new ways to more effectively get our therapies to patients who need it around the world.

Im proud of how we embrace each others differences gender, ethnicity and race, orientation, socioeconomic status and beliefs -- and highlight the importance of company culture. Everyone at MyoKardia shares the same mission, the same values, but we embrace and value each persons differences. We want our employees to feel safe sharing their own voice and know that different points of view are valued and respected.

Boyes: Tassos passion for company culture is a large part of why I joined the company five years ago. As a Hispanic woman, its really important to me to create an environment where people can thrive and grow. We have fun while creating a valuable community. As employee number 50, I was able to focus on how to help build a company culture with Tassos that values diversity by building on employees experiences. We were very intentional about company culture and how we evolve it. Every voice at MyoKardia counts and every person plays an important role in improving CVD patients lives.

We actively seek input from our employees and encourage them to challenge the status quo. We also invite employees to lead activities and bring their unique perspectives to work.

Gianakakos: We want to bring great people who are passionate to the company and play to their strengths. Focusing on increasing their engagement and creating an energizing work environment allows employees to do their most creative and best work. Having people build the skills they want and need by cross-training and encouraging lifelong learning improves the connectivity and the innovation within the company.

We believe this is one of the key competitive advantages at MyoKardia connecting and supporting people to engage and excite them and ensuring they have a voice that is valued. Having diverse perspectives and a commitment to listening leads us to much better decisions and results.

What kind of diversity and engagement activities do you do both within MyoKardia and externally with the general public?

Boyes: We always strive to improve the culture by actively soliciting feedback from our employees though a number of channels, including engagement surveys. Implementing employee-led initiatives has brought great features into the companys culture, such as a womens forum that brings in external women speakers and identifies female role models, a green team focused on being more sustainable, and a community volunteer team that actively supports our community. All of these activities also help to develop valuable leadership skills regardless of title within our organization.

Gianakakos: Based on employee feedback, weve also implemented several policy changes, such as increasing the companys 401k match and giving each employee a six-week sabbatical once they have been with the company for six years.

Boyes: We want to be connected with diverse organizations and participate as much as possible externally connecting with others in the community with culture-focused passion. We are always looking to connect with driven people who share our company values.

Switching gears to the science, what does CVD drug development look like right now?

Gianakakos: In many ways, CVD is where oncology was 20 years ago there were no precision medicines and non-specific treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation were used regardless of cancer type. The number of drugs in development for CVDs is woefully low relative to its global burden. There are over 1,100 oncology drugs in development, but only 200 for cardiovascular diseases, despite CVDs killing more people annually than all cancers combined. In oncology today, precision medicine approaches have given us countless targeted therapies that have completely transformed patient care. We are making this happen today in CVD, where we feel may even have advantages over oncology given the many tools now available to monitor the heart, such as wearables and patches that measure the heart rate and rhythm.

What made you focus on precision cardiac medicine? Why now?

Gianakakos: Momentum around precision medicine in other disease areas was clearly growing and resulting in important advances when MyoKardia started eight years ago. The first cystic fibrosis drug that treated the underlying cause rather than the symptoms (ivacaftor) was just launched by Vertex and a few years prior to MyoKardia our founding investors were involved in launching several exciting new companies like Foundation Medicine, Agios and bluebird bio who were developing potentially game-changing targeted therapies.

Traditionally, CVD clinical trials are massive, expensive, and often fail. When there is a lack of understanding of the underlying disease biology and its unclear exactly what the drug is doing, that can result in a large signal-to-noise ratio. This in turn, requires larger studies which are more expensive, and the therapies have to benefit large numbers of patients for the investment to make sense. This is a recipe that doesnt lead to innovative or efficient drug discovery. Identifying smaller, more homogenous subgroups of patients who all share the same disease pathology, and targeting them with drugs designed specifically to address the underlying disease biology is so powerful. Were matching the tailored treatment to address each persons underlying condition understanding how to identify the right drugs for the right patients.


What are the major knowledge gaps that need to be addressed to make precision cardiac medicine achievable for many patients? What does the landscape look like right now for precision cardiac medicine?

Gianakakos: There needs to be a cultural shift in the CVD field to move away from grouping broad heterogenous patients together, to focusing on smaller, well defined patient groups treated with targeted therapies and learning as much as we can from those that respond very well and, as importantly, those that do not.

Matching patient profiles to drugs that specifically address their underlying disease is key. Leaning on existing technology, such as wearables, genetic sequencing, imaging, and biomarker profiles to subtype CVD patients and deeply understand the biological drivers of disease will lead to critically important targeted therapies and much more effective clinical trials.

In terms of other precision cardiac medicine approaches in development, gene therapies are being explored. While that technology is maturing, most gene therapies for CVDs are still in early-stage research, but eventually could be helpful for certain sub-groups of patients with CVD.

Relative to other disease areas, like oncology, it has been challenging for companies to invest in new approaches to drug discovery and development in areas like CVD and neurology. However, given the staggering medical need, and with progress being made by companies like ours, I expect interest in CVD precision medicine to increase over the next 3-5 years.

What does MyoKardias pipeline look like?

Gianakakos: Our Phase III drug, called mavacamten (MYK-461), is for HCM. HCM is a genetic disease where the heart thickens due to excessive force of contraction cause by mutations in the heart muscle proteins. There are two common subtypes of HCM: obstructive, where the thickening also occurs near the base of the aorta and prevents (obstructs) blood from flowing well out of the heart; and non-obstructive, where the thick muscle makes it challenging for the heart to relax and fill, reducing the amount of blood flow out of the heart without physically obstructing blood flow. About one-third of HCM patients have the non-obstructive type.

Mavacamten is a small molecule that targets the heart muscle protein myosin reducing the excessive force of contraction, directly addressing the underlying cause of HCM. We announced positive data from our Phase III trial (EXPLORER-HCM) of mavacemten in about 250 symptomatic obstructive HCM patients and we are now able to move full steam ahead on our first regulatory submission for approval. Encouraging results from a Phase II trial (MAVERICK-HCM) of mavacamten in about 60 participants with symptomatic non-obstructive HCM were recently presented and we are going to be moving mavacamten forward in non-obstructive patients. We are also conducting a long-term extension study is also ongoing for patients who participated in either EXPLORER-HCM or MAVERICK-HCM.

We started hyper focused in a disease with a defined genetic background and will expand in a deliberate way into adjacent diseases with similar problems, such as heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. About 3 million people in the U.S. have problems filling and relaxing their hearts and we estimate that approximately 10% of them share similar pathology to HCM. Are these disease subtypes related? Do they have similar genetic mutations? We plan to start a Phase II trial in the next few months to explore if mavacamten can help that specific heart failure population and learn much more about this devastating form of heart failure.

We also have a Phase II molecule, called danicamtiv (MYK-491), for DCM that is designed to increase the force of contraction in the heart - the opposite of what mavacamten has been created to do. Danicamtiv is a small molecule that selectively increases the number of myosin-actin cross bridges, supporting heart muscle contractions to help the heart pump more efficiently. It has recently completed a Phase Ib/IIa trial in DCM or stable heart failure patients and has shown very promising early results. We are now moving into a separate Phase II study in DCM patients with certain genetic mutations. Among the most interesting new findings from our clinical study of danicamtiv is that it appears to have a direct effect on the performance of the left atrium. We were able to confirm and learn more about these findings in nonclinical studies, which is leading us to explore danicamtiv in patients with systolic dysfunction and atrial fibrillation.

MyoKardia has gone from startup to successfully completing our first Phase III trial in eight years. In the coming months, we will be submitting our first drug to the FDA this year, which if approved will bring the first every therapy designed specifically for HCM to people with this debilitating condition.

We design our therapies with the aim of targeting the underlying disease mechanism to treat and, in some cases, reverse the problem, actually slowing down or reversing disease progression. That allows patients to live full lives, free from fear and complications. We are very excited and remain super ambitious. The magic and special sauce is really our employees and our culture.

Go here to see the original:
MyoKardia: The Precision Cardiac Medicine Company with Diversity and Inclusion at its Heart - BioSpace


Post-PCI Mortality Higher in Blacks vs Whites, Comorbidities Aside – Medscape

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

A combined analysis of 10 prospective trials, intended to shed light on racial disparities in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) outcomes, saw sharply higher risks of death and myocardial infarction (MI) for Blacks compared with Whites.

The burden of comorbidities, including diabetes, was greater for Hispanics and Blacks compared to Whites, but only in Blacks were PCI outcomes significantly worse even after controlling for such conditions and other baseline risk factors.

The analysis based on more than 22,000 patients was published July 6 in JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, with lead author Mordechai Golomb, MD, Cardiovascular Research Foundation, New York City.

In the study based on patient-level data from the different trials, the adjusted risk of MI after PCI was increased 45% at 1 year and 55% after 5 years for Blacks compared with Whites. Their risk of death at 1 year was doubled, and their risk of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) was up by 28% at 5 years.

"Improving healthcare and outcomes for minorities is essential, and we are hopeful that our work may help direct these efforts, senior author Gregg W. Stone, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City, told theheart.org | Medscape Cardiology.

"But this won't happen without active, concerted efforts to promote change and opportunity, a task for government, regulators, payers, hospital administrators, physicians, and all healthcare providers," he said. "Understanding patient outcomes according to race and ethnicity is essential to optimize health for all patients," but "most prior studies in this regard have looked at population-based data."

In contrast, the current study used hospital source records, which are considered more accurate than administrative databases, and event coding reports, Stone said, plus angiographic core laboratory analyses for all patients, "allowing an independent assessment of the extent and type of coronary artery disease and procedural outcomes."

The analysis "demonstrated that even when upfront treatments are presumably similar [across racial groups] in a clinical trial setting, longitudinal outcomes still differ by race," Michael Nanna, MD, told theheart.org | Medscape Cardiology.

The "troubling" results "highlight the persistence of racial disparities in healthcare and the need to renew our focus on closing these gaps, [and] is yet another call to action for clinicians, researchers, and the healthcare system at large," said Nanna, of Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, and lead author on an editorial accompanying the published analysis.

Of the 10 randomized controlled trials included in the study, which encompassed 22,638 patients, nine were stent comparisons and one compared antithrombotic regimens in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS), the authors note. The median follow-up was about 1100 days.

White patients made up 90.9% of the combined cohort, Black patients comprised 4.1%, Hispanics 2.1%, and Asians 1.8% figures that "confirm the well-known fact that minority groups are underrepresented in clinical trials," Stone said.

There were notable demographic and clinical differences at baseline between the four groups.

For example, Black patients tended to be younger than White, Hispanic, and Asian patients. Black and Hispanic patients were also less likely to be male compared with White patients.

Both Black and Hispanic patients had more comorbidities than Whites did at baseline, the authors observe. For example, Black and Hispanic patients had a greater body mass index compared with Whites, whereas it was lower for Asians; and they had more diabetes and more hypertension than Whites (P < .0001 for all differences).

Hispanics were more likely to have ACS at baseline compared with Whites and less likely to have stable coronary artery disease (CAD) (P < .0001 for all differences). Similar proportions of Blacks and of Whites had stable CAD, about 32% of each, and ACS, about 68% in both cases.

Rates of hyperlipidemia and stable CAD were greater and rates of ACS was lower in Asians than the other three race groups (P < .0001 for each difference).

In adjusted analysis, the risk of MACE at 5 years was significantly increased for Blacks compared with Whites (hazard ratio (HR),1.28; 95% CI, 1.05 - 1.57; P = .01). The same applied to MI (HR, 1.55; 95% CI, 1.15 - 2.09; P = .004).

At 1 year, Blacks showed higher risks for death (HR, 2.06; 95% CI, 1.26 - 3.36; P = .004) and for MI (HR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.01 - 2.10; P = .045), compared with Whites.

No significant increases in risk for outcomes at 1 and 5 years were seen for Hispanics or Asians compared with Whites.

Covariates in the analyses included age, sex, body mass index, diabetes, current smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of MI or coronary revascularization, clinical CAD presentation, category of stent, and race stratified by study.

Even with underlying genotypic differences between Blacks and Whites, much of the difference in risk for outcomes "should have been accounted for when the researchers adjusted for these clinical phenotypes," the editorial notes.

Some of the difference in risk must have derived from uncontrolled-for variables, and "Beyond genetics, it is clear that race is also a surrogate for other socioeconomic factors that influence both medical care and patient outcomes," they write.

The adjusted analysis, note Golomb et al, suggests "that for Hispanic patients, the excess risk for adverse clinical outcomes may have been attributable to a higher prevalence of risk factors. In contrast, the excess risk for adverse clinical outcomes for Black patients persisted even after adjustment for baseline risk factors."

As such, they agree, "The observed increased risk may be explained by differences that are not fully captured in traditional cardiovascular risk factor assessment, including socioeconomic differences and education, treatment compliance rates, and yet-to-be-elucidated genetic differences and/or other factors."

Stone said that such socioeconomic considerations may include reduced access to care and insurance coverage; lack of preventive care, disease awareness, and education; delayed presentation; and varying levels of provided care.

"Possible genetic or environmental-related differences in the development and progression of atherosclerosis and other disease processes" may also be involved.

"Achieving representative proportions of minorities in clinical trials is essential but has proved challenging," Stone said. "We must ensure that adequate numbers of hospitals and providers that are serving these patients participate in multicenter trials, and trust has to be developed so that minority populations have confidence to enroll in studies."

Stone reported holding equity options in Ancora, Qool Therapeutics, Cagent, Applied Therapeutics, the Biostar family of funds, SpectraWave, Orchestro Biomed, Aria, Cardiac Success, the MedFocus family of funds, and Valfix; and receiving consulting fees from Valfix, TherOx, Vascular Dynamics, Robocath, HeartFlow, Gore Ablative Solutions, Miracor, Neovasc, W-Wave, Abiomed, and others. Disclosures for the other authors are in the report. Nanna reports no relevant financial relationships; other coauthor disclosures are provided with the editorial.

JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2020;13:1586-1595, 1596-1598. Abstract, Editorial

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See the original post here:
Post-PCI Mortality Higher in Blacks vs Whites, Comorbidities Aside - Medscape


A WHO-led mission may investigate the pandemic’s origin. Here are the key questions to ask – Science Magazine

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

An emergency response team on 11 January at work in the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, China, initially said to be the source of COVID-19.

By Jon CohenJul. 10, 2020 , 4:30 PM

Science's COVID-19 reporting is supported by the Pulitzer Center and the Heising-Simons Foundation.

The two-person team from the World Health Organization (WHO) traveling to China today to address the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is unlikely to come home with answers. Rather, the duoan epidemiologist and an animal health expert whose names have not been releasedwill discuss with Chinese officials the scope of alarger international mission later, according to a WHO statement.

But this initial trip offers real hope that the mystery of the virus origins, which has become a political powder keg and the subject of countless conspiracy theories, will finally be investigated more thoroughly and transparently. (A similar WHO-led mission to examine how China was handling its fight against the virus, launched after weeks of diplomatic wrangling, returned in February with a surprising wealth of information.)

Science must stay open to all possibilities about the pandemics origins, Mike Ryan, executive director of WHOs Health Emergencies Programme, said at a press conference on 7 July. We need to lay out a series of investigations that will get the answers that Im sure the Chinese government, governments around the world, and ourselves really need in order to manage the risk going forward into the future.

Questions range from hunting for animals that might harbor the virus to examining the possibility that it came from a laboratory. There are plenty of details to investigate, and it could be a long road. Origin riddles for other new infectious diseases often took years to solve, and the route to answers has involved wrong turns, surprising twists, technological advances, lawsuits, allegations of cover ups, and high-level politics. Determining how a pathogen suddenly emerges in people requires a lot of sleuthing, but past successes offer clues of where to look for new insights, as do the few data points that now exist for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

The initial, tidy origin story told by health officials in Wuhan during the first few weeks of January was that a cluster of people connected to a seafood market developed an unusual pneumonia, and that the outbreak stopped after the market was closed and disinfected. But confusion about the origin of the novel coronavirus identified in Wuhan patients arose when researchers published the first epidemiologic studies of the citys outbreak:Four of the first five casesconfirmed to have SARS-CoV-2 infections had no link to the market.

Soon, other theories emerged. Some believe its no coincidence that the city is host to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), home to leading bat coronavirus researcher Shi Zheng-Li. Her group, one of the first to isolate and sequence SARS-CoV-2, has trapped bats in the wild for 15 years, hunting for coronaviruses to help identify pandemic threats. In theirfirst report about the new virus, the scientists described a bat coronavirus in their collection that was 96.2% similar to SARS-CoV-2.

U.S. President Donald Trump early on endorsed speculation that the virus entered humans because of an accident at WIV. Amore contentious theoryis that the lab created the virus. (Researchers at the lab insist neither scenario has any merit, and evolutionary biologists elsewhere have argued the virus shows no evidence of having been engineered.)

The most popular hypothesis is that SARS-CoV-2 spread into humans from an intermediate host, an animal species susceptible to the virus that acted as a bridge between bats and humans. In the case of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), civets turned out to play that role for the responsible coronavirus. For Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), also a coronavirus disease, itquickly became clearcamels were the culprit because highly similar viruses were found in the animals and people caring for them.

Chinese officials have reported conducting tests for SARS-CoV-2 at the Wuhan seafood market but what they foundremains sketchy. Chinas state-run news agency, Xinhua, said environmental samples tested positive for the virus in a zone of the market that sold wildlife, but the report had no details about the results or even a list of the species for sale. Other studies have discovered similarities between SARS-CoV-2 and a coronavirus found in pangolins, an endangered species that eats ants, but the pangolin virus is more divergent genetically from SARS-CoV-2 than the closest bat virus and theres no evidence pangolins or their scalesused in traditional Chinese medicinewere sold at the market.

Some more fringe theories still suggest SARS-CoV-2 came fromsnakes,cometary debris, or aU.S. Army lab.

So, assuming WHOs team and the Chinese government work out a deal for an international mission to study the pandemics origins, where would it start? Here are some key questions that need answers.

Scientists realized camels were the source of Middle East respiratory syndrome when highly similar viruses were found in the animals and people caring for them.

Another outstanding question is whether Shis team or other researchers in Wuhan manipulated bat viruses in gain-of-function experiments that can make a virus more transmissible between humans. In 2015, Shi co-authored a paper that made a chimeric SARS virus by combining one from bats with a strain that had been adapted to mice. Butthat workwas done at the University of North Carolina, not in Wuhan, and in collaboration with Ralph Baric. Did Shis group later carry out other gain-of-function studies in Wuhanand if so, what did they find?

Finally, diplomatic cablesfrom the U.S. Embassy in Beijing in 2018 warned that a new, ultra-high security lab at WIV had a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators. Did Shis team ever work with coronaviruses in that lab, and, if so, why?

If history repeats itself, it might take yearsor even decadesto crack this case. Scientists havent unequivocally identified Ebolas source 45 years after its discovery. But the key, time and again, to clarifying the origins of emerging infectious diseases is unearthing new data. WHOs push to organize the probe promises to, at the very least, accelerate what has been a plodding pursuit for answers.

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A WHO-led mission may investigate the pandemic's origin. Here are the key questions to ask - Science Magazine


NIH Funds Research to Understand How Genomics of Diverse Populations Affect Clinical Care – AJMC.com Managed Markets Network

Friday, July 10th, 2020

Polygenic risk scores, which evaluate disease risk based on DNA variants, have previously been based almost entirely on patients who had European ancestry.

The project, Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Genomic Risk Assessment and Management Network, will build upon work of the existing eMERGE Network, and help these institutions recruit a higher percentage of patients from diverse ethnic backgrounds. The goal is to serve patients who are typically underrepresented in clinical trials or who typically have poor clinical outcomes.

NHGRI funds eMERGE, which brings together DNA biorepositories with electronic health record (EHR) systems to allow high-throughput genetic research to advance personalized medicine. While much of this kind of work is associated with cancer research, eMERGE and the grants awarded in the new round of funding will work to advance protocols that will determine care models for diabetes and cardiovascular disease and determine who is at risk for Alzheimer disease.

The challenge of bringing diversity to clinical trials has been well-documented in the scientific literature in recent years. A 2016 workshopat the European Society of Human Genetics explored the need to address disparities by engaging communities that been historically underrepresented in genomics research; without data from these populations, interpreting genetic testing results would be difficult when these patients sought care, and pathways based on clinical trials might not produce the same outcomes in these populations.

Where the Money Goes

In addition to the $61 million to the 10 sites, $13.4 million will go to the eMERGE Network Coordinating Center at Vanderbilt University.

The 10 sites will be in 2 categories. The first group, to include Mayo Clinic, Rochester,Minnesota; Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston; and Northwestern University, Chicago, will seek 10,000 patients, of which at least 35% should be from underrepresented groups.

The second set of locations, called enhanced diversity clinical sites, will seek 15,000 patients, of which 75% must be from diverse groups. These are the University of Alabama, Birmingham; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City; Cincinnati Children'sHospital Medical Center; Columbia University, New York City; Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia; and University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle.

Officials for Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) noted the specific requirements of this round of funding called for enrolling at least 2500 new participants who had not been previously involved with the hospitals Center for Applied Genomics (CAG), of which 75% must be African American.

The Center for Applied Genomics and the National Institutes of Health have had an excellent partnership within the eMERGE Network, and we are thrilled to continue to build upon the valuable work that we have been able to achieve so far with particular emphasis on resolving diseases in diverse patient populations and minority groups, Hakon Hakonarson, MD, PhD, director of the CAG at CHOP and principal investigator of the program, said in a statement. The primary goals of this program are to identify disease risks faced by patients and their families and to determine the most appropriate actions we can take to improve health outcomes. The program specifically focuses on African American children and their families, who will constitute 75% of participants.

Polygenic risk scores, which evaluate disease risk based on DNA variants, have previously been based almost entirely on patients who had European ancestry. Investigators have seen a need to incorporate data from patients from non-European ancestry into risk scores, as well as those who have clinical and lifestyle characteristics seen in the real world, such as higher body mass index (BMI), alcohol use, elevated blood glucose levels, and other factors that affect a persons risk level.

The eMERGE Network, launched in 2007, first collected electronic health record data to address this problem. The sites that will proactively collect data over the next 5 years will add new data to incorporate into risk calculations.

The goal is to develop protocols to estimate risk for common, complex diseases, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, or Alzheimers disease, and incorporate health management recommendations for clinicians into the EHR using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability ResourceStandard, which spells out how health information is to be shared electronically.

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NIH Funds Research to Understand How Genomics of Diverse Populations Affect Clinical Care - AJMC.com Managed Markets Network


Bennett named chief of breast imaging section – Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Friday, July 10th, 2020

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Radiologist also will lead clinical services

Radiologist Debbie Lee Bennett, MD, has been named chief of the breast imaging section at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

After a national search, noted radiologist Debbie Lee Bennett, MD, has been named chief of breast imaging forMallinckrodt Institute of Radiology(MIR) at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

Bennett will oversee screening and diagnostic mammography services offered throughSiteman Cancer CenteratBarnes-Jewish Hospitaland Washington University School of Medicine, including at the Joanne Knight Breast Health Center.

Bennett comes to the university from Saint Louis University School of Medicine, where she had served on the faculty since 2014, most recently as an associate professor. There, she established the breast imaging section and began serving as its chief in 2015.

We are very excited that someone with Dr. Bennetts proven leadership and experience is joining our breast imaging faculty, said Richard L. Wahl, MD, the Elizabeth Mallinckrodt Professor of Radiology, head of the radiology department at the School of Medicine and director of MIR. She also is a welcome addition to our team of clinical experts, whose skill and experience make a difference in the lives of our patients.

Bennett serves on several committees of professional and academic organizations, including the American College of Radiology, Society of Breast Imaging, American Board of Radiology and Radiological Society of North America. She also is engaged in outreach and education, and has mentored many residents who have gone on to pursue careers in breast imaging.

After an internship in internal medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, she completed a residency in diagnostic radiology and a fellowship in breast imaging, both at Massachusetts General Hospital.

She earned her medical degree from Harvard Medical School and bachelors degree from Princeton University, graduating magna cum laude from both institutions.

Washington University School of Medicines 1,500 faculty physicians also are the medical staff ofBarnes-JewishandSt. Louis Childrenshospitals. The School of Medicine is a leader in medical research, teaching and patient care, ranking among the top 10 medical schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Through its affiliations with Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals, the School of Medicine is linked toBJC HealthCare.

Siteman Cancer Center, ranked among the top cancer treatment centers by U.S. News & World Report, also is one of only a few cancer centers to receive the highest rating of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) exceptional. Comprising the cancer research, prevention and treatment programs ofBarnes-Jewish HospitalandWashington University School of Medicinein St. Louis, Siteman treats adults at six locations and partners withSt. Louis Childrens Hospitalin the treatment of pediatric patients. Siteman is Missouris only NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center and the states only member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. Through theSiteman Cancer Network, Siteman Cancer Center works with regional medical centers to improve the health and well-being of people and communities by expanding access to cancer prevention and control strategies, clinical studies and genomic and genetic testing, all aimed at reducing the burden of cancer.

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Bennett named chief of breast imaging section - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis


Edgewise Therapeutics Appoints Abby H. Bronson, M.B.A., as Vice President, Patient Advocacy and External Innovation – Business Wire

Friday, July 10th, 2020

BOULDER, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Edgewise Therapeutics, a biopharmaceutical company developing small molecule therapies for musculoskeletal diseases, today announced the appointment of Abby H. Bronson to the newly created position of Vice President, Patient Advocacy and External Innovation. Ms. Bronson will be responsible for leading patient advocacy and building key external relationships with the muscular dystrophy community with the goal of bringing patient insights into drug development. This comes at an important time as Edgewise prepares EDG-5506, the companys lead product candidate, for clinical development for Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD and BMD). Ms. Bronson brings a wealth of experience in the rare disease space, most recently serving as Senior Vice President of Research Strategy at Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD), the largest patient centered advocacy organization devoted to finding a cure for Duchenne.

We are pleased to have Abby join our company as we advance our muscular dystrophy program and prepare EDG-5506 for clinical development, said Kevin Koch, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer, Edgewise Therapeutics. Having a strong patient advocacy perspective and voice in the DMD community is integral to executing against our vision of creating novel drugs that will transform the lives of patients living with severe musculoskeletal diseases. Abby brings an extensive patient advocacy background and we are fortunate to have someone with her knowledge and passion for the patient community join our team.

Im excited to join the dedicated team at Edgewise and to support the advancement of EDG-5506, a potentially transformative product candidate in DMD, through meaningful engagement with the patient and scientific communities, said Ms. Bronson.

Ms. Bronson is a leader within the rare disease space and over her career has managed critical alliances and partnerships with academia, biopharmaceutical companies, National Institutes of Health (NIH)/federal programs, patient groups and other stakeholders. Most recently she worked at PPMD as Senior Vice President of Research Strategy where she led the Research Portfolio and built strong relationships with Duchenne academic and clinical researchers, industry and regulators to help incorporate the patient voice and improve drug development success in DMD. Prior to this, Ms. Bronson was at the NIHs Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Division of Clinical Innovation where she was Director of Operations for the Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program. Additionally, Ms. Bronson held positions at Children's National Medical Center, where she managed the global development and execution of key translational and drug development initiatives in select rare diseases, focusing on Duchenne at the Research Center for Genetic Medicine; MedImmune (acquired by Astra-Zeneca), where she led marketing initiatives for Synagis (palivizumab) for RSV disease; Medtronic where she managed global product marketing for select medical devices; and Ciba-Geneva Pharmaceuticals (acquired by Novartis) where she was responsible for managing relationships with major managed care organizations and led sales and marketing initiatives for their cardiovascular franchise. Ms. Bronson received her M.B.A from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and B.A. degree from the University of Vermont.

About Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular dystrophies are a group of genetic disorders associated with defects in the critical muscle-associated structural protein dystrophin or the sarcomere complex and are characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness. In individuals with neuromuscular conditions such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, muscle contractions lead to continued rounds of muscle breakdown that the body struggles to repair. Eventually, as patients age, fibrosis and fatty tissue accumulate in the muscle portending a steep decline in physical function that ends with mortality. There remains an unmet need for treatments that reduce muscle breakdown in patients with neuromuscular conditions. Arresting this amplified muscle response will have a dramatic effect on disease progression.

About Edgewise Therapeutics

Edgewise Therapeutics, founded in 2017 by Alan Russell, Ph.D., Peter Thompson, M.D. (Orbimed Advisors) and Badreddin Edris, Ph.D., (Springworks Inc.), is pioneering the development of first-in-class medicines for the treatment of high morbidity musculoskeletal diseases. Skeletal muscle is the largest organ system in the human body, regulating both force production to enable muscle contraction, locomotion, and postural maintenance and the metabolism of glucose, fatty and amino acids. By modulating these processes in skeletal muscle, we create therapeutic agents that will reduce muscle damage, normalize muscle function, decrease mortality and profoundly benefit our patients quality of life. To learn more, go to: http://www.edgewisetx.com

Here is the original post:
Edgewise Therapeutics Appoints Abby H. Bronson, M.B.A., as Vice President, Patient Advocacy and External Innovation - Business Wire


Genetic testing and hitching a ride with the British; In The News for July 10 – Medicine Hat News

Friday, July 10th, 2020

By The Canadian Press on July 10, 2020.

In The News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is whats on the radar of our editors for the morning of July 10

What we are watching in Canada

OTTAWA The Supreme Court of Canada is slated to rule this morning on the constitutionality of a federal law that forbids companies from making people undergo genetic testing before buying insurance or other services.

The Genetic Non-Discrimination Act also outlaws the practice of requiring the disclosure of existing genetic test results as a condition for obtaining such services or entering into a contract.

The act is intended to ensure Canadians can take genetic tests to help identify health risks without fear they will be penalized when seeking life or health insurance.

The law, passed three years ago, is the result of a private members bill that was introduced in the Senate and garnered strong support from MPs despite opposition from then-justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould.

The Quebec government referred the new law to the provincial Court of Appeal, which ruled in 2018 that it strayed beyond the federal governments jurisdiction over criminal law.

The Canadian Coalition for Genetic Fairness then challenged the ruling in the Supreme Court of Canada, which heard the appeal last October.

Also this

OTTAWA Canadian troops are being forced to hitch a ride with the British military to get to and from Latvia due to a shortage of working planes.

A CC-150 Polaris was to carry about 120 Canadian soldiers to Latvia on Wednesday and fly back with a similar number of returning troops.

Yet the Defence Department says those plans changed after a problem was found with the planes landing gear, which is when the military asked the British for help.

The Air Force has three Polaris capable of ferrying personnel to different parts of the world but the Defence Department says the other two were unavailable.

One is currently ferrying troops to and from the Middle East while the third which normally serves as the prime ministers plane is out of commission until at least January after a hangar accident last October.

Defence Department spokeswoman Jessica Lamirande says the British plane took off with the 120 departing troops on Thursday and will return with a similar number of soldiers in the coming days.

What we are watching in the U.S.

International students worried about a new immigration policy that could potentially cost them their visas say they feel stuck between being unnecessarily exposed during the coronavirus pandemic and being able to finish their studies in the United States.

The students from countries such as India, China and Brazil say they are scrambling to devise plans after federal immigration authorities notified colleges this week that international students must leave the U.S. or transfer to another college if their schools operate entirely online this fall.

Some say they are considering the possibility of returning home or moving to Canada.

What we are watching elsewhere in the world

SEOUL The sudden death of the Seoul mayor is triggering an outpouring of public sympathy but also questions about his behaviour.

Park Won-sun was found dead in the South Korean capital, hours after his daughter reported him missing.

Media reports say one of his secretaries lodged a complaint with police over his alleged sexual harassment.

Many mourn Parks death, while others worry sympathy for him could lead to a criticism of the woman who filed the complaint.

Despite gradually improvements in womens rights in recent years, South Korea remains a male-centred society.

Today in 1912

Montreals George Hodgson won Canadas first Olympic swimming gold medal. He set a world record of 22 minutes flat in the 1,500-metre freestyle at the Games in Stockholm. That record lasted 11 years. Four days later, Hodgson won the 400-metre freestyle. Canada did not capture another Olympic swimming title until 1984.

The Canadian economy

Statistics Canada is set this morning to give a snapshot of the job market as it was last month as pandemic-related restrictions eased and reopenings widened.

Economists expect the report will show a bump in employment as a result, further recouping some of the approximately three million jobs lost over March and April.

Financial data firm Refinitiv says the average economist estimate for June is for employment to increase by 700,000 jobs and the unemployment rate to fall to 12.0 per cent.

The unemployment rate in May was a record-high 13.7 per cent, a far turn from the record low of 5.5 per cent recorded in January.

The Bank of Canada and federal government say the worst of the economic pain from the pandemic is behind the country, but Canada will face high unemployment and low growth until 2021.

The economic outlook released by the Liberal government Wednesday forecasted the unemployment rate to be 9.8 per cent for the calendar year, dropping to 7.8 per cent next year based on forecasts by 13 private sector economists.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published July 10, 2020.

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Genetic testing and hitching a ride with the British; In The News for July 10 - Medicine Hat News


Supreme Court to rule on constitutionality of genetic discrimination law – Medicine Hat News

Friday, July 10th, 2020

By The Canadian Press on July 10, 2020.

OTTAWA The Supreme Court of Canada is slated to rule this morning on the constitutionality of a federal law that forbids companies from making people undergo genetic testing before buying insurance or other services.

The Genetic Non-Discrimination Act also outlaws the practice of requiring the disclosure of existing genetic test results as a condition for obtaining such services or entering into a contract.

The act is intended to ensure Canadians can take genetic tests to help identify health risks without fear they will be penalized when seeking life or health insurance.

The law, passed three years ago, is the result of a private members bill that was introduced in the Senate and garnered strong support from MPs despite opposition from then-justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould.

The Quebec government referred the new law to the provincial Court of Appeal, which ruled in 2018 that it strayed beyond the federal governments jurisdiction over criminal law.

The Canadian Coalition for Genetic Fairness then challenged the ruling in the Supreme Court of Canada, which heard the appeal last October.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published July 10, 2020.

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Supreme Court to rule on constitutionality of genetic discrimination law - Medicine Hat News


BridgeBio Pharma’s Phoenix Tissue Repair to Highlight Interim Phase 1/2 Study Data in a Presentation at the Society for Pediatric Dermatology’s 45th…

Friday, July 10th, 2020

BOSTON, July 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BridgeBio Pharma, Inc. (Nasdaq: BBIO) affiliate Phoenix Tissue Repair (PTR) today announced an upcoming presentation of interim data from an ongoing Phase 1/2 study of PTR-01 (BBP-589), an intravenously-administered recombinant collagen 7 protein replacement therapy for patients with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB). The presentation will be made during the Society for Pediatric Dermatologys (SPD) 45th Annual Meeting, to be held virtually July 10-12, 2020.

The poster presentation, which includes safety and tolerability data observed so far in patients enrolled in cohorts 1-3, will be delivered by Anna L. Bruckner, MD, associate professor of dermatology and pediatrics at University of Colorado School of Medicine. The pre-recorded presentation will be available online to meeting registrants until December 31, 2020. The poster will also be available on the Phoenix Tissue Repair website.

Details for the presentation are below:

Title: Interim update from a Phase 1/2 trial examining the safety and tolerability of PTR-01, a collagen 7 protein replacement therapy, in patients with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosaPresenter: Anna L. Bruckner, MD

AboutDystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (DEB)DEB is a rare genetic disorder symptomatic from birth that is caused by mutations in the gene for a protein called collagen type VII (C7). The C7 protein is essential for the formation of anchoring fibrils, structures which connect the epidermis and dermisthe uppermost two layers of the skin. Patients with the recessive form of DEB (RDEB) tend to have particularly severe symptoms due to severe insufficiency of functional C7. Symptoms include extreme skin and mucosal fragility that present as recurrent, painful blistering and scarring of the skin, as well as ulcerations of the mouth, tongue and dental caries. In addition to the cutaneous and oral symptoms, severe forms are associated with erosions and scarring of mucous membranes of the eye, esophagus, genitals and anus. Joint contractures, mutilating deformities of hands and feet, malnutrition, growth retardation, recurrent infections and a significantly increased risk for squamous cell carcinoma are also common. There are currently no approved disease-modifying therapies for any form of DEB, and the standard of care focuses on wound and pain management.

About Phoenix Tissue Repair and PTR-01Phoenix Tissue Repair is aBoston-based company that is an affiliate of BridgeBio Pharma, and is focused on advancing a novel systemic treatment for recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB).PTR-01 is an investigational protein replacement therapy which uses a recombinant collagen type VII (rC7) for the treatment of RDEB. PTR-01 is designed to be systemically available through intravenous delivery. Phoenix Tissue Repair acquired worldwide rights to PTR-01 in 2017. Preclinical studies of PTR-01 have demonstrated C7 staining in basement membranes withde novoanchoring fibril formation and improved survival in models of RDEB.

PTR-01 has been granted Orphan Drug Designation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency.

About BridgeBioPharma, Inc.BridgeBio is a team of experienced drug discoverers, developers and innovators working to create life-altering medicines that target well-characterized genetic diseases at their source. BridgeBio was founded in 2015 to identify and advance transformative medicines to treat patients who suffer from Mendelian diseases, which are diseases that arise from defects in a single gene, and cancers with clear genetic drivers. BridgeBios pipeline of over 20 development programs includes product candidates ranging from early discovery to late-stage development. For more information, visit bridgebio.com.

Forward-Looking StatementsThis press release contains forward-looking statements. All statements contained herein other than statements of historical fact constitute forward-looking statements, including statements relating to expectations, plans, and prospects regarding Phoenix Tissue Repair's clinical development plan, clinical trial results, timing and completion of clinical trials, and ability to take advantage of expedited FDA review for PTR-01. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including, but not limited to, Phoenix Tissue Repair's ability to advance PTR-01 in clinical development in accordance with its plans, the results from any clinical trials and nonclinical studies of PTR-01, and the nature of Phoenix Tissue Repair's interactions with regulatory authorities. Moreover, Phoenix Tissue Repair operates in a very competitive and rapidly changing environment in which new risks emerge from time to time. These forward-looking statements are based upon the current expectations and beliefs of Phoenix Tissue Repair's management as of the date of this release and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information available to Phoenix Tissue Repair as of the date hereof, and Phoenix Tissue Repair disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements except as required by law.

Investor Relations Contact:Mike Mangone, Ph.D.Vice President, Business Development & Corporate Strategy857-449-0970info@phoenixtissuerepair.com

Media Relations Contact:Carolyn HawleyCanale Communications(619) 849-5382carolyn@canalecomm.com

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BridgeBio Pharma's Phoenix Tissue Repair to Highlight Interim Phase 1/2 Study Data in a Presentation at the Society for Pediatric Dermatology's 45th...


Trending: CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Research Key Players, Industry Overview and forecasts to | Thermo Fisher Scientific, Editas…

Friday, July 10th, 2020

LOS ANGELES, United States: QY Research has recently published a report, titled Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size, Status and Forecast 2020-2026. The research report gives the potential headway openings that prevails in the global market. The report is amalgamated depending on research procured from primary and secondary information. The global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes market is relied upon to develop generously and succeed in volume and value during the predicted time period. Moreover, the report gives nitty gritty data on different manufacturers, region, and products which are important to totally understanding the market.

Key Companies/Manufacturers operating in the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes market include: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Editas Medicine, Caribou Biosciences, CRISPR therapeutics, Intellia therapeutics, Inc., Cellectis, Horizon Discovery Plc, Sigma Aldrich, Precision Biosciences, Genscript, Sangamo Biosciences Inc., Lonza Group Limited, Integrated DNA Technologies, New England Biolabs, Origene Technologies CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes

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Segmental Analysis

Both developed and emerging regions are deeply studied by the authors of the report. The regional analysis section of the report offers a comprehensive analysis of the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes market on the basis of region. Each region is exhaustively researched about so that players can use the analysis to tap into unexplored markets and plan powerful strategies to gain a foothold in lucrative markets.

Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Segment By Type:

CRISPR is a type of gene-editing technology that lets scientists more rapidly and accurately cut and paste genes into DNA. Market Analysis and Insights: Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market The global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes market size is projected to reach US$ XX million by 2026, from US$ XX million in 2020, at a CAGR of XX%% during 2021-2026. Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Scope and Market Size CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes market is segmented 7, and 4. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on revenue and forecast 7 and 4 in terms of revenue and forecast for the period 2015-2026. The following players are covered in this report:Thermo Fisher ScientificEditas MedicineCaribou BiosciencesCRISPR therapeuticsIntellia therapeutics, Inc.CellectisHorizon Discovery PlcSigma AldrichPrecision BiosciencesGenscriptSangamo Biosciences Inc.Lonza Group LimitedIntegrated DNA TechnologiesNew England BiolabsOrigene Technologies CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes

Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Segment By Application:

Biotechnology CompaniesPharmaceutical CompaniesAcademic InstitutesResearch and Development Institutes

Competitive Landscape

Competitor analysis is one of the best sections of the report that compares the progress of leading players based on crucial parameters, including market share, new developments, global reach, local competition, price, and production. From the nature of competition to future changes in the vendor landscape, the report provides in-depth analysis of the competition in the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes market.

Key companies operating in the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes market include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Editas Medicine, Caribou Biosciences, CRISPR therapeutics, Intellia therapeutics, Inc., Cellectis, Horizon Discovery Plc, Sigma Aldrich, Precision Biosciences, Genscript, Sangamo Biosciences Inc., Lonza Group Limited, Integrated DNA Technologies, New England Biolabs, Origene Technologies CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes

Key questions answered in the report:

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1 Report Overview1.1 Study Scope1.2 Key Market Segments1.3 Players Covered: Ranking by CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Revenue1.4 Market 71.4.1 Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size Growth Rate 7: 2020 VS 20261.4.2 Genome Editing1.4.3 Genetic Engineering1.4.4 GRNA Database/Gene Librar1.4.5 CRISPR Plasmid1.4.6 Human Stem Cells1.4.7 Genetically Modified Organisms/Crops1.4.8 Cell Line Engineering1.5 Market by Application1.5.1 Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Share 4: 2020 VS 20261.5.2 Biotechnology Companies1.5.3 Pharmaceutical Companies1.5.4 Academic Institutes1.5.5 Research and Development Institutes1.6 Study Objectives1.7 Years Considered 2 Global Growth Trends2.1 Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Perspective (2015-2026)2.2 Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Growth Trends by Regions2.2.1 CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size by Regions: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20262.2.2 CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Historic Market Share by Regions (2015-2020)2.2.3 CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Forecasted Market Size by Regions (2021-2026)2.3 Industry Trends and Growth Strategy2.3.1 Market Top Trends2.3.2 Market Drivers2.3.3 Market Challenges2.3.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis2.3.5 CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Growth Strategy2.3.6 Primary Interviews with Key CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Players (Opinion Leaders) 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players3.1 Global Top CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Players by Market Size3.1.1 Global Top CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Players by Revenue (2015-2020)3.1.2 Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Revenue Market Share by Players (2015-2020)3.1.3 Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)3.2 Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Concentration Ratio3.2.1 Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)3.2.2 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Revenue in 20193.3 CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Key Players Head office and Area Served3.4 Key Players CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Product Solution and Service3.5 Date of Enter into CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market3.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Market Size 7 (2015-2026)4.1 Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Historic Market Size 7 (2015-2020)4.2 Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Forecasted Market Size 7 (2021-2026) 5 Market Size 4 (2015-2026)5.1 Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size 4 (2015-2020)5.2 Global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Forecasted Market Size 4 (2021-2026) 6 North America6.1 North America CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size (2015-2020)6.2 CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Key Players in North America (2019-2020)6.3 North America CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size 7 (2015-2020)6.4 North America CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size 4 (2015-2020) 7 Europe7.1 Europe CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size (2015-2020)7.2 CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Key Players in Europe (2019-2020)7.3 Europe CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size 7 (2015-2020)7.4 Europe CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size 4 (2015-2020) 8 China8.1 China CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size (2015-2020)8.2 CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Key Players in China (2019-2020)8.3 China CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size 7 (2015-2020)8.4 China CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size 4 (2015-2020) 9 Japan9.1 Japan CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size (2015-2020)9.2 CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Key Players in Japan (2019-2020)9.3 Japan CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size 7 (2015-2020)9.4 Japan CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size 4 (2015-2020) 10 Southeast Asia10.1 Southeast Asia CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size (2015-2020)10.2 CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Key Players in Southeast Asia (2019-2020)10.3 Southeast Asia CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size by Type (2015-2020)10.4 Southeast Asia CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size by Application (2015-2020) 11 India11.1 India CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size (2015-2020)11.2 CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Key Players in India (2019-2020)11.3 India CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size by Type (2015-2020)11.4 India CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size by Application (2015-2020) 12 Central & South America12.1 Central & South America CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size (2015-2020)12.2 CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Key Players in Central & South America (2019-2020)12.3 Central & South America CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size by Type (2015-2020)12.4 Central & South America CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Size by Application (2015-2020) 13 Key Players Profiles13.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific13.1.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Company Details13.1.2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Business Overview13.1.3 Thermo Fisher Scientific CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction13.1.4 Thermo Fisher Scientific Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020))13.1.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Recent Development13.2 Editas Medicine13.2.1 Editas Medicine Company Details13.2.2 Editas Medicine Business Overview13.2.3 Editas Medicine CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction13.2.4 Editas Medicine Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)13.2.5 Editas Medicine Recent Development13.3 Caribou Biosciences13.3.1 Caribou Biosciences Company Details13.3.2 Caribou Biosciences Business Overview13.3.3 Caribou Biosciences CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction13.3.4 Caribou Biosciences Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)13.3.5 Caribou Biosciences Recent Development13.4 CRISPR therapeutics13.4.1 CRISPR therapeutics Company Details13.4.2 CRISPR therapeutics Business Overview13.4.3 CRISPR therapeutics CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction13.4.4 CRISPR therapeutics Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)13.4.5 CRISPR therapeutics Recent Development13.5 Intellia therapeutics, Inc.13.5.1 Intellia therapeutics, Inc. Company Details13.5.2 Intellia therapeutics, Inc. Business Overview13.5.3 Intellia therapeutics, Inc. CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction13.5.4 Intellia therapeutics, Inc. Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)13.5.5 Intellia therapeutics, Inc. Recent Development13.6 Cellectis13.6.1 Cellectis Company Details13.6.2 Cellectis Business Overview13.6.3 Cellectis CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction13.6.4 Cellectis Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)13.6.5 Cellectis Recent Development13.7 Horizon Discovery Plc13.7.1 Horizon Discovery Plc Company Details13.7.2 Horizon Discovery Plc Business Overview13.7.3 Horizon Discovery Plc CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction13.7.4 Horizon Discovery Plc Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)13.7.5 Horizon Discovery Plc Recent Development13.8 Sigma Aldrich13.8.1 Sigma Aldrich Company Details13.8.2 Sigma Aldrich Business Overview13.8.3 Sigma Aldrich CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction13.8.4 Sigma Aldrich Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)13.8.5 Sigma Aldrich Recent Development13.9 Precision Biosciences13.9.1 Precision Biosciences Company Details13.9.2 Precision Biosciences Business Overview13.9.3 Precision Biosciences CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction13.9.4 Precision Biosciences Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)13.9.5 Precision Biosciences Recent Development13.10 Genscript13.10.1 Genscript Company Details13.10.2 Genscript Business Overview13.10.3 Genscript CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction13.10.4 Genscript Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)13.10.5 Genscript Recent Development13.11 Sangamo Biosciences Inc.10.11.1 Sangamo Biosciences Inc. Company Details10.11.2 Sangamo Biosciences Inc. Business Overview10.11.3 Sangamo Biosciences Inc. CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction10.11.4 Sangamo Biosciences Inc. Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)10.11.5 Sangamo Biosciences Inc. Recent Development13.12 Lonza Group Limited10.12.1 Lonza Group Limited Company Details10.12.2 Lonza Group Limited Business Overview10.12.3 Lonza Group Limited CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction10.12.4 Lonza Group Limited Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)10.12.5 Lonza Group Limited Recent Development13.13 Integrated DNA Technologies10.13.1 Integrated DNA Technologies Company Details10.13.2 Integrated DNA Technologies Business Overview10.13.3 Integrated DNA Technologies CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction10.13.4 Integrated DNA Technologies Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)10.13.5 Integrated DNA Technologies Recent Development13.14 New England Biolabs10.14.1 New England Biolabs Company Details10.14.2 New England Biolabs Business Overview10.14.3 New England Biolabs CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction10.14.4 New England Biolabs Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)10.14.5 New England Biolabs Recent Development13.15 Origene Technologies10.15.1 Origene Technologies Company Details10.15.2 Origene Technologies Business Overview10.15.3 Origene Technologies CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Introduction10.15.4 Origene Technologies Revenue in CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Business (2015-2020)10.15.5 Origene Technologies Recent Development 14 Analysts Viewpoints/Conclusions 15 Appendix15.1 Research Methodology15.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach15.1.2 Data Source15.2 Disclaimer15.3 Author Details

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Trending: CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated Genes Market Research Key Players, Industry Overview and forecasts to | Thermo Fisher Scientific, Editas...


A COVID-19 vaccine may come soon. Will the blistering pace backfire? – Science News

Friday, July 10th, 2020

In January, vaccine researchers lined up on the starting blocks, waiting to hear a pistol. That shot came on January 10, when scientists in China announced the complete genetic makeup of the novel coronavirus. With that information in hand, the headlong race toward a vaccine began.

As the virus, now known as SARS-CoV-2, began to spread like wildfire around the globe, researchers sprinted to catch up with treatments and vaccines. Now, six months later, there is still no cure and no preventative for the disease caused by the virus, COVID-19, though there are glimmers of hope. Studies show that two drugs can help treat the sick: The antiviral remdesivir shortens recovery times (SN: 4/29/20) and a steroid called dexamethasone reduces deaths among people hospitalized with COVID-19 who need help breathing (SN: 6/16/20).

But the finish line in this race remains a safe and effective vaccine. With nearly 180 vaccine candidates now being tested in lab dishes, animals and even already in humans, that end may be in sight. Some experts predict that a vaccine may be available for emergency use for the general public by the end of the year even before it receives expedited U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval.

Velocity might come at the expense of safety and efficacy, some experts worry. And that could stymie efforts to convince enough people to get the vaccine in order to build the herd immunity needed to end the pandemic.

Were calling for transparency of data, says Esther Krofah, executive director of FasterCures, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit. We want things to accelerate meaningfully in a way that does not compromise safety or the science, but we need to see the data, she says.

Traditionally, vaccines are made from weakened or killed viruses, or virus fragments. But producing large amounts of vaccine that way can take years, because such vaccines must be made in cells (SN: 7/7/20), which often arent easy to grow in large quantities.

Getting an early good look at the coronaviruss genetic makeup created a shortcut. It let scientists quickly harness the viruss genetic information to make copies of a crucial piece of SARS-CoV-2 that can be used as the basis for vaccines.

That piece is known as the spike protein. It studs the viruss surface, forming its halo and allowing the virus to latch onto and enter human cells. Because the spike protein is on the outside of the virus, its also an easy target for antibodies to recognize.

Researchers have copied the SARS-CoV-2 version of instructions for making the spike protein into RNA or DNA, or synthesized the protein itself, in order to create vaccines of various types (see sidebar). Once the vaccine is delivered into the body, the immune system makes antibodies that recognize the virus and block it from getting into cells, either preventing infection or helping people avoid serious illness.

Using this approach, drugmakers have set speed records in devising vaccines and beginning clinical trials. FasterCures, which is part of the Milken Institute think tank, is tracking 179 vaccine candidates, most of which are still being tested in lab dishes and animals. But nearly 20 have already begun testing in people.

Some front-runners have emerged, leading the pack in a neck-and-neck race. Some have been propelled by an effort by the U.S. federal government, called Operation Warp Speed, which has picked a handful of vaccine candidates to fast-track.

First out of the starting gate was one developed by Moderna, a Cambridge, Mass.based biotech company. It inoculated the first volunteer with its candidate vaccine on March 16, just 63 days after the viruss genetic makeup was revealed. The company has since reported preliminary safety data, and some evidence that its vaccine stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies against the coronavirus (SN: 5/18/20).

That company and several others now have vaccines entering Phase III clinical trials. Moderna and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in Bethesda, Md., will begin inoculating 30,000 volunteers with either the vaccine or a placebo in July to test the vaccines efficacy in large numbers of people.

Modernas vaccine requires two doses; a prime and a boost. That means it will take 28 days to get any individual person vaccinated, NIAID director Anthony Fauci said June 26 during a Milken Institute webinar. It will take weeks and months to give the full set of shots to all those people. Then it will take time to determine whether more people in the placebo group get COVID-19 than those in the vaccine group a sign that the vaccine works. Those results could come in late fall or early winter.

NIAID launched a clinical trials network July 8 to recruit volunteers at sites across the United States for phase III testing of vaccines and antibodies to prevent COVID-19. Modernas vaccine will be the first in line for testing.

Some researchers propose accelerating clinical trials even further by trying controversial challenge trials, in which vaccinated volunteers are intentionally exposed to the coronavirus (SN: 5/27/20). None of those studies have gotten the green light yet.

Three other global drug and vaccine companies have announced plans to launch similarly sized trials this summer: Johnson & Johnson; AstraZeneca, working with the University of Oxford; and Pfizer Inc., which has teamed up with the German company BioNTech. Like Moderna, all are part of Operation Warp Speed, or will be joining it.

Usually, Phase III trials are about determining efficacy. But the rush to get through earlier stages designed to make sure a drug doesnt cause harm means that scientists also will be keeping a keen eye on safety, Fauci said. Researchers will be watching, in particular, for any suggestion that antibodies generated by the vaccine might enhance infection.

That can happen when antibodies stimulated by the vaccine dont fully neutralize the virus and can aid it getting into cells and replicating, or because the vaccine alters immune cell responses in unhelpful ways. Vaccines against MERS and SARS coronaviruses made infections with the real virus worse in some animal studies.

Such enhanced infections are a worry for any unproven vaccine candidate, but some experimental vaccines in the works may be more concerning than others, says Peter Pitts, president of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest, a nonprofit research and education organization headquartered in New York City.

For instance, China-based CanSino Biologics Inc. has developed a hybrid virus vaccine: Its made by putting the coronavirus spike protein into a common cold virus called adenovirus 5. That virus can infect humans but has been altered so that it can no longer replicate.

In a small study, reported June 13 in the Lancet, CanSinos vaccine triggered antibody production against the spike protein. But many volunteers already had preexisting antibodies to the adenovirus, raising concerns that that could weaken their response to the vaccine. A weakened response might make an infection worse when people encounter the real coronavirus, Pitts says.

Thats of particular concern because CanSino said in a June 29 statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange that its vaccine was approved by the Chinese government for temporary use by the Chinese military. Thats essentially turning soldiers into guinea pigs, Pitts says.

The type of antibodies stimulated by the vaccine will be important in determining whether the vaccine protects against disease or makes things worse, Yale University immunologists Akiko Iwasaki and Yexin Yang, warned April 21 in Nature Reviews Immunology. Some types of antibodies have been associated with more severe COVID-19.

And it will be important to monitor the ratio of neutralizing antibodies and non-neutralizing antibodies, as well as activity of other immune cells triggered by the vaccines, an international working group of scientists recommended in a conference report in the June 26 Vaccine.

Public health officials will also be tracking side effects closely. As big as the vaccine trials may be, we cant be sure that there arent rare side effects, Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Protection, said June 29 during a question-and-answer session with the Journal of the American Medical Association. Thats why even when we get enough to vaccinate large numbers, were going to need to be following it.

In 1976 for instance, it turned out that Guillain-Barr syndrome, a rare neurological condition in which the immune system attacks parts of the nervous system, was a rare side effect of the swine flu influenza vaccine. That didnt become obvious until the vaccine had already been rolled out to 45 million people in the United States.

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Early on, it was unclear whether scientists could devise a vaccine against the coronavirus at all. Its now a question of when rather than if well have a vaccine.

But some researchers have expressed concern that rushing clinical trials might lead federal regulators to approve a vaccine based on its ability to trigger antibody production alone. Its still unclear how well antibodies protect against reinfection with the coronavirus and how long any such immunity may last (SN: 4/28/20). The measure of whether the vaccine works should be its ability to protect against illness, not antibody production, Fauci said.

I really want to make sure that we dont have a vaccine thats distributed among the American people unless we know its safe and we know it is effective, he said. Not that we think it might be effective, but that we know its effective.

So far though, companies are measuring success by the antibody. For instance, INOVIO, a biotechnology company based in Plymouth Meeting, Pa., announced June 30 that 94 percent of participants in a small safety trial made antibodies against the coronavirus. The data, delivered via news release like that from numerous other companies rushing to show progress, had not been peer-reviewed and other details about the companys DNA-based vaccine were sparse.

Despite still having much to prove, companies are gearing up manufacturing without knowing if their product will ever reach the market. By the end of the year, companies promise they can have hundreds of millions of doses. We keep saying, Are you sure? And they keep saying yes, Fauci said. Thats pretty impressive if they can do it.

For instance, if everything goes right, a vaccine in testing now from Pfizer might be available as soon as October, Pfizer chairman and chief executive Albert Bourla said during the Milken Institute session. If we are lucky, and the product works and we do not have significant bumps on our way to manufacturing, he said, the company expects to be able to make 1 billion doses by early next year.

Pfizer released preliminary data on the safety of one of four vaccine candidates it is evaluating July 1 at medRxiv.org. In the small study of 45 people, no severe side effects were noted. Vaccination produced neutralizing antibodies at levels 1.8 to 2.8 times levels found in blood plasma from people who had recovered from COVID-19, researchers reported.

Novavax Inc., a Gaithersburg, Md.-based biotechnology company, announced July 7 that it was being award $1.6 billion from Operation Warp Speed to conduct phase III trials and to deliver 100 million doses of its vaccine as early as the end of the year.

If manufacturers can deliver a vaccine as promised, there could be another big hurdle: Theres no guarantee people will line up for shots. About a quarter of Americans said in recent polls that they would definitely or probably not get a coronavirus vaccine if one were available. Thats a pending public health crisis, Pitts says.

Krofah agrees. We need to think about the post-pandemic world in the midst of all of this, she says. We need to start building that public trust now. Tackling issues of vaccine hesitancy shouldnt be left until a vaccine is available, she says.

Whether with vaccines or treatments, we need to expedite, but not rush, Pitts says. Theres a perception that therapeutics or vaccines will be approved willy-nilly because of politics, and thats a dangerous misperception. The FDA laid out guidelines, including an accelerated approval process, on June 30 that should ensure any approved vaccines work, he says.

There is good news for those who are eagerly awaiting vaccines, Krofah and Pitts say: There wont be just one winner in the race. Instead, there may be multiple options to choose from. Thats not a luxury; it may be a necessity. Multiple vaccines may be needed to protect different segments of the population, Krofah says. For instance, elderly people may need a vaccine that prods the immune system harder to make antibodies, and children may need different vaccines than adults do.

Whats more, long-term investments in development will be needed so that vaccines can be altered if the virus mutates. We need to stay the front and not declare victory once a vaccine has been approved for emergency use, she says.

For now, vaccine makers are moving both as quickly and as carefully as possible, Bourla said. I am aware that right now that billions of people, millions of businesses, hundreds of governments are investing their hope for a solution in a handful of pharma companies.

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Original post:
A COVID-19 vaccine may come soon. Will the blistering pace backfire? - Science News


Illumina Intros Genomic Analysis Workflow Software to Speed Diagnosis of Genetic Conditions – Clinical OMICs News

Friday, July 10th, 2020

Illumina announced today the launch of its TruSight Software Suite, a solution that aids in creating efficient workflows to help increase adoption of whole-genome sequencing and comes with the promise of significantly reducing the time from sample to answer from daysor even weeksto hours.

Developed in collaboration with researchers and clinicians at the Mayo Clinic, and other partners, Illumina says TruSight provides a turn-key solution to tackle the most critical, and challenging piece of incorporating whole-genome sequencing for the identification of rare genetic diseasesthe interpretation of millions of variants to rapidly identify the handful of relevant variants that are contributing to an individuals disease.

The new software suite can pull together the power of a range of offering from Illumina including the NovaSeq 6000, its DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform, and Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep, which when taken together provides a complete whole-genome sequencing analysis workflow for curation and reporting of rare variants.

This combination of products will set the standard for scalable and swift interpretation of genomic information, enabling whole-genome sequencing to become the standard of care in rare diseases, said Ryan Taft, vice president of scientific research at Illumina in a press release. By enabling users to quickly sift through millions of variants to find an answer, we will make it easier for rare disease patients to benefit from valuable genomic insights.

The launch of the new workflow software comes as rare disease diagnosis and treatment is rapidly establishing itself as the second prominent area of precision medicine alongside cancer care. It is thought there could be as many as 7,000 rare diseases and, when considered as a group, these are estimated to affect between 25 million and 30 million people in the U.S. alone and more than 200 million globally.

While some rare genetic diseases require almost immediate attention after birth in order to provide any chance at effective treatment, as evidenced by the ongoing work of Dr. Stephen Kingsmore and colleagues at Rady Childrens Institute of Genomic Medicine, many more rare conditions are not life threatening. In these cases, the patients and their families often embark on a diagnostics odyssey one marked by referrals from one medical specialist to another and can often take as long as seven years before a diagnosis.

Between needing regular care and the battery of testing done for rare disease patients, it is estimated that in the U.S. alone the cost of pediatric genetic diseases total more than $57 billion every year. Broadening availability to whole-genome testing for patients with a suspect rare genetic disorder can help shorten the time to diagnosis and potentially save billions of dollars of healthcare costs.

The future of pediatric medicine will include whole-genome sequencings for suspectedgeneticdisorders, said William Morice, M.D., Ph.D., president, Mayo Clinic Laboratories, and department chair, laboratory medicine and pathology at Mayo Clinic. Enabling laboratories and physicians with access toefficient, clinical-gradewhole-genome sequencingsolutionsis essential.

See original here:
Illumina Intros Genomic Analysis Workflow Software to Speed Diagnosis of Genetic Conditions - Clinical OMICs News


In the hunt for ALS treatments, researchers find promise in silencing genes – BioPharma Dive

Friday, July 10th, 2020

For 25 years, researchers have explored an idea that, by regulating certain genes, they could treat one of the world's most debilitating neurological diseases. That work has led to encouraging data, with the latest coming Wednesday from two studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

"It's a really exciting time for the field," said Orla Hardiman, clinical professor of neurology at Trinity College in Dublin and co-author to a NEJM editorial published alongside the studies.

Previously, scientists discovered the risk of developing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease, is higher if a select group of genes mutate. The newly published studies each tested an experimental drug meant to silence one such gene, called SOD1, that encodes an eponymous protein. While both studies were designed to evaluate safety, researchers also looked at protein levels to see if the drugs were working as intended.

One of these drugs uses a virus to deliver a small strip of genetic material into patients' spinal areas. In theory, the material would block the gene from making its protein, but results from two patients showed that neither had a substantial change in protein levels in their cerebrospinal fluid.

However, after one of the patients died, an autopsy showed SOD1 protein levels in his spinal cord tissue were lower than in untreated patients with the same form of ALS. The study investigators concluded that additional trials with a larger number of patients are necessary to better understand the drug's effects.

The other study had more clearly positive results. It tested four doses of Biogen's tofersen against placebo, and found lower SOD1 protein levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients who received the drug. Compared to those in the placebo group, protein concentrations were about 20 to 25 percentage points lower for patients given the two middle tofersen doses and 33 percentage points lower for patients on the highest, 100 mg dose.

Biogen, which announced summary data from the trial last year, has since moved the high dose into a larger, efficacy-focused trial that aims to recruit around 100 patients. Enrollment has been "reasonable," albeit with slight delays due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to Toby Ferguson, head of the company's neuromuscular development unit.

Though tofersen will likely need positive late-stage results to support an approval, the currently available data offer a confidence boost for Biogen. Like other ALS drug hunters, the biotech has hit setbacks the most damaging of which came in 2013 when its small molecule medicine dexpramipexole failed a Phase 3 study.

"It's not fully shown to work yet, but at least the biology seems to be going in the right way," Ferguson said of tofersen. "It fundamentally says to me that if we pick the right targets, ALS can be a treatable disease. And we need to push forward both with genetic targets and appropriate targets for the broader population."

The tofersen study may also fuel optimism in the broader ALS research community. While two drugs are approved for ALS, there remains an urgent demand for more treatments. Most patients live just three to five years after they're diagnosed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Following decades of research, genetic medicine has, in recent years, proven itself to be a valuable weapon against hard-to-treat neurological conditions. In 2016, for example, Biogen's drug Spinraza became the first ever approved treatment for spinal muscular atrophy, a rare and often life-threatening condition that impairs muscle growth. Spinraza, like tofersen, is a type of gene-silencing medicine called antisense oligonucleotides, or ASOs.

Sarepta Therapeutics also has two ASO products approved for a different muscular disorder, and research on other gene-based treatments is advancing for difficult neurological diseases like Huntington's and Rett syndrome.

In ALS, several companies are working on genetic medicines. Novartis and Voyager Therapeutics each have plans for a SOD1-targeting ALS gene therapy, while MeiraGTx and the partners Pfizer and Sangamo Therapeutics are developing gene therapies not specific to SOD1.

With tofersen, though, Biogen holds a leading and potentially tone-setting position.

As the drug progresses through late-stage testing, Hardiman said it would be "fantastic" if the drug demonstrates not just reductions in SOD1 protein levels, but also the ability to slow or stabilize the disease. Biogen's smaller study hinted that tofersen's effect on SOD1 protein levels might translate to slower functional declines, but the data aren't proof it actually does.

"If we can show that gene-silencing in SOD1 is effective, it opens the way for other gene-silencing approaches in other genetic forms of ALS," she said, pointing to several other mutations associated with ALS.

"We are in a new era now where we have a much better understanding of genomic regulation, and we're getting to a place where it's really possible to modulate these pathways in a way that's genuinely therapeutic," Hardiman added.

ALS drug research also extends beyond genes, since estimates hold that only 5% to 10% of cases are inherited and, within that fraction, SOD1 mutations account for 15% to 20% of cases.

Currently, the Sean M. Healey & AMG Center for ALS Research is running a first-of-its-kind platform trial to test five experimental therapies, including ones from Biohaven Pharmaceutical and Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Ra Pharmaceuticals, now owned by Belgium's UCB.

Privately held Amylyx Pharmaceuticals, meanwhile, is working separately with the Healey Center. The company said in December its experimental treatment slowed ALS progression in a mid-stage study, although no actual data was released.

Alexion Pharmaceuticals, a large rare disease drugmaker, also recently began exploring whether one of its approved therapies could work in ALS too.

Here is the original post:
In the hunt for ALS treatments, researchers find promise in silencing genes - BioPharma Dive


Global wildlife surveillance could provide early warning for next pandemic – Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Friday, July 10th, 2020

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Experts propose decentralized system to monitor wildlife markets, other hotspots

A juvenile saddleback tamarin is measured as part of an annual health check of a population of three primate species in southeastern Peru. In a perspective article published July 9 in Science, a team of wildlife biologists, infectious disease experts, and others propose a decentralized, global wildlife biosurveillance system to identify before the next pandemic emerges animal viruses that have the potential to cause human disease.

The virus that causes COVID-19 probably originated in wild bats that live in caves around Wuhan, China, and may have been passed to a second animal species before infecting people, according to the World Health Organization. Many of the most devastating epidemics of recent decades including Ebola, avian influenza and HIV/AIDS were triggered by animal viruses that spilled over into people. Despite the ever-present danger of a new virus emerging and sparking a worldwide pandemic, there is no global system to screen for viruses in wild animals that eventually may jump to humans.

In a perspective article published July 9 in Science, a diverse group of infectious disease experts, ecologists, wildlife biologists and other experts argue that a decentralized global system of wildlife surveillance could and must be established to identify viruses in wild animals that have the potential to infect and sicken people before another pandemic begins.

Its impossible to know how often animal viruses spill over into the human population, but coronaviruses alone have caused outbreaks in people three times in the last 20 years, said co-author Jennifer A. Philips, MD, PhD, referring to the SARS, MERS and COVID-19 epidemics. Philips is an associate professor of medicine and co-director of theDivision of Infectious Diseasesat Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Even a decade ago it would have been difficult to conduct worldwide surveillance at the human-wildlife interface. But because of technological advances, it is now feasible and affordable, and it has never been more obvious how necessary it is.

Every animal has its own set of viruses, with some overlap across species. Often, an animal species and its viruses have lived together for so long that theyve adapted to one another, and the viruses cause either no symptoms or only mild to moderate disease. But when different animal species that dont normally have much contact are brought together, viruses have the opportunity to jump from one species to another. Most viruses dont have the genetic tools to infect another species. But viruses with such tools can be lethal to a newly infected species with no natural immunity.

Human activity is making such spillover events more and more likely. As the population of the world continues to grow, the demand for natural resources skyrockets. People push into wild areas to make space for new homes and businesses, and to access resources to fuel their economies and lifestyles. Wild animals are caught and sold for consumption, or as exotic pets at wildlife markets, where diverse species are jumbled together under crowded and unsanitary conditions. Wild-animal parts are shipped around the world as trinkets or ingredients for traditional or alternative medicines.

And yet there is no international system set up to screen for disease-causing viruses associated with the movement of wildlife or wildlife products.

In the lead up to this article, I spoke with friends and colleagues around the world who do wildlife research in Madagascar, Indonesia, Peru, Ecuador and asked them, Where do you take your samples for screening? said co-author Gideon Erkenswick, PhD, a postdoctoral research associate in Philips lab. Erkenswick is also the director of Field Projects International, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the study and conservation of tropical ecosystems. In almost every situation, the answer was Nowhere. Locally, there is nobody with dedicated time and resources to do this work. To find new disease-causing viruses, we have to find willing foreign collaborators, then get samples out of the country, which is difficult and expensive.

Philips, Erkenswick, and colleagues in the Wildlife Disease Surveillance Focus Group that authored the Science paper, suggest the establishment of a global surveillance network to screen wild animals and their products at hotspots such as wildlife markets. The idea would be to have local teams of researchers and technicians extract viral genomes from animal samples, rapidly sequence them on site and upload the sequences to a central database in the cloud. The cost and size of the necessary scientific equipment has dropped in recent years, making such screening affordable even in resource-limited settings where most such hotspots are located.

Theres now a genetic sequencer available that is literally the size of a USB stick, Erkenswick said. You could bring that and a few other supplies into a rainforest and analyze a sample for sequences associated with disease-causing viruses on site in a matter of hours. I mean, if you do chance upon something like the virus that causes COVID-19, do you really want to be collecting it, storing it, transporting it, risking further exposure, sample degradation, and adding months or years of delay, before you figure out what youve got? There are people with the expertise and skills to do this kind of work safely pretty much everywhere in the world, they just havent been given the tools.

Once viral sequences are uploaded, researchers around the world could help analyze them to identify animal viruses that may be a threat to people and to develop a better understanding of the universe of viruses that thrive in different environments. By comparing genomic sequence data, researchers can identify what family an unknown virus belongs to and how closely it is related to any disease-causing viruses. They can also identify whether a virus carries genes associated with the ability to cause disease in people.

By knowing the diversity out there, and tracking its evolution, we can ensure that we stay ahead of whats in wildlife populations and at the wildlife-human interface, Philips said. In the past, before modern transportation, spillover events would have been local and spread slowly, giving people elsewhere time to respond. But now the world is so small that an event in one place puts the whole world at risk. This is not someone elses problem. Its everyones problem.

Watsa M and the Wildlife Disease Surveillance Focus Group. Rigorous wildlife disease surveillance: A decentralized model could address global health risks associated with wildlife exploitation. Science. July 10, 2020. DOI: 10.1126/science.abc0017

Washington University School of Medicines 1,500 faculty physicians also are the medical staff of Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals. The School of Medicine is a leader in medical research, teaching and patient care, ranking among the top 10 medical schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Through its affiliations with Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals, the School of Medicine is linked to BJC HealthCare.

See the rest here:
Global wildlife surveillance could provide early warning for next pandemic - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis


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