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Archive for the ‘Genetic Engineering’ Category

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Could be Released in Florida and Texas This Summer – The Daily Beast

Saturday, June 6th, 2020

This article originally appeared on The Conversation.

This summer, for the first time, genetically modified mosquitoes could be released in the U.S.

On May 1, 2020, the company Oxitec received an experimental use permit from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to release millions of GM mosquitoes (labeled by Oxitec as OX5034) every week over the next two years in Florida and Texas. Females of this mosquito species, Aedes aegypti, transmit dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever and Zika viruses. When these lab-bred GM males are released and mate with wild females, their female offspring die. Continual, large-scale releases of these OX5034 GM males should eventually cause the temporary collapse of a wild population.

However, as vector biologists, geneticists, policy experts and bioethicists, we are concerned that current government oversight and scientific evaluation of GM mosquitoes do not ensure their responsible deployment.

Coral reefs that can withstand rising sea temperatures, American chestnut trees that can survive blight and mosquitoes that cant spread disease are examples of how genetic engineering may transform the natural world.

Genetic engineering offers an unprecedented opportunity for humans to reshape the fundamental structure of the biological world. Yet, as new advances in genetic decoding and gene editing emerge with speed and enthusiasm, the ecological systems they could alter remain enormously complex and understudied.

Recently, no group of organisms has received more attention for genetic modification than mosquitoesto yield inviable offspring or make them unsuitable for disease transmission. These strategies hold considerable potential benefits for the hundreds of millions of people impacted by mosquito-borne diseases each year.

Although the EPA approved the permit for Oxitec, state approval is still required. A previously planned release in the Florida Keys of an earlier version of Oxitecs GM mosquito (OX513) was withdrawn in 2016 after a referendum indicated significant opposition from local residents. Oxitec has field-trialed their GM mosquitoes in Brazil, the Cayman Islands, Malaysia and Panama.

The public forum on Oxitecs recent permit application garnered 31,174 comments opposing release and 56 in support. The EPA considered these during their review process.

However, it is difficult to assess how EPA regulators weighed and considered public comments and how much of the evidence used in final risk determinations was provided solely by the technology developers.

The closed nature of this risk assessment process is concerning to us.

There is a potential bias and conflict of interest when experimental trials and assessments of ecological risk lack political accountability and are performed by, or in close collaboration with, the technology developers.

This scenario becomes more troubling with a for-profit technology company when cost- and risk-benefit analyses comparing GM mosquitoes to other approaches arent being conducted.

Another concern is that risk assessments tend to focus on only a narrow set of biological parameterssuch as the potential for the GM mosquito to transmit disease or the potential of the mosquitoes new proteins to trigger an allergic response in peopleand neglect other important biological, ethical and social considerations.

To address these shortcomings, the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Environment at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign convened a Critical Conversation on GM mosquitoes. The discussion involved 35 participants from academic, government and nonprofit organizations from around the world with expertise in mosquito biology, community engagement and risk assessment.

A primary takeaway from this conversation was an urgent need to make regulatory procedures more transparent, comprehensive and protected from biases and conflicts of interest. In short, we believe it is time to reassess risk assessment for GM mosquitoes. Here are some of the key elements we recommend.

First, an official, government-funded registry for GM organisms specifically designed to reproduce in the wild and intended for release in the U.S. would make risk assessments more transparent and accountable. Similar to the U.S. database that lists all human clinical trials, this field trial registry would require all technology developers to disclose intentions to release, information on their GM strategy, scale and location of release and intentions for data collection.

This registry could be presented in a way that protects intellectual property rights, just as therapies entering clinical trials are patent-protected in their registry. The GM organism registry would be updated in real time and made fully available to the public.

Second, a broader set of risks needs to be assessed and an evidence base needs to be generated by third-party researchers. Because each GM mosquito is released into a unique environment, risk assessments and experiments prior to and during trial releases should address local effects on the ecosystem and food webs. They should also probe the disease transmission potential of the mosquitos wild counterparts and ecological competitors, examine evolutionary pressures on disease agents in the mosquito community and track the gene flow between GM and wild mosquitoes.

To identify and assess risks, a commitment of funding is necessary. The U.S. EPAs recent announcement that it would improve general risk assessment analysis for biotechnology products is a good start. But regulatory and funding support for an external advisory committee to review assessments for GM organisms released in the wild is also needed; diverse expertise and local community representation would secure a more fair and comprehensive assessment.

Furthermore, independent researchers and advisers could help guide what data are collected during trials to reduce uncertainty and inform future large-scale releases and risk assessments.

The objective to reduce or even eliminate mosquito-borne disease is laudable. GM mosquitoes could prove to be an important tool in alleviating global health burdens. However, to ensure their success, we believe that regulatory frameworks for open, comprehensive and participatory decision-making are urgently needed.

Written by Brian Allan, Associate Professor of Entomology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Chris Stone, Medical Entomologist, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Holly Tuten, Vector Ecologist, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jennifer Kuzma, Goodnight-NCGSK Distinguished Professor, North Carolina State University; Natalie Kofler, Levenick Resident Scholar in Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

See the original post here:
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Could be Released in Florida and Texas This Summer - The Daily Beast


How a new biotech rule will foster distrust with the public and impede progress in science – The Conversation US

Saturday, June 6th, 2020

In May, federal regulators finalized a new biotechnology policy that will bring sweeping changes to the U.S. food system. Dubbed SECURE, the rule revises U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations over genetically engineered plants, automatically exempting many gene-edited crops from government oversight. Companies and labs will be allowed to self-determine whether or not a crop should undergo regulatory review or environmental risk assessment.

Initial responses to this new policy have followed familiar fault lines in the food community. Seed industry trade groups and biotech firms hailed the rule as important to support continuing innovation. Environmental and small farmer NGOs called the USDAs decision shameful and less attentive to public well-being than to agribusinesss bottom line.

But the gene-editing tool CRISPR was supposed to break the impasse in old GM wars by making biotechnology more widely affordable, accessible and thus democratic.

In my research, I study how biotechnology affects transitions to sustainable food systems. Its clear that since 2012 the swelling R&D pipeline of gene-edited grains, fruits and vegetables, fish and livestock has forced U.S. agencies to respond to the so-called CRISPR revolution.

Yet this rule change has a number of people in the food and scientific communities concerned. To me, it reflects the lack of accountability and trust between the public and government agencies setting policies.

The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, or APHIS, serves as the dominant U.S. regulator for plant health. Since the mid-1990s, genetically modified crops have typically fallen under APHIS oversight because Agrobacterium, a plant pest, is commonly used as a tool to engineer GM products. Using a plant pest did not prevent many GM crops from being approved. But it did mean that if APHIS suspected a plant pest or noxious weed had been created through genetic engineering, the agency would regulate the biotech product, including its release into the environment, and its import, handling, and interstate movement.

Changes to APHIS regulations began during the Obama administration. In January 2017, the agency released new draft rules. However, the Trump administration withdrew these nine months later after pushback from industry and biotech developers which argued that the rules would stifle innovation.

Last summer, USDA released a revised rule for public comment, which it finalized on May 18, 2020. Most changes go into effect in April 2021.

Hints to how USDA intended to treat gene-edited crops came early on, when Penn States nonbrowning mushrooms and DuPonts waxy corn were approved by APHIS in 2015 and 2016, respectively.

Then in March 2018, USDA Secretary Perdue clarified the agencys stance. USDA does not currently regulate, or have any plans to regulate, plants that could otherwise have been developed through traditional breeding techniques as long as they are developed without the use of a plant pest as the donor or vector and they are not themselves plant pests.

The new SECURE rule establishes several ways for developers to qualify for deregulated status. Included are CRISPR modifications like deletions of sections of the genetic code, tiny substitutions, and introductions of DNA from related species. So, for example, a CRISPRd cauliflower would not be regulated if a chunk of DNA was deleted. But it would still be regulated if CRISPR introduced foreign DNA into cauliflower in a way that USDA believes could turn the product into a plant pest.

Another significant change is that companies and scientists will get to decide for themselves if a new product qualifies for exemption from oversight. APHIS says that developers may consult regulators if at any point they arent sure if a new crop is exempt. However, the agency has already expressed confidence that only about 1% of plants might not qualify for an exemption or for deregulation after an initial review.

Ironically, this policy has begun aligning communities typically at loggerheads in the polarized GM conversation. For example, the UC-based Innovative Genomics Institute, founded by CRISPR co-inventor Jennifer Doudna, wrote in its public comments to APHIS: While we recognize the agencys rationale behind self-determination and desire to provide regulatory relief in order to spur innovation, we are concerned that rather than stimulating innovation, such an undisclosed step may have the effect of dampening trust through the loss of transparency in the development and oversight process.

Meanwhile, GM-watchdog organizations including the National Family Farmers Coalition, Pesticide Action Network and Friends of the Earth issued a joint press statement criticizing a rule that allows industry to self-determine its regulatory status. The new framework, they said, has dealt a devastating blow to the security of farmers livelihoods, the health of their farms and communities, and their ability to build the biodiverse, climate-resilient, and economically robust farming systems that we so urgently need.

My research on democratizing biotechnology has helped me unpack the problematic ways in which democracy is being hitched to technological innovation. When it comes to CRISPR, the public has been told that being cheap, easy to use and free from regulation is a powerful cocktail that makes gene editing intrinsically more democratic.

Like many convenient narratives, there are certain truths to this story. But just as clearly, cheapness is not equivalent to democratic. According to USDA, some 6,150 comments were received on the draft rule during the three-month public feedback period, a window designed to give citizens a say in government policy.

The agency admitted that most letters expressed general opposition to GE products. Of the comments that specifically addressed provisions of the rule, approximately 25 expressed some support for the rule. This means a vast majority of the comments did not. Yet, the USDA disregarded this feedback. Such a lack of civic input can lead to environmental and health concerns being sidelined.

Thoughtful scientists, social movements and governments are now asking if there is an alternative way to regulate engineered food. For example, the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board has set out an ethics-based regulatory framework aimed at advancing genetic technology, while protecting community and environmental health and promoting societal welfare.

In the academic sphere, colleagues in Europe have proposed a framework for responsible innovation. I have developed a set of principles and practices for governing CRISPR based on dialogue with front-line communities who are most affected by the technologies others usher in. Communities dont just have to adopt or refuse technology they can co-create it.

One way to move forward in the U.S. is to take advantage of common ground between sustainable agriculture movements and CRISPR scientists. The struggle over USDA rules suggests that few outside of industry believe self-regulation is fair, wise or scientific.

At present, companies dont even have to notify the USDA of biotech crops they will commercialize. The result, as Greg Jaffe of the Center for Science in the Public Interest told Science, is that government regulators and the public will have no idea what products will enter the market. Farmers and everyone else will pay the price,said Jim Goodman, dairy farmer and board president of the National Family Farm Coalition.

Reclaiming a baseline of accountability, then, is the first step in building public confidence in regulatory systems that work for people as well as science that the public believes in.

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Read this article:
How a new biotech rule will foster distrust with the public and impede progress in science - The Conversation US


Can Operation Warp Speed deliver a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the year? – The Daily World

Saturday, June 6th, 2020

By Melissa Healy

Los Angeles Times

To capture the speed and audacity of its plan to field a coronavirus vaccine, the Trump administration reached into science fictions vault for an inspiring moniker: Operation Warp Speed.

The vaccine initiatives name challenges a mantra penned by an actual science fiction writer, Arthur C. Clarke: Science demands patience.

Patience is essential for those who ply the science of vaccines. But in that field, challenging economic conditions and a forbidding regulatory system converge with the immune systems complexity and the resilience of microscopic pathogens. Add in drug companies preference for big profits and the result is a trash heap of failed and abandoned efforts.

In the last 25 years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved new vaccines for only seven diseases. A vaccine to protect against the Ebola virus won approval just last year, three years after the epidemic in West Africa ended.

But in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic that has killed more than 100,000 Americans and cratered the U.S. economy, Trump has shown little tolerance for sciences deliberate pace. And scientists, with fingers crossed, are falling in line.

The president declared that he wants 300 million doses enough to protect as many as 90% of Americans developed, manufactured and delivered by January 2021. He has ordered academics, government officials, private companies and the U.S. military to work together to make it so.

That means big and it means fast, Trump said. A massive scientific, industrial and logistical endeavor unlike anything our country has seen since the Manhattan Project.

The new effort will demand the support, development, testing and assessment of several promising vaccine candidates by scientists at the National Institutes of Health, the FDA and companies and academic institutions across the world.

It will require the manufacture, procurement and storage of complex biologic medicines, as well as the vials, needles, syringes and storage equipment needed to deliver them. All will be needed on a massive scale.

And all that materiel will need to be transported, distributed and possibly administered by an army of logistics specialists.

Wherever possible, Operation Warp Speed envisions that many steps that have always followed each other in strict sequence clinical trials and production, for instance, or government approval and supply-chain development be done in parallel.

The program has awarded a total of $2.16 billion so far to five companies with vaccine candidates at different stages of development.

To lead the effort, Trump tapped immunologist Moncef Slaoui, a pharmaceutical venture capitalist and former chairman of vaccines at the drug giant GlaxoSmithKline. The U.S. Armys most senior logistics and procurement specialist, Gen. Gustave Perna, will be the operations chief operating officer. Both expressed confidence in the operations success.

Pena called the project herculean. Slaoui, who has been criticized for holding a major stake in at least one of the vaccine makers that stands to benefit from Operation Warp Speed, told Trump we will do the best we can.

The time is short and the stakes are high. Just over four months after the coronavirus announced its presence inside the United States, President Trump is determined to send the country back to work.

With no effective treatment in sight, and no indication that the coronavirus would magically disappear, as Trump has frequently predicted, a vaccine will be the ultimate game changer in the pandemic, according Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nations leading expert on the outbreak.

Theres never a guarantee of success, Fauci said. But he added that he was cautiously optimistic that by winter, at least one of nearly a dozen promising vaccine candidates would have shown itself to be safe and effective in inducing immunity in humans.

Vaccine scientists are similarly cautious, especially of a testing schedule that will compress both the size and duration of safety and effectiveness trials and even overlap them in a bid to save time.

Its fine for politicians to say were going to have a vaccine next month, said Mayo Clinic immunologist Dr. Gregory Poland. But the literature is littered with false starts and unanticipated safety effects in vaccines.

Poland noted that a vaccines rarer side effects are often not recognized until its put into broad use. To ferret out an adverse outcome that only occurs in one person in 100,000, for instance, a company would need to test it in 384,250 people from broad backgrounds and with a variety of medical conditions, he said.

Such large trials are unlikely in the rush to field a vaccine, Poland said, and he fears the result could be a dangerous erosion of public trust. The yearly flu shot carries a risk of less than 1 in 1 million cases of the neurological complication Guillain-Barre syndrome, he said. And even with that low a risk, close to half of Americans refuse to get it.

You have a whole spectrum of people out there who wont be reassured by any amount of information, Poland said. If we dont pay strict attention to safety, this is going to backfire.

Money may help. Congress approved $8.3 billion in early March to fund federal agencies pandemic response. And scientists across the world have been scrambling to design vaccines to protect a population with no immunity to the deadly new pathogen.

Scientists in China, Kazakhstan, India, Russia, Germany, Sweden and the United States have brought 10 potential COVID-19 vaccines to the point where they are being evaluated in humans in some form. Another 115 are considered by the World Health Organization to be in the preclinical stage of development.

In some cases, these preclinical vaccine candidates are scarcely off the drawing board. In others, they are still being tweaked or tested in cells. Some are being tried in lab animals.

The prospective vaccines range widely in their design and novelty. There are those that challenge a persons immune system with a killed or attenuated virus, the traditional approach used by the polio vaccine and other immunizations. Others are products of genetic engineering and have never been tried in a vaccine before.

The vaccine candidates also vary in their ease of manufacture, the number of doses a patient needs to gain lasting immunity, and the way they are administered.

FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn has said his agency evaluated about 10 vaccine candidates in early studies. By late May, it had narrowed its focus to five candidates that will begin a rapid and sometimes overlapping progression through human studies of safety and effectiveness.

Meanwhile, the groundwork for large-scale production is already being laid. Trump has said that the U.S. military may aid in the manufacture, and companies with the capability to produce vaccines will be recruited to do so.

Given the pressing urgency of the administrations deadline, vaccine candidates that can be produced fastest, transported most easily and administered to patients most efficiently will likely win the most and earliest support, experts said.

The redundancy built into Operation Warp Speed may also prove a vital safeguard against failure.

If the coronavirus shows signs that it is mutating in ways that could make one vaccine candidate ineffective, the scientific judges could swiftly shift their preferences toward a competitor that can be adapted more readily to changes in the virus. If rare but untoward effects show up with broader use, back-up vaccines could be brought on line. Some vaccines will be found to work better or worse in specific populations, and can be used accordingly.

The result will be an evolving panoply of vaccine choices, not only because some will be ready earlier than others, but because some will be more effective than others in certain populations.

There will be of necessity multiple types of vaccines, Poland said.

Go here to see the original:
Can Operation Warp Speed deliver a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the year? - The Daily World


The pandemic, the environment and Cuba – OnCubaNews

Saturday, June 6th, 2020

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Perhaps it is difficult to find a moment in the history of humanity in which, in such a short time, such an enormous volume of information (and disinformation) has been generated about a problem that affects the entire human species, as what has happened with the COVID-19 pandemic. Nor has humanity faced such an uncertain near future.

In addition to the global health emergency, which has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and more than 2 million infected people worldwide, this pandemic has put on the political table the unsustainability of the capitalist system worldwide, the paradigm of unlimited growth and the culture of growing consumer.

On Earth Day Coronavirus, a pollution hiccup?

Suddenly, the reality that we live on a limited planet, with increasingly scarce resources, and that in the biosphere all existence is interconnected, has unquestionably emerged. The zoonotic nature of the COVID-19 itself tells us of the direct transmission of the virus to humans, most likely due to the contact or consumption of wild species and even due to the natural boundaries being displaced and the loss of biodiversity. The fact that it expands globally also alerts us to the profound environmental changes caused by human action and its techno-industrial culture developed on the basis of fossil energy. We have to think about what can happen when, as a result of climate change, the thaws continue and the paleo viruses frozen thousands of years ago are released, in a period too fast for existing species, and especially humans, to adapt to that change. If we add to the above the unsustainability of production systems and value chains (think of stabled livestock, large extensions of monocultures, the application to these systems of agrochemicals, hormones, antivirals and genetic manipulation), we will have an approximate picture of the world that will emerge after the pandemic

This will be a challenge not only for science, which will have to rethink a series of paradigms, but also for world politics that has taken too long to have global agreements to slow down or minimize these processes; hence, one of the elements that should emerge from this experience at the global level is a more direct relationship between science and political decision-making at the country level.

After this pandemic, there will be no new normal, another world will have to be built and that construction will be carried out by all, with greater solidarity and conscious citizen participation, or it will be exercised through increasingly more authoritarian mechanisms of power; we can already see these trends in some governments.

The world as we have known it was structured from obtaining cheap fossil energy, which allowed a techno-industrial culture to develop in the last 200 years that led to the emergence of large human concentrations in megacities. The United Nations has predicted that the urban population will increase to 6.7 billion; that is, 68% of humanity by 2050. In that decade, if the current rhythm continues, there will be 43 megacities with more than 10 million inhabitants each, really something unsustainable for the planet. Current and future generations will be forced to rethink their lifestyles or be willing to live in a dystopian world of isolation, in which relationships must be mediated by technology.

The advances in technoscience in the last 20 years already present us with a new ethics, in which each human being is aware of their limits of all kinds.

Genetic engineering, with all its potential, implies the application of the precautionary principle for the introduction of each technological advance. We are still unaware of the many effects of new technologies on our health and the global environment, yet we continue to use them too frequently.

Over the past few months we have often seen on social media claims about the short-term recovery of natural spaces and wildlife activity in urban areas, dolphins swimming placidly in Venices canals, goats visiting Scottish historical sites, wild boars rummaging through the garbage in Paris and Barcelona. We have been glad that our brothers of other species recover their ancestral spaces even when it was our presence that expelled them; but this is all a fallacy. The processes of environmental deterioration at the planetary level continue, and their resilience, if they can start being reversed, will take years, but we have to start. Just think about these figures: in 2018, the burning of fossil fuels pumped 37.1 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If we add to this the net carbon emissions caused by soil oxidation and the most vigorous forest fires, we can see why atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide reached an all-time high of 415 parts per million in early 2019.

Cubas challenges

Cuba has a different but contradictory panorama. A poor country, blocked for 60 years by the worlds greatest power and with a frankly deteriorating open economy (it is estimated that its GDP will decrease between 4 and 7% in 2020), with a large debt, without external financing, with a high rate of illiquidity, with a country risk like never before, perhaps it is the deepest point of the systemic crisis of its economy. This really places it in a very critical situation, above all due to the enormous supply crisis that threatens to become a food crisis as acute as that of the early 1990s. From the economic point of view, the only alternative is unblocking the mechanisms and to rapidly start applying the agreements contained in the Guidelines discussed massively 10 years ago and which inexplicably have not been applied.

I think that all Cubans could agree on the urgency of doing away with obstacles to agricultural production, the inefficiency of this sector and the dreadful methods of administration and management, which contrast with the statistics that show that most of the national food production is generated by small producers, then the assessment still has blank questions. Advancing towards an agriculture with low energy inputs, sustainable management of the soil and crops, rational use of water, that is, organic agriculture will benefit everyone, there are examples and very successful at that.

Cuba has potentialities that must be taken into account from an environmental point of view and that have been gradually implemented. Its energy dependence constitutes an Achilles heel for its economy and attempts are being made, with a very successful intensive policy, to decrease it with an accelerated increase in clean energy; the Cuban aquifer stock is limited, but the country has a very intelligent and well-structured water policy.

The development of the Cuban health policy with the pandemic has been successful so far and there is no indication that wont continue like this; the Cuban experience in the detection and control of epidemics has made it possible to establish mechanisms of local control and primary care that other countries have not been able to implement, just remember that Cuban doctors have participated in the control and treatment of epidemics such as Ebola in Africa and cholera in Haiti, in addition to the epidemics that for decades have been introduced in Cuba by foreign aggressions (swine fever, dengue, etc.). It is possible to think, unlike other countries, that the island will emerge from the pandemic in a relatively short period of time and with minimal impact on its population. For this reason, the greatest complexity will not be precisely the epidemic, but rather the food supply, and in this direction all the nations efforts must be applied; I say the nation, and not only the state. For its part, the government must open the floodgates to diverse productive forces, the effort is everyones.

On June 2, in commemoration of World Environment Day, the director general of the Environment Agency of the Cuban Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) expressed in a television appearance in Holgun a principle that will have to be present in the next designs of Cuban domestic policies, the interconnection of the natural world with society, or what is the same as the eco-social relationship of all the elements that make up and determine our environment. The relationship of science and politics must recognize that the Cuban territory is limited and all relationship we establish on it has a finite character and has a load capacity that cannot be exceeded. The celebration of June 5 this year is curious, because as always, it is a date in which the environmental work carried out for twelve months by each province and municipality is recognized, but now, in 2020 it will have to be done almost virtually due to the epidemic.

Thinking of Pinar del Ro, a province that this year was the best in its environmental work (the parameters established for the evaluation cover all the activities in the province of the different sectors that tend towards environmental sustainability), brings to mind the need to transfer the financing dedicated to the expansion of tourism to the reactivation and development of agriculture. Tourism is recognized in the world as the smokeless industry, but it is still an industry, it requires the import of all kinds of inputs, as well as being an eminently extractive activity. Today Cuba has a capacity per rooms that is far from the market demand for the island, the existing statistics do not exceed more than 30% of linear occupancy in the various destinations of the archipelago. If we add to this the globalized nature of tourism (it arises precisely with the development of capitalism in its last phase) and the physical interconnections that are established with visitors, even immunologically, we approach a portrait of an activity that is very profitable but that creates links of dependency on a specific and very fragile world market.

According to the activitys development plans in the near future, if the developmentalist vision continues to be applied in the tourism sector, Pinar del Ro will have a huge megaproject called Punta Colorada, which will cost billions of dollars and will have an impact, undoubtedly, on the marine-coastal ecosystems of the northwest of the province and in the Guanahacabibes and Viales biosphere reserves.

The COVID-19 epidemic in the world has put the neoliberal capitalist system in check. It will remain to be seen if it is able to resist this onslaught.

For Cuba it means the need and the urgency to consolidate what exists and works well and transform the inefficient, because for Cuba once again the possibility of creating an eco-socialist alternative with citizen participation is opening.

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Original post:
The pandemic, the environment and Cuba - OnCubaNews


Focus on the United Kingdom | 2020-06-01 – World Grain

Saturday, June 6th, 2020

The UK grains sector faces enormous change after almost five decades operating under the European Unions Common Agricultural Policy. It also faces enormous potential disruption following the UK exit from the EU on Jan. 31, unless a new trade deal with the EU can be made by the end of the year. At the same time, the sector is coping with the problems caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, with supply chains disrupted and new challenges from the need to feed a population in lockdown.

The International Grains Council (IGC) projects the UKs 2020-21 grains production at a total of 19.7 million tonnes, down from 25.7 million the year before. The countrys wheat production is put at 10 million tonnes, down from 16.3 million in 2019-20. Barley production is forecast to rise to 8.4 million tonnes, up from 8.2 million.

The UKs rapeseed crop is forecast at 1.3 million tonnes in 2020-21, compared with 1.8 million in 2019-20.

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) on Feb. 27 published a forecast putting 2019-20 wheat imports at 1.050 million tonnes, down 808,000 on the year before because of greater supply.

It is worth noting that the fall in imported demand is expected to be driven by the animal feed and bioethanol sectors, the AHDB commented. Imported wheat usage by flour millers is expected to be marginally higher year on year.

The AHDB forecast barley imports at 52,000 tonnes, down 18,000 on larger domestic supply. Maize imports in 2019-20 are put at 2.3 million tonnes. While the pace of maize imports is expected to slow somewhat over the next few months, imports may begin to increase again at the end of this season and into the 2020-21 season, due to its relative price compared with domestic grains.

Trade sources put likely imports of wheat at 2.6 million tonnes in 2020-21, with barley imports at 60,000 tonnes. Imports of rapeseed are forecast at 600,000 tonnes.

According to the National Association of British and Irish Millers (nabim), there are 32 companies, with a total of 51 milling sites in the countrys flour milling sector. Thirty-one are members of nabim, with 50 sites between them accounting for 99% of UK flour production. The association puts the industrys annual consumption of wheat to produce flour at 5 million tonnes, with some 1.3 million to 1.5 million tonnes used by starch and bioethanol producers.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown that has accompanied it has forced the industry to change. Following representations from nabim, the government decided to relax working time rules to help ensure deliveries. It also recognized food industry workers as key, giving them access to childcare and education support, the association said in an April 3 statement. British schools are closed but remain open to care for children of key workers.

An early warning system also has been set up by nabim to give notice of problems before they become critical.

The grain supply and delivery sector, including nabim members, has agreed small changes in working practice that will help the flow of goods and accompanying documentation while respecting social distancing and the difficulty of distributing documentation while so many administrative staff are working from home, nabim said. The government has allowed extra time for some tests to be undertaken and, wherever possible, auditing is being conducted remotely.

One feature of the lockdown has been increased demand from consumers for bagged flour for home baking. A website has been set up by nabim to let consumers know where they can buy the size of bags normally only sold to catering outlets, which are now closed.

The UK left the EU on Jan.31. The country is currently in a transition phase, in which trade continues under the same terms as before, while a future relationship between the two is negotiated. The advent of the COVID-19 crisis means that the transition period, due to last until the end of 2020, is widely expected to be extended, although the British government, which would have to ask for an extension, is still, at the time of writing, insisting that it will stick to the planned timetable.

One aspect of the future that is causing particular concern for the milling industry is the arrangements for trade between the islands of Britain and Ireland. Although the northern part of Ireland is part of the UK, under the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, which brought piece to Northern Ireland after many years of turmoil, there must be no hard border between the UK and the Republic of Ireland on the island of Ireland. That means that a customs barrier is planned, within the UK. The government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson is pretending that the problem does not exist, and no checks will be necessary, ignoring an explicit reference in the UKs Withdrawal Agreement with the EU. The high level of integration between the food sectors in the two countries, particularly in milling, means controls, with a potential need for sanitary and phytosanitary checks, could be highly onerous.

Leaving the EU takes British agriculture out of the EUs Common Agricultural Policy, with its system of direct payments to support farming. Instead, in a bill introduced to parliament on Jan. 16, the government plans to create a system under which farmers are rewarded for providing public goods such as improved air and water quality, higher animal welfare standards, improved access to the countryside or measures to reduce flooding.

In England, direct payments will be phased out over a seven-year period, starting in 2021.


The UK is currently using E5 gasoline, but the government has announced a move to E10, beginning in 2021. The country has two large ethanol plants, Ensus and Vivergo, both in the northeast. Only Ensus is currently operating, using wheat and maize.

In an April 9 report, the USDA attach in London explained how the British government appears to want to expand the use of GM crops in the country, but the continuing close trading relationship between the UK and the remaining EU countries makes a big change unlikely.

The report cites the July 2019 inaugural speech of Prime Minister Johnson who said: Lets liberate the UKs extraordinary bioscience sector from anti-genetic modification rules.

Under any scenario, the UKs departure from the EU will not change policy or trade in genetically engineered plants or animals in the short to medium term, the attach commented. The EU is the UKs largest trading partner and the UK will retain much EU food law for many years to come.

For most of the British public, genetic engineering in food is irrelevant. There are very few mainstream grocery products that contain GE as an outright ingredient and, with this invisibility, UK consumers consider the GM problem to have gone away.

Follow our breaking news coverage of the coronavirus/COVID-19 situation.

Continue reading here:
Focus on the United Kingdom | 2020-06-01 - World Grain


22nd Century Group Appoints James A. Mish as Chief Executive Officer and John Franzino as Chief Financial Officer – GlobeNewswire

Saturday, June 6th, 2020

Mish brings extensive global executive leadership experience in the development, manufacturing and commercialization of active pharmaceutical ingredients, including cannabinoids, and related consumer products

Franzino brings extensive strategic financial leadership experience in tobacco and alcoholic beverage industries

WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y., June 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 22nd Century Group, Inc. (NYSE American: XXII) (22nd Century or the Company), a leading plant biotechnology company primarily focused on reduced nicotine tobacco and also hemp/cannabis plant genetics research and development, announced today that James A. Mish has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, effective June 22, 2020. The Company also announced that John Franzino has been appointed Chief Financial Officer, effective immediately.

Mish brings extensive global executive leadership experience in science-driven organizations with a recent focus on the development, manufacturing and commercialization of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), including cannabinoids, and related consumer products. He has an outstanding track record of delivering profitable growth at both privately held and publicly traded companies. Prior to joining 22nd Century, Mish served as Chief Executive Officer of Noramco, a global leader in the production of controlled substances for the pharmaceutical industry, and Purisys, a synthetic cannabinoid API, ingredients and solutions provider to pharmaceutical and consumer products companies. Mish led the creation and spinoff of Purisys from Noramco during his tenure.

We are very pleased to welcome Jim as our new Chief Executive Officer at this critical juncture in our Companys history, said Nora B. Sullivan, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of 22nd Century. Jims extensive and proven executive leadership capabilities, substantial science-based industry background and deep experience with pharmaceutical and consumer products make him an outstanding candidate to successfully execute on the Companys initiatives and strategic plan going forward. We are confident that under Jims demonstrated leadership capabilities, 22nd Century will continue to build its portfolio of assets and create value for the benefit of our shareholders. We expect that with Jims direction and guidance, 22nd Century will achieve meaningful growth as the Company looks towards the anticipated authorization of our MRTP application for our proprietary, reduced nicotine cigarettes, and as we work to develop new hemp/cannabis intellectual property and proprietary plants with valuable cannabinoid profiles.

I am delighted to join 22nd Century Group at this pivotal time in the Companys growth as it looks to deliver on its primary mission to reduce smoking-related harm and also bring new and valuable hemp-derived cannabinoid products to market, said Mish. 22nd Century is an innovative, plant-based biotech company with an extensive and growing intellectual property portfolio that is poised to disrupt both the tobacco and hemp/cannabis industries. I look forward to partnering with 22nd Centurys Board and management team to drive the business forward to deliver value to our customers and shareholders.

Sullivan continued, We are also pleased to welcome John Franzino into the role of Chief Financial Officer. John is an accomplished strategic financial executive with a track record of successful leadership in high-growth, highly regulated, consumer-facing industries including tobacco and alcoholic beverages. We are excited to have a CFO of his caliber on the executive management team to help lead the Company through the next chapter of its growth.

Prior to joining 22nd Century Group, Franzino served as Chief Financial Officer of the West Point Association of Graduates. Additionally, he has extensive strategic financial leadership experience serving as Vice President of Finance and Controller at Bard College; as Chief Financial Officer of Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, a subsidiary of Reynolds American, Inc.; and as Chief Financial Officer of Labatt USA. Franzino is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Farleigh Dickinson University.

Also, on behalf of the Companys Board of Directors, I would like to thank Andrea Jentsch, who has resigned as Chief Financial Officer due to personal reasons, for her service and significant contributions to the Company. Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19, Andrea has built a very strong team critical to advancing the Companys accounting, finance, information technology and human resources activities, and she has made a number of significant improvements to the Companys processes, internal reporting and IT resources that will be important enablers for the commercialization of the Companys proprietary plants and products. We wish Andrea the best in her future endeavors, Sullivan added.

About 22nd Century Group, Inc.22nd Century Group, Inc. (NYSE American: XXII) is a leading plant biotechnology company focused on technologies that alter the level of nicotine in tobacco plants and the level of cannabinoids in hemp/cannabis plants through genetic engineering, gene-editing and modern plant breeding. The Companys primary mission in tobacco is to reduce the harm caused by smoking by bringing its proprietary reduced nicotine content tobacco cigarettes containing 95% less nicotine than conventional cigarettes to adult smokers in the U.S. and international markets. The Companys primary mission in hemp/cannabis is to develop proprietary hemp/cannabis plants with valuable cannabinoid profiles and agronomic traits and to commercialize those plants through a synergistic portfolio of strategic partnerships in the hemp/cannabis industry.

Learn more atxxiicentury.com, on Twitter@_xxiicenturyand onLinkedIn.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking StatementsThis press release contains forward-looking statements concerning our business, operations and financial performance and condition as well as our plans, objectives and expectations for our business operations and financial performance and condition that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this press release are forward-looking statements. You can identify these statements by words such as aim, anticipate, assume, believe, could, due, estimate, expect, goal, intend, may, objective, plan, potential, positioned, predict, should, target, will, would and other similar expressions that are predictions of or indicate future events and future trends. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections about our business and the industry in which we operate and our management's beliefs and assumptions. These statements are not guarantees of future performance or development and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that are in some cases beyond our control. All forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties and others that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in our forward-looking statements. Please refer to the Risk Factors in our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on March 11, 2020 and in our subsequently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as otherwise required by law.

Contacts:Mei Kuo22nd Century Group, Inc.(716) 300-1221mkuo@xxiicentury.com

Cory ZiskindICR(646) 277-1232cory.ziskind@icrinc.com

See the article here:
22nd Century Group Appoints James A. Mish as Chief Executive Officer and John Franzino as Chief Financial Officer - GlobeNewswire


Bad conspiracy theories: The bad, the worse and the ugliest – The Spectrum

Sunday, May 31st, 2020

Leigh Washburn, My Turn Published 6:57 a.m. MT May 30, 2020

Leigh Washburn(Photo: SUBMITTED)

A recent BBC report (https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-52731624) graphically describes the consequences of unchecked propagation of mis- and disinformation about SARS-Cov-2: The hospitalized couple, one near death, in Florida, believing it was a hoax; violence against Muslims in India; people swallowing fish tank cleaner, disinfectants, or toxic alcohol; and the worst and most common those waiting too long to seek help because they thought the hazards were overblown (https://www.erinbromage.com/post/the-risks-know-them-avoid-them).

Conspiracy theories are more than just distracting. Deciding who to trust isnt easy, but its possible and essential. Ask whos talking. Whats their background, their reputation? Are they writing for a known outlet? Is the piece sensationalist? Contradictory? Do reporters interview multiple people actual experts vet sources, fact-check, question inconsistencies (The Conspiracy Theory Handbook; Yahoo News, 05/22/20; Forbes, 05/08/20; Atlantic, 03/21/20; Lifehacker, 05/08/20)?

The most recent, and arguably worst, is the slick documentary, Plandemic, which looks and feels credible but doesnt hold up under careful scrutiny. Its been fact-checked by several experts (Science, 05/08/20; factcheck.org, 05/08/20; https://respectfulinsolence.com/2020/05/06/judy-mikovits-pandemic/; NPR;05/08/20). Too much is just off.

Its sole interviewee, Judy Mikovits, is introduced as one of the most accomplished scientists of her generation. So who is she? She earned a BS in chemistry in 1980, worked as a lab technician until 1988, got her PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology in 1991, then apparently held postdoctoral positions until 2006, when she was tapped to head a new private institute founded by the Whittemore family to look for a viral cause of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). First red flag she was apparently a lab tech or a postdoc for more than 20 years, all that time working on other investigators projects under their supervision. She was never an independent researcher (respectfulinsolence.com., 05/06/20).

Her inexperience caught up with her. An article in the prestigious journal Science, in which she claimed to have discovered a CFS-related virus, was retracted because blood samples were contaminated (Science, 12/23/11). She lost her job and was ultimately arrested (NOT by SWAT) for stealing lab notebooks and other data. Those charges were eventually dropped although the institute won a civil suit.

She makes vague claims that Anthony Fauci blocked publication of some work she did as a technician (implausible); that her research on HIV was instrumental in developing treatments (unverified); and that Fauci and Big Pharma destroyed her career, without explaining how.

Her recorded comments display big gaps in scientific knowledge. A few examples:

This is just a preview. The articles I cited above explore these and many more red flags in depth, with plenty of solid science. They make for good reading, especially if youre still having trouble making up your mind.

Leigh Washburn is a member of the Iron County Democrats.

Read or Share this story: https://www.thespectrum.com/story/news/2020/05/30/my-turn-bad-conspiracy-theories-bad-worse-and-ugliest/5290567002/

View original post here:
Bad conspiracy theories: The bad, the worse and the ugliest - The Spectrum


Creepy organizations: These groups are the definition of a cult – Film Daily

Sunday, May 31st, 2020

Just like hate, cult is a strong word that some organizations definitely do not want to use to define themselves. Heavens Gate didnt call themselves a cult, and neither did the Branch Davidians. But for the rest of time, these groups will be remembered as the definition of a cult.

At some point or another, well be remembering these groups as cults as well. Just because theyre not called cults doesnt mean theyre definition not cult-like. Heck, past members of these organizations may even call these groups cults themselves.

Look, we dont care how many explanations youve gotten from your high school friend selling essential oils or diet products. MLMs are pyramid schemes that have a cult like energy from them. Just look at a MLM convention to prove the cult atmosphere.

Sure, back in the day, companies like Pampered Chef, Avon, and Mary Kay were MLMs that actually let people be fairly successful in a side gig. But the explosion of MLMs in the past 20 years has proven that this is no longer a successful business practice for people. All theyre left with is fake friends that will ditch them the minute they stop making their monthly goals.

This is on the same level of people who are actually convinced reptiles run our governments. This French religious group preaches that extraterrestrials created humanity through genetic engineering, and their representatives have come to Earth in the form of figures such as Jesus Christ and Budda.

Granted, we have to give them some credit as they preach a message of peace on Earth. Though, they want world peace so the extraterrestrial overloads will come back to Earth and visit humans at the embassies built by Ralismists.

If youre familiar with Parks and Rec, this Ron Swanson but literally no connection to the outside world. The Brethren join under the understanding that to prepare for the end of the world, they need to give up all belongings and live off the land until the end.

Theres also no celebrations or playing within the Brethren as they believe such celebrations should be saved for the return of the savior when the world ends. Unfortunately, if someone joins the Brethren, oftentimes theyll leave their family and friends behind with no warning, leading to many Brethren members having missing persons notices out on them.

While the group has gone through rebranding over the years, the stories children raised in the cult tell, including Rose McGowan, and the Phoenix children (River, Joaquin, Rain, and Summer) have us concerned regardless.

The organization believes theyre in a sexual relationship with Jesus, and uses sex in their teachings of Gods love and mercy. Initially, it was a big hit for converts, but it allegedly also caused several cases of child sexual abuse throughout the many communes of TFI.

Probably the most famous modern day cult, Scientology promotes itself as a religious organization based on scientific research. But then you realize this is the same organization that believes humans can live multiple lives, humans are immortal, and humans possess infinite capabilities.

And now you understand why Tom Cruise does such insane stunts in Mission Impossible, because he doesnt think hell die ever. But the organization is well known for keeping its practices secret and basically getting ready to attack anyone who says a bad thing about the organization. So if our website goes down, you know why.

Excerpt from:
Creepy organizations: These groups are the definition of a cult - Film Daily


Researchers find new selective-breeding method for heat-tolerant abalone without genetic modification – Aju Business Daily

Friday, May 29th, 2020

[Courtesy of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries]

More than 7,500 tons of abalone are consumed annually in South Korea. However, it's not easy for abalone farmers to keep their prized product alive during summer as the shellfish die easily when the sea temperature rises above 32 degrees Celsius (89.6 degrees Fahrenheit). To increase the production of abalone by increasing survivability in warm water temperatures, some farmers in China and other countries use genetic modification.

Temperatures of the sea around the Korean peninsula showed abnormality due to global warming, rising on an average of 0.44 degrees Celsius every year over the last decade, according to the Korea Meteorological Administration. Abalone farmers lost more than 13.6 billion won ($10 million) in 2018 due to high sea temperatures.

The National Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS), a scientific body operated by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, said in a statement that it has found a selective breeding method that involves no genetic engineering by using genetic markers. The institute will commercialize the method after a pilot project at actual abalone farms.

"With the recent trend of rising sea temperature, the future of abalone farms depends on developing breeds that can survive in places where the water temperature varies greatly," NIFS researcher Nam Bo-hye was quoted as saying.

Based on the institute's 2014 finding that a certain breed of abalone is capable of staying alive in seas warmer than 32 degrees Celsius, NIFS researchers have analyzed genetic characteristics, which are genetic markers, of the more heat-tolerant breed. Abalone farmers can check genetic markers to sort out the heat-tolerant breed in a simple and quick manner.

Excerpt from:
Researchers find new selective-breeding method for heat-tolerant abalone without genetic modification - Aju Business Daily


Ethicists: We need more flexible tools for evaluating gene-edited food – The Conversation US

Friday, May 29th, 2020

Is there now a way to genetically engineer crops to create food that people can confidently consider natural?

Gene-editing technology sounds like it might offer this possibility. By altering an organisms genetic material, or genome, without introducing genes from other species, advocates of genome editing argue the technique can sidestep most of the difficult ethical and regulatory challenges plaguing organisms with added transgenes, which are genes from other species. Some even argue these cisgenic products are natural enough to count as organic.

As ethicists specializing in how technology alters human-nature relations, we can understand why advocates see the ethics this way. If crossing species lines is the measure of whether a technique counts as natural or not, then genome editing appears to have the potential to pass a naturalness test.

Genome editing, its boosters say, can make changes that look almost evolutionary. Arguably, these changes could have happened by themselves through the natural course of events, if anyone had the patience to wait for them. Conventional breeding for potatoes resistant to late blight is theoretically possible, for example, but it would take a lot of time.

Although we understand the potential advantages of speed, we dont think an ethics hinging on the idea of cisgenesis is adequate. We propose a better ethical lens to use in its place.

Our work is part of a four-year projectfunded by the Norwegian Research Council scrutinizing how gene editing could change how we think about food. The work brings together researchers from universities and scientific institutes in Norway, the U.K. and the U.S. to compare a range of techniques for producing useful new crops.

Our project is not focused on the safety of the crops under development, something that obviously requires concerted scientific investigation of its own. Although the safety of humans and the health of the environment is ethically crucial when developing new foods, other ethical issues must also be considered.

To see this, consider how objections against genetically modified organisms go far beyond safety. Ethical issues around food sovereignty range broadly across farmer choice, excess corporate power, economic security and other concerns. Ethical acceptability requires a much higher bar than safety alone.

Although we believe gene editing may have promise for addressing the agricultural challenges caused by rising global populations, climate change and the overuse of chemical pesticides, we dont think an ethical analysis based entirely on crossing species lines and naturalness is adequate.

It is already clear that arguing gene-edited food is ethical based on species lines has not satisfied all of gene editings critics. As Ricarda Steinbrecher, a molecular biologist cautious about gene editing, has said, Whether or not the DNA sequences come from closely related species is irrelevant, the process of genetic engineering is the same, involving the same risks and unpredictabilities, as with transgenesis.

Comments of this kind suggest talking about species lines is an unreliable guide. Species and subspecies boundaries are notoriously infirm. Charles Darwin himself conceded in Origin of Species, I look at the term species, as one arbitrarily given for the sake of convenience to a set of individuals closely resembling each other.

The 2005 edition of the Mammal Species of the World demonstrated this arbitrariness by collapsing all 12 subspecies of American cougars down to one Puma concolor cougar overnight. In 2017, the Cat Classification Task Force revised the Felidae family again.

If species lines are not clear, claiming naturalness based on not crossing species lines is, in our view, a shaky guide. The lack of clarity matters because a premature ethical green light could mean a premature regulatory green light, with broad implications for both agricultural producers and consumers.

We think a more reliable ethical measure is to ask about how a technique for crop breeding interferes with the integrity of the organism being altered.

The term integrity already has application in environmental ethics, ecology, cell biology, interhuman ethics, organic agriculture and genetics.

A unifying theme in all these domains is that integrity points toward some kind of functional wholeness of an organism, a cell, a genome or an ecological system. The idea of maintaining integrity tracks a central intuition about being cautious before interfering too much with living systems and their components.

The integrity lens makes it clear why the ethics of gene editing may not be radically different from the ethics of genetic modification using transgenes. The cell wall is still penetrated by the gene-editing components. The genome of the organism is cut at a site chosen by the scientist, and a repair is initiated which (it is hoped) will result in a desired change to the organism. When it comes to the techniques involved with gene editing a crop or other food for a desired trait, integrity is compromised at several levels and none has anything to do with crossing species lines. The integrity lens makes it clear the ethics is not resolved by debating naturalness or species boundaries.

Negotiation of each others integrity is a necessary part of human-to-human relations. Adopted as an ethical practice in the field of biotechnology, it might provide a better guide in attempts to accommodate different ethical, ecological and cultural priorities in policymaking. An ethic with a central place for discussion of integrity promises a framework that is both more flexible and discerning.

As new breeding techniques create new ethical debates over food, we think the ethical toolbox needs updating. Talking about crossing species lines simply isnt enough. If Darwin had known about gene editing, we think he would have agreed.

[Deep knowledge, daily. Sign up for The Conversations newsletter.]

See original here:
Ethicists: We need more flexible tools for evaluating gene-edited food - The Conversation US


Genetic Engineering Market 2020 Reflect Impressive Expansion by Integrated DNA Technologies, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Merck KGaA, Horizon Discovery…

Friday, May 29th, 2020

Genetic Engineering Market research added by the insight partners, offers a comprehensive analysis of growth trends prevailing in the global business domain. This report also provides definitive data concerning market, size, commercialization aspects and revenue forecast of the Genetic Engineering industry. In addition, the study explicitly highlights the competitive status of key players within the projection timeline while focusing on their portfolio and regional expansion endeavours.

This report on Genetic Engineering Market delivers an in-depth analysis that also comprises an elaborate assessment of this business. Also, segments of the Genetic Engineering Market have been evidently elucidated in this study, in addition to a basic overview pertaining to the markets current status as well as size, with respect to the profit and volume parameters. The study is ubiquitous of the major insights related to the regional spectrum of this vertical as well as the companies that have effectively gained a commendable status in the Genetic Engineering Market.

Get the inside scope of the Sample report @https://www.theinsightpartners.com/sample/TIPRE00004544/


A gene is the basic physical and function unity of heredity. Genetic engineering is the changing the structure of the genes of a living things in order to make it healthier, stronger and more useful to human. Changing DNA in cell is to understand their biology. Genetic engineering are currently used in both animal and plant cells this modifications are helps to improve performance of cell.


The genetic engineering market is expected to grow during the forecast period due to rising use of genetic engineering in the field of medical as well as in agriculture, high prevalence of infectious disease and awareness of steam cell therapy, and increasing no of genomics project due to government raising funds in genetic engineering field and more R&D. Thus, various governments are taking initiatives to create awareness amongst people about genetic engineering.

The report also includes the profiles of key Genetic Engineering Market companies along with their SWOT analysis and market strategies. In addition, the report focuses on leading industry players with information such as company profiles, components and services offered, financial information of last 3 years, key development in past five years.

Key Competitors In Market are

Integrated DNA Technologies, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Merck KGaA, Horizon Discovery Group, Transposagen Biopharmaceuticals, New England Biolabs, Genscript Biotech Corporation, Lonza Group, Origene Technologies, Sangamo Therapeutics

TOC pointsof Market Report:

Market size & shares

Market trends and dynamics

Market Drivers and Opportunities

Competitive landscape

Supply and demand

Technological inventions in industry

Marketing Channel Development Trend

Market Positioning

Pricing Strategy

Brand Strategy

Target Client


The Global Genetic Engineering Market Analysis to 2027 is a specialized and in-depth study with a special focus on the global market trend analysis. The report aims to provide an overview of Genetic Engineering Market with detailed market segmentation by product type, drug class, and geography. The global genetic engineering market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the leading genetic engineering market players and offers key trends and opportunities in the market.

Market segmentation:

Genetic Engineering Market to 2027 Global Analysis and Forecasts by Technology (CRISPR, TALEN, ZFN, Antisense, Other Technologies); By Application (Cell line Engineering, Genetic Engineering, Diagnostics & Therapeutics); By End User (Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, Academic and Research Institutes, Contract Research Organizations) and Geography

By Geography North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South & Central America. And 13 countries globally along with current trend and opportunities prevailing in the region.

The target audience for the report on the market


Market analysts

Senior executives

Business development managers


R&D staff




Equity research firms


Key Questions Answered

How big will the market for Genetic Engineering be in 2027? What is the current CAGR of the Genetic Engineering Market? Which product is expected to have the highest market growth? Which application should be used to win a large part of the market for Genetic Engineering ? Which region is likely to offer the most opportunities on the Genetic Engineering Market? Will the market competition change in the forecast period? Who are the main players currently active in the global Genetic Engineering Market? How will the market situation change within the coming years? What are the usual commercial tactics for players? What is the growth perspective of the global Genetic Engineering Market?

Answering these types of questions can be very useful for gamers to clear up their doubts as they implement their strategies to grow in the global Genetic Engineering Market. The report provides a transparent picture of the actual situation in the global Genetic Engineering Market so that companies can work more effectively. It can be tailored to the needs of readers to better understand the global market for Genetic Engineering.

Click to buy full report with all description:-https://www.theinsightpartners.com/buy/TIPRE00004544/

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The Insight Partnersis a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We are committed to provide highest quality research and consulting services to our customers. We help our clients understand the key market trends, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions with our market research offerings at an affordable cost.

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Go here to see the original:
Genetic Engineering Market 2020 Reflect Impressive Expansion by Integrated DNA Technologies, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Merck KGaA, Horizon Discovery...


global market for viral vector and plasmid manufacturing is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 16.28% over the forecast period of 2020-2030 – Olean Times…

Friday, May 29th, 2020

NEW YORK, May 28, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --

Global Viral Vector and Plasmid Manufacturing Market to Reach $5.86 Billion by 2030

Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p05902571/?utm_source=PRN

Market Report Coverage - Viral Vector and Plasmid Manufacturing

Market Segmentation

Vector Type Plasmid DNA and Viral Vector Viral Vector Type Adenovirus, Adeno-Associated Virus, Retrovirus, Lentivirus, Vaccinia Virus, and Other Viral Vectors Disease Type Cancer, Genetic Disease, Infectious Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, and Other Diseases Application Gene Therapy, Cell Therapy, Vaccinology, and Other Applications

Regional Segmentation North America U.S., Canada Europe Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, and Rest-of-Europe Asia-Pacific China, Australia, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Rest-of-the-World Latin America and Middle-East and Africa

Growth Drivers Rising Prevalence of Cancer, Genetic Disorders, and Infectious Diseases Rapid Uptake of Viral and Plasmid Vectors for the Development of Innovative Therapies Increasing Number of Clinical Studies for the Development of Gene Therapy Favorable Funding Scenario for Vector-Based Therapies

Market Challenges Unaffordable Cost of Gene Therapies High Manufacturing Costs of Viral Vectors and Plasmids Complications Associated with Large-Scale Production of Vectors

Market Opportunities Rising Demand for Synthetic Genes Emergence of Next-Generation Vectors

Key Companies ProfiledFUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, GENERAL ELECTRIC, Lonza, Merck KGaA, MolMed S.p.A., Novasep Holding, Oxford Biomedica plc, Catalent, Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., GenScript, Boehringer Ingelheim, Wuxi AppTec Co., Ltd., Sartorius AG, Takara Bio Inc., and Aldevron, L.L.C.

Key Questions Answered: What is a vector, and what is its importance in the medical industry? What are the major characteristics and types of vectors? What are the areas of application of vectors? What are the major advancements in the viral vector and plasmid manufacturing sector? What are the key trends of the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market? How is the market evolving and what is its future scope? What are the major drivers, challenges, and opportunities of the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market? What are the key developmental strategies implemented by the key players of the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market to sustain the competition of the market? What is the percentage share of each of the key players in different key developmental strategies? What is the regulatory scenario of the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market? What are the initiatives implemented by different governmental bodies and guidelines put forward to regulate the commercialization of viral vector and plasmid manufacturing products? What are major milestones in patenting activity in the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market? What was the market size of the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market in 2019, and what is the market size anticipated to be in 2030? What is the expected growth rate of the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market during the period between 2020 and 2030? What is the global market size for manufacturing plasmids and different types of viral vectors available in the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market in 2019? What are the key trends of the market with respect to different vectors and which vector type is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period 2020-2030? What are the different disease areas where plasmids and viral vectors are employed in the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market? Which disease type dominated the market in 2019 and is expected to dominate in 2030? What are the different applications associated with viral vector and plasmid manufacturing? What was the contribution of each of the application areas in the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market in 2019, and what is it expected in 2030? Which region is expected to contribute the highest sales to the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market during the period between 2019 and 2030? Which region and country carry the potential for significant expansion of key companies in the viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market? What are the leading countries of different regions that contribute significantly toward the growth of the market? Which are the key players of the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market, and what are their roles in the market? What was the market share of the key players in 2019?

Market OverviewThe ability of vectors to carry out genetic modification through the introduction of therapeutic DNA/gene into a patient's body or cell has enabled its application in a wide range of modern therapies, including cell and gene therapies.Growing prominence of these therapies in different medical applications has therefore resulted in an increased demand for both viral and non-viral vectors.

Vector-based therapies are currently being used for the treatment of a large number of diseases, including cancer, infectious diseases, genetic diseases, and cardiovascular diseases, among others.Viral vectors and plasmid reduce the cost of treatment and help in decreasing repeated administrations of medications.

Moreover, vectors are also increasingly being used in the field of vaccinology for the development of vaccines owing to the advantage offered by them in inducing a wide range of immune response types. Several players, including biopharmaceutical companies, research institutes, contract manufacturing organizations, and non-profit organizations, have therefore focussed their interest on the development and production of viral vectors and plasmids.

Our healthcare experts have found viral vector and plasmid manufacturing industry to be one of the most rapidly evolving markets, and the global market for viral vector and plasmid manufacturing is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 16.28% over the forecast period of 2020-2030. The market is driven by certain factors, which include success of vector-based cell and gene therapies in treating various therapeutic conditions, increasing number of clinical studies in the field of gene therapy and availability of funding for vector-based gene therapy development, technological advancements in the biomanufacturing sector, and growing investments for expanding vector manufacturing facilities.The market is favoured by the rising prevalence of genetic disorders, cancer, and infectious diseases that has raised the demand for advanced therapeutics and increasing acceptance for comparatively newer treatment options in developing countries.However, the growth of the market is also affected by several factors.

Exorbitant manufacturing cost and highly regulated processes for large-scale vector production are the key challenges cited by industry experts.In addition, lack of required infrastructure and the shortfall of expertise in terms of scale, complexities, and quality assurance for vector production are some of the factors restraining the market growth.

However, rise of contract manufacturers has effectively addressed the above-articulated manufacturing challenges by offering a wide range of vector manufacturing services that offer lucrative opportunities for the growth of the market. Further, increase in research and developmental activities in vector engineering offers strong promise to drive the growth of the viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market in the upcoming years.

Within the research report, the market is segmented on the basis of vector type, application, disease, and region. Each of these segments covers the snapshot of the market over the projected years, the inclination of the market revenue, underlying patterns, and trends by using analytics on the primary and secondary data obtained.

Competitive LandscapeThe exponential rise in the application of viral vector and plasmid in various therapies on the global level has created a buzz among companies to invest significantly in viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market.The market is highly competitive, marking the presence of several contract manufacturing organizations and biopharmaceutical companies, who are engaged in in-house vector manufacturing.

Among the different players of the market, Lonza and Thermo Fisher Scientific hold majority of the market share. Other companies contributing significantly toward the growth of the global viral vector and plasmid manufacturing market include GE Healthcare, Fujifilm Holding Corporation, Merck KGaA, Oxford Biomedica plc, Sartorius AG, and Catalent, Inc., among others. On the basis of region, North America holds the largest market share, while Asia-Pacific is anticipated to grow at the fastest CAGR during the forecast period.

Countries Covered North America U.S. Canada Europe U.K. Germany France Spain Italy Switzerland Belgium Rest-of-Europe Asia-Pacific China Japan Australia South Korea India Singapore Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Rest-of-the-World

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global market for viral vector and plasmid manufacturing is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 16.28% over the forecast period of 2020-2030 - Olean Times...


On the Origins of Modern Biology and the Fantastic: Part 19 Nalo Hopkinson and Stem Cell Research – tor.com

Friday, May 29th, 2020

She just wanted to be somewhere safe, somewhere familiar, where people looked and spoke like her and she could stand to eat the food. Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson

Midnight Robber (2000) is about a woman, divided. Raised on the high-tech utopian planet of Touissant, Tan-Tan grows up on a planet populated by the descendants of a Caribbean diaspora, where all labor is performed by an all-seeing AI. But when she is exiled to Touissants parallel universe twin planet, the no-tech New Half-Way Tree, with her sexually abusive father, she becomes divided between good and evil Tan-Tans. To make herself and New Half-Way Tree whole, she adopts the persona of the legendary Robber Queen and becomes a legend herself. It is a wondrous blend of science fictional tropes and Caribbean mythology written in a Caribbean vernacular which vividly recalls the history of slavery and imperialism that shaped Touissant and its people, published at a time when diverse voices and perspectives within science fiction were blossoming.

Science fiction has long been dominated by white, Western perspectives. Vernes tech-forward adventures and Wells sociological allegories established two distinctive styles, but still centered on white imperialism and class struggle. Subsequent futures depicted in Verne-like pulp and Golden Age stories, where lone white heroes conquered evil powers or alien planets, mirrored colonialist history and the subjugation of non-white races. The civil rights era saw the incorporation of more Wellsian sociological concerns, and an increase in the number of non-white faces in the future, but they were often tokensparts of a dominant white monoculture. Important figures that presaged modern diversity included Star Treks Lieutenant Uhura, played by Nichelle Nichols. Nichols was the first black woman to play a non-servant character on TV; though her glorified secretary role frustrated Nichols, her presence was a political act, showing there was space for black people in the future.

Another key figure was the musician and poet Sun Ra, who laid the aesthetic foundation for what would become known as the Afrofuturist movement (the term coined by Mark Dery in a 1994 essay), which showed pride in black history and imagined the future through a black cultural lens. Within science fiction, the foundational work of Samuel Delany and Octavia Butler painted realistic futures in which the histories and cultural differences of people of color had a place. Finally, an important modern figure in the decentralization of the dominant Western perspective is Nalo Hopkinson.

A similarly long-standing paradigm lies at the heart of biology, extending back to Darwins theoretical and Mendels practical frameworks for the evolution of genetic traits via natural selection. Our natures werent determined by experience, as Lamarck posited, but by genes. Therefore, genes determine our reproductive fitness, and if we can understand genes, we might take our futures into our own hands to better treat disease and ease human suffering. This theory was tragically over-applied, even by Darwin, who in Descent of Man (1871) conflated culture with biology, assuming the Wests conquest of indigenous cultures meant white people were genetically superior. After the Nazis committed genocide in the name of an all-white future, ideas and practices based in eugenics declined, as biological understanding of genes matured. The Central Dogma of the 60s maintained the idea of a mechanistic meaning of life, as advances in genetic engineering and the age of genomics enabled our greatest understanding yet of how genes and disease work. The last major barrier between us and our transhumanist future therefore involved understanding how genes determine cellular identity, and as well see, key figures in answering that question are stem cells.


Hopkinson was born December 20, 1960 in Kingston, Jamaica. Her mother was a library technician and her father wrote, taught, and acted. Growing up, Hopkinson was immersed in the Caribbean literary scene, fed on a steady diet of theater, dance, readings, and visual arts exhibitions. She loved to readfrom folklore, to classical literature, to Kurt Vonnegutand loved science fiction, from Spock and Uhura on Star Trek, to Le Guin, James Tiptree Jr., and Delany. Despite being surrounded by a vibrant writing community, it didnt occur to her to become a writer herself. What they were writing was poetry and mimetic fiction, Hopkinson said, whereas I was reading science fiction and fantasy. It wasnt until I was 16 and stumbled upon an anthology of stories written at the Clarion Science Fiction Workshop that I realized there were places where you could be taught how to write fiction. Growing up, her family moved often, from Jamaica to Guyana to Trinidad and back, but in 1977, they moved to Toronto to get treatment for her fathers chronic kidney disease, and Hopkinson suddenly became a minority, thousands of miles from home.

Development can be described as an orderly alienation. In mammals, zygotes divide and subsets of cells become functionally specialized into, say, neurons or liver cells. Following the discovery of DNA as the genetic material in the 1950s, a question arose: did dividing cells retain all genes from the zygote, or were genes lost as it specialized? British embryologist John Gurdon addressed this question in a series of experiments in the 60s using frogs. Gurdon transplanted nuclei from varyingly differentiated cells into oocytes stripped of their genetic material to see if a new frog was made. He found the more differentiated a cell was, the lower the chance of success, but the successes confirmed that no genetic material was lost. Meanwhile, Canadian biologists Ernest McCulloch and James Till were transplanting bone marrow to treat irradiated mice when they noticed it caused lumps in the mices spleens, and the number of lumps correlated with the cellular dosage. Their lab subsequently demonstrated that each lump was a clonal colony from a single donor cell, and a subset of those cells was self-renewing and could form further colonies of any blood cell type. They had discovered hematopoietic stem cells. In 1981 the first embryonic stem cells (ESCs) from mice were successfully propagated in culture by British biologist Martin Evans, winning him the Nobel Prize in 2007. This breakthrough allowed biologists to alter genes in ESCs, then use Gurdons technique to create transgenic mice with that alteration in every cellcreating the first animal models of disease.

In 1982, one year after Evans discovery, Hopkinson graduated with honors from York University. She worked in the arts, as a library clerk, government culture research officer, and grants officer for the Toronto Arts Council, but wouldnt begin publishing her own fiction until she was 34. [I had been] politicized by feminist and Caribbean literature into valuing writing that spoke of particular cultural experiences of living under colonialism/patriarchy, and also of writing in ones own vernacular speech, Hopkinson said. In other words, I had models for strong fiction, and I knew intimately the body of work to which I would be responding. Then I discovered that Delany was a black man, which opened up a space for me in SF/F that I hadnt known I needed. She sought out more science fiction by black authors and found Butler, Charles Saunders, and Steven Barnes. Then the famous feminist science fiction author and editor Judy Merril offered an evening course in writing science fiction through a Toronto college, Hopkinson said. The course never ran, but it prompted me to write my first adult attempt at a science fiction story. Judy met once with the handful of us she would have accepted into the course and showed us how to run our own writing workshop without her. Hopkinsons dream of attending Clarion came true in 1995, with Delany as an instructor. Her early short stories channeled her love of myth and folklore, and her first book, written in Caribbean dialect, married Caribbean myth to the science fictional trappings of black market organ harvesting. Brown Girl in the Ring (1998) follows a young single mother as shes torn between her ancestral culture and modern life in a post-economic collapse Toronto. It won the Aspect and Locus Awards for Best First Novel, and Hopkinson was awarded the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.

In 1996, Dolly the Sheep was created using Gurdons technique to determine if mammalian cells also could revert to more a more primitive, pluripotent state. Widespread animal cloning attempts soon followed, (something Hopkinson used as a science fictional element in Brown Girl) but it was inefficient, and often produced abnormal animals. Ideas of human cloning captured the public imagination as stem cell research exploded onto the scene. One ready source for human ESC (hESC) materials was from embryos which would otherwise be destroyed following in vitro fertilization (IVF) but the U.S. passed the Dickey-Wicker Amendment prohibited federal funding of research that destroyed such embryos. Nevertheless, in 1998 Wisconsin researcher James Thomson, using private funding, successfully isolated and cultured hESCs. Soon after, researchers around the world figured out how to nudge cells down different lineages, with ideas that transplant rejection and genetic disease would soon become things of the past, sliding neatly into the hole that the failure of genetic engineering techniques had left behind. But another blow to the stem cell research community came in 2001, when President Bushs stem cell ban limited research in the U.S. to nineteen existing cell lines.

In the late 1990s, another piece of technology capturing the public imagination was the internet, which promised to bring the world together in unprecedented ways. One such way was through private listservs, the kind used by writer and academic Alondra Nelson to create a space for students and artists to explore Afrofuturist ideas about technology, space, freedom, culture and art with science fiction at the center. It was wonderful, Hopkinson said. It gave me a place to talk and debate with like-minded people about the conjunction of blackness and science fiction without being shouted down by white men or having to teach Racism 101. Connections create communities, which in turn create movements, and in 1999, Delanys essay, Racism and Science Fiction, prompted a call for more meaningful discussions around race in the SF community. In response, Hopkinson became a co-founder of the Carl Brandon society, which works to increase awareness and representation of people of color in the community.

Hopkinsons second novel, Midnight Robber, was a breakthrough success and was nominated for Hugo, Nebula, and Tiptree Awards. She would also release Skin Folk (2001), a collection of stories in which mythical figures of West African and Afro-Caribbean culture walk among us, which would win the World Fantasy Award and was selected as one ofThe New York Times Best Books of the Year. Hopkinson also obtained masters degree in fiction writing (which helped alleviate U.S. border hassles when traveling for speaking engagements) during which she wrote The Salt Roads (2003). I knew it would take a level of research, focus and concentration I was struggling to maintain, Hopkinson said. I figured it would help to have a mentor to coach me through it. That turned out to be James Morrow, and he did so admirably. Roads is a masterful work of slipstream literary fantasy that follows the lives of women scattered through time, bound together by the salt uniting all black life. It was nominated for a Nebula and won the Gaylactic Spectrum Award. Hopkinson also edited anthologies centering around different cultures and perspectives, including Whispers from the Cotton Tree Root: Caribbean Fabulist Fiction (2000), Mojo: Conjure Stories (2003), and So Long, Been Dreaming: Postcolonial Science Fiction & Fantasy (2004). She also came out with the award-winning novelThe New Moons Arms in 2007, in which a peri-menopausal woman in a fictional Caribbean town is confronted by her past and the changes she must make to keep her family in her life.

While the stem cell ban hamstrung hESC work, Gurdons research facilitated yet another scientific breakthrough. Researchers began untangling how gene expression changed as stem cells differentiated, and in 2006, Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University reported the successful creation of mouse stem cells from differentiated cells. Using a list of 24 pluripotency-associated genes, Yamanaka systematically tested different gene combinations on terminally differentiated cells. He found four genesthereafter known as Yamanaka factorsthat could turn them into induced-pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and he and Gurdon would share a 2012 Nobel prize. In 2009, President Obama lifted restrictions on hESC research, and the first clinical trial involving products made using stem cells happened that year. The first human trials using hESCs to treat spinal injuries happened in 2014, and the first iPSC clinical trials for blindness began this past December.

Hopkinson, too, encountered complications and delays at points in her career. For years, Hopkinson suffered escalating symptoms from fibromyalgia, a chronic disease that runs in her family, which interfered with her writing, causing Hopkinson and her partner to struggle with poverty and homelessness. But in 2011, Hopkinson applied to become a professor of Creative Writing at the University of California, Riverside. It seemed in many ways tailor-made for me, Hopkinson said. They specifically wanted a science fiction writer (unheard of in North American Creative Writing departments); they wanted someone with expertise working with a diverse range of people; they were willing to hire someone without a PhD, if their publications were sufficient; they were offering the security of tenure. She got the job, and thanks to a steady paycheck and the benefits of the mild California climate, she got back to writing. Her YA novel, The Chaos (2012), coming-of-age novelSister Mine (2013), and another short story collection, Falling in Love with Hominids (2015) soon followed. Her recent work includes House of Whispers (2018-present), a series in DC Comics Sandman Universe, the final collected volume of which is due out this June. Hopkinson also received an honorary doctorate in 2016 from Anglia Ruskin University in the U.K., and was Guest of Honor at 2017 Worldcon, a year in which women and people of color dominated the historically white, male ballot.

While the Yamanaka factors meant that iPSCs became a standard lab technique, iPSCs are not identical to hESCs. Fascinatingly, two of these factors act together to maintain the silencing of large swaths of DNA. Back in the 1980s, researchers discovered that some regions of DNA are modified by small methyl groups, which can be passed down through cell division. Different cell types have different DNA methylation patterns, and their distribution is far from random; they accumulate in the promoter regions just upstream of genes where their on/off switches are, and the greater the number of methyl groups, the lesser the genes expression. Furthermore, epigenetic modifications, like methylation, can be laid down by our environments (via diet, or stress) which can also be passed down through generations. Even some diseases, like fibromyalgia, have recently been implicated as such an epigenetic disease. Turns out that the long-standing biological paradigm that rejected Lamarck also missed the bigger picture: Nature is, in fact, intimately informed by nurture and environment.

In the past 150 years, we have seen ideas of community grow and expand as the world became more connected, so that they now encompass the globe. The histories of science fiction and biology are full of stories of pioneers opening new doorsbe they doors of greater representation or greater understanding, or bothand others following. If evolution has taught us anything, its that nature abhors a monoculture, and the universe tends towards diversification; healthy communities are ones which understand that we are not apart from the world, but of it, and that diversity of types, be they cells or perspectives, is a strength.

Kelly Lagor is a scientist by day and a science fiction writer by night. Her work has appeared at Tor.com and other places, and you can find her tweeting about all kinds of nonsense @klagor

See the original post here:
On the Origins of Modern Biology and the Fantastic: Part 19 Nalo Hopkinson and Stem Cell Research - tor.com


COVID-19: Responding to the business impacts of CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes Market 2019 Trends, Size, Segments, Emerging Technologies and…

Friday, May 29th, 2020

A recent market study on the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market reveals that the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market is expected to reach a value of ~US$ XX by the end of 2029 growing at a CAGR of ~XX% during the forecast period (2019-2029).

The CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market study includes a thorough analysis of the overall competitive landscape and the company profiles of leading market players involved in the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market. Further, the presented study offers accurate insights pertaining to the different segments of the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market such as the market share, value, revenue, and how each segment is expected to fair post the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The following doubts are addressed in the market report:

Key Highlights of the CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes Market Report

The presented report segregates the CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market into different segments to ensure the readers gain a complete understanding of the different aspects of the CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market.

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Segmentation of the CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market

Competitive Outlook

This section of the report throws light on the recent mergers, collaborations, partnerships, and research and development activities within the CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market on a global scale. Further, a detailed assessment of the pricing, marketing, and product development strategies adopted by leading market players is included in the CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market report.

Sales and Pricing AnalysesReaders are provided with deeper sales analysis and pricing analysis for the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market. As part of sales analysis, the report offers accurate statistics and figures for sales and revenue by region, by each type segment for the period 2015-2026.In the pricing analysis section of the report, readers are provided with validated statistics and figures for the price by players and price by region for the period 2015-2020 and price by each type segment for the period 2015-2020.Regional and Country-level AnalysisThe report offers an exhaustive geographical analysis of the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market, covering important regions, viz, North America, Europe, China and Japan. It also covers key countries (regions), viz, U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.The report includes country-wise and region-wise market size for the period 2015-2026. It also includes market size and forecast by each application segment in terms of sales for the period 2015-2026.Competition AnalysisIn the competitive analysis section of the report, leading as well as prominent players of the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market are broadly studied on the basis of key factors. The report offers comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on sales by the player for the period 2015-2020. It also offers detailed analysis supported by reliable statistics on price and revenue (global level) by player for the period 2015-2020.On the whole, the report proves to be an effective tool that players can use to gain a competitive edge over their competitors and ensure lasting success in the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market. All of the findings, data, and information provided in the report are validated and revalidated with the help of trustworthy sources. The analysts who have authored the report took a unique and industry-best research and analysis approach for an in-depth study of the global CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes market.The following manufacturers are covered in this report:Caribou BiosciencesAddgeneCRISPR THERAPEUTICSMerck KGaAMirus Bio LLCEditas MedicineTakara Bio USAThermo Fisher ScientificHorizon Discovery GroupIntellia TherapeuticsGE Healthcare DharmaconCRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes Breakdown Data by TypeGenome EditingGenetic engineeringgRNA Database/Gene LibrarCRISPR PlasmidHuman Stem CellsGenetically Modified Organisms/CropsCell Line EngineeringCRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes Breakdown Data by ApplicationBiotechnology CompaniesPharmaceutical CompaniesAcademic InstitutesResearch and Development Institutes

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Read the rest here:
COVID-19: Responding to the business impacts of CRISPR And CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Genes Market 2019 Trends, Size, Segments, Emerging Technologies and...


Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) Market : Industry Analysis and… – Azizsalon News

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market was valued US$ 711.24 Mn in 2018 and is expected to reach US$ XX Mn by 2026, at a CAGR of XX% during a forecast period.

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The key driving factors of the global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market are increasing demand for drug discovery, a risk of congenital anomalies, late pregnancies leading to birth disorders, increasing size of the geriatric population, and investment in path-breaking research technology. Lack of awareness and probable misappropriated use of the CRISPR gene editing tool are the major factors limiting the CRISPR market growth.

The global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market is segmented into the products, application, end-uses, and region. In terms of products, the global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market is classified into design tools, plasmids, vectors, library, control kits, proteins, genomic RNA, and other products.

Based on the application, the global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market is divided into genome editing & genetic engineering, GRNA database & gene library, CRISPR plasmid, human stem cells, and cell line engineering. By application, genome editing & genetic engineering is used for modifying an organisms genome, where deletions, insertions or replacements are carried out in the DNA of the living organism by making use of molecular machinery and engineered nucleases.

In terms of end-uses, global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market is segmented into industrial biotech biological research, agricultural research, and therapeutics and drug discovery. changing lifestyles, late pregnancies leading to birth disorders, increasing demand for drug discovery, synthetic genes leading the way, investment in path-breaking research technology and aging genetic disorders are drive the growth of biological research segment.

Based on regions, the global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market is divided into five main regions are America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. Geographically, Asia-Pacific market is anticipated to be the fastest-growing region in the global CRISPR market due to the large population of Japan and China is suffering from diabetes and other peripheral diseases, and the prevalence of these diseases growing at a very reckless rate.

Key players operating in global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market are Addgene, CRISPR Therapeutics, Editas Medicine, Egenesis, Inc., GE Healthcare, GenScript Biotech Corporation, Horizon Discovery Group PLC, Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc., Intellia Therapeutics, Inc., and Lonza Group.

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The objective of the report is to present comprehensive analysis of Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market including all the stakeholders of the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all the aspects of industry with dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers and new entrants by region. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors by region on the market have been presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which will give clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision makers. The report also helps in understanding Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments, and project the Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market size. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Type, price, financial position, product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market make the report investors guide.The Scope of the Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market:

Global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market, by products:

Design tools Plasmids Vectors Library Control kits Proteins Genomic RNA Other productsGlobal Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market, By Application:

Genome editing & genetic engineering GRNA database & gene library CRISPR plasmid Human stem cells Cell line engineeringGlobal Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market, By End-Uses:

Industrial biotech Biological research Agricultural research Therapeutics and drug discoveryGlobal Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market, By Region:

North America Europe Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific Latin AmericaKey Players Operating In Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market:

Addgene CRISPR Therapeutics Editas Medicine Egenesis, Inc. GE Healthcare GenScript Biotech Corporation Horizon Discovery Group PLC Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. Lonza Group


Chapter One: Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Overview

Chapter Two: Manufacturers Profiles

Chapter Three: Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Competition, by Players

Chapter Four: Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Size by Regions

Chapter Five: North America Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Revenue by Countries

Chapter Six: Europe Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Revenue by Countries

Chapter Seven: Asia-Pacific Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Revenue by Countries

Chapter Eight: South America Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Revenue by Countries

Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Revenue Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat by Countries

Chapter Ten: Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Segment by Type

Chapter Eleven: Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Segment by Application

Chapter Twelve: Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Size Forecast (2019-2026)

Browse Full Report with Facts and Figures of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Report at: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-clustered-regularly-interspaced-short-palindromic-repeats-market/21900/

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Originally posted here:
Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) Market : Industry Analysis and... - Azizsalon News


Drug factories: GMOs and gene editing are poised to transform medicine. Here’s how. – Genetic Literacy Project

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

No one likes getting a shot at the doctors office. As kids, we werent used to having a sharp needle prick our skin, let alone by someone doing it on purpose. An estimated 10% of the population is affected by trypanophobia the fear of needles or injections. Luckily, for most, shots are an infrequent occurrence often limited to vaccinations. However, for millions of others, injections are a more frequent fact of life required in dealing with disease. The need for these injections and their associated doctor visits mean the physical discomfort of the treatment is often compounded by a financial burden.

Fortunately, plant biotechnology is poised to drastically improve how we consume medication. Using the modern tools of genetic engineering, researchers are developing plant-based drugs that are cheaper, easier to take and even more effective than their existing counterparts.

Cant more medicines be reformulated for oral delivery?

While many diseases can be treated with orally administered medications, other drugs such as biologics or biopharmaceuticals, medicines derived from living organisms, must be delivered using other strategies. Conventional drugs like aspirin are chemically synthesized and can survive digestion, whereas biologics like hormones, antibodies, enzymes, and other complex organic molecules are vulnerable to degradation by enzymes in our saliva and stomach, as well as environmental conditions like pH and heat. This makes biologics in pill form unlikely to survive the harsh environment of the digestive tract.

Pricey biologics

In addition to the unpleasant nature of biologic injections is their associated costs. Biologics are made by taking the DNA blueprint for the molecule and expressing it in bacterial, yeast, or mammalian cells. Once these cells, typically grown in large vats filled with nutrient media, produce the molecule of interest, it must be isolated and purified. Each step of this process must be exact and carefully maintained as small variations may change the structure and identity of the drug, potentially altering its behavior. This complex manufacturing process in addition to more rigorous FDA regulations mean higher drug prices for consumers. Combined with the price of doctor visits to get these frequent injections or infusions, the annual cost of some biologics can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars.

There are more than 200 FDA-approved biologic drugs. While less than two percent of people in the US rely on biologics, they make up 40 percent of prescription drug spending. Identifying a better way to produce and administer biologics has the potential to ease the physical and financial burden associated with these drugs. For this reason, researchers are turning to the original inspiration for medications: plants.

Turning plants into pharmaceutical factories

Evidence for plant use in medicine dates back all the way to the Palaeolithic Age. But instead of trying to find new plants that produce medically relevant compounds, researchers are turning to genetic engineering to express the same biologics currently grown in bacterial, yeast, or mammalian cells.

Producing biologics in plants has a number of advantages. Plants are potentially less costly to grow, requiring inexpensive fertilizers instead of specialized cell culture growth media. Plants can also be grown in fields or greenhouses without requiring sterile environments, meaning that scaling up production would just require more growing area as opposed to additional expensive bioreactors. An added benefit is that plants do not serve as hosts for human pathogens, reducing the likelihood of harm from contaminants that bacterial or mammalian cells may house.

Once the drug-producing plants are grown, the medically relevant proteins may be extracted and purified. But plants allow for this platform to be taken one step further: by turning the biologic- expressing plants into a freeze-dried (lyophilized) powder and placing it into a capsule, the drugs can be delivered orally. Plant cell walls contain cellulose which cannot be digested by enzymes in the stomach but can be broken down by the commensal bacteria living in our intestines. Plant-encapsulated drugs are then released in the blood-rich absorptive environment of the small intestine, where they become bioavailable and distributed to target tissues. By producing these drugs in a lyophilized form, manufacturers can cut out the expensive purification process and the need for cold transport and storage.

Current research efforts

Theres been some reported success using this method, including a March 2020 paper from a team at the University of Pennsylvania describing a lettuce expressing a novel human insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 helps promote skeletal muscle and bone development. For this reason, IGF-1 injections have been used in the treatment of several muscle disorders and have the potential for therapeutic benefit in healing bone fractures.

To study if plant-grown IGF-1 might be an effective replacement for traditional IGF injections, the team modified human IGF-1 to allow for uptake through the gut. They found that their modified version not only stimulated proliferation of several cell types better than current commercial IGF-1, but also that the plant-encapsulated drug could be administered orally to mice and would effectively be delivered to blood serum. The team also found that this administration of the drug significantly increased bone density in diabetic mice as compared to a control group.

In addition to medication production, companies are also looking to utilize some of the benefits of plant-based production for vaccines. Medicago, a Canada-based company seeking approval for their plant-produced flu vaccine, has announced that using this same technology, they have produced a candidate vaccine for COVID-19 in twenty days. By growing the protein for the vaccine in plants, as opposed to using eggs to propagate the virus, Medicago has been able to cut the cost and time required to produce a new vaccine. The vaccine is now awaiting clinical testing and FDA approval.

Similar to the work on orally administered IGF-1, theres also a lot of interest in making edible vaccines. In the future, you may no longer need to go to a clinic to get a seasonal flu vaccine, but instead eat a salad made with vaccine-containing lettuce or tomatoes. This could potentially reduce patient discomfort and increase vaccine compliance, minimizing everybodys risk of contracting infectious diseases. Edible vaccines would also help expand access to immunization in parts of the world were delivering vaccines may be difficult.

Plant-produced pharmaceuticals have the potential to improve the quality of life for millions of people by reducing the physical and financial burden of relying on biologics to stay healthy. There may even come a day when getting a shot at the doctors office is a thing of the past replaced by a quick trip to the grocery store.

Tautvydas Shuipys is a PhD candidate in the Genetics and Genomics Graduate Program at the University of Florida. Follow him on Twitter @tshuipys

Go here to see the original:
Drug factories: GMOs and gene editing are poised to transform medicine. Here's how. - Genetic Literacy Project


Global Genome Editing/Genome Engineering Market 2020 by Company, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2026 – 3rd Watch News

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

The dedicated research report titled Global Genome Editing/Genome Engineering Market 2020 by Company, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2026 envelopes all-in information of the market and vital understanding on the global market at a holistic global perspective, rendering statistical analysis, and perspective of integral growth enablers prompting favorable growth across regions. The report is the result of an in-depth analysis of the latest developments which focus on the growth opportunities, the basic criteria, challenges dominant in the global Genome Editing/Genome Engineering market, and their consequential effects on the target market. The report analyzes various products or service implementations in various end-user industries and analyses technology used to create and operate these products/ services in the global market.

Key Vendor/Manufacturers In The Market:

The study analysis examines each market player according to its market share, production footprint, and growth rate during 2020 to 2026 time-frame. Then, the market study determines the recent launches, agreements, R&D projects, and business strategies of the market players. Great insights such as Genome Editing/Genome Engineering market revenue and market share of the global market are also covered. Additionally company basic information, manufacturing base, and competitors list is being provided for each listed manufacturers: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Merck KGaA, Horizon Discovery, Genscript USA, Sangamo Biosciences, Integrated DNA Technologies, Origene Technologies, Transposagen Biopharmaceuticals, Lonza Group, New England Biolabs,

NOTE: Our final report will be revised to address COVID-19 effects on the specific market.

DOWNLOAD FREE SAMPLE REPORT: https://www.marketsandresearch.biz/sample-request/47794

All key regions and countries are assessed here on the basis of company, type of product, and application covering: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)

Segment by type, the market is segmented into: CRISPR, TALEN, ZFN, Antisense, Other Technology

Segment by application, the market is segmented into: Cell Line Engineering, Animal Genetic Engineering, Plant Genetic Engineering, Other,

Moreover, the report highlights external as well as internal factors that are expected to affect the global Genome Editing/Genome Engineering industry positively or negatively. PORTER, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of economic factors by region on the global market is given in the report. Then, the demand-side factors are assessed and shifts in demand patterns across different sub-segments and regions are examined. It also delivers comprehensive information on raw materials suppliers, equipment suppliers, manufacturing cost, capacity, production, profit margin, capacity utilization rate, etc.

ACCESS FULL REPORT: https://www.marketsandresearch.biz/report/47794/global-genome-editinggenome-engineering-market-2020-by-company-regions-type-and-application-forecast-to-2026

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Global Genome Editing/Genome Engineering Market 2020 by Company, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2026 - 3rd Watch News


Global Food Enzymes Market (2020 to 2025) – Recent Innovations in the Market – GlobeNewswire

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

Dublin, May 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Food Enzymes Market - Forecast (2020 - 2025)" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

The food enzymes market is bifurcated by type into variants such as carbohydrates, lipases, and proteases. Innovation has enabled the players to exploit several end-user industries such as bakery, dairy, beverages, meat products, and confectionery, consequently triggering the opportunities in the food enzymes market to be progressing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.90% during the forecast period 2019-2025.

The base year of the study is 2018, with forecast done up to 2025. The study presents a thorough analysis of the competitive landscape, taking into account the market shares of the leading companies. It also provides information on unit shipments. These provide the key market participants with the necessary business intelligence and help them understand the future of the food enzyme market. The assessment includes the forecast, an overview of the competitive structure, the market shares of the competitors, as well as the market trends, market demands, market drivers, market challenges, and product analysis.

The market drivers and restraints have been assessed to fathom their impact over the forecast period. This report further identifies the key opportunities for growth while also detailing the key challenges and possible threats. The key areas of focus include the various types of application industry in global food enzyme market, and their specific advantages.

The booming trend of fast-food in North America has augmented the trade of cheese, indirectly impacting the market of protease food enzyme. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2016, one out of three Americans (36%) consumed a meal at fast-food eateries on any given day. Some of the leading fast-food chains across the U.S are McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's Pizza and Burger Kings. Application of cheese in these F&B giants can be indicated by the fact that Leprino Foods, a leading market player, often rated as America's all-time monopolist, manages to converge an annual revenue of $3 billion by supplying mozzarella cheese to Pizza Hut, Domino's, and Papa John's

Similarly, McDonald's for their buns claims to apply enzymes such as amylases. And KFC, the world's most popular chicken restaurant chain is now operating in 135 countries with more than 22,000 restaurants globally. Hence, the trend of processed food supplemented by retail outlets in North America is projecting the food enzyme market towards exponential growth.

Food Enzymes Market Trends and Growth Drivers:

Some of the key players operating in the global food enzyme market are Royal DSM N.V, EI DuPont DE Nemours & Co., Novozymes A/S, Chr Hansen A/S, Biocatalyst limited, AB enzymes GMBH, Kerry group PLCAum Enzymes, Amano Enzyme Inc., and Enmex SA DE CV.

Key Questions Addressed in the Food Enzyme Market Report

A few focus points of this Research are given below:

Key Topics Covered:

1. Food Enzymes Market - Overview1.1. Definitions and Scope

2. Food Enzymes Market - Executive summary2.1. Market Revenue, Market Size and Key Trends by Company2.2. Key Trends by type of Application2.3. Key Trends segmented by Geography

3. Food Enzymes Market 3.1. Comparative analysis3.1.1. Product Benchmarking - Top 10 companies3.1.2. Top 5 Financials Analysis3.1.3. Market Value split by Top 10 companies3.1.4. Patent Analysis - Top 10 companies3.1.5. Pricing Analysis

4. Food Enzymes Market Forces4.1. Drivers4.2. Constraints4.3. Challenges4.4. Porters five force model4.4.1. Bargaining power of suppliers4.4.2. Bargaining powers of customers4.4.3. Threat of new entrants4.4.4. Rivalry among existing players4.4.5. Threat of substitutes

5. Food Enzymes Market -Strategic analysis5.1. Value chain analysis5.2. Opportunities analysis5.3. Product life cycle5.4. Suppliers and distributors Market Share

6. Food Enzymes Market - By Type (Market Size -$Million / $Billion)6.1. Market Size and Market Share Analysis 6.2. Application Revenue and Trend Research6.3. Product Segment Analysis6.3.1. Introduction6.3.2. Amylases6.3.3. Catalases6.3.4. Lactases6.3.5. Proteases6.3.6. Lipases6.3.7. Rennet6.3.8. Cellulase6.3.9. Others (Actinidin, Bromelain, Ficin, Lypoxygenase, Invertase, Raffinase & Others)

7. Food Enzymes Market - By Source (Market Size -$Million / $Billion)7.1. Introduction 7.2. Plant-Based Enzymes7.3. Animal-Based Enzymes7.4. Microorganism-Based Enzymes7.4.1. Bacterial7.4.2. Fungal7.4.3. Yeast

8. Food Enzymes Market - By Application (Market Size -$Million / $Billion)8.1. Introduction 8.1.1. Bakery8.1.1.1. Bread8.1.1.2. Cakes8.1.1.3. Crackers & Cookies8.1.2. Dairy 8.1.3. Beverages8.1.4. Meat Products8.1.5. Confectionery8.1.6. Fruits & Vegetables Processing8.1.7. Oil & Fats8.1.8. Starch Processing8.1.9. Inulin & Others

9. Food Enzymes - By Geography (Market Size -$Million / $Billion)9.1. Food Enzymes Market - North America Segment Research9.2. North America Market Research (Million / $Billion)9.2.1. Segment type Size and Market Size Analysis 9.2.2. Revenue and Trends9.2.3. Application Revenue and Trends by type of Application9.2.4. Company Revenue and Product Analysis9.2.5. North America Product type and Application Market Size9.2.5.1. U.S. Canada Mexico Rest of North America9.3. Food Enzymes - South America Segment Research9.4. South America Market Research (Market Size -$Million / $Billion)9.4.1. Segment type Size and Market Size Analysis 9.4.2. Revenue and Trends9.4.3. Application Revenue and Trends by type of Application9.4.4. Company Revenue and Product Analysis9.4.5. South America Product type and Application Market Size9.4.5.1. Brazil Venezuela9.4.5.3. Argentina9.4.5.4. Ecuador9.4.5.5. Peru9.4.5.6. Colombia Costa Rica9.4.5.8. Rest of South America9.5. Food Enzymes - Europe Segment Research9.6. Europe Market Research (Market Size -$Million / $Billion)9.6.1. Segment type Size and Market Size Analysis 9.6.2. Revenue and Trends9.6.3. Application Revenue and Trends by type of Application9.6.4. Company Revenue and Product Analysis9.6.5. Europe Segment Product type and Application Market Size9.6.5.1. U.K Germany Italy France9.6.5.5. Netherlands9.6.5.6. Belgium9.6.5.7. Spain9.6.5.8. Denmark9.6.5.9. Rest of Europe9.7. Food Enzymes - APAC Segment Research9.8. APAC Market Research (Market Size -$Million / $Billion)9.8.1. Segment type Size and Market Size Analysis 9.8.2. Revenue and Trends9.8.3. Application Revenue and Trends by type of Application9.8.4. Company Revenue and Product Analysis9.8.5. APAC Segment - Product type and Application Market Size9.8.5.1. China Australia9.8.5.3. Japan South Korea9.8.5.5. India9.8.5.6. Taiwan9.8.5.7. Malaysia

10. Food Enzymes Market - Entropy10.1. New product launches10.2. M&A's, collaborations, JVs and partnerships

11. Food Enzymes Market Company Analysis11.1. Market Share, Company Revenue, Products, M&A, Developments11.2. Royal DSM N.V11.3. EI DuPont DE Nemours & Co11.4. Novozymes A/S11.5. Biocatalyst limited11.6. AB enzymes GMBH11.7. Kerry group PLC

12. Food Enzymes Market -Appendix12.1. Abbreviations12.2. Sources

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/ujmz9s

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The rest is here:
Global Food Enzymes Market (2020 to 2025) - Recent Innovations in the Market - GlobeNewswire


Swine Circovirus Vaccine Market 2020- Analysis And In-Depth Research On Market Size, Trends, Emerging Growth Factors And Forecast To 2026 – 3rd Watch…

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

The market research report is a brilliant, complete, and much-needed resource for companies, stakeholders, and investors interested in the global Swine Circovirus Vaccine market. It informs readers about key trends and opportunities in the global Swine Circovirus Vaccine market along with critical market dynamics expected to impact the global market growth. It offers a range of market analysis studies, including production and consumption, sales, industry value chain, competitive landscape, regional growth, and price. On the whole, it comes out as an intelligent resource that companies can use to gain a competitive advantage in the global Swine Circovirus Vaccine market.

Key companies operating in the global Swine Circovirus Vaccine market include Chopper Biology, ChengDu Tecbond, Ringpu Biology, Qilu Animal, DHN, CAVAC, Komipharm, Jinyu Bio-Technology, Zoetis, Merial, etc.

Get PDF Sample Copy of the Report to understand the structure of the complete report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) :


Segmental Analysis

Both developed and emerging regions are deeply studied by the authors of the report. The regional analysis section of the report offers a comprehensive analysis of the global Swine Circovirus Vaccine market on the basis of region. Each region is exhaustively researched about so that players can use the analysis to tap into unexplored markets and plan powerful strategies to gain a foothold in lucrative markets.

Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Market Segment By Type:

, Genetic Engineering Vaccine, Killed Vaccines

Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Market Segment By Application:

,Piglets,Adults Pigs

Competitive Landscape

Competitor analysis is one of the best sections of the report that compares the progress of leading players based on crucial parameters, including market share, new developments, global reach, local competition, price, and production. From the nature of competition to future changes in the vendor landscape, the report provides in-depth analysis of the competition in the global Swine Circovirus Vaccine market.

Key companies operating in the global Swine Circovirus Vaccine market include Chopper Biology, ChengDu Tecbond, Ringpu Biology, Qilu Animal, DHN, CAVAC, Komipharm, Jinyu Bio-Technology, Zoetis, Merial, etc.

Key questions answered in the report:

For Discount, Customization in the Report: https://www.qyresearch.com/customize-request/form/1777181/covid-19-impact-on-swine-circovirus-vaccine-market


1.1 Research Scope1.2 Market Segmentation1.3 Research Objectives1.4 Research Methodology1.4.1 Research Process1.4.2 Data Triangulation1.4.3 Research Approach1.4.4 Base Year1.5 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Impact Will Have a Severe Impact on Global Growth1.5.1 Covid-19 Impact: Global GDP Growth, 2019, 2020 and 2021 Projections1.5.2 Covid-19 Impact: Commodity Prices Indices1.5.3 Covid-19 Impact: Global Major Government Policy1.6 The Covid-19 Impact on Swine Circovirus Vaccine Industry1.7 COVID-19 Impact: Swine Circovirus Vaccine Market Trends 2 Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Market Size Analysis2.1 Swine Circovirus Vaccine Business Impact Assessment COVID-192.1.1 Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Market Size, Pre-COVID-19 and Post- COVID-19 Comparison, 2015-20262.1.2 Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Price, Pre-COVID-19 and Post- COVID-19 Comparison, 2015-20262.2 Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Market Size 2020-20212.3 COVID-19-Driven Market Dynamics and Factor Analysis2.3.1 Drivers2.3.2 Restraints2.3.3 Opportunities2.3.4 Challenges 3 Quarterly Competitive Assessment, 20203.1 Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Market Size by Manufacturers, 2019 VS 20203.2 Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Factory Price by Manufacturers3.3 Location of Key Manufacturers Swine Circovirus Vaccine Manufacturing Factories and Area Served3.4 Date of Key Manufacturers Enter into Swine Circovirus Vaccine Market3.5 Key Manufacturers Swine Circovirus Vaccine Product Offered3.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Impact of Covid-19 on Swine Circovirus Vaccine Segments, By Type4.1 Introduction1.4.1 Genetic Engineering Vaccine1.4.2 Killed Vaccines4.2 By Type, Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Market Size, 2019-20214.2.1 By Type, Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Market Size by Type, 2020-20214.2.2 By Type, Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Price, 2020-2021 5 Impact of Covid-19 on Swine Circovirus Vaccine Segments, By Application5.1 Overview5.5.1 Piglets5.5.2 Adults Pigs5.2 By Application, Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Market Size, 2019-20215.2.1 By Application, Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Market Size by Application, 2019-20215.2.2 By Application, Global Swine Circovirus Vaccine Price, 2020-2021 6 Geographic Analysis6.1 Introduction6.2 North America6.2.1 Macroeconomic Indicators of US6.2.2 US6.2.3 Canada6.3 Europe6.3.1 Macroeconomic Indicators of Europe6.3.2 Germany6.3.3 France6.3.4 UK6.3.5 Italy6.4 Asia-Pacific6.4.1 Macroeconomic Indicators of Asia-Pacific6.4.2 China6.4.3 Japan6.4.4 South Korea6.4.5 India6.4.6 ASEAN6.5 Rest of World6.5.1 Latin America6.5.2 Middle East and Africa 7 Company Profiles7.1 Chopper Biology7.1.1 Chopper Biology Business Overview7.1.2 Chopper Biology Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.1.3 Chopper Biology Swine Circovirus Vaccine Product Introduction7.1.4 Chopper Biology Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.2 ChengDu Tecbond7.2.1 ChengDu Tecbond Business Overview7.2.2 ChengDu Tecbond Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.2.3 ChengDu Tecbond Swine Circovirus Vaccine Product Introduction7.2.4 ChengDu Tecbond Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.3 Ringpu Biology7.3.1 Ringpu Biology Business Overview7.3.2 Ringpu Biology Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.3.3 Ringpu Biology Swine Circovirus Vaccine Product Introduction7.3.4 Ringpu Biology Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.4 Qilu Animal7.4.1 Qilu Animal Business Overview7.4.2 Qilu Animal Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.4.3 Qilu Animal Swine Circovirus Vaccine Product Introduction7.4.4 Qilu Animal Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.5 DHN7.5.1 DHN Business Overview7.5.2 DHN Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.5.3 DHN Swine Circovirus Vaccine Product Introduction7.5.4 DHN Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.6 CAVAC7.6.1 CAVAC Business Overview7.6.2 CAVAC Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.6.3 CAVAC Swine Circovirus Vaccine Product Introduction7.6.4 CAVAC Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.7 Komipharm7.7.1 Komipharm Business Overview7.7.2 Komipharm Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.7.3 Komipharm Swine Circovirus Vaccine Product Introduction7.7.4 Komipharm Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.8 Jinyu Bio-Technology7.8.1 Jinyu Bio-Technology Business Overview7.8.2 Jinyu Bio-Technology Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.8.3 Jinyu Bio-Technology Swine Circovirus Vaccine Product Introduction7.8.4 Jinyu Bio-Technology Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.9 Zoetis7.9.1 Zoetis Business Overview7.9.2 Zoetis Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.9.3 Zoetis Swine Circovirus Vaccine Product Introduction7.9.4 Zoetis Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.10 Merial7.10.1 Merial Business Overview7.10.2 Merial Swine Circovirus Vaccine Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.10.3 Merial Swine Circovirus Vaccine Product Introduction7.10.4 Merial Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments 8 Supply Chain and Sales Channels Analysis8.1 Swine Circovirus Vaccine Supply Chain Analysis8.1.1 Swine Circovirus Vaccine Supply Chain Analysis8.1.2 Covid-19 Impact on Swine Circovirus Vaccine Supply Chain8.2 Distribution Channels Analysis8.2.1 Swine Circovirus Vaccine Distribution Channels8.2.2 Covid-19 Impact on Swine Circovirus Vaccine Distribution Channels8.2.3 Swine Circovirus Vaccine Distributors8.3 Swine Circovirus Vaccine Customers 9 Key Findings 10 Appendix10.1 About Us10.2 Disclaimer

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Swine Circovirus Vaccine Market 2020- Analysis And In-Depth Research On Market Size, Trends, Emerging Growth Factors And Forecast To 2026 - 3rd Watch...


Amid the COVID-19 crisis and the looming economic recession, the D-Amino Acids market worldwide will grow by a projected US$49.4 Million, during the…

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

New York, May 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reportlinker.com announces the release of the report "Global D-Amino Acids Industry" - https://www.reportlinker.com/p05621748/?utm_source=GNW 7 Million by the end of the analysis period. An unusual period in history, the coronavirus pandemic has unleashed a series of unprecedented events affecting every industry. The Pharmaceutical market will be reset to a new normal which going forwards in a post COVID-19 era will be continuously redefined and redesigned. Staying on top of trends and accurate analysis is paramount now more than ever to manage uncertainty, change and continuously adapt to new and evolving market conditions.

As part of the new emerging geographic scenario, the United States is forecast to readjust to a 2.3% CAGR. Within Europe, the region worst hit by the pandemic, Germany will add over US$1.2 Million to the regions size over the next 7 to 8 years. In addition, over US$1.2 Million worth of projected demand in the region will come from Rest of European markets. In Japan, the Pharmaceutical segment will reach a market size of US$8.6 Million by the close of the analysis period. Blamed for the pandemic, significant political and economic challenges confront China. Amid the growing push for decoupling and economic distancing, the changing relationship between China and the rest of the world will influence competition and opportunities in the D-Amino Acids market. Against this backdrop and the changing geopolitical, business and consumer sentiments, the worlds second largest economy will grow at 6.9% over the next couple of years and add approximately US$15.9 Million in terms of addressable market opportunity. Continuous monitoring for emerging signs of a possible new world order post-COVID-19 crisis is a must for aspiring businesses and their astute leaders seeking to find success in the now changing D-Amino Acids market landscape. All research viewpoints presented are based on validated engagements from influencers in the market, whose opinions supersede all other research methodologies.

Competitors identified in this market include, among others, GoPro, Inc.; Infineon Technologies AG; Intel Corporation; Kula 3D Ltd.; LG Electronics; Matter and Form Inc.; Microsoft Corp.; pmdtechnologies GmbH; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Sharp Corporation; Texas Instruments Inc.; Toshiba Corporation

Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p05621748/?utm_source=GNW




1. MARKET OVERVIEW D-Amino Acids: A Compound with Promising Applications Recent Market Activity Developing Regions - At the Forefront of Growth in D-Amino Acids Market Pharmaceuticals: D-Amino Acids Hold Edge as Essential Raw Material Rising Prominence of Artificial Amino Acids Augurs Well for Market Growth Global Competitor Market Shares D-Amino Acids Competitor Market Share Scenario Worldwide (in %): 2020 & 2029 Impact of Covid-19 and a Looming Global Recession 2. FOCUS ON SELECT PLAYERS Adisseo France S.A.S (France) Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (Japan) AnaSpec, Inc. (USA) Evonik Industries AG (Germany) IRIS Biotech GmbH (Germany) LifeSpan Biosciences, Inc. (USA) Merck KGaA (Germany) Sekisui Medical Co., Ltd. (Japan) Shanghai Hanhong Chemical Co., Ltd. (China) Sichuan Tongsheng Amino acid Co., Ltd. (China) Sumitomo Chemical Company Limited (Japan) TCI America, Inc. (USA) Tocris Bioscience (UK) Zhangjiagang Huachang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (China) 3. MARKET TRENDS & DRIVERS Aging World Population - A Major Growth Influencing Factor for D-Amino Acids Growing Importance of D-Amino Acids in Pharmaceutical Industry Peptide-based Drugs: A Promising Area for D-Amino Acids Growing Interest in Peptide Research Drives D-Amino Acids Market Pharmaceutical Intermediates Market Challenged by Drug Development A Review of Select Research Studies on D-Amino Acids Research Finds Support for Potential Use of D-Amino Acids as Biomarkers for CKD D-Amino Acids and Small Molecule Inhibitors: Potential Role in Eliminating Infections Researchers Develop New Approach to Switch Chirality in Amino Acids Generating Stable D-Amino Acid Analogs Using Mirror Image Version of PDB Ajinomoto Develops Ajiphase and Corynex Amino Acid Synthesis Technologies Harvard University's Scientists Discover New Biofilm Disrupting Bacteria Study Reveals that D-Amino Acids Amass in EMCs Research Studies Suggest that Replacement of One L-Amino Acid with Analogous D-enantiomer Results in High Therapeutic Index ARCA: A Breakthrough Chiral Converting Agent for Amino Acids Commercial Development of ARCA Genetic Engineering and Advances in Research Enable DAAO Use in Multiple Arenas DL-Methionine: An Eco-Friendly Option for Animal Nutrition 4. GLOBAL MARKET PERSPECTIVE Table 1: D-Amino Acids Global Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2020-2027 Table 2: D-Amino Acids Global Retrospective Market Scenario in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2012-2019 Table 3: D-Amino Acids Market Share Shift across Key Geographies Worldwide: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 Table 4: Pharmaceutical (End-Use) Global Opportunity Assessment in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2020-2027 Table 5: Pharmaceutical (End-Use) Historic Sales Analysis in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2012-2019 Table 6: Pharmaceutical (End-Use) Percentage Share Breakdown of Global Sales by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 Table 7: Industrial (End-Use) Worldwide Sales in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2020-2027 Table 8: Industrial (End-Use) Historic Demand Patterns in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2012-2019 Table 9: Industrial (End-Use) Market Share Shift across Key Geographies: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 Table 10: Other End-Uses (End-Use) Global Market Estimates & Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2020-2027 Table 11: Other End-Uses (End-Use) Retrospective Demand Analysis in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2012-2019 Table 12: Other End-Uses (End-Use) Market Share Breakdown by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 III. MARKET ANALYSIS GEOGRAPHIC MARKET ANALYSIS UNITED STATES Market Facts & Figures US D-Amino Acids Market Share (in %) by Company: 2020 & 2025 Market Analytics Table 13: United States D-Amino Acids Latent Demand Forecasts in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 14: D-Amino Acids Historic Demand Patterns in the United States by End-Use in US$ Thousand for 2012-2019 Table 15: D-Amino Acids Market Share Breakdown in the United States by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 CANADA Table 16: Canadian D-Amino Acids Market Quantitative Demand Analysis in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 17: D-Amino Acids Market in Canada: Summarization of Historic Demand Patterns in US$ Thousand by End-Use for 2012-2019 Table 18: Canadian D-Amino Acids Market Share Analysis by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 JAPAN Table 19: Japanese Demand Estimates and Forecasts for D-Amino Acids in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 20: Japanese D-Amino Acids Market in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 21: D-Amino Acids Market Share Shift in Japan by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 CHINA Table 22: Chinese Demand for D-Amino Acids in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 23: D-Amino Acids Market Review in China in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 24: Chinese D-Amino Acids Market Share Breakdown by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 EUROPE Market Facts & Figures European D-Amino Acids Market: Competitor Market Share Scenario (in %) for 2020 & 2025 Market Analytics Table 25: European D-Amino Acids Market Demand Scenario in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2020-2027 Table 26: D-Amino Acids Market in Europe: A Historic Market Perspective in US$ Thousand by Region/Country for the Period 2012-2019 Table 27: European D-Amino Acids Market Share Shift by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 Table 28: European D-Amino Acids Addressable Market Opportunity in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020-2027 Table 29: D-Amino Acids Market in Europe: Summarization of Historic Demand in US$ Thousand by End-Use for the Period 2012-2019 Table 30: European D-Amino Acids Market Share Analysis by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 FRANCE Table 31: D-Amino Acids Quantitative Demand Analysis in France in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020-2027 Table 32: French D-Amino Acids Historic Market Review in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 33: French D-Amino Acids Market Share Analysis: A 17-Year Perspective by End-Use for 2012, 2020, and 2027 GERMANY Table 34: D-Amino Acids Market in Germany: Annual Sales Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by End-Use for the Period 2020-2027 Table 35: German D-Amino Acids Market in Retrospect in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 36: D-Amino Acids Market Share Distribution in Germany by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 ITALY Table 37: Italian Demand for D-Amino Acids in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 38: D-Amino Acids Market Review in Italy in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 39: Italian D-Amino Acids Market Share Breakdown by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 UNITED KINGDOM Table 40: United Kingdom Demand Estimates and Forecasts for D-Amino Acids in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 41: United Kingdom D-Amino Acids Market in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 42: D-Amino Acids Market Share Shift in the United Kingdom by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 SPAIN Table 43: Spanish D-Amino Acids Market Quantitative Demand Analysis in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 44: D-Amino Acids Market in Spain: Summarization of Historic Demand Patterns in US$ Thousand by End-Use for 2012-2019 Table 45: Spanish D-Amino Acids Market Share Analysis by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 RUSSIA Table 46: Russian D-Amino Acids Latent Demand Forecasts in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 47: D-Amino Acids Historic Demand Patterns in Russia by End-Use in US$ Thousand for 2012-2019 Table 48: D-Amino Acids Market Share Breakdown in Russia by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 REST OF EUROPE Table 49: Rest of Europe D-Amino Acids Addressable Market Opportunity in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020-2027 Table 50: D-Amino Acids Market in Rest of Europe: Summarization of Historic Demand in US$ Thousand by End-Use for the Period 2012-2019 Table 51: Rest of Europe D-Amino Acids Market Share Analysis by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 ASIA-PACIFIC Table 52: Asia-Pacific D-Amino Acids Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2020-2027 Table 53: D-Amino Acids Market in Asia-Pacific: Historic Market Analysis in US$ Thousand by Region/Country for the Period 2012-2019 Table 54: Asia-Pacific D-Amino Acids Market Share Analysis by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 Table 55: D-Amino Acids Quantitative Demand Analysis in Asia-Pacific in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020-2027 Table 56: Asia-Pacific D-Amino Acids Historic Market Review in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 57: Asia-Pacific D-Amino Acids Market Share Analysis: A 17-Year Perspective by End-Use for 2012, 2020, and 2027 AUSTRALIA Table 58: D-Amino Acids Market in Australia: Annual Sales Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by End-Use for the Period 2020-2027 Table 59: Australian D-Amino Acids Market in Retrospect in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 60: D-Amino Acids Market Share Distribution in Australia by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 INDIA Table 61: Indian D-Amino Acids Market Quantitative Demand Analysis in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 62: D-Amino Acids Market in India: Summarization of Historic Demand Patterns in US$ Thousand by End-Use for 2012-2019 Table 63: Indian D-Amino Acids Market Share Analysis by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 SOUTH KOREA Table 64: D-Amino Acids Market in South Korea: Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis in US$ Thousand by End-Use for the Period 2020-2027 Table 65: South Korean D-Amino Acids Historic Market Analysis in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 66: D-Amino Acids Market Share Distribution in South Korea by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 REST OF ASIA-PACIFIC Table 67: Rest of Asia-Pacific Demand Estimates and Forecasts for D-Amino Acids in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 68: Rest of Asia-Pacific D-Amino Acids Market in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 69: D-Amino Acids Market Share Shift in Rest of Asia-Pacific by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 LATIN AMERICA Table 70: Latin American D-Amino Acids Market Trends by Region/Country in US$ Thousand: 2020-2027 Table 71: D-Amino Acids Market in Latin America in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: A Historic Perspective for the Period 2012-2019 Table 72: Latin American D-Amino Acids Market Percentage Breakdown of Sales by Region/Country: 2012, 2020, and 2027 Table 73: Latin American Demand for D-Amino Acids in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 74: D-Amino Acids Market Review in Latin America in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 75: Latin American D-Amino Acids Market Share Breakdown by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 ARGENTINA Table 76: Argentinean D-Amino Acids Addressable Market Opportunity in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020-2027 Table 77: D-Amino Acids Market in Argentina: Summarization of Historic Demand in US$ Thousand by End-Use for the Period 2012-2019 Table 78: Argentinean D-Amino Acids Market Share Analysis by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 BRAZIL Table 79: D-Amino Acids Quantitative Demand Analysis in Brazil in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020-2027 Table 80: Brazilian D-Amino Acids Historic Market Review in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 81: Brazilian D-Amino Acids Market Share Analysis: A 17-Year Perspective by End-Use for 2012, 2020, and 2027 MEXICO Table 82: D-Amino Acids Market in Mexico: Annual Sales Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by End-Use for the Period 2020-2027 Table 83: Mexican D-Amino Acids Market in Retrospect in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 84: D-Amino Acids Market Share Distribution in Mexico by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 REST OF LATIN AMERICA Table 85: Rest of Latin America D-Amino Acids Latent Demand Forecasts in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 86: D-Amino Acids Historic Demand Patterns in Rest of Latin America by End-Use in US$ Thousand for 2012-2019 Table 87: D-Amino Acids Market Share Breakdown in Rest of Latin America by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 MIDDLE EAST Table 88: The Middle East D-Amino Acids Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by Region/Country: 2020-2027 Table 89: D-Amino Acids Market in the Middle East by Region/Country in US$ Thousand: 2012-2019 Table 90: The Middle East D-Amino Acids Market Share Breakdown by Region/Country: 2012, 2020, and 2027 Table 91: The Middle East D-Amino Acids Market Quantitative Demand Analysis in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 92: D-Amino Acids Market in the Middle East: Summarization of Historic Demand Patterns in US$ Thousand by End-Use for 2012-2019 Table 93: The Middle East D-Amino Acids Market Share Analysis by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 IRAN Table 94: Iranian Demand Estimates and Forecasts for D-Amino Acids in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 95: Iranian D-Amino Acids Market in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 96: D-Amino Acids Market Share Shift in Iran by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 ISRAEL Table 97: Israeli D-Amino Acids Addressable Market Opportunity in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020-2027 Table 98: D-Amino Acids Market in Israel: Summarization of Historic Demand in US$ Thousand by End-Use for the Period 2012-2019 Table 99: Israeli D-Amino Acids Market Share Analysis by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 SAUDI ARABIA Table 100: Saudi Arabian Demand for D-Amino Acids in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 101: D-Amino Acids Market Review in Saudi Arabia in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 102: Saudi Arabian D-Amino Acids Market Share Breakdown by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Table 103: D-Amino Acids Market in the United Arab Emirates: Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis in US$ Thousand by End-Use for the Period 2020-2027 Table 104: United Arab Emirates D-Amino Acids Historic Market Analysis in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 105: D-Amino Acids Market Share Distribution in United Arab Emirates by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 REST OF MIDDLE EAST Table 106: D-Amino Acids Market in Rest of Middle East: Annual Sales Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Thousand by End-Use for the Period 2020-2027 Table 107: Rest of Middle East D-Amino Acids Market in Retrospect in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2012-2019 Table 108: D-Amino Acids Market Share Distribution in Rest of Middle East by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 AFRICA Table 109: African D-Amino Acids Latent Demand Forecasts in US$ Thousand by End-Use: 2020 to 2027 Table 110: D-Amino Acids Historic Demand Patterns in Africa by End-Use in US$ Thousand for 2012-2019 Table 111: D-Amino Acids Market Share Breakdown in Africa by End-Use: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027 IV. COMPETITION

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Amid the COVID-19 crisis and the looming economic recession, the D-Amino Acids market worldwide will grow by a projected US$49.4 Million, during the...


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