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Archive for the ‘Gene therapy’ Category

Gene therapy: advances, challenges and perspectives – PMC

Sunday, October 6th, 2024


The ability to make site-specific modifications to the human genome has been an objective in medicine since the recognition of the gene as the basic unit of heredity. Thus, gene therapy is understood as the ability of genetic improvement through the correction of altered (mutated) genes or site-specific modifications that target therapeutic treatment. This therapy became possible through the advances of genetics and bioengineering that enabled manipulating vectors for delivery of extrachromosomal material to target cells. One of the main focuses of this technique is the optimization of delivery vehicles (vectors) that are mostly plasmids, nanostructured or viruses. The viruses are more often investigated due to their excellence of invading cells and inserting their genetic material. However, there is great concern regarding exacerbated immune responses and genome manipulation, especially in germ line cells. In vivo studies in in somatic cell showed satisfactory results with approved protocols in clinical trials. These trials have been conducted in the United States, Europe, Australia and China. Recent biotechnological advances, such as induced pluripotent stem cells in patients with liver diseases, chimeric antigen receptor T-cell immunotherapy, and genomic editing by CRISPR/Cas9, are addressed in this review.

Keywords: Gene therapy, Genetic Vectors, Gene transfer, horizontal, CRISPR-Cas9, CAR-T cell, Genetic therapy, Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats

A habilidade de fazer modificaes pontuais no genoma humano tem sido o objetivo da medicina desde o conhecimento do DNA como unidade bsica da hereditariedade. Entende-se terapia gnica como a capacidade do melhoramento gentico por meio da correo de genes alterados (mutados) ou modificaes stio-especficas, que tenham como alvo o tratamento teraputico. Este tipo de procedimento tornou-se possvel por conta dos avanos da gentica e da bioengenharia, que permitiram a manipulao de vetores para a entrega do material extracromossomal em clulas-alvo. Um dos principais focos desta tcnica a otimizao dos veculos de entrega (vetores) que, em sua maioria, so plasmdeos, nanoestruturados ou vrus sendo estes ltimos os mais estudados, devido sua excelncia em invadir as clulas e inserir seu material gentico. No entanto, existe grande preocupao referente s respostas imunes exacerbadas e manipulao do genoma, principalmente em linhagens germinativas. Estudos em clulas somticas in vivo apresentaram resultados satisfatrios, e j existem protocolos aprovados para uso clnico. Os principais trials tm sido conduzidos nos Estados Unidos, Europa, Austrlia e China. Recentes avanos biotecnolgicos empregados para o aprimoramento da terapia gnica, como clulas-tronco pluripotentes induzidas em pacientes portadores de doenas hepticas, imunoterapia com clulas T do receptor do antgeno quimera e edio genmica pelos sistema CRISPR/Cas9, so abordados nesta reviso.

Keywords: Terapia gnica, Vetores genticos, Transferncia gentica horizontal, CRISPR-Cas9, CAR-T cell, Terapia gentica, Repeties palindrmicas curtas agrupadas e regularmente espaadas

In 1991, James Watson declared that many people say they are worried about the changes in our genetic instructions. But these (genetic instructions) are merely a product of evolution, shaped so we can adapt to certain conditions which might no longer exist. We all know how imperfect we are. Why not become a little better apt to survive?.(1) Since the beginning, humans understand that the peculiar characteristics of the parents can be transmitted to their descendents. The first speculation originated from the ancient Greek students, and some of these theories continued for many centuries. Genetic-scientific studies initiated in the early 1850s, when the Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel, in a series of experiments with green peas, described the inheritance pattern by observing the traces that were inherited as separate units, which we know today as genes. Up until 1950, little was known as to the physical nature of genes, which was when the American biochemist, James Watson, and the British biophysicist, Francis Crick, developed the revolutionary model of the double strand DNA. In 1970, researchers discovered a series of enzymes that enabled the separation of the genes in predetermined sites along the DNA molecule and their reinsertion in a reproducible manner. These genetic advances prepared the scenario for the emergence of genetic engineering with the production of new drugs and antibodies, and as of 1980, gene therapy has been incorporated by scientists.(2,3)

In this review, we cover gene therapy, the different methodologies of genetic engineering used for this technique, its limitations, applications, and perspectives.

The ability to make local modificiations in the human genome has been the objective of Medicine since the knowledge of DNA as the basic unit of heredity. Gene therapy is understood as the capacity for gene improvement by means of the correction of altered (mutated) genes or site-specific modifications that have therapeutic treatment as target. Further on, diffrent strategies are described, which are often used for this purpose.(4)

Currently, gene therapy is an area that exists predominantly in research laboratories, and its application is still experimental.(5) Most trials are conducted in the United States, Europe, and Australia. The approach is broad, with potential treatment of diseases caused by recessive gene disorders (cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, muscular dystrophy, and sickle cell anemia), acquired genetic diseases such as cancer, and certain viral infections, such as AIDS.(3,6)

One of the most often used techniques consists of recombinant DNA technology, in which the gene of interest or healthy gene is inserted into a vector, which can be a plasmidial, nanoestrutured, or viral; the latter is the most often used due to its efficiency in invading cells and introducing its genetic material. On , a few gene therapy protocols are summarized, approved and published for clinical use, exemplifying the disease, the target, and the type of vector used.(3)

Gene therapy protocols

Although several protocols have been successful, the gene therapy process remains complex, and many techniques need new developments. The specific body cells that need treatment should be identified and accessible. A way to effectively distribute the gene copies to the cells must be available, and the diseases and their strict genetic bonds need to be completely understood.(3) There is also the important issue of the target cell type of gene therapy that currently is subdivided into two large groups: gene therapy of the germline(7) and gene therapy of somatic cells.(8) In germline gene therapy, the stem cells, e.g., with the sperm and egg, are modified by the introduction of functional genes, which are integrated into the genome. The modifications are hereditary and pass on to subsequent generations. In theory, this approach should be highly effective in the fight against genetic and hereditary diseases. Somatic cell gene therapy is when therapeutic genes are transferred to a patients somatic cells. Any modification and any effects are restricted only to that patient and are not inherited by future generations.

In gene therapy, a normal gene is inserted into the genome to replace an abnormal gene responsible for causing a certain disease. Of the various challenges involved in the process, one of the most significant is the difficulty in releasing the gene into the stem cell. Thus, a molecular carrier called a vector is used to release the gene, which needs to be very specific, display efficiency in the release of one or more genes of the sizes necessary for clinical applications, not be recognized by the immune system, and be purified in large quantities and high concentrations so that it can be produced and made available on a large scale. Once the vector is inserted into the patient, it cannot induce allergic reactions or inflammatory process; it should increase the normal functions, correct deficiencies, or inhibit deleterious activities. Furthermore, it should be safe not only for the patient, but also for the environment and for the professionals who manipulate it. Finally, the vector should be capable to express the gene, in general, for the patients entire life.(3,9)

Although the efficacy of viral vectors is confirmed, recently some studies demonstrated that the use of these carriers presented with several limitations. The presence of viral genetic material in the plasmid is a strong aggravating factor, since it can induce an acute immune response, besides a possible oncogenic transformation. Currently, there are two main approaches for genetic modifications of the cells, namely: virus-mediated () and via physical mechanisms, from preparations obtained by advanced nanotechnology techniques.(5) Within this context, included are polymers that form networks that capture a gene and release its load when they penetrate the cells, such as DNA microinjections,(10) cationic polymers,(11) cationic liposomes,(12,13) and particle bombardment.(14)

Viral vectors for gene therapy

Each exogenous material introduction technique differs from the other and depends on the type of application proposed. Some are more efficient, others more apt to carry large genes (>10kB) and integrate with the genome, allowing a permanent expression.(1)

Hematopoietic stem cells have become ideal targets for gene transfer due to the high potential for longevity and the capacity for self-renovation. One example of this combination of gene therapy and stem cells would be the production of gene transfer vectors for the creation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), in order to generate the differentiation of the iPS and afford an additional phenotype from this differentiated derived cell. Patients with chronic liver disease and infection by the hepatitis virus (e.g., hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus), which require a liver transplant, may be likely to undergo the hepatic transplantation of mature hepatocytes or those derived from iPS.(15) Not only the transfer of genes might be needed to convert stem cells into hepatocytes; since the transplanted cells are susceptible to reinfection by the hepatitis virus, the transfer of a vector that encodes a short hairpin RNA directed against the virus would provide the transferred cells with resistance or immunity to reinfection. Resistant cells can repopulate the liver over time and restore normal hepatic function ().(15)

Combination of stem cells and gene therapy

shRA: short hairpin RNA; iPS: induced pluripotent stem cells.

Chimeric antigen recipient T (CAR-T) cell therapy is a type of immunotherapy that involves manipulation/reprogramming of immune cells (T lymphocytes) of the patients themselves, in order to recognize and attack the tumor T cells. Initial advancement in the design of the first CAR generation, by Eshhar et al.,(16) was marked by the fusion of a single chain fragment variable (scFv) to a transmembrane domain and an intracellular signaling unit: chain CD3 zeta.(17,18) This design combined the active element of a well-characterized monoclonal antibody with a signaling domain, increasing the recognition of the tumor-specific epitope and the activation of T cells, without depending on molecules from the histocompatibility complex.

An improvement in the first generation of CAR was made by means of integrating co-stimulating molecules necessary for signal transduction. The stimulatory recipient most commonly used in this CAR generation is CD28. This recipient acts as a second activating event of the route, enabling a marked proliferation of T cells along with an increased expression of cytokines.(19)

The most recent generation of CAR incorporated the addition of a co-stimulatory domain addition to increase the CAR function. Co-stimulatory molecules as recipients of the tumor necrosis factor (CD134 or CD137) are required for this methodology. In summary, the most recent forms of CAR include scFv, the initial chain of CD3-, along with the stimulatory chains of CD28 and CD134 or CD137.(20)

With the third CAR generation, Zhong et al., demonstrated an improvement in T cell activation of the Akt route (protein kinase B), which regulates the cell cycle. According to other studies, this last generation shows greater persistence of the T cells in comparison with the second generation of CAR.(21)

The most critical point of the adverse effects of CAR-T therapy is the identification of non-tumor cells that express the target epitope by CAR. Tumor antigens are molecules highly expressed in the tumor cells, but are not exclusive of these cells. For example, the CD19 antigen can be found in normal or malignant B cells, and the CAR design for the CD19 target in not capable of distinguishing them.(20,22) Other common toxicity for CAR-T therapy (and many other types of immunotherapy for cancer) is the cytokine release syndrome (CRS). Activation of the immune system after CAR-T infusion can induce a rapid increase in the levels of inflammatory cytokines.(20,23)

New developments in the design of vectors and trials with CAR-T provide balance and reinforcement in safety for amplification of the clinical application. The progressive improvement in the CAR trials has already advanced, as was observed from the first to the third generation. Knowledge and experience acquired in the assessment of CAR-T toxicity will increase the success of the progressive improvements for future trials.

During the 1980s, in the genome of Escherichia coli, a region was identified with an uncommon pattern, in which a highly variable sequence was intercalated by a repeated sequence with no known function. In 2005, it was assumed that the variable sequences were of extra-chromosomal origin, acting as an immune memory against phages and plasmids, starting the then unknown CRISPR system (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) and Cas (Associated Proteins), that shines since 2012 as one of the primary biotechnological tools for gene edition.(24) Originating in the immune-adaptive system of procaryontes, this mechanism recognizes the invading genetic mateiral, cleaves it into small fragments, and integrates it into its own DNA. In a second infection by the same agent, the following sequence occurs: transcription of the CRISPR locus, RNAm processing, and creation of small fragments of RNA (crRNAs) that form complexes with the Cas proteins, and these recognize the alien nucleic acids and finally destroy them.(24)

Based on this natural mechanism, the CRIPSR technique was developed enabling editing of the target-specific DNA sequences of the genome of any organism by means of basically three molecules: nuclease (Cas9), responsible for cleavage of the double-strand DNA; an RNA guide, which guides the complex to the target; and the target DNA, as is shown in .(25,26)

CRISPR Cas-9 system. The technique involves basically three molecules: one nuclease (generally wild type Cas-9 of Streptococcus pyogenes), an RNA guide (known as single guide RNA), and the target (frequently the DNA)

Due to its simplicity and its precision when compared to other techniques (Zinc-Finger Nucleases, TALENs, and Gene Targeting), the CRISPR system arrives as a versitile tool that promotes the genetic editing by means of inactivation (knockout gene KO), integration of exogenous sequences (knock-in), and allele substitution, among others.(27,28)

The guide RNA hybridizes with the target DNA. Cas-9 recognizes this complex and should mediate cleavage of the DNA double strand and reparation in the presence of a (homologous) donor DNA. The result of this process is the integration of an exogenous sequence into the genome (knock-in) or allele substitution.

The rapid advancement of this new technology allowed the performance of translational trials in human somatic cells, using genetic editing by CRISPR. The first applications with a therapeutic focus already stood out in describing even the optimization steps of the delivery systems and specificity for the safety and efectiveness of the system.(28,29)

Researchers from the University of California and of Utah recently were successful in correcting the mutation of the hemoglobin gene, which originates sickle cell anemia. CD34+ cells from patients who are carriers of sickle cell anemia were isolated, edited by CRISPR-Cas9, and after 16 weeks, the results showed a reduction in the expression levels of the mutated gene and an increased gene expression of the wild type.(29)

The technology referred to is in use mainly in monogenic genetic pathologies, which, despite being rare, can reach about 10 thousand diseases already described.(4) Phase 1 clinical trials are foreseen for 2017, as well as the appearance of companies geared toward the clinical use of this system.

The possibility of genetically modifying germlines has been the object of heated discussion in the field of science for a long time. Bioethics is always present when new techniques are created, in order to assess the risks of the procedure and the moral implications involved.

A large part of the scientific community approves genetic therapy in somatic cells, especially in cases of severe disorders, such as cystic fibrosis and Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

In 2015, however, Chinese researchers went beyond the moral issues and announced, for the first time, the genetic modification of embryonic cells using the CRISPR-Cas9 technique. Next, another Chinese group also reported the conduction of the same process done with the intention of conferring resistance to HIV by insertion of the CCR5 gene mutation. The genetic analysis showed that 4 of the 26 embryos were successfully modified. The result clearly reveals the need for improving the technique, alerting that, possibly, such trials could be previously tested in animal models.(4,30)

These recent publications rekindled the debate regarding genetic editing. On one side, the Japanese Ethics Committee declared that the manner in which the experiment was conducted was correct, since there had been approval by the local Ethics Committee for the study conducted, as well as the consent of the egg donors. In the United Kingdom, the first project for healthy human embryo editing was approved. On the other hand, American research groups remained conservative, reiterating their position of not supporting this type of experiment and declaring that they await improvement in the techniques and of the definitions of ethical issues.(30)

Since the declaration of James Watson in 1991, in reference to the likely optimization of human genetics, gene therapy has advanced throughout the decades, whether by optimization of the types of vectors, by the introduction of new techniques, such as induced pluripotent stem cells in combination with current models of genetic editing (CRISPR-Cas9), and even by trials in germ cells, bringing with it the contradictory ethical and moral aspects that accompany the technique.

Local successes have already solidified the viability of treatments using gene therapy in clinical practice, as an alternative form for patients with congenital diseases or monogenic disorders and cancer, especially when the pharmacological or surgical interventions do not show good results.

The design of new experimental vectors, the increase in efficiency, the specificity of the delivery systems, and the greater understanding of the inflammatory response induction may balance the improvement of safety with the expansion of techniques in clinical applications. Yet the knowledge and experience acquired with the careful assessment of toxicity of these technologies also allow significant advances in the application of these methods.

Therefore, historically, gene therapy and the discovery of antibiotics and chemotherapy agents, or any new technology, need more clarifying preclinical studies. In the future, there is the promise of applying these techniques in several fields of Medicine and a greater percentage of clinical trials.

See the original post:
Gene therapy: advances, challenges and perspectives - PMC


Meeting on the Mesa to Highlight Cell and Gene Therapy Opportunities, Challenges – BioSpace

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Meeting on the Mesa to Highlight Cell and Gene Therapy Opportunities, Challenges  BioSpace

Meeting on the Mesa to Highlight Cell and Gene Therapy Opportunities, Challenges - BioSpace


Gene therapy research offers hope for kids with life-altering condition – WCVB Boston

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Gene therapy research offers hope for kids with life-altering condition  WCVB Boston

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Gene therapy research offers hope for kids with life-altering condition - WCVB Boston


Ferring opens doors to Finnish manufacturing hub as supply of its bladder cancer gene therapy continues to grow – FiercePharma

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Ferring opens doors to Finnish manufacturing hub as supply of its bladder cancer gene therapy continues to grow  FiercePharma

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Ferring opens doors to Finnish manufacturing hub as supply of its bladder cancer gene therapy continues to grow - FiercePharma


Meet Boston’s National STEM Champion who’s a junior in high school studying gene therapy – CBS Boston

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Meet Boston's National STEM Champion who's a junior in high school studying gene therapy  CBS Boston

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Meet Boston's National STEM Champion who's a junior in high school studying gene therapy - CBS Boston


Is gene therapy the next big step in vision loss treatment? – Medical News Today

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Is gene therapy the next big step in vision loss treatment?  Medical News Today

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Is gene therapy the next big step in vision loss treatment? - Medical News Today


Protein’s Role in Insulin Signaling Could Have Implications for Gene Therapy – AJMC.com Managed Markets Network

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Protein's Role in Insulin Signaling Could Have Implications for Gene Therapy  AJMC.com Managed Markets Network

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Protein's Role in Insulin Signaling Could Have Implications for Gene Therapy - AJMC.com Managed Markets Network


Scientists overcome major challenge in gene therapy and drug delivery – News-Medical.Net

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Scientists overcome major challenge in gene therapy and drug delivery  News-Medical.Net

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Scientists overcome major challenge in gene therapy and drug delivery - News-Medical.Net


Innovative gene therapy for hemophilia – healthcare-in-europe.com

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Innovative gene therapy for hemophilia  healthcare-in-europe.com

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Innovative gene therapy for hemophilia - healthcare-in-europe.com


The Largest Network of Research Sites Vetted to Execute Complexities of Cell & Gene Therapy (CGT) Trials Now Includes 1,500 Sites – PR Newswire

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

The Largest Network of Research Sites Vetted to Execute Complexities of Cell & Gene Therapy (CGT) Trials Now Includes 1,500 Sites  PR Newswire

Originally posted here:
The Largest Network of Research Sites Vetted to Execute Complexities of Cell & Gene Therapy (CGT) Trials Now Includes 1,500 Sites - PR Newswire


Cell therapy weekly: Promising Phase I results for Parkinsons disease cell therapy – RegMedNet

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Cell therapy weekly: Promising Phase I results for Parkinsons disease cell therapy  RegMedNet

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Cell therapy weekly: Promising Phase I results for Parkinsons disease cell therapy - RegMedNet


Weight loss drug breakthroughs, gene therapies, and more: 8 clinical trials to watch right now – Quartz

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Weight loss drug breakthroughs, gene therapies, and more: 8 clinical trials to watch right now  Quartz

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Weight loss drug breakthroughs, gene therapies, and more: 8 clinical trials to watch right now - Quartz


Targeting CREB-binding protein (CBP) abrogates colorectal cancer stemness through epigenetic regulation of C-MYC – Nature.com

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Targeting CREB-binding protein (CBP) abrogates colorectal cancer stemness through epigenetic regulation of C-MYC  Nature.com

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Targeting CREB-binding protein (CBP) abrogates colorectal cancer stemness through epigenetic regulation of C-MYC - Nature.com


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Sunday, October 6th, 2024

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Forge Biologics Announces the FUEL AAV Manufacturing Platform to Provide Developers with a More Efficient Solution for Gene Therapy Production -...


Ninth Circuit Decision Marks Critical Legal Victory for U.S. FDA in Mission to Protect Patients from Unregulated Cell Therapy Products – PR Newswire

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Ninth Circuit Decision Marks Critical Legal Victory for U.S. FDA in Mission to Protect Patients from Unregulated Cell Therapy Products  PR Newswire

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Ninth Circuit Decision Marks Critical Legal Victory for U.S. FDA in Mission to Protect Patients from Unregulated Cell Therapy Products - PR Newswire


Gene therapy: What is it and how does it work? | Live Science

Saturday, September 21st, 2024

Gene therapy has been headline news in recent years, in part due to the rapid development of biotechnology that enables doctors to administer such treatments. Broadly, gene therapies are techniques used to treat or prevent disease by tweaking the content or expression of cells' DNA, often by replacing faulty genes with functional ones.

The term "gene therapy" sometimes appears alongside misinformation about mRNA vaccines, which include the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. These vaccines contain mRNA, a genetic cousin of DNA, that prompts cells to make the coronavirus "spike protein." The vaccines don't alter cells' DNA, and after making the spike, cells break down most of the mRNA. Other COVID-19 shots include the viral vector vaccines made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, which deliver DNA into cells to make them build spike proteins. The cells that make spike proteins, using instructions from either mRNA or viral vector vaccines, serve as target practice for the immune system, so they don't stick around long. That's very, very different from gene therapy, which aims to change cells' function for the long-term.

Let's take a dive into what gene therapy actually is, addressing some common questions along the way.

DNA is a molecule that stores genetic information, and genes are pieces of genetic information that cells use to make a particular product, such as a protein. DNA is located inside the nucleus of a cell, where it's packaged into chromosomes, and also inside mitochondria, the "power plant" organelles located outside the nucleus.

Although there are mitochondrial diseases that could someday be cured with gene therapy, currently, the term gene therapy refers to treatments that target nuclear genes the genes on the 23 pairs of chromosomes inside the nucleus.

Classically, gene therapy has referred to the process of either "knocking out" a dysfunctional gene or adding a copy of a working gene to the nucleus in order to improve cell function. Gene therapy is currently directed at diseases stemming from a problem with just one gene, or at most a few genes, rather than those that involve many genes.

However, the field of gene therapy is now expanding to include strategies that don't all fall into the classic categories of knocking out bad genes or adding good genes. For example, researchers at Sangamo Therapeutics are developing genetic techniques for treating Parkinson, Alzheimer and Huntington diseases that work by ramping up or suppressing the activity of specific genes.

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While the treatments may add genes to body cells, knock out genes or act in some way to change the function of genes, each gene therapy is directed to the cells of particular body tissues. Thus, when scientists and doctors talk about what gene therapy does to DNA, they are not talking about all of the DNA in the body, but only some of it.

Gene therapy can be either ex vivo or in vivo.

Ex vivo gene therapy means that cells are removed from the body, treated and then returned to the body. This is the approach used to treat genetic diseases of blood cells, because bone marrow can be harvested from the patient, stem cells from that bone marrow can be treated with gene therapy for instance, to supply a gene that is missing or not working correctly and the transformed cells can be infused back into the patient.

In vivo gene therapy means that the gene therapy itself is injected or infused into the person. This can be through injection directly to the anatomic site where the gene therapy is needed (a common example being the retina of the eye), or it can mean injection or infusion of a genetic payload that must travel to the body tissues where it is needed.

In both ex vivo and in vivo gene therapy, the genetic payload is packaged within a container, called a vector, before being delivered into cells or the body. One such vector is adeno-associated virus (AAV). This is a group of viruses that exist in nature but have had their regular genes removed and replaced with a genetic payload, turning them into gene therapy vectors.

AAV has been used to deliver gene therapy for many years, because it has a good safety record. It is much less likely to cause a dangerous immune response than other viruses that were used as vectors several decades ago, when gene therapy was just getting started. Additionally, packaging genetic payloads within AAV carriers allows for injected or infused gene therapy to travel to particular body tissues where it is needed. This is because there are many types of AAV, and certain types are attracted to certain tissues or organs. So, if a genetic payload needs to reach liver cells, for example, it can be packaged into a type of AAV that likes to go to the liver.

In the early days of gene therapy, which began in 1989, researchers used retroviruses as vectors. These viruses delivered a genetic payload directly into the nuclear chromosomes of the patient. However, there was concern that such integration of new DNA into chromosomes might cause changes leading to cancer, so the strategy was initially abandoned. (More recently, scientist have successfully used retroviruses in experimental gene therapies without causing cancer; for example, a retrovirus-based therapy was used to treat infants with "bubble boy disease.")

After moving away from retroviruses, researchers turned to adenoviruses, which offered the advantage of delivering the genetic payload as an episome a piece of DNA that functions as a gene inside the nucleus but remains a separate entity from the chromosomes. The risk for cancer was extremely low with this innovation, but adenovirus vectors turned out to stimulate the immune system in very powerful ways. In 1999, an immune reaction from adenovirus-carrying gene therapy led to the death of 18-year-old Jesse Gelsinger, who'd volunteered for a clinical trial.

Gelsinger's death shocked the gene therapy community, stalling the field for several years, but the current gene therapies that have emerged over the years based on AAV are not dangerous. However, they tend to be expensive and the success rate varies, so they typically are used as a last resort for a growing number of genetic diseases.

Gene therapy can treat certain blood diseases, such as hemophilia A, hemophilia B, sickle cell disease, and as of 2022, beta thalassemia. What these diseases have in common is that the problem comes down to just one gene. This made beta thalassemia and sickle cell disease low-hanging fruits for ex vivo gene therapies that involve removing and modifying bone marrow stem cells, whereas hemophilia A and hemophilia B are treated with in vivo gene therapies that target liver cells. That said, other treatments exist for these blood diseases, so gene therapy is more of a last resort.

Numerous enzyme deficiency disorders also come down to one bad gene that needs to be replaced. Cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy, which causes fatty acids to accumulate in the brain, is one such disorder that can be treated with gene therapy, according to Boston Children's Hospital. CAR T-cell therapy, which is approved for certain cancers, involves removing and modifying a patient's immune cells and is known as a "cell-based gene therapy."

Gene therapy has also been useful in treating hereditary retinal diseases, for which other treatments have not been useful.

Another group of targets for gene therapy are diseases of the nervous system.

"We are at a remarkable time in the neurosciences, where treatments for genetic forms of neurological disorders are being developed," Dr. Merit Cudkowicz, the chief of neurologyat Massachusetts General Hospital and a professor at Harvard Medical School, told Live Science.

For example, gene therapies are being developed to treat a pair of genetic diseases called Tay-Sachs disease and Sandhoff disease. Both conditions result from organelles called lysosomes filling up with fat-like molecules called gangliosides. The effects of these diseases include delay in reaching developmental milestones, loss of previously acquired skills, stiffness, blindness, weakness and lack of coordination with eventual paralysis. Children born with Tay-Sachs disease and Sandhoff disease generally dont make it past 2 to 5 years of age.

"There has been no routine antenatal or neonatal test for Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff, because there has been no available treatment whatsoever," said Dr. Jagdeep Walia, a clinical geneticist and head of the Division of Medical Genetics within the Department of Pediatrics and the Kingston Health Sciences Centre and Queen's University in Ontario, Canada. Walia is developing a gene therapy aimed at replacing the gene for Hex A, the enzyme that is deficient in these children. So far, the treatment has shown good efficacy and safety in animal models, but it still needs to be tested in human patients.

The future looks hopeful when it comes to gene therapy overall, on account of new technological developments, including CRISPR gene editing. This is an extremely powerful technique for cutting out parts of DNA molecules and even pasting new parts in analogous to what you do with text in word processing applications. CRISPR is not the first method that scientists have used to edit DNA, but it is far more versatile that other techniques. It is not yet quite ready for in vivo chromosomal manipulation, but it is advancing exponentially.

Perhaps even closer to the horizon is the prospect of delivering larger genetic payloads into cells. One big drawback of the AAV vector is that each virus particle can carry just a small amount of DNA, but recent research has revealed that a different type of virus, called cytomegalovirus, can be adapted to carry gene therapies with a much bigger payload than AAV. Not only might this some day expand gene therapy to more diseases requiring larger genes than AAV can carry, but it also could enable more than one gene to be delivered in a single therapy.

See the article here:
Gene therapy: What is it and how does it work? | Live Science


How Does Gene Therapy Work? Types, Uses, Safety – Healthline

Saturday, September 21st, 2024

Genes are small segments of DNA that instruct your cells to make certain proteins when specific conditions are met.

Mutated genes, on the other hand, may cause your cells to make too much or too little of the necessary protein. Even small changes can have a domino effect across your body just as tiny changes in computer code can affect an entire program.

Viral vectors

Scientists dont have tweezers small enough to edit your DNA by hand. Instead, they recruit a surprising ally to work on their behalf: viruses.

Typically, a virus would enter your cells and alter your DNA to create more copies of itself. But scientists can switch out this programming with their own, hijacking the virus to heal instead of harm. These vectors, as theyre called, dont have the parts they need to cause disease, so they cant make you sick the way a regular virus could.

There are two types of gene therapy:

Gene therapy is different from genetic engineering, which means changing otherwise healthy DNA for the purpose of enhancing specific traits. Hypothetically, genetic engineering could potentially reduce a childs risk of certain diseases or change the color of their eyes. But the practice remains highly controversial since it hovers very close to eugenics.

Gene therapy may be used to treat a variety of genetic conditions, including:

Inherited vision loss

When the RPE65 gene in your retinas doesnt work, your eyeballs cant convert light to electrical signals.

The gene therapy Luxturna, approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2017, can deliver a functional replacement of the RPE64 gene to your retinal cells.

Blood disorders

The FDA-approved Hemgenix can treat the bleeding disorder hemophilia B. The viral vector instructs your liver cells to create more of the factor IX protein, which helps your blood clot.

Meanwhile, the gene therapy Zynteglo, approved by the FDA in 2022, treats beta-thalassemia by giving your bone marrow stem cells correct instructions for creating hemoglobin.

This blood disorder can lower the oxygen in your body because it decreases your bodys hemoglobin production.

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)

In infantile-onset SMA, an infants body cant make enough of the survival of motor neuron (SMN) proteins necessary to build and repair motor neurons. Without these neurons, infants gradually lose their ability to move and breathe.

The gene therapy Zolgensma, approved by the FDA in 2019, replaces faulty SMN1 genes in an infants motor cells with genes that can create enough SMN proteins.

Cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy (CALD)

Your ABCD1 gene produces an enzyme that breaks down fatty acids in your brain. If you have cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy, this gene is either broken or missing.

Skysona, FDA approved as of 2022, delivers a functional ABCD1 gene so that fatty acids dont build up and cause brain damage.


Most cancer gene therapies work indirectly by inserting new genes into a powerful antibody called a T cell. Your changed T cells can then latch on to cancerous cells and eliminate them, similar to how they attack viruses.

Some people considering gene therapy may feel uneasy about putting viruses in their body.

Keep in mind, though, that gene therapies undergo extensive testing before approval. The viruses in gene therapies are also fixed so they cant replicate similar to many vaccines.

That said, gene therapies may pose other risks:

Despite these issues, experts generally believe gene therapy offers more benefits than risks.

Most of the conditions treated with gene therapy are life threatening. The dangers of leaving them untreated often outweigh the risks of potential side effects.

Gene therapy does come with a few drawbacks that keep it from becoming a widespread treatment.

Limited targets

Gene therapy can only target certain mutations. This means it may not work for everyone with a specific condition.

For example, two people may have inherited vision loss. Currently, gene therapy can only treat vision loss caused by the RPE64 mutation.

Time to approval

Because gene therapy research is so new, experts do extensive safety testing before introducing their treatments to the public. It can take years to get FDA approval for each new therapy.


As you might imagine, gene therapies are expensive to manufacture and administer. This not only affects funding for clinical trials but also the price of the drug.

For example, the gene therapy Zolgensma is the most expensive drug in the United States at $2.1 million per dose. Even with insurance, that kind of price tag remains out of reach for the average American.

Scientists are trying to find ways to make the development process safer, cheaper, and more efficient so more people can access gene therapy.

Gene therapy works to treat several different genetic diseases by editing the mutations that cause them. As researchers further refine and expand this technology, they may find even more conditions that could be treated with it.

Experts are also continuing to explore options to make gene therapy more affordable so people who need these treatments have an easier time getting them.

Emily Swaim is a freelance health writer and editor who specializes in psychology. She has a BA in English from Kenyon College and an MFA in writing from California College of the Arts. In 2021, she received her Board of Editors in Life Sciences (BELS) certification. You can find more of her work on GoodTherapy, Verywell, Investopedia, Vox, and Insider. Find her on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Here is the original post:
How Does Gene Therapy Work? Types, Uses, Safety - Healthline


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Penn gene therapy pioneer Jim Wilson explains why he's leaving - The Business Journals


In race to make gene therapy for age-related blindness, 4D Molecular announces positive results – STAT

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In race to make gene therapy for age-related blindness, 4D Molecular announces positive results - STAT


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Whats the Meaning of Cure in Gene Therapy?  Managed Healthcare Executive

Visit link:
Whats the Meaning of Cure in Gene Therapy? - Managed Healthcare Executive


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