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Archive for the ‘Eye Sight & Vision’ Category

Football Is Only the Latest Triumph for Blind USC Long Snapper Jake Olson – Bleacher Report

Tuesday, September 5th, 2017

Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

What if all you really knew was fighting a battle so many have lost, a daily grind of what's nextthat overwhelms everything every day? What would life be?

Let me introduce you, everyone, to life.

Big, bold, beautiful life.

Jake Olson was born with a rare form of cancer of the retina, retinoblastoma,which destroys the ability to see. When he was 10 months old, it took the sight from his left eye. Then when he was 12 years old, he lost sight in his right eye.

But what happened along the road to blindness isn't what you might expect. A strange realization came to Olson. There is vision in it, Olson will tell you. A clear, simple, honest vision.

"You have a choice with cancer," Olson says. "You can let it change who you are, or you can go out and attack life."

Long before he captured the worldyes, the worldthis weekend on social media by becoming the sport's first blind long snapper during USC's victory over Western Michigan, and long before Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll called to congratulate him and sobbed on the phone, and long before a crush of media attention came to make him the feel-good story of 2017, Jake Olson was doing things that make snapping a football in a college seem, well, routine.

Like becoming a scratch golfer.

Like traveling the country as a motivational speaker, delivering his first speech when he was 12, mere months after losing his sight.

Like setting up a business with his college roommate, Daniel Hennes, that received special dispensation from the NCAA and allowed Olson to make money as a motivational speaker and play college football.

The NCAA calls it the Double Life clause: If you were famous before your life as an NCAA athleteand that life is not connected to the sport in which you participateyou can make money doing it.

How fitting. The Double Life clause for the student, the football playerthe survivorwho is crushing life. Double time.

"I learned at an early age how to confront adversity and fight," Olson says. "There are a lot of people around me that love me, and I could tell they were hurt seeing their son, their brother, their friend, fighting cancer. It would make it so much worse for them if I were depressed and let cancer beat me. I wanted to prove to them, and everyone in the world, that cancer isn't going to stop me."

It didn't stop him from accepting that first motivational speaking gig when he was 12, telling his story to employees at a Wells Fargo in Thousand Oaks, California. Hell yes, he was nervousas he has been each of the more than 500 times since.

But when you're telling your storywhen you're explaining life and how you've seized control of it and haven't let it dictate terms to youit eventually becomes second nature. And bonus: It's just as therapeutic for Jake as it is for those listening.

The more he speaks, the more demand there is. He's delivered his message in more than 20 states, to everyone from professional sports teams to mega-churches, from global companies to small businesses.

Everyone wants a piece of Jake Olson.

So you really think snapping a footballsomething he has done since he began long-snapping while playing high school football in L.A.'s famed Trinity Leagueis going to shake the senses?

"Nothing bothers him. Absolutely nothing," Hennes says.

Hennes knew as much from the day he and Olson met.

When they arrived at USC, both were given background information about their dorm suitematesinformation that each student fills out to explain themselves.

"I'm a huge sports fanI follow sports religiouslybut I never heard [Olson's] story," Hennes says. "I was reading through his profile, and I'm like, Cool, I'm rooming with a football player. Then it said, 'I'm blind, and I have a guide dog named Quebec.' So I'm thinking, This kid is sickwhat a sense of humor."

Soon after, Hennes received a call from another suitemate, who asked if Olson should have to pay for his share of a television in the room.

"I was like, 'Why wouldn't he?'" Hennes remembers. "And he said, 'Have you seen his profile? He's blind.' I was floored. I showed his profile to my parents, and from that day, they completely forgot about me. It was all about Jake."

It didn't take long for Olson and Hennes to form a unique bond, and to begin to bust each other's chops. Like the first time they played poker (with Braille cards), and Hennes was laying down ground rules to everyone at the table, and insisted on, "No blind bets."

"I remember thinking, 'You idiot. Did you really just say that?'" Hennes says. "Jake just played right off it, started giving it right back to me.

"It's just who he is. He sees things differently than everyone else."

Remember, there is vision in blindness. Clear, simple, honest vision.

That's how you beat cancer eight times, from the moment they take your left eye before your first birthday, to all that toxic medicine flowing through your body and all those nights and months and years of uncertainty.

When cancer showed up for the ninth time, the doctors finally admitted to Olson the right eye had to go.

"After it happened, Jake's parents were having a hard time with it," says Brandon Towers, Jake's friend since kindergarten. "It was amazing to see a 12-year-old kid with the strength to get his parents through it. Jake's dad told me something I'll never forget. He said, 'If the Jake train is moving, you gotta get on.'"

Like the time two years ago Olson asked Hennes to be his business manager, and their first speaking engagement together was in San Diego. Allergan, one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, asked Olson to come speak to 900 employees.

"Wasn't a dry eye in the place," Hennes says. "I was crying, too."

Like the time last year Olson was in Tempe, Arizona, watching spring training games and his dad called and said the Angels wanted him to speak to the team. It had to be that day, and he had to get over to the stadium right now.

"Everyone in the room was blown away," Hennes says. "You see professional baseball playersthese guys you think are strong and powerfuland every one of them was in tears."

Like the time last weekend when Olson stood on the ladder overlooking the USC band and directed "Fight On" after the Western Michigan win. That spot, high above all that is sports on the famed campus, has been reserved for royalty since Carroll arrived at USC in 2001.

Carson Palmer, Matt Leinart, Reggie Bush, Matt Barkley, Sam Darnold.

And now Jake Olson.

"I really hope it's a light for people who are going through adversity," Olson says. "People like to point fingers and say, 'X, Y and Z is why I can't do this.' Whether it's fair or not, maybe it should be, 'Here's why I can do this.'"

Last fall, in the middle of USC's thrilling second half of the season that led to a Rose Bowl victory over Penn State, Hennes and Olson watched the Chicago Cubs' postseason run together.

Hennes was born outside of Chicago, and his father and his father's father are longtime, insufferable Cubs fans. When the unthinkable happened, when the Cubs won the World Series, there was no way it would be surpassed by anything ever again.

Until it was.

"After the [Western Michigan] game, I told Jake I thought the Cubs win would be the happiest moment in my life," Hennes said. "Then he snapped that ball."

Big, bold and beautiful.

That's how you do life. No matter the obstacles.

Read the original here:
Football Is Only the Latest Triumph for Blind USC Long Snapper Jake Olson - Bleacher Report


The Bionic Lens Could Push Eyesight Beyond 20/20 Vision – Futurism

Sunday, September 3rd, 2017

In BriefOcumetics Technology Corporation is developing a replacement for the lens found in the human eye. Called the Bionic Lens, it could radically improve eyesight, prevent cataracts, and provide new ways to see the world.

In just a few short years, well be able to improve our eyesight to levels weve only dreamed of. At first, itll be expensive, but over time theyll become more easily available, eventually doing away with the concept of poor eyesight or 20/20 vision altogether.

A company known as Ocumetics Technology Corporation is at the forefront of this tech, which is currently in the midst of testing its Bionic Lens. The Bionic Lens replaces the natural lens found within the human eye, and brings with it a number of improvements, chief among them being an immediate improvement to eyesight, and clear vision regardless of distance. No more squinting or covering ones eyes to get a better look at a distant sign.

Over time, the Bionic Lens could be upgraded to include additional functions, such as projecting your smartphones screen, or sharing your perspective with another person who also has a Bionic Lens installed.

The best part is how the lens can be applied using the same tools and techniques as cataract surgeryreferred to as the most common and successful procedure in medicine. The lens would eliminate the possibility of cataracts in the eye, as well as glaucoma, which can be caused when the cataractous lens releases toxic agents into the chamber of the eye.Click to View Full Infographic

According to Big Think, however, it wont fix every problem or defect associated with the human eye, like color-blindness, cloudy corneas, or damaged optic nerves. Theres also a chance it will be seen as unfair by those without the lens, as it is quite literally a cybernetic enhancement. That said, those that are among the first to receive it will be paying nearly $3,200 per lens, and thats before the cost of the surgery itself. As exciting and impressive as the Bionic Lens may currently sound, there is some benefit to waiting for future developments.

Of course, the elimination of cataracts, reduced cases of glaucoma, and overall improved eyesight are too much to ignore. Almost 22 million people over the age of 40 are affected by the condition, with 30 million more expected to have it by 2020. The Bionic Lens, and future creations like it, could greatly impact that number, and radically change the way we see our world.

The rest is here:
The Bionic Lens Could Push Eyesight Beyond 20/20 Vision - Futurism


The hideous disease that stole a mum’s eyesight | Stuff.co.nz – The Southland Times

Sunday, September 3rd, 2017


Last updated05:00, September 2 2017


"I'm not going blind, I won't go blind" Vanessa Potter vowed as her world enclosed into a black abyss.

When British mum Vanessa Potter went blind, it took a few days before the "deep, crippling,gut-wrenching fear" kicked in.

Potter recalls now that initially, as her sight erodedinto darkness, she keptrelatively calm- partially forthe sake of her two youngchildren and her own sanity.

A flu-like illness that hadplagued her for a fortnight wasfinally beginningto lift when the broadcast producer awoke on the morning of her daughter's fifth birthday to a world that appeared darker andfuzzy.


As a rare disease attacked Vanessa Potter's optic nerve, she gradually lost her vision.

Everythingwas visibly foggy, like "TV static", and itseemed as though she waswearing dark sunglasses..

READ MORE:*My post-Gloriavale life*Mahy wrote as daughters slept*38 years of Zambesi in her wardrobe


Potter's nails were painted brightly to help her relearn what colours looked like.

Simultaneouslya "sinister" numbness creptthrough her body, starting inher left-middlefinger tip, silently moving up every limb.

"My eyes aren't right - I feel weird," she stammeredto theGP's receptionist, as she bookedan urgent appointment.

She recalls now how, to copewith the enclosing darkness, she swunginto producer mode. "Of courseI was panic-stricken, but during those first three days I was focused on getting organised, getting fixed and getting over it - the hard-hittingfear camelater."

A perplexed doctor orderedan ECG and achest X-ray, before she was sent home withanti-nausea tablets.

It tooka second visit to A&E and a steely determination tobe seen by an ophthalmologist thatsecured herahospital bed.

As the condition worsened,the numbnessominously movedinto her spine. She felt "plastic coated", her legsuseless like "frozen lumps".

"Not knowing how far it wouldgo and how deep it wouldpenetratewas quite scary," she says now.

But she was determined togriponto thesliver of vision that remained."I'm not going blind, I won't go blind," shetoldan elderly womanin the hospital ward.

Bound tothe hospital bed, she feltoverwhelminglythat it was crucial todocument the ordeal. Her husband, Ed, actedas her scribe, jottingdown every detail.

Five years later the diary has acted as the cornerstone toher book,Patient H69.

"Weirdly" shedidn't register the moment herworld went totally black."My brain hadn't caught up on the enormity of what hadactually happened."

A diagnosiscametwo weeks laterby whichtime the blindness had receded and translucent greyfigureshad begun to float into view.

Doctorssaid she hadsufferedan extremelyrareautoimmuneneurological episode, known asNMO.

The autoimmune disease had attacked her opticnervecausinginflammation and long term damage. Italso affected her spinal cord and various of her sensory reactions.

The rarity of thediagnosis earnedher areputationas the"one-in-a-million" patient, leaving doctors stumped for answers.

"The mental anguish of theunknownwas by far themost frighteningaspect, it ravaged my whole body," Potter says now.

However, she never lost her determination to fight back against the cruel disease - especially when she was assessed to be issued with a white cane.Her mantra became, "fullrecovery,no permanent damage".

"Nobody was talking about rehabilitation," she says, so she initiated her own recovery, usingsensory stimulation to reactivateher brain.

It wasn't only her vision that was damaged. Hopefulfamily and friends rubbed all manner of textured objects overher "rubber" feet, from cotton-wool balls to a nailbrush, causingalien-like sensations to shootup her legs.

To remind her brain of colour, her nails werepainted "electric blue, white and very loud pink". Laterinto herrecovery she took up paintingto furtherretrainher visual system to recognisecolour.

She had been in hospital a little more than a fortnight when a specialist declared that, "you don't have permanent damage", and sent her home.

But still facing a mammoth recovery, aNeutrogena body-wash bottlebecame herbest friend, serving as acrude test to measure her returning sight. Every morning she would stare at it ith burning intensity, willing the blurred smudge of the label to sharpen into focus.

Eventually a single letter emerged from the foggy shapes and shefelt a rush of excitment.

"Everysmallchangewasgood and therefore we labelled thewholeday as a good day.

"We weretriumphant over the smallest achievements, because collectivelythat gets you somewhere."

After six months however, progressslowed, promptinga referral to a specialist NMO team in Oxford, who dealt a heartbreaking blow - she wasn't going to recover any more of her vision.

Today she describes it as likelooking through a dusty windshield. Shelives withprofound colour loss and something called visual snow. It makes orientating herself and recognisingpeople's faces difficult.

But despite her visual impairment, her fear is gone. "I'm not nearly as scared of the world as I was. I've realised I don't have to be frightened. How I respond ismy choice."

Patient H69,Bloomsbury Publishing,$29.99


Read more here:
The hideous disease that stole a mum's eyesight | Stuff.co.nz - The Southland Times


Best tips to improve your eyesight naturally, from what to eat to DIY … – Hindustan Times

Sunday, September 3rd, 2017

If your job requires you to keep staring into your computer screen for much of the day, this is for you. This is also for all of you who are addicted to your smartphones or tablets, or even the TV. Two vital organs of our bodies bear the brunt of our modern, digital lives -- our eyes! However, eye problems dont surface overnight. Our bodies try to warn us of eye troubles every now and then. Headaches, dry eyes or even watery eyes are some signs of an imminent eye problem, but most of us tend to ignore these symptoms.

Its time, however, to realise that eye health should not be neglected. Given the increasing workload of our eyes, it is essential to get timely check-ups for the entire family. This can help avoid serious problems such as presbyopia (difficulty to focus on close-up objects), cataract (clouding of the eyes lens), floaters, flashes and age-related macular degeneration, commonly known as AMD.

Some of these hazards can be eliminated if we regularly invest some time in eye care. Listed below are a few simple things to protect and improve eyesight naturally!

Adding fresh fruits and vegetables to your daily diet will protect the eyes against nutritional deficiencies.(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

According to Mahesh Jayaraman, co-founder of Sepalika.com, these simple lifestyle changes will improve eye health:

1. Drink plenty of water: Dehydration can hasten the development of cataracts. Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day to keep your eyes moist, healthy and clean.

2. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables: Adding fresh fruits and vegetables to your daily diet will protect the eyes against nutritional deficiencies. Consume foods rich in antioxidants, such as colourful berries, to stop or slow the progression of certain eye diseases.

3. Give your eyes a break from digital screens: Regular use of mobile phones, television, and computers can tire the eyes. Follow the 20-20-20 rule to provide breaks to your eyes. The rule is very simple: Every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away from your screen for 20 seconds!

4. Quit smoking: Smoking increases the risk of eye diseases, especially cataract. While you should be kicking the butt for your general well-being, better vision is another reason to make a change.

5. Use sunglasses with UV protection: Extended exposure to harsh UV rays of the sun has been linked to eye damage. Common risks include cataracts, macular degeneration, and temporary loss of vision. Wear UV-protected sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful rays of the sun.

# Include vitamins and nutrients in your diet for a healthy eyesight!

Along with lifestyle changes, a healthy diet is equally important for maintaining healthy eyesight.

Nutrients essential for good vision

# Add Simple Eye Exercises to Your Daily Routine.

Have you ever tried eye exercises to relax the muscles located at the back of your eyes? Set aside a few minutes every day for these simple exercises and keep your eye muscles healthy.

1. Palming: Influenced by yoga, palming involves a simple procedure of rubbing the palms against each other and cupping the warm palms on closed eyelids. This exercise soothes eyeballs and releases stress. The idea behind palming is to impart warmth to your eyeballs without putting too much pressure on them. When you start with palming, initially, you may get a vision of colourful bands or grey patches or an illusion of colours. However, the more you get used to this technique, the darker the vision grows, and ultimately it becomes pitch dark when you are fully relaxed.

2. Zooming: Lengthen your arm to a comfortable stretch and keep the thumb in a hitchhiking position. Start focusing on the thumb when your arms are fully stretched. Slowly bring your thumb closer, all the while keeping your focus on the thumb. Stop focusing when your thumb is 3 inches away from your eyes. Repeat this process at least thrice every week.

3. Tracing the figure Eight: This exercise helps in improving the flexibility of eye muscles. At a distance of approximately 10 feet, visualize an image of eight on its side (resembling the Infinity symbol). Then slowly trace the figure with your eyes for a few minutes and repeat it at regular intervals.

4. Pendulum exercise: This exercise sharpens the focus of lenses by working on oblique muscles of the eye. You can use either a real pendulum or an imaginary one. The idea is to concentrate on the pendulum and follow its movement by shifting the focus of eyes from side-to-side.

Follow @htlifeandstyle for more

Read the original here:
Best tips to improve your eyesight naturally, from what to eat to DIY ... - Hindustan Times


Martin Newell: My new clarity of vision marks the end of a four-year battle for my sight – Express.co.uk

Monday, August 28th, 2017


It was a mundane return for me to the paradise of sight.

It was the moment when I noticed, eight yards from my writing desk, that for the first time in two years, I could see the central heating boiler and all of its pipes.

To someone who, months earlier, could hardly read a newspaper or see his granddaughters face from more than two feet away, the appliance looked beautiful.

The new clarity of vision marked the end of a four-year battle for my sight.

More was to come.

Days later, while cycling along a country lane, overlooking a river estuary with its patchwork of surrounding farmlands, a strange feeling of awe and gratitude came over me.

I realised that this vista, redolent of a Constable painting, dear to me for decades, had been restored to me at last.

The minor surgical procedure that preceded the return of my sight was the last and simplest of eight operations I had undergone since 2013.

I had not, up until just after my 60th birthday, been much of a drain upon the NHS resources: a few cuts and bruises incurred while gardening, the odd tumble from a bicycle.

Then, one winter morning, while standing on a railway platform, a friend looked at me and asked, Whats wrong with your eye?


Nothing, I replied uneasily.

Nonetheless, I made a hasty appointment with an optician.

Upon testing me he told me that my interocular pressure was rather high and immediately referred me to the local eye hospital.

After more tests I was diagnosed with a detached retina and thus began a series of operations, during which time further complications arose, now involving both eyes.

Untreatable glaucoma, numerous different eye drops, a retinal tear in my other eye and, finally, the spectre of blindness loomed darkly over me.

Fifty or so years ago I would probably have lost nearly all of my sight.

Advances in the field of eye medicine, however, have been such that much of my sight has been restored.

Now, whether you are religious or not, these medical teams are probably the closest thing on earth that many of us are likely to come to God.

Sight, the emperor of the senses, is something that many of us take for granted.

Yet, when it is taken away, in any measure at all, you dont half know about it.

Our NHS Ophthalmology teams dont, perhaps, always receive either the acclaim accorded to certain other medical departments but they are no less sterling for that.

Eye problems are on the increase in Britain.

One of the reasons is the UKs obesity epidemic.


Being severely overweight can lead to diabetes.

This in turn leads to problems such as diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration and cataracts.

The cause of my own problems is still unknown since I didnt have any other health problems, although I did have a rather lively, if not knockabout, younger life.

At its worst, during the dark months of last winter, my depleted sight was only functioning with the help of magnifying glasses, strong reading spectacles, extra-bright reading lights and the assistance of an audio typist to transcribe my work.

At one point, shortly after an operation, my depth perception was badly affected and during a poetry performance, for the first time ever, I fell off a stage, cracking my ribs in the process.

1 of 10

Id failed to see where the stage ended and the floor began.

This was demoralising and I became mildly depressed, a thing that I had to fight hard to keep at bay.

Last spring, when the team at my local Ophthalmology department saw my sight had deteriorated further, they swung into action, arresting my chronic glaucoma by implanting a special draining device in my left eye.

Finally, a few weeks ago, they deemed the cataract in my good eye ready for removal.

When, about 24 hours after surgery, the sight came flooding back into my right eye, on a bright summer day, it was almost overwhelming, both physically and emotionally.

Id become so accustomed, by now to reduced vision that I hadnt realised quite how much of it was missing.


Suddenly I could see not only the books upon my shelves but their titles too.

I could recognise people in the street again.

Friends whod guessed my predicament had taken to waving at me and calling my name if they saw me.

When out walking after dark, car headlights and street lamps resembled a scary firework display.

Weeks later, the novelty of having my sight back, even if at present it is in only one eye, still hasnt worn off.

If I have anything to say about my experience, it is this: Do have regular eye check-ups and if youre prescribed drops, take them.

A nurse told me that it is disheartening how many patients neglect to do so.

Dont be afraid of surgery, the idea of it is far more frightening than the actual experience, which usually involves discomfort more than pain.

I will not go anywhere this year. I want to stay here and enjoy the colours of an English autumn.

Its been a very long time.

See the article here:
Martin Newell: My new clarity of vision marks the end of a four-year battle for my sight - Express.co.uk


Roberts: Healthy vision habits make clear sight an everyday event – Greeley Tribune

Monday, August 28th, 2017

The "Great American Solar Eclipse" of 2017 was a momentous occasion.

Millions of Americans flocked to cities along the path of the eclipse to witness this rare astronomical event the first total solar eclipse to cross the continental United States from coast to coast in nearly 100 years. For weeks before the eclipse, scientists, medical professionals, the media and more strongly cautioned sky watchers to protect their vision with ISO-certified glasses, as the sun's intense rays could permanently damage the eyes of spectators. By all accounts, Americans paid heed and were able to safely witness the sun disappearing behind the moon.

As executive director of the National Association of Vision Plans, I hope everyone here in Colorado will remember both the event itself and the need to protect your vision. Although the eclipse has come and gone, protecting your eyes should remain a constant focus for you and your family.

Long exposure to everyday UV radiation can lead to serious eye problems, including damage to the retina and loss of vision. Solar radiation has been linked with developing cataracts or macular degeneration later in life. Children's eyes are particularly susceptible to damage, as they receive up to three times more sun exposure than adults.

Vision health is essential to your overall health. Here in Colorado like the rest of the country managed vision care benefits enable individuals to more frequently visit their eye doctor and make sure they have proper vision correction. Managed vision care benefits make access to care possible, reduce patient costs, drive loyal patients into eye doctor offices, identify serious eye and chronic diseases early and ensure patients practice healthier vision behavior.

In fact, more than 87 percent of Americans with benefits plan to get an eye exam in the next 12 months. And patients are four times more likely to seek professional eye care services from an eye care professional when offered vision benefits that cover both an eye exam, as well glasses and or contact lenses.

Many Colorado employers understand the return on investment of managed vision care for their employees. As a result, the vision care industry is growing and innovating at a pace unmatched by most health care sectors both here in the Centennial State and nationwide. More than 80 percent of U.S. employers now offer vision as part of a standard benefit package to employees.

National Association of Vision Plans is committed to seeing Coloradans and Americans across the country put their vision benefit to use. If you don't already have a vision care plan through your employer, I encourage you to explore that option or your options for participating in an individual vision care plan.

The next full solar eclipse is scheduled for just seven years down the road in April 2024. Regular visits to your preferred eye care professional between now and then is the best way for you to ensure you and your family are ready to see it all.

Julian Roberts is the Executive Director of the National Association of Vison Care Plans, the unified voice for the managed vision care industry promoting the value managed vision care brings to U.S. healthcare. Find out more at http://www.navcp.org.

Original post:
Roberts: Healthy vision habits make clear sight an everyday event - Greeley Tribune


Want to improve your eyesight? Eat these foods for a strong, healthy … – Times Now

Monday, August 28th, 2017

Times Now
Want to improve your eyesight? Eat these foods for a strong, healthy ...
Times Now
New Delhi: It is said that if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. So, don't take your eyes for granted. Maintaining a well-balanced, healthy diet ...
Supplement may slow vision loss in seniors with macular degenerationUPI.com

all 6 news articles »

Continued here:
Want to improve your eyesight? Eat these foods for a strong, healthy ... - Times Now


SMART PARENTING: Poor eyesight, clear vision – New Straits Times Online

Monday, August 28th, 2017

Not having perfect eyesight should not hinder you from a successful, fulfilling life.

LAST weekend, I was invited to give a motivational talk to members of the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Albinism Association (KLSAA), of which I am also adviser.

Albinism, according to Wikipedia, is a congenital disorder characterised by complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes. It is associated with a number of vision defects such as photophobia, nystagmus, and amblyopia.

Not having perfect eyesight (as some KLSAA members demonstrated) should not hinder you from a successful, fulfilling life. One such person is Siti Hajar Ismail, a final year Masters student from the Malaysian Technology University. She spoke briefly about her journey which was by no means, an easy one. In primary school, she couldnt see the blackboard even when she sat in the front row. To copy the teachers notes, she had to rely on other students. Yet she scored As in all her UPSR examination subjects.

Siti Hajar then went on to study in one of the most prestigious boarding schools in the country. Again, she relied on others to catch up with what was taught in the classrooms. She admitted to feeling envious of other students who were able to be active, but she quickly turned things around by focusing on her strengths, not her weaknesses.

She discovered that she was a self-smart person viz, one who understands feelings, emotions and the inner self, a realisation which led her to pursue a degree in psychology. Amazingly, amidst all the difficulties and seemingly impossible challenges, she thrived. Today, Siti Hajar is almost done with her Masters degree, and soon on her way to a PhD (she is well on course to be the first Malaysian albino to obtain a doctorate).

Another person who shared her story was current KLSAAA president Nurulhuda Mohamad. Like Siti Hajar, she engaged a friend to read to her what the teachers wrote on the whiteboard. She also focused on her interpersonal skills to overcome all other limitations. She is now a teacher who can speak four languages Malay, English, Arabic and Thai. How awesome is that?

Another inspiring person I met was the founder and former KLSAA president, Maizan Mohd Salleh. She had to work very hard and overcome all odds to become the first albino lawyer in the country. Today, she is the proud owner of a thriving firm, Maizan & Co.

During the talk, I spoke about the power of vision and the strength of character to overcome the challenges hurled at us. All great leaders are known for their equally great visions: The ability to think long-term and create steps to get there.

A visionary person is someone who can think creatively while balancing it with logic and common sense. Strategic thinking skills are also a very strong trait he or she possesses. Visionary people are in touch with their external environment as well as their inner self and can see how success looks and tastes like. I saw a lot of that in the albinos who shared their stories that day; they may lack good eyesight, but their vision is clearer than ever.

Zaid Mohamad coaches and trains parents to experience happier homes and more productive workplaces. Reach him at zaid@smartparents.com.my

Read more here:
SMART PARENTING: Poor eyesight, clear vision - New Straits Times Online


Eye doctors say patients concerned eclipse damaged vision – WSB Atlanta

Monday, August 28th, 2017

by: Wendy CoronaUpdated: Aug 23, 2017 - 7:10 PM

ATLANTA - Two days after the eclipse, eye doctors are getting phone calls from people who think they may have damaged their vision from looking at the rare solar event.

Channel 2 Action News and WSBTV.com brought you extensive coverage of the big event, including several warnings about how looking at the sun could damage your vision.

Dr. David Ross, of Ross Eyecare Group in Buckhead, said, Within 3 to 5 days, if damage was going to occur, it has occurred.

Two days after the eclipse, eye doctors are getting phone calls from people who think they may have damaged their vision. WSB-TV

Ross has seen post-eclipse damage before. A partial eclipse in Georgia in 1984 brought two cases of vision damage to his attention from unprotected viewing.

They were very fortunate that, although their vision was blurred for several months, they did fully recover their visual acuity, he said.

Since Monday's eclipse, Ross has fielded calls and seen another couple of patients who feared for their eyesight.


Luckily, neither one of them had any documentable damage, but we're not out of the woods yet, he said.

Ross said theres a three-to-five-day window of unfortunate opportunity for you to realize something is wrong.

Ross Eyecare Group sent out more than 15,000 emails to patients and their families to warn of the dangers of watching the eclipse without proper protection or with counterfeit eclipse glasses.

On a retinal scan, Ross showed how if the retina gets burned, you would have blurring, a distortion, or a complete gap in the center portion of everything you look at. That would happen in varying degrees depending on the damage.

The two cases Ross has seen since Monday have had their tests come back with undetectable damage.

Whether or not you can recover from damage varies for every person. It could range from just a little blurring for a few days, (or) few weeks and comes back to perfectly normal, to vision that never recovers, Ross said.

Ross urges people to wear UV protective sunglasses and to do exercise that has cardiovascular benefits which help your eyesight. He also encourages regular full eye exams and recommends them for children, too.

2017 Cox Media Group.

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Eye doctors say patients concerned eclipse damaged vision - WSB Atlanta


Here’s How To Tell If You Damaged Your Eyes From Staring At The Sun – BuzzFeed News

Monday, August 28th, 2017

Solar retinopathy is like a sunburn on the retina, a layer of tissue at the back of your eye, Habash tells BuzzFeed Health. "The part that's damaged is the macula, the thinnest part of the retina, which controls the sharpest, centermost part of vision," she says, noting that this part of the eye is also more prone to burning than the rest of it. "It can take a few seconds or a few minutes for damage to be done everyone is different."

As we previously reported, this can cause the center of your vision to turn into a grey or black spot, making it hard to focus on things like reading, driving, or even just seeing the people in front of you. That said, you probably won't go completely blind from staring at the sun. Although the macula is very important to our eyesight, it's still only responsible for one part of vision. "You won't go completely blind from damage to the macula, since you'd still have your peripheral vision," Schuman tells BuzzFeed Health.

Here's How To Tell If You Damaged Your Eyes From Staring At The Sun - BuzzFeed News


Check your eyesight with this simple optical test – Belfast Live

Monday, August 28th, 2017

Looking after your eyesight is extremely important but often overlooked as we take our vision for granted.

Although we all know the basics about protecting our eyes, one specific issue has been on the internet's agenda this week.

In the aftermath of the eclipse which plunged the United States into a brief moment of darkness earlier this week, many people have been left wondering if they've damaged their eyes by looking directly at the sun without suitable protection.

As a result, this simple at-home eye test has been doing the round online.

It involves staring at an optical illusion-type square grid and it designed to provide you with an idea about the state of your eyes before you rush off to an optician's in a panic.

Starting to worry about your eyesight and fancy giving it a go? Let's do it.

The image above is of the aforementioned Amsler grid - taken from the National Eye Institute in America- which tests your optic nerve. The test works best if you print out the square.

To use it, cover one eye up and stare at the dot right in the centre of the grid then repeat with the other eye.

If any of the lines are missing or become wavy, or if you notice any other unusual differences such as dark areas, strangely sized boxes, or blurry edges, then something is up.

The earlier you diagnose any problems, the better position you'll be in to help your issues.

If you have any concerns about your eyesight, it's definitely worth checking yourself in for an eye test for peace of mind at the very least.

So get them checked - and remember not to look directly at the next eclipse!

See more here:
Check your eyesight with this simple optical test - Belfast Live


Blurry vision, eyes hurting, headaches after the eclipse? A doctor checked our symptoms – W*USA 9

Monday, August 28th, 2017

A local eye doctor says there were patients who came in after the eclipse reporting blurry vision.

Pete Muntean, WUSA 11:25 PM. EDT August 22, 2017

WASHINGTON (WUSA9) - As the solar eclipse faded from view, Google searches for eclipse headache and eyes hurt skyrocketed.

There was a patient who came in yesterday reporting blurry vision, said Dr. Alberto Martinez of Visionary Eye Doctors.

About a week before the spectacle, the practice asked for patients to return its promotional eclipse glasses. The fear was they did not meet protective standards.

RELATED:Was the total eclipse experience worth it?

But Martinez says the real risk was to naked eyes if you look for ten, fifteen, twenty seconds.

Caught the tail end of the #eclipse! Vowed to not miss totality in 2024! pic.twitter.com/L0vb8m5m43

Martinez gave an eye exam to WUSA9 reporter Pete Muntean, who insisted that his vision was blurry after viewing the eclipse through borrowed, ISO-certified glasses. Martinez inspected Munteans macula, the region of the retina responsible for keen vision. The result of the test was perfect eyesight.

Is this proof that eclipse eye is in the eye of the beholder? The best way to find out is to be examined, said Martinez.

2017 WUSA-TV

More here:
Blurry vision, eyes hurting, headaches after the eclipse? A doctor checked our symptoms - W*USA 9


How To Tell If Watching The Eclipse Damaged Your Eyes – NPR

Monday, August 28th, 2017

Crowds gathered to watch the solar eclipse at Saluki Stadium on the campus of Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Ill. Scott Olson/Getty Images hide caption

Crowds gathered to watch the solar eclipse at Saluki Stadium on the campus of Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Ill.

Less than an hour after the Great American Eclipse completed its coast-to-coast show on Monday, people's fascination with the sun and the moon quickly turned to concern about their eyes.

We're hoping all you Shots readers heeded our words of caution and wore eclipse glasses or enjoyed the show indirectly.

But if you did steal unprotected glances skyward, and especially if your eyes felt funny or hurt a little afterward, you might be wondering how you'll know if you've done any long-term damage.

To answer that question, we once again turned to Ralph Chou, a professor emeritus of optometry and vision science at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario, Canada, and a leading authority on the damage the sun's rays can do to the eye's retina.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

How would somebody know if they've done any damage?

It takes at least 12 hours before we can tell if anything has happened. The thing is, if people just saw the sun briefly without a protective filter just a fraction of a second the chances they've hurt themselves are very low.

If they looked at the display of a camera or a smartphone but didn't look through the optics at the sun, they're in no danger. While it may look bright, it isn't all that bright by comparison. They were not getting direct optical radiation from the sun in that case. It's just a duplicate of whatever the sensors see, and there's no danger in that.

If, for some reason, they forgot to use their filters entirely well, [permanent damage is] always a possibility, but I would hope that after all the publicity, that that didn't happen.

What might someone's symptoms be if they didn't use any filters and looked at the sun?

It wouldn't be until 12 hours later that they would even notice their vision was changing. It might not be until [the next] morning when they wake up and realize that they can't see that well.

[The symptoms would be] blurred vision, where the very center of the vision might have a spot, or multiple spots, that were missing in their vision that were very, very blurred. Around it, there might be some clear spots. It really depends on exactly what happened, and what kind of injury there is at the back of the eye. [As Chou told us earlier, this kind of vision loss can get better over several months to a year. But about half the time, it's permanent.]

What should someone do if they're worried there could be damage? Should they stay indoors or wear sunglasses?

Seeing an optometrist is faster than getting to see an ophthalmologist. If there is damage, the optometrist would refer the individual to the ophthalmologist for further assessment and management in any case.

The damage, if any, would not be mitigated by staying indoors or wearing sunglasses, but these are ways to make vision more comfortable as the individual recovers.

I used an eclipse viewer that came from a reputable seller. But even after looking at the sun for a few seconds through that, I felt like my eyes felt weird and needed time to adjust.

The thing is, if you look for a sustained period through the filter, you're stimulating only one set of color-sensitive receptors at the back of the eye. So they'll get more work than, say, the receptors that are responsible for green and blue light. And the result will be that for a brief time, you'll suffer the same kind of after-image effects that you get from looking at a very bright headlight or flash from a camera.

You'll recall how you'll have spots in your vision that are sort of the opposite effect of what you normally see. That kind of thing will happen if you look at the sun for an extended period of time. It'll feel a bit weird as your eyes recover from that. It doesn't mean you've hurt yourself. It's just that you've overloaded some of the photo receptors, and it takes a while to get back to full function. In most cases, it's going to be just a few minutes. There's no lasting damage from that. You would have to be staring at an extremely bright image for minutes at a time before you started to get any clinically significant damage.

So what did you think about the eclipse?

For me, this was Total Eclipse No. 19. It was an extremely good eclipse. We had really beautifully clear sky [in Salem, Ore.]. It was just a beautiful sight. So, wow. It was great.

Read the original here:
How To Tell If Watching The Eclipse Damaged Your Eyes - NPR


Charity to highlight the dangers of smoking to eyesight | News | Isle … – Isle of Man Today

Monday, August 28th, 2017

Promenade walk for the Manx Blind Welfare Society

The Manx Blind Welfare Society has announced that protecting eye health, particularly from the dangers of smoking, will be the message of Vision Awareness Week 2017.

The annual event returns next month with its usual mix of events, talks and presentations, including the Douglas promenade walk and Bright for Sight Day.

This is the fourth year the society has hosted Vision Awareness Week, which will run from September 11 to 17. The aim is to promote awareness of the issues faced by the hundreds of visually impaired people living in the Isle of Man, highlight the societys work and services, and encourage people to look after their eyesight.

Throughout the week the society has a schedule of free talks to schools, businesses and other organisations, and will also be delivering awareness training courses.

During Bright for Sight Day, on Friday, September 15, the society is encouraging people to wear colourful clothing to raise awareness of visual impairment and raise funds for the society, which provides a range of vital free services to people with total and partial sight loss.

As part of the day there will be a coffee morning organised by the Isle of Man Fund for the Blind, and a Zumba Night. Both events will be held at Corrin Court, Onchan.

The Vision Awareness Week finale, on Sunday, September 17, will be Step Out for Sight, previously known as Walk My Way. Everyone is invited to join the event and walk Douglas promenade, starting from the Jubilee Kiosk on Loch Promenade and heading towards Summerland.

Participants can walk as far as they choose, and are encouraged to wear fancy dress, try walking with a blindfold, bring their dog or even go three-legged.

To celebrate the start of Vision Awareness week, the society will host a Ceilidh on the Park on Friday, September, 8. Organised in association with Onchan Commissioners, the evening will include a performance from Yn Tarroo Marroo Ceili Band, chilli supper and a raffle.

Tickets, priced 15, are available by calling 674727.

Manx Blind Welfare Society chairman Charles Fargher said: Were really looking forward to the fourth year of Vision Awareness Week, which has enjoyed great success reinforcing the important message of understanding how blindness and visual impairment affects hundreds of people of all ages right across the Isle of Man.

The week is all about heightened awareness, and the central message this year will be about eye health with an emphasis on the dangers posed by smoking.

The number of smokers is falling, but there are still people across the age ranges who continue and they are risking their eyesight as well as their general health.

Research shows smokers are twice as likely to lose their sight than non-smokers, and smoking has been linked to causing or worsening a number of eye conditions, including cataracts, macular degeneration, optic neuropathy and diabetic retinopathy. These are conditions which impact on vision and can lead to total sight loss.

Alongside highlighting the dangers of smoking, we will be reminding people of other simple steps they can take to protect their eyesight, such as regular eye tests, exercise, a balanced diet and keeping your eyes covered in the sunshine.

He added: As ever, the society will also be explaining what the Isle of Man can do together to ensure everyone has the opportunity to live their life how they want and as independently as they choose. We want to help people understand the challenges of being visually impaired, but also to raise awareness of what can be achieved by blind people when barriers to learning, work and social environments are removed.

I hope the whole island joins us during Vision Awareness Week to enjoy all the events, and learn more about protecting their own eyesight and understanding the needs of those with sight loss.

The Manx Blind Welfare Society provides vital services for more than 600 people with serious sight loss on the Isle of Man and during Vision Awareness Week the charity will also be publicising the work they do alongside other charities, societies and agencies with blind and visually impaired people.

You can find full details of the events planned for Vision Awareness Week 2017 at http://www.mbws.org.im/vision-awareness-week.

See more here:
Charity to highlight the dangers of smoking to eyesight | News | Isle ... - Isle of Man Today


’20 seconds of burning’: Friends partly blinded after watching solar eclipse warn of dangers – Washington Post

Monday, August 21st, 2017

Capital Weather Gang's Angela Fritz explains what could happen to your eyes if you were to watch the Aug. 21 eclipse without special sunglasses and how to spot the ones that work. (Claritza Jimenez,Daron Taylor,Angela Fritz/The Washington Post)

It was a clear day when Louis Tomososki's science teacher mentioned that a partial solar eclipse would be visible from their hometown of Portland, Ore., that afternoon.

So after classes let out, Tomososki, then 16, found Roger Duvall, his friend since the fourth grade and a fellow science buff. The pair ambled up the steps to their high school's baseball field and planted themselves about 10 feet behind third base.

They stood and waited, squinting toward the sky. Sure enough, the teenagers eventually spottedwhat they had been looking for: a partial eclipse of the sun.

And yeah, there it is! You could see the moon taking a bite out of the sun, Tomososki remembered thinking then.

That was more than 50 years ago. Both men, now 70, say they wish they had known about the long-term harm that afternoon would do to their eyesight.

We didn't know right that second that we damaged our eyes, Duvall said in a phone interview Sunday. At that time, we thought we were invincible, as most teenagers do.

Both estimate they had glanced up for about 20 seconds or so each using a different eye. Immediately afterward, Tomososki's right eye and Duvall's left eye bothered them slightly.

We had looked down at the ground and you're still looking at part of the eclipse like it's imprinted in your eye, Duvall said.

[Everything you need to know about the Aug. 21 solar eclipse]

It was only through separate eye exams later that both men learned they had permanently damaged their retinas. For Tomososki, his good eye compensates for his bad one when both are open. When his left eye is closed, however, he sees a scrambled, whitish spot through his right eye.

Have you ever seen a news story where they don't want the license plate seen at home? That's the exact same color of everything, except mine's the size of a pea, he said. And that was 20 seconds worth of burning. If we had looked longer or the worst thing, if you switch eyes looking at the sun then you're in real trouble.

Through the decades, some of the exact details from that day have faded: For instance, Tomososki remembers few people, if anybody else, had been standing on the baseball field with them that afternoon, while Duvall recalls that several others also had been out trying to catch a glimpse of the eclipse.

Both men remember that the eclipse took place after school in 1963, when they were high school juniors, but the eclipse that year occurred on July 20, a Saturday.In some news reports about Tomososki and Duvall's experience, the year is pinned as 1962; that year, a solar eclipse took place on Feb. 5, a Monday.

Regardless, what hasn't faded has been the urgency with which both men want to warn others about the dangers of improperly viewing eclipses. With parts of Oregon in the path of totality for Monday's highly anticipated solar eclipse, Tomososki said he contacted a local television stationand cautioned viewers not to stare directly at the sun for any amount of time.

He's particularly worried about people buying phony eclipse glasses thatdon't offer sufficient protection, or children who look up at the completely covered sun during totality but don't put their eclipse glasses back on in time after the moon moves off it.

[Still need a pair of solar eclipse glasses? Heres where to find them. (Maybe.)]

My question Tuesday morning, when this thing's all over, is are people going to be calling me and saying 'Lou, did you hear how many people damaged their eyes?' And my stomach's just rolling over. I don't want to hear that, he said. If I can save one person from having a catastrophic thing happening with their eyes, it's a good thing.

Staring at the sun can cause a condition called solar retinopathy, which leads to a decrease or a distortion of a person's central vision, said Sveta Kavali, an ophthalmologist and retina specialist at Saint Louis University.

That damage is typically irreversible, and there's no treatment for this, Kavali said in a Saint Louis University video about viewing the eclipse safely. The way the damage occurs on a cellular basis is that the UV rays from the sun induces a photochemical reaction that damages the photo receptors of the retina, and the part of the retina that's damaged is the part that's responsible for yourcentral vision. So it's very important not to look at the partial eclipse, not to look at the sun, without the proper viewing protection.

Both Tomososki and Duvall plan to watch the eclipse Monday, although neither has a desire anymore to look straight toward the sun.

Tomososki will drive to the nearby town of Colton, Ore., where about 37 seconds of darkness are anticipated during totality.

I'm going with my wife and I'm going to stand outside and look at thetrees and the fields, he said. I'm going to watch it get dark. I'm not looking up at the sky.

The cereal box solar eclipse theater is a good way to safely view the Aug. 21 solar eclipse. Here's how to make one at home. (NASA Goddard)

Read more:

Ever wondered why you shouldnt look at an eclipse?

The eclipse capital of the U.S. is over the moon for Mondays total solar eclipse

During the solar eclipse, lets not forget about the moon

The rest is here:
'20 seconds of burning': Friends partly blinded after watching solar eclipse warn of dangers - Washington Post


Stanford Medicine magazine reports on the future of vision – Stanford Medical Center Report

Monday, August 21st, 2017

Many of the strategies being explored at the Stanford University School of Medicine to protect, improve and restore vision sound seriously sci-fi. Among them: cornea transplants conducted with magnetic fields instead of scalpels, virtual reality workouts to repair damaged retinas, and bionic vision.

The new issue of Stanford Medicine magazine, a theme issue on eyes and vision, includes details about these projects and others pushing the boundaries of biology and technology to help people see.

Studies show that when it comes to their health, the thing people most worry about, after death, is losing their vision, said Jeffrey Goldberg, MD, professor and chair of ophthalmology, in the reports lead article. Peoples productivity and their activities of daily life hinge critically on vision, more than on any other sense.

The lead article explains the basic workings of the eye and describes an array of ophthalmological research, including Goldbergs work to repair damaged corneas by injecting healthy cells into the eye and using magnets to pull the cells into position. A patient in a small early study entered the trial legally blind, with 20/200 vision, and left it with 20/40 vision close to normal. A larger study is planned to begin soon.

The fear of vision loss, even for people in lesser stages of disease, can be quite dramatic. So anything we can do to stabilize, better diagnose and hopefully one day restore vision in some of these diseases, I think, will have an enormous global impact, Goldberg said. This type of work is an example of Stanford Medicines focus on precision health, the goal of which is to anticipate and prevent disease in the healthy and precisely diagnose and treat disease in the ill.

Read the rest here:
Stanford Medicine magazine reports on the future of vision - Stanford Medical Center Report


Be Smart: A Partial Eclipse Can Fry Your Naked Eyes – NPR

Monday, August 21st, 2017

A partial solar eclipse (left) is seen from the Cotswolds, United Kingdom, while a total solar eclipse is seen from Longyearbyen, Norway, in March 2015. Tim Graham/Getty Images/Haakon Mosvold Larsen/AFP/Getty Images hide caption

A partial solar eclipse (left) is seen from the Cotswolds, United Kingdom, while a total solar eclipse is seen from Longyearbyen, Norway, in March 2015.

The day of the long-awaited coast-to-coast solar eclipse has arrived and if history is any guide, it's likely that somebody's eyes are going to get hurt.

"The ones we're really concerned about are the people who have never seen an eclipse before or just decided that, you know, 'Today is a nice day to go take a look at a solar eclipse' and, 'Oh, I probably don't need to do very much to get ready to do that.' Then I get worried," says Ralph Chou, an optometrist and vision scientist at the University of Waterloo in Canada. He has seen 18 total solar eclipses.

You really can get blurred vision or blind spots after watching partial eclipses without protection, says Chou, even if there is just a tiny little crescent of sun left in the sky.

"I've seen a couple of patients over the years where, you know, you've got very distinct crescent-shaped scars from looking at a solar eclipse," says Chou.

It is never safe to look directly at a partial eclipse without special eclipse glasses or filters and most of the country will see only a partial eclipse.

The risk of injury to the retina is even greater if you look at a partial eclipse without protection through a telescope or binoculars, Chou warns.

"The damage," he says, "can happen extremely quickly."

Binoculars and telescopes need special filters it is not safe to look through them while just wearing regular old eclipse glasses. It is safe, however, to put eclipse glasses over your everyday prescription eyewear.

And if you never got around to buying the right sort of protective eclipse glasses, you can still safely "watch" the event projected on a wall or the ground, NASA reminds us, with the help of an index card, a bit of aluminum foil and some tape.

Because of the way the light exposure damages cells of the retina, says Chou, a person who has suffered eye damage typically does not realize that there is any problem until hours after the eclipse.

Experience from past eclipses suggests that it has been younger people who are more likely to ignore safety warnings, says Chou.

"It does tend to be young males," he says. "Teens to early 20s the ones who don't think about any protection for a number of different circumstances."

But don't be so stressed out about eye safety that you miss the dramatic event known as totality. If you're lucky enough to be in the thin stretch of land across the country that is going to see a total solar eclipse, it's absolutely OK to look up with your naked eyes during the couple of minutes or so when the moon is completely covering the sun. In fact, it's more than OK.

"It is spectacularly beautiful, and there's nothing else like it," says Rick Fienberg, press officer for the American Astronomical Society, who has seen a dozen total solar eclipses. "It's kind of like falling in love. You can't describe what that is unless you've experienced it."

When the sun completely blinks out, the safety glasses can come off so that you can enjoy the view of the sun's otherworldly corona and the eerie daytime darkness. But the instant a sliver of sun starts to re-emerge, he says, those glasses need to go back on if you want to keep watching.

"Going through life without seeing a total eclipse of the sun would be like going through life without ever falling in love," says Fienberg. "It would be a terrible shame not to have that fundamental, wonderful experience."

Read the original post:
Be Smart: A Partial Eclipse Can Fry Your Naked Eyes - NPR


Doctors warn New Yorkers not to be tempted to view solar eclipse with unprotected eyes – New York Daily News

Monday, August 21st, 2017

New York Daily News
Doctors warn New Yorkers not to be tempted to view solar eclipse with unprotected eyes
New York Daily News
As New Yorkers awaited the celestial wonder, experts were warning not to gaze at the sun with unprotected eyes or risk serious vision damage. The eclipse, where the moon covers the sun, is set to start at 1:23 p.m. and last until 4 p.m., peaking at 2 ...

See the original post here:
Doctors warn New Yorkers not to be tempted to view solar eclipse with unprotected eyes - New York Daily News


Machen MacDonald: Trust your vision – The Union of Grass Valley

Monday, August 21st, 2017

Just about everything we want and don't have is on the other side of what we fear.

The more money we want is on the other side of the thoughts of investing more hours and working harder. It's on the other side of asking for the order and the fear of being rejected.

The loving relationship we seek eludes us as we fear being laughed at and dismissed. That fear could come from asking the person we find attractive out on a first date.

The better health or more fitness we desire is on the other side of the fear of giving up the foods we enjoy, being uncomfortable during a workout, or subjecting ourselves to the critical scrutiny by others at the gym.

Unless we are willing to endure being uncomfortable for a period of time, to achieve what we really want, we won't do what it takes to get there and we slip into the trap of settling for what we don't really want.

To get what we desire we must develop a clear vision of what we truly desire for ourself. The more clear it is, the more we will find our way to trusting it will come about as we do what we must to make it happen.

We have all heard of the numerous obstacles that had to be overcome by people that accomplished great things. Nothing great was ever accomplished in a person's comfort zone. They had to endure hanging out outside of their comfort zone as they did what was needed to succeed. Where they found their comfort was in their vision that resided on the other side of whatever they feared.

The Wright Brothers, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Gandhi all had a vision or a dream of a what was possible for the world. Each of them and others that achieved greatness were willing to endure the failures and setbacks that would pave the way to the other side.

To have a vision you must be visionary. To be visionary you must know when to trust acting from your insight and not just your eyesight. To be short sighted is to only rely on your eyesight. It may not allow you to see past what you fear. To have a vision activates your insight and empowers you to see past your fear.

Rather than permitting your current fear to employ your power and hold you back, I invite you to make a committed decision, regardless of how difficult it may be for a period of time, to get a vision of what you desire and move through what you fear.

Make it up, make it fun, and get it done!

No. 1 bestselling author Machen P. MacDonad, CPCC, CCSC is a certified life and business coach with ProBrilliance Leadership Institute in Grass Valley. He helps business people gain more confidence and clarity to live their ideal life. He can be reached at coach@probrilliance.com and 530-273-8000

Read this article:
Machen MacDonald: Trust your vision - The Union of Grass Valley


Man with eye damage from 1962 eclipse: Don’t make the same mistake I did – Today.com

Monday, August 21st, 2017




As Lou Tomososki and a friend walked home from Marshall High School in Oregon one afternoon in 1962, they gazed up at the sky. For weeks, everyone had been talking about the partial solar eclipse and the teens wanted to witness it. For a few seconds, they looked at the sun as a sliver of the moon slid over its surface.

While watching, he saw flashes of light, much like he would after having a picture taken with a camera with a flashbulb. He had no idea those flickers would lead to permanent damage.

We both got burned at the same time, Tomososki told TODAY. He got the left eye and I got the right eye.

During a partial eclipse in 1962, Lou Tomososki and his friend looked at the sun. They both experienced eye damage because of it.

While Tomososkis teachers warned him to use a pinhole projector box, which creates a reflection of the eclipse for safe viewing, he didnt heed the warning. Even today, the 70-year-old Oregon City man struggles to see if he relies only on his right eye.

We were just doing it for a short time, he said. I have a little blind spot in the center of my right eye.

Tomososki has been sharing his story because he worries people will look directly at the sun on Monday during the Great American Eclipse.

Millions of people out there are going to be looking out at it How many of them are going to say, Something happened to my eyes? he said. That makes me sick.

While his vision problem hasnt held him back, Tomososki wishes he would have known better than to look directly at a partially eclipsed sun.

Nothing has changed," he said. Its doesnt get any worse or better.

Fifty-five years after looking at the sun during a partial solar eclipse, Tomososki still has vision problems.

What Tomososki experienced is called solar retinopathy damage caused to the retina from looking at the sun. It's a pinpoint of blindness, often in the middle of the eye. People often experience it after looking at an eclipse because they mistakenly think that the suns rays arent as powerful since the sun is partially covered.

"Anyone who stares at the sun can get this blind spot, said Dr. Russell N. Van Gelder, a professor of ophthalmology at University of Washington School of Medicine and clinical spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. When you know that you have a problem is if that blind spot has not gone away (the next day)."

Eclipse fever: Cities along 'path of totality' prepare for flood of tourists Play Video - 2:50

Eclipse fever: Cities along 'path of totality' prepare for flood of tourists Play Video - 2:50

In half of patients with it, the blind spot diminishes. The other half experience the damage their entire lives. Thats why ophthalmologists urge people to never look at the sun even while wearing sunglasses.

It is never safe to look directly at the sun, Van Gelder said. The only way to treat solar retinopathy right now is to prevent it and not stare at the sun during the eclipse.

Those in areas experiencing the full eclipse can safely look directly at the sun at precisely one moment.

When the disc of the moon has completely blocked out the sun and the corona of the sun is visible, it is safe to look at the corona, Van Gelder said. The second the sun comes out, the eclipse glasses have to go back on.

Eclipse sunglasses warning: Beware fakes that won't protect your eyes Play Video - 4:01

Eclipse sunglasses warning: Beware fakes that won't protect your eyes Play Video - 4:01

Van Gelder recommends people refer to American Astronomical Associations website to find ISO-certified eclipse glasses.

He also stresses the light can damage a cell phone cameras sensors and says people need to use glasses over the sensor to take pictures of the eclipse.

You can burn out your camera in the cell phone just like your retina, he said.

For his part, Tomososki hopes people learn from his story and protect themselves.

I am just so concerned that somebody isnt going to listen, he said. I am going to be out in the eclipse, but I am not going to look at the sun at any circumstances, even in the totality."

The rest is here:
Man with eye damage from 1962 eclipse: Don't make the same mistake I did - Today.com


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