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Archive for the ‘Eye Sight & Vision’ Category

Over 7,000 motorists a year stripped of their driving licence because they cant see – Lancashire Post

Saturday, January 11th, 2020

Optometrists back call to make regular eye tests mandatory for drivers

More than 130 drivers a week have their driving licence revoked by the DVLA because their eyesight doesnt meet the minimum standard.

Figures from the DVLA reveal that an average of 7,000 people a year lose their licence due to failing eyesight but it is feared there could be many more with unsafe vision still on the roads.

The data was obtained by Direct Line Motor Insurance which also found that an average of 12 learners each week are refused a licence before even getting behind the wheel because their vision isnt up to scratch.

The DVLA requires drivers to be able to read (with glasses or contact lenses if necessary) a car number plate from 20 metres, have accurate vision to at least decimal 0.5 (6/12) measured on the Snellen scale and an adequate field of vision.

Failure to meet these standards means drivers face having their licence taken away and between January 2017 to September 2019 19,644 drivers fell foul of the rules.

Separate research suggests as many as 8.9 million drivers havent had their eyes tested in the last two years, meaning many more could be suffering from deteriorating vision without realising.

Worryingly, the research found that as many as a quarter of motorists would continue to drive even if they knew their eyesight wasnt up to the legal minimum standard, putting themselves and other road users at risk.

It also found that more than three-quarters of optometrists (81 per cent) supported changing the law to make annual eye tests mandatory for drivers.

Failing to inform the DVLA of a medical condition which affects you ability to drive carries a fine of 1,000 and if defective vision is found to have contributed to a crash you could be prosecuted.

Steve Barrett, head of motor insurance at Direct Line, commented: If people do not have regular eye tests, they may not even realise their vision is impaired when they get behind the wheel, which leaves them a danger to themselves and other road users.

A simple eye test, that takes a moment in time, can ensure drivers have the appropriate corrective glasses or contact lenses so that their vision is adequate to drive.

Dr Nigel Best, clinical spokesperson for Specsavers said: Our vision can deteriorate slowly, meaning it is sometimes difficult to detect a change ourselves but subtle variations can increasingly affect both perception and reaction time when driving. We welcome this research and hope it will make more road users aware of the risks they run by not having regular eye tests, whether it is potentially losing your driving license or worse, causing a collision on the road.

It takes around 25 minutes for an optician to conduct a thorough vision and eye health check. To take this simple step every two years or more, if recommended by your optician, isnt an arduous task, particularly when you weigh up the potentially negative consequences of driving with impaired vision.

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Over 7,000 motorists a year stripped of their driving licence because they cant see - Lancashire Post


Myth Busting ‘Blind As A Bat’ And ‘Memory Of A Goldfish’ – NPR

Saturday, January 11th, 2020

People in the United States say someone is "blind as a bat" to mean that person has poor vision. James Hager/Robert Harding World Imagery/Getty Images hide caption

People in the United States say someone is "blind as a bat" to mean that person has poor vision.

Animals' abilities are often used to describe people's personality traits or attributes. If you're stubborn, you might be called "pig-headed." Is your room at home a mess? A parent might call it a "pigsty." If you're being rude, someone might call you a "jacka**" you get the drift.

But what validity is there to these statements?

That's the question we're tackling here at Short Wave as part of a series called "Animal Slander."

We're starting with the phrases "blind as a bat" and "memory of a goldfish" because they are problematic, for multiple reasons. For one, the phrases are often used in a derogatory manner and it is not cool to make fun of people based on their physical or mental abilities.

And second, the phrases aren't even true.

1. Blind as a bat: a compliment of your ability to see ultraviolet.

People in the U.S. use the phrase "blind as a bat" to rib someone for not being able to see well.

We put this phrase to Johan Eklf, who wrote his Ph.D. thesis on bat vision at Gothenburg University in Sweden. According to Eklf, there are over 1,300 species of bats and none is truly blind.

Different species rely on their eyesight to varying degrees often in combination with their sense of smell and echolocation. For example, some Emballonuridae bats that rely heavily on echolocation can still see centimeter-sized objects from about a meter away.

That being said, Eklf notes that, "They don't need their eyes to look up close. They need their eyes to figure out where they are, look at the horizon, see the trees and skyline."

Fruits bats are able to see even better than this, Eklf says. In fact, most fruit bats don't use echolocation at all. They have big eyes that allow them to primarily rely on vision and sense of smell to find fruit.

There is a myth that goldfish have a memory of only three seconds. Classen Rafael/EyeEm/Getty Images hide caption

There is a myth that goldfish have a memory of only three seconds.

2. Memory of a goldfish? Maybe you're not so forgetful after all.

The myth is that a goldfish's memory lasts about three seconds. This has been repeatedly debunked.

Ryan Wong, an assistant professor of biology at The University of Nebraska Omaha, helped us out with this one. He researches fish behavior, learning and memory.

"There are definitely lots of different studies out there and many different species of fish that show that fish have really complex learning abilities and also have the ability to remember this information for long periods of time," Wong says.

He says goldfishes' memory can last for weeks.

In one experiment, goldfish were conditioned to push a lever at a certain time of day to obtain food. That means the fish had to remember both that pushing the lever meant food and in which window of time this food would be accessible.

Some studies have also shown that goldfish are even have the kind of memory that allows them to solve mazes.

So, the verdict on the bats and the goldfish is...


We welcome your thoughts on phrases you think are slanderous to animals to shortwave@npr.org!

This episode was produced by Rebecca Ramirez and edited by Viet Le.

More here:
Myth Busting 'Blind As A Bat' And 'Memory Of A Goldfish' - NPR


The Silent Thief: Glaucoma can steal your sight, but vision loss is preventable. – The Burg News

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world and the United States.

The number of people with glaucoma worldwide is estimated to be over 70 million and is expected to increase to over 110 million by 2040. It currently affects more than 3 million people in the United States and is the leading cause of blindness in both African American and Hispanic populations. This is despite the fact of a low overall prevalence of 3.5 percent.

Glaucoma belongs to a class of eye diseases known as optic neuropathy. There are two main types of glaucoma: open angle and narrow or closed angle. The angle is the opening where the fluid drains from the eye. In narrow angle, the channel is blocked and the fluid cant exit. With open angle, the channel is not obstructed. In the western world, 90 percent of glaucoma is of the open angle type.

Vision loss is caused by progressive damage to the optic nerve. The eye is similar to a video camera. It is connected to the vision center in the brain by a cable that is called the optic nerve. The nerve is a bundle of about 1 to 1.5 million nerve fibers. In glaucoma, for a reason we still do not fully understand, these fibers begin to die off. Without proper treatment, the number of fibers will continue decline and, with that, the patients vision.

It used to be thought that the loss of nerve fibers was the result of a high pressure inside the eye. Studies have shown that damage can actually occur at normal or even low pressures. Current thinking is that an elevated pressure is a risk factor for glaucoma but not the disease itself. As it is the only risk factor that can be treated, all current treatment of glaucoma involves lowering the eye pressure. This can be achieved by using topical medication (drops), laser therapy, surgery or a combination of treatments. Successful treatment will lower the pressure to the point that no further nerve fibers and, hence, vision will be lost.

There are three main reasons why people go blind from this disease. First, they are not diagnosed. Recent studies have estimated about 1 million people in the United States with glaucoma are currently undiagnosed. Although many factors are involved here, the two main culprits are lack of symptoms until very late in the disease and failure to routinely have a thorough eye examination.

The second reason is that patients are notoriously non-compliant with their therapy. There have been many papers, articles and even YouTube videos about this. But the bottom line is thisno treatment is effective if it is not used.

Finally, treatment has to be sufficient to slow or stop disease progression. If therapy is inadequate, the benefit of accurate diagnosis and compliance will suffer.

Glaucoma can be diagnosed at any age, but is more common after the age of 40. Vision loss is completely preventable with early diagnosis and proper treatment. This cannot happen without routine eye examinations. A minimum examination would consist of a measurement of eye pressure and a dilated stereoscopic evaluation of the optic nerve. If there is evidence of increased risk, a more detailed investigation would include formal test of the visual field and optic nerve imaging.

Rememberglaucoma is known as the silent thief of sight as there are no symptoms until late in the disease. If you are over 40, have a family history of glaucoma or any other risk factors, make sure to have your eyes examined regularly.

Dr. John J. ODonnell Jr. is an optometrist with Premier Eye Care Group. For more information, visitwww.premiereyes.com.

The rest is here:
The Silent Thief: Glaucoma can steal your sight, but vision loss is preventable. - The Burg News


Woster: 2020, good eyesight or a new year? – The Daily Republic

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

Lets face it. Doesnt the year 2020 make you think of 20/20, supposedly the description of ideal vision? Were entering a year that sounds more like something youd hear during a visit to the optometrist than the vision of whole new worlds of opportunities just over the next hill.

The fact that I can see a written 2020 at all is probably thanks to my first-grade teacher, Fern Bairey. I assume she was the one who noticed that I couldnt see the blackboard in her classroom. I got my first set of eyeglasses shortly after entering her classroom in Reliance. Until then, I didnt know a kid was supposed to see the shapes of tree leaves and the tassels on the ears of corn in the fields.

I had a cowlick and a round face, so when I got my eyeglasses, I looked like Ralphie, the kid in A Christmas Story. Classmates made fun of me, naturally. It was only years later that I saw a billboard with a glasses-wearing kid who looked like first-grade me. The slogan said, Dont laugh. Now he can see. I wish Id seen that back in Reliance.

Ive worn glasses since Miss Baireys class. My optometrists told me years ago my vision was, lousy and likely to get worse. It did. Last time I checked, my vision was about 20/200 in one eye and 20/400 in the other. I got my first pair of contact lenses when I entered college, and Ive worn those ever since, although I generally switched back to glasses when I had to work around wheat chaff or corral dust during college summers on the farm.

One of my craziest experiences with contact lenses came at the end of my senior year in college when I was considering a career in the U.S. Air Force. Along with a whole bunch of other young men who had been told they could write their own ticket if they enlisted for a four-year-hitch, I went through the physical exam process in Sioux Falls, at the Post Office building, I think it was. The impatient Air Force guy hustled us through the line so quickly that when he barked at me to put your eyes to the scope and read the letters, I did it without mentioning my contact lenses. Imagine my surprise when they rated me 20/30 and good to go for training as a navigator.

As is often the case, the loud, impatient guy whose yelling helped create the problem wasnt the one who had to listen as I explained that my vision really was 20/400, that it probably hadnt been anywhere close to 20/30 even when I left the Mitchell hospital in January of 1944 and that the mix-up, if truth be told, happened because the mean guy didnt give me a chance to tell him about my contacts.

The episode kind of soured me on a career in the Air Force writing news releases for home-town newspapers about the activities of their service members. (The first time I talked with the on-campus Air Force recruiter in the spring of 1966, he asked me my major. When I said journalism, he told me there was more than a good chance that if I enlisted after graduation, Id spent my military career at a base somewhere in Texas writing those home-town news blurbs. That didnt sound so bad to me, although Texas?) After the contact lens incident, I never got the impression that the Air Force was sorry to see me miss out on the chance to don a uniform with the blue from the skies and a pretty girls eyes and a touch of Old Glorys hue, as the song goes.

In the interests of full disclosure: The Air Force sent me to a psychiatrist because, when asked, I said I sometimes had difficulty sleeping. Theyd probably have been money ahead if theyd sent me to an optometrist.

Read more:
Woster: 2020, good eyesight or a new year? - The Daily Republic


Grupo Antolin and Eyesight Technologies team up to provide intelligent in-cabin monitoring solutions – Automotive World

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

Eyesight Technologies, a leading provider of computer vision AI solutions for the in-car automotive industry, and Grupo Antolin, one of the largest manufacturers of vehicle interiors in the world, announced today that the companies have entered into a partnership to provide driver and occupancy monitoring solutions to OEMs worldwide.

Grupo Antolins ability to integrate 3rd party solutions into its car interior components and the development of their control electronics will be paired with Eyesight Technologies advanced in-cabin sensing solutions (Driver Sense and Cabin Sense) to deliver smart-integrated interior systems with great added value.

The collaboration will provide car manufacturers with in-cabin sensing solutions tailored to answer regulatory needs and enhance the driving & riding experience, leveraging Eyesight Technologies computer vision AI and Grupo Antolins interior component design and integration capabilities.

Eyesight Technologies solutions encompass a variety of applications related to driver and passenger safety and experience inside the vehicle. Eyesight Technologies Driver Sense, driver monitoring system, tracks the drivers eyes, eyelids, pupils, head pose, and gaze to determine the alertness, wakefulness, and attentiveness of the driver. The companys Cabin Sense, occupancy monitoring system, monitors the cars interior, including passengers, to power adaptive safety features, and a personalized in-car environment. Driver identification and action detection such as smoking, wearing seatbelt and holding a phone are also available as part of Eyesight Technologies solutions.

SOURCE: Eyesight Technologies

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Grupo Antolin and Eyesight Technologies team up to provide intelligent in-cabin monitoring solutions - Automotive World


2020 vision for all of us – The Hutchinson News

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

And so begins a new year. It rolls by on a fairly annual basis, but each time, I feel quite unprepared to make the switch. Awkwardly, the other day I wrote 2016 on something; I guess if Im going to be behind the times, I might as well go for it.

Im thinking, though, that 2020 has a nice enough ring that Ill get the hang of it quicker. Well see what happens.

Chinese culture attributes a certain animal to each calendar year, rotating through a set of 12 options ranging from rabbits to tigers. 2020 would be the Year of the Rat, but I had enough experience with rats in Kenya and Im not really into them.

Since vegetables are more down my alley, Ive decided to make an executive decision and deem 2020 the Year of the Carrot!

It makes perfect sense to me 20/20 means you have pretty good vision, and what vegetable is classically associated with good vision? Carrots, of course.

My logic starts to break down immediately when I explain that much of that belief is based on urban myth. The well-perpetuated notion that carrots can help you see in the dark, and drastically improve your eyesight in general, is actually due to World War II propaganda. In order to disguise new radar technology, the British army praised carrots as their secret weapon in obtaining night vision.

I guess their ploy worked because weve been believing it ever since.

To be fair, carrots definitely arent bad for your eyes. They are such great sources of vitamin As precursor, beta carotene that, yes, it is named after them. Vitamin A can at least help maintain good vision, and severe deficiency can contribute to loss of eyesight.

But carrots arent the winning sources of vitamin A: liver products can have up to over ten times the amount of carrots. Sweet potatoes, winter squash, and even hearty greens can all be denser vegetable sources than carrots.

On a similar note, although we typically refer to 20/20 as perfect vision, it isnt. It denotes normal visual acuity, but 20/15 or even 20/10 would be much better, as it means you can see with clarity things 20 feet away that 20/20 people can only see closer at 10 feet away.

All that said, I still choose carrots because I love them so much. Besides, I dont plan on advocating a Year of Liver any time soon.

And I still think vision is good to consider at the beginning of this new year. In the coming months, what will you be looking for? Are your eyes open to daily blessings? Are you really seeing the people around you?

So go ahead and make black-eyed peas or cornbread for New Years if you want; go ahead and make New Years resolutions if you want. But just make sure you make carrots, too.

Amanda Miller writes a column about local foods for The Hutchinson News. She teaches classes at Apron Strings and makes cheese on her familys dairy farm near Pleasantview. Reach her at hyperpeanutbutter@gmail.com

See the article here:
2020 vision for all of us - The Hutchinson News


20/20 vision in 2020: Name and claim small business success – USA TODAY

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

Rhonda Abrams, Special to USA TODAY Published 8:00 a.m. ET Jan. 1, 2020

Happy New Year and welcome to the year of20/20 Vision for Success in your small business.When someone has 20/20 vision, it means they have excellent eyesight.Solets make 2020 the year you can clearly see success ahead.

Youll need:

One of Rhondas Rules is You cant reach a goal you havent set. In other words, you have to identifythe goals you want to reach in the next 12 months. What do you want your business to become? What is your definition of success?I rarely quote the Bible in my column, but I would remind you of Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish.

The same is true in business. When you dont have a clear and sensible vision for what you want to achieve, then your business will perish.


20/20 Vision: I want you to have a really defined vision for your small business in 2020. This is more than just a vague sense of what youd love to achieve (I want to be famous. I want to be the most successful realtor on the West Side. I want to have a really successful app.). But for 20/20 vision, you need to both name and quantify your goal. (I want to launch my water use tracking app by June and get 900 users by the end of the year.)

You cant just setgoals,you need a roadmap on how to best reach those goals. Whattasks must you accomplish to reach those goals?Whatresourceswillyou needmoney, personnel?What steps are crucial? What activities should you put aside until next year?

More: Small-business owners need policies, strategy to keep the workplace safe

More: Start 2020 off right: Take 6 smart small-business steps before the end of the year

More: Looking for a small-business role model? Check out these celebrity entrepreneurs

20/20 Vision:You need a business plan.Sosit down in early January and begin working on it create both a long-term business plan and an annual plan.I believe in this so much that I wrote the book on it:Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies.

If you want something to thrive, you have to focus your attention on it. One of the most difficult challenges for small business owners is they must take care of so many competing tasks that its difficult to stay focused. In 2020, be sure toidentify the tasks that aretruly most importantto achieveyour definition of success. Make sure youfocus on thoseeven as you have to tend to day-to-day tasks.

20/20 Vision:Find yourself a good organizing tool one that works for you. It may be a software program like Trello(I just used that to manage my entire kitchen remodel) or Monday. Oryou may like to see your priorities and tasks written out on paper. My friend swears by Bullet Journaland I use a simple spiral bound notebook that is always with me.

Your business doesnt operate in a vacuum. You need to see whats going on in your industry, with your competition, with your target market.

20/20 Vision:Join an industry trade group. Subscribe to industry newsletters, listen to industry podcasts. Visit your competitors websites regularly. And read trustworthy news outlets that rely on facts.

You need to make sure you pay attention to the details of your business, not just the big picture. In particular, keep a close eye on your financial situation. Find ways and choose tools that keep your eye on your financial resources and your bottom line.

20/20 Vision:Automate as many payments as you can so theyre always made on time. Download mobile apps you have available from your accounting software programs, banks, credit cards, so you can easily and regularly check on your finances. Monitor how you send out invoices, deposit payments, pay bills so you make sure your internal processes are both safe and streamlined.

Together lets see howwe can make 2020 the best year ever.

Rhonda Abrams is the author of "Successful BusinessPlan: Secrets& Strategies," the best-selling business plan guide in the US, just released in its seventh edition.Connect with Rhonda on Facebook, and Twitter and Instagram: @RhondaAbrams. Register for Rhondas free business tips newsletter at http://www.PlanningShop.com.

Read or Share this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/usaandmain/2020/01/01/small-business-success-plan-2020/2784462001/

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20/20 vision in 2020: Name and claim small business success - USA TODAY


Do you have 2020 vision? – Mount Airy News

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

George Randall Jr.

It seems like just yesterday the calendar flipped over to the year 2000, and many were concerned about the Y2K problem; wondering if all our computers, and everything linked to them would crash. I remember certain radio (false) prophets telling everyone to go stockpile food for the end of civilization, as we know it. All that worrying for nothing.

Now here we are at the New Year 2020. God is still Almighty, and everything is still under His authority and power. He is still good and faithful to provide, protect, and give His peace to each one who trusts in Him, each day we continue here on Planet Earth. We can still trust Him with our lives.

Please receive and meditate on each Scripture. Matthew 6:25-34, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than food, and the body than raiment? Behold (look at intently, take notice, observe and consider carefully) the birds of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather (their crops) into barns; yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are ye not much better than they? If God so clothe the grass of the fieldshall He not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore (because of this great assuring truth) take no thought, saying, what shall we eat or, what shall we drink? But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Do you have 2020 vision? One of my three darling daughters works in an eye doctors office where I am also a patient. Ive been told that perfect vision for a human being is 20/20. We are now in the year 2020, and I wonder what we might see this year. I hope my friend, that our eyes will be open to the Word of God, and to the work of God. I hope we will have a clear vision for lost souls who need Jesus in this broken world. I hope we see the talents God has given us to lovingly invest in people for His Kingdom.

Is your heart available for Gods Spirit to move through, to accomplish His will and purpose? Will you lift up Jesus in witness and worship so all people will see Him, and many believe on Him? Are your spiritual eyes open? Proverbs 29:18 states, Where there is no vision, the people perish. Souls are perishing; some are dying without any clear sight of the Savior. Perhaps they would see the Savior, Jesus Christ if we would proclaim Him more boldly, and display Him more faithfully in our lives, fellow Christian. (John 4:35, lift up your eyes and look) Perhaps the lost would look deeper into the satisfying of their spiritual need if we would kindly share with them our relationship with our LORD. Is our relationship with the LORD where it should be? If not, each day is a new day. Start over!

Exodus 20:20, And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that His fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not.

First notice the location of this verse; its 20:20. I believe thats no coincidence. Even though there were no verses marked in the original Hebrew, consider Gods divine inspiration over the complete translation of His Word into the English Language, circa 1535-1560. Consider the position of this verse, and its powerful content. I believe there is a great revelation here for us to see with eyes wide open and attentive. Its about clear 20/20 vision.

Is His fear before your face, before your eyes? Do we fear God to the point of turning away from sin and its dire consequences? Do we love Him enough to embrace His righteousness, to be His children of light? I believe this will be a year for God to prove us. Websters 1828 Dictionary defines prove as, to try; to examine; to ascertain some unknown quality by an experiment, test or standard.

When we are put to the test, will we wholeheartedly rely on our Heavenly Father by faith? Will we come forth refined as silver and gold? Will we ask our Father to fill us with His Holy Spirit, to guide and rule our lives? Will we choose His Kingdom over serving self, and the vain things of this corrupt world? May our answer be yes Lord.

We are at another point of decision, at another opportunity to take the high road. Let us accept Gods mission to be agents of compassion toward desperate, but precious souls, and, may we be ambassadors of the Gospel message. In Gods Word is supernatural life changing spiritual power over darkness. Have 20/20 vision my friend. My prayer; Dear Father, In this new year of 2020, may Your Kingdom come, Your will be done in Earth, and in us as it is in Heaven; because, Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

George Randall Jr.

George Randall Jr. is the minister to youth at Rocky Ford Christian Church in Cana, Virginia.

Go here to see the original:
Do you have 2020 vision? - Mount Airy News


Faith Works: You might be surprised by what you see – The Newark Advocate

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

Jeff Gill, Guest Columnist Published 4:00 p.m. ET Jan. 3, 2020

How many ways have we seen 2020 as a year conflated with 20/20 as a measure of vision?

I was in seminary when I first heard reference to goals and planning towards the year now begun, mixing up the usual metric for clear vision with the Anno Domini, Year of Our Lord Two thousand and twenty.

And I hate to tell you, but it was 35 years ago.

Thats almost four decades of beating that metaphor into the ground, and its with a measure of relief I mark not just having lived to this date, but seeing it start to move past us. No more 20/20 riffs or reminders or relationships.

Im not a person with 20/20 vision. Ive worn glasses since third grade and probably needed them earlier than that. Im about 20/60 in one eye and 20/200 in the other.

What that means in everyday terms is that what the normal person can see at 200 feet of, say, a set of letters on a poster, I can only see at 20 feet. 20/20 vision just means that you see at 20 feet of distance what most people see from 20 feet away. Thats why a person with truly acute vision might have 20/15 vision, because they can see at 20 foot range what the basically enabled watcher would need to step five feet closer to make out.

Which is where I think the idea of labeling a visioning process for a church or any other faith community as 20/20 vision is not a sign of acuity or excellence, but youre actually asking for the average, the generally accepted. And is that the kind of vision we want in our spiritual insight?

Id hope, as a congregation, that my church members would ask and pray and work for a measure of vision that is better than the run-of-the-mill eyesight. Certainly, we dont want worse, and Im glad to have my own corrective lenses to get me roughly back up to 20/20, but our hopes for vision and anticipation should be more for . . . well, how do they measure telescopes or microscopes?

So, to see well into the future, we might want to aspire to 28x vision like a good home telescope, or for insight 100x magnification akin to a desktop microscope. Thats the kind of vision worth pursuing, dont you think?

Anyhow, 20/20 is dead-on average, and while thats useful and common, I think the year 2020 is a good time to retire that image, and maybe even rethink the whole concept of vision statements. Mission statements have been boiled down to a phrase or short set of words for quite a while now; you dont see long mission statements as a standard quote line on either business or non-profit documents very often anymore. Its not to be the leader in every market we serve, to the benefit of our customers and our shareholders or a company that builds value for its shareholders through its employees by creating an atmosphere of optimism, teamwork, creativity, resourcefulness and by dealing with everyone in an open and ethical manner. Now, youre more likely to see Peace of mind or To inspire humanity.

A vision statement should state the goal youre working together to achieve, and a mission statement your particular part of making progress towards that vision. My own congregation filed a very forward looking vision statement with the Ohio secretary of state back in 1891: To glorify God and better humanity. While we have a more recent and much longer mission statement, we work with a simplified condensation of it as Worship, Serve, Grow. Those three words offer a visitor or guest our sense of how our church is participating in that larger vision to glorify God and better humanity through the values of corporate worship, shared service, and a commitment to personal growth in spiritual maturity.

How does your church community envision the goal youre together to support? And what are you particularly called and gifted to accomplish in that pursuit as a local church? Im betting you can do better than an average, common, 20/20 vision of those ends.

Jeff Gill is a writer, storyteller, and pastor in Licking County; tell him how youre thinking about vision atknapsack77@gmail.com, or follow @Knapsack on Twitter.

Read or Share this story: https://www.newarkadvocate.com/story/opinion/2020/01/03/faith-works-you-might-surprised-what-you-see/2794032001/

Original post:
Faith Works: You might be surprised by what you see - The Newark Advocate


Unhealthy food could badly impact eyesight: Study – The Indian Express

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Published: January 2, 2020 3:20:27 pm Unhealthy food, old age eyesight, red meat, fried foods, high-fat dairy. (Source: Getty/Thinkstock Images)

Keep an eye on what you eat, as a recent study has found a link between an unhealthy diet and vision loss at an older age. After researching for around two decades, results have shown that a diet rich in red meat, fried foods, high-fat dairy, processed meats and refined grains can badly impact eyesight. The study, published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology, says there are links between a diet rich in unhealthy foods and age-related macular degeneration.

The condition that impacts the retina with age, blurs central vision that is required to see objects clearly and perform everyday activities such as reading and driving. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States, around 1.8 million people aged 40 and above are living with AMD, and another 7.3 million have a condition called drusen, which usually precedes AMD.

Senior study author Dr Amy Millen, of the University at Buffalo in New York, told Medical News Today, Most people understand that diet influences cardiovascular disease risk and obesity; however, Im not sure the public thinks about whether or not diet influences ones risk of vision loss later in life. We wanted to examine how the overall pattern of ones diet may predict later development of AMD, both early-onset and late-stage disease. What we observed in this study was that people who had no AMD or early AMD at the start of our study, and reported frequently consuming unhealthful foods, were more likely to develop vision-threatening, late-stage disease approximately 18 years later.

The study looked at 66 different food types, which they later categorised into prudent, which included healthy food and western, which includes processed, red meat, fried stuff, etc. Although the researchers found no link between early AMD and dietary patterns, they found that the incidence of late AMD was three times higher among those with a Western diet pattern.

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Unhealthy food could badly impact eyesight: Study - The Indian Express


Brain Can Combine Natural And Artificial Vision To Help Treat Common Form Of Blindness – Eurasia Review

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

Macular degeneration (AMD) causes blindness in millions of people in the Western world. It is the most common cause of severe vision loss in the Western world among those aged 50 and over, and its prevalence increases with age. Though there is no cure for AMD, significant recent advancements in artificial retina implants may lead to effective treatment.

Located inside the eye the retina contains light receptors (photoreceptors) which absorb light. Information is then processed and transmitted to the brain. The macula, the central area of the retina, processes most of the information that reaches the brain from the eye, enabling one to see while reading and driving, facial recognition, and any other activity that requires accurate vision.

In the peripheral retina, the area of the retina outside the macula that assists mainly with spatial judgment, vision is 10-20 times less precise. In AMD precise vision is impaired due to damage to the center of the retina, while peripheral vision remains normal.

When there is damage to the photoreceptor layers in the retina, an artificial retina a device built from tiny electrodes smaller in width than a hair may be implanted. Activating these electrodes results in electrical stimulation of the remaining retinal cells and results in visual restoration, albeit partially.

AMD patients implanted with an artificial retina possess a combination of artificial central vision and normal peripheral vision. This combination of artificial and natural vision is important to study in order to understand how to help the blind. One of the critical questions in this regard is whether the brain can integrate artificial and natural vision properly.

In a new study published in the journalCurrent Biology, researchers from Bar-Ilan University and Stanford University report for the first time the discovery of evidence indicating that the brain knows how to integrate natural and artificial vision, while maintaining processing information that is important for vision.

We used a unique projection system which stimulated either natural vision, artificial vision or a combination of natural and artificial vision, while simultaneously recording the cortical responses in rodents implanted with a subretinal implant, said Tamar Arens-Arad, who conducted the experiments as part of her doctoral studies.

The implant is composed of dozens of tiny solar cells and electrodes, developed by Prof. Daniel Palanker at Stanford University.

These pioneering results have implications for better restoration of sight in AMD patients implanted with retinal prosthetic devices and support our hypothesis that prosthetic and natural vision can be integrated in the brain. The results could also have implications for future brain-machine interface applications where artificial and natural processes co-exist, said Prof. Yossi Mandel, Head of Bar-Ilan Universitys Ophthalmic Science and Engineering Lab and the studys lead author.

The research was carried out in Prof. Mandels lab at the School of Optometry and Vision Science, Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences and the Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA) at Bar-Ilan Universitys, in collaboration with Prof. Palanker of Stanford University. The study was conducted by Tamar Arens-Arad in collaboration with Dr. Nairouz Farah, Rivkah Lender, Avital Moshkovitz and Thomas Flores.

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Continue reading here:
Brain Can Combine Natural And Artificial Vision To Help Treat Common Form Of Blindness - Eurasia Review


Keep an eye on your eyesight with the EyeQue Vision Tracker – Android Authority

Monday, December 30th, 2019

You may be heading into 2020 without 20/20 vision, but you can simplify the vision testing process. To cut down on optometrist visits, you can pick up an EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker for just $19.99 with our New Year promo code.

The whole process is verysimple: Just attach the EyeQue to your phone and press start. The paired app then runs through tests to help determine your Eyeglass Numbers. You cant completely abandon your doctor, but the EyeQue does make it far easier to track your prescription throughout the year.

The EyeQue Vision Tracker is no pretender either. Its an MIT-patented device that took home awards at CES 2017. If you come from a family of glasses-wearers, you can all share the same device as long as everyone has their own account.

The EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker has a retail value of $35, and the potential to save tons of time at the optometrist. You can pick up your very own for just $19.99 with the promo code 20SAVE20 at the Tech Deals checkout.

The deal wont last long so hit the widget below to take advantage.

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Is this deal not quite right for you? To see all our hottest deals, head over to the DEALS HUB.

Read the original:
Keep an eye on your eyesight with the EyeQue Vision Tracker - Android Authority


Poor nutrition increases the risk of vision loss 3 foods to include in diet to keep eyes healthy – Times Now

Monday, December 30th, 2019

Poor nutrition increases the risk of vision loss 3 foods to include in diet to keep eyes healthy   |  Photo Credit: Getty Images

New Delhi: As children sway more towards processed foods, junk and unhealthy diet, and increase their screen time with the use of smartphones, laptops, tablets, television, etc, parents often find themselves worried about the effect it may have on their eyes and their vision. Getting glasses is, of course, the solution, but it comes with added complications and responsibility, that very young children may not be able to take. Weak eyesight in childhood can also lead to vision complications as the child grows up.

According to a recent study, the parents' fear may actually be real, because a new study has linked poor nutrition with the risk of vision loss. Parents must try to include nutritious foods, especially healthy for the eyes, in their child's diet to ensure their eyes stay safe, especially during their growth years.

To ensure reduced risk of weak eyesight and vision loss, include these foods in your child's diet.

Leafy vegetables like cabbage, kale, lettuce, spinach, fenugreek, etc which are abundantly available in the winter season are very healthy and nutritious foods, especially for the eyes. Rich in calcium, iron, vitamins, and fibre, they are also a great inclusion in a diet for boosting immunity, losing weight, etc.

Oily fish rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can really work wonders for good eyesight. Tuna and salmon are the two most popular oily fishes. They are also healthy for the heart and the skin.

Protein plays an important role in keeping our eyesight healthy. Include eggs, and other protein sources of food like beans, lentils, dairy, etc to ensure that the risk of vision loss is minimized, and your child is nourished and healthy.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a professional healthcare provider if you have any specific questions about any medical matter.

Continued here:
Poor nutrition increases the risk of vision loss 3 foods to include in diet to keep eyes healthy - Times Now


Celtics’ Marcus Smart Says Eye Infections Were ‘Hell,’ Put Vision at Risk – Bleacher Report

Monday, December 30th, 2019

Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

Boston Celtics guard Marcus Smart still hasn't been cleared but is nearing a return to the court after an eye infection he described as "hell."

"Just really, really painful and really not knowing," Smart told reporters. "I thought I was going to go blind for a while. The doctors said it was the worst case of viral conjunctivitis that they've seen, so basically I was a guinea pig to see how to handle this if it ever happens again with anybody else.

"But it was the worst pain that I've been through in a very long time, and I don't wish it on anybody. But I'm here. The eyes feel better. I'm still trying to adjust to some lights, light sensitivity. But everything, the contagious part is gone. They cleared me. They said from here on everything should be OK. I still have to see them kind of on a daily basis. They say it's so my cornea doesn't get white spotted behind it and mess up my eyesight. So it's definitely a process. It's an annoying process, but I'm just blessed to be able to come back and get through this."

Smart said doctors told him they were afraid the infection had gotten so bad it would permanently affect his vision:

"The way it was going, they were so worried about it affecting my cornea and my vision, so it was a little scary. At first we thought it was an allergic reaction, because I broke out in hives like the day before my eyes started having allergic reaction. But we caught it so early that the same symptoms came off, and then about three days later it transferred from my left eye to my right eye, and that's when we ruled out that an allergic reaction was the cause. They said it was a virus called the (adenovirus), and it was caused by having a cold already and being sick, so it makes sense because right before that, those two days after the Denver game, Dec. 6th, the 7th and 8th, I came down with an allergic reaction and a really bad cold."

"The Celtics actually sent me home, because I was feeling really bad, and it just kind of broke my immune system down and opened it up for everything else. Everything else in my body went haywire. It was just some unfortunate events that happened, but on the good side, I got to rest and heal up the injuries that I had and just let my body do what it does."

Smart has been out nearly three weeks due to the virus, but he did travel with the Celtics to their Christmas Day game against the Toronto Raptors. He's averaging 11.8 points, 4.6 assists and 3.4 rebounds while shooting 38.3 percent from the field and defending the best wing player on the opposing roster every night.

The Celtics have managed to stay afloat with Smart out of the lineup, posting a 4-2 record, including three straight victories heading into Christmas.

Thankfully, it appears the worst is over and Smart will be back out on the floor sooner than later.

Read more here:
Celtics' Marcus Smart Says Eye Infections Were 'Hell,' Put Vision at Risk - Bleacher Report


How 63-year-old Benin grandpa discovered herbal remedy that improves eyesight, treats glaucoma, cataracts without eyedrops – Daily Post Nigeria

Monday, December 30th, 2019

If youre tired of struggling with poor eyesight, specifically someone who wants to improve their vision, reverse glaucoma, cataract, near-sightedness and wants to stop using glasses, then here is good news.

I have discovered a natural herbal remedy that has helped over 2,742 Nigerian men, women and children restore eyesight, improve vision and cure severe eye problems within few weeks.

You see, I was once in your shoes, I used to battle severe eye problems that made me had blurred vision, dry itchy eyes.

But my eye doctor told me I could only live with it, so my optician kept on recommending eye glasses lens (or spectacles) so I could manage it to improve my vision.

But, as time went by this became ineffective, caused several eye irritations and also negatively affected my self esteem.

3 years later, my eye condition had worsened after several eye exams, I was diagnosed with glaucoma in the right eye.

Again, several solutions like eye drops, pills and surgery was recommended.

Eye surgery which was the best long term treatment was really expensive, and even comes with its own side effects after several months or years.

So, I decided to start using eye drops just so I could manage to see because at this point, I was literally going blind.

You see, the problem with eye drops is that most of them came with serious side effects, so one has to continue changing them until you see the most suitable one.

Sadly, within few months I used over 5 eye drops.

While for over the counter eye drugs, they take almost forever to work and give you perfect eye so you keep on spending and spending on the drugs for several years.

So, I decided to start searching for an alternative solution, something herbal that comes with no side effects and will naturally reverse glaucoma, cataracts, near-sightedness, and other severe eye problems.

But the entire situation changed when I came in contact with an old time friend, Uwem, he used to work in a particular eye clinic in Abuja .

We have been friends since our NYSC days for over 7years till date. Although, it has been a long time we spoke because he relocated to Canada to continue his profession.

We started talking as usual, and he asked me about my eye condition, if it has improved for better.

I explained how I was already tired of looking for solution to the eye problem, and how I have spent lots of money on drugs, supplements, eye drops and glasses, desperately looking for solution but without any improvement, insteadI was almost getting blind instead!

He explained that most people wearing eye glasses suffer from myopia (nearsightedness), glaucoma and cataract.

He later explained that there ispermanent cure for most of the eye problems, and natural remedy that helps treat and reverse glaucoma, cataract, myopia and other severe eye problems.

Most of these cases he has handled in the eye specialist clinic he works with in canada, and his patients improved their eyesight, and they never had to wear glasses or go for expensive eye surgery again.

But sadly, the solution is very rare to find because its imported, specially for Eye clinics in the USA, UK, Canada and some developing African countries as well.

That was when he introduced me to aspecial herbal teathat have been in existence for several years, that help cures severe eye problems, reverse cataract, glaucoma and myopia.

At first, I was shocked and surprised. But he told me the exact plant extracts contained inside the herbal tea, and how they improves overall eyesight health and restores vision.

I quickly pleaded with him to help me send a complete supply of the herbal tea. The next morning, I quickly sent the money to him.

After about a week, the complete supply of the herbal tea was delivered to me.

Immediately, I started it using it as prescribed (serving size of 1 tea bag in morning, and 1 tea bag in the evening).

To my surprise, in less than 2 weeks of using it, it was almost like a miracle cure to my eyesight problem and it helped improve my vision.

My eyes became crystal clear, my vision was never blurry again, and I started to feel that my glaucoma was gone.

To ensure it was really effective,I had to give the same herbal tea to about 2 of my colleagues in a different branch office, and some of my relatives using spectacles just to confirm if it could help them improve their eye health and cure eye problems.

Within 30 days or less of using it, all of them came back to testify that this herbal tea helped them improve their eyesight and cure eye problems like cataracts, glaucoma, near-sightedness, hyperopia, and blurry vision, and they didnt have to continue wearing glasses anymore.

To ensure that this solution really works, I went to my eye doctor, just to be completely sure be about it.

After several eye exams, he confirmed that my eye was much better than before, and that the herbal tea also contained some ingredients that are very rare to find, but are highly effective in improving eyesight naturally

Without wasting time, let me introduce you to the Herbal Remedy that Has Helped me and over 642 Nigerian men and women Improve Eyesight, vision and PROVEN to cure Severe Eye Problems

Eye Restore Tea

Eye Restore Teais a herbal remedy formulated to treat and permanently cure all kinds of eye problems such as glaucoma, myopia, hyperopia, cataracts and lot more

It helps restore your eyesight, promotes eye health and improves vision.

Eye Restore Tea is made up of finely blended plant herbal extractssuch as bilberry extract, chrysanthemum, chinese wolfberry, cassia seed and green tea.

A pack of eye restore tea contains 20 tea bags, which you use daily, morning and evening.

The best part is that the Eye Restore tea is purely herbal, comes without any side effect and curative for the treatment of most eye problems. And within few days of taking this herbal tea, you can start seeing improvement in your vision and eye health.

Eye Restore Tea has the highest standard of approval by International FDA bodies. Its produced in the best, biggest and professional tea manufacturing factory withcertificate of GMP Good Manufacturing Practice, HACCP, Food Production License, QS etc.

So you can be sure that, Eye Restore Tea is Safe, 100% Herbal and Healthy, No Side Effects.

Do you want to dump your glasses, and also put an end to using expensive eye drugs that takes almost forever to work?

Then pay attention to this.

Eye Restore Teais made of herbal extracts, that after several years of research, scientist prove that these herbs help eliminate any form of eye problems, gives a crystal clear eye, improves eye sight and vision naturally.

Heres how this special herbal tea works

When you order for the Eye Restore Tea, each pack contains 20 tea bags. Put 1 tea bag in the cup, add boiled water, you can add honey or lemon (depending on your taste). Drink the tea in the morning when you wake up, and in the night before bed.

Within 3 weeks or less, I can guarantee that it will cure whatever eyesight problem you are experiecing at the moment. It will improve and perfect your eyesight, you will be able to read better anytime of the day. It will help you see comfortably without your glasses.

THATS how powerful it is.

Right now, my eyes are crystal clear, no more blurry vision, I see clearly without my eye glasses, glaucoma has gone, and no more cataracts.

And after this worked for me, Ive gone to share this amazing eye restore secret with almost everyone (family, friends and collegues) that I know that uses spectacles, or have severe eye problems for many years.

And once they started using Eye Restore Tea, they experienced similar results, their joy knew no bounds and they were able to dump their glasses, save money on expensive drugs and eye drops.

While it has also helped them to have a much improved vision, eyesight and totally natural cure to glaucoma, cataracts, myopia, hyperopia, eyestrain and other eye problems.

And to Prove It, Here Are What People Who Have Used theEye Restore Tea Are Saying About it, and How TheyveSeen Great Results Using it

For over 3 years of having glaucoma in my right eye, Ive been eye drops that my eye doctors prescribed. After using it for a long time, I noticed that the eye was becoming useless, and I only had my left eye for all purpose.Until I came accross Eye restore tea, I decided to use it instead. Within few weeks, I began to see better. I went to the Eye center, and after the examination doctor say that my eye has improved and the IOP has dropped.Thanks so much for this wonderful solution that saved my eyes

James Gwarimpa, Abuja=================

I suffered from Glaucoma for about 2 years now, and I had to use eye drops to control it. But the eye drops have serious side effects that made me uncomfortable so I had to keep changing them and used 5 types of eye drop.Luckily, a friend introduced me to Eye restore tea, so I decided to give it a trial. My vision now have improved up to the extent that I no longer need spectacles or any eye drop again.

Mrs. Tolulope Ketu, Lagos===============

Immediately after my cataract sugery, I used to have a foggy or cloudy vision and colors are not vivid as they were. I got corrective sight vision lens, and after many months I still get this blurry vision sometimes which is frustrating.

My wife helped me order for the Eye Restore tea, and I decided to use it, within 6weeks, my eyesight is clear and has corrected itself with time. Ive gone on to recommend this for my elder brother with similar eye problems. Thanks so much for this miracle tea

Mr. Victor Onitsha, Anambra

============ After seeing an opthalmologist for an eye exam, it was revealed an eye pressure of 25 in both eyes, and my right eyes looked suspicious for glaucoma. I continued using eye drops.

I stumbled upon your eye restore tea product, and decided to go for it. Within few weeks of using the tea, am seeing obvious changes, and finally stopped using eye drops. i will keep you updated on my progress, really appreciate this!

Olawale warri, Delta

Truth is, I could load more and more testimonials from these people who have used the Eye Restore tea but it will only be saying the same thing this product works like crazy!

As you have seen, these people were once like you suffering form similar eye conditions that were a threat to their vision, but they took action got the Eye Restore tea and cured severe eye problems.

As we speak lots of people are raving about this natural miracle eye treatment solution. I wonder what happens when people begin to post experiences and testimonials on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.)

Customers will continue telling friends, and the news keeps on spreading like wildfire.

By word of mouth, theres so much huge demand, supplies are going off the shelf fast even my colleagues and inner circle friends picked up 143 packs of the Eye Restore Herbal tea.

So, there are just 257 packs remaining.

The miracle eye treatment solution is spreading like wildfire and demand is so heavy much of the stocks are running out fast.

Right now, thousand of people are on this website and stocks are extremely limited.

We have no idea when the next stocks will arrive, so get your supplies now while you can.

The best part is, you can get it at an affordable discount price when you place order right away.

I cannot assure you will get it at the same discount price if you procrastinate.


Let me ask you whats something like this worth?

What would it be worth to be able to see clearly again, without spending lots of money on presciption pills, eye drops or expensive surgery?

What would it be worth to improve all aspects of your vision using a natural solution that completely reverses glaucoma, cataract, shortsightedness and other eye problems?

A natural solution that makes you never scared again about having dry itchy eyes, blurred vision, or even worse going blind.

So that, you will be able to enjoy your eyes, watch tv, read newspapers, reports, documents without depending on your glasses ever again.

Eye restore tea, is like giving you a brand new set of perfect eyeballs faster, more safer, and more easily.

What would that be worth?

You see, you wont pay a lot for this miracle herbal tea.

And if you go ahead and get it now, you will enjoy

=> the discount introductory price

=> 100% FREE Shipping to every state in Nigeria

=> Payment at the point of delivery (or at your DOORSTEP)

This means you will pay for the products only when it has been brought down to you face to face by our courier company or delivery man.

Heres a breakdown of the price (depending on the supply you are ordering for)

Yes, at this affordable price youll get access to this miracle tea that improves your vision, reverses glaucoma, cataract, shortsightedness and other severe eye problems.The specially recommended option is for 2Months supply, so you get perfect results from it, and youll never have to spend money again on this.

Also, the 2months supply is for a severe Glaucoma, cataract, shortsightedness, etc. and also for people who have done (or considering) eye surgery, but still experience eye pains, blurred vision and other eye complications.

However, both the 1month supply and 2months supply options will give tremendous results when you make use of them.

But to Make It Even Better, When You Order for the 2MONTHS Supply of Eye Restore Tea, You will Also Get a FREE BONUS ENCLOSED to Your Parcel *NOT available anywhere else

Heres how to get it: When you order for 2months supply of the Eye Restore tea at N45,000 you will get your own free bonus of the Nature Tea that helps in the treatment of high blood pressure etc.

See the original post:
How 63-year-old Benin grandpa discovered herbal remedy that improves eyesight, treats glaucoma, cataracts without eyedrops - Daily Post Nigeria


The Witcher Henry Cavill almost had vision impaired by contact lenses – Somag News

Monday, December 30th, 2019

In an interview, Henry Cavill revealed that his eyesight was almost impaired by wearing contact lenses in The Witcher. In the series, his character Geralt has yellow eyes:

I could only wear the lenses three hours at a time, well, I should only wear three hours at a time. The problem is not getting dry eyes, but the eyes are the only part of the body that receives oxygen from the air and not from the blood. So if you leave them covered for a long time, you are not receiving oxygen and after a long time it can harm your eyes. Not worth it.

Cavill stated that his ophthalmologist warned him to take the lens off after a certain period of time, but he was a little stubborn and thought it was okay to continue filming a bit more. She said I could start going blind after a while.

The star revealed that the most dramatic moment was after a few shootings in the Canary Islands, when the dust of the place got behind the contact lenses and began to scratch his eyes. Cavill thought he was just tired, but his doctor found him and advised, There came a point where she found me hiding in the shadows, because everything was so clear. I said I was fine, but she said the recordings wouldnt continue until I took the lens off.

The rest is here:
The Witcher Henry Cavill almost had vision impaired by contact lenses - Somag News


Cautiousness of visually impaired people results in increased falls risk, study finds – AOP

Monday, December 30th, 2019

People with visual impairment are more cautious when stepping over obstacles but this increased their risk of falls, a new study has found.

Published in Scientific Reports and performed at Anglia Ruskin University, researchers simulated blurred vision in participants before asking them to negotiate at 10cm high obstacle under a specified time. Researchers recorded how participants negotiated the obstacle and where their gaze.

Researchers reported that participants with impaired vision raised their lead foot 43% higher and 10% slower than the control group. Furthermore, this affected participants stability.

The study observed that those with visual impairment also showed 32% more anxiety than the control group, regardless of time. They also looked down more often and for longer when completing the task.

Study author and director of the Vision and Eye Research Institute at the Anglia Ruskin University, Professor Shahina Pardhan, explained: Walking with vision loss requires significantly more mental effort, and this research shows that even when performing a simple task like stepping over an obstacle, people with sight problems have considerable anxiety about falling, particularly when they might be in a hurry.

Image credit: Pixabay/MabelAmber

Visit link:
Cautiousness of visually impaired people results in increased falls risk, study finds - AOP


I dont wish it on anybody: Marcus Smart details pain, severity of his eye infections – Boston.com

Monday, December 30th, 2019

TORONTO Celtics guard Marcus Smart said the eye infections that have sidelined him since Dec. 9 have been hell, and that the condition was so severe there were some concerns he could permanently lose some of his vision.

It was the worst pain that Ive been through in a very long time, Smart said before Wednesdays 118-102 victory over the Raptors, speaking to the media for the first time since he was sidelined. I dont wish it on anybody. But Im here. My eyes feel better.

Smart said doctors initially thought he was having some kind of allergic reaction, but that was ruled out after the issue spread to from his left eye to his right eye, and he was diagnosed with viral conjunctivitis. He said doctors told him it was the worst case they had ever seen.

The greatest concern, Smart said, was that the virus could spread to the back of his corneas, which could possibly cause permanent damage to his vision.

It was painful, it was burning, it was really hard, Smart said. I couldnt see. I had outdoor sunglasses everywhere. Even in the dark, I was wearing sunglasses. It was that bad.

Smart said his eyes were sealed shut with discharge every morning and doctors had to pry the mucus out just so he could open them.

I was bleeding tears every time they did it, for like a day, he said. They did that for about four days straight. The first day was probably the worst, just because it built up so much that it started to scab under my eyelids, and they had to open the scab and then pull it out. It felt like they were putting needles in my eyes.

Smart, whose eyes appeared sleepy Sunday but no longer as puffy as they did earlier this month, said he is still undergoing daily checkups to ensure that there is no issue with his corneas. He is using two kinds of eye drops each day, which is a small sign of progress, because previously he was using three.

He is still adjusting to light he said he could not even watch television initially and that he has lost about six pounds since he contracted the virus. He said if there is a silver lining to this ordeal, its that the time off has allowed his other bumps and bruises to heal.

Smart was scheduled to complete an on-court workout prior to the Celtics game against the Raptors on Wednesday. He said he feels like he is about 80 percent ready to return. He does not expect to play against the Cavaliers on Friday, but could be back soon after that.

Its definitely a process, Smart said. Its an annoying process. But Im just blessed to be able to come back and get through this.

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Read more from the original source:
I dont wish it on anybody: Marcus Smart details pain, severity of his eye infections - Boston.com


Marcus Smart nearly lost sight from infection; plans return soon – Celtics Wire

Monday, December 30th, 2019

For a little while, Boston Celtics guard Marcus Smart worried he might lose his sight.

Already out to a variety of illnesses and injuries, the Texan developed a severe eye infection which spread from one to both eyes instead of healing in the usual seven-to-ten day period his doctors anticipated.

At first, they thought it could be the result of an allergic reaction, but soon realized it was viral, specifically conjunctivitis and the worst theyd ever seen.

As it spread, concern arose it could permanently damage his vision should it affect the back of his corneas, reports the Boston Globes Adam Himmelsbach.

It was painful, it was burning, it was really hard, explained Smart. I couldnt see. I had outdoor sunglasses everywhere. Even in the dark I was wearing sunglasses.

It was that bad, he added.

It was literal torture for his doctors to care for him, requiring prying open eyes crusted shut with the pus his eyes generated to flush the virus out of his system.

I was bleeding tears every time they did it, for like a day They did that for about four days straight. The first day was probably the worst, just because it built up so much that it started to scab under my eyelids, and they had to open the scab and then pull it out. It felt like they were putting needles in my eyes

Now nearly back to normal but six pounds lighter for his efforts the Oklahoma State product feels about 80 % of his usual self. He doesnt expect to play in Fridays game against the Cleveland Cavaliers, but could perhaps return for the home rematch with the Toronto Raptors.

While the ordeal was a terrible one, it did force the always-ready Smart to rest long enough to get entirely healthy, something the Flower Mound native was having difficulty letting himself do before the infection nearly robbed him of his sight.

It goes without saying that the 25-year-old would prefer an alternate path to complete health in the future, though. It was the worst pain that Ive been through in a very long time, Smart said.

I dont wish it on anybody. But Im here. My eyes feel better.

Read the original here:
Marcus Smart nearly lost sight from infection; plans return soon - Celtics Wire


Curious Kids: how do magpies detect worms and other food underground? – The Conversation AU

Monday, December 30th, 2019

How do magpies detect worms and other food sources underground? I often see them look or listen, then rapidly hop across the ground and start digging with their beak and extract a worm or bug from the earth Catherine, age 10, Perth.

You have posed a very good question.

Foraging for food can involve sight, hearing and even smell. In almost all cases learning is involved. Magpies are ground foragers, setting one foot before the other looking for food while walking, called walk-foraging. It looks like this:

Finding food on the ground, such as beetles and other insects, is not as easy as it may sound. The ground can be uneven and covered with leaves, grasses and rocks. Insects may be hiding, camouflaged, or staying so still it is hard for a magpie to notice them.

Read more: Curious Kids: why is a magpie's poo black and white?

Detecting a small object on the ground requires keen vision and experience, to discriminate between the parts that are important and those that are not.

Magpie eyes, as for most birds, are on the side of the head (humans and other birds of prey, by contrast, have eyes that face forward).

To see a small area in front of them, close to the ground, birds use both eyes together (scientists call this binocular vision). But birds mostly see via the eyes looking out to the side (which is called monocular vision).

This picture gives you an idea of what a magpie can see with its left eye, what it can see with its right eye and what area it can see with both eyes working together (binocular vision).

You asked about underground foraging. Some of that foraging can also be done by sight. Worms, for instance, may leave a small mound (called a cast) on the surface and, to the experienced bird, this indicates that a worm is just below.

Magpies can also go a huge step further. They can identify big scarab larvae underground without any visual help at all.

Scarab larvae look like grubs. They munch on grassroots and can kill entire grazing fields. Once they transform into beetles (commonly called Christmas beetles) they can do even more damage by eating all the leaves off eucalyptus trees.

Here is the secret: magpies have such good hearing, they can hear the very faint sound of grass roots being chewed.

We know this from experiments using small speakers under the soil playing back recorded sounds of scarab beetle larvae. Magpies located the speaker every time and dug it up.

So how do they do it? Several movements are involved.

To make certain that a jab with its beak will hit the exact spot where the juicy grub is, the magpie first walks slowly and scans the ground. It then stops and looks closely at the ground seemingly with both eyes working together.

Then, holding absolutely still, the magpie turns its head so the left side of the head and ear is close to the ground for a final confirming listen.

Finally, the bird straightens up, then executes a powerful jab into the ground before retrieving the grub.

That is very clever of the magpies. Very few animals can extract food they cant see. Only great apes and humans were thought to have this ability. Clever magpies indeed. And farmers love them for keeping a major pest under control.

Read more: Curious Kids: Why do birds sing?

Hello, curious kids! Have you got a question youd like an expert to answer? Ask an adult to send your question to curiouskids@theconversation.edu.au

Original post:
Curious Kids: how do magpies detect worms and other food underground? - The Conversation AU


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