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Current weather forecast for Hobbs, NM
Zip codes: 88240, 88242.
Hobbs city income, earnings, and wages data
Estimated median house or condo value in 2013: $106,484 (it was $48,400 in 2000)
Median gross rent in 2013: $927.
Hobbs, NM residents, houses, and apartments details
Profiles of local businesses
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Latest news from Hobbs, NM collected exclusively by from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations
Ancestries: Irish (5.9%), German (5.7%), United States (5.0%), English (4.8%), Italian (1.0%).
Current Local Time: MST time zone
Incorporated in 1929
Elevation: 3621 feet
Land area: 18.9 square miles.
Population density: 1,961 people per square mile (low).
3,094 residents are foreign born (10.2% Latin America).
According to our research of New Mexico and other state lists there were 48 registered sex offenders living in Hobbs, New Mexico as of May 15, 2016. The ratio of number of residents in Hobbs to the number of sex offenders is 729 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is near the state average.
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2013: $698 (0.5%) Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2013: $410 (0.4%)
Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Odessa, TX (74.2 miles , pop. 90,943).
Nearest city with pop. 200,000+: El Paso, TX (202.3 miles , pop. 563,662).
Nearest city with pop. 1,000,000+: San Antonio, TX (354.9 miles , pop. 1,144,646).
Nearest cities: North Hobbs, NM (2.1 miles ), Nadine, NM (2.5 miles ), Monument, NM (3.1 miles ), Eunice, NM (4.3 miles ), Lovington, NM (4.5 miles ), Denver City, TX (5.0 miles ), Seminole, TX (5.3 miles ), Seagraves, TX (6.1 miles ).
Number of permits per 10,000 residents
Latitude: 32.71 N, Longitude: 103.14 W
Daytime population change due to commuting: +2,335 (+6.5%) Workers who live and work in this city: 11,466 (75.4%)
Area code: 505
(click on a table row to update graph)
Crime rate in Hobbs detailed stats: murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, arson Full-time law enforcement employees in 2012, including police officers: 84 (75 officers).
This city's Wikipedia profile
Hobbs, New Mexico accommodation, waste management, arts - Economy and Business Data
Work and jobs in Hobbs: detailed stats about occupations, industries, unemployment, workers, commute
Based on data reported by over 4,000 weather stations
Hobbs-area historical tornado activity is significantly above New Mexico state average. It is 36% smaller than the overall U.S. average.
On 5/17/1954, a category F3 (max. wind speeds 158-206 mph) tornado 22.3 miles away from the Hobbs city center .
On 4/19/1969, a category F3 tornado 27.4 miles away from the city center caused between $500 and $5000 in damages.
On 4/14/1995 at 00:32:56, a magnitude 5.7 (5.6 MB, 5.7 MS, 5.7 MW, Depth: 11.1 mi, Class: Moderate, Intensity: VI - VII) earthquake occurred 168.8 miles away from the city center On 1/2/1992 at 11:45:35, a magnitude 5.0 (4.6 MB, 5.0 LG, Depth: 3.1 mi) earthquake occurred 26.2 miles away from Hobbs center On 6/16/1978 at 11:46:54, a magnitude 5.3 (4.4 MB, 4.6 UK, 5.3 ML) earthquake occurred 139.7 miles away from the city center On 12/19/2005 at 20:27:40, a magnitude 4.3 (4.3 MB, 4.1 MW, Depth: 3.1 mi, Class: Light, Intensity: IV - V) earthquake occurred 83.0 miles away from the city center On 5/23/2004 at 09:22:05, a magnitude 4.0 (4.0 MB, 4.0 LG, Depth: 3.1 mi) earthquake occurred 84.0 miles away from Hobbs center On 3/14/1999 at 22:43:17, a magnitude 4.0 (4.0 MD, 4.0 LG, Depth: 0.6 mi) earthquake occurred 87.1 miles away from the city center Magnitude types: regional Lg-wave magnitude (LG), body-wave magnitude (MB), duration magnitude (MD), local magnitude (ML), surface-wave magnitude (MS), moment magnitude (MW)
Causes of natural disasters: Fires: 2, Hurricane: 1 (Note: Some incidents may be assigned to more than one category).
Birthplace of: Colt McCoy - College football player, Ryan Bingham - Male singer, Rob Evans - College basketball coach, Bill Bridges (basketball) - Basketball player, Mike Chenault - Politician, Allen Haynes - College basketball player (New Mexico State Aggies), Mike May (Iowa politician) - Politician, Ronald Ross - College basketball player (Texas Tech Red Raiders), Scott Terry - Baseball player, Timmy Smith - Former professional football player.
Political contributions by individuals in Hobbs, NM
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Notable locations in Hobbs: Dal Paso Center (A), Heritage Square (B), Hobbs Weather Station (C), New Mexico Junior College Parnell Library (D), College of the Southwest Scarborough Memorial Library (E), Hobbs Public Library (F), City of Hobbs Fire Department Station 3 (G), City of Hobbs Fire Department Station 1 (H), City of Hobbs Fire Department Station 2 (I). Display/hide their locations on the map
Shopping Centers: Broadmoor Shopping Center and Mall (1), Broadmoor Shopping Center (2), Bel Aire Shopping Center (3), Downtown Mini Mall (4). Display/hide their locations on the map
Churches in Hobbs include: Church of the Nazarene (A), Grace Lutheran Church (B), First Church of Christ Scientist (C), Church of Christ (D), Taylor Saint Church of Christ (E), Christian Center (F), Aldersgate Church (G), Nadine Baptist Church (H), Calvary Baptist Church (I). Display/hide their locations on the map
Cemeteries: Memdry Gardens (1), Memorial Park Cemetery (2). Display/hide their locations on the map
Parks in Hobbs include: Harry McAdams State Park (1), Oil County Historical Marker (2), Heizer Park (3), Eagle Stadium (4), Bender Park (5), Humble Park (6), Green Acre Park (7), Hobbs Historical Marker (8), Bensing Park (9). Display/hide their locations on the map
Tourist attractions: Lea CO Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western Heritage Center (Museums; 5317 North Lovington Highway) (1), New Mexico Junior College - Cowboy Hall of Fame & Museum- Public-Community Serv (5317 North Lovington Highway) (2), Libraries-Public - Hobbs (Cultural Attractions- Events- & Facilities; 509 North Shipp Street) (3), M & M Tours (Tours & Charters; Po Box 247) (4), New Mexico Discus (Tours & Charters; 6401 North Lovington Highway) (5). Display/hide their approximate locations on the map
Hotels: Lamplighter Motel (110 East Marland Street) (1), Best Western Executive Inn (309 North Marland Boulevard) (2), Best Inn (501 North Marland Boulevard) (3), Hobbs Inn (722 North Marland Boulevard) (4), Sands Motel (1300 East Broadway Street) (5), Western Holiday Motel (2724 West Marland Street) (6), Desert Hills Motel (129 South Marland Place) (7), Relax Inn (509 N Marlan Blvd) (8), Econo Lodge (619 North Marland Boulevard) (9). Display/hide their approximate locations on the map
Courts: New Mexico - State - Magistrate Court- Division No 2- Employment Services Divi (2110 North Alto Drive) (1), Social Security Administration (501 East Bender) (2), Lea - County - Hobbs- Teen Court (801 North Linam Street) (3). Display/hide their approximate locations on the map
Air pollution and air quality trends (lower is better)
Air Quality Index (AQI) level in 2013 was 64.5. This is about average.
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) [ppb] level in 2013 was 4.19. This is significantly better than average. Closest monitor was 0.7 miles away from the city center.
Ozone [ppb] level in 2013 was 30.9. This is about average. Closest monitor was 1.4 miles away from the city center.
Particulate Matter (PM10) [g/m3] level in 2013 was 18.9. This is about average. Closest monitor was 0.7 miles away from the city center.
Particulate Matter (PM2.5) [g/m3] level in 2013 was 8.34. This is about average. Closest monitor was 1.1 miles away from the city center.
Detailed information about poverty and poor residents in Hobbs, NM
Educational Attainment (%) in 2013
School Enrollment by Level of School (%) in 2013
Presidential Elections Results
1996 Presidential Elections Results
2000 Presidential Elections Results
2004 Presidential Elections Results
2008 Presidential Elections Results
2012 Presidential Elections Results
Graphs represent county-level data. Detailed 2008 Election Results
5.81% of this county's 2011 resident taxpayers lived in other counties in 2010 ($37,469 average adjusted gross income)
6.07% of this county's 2010 resident taxpayers moved to other counties in 2011 ($40,120 average adjusted gross income)
Fatal accident count (per 100,000 population)
Most commonly used house heating fuel:
Top Patent Applicants
Total of 13 patent applications in 2008-2016.
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