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Archive for the ‘Blindness’ Category

Beware Of This ‘Thief Of Sight’ That Can Gradually Cause Blindness – malaysiandigest.com

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

Details Published on Thursday, 02 March 2017 08:32 Written by Thorsten Marquardt

Glaucoma, the silent thief of sight, is a group of diseases caused by damage to the optic nerve in the eye.

Without any warning signs or symptoms it will slowly take away the affected persons eye sight and can even cause blindness if not treated appropriately.

Tanaletchimy Rajaratnam, 63, felt completely healthy and had no symptoms at the time she was diagnosed with high eye pressure during a routine eye screening in the UK.

With high eye pressure being the number one cause for glaucoma, she decided to start the treatment right away.

Taking the risk seriously, going for regular checkups and starting with the treatment early enough helped keeping the diseases progress at bay.

This is the reason why today, 10 years after she was diagnosed with glaucoma, her eye sight has not been significantly affected.

Without early detection and swift action, this could have played out very differently.

Another patients son, Mr Wong, told MalaysianDigest, at the Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital that his 75 year old father had been affected by glaucoma for a long time without even noticing it.

Only after the disease had already severely damaged his eyes and even started to cause pain, he finally consulted a doctor.

Without appropriate treatment, he is now at risk of going blind.

Before being diagnosed with the disease, like most people, both patients werent even aware of its existence. Like many other glaucoma patients in Malaysia, Wong andTanaletchimy accounts of the onset of the disease highlights the invisible nature of this condition until it is too late.

The Malaysia Glaucoma Society had produced the following public announcement about this disease a few years back to create awareness of this 'silent thief of sight'.

The World Glaucoma Week held in March each year takes place on 12 to 18 March 2017 and to help raise awareness, we have decided to highlight this often 'invisible' illness and look at a local eye hospital's role in helping glaucoma patients.

The Silent Thief Of Sight

If the optic nerve that connects the eye to the brain is too damaged, it will not be able to send an accurate and complete picture to the brain causing reduced eye sight.

This results in people having blurry vision and a restricted field of view or missing objects in their view.

Glaucoma usually comes without any symptoms and often stays undetected for a long time.

Not always, but very often, glaucoma is caused by high eye pressure damaging the optic nerves.

To be more specific, glaucoma usually develops when the production of an eye fluid called aqueous humour either increases or fails to drain properly.

This causes the pressure in the eye to rise which can damage the fibres in the optic nerve resulting in interruptions to the transmission of visual messages to the brain.

Eye drops are used to reduce the eye pressure and keep it stable to prevent further damage to the nerves.

Eye pressure is the main cause for glaucoma, but not required for its development.

People with normal eye pressure can still be affected, while people with high eye pressure are more likely to be at risk but dont necessarily develop the disease.

It is estimated that half of the people affected by glaucoma do not know that they have it, which is a serious problem because if left undetected and untreated it can lead to blindness.

According to the World Health Organization, Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness worldwide and it is estimated that 4.5 million persons globally are blind due to glaucoma.

If left untreated, most types of glaucoma progress (without warning nor obvious symptoms to the patient) towards gradually worsening visual damage and may lead to blindness, states the World Glaucoma Association.

Since there is no cure, the damage caused to the optic nerves and the reduced eye sight are irreversible, therefore it is important to detect it early.

There is no cure for glaucoma as yet, and vision loss is irreversible. However medication or surgery (conventional or laser) can halt or slow-down any further vision loss. Therefore, early detection is essential to limiting visual impairment and preventing the progression towards severe visual handicap or blindness, states the World Glaucoma Association.

Everybody Is At Risk Of Glaucoma

Datuk Dr. Linda Teoh, a full time consultant ophthalmologist and glaucoma specialist at the Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital (THONEH), told MalaysianDigest that everybody can be affected by glaucoma.

There are certain risk factors, like for example high eye pressure and a family history, but the disease can affect anyone.

It is not just about the eye pressure. The eye pressure might be normal but the person can still develop glaucoma. There can also be people with high eye pressure but no glaucoma. Too many people look only at the eye pressure, she said.

People with high eye pressure are at a much higher risk of getting glaucoma and it is generally assumed that people with a family history of glaucoma already have a 1 in 4 chance of developing the disease.

There are, however, many other factors that come into play.

Everybody is potentially at risk of developing glaucoma, but there are certain risk factors that increase the likelihood.

People above the age of 60, people with diabetes, people who have used steroids for a long period of time and people with physical eye injuries are also at a higher risk.

Some ethnicities are more prone to the disease than others.

The Glaucoma Research Foundation found that African Americans are more likely to be affected by glaucoma than Caucasians.

The ingredients of certain weight loss appetite suppressant pills are also linked to an increased risk.

In Malaysia around 1.8 percent of the population is affected by glaucoma and, according to surveys, only 21 percent of the population are even aware of the disease.

Since glaucoma is very unpredictable, can affect anyone and comes without warning, routine eye checkups, measuring eye pressure and conducting visual field tests are crucial in detecting and treating the disease early enough to avoid major irreversible damage to the eye sight.

Education And Cooperation Between Doctor And Patient Are The Key To A Successful Treatment

When it comes to treating glaucoma, it is very important that the patient and the doctor are on the same page.

Since glaucoma is a disease that continuously gets worse while causing irreversible damage, regular checkups and adjustments to the treatment are very important.

In order to keep the disease from progressing, it is required to keep the eye pressure low and stable.

Datuk Dr. Linda Teoh, a full time consultant ophthalmologist and glaucoma specialist at the Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital (THONEH)Glaucoma is actually a group of diseases causing damage to the optic nerve of the eye. By controlling the eye pressure, the drops can slow down the progress of glaucoma, Dr. Linda explained.

I think what is important is education. Patients should know the nature of the disease and understand how it progresses.

Despite the aggressive nature of the disease and lack of cure, it is possible to prevent the loss of eye sight through appropriate treatment.

This, however, can be costly, time consuming and requires the patients to actively take an interest in informing themselves about the disease and be compliant with their medication.

Dr. Linda thinks that a lack of education and knowledge about the disease leads many patients to be neglectful and hamper the effectiveness of the treatment.

They feel there is no improvement in spike of treatment. They fail to understand the nature of the disease. Then they blame the doctor if they dont get better. They always want to improve, but what they dont understand is that Glaucoma cannot be improved; its progress can only be slowed down. What they need is education, she said.

In order to successfully treat the disease and prevent it from progressing, patients have to go for regular checkups, use the prescribed medicine correctly, meet doctors regularly to adjust the treatment based on changing conditions and undergo surgery (to control the eye pressure) if the necessity arises.

The drops used to reduce the eye pressure, for example, have to be adjusted regularly depending on whether the eye pressure are effectively controlled in order to avoid fluctuations that damage the optic nerve further.

Dr. Linda opined that patients who are either too uninformed and ignorant about the disease or dont trust the doctors are more likely to fail at properly treating the disease.

Tanaletchimy, who managed to slow down the progress of the disease by being very proactive and engaged with her doctors also sees cooperation between doctors and patients as the most important factor.

Just listen to what the specialists have to say. They are the experts. You must have confidence in the doctor and just follow what the doctor suggests, she said.

According to Dr. Linda, education, cooperation with the doctor, early detection and early treatment are the most important factors in successfully treating glaucoma.

In conjunction with the World Glaucoma Week 2017 starting from March 12, the Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital (THONEH) will be hosting an open day on 22 March 2017 (Wednesday).

There will also be a presentation ceremony and a series of programmes including an eye health talk open to the public. For further information, contact THONEH at 603-7718 1588 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Originally posted here:
Beware Of This 'Thief Of Sight' That Can Gradually Cause Blindness - malaysiandigest.com


‘Treasure map’ identifies first genetic clues to form of blindness – Blue Mountains Gazette

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

27 Feb 2017, 6:11 p.m.

Researchers have identified genetic clues which could reveal a person's risk of going blind.

Tom Doumani thought something was up when he started having trouble reading street signs while driving. Letters seemed to be missing and, if the street name was an unfamiliar one, he had no way of guessing what it might be.

It was enough to prompt him to go and get his eyes tested. However the results showed his long distance vision was fine.

Unconvinced all was as it should be, he mentioned it to his GP who referred him to an eye specialist. This time the tests picked it up. Dr Doumani had the rare and rather awkwardly named Macular Telangiectasia type 2.

Like many rare conditions, little is known about what causes "MacTel 2", which in scientific circles is known as idiopathic juxtafoveal telangiectasia. Idiopathic meaning "of unknown cause".

However that may have changed, thanks to research led by Melbourne scientists which has found "a treasure map" revealing the location of the genetic triggers behind this little-understood form of blindness.

Outlined in the journal Nature Genetics, it is the first clue as to what causes MacTel 2, an incurable and untreatable degenerative disease which affects people from age 40 upwards.

The condition is characterised by an abnormal growth of blood vessels in the macula. Patients lose their central vision and tasks such as driving and reading can become impossible.

The international study was led by Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research scientists Melanie Bahlo and Thomas Scerri.

The research team, including scientists in New York and London, analysed more than 6 million genetic markers in the genome of patients with the condition and compared them to those without.

Among the 476 people diagnosed with MacTel 2, genetic similarities were found in five key regions of the genome.

Curiously four of the five regions are associated with a person's metabolism. Those with MacTel 2 recorded lower levels of the basic amino acids glycine and serine.

"That was a bit of a surprise to say the least," Professor Bahlo said.

The fifth region identified, in what Professor Bahlo has described as "our treasure map", is tied to the size of retinal blood vessels.

"This is the first time we have been able to say with certainty that this is a genetic condition," she said. "And the map tells us where to 'keep digging' in order to discover the specific genes implicated in MacTel 2."

Identifying the specific genes would lead to improved diagnostic testing for the disease which is notoriously difficult to identify and also developing ways to prevent or stop its progression.

Diagnosed in 2012 at the age of 61, retired corporate banker Tom Doumaniwas among theMelbourne participants, sourced through Centre for Eye Research Australia. Heknows that while he may not benefit directly from participating in the study, he is contributing to the global search for a cause or cure.

"To help advance the knowledge, that's what appealed to me in taking part," he said. "I had no hesitation in participating."

The story 'Treasure map' identifies first genetic clues to form of blindness first appeared on The Sydney Morning Herald.

See more here:
'Treasure map' identifies first genetic clues to form of blindness - Blue Mountains Gazette


World-first genetic clues point to risk of blindness — ScienceDaily – Science Daily

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017
World-first genetic clues point to risk of blindness -- ScienceDaily
Science Daily
Scientists have discovered the first evidence of genes that cause Macular Telangiectasia type 2 (MacTel), a degenerative eye disease which leads to blindness ...

and more »

Read more:
World-first genetic clues point to risk of blindness -- ScienceDaily - Science Daily


Did you know diabetes can cause blindness? – Londoner

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

Diabetics who may be experiencing vision loss without realizing it are the target of a new awareness campaign St. Josephs Health Care London hopes will lead to more screening.

Vision loss can be sneaky, said London-based optometrist, Harry Van Ymeren, in a news release. In my practice, I have seen it many times. People think they are fine and we discover a problem. The point of screening is to catch it before it becomes too late.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that prevents the body form making or using insulin, in turn increasing sugar levels in the blood stream. The development of early-onset cataracts and glaucoma is more likely for people who have diabetes, but Tom Sheidow, an ophthalmologist at the Ivey Eye Institute, said the main threat is the effect of diabetes on the retina, the part of the eye that allows you to see.

This is why screening early and often is so important for those with diabetes, he said. Diabetes can affect all blood vessels in your body, including those inside your eye. Diabetic eye damage, also called diabetic retinopathy, occurs when there is a weakening of the blood vessels in the retina that can result in swelling, the abnormal growth of blood vessels, and potentially severe bleeding. If diabetic retinopathy is left untreated, blindness can result.

According to St. Joes, estimates put the number of people in Canada with some form of diabetic retinopathy at around two million. It is the most common cause of blindness in people under age 65 and the most common cause of new blindness in North America.

Sarah MacArthur was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of three and has been cautious with her care because she understands the importance of screening. MacArthur said she has discovered symptoms of diabetic retinopathy in the past four years because of screenings with Van Ymeren.

I had no signs at all, she said. There was nothing that prompted me or made me think something was wrong with my vision. We are keeping a close eye on any changes so we know immediately if there is a concern.

A routine eye examination is all it takes to diagnose potentially threatening changes that can cause blindness. But once damage has occurred, the effects can be permanent.

People who feel completely healthy are the focus of this diabetes vision screening awareness campaign, said Sheidow. Anyone with diabetes (both type 1 and type 2) should have their vision checked.

Referrals to an optometrist from a family doctor are not required and in Ontario, the cost of an eye exam for people living with diabetes is covered through OHIP. Resources to locate an optometrist are available at opto.ca. For communities without an optometrist, an ophthalmologist is an option, said Van Ymeren.

It doesnt matter if you see an ophthalmologist or an optometrist, as long as you get your eyes checked. Yearly screening is free for people with diabetes.

For more information, visit diabetesvisionscreening.ca

Read more:
Did you know diabetes can cause blindness? - Londoner


Wayne State University scientists discover the Zika virus can … – Fox17 – Fox17

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

DETROIT Scientists with Wayne State University say they are the first to publish research to show the Zika virus can damage retina cells in the eyes, and in some cases cause blindness.

The key message of the study is that indeed the Zika virus can cause damage, said Dr. Ashok Kumar, microbiologist and assistant ophthalmology professor with Wayne State University School of Medicine at the Kresge Eye Institute.

Dr. Kumar led a team which launched research in July to publish their study in JCI Insight, the Journal of Clinical Investigation Feb. 23.

Using mice Dr. Kumar says the Zika virus can infect and cause lesions in retina cells, causing damage and in some cases cause blindness. Their research showed the Zika virus mostly killed cells specifically lining the blood-retinal barrier, the retinal endothelium, and retinal pigment epithelium.

Zika virus can actually infect those cells, and we did studies and we found it can replicate in those cell types and ultimately it kills those cells, said Dr. Kumar.

Their study builds on existing research published May 2016 in the Journal of the American Medical Association Ophthalmology that linked the Zika virus to eye problems. Researchers showed that some infants born with congenital Zika infection and microcephaly-or significantly smaller head and underdeveloped brain-in the northeast state of Brazil, Bahia, they also had problems in their retinas, other organs, and some hearing loss.

Pretty much the whole eye can be infected with the Zika virus, said Dr. Gary Abrams, ophthalmology professor with Wayne State University School of Medicine at the Kresge Eye Institute, who assisted Dr. Kumar with the clinical aspect of this study.

Dr. Abrams says about one third of infants born with Zika will develop eye issues they have discovered, whereas 15 percent of adults with Zika will have some sort of ocular impact, but most do not get a retinal infection.

This is a virus thats fairly pervasive: once the infection occurs it can be pretty much all over the body, including in the eyes, in the tears, and elsewhere, said Dr. Abrams.

Currently, Dr. Kumar says they are continuing research in hopes of developing methods to track and treat Zika infections. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is no known treatment at this time.

There are so many questions we dont know, said Dr. Kumar. First thing is: how does the virus replicate? How long is it going to replicate? And what will be the visual outcome.

The big question really is that Zika virus was discovered in 1947, so its about 70 years, and why suddenly is it becoming so prevalent?

View original post here:
Wayne State University scientists discover the Zika virus can ... - Fox17 - Fox17


Genetic clue to form of blindness could lead to early diagnosis – ABC Online

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

Posted February 28, 2017 17:44:11

The first genetic indicator of an eye disease which results in blindness has been discovered by an international team of researchers.

The degenerative eye disease Macular Telangiectasia type 2, or MacTel, is incurable and usually strikes people who are over the age of 40.

Up until now identifying a possible cause for the disease has been difficult.

Scientists are unsure as to how many Australians have MacTel, but they estimate somewhere between 500 and 1,200.

The disease affects the macular the centre of the eye said Professor Melanie Bahlo, from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne.

"What happens is blood vessels dissolve and start growing into the centre of the eye, and that leads to blindness," she said.

"And there's also the crystalline deposits that form."

This leads to a gradual loss of central vision over a period of 10 to 20 years, impacting people's use of their sharp vision for tasks like driving and reading.

There were also signs that there could be genetic predispositions for MacTel in certain people.

"You can get several family members [with the disease], in the worst case scenario," Professor Bahlo said.

"That usually means that there's a genetic basis to the disease."

To find out more, researchers collaborated with teams in London and New York to analyse the genetic data of nearly 500 MacTel patients, and 1,700 people without the disease.

Professor Bahlo said they carried out statistical analysis of DNA data from about 6 million markers in the genome of patients with the condition and then compared them to those without.

They found genetic similarities in five key regions of the genome.

Professor Bahlo said four of the five genome regions identified were connected with two crucial amino acids and the fifth region was connected with the size of blood vessels in the retina.

She likened the discovery of the five genetic risk locations to a "treasure map" and said scientists would now keep digging to find out more about the genes associated with MacTel.

Professor Bahlo said they hoped the discovery would eventually help identify people at risk of developing the eye disease.

"For the first time we know a pathway to investigate the future by medical research with future studies in the lab," she said.

"We'll try and validate those findings further. But we've also got some potential biomarkers which will help us diagnose the disease, which is difficult to diagnose, and just pinpoint people who may have faster or slower progression."

The study will be published in the journal Nature Genetics.

Topics: dna, science-and-technology, genetics, cloning-and-dna, eyes, diseases-and-disorders, health, medical-research, research, melbourne-3000, australia, vic

Continue reading here:
Genetic clue to form of blindness could lead to early diagnosis - ABC Online


Americans Are Terrified of Going Blind – Esquire.com

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

Americans are a fearful lot. In 2016, one survey found 60 percent of Americans feared corrupt government officials, 41 percent feared a terrorist attack, and 35.5 percent were afraid of Obamacareall fears they channeled into an election. In a separate survey conducted at Johns Hopkins, a majority of Americans (47.4 percent) said loss of sight was the "worst possible" health problem someone could go through. Now, ironically, 56 percent of Americans are afraid they'll lose their health insurance. Blindness, for those keeping track, is often preventable with regular healthcare.

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In a study of 2,044 adults, blindness was ranked as more dreaded than loss of hearing, memory, speech, a limb, or contracting HIV/AIDS, according to The New York Times, because it would have the worst perceived effect on quality of life and a person's independence. Adult blindness is usually caused by four diseasescataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, and age-related macular degenerationthe signs of which can be detected pretty early on by an eye doctor.

With access to an ophthalmologist and a desire for preventative healthcare, that's one major American fear taken care offor now. Shall we tackle government corruption next?

Original post:
Americans Are Terrified of Going Blind - Esquire.com


Aids for Vision Loss, From Those Who’ve Been There – New York Times

Monday, February 27th, 2017

New York Times
Aids for Vision Loss, From Those Who've Been There
New York Times
But he insisted, Blindness does not cut me off from the world. He cited skillful use of a cane, travel devices that tell him where he is and what is around him and periodicals available in real time by telephone among myriad other gadgets that see ...

Read more here:
Aids for Vision Loss, From Those Who've Been There - New York Times


Retinopathy of Prematurity and Childhood Blindness: Why is it Still Happening – The Ring of Fire Network

Monday, February 27th, 2017

Several years ago, an article published in the Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company Digest reported that the size and amounts of malpractice judgments were discouraging ophthalmologists from doing screenings for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).

The issue was addressed over twenty years ago in a letter from an ophthalmologist to the administration of the hospital where he was employed as well as the state medical board. The letter outlined the reasons for his decision to no longer perform ROP screenings:

Guidelines from the Cryotherapy of Prematurity Study must be followed exactly. The timing of the evaluation and follow-up visits are critical. This is often not under the physicians control (i.e., patients family compliance to follow-up visit requests is at times marginal). The risk of liability in these cases is high. The emotional trauma of dealing with any kind of litigation is great.

A few years later, a study published in Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society indicated that doctor errors in ROP examinations are fairly common. One of the problems addressed in that piece is inconsistency.

While the standard of care for specialists is national, it does not necessarily apply to general practitioners. When it comes to primary care physicians or pediatricians, the standard of care is determined on a local or regional basis, and can differ from one jurisdiction to the next.

It also comes down to the question of who bears the most responsibility when it comes to diagnosing and treating ROP. Obviously, the pediatricians or neonatologist is part of the equation. However, because this is an eye and vision issue, input from an experienced ophthalmologist is also necessary. This is especially important because this professional is held to a higher standard of care and has dedicated his/her career to the study of vision issues.

This said, the majority of ROP cases that generate lawsuits found the failure occurred when it came to transferring care of the patient after being discharged from the hospital. In a study of 13 legal actions involving ROP, three were found to be due to delayed follow-up examinations. In another case, there was failure on the part of the screening facility to refer the outpatient case to the ophthalmologist, while one case centered around an unsupervised resident physician who was charged with care of the patient. In the remaining eight cases, the hospital did not transfer the case at all once the patient had been discharged.

The main point is that most cases of ROP are treatable and even preventable. However, this requires communication and coordination between the pediatrician, the neonatologist, the ophthalmologist and the family affected. All involved parties should also have access to knowledge of the latest guidelines for screening and treatment. In an age of cost-cutting and belt-tightening, however, this does not always occur; and unfortunately its the family and child who end up suffering an immeasurable loss.

Original post:
Retinopathy of Prematurity and Childhood Blindness: Why is it Still Happening - The Ring of Fire Network


‘Treasure map’ identifies first genetic clues to form of blindness – The Sydney Morning Herald

Monday, February 27th, 2017

Tom Doumani thought something was up when he started having trouble reading street signs while driving. Letters seemed to be missing and, if the street name was an unfamiliar one, he had no way of guessing what it might be.

It was enough to prompt him to go and get his eyes tested. However the results showed his long distance vision was fine.

Unconvinced all was as it should be, he mentioned it to his GP who referred him to an eye specialist. This time the tests picked it up. Dr Doumani had the rare and rather awkwardly named Macular Telangiectasia type 2.

Like many rare conditions, little is known about what causes "MacTel 2", which in scientific circles is known as idiopathic juxtafoveal telangiectasia. Idiopathic meaning "of unknown cause".

However that may have changed, thanks to research led by Melbourne scientists which has found "a treasure map" revealing the location of the genetic triggers behind this little-understood form of blindness.

Outlined in the journal Nature Genetics, it is the first clue as to what causes MacTel 2, an incurable and untreatable degenerative disease which affects people from age 40 upwards.

The condition is characterised by an abnormal growth of blood vessels in the macula. Patients lose their central vision and tasks such as driving and reading can become impossible.

The international study was led by Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research scientists Melanie Bahlo and Thomas Scerri.

The research team, including scientists in New York and London, analysed more than 6 million genetic markers in the genome of patients with the condition and compared them to those without.

Among the 476 people diagnosed with MacTel 2, genetic similarities were found in five key regions of the genome.

Curiously four of the five regions are associated with a person's metabolism. Those with MacTel 2 recorded lower levels of the basic amino acids glycine and serine.

"That was a bit of a surprise to say the least," Professor Bahlo said.

The fifth region identified, in what Professor Bahlo has described as "our treasure map", is tied to the size of retinal blood vessels.

"This is the first time we have been able to say with certainty that this is a genetic condition," she said. "And the map tells us where to 'keep digging' in order to discover the specific genes implicated in MacTel 2."

Identifying the specific genes would lead to improved diagnostic testing for the disease which is notoriously difficult to identify and also developing ways to prevent or stop its progression.

Diagnosed in 2012 at the age of 61, retired corporate banker Tom Doumaniwas among theMelbourne participants, sourced through Centre for Eye Research Australia. Heknows that while he may not benefit directly from participating in the study, he is contributing to the global search for a cause or cure.

"To help advance the knowledge, that's what appealed to me in taking part," he said. "I had no hesitation in participating."

Read the original:
'Treasure map' identifies first genetic clues to form of blindness - The Sydney Morning Herald


The sorghum plant that could tackle blindness – Devex

Monday, February 27th, 2017

Sorghum farmer Dorothy Warubua in Kiatine Village, Kenya. Photo by: CropLife

Up to half a million children around the world are going blind every year due to a lack of Vitamin A in their diets. According to the World Health Organization,Vitamin A deficiency, which afflicts 250 million children worldwide is the leading cause of preventable blindness in children and increases the risk of disease and death from severe infections. It is a public health problem in more than half the worlds nations, especially in Africa and Southeast Asia, affecting young children and pregnant women in low-income countries the hardest.

In Kenya, scientists are tackling this problem by developing biofortified sorghum, a staple crop that has been genetically modified to contain higher levels of Vitamin A. More than 300 million sub-Saharan Africans depend on sorghum as their primary calorie source. Its drought- and heat-tolerant properties mean it is a vital crop in drought-prone countries, where irrigation is not always accessible or affordable. Improving the nutritional level of staple crops can provide both food and nutritional security.

TheAfrica Biofortified Sorghum, or ABS, project is a public-private partnership established to tackle chronic Vitamin A deficiency in children, as well as improve levels of zinc and iron. If it gets commercial approval, it will be the first-ever biotech sorghum on the market. LikeGolden Rice, biofortified sorghum is a cutting-edge approach to food security and quality.

In terms of tonnage, sorghum is Africas second most important cereal and because it originated in east Africa, Africans know how to plant, cook and eat it. Dr. Titus Magomere, a lecturer in biotechnology at Kenyatta University,is one of 70 scientists involved in the ABS project. He says it is the obvious crop to focus on.

With the work that I am doing with biofortified sorghum, we are not trying to change the way people live, we are just improving the available nutrients in what they already have, he said.

Dr. Magomere and his team have already increased the Vitamin A available in sorghum test plants.

This is the first step, he explained. The second step has been to increase availability of iron and zinc and this has been done by reducing the levels of a protein that binds iron and zinc in the plants. We hope once the product is ready, a meal of sorghum, which will be available to the local farmers, will reduce nutritional deficiencies significantly.

Farmers like Dorothy Warubua from Kenya are hoping to take these scientific advancements from the lab to the fields.

With the work that I am doing with biofortified sorghum, we are not trying to change the way people live, we are just improving the available nutrients in what they already have.

When I was young, many people grew sorghum, but then people were encouraged to grow other crops, and started looking down on sorghum, she said.

Farmers were encouraged to grow maize in particular, but after a number of poor harvests, the Kenyan Ministry of Agriculturesupported the reintroduction of sorghum.

Sorghum needs very little rain. If you plant sorghum and maize at the same time, the sorghum will succeed but the maize often will not so that's why we prefer sorghum, says Warubua.

A reliable harvest also means a more secure source of nutrition and income for farmers and their families.

You have to have a farmer who is going to harvest so that the people will eat, emphasizes Warubua.

WithFood Heroeslike Warubua growing food for her community, and Magomere enhancing micronutrients in staple crops, the chronic nutritional deficiencies that haunt millions of African children can start to be addressed.

Were looking for more farmers and scientists to tell their story. Help us uncover the men and women who are securing food supplies for future generations so we can share their story. Submit your Food Heroes stories or your own story here.

Join the Devex communityand access more in-depth analysis, breaking news and business advice and a host of other services on international development, humanitarian aid and global health.

The rest is here:
The sorghum plant that could tackle blindness - Devex


Empathize with deaf-blindness in world’s 1st interactive space … – Times of India

Sunday, February 26th, 2017

Ahmedabad: Picture this: You walk into a room and after two steps inside, you are past a curtain and you can't see anything-there isn't a single ray of light. There is 'white noise' in the background that is suppressing all other sounds around. Your only guide is the walls and things you can touch and the smells you can identify. The thought may either be intimidating, disturbing or even adventurous and beautiful. Such is the space designed by city-based space designer duoFreyaan Anklesaria and Mirant Tiwarito let people experience the life of a deaf-blind person for a few minutes. In fact, it is the world's first interactive space to emulate deaf-blindness. Known as 'SenseX', indicating Sensory Experience, the interactive space is created with a view to making people empathize with deaf-blindness, a disability even though long-prevailing in India, that was recognized as a disability in the last winter session of the Parliament with the new disabilities bill. At present, the installation of the experiential space is kept at the campus of Blind People's Association. "Deaf-blind people lose 95% of their input information as their receptive sensory organs are impaired. Our idea is not to let people get disturbed but rather let them experience the life of a deaf-blind person and see beauty through their eyes," explained Freyaan, who is a city-based interior designer. "The space is still being improvised with minor changes to make the experience more wholesome," she added. The entire project is funded by Sense International India, an NGO which is working to address multi-sensory impairment, mainly deaf-blindness. Sharing more details about the project, Mirant, who is the co-founder of Hats & Beards, a design agency, said, "Initially during the research phase, we looked for existing spaces that were designed to simulate deaf-blindness so that we get an idea to implement them better. While we came across experiential spaces for deafness and blindness separately, we did not come across a single one that lets one experience both."

View post:
Empathize with deaf-blindness in world's 1st interactive space ... - Times of India


Wayne State study finds Zika virus may cause blindness – Crain’s Detroit Business

Friday, February 24th, 2017

Crain's Detroit Business
Wayne State study finds Zika virus may cause blindness
Crain's Detroit Business
A study released Friday by a team of Wayne State University researchers in Detroit shows that Zika virus may cause blindness. The report, led by microbiologist Ashok Kumar, found that the virus can spread and damage tissue in the eye's retinal cells ...
Wayne State Vision Researchers Show Zika Virus Can Damage Retina and Cause BlindnessInfection Control Today

all 2 news articles »

The rest is here:
Wayne State study finds Zika virus may cause blindness - Crain's Detroit Business


Blindness charity returns as partner for Recency Run – Leamington Observer

Thursday, February 23rd, 2017

BRITISH Blind Sport is returning as a charity partner for the Wright Hassall Regency Run.

Organised by the Leamington and District Round Table the 10k run takes place on Sunday April 2.

The Leamington-based charity which helps blind and partially sighted people to get active and play sport are hoping to encourage more people of all running abilities to become guide runners.

Following the success of the Rio Paralympics the profile of disabled sport is higher than ever and the charity wants runners of any ability to run the 10k and raise funds for them to support their Find a Guide service which pairs visually impaired runners and guide runners.

Fundraising manager for British Blind Sport, Ian Carr, said: The Regency Run is a fantastic event and were really grateful to the Round Table for once again supporting us this way.

The event has really helped us to raise the profile of British Blind Sport in Warwickshire and funds raised will support our guide running programme so we can continue our work in providing sporting opportunities for visually impaired people.

And Mark Chambers from the Round Table added: This is our 13th year hosting the Regency Run, and we hope to see more entries than ever before.

There is always such a good atmosphere and a great sense of community so it should be a fantastic day.

The run has helped to raise thousands of pounds for British Blind Sport over the last few years and were looking forward to supporting the work of the charity again.

Visit http://www.regency10k.co.uk to enter and http://www.britishblindsport.org.uk for further details.

* A WARWICK community centre can continue delivering youth sport activities thanks to cash raised by the Regency Run.

The Gap Community Centre has received 2,000 and will receive 4,000 more over the next two years from the Leamington Round Table as a result of funds raised by the Regency Run.

Based in Oakwood Grove, the donation allows the community centre to fund a youth worker for a whole year to deliver sport activities for young people at the centre.

More than 2,000 people visit the centre each month, with activities available for babies through to the elderly.

Gap director Marcos Campos said they were grateful for the funding.

He added: We are the only universal provision for young people in Warwick, other than after-school clubs, and funding like this is essential to allow us to continue providing this unique provision in the area.

We only charge members 60p a session, 1.20 for non-members you wouldnt get that anywhere else. Those who cant afford to pay, dont pay at all, we want everyone to be able to access the activities we offer here.

Originally posted here:
Blindness charity returns as partner for Recency Run - Leamington Observer


A look into four eye diseases that could lead to blindness – The Hindu

Thursday, February 23rd, 2017

The Hindu
A look into four eye diseases that could lead to blindness
The Hindu
A recent study from researchers at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that most Americans regard loss of eyesight as the worst ailment that could happen to them, surpassing such conditions as loss of limb ...

View post:
A look into four eye diseases that could lead to blindness - The Hindu


Premature deliveries causing blindness in babies – ETHealthworld.com

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

Mysuru: India witnesses 3.5 million premature deliveries annually, and 9% of those cases result in blindness among newborn babies, said child specialist Dr Vamanrao Bapat.

Dr Bapat was speaking at a district-level convention of Samadrushti Kshamata Vikasa and Anusandhana Mandala (Samakshama) at Nadabrahma Sangeet Sabha on Sunday. "Cases of premature deliveries are on the rise in country. Now, we have better medical facilities to take care of premature babies," he said.

"Earlier, blindness was caused due to bacterial infections, firecrackers and accidents. But now, premature deliveries are the cause, and they are happening due to ignorance during pregnancy and lack of periodical medicare," he said, adding: "Government-sponsored health programmes have reduced or eradicated some diseases. Measles and rubella vaccination drive is also being carried out across the country. It will improve the health among children."

District disabilities officer H R Srinivas said that department is restlessly working to help the disabled.

"Providing them education and medical assistance is our priority. In the district, 15 private schools are functioning for differently abled children. Besides distributing artificial limbs, the department has been providing them financial assistance so they are self-reliant," the officer claimed.

On the occasion, Samakshama honoured Dr Madhura, an eye specialist practising in Mysuru for the past three decades, Manjunath, visually challenged who has done PhD in political science, and Ullas Nayak, a hearing impaired international table tennis champion.

Legal expert Vaidyanathan explained about Disabilities Act and its benefits for the disabled. Earlier in the day, hundreds of visually impaired, hearing impaired and physically challenged persons took out Integration Rally around the venue.

See the original post:
Premature deliveries causing blindness in babies - ETHealthworld.com


Carl Bildt’s blindness to Sweden’s immigration failure is dangerous and pathetic – The Rebel

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017

In typical leftist arrogance and denial, Sweden's former Prime Minister Carl Bildt, denied there was anything wrong with Sweden on Twitter after President Trump made reference to the sad state of the European country.

During a rally in Florida, Trump said You look at whats happening in Germany, you look at whats happening last night in Sweden. Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. Theyre having problems like they never thought possible.

MORE: 10 stories that prove Sweden is the world's most PATHETIC country

Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound, Bildt tweeted out, somehow equating what Trump said with a terrorist attack. But I guess this is what happens when the only search engine you use happens to be The Pirate Bay.

While it is unknown what event Trump was originally talking about, he explained himself on Twitter by saying, My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on Fox News concerning immigrants & Sweden.

Not exactly the most optimal choice of words by The President, but the problems with Sweden far outweigh Trump's lightning jump in chain of thought. It's nothing new for him. And neither are the issues with Sweden and the denial on full display.

What complete utter cucks like Carl Bildt do is pretend there's nothing wrong. They deny, deny, deny and it gets to a point where even they believe themselves.

Sweden is by far the biggest joke of the western world. It's the shining example of how NOT to do immigration. You see, how things should be is when someone comes to your country, they assimilate into your culture, not the other way around. Alas, in Sweden, the latter occurs.

In fact, crime rates for migrants in Sweden are easily manipulated, as shown by reports that the Swedish government is covering up huge migrant crime sprees.

In a super viral Facebook post earlier this month, a 47-year-old veteran police officer revealed just how bad things are in the ultra-liberal country.

I've handled Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, off of, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, Rape again, extortion again and ill-treatment, Peter Springare wrote.

MORE: Sweden is actually trying to kill its language by replacing 'Standard Swedish' with 'migrant-inclusive accent'

Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again Christopher... what is it true. Yes a Swedish name snuck on the outskirts of a drug crime, Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again, he added.

Countries representing the weekly all crimes: Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown, unknown country, Sweden. Half of the suspects, we can't be sure because they don't have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they're lying about your nationality and identity.

So, while Journalist Ami Horowitz says the Swedish government is deliberately covering up migrant crime, Carl Bildt linked to an article claiming to 'debunk' Sweden migrant myths along with the caption To whom it might concern: here is what is happening in Sweden. All in all a rather pleasant place.

Why anyone would believe someone who puts his head in the sand over a groundbreaking journalist is beyond me. But this is very typical for the rape capital of Europe as a whole.

So, with everything in mind about how migrant crime gets covered up, the amount of migrant crimes that fall through the cracks and gets reported on is still staggering. But of course, Sweden pretends it doesn't have an issue.

Sweden has become so obsessed with pleasing its Islamic captors, bringing up Stockholm Syndrome would just be a low blow. But a deserving one nonetheless.

This is the country that takes crosses off of churches to appease Muslims.

This is the country that decides to teach children in Arabic because of a decline in migrant school performances.

This is the country that blames non-traditional gender roles for rapes.

This is the country that actually considered giving ISIS terrorists DRIVERS LICENCES if they return 'home'.

This is a country so far off the left-wing deep end, they actually had a bloody feminist snow removal program. You can't make this shit up. It's absolutely laughable to the point where you'd think it's parody. This is utterly embarrassing and any proud Swedes probably cry themselves to sleep humming Where has my country gone.

Carl Bildt's see/hear/speak no evil mindset is beyond parody. It's dangerous to the point where Sweden doesn't recognize the grave it's dug for itself. Sweden has effectively signed its own death warrant with out of control immigration and left-wing governments that could make Montreal blush, all while remaining perfectly ignorant to the world around them.

Problems will NEVER be fixed if they're never discussed.

The left's love affair with radical Islam is a match made in hell. Not to give you any ideas that you will surely implement, but how long until the cross on Sweden's flag gets replaced with a crescent moon?

Read this article:
Carl Bildt's blindness to Sweden's immigration failure is dangerous and pathetic - The Rebel


Outlook Nebraska – Omaha World-Herald

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017

We achieve this mission through many means, but our primary service is employment, which is provided to the blind and visually impaired in an Omaha-based converting operation that supplies a full line of 100 percent recycled fiber content tissue and towel products to the U.S. Government and other customers.

The largest employer of the blind and visually impaired in Nebraska and the only agency of its kind in a seven-state region, ONI offers additional services for our associates and blind neighbors in our community, including social activities, education, technology and adaptive aids training, and health and wellness programs.

The vision of ONI is to be the premier provider of choice for exceptional employment, training, and experiences that allow the blind and visually impaired to realize their personal and career goals.

Outlook Nebraska, Inc. is a private, nonprofit agency qualified as a 501(c)3 organization under the Internal Revenue code and registered as a charitable corporation in the State of Nebraska. The organization operates under the Javits-Wagner-ODay (JWOD) Act and the AbilityOne Program, which mandates the Federal government to provide preferred vendor status to agencies such as ONI who employ persons who are blind or have other significant disabilities. As a result, in addition to empowering the blind and visually impaired to achieve independence and an increased quality of life. ONI is an economic engine that brings valuable government business to the Omaha metro area.

In addition to product sales, Outlook Nebraska, Inc. is supported by donations from individuals, foundations, and corporations. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by state and federal law. To make a donation, contact John Wick.

Read more from the original source:
Outlook Nebraska - Omaha World-Herald


Spotting the illness that can cause sudden blindness – BBC News

Monday, February 20th, 2017
Spotting the illness that can cause sudden blindness
BBC News
Every year in the UK, 3,000 people's sight is damaged by a condition called giant cell arteritis. The symptoms can appear very suddenly and end in irreversible blindness. Dr Saleyha Ahsan met a group of people who've been affected and explains what to ...

and more »

See more here:
Spotting the illness that can cause sudden blindness - BBC News


Nonprofit seeking to cure blindness up for $100M grant – Deseret News

Monday, February 20th, 2017

WATERBURY, Vt. A nonprofit group co-founded by a University of Utah professor working to cure blindness in Nepal and other developing countries is one of eight semifinalists for a $100 million grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

The Himalayan Cataract Project, based out of a rented office in a church parsonage in Vermont, has been working for years to train local health care providers to perform cataract and laser surgery in Nepal and other countries.

The organization was co-founded in 1995 by Nepalese Dr. Sanduk Ruit and Dr. Geoff Tabin, formerly of the University of Vermont Medical Center and now at the University of Utah.

"They had a shared motivation that the right to sight is a human right and that no one anywhere in the world should receive care of a different or lower quality," said Job Heintz, chief executive officer of the nonprofit formed in 2003 to carry out the doctors' vision. It now has 10 employees and an annual budget of about $9 million.

The organization has provided eye care for thousands of patients over the years by training health care providers and providing equipment and other infrastructure.

"The quality of eye health care has dramatically risen, nowhere better than in Nepal," Heintz said.

The Chicago-based MacArthur Foundation recently announced that the Cataract Project was chosen as semifinalist from among 1,904 proposals for the $100 million grant program. The foundation says the competition is for "proposals promising real progress toward solving a critical problem of our time in any field or any location."

The winner would receive the entire $100 million.

Other semifinalists include Catholic Relief Services in Baltimore, which is working to change the way children are cared for in orphanages; and the Carter Center in Atlanta, which is working to eliminate river blindness in Nigeria.

The winner will be chosen in December.

The Cataract Project got its start at the Tilganga Eye Centre in Kathmandu, Nepal, which performed its first outpatient cataract surgery in 1994. Ruit and Tabin started the Cataract Project a year later.

The Tilganga Centre now sees about 1,000 patients a day for a variety of eye care needs.

Tabin worked at what is now the University of Vermont Medical Center from 1995 to 2005. The project opened Vermont offices in Waterbury and Norwich in 2003.

The Cataract Project already has expanded its operations to a number of other countries, but the grant would be to expand operations in Nepal, Ethiopia and Ghana.

If it wins the grant, the organization would increase the work it currently does, such as training doctors and support staff in their home countries and at other locations, including the United States.

"We know what we would do with every dollar," Heintz said.

Excerpt from:
Nonprofit seeking to cure blindness up for $100M grant - Deseret News


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