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Archive for the ‘Biotechnology’ Category

The Mystery about Cyanide Taste

Sunday, April 14th, 2013

What is potassium cyanide??

A chemical compound with the chemical formula KCN is commonly known as the Potassium cyanide. This is a colorless crystalline compound, highly soluble in water and is similar in appearance as that of sugar. Potassium cyanide is considered to be highly toxic in nature. Potassium cyanide is considered to be one of the most deadly compounds being discovered till date.

Production of Potassium Cyanide:

Potassium Cyanide can be produced mainly by treating hydrogen cyanide in the presence of a fifty percent of an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide. After that the aqueous solution is either evaporated in a vacuum or by treating the form amide in the presence of potassium hydroxide. On an average per year approximately fifty thousand tons of potassium cyanide are being produced all over the world.

Use of Potassium Cyanide:

Potassium Cyanide is mainly used for the purpose of electroplating, organic synthesis of a number of chemical compounds, gold mining and so on. In accordance with the large scale use of Potassium Cyanide, it is also used in smaller scale applications like in the jewelry manufacturing industry for chemical buffing and gliding. Other than those mentioned earlier, Potassium Cyanide is also used by the entomologists as it is an excellent killing agent, and it has the unique capability of causing minimum damage to the highly fragile specimens.

Mystery about Potassium Cyanide:

Since, the time of its invention, the biggest mystery that has been surrounded with Potassium Cyanide, is about the taste of it. Due to the fact that Potassium Cyanide is exceedingly poisonous substance and can cause death of a person in seconds, the taste of it has remained a mystery or a fact yet to be known to the world. Though, many researches and tests have been conducted to find the taste of Potassium Cyanide but none of them could come up with the appropriate result.

Different views about the taste of Potassium Cyanide:

There has been number of views among the scientists about the taste of the Potassium Cyanide, some of them are as follows:

· Since on hydrolysis of KCN, the resultant compound that are formed are KOH and HCN, which are strong base and weak base respectively, Potassium Cyanide is confirmed to be basic nature. Since at room temperature HCN is a gas which evolves and the solution is expected to have more KOH, so the taste of Potassium Cyanide is assumed to be bitter.

· Some, scientists who have died while finding the taste of Potassium cyanide, could only write the alphabet “S” before dying, so it is not conclusive whether it is sour, sweet or salty in taste.


Though, a huge number of scientists sacrificed their lives in order to find the taste of Potassium cyanide, but it remained a mystery for long, until and unless a goldsmith from India named MP Prasad in an attempt to commit suicide with the help of Potassium cyanide could finally reveal the taste of Potassium cyanide. As per the suicide note of him the taste of Potassium Cyanide is very much acrid, that is irritatingly harsh and sharp. This fact about the taste of Potassium cyanide is approved by the World Health Organization and is marked as an extraordinary discovery in the field of science.



DNA testing is Good or Bad: Let’s Discuss

Sunday, March 10th, 2013

DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid it is the backbone of all living creatures on earth. It is a molecule, which is having a double helical structure and encoded with genetic instructions. It leads to the functioning of all living beings including viruses. DNA profiling is done by the forensic scientists. It depicts the nature of the DNA and act as a person identifier. By knowing the genomic sequences a scientist could easily predict the DNA of the person.

Identification Of Diseases

In this era this technology has become a boon or us in many ways. This concept of DNA testing is booming in the market like anything. It has become the latest rage specially in the health care market. Many companies are there who will promote you the test kits and let you know about the diseases like cardiac problem, any alzimers syndromes, any indication of breast cancer if have any. But here comes the argument many feeble minded people are there who will completely go against it. As the procedures includes blood testing and many people are phobic of syringes, then comes the acceptance of the disease if have any.

Benefits of DNA testing

Many women in our country are facing problem with breast cancer. As they are afraid of testing their blood and DNA. They don’t have the exact DNA marker. This is a big concern for the physicians as well. It is always recommended having a DNA testing for a healthy life. The risk factors get decreased than before and longevity will increase. Myopic thinking should be removed from the society and should learn to accept the truth. DNA testing will also give information about the allergic reaction with various pathogens. The life will be in a proper and better shape.

Detection of criminals

Normal people have a vague idea about this DNA testing which is not at all harmful. Through DNA testing crimes can also be detected. Like in the forensic lab the victim’s body will undergo a scrupulous check up and easily it will be detected about the death of the person. Many criminal lawyers take support from this process which make their job easy to detect the criminal. Though it’s not a good indication for the crime masters. By taking the blood sample or from the foot steps even, of the suspected person it will unveil the truth of the real murder. It can save our nation from crimes.

Detection of pregnancy

Many unrevealed and awful activities like rape case, illegal affairs lead to pregnancy. In many cases the male denied for becoming a father. The lady could easily raise her voice for justice, here

Comes the major role of DNA testing which will easily catch hold of the real father. Sometimes it is not safe for the pregnant woman to have DNA testing as it might cause harm to the fetus. The illegal activities in our society have inflated than before so DNA testing should play a vital role in the society of crimes.The lady will get justice and to deliver her baby.

As a whole it’s a win-win situation because some hospitals testing the DNA of the fetus take place, as an outcome they reveal the gender, which might lead to a death of a baby girl.This is an illegal activity. Some lawyers are also against this. But in this contemporary era one must believe in DNA testing to save our nation.




Things to know about the real fountain of youth

Sunday, January 20th, 2013

Fountain of youth is referred to a spring. If a person drinks the water of it, he or she can easily restore the youth again in themselves. In his writing Herodotus has also mentioned about this concept. This has become a kind of legend and many a famous author like Homer or Shakespeare have also discussed about in the literature. Now the biggest question is that whether there is really any kind of such fountain on this earth or not.

How the search goes on:

The search of such a fountain goes generation after generation because men have always wanted more youth. With the progress of science men have made many an incredible thing successful. The use of stem cells and many other related inventions have made huge change in human life. Men and women are getting longer and fitter life. More researches on cells are going on and scientists are working very hard to invent various things by the help of which we can keep our youth for longer time.

What the concept is:

Though the whole thing comes from a myth but the main aspect of this thought is to get back the life again. Man has always searched for immortality. According to scientists, now they have found out a way to continue your youth for longer time. Actually our body can have the charm of youth because of cell division. Normally a cell can divide for fifty times and then gradually it stops and the characteristics of old age begin to come in the body. Now the scientists have succeeded to produce such a cell which can divide it over 90 times and still it will not get slow down. Scientists have used an enzyme with the chromosomes the name of which is Telomerase. Telomere shortening is the actual reason of gradually getting old. Now this enzyme will stop the normal shortening process of telomere and thus it can help you to keep your youth in yourself for longer time.

Its drawback:

This enzyme is undoubtedly one of the most incredible inventions at the moment but it may have some drawbacks. According to some of the scientists this shortening process of telomere is a natural process. Now this natural process can eventually ward off cancer. Now by adding this enzyme this natural process of body defense will be destroyed. Some of the scientists are worried of the consequences of that. More experiments are going on and after the successful completion of them the scientists will be able to state the result of this new invention.

Searching for longer life:

Most of the people on this earth like to have a longer life especially a longer youth in which he will have ample energy to enjoy all the entertaining aspects of life. The concept of fountain of youth has been traditionally carried forward generation after generation because of this continuous wish of longer life of human being.

The myth of finding a fountain where the water can be found which can bring back youth may not be found physically. However, progress of science can assure a longer youth for human. In recent future man is going to live a longer enjoyable life.

About The Author: Claudia is a writer/ blogger. She loves writing, travelling and reading books. She contributes to Caribbean Cruise Line Scam 



What is exciting about Chemical Engineering? – Video

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

What is exciting about Chemical Engineering?
What is exciting about Chemical Engineering? Michigan Tech Chemical Engineering student Tayloria Adams talks about what makes a Michigan Tech education valuable and unique. Tayloria Adams recently won an award for her research from the Biotechnology Research Center for her project: "Characterizing the Dielectric Behavior of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells" Her advisor is Advisor: Adrienne Minerick http://www.mtu.eduFrom:michigantechengineerViews:19 0ratingsTime:01:15More inEducation

Read the original here:
What is exciting about Chemical Engineering? - Video


Top trends for Biotechnology

Sunday, December 9th, 2012

Biotechnology simply means to develop or to make useful products with the help of using living systems. Over the years mankind has used biotechnology in several sectors like agriculture, food production and medicine. There are several sectors in which biotechnology can affect severely.

Biotech for human enhancement is the most profitable industry in the 21st century. Careers are influenced by genetic heritage. It is said that by 2020 people will be able to decipher human genome

Which is nothing but the blueprint of our DNA? One of the trends is towards the genetic solutions to the ills. There are several newly discovered drugs will save countless no of lives. These drugs can also eliminate many diseases. A lot of research works have been done on the recent trends for biotechnology. Research output continues to shift to ASIA. The current trends in biotechnology are its association with pharmacy. It is said that within few more years people will be able to turn on or turn off certain genes which can influence on health and performance. People can eliminate unwanted characteristics by using altered genes from their babies. People can also enhance their babies’ capabilities by using the same method. There is different classification of biotechnology having different application of each. Like white or industrial biotechnology helps in the production of chemical base materials and end products. Red biotechnology means development of new medical drugs. Biotechnology is the driving factor behind many applications in medicine. Green or Plant biotechnology is used in production of plants which are renewable recourses. Biotechnology is integrated use of many biological technologies. It also has trends in horticulture. One of the emerging trends in Biotechnology have been observed and noted in recent years. One such trend is the trend in partnering and acquisition of deals. This is applicable to the business perspective towards the delivery and realization of more up to date by products. So basically there are a lot of sectors in which biotechnology can affect. But one of the most suitable choices is pharmaceutical sector. People are focusing more and more now days on the use of biotechnological products. There are a lot of independent biotechnology companies which deals directly with these biotechnological products. Biotechnology is used to develop commercial product also. Biotechnology becomes central priority of the government’s research policy to ensure a high standing of biosciences and to develop newer innovation techniques. At present there are 25 different initiatives to financially support universities, research institutes. They all are working like a chain having same common objectives. There is a healthy competition in between the companies which in turn increases the level of biotechnological products. The key element of this initiative is Biopharma competition. So it depends on the people how they utilize biotechnological products for their better interest.

Biotechnology is a technology which never goes opposite to the nature.

We have to improve the biotechnology with the help of nature. Now a days lots of course are based on Biotechnology in various colleges all over the world. It becomes popular to all the students also.



Biotechnology: Things you should know about Gene Therapy

Sunday, December 2nd, 2012


Genetic disorders are becoming common nowadays due to stressful modern lifestyle. Latest technologies are the added values to create many genetic disorders. To overcome the disorders, Gene therapy is a blessing. In order to compensate abnormal genes and make a good gene, genetic material is introduced into cells. In this way, mutated gene will act as a normal gene. Let us see in detail.

Ways to insert the gene

There are indirect ways need to be followed to make a gene to function as if it is inserted directly does not function. Carrier also called as vector is used to deliver the gene. In the place of vectors, virus play the role as they are getting modified and hence people are not affected with new diseases when it is integrated into the chromosome of the human cell.

The vectors need to get injected to specific tissue in the body or outwardly patient’s cell is removed and exposed to the vector. In either of the ways need to be again returned to the patient. Successful treatment makes proper genes and genetic disorders get solved.

Gene therapy for treating cancer

Cancer is the dangerous disease and there are many ways to cure cancer including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. But cancerous cells in due course again spread and hence it is a deadly disease. Gene therapy is the best way discovered nowadays for treating cancer.
Let us see the basic fundamentals of cells. cells include packets of data in genes, created either from DNA or RNA. Sequence is there for DNA and if it is in the order, there will be no problem. But at the same time If there is disorder occurs in portion of the genes either turning or changing the position, cells lost their control and abnormal growth is seen which result in cancerous tumors. It can spread in mouth, breast, lung etc.,

Specialists in Gene therapy analyze the patient’s criticality first and follow the treatment procedures. One way is they replace missing or mutated genes into wholesome genes. Inserting totally new genes for fighting cancer, placing DNA into cancerous cells to undergo chemotherapy and radiation or injecting bad gene to destroy them etc., Mesothelioma type of cancers are not at all responded in formal therapies and hence one need to undergo gene therapy essentially. Need to have consultations with doctors to overcome their deadly disease.

Gene therapy importance

Doctors decide whether gene therapy is suitable by the following approaches. If genetic disorders are from mutations in one or more genes or whether a normal copy of the gene that is available in the patient is enough to fix the problems in the affected cells, then doctors determine that gene therapy will be more helpful rather than going for traditional methods.


Genetic engineering is a vast topic. Latest Science innovations in the field of genetic engineering yields for gene therapy. Doctors and scientists together working to find out whether gene therapy is the best suitable way for treating deadly diseases like cancer and others. Let us salute for the positive force of gene therapy.




Life Un(Ltd), Charis Thompson, Three Times a Woman- A Gendered Economy of Stem Cell Innovation Pt 1 – Video

Saturday, December 1st, 2012

Life Un(Ltd), Charis Thompson, Three Times a Woman- A Gendered Economy of Stem Cell Innovation Pt 1
This presentation was part of CSW #39;s Life (Un)Ltd project, and took place on October 24, 2012. Life (UnLtd) is an interdisciplinary project initiated by CSW Associate Director Rachel Lee that engages recent developments in biosciences and biotechnology, foregrounding critical, aesthetic, and ethics-based approaches to what have become global research and marketing industries.From:UCLAViews:19 0ratingsTime:36:53More inEducation

Originally posted here:
Life Un(Ltd), Charis Thompson, Three Times a Woman- A Gendered Economy of Stem Cell Innovation Pt 1 - Video


Life UnLtd, Charis Thompson, Three Times a Woman A Gendered Economy of Stem Cell Innovation Pt 2 – Video

Saturday, December 1st, 2012

Life UnLtd, Charis Thompson, Three Times a Woman A Gendered Economy of Stem Cell Innovation Pt 2
This presentation was part of CSW #39;s Life (Un)Ltd project, and took place on October 24, 2012. Life (UnLtd) is an interdisciplinary project initiated by CSW Associate Director Rachel Lee that engages recent developments in biosciences and biotechnology, foregrounding critical, aesthetic, and ethics-based approaches to what have become global research and marketing industries.From:UCLAViews:16 0ratingsTime:27:24More inEducation

Read more:
Life UnLtd, Charis Thompson, Three Times a Woman A Gendered Economy of Stem Cell Innovation Pt 2 - Video


blood banks | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Could Be an Investment in Our Future Health – Video

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

blood banks | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Could Be an Investment in Our Future Health
http://www.cordbloodrecommendation.com Researchers are hopeful that within five years, pieces of the tissue can be used to repair damaged livers and within 15 years, actual liver transplants may be done using lab-grown livers made from cord blood. This is why all of the best companies use the same courier. What is flexing Blood saving?Flex blood caching is a breakthrough in blood caching. As a result, patients can recover faster, thus preventing kidney complications arising from tissue damage. It can be anywhere from about $1500 to about $1800. Following the treatment, David #39;s body created a new blood supply complete with white cells, hence a new immune system. "" Some clinical trials show that the regeneration of the damaged neurons can be done through transplantation of the stem cells in the cord blood. But these are just some diseases from amongst the 70 diseases that can be cured by stem cell, and the list keeps on getting longer. It further saves you from the trouble of locating a matching donor when transplants are concerned. ""Stem cells can be found in multiple locations within our body. -based weekly, that documents breakthrough papers in biotechnology. The umbilical cord is the cord that attaches from the babies belly button to the placenta in the mother #39;s womb during pregnancy. The amount of stem cells is very crucial for any treatment. Private banks on the other hand are for-profit organizations which store blood from the baby for the exclusive use of the donor or donorFrom:loshoteles enmedellinViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:01More inScience Technology

See the original post here:
blood banks | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Could Be an Investment in Our Future Health - Video


The Biotech Age: The Business Of Biotech And How To Profit From It – Richard Oliver – Video

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

The Biotech Age: The Business Of Biotech And How To Profit From It - Richard Oliver
ll4.me The Biotech Age: The Business Of Biotech And How To Profit From It - Richard Oliver A look at the forefront of an industry revolution ""I #39;ve been deep inside the biotech industry since its infancy. This book provides fresh insights about how it started, what drives it, and most importantly, where it #39;s going.""--Scott W. Morrison, partner, Ernst Young LL Richard W. Oliver predicted the onset of a new era with The Coming Biotech Age. Now that age is here--and companies are reaping the benefits of this incredible new revolution. As biotech companies become the new economic engines of growth and innovation, businesses must have access to the latest developments of this area of research. In a special revised edition, now titled The Biotech Age, Oliver has created the first practical guide to this fascinating realm of scientific development. With updated information on the latest research, examples of biotech breakthroughs, and a close examination of current biotech issues such as cloning and stem cell research, The Biotech Age presents an accessible overview of the business of biotechnology and its vast implications and opportunities for all types of industries. This is a topic no one can afford to miss--especially future-minded executives and investors in cutting-edge technologies.Words: and opportunities, companies it, how deep is, inside from, it must have, must have it, young ernstAuthor: Oliver, Richard Publisher: McGraw-Hill Illustration: N Language: ENG Title ...From:jonisims9854Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:10More inPeople Blogs

The Biotech Age: The Business Of Biotech And How To Profit From It - Richard Oliver - Video


Coare Biotechnology and ChemDiv Establish Co-Marketing and Service Collaboration

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

SAN DIEGO, CA--(Marketwire - Nov 7, 2012) - COARE Biotechnology (COARE) and ChemDiv, Inc. (ChemDiv) announced today the formation of a strategic alliance that will offer a fully integrated gene-to-clinic services aimed at development of therapeutic agents that selectively affect cancer stem cells (CSC).

Under terms of this agreement, COARE contributes its pioneering research on the role of Doublecortin-like Kinase 1 (DCLK1) in proliferation and differentiation of CSC including relevant screening reagents and know-how. ChemDiv provides chemistry and biology expertise, including i) small molecule screening libraries, Medicinal Chemistry support, ii) assay adaptation, development and implementation, iii) in vivo testing and iv) advanced preclinical services including DMPK/tox. Dr. Ilya Okun, VP of Biology and CTO at ChemDiv, said: "COARE scientists, have identified a novel enzyme, DCLK1, which plays a key role in development of many solid tumors. This kinase is a promising and tractable target for the discovery of novel specific anti-cancer therapies. I am very excited that the collaboration between ChemDiv and COARE on this program will allow for discovery of new ways to treat a panel of cancers, for which there currently is no effective medicine."

Dr. Courtney W. Houchen, Chief Medical Adviser and cofounder, said, "We are excited at this partnership opportunity and the fact that this collaboration with ChemDiv will bring to the doorstep of both pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies worldwide, our research, expertise and our proprietary assays to help discover small molecules that target, and potentially eradicates or functionally inactivates the most resistant subpopulation of most tumors, the cancer stem cells."

About ChemDiv ChemDiv, Inc. is a Fully Integrated Target-to-Clinic Contract Research Organization (CRO) headquartered in San Diego, CA USA. The company features multiple research and development (R&D) subsidiaries in Russia, Ukraine and China as well as business and logistics operations around the world. We engage pharmaceutical and biotech partners by offering 'one stop' drug discovery and development services based on a project-, FTE- and risk sharing collaborative modes. More information about ChemDiv is available at http://www.chemdiv.com.

About COARE COARE Biotechnology is a research driven biotechnology company dedicated to developing novel anti-cancer therapeutic agents designed to treat solid tumor cancers headquartered in Oklahoma City, OK USA. Our agents are directed against DCLK1, a novel molecular target whose mechanism of action involves multi-pathway, multi-functional cancer inhibition. Recently completed research has shown that this stem cell related protein plays a functional role and is increased in human pancreatic cancer. This protein works to turn off natural tumor suppressors and turns on cancer-causing genes. We are determined to eradicate solid tumor cancers in our lifetime. For additional information about us go to http://www.coarebiotechnology.com

Continued here:
Coare Biotechnology and ChemDiv Establish Co-Marketing and Service Collaboration


26. Medical Biotechnology: Part Ic. Animal and Human Cloning and Genetic Engineering NQ – Video

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

26. Medical Biotechnology: Part Ic. Animal and Human Cloning and Genetic Engineering NQ
Some of the same techniques described for stem cell research, have been extended and applied to animal cloning, creating part of the controversies surrounding both topics. What is cloning? Cloning an organism (as a totally different process distinguished from cloning a gene) is a process whereby all members are directly descended, asexually, from a single organism by......various ways, as we show in this section, and this demonstrates that all the information required for an organism and its development are in the a single cell. many animals have now been cloned, including, sheep (Dolly), cattle, pigs, mice, rats, fish, dogs, cats, horses, mules, and more recently monkeys. Can humans be cloned? Probably.From:Albert KauschViews:0 0ratingsTime:25:37More inScience Technology

26. Medical Biotechnology: Part Ic. Animal and Human Cloning and Genetic Engineering NQ - Video


David Lichtenstein: Biotechnology is Rich Area for Investment

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

NEW YORK, Oct. 30, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- As many scientists and researchers are aware, biology entails an incredibly complex series of mechanisms and processes that still amaze intelligent minds today. While these biological systems have shaped the world, the application of modern biotechnology has only existed for approximately for three decades. According to a recent FundWeb article, this year marks the 30th anniversary of the "first biotechnology drug approved for human medical use," known as Humulin, "a genetically engineered version of natural human insulin for the treatment of diabetes." Since 1982, biotechnology has seeped its way into modern science and popular applications, which has led many to believe that biotechnology is the next "technology super-cycle." David Lichtenstein, biotechnology supporter and BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics investor, agrees that the science certainly holds the potential to change culture and the way humans live and solve problems.

David Lichtenstein states, "It is amazing to look back at the last 30 years a small period in terms of scientific development and realize just how far biotechnology has come. I expect these applications to become more present in our society, improving every facet of daily life." According to the article, such varied use of biotechnology has been witnessed since the original introduction of Humulin. It states, "Roughly two-thirds of all new drugs approved by the FDA have been discovered and/or developed by a biotechnology company at some stage." In addition to medical use, biotechnology has encouraged significant changes in agriculture and industrial manufacturing."

According to the article, financial analysts believe that biotechnology holds the potential for creating the next major socio-economic era in modern culture. It explains that such possibility for growth opens up a wide variety of investment opportunities in biotechnology. However, few have committed to investing in the science. Having already made significant investments in the field of biotechnology, David Lichtenstein knows that the industry holds promise. At BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics alone, there are projects that focus on repairing ALS, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's disease through stem cell therapy.

David Lichtenstein concludes, "As far as investment strategies go, biotechnology is one field that is new, exciting and offers opportunity for long-term profit. After close examination, I believe wary investors may change their mind about investing in this incredible field of science."


David Lichtenstein is a supporter of the growth of biotechnology and has become a major investor in the innovative science. He is currently an investor in BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics, a biotechnology company that develops adult stem cell therapies to resolve medical issues associated with severe neurodegenerative disorders including ALS, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. In addition, David Lichtenstein has proven his worth as an investment strategist, having steadily built the Lightstone Group since 1988. As chairman and CEO of the Lightstone Group, David Lichtenstein has carefully developed a diverse portfolio of properties allowing the company to become of the most widespread and successful privately held real estate companies in the United States of America.

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David Lichtenstein: Biotechnology is Rich Area for Investment


Biotech Industry Look to Benefit From New Act Designed to Promote R&D Joint Ventures

Monday, October 15th, 2012

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - Oct 15, 2012) - The Biotechnology Industry has seen increased investor interest in 2012 as it continues to impress with strong gains. The iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology Index ETF (IBB) has gained over 35 percent this year, more than double the S&P 500 Index's gain of 15 percent. New legislation, increased mergers & acquisition activity as a result of major patent expirations have all been contributing factors to the industry's rapid rise in 2012. Five Star Equities examines the outlook for companies in the Biotech Industry and provides equity research on Amicus Therapeutics, Inc. ( NASDAQ : FOLD ) and Osiris Therapeutics, Inc. ( NASDAQ : OSIR ).

Access to the full company reports can be found at: http://www.FiveStarEquities.com/FOLD http://www.FiveStarEquities.com/OSIR

The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) has recently praised the introduction of the High Technology Small Business Research Incentives Act. The new legislation would allow investors of joint venture R&D projects to utilize the losses and tax credits.

"Through the tax code, Congress historically has provided opportunities that encourage private investment in pre-revenue, R&D-intensive companies. The early growth of the biotech industry in the 1980s was due in part to the ability of investors to support projects aimed at finding new cures and treatments through similar joint ventures. This legislation will help spur greater private investment in biotech and other R&D intensive industries," BIO's President and CEO Jim Greenwood said in a statement.

Five Star Equities releases regular market updates on the Biotech Industry so investors can stay ahead of the crowd and make the best investment decisions to maximize their returns. Take a few minutes to register with us free at http://www.FiveStarEquities.com and get exclusive access to our numerous stock reports and industry newsletters.

Amicus Therapeutics is a biopharmaceutical company at the forefront of developing therapies for rare diseases. Shares of the company soared last Thursday after it reported positive preliminary results from an ongoing Phase 2 study for the treatment of people with Pompe disease.

Osiris Therapeutics, having developed the world's first approved stem cell drug Prochymal, is the leading stem cell company. The company is focused on developing and marketing products to treat medical conditions in inflammatory, cardiovascular, orthopedic and wound healing markets. The company recently reported that Swissmedic has invoked rapid authorization procedures for the Prochymal review.

Five Star Equities provides Market Research focused on equities that offer growth opportunities, value, and strong potential return. We strive to provide the most up-to-date market activities. We constantly create research reports and newsletters for our members. Five Star Equities has not been compensated by any of the above-mentioned companies. We act as an independent research portal and are aware that all investment entails inherent risks. Please view the full disclaimer at: http://www.FiveStarEquities.com/disclaimer

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Biotech Industry Look to Benefit From New Act Designed to Promote R&D Joint Ventures


Biotech Industry Applauds Introduction of the High Technology Small Business Research Incentives Act

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - Oct 1, 2012) - The Biotechnology Industry has seen increased investor interest in 2012 as it continues to impress with strong gains. The iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology Index ETF (IBB) has gained over 35 percent this year, more than double the S&P 500 Index's gain of 15 percent. New legislation, increased mergers & acquisition activity as a result of major patent expirations have all been contributing factors to industry's rapid rise in 2012. Five Star Equities examines the outlook for companies in the Biotech Industry and provides equity research on StemCells, Inc. ( NASDAQ : STEM ) and Neuralstem, Inc. ( NYSE : CUR ).

Access to the full company reports can be found at: http://www.FiveStarEquities.com/STEM http://www.FiveStarEquities.com/CUR

The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) has recently praised the introduction of the High Technology Small Business Research Incentives Act. The new legislation would allow investors of joint venture R&D projects to utilize the losses and tax credits.

"Through the tax code, Congress historically has provided opportunities that encourage private investment in pre-revenue, R&D-intensive companies. The early growth of the biotech industry in the 1980s was due in part to the ability of investors to support projects aimed at finding new cures and treatments through similar joint ventures. This legislation will help spur greater private investment in biotech and other R&D intensive industries." BIO's President and CEO Jim Greenwood said in a statement.

Five Star Equities releases regular market updates on the Biotech Industry so investors can stay ahead of the crowd and make the best investment decisions to maximize their returns. Take a few minutes to register with us free at http://www.FiveStarEquities.com and get exclusive access to our numerous stock reports and industry newsletters.

StemCells is engaged in the research, development, and commercialization of cell-based therapeutics and tools for use in stem cell-based research and drug discovery. Shares of the company surged last Thursday after it reported it has enrolled its first patient in a Phase I/II clinical trial for the treatment of a chronic spinal cord injury.

Neuralstem's patented technology enables the ability to produce neural stem cells of the human brain and spinal cord in commercial quantities, and the ability to control the differentiation of these cells constitutively into mature, physiologically relevant human neurons and glia. The company recently reported it has been approved to commence an ischemic stroke trial in China.

Five Star Equities provides Market Research focused on equities hat offer growth opportunities, value, and strong potential return. We strive to provide the most up-to-date market activities. We constantly create research reports and newsletters for our members. Five Star Equities has not been compensated by any of the above-mentioned companies. We act as an independent research portal and are aware that all investment entails inherent risks. Please view the full disclaimer at: http://www.FiveStarEquities.com/disclaimer

View original post here:
Biotech Industry Applauds Introduction of the High Technology Small Business Research Incentives Act


Medistem and Superview Biotechnology Co. Ltd. Initiate Collaboration on Therapeutics Development Using Antibody and …

Monday, October 1st, 2012


Medistem Inc (Pink Sheets:MEDS) announced today the initiation of a collaboration with Superview Biotechnology Co. Ltd, a subsidiary of Yinhuan Holding Co from Yixing, China. The joint work will be aimed at using proprietary stem cell lines developed by Medistem for screening of monoclonal antibodies for therapeutic activity in the area of regenerative medicine. As part of the collaboration, the two companies will evaluate various candidates jointly, as well as apply for grants and share research data.

To date, the majority of stem cell companies are focusing on the stem cell itself being a product. By collaborating with Superview Biotechnology, we aim to assess the feasibility of developing antibodies that can modulate the activity of stem cells that already exist in the body, said Thomas Ichim, CEO of Medistem. This approach not only provides methods of activating stem cells but also allows for the development of stem cell adjuvant therapies that could be used to resurrect stem cell candidates that failed in clinical trials.

Superview Biotechnology has developed proprietary methods of rapidly generating monoclonal antibodies to esoteric protein targets. Medistem has a history of success in the area of stem cells, being the only company to take a stem cell product from discovery to FDA clearance in the short span of 4 years.

One of the significant driving forces behind our company is to develop innovative targets for our monoclonal antibodies. Although monoclonal antibodies have generated sales of billions of dollars in areas ranging from rheumatoid arthritis, to cancer, to preventing blindness, we feel that the potential of this therapeutic tool is only beginning to be recognized, said Jiong Wu, CEO of Superview Biotechnology. Our opinion is that the barriers to entry for monoclonal antibody-based therapies modulating endogenous stem cells is lower than stem cell based therapies. We are eager to work with the Medistem team at exploring this hypothesis.

A joint grant is expected to be filed with the National Natural Science Foundation of China to support part of the proposed collaboration by end of October, 2012.

Cautionary Statement

This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of our securities. This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, some of which cannot be predicted or quantified. Future events and actual results could differ materially from those set forth in, contemplated by, or underlying the forward-looking information. Factors which may cause actual results to differ from our forward-looking statements are discussed in our Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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Medistem and Superview Biotechnology Co. Ltd. Initiate Collaboration on Therapeutics Development Using Antibody and ...


BIO Announces Therapeutic Workshops for 11th Annual BIO Investor Forum

Monday, September 24th, 2012


The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) announces Therapeutic Workshops on Cancer stem cell therapy, kinase drugs, and ultra rare diseases planned for the upcoming BIO Investor Forum. Hosted by BIO, the 11th annual event will take place at the Palace Hotel on October 9-10 in San Francisco, Calif.

This years Therapeutic Workshops will address some of the most exciting therapeutic advances for the biotech industry. We have worked very closely with this years esteemed Advisory Committee to identify topics that will engage investors and industry alike, said Alan Eisenberg, executive vice president, Emerging Companies & Business Developmentat BIO.

Therapeutic Workshops will feature senior-level industry executives, scientific officers and leading clinical experts that represent innovative investment opportunities in the biotech industry.

Therapeutic Workshops include:

The BIO Investor Forum features public and venture-stage company presentations, expert-led, business roundtables, one-on-one investor meetings and networking opportunities.

To learn more about the BIO Investor Forum, including registration and program information, please visit here. Advance media registration is available here. Registration is complimentary for credentialed members of the media and qualified investors.

BIO is pleased to recognize the leadership provided by the BIO Investor Forum Conference sponsors including Supporting Bank Stifel, Nicolaus & Company. BIO Double Helix and Helix Sponsors include Abbott Biotech Ventures, Amgen Ventures, Baxter Ventures, J&J Development Corporation, MedImmune Ventures, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Pfizer.

About BIO

BIO represents more than 1,100 biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations across the United States and in more than 30 other nations. BIO members are involved in the research and development of innovative healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology products. BIO also produces the BIO International Convention, the worlds largest gathering of the biotechnology industry, along with industry-leading investor and partnering meetings held around the world. BIO produces BIOtechNOW, an online portal and monthly newsletter chronicling innovations transforming our world. Subscribe to BIOtechNOW.

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BIO Announces Therapeutic Workshops for 11th Annual BIO Investor Forum


Allele Biotechnology Announces New Advance in Production of Human Stem Cells

Saturday, September 15th, 2012


This week in the journal Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), scientists from Allele Biotechnology describe an important advance in the generation of stem cells capable of producing all the different tissues of the human body. In an article entitled Feeder-Free Derivation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells with Messenger RNA, Alleles scientists present the fastest and safest method yet for converting ordinary human skin cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).

The scientific efforts were led by Dr. Luigi Warren, whose pioneering work on footprint-free reprogramming using messenger RNA was the foundation for Alleles breakthrough. Through the united efforts of Dr. Warren and the scientists at Allele Biotechnology, his technique was re-engineered to increase cell conversion efficiency and eliminate any use of potentially unsafe reagents, while substantially reducing the time and effort needed to make stem cells. Dr. Warren believes that because of its advantages this technology should become the method of choice for iPSC cell banking.

According to Dr. Jiwu Wang, corresponding author on the paper and CEO of Allele Biotechnology, This advance in stem cell derivation will enable both fundamental scientific research and clinical applications which has been the mission of Allele Biotechnology from its inception.

Allele Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals Inc. is a San Diego-based biotechnology company that was established in 1999 by Dr. Jiwu Wang and colleagues. A research based company specializing in the fields of RNAi, stem cells, viral expression, camelid antibodies and fluorescent proteins; Allele Biotechnology has always striven to offer products and services at the cutting edge of research.

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Allele Biotechnology Announces New Advance in Production of Human Stem Cells


StemCells and Keryx Biopharmaceuticals Showing Strong Gains as Biotechnology Industry Soars in 2012

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire -07/24/12)- The Biotechnology Industry has been soaring in 2012 as companies -- both large and small -- have shown impressive growth. The SPDR S&P Biotech ETF (XBI) and the First Trust NYSE Arca Biotech Index ETF (FBT) year-to-date are up 38 percent and 37 percent, respectively, outperforming the broader market by a wide margin. The Paragon Report examines investing opportunities in the Biotechnology Industry and provides equity research on StemCells, Inc. (STEM) and Keryx Biopharmaceuticals (KERX).

Access to the full company reports can be found at:

http://www.ParagonReport.com/STEM http://www.ParagonReport.com/KERX

Despite having to negotiate a more challenging regulation process biotech companies have continued to show investors strong gains in 2012. The FDA Amendments Act of 2007 forced regulators to increase standards for approvals of new drugs, introducing mandatory risk evaluation and mitigation strategies. According to a Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology report from IMAP, several pharmaceutical firms have altered their drug portfolios from primary care driven blockbusters towards specialties such as oncology, immunology and inflammation, where the medical need is "so high that prices are more easily accepted by the regulators."

Paragon Report releases regular market updates on the Biotechnology Industry so investors can stay ahead of the crowd and make the best investment decisions to maximize their returns. Take a few minutes to register with us free at http://www.ParagonReport.com and get exclusive access to our numerous stock reports and industry newsletters.

StemCells is engaged in the research, development, and commercialization of cell-based therapeutics and tools for use in stem cell-based research and drug discovery. The company recently announced preclinical data demonstrating that its proprietary human neural stem cells restored memory and enhanced synaptic function in two animal models relevant to Alzheimer's disease. Shares of the company have soared nearly 90 percent this year.

Keryx Biopharmaceuticals is focused on the acquisition, development and commercialization of medically important pharmaceutical products for the treatment of renal disease. Keryx is developing Zerenex (ferric citrate), an oral, ferric iron-based compound that has the capacity to bind to phosphate and form non-absorbable complexes. Shares of the company have rebounded nearly 50 percent over the last three months.

The Paragon Report has not been compensated by any of the above-mentioned publicly traded companies. Paragon Report is compensated by other third party organizations for advertising services. We act as an independent research portal and are aware that all investment entails inherent risks. Please view the full disclaimer at: http://www.paragonreport.com/disclaimer

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StemCells and Keryx Biopharmaceuticals Showing Strong Gains as Biotechnology Industry Soars in 2012


MYOS Names Veteran Biotechnology Executive Dr. Sol J. Barer to Chair Scientific Advisory Board

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

CEDAR KNOLLS, NJ--(Marketwire -06/27/12)- MYOS Corporation (MYOS), a company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of muscle health and performance therapeutic products, today announced that it has appointed Sol J. Barer, Ph.D., to Chair its Scientific Advisory Board.

Dr. Barer is the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Celgene Corporation, a leading global biotechnology company specializing in cancer, hematologic and immunologic pharmaceuticals. He retired last year from a successful Celgene career where he served as Chairman from 2006 to 2011, and Chief Executive Officer from 2006 to 2010. Prior, he served as Celgene President and Chief Operating Officer since 1993, and 1994, respectively.

Dr. Barer serves as a director of a number of corporate and not-for-profit Boards.

Commenting on his appointment to Chairman of the MYOS Scientific Advisory Board, Dr. Barer said, "The nascent field of muscle biology and the technologies which maximize the health and performance of this organ system represents significant, previously untapped potential. MYOS is positioning itself to play an important and meaningful role in the discovery, development and clinical use of new products which will improve the health and performance of an organ system which we often forget is so vital to the quality of our lives.

"I am especially pleased to serve in this position so early in the Company's development, and to collaborate with its Board and growing management team," he added.

Commenting on Dr. Barer's appointment, Chairman of the MYOS Board of Directors Robert J. Hariri, M.D., Ph.D., said, "It is a special honor to welcome my long time colleague, friend and mentor, Dr. Barer to the Advisory Board. I consider Sol to be one of the visionary leaders who have helped shape the biotechnology industry, and truly value his insight into our sector's science, marketplace and corporate development."

Dr. Hariri serves as chief executive officer of Celgene Cellular Therapeutics, a division of Celgene Corporation, a position he has held since 2005. Prior to joining Celgene Cellular Therapeutics as president in 2002, Dr. Hariri was founder, chairman and chief scientific officer at Anthrogenesis Corporation/LIFEBANK, Inc., a privately held biomedical technology and service corporation involved in human stem cell therapeutics, which was acquired by Celgene in 2002.

About MYOS CorporationMYOS Corporation is a development stage company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of therapeutic products that improve muscle health and performance (www.myoscorp.com).

MYOS is the owner of MYO-T12, the world's first clinically demonstrated myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin is a natural regulatory protein, which inhibits muscle growth and recovery. MYO-T12 is manufactured to optimize biological activity, which MYOS believes has the potential to redefine existing standards of physical health and wellness enhancement. For more information on MYO-T12 and to discover why MYOS is known as "The Muscle Company," visit http://www.MYOT12.com.

Forward-Looking StatementsAny statements in this release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from those projected or implied in any forward-looking statements. Such statements involve risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those relating to product and customer demand, market acceptance of our products, the ability to create new products through research and development, the successful launch of Myo-X, the ability to generate the forecasted revenue stream and cash flow from sales of Myo-X, the ability to achieve a sustainable profitable business, the effect of economic conditions, the ability to protect our intellectual property rights, competition from other providers and products, risks in product development, our ability to raise capital to fund continuing operations, and other factors discussed from time to time in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement for events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made except as required by law.

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MYOS Names Veteran Biotechnology Executive Dr. Sol J. Barer to Chair Scientific Advisory Board


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