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Archive for the ‘Biotechnology’ Category

Mtech Biotechnology Research and Education Program

Thursday, September 8th, 2016





Mtech's Biotechnology Research and Education Program (BREP) is the region's premier biotechnology, biopharmaceutical and biofuel research center, designed to bolster Maryland's burgeoning biotechnology industry. The program consists of two core facilities dedicated to providing supplemental research to academia, government and industry.

Bioprocessing Scale-Up Facility


The BSF offers a broad range of bioprocess scale-up and production services, including fermentation, cell culture, separation, purification and product analysis. The BSF's capabilities include up to 250-liter fermentations. Past clients have included Martek Biosciences, MedImmune, NIH, Digene, NIST, and the US Army. MORE >>>

Biopharmaceutical Advancement Facility (BAF)

The BAF specializes in the development of cell culture-based biopharmaceutical products. The facility's staff members offer extensive expertise in addressing challenging problems with the advancement of anchorage-dependent or suspension-adapted cell lines. MORE >>>

The Biotechnology Research and Education Program maintains strong links to the Clark School of Engineerings Fischell Department of Bioengineering which offers bachelors, masters and doctoral degree programs. The Clark School also offers a graduate certification in bioengineering.

Learn more about the Fischell Department of Bioengineering

BREP's expert staff offer customized training in many aspects of bioprocessing for Maryland biotech companies.

Productivity Enhancement: Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Consulting

The most successful biomanufacturing companies utilize their resources efficiently. They bring products to market faster, meet production deadlines and minimize waste. The Biotechnology Research and Education Program's Productivity Enhancement consulting component applies improved manufacturing techniques to biomanufacturing.

BREP consultants' areas of expertise include facility design and layout, process optimization and load balancing, material handling, logistics, and cellular manufacturing. They can also help companies be more productive in:

BREP Staff utilize the following four-step approach for bio manufacturing consulting:

Companies planning a facility expansion or relocation can take advantage of the BREP staff's expert advice for contractor review, new equipment selection and floor layout design. Biotech team members can create computer simulations of the proposed facility to help companies evaluate alternative processing flows, while process development solutions can be tested in the BSF.

Perform higher, faster and more efficiently by employing BREP's Productivity Enhancement consulting services.

Ben Woodard

Director, Biotechnology Research and Education Program

tel. (301) 405-3909

fax. (301) 405-8213


Biotechnology Research and Education Program

Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Building #090

University of Maryland

College Park, MD 20740

2120 Potomac Bldg. 092

University of Maryland

College Park, MD 20742-3415

tel: 301.405.3906

fax: 301.403.4105

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Mtech Biotechnology Research and Education Program


Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, and Chemical …

Thursday, September 8th, 2016

<-- Manitboa Biotech Company Name































































Glen Burnie


Havre de Grace

Hunt Valley

Lexington Park






























Silver Spring



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Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, and Chemical ...


BioHealth and Life Sciences – Maryland is Open for Business

Thursday, September 8th, 2016


To post job/internship opportunities, employers must email BioHealth.info@Maryland.gov a request to post a job/internship link which includes the link to the job description (including application instructions, and the point of contacts name, title, organization address, phone and email.)


Dont miss the nextindustry event! Check out our calendar for a list ofBio events.

Marylands colleges and universities offer dozens of biohealth technology certificate, two and four year and advanced degree, continuing education and specialized training programs in fields ranging from nanotechnology to biomedical engineering, biotechnology manufacturing to clinical trials project management. A sampling of life sciences related programs are listed below. For more questions, or specific training needs, please contact the Maryland Department of Commerces Office of BioHealth and Life Sciencesfor more information.

Four Year Colleges and Universities:

Community Colleges:

The continuing growth of Biotechnology companies is dependent upon the level of training and education and skills of their workers. Marylands colleges and universities not only offer a wealth of biotechnology education and training programs, but also most willcustomize training targeted to specific needs. A number of private and nonprofit organizations also offer training. These programs include:


Bio-Trac offers hands-on biotechnology training workshops that are ideal for bench and research scientists. Team-taught by active researchers at a graduate/post graduate level, Bio-Trac workshops focus on the latest relevant technologies in cell and molecular biology. Bio-Trac provides custom designed training programs for government, private and academic institutions as well as conducting 20+ offerings at the Montgomery College Bioscience Education Center in Germantown, MD.


Training modules developed with industry input from board with large industry representation. In addition to designing training modules based in industry input, BioTRAIN staff work closely with Montgomery Colleges other Biotechnology certificate degree and programs to place students.

Biotechnical Institute (BTI)

Free skill-based scientific training provided to qualified adult high school graduates who are unemployed or underemployed to become entry-level biotechnicians/lab techs. BTI partners with Baltimore CC and has a successful placement record.

The Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES)

An array of management and leadership development seminars and workshops provided to help the medical science and public health community to advance their professional knowledge. FAES offers 120+ courses in 12 departments.

Maryland Tech Connection (MTC), operated out of Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation

Biotechnology and IT training for long term unemployed blending industry-led training and work and learn strategies with strong job seeker wrap-around supports. The program serves 12 counties and the city of Baltimore, and includes 59 partners.

Companies looking to open their first office in Maryland have a wide variety of incubators (with lab space and without wet lab space)to choose from. Use our incubator search tool to find the right space for you. Several of the incubators are housed inresearch parks where they have ample room to grow and leverage the parks resources. Browse through Marylandsresearch parks for a snapshot of what is available.

See the article here:
BioHealth and Life Sciences - Maryland is Open for Business


Biotechnology – Holy Cross College Notre Dame, Indiana

Sunday, August 28th, 2016

While at St. Edwards University in Austin, TX, I was awarded a Presidential Award in my last year as an undergraduate. I have a doctorate in microbiology, and I have worked with Ebola and Marburg viruses as a researcher at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute in San Antonio, TX, under the direction of Jean L. Patterson. In 2013, I published two peer-reviewed articles on my virus research.

When working with students, my main goal is to challenge them to become problem solvers. Facts in all fields of study are in continuous evolution, and students therefore must understand that texts provide the basis for future discovery. As an educator, I require my students to think about contemporary challenges in science which in turn would help them understand how they too can become contributors to scientific thought and understanding.

Martin Sulkanen, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Physics

My Ph.D. in physics from Cornell University led me to a post-doctoral fellowship at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and a career in astrophysics with companies and organizations such as NASA Marshall Flight Center, Michigan Research and Development Center, and Leidos, Inc. Because of my lifelong fascination with the profound consequences of the basic principles of physics on our universe, I have studied binary star systems, galactic radio jets, and worked on NASAs Chandra X-Ray Observatory Project Science Team.

As a professor of physics and mathematics, I encourage my students to develop an intuitive understanding for physics to guide the understanding of further mathematical analysis: dont get lost in the equations! My students have gone on to a variety of careers in places such as at Yale University, the International Space Station and the the US Patent & Trademark Office.

Yuhui Lu, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemistry

The study of chemistry is necessary for students who want to pursue a career in natural science, medical science, and engineering. It also helps liberal art students to improve their reasoning skills, understand scientific methodology, and gain deeper insight between human-nature relationships. I challenge all my students, regardless of background, to engage in logic, diligence, and self-discipline.

I have earned Ph.D.s in both chemistry and electrical engineering. I use this combination of disciplines to research nanoelectronics and single molecular devices with colleagues at the University of Notre Dame. I have also been a principal investigator of grants with the National Science Foundation, and undergraduate research supervisor. I am currently pursuing a variety of research opportunities for Holy Cross students.

See the original post:
Biotechnology - Holy Cross College Notre Dame, Indiana


Biotechnology | National Student Leadership Conference

Sunday, August 28th, 2016

Find solutions for a better world at the NSLC on Biotechnology. ';

The National Student Leadership Conference has a unique partnership with American University to offer college credit for our high school summer programs. The American University is distinguished as a premier global university and known for turning ideas into action and action into service. As a result of this NSLC/AU alliance, students attending the NSLCs summer programs for high school students have the opportunity to take college credit classes taught by American University faculty at all NSLC locations. This credit option enhances your education within the framework of your program experience, without interrupting NSLC activities.

Read more about earning college credit through your NSLC program.

Visit research labs Learn from scientists, doctors and engineers working in advanced research labs during exclusive hands-on tours.

Hands-on experiments Learn the basics of DNA manipulation during intensive biotech experiments.

Explore cutting-edge technologies used in the fields of medicine, energy production, agriculture, and bioengineering.

While at the NSLC, you will have the opportunity to step into the lab and learn hands-on the skills used in the field of biotechnology to manipulate DNA and create products like better medicines and cleaner fuels.

Lab experiences will include:

While at the NSLC on Biotechnology program, you will meet with and learn from leaders in the biotechnology field. In past years, guest speakers have included:

Dr. Francis S. Collins Director, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Ben Busby Computational Biology Branch, National Center for Biotechnology Information

Dr. Eric D. Green Director, National Human Genome Research Institute (NIH)

Dean Stephen Carr Associate Dean of Undergraduate Engineering, Northwestern University

Dr. Jon R. Lorsch Director, National Insitute of General Medical Sciences

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH)

An important part of the NSLCs Biotechnology youth leadership program is seeing the sites around some of our nations greatest cities. These trips are designed as both sightseeing tours and exclusive educational trips specifically tailored to the area of Biotechnology:

At the heart of each of our youth leadership programs is a curriculum designed to build concrete leadership skills that will help you succeed. From the beginning of your program you will learn to work as a team during an exciting Ropes Challenge Course. Interactive lectures and small-group workshops will give you an opportunity to build upon your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.

Leadership topics tailored to the Biotechnology program include:





Your NSLC tuition is all-inclusive. Your tuition covers course materials, housing, on-campus meals, social events and transportation throughout your program.

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Program tuition is all-inclusive. It covers course materials, housing, on-campus meals, social events and transportation in air-conditioned motor coaches throughout the program. Each student is responsible for the cost of travel to and from the program as well as individual spending money.

Cancellation Fees and Refund Policy All cancellations must be submitted in writing (email is acceptable). The following cancellation fees apply to all NSLC enrollments:

NSLC will refund all funds minus the cancellation fee listed above. No refunds will be given after May 16th, 2016. Student Protection Plan fees for accepted students are non-refundable.

Instead of cancelling, you may elect to apply your total payments toward a program next year. If so, you will be enrolled in our 2017 Pre-Registration and sent an email in the fall of 2016 to select the program/session you wish to attend. Note: If you choose to cancel your enrollment and not attend a 2017 program, the cancellation fees above will still apply.

Note: If an application is rejected or if space in the program is not available, all deposits/payments will be refunded in full.


We offer a comprehensive scholarship program to assist qualified students with the cost of NSLC tuition, based on financial need, academic merit and extracurriculars.

Apply Now...


Fundraising is a great way to raise funds to contribute toward your NSLC program tuition while also forging relationships with leaders in your community.

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Go here to see the original:
Biotechnology | National Student Leadership Conference


Biotechnology Conferences | CPD Events| Biotechnology …

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

Frontiers in Biotechnology

Biotechnology is an innovative science in which living systems and organisms are used to develop new and useful products, ranging from healthcare products to seeds. The field of Biotechnology is growing rapidly making tremendous impacts in Medical/Health Care, Food & Agriculture. The Global Biotechnology industry is in the growth phase of its economic life cycle. Over the five years to 2014, revenue and industry value added (IVA) growth have outpaced world GDP growth. The Frontiers in Biotechnology track will cover current technological aspects that aim at obtaining products with scientific, industrial, health and agricultural applications, from organisms with increasing levels of complexity from bacteria, yeast, plants, animal cells and virus. With the lectures and demonstrations on stem cell therapy, Embryo transfer technology, next generation sequencing, Drug discovery, biotechnology in food and dairy, etc... The participants are expected to acquire knowledge in techniques and methodologies used in Biotechnology.

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology is the science that covers all technologies required for producing, manufacturing and registration of biological drugs.Pharmaceutical Biotechnologyis an increasingly important area of science and technology. It contributes in design and delivery of new therapeutic drugs,diagnosticagents for medical tests, and in gene therapy for correcting the medical symptoms of hereditary diseases. The Pharmaceutical Biotechnology is widely spread, ranging from many ethical issues to changes inhealthcarepracticesand a significant contribution to the development of national economy.Biopharmaceuticalsconsists of large biological molecules which areproteins. They target the underlying mechanisms and pathways of a disease or ailment; it is a relatively young industry. They can deal with targets in humans that are not accessible withtraditional medicines.

Related Conferences

11th World Congress onBiotechnology and Biotech Industries Meet, July 28-29, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 11thEuro Biotechnology Congress, November 07-09,2016, Alicante Spain; 13thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 28-30, 2016, San Francisco, USA;Global Biotechnology Congress2016, May 11th - 14th 2016, Boston, MA, USA;Biomarker Summit2016, March 21-23, 2016 San Diego, CA, USA; 14thVaccines Research & Development, July 7-8, Boston, USA;Pharmaceutical & BiotechPatent Litigation Forum, Mar 14 - 15, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 4thBiomarkers in Diagnostics, Oct 07-08, 2015 Berlin, Germany, DEU.

Medical Biotechnology

Medicine is by means of biotechnology techniques so much in diagnosing and treating dissimilar diseases. It also gives opportunity for the population to defend themselves from hazardous diseases. The pasture of biotechnology, genetic engineering, has introduced techniques like gene therapy, recombinant DNA technologyand polymerase chain retort which employ genes and DNA molecules to make adiagnosis diseasesand put in new and strong genes in the body which put back the injured cells. There are some applications of biotechnology which are live their part in the turf of medicine and giving good results.

Related Conferences

11th World Congress onBiotechnology and Biotech Industries Meet, July 28-29, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 11thEuro Biotechnology Congress, November 07-09,2016, Alicante Spain; 13thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 28-30, 2016, San Francisco, USA;Global Biotechnology Congress2016, May 11th - 14th 2016, Boston, MA, USA;Biomarker Summit2016, March 21-23, 2016 San Diego, CA, USA; 14thVaccines Research & Development, July 7-8, Boston, USA;Pharmaceutical & Biotech Patent Litigation Forum, Mar 14 - 15, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 4thBiomarkers in Diagnostics, Oct 07-08, 2015 Berlin, Germany, DEU.

Molecular Biotechnology

Molecular biotechnology is the use of laboratory techniques to study and modify nucleic acids and proteins for applications in areas such as human and animal health, agriculture, and the environment.Molecular biotechnologyresults from the convergence of many areas of research, such as molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, immunology, genetics, and cell biology. It is an exciting field fueled by the ability to transfer genetic information between organisms with the goal of understanding important biological processes or creating a useful product.

Related Conferences

11th World Congress onBiotechnology and Biotech IndustriesMeet, July 28-29, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 13thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 28-30, 2016, San Francisco, USA; GlobalBiotechnology Congress2016, May 11th-14th 2016, Boston, MA, USA;BIO Investor Forum, October 20-21, 2015, San Francisco, USA;BIO Latin America Conference, October 14-16, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;Bio Pharm America 20158th Annual International Partnering Conference, September 15-17, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.

Environmental Biotechnology

The biotechnology is applied and used to study the natural environment. Environmental biotechnology could also imply that one try to harness biological process for commercial uses and exploitation. It is "the development, use and regulation of biological systems for remediation of contaminated environment and forenvironment-friendly processes(green manufacturing technologies and sustainable development). Environmental biotechnology can simply be described as "the optimal use of nature, in the form of plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and algae, to producerenewable energy, food and nutrients in a synergistic integrated cycle of profit making processes where the waste of each process becomes the feedstock for another process".

Related Conferences

11th World Congress onBiotechnology and Biotech IndustriesMeet, July 28-29, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 11thEuro Biotechnology Congress, November 07-09,2016, Alicante Spain; 13thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 28-30, 2016, San Francisco, USA; GlobalBiotechnology Congress2016, May 11th - 14th 2016, Boston, MA, USA;Biomarker Summit2016, March 21-23, 2016 San Diego, CA, USA; 14thVaccines Research & Development, July 7-8, Boston, USA;Pharmaceutical & BiotechPatent Litigation Forum, Mar 14 - 15, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Animal Biotechnology

It improves the food we eat - meat, milk and eggs. Biotechnology can improve an animals impact on the environment. Animalbiotechnologyis the use of science and engineering to modify living organisms. The goal is to make products, to improve animals and to developmicroorganismsfor specific agricultural uses. It enhances the ability to detect, treat and prevent diseases, include creating transgenic animals (animals with one or more genes introduced by human intervention), using gene knock out technology to make animals with a specific inactivated gene and producing nearly identical animals by somatic cell nuclear transfer (or cloning).

Related Conferences

11th World Congress onBiotechnology and Biotech Industries Meet, July 28-29, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 11thEuro Biotechnology Congress, November 07-09,2016, Alicante Spain; 13thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 28-30, 2016, San Francisco, USA;Global Biotechnology Congress2016, May 11th - 14th 2016, Boston, MA, USA;Biomarker Summit2016, March 21-23, 2016 San Diego, CA, USA; 14thVaccines Research & Development, July 7-8, Boston, USA;Pharmaceutical & BiotechPatent Litigation Forum, Mar 14 - 15, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 4thBiomarkers in Diagnostics, Oct 07-08, 2015 Berlin, Germany, DEU.

Agricultural Biotechnology

Biotechnology is being used to address problems in all areas of agricultural production and processing. This includesplant breedingto raise and stabilize yields; to improve resistance to pests, diseases and abiotic stresses such as drought and cold; and to enhance the nutritional content of foods. Modern agricultural biotechnology improves crops in more targeted ways. The best known technique is genetic modification, but the term agricultural biotechnology (or green biotechnology) also covers such techniques asMarker Assisted Breeding, which increases the effectiveness of conventional breeding.

Related Conferences

3rd GlobalFood Safety Conference, September 01-03, 2016, Atlanta USA; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 11thEuro Biotechnology Congress, November 07-09,2016, Alicante Spain; 12thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 14-15, 2016, San Francisco, USA;Biologically Active Compoundsin Food, October 15-16 2015 Lodz, Poland; World Conference onInnovative Animal Nutrition and Feeding, October 15-17, 2015 Budapest, Hungary; 18th International Conference onFood Science and Biotechnology, November 28 - 29, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey; 18th International Conference on Agricultural Science, Biotechnology,Food and Animal Science, January 7 - 8, 2016, Singapore; International IndonesiaSeafood and Meat, 1517 October 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Industrial Biotechnology

Industrial biotechnology is the application of biotechnology for industrial purposes, includingindustrial fermentation. The practice of using cells such as micro-organisms, or components of cells like enzymes, to generate industrially useful products in sectors such as chemicals, food and feed, detergents, paper and pulp, textiles andbiofuels. Industrial Biotechnology offers a premier forum bridging basic research and R&D with later-stage commercialization for sustainable bio based industrial and environmental applications.

Related Conferences

11th World Congress onBiotechnology and Biotech Industries Meet, July 28-29, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 11thEuro Biotechnology Congress, November 07-09,2016, Alicante Spain; 13thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 28-30, 2016, San Francisco, USA; GlobalBiotechnology Congress2016, May 11th - 14th 2016, Boston, MA, USA;Biomarker Summit2016, March 21-23, 2016 San Diego, CA, USA; 14thVaccines Research & Development, July 7-8, Boston, USA;Pharmaceutical & BiotechPatent Litigation Forum, Mar 14 - 15, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 4thBiomarkers in Diagnostics, Oct 07-08, 2015 Berlin, Germany, DEU.

Microbial Biotechnology

Microorganisms have been exploited for their specific biochemical and physiological properties from the earliest times for baking, brewing, and food preservation and more recently for producingantibiotics, solvents, amino acids, feed supplements, and chemical feedstuffs. Over time, there has been continuous selection by scientists of special strains ofmicroorganisms, based on their efficiency to perform a desired function. Progress, however, has been slow, often difficult to explain, and hard to repeat. Recent developments inmolecular biologyand genetic engineering could provide novel solutions to long-standing problems. Over the past decade, scientists have developed the techniques to move a gene from one organism to another, based on discoveries of how cells store, duplicate, and transfer genetic information.

Related conferences

3rdGlobal Food Safety Conference, September 01-03, 2016, Atlanta USA; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 11thEuro Biotechnology Congress, November 07-09,2016, Alicante Spain; 12thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 14-15, 2016, San Francisco, USA;Biologically Active Compoundsin Food, October 15-16 2015 Lodz, Poland; World Conference onInnovative Animal Nutrition and Feeding, October 15-17, 2015 Budapest, Hungary; 18th International Conference onFood Science and Biotechnology, November 28 - 29, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey; 18th International Conference on Agricultural Science, Biotechnology,Food and Animal Science, January 7 - 8, 2016, Singapore; International IndonesiaSeafood and Meat, 1517 October 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Food Biotechnology

Food processing is a process by which non-palatable and easily perishable raw materials are converted to edible and potable foods and beverages, which have a longer shelf life. Biotechnology helps in improving the edibility, texture, and storage of the food; in preventing the attack of the food, mainly dairy, by the virus like bacteriophage producing antimicrobial effect to destroy the unwanted microorganisms in food that cause toxicity to prevent the formation and degradation of other toxins andanti-nutritionalelements present naturally in food.

Related Conferences

11th World Congress onBiotechnology and Biotech Industries Meet, July 28-29, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 13thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 28-30, 2016, San Francisco, USA;Global Biotechnology Congress 2016, May 11th-14th 2016, Boston, MA, USA;BIO Investor Forum, October 20-21, 2015, San Francisco, USA;BIO Latin America Conference, October 14-16, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;Bio Pharm America 20158th Annual International Partnering Conference, September 15-17, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

One kind of biotechnology is gene technology, sometimes called 'genetic engineering' or'genetic modification', where the genetic material of living things is deliberately altered to enhance or remove a particular trait and allow the organism to perform new functions. Genes within a species can be modified, or genes can be moved from one species to another. Genetic engineering has applications inmedicine, research, agriculture and can be used on a wide range of plants, animals and microorganisms. It resulted in a series of medical products. The first two commercially prepared products from recombinant DNA technology were insulin andhuman growth hormone, both of which were cultured in the E. coli bacteria.

The field of molecular biology overlaps with biology and chemistry and in particular, genetics and biochemistry. A key area of molecular biology concerns understanding how various cellular systems interact in terms of the way DNA, RNA and protein synthesis function.

Related Conferences

11th World Congress onBiotechnology and Biotech Industries Meet, July 28-29, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 11thEuro Biotechnology Congress, November 07-09,2016, Alicante Spain; 13thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 28-30, 2016, San Francisco, USA;Global Biotechnology Congress2016, May 11th - 14th 2016, Boston, MA, USA;Biomarker Summit2016, March 21-23, 2016 San Diego, CA, USA; 14thVaccines Research & Development, July 7-8, Boston, USA;Pharmaceutical & BiotechPatent Litigation Forum, Mar 14 - 15, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 4thBiomarkers in Diagnostics, Oct 07-08, 2015 Berlin, Germany, DEU.

Biotechnology Investor & partnering Forum

The Biotech Investor & Partnering Forum is one of the unique conclave focused on the management and economics of biotechnology which became so important as the field is growing on a fast paced. From agriculture and environment sectors to pharmaceutical and healthcare products and services, the industries and institutions emerging from the biotech revolution Bio-Based Economy represent one of the largest and most steadily growing building blocks of the Global economy. The social impact is overwhelming, generating tremendous progress in quality of life but also difficult issues that needs responsible management based on consumer & bio-industry perspective, solid ethical principles, growing intellectual property rights complexity, long drug development times, Bio security, unusual market structures and highly unpredictable outcomes are just some of the challenges facing biotechnology management today.

Related Conferences

11th World Congress onBiotechnology and Biotech Industries Meet, July 28-29, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 11thEuro Biotechnology Congress, November 07-09,2016, Alicante Spain; 13thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 28-30, 2016, San Francisco, USA;Global Biotechnology Congress2016, May 11th - 14th 2016, Boston, MA, USA;Biomarker Summit2016, March 21-23, 2016 San Diego, CA, USA; 14thVaccines Research & Development, July 7-8, Boston, USA;Pharmaceutical & BiotechPatent Litigation Forum, Mar 14 - 15, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 4thBiomarkers in Diagnostics, Oct 07-08, 2015 Berlin, Germany, DEU.

Nano Biotechnology

Nano biotechnology, bio nanotechnology, and Nano biology are terms that refer to the intersection of nanotechnology and biology. Bio nanotechnology and Nano biotechnology serve as blanket terms for various related technologies. The most important objectives that are frequently found inNano biologyinvolve applying Nano tools to relevantmedical/biologicalproblems and refining these applications. Developing new tools, such as peptide Nano sheets, for medical and biological purposes is another primary objective in nanotechnology.

Related Conferences

8thWorldMedicalNanotechnologyCongress& Expo during June 9-11, Dallas, USA; 6thGlobal Experts Meeting and Expo onNanomaterialsand Nanotechnology, April 21-23, 2016 ,Dubai, UAE; 12thNanotechnologyProductsExpo, Nov 10-12, 2016 at Melbourne, Australia; 5thInternationalConference onNanotekand Expo, November 16-18, 2015 at San Antonio, USA; 11thInternational Conference and Expo onNano scienceandMolecular Nanotechnology, September 26-28 2016, London, UK; 18thInternational Conference onNanotechnologyand Biotechnology, February 4 - 5, 2016 in Melbourne, Australia; 16thInternational Conference onNanotechnology, August 22-25, 2016 in Sendai, Japan; International Conference onNano scienceand Nanotechnology, 7-11 Feb 2016 in Canberra, Australia; 18thInternational Conference onNano scienceand Nanotechnology, February 15 - 16, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey; InternationalNanotechnologyConference& Expo, April 4-6, 2016 in Baltimore, USA.

Animal biotechnology

Animal biotechnology is a branch of biotechnology in which molecular biology techniques are used to genetically engineer animals in order to improve their suitability for pharmaceutical, agricultural or industrial applications. Many animals also help by serving as models of disease. If an animal gets a disease that's similar to humans, we can use that animal to test treatments. Animals are often used to help us understand how new drugs will work and whether or not they'll be safe for humans and effective in treating disease.

Related conferences

11th World Congress onBiotechnology and Biotech IndustriesMeet, July 28-29, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 11thEuro Biotechnology Congress, November 07-09,2016, Alicante Spain; 12thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 14-15, 2016, San Francisco, USA;BIO IPCC Conference, Cary, North Carolina, USA; World Congress onIndustrial Biotechnology, April 17-20, 2016, San Diego, CA; 6thBio based Chemicals: Commercialization & Partnering, November 16-17, 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA; The European Forum forIndustrial Biotechnology and Bio economy, 27-29 October 2015, Brussels, Belgium; 4thBiotechnology World Congress, February 15th-18th, 2016, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; International Conference on Advances inBioprocess Engineering and Technology, 20th to 22nd January 2016,Kolkata, India; GlobalBiotechnology Congress2016, May 11th - 14th 2016, Boston, MA, USA

Biotechnology Applications

Biotechnology has application in four major industrial areas, including health care (medical), crop production and agriculture, nonfood (industrial) uses of crops and other products (e.g. biodegradable plastics, vegetable oil, biofuels), and environmental uses. AppliedMicrobiologyand Biotechnology focusses on prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells, relevant enzymes and proteins, applied genetics and molecular biotechnology,genomicsand proteomics, applied microbial and cell physiology, environmental biotechnology, process and products and more.

Related conferences

3rd GlobalFood Safety Conference, September 01-03, 2016, Atlanta USA; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; 11thEuro Biotechnology Congress, November 07-09,2016, Alicante Spain; 12thBiotechnology Congress, Nov 14-15, 2016, San Francisco, USA;Biologically Active Compoundsin Food, October 15-16 2015 Lodz, Poland; World Conference onInnovative Animal Nutrition and Feeding, October 15-17, 2015 Budapest, Hungary; 18th International Conference onFood Science and Biotechnology, November 28 - 29, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey; 18th International Conference on Agricultural Science, Biotechnology,Food and Animal Science, January 7 - 8, 2016, Singapore; International IndonesiaSeafood and Meat, 1517 October 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Biotechnology Companies & Market Analysis

From agriculture to environmental science, biotechnology plays an important role in improving industry standards, services, and developing new products. Biotechnology involves the spectrum of life science-based research companies working ontransformative technologiesfor a wide range of industries. While agriculture, material science and environmental science are major areas of research, the largest impact is made in the field medicine. As a large player in the research and development of pharmaceuticals, the role ofbiotechnologyin the healthcare field is undeniable. From genetically analysis and manipulation to the formation of new drugs, many biotech firms are transforming into pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical leaders.

Related conferences

10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok; 11thEuroBiotechnologyCongress, November 7-9, 2016 Alicante, Spain; 11th World Congress onBiotechnology and Biotech IndustriesMeet, July 28-29, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 13thBiotechnologyCongress, November 28-30, 2016 San Francisco, USA; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, UAE;BioInternational Convention, June 6-9, 2016 | San Francisco, CA;BiotechJapan, May 11-13, 2016, Tokyo, Japan;NANO BIOEXPO 2016, Jan. 27 - 29, 2016, Tokyo, Japan;ArabLabExpo2016, March 20-23, Dubai; 14thInternational exhibition for laboratory technology,chemical analysis, biotechnology and diagnostics, 12-14 Apr 2016, Moscow, Russia

Biotechnology Capital & Grants

Every new business needs some startup capital, for research, product development and production, permits and licensing and other overhead costs, in addition to what is needed to pay your staff, if you have any. Biotechnology products arise from successfulbiotechcompanies. These companies are built by talented individuals in possession of a scientific breakthrough that is translated into a product or service idea, which is ultimately brought into commercialization. At the heart of this effort is the biotech entrepreneur, who forms the company with a vision they believe will benefit the lives and health of countless individuals. Entrepreneurs start biotechnology companies for various reasons, but creatingrevolutionary productsand tools that impact the lives of potentially millions of people is one of the fundamental reasons why all entrepreneurs start biotechnology companies.

10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok; 11thEuroBiotechnologyCongress, November 7-9, 2016 Alicante, Spain; 11th World Congress onBiotechnology and Biotech IndustriesMeet, July 28-29, 2016, Berlin, Germany; 13thBiotechnologyCongress, November 28-30, 2016 San Francisco, USA; 10thAsia Pacific Biotech CongressJuly 25-27, 2016, Bangkok, UAE;BioInternational Convention, June 6-9, 2016 | San Francisco, CA;BiotechJapan, May 11-13, 2016, Tokyo, Japan;NANO BIOEXPO 2016, Jan. 27 - 29, 2016, Tokyo, Japan;ArabLabExpo2016, March 20-23, Dubai; 14thInternational exhibition for laboratory technology,chemical analysis, biotechnology and diagnostics, 12-14 Apr 2016, Moscow, Russia

Scope and Importance

From the simple facts of brewing beer and baking bread has emerged a field now known asBiotechnology. Over the ages the meaning of the word biotechnology has evolved along with our growing technical knowledge. Biotechnology began by using cultured microorganisms to create a variety of food and drinks, despite in early practitioners not even knowing the existence of microbial world. Today, biotechnology is still defined as many application of living organisms or bioprocesses to create new products. Although the underlying idea is unchanged, the use of genetic engineering and other modern scientific techniques has revolutionized the area.

The field of genetics, molecular biology, microbiology, and biochemistry are merging their respective discoveries into the expanding applied field of biotechnology, and advances are occurring at a record pace. Traditional biotechnology goes back thousands of years.

Modern biotechnology applies not only modern genetics but also advances in other sciences. However, there is a third revolution that is just emergingnanotechnology. The development of techniques to visualize and manipulate atoms individually or in small clusters is opening the way to an ever-finer analysis of living systems. Nanoscale techniques are now beginning to play significant roles in many area of biotechnology.

This raises the question of what exactly defines biotechnology. To this there is no real answer. Today, the application of modern genetics or other equivalent modern technology is usually seen as application of modern genetics or equivalent modern technology is usually seen as necessary for a process to count as biotechnology. Thus, the definition of biotechnology has become partly a matter of fashion. Therefore, to classical terms, (modern) biotechnology as resulting in a broaden manner from the merger of classical biotechnology with modern genetics, molecular biology, computer technology, and nanotechnology.

Biotech Congress 2017covers mostly all the allied areas of biotechnology which embraces both the basic sciences, technology and as well as its applications in research, industry and academia. This conference will promote global networking between researchers, institutions, investors, industries, policy makers and students. The conference varied topics in biotechnology like healthcare, environmental, animal, plant, marine, genetic engineering, industrial aspects, food science and bio process.

Through this conference we can get all the relevant information regarding how we can use the advances in the biotechnology for building a better tomorrow by reducing the environmental impacts.

Why Italy?

Rome is the capital of Italy; it is also the countrys largest and most populated comune and fourth-most populous city in the European Union. The Metropolitan City of Rome has a population of 4.3 million residents. The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, within Lazio (Latium), along the shores of Tiber River. Vatican City is an independent country within the city boundaries of Rome, the only existing example of a country within a city: for this reason Rome has been often defined as capital of two states. Roman mythology dates the founding of Rome at only around 753 BC; the site has been inhabited for much longer, making it one of the oldest continuously occupied cities in Europe. It is referred to as Roma Aeterna (The Eternal City) and Caput Mundi (Capital of the World), two central notions in ancient Roman culture. One of the most important city, Rome, was founded in 753 B.C. by Romulus.

The Apennine Mountains form its backbone and stretch from north to south, with the Tiber River cutting through them in central Italy. Along the northern border, the Alps serve as a natural boundary. The three major bodies of water surrounding Italy are the Adriatic Sea, the Ionian Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient Rome is characterized by the seven hills and the Tiber River. The Tiber River flows from the Apennine Mountain, to the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Rome is a sprawling, cosmopolitan city with nearly 3,000 years of globally influential art, architecture and culture on display. In 2005, the city received 19.5 million global visitors, up of 22.1% from 2001. Rome ranked in 2014 as the 14thmos-visited city in the world, 3rd most visited in the European Union, and the most popular tourist attraction in Italy. Its historic center is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Monuments and museums such as the Vatican Museums and the Colosseum are among the worlds most visited tourist destinations with both locations receiving millions of tourists a year. Rome hosted the 1960 Summer Olympics and is the seat of United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).Rome is the city with the most monuments in the world.

The weather is fantastic in Rome in June, when the average temperature starts off at around 20C and gradually climbs up to 23C-24C as the month progresses.

Congress Highlights:

Biotech Congress 2017 emphasizes on:

Target Audience

CEO, Directors, Vice Presidents, Co-directors, Biotechnologists, Academicians, Biostatistician, Biotechnologists, Clinical Laboratory Scientist, Clinical Metabolomics Data Analyst, Clinicians, Commissioner of Health, Community health workers, CROs, Directors, Environmental Scientists, Food Scientists, Genetic Engineers, Health Economist, Health officials, Healthcare Analyst, Manager of Quality Assurance and Evaluation, Market Access Manager, Marketing Intelligence Associate, Master/PhD students, Medical professionals, Microbiologists, Pharmaceutical Scientists, Physicians, Plant Scientists, Postdoctoral Fellows, Public Health Officer, Public Health Policy Analyst, Research Associates, Research Coordinator, Research Data Analyst, Research Intern, Researchers and faculty, Scientific and Medical Information Assistant, Scientists, Food, Environmental & Plant Scientists, Clinicians, Professors, Health care industrialists, Post Doctorate Fellows, Brand Manufacturers of Consumer Products/ Managers, Pharmaceutical Scientists, Students.

Focusing areas to get more participations & Exhibitions

Why to attend?

Biotech Congress is a remarkable event which brings together a unique and international mix of Biotechnology Researchers, Industrial Biotechnologists, leading Universities and Research Institutions making the congress a perfect platform to share experience, foster collaboration across Industry and Academia, and evaluate emerging technologies across the globe.

Biotechnology in Europe

Only in March a market analysis by British researchers at the University of Cambridge had calculated a market potential of three billion euros for Europe.At present, such Crowd Investing platforms only have a market share of 6.5%, however, the growth forecasts are good. The biotech industry in Europe spends nearly $7.32 billion in R&D and $23.2 billion in revenue. Around 20% of the total marketed medicines, and as much as 50% of all drugs that are in the pipeline, are all healthcare biotech products. The European biotech industry provides employment to approximately 95,000 people. Biotechnology sector makes a substantial contribution to the fundamental EU policy objectives, such as job creation, economic growth, ageing society, public health, environmental protection and sustainable development.

Biotechnology in Italy

The Italian Biotechnology Report by Ernst&Young and Assobiotec, in cooperation with Farmindustria and Italian Trade Promotion Agency, shows that the Italian biotech companies are able to compete outstandingly on the international market, managing to grow despite continuing difficulties in the economic situation. With 394 companies, of which 248 pure biotech, Italy is third in Europe after Germany and the United Kingdom, for the number of pure biotech companies, with a growth trend (+2,5%) in clear contrast with that of the countries that occupy the top ranking positions. With 206 companies operating in the health-care field, the red biotech is the prevalent sector. Looking at the other sectors, 43 green biotech, 34 white biotech, 61 GPET (Genomics, Proteomics and Enabling Technologies) and 50 multi core companies are operating in Italy. 77% of the companies are small (less than 50 employees) and micro (less than 10 employees) enterprises, mainly located in Science and Technology Parks or Incubators. Total revenues in the biotech field amount to 7 billion Euros (+4%). Investments in R&D amount to 1,8 billion Euros (+8%), equal to 25% of total revenues. Italian biotech revenues contributes to 0,7% of GDP and the sector is being considered more and more often as a meta-sector, able to create value and employment and with significant effects on various fields, ranging from textiles to detergents, cosmetics, polymers, paper and animal feed, from paints to food, from treatment of waste to leather treatment, and many others. The future trends of Italian red biotech are connected to a further specialization in oncology, neurology and infectious diseases and to new achievements in the fields of Advanced Therapies and personalized medicine. The analysis of the Italian biotech pipeline shows 319 products for therapeutic use, of which 80 in the preclinical phase, 43 in Phase I, 98 in Phase II and 98 in Phase III. Plant genomics and traceability, preservation and safety of foods, as well as bioremediation and biomasses, are the most promising applications in the green & white fields.

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About BIO | BIO

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

BIO is the world's largest trade association representing biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations across the United States and in more than 30 other nations. BIO members are involved in the research and development of innovative healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology products. BIO also produces theBIO International Convention, the worlds largest gathering of the biotechnology industry, along with industry-leading investor and partnering meetings held around the world.BIOtechNOWis BIO's blog chronicling innovations transforming our world and the BIO Newsletter is the organizations bi-weekly email newsletter.Subscribe to the BIO Newsletter.

Corporate members range from entrepreneurial companies developing a first product to Fortune 500 multinationals. We also represent state and regional biotech associations, service providers to the industry, and academic centers. Our members help foster a healthy economy by creating good-paying, biotechnology jobs.

Not only do we advocate for our members, but we also work towards enriching the industry with networking, partnering and education opportunities. We organize the BIO International Convention, the global event for biotechnology, along with many other industry-leading investor and partnering events held around the world. In addition, we produce BIOtechNOW, an online portal and monthly newsletter chronicling innovations transforming our world.

BIO is organized into four different sections to best represent our members and their goals:

We serve the needs of small-to-medium size companies, most of whom do not yet have major products approved and on the market. Whether advocating for pro-innovation tax policies to encouraging an economic and policy environment to foster biotech investment, we focus on critical issues affecting smaller companies and build programs to enhance their development.

We promote biomedical innovation by developing and advocating for public policies that represent the best interests of members focused on human health. We break-down the barriers that impede American innovation by reducing bureaucratic hurdles to lifesaving technologies. Among the priority issues are matters affecting the healthcare-related regulatory and reimbursement climate, pandemic and biodefense preparedness, publicly funded scientific research, and personalized medicine.

We promote the use of industrial enzymes, conversion of biomass to energy and chemicals, and innovative clean up technologies. We work closely with the U.S. Congress, federal agencies, and international organizations to encourage the development of technologies that make our lives and environment cleaner, safer and healthier.

We create and advance industry policies on all food and agriculture biotechnology issues related to international affairs, government relations, science and regulatory affairs, and media and public affairs. We work for a safe and clean supply of healthy food for a growing global population.

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About BIO | BIO


Biotechnology for Biofuels | Home page

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Prof James du Preez is professor of microbiology and former chairperson (2002 2014) of the Department of Microbial, Biochemical & Food Biotechnology at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. He obtained his PhD in microbiology from the above university in 1980 after completing a major part of his doctoral research at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zrich, which laid the foundation for his further work in the field of fermentation biotechnology. His special interests include continuous (chemostat) cultures, yeast physiology, the production of heterologous proteins and microbial metabolites, as well as bioethanol production from starchy and lignocellulosic feedstocks, including pentose fermentation by yeasts. The physiology of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an ongoing interest.

James has authored close to 100 peer-reviewed articles as well as several other papers and book chapters. Involvement with the science community includes membership of the council of the South African Society for Microbiology and the International Commission for Yeasts. He was the American Society for Microbiologys ambassador to South Africa until 2014. He serves on the editorial board of FEMS Yeast Research and was a guest editor for a thematic issue of FEMS Yeast Research on yeast fermentations and other yeast bioprocesses. He was an associate editor for World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology until early 2015, currently is a joint editor-in-chief for Biotechnology for Biofuels and recently served on the Editors Advisory Group of BioMed Central. In 2014 he was appointed external expert on the Biological Production Systems panel of the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research and in 2015 served for a second term on a grant evaluation panel of the European Research Council. Among honours received are election as member of the Academy of Science of South Africa, the award of a silver medal for exceptional achievement from the South African Society for Microbiology and awards from his home university for research excellence.

Dr Michael Himmel has 30 years of progressive experience in conducting, supervising, and planning research in protein biochemistry, recombinant technology, enzyme engineering, new microorganism discovery, and the physicochemistry of macromolecules. He has also supervised research that targets the application of site-directed-mutagenesis and rational protein design to the stabilization and improvement of important industrial enzymes, especially glycosyl hydrolases.

Dr Himmel has functioned as PI for the DOE EERE Office of the Biomass Program (OBP) since 1992, wherein his responsibilities have included managing research designed to improve cellulase performance, reduce biomass pretreatment costs, and improve yields of fermentable sugars. He has also developed new facilities at NREL for biomass conversion research, including a Cellulase Biochemistry Laboratory, a Biomass Surface Characterization Laboratory, a Protein Crystallography Laboratory, and a new Computational Science Team. Dr. Himmel also serves as the Principal Group Manger of the Biomolecular Sciences Group, where he has supervisory responsibly for 50 staff scientists.

Prof Debra Mohnen received her B.A. in biology from Lawrence University (Wisconsin) and her MS in botany and PhD in plant biology from the University of Illinois. Her PhD research was conducted at the Friedrich Miescher Institute in Basel, Switzerland. She held postdoctoral research associate positions at the USDA's Richard Russell Research Center and at the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (CCRC) in Athens, GA where she won an NIH National Research Service Award for her postdoctoral research. She was appointed to the CCRC faculty in September 1990 and is currently Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and also adjunct faculty member in the Department of Plant Biology and member of the Plant Center at UGA. Dr Mohnen has served on the Committee on the Status of Women in Plant Physiology of the American Society of Plant Physiologists, invited faculty sponsor for the UGA Association for Women in Science (AWIS), past member-at-large in the Cellulose and Renewable Materials Division of the American Chemical Society, and is currently a member of the Council for Chemical and Biochemical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division in the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy. As Co-PI on the NSF-funded Plant Cell Wall Biosynthesis Research Network Dr Mohnen established the originally NSF-funded service CarboSource Services, that provides rare substrates for plant wall polysaccharide synthesis to the research community. Her research centers on the biosynthesis, function and structure of plant cell wall polysaccharides is supported by funding from the USDA, NSF and DOE. Her emphasis is on pectin biosynthesis and pectin function in plants and human health, and on the improvement of plant cell wall structure so as to improve the efficiency of conversion of plant wall biomass to biofuels.

Prof Charles Wyman has devoted most of his career to leading advancement of technology for biological conversion of cellulosic biomass to ethanol and other products. In the fall of 2005, he joined the University of California at Riverside as a Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and the Ford Motor Company Chair in Environmental Engineering with a research focus on pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, and dehydration of cellulosic biomass to produce reactive intermediates for conversion to fuels and chemicals. Before joining UCR, he was the Paul E. and Joan H. Queneau Distinguished Professor in Environmental Engineering Design at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College. Dr. Wyman recently founded Vertimass LLC that is devoted to commercialization of novel catalytic technology for simple one-step conversion of ethanol to fungible gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel blend stocks. Dr. Wyman is also cofounder and former Chief Development Officer and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board for Mascoma Corporation, a startup focused on biomass conversion to ethanol and other products.

Before joining Dartmouth College in the fall of 1998, Dr. Wyman was Director of Technology for BC International and led process development for the first cellulosic ethanol plant planned for Jennings, Louisiana. Between 1978 and 1997, he served as Director of the Biotechnology Center for Fuels and Chemicals at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado; Director of the NREL Alternative Fuels Division; and Manager of the Biotechnology Research Branch. During that time, he held several other leadership positions at NREL, mostly focused on R&D for biological conversion of cellulosic biomass to fuels and chemicals. He has also been Manager of Process Development for Badger Engineers, an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of New Hampshire, and a Senior Chemical Engineer with Monsanto Company.

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Current Opinion in Biotechnology – Journal – Elsevier

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

The Current Opinion journals were developed out of the recognition that it is increasingly difficult for specialists to keep up to date with the expanding volume of information published in their subject. In Current Opinion in Biotechnology, we help the reader by providing in a systematic manner: 1. The views of experts on current advances in biotechnology in a clear and readable form. 2. Evaluations of the most interesting papers, annotated by experts, from the great wealth of original publications.

Division of the subject into sections The subject of biotechnology is divided into themed sections, each of which is reviewed once a year. The amount of space devoted to each section is related to its importance.

Analytical biotechnology Plant biotechnology Food biotechnology Energy biotechnology Environmental biotechnology Systems biology Nanobiotechnology Tissue, cell and pathway engineering Chemical biotechnology Pharmaceutical biotechnology

Selection of topics to be reviewed Section Editors, who are major authorities in the field, are appointed by the Editors of the journal. They divide their section into a number of topics, ensuring that the field is comprehensively covered and that all issues of current importance are emphasised. Section Editors commission reviews from authorities on each topic that they have selected.

Reviews Authors write short review articles in which they present recent developments in their subject, emphasising the aspects that, in their opinion, are most important. In addition, they provide short annotations to the papers that they consider to be most interesting from all those published in their topic over the previous year.

Editorial Overview Section Editors write a short overview at the beginning of the section to introduce the reviews and to draw the reader's attention to any particularly interesting developments. This successful format has made Current Opinion in Biotechnology one of the most highly regarded and highly cited review journals in the field (Impact factor = 8.035).

Ethics in Publishing: General Statement

The Editor(s) and Publisher of this Journal believe that there are fundamental principles underlying scholarly or professional publishing. While this may not amount to a formal 'code of conduct', these fundamental principles with respect to the authors' paper are that the paper should: i) be the authors' own original work, which has not been previously published elsewhere, ii) reflect the authors' own research and analysis and do so in a truthful and complete manner, iii) properly credit the meaningful contributions of co-authors and co-researchers, iv) not be submitted to more than one journal for consideration, and v) be appropriately placed in the context of prior and existing research. Of equal importance are ethical guidelines dealing with research methods and research funding, including issues dealing with informed consent, research subject privacy rights, conflicts of interest, and sources of funding. While it may not be possible to draft a 'code' that applies adequately to all instances and circumstances, we believe it useful to outline our expectations of authors and procedures that the Journal will employ in the event of questions concerning author conduct. With respect to conflicts of interest, the Publisher now requires authors to declare any conflicts of interest that relate to papers accepted for publication in this Journal. A conflict of interest may exist when an author or the author's institution has a financial or other relationship with other people or organizations that may inappropriately influence the author's work. A conflict can be actual or potential and full disclosure to the Journal is the safest course. All submissions to the Journal must include disclosure of all relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest. The Journal may use such information as a basis for editorial decisions and may publish such disclosures if they are believed to be important to readers in judging the manuscript. A decision may be made by the Journal not to publish on the basis of the declared conflict.

For more information, please refer to: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/authorshome.authors/conflictsofinterest

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Current Opinion in Biotechnology - Journal - Elsevier


Best Master’s Degrees in Biotechnology 2016

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Biotechnology is a top-notch field of study that emerged into the scientific world as a result of revolutions in Biology, Chemistry, Informatics, and Engineering. It is considered to be an applied branch of Biology. Biotechnology helps out this old and respectable field of science keep up with the pace of time and remain competitive in the contemporary world.

With a Master in Biotechnology, students will study the use of living organisms and bioprocesses in technology, engineering, medicine, agriculture and results in all kinds of bioproducts, from genetically modified food to serious cutting-edge devices used to carry out gene therapy. Students in Master in Biotechnology programs may also explore bioinformatics, which is the application of statistics and computer science to the field of molecular biology. Bioinformatics is extremely important for contemporary biological and molecular researches because the data amount there grows by geometric progression and it is necessary to have adequate technology to process it. Bioinformatic methods are widely used for mapping and analyzing DNA and protein samples, as well as for the study of genetics and molecular modeling. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics do a great favour to traditional fields of study, refreshing them with new methods of research, which allows their drastic development, and you can make your contribution with a Master in Biotechnology degree.

Find out about various Master in Biotechnology programs by following the links below. Don't hesitate to send the "Request free information" form to come in contact with the relevant person at the school and get even more information about the specific Master in Biotechnology program you are interested in.

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Best Master's Degrees in Biotechnology 2016


Biotechnology – Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

The biotechnology program at Ivy Tech is taught by instructors with real-world experience. Students will use state-of-the-art laboratories that are equipped with instrumentation, supplies and equipment for an effective hands-on laboratory experience.

Classes focus on teaching a variety of procedures necessary to execute laboratory projects assigned in the students chosen field. Students will spend a significant amount of class time working hands-on doing laboratory activities either by themselves or in small groups with the ability to have one-on-one time with the instructor.

The Biotechnology Program prepares students for careers in a variety of life science and manufacturing settings including research, quality control, pharmaceuticals, and medical devise manufacturing.

Graduates will have the foundation needed to transfer to earn a bachelors degree or move right in to local, high-paying jobs in the community, including with some of our industry partners like Dow Agroscience, Eli Lilly, Cook Pharmica, Midwest Compliance Laboratories, and more. These great partnerships lead to our graduates high job placement rate.

*According to a Battelle/Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) Report State Biosciences Jobs, Investments and Innovation 2014.

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Biotechnology - Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana


biotechnology – BIO | Healing, Fueling and Feeding the World

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Recent advances in biotechnology are helping us prepare for and meet societys most pressing challenges.

At its simplest, biotechnology is technology based on biology - biotechnology harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and the health of our planet. We have used the biological processes of microorganisms for more than 6,000 years to make useful food products, such as bread and cheese, and to preserve dairy products.

Modern biotechnology provides breakthrough products and technologies to combat debilitating and rare diseases, reduce our environmental footprint, feed the hungry, use less and cleaner energy, and have safer, cleaner and more efficient industrial manufacturing processes.

Currently, there are more than 250 biotechnology health care products and vaccines available to patients, many for previously untreatable diseases. More than 18 million farmers around the world use agricultural biotechnology to increase yields, prevent damage from insects and pests and reduce farming's impact on the environment. And more than 50 biorefineries are being built across North America to test and refine technologies to produce biofuels and chemicals from renewable biomass, which can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Recent advances in biotechnology are helping us prepare for and meet societys most pressing challenges. Here's how:

Biotech is helping toheal the worldby harnessing nature's own toolbox and using our own genetic makeup to heal and guide lines of research by:

Biotech uses biological processes such as fermentation and harnesses biocatalysts such as enzymes, yeast, and other microbes to become microscopic manufacturing plants. Biotech is helping tofuel the worldby:

Biotech improves crop insect resistance, enhances crop herbicide tolerance and facilitates the use of more environmentally sustainable farming practices. Biotech is helping tofeed the worldby:

Source: Healing, Fueling, Feeding: How Biotechnology is Enriching Your Life

biotechnology - BIO | Healing, Fueling and Feeding the World


Biotechnology – Academic Majors (NDSU)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary field that uses a combination of biology and technology to design and produce new molecules, plants, animals and microorganisms with improved characteristics. Biotechnology offers seemingly unlimited opportunities to combine genes from related or unrelated species to produce useful organisms with desirable properties that were not previously found in nature.

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Biotechnology may be thought of as a collection of technologies using animal and/or plant cells, biological molecules, molecular biology processes and genetic engineering for applications in medicine, agriculture and the pharmaceutical industry. The technologies include the use of recombinant DNA for gene cloning and gene transfers between organisms; culture of plant and animal cells and tissues; fusion of animal cells or plant protoplast; the regeneration of whole plants from single cells and the large-scale fermentation processes that use some of these novel organisms for the production of pharmaceuticals, diagnostic tests for diseases, feed additives, enzymes and hormones.

Examples of successful biotechnology include the development of crop plants that are resistant to herbicides or insects, the production of human growth hormone and insulin by genetically engineered bacteria and the development of unique vaccines.

The biotechnology program is offered through both the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources and the College of Science and Mathematics and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree.

The recommended course of study includes both the education in science and mathematics, as well as introduction to the special skills that are needed to enter the rapidly expanding and changing field of biotechnology. In addition to the required courses, students may select from a variety of specialized elective science courses to help develop a particular area of interest. Students majoring in biotechnology are required to perform a research project in the laboratory of a faculty advisor. The results of the research project are incorporated into a senior thesis and presented at the Biotechnology Seminar.

Biotechnology students must maintain at least a 2.5 overall grade point average (GPA) after 60 credits in order to remain in the program.

A faculty advisor is assigned to each student to assist in scheduling, registration and career development. Faculty in each of the cooperating life-science departments have been identified to serve as academic and research advisors for students who select the biotechnology major. The faculty advisor and the director of the biotechnology program regularly review the progress of each student.

The faculty who advise, teach and serve as research mentors for the biotechnology program are spread among several academic departments in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources, the College of Science and Mathematics and the College of Health Professions. The departments include plant sciences; biological sciences, biology, botany and zoology; chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology; animal and range sciences; plant pathology; veterinary and microbiological sciences; and pharmaceutical sciences. Several scientists at the NDSU Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering and at the on-campus USDA facilities also serve as research mentors.

Laboratory facilities and specialized equipment are used for instruction and research. These include animal and plant tissue culture facilities, small animal housing, electron and confocal microscopes, automated DNA sequencing equipment, equipment for performing microarray experiments, and NDSU Core Labs. The Core Labs are shared cutting-edge research facilities and include the Advanced Imaging and Microscopy Core, Core Biology Facility, Core Synthesis and Analytical Services and the Electron Microscopy Core Laboratory, among many other state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.

Biotechnology continues to rapidly develop into new research areas. Surveys indicate there will be a continuing high demand for well-educated personnel. Job opportunities are found in life science departments in colleges and universities; private and government research institutes; food production, pharmaceutical and agri-chemical industries; and in the biotechnology industries. Graduates of this program have the educational background and laboratory experience to take advantage of any of these job opportunities. Graduates of the biotechnology program are now successful and productive scientists at pharmaceutical, agri-chemical and biotechnology companies, and at government and private research institutions throughout the country.

The majority (approximately 60 percent) of graduates from the biotechnology program choose to continue their education in graduate or professional schools. Graduates of the biotechnology program have earned masters and doctoral degrees in many diverse areas, including cellular and molecular biology, biology, microbiology, plant sciences, animal physiology, cancer biology and virology at many of the most respected universities in the United States. Graduates of our program are now established and productive professors, physicians and veterinarians.

Students entering the biotechnology program should have a strong background in mathematics, including trigonometry, biology, chemistry, preferably physics, writing and computer courses. A composite ACT score of 26 or higher is recommended.


This sample curriculum is not intended to serve as a curriculum guide for current students, but rather an example of course offerings for prospective students. For the curriculum requirements in effect at the time of entrance into a program, consult with an academic advisor or with the Office of Registration and Records.

Van Es Hall Lab 160

Van Es Hall is located on the west side of campus on Centennial Boulevard (Campus Map)

Originally posted here:
Biotechnology - Academic Majors (NDSU)


Home | Master of Science in Biotechnology | Northwestern’s …

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Biotechnology is a young, vibrant and diverse discipline, whose tenet is to use microorganisms for the manufacturing of biological therapeutics, foods, chemicals, and other products benefitting people. It includes agrobiotechnology, biopharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and bioremediation. The future of biotechnology lies in advances in healthcare, industrial biotechnology, biofuels, and cleantech.

Graduates of the Master of Biotechnology program at Northwestern University possess:

Read a message from the director Learn more about the curriculum Meet the faculty

Degree Name

Master of Science in Biotechnology


15 months, full-time, without internship 21 months, full-time, with internship

Start Date

September 2016

Program Structure

Program Features


Evanston campus


$14,292 tuition fee per quarter, plus cost of living, textbooks, and other miscellaneous fees

Scholarships of up to $10,000 available to domestic students

Tuition and funding information

Application opens

September 1

Application deadlines

The majority of MBP students are recent graduates seeking careers in biotechnology and associated professions, as well as the competitive advantage a higher degree provides. At least half are typically biology majors; the rest are engineers, biotechnologists, and other science majors. The expected class size is 3540 students per year.

Learn more about our student body

Northwestern's program is distinguished from other MS in biotechnology programs by the integration of biology and engineering combined with extensive hands-on research in Northwestern University faculty laboratories.

In addition to research experience, students benefit from:

The program also offers multiplecertificate and minor options for students seeking to complement their technical skills.

Our interdisciplinary approach provides students with the flexibility and knowledge to pursue a number of biotechnology professions. In addition to becoming research and process development specialists, MBP graduates have taken up roles as consultants, regulatory affairs associates, and analysts.

Our program can also prepare students to meet the demands of doctoral programs. MBP graduates have pursued PhDs in Chemical Engineering and the Biological Sciences while others have gone on to work towards their MD or JD.

Learn more about career opportunities

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UAH – College of Science – Departments & Programs – Biotechnology

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Welcome to Biotechnology at UAH.

The Graduate Program in Biotechnology Science and Engineering is an Interdisciplinary Program with faculty from the Departments of Chemistry, Biological Sciences and Chemical Engineering. Adjunct faculty from the Marshall Space Flight Center and local biotechnology research centers and companies are also involved in the program.

The program's mission is to provide Ph.D. level graduates who are broadly trained in the areas of science and engineering pertinent to biotechnology and who will benefit the economic, educational, and cultural development of Alabama. Graduates of the program are expected to be able to make significant contributions to biotechnology in academic, governmental, and business settings.

The interdisciplinary program in Biotechnology Science and Engineering provides broad training in sciences and engineering dealing with the handling and the processing of macromolecules and living systems. Students receive advanced training in one of three specializations: Structural Biology, Biomolecular Sciences or Bioprocess Engineering. The principal core of instructors and research advisors are drawn from the Departments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, and Chemical and Materials Engineering. The program includes significant involvement from local biotechnology companies as well as NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center.

Biotechnology is not a single area of study, but a multidisciplinary field concerned with the practical application of biological organisms and their subcellular components to industrial or service manufacturing, to environmental management and health, and to medicine. It is a series of enabling technologies drawn from the fields of microbiology, cellular biology, molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, immunology, fermentation technology, environmental science and engineering which allow one to synthesize, breakdown or transform materials to suit human needs. Biotechnology ("Current Trends in Chemical Technology, Business, and Employment," American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. 1998) can therefore be defined as the safe study and manipulation of biological molecules for development of products or techniques for medical and industrial application. Although biotechnology in the broadest sense is not new, the current ability and demand for manipulating living organisms or their subcellular components to provide useful products, processes or services has reached new heights. Modern biotechnology has resulted from scientific scrutiny of old and familiar processes and from new advances in molecular biology, genetic engineering and fermentation technologies.

The future industrial landscape will continue to include research, development and the manufacturing of products such as proteins and nucleic acids that will be based wholly or in large part on biological processes.

Shelby Center,Room 369J The University of Alabama in Huntsville301 Sparkman Drive Huntsville, AL 35899

Dr. Joseph D. Ng email: uahbiotechnology@gmail.com phone: 256.824.6166 fax: 256.824.6305

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UAH - College of Science - Departments & Programs - Biotechnology


Home – Biotechnology Business Directory

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Updated: 2016-02-29

CSC Pharmaceuticals International

Listed in Pharmaceutical Drugs


Padhya Building, 2nd Floor, 11, Bhaskar Bhau Lane, Gamdevi Mumbai - 400007, Maharashtra, India

Description: CSC Pharmaceuticals International, Mumbai, India We, CSC Pharmaceuticals are offering Indian pharmaceutical drugs, pharmaceutical health Read more...

Updated: 2015-08-12



D 2/2, Ganga Triveni Apartments, Sector 9, Rohini New Delhi - 110085 Delhi, India

Description: G V Biomedicals, New Delhi, Delhi, India Supplier of Biotechnology & Biomedical Products. With a Read more...

Updated: 2015-08-12


+91-11-24636224 /11-24636225

824/3, Sukhdev Nagar, Kotla Mubarakpur, New Delhi 110003, India

Description: TechnoConcept (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Delhi, India Supplier of Bioinformatics Software and Molecular Biology Read more...

Updated: 2015-08-11


+91(22)43434545, 43434535

1st Floor, SaneGuruji Building, Veer Sawarkar Marg, Opposite Siddhivinayak Temple, Prabhadevi, Mumbai (Suburban), Maharashtra, India

Description: Indian Dental Association, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Independent and Recognized Voice of Dental Professionals. The Indian Read more...

Updated: 2015-08-11



Description: GenPro Biotech, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India Supplier of Chemicals. GenPro Biotech was founded about a Read more...

Updated: 2015-08-10


+91 80 4262 7200

75A, 15th Cross, 1st Phase, J.P.Nagar, Bangalore - 560078

Description: Semler Research Center, Bangalore, Karnataka, India Service Provider. Semler Research Center (SRC) is part of Read more...

Updated: 2015-08-10


(+91)-11-45035753, (+91)-11-28753658

Building NO: 1333, 4th Floor, Office No:412, Durga Chamber, Desh Bandhu Gupta Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi- 110005. (India)

Description: Biolinkk, New Delhi, Delhi, India Supplier of Products & Services to Life Science Research, Industrial Read more...

Updated: 2015-08-08


91-11-27677960, 27674615, 27670742, +91-11-47020100

A-2/3, IIIrd Floor, Lusa Tower, Azadpur Commercial Complex, Delhi-110033, India

Description: Titan Biotech Limited, New Delhi, Delhi, India Providing good quality of Biological Products. TITAN BIOTECH Read more...

Updated: 2015-08-08


1-631-559-9269 Fax: 1-631-938-8127

45-16 Ramsey Road, Shirley, NY 11967, USA

Description: Creative Biomart, New York, USA Product Development and Distribution. Creative Biomart provides quality recombinant proteins, Read more...

Updated: 2015-08-06


+91-0171-2643080 , 2601773

Guru Nanak Gurdwara, New Pratap Nagar, Ambala, Haryana 134003, India

Description: Company Manufacturer & Supplier of Scientific and Laboratory Equipment. Scientific instrumentation industry has been playing Read more...

Updated: 2016-02-09

Added by PharmaTechnologyIndex.com Pvt Ltd

Categories: Equipments, Technology

October 30, 2015, October 31, 2015, November 1, 2015

Plot No. 5, Part II, Scheme No 78, Near Life Care Hospital, Vijay Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010

91 987 961 6665

Description: PharmaTech Expo, Indore, India PharmaTechnologyIndex.com Pvt. Ltd, a KNS group company is delighted to invite Read more...

Updated: 2015-10-16

Added by Messe Dusseldorf GmbH

Categories: Equipments

November 16, 2015, November 17, 2015, November 18, 2015

P.O.B. 10 10 06, D-40001 Duesseldorf Stockumer Kirchstrae 61, D-40474 Duesseldorf, Germany

49 (0)211 / 4560-7618

Description: Compamed, Dusseldorf, Germany Compamed 2015 is one of the finest event for the medical fraternity. Read more...

Updated: 2015-11-13

Added by we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH

Categories: Technology

November 16, 2015, November 17, 2015

Los-Angeles-Platz 1, 10789 Berlin, Germany

49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 0

Description: Pharma M2R Minds, Berlin, Germany Maintenance processes in the pharmaceutical industry are subject to very Read more...

Updated: 2015-11-09

Added by Imapac Media

Categories: Biotechnology

November 17, 2015, November 18, 2015

Tel Aviv, Israel

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Description: Biologics World Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel The environment of innovation and entrepreneurship in Israel has Read more...

Updated: 2015-11-12

Added by BioGenesis Conferences

Categories: Technology

November 18, 2015, November 19, 2015, November 20, 2015

J.N.Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Sciences Bengaluru, India

Description: Global Cancer Summit, Bangalore, India The conference will cover areas like prevention, early diagnosis, economics Read more...

Updated: 2016-02-09

Added by Japan Management Association

Categories: Equipments

November 25, 2015, November 26, 2015, November 27, 2015

3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan


Description: Hospex Japan, Tokyo, Japan Hospex Japan 2015 is an International Healthcare Engineering Exhibition. The show Read more...

Updated: 2015-11-16

Added by Cogora Limited

Categories: Technology

November 26, 2015

24-26 Newport Rd, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF24 0DD, United Kingdom

44 (0)207 214 0693

Description: Nursing in Practice, Cardiff, UK Nursing in Practice will be returning to Cardiff this year Read more...

Updated: 2015-11-19

Added by Worldwide Business Research

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Biotechnology | Jamestown Community College

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

We are living in the midst of a biotechnology revolution.

In the not too distant future, organ transplants will be a thing of the past. Doctors will use your DNA to determine treatment options. And these treatments will be available for animals and humans alike. Fueling all of this change is biotechnology. You can be one of these innovators not only by becoming a researcher, but also by following a variety of other career paths, including becoming a doctor, veterinarian, patent lawyer, health inspector, orenvironmental biotechnologist.

We prepare students for transfer to a four-year college to major in biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, molecular genetics, immunology, and related fields. Our program is also good preparation for medical, veterinary, dental, and pharmaceutical school and it provides the robust, interdisciplinary training modern baccalaureate science programs demand.

You don't have to move hundreds of miles away to work in biotechnology. We now have many biotechnology employers right in the area. They NEED YOU to be successful.

Biotechnology students at JCC perform on-site research in multiple areas, including immunology, breast cancer, heartworm, and Lyme disease. Students can gain even more experience by taking part in the Science Undergraduate Research Initiative: Biotech(SURI). We're also involved with area high schools through the HURI SURI program, which is designed to give high school students a chance to perform actual research through an interdisciplinary, college level course called Biology: A Molecular Approach.

Several biotechnology students attended the Experimental Biology Conference in Washington, DC in April 2011 and the American Association of Immunologists meeting in Boston in May 2012.

See the article here:
Biotechnology | Jamestown Community College


Biotechnology – Wikipedia for Schools

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Background Information

SOS Children offer a complete download of this selection for schools for use on schools intranets. SOS Children is the world's largest charity giving orphaned and abandoned children the chance of family life.

Biotechnology is technology based on biology, especially when used in agriculture, food science, and medicine. The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity defines biotechnology as:

Any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.

Biotechnology is often used to refer to genetic engineering technology of the 21st century, however the term encompasses a wider range and history of procedures for modifying biological organisms according to the needs of humanity, going back to the initial modifications of native plants into improved food crops through artificial selection and hybridization. Bioengineering is the science upon which all biotechnological applications are based. With the development of new approaches and modern techniques, traditional biotechnology industries are also acquiring new horizons enabling them to improve the quality of their products and increase the productivity of their systems.

Before 1971, the term, biotechnology, was primarily used in the food processing and agriculture industries. Since the 1970s, it began to be used by the Western scientific establishment to refer to laboratory-based techniques being developed in biological research, such as recombinant DNA or tissue culture-based processes, or horizontal gene transfer in living plants, using vectors such as the Agrobacterium bacteria to transfer DNA into a host organism. In fact, the term should be used in a much broader sense to describe the whole range of methods, both ancient and modern, used to manipulate organic materials to reach the demands of food production. So the term could be defined as, "The application of indigenous and/or scientific knowledge to the management of (parts of) microorganisms, or of cells and tissues of higher organisms, so that these supply goods and services of use to the food industry and its consumers.

Biotechnology combines disciplines like genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology and cell biology, which are in turn linked to practical disciplines like chemical engineering, information technology, and robotics. Patho-biotechnology describes the exploitation of pathogens or pathogen derived compounds for beneficial effect.

The most practical use of biotechnology, which is still present today, is the cultivation of plants to produce food suitable to humans. Agriculture has been theorized to have become the dominant way of producing food since the Neolithic Revolution. The processes and methods of agriculture have been refined by other mechanical and biological sciences since its inception. Through early biotechnology, farmers were able to select the best suited and highest-yield crops to produce enough food to support a growing population. Other uses of biotechnology were required as crops and fields became increasingly large and difficult to maintain. Specific organisms and organism by-products were used to fertilize, restore nitrogen, and control pests. Throughout the use of agriculture farmers have inadvertently altered the genetics of their crops through introducing them to new environments and breeding them with other plants--one of the first forms of biotechnology. Cultures such as those in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Pakistan developed the process of brewing beer. It is still done by the same basic method of using malted grains (containing enzymes) to convert starch from grains into sugar and then adding specific yeasts to produce beer. In this process the carbohydrates in the grains were broken down into alcohols such as ethanol. Ancient Indians also used the juices of the plant Ephedra Vulgaris and used to call it Soma. Later other cultures produced the process of Lactic acid fermentation which allowed the fermentation and preservation of other forms of food. Fermentation was also used in this time period to produce leavened bread. Although the process of fermentation was not fully understood until Louis Pasteurs work in 1857, it is still the first use of biotechnology to convert a food source into another form.

Combinations of plants and other organisms were used as medications in many early civilizations. Since as early as 200 BC, people began to use disabled or minute amounts of infectious agents to immunize themselves against infections. These and similar processes have been refined in modern medicine and have led to many developments such as antibiotics, vaccines, and other methods of fighting sickness.

In the early twentieth century scientists gained a greater understanding of microbiology and explored ways of manufacturing specific products. In 1917, Chaim Weizmann first used a pure microbiological culture in an industrial process, that of manufacturing corn starch using Clostridium acetobutylicum to produce acetone, which the United Kingdom desperately needed to manufacture explosives during World War I.

The field of modern biotechnology is thought to have largely begun on June 16, 1980, when the United States Supreme Court ruled that a genetically-modified microorganism could be patented in the case of Diamond v. Chakrabarty. Indian-born Ananda Chakrabarty, working for General Electric, had developed a bacterium (derived from the Pseudomonas genus) capable of breaking down crude oil, which he proposed to use in treating oil spills.

Revenue in the industry is expected to grow by 12.9% in 2008. Another factor influencing the biotechnology sector's success is improved intellectual property rights legislation -- and enforcement -- worldwide, as well as strengthened demand for medical and pharmaceutical products to cope with an ageing, and ailing, U.S. population .

Rising demand for biofuels is expected to be good news for the biotechnology sector, with the Department of Energy estimating ethanol usage could reduce U.S. petroleum-derived fuel consumption by up to 30% by 2030. The biotechnology sector has allowed the U.S. farming industry to rapidly increase its supply of corn and soybeans -- the main inputs into biofuels -- by developing genetically-modified seeds which are resistant to pests and drought. By boosting farm productivity, biotechnology plays a crucial role in ensuring that biofuel production targets are met.

Biotechnology has applications in four major industrial areas, including health care (medical), crop production and agriculture, non food (industrial) uses of crops and other products (e.g. biodegradable plastics, vegetable oil, biofuels), and environmental uses.

For example, one application of biotechnology is the directed use of organisms for the manufacture of organic products (examples include beer and milk products). Another example is using naturally present bacteria by the mining industry in bioleaching. Biotechnology is also used to recycle, treat waste, clean up sites contaminated by industrial activities ( bioremediation), and also to produce biological weapons.

A series of derived terms have been coined to identify several branches of biotechnology, for example:

In medicine, modern biotechnology finds promising applications in such areas as

Pharmacogenomics is the study of how the genetic inheritance of an individual affects his/her bodys response to drugs. It is a coined word derived from the words pharmacology and genomics. It is hence the study of the relationship between pharmaceuticals and genetics. The vision of pharmacogenomics is to be able to design and produce drugs that are adapted to each persons genetic makeup.

Pharmacogenomics results in the following benefits:

1. Development of tailor-made medicines. Using pharmacogenomics, pharmaceutical companies can create drugs based on the proteins, enzymes and RNA molecules that are associated with specific genes and diseases. These tailor-made drugs promise not only to maximize therapeutic effects but also to decrease damage to nearby healthy cells.

2. More accurate methods of determining appropriate drug dosages. Knowing a patients genetics will enable doctors to determine how well his/ her body can process and metabolize a medicine. This will maximize the value of the medicine and decrease the likelihood of overdose.

3. Improvements in the drug discovery and approval process. The discovery of potential therapies will be made easier using genome targets. Genes have been associated with numerous diseases and disorders. With modern biotechnology, these genes can be used as targets for the development of effective new therapies, which could significantly shorten the drug discovery process.

4. Better vaccines. Safer vaccines can be designed and produced by organisms transformed by means of genetic engineering. These vaccines will elicit the immune response without the attendant risks of infection. They will be inexpensive, stable, easy to store, and capable of being engineered to carry several strains of pathogen at once.

Most traditional pharmaceutical drugs are relatively simple molecules that have been found primarily through trial and error to treat the symptoms of a disease or illness. Biopharmaceuticals are large biological molecules known as proteins and these usually target the underlying mechanisms and pathways of a malady (but not always, as is the case with using insulin to treat type 1 diabetes mellitus, as that treatment merely addresses the symptoms of the disease, not the underlying cause which is autoimmunity); it is a relatively young industry. They can deal with targets in humans that may not be accessible with traditional medicines. A patient typically is dosed with a small molecule via a tablet while a large molecule is typically injected.

Small molecules are manufactured by chemistry but larger molecules are created by living cells such as those found in the human body: for example, bacteria cells, yeast cells, animal or plant cells.

Modern biotechnology is often associated with the use of genetically altered microorganisms such as E. coli or yeast for the production of substances like synthetic insulin or antibiotics. It can also refer to transgenic animals or transgenic plants, such as Bt corn. Genetically altered mammalian cells, such as Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells, are also used to manufacture certain pharmaceuticals. Another promising new biotechnology application is the development of plant-made pharmaceuticals.

Biotechnology is also commonly associated with landmark breakthroughs in new medical therapies to treat hepatitis B, hepatitis C, cancers, arthritis, haemophilia, bone fractures, multiple sclerosis, and cardiovascular disorders. The biotechnology industry has also been instrumental in developing molecular diagnostic devices than can be used to define the target patient population for a given biopharmaceutical. Herceptin, for example, was the first drug approved for use with a matching diagnostic test and is used to treat breast cancer in women whose cancer cells express the protein HER2.

Modern biotechnology can be used to manufacture existing medicines relatively easily and cheaply. The first genetically engineered products were medicines designed to treat human diseases. To cite one example, in 1978 Genentech developed synthetic humanized insulin by joining its gene with a plasmid vector inserted into the bacterium Escherichia coli. Insulin, widely used for the treatment of diabetes, was previously extracted from the pancreas of abattoir animals (cattle and/or pigs). The resulting genetically engineered bacterium enabled the production of vast quantities of synthetic human insulin at relatively low cost, although the cost savings was used to increase profits for manufacturers, not passed on to consumers or their healthcare providers. According to a 2003 study undertaken by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) on the access to and availability of insulin in its member countries, synthetic 'human' insulin is considerably more expensive in most countries where both synthetic 'human' and animal insulin are commercially available: e.g. within European countries the average price of synthetic 'human' insulin was twice as high as the price of pork insulin. Yet in its position statement, the IDF writes that "there is no overwhelming evidence to prefer one species of insulin over another" and "[modern, highly-purified] animal insulins remain a perfectly acceptable alternative.

Modern biotechnology has evolved, making it possible to produce more easily and relatively cheaply human growth hormone, clotting factors for hemophiliacs, fertility drugs, erythropoietin and other drugs. Most drugs today are based on about 500 molecular targets. Genomic knowledge of the genes involved in diseases, disease pathways, and drug-response sites are expected to lead to the discovery of thousands more new targets.

Genetic testing involves the direct examination of the DNA molecule itself. A scientist scans a patients DNA sample for mutated sequences.

There are two major types of gene tests. In the first type, a researcher may design short pieces of DNA (probes) whose sequences are complementary to the mutated sequences. These probes will seek their complement among the base pairs of an individuals genome. If the mutated sequence is present in the patients genome, the probe will bind to it and flag the mutation. In the second type, a researcher may conduct the gene test by comparing the sequence of DNA bases in a patients gene to disease in healthy individuals or their progeny.

Genetic testing is now used for:

Some genetic tests are already available, although most of them are used in developed countries. The tests currently available can detect mutations associated with rare genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anaemia, and Huntingtons disease. Recently, tests have been developed to detect mutation for a handful of more complex conditions such as breast, ovarian, and colon cancers. However, gene tests may not detect every mutation associated with a particular condition because many are as yet undiscovered, and the ones they do detect may present different risks to different people and populations.

Several issues have been raised regarding the use of genetic testing:

1. Absence of cure. There is still a lack of effective treatment or preventive measures for many diseases and conditions now being diagnosed or predicted using gene tests. Thus, revealing information about risk of a future disease that has no existing cure presents an ethical dilemma for medical practitioners.

2. Ownership and control of genetic information. Who will own and control genetic information, or information about genes, gene products, or inherited characteristics derived from an individual or a group of people like indigenous communities? At the macro level, there is a possibility of a genetic divide, with developing countries that do not have access to medical applications of biotechnology being deprived of benefits accruing from products derived from genes obtained from their own people. Moreover, genetic information can pose a risk for minority population groups as it can lead to group stigmatization.

At the individual level, the absence of privacy and anti-discrimination legal protections in most countries can lead to discrimination in employment or insurance or other misuse of personal genetic information. This raises questions such as whether genetic privacy is different from medical privacy.

3. Reproductive issues. These include the use of genetic information in reproductive decision-making and the possibility of genetically altering reproductive cells that may be passed on to future generations. For example, germline therapy forever changes the genetic make-up of an individuals descendants. Thus, any error in technology or judgment may have far-reaching consequences. Ethical issues like designer babies and human cloning have also given rise to controversies between and among scientists and bioethicists, especially in the light of past abuses with eugenics.

4. Clinical issues. These centre on the capabilities and limitations of doctors and other health-service providers, people identified with genetic conditions, and the general public in dealing with genetic information.

5. Effects on social institutions. Genetic tests reveal information about individuals and their families. Thus, test results can affect the dynamics within social institutions, particularly the family.

6. Conceptual and philosophical implications regarding human responsibility, free will vis--vis genetic determinism, and the concepts of health and disease.

Gene therapy may be used for treating, or even curing, genetic and acquired diseases like cancer and AIDS by using normal genes to supplement or replace defective genes or to bolster a normal function such as immunity. It can be used to target somatic (i.e., body) or germ (i.e., egg and sperm) cells. In somatic gene therapy, the genome of the recipient is changed, but this change is not passed along to the next generation. In contrast, in germline gene therapy, the egg and sperm cells of the parents are changed for the purpose of passing on the changes to their offspring.

There are basically two ways of implementing a gene therapy treatment:

1. Ex vivo, which means outside the body Cells from the patients blood or bone marrow are removed and grown in the laboratory. They are then exposed to a virus carrying the desired gene. The virus enters the cells, and the desired gene becomes part of the DNA of the cells. The cells are allowed to grow in the laboratory before being returned to the patient by injection into a vein.

2. In vivo, which means inside the body No cells are removed from the patients body. Instead, vectors are used to deliver the desired gene to cells in the patients body.

Currently, the use of gene therapy is limited. Somatic gene therapy is primarily at the experimental stage. Germline therapy is the subject of much discussion but it is not being actively investigated in larger animals and human beings.

As of June 2001, more than 500 clinical gene-therapy trials involving about 3,500 patients have been identified worldwide. Around 78% of these are in the United States, with Europe having 18%. These trials focus on various types of cancer, although other multigenic diseases are being studied as well. Recently, two children born with severe combined immunodeficiency disorder (SCID) were reported to have been cured after being given genetically engineered cells.

Gene therapy faces many obstacles before it can become a practical approach for treating disease. At least four of these obstacles are as follows:

1. Gene delivery tools. Genes are inserted into the body using gene carriers called vectors. The most common vectors now are viruses, which have evolved a way of encapsulating and delivering their genes to human cells in a pathogenic manner. Scientists manipulate the genome of the virus by removing the disease-causing genes and inserting the therapeutic genes. However, while viruses are effective, they can introduce problems like toxicity, immune and inflammatory responses, and gene control and targeting issues.

2. Limited knowledge of the functions of genes. Scientists currently know the functions of only a few genes. Hence, gene therapy can address only some genes that cause a particular disease. Worse, it is not known exactly whether genes have more than one function, which creates uncertainty as to whether replacing such genes is indeed desirable.

3. Multigene disorders and effect of environment. Most genetic disorders involve more than one gene. Moreover, most diseases involve the interaction of several genes and the environment. For example, many people with cancer not only inherit the disease gene for the disorder, but may have also failed to inherit specific tumor suppressor genes. Diet, exercise, smoking and other environmental factors may have also contributed to their disease.

4. High costs. Since gene therapy is relatively new and at an experimental stage, it is an expensive treatment to undertake. This explains why current studies are focused on illnesses commonly found in developed countries, where more people can afford to pay for treatment. It may take decades before developing countries can take advantage of this technology.

The Human Genome Project is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that aims to generate a high-quality reference sequence for the entire human genome and identify all the human genes.

The DOE and its predecessor agencies were assigned by the U.S. Congress to develop new energy resources and technologies and to pursue a deeper understanding of potential health and environmental risks posed by their production and use. In 1986, the DOE announced its Human Genome Initiative. Shortly thereafter, the DOE and National Institutes of Health developed a plan for a joint Human Genome Project (HGP), which officially began in 1990.

The HGP was originally planned to last 15 years. However, rapid technological advances and worldwide participation accelerated the completion date to 2003 (making it a 13 year project). Already it has enabled gene hunters to pinpoint genes associated with more than 30 disorders.

Cloning involves the removal of the nucleus from one cell and its placement in an unfertilized egg cell whose nucleus has either been deactivated or removed.

There are two types of cloning:

1. Reproductive cloning. After a few divisions, the egg cell is placed into a uterus where it is allowed to develop into a fetus that is genetically identical to the donor of the original nucleus.

2. Therapeutic cloning. The egg is placed into a Petri dish where it develops into embryonic stem cells, which have shown potentials for treating several ailments.

In February 1997, cloning became the focus of media attention when Ian Wilmut and his colleagues at the Roslin Institute announced the successful cloning of a sheep, named Dolly, from the mammary glands of an adult female. The cloning of Dolly made it apparent to many that the techniques used to produce her could someday be used to clone human beings. This stirred a lot of controversy because of its ethical implications.

Using the techniques of modern biotechnology, one or two genes may be transferred to a highly developed crop variety to impart a new character that would increase its yield (30). However, while increases in crop yield are the most obvious applications of modern biotechnology in agriculture, it is also the most difficult one. Current genetic engineering techniques work best for effects that are controlled by a single gene. Many of the genetic characteristics associated with yield (e.g., enhanced growth) are controlled by a large number of genes, each of which has a minimal effect on the overall yield (31). There is, therefore, much scientific work to be done in this area.

Crops containing genes that will enable them to withstand biotic and abiotic stresses may be developed. For example, drought and excessively salty soil are two important limiting factors in crop productivity. Biotechnologists are studying plants that can cope with these extreme conditions in the hope of finding the genes that enable them to do so and eventually transferring these genes to the more desirable crops. One of the latest developments is the identification of a plant gene, At-DBF2, from thale cress, a tiny weed that is often used for plant research because it is very easy to grow and its genetic code is well mapped out. When this gene was inserted into tomato and tobacco cells (see RNA interference), the cells were able to withstand environmental stresses like salt, drought, cold and heat, far more than ordinary cells. If these preliminary results prove successful in larger trials, then At-DBF2 genes can help in engineering crops that can better withstand harsh environments (32). Researchers have also created transgenic rice plants that are resistant to rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV). In Africa, this virus destroys majority of the rice crops and makes the surviving plants more susceptible to fungal infections (33).

Proteins in foods may be modified to increase their nutritional qualities. Proteins in legumes and cereals may be transformed to provide the amino acids needed by human beings for a balanced diet (34). A good example is the work of Professors Ingo Potrykus and Peter Beyer on the so-called Goldenrice(discussed below).

Modern biotechnology can be used to slow down the process of spoilage so that fruit can ripen longer on the plant and then be transported to the consumer with a still reasonable shelf life. This improves the taste, texture and appearance of the fruit. More importantly, it could expand the market for farmers in developing countries due to the reduction in spoilage.

The first genetically modified food product was a tomato which was transformed to delay its ripening (35). Researchers in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam are currently working on delayed-ripening papaya in collaboration with the University of Nottingham and Zeneca (36).

Biotechnology in cheese production: enzymes produced by micro-organisms provide an alternative to animal rennet a cheese coagulant - and an alternative supply for cheese makers. This also eliminates possible public concerns with animal-derived material, although there is currently no plans to develop synthetic milk, thus making this argument less compelling. Enzymes offer an animal-friendly alternative to animal rennet. While providing comparable quality, they are theoretically also less expensive.

About 85 million tons of wheat flour is used every year to bake bread. By adding an enzyme called maltogenic amylase to the flour, bread stays fresher longer. Assuming that 10-15% of bread is thrown away, if it could just stay fresh another 57 days then 2 million tons of flour per year would be saved. That corresponds to 40% of the bread consumed in a country such as the USA. This means more bread becomes available with no increase in input. In combination with other enzymes, bread can also be made bigger, more appetizing and better in a range of ways.

Most of the current commercial applications of modern biotechnology in agriculture are on reducing the dependence of farmers on agrochemicals. For example, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a soil bacterium that produces a protein with insecticidal qualities. Traditionally, a fermentation process has been used to produce an insecticidal spray from these bacteria. In this form, the Bt toxin occurs as an inactive protoxin, which requires digestion by an insect to be effective. There are several Bt toxins and each one is specific to certain target insects. Crop plants have now been engineered to contain and express the genes for Bt toxin, which they produce in its active form. When a susceptible insect ingests the transgenic crop cultivar expressing the Bt protein, it stops feeding and soon thereafter dies as a result of the Bt toxin binding to its gut wall. Bt corn is now commercially available in a number of countries to control corn borer (a lepidopteran insect), which is otherwise controlled by spraying (a more difficult process).

Crops have also been genetically engineered to acquire tolerance to broad-spectrum herbicide. The lack of cost-effective herbicides with broad-spectrum activity and no crop injury was a consistent limitation in crop weed management. Multiple applications of numerous herbicides were routinely used to control a wide range of weed species detrimental to agronomic crops. Weed management tended to rely on preemergence that is, herbicide applications were sprayed in response to expected weed infestations rather than in response to actual weeds present. Mechanical cultivation and hand weeding were often necessary to control weeds not controlled by herbicide applications. The introduction of herbicide tolerant crops has the potential of reducing the number of herbicide active ingredients used for weed management, reducing the number of herbicide applications made during a season, and increasing yield due to improved weed management and less crop injury. Transgenic crops that express tolerance to glyphosate, glufosinate and bromoxynil have been developed. These herbicides can now be sprayed on transgenic crops without inflicting damage on the crops while killing nearby weeds (37).

From 1996 to 2001, herbicide tolerance was the most dominant trait introduced to commercially available transgenic crops, followed by insect resistance. In 2001, herbicide tolerance deployed in soybean, corn and cotton accounted for 77% of the 626,000 square kilometres planted to transgenic crops; Bt crops accounted for 15%; and "stacked genes" for herbicide tolerance and insect resistance used in both cotton and corn accounted for 8% (38).

Biotechnology is being applied for novel uses other than food. For example, oilseed can be modified to produce fatty acids for detergents, substitute fuels and petrochemicals. Potatos, tomatos, rice, tobacco, lettuce, safflowers, and other plants have been genetically-engineered to produce insulin and certain vaccines. If future clinical trials prove successful, the advantages of edible vaccines would be enormous, especially for developing countries. The transgenic plants may be grown locally and cheaply. Homegrown vaccines would also avoid logistical and economic problems posed by having to transport traditional preparations over long distances and keeping them cold while in transit. And since they are edible, they will not need syringes, which are not only an additional expense in the traditional vaccine preparations but also a source of infections if contaminated. In the case of insulin grown in transgenic plants, it is well-established that the gastrointestinal system breaks the protein down therefore this could not currently be administered as an edible protein. However, it might be produced at significantly lower cost than insulin produced in costly, bioreactors. For example, Calgary, Canada-based SemBioSys Genetics, Inc. reports that its safflower-produced insulin will reduce unit costs by over 25% or more and reduce the capital costs associated with building a commercial-scale insulin manufacturing facility by approximately over $100 million compared to traditional biomanufacturing facilities.

There is another side to the agricultural biotechnology issue however. It includes increased herbicide usage and resultant herbicide resistance, "super weeds," residues on and in food crops, genetic contamination of non-GM crops which hurt organic and conventional farmers, damage to wildlife from glyphosate, etc.

Biotechnological engineering or biological engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on biotechnologies and biological science. It includes different disciplines such as biochemical engineering, biomedical engineering, bio-process engineering, biosystem engineering and so on. Because of the novelty of the field, the definition of a bioengineer is still undefined. However, in general it is an integrated approach of fundamental biological sciences and traditional engineering principles.

Bioengineers are often employed to scale up bio processes from the laboratory scale to the manufacturing scale. Moreover, as with most engineers, they often deal with management, economic and legal issues. Since patents and regulation (e.g. FDA regulation in the U.S.) are very important issues for biotech enterprises, bioengineers are often required to have knowledge related to these issues.

The increasing number of biotech enterprises is likely to create a need for bioengineers in the years to come. Many universities throughout the world are now providing programs in bioengineering and biotechnology (as independent programs or specialty programs within more established engineering fields)..

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Biotechnology - Wikipedia for Schools


Biotech Jobs – Search Biotech Job Listings | Monster.com

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Job Title: Bench Scientist (Job ID# 2436-1) Location: 700 Chesterfield Parkway West MO 63017 Duration: 15 months contract Anticipated Schedule: 40hours/week (M-F) Job Description: Proficient with wet chemistry and analytical instrumentation (emphasis on proteins desired). Primary roles include SDS-PAGE analysis, buffer preparation and routine testing (appearance, pH, moisture, concentration ...

Sunrise System Inc. is currently seeking for Research Associate in Spring House, PA for one of our top clients. Title: Research Associate Location: Spring House, PA 19477 Duration: 12+ months Contract Type: Contract W2 only ID: 16-03278 Job Description: The candidate should have a BS/MS in biological sciences with research experience in cellular immunology and/or cell biology including si...

Skills required: Elisa/TCell, luminex assays, BS/MS degree in Biology Please note that this is a 1+ year contract: The candidate should have a BS/MS in biological sciences with research experience in cellular immunology and/or cell biology including significant hands-on experience performing cell culture and following proper aseptic technique. The successful candidate will be able to apply diff...

Large Pharmaceutical Company in the Philadelphia, PA area is seeking a Research Scientist I to join their team for a one year contract. This is an excellent opportunity for a recent college graduate who is looking to start their career in the Pharmaceutical industry. Requirements and Qualifications: The successful candidate will be able to apply different research techniques in the work includin...

We have an immediate position for a Drug Safety Coordinator with our top pharmaceutical client , if you are interested please send your updated resume to greg @ collabinfo.com or call me at 732-788-3483 Title: Drug Safety Coordinator Duration: 6+ Months Location: Horsham, PA Global Medical Organization Case Receipt, Global Case Management, GMS Operations Description: Responsible for the r...

Job Title: Bench Scientist (Job ID# 2422-1) Location: 700 Chesterfield Pkwy W MO 63198 Duration: 15 months contract Anticipated Schedule: 40hours/week (M-F) Job Description: High throughput protein analytics laboratory needs a competent, motivated entry-level analyst. Proficient with wet chemistry and analytical instrumentation. Emphasis on proteins desired. Primary roles include SDS-PAGE ...

Job Background A Large Industry Leader based out of the North St. Paul Metro is actively seeking a new Lab Technician II for a 6-Month Contract to Permanent. This position will support research and development activities focused on strategic business markets. Job Responsibilities Synthesis and characterization of various reactive adhesives for both long-term development and short-term internal ...

Seeking an Experienced Sr. Process Chemist. Apply today! Ricerca Biosciences, LLC is a contract research organization supporting the pharmaceutical, agricultural, chemical, animal nutrition and consumer industries. Our comprehensive, integrated suite of services helps our clients meet their regulatory requirements and internal development goals. Located on a 43-acre campus in Concord, Ohio, our e...

LABORATORY TECHNICIAN REQUIREMENT #16-00368 RECRUITER: MEGAN STRAWN JOB LOCATION: LAWRENCEVILLE, NJ FEBRUARY 29, 2016 *** CANDIDATES MUST BE ABLE TO WORK ON OUR PAYROLL AS A W-2 *** Project Description: The successful candidate will provide basic laboratory support to Immunohistochemistry/Histology group within the Discovery Translational Sciences Group. The position will involve cell cult...

Are you an experienced manager who thrives in a fast-paced and engaging culture? Do you have significant experience identifying and managing CMOs, CROs and vendors? Do you envision yourself working for a financially-stable and expanding Biosimilars business? Do you have a minimum of 7+ years of relevant, progressive and hands-on experience in a similar role? Do you have a proven tr...

Research Fellow, Crystallization Technology Summary PharmaCore is seeking to hire a candidate with broad expertise in crystallization technology to assume a scientific leadership role in our dynamic R&D process chemistry group. Desired candidates will have worked extensively at the interface between process chemistry and crystallization sciences. The candidate will be primarily responsible for s...

The Director of GxP Compliance will oversee the entire function, spanning all audit disciplines included within the remit of United Therapeutics Quality Management, including all GxP audit programs and vendor/supplier audit activities. This role will also define Health Authority Inspection Management best practices for United Therapeutics as well as participate in and support associated inspection...

Our client, a not-for-profit research organization is looking to add a Clinical Program Assistant to their team. The Clinical Program Assistant will be aiding the organization in their mission to slow the progression of Huntington's Disease and provide much needed clinical benefit to patients. If you are a looking for an entry level position into clinical trials, please apply today. Qualification...

Reports To Facility Manager Initial Skills Must be able to work flexible hours Degree preferred or other related disciplines or equivalent experience. City Food Sanitation Certification PKRC will provide instruction for otherwise qualified candidates. Requires direct work related experience in food preparation and sanitation. Work Skills Must have excellent qualitative and quantitative s...

Assist in the detection of fermentation and/or manufacturing capabilities of Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMO) for the Human Oligosaccharide Project. Assist and advice in matters regarding technology transfer of established synthesis process to CMO. Provide advice to determine cost saving measures for the production of oligosaccharides through fermentation techniques. Intervene in Technol...

Manpower is hiring Manufacturing Laboratory Technician in Winchester, KY. Candidates will be running pilot product experiments following work orders and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Skills: - Technical and mechanical aptitude - Forklift experience - Troubleshooting capabilities - Research laboratory experience - Data Entry - Quick learner Preferred Work Experience: (2-5 years) - P...

Description A part time clinical laboratory director is needed for a Physicians Office Laboratory. The laboratory director must be qualified by CLIA/CLIS to direct high complexity testing in the general immunology and routine chemistry specialties. Duties The laboratory director is responsible for the overall compliance of the laboratory with federal and state guidelines. This includes: Revie...

Department: National Corn to Ethanol Research Center Job Posting Description: The Ethanol Plant Operating Coordinator is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and monitoring of equipment and associated control mechanisms of an ethanol plant. They will assist in operating and troubleshooting mechanical control systems, utility equipment, and other laboratory research mechanical components ...

Job Description: The Marketing Labeling Liaison manages the planning coordination and execution of the marketing inputs to the Labeling process for client Consumer Healthcare. This role is the first point of contact for individuals authorized by MCH to request the information on new or existing packaging graphics projects based on business needs. This role manages is responsible for marketing a...

One of our top clients, a rapidly growing biotech company near the nations capital, is actively seeking their next MANAGER OF CLINICAL QA to help them audit investigator and vendor sites and systems to ensure GCP compliance. ADVANTAGES OF THIS OPPORTUNITY: CHANCE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Being part of a small department, this opportunity gives you a chance to play an integral role in the advancem...

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Biotech Jobs - Search Biotech Job Listings | Monster.com


Biotechnology | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Amrita School of Biotechnology, with qualified faculty including several Ph. D.s recruited from academia and industry around the world, is perfectly poised to offer students an opportunity to develop expertise and succeed in building a career in the exciting areas of biotechnology and related fields. Our cutting-edge curricula with state-of-the-art facilities for teaching and research will provide a solid foundation in the biological sciences. With a vibrant academic environment and a unique approach to learning that involves thought-provoking discussions and constant interaction among students and faculty,...Read More

The School offers three postgraduate and two undergraduate programs in biotechnology, microbiology and bioinformatics as well as research programs.Read more

The faculty, well-known and highly respected in their respective academic fraternities, is really what distinguishes School of Biotechnology. They are drawn from among the best minds in the world. This affords the school an extensive network of contacts which are instrumental in getting collaborative researches, live student projects and industry inputs so essential to quality biotechnology education. The faculty includes acclaimed scholars and award winning professors drawn from all life sciences disciplines. The eclectic blend of faculty, academicians, researchers, and professionals drawn from India and abroad...Read more

Over the years Amrita School of Biotechnology has developed working relationships with many of the best universities in the world. Strong collaboration with national and international organizations is the hallmark of all research carried out at Amrita School of Biotechnology and to this extent we have developed a broad range of international partnerships around the world. We, at Amrita, give tremendous significance to research and development of new products and technologies and with more than a hundred research projects aiming to benefit society...Read more

The School of Biotechnology is nestled in a serene campus located adjacent to the scenic backwaters of Kerala and the Arabian Sea. Despite the rigors of a life devoted to excellence in technology, creativity blossoms naturally and the spirit of selfless service adds fragrance to every event. The School has separate boarding and mess facilities... Read more

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Biotechnology | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University)


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