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Archive for the ‘Biotechnology’ Category

ASU, Mexico partnership takes on biotechnology challenges – Arizona State University

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

June 6, 2017

Never in the history of human existence has the opportunity to genetically modify or protect life been as great and accessible to anyone interested in the topic as it is today.

Cures for human hereditary diseases. Designer babies. Glow-in-the-dark fish. Bioterrorism. Mosquitoes programmed to perish. The opportunities and risks are here now, but lagging are policies, ethical considerations and safety precautions needed to proceed prudently on an international scale.

Arizona State University experts will delve into the issues presented by biotechnology during the annual International Biosafety and Biosecurity Symposium (SIBB) held this year in Morelia, Mexico, and organized by the Asociacin Mexicana de Bioseguridad (AMEXBIO), June 710.

Were enhancing biosafety and biosecurity across international borders, said Irene Mendoza, associate biosafety officer with ASUs Office of Environmental Health and Safety, who will be one of the featured speakers at the symposium. Anything that affects Mexico, like the release of a pathogenic agent, can travel north and affect us.

Although infectious diseases willbe addressed at the symposium, the ASU delegation will lead a technical discussion on gene editing and gene drive technologies, said David Gillum, ASU Environmental Health and Safety associate director and institutional biosafety officer. In simplest terms, its about the ability to modify plants or mammals by manipulating their genome i.e., the chromosomes in each cell of an organism.

These technologies can drive a change in an entire species from just one modification, Gillum said. It can be propagated in all future generations.

David Gillum, ASU Environmental Health and Safety associate director and institutional biosafety officer, said there are many citizen-scientist labs where people are experimenting with gene editing thanks to more accessible technology such as CRISPR Cas9.The risk is that although they may just be trying to do something fun, what they create may have unintended consequences, he said. Photo by Charlie Leight/ASU Now

The gene drive of mosquitoes, for example, can be modified so the specific types that carry malaria and Zika will not reproduce and eventually die off. But once their genome is changed and released into the environment, there is no easy way to predict any unintended consequences.

Thats what is scary about it, Gillum said. Theres no easy undo button.

The leading gene editing method capable of making such changes is called CRISPR Cas9. This technological process takes advantage of the immune systems of bacteria to delete nucleic acids in living cells and replace them with the desired nucleic acid to change the genome.

When youre doing this genome editing, youre looking for very specific nucleic acids to change, Gillum said. Lets consider that you have sickle cell anemia and you have one gene that is wrong, and you just want to target that one gene. But the genome is huge; there are billions of base pairs. So how do you make sure that you target the one that youre looking for and not similar sequences somewhere else in your body?

Unlike past costly and complex genome editing technologies, CRISPR Cas9 is simpler, relatively inexpensive and thus more accessible to people who may not be working in a modern laboratory with established biosafety policies and procedures.

There are a lot of citizen labs all over the place where science enthusiasts getting together in their garages and experimenting, Mendoza said. The risk is that although they may just be trying to do something fun, what they create may have unintended consequences.

Irene Mendoza, associate biosafety officer with ASUs Office of Environmental Health and Safety, will be one of the featured speakers during the annual International Biosafety and Biosecurity Symposium held this week in Morelia, Mexico, and organized by the Asociacin Mexicana de Bioseguridad.

The use of CRISPR Cas9 has increased in Mexico in the past few years, Gillum said. Experts there recognize the challenge, and that drives such events as the SIBB, which includes participation from other Latin American countries.

What we want to achieve in SIBB is to continue the academic efforts of diffusing specific knowledge on biosafety and biosecurity, as well as raise awareness among those involved in manipulating biological agents, said Luis Alberto Ochoa Carrera, AMEXBIO president and founder. The importance of the work of AMEXBIO is based on the need to create a biosafety culture and appropriate communication within institutions to mitigate risks associated with experimenting with biological agents.

ASU contacts AMEXBIO remotely throughout the year, but opportunities exist to engage in person and at a higher level by way of training sessions, site visits, joint research and other symposia to address the wide array of biosafety and biosecurity aspects.

There is a huge opportunity here for ASU and AMEXBIO in Mexico to partner on these projects, Gillum said. Theyre very interested in biodefense. Were looking into philanthropy to help with funding that will allow us to form a more strategic partnership.

With funding, ASU biosafety experts like Gillum and his team can work with AMEXBIO to visit labs in Mexico to observe operations and offer suggestions on improving safety and security.

The interesting aspect of biosafety is that in general its based on best management practices, Gillum said. Except for very highly pathogenic agents and toxins, everything else is done with a best management practices point of view. Theres not always a black-and-white way to do certain things.

Forming strategic links between biosafety and biosecurity experts across the border enables mutual collaboration and training in the region, Ochoa Carrera said.

AMEXBIO recognizes ASUs efforts and transcendence in Mexico and within the international biosafety community, Ochoa Carrera said. The ASU and AMEXBIO alliance enables the dissemination of knowledge in this field, and its also an area of opportunity between Mexico and the United States.

Top photo: DNA sequence, courtesy freeimages.com.

ASU, Mexico partnership takes on biotechnology challenges - Arizona State University


The Case for and Against Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (PBYI) – StockNewsJournal

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

Analyst Ratings
The Case for and Against Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (PBYI)
Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (PBYI) is an interesting player in the Healthcare space, with a focus on Biotechnology. The stock has been active on the tape, currently trading at $83.65, up from yesterday's close by 2.07%. Given the stock's recent action, it ...
What Should Investors Make Of The Trading Chart Of Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (PBYI)?NY Stock News
Puma Biotechnology Gets a Buy Rating from Cowen & Co.Analyst Ratings
Puma Biotechnology Inc (PBYI) Upgraded to "Buy" by Zacks Investment ResearchThe Cerbat Gem
Sports Perspectives -Post Registrar -StockNewsMagazine -Zacks
all 32 news articles »

Here is the original post:
The Case for and Against Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (PBYI) - StockNewsJournal


Solving Africa’s food insecurity through biotechnology – NIGERIAN TRIBUNE (press release) (blog)

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

There is an increasing focus on science being linked to providing practical solutions to agricultural problems. There is also increasing awareness of technology, although the channels used for information and creating change in the way information is passed and understood by the receiver are poorly developed.

Biotechnology is no longer a new technology in Africa; some countries in Africa have adopted the technology, while some other countries are currently conducting confined field trial for the technology.

In Nigeria, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) which is a component of biotechnology is currently undergoing confined field trial in various locations. It is expected that in the next three years, the commercialisation of the BT cotton will commence in the country.

Africa as a continent in the recent past have suffered a high level of food insecurity following the actions and inaction of various governments to put sustainable policies to fast track agricultural development.

Some countries in Africa have also experienced food shortage due to some natural disaster which includes flood, pest attack, insect infestation and drought.

In some countries, the uses of manual and outdated method of farming have contributed immensely to the countrys dependence for food supply on some developed countries that have used technology to advance their agricultural sector.

Biotechnology have been adopted by various countries to develop their agricultural sector which have made them self sufficient in food production and earned them foreign exchange through exportation of agricultural products.

Many African countries have been skeptical of adopting biotechnology following some baseless and unscientific criticism from some quarters on the new technology.

This singular act of negligence and gullibility exhibited by these African countries have further subjected them to being importers of food products from countries that have developed there agricultural technology.

In Ghana, the commercialization of GMOs may not be possible until the court injunction issued against its further release in Ghana have been concluded.

However, good news emerged as the Plant Breeders Bill was said to be underway and soon to be signed into law in Ghana to protect the developers of the technology and encourage the investment in science and technology beyond the countrys budget.

Instead of the critics of the technology to say science is not good at all, they should discuss on its deployment which can be useful to our economy.

The Open Forum On Agricultural Biotechnology (OFAB), Ghana have visited all the regions in Ghana and information materials on biotechnology have been translated into local languages.

It is worthy to note that the Ghanaian government does not fund science, to this end, funding is needed to scale up educational activities on modern biosafety issues in Ghana.

In Nigeria, it is sad to note that the country has one of the lowest usage rates of agriculture inputs and ranks the lowest on agriculture indices of mechanization and irrigation.

Insect and pest problems, climate change issues and increasing population were also attributed as the reasons for poor productivity.

Meanwhile, there are some Genetically Modified crops that can withstand insects and pests attack, while some are drought resistant. These crops if adopted could be used by farmers to upscale the countrys food production without the crops been damaged by pests and insects.

However, Maize, cotton, rice, cassava, Sorghum (ABS) have been said to be the first GM crops to be introduced in Nigeria for commercialisation soon.

It is also worthy of note that the Biosafety law was signed in Nigeria in 2015 which gave rise to the establishment of regulatory agency, National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA) same year.

Since its establishment, NBMA has carried out 3 approvals and accredited research institutes and universities for GM research.

OFAB Nigeria in its advocacy drive has carried out advocacy visits, capacity building, Seeing is Believing Tours, workshops and seminars, radio and tv programs, social media campaigns to enlighten the public and policy holders with the right information on the safety of biotechnology and its practices.

In Burkina Faso, Cotton is one of the major driver of the countrys economy, 85 per cent of population of Burkina Faso is active in agriculture and cotton is its number one cash crop contributing 25 per cent of agricultural income.

There is evidence that cotton is locomotive for cereal crops such as maize and sorghum in Burkina Faso.

In Burkina Faso, necessary steps have been taken towards the release of GM cotton- Pre-release trials, BT cotton seed multiplication, Commercial production of GM Bollgard II Cotton and cultivation field, commercial production since 2009.

BT cotton (GM Cotton) have pushed Burkina Faso in the cotton production ranking from 11th in 1990s to 1st position in Africa since 2010.

Genetically Modified Organisms is a technology which African countries cannot afford to neglect, this new technology will help African countries to upscale its food production, guarantee food security and earn foreign exchange for the countries.

The era of dependence on food importation should be over in Africa. The governments in Africa should look for possible ways of adopting biotechnology in food production, this will go along way to addressing food insecurity and guarantee self-sufficiency in food production.

Go here to read the rest:
Solving Africa's food insecurity through biotechnology - NIGERIAN TRIBUNE (press release) (blog)


Talking Biotech: Can biotechnology help protect forests from pests … – Genetic Literacy Project

Monday, June 5th, 2017

Forests are under many threats, from new pests and pathogens, to invasive trees, to climate. The advancement of these traits by far exceeds the natural response of trees to acclimate, and outpaces the efforts to traditionally breed trees for forest conservation and restoration. Dr. Ellen V. Crocker is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Kentucky. She talks about the current threats to forests including sudden oak death, chestnut blight and the emerald ash borer. She also discusses efforts in integrating new biotech tools in forest improvement, including genetic engineering, speed breeding, and gene drive approaches. Hosted by Dr. Paul Vincelli (@Pvincell).

Follow Dr. Crocker on Twitter@evcrocker

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See original here:
Talking Biotech: Can biotechnology help protect forests from pests ... - Genetic Literacy Project


Can Biotechnology Solve World Hunger? – Good Herald

Monday, June 5th, 2017

Hunger and scarcity of food is one of the major problems in most of the developing countries. Moreover with the increased food price in the developing countries, more than 100 million people are suffering from scarcity of food and hunger. So these are the major recurring challenges that have tackled for centuries. To overcome from these issues, new technologies have enabled the significant changes for improving the quality of life.

Todays modern molecular biotechnology has enabled new solution to overcome from these challenges. The evolution of molecular biotechnology industry has substantially increased its efforts to find alternative to synthetic food and new innovations on the conventional plant breeding technologies. Also the advanced biotechnology offers an exciting and environmentally new way to reach the customer demand for sustainable agriculture growth.

Here we shall have a brief discussion on modern biotechnology and how it solves world hunger.

1. Prevent Hunger And Malnutrition

The term malnutrition is the medical terminology for the people who are all suffering from the hunger. As per the recent survey from the Agricultural Organization, more than 900 million people suffering from malnutrition in worldwide. Children are the major victims for the malnutrition. To overcome from this researchers have created Golden Rice which contains three new genes. This rice is available for mass distribution at low cost. This is just one sample, there are hundreds of new biotech products which prevent hunger and malnutrition.

2. Longer Lasting Produce

Most of the food products will spoil soon, especially in areas with limited transportation and refrigeration capability. But the biotech products could reduce looses to spoilage. In most of the developing countries, farmers can get benefits from crops with delayed ripening fruits or vegetables. This also allows greater flexibility in distribution of products in remote places.

3. Nutritionally Rich Food

Molecular biotechnology researchers have developed nutritionally rich food with beta-carotene and precursor to Vitamin A food for the low poverty level people at low cost. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Department have stated: The potential to grow rice with an enhanced micronutrient can contribute to reducing malnutrition.

4. Tackling New Diseases

Before some of the genetic engineers was only dealing with pharmaceutical industry. But now biotechnology field has spread its wings wider in the health care industry and contribute to treat medical diseases by avoiding the use of insulin and other chemicals. With biotechnology, it includes interferon therapy to dissolve ones immune system and introduced hepatitis B vaccine for low cost.

Jaye Williams Working For E-List Hunter , have experience in writing articles For Marketing Purposes.

Photo By Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Go here to read the rest:
Can Biotechnology Solve World Hunger? - Good Herald


Zymeworks IPO bears good tidings for Canadian biotechnology – The Globe and Mail

Monday, June 5th, 2017

A Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) logo is seen in Toronto November 9, 2007. (Mark Blinch / Reuters) A Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) logo is seen in Toronto November 9, 2007. (Mark Blinch / Reuters) Subscribers Only

Sean Silcoff

OTTAWAThe Globe and Mail

Published Sunday, Jun. 04, 2017 3:36PM EDT

Last updated Sunday, Jun. 04, 2017 3:39PM EDT

The Canadian biotechnology business is a picture of good health.

On Friday, management of Vancouver-based cancer therapy developer Zymeworks Inc. rang the bell on the Toronto Stock Exchange, five weeks after its stock debuted in a $59-million (U.S.) initial public offering in Canada and on the New York Stock Exchange. It was by far the largest biotech IPO on a Canadian exchange in a decade and came on the heels of one of the largest stock offerings ever by a Canadian biotech firm, after dual-listed lupus-drug developer Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc. raised $150.5-million in March.

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Zymeworks IPO bears good tidings for Canadian biotechnology - The Globe and Mail


Puma Biotechnology announces positive trial results – Seeking Alpha

Monday, June 5th, 2017

Puma Biotechnology (NYSE:PBYI) presents at ASCO thepositive results from an ongoing Phase II clinical trial of Puma's investigational drug PB272 for the treatment of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer that has metastasized to the brain.

The multicenter Phase II clinical trial enrolled patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer who have brain metastases. The trial is being performed by the TBCRC and enrolled three cohorts of patients.

We are very pleased with the activity seen in this trial with the combination of neratinib plus capecitabine, sys Puma CEOAlan Auerbach.

As a small molecule that can cross the blood brain barrier, neratinib potentially offers patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer that has metastasized to the CNS a novel HER2 targeted treatment option. We look forward to working with TBCRC on future trials of neratinib in patients with HER2-positive disease metastatic to the CNS," he adds.

Source: Press Release


Continued here:
Puma Biotechnology announces positive trial results - Seeking Alpha


Tips to choose right Biotechnology College in Canada – Good Herald

Monday, June 5th, 2017

A post-secondary program in biotechnology opens doors to various careers in clinical research, DNA analysis, quality control and assurance, industrial microbiology and biochemistry, biology instrumentation and calibration. The graduates of this program demonstrate the ability to

Isolate, enumerate and identify microorganisms Collect and store samples Prepare specimen for staining Prepare microbiological media and reagents and culture pathogenic microbes Design and perform microbiology experiments Sample, measure, collect and analyze data Calibrate and use laboratory instruments Apply appropriate safety procedures Handle hazardous chemicals

The professionals can find employment in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries as biotechnology technicians, lab technicians, biology lab assistants, life science lab technicians and instrumentation and calibration assistants. They can also work with companies into clinical research, quality testing and biotechnology product development.

Choosing a Biotechnology College in Canada

How you start your career depends on where you have studied, to a great extent. The biotechnology programs that have met the national technology accreditation requirements established by the Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists (CCTT) and the Canadian Technology Accreditation Board (CTAB) offer better placement opportunities.

It is important to ask the following questions before enrolling into a biotechnology college or course in Canada:

Is the program accredited by the Canadian Technology Accreditation Board (CTAB)? Is the program affiliated to the Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists (CCTT)? Does it combine laboratory work with classroom learning? Does the college allow you to apply for certification through the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists for using the designation: Certified Technician? Does the program incorporate training in Occupational Health and Safety, HACCP, GMP or WHMIS to industry standards? Does the prospective college allow you to apply academic credits earned during the program to study for an advanced program? Does the program incorporate independent microbiology projects?

A program is worth considering if answer to all these questions is a yes. Centennial Colleges two-year post-secondary program in biotechnology meets all the above mentioned criteria. In addition, a special feature of the program is the project approach. It allows students to design independent projects to help them enhance their problem-solving and research approach. With this, the program is also a repeat recipient of the College Presidents Academic Program Recognition Award for outstanding student satisfaction.

Studying Biotechnology

The post-secondary diploma program in biotechnology typically runs for two years and covers a wide range of subjects. Students develop strong fundamentals in chemistry, inorganic chemistry, mathematics for applied science, and statistics for applied science, biotechnology, microbiology and technical report writing.

With this, they also study occupational health and safety, microbiology techniques, food microbiology, analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical microbiology and recombinant DNA technology. The program also lays a strong emphasis on computer education and covers microcomputer applications for technology A.

Enrolling in a Biotechnology Program

Students interested in applying for this program need to submit:

Secondary school diploma or equivalent English Grade 12 C or University or equivalent scores Mathematics Grade 11 M or 12 C or University or equivalent scores

Students currently in high school can also apply for this program. Their grades will be automatically transferred to the college.

Jason White, the author here gives an account of Biotechnology technician course at Centennial College. He further explains how the course helps the students to take up a career as lab assistants, quality testing and controlling assistants in pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors.

Photo By HypnoArt from Pixabay

Read this article:
Tips to choose right Biotechnology College in Canada - Good Herald


Studying Biotechnology And Microbiology For Career Building – Good Herald

Monday, June 5th, 2017

Science has multiple wings and streams and studying one of them and specializing in it can open up various career prospects for the candidates. A couple of such streams that are gaining importance and popularity are biotechnology and microbiology. Both are integral parts of biological science and both have their respective uses. Pursuing a graduation or masters degree in the field may prove extremely rewarding for the users. Many students these days are pursuing the BSc Biotechnology and higher degrees in search of building up their career graph.

Understanding Biotechnology

Biotechnology involves the use of genetic as well as biochemical processes related to the living organisms for using them for humans. There are numerous genetically modified crops in the field of agriculture and there are also multiple genetically modified vaccines in the field of healthcare and medications. In some of the leading science colleges in Dehradun particular emphasis is given to the application of the principles of biotechnology in DNA applications and cell regulation in human anatomy. While the BSc degrees offered by these colleges include basic applications in the field the MSc Biotechnology degree offers higher levels of use of the biochemical processes and their impact studies.

Work Placement and Laboratory Works

Students seeking to obtain the MSc Biotechnology degree may not find the task easy enough. There are very strong optional work placements involved and the course also includes high degrees of laboratory works. This ensures practical experience induction in the student preparing him or her to be strong enough to face all the challenges that come their way. Thus the courses are intelligent combination of theories and practices.

Biotechnology Course Components

Course components for the students studying for obtaining graduation or masters degree in biotechnology include biology, chemistry, and mathematics. Physics is not normally included but students can separately study physics and even go up to the level of passing MSc Physics. In degree courses there are no majors. Students may however opt to specialize in a subject and choose the honors course in it. Taking honors has two benefits. First it can enhance job prospects and second it would make entry into the MSc course easier.

Job Prospects in the Field

People with graduate or masters degree in biotechnology get job opportunities in a host of industries. These are pharmaceuticals, environment, agriculture, horticulture, research, and forensic science among others. Job opportunities are available in both public as well as private sectors. Consulting services, academes, research organizations and NGOs are other major job sources.

Study of Microbiology

An important wing of biotechnology is microbiology that deals with organisms in microscopic sizes. They include bacteria, viruses, protozoa and algae as well as fungi affecting the life of human beings. Studying their characteristics, impact on human anatomy and remedial solutions constitute the basic features of the MSc Microbiology.

Biotechnology is not a new invention and has been in use for over six thousand years. The technology has been used to prepare foodstuff like bread and cheese, for preservation of dairy products and also for fermenting beer. Candidates need a good college to pursue their course of BSC or MSc Microbiology or any other wing of the biotechnology. To choose the right academy the need information and a qualitative site can provide the required information for them.

Know more visit http://bfitdoon.com/

Photo By PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

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Studying Biotechnology And Microbiology For Career Building - Good Herald


Puma Biotechnology Announces Positive PB272 Phase II Data from TBCRC 022 Trial in Patients with HER2-Positive … – Business Wire (press release)

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (Nasdaq: PBYI), a biopharmaceutical company, announced the presentation of positive results from an ongoing Phase II clinical trial (Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium TBCRC 022) of Puma's investigational drug PB272 (neratinib) for the treatment of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer that has metastasized to the brain. The data were presented today in an oral presentation at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2017 Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois.

The multicenter Phase II clinical trial enrolled patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer who have brain metastases. The trial is being performed by the TBCRC and enrolled three cohorts of patients. Patients in the first cohort (n=40) included those with progressive brain metastases who were administered neratinib monotherapy. Data from this cohort were previously reported at the 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting and published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in 2016. Patients in the second cohort (n=5) represent patients who had brain metastases which were amenable to surgery and who were administered neratinib monotherapy prior to and after surgical resection. The third cohort (target enrollment=60) enrolled two sub-groups of patients (prior lapatinib-treated and no prior lapatinib) with progressive brain metastases who were administered neratinib in combination with the chemotherapy drug capecitabine. The oral presentation reflects only the patients in the third cohort of patients without prior lapatinib exposure (cohort 3A, n=37), who all had progressive brain metastases at the time of enrollment and who received the combination of capecitabine plus neratinib. A full copy of the oral presentation that was presented at the ASCO Annual Meeting is available on the Puma Biotechnology website. Results from the second cohort and cohort 3B (prior lapatinib-treated) will be presented at a forthcoming medical meeting.

In cohort 3A, 30% of the patients had received prior craniotomy, 65% of the patients had received prior whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT), and 35% had received prior stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) to the brain. No patients had received prior treatment with lapatinib.

The primary endpoint of the trial was central nervous system (CNS) Objective Response Rate according to a composite criteria that included volumetric brain MRI measurements, steroid use, neurological signs and symptoms, and RECIST evaluation for non-CNS sites. The secondary endpoint of the trial was CNS response by Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology-Brain Metastases (RANO-BM) Criteria. The efficacy results from the trial showed that 49% of patients experienced a CNS Objective Response by the composite criteria. The results also showed that the CNS response rate using the RANO-BM criteria was 24%. The median time to CNS progression was 5.5 months and the median overall survival was 13.5 months, though 49% of patients remain alive and survival data are immature.

The results for cohort 3A showed that the most frequently observed severe adverse event for the 37 patients evaluable for safety was diarrhea. Patients received antidiarrheal prophylaxis consisting of high dose loperamide, given together with the combination of capecitabine plus neratinib for the first cycle of treatment in order to try to reduce the neratinib-related diarrhea. Among the 37 patients evaluable for safety, 32% of the patients had grade 3 diarrhea and 41% had grade 2 diarrhea.

Neratinib given in combination with capecitabine showed promising activity in patients with heavily pre-treated HER2-positive disease metastatic to the CNS, said Rachel A. Freedman, MD, MPH, Breast Oncology Center, Susan F. Smith Center for Women's Cancers, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Despite the introduction of several new treatments for patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer, CNS progression events remain a major source of patient morbidity and mortality. Based on the results from TBCRC-022, we look forward to additional trials with neratinib-based regimens for HER2-positive CNS disease.

We are very pleased with the activity seen in this trial with the combination of neratinib plus capecitabine, said Alan H. Auerbach, CEO and President of Puma Biotechnology. As a small molecule that can cross the blood brain barrier, neratinib potentially offers patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer that has metastasized to the CNS a novel HER2 targeted treatment option. We look forward to working with TBCRC on future trials of neratinib in patients with HER2-positive disease metastatic to the CNS.

About Puma Biotechnology

Puma Biotechnology, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company with a focus on the development and commercialization of innovative products to enhance cancer care. The Company in-licenses the global development and commercialization rights to three drug candidatesPB272 (neratinib (oral)), PB272 (neratinib (intravenous)) and PB357. Neratinib is a potent irreversible tyrosine kinase inhibitor that blocks signal transduction through the epidermal growth factor receptors, HER1, HER2 and HER4. Currently, the Company is primarily focused on the development of the oral version of neratinib, and its most advanced drug candidates are directed at the treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer. The Company believes that neratinib has clinical application in the treatment of several other cancers as well, including non-small cell lung cancer and other tumor types that over-express or have a mutation in HER2. Further information about Puma Biotechnology can be found at http://www.pumabiotechnology.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the development and potential benefits of the Companys drug candidates, the Companys clinical trials and the announcement of data relative to these trials. All forward-looking statements included in this press release involve risks and uncertainties that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from the anticipated results and expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations, forecasts and assumptions, and actual outcomes and results could differ materially from these statements due to a number of factors, which include, but are not limited to, the fact that the Company has no product revenue and no products approved for marketing, the Company's dependence on PB272, which is still under development and may never receive regulatory approval, the challenges associated with conducting and enrolling clinical trials, the risk that the results of clinical trials may not support the Company's drug candidate claims, even if approved, the risk that physicians and patients may not accept or use the Company's products, the Company's reliance on third parties to conduct its clinical trials and to formulate and manufacture its drug candidates, risks pertaining to securities class action, derivative and defamation lawsuits, the Company's dependence on licensed intellectual property, and the other risk factors disclosed in the periodic and current reports filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time, including the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2016. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. The Company assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

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Puma Biotechnology Announces Positive PB272 Phase II Data from TBCRC 022 Trial in Patients with HER2-Positive ... - Business Wire (press release)


Evolving Biotechnology – Good Herald

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

There are plenty of explanations of what biotechnology is, but the simplest one is that it is a field of study where biology is the foundation on which different kinds of technology are developed. Biotechnology is the basis of many different kinds of research in the fields of environment, food science, robotics, agriculture and medicine.

The human involvement in manipulating their environment is now at remarkable levels. From the most basic direct organism manipulations such as fermenting beer and culturing bacteria to advanced nucleotide-based organ regeneration and animal cloning, our knowledge and technology has advanced far beyond what anyone wouldve expected just a decade ago.

But even before there was a name to call it by, biotechnology was in existence. Even something that people have been doing for centuries, like preservatives to keep food edible during winter, is a form of biotechnology. When around 6000 BC, fruit juice was first fermented to form alcohol, it was another instance of biotechnology. Of course, it has emerged as a science only recently.

About twenty years ago, the role of genetics in artificially creating proteins in a living being was discovered. DNA was discovered and molecular biology became a part of mainstream science. This was what gave rise to the study of biotechnology under that name.

The mid 80s brought a revelation in biotechnology genetic structures could be modified by careful combinations between animals and plants. This introduction to transgenic organisms also developed an area for further research into disease resistance and productivity rate increases. Modern biotechnology is used in a variety of ways and the medical and biological research fields have managed to get the most benefit out of it. The methods used have gone beyond ordinary genetic transfers, to include actual plant-generated pharmaceuticals and substance production for antibiotics and insulin.

Modern biotechnology is practiced in three different categories red, white and green. Red Biotechnology is when the genetically altered microorganisms are used to produce medical and pharmaceutical substances, such as proteins, vitamins, antibiotics and vaccines etc. Its also used in genome manipulation.

White Biotechnology is also known as bio-manufacturing and Grey Biotechnology. This is not yet a completely established field and involves manipulating live organisms to create important industrial chemicals. Some of the organisms used in these techniques include bacteria, enzymes, moulds and yeast.

Agricultural Biotechnology, also known as Green Biotechnology, is whats applied into creating better, fresher, more nutritious and longer-lasting agricultural produce. A traditional agricultural biotechnology example is how wheat varieties are cross-bred to produce a disease-resistant crop.

If you are looking for the latest biotech news then take a look at this great new website. Full of details about innovations for the biotech industry , you cant afford to miss it. New inventions, ideas and theories make great reading.

Photo By 3dman_eu from Pixabay

See the original post here:
Evolving Biotechnology - Good Herald


Bsc Biotechnology What Does The Course Cover? – Good Herald

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

If you are interested in a career in one of the most interesting areas of science then you should consider joining the field of biotechnology. Armed with a BSc Biotechnology degree, you will be able to apply for many interesting and high paying jobs across a number of industries. As a matter of fact, there are quite a few colleges in Dehradun that offer three year graduate programs in biotechnology because there is a great deal of demand for a degree in this field on account of its robust job prospects. Keep in mind that youll generally need to have a background in science (10 + 2) in order to be able to apply for this course because math, biology and chemistry are very important to students in this field.

The field of biotechnology is growing at a very rapid pace and it is also essential to many industries. The importance of this field comes from its ability to use technological methodologies to improve a number of biological systems in order to create new processes and products that have the ability to improve our life overall. The field of biotechnology consists of many different areas of study. Some of the most important ones are Immunology, Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology, just to name a few. Plant and animal biotechnology are also important areas of study.

Since the field of biotechnology is a very vast one that covers many different areas of study, it is best for you to understand which area appeals to you the best before you select a particular program. It is also important to keep in mind that the employment opportunities offered by each area of study differ considerably. Even so, you will find that employment opportunities for a BSc biotechnology graduate are fairly robust.

If you have a BSc Biotechnology degree then you will be able to get employment right away although a Masters degree will brighten your job prospects further. As a graduate, you will be able to get jobs in various fields including chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food processing and agriculture. The government is a very good source of jobs for biotechnologists and so are many large corporate houses. Waste management is a very important area these days and there is great need for biotechnologists who specialize in this area. As you can see, biotechnology is a very large and important field that is worth entering.

For more information on B.Sc Biotechnology. Visit Today http://bfitdoon.com/bsc-biotechnology.php

Photo By OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

See the original post:
Bsc Biotechnology What Does The Course Cover? - Good Herald


Global Biotechnology Congress 2017

Saturday, June 3rd, 2017

Prof. Aurea Regina Telles Pupulin Universidade Estadual de Maring Brazil

The DDTWC 2013 was of great importance with respect to scientific discoveries and it was a well organized scientific program.

Dr. Uranchimeg Otoch National Cancer Center Mongolia

The DDTWC was a successful scientific program and a platform to meet numerous Nobel Laureates and some of the top international scientists. It was a great occasion to attend some stimulating lectures and poster presentations. Some of the highlights of the conference I observed were;

A. Administration. B. Scientifically motivating C. The venue. D. Social activities. E. Personal interaction of organizers with each participant.

Prof. Antonio Gotto, Jr. Lewis Thomas University USA

I found the Drug Discovery and Therapy World Congress 2013 to be an exceptionally well organized and scientifically stimulating conference. The lectures were very engaging, conducted at a high level, and exposed me to a wide variety of relevant topics in drug discovery and pharmacotherapy.

Dr. Nesrine Talaat Lamie Cairo University Egypt

I enjoyed the conference and the whole team.

1. The team was so friendly 2. The venue was nice and appealing. 3. The arrangement was good; however the schedule did not match with some speakers. 4. It was not clear for the poster presenter that there will be evaluation of the best poster on the last day of the conference. 5. The speakers did not cover my field of study (pharmaceutical analysis).

I was so pleased to meet some eminent scientists and the team.

Dr. Rathnam Chaguturu University of Kansas USA

"A fantastic conference of the highest caliber with ample opportunity to network with world-renowned scientists. A virtual 'high-five' to the conference organizers for their outstanding achievement in making this conference a grand success. I am already looking forward to next year's conference."

Dr. Frida Barak, Barzilai Medical Center Israel

Overall organization was very good; it was a scientifically stimulating event. The conference venue was also pleasing.

Prof. Illana Gozes, Tel Aviv University, Israel

It was a very nicely organized conference, in an excellent location, with excellent speakers and interesting interactions.

Dr. David Alexander Potter University of Minnesota United States

The "small meetings" within a meeting format allowed significant and meaningful scientific interactions.

Dr. J. O. Osayande Flanders Institute of Biotechnology Belgium

The conference was highly organized with respect to the venue and selection of presented scientific topics, if given another opportunity, I wouldnt mind joining the conference again in the upcoming years.

Dr. Ivor Cowlrick, Pharma Communications GmbH Germany

With regard to the congress: It was well organised with a challenging and far-reaching scientific agenda. The Hynes Convention Center in Boston is an excellent venue for any scientific congress. I did not attend any social activities but the colleagues were warm and receptive during the meeting.

Dr. Haya abdulwahab Abubshait University of Dammam Saudi Arabia

It was a pleasure attending the DDTWC; the congress was scientifically sound and fruitful in all respects. DDTWC was an excellent and successful event., It was a great opportunity for the scientists interested in various scientific fields and also to gain knowledge from the contributions of the eminent participants. It would be a pleasure to be part of the future conferences.

Dr. Denise de Oliveira Silva Instituto de Quimica da Universidade de So Paulo Brazil

It was a great honor to be one of the track-chairs and attend DDTWC in Boston in 2013. The high scientific level, the excellent organization, and the international standard venue located in a very pleasant city, made this a unique event. The high quality sessions promoted exciting discussions between researches from different fields, and led to productive interactions among participants and organizers, in a friendly atmosphere. Congratulations to the organizers!

Read more:
Global Biotechnology Congress 2017


Biotechnology: An Overview – Good Herald

Saturday, June 3rd, 2017

Application of technologies on biological systems, dead organisms and their derivatives and food and medicine can be broadly defined as biotechnology. It never had a particular definition since its applications and implementations on various other areas of science are enormous. From manipulating crops and plants to increase the yield to transfer of genes from one organism to the other biotechnology encompasses almost all the living and non-living entities on earth. With the drastic improvement in various machineries and equipments used in the processing of biological materials and the examining of microscopic organisms biotechnology has come a far way since the traditional days of fermentation like techniques, which also is a part of biotechnology.

In the earlier times, biotechnologys application was limited to agriculture and in the production of fermented food products but with the discovery of newer and much complicated data comprising of the most smallest of structures that are measured in microns biotechnology has been found fruitful in the production of many useful products that improves the quality of life of mankind. The categories of science like genetic engineering, animal cell culture, plant cell culture, microbiology, molecular biology, cytogenetics, cryopreservation, bioprocessing, biochemistry, cell biology, embryology, immunology and bioinformatics all these come under biotechnology.

Biotechnology has wide prospects when it comes to environmental science as well. It is used to recycle and retreat the wastes that are left behind at contaminated sites by various industries. This process is termed as bioremediation. Many experiments concerning DNA and RNA and other molecular structures in the human body also comprise of a wide area of practical biotechnology. Mapping of the genes has risen a lot of interest in this decade and with the completion of the Human Genome Project newer prospects for biotechnology has paved way.

Biotechnology has found promising applications in pharmaceutical manufacturing as well. From the production of antibiotics to the purification and separation processes for biomolecules. Biotechnology has its presence felt almost everywhere. Biotechnology plays a massive role in the field of medicine as well. As more and more genetic diseases are brought into picture it is through biotechnology that we try and find ways and means of manipulating the genes and discovering the cure for the disease.

Also with the depleting natural resources for fuel and the environmental effects caused by the use of the conventional fuels can be curbed to a certain extent with the proper manifestation of biotechnology in the production of biorenewable fuel from crops. Biotechnology can speed the production of ethanol and methane for natural gas from these crops.

Overall, biotechnology improves the quality of life and brings in new horizons of modern techniques in various aspects of human life.

The author of this article has great knowledge on Biotechnology. He has written many articles on Chromatography with the great knowledge. He has a great deal of knowledge in Pharmaceutical information as well.

Photo By qimono from Pixabay

Read the rest here:
Biotechnology: An Overview - Good Herald


Cyberterrorism and Biotechnology – Foreign Affairs (subscription)

Friday, June 2nd, 2017

For years, the international community has grappled with the threat of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear terrorism. And although al Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) have demonstrated interest in and some capability to develop and use such weapons, there have been no successful mass casualty terrorist attacks involving them. Attempted attacks involving radiological dispersal devices or chemical and biological means have either failed or had a very limited impact. Experts such as John Parachini, Jeffrey Bale and Gary Ackerman, Adam Dolnik, and Rajesh Basrur and Mallika Joseph argue that the reason is terrorists inability to weaponize chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear material. Others, including Brian Michael Jenkins, believe that the lack of mass causality attacks also has to do with self-restraint: perpetrators might not be able to control the consequences of such an attack. It could end up harming the members of the communities that the terrorists are purportedly fighting for and could therefore be counterproductive.

The recent WannaCry ransomware attack, however, could force the expert community to rethink such positions. Although available information suggests that North Korean hackers were behind these attacks, in which hackers took control of about 300,000 computers in over 150 countries and held the victims hostage in exchange for a payment of $300 in bitcoin, there is reason to believe that terrorist groups such as al Qaeda and ISIS could copy the tactic. In doing so, they would cause as much damage (loss of data and equipment) and chaos (in hospitals and other public utilities) as possible, comparable to the chaos and panic that could be caused by a chemical or biological attack.

Terrorists could use cyber capabilities to target any sector. But the most vulnerable industries are those with high proportions of old infrastructure onto which new technology has been grafted. According to a report from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, in 2015, the average age of all fixed assets in the United States stood at 22.8 years, with hospitals and utilities some of the worst culprits.

More here:
Cyberterrorism and Biotechnology - Foreign Affairs (subscription)


Prana Biotechnology Limited (PRAN) Earns News Impact Rating of 0.17 – The Cerbat Gem

Wednesday, May 31st, 2017
Prana Biotechnology Limited (PRAN) Earns News Impact Rating of 0.17
The Cerbat Gem
Prana Biotechnology Limited logo Media headlines about Prana Biotechnology Limited (NASDAQ:PRAN) have trended somewhat positive this week, Alpha One reports. The research firm, a service of Accern, ranks the sentiment of press coverage by ...
A Keen Look at Prana Biotechnology Limited (NASDAQ:PRAN) SharesMorgan Research

all 2 news articles »

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Prana Biotechnology Limited (PRAN) Earns News Impact Rating of 0.17 - The Cerbat Gem


TaiGen Biotechnology Announces Submission of New Drug Application for Taigexyn Intravenous Formulation to the … – PR Newswire (press release)

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

TAIPEI, Taiwan, May 30, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --TaiGen Biotechnology Company, Limited ("TaiGen") today announced that it has submitted a New Drug Application (NDA) for the intravenous formulation of Taigexyn (Nemonoxacin) to the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA). Taigexyn is a novel non-fluorinated quinolone antibiotic.The NDA submission is supported by a pivotal Phase 3 trial comparing intravenous formulations of Taigexyn 500 mg to levofloxacin 500 mg in 518 patients with moderate to severe community-acquired pneumonia. The clinical success rates were 91.8% for Taigexyn vs. 85.7% for levofloxacin and Taigexyn was shown to be non-inferior to levofloxacin meeting the primary endpoint of the pivotal trial.

About Taigexyn Taigexyn is a novel broad spectrum antibiotic with excellent efficacy against drug-resistant bacteria available in both oral and intravenous formulations. The oral formulation is already approved for marketing and launched in Taiwan and mainland China. In addition, Taigexyn is also partnered in Russia, Commonwealth Independent States, Turkey, Mexico, Brazil and the Latin American territory for a total 32 countries worldwide.

Go here to see the original:
TaiGen Biotechnology Announces Submission of New Drug Application for Taigexyn Intravenous Formulation to the ... - PR Newswire (press release)


Earnings Clues on Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (PBYI), AGNC Investment Corp. (AGNC) Analyst’s Predictions – StockNewsJournal

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

The Cerbat Gem
Earnings Clues on Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (PBYI), AGNC Investment Corp. (AGNC) Analyst's Predictions
Investors who are keeping close eye on the stock of Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (NASDAQ:PBYI) established that the company was able to keep return on investment at -163.88 in the trailing twelve month while Reuters data showed that industry's average ...
Puma Biotechnology Inc (PBYI) Upgraded at Cowen and CompanyThe Cerbat Gem
Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PBYI): Honing in on the TechnicalsGeneva Journal
Puma Biotechnology Inc (PBYI) Upgraded by Zacks Investment Research to "Buy"Sports Perspectives
Stock Observer -Aiken Advocate -Midway Monitor -SEC.gov
all 32 news articles »

Excerpt from:
Earnings Clues on Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (PBYI), AGNC Investment Corp. (AGNC) Analyst's Predictions - StockNewsJournal


Aspen Investment Management Inc Buys 15 Shares of iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology Index (IBB) – The Cerbat Gem

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

The Cerbat Gem
Aspen Investment Management Inc Buys 15 Shares of iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology Index (IBB)
The Cerbat Gem
iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology Index logo Aspen Investment Management Inc raised its stake in iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology Index (NASDAQ:IBB) by 0.7% during the first quarter, according to its most recent Form 13F filing with the SEC.
Texas Yale Capital Corp. Continues to Hold Stake in iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology Index (IBB)BBNS

all 4 news articles »

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Aspen Investment Management Inc Buys 15 Shares of iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology Index (IBB) - The Cerbat Gem


Puma Biotechnology (PBYI) Earns Media Sentiment Score of -0.01 – The Cerbat Gem

Monday, May 29th, 2017

Puma Biotechnology (PBYI) Earns Media Sentiment Score of -0.01
The Cerbat Gem
Puma Biotechnology logo News coverage about Puma Biotechnology (NYSE:PBYI) has been trending somewhat negative recently, AlphaOne Sentiment reports. AlphaOne, a unit of Accern, ranks the sentiment of news coverage by analyzing more than ...
Brokerages Set Puma Biotechnology Inc (PBYI) Target Price at $68.42BBNS
Is Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (PBYI) a good buy?TopChronicle
Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (NYSE:PBYI) Stock Sees The Needle ...Concord Register
Transcript Daily -FactsReporter -Post Analyst -Zacks Investment Research
all 86 news articles »

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Puma Biotechnology (PBYI) Earns Media Sentiment Score of -0.01 - The Cerbat Gem


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